Order from Chaos (aka Gacha your way through to live)

Yeah, I didn't notice it was volume 5. Best to wait until/if he gets the earlier ones first.

Also the Corporations of the Inner Sphere are like Cyberpunk Corps and the Great Houses in miniature, they have spies, assassins, and security forces that are pretty well armed. Sure it may not be to the level to resist a full invasion or a raid, I mean they don't have the pick of the cream of the crop among Mechwarriors...

But they can and do hire mercenaries, mechwarriors they manage to poach, and even sometimes retired soldiers from House Units. Let's not forget what static defenses they have.

Any whiff of someone else not finding their mechs, but building them without their approval... They will send in spies, saboteurs, and put pressure on those involved to make reparations. If that doesn't happen they will likely go...lethal, using pirates, mercs, and even assassins.

Hence why I suggested making a new design "based" on the Wasp, but different enough that it could be said you were trying to make a competitor to it. As long as you don't use its looks or its exact frame.

I figure he would get warned at some point to disguise the fact he can make Battlemech's from whole cloth, or they will get in trouble. Which would be a good excuse to make a new mech out of the Wasp, maybe with Mobile Suit controls... Could probably claim that the Wasp's were very old ones he found and was testing his ability at rebuilding them, or some nonsense.


I hope Leo learns what he needs to bullshit when he rolls something interesting from Battletech itself, cause if he rolled a Pulverizer or the Bullshark/Mech from the Harebrained Schemes Battletech game. The mechs from Clan Wolverine, well he might get some callers of a...clanner sort.
I hope Leo learns what he needs to bullshit when he rolls something interesting from Battletech itself, cause if he rolled a Pulverizer or the Bullshark/Mech from the Harebrained Schemes Battletech game. The mechs from Clan Wolverine, well he might get some callers of a...clanner sort.

Ah should have mention that things from BT is extremely hard to roll. You will understand why if I roll those choices.
Interlude 2 RD
Interlude 2 RD
Location: Logan Prime, Jacksonville, Local militia's HQ
Date: May 1, 3023, 17:00

"Thankfully, we managed to secure the original licenses for the Defender and Guardian thanks to our recent food sales courtesies of Logan Prime productions. The Duchess has said they will have a factory on each system's second largest cities." A man that newly promoted Cornet Alison Blaze had nearly nodded off to said during this briefing. All the militia officer knew was that the person was from their capital system and was directly under the Duchess.

This news was why their planetary governor was off personally getting the reward on Lothian with his guard. His action left the militia to protect the system until their lord returned.

At least they now had a native production line thanks to that mechwarrior's magical food production, especially in New Pleiades. Hell, that one rep from the North Arms Dealers seems to salivate at the deal.

Her good mood vanished as the ordinarily jovial mayor/baron spoke up.

"That is some good and bad news," Mayor LeBlanc replied neutrally.

She saw the confusion in her fellow militia officers' eyes, and she immediately realized the issues.

"We would become an even bigger target!" She nearly shouted, forgetting decorum as the realization shocked her.

The rest of her colleagues with a settlement near New Pleiades started shouting as Blaze's mind raced for possible solutions. She leads only a force of a company of combat vehicles and an infantry platoon. Of course, her forces also had two battlemechs, but nothing compared to the planetary capital.

Sure, it was better off than her colleagues in the other cities and towns that only had a lance of medium or heavy tanks, but that also made New Pleiades and other cities a target.

"EVERYONE CALM YOURSELVES NOW!" Mayor, no Baron LeBlanc shouted with a force befitting a veteran soldier.

The chattered died, and Blaze paid attention to her immediate superior. After all, the LeBlanc family has been the head of the militia since the founding of Logan Prime. He may act like an old man, but the Baron was the youngest of fifteen children who inherited his position after spending decades fighting as a mercenary in the Succession Wars.

She watches the Baron turn his attention to the Duchess's agent and ask. "Is there a reason for the sudden decision to produce defense now when I heard our Lady originally planned to mercenaries for the defense of our systems?"

