What do you mean by Heroic Flaws? I do roll for personality of a hero if I haven't thought of one which fits them.
As in Flawed like Greek Heroes.
Or is that a thing that shows up later on, since in the Stone Age such Flawed Heroes tended to die before getting anywhere.
Yes but this is an age where splinters could get incurable gangrenous infections.
I know that living above the age is 40 is very possible and I think we've found neanderthals and early homo sapians that were over 60. However 100 is a hell of a lot older than 60. When you or I probably has a 1 in three chance of living to that age her chances are much lower.
I don't know if she's rolled three nat 100s. That might be what happened however given that our only other data point doubled what the average person lives I'm inclined to believe that probably its far more likely than that.
This isn't the only strange thing about the time line here, if a 16 year olds grandmother died at age 100, then that means that I'd expect the grandmother and mother to have both given birth in their 40s. Given that the likelihood of a complication in birth rises with age and the number of prior pregnancies this was another case of them getting really lucky or starting strangely close to menopause.
As in, anyone who survived to their 40s likely had already suffered a potentially gangrenous injury in their life and their immune system could take it.
You're mistaking broad death rates for absolute death rates.
The highest death rate occurs in children between the ages of 1-3(or even the first month after birth is dramatically more lethal than the three years after combined), where the weather turning, a slight famine, or any accident can give them an infection they can't recover from.
Once past that age, every surviving child has either avoided, or acquired immunity to every minor disease endemic in the community.
The next spike comes when they can walk and do stuff on their own. At this juncture they are at much higher risk of infection from injury, accident or predators, as they would venture out from safe places and interact with more people, picking up whole new diseases. Also eating random crap is something that can easily cause a child not listening to parents to shit themselves to death. By the time they survive to their teens they have internalized several important survival lessons about not wandering where they can be eaten and their immune system had largely taken common local pathogens into account, reducing the fatality of injuries.
Then you have their puberty years(taking into account that poor nutrition means that puberty can be delayed as far as 5 years sometimes), where they get initiated into trades, and the risks of injury goes up further, as they are now more likely to be injured hunting, or in raiding, which tends to kill from wound infections, or for the women, pregnancy.
When they hit age 40 or so and become elders, they no longer hunt, fight, or give birth. Theres no reason to pick up a gangrenous injury if they don't do anything more likely to injure them than making the evening meal. They no longer venture out far from other people where animals can get at them, and well...raiders aren't going to bother maiming or kidnapping elders compared to the actually useful captives of young men or women.
So to map it out crudely:
-Age 1-3 - 80% fatality risk per year
-Age 9-14: 10% fatality risk per year
-Age 15-30 - 40% fatality risk per year, doubled in times of famine or strife as they take higher risks
-Age 30-50 - 30% fatality risk per year
-Age 50+ - 10% fatality risk per year