I do think we should do a RFQ because it'll give everyone else more time and we might get more fleshed out designs that way.
Not to mention we can potentially prune out some excessive silliness in the form of those sextuple MG mounts and the exclusively rocket armed Thryssen designs. While those rockets look like they are basically the equivalent of getting shot at by a short barrel 8.8 cm gun, I have doubts about their sustained air-defense capability, and I really don't like the sextuple MG mount because 1) MGs, even HMGs, have a very limited lifetime in the AA role that's going to start going away in the coming years, and 2) the larger and heavier you make the gun mount, the harder and harder you make it to train the gun rapidly. This begins nullifying the lightness advantage MGs have over even 2 cm autocannons, which in turn means that you're generally better off with a smaller number of bigger guns in those cases.
My question now is "how fast can a trained operator dial in a quality stereoscopic rangefinder under ideal conditions?"
I can't knowledgeably comment on what actual military implementations look like, but it seems to me that this need not be the involved process of consulting trig tables you might assume. Just have a big dial marked with ranges connected to the knob that rotates the mirror.

Thank you for reminding me once again just how amusing written German, especially technical language, can be as an English speaker who does not know German.
I can't knowledgeably comment on what actual military implementations look like, but it seems to me that this need not be the involved process of consulting trig tables you might assume. Just have a big dial marked with ranges connected to the knob that rotates the mirror.
Yes, but I still want to know how long that takes, so we can test how long it takes each platform's implementation of range-finding and targeting to actually work, to see which implementations are or aren't worth the weight dedicated to them.
Go home, Thryssen, you drunk.

I want to set a minimum speed for the RFP. It doesn't need the terrain crawling capabilities of the tanks, but it should keep up with the mediums on a road marsh.
I mean I've built bigger, personally. They're also a lot smaller than any AA missile that I can think of that's been designed in the last fifty or so years. I guess for the time they're fairly large but I didn't actually know AA rockets were a thing before the late forties so who knows.
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I mean I've built bigger, personally. They're also a lot smaller than any AA missile that I can think of that's been designed in the last fifty or so years. I guess for the time they're fairly large but I didn't actually know AA rockets were a thing before the late forties so who knows.
It seems someone has not yet learned about the glory of the Unrotated Projectile.
Although these do appear to be air-burst munitions instead of aerial mines, and they appear to be at least spin stabilized if not finned as well, so these might actually not suck horrifically, if they can be brought to bear quickly and fired with reasonable accuracy.
500m is a pretty short maximum fuse range but I suppose you'd save a one shot weapon for a plane deep into it's attack run anyway.
[X] A Fine Mess Plan
-[X] Entrants must:
--[X] Be armed with either rechambered to 40x360 Baal or Potsdam Armoury autocannons, in quantity of no more than 4.
---[X] Turret mount, should allow firing at an elevation angles of -5..+70 degrees.
---[X] Either spider sight or pivoted ring sight should be used, in addition to others targeting devices that might be installed.
--[X] Be armored against Smg.62 fire at 200 meters from all directions.
--[X] Be tracked, capable of maintaining speed of 20 kph.
--[X] Be able to advance 250 kilometers with no more than 2 refuels and no breakdowns that cannot be fixed in the field.
--[X] Have a radio receiver installed, and have provisions for installation of transmitter-receiver.

We need to vote for something, no?
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[X] Plan Let's Reduce the Stupid
- [X] Entrants must:
-- [X] Be armed with at least 1 automatic cannon firing ammunition no smaller than 19x110mm
--- [X] Gun(s) must be turret mounted, and capable of at least a rotation speed sufficient to rotate 180 degrees in less than 8 seconds, as well as having at least -5 degrees of gun depression and 75 degrees of gun elevation
--- [X] Must be fitted with a spider sight, in addition to any other sighting and/or rangefinding mechanisms included.
-- [X] Carry enough ammunition for 5 minutes of sustained, uninterrupted fire, with provisions for being re-armed quickly, ideally without needing to cease firing, with the exception of belt-fed weapons being allowed to cease firing long enough to change belts if needed.
-- [X] Be armored against Smg.62 fire at 200 meters from all directions.
-- [X] Be capable of advancing at 20 kph over uneven terrain, and must be able to keep up with the MANN CO Light Tank on road surfaces.
-- [X] Be able to advance 250 kilometers with no more than 2 refueling stops and no breakdowns that cannot be fixed in the field.
-- [X] Have a radio receiver installed, and have provisions for installation of transmitter-receiver.

I like the basics of the A Fine Mess Plan, but the ammunition thing was a thing, and the gun requirements seem a little odd for me, especially considering it specifies a big gun, not necessarily in a mount that let's it turn fast.

