Spill the greenskin blood!

[X] Crush the Ork Siege tanks, without them, they won't be able to crush the walls.
[X] Bombard at a range to soften them up, then charge in
[X] Crush the Ork Siege tanks, without them, they won't be able to crush the walls.
[X] Bombard at a range to soften them up, then charge in

I propose that we open up with the Cannon and Lancer, each focus on a different zone, preferably the Siege tanks, then while waiting for them to re-charge, pepper the field with Heavy Stubber, focusing on the (remaining) Siege tanks.

Once all Siege tanks are dead, creep and charge in the fight with the Heavy Stubber, use Cannon and Lance to clear out major concentration of the greenskins - who wants some meat?
Emerald Tide: Chapter 8
[X] Crush the Ork Siege tanks, without them, they won't be able to crush the walls.
[X] Bombard at a range to soften them up, then charge in

You immediately vox Major Damocles, "Major, we are going to target the Ork siege engines."

Damocles responds immediately, "Very well, my tanks will focus on the vehicles and infantry. Good hunting.

You open a channel to Alex and Vali, "Knights of Etumar, we are going to focus on the siege engines. Princess Alexandrite since your ranged capability is lower than me and Vali's, strafe the engines with your stubber. Sir Vali, you and I will pick individual targets and destroy them with our cannons. After this assault is complete, we will charge in and finish them in a melee attack."

They respond in the affirmative. You aim your cannon at the middlemost engine. Six of the vile things are assaulting the citadel's walls. You vow to destroy all six in the coming assault. In the instant you aim your weapon, Damocles begins the attack. An Ork truck explodes in a shower of metal, sending several dozen Orks around it straight to hell with it. You smile with excitement and fire your own strike upon the xenos.

[Gene 31, Alex 19, Vali 29]

Your shot slams into the engine's back, sending it flying forward before it explodes violently. Alex strafes the engines with her stubber, she is unable to slay any of them but causes a decent amount of damage. Vali's shot finishes one of the weakened engines, blowing it apart. With this done, you swing your lance forward, knightly code for a charge. No words are necessary. All three of your mighty engines rush forward as one.

[Gene 39, Alex 32, Vali 32]

Your lance slams into your target with the force of a thunderbolt. The vile thing had only just started to turn around, and your Power Lance pierces it. Even after slaying your target, your lance keeps going, slaying several Ork infantry that milled behind the machine.

Alex is less controlled, her Gallant's wild machine spirit calling her on to crush and destroy. Her gauntlet and chainsword tear the engine to pieces.

Vali swoops in like a perfect knight. His chainsword strikes the top of the siege engine perfectly, rending it in two.

There is but one engine left, and it is attempting to flee. "What a craven thing," you sneer to yourself. Your heavy stubber opens fire on the fleeing machine.

[Gene 33]

At this close a range, the already weakened machine stand no chance. You assault pierces the engine's armor and the machine explodes in a ball of flame. With the engines destroyed, you allow yourself a moment of celebration. You did as you vowed, and all six engines are destroyed. You scan the battlefield swiftly, noting that many of the Ork tanks and vehicles are destroyed already. The Orks are still massed in great numbers, however, and you must work quickly if the city is to be saved. The element of surprise is lost, and the Orks are finally starting to rally on the tanks and your knights. You must work quickly.

[] Destroy the last of the Ork armor, they are the greatest threats
[] Crush the infantry

[] Play a bit more defensively, no reason to risk damage to your machine
[] Continue your aggressive assault, the Orks have nothing that can properly harm you
[] Write-in
[X] Destroy the last of the Ork armor, they are the greatest threats
[X] Continue your aggressive assault, the Orks have nothing that can properly harm you

Lets keep on the momentum and take down their big guns before they have a chance to pose a threath.
[x] Destroy the last of the Ork armor, they are the greatest threats
[x] Continue your aggressive assault, the Orks have nothing that can properly harm you
[X] Destroy the last of the Ork armor, they are the greatest threats
[X] Play a bit more defensively, no reason to risk damage to your machine
[X] Destroy the last of the Ork armor, they are the greatest threats
[X] Continue your aggressive assault, the Orks have nothing that can properly harm you

