The correct way to fry an egg

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[x] Get homura to timestop and help us look at the police notes
Clarification: do you want Homura to timestop and come here immediately on foot? Because that seems like it'd cost her a lot of magic.

I don't see much point in saying they look like Ryouko's clothing. What benefit do we get?
If they've interviewed people who saw Ryouko before the explosion, they probably already know that Ryouko was wearing something matching this description.
I don't see much point in saying they look like Ryouko's clothing. What benefit do we get?

Remember, they're weird future tech clothing, not like the stuff Ryouko is wearing now. Saying that Ryouko likes green-striped panties does nothing but make them think there is a connection between the clothing and Ryouko, and we don't want to mess with that.

As the the stealing them later... it'll be a few updates before that happens. No need to decide right now, lets finish the interview before we decide what to do.
Agree with this, but Ryouko was wearing 21st century style clothes when she time jumped. They might still have future-tech conveniences, but it won't be obvious.

Clarification: do you want Homura to timestop and come here immediately on foot? Because that seems like it'd cost her a lot of magic.
Homura doesn't have to spend magic to maintain her timestop:
"How long does it last?" asks Ryouko.

"… What?" asks Homura.

"I mean, how long can you keep time stopped?"

"No," says Homura, "I mean… the question doesn't make sense! It's stopped. There's no how long anymore."

"So you can just keep time stopped until it drains your magic?" you ask.

"… No?" she replies.

"I'm confused," you say. "What do you mean, then?"

"I mean I can keep time stopped," explains the girl, "and it doesn't drain my magic at all."
We should have abused timestop from the very begining but no body listen to the old bearded guy with a chimp body
[x] Get homura to timestop and help us look at the police notes
[x]search for a corpse too
[x] Disown the items
-[x] But say they look like the sort of thing Ryouko would wear
-[x] Make sure the decoys are in a low power mode but will respond to communication attempts
-[x] Call in Amy to track the items
[x] Steal the items latter
Remember that we got into this situation like treating Homura like a NPC to order around at our convenience. If we wanted her to spy around, we should have warned her hours ago so she could get into position. Are we really going to ask her to walk five or six miles in timestop because we couldn't be assed to text her we may need her help?

We do have to manage Homura's good will, and having her just drop what she's doing because it would save us some effort in the next 20 minutes is really kinda shitty.

Since we're acting dumb, there's no need to spy on their notes. What we ought to use homura for is stealing items, or stealing their notes after they added on what they think after our interview. If we steal them now, then we'll end up having to steal them again to figure out what they thought of our interview, which is just inefficient.
Remember that we got into this situation like treating Homura like a NPC to order around at our convenience. If we wanted her to spy around, we should have warned her hours ago so she could get into position. Are we really going to ask her to walk five or six miles in timestop because we couldn't be assed to text her we may need her help?

We do have to manage Homura's good will, and having her just drop what she's doing because it would save us some effort in the next 20 minutes is really kinda shitty.

Since we're acting dumb, there's no need to spy on their notes. What we ought to use homura for is stealing items, or stealing their notes after they added on what they think after our interview. If we steal them now, then we'll end up having to steal them again to figure out what they thought of our interview, which is just inefficient.

Given these points on the issues of the notes being edited once we are done and how knowing the notes now won't help us, which is a good point and since we have a plant to come back later and get our stuff back anyway, I'm going to remove the viewing of notes from my plan and defer it to when we come back.

[x] Disown the items
-[x] But say they look like the sort of thing Ryouko would wear
-[x] Make sure the decoys are in a low power mode but will respond to communication attempts
-[x] Call in Amy to track the items

[x] Steal the items latter with Homura and Kyouko
-[x] Have Homura time stop so we can steal the items
-[x] Have a look at the notes then if we find them
-[x] Use Kyouko to make it look like normal Kirika did it
--[x] Hide/destory items afterwards so the police won't find them if they come looking
--[x] If kyouko can't achieve this, take the stuff anyway since we do it in time stop.
[x] Disown the items
-[x] But say they look like the sort of thing Ryouko would wear
[x] attempt to ping for Ryouko's lost body to try and figure out if the police have it (probably should have done this already)
[x] try to get a sense of how much the police know, so we know what we're having to deflect against later
-[x] But don't do this if it might make us look suspicious
[x] be prepared to steal the items later with Homura and/or Kyouko.
-[x] try and do it in a way that either doesn't make the police suspicious or doesn't make them suspicious of us.
We do have to manage Homura's good will, and having her just drop what she's doing because it would save us some effort in the next 20 minutes is really kinda shitty.

You should do something for her! Steal some weapons, give her firearms training, maybe offer some well-timed relationship advice...