Blaze watched as the agent grimaced at the inquiry, but he answered the noble back. "The reason for the plan change was thanks to you and your mysterious food source. The products earn us enough money actually to investigate potential units and found that the two battalions of mercenaries we almost hired had a habit of dealing with the enemy side if things went wrong."

The man sighed before continuing. "However, she did contract with a mercenary group at company strength and a few good-standing freelancers. It's how my lady stumbled upon the license rights to these conventional fighters at the cost of several tons of potatoes."

That was an unusual situation. Since when did a few tons of food equal licenses, right? However, she put that aside as the information that they might receive assistance from mercenaries was a godsend.

The discussion turned to how those mercenaries would be dispatched to which systems and their duties. While all this happened, Blaze never noticed her boss's grim face or the pale one of the arms manufacturer reps.


Location: Logan Prime, New Pleiades, Town Hall
Date: May 5, 3023, 22:00

"And that's all in my reports' sirs." A young male voice finished his debrief. The teenager looks at his superiors and his lord and sees the disbelief on their faces. He laughed inside as it was his expression weeks ago when he was hired to help on Chen's farmstead. It took this long, with several Holo videos and old-fashioned tapes, to prove his point.

"So that's why we got those licenses so easy," his sharp ears heard a militia officer muttered. He hadn't heard anything about that, but he pushed it aside to focus on his responses to his superiors.

"Were there any new security measures in place for that farmstead? We have reported that the battlemech broke from patrol for a moment to chase unknown agents away from a building you were working on." Another militia officer asked him.

He thought back to what he was setting up and replied. "Chen asked Victoria for me and my 'friends' to help set up a framework for a watchtower when he had noticed our observation of his farm production rates. From what I heard before I came here, it was slightly damaged by the unknowns."

There was some discussion with the people before him before another person. One of the government agents spoke up. "Well, those rumors are false, and the structure you helped build for him isn't the same, thanks to one of the dome maintenance workers."

An image appeared that had handwritten dimensions placed on it. The person continued, "The maintenance worker noticed a new building that appeared somehow in the five minutes he had looked away from Chen farm to ensure the safety netting was in place. They took the photo with an old film camera they had inherited. We got this without detection from the battlemech's sensors."

The uncover agent was shocked at the building's estimated dimensions. It was a turret but the same height as an average frontline medium mech. The cannon on it was calculated to be anywhere from a class five to ten autocannon based on the bore size.

The image disappeared as the government agent continued. "We need you to keep a closer eye on Chen's ability to build this turret somehow that quickly or how he hid it from us. At least the man had the decency to report that he built a 'defensive structure' and requested that no one come work at his farm tomorrow to avoid friendly fire."

There was a mutter of conversation and decision that the operative couldn't hear, but an aged voice called out. It cut through the chatter with a firm, "Enough. We will continue our operations after the next day. For now, Agent Charles will continue his duties."

"Yes, Sir!" The young agent shouted as he turned to exit. He would protect his people with his life.

Location: Logan Prime, New Pleiades, Town Hall
Date: May 13, 3023, 12:00

It must have been an odd sight for the natives of New Pleiades as they sat in the waiting area. Especially since they wore identical uniforms of grey and white with some gold decorations. Particularly so for the younger man who typically wore overalls.

While they waited outside the Mayor's office, Crank Zent reviewed his backstory. It was simple enough. He was supposed to be the mech officer that protected Leo on the jumpship that 'misjump' and separated him from his charge. It was only recently that they reunited and heard of the incoming raid. He was willing to support the planet with his solo assault class battlemech.

If anyone asked former Gjallarhorn Lieutenant any in-depth question about his past, he could mention a censored version as long as it didn't involve planets in the Sol system. It was still odd for him to consider that, but after reviewing the history of this universe, it made plenty of sense.

ComStar is a neutral organization that controls the Sol system and its neighboring regions. It is descended from the former ruling power, the Star League, and has a controversial history that has left a wrong impression on all Periphery nations. Due to this, it is generally not advisable to mention working within the territories of the current ruling power
Crank's thoughts were interrupted when the secretary from earlier entered the waiting room. "Mayor Leblanc will see you two now."

