The Long Night Part One: Embers in the Dusk: A Planetary Governor Quest (43k) Complete Sequel Up

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[X] Push forward- You have come this far, you are not willing to falter on the final stretch. - One DC 230 roll, one DC 160 plague roll, then retreat. On survival earn honourbound favour from Eldar, on death earn minor favour

Death or Glory bitches!
[X] Fall Back- You have mapped out almost all of the path and confirmed Isha's presence, with the plague in you pushing forward leaves to great a risk of dying and losing all that you have gained. - Retreat, earn major favour from Eldar on survival and minor favour on death.

we litrally have an omake about how the realms defenses are designed to trap the ambitious. Also, the rolls where a bit closer than they look, plague rolls can snowball quickly since each failed one is a growing penalty. Even from a perspective where getting isha out is the most important thing, pulling back is the right move.
In one direction the Ork Prophet Tarnoth the Killa has been diverted at great cost into one of the most powerful daemon worlds of the Lord of Decay, a Fortress of Rot, and Ku'Gath Plaguefather leads a mighty host to defend it. In another direction Ynnead herself leads an assault on another Fortress of Rot, attempting to inflict a final death on Typhus and the Destroyer Hive that he hosts. In countless other directions the Laughing Gods other plans go into motion, with Malal and dozens of other gods, both of chaos and independent launch assaults on the Garden of Nurgle, scattering the forces of plague as they move to defend their realm, stripping the inner realms bare of defenders.
Damn...I hope these attacks do real damage to Nurgle beyond this. Like really hope Typhus bites it.

1. Who are the other seers?
2. I take it Ridcully won't be allowed to keep his hat?
3. How big of a difference would mapping out the final part of the path make to any eventual rescue mission?
4. Can we write more omake or done now?
5. Is a major favour enough for us to either allow Webway access or ask them to kill Turoq directly?
6. What was expected of Ridcully?
[X] Fall Back- You have mapped out almost all of the path and confirmed Isha's presence, with the plague in you pushing forward leaves to great a risk of dying and losing all that you have gained. - Retreat, earn major favour from Eldar on survival and minor favour on death.

23% chance of succeding the DC 230 roll, 53% chance of making the plague roll. Let's GTFO unless we get a lot of omakes.
no 47% chance of failing the DC 230 roll , 53% chance of failing the plague roll, failure of which will only give you a minus
[X] Fall Back- You have mapped out almost all of the path and confirmed Isha's presence, with the plague in you pushing forward leaves to great a risk of dying and losing all that you have gained. - Retreat, earn major favour from Eldar on survival and minor favour on death.
If we push on, the only hope is that we do find Isha and she gives us a healing apple or something, so that we can survive the way back.

Either way, the timing of this just before the final Turoq offensive is mighty inconvenient for us if Ridcully bites it, and probably also if he doesn't. The Eldar manage to ruin everything even when they're ostensibly benign.
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Damn...I hope these attacks do real damage to Nurgle beyond this. Like really hope Typhus bites it.

1. Who are the other seers?
2. I take it Ridcully won't be allowed to keep his hat?
3. How big of a difference would mapping out the final part of the path make to any eventual rescue mission?
4. Can we write more omake or done now?
5. Is a major favour enough for us to either allow Webway access or ask them to kill Turoq directly?
6. What was expected of Ridcully?
1. one astartes (Silver Skulls), Eldar Farssers
2. he will be
3. quite a bit
4. you can
5. yes
6. to get as far as he could, preferably at least to the kitchan
note on mechanics, to escape you must exit though all of the areas you came though, though you will be able to skip the finding the path rolls and associated plague rolls and DC will be 10 lower. Plague DC will be the same as it was going in. If you fail you will use your last resort and run for it

If I understand this correctly, this means Ridcully needs to survive all this too.