Tell homura that there will be cake f she obey and then you control her

if it comes down to it, homura will master cake herself and have her revenge

(portal "you will be baked, and then there will be cake")

Could the cake be Ryouko? ./~
more votes!

[1] use electronic pings to look for any nearby governance implants in a dead body

[5] Disavow ownership of items
-[4] admit that they're sort of Ryouko's style
-[1] ask why they're asking
[2] Identify yourself as the owner

[3] put items in low power standby communications-mode, wipe data

[2] put Homura on standby
[1] timestop raid NOW

[4] timestop raid LATER
-[3] Deploy Amy to monitor items electronically from outside
-[2] use Kyouko's assistance to frame Kirika
Last edited:
[X] use electronic pings to look for any nearby governance implants in a dead body
[X] put items in low power standby communications-mode, DO NOT wipe data
[X] timestop raid NOW
-[X] Deploy Amy to monitor them electronically from outside
Not seeing any reason to wipe the items' data. The police won't have any way to access it, but we could and there might be useful information there.
Not seeing any reason to wipe the items' data. The police won't have any way to access it, but we could and there might be useful information there.

The wiping data should only be done if we retrieve data... and we don't want anyone who might be from the future fucking with it. It's a long shot, but we know of Simona, and I do not think that we have a full understanding of who is in play at this point. Gotta start taking preventative steps, even if we think there little chance someone could get at us in this way.
[X] use electronic pings to look for any nearby governance implants in a dead body
[X] Disavow ownership of items
-[X] Admit that they're sort of Ryouko's style
--[X] Ask where we can get one of those glowing stars for Ryouko's birthday, she'd probably like one

[X] put items in low power standby communications-mode, retrieve then wipe data

[X] timestop raid LATER
-[X] Deploy Amy to monitor them electronically from outside
[X] Use electronic pings to look for any nearby governance implants in a dead body.
-[x] Retrieve and then wipe data.
[X] Disavow ownership of items
-[X] Admit that they're sort of Ryouko's style
--[X] Ask where we can get one of those glowing stars for Ryouko's birthday, she'd probably like one

[X] Put items in low power standby communications-mode, retrieve and then wipe data.

Is the idea with putting Amy nearby to have her relay signals from the items so that we can listen in? Because otherwise I don't see what good she'll be able to do from outside the building. (Also, how far away is she right now? We left her with Homura, right?)

Not at all clear on how you intend to frame Kirika for the break-in without it being so blatantly obvious (like leaving her student ID behind) that it immediately smells like a set-up. Also, trying to get the cops to arrest Kirika sounds like a good way to get a bunch of them killed.
Is the idea with putting Amy nearby to have her relay signals from the items so that we can listen in? Because otherwise I don't see what good she'll be able to do from outside the building. (Also, how far away is she right now? We left her with Homura, right?)
Yes. She's not close. You'd probably have to fetch her afterwards.

Not at all clear on how you intend to frame Kirika for the break-in without it being so blatantly obvious (like leaving her student ID behind) that it immediately smells like a set-up
Well, the idea involved having an Kyouko-powered illusory-Kirika actually perform the break-in. The logistics of this have not yet been determined. I assume we'd conference with her to figure out precise capabilities. Either way it isn't happening this updoot.

Also, trying to get the cops to arrest Kirika sounds like a good way to get a bunch of them killed.
At a minimum this will likely make the force both more aware of, and suspicious of, teen girls.
Well, the idea involved having an Kyouko-powered illusory-Kirika actually perform the break-in.
Oh, right. I'd forgotten she was starting to manifest her illusion powers again. That would have to be something that happened outside of timestop, however, which seems risky. Do her illusions show up on camera? That's something we should find out before we make any plans.
Clarisse okay quick listen I’m down at the hospital
[4] use electronic pings to look for any nearby governance implants in a dead body
[3] retrieve and then wipe all data from items/implants

You sort through the box, activating the personal area network on the decoys, transferring all the data, wiping it, then placing them in standby mode. A preliminary reconstruction, mostly from the accelerometer data, reveals a struggle, Ryouko's personal area network going offline, some sort of gentle low-gravity fall (the labyrinth collapsing?) then her body being found in the evening and transported somewhere via motor vehicle, presumably here. Then the decoys were removed Tuesday, mostly left inert, then further handled Wednesday evening and this morning.

The problem is, they're meant to be part of Ryouko's personal-area network, and they're specialized devices. The audio processing in particular is finely tuned for combat, helping to answer questions of here is an incoming shell, try to deflect it instead of niceties like people talking about things, and even that relies in part on Ryouko's own magically enhanced hearing (and even tries to take advantage of her enhanced reflexes).

