[X] Offer to investigate the palace, you know much about how such places work and function.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 11
[X] Offer to investigate the palace, you know much about how such places work and function.

"General, I would like to investigate the palace if I could," you say, "I wish to find this Governor, and I am probably the one who knows the most of how a place like that will function."

Helios considers your words for a second, before nodding, "Very well." He reaches into his desk and produces a Laspistol, handing it to you.

"I...I somehow doubt anyone will attack me..." you say, looking at the weapon in shock.

[Weapon received: Laspistol. Should note Alex and Vali are already armed with swords and laspistols of there own]

"Its just a precaution, for the best you don't go unarmed," Helios replies, "Now, Ajax and I will fetch Pepper and get to the council, Damocles will stay here and oversee the army. When you find the Lord Governor, Genevive, I want you to bring him straight to me in the chamber. Leave his punishment to me and Pepper. Unless he attacks you, of course, in which case, do what you must."

You bow, "Of course, General."

You, Alex and Vali immediately start moving to the palace, taking a ride from an Imperial Guard transport truck. Once you leave the military encampment, you immediately see the effects the Ork invasion has had on the citizens of Solannor. The city is packed full of refugees. It is hard to travel through this, not just because of the teaming amount of desperate people, but from the pain of seeing such a painful situation. You see the weak, the starving, and the sick. You take a breath and keep moving, you have your duty, to find the man who caused this suffering with his stupidity. The best thing you can do right now is dealing with this war one mission at a time. Alex looks over at you and smiles sadly, it seems that she has come to the same conclusion. She was always the practical one in the family. You give some waves and try to look inspiring. You get some confused looks, but also some looks of amazement, and whispers follow your progress. When you reach the inner sectors by the palace, the refugees seem to vanish, replaced by manors and personal guards, the owners bunkered in. You scowl with disgust. How dishonorable, nobles on Etumar are the warriors of the land, battling evil and injustice. These nobles seem to be made from weaker cloth.

Alex speaks up, "We should be at the palace soon, sister, how should we handle the search for the Governor?"

[] Talk to the staff
[] Move directly to the throne room
[] Write-in
The staff always know more secrets than they're supposed to, but we don't know their loyalties neither. Either. Is that a double negative?

Wait. Getting off topic. Anybody have more thoughts?
I think... talking to the staff can be put off. The mission is to capture the governor, and he is most likely in the throne room, but if he's not, we would need to interrogate the staff. Unless anybody else is worried the governor might act...adversely to our arresting him by spring some trap or ordering personal troops to attack us, we can safely ignore the staff.
[X] Speak kindly to the guards and staffs "Please notify the Governor that he is required to present himself in front of the Imperium Guard"
--[X] "And please don't even think about helping him to escape, we are suspecting him of criminal activites"
--[X] When that fails (i.e.: the guards stop us, or the staff blocks us...), move in the throne room, with force if neccessary
--[X] If the security is really tight and/or tough-looking, sic the Imperium Guard on them, or get the Knight take a walk to the palace
[X] Speak kindly to the guards and staffs "Please notify the Governor that he is required to present himself in front of the Imperium Guard"
--[X] "And please don't even think about helping him to escape, we are suspecting him of criminal activites"
--[X] If (i.e.: the guards stop us, or the staff blocks us...), move in the throne room, with force if necessary

Nitpicked it a little, we can't remote control the knights and i don't know if we even have a unit of guardsmen with us, but it seems like a good plan that allows the governor to retain some semblance of dignity by willingly surrendering. Always makes the job easier.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 12
[X] Talk to the staff

You reply to Alex, "We will speak to the staff, they should know where he is."

Alex nods, "We are going to take him alive, right?"

You take a long breath, "Yes. General Helios ordered for him to be taken in, and honor demands we follow the order." You decide to not mention that you have never killed a human, and something in you feels uncomfortable about it.

As you consider this, another Kratosian Vehicle suddenly drives by your side. The driver yells out in slightly accented Gothic: "Princess Eriventa, Helios voxed us, we are here to help you apprehend the Governor."

You laugh happily, "Glad to have your aid, Sir." You smile at Alex, "That makes it a bit easier, doesn't it?"

Alex smiles back, "Indeed. If it comes to violence, we will be ready."

Finally, after a long drive, the two vehicles reach the palace. The Solannor Palace is a lovely, ancient building made of a solid stone. Doesn't compare to the Royal Palace of Etumar, but it really isn't fair to compare the two. Your truck stops at the entrance, the other doing much the same. You thank your driver politely, receiving a "No problem, Ma'am." in return. The other vehicle, a Taurox Troop Carrier, if you recall your education correctly, parks right next to yours, ten Kratosian Soldiers piling out. They are armed with standard issue lasguns and the traditional heavy round shield slung over their backs. You step out with Alex and Vali shortly afterward, and the leader of the squad moves to you.

