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A tale of cultures, nations, and nonhumans natives vying for dominion of a new world from the perspective of an outside observer.
Introduction to Pardis


Free Palestine, Oppose the Fash
United States
Paradise in Mosaic

In the infinite sea of possible worlds there are a number of Edens, also called 'Virgin Earths'. Worlds where mankind never emerged or in some cases perished in some long ago extinction event. Occasionally some unknown hand or hands sees fit to bring inhabitants of timelines or even entire nations to these worlds.

Today we examine one such world a century after translocation, a complicated mosaic of peoples and polities. One further complicated by the presence of nonhuman sapients, while homo sapiens never emerged several species of hominid evolved. Capable of tool use and fire these beings are clearly sentient even if the new arrivals don't always see the 'Woodwose' as such. What is known about them and their interactions with the arrivals will be detailed in time.

The peoples of this world refer to it as Paradise or 'Pardis', the Persian word being popular among scholars and poets. Owing to both the seemingly divine nature of their arrival and the wondrous, unspoiled nature of this world's wilderness. Of course there's an argument to be made of that name being ironic. The worlds these people left behind are referred to as the Old Worlds once it became clear the various nations hailed from different 'worlds'.

What follows is an effort to catalog the nations and peoples that were brought to Pardis. Their histories and adaptions in this new world. We will also attempt to adequately explore cultural, scientific, economic, and ecological developments over the last century. We will begin by exploring the heirs of antiquity who have managed to against all odds establish themselves as one of this world's major spheres, starting with the Roman Empire of Komnenos dynasty...

I would like to provide to provide a content warning before proceeding any further. Among other things this timeline story deals with the subject of slavery in it's various forms, religious extremism, and violence. I hope that going forward I can handle these topics well and will be open to feedback on how to improve. I also hope to cover the myriad of cultures and peoples presented well but once again extra feedback will be appreciated.

This is a project I've kicked around in my head from time to time over the years and owe inspiration to the following:

Displaced World by Bmunro
Decades of Darkness by Jared
The Hammer and the Cross by Harry Harrison
My unnatural love of Byzantine History
I had never heard of these until not, really neat, I love exploring none human or alternative human psyches and such.
I have some examples of our cousin species, are they any of these?
These were found across different Wikipedia and science/museum websites, though I can't recall the specific one's but searching their names would likely find the sources. Regardless they were all created and provided for public viewing and education.
Anyway, very solid into here, the language and framing is very well done and the overall descriptions and set up lay the groundwork for an intriguing world to develop. I am generally not a fan of Alien Space Bata, but I can put that aside for a fun idea like this one, thanks for sharing and good luck!
I had never heard of these until not, really neat, I love exploring none human or alternative human psyches and such.
I have some examples of our cousin species, are they any of these?

They're pretty much antiquity and the Middle Age's equivalent of Bigfoot.

I approach them as more akin to Gigantopithecus rather than our closer relatives. Wartime Story's depiction of the Yeti is a big influence for how I visualize these beings:


I share that love of exploring nonhuman perspectives as well as human reactions to such beings

Anyway, very solid into here, the language and framing is very well done and the overall descriptions and set up lay the groundwork for an intriguing world to develop. I am generally not a fan of Alien Space Bata, but I can put that aside for a fun idea like this one, thanks for sharing and good luck!

Thank you for the kind words!

I can understand that, it's plot device that can easily run amuck is not used properly.
They're pretty much antiquity and the Middle Age's equivalent of Bigfoot.

I approach them as more akin to Gigantopithecus rather than our closer relatives. Wartime Story's depiction of the Yeti is a big influence for how I visualize these beings:


I share that love of exploring nonhuman perspectives as well as human reactions to such beings
Mhm that scans well.

Oh snap I had not heard of Gigantopithecus till now they rock, a ten foot gorilla, love it and am also terrified!

Thanks for sharing!

Mhm, it can be so fascinating on both sides of the equation, also suddenly reminded of that tragic spin on Ogres I shared with you ages ago.

Thank you for the kind words!

I can understand that, it's plot device that can easily run amuck is not used properly
NP, thanks for sharing and responding!

