...............- if there's nothing to follow him a city can absorb everything he dishes out forever.
I think both current plans do mine does but I do not know about the other one.We are buffing the people fighting Headcrusha right? It'll help reduce casualties abit.
....Wait a minute? What are the chances that Avernus is grommimg the Avernites into a race of Psyker Warriors with access to a more broader range of Disciplines then it's other more specialized life forms already there?Just a random thought: what do people think about building separate cities on Avernus and populating them with Blank humans? Akin to how the Ancients created the Niflheimers with mass Blank gene therapy, except on Avernus where they'll get manipulated by the Planet Mind. I want to see if the Planet Mind turns them into a race of Pariah Warriors, to go along with the Psyker Warriors.
[x] Plan Ambush
[x] Balanced Stance- By using a mix of dug in forces, raids and sallies you would be able to greatly speed up the battle without risking to much of your forces . -Currently selected
[x] Deploy the Last Hunters against Headcrusha- The Last Hunters equipped with the most deadly poisons of the Nyenye should be able to inflict some major wounds on Headcrusha, and may even be able to kill him.
[x] Use space marines to lure Headcrusher into ambush
[x] Authorize vortex grenades
[x] Medium- Have your fighters move to seize control of the skies from the remaining Ork Fighter-Bombers. -
[x] Deploy your Descents- The Decent Destroyer is designed to lay waste to armies after descending to the lower atmosphere, use them. This will also be a major benefit for your air forces as the Decents formidable AA is brought onto the field of battle.
[x] Psyker Support [forces fighting Head crusher] - Your Diviners, Telepaths and Biomancers could support your ground and air forces, improving their impact and preserving their lives.
[x] Scry and Fry [gargents]- Your Diviners could work with your other psykers to locate the most dangerous foes and take them out.
Ok I want to go for the balance approach for lesser casualties so we can get more political points that we need to push our progressive agenda. Also I want to try to kill Head crusher one more time before we send in the A team. let me know if people want to change something.
....Wait a minute? What are the chances that Avernus is grommimg the Avernites into a race of Psyker Warriors with access to a more broader range of Disciplines then it's other more specialized life forms already there?
....Wait a minute? What are the chances that Avernus is grommimg the Avernites into a race of Psyker Warriors with access to a more broader range of Disciplines then it's other more specialized life forms already there?
....Wait a minute? What are the chances that Avernus is grommimg the Avernites into a race of Psyker Warriors with access to a more broader range of Disciplines then it's other more specialized life forms already there?
While humans placed on most planets tend to develop at least minor unique traits (like the Midgardian ability to store nutrients much more efficiently than other worlds) and ones in extreme environments tend to be abhumans in all, but name (Catachanians flack armour abs, Valhallan's immense cold resistance) this is a process that usually takes thousands of years.I wonder if it will give us anything beyond "fasta, stronga" and more/stronger pysckers
....we know some of the animals have non-warp based powers afterall.
[X] Plan: Escalate Everything
-[X] Agressive Stance- By using the defences of Khazad-dum as an base of operations and anvil you could launch a highly aggressive campaign, using surgical strike by elite forces to inflict crippling damage to Headcrushas horde. This should allow you to quickly remove Headcrusha's aces, at the cost of high casualties.
-[X] Deploy the Last Hunters with alkhestry potions and poisons to ambush Headcrusher.
--[X] Lure Headcrusher with a Space Marine veteran acting as our commander into a prepared ground within the city.
--[X] Authorize vortex grenades.
-[X] High- have your airforce participate in the defeat of Headcrushas personal horde. Heavy losses are expected but the addition of another field of attack could prove valuable in this battle.
-[X] Deploy your Descents- The Decent Destroyer is designed to lay waste to armies after descending to the lower atmosphere, use them. This will also be a major benefit for your air forces as the Decents formidable AA is brought onto the field of battle.
-[X] Psyker Support [Ambush forces] - Your Diviners, Telepaths and Biomancers could support your ground and air forces, improving their impact and preserving their lives.
Your logic is wrong. We already know that Ridicully can divine Headcrusha's character sheet with one turn of working on it. That has been stated by Durin already.If Headcrusha's death means we can't get the sheet... then we flat can't get it Ridcully or no Ridcully...you do realise that right?
I mean it doesn't, but still, your logic is just wrong, in our time line Durin's going to give what he wants to give before the next turn comes out which is the earliest opportunity we have to get Ridcully to divine his sheet.
His post-cognition is not as good as his current time scrying.Ridcully should be able to reveal it with his post-cognition in anycase, so this debate is needless.
No, but he is going to tell us the relevant traits behind why he's so damn hard to kill.Your logic is wrong. We already know that Ridicully can divine Headcrusha's character sheet with one turn of working on it. That has been stated by Durin already.
Durin isn't giving it to us for free, and he's certainly not giving it to us for free before the next turn
Yeah, but his post cognition is still good enough to see back 20,000 years to scry the STC we picked up, passing through Avernus's anti post cog interference. He is not as good at post cognition, but that just means he still do the impossible, rather than the really ****ing impossible.His post-cognition is not as good as his current time scrying.
There's also the aspect that if we do it now it's a war turn where it costs us basically nothing. If we wait we'd have to spend an actual turn on it, which no one will ever want to do.
Are you referring to Avernus the world or Avernus the humans that live on it?Ulthuan from Warhammer Fantasy has several ways of dealing with problems, such as armies, wizards, and heroes. One particularly fun and effective method they have for dealing with a problem is "drop a bunch of dragons on it". What is Avernus' equivalent to that? Do we even have an equivalent?
Humans, hence "we".Are you referring to Avernus the world or Avernus the humans that live on it?
Well Titans (and soon mega titans), Psyker Execution force, Last Hunters, Life Guard, Thunda Beast riders to varying degrees would count.
Ah, right, Titans. I'd forgotten about them because of how rarely we use them on account of their low numbers. Looking forward to finally being able to make some new ones so we can use them more often and more liberally.