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A humanoid species found in many parts of the Everglades, the peikko is infamous for its remarkable regeneration. While appearances within the species varies due to the nature of its regeneration, most examples are 2.5 to 3 meters tall, possessing a notable paunch and thick-clawed limbs. The head especially varies, but in most cases, they possess a pronounced nose and long flap-like ears sprouting from the sides of their heads. They will universally have an extremely large and toothy jaw.
Aside from their obscene regeneration, peikko also possess an immensely potent stomach acid. Freshly spilled, this stomach acid can eat through stone, Ceramite, and even Plasteel in seconds, and has been observed in at least one instance to score angelsteel with prolonged contact after a beast briefly swallowed an angelsteel knife. The acid quickly loses potency when removed from the peikko's stomach, hinting that its potency may not be from purely physical sources. Peikko have been observed eating all manner of things, from wood to bones to even stones on occasion. They have been noted to consume psychic foci and other psychically charged objects given the chance. While there is no question that their stomachs can digest the object themselves, whether they are able to draw sustenance or other benefits from the psychic charge is not known. In combat, peikko have been known to spew vomit containing a varying concentration of this acid, though their reluctance to do so hints that the chemical is not easily replenished.
The regenerative abilities of a peikko cannot be overstated. Wounds close with such speed that all but the swiftest melee strikes run the risk of weapon being trapped by the closing flesh, and limbs can be replaced before the prior one hits the ground. Even blows to the head do little, the brain proving only slightly more difficult than flesh to replace. The only truly vital organ they can be said to possess is the stomach. A sufficiently grievous wound would spill its own acid, making a ruin of the beast's lower half and seems to disable the beasts regeneration. It has been shown that a peikko replacing a large portion of its body such as a limb will regrow its flesh with subtle differences, such as a different textured hide, or a different type of claw. Its body will over time shift to maintain at least rough symmetry, often coming to match whichever side the peikko favors. This allows for a type of iterative evolution to allow specific examples to adapt to a new environment.
Peikko are genderless, and appear to use their regeneration to reproduce. There has only been one instance of peikko reproduction that has been observed. An unusually large and swollen specimen tore a number of large fleshy sacks from chest before burying each on in a pile of carrion and departing. While the individual recovered, its regeneration was notably slowed, and was observed to become ravenous. Several hours later, new peikko where seen to eat their way out of the carrion piles. It is suspected that the sacks contained either new stomachs or infants. What if anything spurs reproduction is not presently known, but peikko population can increase with startling rapidity if not culled.
They are typically encountered as both lone threats and packs of up to 10 individuals. Typical strategy is for the beast to wait submerged in a body of water, before bursting from concealment to attack anything that draws near. In combat, peikkos are strong for their size, but not overly so. They are also in most cases slow and clumsy by Avernite standards, as well as being incapable of all but the most basic of tactics. However, their regenerative ability paired with a durable hide makes fighting one in close quarters a grueling endurance match, and at range the difficulty is in blasting open the peikko's stomach before it can close to melee. Against particularly dangerous targets or well armored foes they will resort to projectile vomiting acid, spewing their stomach bile up to 5 meters. Peikko that are badly outmatched have been observed to attempt to retreat by using a blast of vomit to bore a tunnel too small for opponent to traverse, before trimming their torso to fit.
While most peikko are slow, unskilled, and stupid. It seems that while they are able to regenerate their brains, they are not able to recover the memories stored within, leaving most members of this species effectively infants. However, in some cases a peikko will go long enough without regrowing its head to build up a store of experience. These peikko elders are far more dangerous, capable of basic tactics such as flanking, and are far more skilled in combat, as well as using simple tools such as clubs. Typically they will lead bands of other peikko. When such a beast is identified it is recommended its head be destroyed if possible, as should it need to regenerate its brain it will be reduced to a typical member of its species.
Far more concerning are the rare peikko ancients, peikko who have gone years or decades without having to replace their head. Their forms tend to be more efficient, the beast refining its body through iterative self mutilation. They are both highly skilled and extremely fast. Worse, they are far more cunning,capable of more advanced and competently executed tactics than mere elders. In all recorded encounters they led bands of at least 7 peikko, and in one concerning case an unusually large band containing over 20 individuals. Ancient peikko have been known to deliberately protect the members of their band, and often have a number of subordinate elder peikko beneath them. It has become standard practice to hunt down and eliminate any identified Peikko ancients. As with elders, destruction of the brain reduces them to a typical member of their species.
The most infamous member of the peikko species is an extraordinarily old example that troops have dubbed Beaky. Beaky seems to have moved beyond the basic control over their shape shown by typical ancient peikko, and into crude biomantic shaping and enhancement. Its appearance shifts rapidly, and it has been known to embed bone and armor fragments into its body, most distinctively the distinctive beak like helmet of a Mk. VI suit of Space marine Power Armour that it earned it its name. Where the fragment came from is presently unknown. For unknown reasons, Beaky has not formed a band and hunts alone. It has a disturbing tendency to ambush armored vehicles and small groups of power armored soldiers, likely seeking salvage for its ever shifting suit of impromptu armor. Thus far attempts to eliminate this threat have failed, as Beaky has shown an immense degree of skill at stealth and evasion, often leading hunters into dangerous wildlife, including in one now infamous example, leading a squad of Astartes Neophytes to their doom against a confluence hydra.
@Durin more wildlife.
