User Fiction

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Original Fiction

For original works
Original Short Story 


For fanfiction related to the webnovel Worm and the Parahumans series by Wildbow.

Weird History

Historical timelines and stories of a supernatural, futuristic, or simply "weird" type!
  • Zam
Original Timeline Supernatural 

Fanfiction Discussion

Want to get a discussion going about the fanfiction? This is the place.


For archived stories without any other posters cluttering the thread.


When the flames devour Winslow, a lone girl is left behind, trapped in a dark smoke-filled basement. She crawls from the ashes on shattered wings, all but broken in body and spirit. However, she quickly finds that she has more problems than managing her destructive powers and the strange impulses that come along with them. Storm clouds gather over the Bay, and a serial killer stalks the streets of her neighborhood. Can Taylor protect her family when the storm comes… from both herself and...
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A Cross-post from another site. Follow along Ochre Rovere, faunus investigator and member of the White Fang, as he attends Beacon, solves plots, and attempts to make his home a better place.
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For nearly twenty years, the nations of Earth Bet have been plagued by monsters known as Endbringers. The Three, as they are known, are all equally terrifying with their potent abilities and their purpose to bring nothing but the end of civilization. Rising from the Earth itself comes the Hero Killer, Behemoth. A localized kill field so powerful that only the most durable of capes can hope to resist it. He is inexorable in his advance, with his brute strength and immense durability, filling...
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Sue, a lowly comp-sci student with no knowledge of Pokémon, must persevere within their world after waking up as a Gardevoir. With the locals and their language completely alien to her, even the refuge she receives feels uncertain. Local deities invading her dreams and using her as a pawn don't help, either. As Sue uncovers this world's scarred history, her god-mending task becomes increasingly clear, as does its difficulty. Despite that, and her limited grasp of her own powers, she keeps...
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Talia Cadash, a Dwarven Shieldmaiden ports an impressive track record or successful adventures but what happens to a living weapon like her when there are no more wars to fight? This is a collection of periods through Talia's life where her skill in battle cannot save her.
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The journey of the a cheerful Gnomish Alchemist, Nessa Turncatcher, as she tries to find happiness in a normal life while her traumatic past viciously chases her
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A Pokemon Fan Fic about a couple of Pokemon pretending to be a human alongside their caretaker and her daughter living together and enjoying life all the while making sure that they don't alert the organization hunting them. Current (Expected) Post/Update Schedule: Hiatus Cross-Posted On Archive Of Our Own
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A collection of random snips that my brain farts out. Feel free to take them for your own stories.
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After a bloody battle, a young Cleric in training wanders the aftermath in search of wounded to save. Little would she realise that this would lead to her first great failure that would torment her the rest of her life.
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Mercs are people too, right? In between jobs, a newbie Runner makes a little video diary for herself, introducing her teammates and violating the most basic housemate rules!
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After a wild night, a Goblin girl wanders through the mess of her apartment, trying to piece together what happened the evening before. As she pieces together evidence; a horrifying realisation dawns on her.
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After following a rumour towards an abandoned building in the Old World city of Alleti, a pair of scavengers and their dog find more than they bargained for as a new horror of the Wasteland reveals itself to the unprepared duo!
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Hundreds of years have passed since the Abyssal War. Humanity had exchanged the cold, watery depth of the Abyss for the uncaring and unrelenting stars above. With the nations they once served consigned to the sands of history, the shipgirls chose their flags based on ideals, one that would turn into a tragic clash. It is a time of hope. A time of horror. A time of destruction. And a time of the galactic heroes that would come to shape the future... Originally on SB, now crossposted over...
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In a remote corner of Unova, a Pokémon village hides from the omnipresent, mysterious humanity. Through cooperation, they flourish despite their small size, rising above the uncaring brutality of the natural order. Which works remarkably well... ...until a half dead girl shows up on their doorstep. Will this hidden pocket of Pokémon civilization remain a secret once humans come looking? Are its denizens prepared to learn just who this unwelcome stranger is, and what impact they've already...
