[X] Attack using 'Punch'
-[X] The Mage Draugr

Always take out the mage first.
[X] Attack using 'Punch'
-[X] The Mage Draugr

I guess playing out the first fight will add something to the experience, but I hope we don't do this "turn by turn" fighting stuff ever again. It's an MMO! The character will fight thousands of battles and often lose.
I guess playing out the first fight will add something to the experience, but I hope we don't do this "turn by turn" fighting stuff ever again. It's an MMO! The character will fight thousands of battles and often lose.
Of course not. Imagine how updates would be! They'll be small and short without any actual content apart from the fight itself. Before a fight, you'll have the time to plan how you'll do through its entirety and I'll write it out in a single update or if necessary there is going to be more than one. Here its because it was the Draugrs who initiated the fight and so they had the initiative. Now that their round is finished, you're going to plan out the fight.

Although I didn't precise it in this fight since it is unnecessary, it'll have been a short one unless you really roll low. If you do go for the mage and beat it then you'll automatically go for the two skeletons, there is no real need for tactics or planning in this one beyond choosing your next target.
Dodging and attacking in Merry Adventures is very simple. Essentially the attacker will make an opposed agility check against their opponent to see if their attack lands. This is a basic d20 roll + their agility modifier.
Ah, I see Agility is still The God Stat.
To put this all together let's calculate one attack. For simplicity's sake, let's say the attacker and the defender both have an Agility modifier of five. The attacker rolls higher so it hits. He is using an iron shortsword for a 3d6+2 attack and rolled for max damage. The defender has 10 Physical Defense and a total level 15. So the equation will go as thus: [1+(15/3)]=14 damage. We will take out 14 from the damage dealt by the enemy.
Shouldn't the result of that equation be 1+5 = 6? So the attack normally would've hit for 20 damage but 6 is subtracted, meaning it hits for only 14 damage instead?
[X] Attack using 'Punch'
-[X] The Mage Draugr

Never let a mage cast a spell if you can help it
I just thought of a item for the cash shop.

Whip of Life Stealing: a whip that does standard damage but also absorbs 1d4 of the victim's health to the attacker
I just thought of a item for the cash shop.

Whip of Life Stealing: a whip that does standard damage but also absorbs 1d4 of the victim's health to the attacker
What would the damage actually be? Because it's notable that all the weapons in the item shop have variable damage.

Whips are a cool idea though. They would basically be a melee weapon that used ranged weapon stats and statistics.

EDIT: Expect gaming references galore throughout the Quest. The devs of Yggdrasil would be even bigger nerds than SV.
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[X] Take one of the Draugrs in a grappling hold and use him as a meat shield to block the Mage's attack.
What would the damage actually be? Because it's notable that all the weapons in the item shop have variable damage.

Whips are a cool idea though. They would basically be a melee weapon that used ranged weapon stats and statistics.

EDIT: Expect gaming references galore throughout the Quest. The devs of Yggdrasil would be even bigger nerds than SV.
Considering the game... Yeah.

For standard damage I think it'd be probably 1d6. Not sure really, I know nothing about balancing weapons though stuff from a cash shop would probably be OP as all hell considering.

I'll be back to reconsider this when I'm fully awake.
Considering the game... Yeah.

For standard damage I think it'd be probably 1d6. Not sure really, I know nothing about balancing weapons though stuff from a cash shop would probably be OP as all hell considering.

I'll be back to reconsider this when I'm fully awake.
Honestly? A life draining whip wouldn't be in the cash shop. The game devs would hide a Vampire Killer expy somewhere in the in-game world.

A vampiric sword that scales with level would totally be in the cash shop though.
And let's call the vote here. Let's see what won...
Adhoc vote count started by Terran Imperium on Sep 16, 2018 at 11:02 AM, finished with 30 posts and 19 votes.
So hey party peoples, me and Terran have decided to make our combat rolling a public affair. I'm going to be providing a rolz room link every time Stormdoom punches something in the face.

Hope to see you there!

The Merry Adventures of Punching

EDIT: Rolling is over for now. We might wait further for people to show up in the future, and Terran will be posting this notification instead of me so y'all get pinged.
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Here is how the fight went, the update should be up soon. For a newbie, Karen handled herself well.
This is the only fight I'm compiling here, if you want to see results ahead of time, you can join the Rollz room.