We're going to need momentum on this to crack their armor before they can use them.
[X] Destroy the last of the Ork armor, they are the greatest threats
[X] Continue your aggressive assault, the Orks have nothing that can properly harm you
Emerald Tide: Chapter 9
[x] Destroy the last of the Ork armor, they are the greatest threats
[x] Continue your aggressive assault, the Orks have nothing that can properly harm you

It is time to end this. There are four Ork vehicles left, two crude trucks and two light tanks. All around you, Orks finally manage to start firing on you and your Knights. With contemptuous ease, you move your void shield and easily block the irritating attacks. You note that Alex and Vali do much the same.

[Defense rolls: Gene 23, Alex 21, Vali 17]

You wire your two companions, "Let's push through this, slaughter them all. Those vehicles must be destroyed. FOR THE HONOR OF ETUMAR!"

Alex responds, "So be it! DEATH TO THE ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE!" You have a feeling that the machine spirit of Terras is pushing Alex to greater violence than usual. After this battle, perhaps you two should have a sisterly talk, and practice controlling your machines together. Your Knights let out a hail of stubber fire, and the warcries of the Ork horde turn to shrieks of pain and terror as they are shredded to pieces by the remorseless fire.

[Stubber Attacks: Gene 32, Alex 14, Vali 17]

You and Vali aim your cannons at two of the Ork machines, the last pair of tanks. You fire at one that is trying to fire on a beleaguered Leman Russ. Your blast takes it hard on the side, flinging it end over end, where it smokes pathetically. Vali's attack takes a fleeing tank in the back, dealing significant damage, but failing to completely end its flight.

[Ranged: Gene 32, Vali 24]

You snarl with rage, "Vali, finish that tank off, Alex and I are going to charge down those Trukks." Hardly the most exciting of targets, but ending these vehicles takes precedent.

Vali responds, "Yes your Highness." You can hear the slight irritation in his voice, having to chase down a weakened tank is not an honorable task. You feel his pain, but it has to be done. His charge at the listing tank is easy, crushing several more Orks with stubber and his own solid stride. He then cleaves the tank with his chainsword, ending its flight at last.

Alex responds with a savage smile clear in her voice, "We charge together then, sister?"

You laugh, "Yes, we shall!"

The two Trukks are close together, behind the last solid wall of Ork infantry. Solid to everything but the brutal charge of two Imperial Knights. Your stubber never ceases its constant retort and many more Orks are blasted to shreds, their weapons fire pinging ineffectually of your shield. Alex's attack occurs in a similar fashion.

Alex's charge is savage, ripping into the line of Orks with mad abandon. When she finally slams into the Trukk, Terras is covered in Ork blood and guts. The Trukk is summerly torn to pieces with savage ease. Alex's chainsword and fist simply end the existence of the Trukk. Only scraps of Ork tainted metal remain.

You lower your Lance into position. Your machine seems to revel in the rush of your charge. Orks are crushed underfoot as you close on the Trukk. Even as high up as you are, you can hear the Ork drivers final shriek of horror as your lance impales the vehicle. You boldly lift it above your head, still speared on your lance in a macabre salute to victory. Your heart thrills and you feel Righteousness's spirits pride pushing through your mind.

[Melee Attack: Gene 36, Alex 40, Vali 26]

It is at this moment that you hear the rumble of artillery. The scattered squads of Orks start to be slaughtered by ordinance fire. It seems that Helios's backup has arrived to finish off the weakened army. You let off some more pot shots at fleeing Orks, slaying those that Helios has missed. By the end of the bombardment, only Ork corpses and massive craters remain. You slump in Righteousness's throne, suddenly exhausted by your fight.

You vox Alex and Vali, "That was amazing! We fought well! Today we have brought honor to Etumar!" You laugh despite your exhaustion, trying to show bravado.

Alex lets out several short breaths, "Yes. That was great."

Vali says, "Yes your Highness."

