4 green dragons: Powerful flying units, magic resistant.
1 gold dragon: Powerful flying unit, magic immune.
429 wolves: Swift ground unit. Double attack ability.
100 fairies: Swift flying unit. No retaliation from enemy upon attack
15 Treants: Slow ground units. Can root enemies nearby to the ground. Can pass themselves off as trees.
20 Moon does: Swift ground unit. Movement cannot be impaired.
15 elves: Swift ranged unit. Chaos ward. Double attack.
10 druids: Ranged spellcasters. Can buff troops' strength, defence and luck of impair enemy movement.
Martha (can take the field): CLose ranged fighter, will act as she sees fit.
Dace: Can devastate the enemy army, but only twice.

Anastasia: Level 12 Shadow Mage.
Tom Riddle (Horcrux) : Level 16 Lich.
Vampires x 30
Zombies x 300
Skeleton Warriors x 200
Wraiths x 40
Liches x 8

including all our Heroes/others and the Plague spell I would think this is 50/50 with major losses on both sides, it wouldn't suprise me if we win with only the Gold Dragon surviving.
Will we be able to make extensive use of the river of youth during the battle?
Maybe the druids cause a few ginormous waves to damage the enemy foot units as Dace and the dragons take care of business in the air?
including all our Heroes/others and the Plague spell I would think this is 50/50 with major losses on both sides, it wouldn't suprise me if we win with only the Gold Dragon surviving.

That's assuming Plague is the only aoe spell he knows.

Will we be able to make extensive use of the river of youth during the battle?
Maybe the druids cause a few ginormous waves to damage the enemy foot units as Dace and the dragons take care of business in the air?

The enemy troops will take a ck2 river crossing penalty, but if your frontline gets destroyed and then can safely set foot on the other bank, the penalty is nulled.

No, why would you do this sort of thing, Penguin? You are a horrible avian being and you should feel bad

I'm a QM, sadism is a trademark of ours. Don't worry too much though, the power tripping, genocidal insert in all but name was born in '83 (same year the Rumor mill didn't work, oh my~), so you've got until they're 13 before that bomb goes off.
Turn 4 : June 21st 1985 : The battle for Yr Wyddfa (1)
Turn 4 : June 21st 1985 : The battle for Yr Wyddfa (1)

Dace looked at his council, hesitating for a moment, before he felt an odd weight setting itself on the castle itself. He recognized that spell, it was one of the Terrorist's favorites, after all. Trying to use the floo or apparition would only have deadly consequences now, though, inanimate items should still be fine, he noted, as he began to set his usual contingencies in place.
Contingencies: Intrigue + Stewardship check : 44. Rank 4 Success.
Lily freed, explosive charges planted, dead man triggers set up, portkey on the Anchor and the Treasury installed, greek fire potions in his office (if he got out of this alive, he might set those off just for the pleasure of seeing the papers burn.) and all manners of little tricks to make Riddle's life miserable if he won. Oh, also, he mused as he put on a bracer, not to forget the explosives to destroy his body. Worst case scenario would be Riddle raising him, after all.

People around him were nervous, although your security chiefs, Oliver and Martha less so. Not at all, in Martha's case. Dace took them in, before speaking up.

"I'll spare you the motivational speech, the situation is that bad, yes. The opponent we're facing casually depopulates entire villages and desacrates their corpses to grow his army of undead. Their very presence pollutes the world around them. Already, I've been receiving reports that the land in Cornwall was becoming weaker, animals are dying, crops no longer grow, and diseases are emerging at an alarming rate. The opponent we're facing has the numbers, the preparations and the experience.

However, we cannot allow ourselves to fall here, if only to spite him. He already has taken control of the former Order faction territory in Scotland. If he gains control of here too, he may grow too strong to be stopped anymore, especially since he is in cahoots with the Overlord." Lily's face lifted and she stared at him, growling to express her discontent.

"Therefore, we will fight here, most likely die here too, if we're going to be honest, but we will do so while making sure the necrophiliac over there does not get what he wants. Elizabeth." He adressed his wife trying to find her something to do other than wringing her hands. " You'll be in charge of the unit rotation and organization. Oliver, you'll take care of coordinating the dragons and regular army. Agatha, you'll reinforce the defenses. Feel free to use anything that catches your eye. Moody, Jason, I want you commanding the troops. Engage at your own discretion. Lily..." He grimaced, but Lily already knew what he wanted.

