Quick note, edited in some questions we could ask the Governor in the update.
[X] Escort the Governor to the council chambers
-[X] Do you have any knowledge of what is happening across the planet?

Suspects less important than overall picture. If he had a guess he'd have offered it.
[X] Escort the Governor to the council chambers
-[X] Do you have any knowledge of what is happening across the planet?
[X] Escort the Governor to the council chambers
-[X] Do you have any knowledge of what is happening across the planet?
Emerald Tide: Chapter 15
[X] Escort the Governor to the council chambers
-[X] Do you have any knowledge of what is happening across the planet?

Markos suddenly approaches you. "Ma'am, General Helios just voxed me. He is waiting for you and the Lord Governor at the council chambers." Markos hasn't backed down at all. Clearly, he doesn't fully buy the Lord Governor's apparent nobility. You note that Alex has a suspicious look about her as well, her hand has yet to leave her sword. You take a breath. Tempting as it is to see good in people, you must face the fact of the matter that this man may be a lying dog.

"Very well, Lord Governor, we will escort you to the council chambers." You say calmly.

The Lord Governor nods, "Very well, Princess." He follows you out of the chambers, you and Alex flanking him on either side, with Vali and the squad of Guardsmen following behind. The set-up for the walk is quite clear, you and Alex will speak with the Governor, hopefully drawing out political information from him. At the same time, Vali and Markos will watch him from behind, ready to kill him if he makes any sudden moves.

You decide to start immediately. "So tell me, Governor, do you have any idea how the war fares across the planet?"

The Governor sighs with some irritation. "I'm afraid I don't have much to tell you. I've been locked in the palace since the Orks attacked. All I know is what my spies have gathered from the refugees that managed to get here. The Orks hit hard and slaughtered almost everyone." He seems to think for a second. "Although. One of my spies reported that the Orks have a focus on ransacking what technology they could find."

Alex speaks up once again. "They must want it for their vile contraptions."

The Governor scowls, "The villages and cities don't have much in the way of technology. Some vox equipment and farming tools. Hardly anything they could do that much with."

You frown as you consider it, "Perhaps the dull brutes have no understanding of such things, they just desire that which looks shiny and important." You laugh happily. "It truly is quite a lark, I doubt they even know how to work such technology."

Alex nods, "Yeah, you might be right. Best to be cautious though."

At last, you reach the council chambers...and immediately hear yelling from within. It seems General Helios has caused quite the stir among the rulers of Solannor. The Lord Governor lats out a weak chuckle, "Well. Only took a few minutes for your General to anger them. Must be a damn record."

You smile graciously. "I suspect General Helios has no time for the finer arts of diplomacy, we have a crisis after all."

[] Make a bold entrance
[] Wait outside until it quiets down
[] Do you have any suspects in this tragedy?
[] Do you think the Orks will attack here again?
[] Why do you think someone went after the Space Hulk?
[] Write-In
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[X] Do you have any suspects in this tragedy?
[X] Make a bold entrance

If the Ork's are scavenging technology that means they know something is here.
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[X] Why do you think someone went after the Space Hulk?
[X] Make a bold entrance

The valiant warrior's proud entrance should quiet 'em down.​
[X] Do you have any suspects in this tragedy?
[X] Make a bold entrance

The reason some one would go to a space hulk is obvious lost technology, lost knowledge, ship weapons you name it

Orks will obviously attack again but when they hear the other orks talk about giant metal boyz they will gather a huge force to face us suspect a lot of gargants coming our way for a propa fight
[X] Do you have any suspects in this tragedy?
[X] Make a bold entrance
Emerald Tide: Chapter 16
[X] Do you have any suspects in this tragedy?
[X] Make a bold entrance

The argument from the chamber continues. The door is far too thick for you to make out anything specific, but you think you can make out a shrill voice calling Helios a "savage feudal-world whoreson". Well, things are probably not going to get any better or worse. You have one more question to ask the Lord Governor. "Do you have any suspects for who mined the Space Hulk, Governor?"

The man sighs. "Like I told you, four people voted to move on it. Tech-Adept Valmanar was quite adamant about salvaging it for the potential technological benefits. He is no fool though, he wouldn't go against the vote." He considers for a second more. "Gabrial Wendell was the most vocal about salvaging it. Wendell is a tool, his only benefit is his loud voice and his willingness to play ball with anyone who offers him the most benefit. If I had to guess it is probably one of the last two, Marianne O'Riley or Benjamin Cork. Either one of them would have the resources for an attempted salvage and the ignorance and pride to go behind the council's back."