Entrance: dc 150
d100=18+11(control)+12(Paragon of Divination)+75(traits)+10(preparation)+25(omakes)+20(decoys)=171: Success

First Plague Resistance dc 100
d100=44+8(stats)+40(traits)+30(preparation)+20(omakes)=142: Success, no penalties

Poxyards: dc 160
d100=20+11(control)+12(Paragon of Divination)+75(traits)+30(preparation)+25(omakes)+20(decoys)=173: Success

Second Plague Resistance dc 110
d100=24+8(stats)+40(traits)+30(preparation)+20(omakes)=122: Success, no penalties

Entering the Blighted Mansion: dc 170
d100=42+11(control)+12(Paragon of Divination)+75(traits)+30(preparation)+25(omakes)+10(decoys)=185: Success

Third Plague Resistance dc 120
d100=31+8(stats)+40(traits)+30(preparation)+20(omakes)=129: Success, no penalties

The Entrance Hall: dc 180
d100=70+11(control)+12(Paragon of Divination)+75(traits)+30(preparation)+25(omakes)+10(decoys)=213: Success

Fourth Plague Resistance dc 130
d100=72+8(stats)+40(traits)+30(preparation)+20(omakes)=170: Success, no penalties

Finding the Path dc 200
d100=100+11(control)+12(Paragon of Divination)+75(traits)+30(preparation)+35(omakes)=243: Critical Success

Fifth Plague Resistance dc 130
d100=54+8(stats)+40(traits)+30(preparation)+20(omakes)=152: Success, no penalties

The Larder dc 200
d100=44+11(control)+12(Paragon of Divination)+75(traits)+30(preparation)+35(omakes)+10(decoys)+30(hope)=217: Success

Sixth Plague Resistance dc 140
d100=95+8(stats)+40(traits)+30(preparation)+20(omakes)+15(Hope)=208: Success, no penalties

The Kitchen dc 210
d100=84+11(control)+12(Paragon of Divination)+75(traits)+30(preparation)+35(omakes)+30(hope)=247: Success

Seventh Plague Resistance dc 140
d100=22+8(stats)+40(traits)+30(preparation)+20(omakes)+15(Hope)=135: Fail, -5 to future rolls
1. Should everything go up **** creek how confident is Ridcully that he could make an escape?
2. I am curious did the skull give his name (and did he have a cape :D)
[X] Fall Back- You have mapped out almost all of the path and confirmed Isha's presence, with the plague in you pushing forward leaves to great a risk of dying and losing all that you have gained. - Retreat, earn major favour from Eldar on survival and minor favour on death.

We already do enough for the Eldar just to get this far. Unless the players have something in mind to use the honorbound favour for?
honestly, an honor-bound favor and a major favor will look similar to us since the empire of ashes is so much bigger than we are.
If I understand this correctly, this means Ridcully needs to survive all this too.
- the finding the paths and the plague rolls after that. also failure does not mean instant death
@Durin, I meant specific examples of what the Empire of Ashes could give us for cashing the favours in.
wiping out Turoq would be a major favour
1. Should everything go up **** creek how confident is Ridcully that he could make an escape?
2. I am curious did the skull give his name (and did he have a cape :D)
1. it depends on the lcotion, form where he is, low odds, from past the kitchen even odds, from outside the mansion good odds
2. no and he does have a cloak
[X] Fall Back- You have mapped out almost all of the path and confirmed Isha's presence, with the plague in you pushing forward leaves to great a risk of dying and losing all that you have gained. - Retreat, earn major favour from Eldar on survival and minor favour on death.

The fact that we have to keep on rolling well or die on the way back clinches it for me. We are a single step from the right door, they can take up the slack.
[X] Fall Back- You have mapped out almost all of the path and confirmed Isha's presence, with the plague in you pushing forward leaves to great a risk of dying and losing all that you have gained. - Retreat, earn major favour from Eldar on survival and minor favour on death.

Dont forget that even if we succeed, Ridicully has to still backtrack and make most of the rolls again, along with whatever malus he aquires.
If people need help with omake ideas, one on the hypocrasy of the chaos gods might be good.
It would be a break from teh hypocrasy of the Emperor, since he is dead-ish.

wiping out Turoq would be a major favour

That would be worth it. Get that psyker-stealing plot tumor (a pun from how Ridcully is in Nurgle's realm for just a moment) out of the way finally. (I like them as antagonist and such, so I am not as vitrolic as I sound. I just realize that shanking them is a very good deal)
Anyone voting to push forward better be posting a couple of Omakes EACH, though looking at the omakes already up how do we not have a few thousand points to add from omake already done?