Your name is Oberstlieutenant Otto von Rabe, and you'd just caught a hand grenade thrown at you with the pin left in it. After the realization that you were the man holding the bag for at least one of the new armored vehicles, you promptly decided that it would be better to give the new kids like that Sommer fellow something easy enough, like the new anti-tank gun slash assault gun thing that was getting kicked around. You'd throw yourself on the anti-aircraft vehicle, and hopefully not tank your career in the process. If you did somehow manage to scuttle things on yourself, though, there was always the option of going over to Fenrus and talking to him about a job as a contractor, though. You'd banked up a good amount of money, so if shit happened then you could always just go private.
First things first, you had to figure out how the hell the whole "plane" thing worked, anyway. For that, you'd need an adjunct from the Luftwaffe, whose main job was to be telling you that you were clearly being stupid and then explaining why. You'd also probably need to develop a way to test the damn thing, plus the ever-critical issue of where you'd even need to start with- gun, chassis, whole nine yards. Developing this was going to be an uphill struggle, before you got into the mess that was the Luftwaffe.
It was telling that not only were you older than the whole damn branch of the service- you had six years of age on the concept- you also had more time in the Army than the current Luftwaffe had existed. Aviation used to be handled in the Aviation Regiments of Dimarchsen, Ravensburg, and Aachen; from which they would distribute squadrons of planes as needed to where they were needed. The Kaiser had reformed things by breaking them off into the Luftwaffe and thus creating the Luftwaffe High Command, gave them a minister in the Diet, and royally added the Air Regiments of Lunesburg, Saxe-Gotha, and Iserlohn. Since then, they'd expanded rapidly, and now stood at fourteen air regiments of forty eight planes, with each air regiment having one Heavy Bombardment squadron of twelve Bauerman 222s, two Aviation Bombardment squadrons of refitted Alder-Arado 68s or Gotha XXIV bombers, and one Pursuit Squadron of twelve Alder-Arado 68s or the brand new Heinkel 112 design.
Back in the office, it was time to start putting together your Board. You had to have your Adjunct, though, so it was time to start going through the submitted profiles.
Hauptmann zur Himmel Rudolf Windisch was your first find. Twenty-two victories in the Great Pig War, captured and held briefly in Carragian prison, and parroled and reputed in the (failed) Sun Week peace talks, the man had an exciting career. He had also been involved in one instance of airborne espionage, dropping off a saboteur in Balkh territory. Since then he'd been a mediocre wing commander, failing to advance to squadron commander due to a war wound disfiguring his face while he was in Carragian captivity. While the long scar on his jaw and lip gave him a very slight lisp when he talked, Windisch was eloquent enough in writing and offered a very sound argument to take him on, mentioning that a headquarters tour would allow him to get some much needed staff experience and help your cachet with the Luftwaffe by adding a well-known ace to your roster, opening up options with getting facilities and assistance from his own wing if nothing else.
Next up was, and this required a double take and a nip of schnapps to process, Hauptmann Erika Hess. Who was a girl- well, young woman- and an officer. Her service in the war had been as a factory pilot delivering flying boats to the Reichsmarine to start, until she'd been jumped and her ship had downed two planes from a Balhk pursuit squadron. After being denied combat pay by the Reichsmarine, she proceeded to 'transfer' to the Luftwaffe, who saw two destroyed planes by her vessel and took her in faster than you could say "field promotion". Naturally after the War this led to a long-running legal battle led by the Reichsmarine to get the now-ace bomber pilot back, as well as accidentally opening the door to females to serve as air crew on Luftwaffe multi-crew vehicles. She brought to the table a history of ground attack missions, which were exactly what you were trying to stop, but on the other hand it would mean major complications if you tried to mine the Reichsmarine for information on the state of naval AA.
Finally, there was Hauptmann zur Himmmel Johannes Janzen, another ace combatant during the War. After scoring seventeen victories, he was finally farmed out to pasture in the Dimarchssen Aviation Regiment, in command of the light pursuit squadron there that was the first to be converted into a ground attack squadron by modification of the Adler-Arado 88. While he personally wasn't a dive-bomber himself, he could easily secure access to the personnel involved when they weren't on training deployments making sure everyone else could do it. He also was apparently an aircraft engineer in his spare time, and was largely responsible for the structural modifications like the swinging cradle used to clear the bomb of the propeller and drop it straight through the Alder-Arado's fixed landing gear.
Fortunately, the armor half of the crew would be mostly composed of the Usual Suspects, so all that was left to do was open up your rollodex and get dialing.
(Y'all know the drill, no plan voting or I throw it out.)
ADJUNCT (choose one)
[] Hauptmann zur Himmel Rudolf Windisch
[] Hauptmann Erika Hess
[] Hauptmann zur Himmel Johannes Janzen
BOARD (choose four)
[] Abbot Marchevion: A Bohemian national who emigrated after a scandal in the Werser crowns forced him from home, this man is rumored to be an intelligence expert and Lithuanian sympathizer.
[] Edmund Volkstuppe: A young reserve kaptain who's spent most of his career in the artillery, Volkstruppe has an unnering knowledge about light artillery and what advancements have been going on in your old backyard.
[] Movo Leib: A Jewish captain of the armored car cavalry sent by the Wersers in part of a bid to get you to adopt the Straßenpanzerwagen S865, now with an anti-air model.
[] Leutnat Paul Heinz: A Pioneer from Ostafrika who moved to the mainland, he is incredibly familiar with light rail and improvised logistics trains.
[] Kaptain Jacob Adler: An up-and-coming proponent of the Luftwaffe's new Battlefield Support doctrine, who worked with them and the Kriegsmarine in the new Flugzeugpeitsche project.
[] Jan Mittlewesk: An engineer from the Thryssen gun labratory interested in seeing if there's any sort of new weapon he can deliver for the project.
[] Etatmäßiger Percius Vogt: A master weaponsmith and operator at one point or another of every gun the Irromic Empire has used since black powder from the Ulm Proving Ground.
[] Vizewachtmeister Mathias Lang: An anti-air gunner from the Great Pig War who was placed into medical reserve after Balhk paratroopers attacked his position.