"Thank you, Katie," Leo replied as they stood and walked through the office doors. Crank gave the woman a nod before following after his technical savior. It was best to let the young man lead since he had the respect of the locals.

As Crank passed through the doors, he noticed several people inside besides themselves and the Mayor. Most were in the uniforms of the local militia, but two were dressed oddly. They both wore the equalivance of a vest and biker shorts with usual tubes projecting from them. From the reaction of the people here, that was an ordinary statute of dress for them.

"Welcome, Leonardo and guest," the elder in the room greeted them. However, Crank could tell that man had steel in his voice and was ready for surprises with his slight shift in body position. "I'm surprised to see you all dressed up and with a gentleman we haven't seen before."

Crank waited as Leo scratched the back of his head while replying, "Well, I happened to run into a fellow crewmate and invited him to my farm. He heard of our plight and decided to join us in the defense of the system."

That was his prompt to speak up. "Thank you for taking care of Mister Chen. I'm First Lieutenant Crank Zent. I'm willing to put forth myself and my Graze for the system's defense."

There seems to be some confusion from everyone, but that made sense to Crank. These people here probably never heard of his mobile suit before. Before he could elaborate on his mech, one of the strangely dressed men spoke up. "Now, I don't mind working with locals and all, but I need to know what the hell a Graze is and how I can work with my Clint. I'm pretty sure Jack here has the same opinion with his Panther."

The interruption by the scantily clad men seemed to shock the rest of the locals, but the Mayor spoke up. "Ah yes, introductions are needed, it seems." the elder then clapped his hands once before pointing at the speakers.

"These two are mercenaries hired by Dame Logan to defend our system. Mechwarriors Eastwood and Morrison." The two men before them seem to calm down and nod at them in acknowledgment.

Then, the elder gestured to them, which caused Crank to snap to attention. It was odd to get that feeling from an old-looking civilian.

"The younger man, Mechwarrior Chen, is who I was originally going to introduce to you two, but he came with another pilot. I see no problem with it if we can work together to defend this planet."

Crank waited for his young comrade to speak up at the hidden Cue the Mayor had given. It seemed to take a moment as Leo fiddled with something called a noteputer. Crank, for all his experience, couldn't figure out why these people called tablets this. That is when Leo spoke up after the image of his Knightmare Frame appeared.

"I pilot this quadmech," which causes the two mercenaries to jerk slightly. "It is called Ghedo Vakka, and it is a fourth-five-ton battlemech. It can double as a support and anti-infantry role but has special equipment for close combat and anti-combat vehicles."

Crank was disciplined not to facepalm. Leo could have just said he had a generalist mech. The young man continued. "I had a co-operator who used to use my mech, but she was busy with the farm and getting familiar with her new battlemech we made from purchased salvage."

There was a pause as everyone in that room seemed surprised. Crank knew something was wrong with how the locals glanced at each other while the two mech pilots seemed interested. However, his boss appeared to have not noticed and continued, "Vedalia is piloting a Wasp, but it is probably going to be stationed at the farmstead then in battle."

A loud clap made everyone focus on the Mayor, "Ah, does the little miss need help from an old hand at piloting that kind of mech?"

"Ah," that question seemed to stump the young man, but Crank threw the kid a bone since no one except them had seen the real Vedalia.

"She wants to learn on her own to help out mainly by hauling farm products rather than fighting."

"I see," the elderly man replied, but his tone showed he already knew. "Then how about Mechwarrior Sent's Graze? Just like your Ghedo Vakka, we don't have any information in our Warbooks about his battlemech."

Warbooks? Crank glanced at Leo, who seemed unfazed by the term. The former officer guessed it must have been a registration within these battlemechs to identify their enemies.

Thankfully, they came prepared and had taken photos of his mobile suit fully equipped with some data markers from the local sensors. Ones that Leo had managed to fabricate to work for the man Knightmare Frame.