That being said, this thing is going to make a lot of our existing entrants mildly salty, I can already tell.
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qm goofed
I dun goofed the update last night and the Reinhardt entrant didn't copy over. Somehow. The update has been corrected, with a copy of the correction attached here.

The Reinhardt entry, meanwhile, probably took the cake in terms of interesting designs. Working off an old discarded chassis designed by MANN before they pulled out of the Tank Destroyer Competition to devote all their energy to producing light tanks, the Type 73 Anti-Aircraft Gun Carrier was an interesting hybrid platform, with a large, closed turret using a high elevation 40mm Baal gun on a power elevation and traverse, with the option to deploy up to an aditional four 13.2mm guns via the turret's large bustle and standing baskets. Gun command was entirely from the commander's coupola, and he was given a rather clever synthetic aperture sight for the main gun that was equipped with an interesting windage adjustment wheel for the floating ring system keeping the gunner/commander from having to actually change the sights out. Backup controls existed in the turret, but the only sights there were a simple reflector sight on a ring and post over the barrel.

The rest of this is word count padding so you all actually look at the thread again.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris sed massa pretium, tincidunt nisi eget, tincidunt turpis. Nam arcu risus, vulputate vitae varius id, feugiat non sem. Cras congue euismod efficitur. Maecenas elementum sit amet metus ac pretium. Sed ultrices, sem sed laoreet viverra, libero arcu blandit velit, quis tempus dui neque vel risus. Vestibulum sed velit congue, hendrerit erat sit amet, elementum elit. Sed sed nibh vitae purus imperdiet feugiat. Maecenas lorem dui, ullamcorper et mi at, gravida consequat tortor. Duis in laoreet augue. Sed eu tempus tellus. Quisque quis consectetur lectus. Quisque ex odio, sodales id ornare ac, congue vel velit.

Phasellus semper nulla ac nisl dapibus, sed dignissim est maximus. Nullam euismod mi non massa faucibus porttitor. Pellentesque eget lectus imperdiet, ultricies erat et, tempus sem. Maecenas tempus arcu ac dui placerat, et posuere felis tristique. Pellentesque eu tincidunt felis. Quisque rutrum magna cursus lorem auctor, quis varius nunc bibendum. Donec nunc lorem, faucibus quis sem a, aliquet pellentesque nunc. Ut semper nec felis et imperdiet. Nam justo quam, elementum non consequat at, mattis id libero. In ultricies justo tortor, at varius ligula sagittis sed. Nam hendrerit mauris at elit lacinia placerat. Praesent fermentum odio id vulputate rhoncus. Maecenas sit amet erat augue. Nulla pulvinar, magna et malesuada suscipit, leo tortor viverra arcu, sit amet dapibus sapien est ac turpis. Maecenas eu elit justo.

Etiam hendrerit urna ornare malesuada faucibus. Nunc orci felis, commodo eget pellentesque nec, maximus sed odio. Proin tempor, neque sit amet feugiat consequat, enim ex auctor risus, at auctor massa enim et augue. Morbi laoreet nulla ac velit blandit maximus. Mauris blandit vehicula tortor, ut elementum justo fringilla ac. Nunc pharetra vitae lorem quis mattis. Curabitur malesuada tristique augue, ut laoreet metus cursus id.

Sed laoreet malesuada massa ut facilisis. In id nunc eget sapien tincidunt elementum nec tincidunt nisi. Etiam sit amet dui scelerisque, varius ante a, rhoncus diam. Nunc a lacinia lorem, sit amet iaculis sem. Curabitur quis tellus sit amet odio fringilla aliquet. Suspendisse vitae ullamcorper magna, non gravida nisi. Aenean ut ante finibus, finibus purus eu, molestie neque. Phasellus venenatis fermentum libero et tristique. Nam nec molestie turpis. Morbi congue purus at mattis imperdiet. Cras vel nulla quis ligula facilisis laoreet eu ut augue. Sed tempus iaculis est, a cursus felis aliquam vel. Pellentesque eu nisl sed augue semper venenatis vel eu neque. Nulla aliquet ligula purus, ut rhoncus nisi iaculis nec. Etiam suscipit, leo quis lobortis euismod, mauris justo interdum dui, nec molestie leo velit consequat eros. Fusce quam ex, bibendum quis dui in, lacinia facilisis quam.

