Burden of the Emerald Empire (A Legend of the Five Rings Tale)

[X] ????

So uhh we ever gonna get a win? I just read through the thread today and I think our one shining victory was getting the right Unicorn for Lord Sun. Everything else has felt like breaking even at best. Maybe someone who knows more about L5R can point things out I'm missing?
[X] ???? (Crab interlude)

Winning does not happen in L5R until you've lost everyone you loved to duty.
@Knack I don't think it could be put better than VicSage phrased it. Rokugani history is tragedy after tragedy occasionally separated by wars that are either other trivial matters, calamitous events that shake the empire or because of bloody benten.
@Knack I don't think it could be put better than VicSage phrased it. Rokugani history is tragedy after tragedy occasionally separated by wars that are either other trivial matters, calamitous events that shake the empire or because of bloody benten.

Right but in ten years there have been two major offensives that've required the might of all clans as well as the clan wars. The Lion clan themselves talked about their need for peace only to get their shit pushed in against the Unicorn.

Now there's apparently going to be a massive offensive by the shadowlands just after the Crab completely screwed the pooch and lost their jade stockpile and there's no longer any Dragon mines.

Isn't there supposed to be some rest periods?
The problem with rest periods is that is requires all sides to be tired. We're the only ones who are, all the external forces are fresh, our own allies are at the brink of war over honor reasons, the lack of Jade makes a weakness to the Shadowlands, and since even if we did have the Jade we've never had the ability to go in and start retaking territory on a mass scale there we can't start to reduce their own production methods. That means unless they expend everything on a single attack, they get to rebuild at their leisure.
The problem with rest periods is that is requires all sides to be tired. We're the only ones who are, all the external forces are fresh, our own allies are at the brink of war over honor reasons, the lack of Jade makes a weakness to the Shadowlands, and since even if we did have the Jade we've never had the ability to go in and start retaking territory on a mass scale there we can't start to reduce their own production methods. That means unless they expend everything on a single attack, they get to rebuild at their leisure.
Basically we have enough internal conflicts and external enemies that one of them is always on cool down at some point.
So uhh we ever gonna get a win? I just read through the thread today and I think our one shining victory was getting the right Unicorn for Lord Sun. Everything else has felt like breaking even at best. Maybe someone who knows more about L5R can point things out I'm missing?

We *have* gotten wins. We've purified Otosan Uchi, we've claimed a chunk of the Jewel of the Desert and begun the process of external diplomacy, we've fixed some of what was wrong with Imperial Law, we've reestablished the Otomo as a political force tied firmly to the Toturi, we've managed to snatch victory from defeat and get our Mom married to the man she loved, we've improved general trade practices in the Empire, we've gotten a very sympathetic Sun and Moon... these things are wins.

This is L5r, which means that there are always issues of one sort or another, but we have made an *enormous* amount of forward progress as far as modernizing the Empire without it flying apart at the seams... and our rule has been one of relative peace, other than that bit with the dragon and the glass golems.

[X] ????
So uhh we ever gonna get a win? I just read through the thread today and I think our one shining victory was getting the right Unicorn for Lord Sun. Everything else has felt like breaking even at best. Maybe someone who knows more about L5R can point things out I'm missing?
To expand somewhat on what Sirrocco has said.

Toturi IV even if he died right now, would go down in history as one of the greats. Another Yugozohime, another Genji, another Toturi.

But, greatness in Rokugan does not come without price it never has. Every single one of those people struggled, and suffered to do what they did.

But here's the thing. The Toturi have had to deal with more than the Hantei ever did, largely because the Shadowlands and Lying Darkness both gained a true co-coordinating intelligence. Something neither had during the reign of the Hantei. This means they know the true strength they have (or had in the LD's case) is that they don't get tired, and they're exploiting it.
Okay assuming what Shahai said is true, she is having the Shadowlands wait and build up strength until the Yodatai attack so as to create a two-prong war. She is also causing doubt, probably successfully, about the willingness to help fight off the Yodotai in such a situation instead of just waiting to she who wins.