"Then don't be surprised about my machine. It's an eighty-ton assault mech with enough power to end anything lighter, according to the typical raider forces."

Crank didn't have to wait long before people nearly busted in cheer…and some confusion? The latter Crank focused on while his young leader went with the Mayor and a few militia officers.

It was the two mercenaries and a few militiamen who had the confused outburst. So he listened while heading in Leo's direction.

"I thought good, fast-moving eighty-ton battlemechs was a fool's dream." One person muttered as Crank knew the speed they put up was only a moderate one. The Graze wasn't even using its boosters to move at full speed.

Crank kept his facial expressions neutral as he absentmindedly listened to the news of new military arms factories being built for defense forces. He would have inquired about the sudden desire to build instead of buying, but the Mayor just waved his hands to any queries about it from Leo.

Another comment caused Crank to drop the inquiry on this lips. "It may be a powerful-looking assault mech, but look at how I think it is. Sure, it's taller than even heavier battlemechs' but they all have huff and armor. This thing looks like it can't take a direct hit from a Hetzer's main gun. Look at that backside. Unless that is just a paint job, that battlemech is pretty much exposed to internal damage."

Oh, Crank knew about that issue after Leo brought it up. Hell, the matter was never much of one back in his timeline since that was just how mobile suits there were made. However, his young leader did point out that the Graze's Frame could support even more weight than it usually carries. New ideas had been planned to redesign the outer armor to cover more at some cost of mobility.

For now, he mentally took notes for any other issues or exploits these people could find. In comparison, his study of the local space nation shows that they mainly dealt with raids. They had a good history of long battles and used every trick they could to win. So, hearing their points would give him more options.

The doors to the room burst open without warning as a man in militia color stumbled in. All conversation stopped as the man shouted. "Jump signature detected near our moon. We have incoming within two to three days!"

Crank was surprised at how much foresight they got for this coming raid. He thought it would be more sudden. "Leo! I'll head to my Graze and speed up the final refits. Get what you need to be done here soon."

The former peacekeeper would have to hurry and get those kids back there to a good shelter and away from the fighting if he had anything to say about it. He would not have kids dying on his conscience again.
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I enjoyed the chapter, fun seeing the miscommunication/oddness of the dimensionally displaced speaking with the locals.

Also a typo i noticed.

He would not have kids dieting on his conscience again.

Pretty sure you meant to say "dying" instead of "dieting". Though the idea of the new guy acting like a classic grandmother/father figure and stacking food on the children's plates is quite fun to entertain.
I enjoyed the chapter, fun seeing the miscommunication/oddness of the dimensionally displaced speaking with the locals.

Also a typo i noticed.

Pretty sure you meant to say "dying" instead of "dieting". Though the idea of the new guy acting like a classic grandmother/father figure and stacking food on the children's plates is quite fun to entertain.

I was going for that since it should be that most if not every sentient being that Leo pulls will have no meta knowledge (unless BT is in their universe as a game or book or etc.)

So miscommunication would happen especially when using local knowledge instead of a source book.

Also autocorrections are annoying but it was a funny typo to fix
Well... The Lion while not impressive the protagonist should at least know how to work on them/customize them since they've been to SRW plus it can fly. The GINN is well not built for normal people but its battery is also very bad but that could be replaced something worth a damn because no NJammer. Danse since he's picked up post death could mean 2 things either he died not doing his quest at the Air Port or he's suicidal after finding out his a Synth. The Minotaur is kind of a nothing burger...
The GINN is well not built for normal people but its battery is also very bad but that could be replaced something worth a damn because no NJammer.

Ah there is a more specific point here. That an SD GINN. So it a slightly bigger than human size (was trying to find one like the SD Gundam anime but can find a grunt image by it self)

You do make a lot of good points tho
...A slightly bigger than human size GINN would be interesting if he passed them off as eccentric drones, which he could segway into introducing his other friends or at least created ones before introducing them to lessen the shock.