The Kratos Armored Seventh move forward as the main gate of the city starts to open. Helios's orders come over the vox, "Good job men," You roll your eyes a little at that, you suspect Alex does much the same, "Time to move into the city, find out what we have to work with." You:

[] Move in at the front, or as close as you can to the vanguard of the army.
[] Hang back a little, if Ork reinforcements arrive, it will be best to be ready for them
[] Write-in
[x] Move in at the front, or as close as you can to the vanguard of the army.
[x] Have Vali hang back a bit; tell him to keep his guard up.

It's not chivalrous to make the pawns fight first. After all, it's the knight's job to make it safe for them.
@Joem20 Do we know the rough composition of the Orc horde we're currently fighting? It sounds like it's mostly infantry with some vehicle support around where we are now, but does command think there might be whole armor groups roving around that we should prepared for or, the emperor forbid, a gargant? Because if there's nothing like that in the area, I see no problem leading the charge against the orc infantry.
@Joem20 Do we know the rough composition of the Orc horde we're currently fighting? It sounds like it's mostly infantry with some vehicle support around where we are now, but does command think there might be whole armor groups roving around that we should prepared for or, the emperor forbid, a gargant? Because if there's nothing like that in the area, I see no problem leading the charge against the orc infantry.
The Orks we just slew were a splinter force of a much larger horde. You are correct, this force was just a mix of general infantry with some vehicle support. This was mostly so we could get a good feel for the game, a tutorial level if you will. Believe me, there is much worse on the planet.
The Orks we just slew were a splinter force of a much larger horde. You are correct, this force was just a mix of general infantry with some vehicle support. This was mostly so we could get a good feel for the game, a tutorial level if you will. Believe me, there is much worse on the planet.

Ok, that's a bit worrying. But do we know what kind of Orc forces are in the local area? If there's any heavy armor in the area we could see about doing some tank hunting. I get the feeling that's not the case though. If so, supporting the general advance of the rest of the Imperial Guard is probably the best course forward. There's little honor in slaying fleeing orks, but there's less in sitting back waiting for a 'good' fight.

[X] Move in at the front, or as close as you can to the vanguard of the army.
Ok, that's a bit worrying. But do we know what kind of Orc forces are in the local area? If there's any heavy armor in the area we could see about doing some tank hunting. I get the feeling that's not the case though. If so, supporting the general advance of the rest of the Imperial Guard is probably the best course forward. There's little honor in slaying fleeing orks, but there's less in sitting back waiting for a 'good' fight.

[X] Move in at the front, or as close as you can to the vanguard of the army.
Currently, the idea is that we are moving into the city in order to find out how the local PDF is doing and ascertain how the world's government is functioning (or not). This was going to be revealed in the next update, but Helios has sent out scouts to try and look into what the Orks are up to around the area. When we know what the Orks are doing, we will be able to move out and do some hunting.
Currently, the idea is that we are moving into the city in order to find out how the local PDF is doing and ascertain how the world's government is functioning (or not). This was going to be revealed in the next update, but Helios has sent out scouts to try and look into what the Orks are up to around the area. When we know what the Orks are doing, we will be able to move out and do some hunting.

I completely skipped over the line that explained that. I'll stick to my vote, defenses should be able to hold out long enough for us to re-enter the fight, and there is probably few things that can raise moral like showing off a group of Imperial Knights.
[X] Hang back a little, if Ork reinforcements arrive, it will be best to be ready for them

Just in case. Ork surprises are never fun
I love the smell of butchered ork guts in the morning.

[X] Move in at the front, or as close as you can to the vanguard of the army.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 10
[X] Move in at the front, or as close as you can to the vanguard of the army.

You and your companions move up to the front as the city gates slowly open. You feel pride, your Knight will be the first thing the people of Solannor see. You will be the symbol of Imperial victory, the savior of this world alongside Alex and Vali. You go through the gates...and are shocked at what you see.