Okay in that case is there any way to convince the foreign nations to coordinate sorties against the Shadowlands? I mean if the Shadowlands are willing to tag team Rokugan with some gaijin, then it is only fair for us to do the same to them.
Okay assuming what Shahai said is true, she is having the Shadowlands wait and build up strength until the Yodatai attack so as to create a two-prong war. She is also causing doubt, probably successfully, about the willingness to help fight off the Yodotai in such a situation instead of just waiting to she who wins.

Okay in that case is there any way to convince the foreign nations to coordinate sorties against the Shadowlands? I mean if the Shadowlands are willing to tag team Rokugan with some gaijin, then it is only fair for us to do the same to them.

The only people with a border to the Shadowlands are the Ivindi at the moment.
How do *they* manage the threat? Do they import jade for their own purposes? Does ivory work for them? If Ivory works for them, is there any chance we could subsidize a few extra herds of elephants?

Heck - do we even know?
It's been mentioned before, but it was a while ago that they rely entirely on 'The Wall of Shiva' to protect them. Which is a large golden like force field that they believe Shiva makes and they are very very insistent on giving Shiva the right sacrifices.
Shihai dosent need right now to muster a force, is clear she is doing fine by trolling Hisao with sabotage and what is pretty much terorism in a way, she manage to reduce the trust of the mantis(which in a way push for is downgrade as clan, by our own hand not less), with the yodotai or other forces all she need is to kept hiting and hiting over and over, wearing us thin.

Damn woman.
Shihai dosent need right now to muster a force, is clear she is doing fine by trolling Hisao with sabotage and what is pretty much terorism in a way, she manage to reduce the trust of the mantis(which in a way push for is downgrade as clan, by our own hand not less), with the yodotai or other forces all she need is to kept hiting and hiting over and over, wearing us thin.

Damn woman.
Umm... what did Shahai have to do with the Mantis? I mean, the Spider put in an all-out and highly successful attack against the Mantis Winter Court some years back, if that's what you mean.

As for whether she's trolling or telling the truth? We really don't know. On the bright side, even if her kid does take the throne, there's an excellent chance that his coronation would see him purged by purifying flames, thanks to the new Imperial Daisho.
Umm... what did Shahai have to do with the Mantis? I mean, the Spider put in an all-out and highly successful attack against the Mantis Winter Court some years back, if that's what you mean.

As for whether she's trolling or telling the truth? We really don't know. On the bright side, even if her kid does take the throne, there's an excellent chance that his coronation would see him purged by purifying flames, thanks to the new Imperial Daisho.
I think that they're crediting her with the painful side effects of having to replace the Jade.
And I think its too much credit, she would have known that we would have to make painful decisions to replace the Crabs Jade stockpile, she couldn't have known that the Mantis would attack the people who we decided to import from and that we'd need to come down on them like a ton of bricks. She did know that it would force us to make painful decisions, she did not know it was specifically these decisions.
Winter Court XI: Interlude in the East
"You cannot keep doing this, interfering like you are."

I had made many choices, divined many things, but in the end I too was mortal. My wings hung limply beside me as I stared it down.

"Our time has passed, it is now the humans time, for better or worse"

I had never accepted that. Never believed that, I had taught Kakita, I had taught his ancestors the way of the blade, seen them fumble, struggle as they tried to understand that the sword was never the key to victory. I would keep teaching, keep protecting these humans, because that was the choice I had made

"All things end, the Naga, the Ashalan, the Ogres, the Trolls, all of them fell in time, and in time so will humans. You fight a battle you cannot win"

So what if it meant my fate was to die here and now? Then I would die, I would die free, with my own conscience fulfilled. My claws grip the sword in my hand, forged from the falling stars in the Age of Making, she had served me well for so long. She would have to serve a little longer.

"I can't follow you my dear, not in this."

We are the wind, given form, and the wind never follows any path but its own, no matter how much it hurts, no matter what stops it, it pushes forward. The demon in front of me screams in rage as I take it's arm in a single strike.