Heck he could likely make it seem like he came from a world...somewhere where he worked on things like a part time fair worker, maybe portray his ship as something that carried show pieces that would be ruinously expensive to mass produce, or so tech advanced that it would be destructive to try and reverse engineer.

Like the Fields for example being easy to set up, ruinously expensive to reproduce, and so protected internally that trying to find out how it works would likely destroy it. AKA I am just the humble mechanic that knows stuff, but this stuff is so far beyond me that it might as well be brain surgery using nanites.

He just knows enough to set some of the more expensive things up as he retrieves them, maybe hint that he still gets examples sent to him, but has no idea where they come from since they just appear when his back is turned. Just make it sound like a normal thing to him, implying that his company can just send him random things whenever with the science he can't understand.

Heck he maybe able to imply that how they send him stuff is just as mysterious as the HPG is to everyone else, he just knows they do it... But it baffles him how it happens.
Information. Gacha chest color meaning
Hey all,

Just a small information update since I barely have time to do anything these days on my main story.

Grey = common (everyday stuff and very common stuff in other settings)

Examples: toilet paper from real life. Gold from fantasy games. Laser blaster from sci-fi.
Blue = uncommon (an item found in their setting but isn't as common as above)

Examples: heavy machine guns in real-life (they are restricted but still commonish in military). Magic book with mid grade spells in fantasy or prototype armors. This is also where grunt mechs from any Mecha series will appear if they are consistently used by all factions.

Yellow= Rare (rare stuff hardly seen outside their areas or are actually rare to get)

Example real life military tanks and aircraft (number vs population). Hyperspace spaceship from Star Wars, rare magic armor or spells from fantasy, and grunt/prototype mechs from Mecha (grunts being only found in a specific faction or group).

Green= Super Rare (fix places, unique items, portals etc)

Examples: the farm plot in RuneScape (only 4 of those exist). Real life would be hitting the lottery after buy 10,000 tickets for one drawing. Sci-fi would be the sub character who close to the main (mech, ship or person). Mecha, the secondary main mech (ex.

Burning Orange-red- SSR (living beings with a little extra to them. Special ships, mechs, items or portals).

Example. Main character units or the person in question. Metabots with rare metals and a kit that goes with them. Strike Freedom. Certain spaceships (aka White Base or Battlestar Galactic).


White - secret.
So Blue Chests would have things like: Gespent Mass Production Units, Huckebein II Mass Production Units, and even the Mecha from the Universal Century that started out as prototypes only to become common in later series?

While Yellow could get you: Venators, Droid Control Ships, and even the Blockade Runner class that the Tantive came from... Also as a Prototype would that include the Wildraubtier from Super Robot Wars OG? The one that the MC flew before getting the R-1?

If so, that would be very interesting to see.


I wonder if you pulled the Archangel from Gundam Seed etc, which one would you get? The late one that got destroyed in Gundam Seed Freedom, the Original from Gundam Seed, or the Modified one from Gundam Seed Destiny?

(As an aside I am glad they gave Minerva some love in the Milennium Class)


Actually kind of wonder what would he do if he got a Builder's Soul? The one from Dragon Quest Builders that let the person build things like Minecraft minus the cube, instead needing to make work benches and stuff. I mean the themed rooms you could make that gave special abilities and such was pretty nice.

And well he could just convert various things into new thing, build buildings quickly and easily, and so on.
So Blue Chests would have things like

Close. It more like yellow for the Huckebein II MP. While they started mass production it wasn't as wide spread as the Lions series.

Yellow would be slightly smaller ships as how often did the overall population have them? I think there were only 1000+ of them making them very rare compared to other types of ships (so more SR-green than rare-yellow).

Still the concept is there unless new information come out for the series I'm using.
Okay, so does that mean the Zaku Warrior would be a Yellow? Since it became the mainline unit of the Plants...

So here is a question, if he gets a machine refurbishment center that takes a mechanical unit and can: Tune Up. Customize, Upgrade, or Downgrade them... What exactly would he be faced with?