Thanks, broadly speaking I take issue with reality warpers in general & any story with "An all powerful god willed X" to happen can kind of struggle with stakes given they could just as easily will stuff to stop. But I also know that's a very 'me' thing given how beloved Alien Space Bats are on this and other sites, let alone the likes of Q & Discord >< XD
Heirs of Antiquity
Heirs of Antiquity

There are those on Pardis who argue that the world is in the midst of a Second Hellenic Age. When the storms subsided among the host of nations were three very different expressions of Greek culture. One was the Roman Empire[1] of the Komnenos Dynasty and it's vassals; the Latin-ruled Outremer. Bordering them was an Egypt under the rule not of Muslims but the Ptolemaic dynasty. Further east was the Yavana Kingdom under the reign of Menander I.

Their shared heritage might not have been enough to forge ties if not for all nations sharing a border with the Persian Empire of the Safavids. This renewed specter of Persian domination pressured cooperation despite religious differences. The eventual ascensions of Anna Komnene and Cleopatra IV to their respective thrones that would plant the seeds of a renewed though controversial Pan-Hellenism. Two women found much personal common ground and forged close personal friendship[2].

Their correspondence and eventual writings provide valuable if biased insight into the initial decades after arrival. Digital copies of this material and analysis will made available at a later date. Presently the Roman Empire is enjoying heights not seen since Justinian. Anatolia is once again christian majority, mostly Greek-speaking with noticeable Armenian and Georgian communities. The latter are refugees from the Savafid's forced relocation efforts. Others have been settled in the region roughly corresponding with Wallachia.

Control of the holy land has been a major source of conflict with the matter having finally been settled roughly a twenty years prior. As it stands the Kingdom of Jerusalem will remain a Roman vassal though the rights of both Muslim pilgrims and citizens are guaranteed. To the north there is the presence of the Crimean Khanate who's visit the Empire as both traders and occasionally traders. There is also the Hunnic Kingdoms which manage to be a constant nuisance.

Fortunately Novgorod and those 'Iconoclasts' beyond the Atlantic have done much to help them modernize their military with gunpowder weaponry. To west the hated Normans of Sicily were gone and instead was an Italy under the rule of the Ostrogoths. Despite some awkwardness over Justinian's betrayal to two nations came to an accord. The Diocletian system has been revived albeit in looser with the Gothic rulers recognized as Co-Emperors.

Another boon was the revelation that the papacy did not accompany the rest of Rome during the event. This was spun as proof of the Almighty favoring Orthodoxy in the matter of the Great Schism. Along with possession of Jerusalem this helped the empire present itself as center of Christendom in Pardis. A position recognized by those in Constantinople's orbit. It is a claim vehemently rejected by others, especially in light of the close ties with Egypt and Yavana.

Structurally the Empire learned much from the Savafids despite years of on and off again conflict. Partially owing to Empress Anna's distrust of the west being validated upon learning how much the nation would suffer at the hands of Venetians and the Crusaders. In particular Iranian influence on fashion and more importantly government structure. The bureaucracy has seen considerable reform along Persian lines. The current system could even be described 'proto-technocratic' though time will tell how it will evolve.

Egypt much like their northern neighbors, spent it's initial years paying tribute to the Safavids while desperately trying to come to terms with the new status quo. Updating their military and government was was a painful process but Cleopatra's reign saw considerable progress. Culturally the nation has remained firm in it's adherence to it's 'pagan' faiths. The Ptolmaics have abandoned the tradition of sibling marriage for it's royals. Instead opting for marriages with the distant Euthydemid or the Kingdom of Kush which was likewise brought along.

Economically Egypt fares well, it's abundant grain harvests being it's biggest export. The Canal of the Pharaohs is another major source of revenue. The kingdom has also colonized much of Libya, both for the sake of expanding and creating a buffer against the Western Islamic powers. Another noteworthy shift is a relaxing of the hierarchical system that favor the Greeks over native Egyptians.

Egypt is where the new Pan-Hellenic thought finds most the most support. It advocates alliances with the other Greek powers and preservation of Hellenistic culture in all forms. A fringe of intellectuals and bored cartographers dream of recreating the empire of Iskander the Great. Most better attuned to reality recognize the myriad of challenges this dream faces.

On the other side of the Persian Empire lies the Kingdom of Yavana, of all the Hellenic powers suffered the most. The Savafids overwhelmed much of the nation prompting King Menander to seek aid from his new neighbors on the subcontinent. The Marathas Confederacy eventually succeeded in driving out the Persians and have accepted the Yavana as a full member. The Euthydemids have since devoted much effort to rebuilding their nation after the occupiers left many a temple in ruin.