Will Karen reach the Draugr fast enough or will the Draugr be faster and cast his spell?


Okay, Karen did a critical success and reached the Draugr. Will she be capable of hitting him?

Karen: She gets a +4 alongside her initial stat due to the previous critical success)


That was one hair away of another critical success. Karen managed to hit the Draugr... Let's see for the damage.

The Mage Draugr was annihilated.

Let's get to the other two.
First sword-wielding Draugr swing toward Karen. Surely, you'll be hit this time.


Karen dodged...

Okay, let's see if the second Draugr can hit her.


Karen the Untouchable dodge yet again with a critical success.

Karen send a few punches at one of the Draugrs.

Draugr tries to dodge.

As expected he failed...

Damage roll:

He was likewise annihilated.

Last Draugr take his chance...


Karen says 'Nope.'

Karen swings

Her first fail and its a critic. Hah!

Draugr swing his sword at Karen:


She actually failed to dodge.

Damage roll:

Max damage, but Karen still has her armor.

She only takes 4 damage. Her armor saved her.

Karen wants to have her revenge.

At this point, I can't post more than 20 images and so I will merely write out the rest of the results.
And she will get it.

Damage roll:
Wow, the Draugr was punched out of existence.
Starting City - Part 3

You decided to go for the Mage Draugr while the sword-wielding ones are still recovering from their wide attacks. You were surprised by your supernatural speed, as you ran the snow parting before you with your sheer speed, you managed to reach the Draugr before it could cast whatever spell it was preparing.

You took a wild swing toward its chest without the system assistance this time, the hit was strong enough that it went through the ribs as your fist came out the other way. The Draugr quickly crumbled into a pile of bone. You picked up the head as a proof for the quest. You relaxed for a bit, as you rejoiced for your first win. That was an error as the two sword-wielding Draugrs already recovered and they took the opportunity to attack you.

You react instinctively as you weave your virtual body between their swords. Its almost too easy, they are slow and sluggish. You cockily raises a clenched fist and uppercut one of the Draugrs. His head went flying somewhere in the snow. Damn it, now, you'll have to look for it. The last Draugr tries to take the opportunity.

He didn't get to, however as you dodged easily again, these Draugrs were too slow to actually do anything. The Draugr was still recovering from its attack as you took the chance this time to finally finish it off, your attack was a bit too wide, however, as you stumbled on the snow and fell straight on your face, the Draugr wouldn't let this chance pass as he stabbed you directly to the back. You didn't feel any pain, it actually felt like a dull sting that is starting to fade away. You could see in the corner of your vision your HP bar decreasing.

You take 4 damage!

A certain amount of fear spiked in your heart. You forced it down and focused on how great it would feel to kick these guys asses.

HP: 6/10
MP: 10/10

You were getting cocky and a bit too confident, and now you paid the price for it. You wouldn't make the same error again as you quickly got up; steeled your nerve and let the system assist direct your punch. Two quick jabs, one toward the face and another toward the chest. Large parts of the Draugr were turned into slurry chucks of rotted meat and bones. The kill was quick and efficient.

You hummed with satisfaction despite yourself though. That had been... amazing. It had the most exhilarating thing you had ever done or been a part of. A few times there... your brain had been telling you that it was actually life and death. But you had triumphed with ease. Let it not be said that Karen Natalia was a push-over! You mentally patted yourself on the back for those self-defense classes that you had taken. You took the time to pick up the two Draugr's heads for the quest. It wouldn't do if all of this fight was for nothing!

You looked down the road. One way lead back into town and the other lead into a greater challenge. You felt that you were more than up for it, but you had a choice here.

[] Go back to the city and let yourself heal naturally.

[] Try to complete the quest.
-[] Drink a Minor Healing Potion.

Level UP!

Fighter - level 1 ----> Fighter level 2

You have 3 unspent Stat Points!

[] Improve the 'Have you tried hitting things harder?' ability.
[] Unlock new ability, 'Well Fitted'.

'Well Fitted': Give an additional +1 to damage reduction when wearing light armor or a +2 when wearing a heavy armor.
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I say this. We're not too badly dinged up.
[] Try to complete the quest.
-[] Drink a Minor Healing Potion.