You nod. "I see, I take it you have no proof?"

Alex answers that herself. "If he did, sister, he'd of had one or both of them arrested or slain by now."

"That is correct," the Governor says, "I have nothing on either of them. This is pure speculation on my part. It could be that damned Tech-Priest for all I know."

At long last, it seems like the screaming from the chambers has quieted down. This seems to be the perfect time to move in. "Alright, Lord Governor, we are going to the council chambers now."

"I am as ready as I'll ever be. Now is the time for me to face the Emperor's Judgement. May he have mercy on us all."

"The Emperor Protects." You, Alex, and the guard unit mutter as one. And with that, you slam the door open and make you glorious entrance.

"Council of Solannor, I am Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III, Crown Princess of Etumar, Knight-Pilot of the Glorious Machine Righteousness of Soul. I have brought before you all the Lord Governor of Solannor." There is a moment of shock in the chamber. You notice that Major Ajax is chuckling a little. Pithos and Triptocles are their typical stoic selves at either side of General Helios. The Council is a motley collection of men and women. The two that stand out the most are the representatives of the Mechanicum and Ecclesiarchy, respondent in their robes of office. The tech-priest, quite possibly the most augmented man you've seen yet, leans forward in some vague semblance of curiosity. The others either give you an irritated glare or a polite nod of acknowledgment.

And then General Helios breaks the silence. "Welcome, Princess Genevive, I feel your presence will be most helpful." He turns toward the Governor. "I see you have brought the Lord Governor as well. It is a pleasure."


The Lord Governor isn't given a chance to finish. You barely even register what happens next. Helios draws his Bolt Pistol. A loud boom fills the council chambers, and everyone jumps in horror. You feel a warm spray of something covering you, and you hear a thud as the Lord Governor's body falls to the floor. Helios turns back to the council. "Now. Where were we?"

[] WHAT THE FRAK!!!!!!!??????
[] Take a diplomatic breath and continue as if nothing happened.
[] Well, at least I wasn't wearing a nice dress.
[] Check on Alex before you do anything else.
[] Write-in
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The Lord Governor isn't given a chance to finish. You barely even register what happens next. Helios draws his Bolt Pistol. A loud boom fills the council chambers, and everyone jumps in horror. You feel a warm spray of something covering you, and you hear a thud as the Lord Governor's body falls to the floor. Helios turns back to the council. "Now. Where were we?"
Dude, we were in the spray zone! This dress is now ruined!

[X] Check on Alex before you do anything else.
[X] Check on Alex before you do anything else.

Well that escalated quickly I guess we will have to give his report for him also seriously what was he thinking bolter rounds are explosive meaning he could of killed or knocked out two of his greatest assets what the fuck is he stupid at least use a Las pistol for crying out loud to avoid collateral damage.
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[X] Take a diplomatic breath and continue as if nothing happened.
--[X] "Is this normal?"
----[X] If yes, keep calm and carry on. Pop a cold one, if there is any
----[X] If no, WHAT THE FRAK!!!!!!!??????
Emerald Tide: Chapter 17
[X] Check on Alex before you do anything else.

You take a deep breath. Trying to ignore the warm substance covering your body, you make your way to your sister's side. Stepping carefully around the Governor's corpse, you speak quietly to Alex. "A...Are you, alright sister?"

Alex is covered in blood like you. She seems to have calmed quickly. She gives a quick smile, though you note a certain amount of irritation. "I...I'm fine, it was just a bit shocking."

You scowl. "A shock indeed. That poor man deserved to say his piece and be tried, not just shot out of the blue."

"It is a good thing we spoke with him before, otherwise this would be a proper farce."

You're surprised when Lieutenant Markos suddenly approaches. "Are you two alright?" For the first time, his mask of stoicism is dropped and he seems genuinely worried.

Alex gives him a quick thumbs up. You favor him with an elegant smile. "We are perfectly fine, Lieutenant, pray don't worry about us."

The young man promptly flushes and manages an awkward stutter of acknowledgment before moving back to his unit.

Alex watches him go before chuckling. "Emperor, you're soaked in blood and still the boys blush at your presence."

You laugh happily, for a split second forgetting the blood and death. "What can I say, my beauty shines through any impediment."

The two of you take note of the meeting between Helios and the council. It seems they are quite engrossed, completely forgetting about the dead man. They didn't notice you and Alex's short conversation, which is probably for the best truth be told. The blood feels rank on your body, and you suspect Alex feels much the same. A decision has to be made.

[] Return to camp for a shower
[] Join the meeting
[] Report your findings to Helios
[] Write-in
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