If Ryouko's body is still around here, the implants will be on standby now, conserving power until they can detect a governance locator signal. You don't have the credentials for a general purpose signal, but you can manage one for Ryouko's implants specifically, if they're anywhere around here…

But there's no reply. Either there isn't a body anymore, or it just isn't here.

Where would it be? A secret lab of some sort? That's probably too paranoid, they wouldn't notice anything too strange unless they did a really involved autopsy, which they probably wouldn't. Not on short notice, not the regular police, right?

… Regardless.

[7] Disavow ownership of items
-[6] admit that they're sort of Ryouko's style

You place the decoys in a standby mode — they're still glowing, but will turn themselves off after a little while. You spend a few moments sifting through the contents of the box for show, while making a few Internet queries to calibrate contemporary clothing standards in case they come up.

"Well," you say, unfolding the dress, "It's kinda cute, I guess. I'm pretty sure it isn't something I've ever worn, if that's what you're asking. I'd have questions if it was. Not sure if any of it is my size, either."

"And how about either of your sisters?" asks the detective.

"I guess if it were one of them, it'd probably be Ryouko?" you offer. "But again, I'd have serious questions about how it got here. Unless you know something about stalkers which we don't?"

"Nothing like that, no," says the detective.

They send you into another room to wait by yourself, "just for a few minutes" (presumably so that you don't get to share information), and bring in Hitomi, who mostly answers questions about her day at school, but the questioning appears to be a bit of a formality while the men behind the two-way mirror discuss whether she's the person they're looking for.

"That's got to be her, chief," says unidentified voice #2. "I'm telling you. She just got up and left."

"Uh-huh," says unidentified voice #1 from before, presumably the chief, who seems distinctly unimpressed.

The other detective, Mr. Mitsuhiro's partner, urges restraint.

Mr. Mitsuhiro finishes his questions, leaving the box to the side.

"Would you wait here a moment?" he asks Hitomi.

He then steps outside, to retrieve you from where you are waiting, returning you to Papa, and then escorts Ryouko into the room with Hitomi. Instead of questioning either of them, however, he proceeds back outside and around to another door — the observation room, where observation appears to have given way to a personnel dispute.

"I thought I heard you say it's definitely her," says the chief. "Now it's definitely the other one?"

"Aw, come on, man!" says the underling. "Like you can tell them apart either."

"Whoa," says Mitsuhiro, walking in on the scene. "That does seem pretty unfair, Chief."

"I need you to shut it, Mitsuhiro," says the chief. "This is between me and Shiina. I'll talk with you later, k?"

"… Chief?" he asks.

"If this were the first time or something, it'd be another matter," continues the chief, "but it's a god damned pattern with you, Shiina, and no, I am not accepting reanimation, or anything supernatural, as an excuse…"

About this moment you get a call over the Governance mesh. It's Sayaka; she's downtown near the hospital.

"Hey, Sayaka," you begin, "what's hap—"

"Clarisse okay quick listen I'm down at the hospital," she interrupts, "and there's this … glowing … black … thing, in the wall here, and I'm pretty sure it's magic. That's a grief seed, right? And there's a witch somewhere nearby?"

She sends a picture of a grief seed, embedded in the wall outside the hospital by some parked bicycles. It's glowing ominously.

Oh, goddess, you think to yourself. Why does this have to happen now, of all times?

Because Kyuubey waited until he knew you were busiest, suggests a paranoid part of your thinking.

"… yes!" you affirm to Sayaka hurriedly. "Grief seed. Get away from there, quickly! You could be in danger."

"But what about the people here?" insists Sayaka. "They could be in danger too…"

That's right, her boyfriend's at the hospital…

You do a quick check of Nanami's location; she is not super close.

> help Sayaka?

[] Insist to Sayaka run away, Nanami's on it
[] Tell Sayaka to wait there for Nanami
[] Attempt to reach Homura on her cell phone
[] Have Ryouko teleport away in the mild distraction, fight the witch
-[] do a flashy transformation sequence first
-[] … remove the box while she's at it.
[] Have Ryouko ask to use the ladies' room, then teleport over to help
[] Visit the ladies room yourself and get Ryouko to teleport you over to:
-[] relay Nanami to Sayaka's location
-[] physically extract Sayaka
(Either of these relays would be an experimental channeling of Ryouko's magic.)
She sends a picture of a grief seed, embedded in the wall outside the hospital by some parked bicycles. It's glowing ominously.
RIP Nagisa

Anyway, if we want to contact Homura, we should proxy it by Sayaka (or Madoka if possible) since we aren't in a position to use a phone right now.

I'm thinking get Homura to pick up Nanami if we can and then have them go to the hospital from there, the seed hasn't hatched so we can take it slowly and have them set up.