"Uh. Uh huh uh." She grunted, heading towards the door, crimson claws glistening in the evening light. His eyes followed her for a moment, before he turned to Martha, only to see that she had disappeared.

Looks like she'd be doing her own thing.

(Unit placement went wonky, so no grids here siree! saving that for next turn when there's an actual battle.)

A foul stench was carried by the wind and he could see shapes on the horizon. He noticed that Martha had taken the liberty to already set up his troops as she went out, allowing him to take control over the southern pass, where the waters of the Grail created a river. The Treants were already imitating trees, wolves and does were moving carefully on the roots to avoid any traps, The dragons were growing agitated. In the middle of the fields, the fairies were flying, forming colorful clouds while at the feet of the fortress, the elves and druids were scanning the horizon, preparing their staves and bows.

Still, his units were on place now, the problem was what they would do when the two armies enter in contact.

Make your choices: Choices ranged from Aggressive-Offensive to Cautious-Defensive.

[Frontline] The treants ( light green trees North of the river) x15 Currently Camouflaged, will inflict Rooting regardless of the stance.
[] (Aggressive): Attack the enemy as they pass, inflicting damage to them. Will drop Camouflage.
[] (Polyvalent): Remain Camouflaged, until the occasion presents itself.
[] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.

[Frontline] The wolves (doggos north of the river)x 429 Unfettered (Nature), can Double Attack.
[] (Aggressive): Charge [Move to river]
[] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
[] (Cautious): Use hit and run tactics, using the trees and vegetation to hide themselves.

[Frontline] The moon does (Inside the pseudo-forest) x 20 Unfettered, Magic dampening aura.
[] (Aggressive): Charge [Move to river]
[] (Polyvalent): Hit and run tactics.
[] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.

[Frontline] The dragons (The Really Ugly orange thing Behind the forest) x 5 Magic resistance/immunity, Breath attack.
[] (Aggressive): 'Bombardment' tactics (Burn everything to the ground) [Move to river]
[] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
[] (Cautious): Interception : they will focus on destroying any enemy breaking through the line.

[Middle] Fairies (pink blots in the 'field') x 100 No retaliation (magical), Swift.
[] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
[] (Polyvalent): Hit and run tactics to pick off the enemy that break through.
[] (Cautious): Patrol the skies in case comebody sneaks off.

[Backline] Druids (People in the robes. Yes, they're supposed to be monks, I know) Spellcaster (half-trained), Meditation (Basic).
[] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy heroes from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
[] (Polyvalent): Modify the terrain to slow enemy advance.
[] (Cautious): Enhance the troops (will last for the entirety of the battle)
--[]Write in Buff target

[Backline] Elves (people in green near the town) Double shot, Chaos ward.
[] (Aggressive): Shoot all that moves
[] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
[] (Cautious): Aim for priority targets
-[] Write-in to set specific target

Lily: (still in Rampart)
[] (Aggressive): Run to the frontline [Moves to frontline, takes 2 turns]
[] (Polyvalent): Run to the middle [Moves to Middle]
[] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]

Dace: (still in Rampart)
[] (Aggressive): Try to wipe them out right now (will use the most damagind spells he knows as soon as the opportunity appears.
[] (Polyvalent): Use spells if needed.
[] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.

Council bonuses:

-First wave of creatures gain an extra attack turn.
-Dragons gain double attack ability
-Defences will hold twice as long.
-Army gains 1 morale due to their inventive use of curses, both verbal and magical
-Gain temporary Hero unit

Battle stats:

Type of Battle:
Mountain Defence :
Attack : +10 % to wolves, treants, Martha + 30 % to Elves and druids

Martha's Tactics Skill :

+1 Speed
+1 Movement
+10% Melee Attack
+10% Ranged Attack

Martha's Warden class:

+10% Melee Defence
+10% Ranged Defence

Quiet eye of the Dragon:
+5% Melee attack
+5% Melee defence

Army total morale: 7

+1 All army of Nature type
+1 Martha's Basic Leadership
+2 Tavern Defensive boost.
+1 Eye of the Dragon
+2 Mysterious necklace
+1 Moody&Jason
- 1 Nat1