"Lieutenant Markos, ma'am, let's move immediately." Abrupt and to the point. For the best probably.

Your squad moves up to the door, and are immediately greeted by an elderly man in a butlers uniform. You walk up to him with pride, and immediately declare, "My name is Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III, Crown Princess of Etumar. I am here to apprehend the Lord Governor of Solannor on the charge of Incompetence and High Treason. Take me to him immediately."

The elderly gentleman gives a sad sigh, "Of course, he is waiting for you in the throne room, would you like me to escort you?"

[] Wait...what.
[] Yes, thank you
[] I can find my own way, thank you
[] Write-in
[X] Yes, thank you

Ah, and there's the twist. The Governor isn't as much as a greedy asshole as we were thinking.
The elderly gentleman gives a sad sigh, "Of course, he is waiting for you in the throne room, would you like me to escort you?"
Ok, this was not expected. If we were fighting Chaos, my warning bells would be ringing.

[X] Yes, thank you
Emerald: Chapter 13
[x] Yes, thank you

You follow the butler through the halls of Solannor's palace. There is a certain amount of trepidation from your squad, and you feel worried. Why would the Lord-Governor willingly welcome the people who are here to take him into custody? It seems that Lieutenant Markos shares your fears, as he leans to whisper in your ear, "Ma'am, I don't like this. It is far too easy, this man may have something planned."

You reply swiftly, "Be on your guard, Lieutenant." He nods in affirmative and keeps marching.

Alex and Vali note the exchange and remain on guard. You take a breath. This could just be politics really. The Lord-Governor knows he is ruined, so he is trying to give his captors a show of respect and submission in the hopes that it will reflect well on his trial. It won't work.

After a walk of about 20 minutes, you finally reach the throne room. The butler speaks up, "Lord Governor, I present to you Crown Princess Genevive Holystone Mi Eriventa III, one of the saviors of the Citadel City of Solannor."

The Lord Governor is both younger and thinner than you expected, dressed in rather simple robes of office. He approaches you with a humble smile and a bow, not even close to the formality of a traditional Etumar bow, but it will do. "I thank you for coming to my planet's aid, Princess Eriventa. There is still much to do, of course, but your coming has given much hope to my people."

You look at the man calmly and return the bow, "I thank you for your consideration. General Helios will be here soon to speak with you and the council, as well as render judgment."

The Governor smiles sadly, "As is his right. For now, I assume you are curious as to how all of this horror occurred. Do you have any questions, or do you wish to go straight to the chambers? The vultures should already be gathered."

[] What happened?
[] Let's just get moving
[] Write-in
Huh, interesting reaction from the Governor.

[X] What happened?
[X] What happened?

I'm guessing this is a fake or he has had juvenat treatment.

I was actually entertaining the idea he was the new governor, with the one who made the mistake already dead.

But I don't think that's the case. He might just be a young governor who took a risk and got the worst result.
Emerald Tide: Chapter 14
[x] What happened?

You look at the man coldly, "I am indeed interested in learning the cause of all the chaos here."

The Governor nods, "Very well. It isn't as complicated as you might think. When the Space Hulk came in, I gave the order to await Imperial Support. The council voted, and my motion passed 5-4," He scowls, "It seems one of the losers went behind the planet's back and sent their personal forces to excavate the Space Hulk."

You're a bit surprised, if true, this means the Lord Governor is not entirely at fault here. "Do you have any proof of this?" You ask.

"Check the records of the council, it will prove that it was I who made the motion to avoid the Hulk."

Alex steps in suddenly, "You wouldn't happen to know which one of the council performed the illegal operation?" You give her a quick nod, that is a sound question.

The Governor shakes his head, "No, everyone who went up to the Hulk died, and no evidence survived. For obvious reasons, the council member who performed the operation has not spoken up about it."

You sigh with some irritation, "How, exactly, were the council able to do this? Surely they are loyal to you?"

"Every council member is a high-ranking merchant with his or her own private forces. Chances are someone felt like they had the power to go behind my back despite the danger."

You admit to not quite understanding some of the occurrences here, this man is supposed to be Solannor's High King equivalent. Surely that means everyone would be loyal to his ultimate decision right? Etumar has only had such a thing occur once in recent history, and that was a tragedy of the highest caliber that still effects the Royal Family to this day, Alex and your second-sister Ravena more than you of course. The idea that someone could so casually go behind the leader of their planet's back is shocking and horrific. A shiver runs down your back as you wonder if these sort of events are more common in the galaxy then you would like to think. By the set of Alex's jaw and the nervous tension running through Markos's squad, it seems to be time to move on to something else.

[] Escort the Governor to the council chambers
[] Do you have any main suspects?
[] Do you have any knowledge of what is happening across the planet?
[] Write-in
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