More Ideas for fighting Turoq:
We could feign a diplomatic breakdown with the Blood Dragons leading to a war(only works because the Blood Dragons leadership and the high council are small enough for it to be concievable that they are not infiltrated).
Then we could wait for Turoq to be baited in and both turn our armies against their invasion.
To do this correctly we would need some way of feigning ship deaths, would probably have to agree to a setup accepting a predetermined level of casualties on both sides on the ground, and would need to spend a bunch of Ridcully divinations on making sure noone on either side who is in a position to know enough to realize the war is a fake is an infiltrator.
1. Would the High Council and the Blood Dragons be open to this kind of scheme?
2. Would we be able to use Ridcully actions to ferret out any infiltrators that could give away the deception?
3. How many divination actions, and what type, would it take? (I was thinking a decade or two worth of effort?)
4. Would this be enough to get Turoq to overcommit to an attack?
5. Would relying on the time it would take them to evacuate their forces and get out of the system allow us to in any way mousetrap their forces? Or is our FTL too slow and their info too good?
I was sort of thinking that we could precog which world they would strike at under these circumstances, then hide forces to delay their evacuation from their target to buy more time.
6. Could precog determine what system they would strike if given a fleet plan we are adhering too?
7. Is there any way to slow down warp travel entering or exiting a system? Just make them lose a day or two entering the system.
8. Maybe as an action from a daemonologist choir at the start of a naval battle?
My other idea for what to do about them seeing our responding fleet coming is to once again play off of the Eldar trade. We could either be faster to cut down on time taken to get there, or we could ask for an easy slower FTL that lets us avoid Daemons seeing us coming.
9. Is my idea of trading for an alternate form of FTL that the daemons won't detect, prioritising untrackability over speed, viable?
I also have some general questions that I would like to know the answers to, as I am running out of idea fodder for fighting Turoq.
10. What polities do they neighbor?
Obviously us, but who else would be on their neighboring regions list?
11. What does to Inquisition know about their internal politics beyond, Tzeentchian, Neo-fuedal, ruled by the daemon prince Turoq?
12. They're Neo Fuedal, and somewhere in the chain of vassalge they owe fealty to the Black Imperium, but who is Turoq's immediate fuedal superior? And does Turoq have any geographically separated inferiors who owe fealty to them? (Chaos minors?)