Army total luck: 6

+2 Fountain of youth
+1 Dace's Luck skill
+1 Martha's Basic Leadership
+1 Eye of the Dragon
+2 Mysterious necklace
- 1 Nat1

River crossing penalty (Will apply as long as the Frontline holds):

Attack :

Skeletons : -10%
Zombies : -15%
Vampires : Malus Negated by Flying.
Wraiths : Malus Negated by Flying.
Liches : -10%
Anastasia : -15%
Riddle : -10%

Defence :

Skeletons : -10%
Zombies : -15%
Vampires : Malus Negated by Flying.
Wraiths : Malus Negated by Flying.
Liches : -5%
Anastasia : -15%
Riddle : -5%

Special abilities:

Camouflage: Treants and Sylvanians become immobile, passing themselves off as trees. Considering that they are trees, that disguise is particularly efficient, until they start moving.

Rooting: Treants/Sylvanians plant their roots in the ground, immobilizing everyone in a hex radius for one turn, every 3 turns. They cannot displace themselves if using Rooting without freeing the enemies.

Strategic Note: Camouflage requires total immobilization, attacking or changing positions will break the disguise and Camouflage will be unavailable until the end of the fight. Rooting, on the other hand, only requires the unit to stay at the same position. They can attack as they wish.

Unfettered(Nature) : Do not suffer any terrain penalty in Nature home terrain ( forest, mountains, grasslands), including of magical nature (such as the quicksand spell).

Double attack/Double shot : attacks twice in a short time instead of once.

Strategic Note: Unfettered (Nature) will not work in modified terrain, such as towns, unfamiliar terrain, such as the sea/desert, or terrain suffering from a particular large scale ailment/catastrophe, like Land of the Dead, or a volcanic eruption. It won't apply underground either. Double attack/Double shot will not incur a double retaliation.

Unfettered : Do not suffer any terrain penalty nor can their movement be impaired.
Magic dampening aura : Units nearby only suffer from 25% of the effects of negative spells.
Strategic note: That combo makes for a very mobile unit.

Magic resistance/immunity: Unaffected by spells up to level 4 / all spells, positive and/or negative.
Breath attack : allows to attack from a distance without risking close quarter retaliation.
Strategic note: Magic resistance/immunity disappears upon death and reactivates upon resurrection.

No retaliation (magical): Usually, any unit attacked in close quarters will retaliate, save for against those possessing that trait. Attack type set to magical.

Swift: May move again after attacking.

Strategic note: Swift only gives the ability to move gain after attacking. It doesn't double movement.

Spellcaster (Half trained): Gives access to 1 level 1, 2 level 2 and 1 level 3 Nature spell.

Meditation (basic) : Acts as a replacement to the Basic Meditation skill, sets creature level to 6.

Half-trained druids' spellbook:

Stoneskin - 2 mana
Combat - Blessing
Stoneskin increases the target's Melee and Ranged Defense by 25%.
Then the druid put two pebbles in his mouth. Was he mad? I soon found out why as his skin hardened, turning instead the same color and texture as granite.

Fortune - 3 mana
Combat - Blessing
Fortune grants the target maximum luck.
If there's one thing I've learned over the years, it's never gamble with an elf. I don't know how they do it, but if you put your gold down, it's as good as gone.

Quicksand - 3 mana
Combat - Indirect Curse
Creates a patch of quicksand, the size of which is based on the caster's level. All targets require a full turn to move through 2 feet of quicksand.
I refuse to fight an enemy who has the ground itself at their command! War is about gaining strategic ground, but what do you do when the enemy changes the rules of Nature?

Necromancy Ward - 5 mana
Combat - Blessing
Necromancy Ward prevents any Raise or Animate Dead spell from working for the duration of the combat. It affects all targets on the Combat Map, including dead ones.
Our graves and tombs must be safe from the disgusting grasp of the necromancers!

Infodumps! Number crunching! I crunch those numbers twice more because I actually calculate the hp and defence equations. It's very painful, but I'm sparing you guys from that, unless you really want to know how the health of your 500+ creatures is calculated each time an attack is made?

Now the QM salty minute is done, I won't reveal all the undead abilities and it's mostly common sense, but here's some tips, because even if you didn't spy on Riddle to get a feel on his units, I'm not completely heartless:

Arrows can't hit if there's no flesh.
You can't punch a ghost.
Liches are dead mages.
Vampires aren't sun/fire-proof, they just heal quickly.
Any humanoid bitten by a zombie is going to have a Bad Time.