Their commitment to their unique Greco-Buddhist tradition never the less remains strong. The Yavana Kings are recognized as protectors of the faith within the Confederacy. The nation has also helped connect the Marathas to the markets of the greater Greek world. This potential consequences of this cross-fertilization will be explored further in the overview of the Marathas and East Asia.

The Yavanas have also in cooperation with the Confederacy established colonies on the Cape of Good Hope. Done to both secure trade routes and preempt anyone looking for an easy route gaining a foot hold in India. Settled most by Yavana and Ptolmaic Greeks along many Indians the Satrapy of Africa is becoming melting pot of cultures and may develop an identity distinct from the other Hellenic nations. More tragically there is also a large population African slaves traded from other nations on the continent.

Regardless claims of a new Hellenic age are not without merit, all three nations have risen the challenges they faced in Pardis. Hellenic artists and their works are in demand in much of the world. With both the Cape and the Canal of the Pharaohs give them considerable control of the flow of trade. Constantinople while not counted among the three great powers is a major cultural, economic, and spiritual hub. Time will tell how long this age lasts.

[1] 'Byzantine' is considered vulgar by the locals, something we must keep in mind should contact ever be established.

[2] I would like to, once again, remind everyone that referring them as the 'Greek Girlboss Alliance' in official reports is deeply unprofessional.
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OK, finally got my act together and finished reading this, suffice to say, super cool and interesting stuff, kudos!

The Yavanas were a big surprise and I love the aside on their religion and the like.

I almost feel bad for Persia in this timeline as they seem to exist to be everyone's antagonist, ahaha XD

Egypt doing well makes sense given its various historical advantages; I wonder if the new world has given them a chance to change the calendar so something less destructive to farming?

If I could make one suggestion, some maps with territory lines would be a big help.

[2] I would like to, once again, remind everyone that referring them as the 'Greek Girlboss Alliance' in official reports is deeply unprofessional.
I love this line so much XD

Best of luck with the next one!
OK, finally got my act together and finished reading this, suffice to say, super cool and interesting stuff, kudos!

The Yavanas were a big surprise and I love the aside on their religion and the like.

Thank you kindly!

Yeah they're a fascinating mesh of cultures, wish we knew more about them.

I almost feel bad for Persia in this timeline as they seem to exist to be everyone's antagonist, ahaha XD

Everyone is the hero of their own story, Persia is no exception. They've secured access to the Holy land for muslim pilgrims and as we'll see they also rebuilt the cities of Mecca and Medina so they're very much heroes to the wider Islamic world.

Egypt doing well makes sense given its various historical advantages; I wonder if the new world has given them a chance to change the calendar so something less destructive to farming?

I wasn't aware there was an issue with their calendar system, will have to look into that.

If I could make one suggestion, some maps with territory lines would be a big help.

I don't have much experience with map making but I should give it a shot.

I love this line so much XD

Best of luck with the next one!

Ha! Thanks, it was a fun one to come up with, felt it gave our Chronicler and his colleagues a bit more humanization.
Thank you kindly!

Yeah they're a fascinating mesh of cultures, wish we knew more about them.
NP, thanks for writing!

Mhm, very fair!
Everyone is the hero of their own story, Persia is no exception. They've secured access to the Holy land for muslim pilgrims and as we'll see they also rebuilt the cities of Mecca and Medina so they're very much heroes to the wider Islamic world.
That's something at least XD
I wasn't aware there was an issue with their calendar system, will have to look into that.
So my understanding is that because of the way the calendar works, the season for planting very, very slowly came to be out of place with the actual season for growing due to the moon cycles, but the calendar couldn't be adjusted for religious reasons.
I don't have much experience with map making but I should give it a shot.
Even just a blank real world map and some lines with names would be helpful I think.
Ha! Thanks, it was a fun one to come up with, felt it gave our Chronicler and his colleagues a bit more humanization.
It works really well, love in universe text documents XD
How is the Gothic kingdom? Does the Gothic language survive? Considering its large latin population and the dominance of Greek here maybe it could play the languages off against each other? I forsee a rad Rhomanogothic culture in the making :)

Perhaps ruled by Amalasuntha to have three Cool gals in the med?