A humanoid species found in many parts of the Everglades, the peikko is infamous for its remarkable regeneration. While appearances within the species varies due to the nature of its regeneration, most examples are 2.5 to 3 meters tall, possessing a notable paunch and thick-clawed limbs. The head especially varies, but in most cases, they possess a pronounced nose and long flap-like ears sprouting from the sides of their heads. They will universally have an extremely large and toothy jaw.
Aside from their obscene regeneration, peikko also possess an immensely potent stomach acid. Freshly spilled, this stomach acid can eat through stone, Ceramite, and even Plasteel in seconds, and has been observed in at least one instance to score angelsteel with prolonged contact after a beast briefly swallowed an angelsteel knife. The acid quickly loses potency when removed from the peikko's stomach, hinting that its potency may not be from purely physical sources. Peikko have been observed eating all manner of things, from wood to bones to even stones on occasion. They have been noted to consume psychic foci and other psychically charged objects given the chance. While there is no question that their stomachs can digest the object themselves, whether they are able to draw sustenance or other benefits from the psychic charge is not known. In combat, peikko have been known to spew vomit containing a varying concentration of this acid, though their reluctance to do so hints that the chemical is not easily replenished.
The regenerative abilities of a peikko cannot be overstated. Wounds close with such speed that all but the swiftest melee strikes run the risk of weapon being trapped by the closing flesh, and limbs can be replaced before the prior one hits the ground. Even blows to the head do little, the brain proving only slightly more difficult than flesh to replace. The only truly vital organ they can be said to possess is the stomach. A sufficiently grievous wound would spill its own acid, making a ruin of the beast's lower half and seems to disable the beasts regeneration. It has been shown that a peikko replacing a large portion of its body such as a limb will regrow its flesh with subtle differences, such as a different textured hide, or a different type of claw. Its body will over time shift to maintain at least rough symmetry, often coming to match whichever side the peikko favors. This allows for a type of iterative evolution to allow specific examples to adapt to a new environment.
Peikko are genderless, and appear to use their regeneration to reproduce. There has only been one instance of peikko reproduction that has been observed. An unusually large and swollen specimen tore a number of large fleshy sacks from chest before burying each on in a pile of carrion and departing. While the individual recovered, its regeneration was notably slowed, and was observed to become ravenous. Several hours later, new peikko where seen to eat their way out of the carrion piles. It is suspected that the sacks contained either new stomachs or infants. What if anything spurs reproduction is not presently known, but peikko population can increase with startling rapidity if not culled.
They are typically encountered as both lone threats and packs of up to 10 individuals. Typical strategy is for the beast to wait submerged in a body of water, before bursting from concealment to attack anything that draws near. In combat, peikkos are strong for their size, but not overly so. They are also in most cases slow and clumsy by Avernite standards, as well as being incapable of all but the most basic of tactics. However, their regenerative ability paired with a durable hide makes fighting one in close quarters a grueling endurance match, and at range the difficulty is in blasting open the peikko's stomach before it can close to melee. Against particularly dangerous targets or well armored foes they will resort to projectile vomiting acid, spewing their stomach bile up to 5 meters. Peikko that are badly outmatched have been observed to attempt to retreat by using a blast of vomit to bore a tunnel too small for opponent to traverse, before trimming their torso to fit.
While most peikko are slow, unskilled, and stupid. It seems that while they are able to regenerate their brains, they are not able to recover the memories stored within, leaving most members of this species effectively infants. However, in some cases a peikko will go long enough without regrowing its head to build up a store of experience. These peikko elders are far more dangerous, capable of basic tactics such as flanking, and are far more skilled in combat, as well as using simple tools such as clubs. Typically they will lead bands of other peikko. When such a beast is identified it is recommended its head be destroyed if possible, as should it need to regenerate its brain it will be reduced to a typical member of its species.
Far more concerning are the rare peikko ancients, peikko who have gone years or decades without having to replace their head. Their forms tend to be more efficient, the beast refining its body through iterative self mutilation. They are both highly skilled and extremely fast. Worse, they are far more cunning,capable of more advanced and competently executed tactics than mere elders. In all recorded encounters they led bands of at least 7 peikko, and in one concerning case an unusually large band containing over 20 individuals. Ancient peikko have been known to deliberately protect the members of their band, and often have a number of subordinate elder peikko beneath them. It has become standard practice to hunt down and eliminate any identified Peikko ancients. As with elders, destruction of the brain reduces them to a typical member of their species.
The most infamous member of the peikko species is an extraordinarily old example that troops have dubbed Beaky. Beaky seems to have moved beyond the basic control over their shape shown by typical ancient peikko, and into crude biomantic shaping and enhancement. Its appearance shifts rapidly, and it has been known to embed bone and armor fragments into its body, most distinctively the distinctive beak like helmet of a Mk. VI suit of Space marine Power Armour that it earned it its name. Where the fragment came from is presently unknown. For unknown reasons, Beaky has not formed a band and hunts alone. It has a disturbing tendency to ambush armored vehicles and small groups of power armored soldiers, likely seeking salvage for its ever shifting suit of impromptu armor. Thus far attempts to eliminate this threat have failed, as Beaky has shown an immense degree of skill at stealth and evasion, often leading hunters into dangerous wildlife, including in one now infamous example, leading a squad of Astartes Neophytes to their doom against a confluence hydra.
@Durin more wildlife.
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