That's all.

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As a reminder, here's what Deathquest is doing
[] Separated.
The stuff Dace can wreck with his air spells (skeleton, lichs, and wights? I think wights means wraiths) are waiting as a reserve until Dace uses up his spell casts.
The Vampires:
Will be flying above the forest to pick off weak targets
The Zombies:
Trying to smash through the forest.
Hanging back and casting spells
Leading at the front.

And the order of battle for Death quest.
Anastasia: Level 12 Shadow Mage.
Tom Riddle (Horcrux) : Level 16 Lich.
Vampires x 30
Zombies x 300
Skeleton Warriors x 200
Wraiths x 40
Liches x 8

So here are my thoughts on our strategy. Keep Dace's spells in reserve! Moon does are a MASSIVE debuff on Riddle and Anastasia's magic so we need to keep them alive.
Root the zombies with the treants and then go to town on them with the wolves. Aerial support from Dragons and Pixies. If anyone has suggestions to improve please share.

[Frontline] The treants ( light green trees North of the river) x15 Currently Camouflaged, will inflict Rooting regardless of the stance.
[X] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.
Not very many of them so I put on defensive in hopes of getting a second root.

[Frontline] The wolves (doggos north of the river)x 429 Unfettered (Nature), can Double Attack.
[X] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
More aggressive. With the double attack and large numbers they'll be taking on the zombies.

[Frontline] The moon does (Inside the pseudo-forest) x 20 Unfettered, Magic dampening aura.
[X] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.
Powerful magic debuff that we do not want to lose so put on defensive

[Frontline] The dragons (The Really Ugly orange thing Behind the forest) x 5 Magic resistance/immunity, Breath attack.
[X] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
Helping to clear out the zombies and vampires.

[Middle] Fairies (pink blots in the 'field') x 100 No retaliation (magical), Swift.
[X] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
Aggressive to help wolves take down zombies. And mess with the vampires.

[Backline] Druids (People in the robes. Yes, they're supposed to be monks, I know) Spellcaster (half-trained), Meditation (Basic).
[X] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
No reinforcements from necromancing our own casualties.

[Backline] Elves (people in green near the town) Double shot, Chaos ward.
[X] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
Hopefully will keep the vampires occupied. Vampires apparently heal quickly so concentrated damage will work better.

Lily: (still in Rampart)
[X] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]
Don't want to risk humanoid units until zombies are gone.

Dace: (still in Rampart)
[X] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.
Save our strength because we know Riddle's initial strategy.
As a reminder, here's what Deathquest is doing
[] Separated.
The stuff Dace can wreck with his air spells (skeleton, lichs, and wights? I think wights means wraiths) are waiting as a reserve until Dace uses up his spell casts.
The Vampires:
Will be flying above the forest to pick off weak targets
The Zombies:
Trying to smash through the forest.
Hanging back and casting spells
Leading at the front.

And the order of battle for Death quest.
Anastasia: Level 12 Shadow Mage.
Tom Riddle (Horcrux) : Level 16 Lich.
Vampires x 30
Zombies x 300
Skeleton Warriors x 200
Wraiths x 40
Liches x 8

So here are my thoughts on our strategy. Keep Dace's spells in reserve! Moon does are a MASSIVE debuff on Riddle and Anastasia's magic so we need to keep them alive.
Root the zombies with the treants and then go to town on them with the wolves. Aerial support from Dragons and Pixies. If anyone has suggestions to improve please share.

[Frontline] The treants ( light green trees North of the river) x15 Currently Camouflaged, will inflict Rooting regardless of the stance.
[X] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.
Not very many of them so I put on defensive in hopes of getting a second root.

[Frontline] The wolves (doggos north of the river)x 429 Unfettered (Nature), can Double Attack.
[X] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
More aggressive. With the double attack and large numbers they'll be taking on the zombies.

[Frontline] The moon does (Inside the pseudo-forest) x 20 Unfettered, Magic dampening aura.
[X] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.
Powerful magic debuff that we do not want to lose so put on defensive

[Frontline] The dragons (The Really Ugly orange thing Behind the forest) x 5 Magic resistance/immunity, Breath attack.
[X] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
Helping to clear out the zombies and vampires.