Quisque blandit, quam nec blandit eleifend, nunc massa lacinia enim, id porttitor diam nisl nec velit. Phasellus consectetur porta pretium. Quisque sit amet nunc faucibus turpis posuere maximus. Fusce ultrices quam sed est aliquam vestibulum. Donec nec nulla quis dui consequat mattis eget quis erat. Morbi placerat, tellus quis elementum sollicitudin, tortor mauris auctor lacus, id eleifend nisl tellus id sapien. Vestibulum aliquam aliquet vehicula. Fusce tempor, nunc eget suscipit euismod, felis nunc tincidunt nisi, non accumsan sem lacus non lacus. Aliquam id nisl magna. Suspendisse non ultrices sem. Praesent faucibus feugiat risus nec consequat. Sed blandit laoreet massa.
Duis risus nisl, efficitur ac nibh sit amet, rhoncus rhoncus massa. Maecenas in venenatis lorem, sed aliquet elit. Aenean pretium, ligula in venenatis tempor, tortor eros porta odio, vitae bibendum est risus id ex. Duis a finibus elit, eget sodales sem. Nullam scelerisque augue quis turpis pretium porta. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas a scelerisque ipsum.

Morbi placerat dui eu laoreet viverra. Pellentesque in diam nec augue interdum dapibus. Vestibulum faucibus ligula ac ligula rhoncus tristique. Aliquam eget blandit tellus. Etiam ultricies vel ex eu tempus. Praesent rhoncus dui in lacus fringilla mattis. Aenean in suscipit ipsum. Vestibulum vel accumsan diam. Sed nec hendrerit diam. Pellentesque pharetra, metus eget sodales mollis, felis justo consequat nisl, vel convallis metus tortor vitae sapien. Vivamus elementum euismod justo, vitae luctus orci tincidunt at. Maecenas egestas interdum nunc. Nulla facilisi. Sed elementum augue dictum ligula viverra ornare.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Etiam a elit rutrum, sodales diam in, aliquam erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque lectus tellus, auctor tempus tempus eget, commodo nec urna. Nulla elementum scelerisque nisl, sed tempor dolor dapibus et. Curabitur quis magna eleifend, interdum libero a, lacinia quam. Sed sollicitudin augue et porttitor luctus. Sed maximus ipsum non elit porttitor, eu ultrices ex feugiat. Cras tincidunt rhoncus diam ac eleifend. Proin nec lectus sapien.
Hmm... it would it be possilbe to add another test to find the average time it take for the crew to notice and point their guns at an aircraft flying by?
Hmm... it would it be possilbe to add another test to find the average time it take for the crew to notice and point their guns at an aircraft flying by?
I think that could be achieved by seeing how long it takes the gun crew to react to something happening behind them, or a visual signal from outside the tank to engage a target.
Go home, Thryssen, you drunk.

Thryssen isn't drunk, they've just discovered something to use their chem labs for in their free time and it's looking more and more likely said chem labs might try and spin out to start up a rocketry company. There's bound to be a military application of the things somewhere, and the world's not looking any more peaceful than it was five years ago.

Although these do appear to be air-burst munitions instead of aerial mines, and they appear to be at least spin stabilized if not finned as well, so these might actually not suck horrifically, if they can be brought to bear quickly and fired with reasonable accuracy.

You guys have yet to fuck up on the level of me sticking you with an aerial mine.

Hmm... it would it be possilbe to add another test to find the average time it take for the crew to notice and point their guns at an aircraft flying by?

Yes, since all that would take is the little bushwhacker they keep at Ulm to help with doing fall of shot when they test artillery.

Did... Did Reinhardt just create a competent design?

Define competent. It's got some very good points, and some very bad points- starting with the Model 97 derivative chassis.
preliminary vote tally because if I call the votes tonight the depression fairy will come and you'll get nothing but rockets for christmas
Adhoc vote count started by 7734 on Jan 16, 2019 at 1:07 AM, finished with 30 posts and 5 votes.

  • [X] Plan Let's Reduce the Stupid
    - [X] Entrants must:
    -- [X] Be armed with at least 1 automatic cannon firing ammunition no smaller than 19x110mm
    --- [X] Gun(s) must be turret mounted, and capable of at least a rotation speed sufficient to rotate 180 degrees in less than 8 seconds, as well as having at least -5 degrees of gun depression and 75 degrees of gun elevation
    --- [X] Must be fitted with a spider sight, in addition to any other sighting and/or rangefinding mechanisms included.
    -- [X] Carry enough ammunition for 5 minutes of sustained, uninterrupted fire, with provisions for being re-armed quickly, ideally without needing to cease firing, with the exception of belt-fed weapons being allowed to cease firing long enough to change belts if needed.
    -- [X] Be armored against Smg.62 fire at 200 meters from all directions.
    -- [X] Be capable of advancing at 20 kph over uneven terrain, and must be able to keep up with the MANN CO Light Tank on road surfaces.
    -- [X] Be able to advance 250 kilometers with no more than 2 refueling stops and no breakdowns that cannot be fixed in the field.
    -- [X] Have a radio receiver installed, and have provisions for installation of transmitter-receiver.