Forluc Cultural Trivia I
In a nutshell, Forluc culture is strict, xenophobic, elitist, religious, patriarchal and misogynistic.
Ruled by a king and the royal family, the lower leadership of the Forluc is split between the priests and the lords. Lead by the high priests that answer directly to the king, the priests managed the religious and spiritual side of things as they handle magical matters and use the sacred warriors of the Forluc to enforce the will of Nalnir.
The lords are ruled by the high lords and handle the more administrative side of affairs and non-spiritual matters that are essential to a society like the one that the Forluc have. While the Forluc value martial prowess, the lords are not warriors and are clerks and bureaucrats. Waging war against heretics and infidels is a spiritual affair and as a result, military matters fall firmly amongst the responsibilities of the priests and the lords have no direct say over the military or warfare.
As a legacy of the strict leadership needed to survive the Nightmare's Plague doing the Lowland Collapse, the Forluc have a strict hierarchy that while very efficient, it is also very brittle and vulnerable to being disrupted. Because of this, the Forluc actively try to purge their society of corruptions and incompetence as letting either build up too much will bring their civilisation tumbling down.
The end result is a strict hierarchy which only tolerates unquestioning obedience. Everyone knows their place and no one needs to know more than what is necessary for their place. While everyone does end up learning more than what they need to, almost no one in the Forluc knows enough to do anything other than their dictated position in life.
The Forluc are also deeply religious and hold the utmost respect for their god Nalnir. Rightfully viewing themselves as the chosen people of Nalnir, this belief runs throughout their entirety society. Being a priest is the most prestigious and powerful position within Forluc society short of being the king and almost everything within Forluc society can be traced back to Nalnir.
Being the chosen of Nalnir also makes the Forluc view themselves as superior to anyone else. They view all other people as being inherently inferior to them and refuse to acknowledge that anyone might be more powerful or greater than Nalnir, leading them to be xenophobic and dismissive of foreigners.
They also have a lot of emphasis on being the best. This is a mixture of viewing themselves as being the chosen people of Nalnir and therefore innate superior and the nature of their strict hierarchy pushing people to be as productive as possible. The end result is that the Forluc are very elitist and not being sufficient good or productive will result in severe punishment.
Furthermore, this elitist attitude combined with their xenophobia makes the Forluc aggressive and expansionist. They view outsiders as being inferior savages and expanded over time. Due to their beliefs of superiority, the Forluc refuse to expand via conquering foreign villages as their own. Instead, they will found their own village that is full of their own people and they will depopulate foreign villagers by either enslaving the villagers and leaving the foreign village as an abandoned ghost town.
The Forluc are also very patriarchal and misogynistic as women are considered to be inferior to a man. All kings, priests and lords are male and no position of leadership can be held by a woman. Furthermore, women are treated as inherently weaker in both body and spirit. Not only are women being prevented from being warriors on the grounds that they are too weak, but male slaves are forced to work in the fields while female slaves are kept for breeding or household tasks.
There is also widespread abuse of women amongst the Forluc. For starters, it is considered not only unnatural for a woman to resist a man who is making sexual advances towards her, but also evil and regardless of other circumstances, any woman who resists a man wanting to have sex with her is punished. This also applies to other factors as the Forluc will punish a woman who doesn't do what a man wants of her.
The Forluc also have strict quotas of everything include children. Each woman is expected to have a certain number of living children from when they come of age to the point where their hair begins to grey. If one of their children dies or comes of age, the woman is expected to have another to meet the quota. If a woman fails to meet this quota, a priest will come along and use fertility magic to guarantee a pregnancy and lust induction to keep the woman from doing something immoral like resisting. Since the husband has failed to do the job himself, the priest will then impregnate the woman so she will be with child.
The lords, priests and royalty of the Forluc will also keep a collection of female slaves for sex purposes. The latter two will often use magic to keep their slaves from becoming pregnant and use lust induction to make them willingly so they don't immoral like resist their advances. Additionally, the priest and sacred warriors of the Forluc have been granted the right by Nalnir to fornicate with any woman as reward for fulfilling their sacred duties.
I will openly admit that the purpose this post is to make you hate the Forluc like you did Urth since I consider the Forluc to be the most evil civ in the region.
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