[Middle] Fairies (pink blots in the 'field') x 100 No retaliation (magical), Swift.
[X] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
Aggressive to help wolves take down zombies. And mess with the vampires.

[Backline] Druids (People in the robes. Yes, they're supposed to be monks, I know) Spellcaster (half-trained), Meditation (Basic).
[X] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
No reinforcements from necromancing our own casualties.

[Backline] Elves (people in green near the town) Double shot, Chaos ward.
[X] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
Hopefully will keep the vampires occupied. Vampires apparently heal quickly so concentrated damage will work better.

Lily: (still in Rampart)
[X] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]
Don't want to risk humanoid units until zombies are gone.

Dace: (still in Rampart)
[X] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.
Save our strength because we know Riddle's initial strategy.

Sounds good, what's the plan name?
Oh, it's supposed to be voting by plan? Um, let's see here...

[X] Plan Please work
-[X] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.
-[X] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
-[X] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.
-[X] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
-[X] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
-[X] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
-[X] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
-[X] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]
-[X] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.
Well if you say you don't want a plan name then here you go.

[X] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.
[X] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
[X] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.
[X] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
[X] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
[X] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
[X] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
[X] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]
[X] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.
Ok, reposting again.
[X] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.
[X] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
[X] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.
[X] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
[X] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
[X] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
[X] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
[X] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]
[X] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.
[X] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.
[X] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
[X] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.
[X] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
[X] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
[X] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
[X] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
[X] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]
[X] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.
[X] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.
[X] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
[X] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.
[X] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
[X] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
[X] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
[X] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
[X] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]
[X] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.
I keep forgetting about this EVIL that needs to be purge like a surgeon. Hopefully we'll live.
[X] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.
[X] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
[X] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.
[X] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
[X] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
[X] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
[X] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
[X] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]
[X] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.
In Homm3, Heroes can only stay in the back and fling spells. However, if the army is defeated, so is the hero. In Homm4, the hero can act in the battlefield, still cast spells, but as a unit he's much stronger than your usual, even at level 1, and the difference in power only scales up with the levels. Also, the skills are completely different, with Homm4 skills being much more powerful on average. The closest you currently have as a comparison is Martha and Dace:

Martha has 5 skill 'lines', each containing 4 slots. That's an effective 20 slots available. Martha's Leadership skill gives +1 Morale/luck at level 1 and can grow up to level 5, with +5/+5
Dace only has 8 in total. Dace's luck skill can only grow up to level 3 and give 3 luck.

However, that is not to say Homm3 heroes are useless. If you decide to level up, let's say, air magic, any single target air magic spell casted is automatically applied to all of the army, while Homm4 heroes can't do that. H3 heroes also have access to mana cost reduction and the likes all bundled up in a specific school of magic.
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[X] (Cautious): Remain Camouflaged, only inflict Rooting.
[X] (Polyvalent): Attacks of opportunity.
[X] (Cautious): Stay under the cover of vegetation.
[X] (Polyvalent): Hit and run. They will act in the way allowing them to maximize their moves.
[X] (Aggressive): Charge ! [Move to frontline]
[X] (Aggressive): Set up a Necromancy ward : Prevents the enemy from raising or animating the dead for the duration of the combat.
[X] (Polyvalent): Shoot to kill
[X] (Cautious): Stay behind as last line of defence [Moves to backline]
[X] (Cautious): Keep his strength for now, one can never know what Riddle's strategy is.

Looks sound.
What sort of units are our advisers?
Well, Eli is a world renowned actress and your diplomatic advisor, so she's got no time for murderizing, and Agatha spent all of her time saving that Nat 1 you got and keep it from becoming a superpowered chaos type creature that'd blow the castle up, so she didn't have time for training either.

That's weird that it would surprise you, I did point out that if they stayed , they'd all get high chances of dying because of what they'd be doing.
Well, Eli is a world renowned actress and your diplomatic advisor, so she's got no time for murderizing, and Agatha spent all of her time saving that Nat 1 you got and keep it from becoming a superpowered chaos type creature that'd blow the castle up, so she didn't have time for training either.

That's weird that it would surprise you, I did point out that if they stayed , they'd all get high chances of dying because of what they'd be doing.

No, you're right.
Oh well. We'll have to make the statue especially life like. Marble with gold and ivory embellishments, the whole shabang.