Tune Up- Basically what you do in the Super Robot Wars games when you increase the parameters of the unit.

Customize: Adding or taking away parts to make the unit special, for example turning the Wing Zero to the Wing Zero Custom. Putting on option parts, and so on.

Upgrade: Essentially doing something like turning a Zaku II into a Gouf, Strike Gundam into a Strike E, or even Mazinger into Mazinkaiser.

Downgrade: Weirdly able to downgrade a Zaku II into a Zaku I as easily as downgrading a Leo...into a Tallgeese, or a GM into the original RX Gundam. It basically moves the unit down the scale to what it is based on, even if arguably the unit it was based on is actually superior to the current unit.


It could be kind of interesting if he got some Leo's he downgraded into Tallgeese, and then upgraded them through the tech tree into the five Gundam from Gundam Wing...

I actually thought about this type of stuff before I wrote this story up. I decided against it since it would be a little to much mechanics that I would have to go over a lot.

Now making a BT version of whatever come out is possible. However, he needs time while making exact copies of the things he pull is only possible thanks to the 3D printer from mech touch (which I had almost threw out when I rolled it but decided to keep to my rules).

Anyways almost done with 3.01 and still trying to get back to main story so give me a bit maybe before the end of the month
Chapter 3.01: Invasion of the Fake Romans
Chapter 3.01: Invasion of the Fake Romans
Location: Logan Prime, New Pleiades outskirts
Date: May 14, 3023, 06:00

In the snow-covered plains, silence filled the early morning skies. The sound of heavy metal echoes throughout the lands.

"Knight-Lead," came an exasperated feminine voice from the laser-guided comms. " please stop narrating our situation. We have to keep an eye out for those fake Romans."

"Sorry, Knight-Two," I replied in embarrassment. Was I that bored despite the situation? Especially after I had pulled Vedalia away from the farmstead and left Old Joe to man the turret.

"It's no problem, Knight-Lead," my robotic companion replied as her Wasp moved ahead but within comms range. "However, I'm losing signals on our allies of the Strikers."

That was worrying. The mercenaries had left with half the militia to the estimated landing zone of the enemy Mule and Fury dropships. They wanted to ambush them before those Roman wannabes got an attack off.

The rest of the militia stayed with Mayor Leblanc and my turret to defend the city. I, the enemy, wasn't luring us away. The Fury's data suggest a massive infantry force with up to eight combat vehicles and two fighter planes. Oh, I mean aerospace fighters, according to the locals, about their space-to-atmosphere capable aircraft.

"Knight-Lead," I head my newest friend and hopefully mentor in combat call out. "We should hurry to the hill ahead and try to contact the Strikers. I'll pull back half a klick to how my Arhab Wave interference."

"Roger that," I told the mobile suit pilot as I moved slowly behind Vedalia's Wasp. I heard a beep from the gacha device and smiled at it. "Knight-Two, continue with your attempts at contacting them. I'll meet you at the top once I hit this draw and hopefully get something to help."

Affirmative, Knight-Lead," Vedalia replied and hurried forward.

Slowing down my Ghedo Vakka, I remove the sensor helmet/mask to look at the gacha device
It seemed that I managed to earn one free pull for piloting time.

"I hope I get something that helps," I muttered aloud as the cheat appeared on the gacha screen. My heart sank as a grey chest appeared. "ROB, dang it!" I shouted before it showed a blue crack. Hope reignited as I knew that meant it was a blue chest.

The animation played and stayed as a blue chest, but what I saw made me happy and annoyed. Especially as the technical data appeared in my mind.

"Well, this is great," I mutter into the team's comms. Wait. I better call it Lance's comms like the locals. Hey Knight-Three, we got a space fighter jet for a pull."

There was a light burst of static before I heard Crank's voice come through. "What type of fighter is it? Anything like the local aerospace fighter the mercenaries informed us about."

I looked through the stats of the Uncommon FF-S3 Saberfish. Just the main basilic armaments made me a bit depressed. "It has four twenty-five millimeter machine guns and twelve missile launchers. Oh, and it has eleven rocket boosters. This thing is only good for some light combat compared to what people here fight."