The PDF regiment of Solannor has been fighting for days now with little relief. Now they are a skeleton army, dead on their feet, filthy and sweat-stained, and only fighting from sheer desperation. In the face of the misery of these people, bravado suddenly doesn't seem like the best way. You prepare to be noble and elegant, to inspire these people to new heights and give them the hope of release from cruel times.

All the while, the rest of the regiment files in, until the plaza is choked up by the vehicles and soldiers of the Kratos Armored Seventh. Helios climbs out of his personal command Taurox and approaches an exhausted looking man. The two talk for a time, finally ending with a strong handshake, you have the strangest feeling the Solannor commander is weeping. Now you can sense joy and happiness coming from the Solannors, and amazed looks moving to your Knight. Helios backs away and a quick vox signal on the regimental channel comes through, "Damocles, Ajax, Eriventa. Meet with me, we have to plan this out."

You park your Knight in the assigned area, O'Donagh and his crew moving to repair and rearm it. You, Alex, and Vali move towards Helios's command place, Damocles joining with you on the way.

"That was a good fight, Princess," Damocles says, "the Knights are a fine addition to the regiment."

You smile airly, "Why thank you, Major. Your respect is most appreciated."

Alex gives a polite smile before asking, "If you don't mind me asking, Major, did you lose anyone? We got a little caught up in our personal battle."

Damocles says, "Lost a few spotters to lucky shots, few of the Leman Russes are pretty beaten, one of them is repairable, but lost its entire crew." He doesn't elaborate much.

You smile sadly, "Their sacrifices were for an honorable cause, Major, they will not soon be forgotten." Your smile brightens, "Besides, it's over now, we slew them all."

Damocles scowls, "No. No. It's not over. It's never over." The man seems strangely cold, and you notice dark circles under his eyes. You decide to not dwell on it, and you continue on your way.

You arrive at Helios's command tent shortly after. Major Ajax, the man in charge of the Kratosian Artillery is already there, and you notice the two elite guards, Pithos and Triptocles, are also in attendance. General Helios speaks up as you approach, "Eriventa, Damocles, good. We can begin discussing our next moves."

You blink, "You mean, that wasn't the entire force."

Helios sighs, "Emperor, I wish. No, that was a splinter force. There are thousands of Orks on this planet, this war is far from over."

Your feelings are a bit mixed, excitement for more honorable combat warring with the horror of realizing the reality of this war. You will be on Solannor for a while longer. Alex gives you a look, and you smile happily. You have your sister and Vali with you, all will be well.

Helios continues, "I sent out a scout force under Lieutenant Lukianos. He should return in a day or so with news of the Orks movement."

Ajax, a burly man with a wild beard, laughs broadly, "Here's hoping this isn't the time for his luck to run out."

Damocles grunts and Helios chuckles, and you have a sudden feeling you're missing an inside joke. Helios speaks up, "For now, we have to find out how Solannor's Government has held up. Priority is to find the Planetary Governor."

You scowl, "The man who caused this horror."

Ajax nods, "Aye, he has much to answer for."

Helios says, "And he will, but first we have to find him. Most likely, he's at the palace, according to the Solannor Commander, that is where the council is located."

[] Offer to investigate the palace, you know much about how such places work and function.
[] Offer to meet with the council, you can help explain the situation to them.
[] Offer to stay here and help with the regiment and the PDF
[] Write-in
[X] Offer to investigate the palace, you know much about how such places work and function.

This means we're going to look for the Governor, right? I feel like Gene would like to face this coward of a leader.

Also, It's a bit surprising that she didn't realize the sheer scale of an Orc WAAAAGH, though it leads a lot of credence to how inexperienced she is of the greater galaxy.
[X] Offer to investigate the palace, you know much about how such places work and function.

This means we're going to look for the Governor, right? I feel like Gene would like to face this coward of a leader.

Also, It's a bit surprising that she didn't realize the sheer scale of an Orc WAAAAGH, though it leads a lot of credence to how inexperienced she is of the greater galaxy.
That is the intent of that vote. Also, yeah, Gene is very inexperienced with the greater galaxy, she will not fully understand the raw scale of things that are going to happen around her.