"Our time has passed, we must become lesser"

Lesser perhaps, but hidden in that, was that we could create something greater. Something that would make all the sacrifice, the Fall, the Scattering, worth it in the end. We disagreed on so much the Wind, but as we taught Shinsei. A single mortal can change the world.

"No one can escape their fate, not even you Itsume"

The demon picked up it's arm and slammed it into my chest, impaling me into the tree with its claws as I could feel by body scream at me to run, to high. My people never stood still in a fight, we were like air, everywhere and no where when you struck. Yet, here I was, my sword falling from my hands. I bring up my claws in a mudra.

"So why then, why die? Why die for a bunch of ignorant humans who have no idea of the price you paid."

The faint tendrils of lightning gather in my palm as the words of my one time lover flowed through my head. The Kenku were a dying race, and we all had made our peace with that in our own ways. For years I had watched the Humans in this land struggle and grow...teaching some, destroying others as I felt needed for them to become greater.

"For the sake of a promise, a promise you shouldn't have made? If not for our pride I would say you are mad."

Thunder cracks through the garden of the Crane as the oni finds itself shattering under the strike of lightning, once, twice, three times the bolt surges down through the air into the demon, and then silence.


You are Toturi Minoru, and you have never been so terrified in your life. Sensei said that samurai don't get scared.

But as Satoshi trembles beside you like a leaf, you think Sensei can go jump off a bridge. The two of you had decided to go play in the snow and then out of nowhere this monstrous thing came out of the snow and tried to eat you.

Only for a crow man to get in the way, black eyes had looked at you and told you to run.
You hadn't, it had only been Satoshi that pulled you away from the garden...but even then you had turned.

You were scared, your heart beat so loud, but as you picked up a stick, you knew what Father would do, he'd charge right back in there and help...because he could do anything.

But, you hadn't been able to do anything, watching as the Crow Man fought. Impossibly well as his sword cut and cut the monster over and over again.

But it wasn't enough, the monster didn't care how many times you stabbed it, didn't care, and just as you were about to try to do something anything, to help Crow Man. Satoshi grabbed your arm and held you back.

And Crow Man had been impaled on a tree, then the Thunder had come....and the monster had died. You pulled your arm out of Satoshi's grip and ran to the Crow Man, Sensei had taught you a little...you had to do something.

The Crow Man gave something between a laugh and cry as he watched your small hands try to stop the bleeding with your own shirt.

"Stop, stop..." he says, heavy sucking breaths.

Satoshi is right beside you trying to help, but there's so much blood...

"Satoshi-kun, get sensei, get someone." you say.

He looks at you for a long moment. Stupid boy, always trying to make sure you're okay...sometimes it's nice, other times its not.

"GO!" you shout.

Satoshi scampers and your turn back to the Crow Man.

"I...tell me what to do" you say.

"I'm dying, nothing to be done...worse ways to go...but you want to help me?" He says.

You nod.

The Crow man holds out one clawed hand.

"Take my hand and listen....after that find...find Kozume in the Kawa Forest...she'll handle the rest. Can you do that for me?" he asks.

The Kawa forest... that was in the Phoenix lands, your mother's home...it was also a long way away from here. Sensei would say you couldn't, but on the other hand, this Crow Man had sacrificed so much for you, his life even...could you really say no.

[] Agree to go to Kawa Forest
[] Say you can't, and apologize, just be there.

AN: Shahai plot part 2 electric bugaloo has been altered by the interference of Itsume, much to her displeasure
Ah Shahai. I know filling in the pit is impossible but I don't know if launching a punitive campaign is even possible. I mean I already know the cost would be horrendous but just being able to take some revenge would be nice.

Also poor Crow-man. Mentor occupation hazard strikes again.

[X] Say you can't, and apologize, just be there.

Heart over head. Besides he doesn't deserve to die alone.
[x] Agree to go to Kawa Forest

She is a young samurai. It behooves her to be foolish in matters of honor a time or two.