There was a pause before Crank replied. "It sounds like a good combat fighter, so what's the problem?"

"The problem is that it's not helpful now since we didn't get a pilot with it," I replied as I put on that annoying helmet/sensor. I took a deep breath and released my annoyance. "Well, that was a waste of time. Let's link back up with Knight-Two and see if she found signs of those invaders."

"Roger," I heard his reply before the larger mech took off ahead, as it would take me a while to get up to speed.

I glanced at the list of tasks I could do for more pulls and sighed.

 Time until reset for daily/weekly: 17:54:58/065:54:58

Daily 1: completed

Daily 2: Kiss your crush- incomplete

Weekly 1: Farm 500 kilograms of vegetables. (100/500)

Weekly 2: Destroy five enemy combat units. (0/5)

"Well, that's a bummer," I muttered before sighing. I had no crush to kiss or pursue here, and I was behind on potato production cause of another request. My only hope was to destroy five enemy units. That was my last chance at a ten-pull.

I began driving the Ghedo Vekka to Vedalia's location when my comms unit lit up.

"Knight-Lead," I heard the Graze pilot call out. "If I remember what you and Knight-two said. You could use real currency to do a pull, correct?"

I slew down and silently thought about it. A majority of my initial earnings here had gone to that method, as the tasks system couldn't be completed every time. However, most of the stuff I pulled were just grey chests. According to the gacha device, I felt cheated after spending the equivalent of a million C-Bill.

"I could but will it be worth it," I replied before we continued to our destination. "It cost about twenty thousand Logan bills or about one thousand C-bill for a single pull."

"How bad is that?" Crank asked. The man's Graze turned several times as it scanned the area.

I wanted to slap myself as I didn't explain how hard it normally was for people to earn money here.

"The average mechwarriors here is played around a thousand or more in these C-Bills per month. In other words, they can get enough money to live comfortably for a bit. So I don't want to be wasteful with my chances like I was before. My Pa would have tanned my hide for that."

"Understood," I heard him reply before the man's Mobile suit took to the front as the road condition became harsh for my Knightframe to traverse.

We didn't have a moment of peace as the comms for Knight-Two flashed on.

"Knights," her voice came through. "Relaying a message from Equinix Lance and Mercenary Eastwood."

"This is *static* Eastwood calling to any local forces. We ran into eneny forces at *static* land zone. I repeat. We enemy forces at Del *static* landing zone. Requesting Knight Lance and a heavier militia support."

I turned down the volume as my computer begain estimating which location we should head to. Was it Delta or Delhi that we would have to travel to?

"Knight-Two, estimate their location. I don't want to head to the wrong point. I'll try to send a reply back." I tuned the comms and aimed my point laser to Vedalia's battlemech.

"This is Knight Lance. We are on the way. Hold on." I spoke as a ding came from my computer. It showed a location at a small town near New Pleiades and dozen of kilometers from my farm. Well shoot.

AN: Well here a chapter part. Sorry for the long in between the chapters but well depression sucks.


FF-S3 Saberfish

The FF-S3 Saberfish was an Earth Federation high-speed space and atmospheric fighter built by the Hervic Company. A space variant of FF-3 Saberfish, the FF-S3 is equipped with a total of four booster packs on the wings, two on the top and two on the bottom, ensuring high mobility. The booster...
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I hear you on that, depression sucks badly. Writing a chapter, then the next day looking at it without knowing what to do with it, and ending up just deleting it thoroughly while muttering how it was crap and lamenting you aren't good enough to write...

It's kind of why I have so many incomplete and wonky stories, bipolar depression is a real bitch in that you have a flash of inspiration that makes you very productive, and then...next time you look at it, you just can't figure out where it was going and tearing it down to the basement as a stupid idea in shame.

I have had ideas that are so...beautiful in my mind, and all I can write it down as is...this homely, crippled thing I want to put down to spare it the suffering of my inadequacy...