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A man appeared in a new universe since his life and existence were erased by a ROB. Luckily, another one decided to drop him off to have a new a universe of constant fighting. At least he has something with him. Now he just needs good luck to get through the chaos of his gift.
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The year is 2044. The Abyssal War, having raged for two decades, has changed the world significantly. Development of robotics and AI technology have been pushed back due to Abyssal capabilities of interfering with complex technology, instead giving rise to leaps in genetic modification, miniaturization and materials science. Prototype warships once relegated to design boards and technical papers could now be made a reality - so long as there was a suitable and willing volunteer who was able...
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A young woman wakes up in a world reeling from a series of mysterious catastrophes, with scrambled memories and volatile magic abilities. Seeking to start anew, she sets out as a mercenary, hoping to uncover the enigma of this realm and her own past along the way.
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We don't realize how much of an impact a person has on our lives until they're not there anymore. It's difficult to lose someone- especially when that person is yourself. If you can't prove that you exist- if you wake up in an unfamiliar body in a world where you were never born- did you really exist at all? How can you find a happy ending if you don't think you deserve one? Pre-FSN SI with a heavy focus on characterization. Updates when I have time. Cross-posted on Spacebattles under...
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Owen gets sent to worm with Cyoa v1 Power Manipulation powers, his goal? well he hasn't figured that out but it goes something like, 1.Get powers> Beat Scion> (Prada bag)> Profit (I couldn't help myself )
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From distant shores arrives a foreigner upon the shores of the Old World, bringing with them change and chaos that not even the Weaver of Fate could have foreseen. Crossposted from SB
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Hello there. By any chance, are you a student at Hogwarts? I was one too, once upon a time. You’re a clever one, aren’t you? Yes, that’s me. It’s very nice to meet you. If I need to be anything, then I can be a friend. I know how hard it can be to find friends of worth when you’re the most clever one in the room. People get ever so jealous. That’s why I became Head Boy: to make sure things like that didn’t happen to anyone else. I imagine that was quite a while ago, now. Don’t worry...
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The Star League fell over a century ago, burning in the fires of total war. To the world, it seemed like an end to days. Life no longer makes sense, and billions suffer daily from the declining state of the inner sphere. Despite that, the soil is neither scorched nor salted, and a seed planted by the last generations of the League waits to germinate. All it needs to sprout is the interference of one young boy and his complicated home life.
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The wake of Leviathan leaves two souls adrift, unbound from a city that's cursed with conflict. A letter from the past, however, presents a lifeline that they never even expected. Thanks to my betas: Dysole, *FuryouMiko and Lucifra Crossposted from Ao3. Also available on SB and QQ. While this was originally planned to be a larger story, mostly taking place in Nevermore, sickness and burnout has led me to keep this first chapter as just a oneshot instead.
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Some time after Leviathan had attacked Brockton Bay in 2008 , Taylor creates something that will change things drastically. This is crosspost of my fic onto SV
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Rated D for Destroyer. Kancolle nonsense, as per usual. mostly experiments with boatpeople, boats exploding/people dying, and quite possibly, kissing.
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It sucks when you drive to work and suddenly find yourself in another universe. Now I have to survive and try to find a way back to my family. No dang ROBs around, and is this a Jumpchain? Freak all that I want to be with my family!
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Henry Emily's trap fails. William Afton finds a way to escape yet again, this time to a new world, one where he plans to inflict more evil with the aid of its darkest forces. But his first victim, Charlie Emily has followed him. And she has no intention of allowing him to prey on more innocents. But with the stakes so high, can she hold back the tide with her newfound friends? Or will she, and all Remnant, be overwhelmed?
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A very late SB crosspost from the Worm Ideas Thread.
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She once crushed on and wrote fanfiction involving him. He saved her because she was the only likable character in a manga he read. They hadn't anticipated knowing each other or becoming celebrities overnight. Fighting monsters for humanity's sake sure didn't help.
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Note: I am not the author of this work and all credit goes to Zahariel the author of Roboutian Heresy who has given me permission to post here on sufficient velocity.Please be respectful and discussion is encouraged.
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