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A Pokemon Fan Fic about a couple of Pokemon pretending to be a human alongside their caretaker and her daughter living together and enjoying life all the while making sure that they don't alert the organization hunting them.​

Current (Expected) Post/Update Schedule: Hiatus
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Chapter 1: Light Conversations And Compliments Before Dinner (Eevee's POV)

Chapter 1: Light Conversations And Compliments Before Dinner​

Eevee's POV​

"Dinner's ready!" Tadashi said. I instantly close my book and head there, my tail and ears fluttering with excitement. The curries prepared by Mother were always so good! With Tadashi helping, it should be even better. When I finally arrived at the kitchen. I noticed that as usual; Haru, Shinichi, and Ryobe aren't present yet. I joined a seat at the table and I decided to thank Mother and Tadashi for the food.

"Mother, thank you for having cooked this delicious meal," I said with a bow before looking at Tadashi. "Thank you as well, Tadashi for helping Mother with the cooking. Despite you still being a beginner, I applaud you for having such natural decent cooking skills."

Mother just smiles and nods in response while Tadashi has something more to say. Blushing while smiling with that droopy smiley face of his. "Thanks! Um, today's curry is Spicy Plenty-of-Potato. So, you may not like it," Tadashi shuffles a bit in his chair.

I nodded before I turned to make eye contact with Saki with her eyes being empty, devoid of life, and... well yeah, I came to expect that to say the least. "Say Saki, what did you do last night?" Saki's head jerks up with the rest of her body limping but before she can answer, the kids appear.

Shinichi with those bright blue eyes and subdued sparks of his and Haru are dragged by Ryobe with his tail on display before finally making them settle down into their chairs. Shinichi then asks a very good question. "Mom, Tadashi. Where's the plates or the food for that matter?" My eyes went wide as I realized there was nothing on the table.

"That's okay Shinichi! I'm sure Mama and Tadashi have a good reason as to why the food hasn't been set up yet," I noticed that Ryobe also nodded to what Haru said as well. So yeah, where's the food?!

"Kids, calm down okay? Since all of you haven't been in your original forms lately-" Except for Haru but that's because she's human, I think. "I thought it would be good if all of you eat in those forms instead," Huh, but I um-.

"Here's the food!" Tadashi stands up before opening a cupboard and the curries are there after all... in bowls. "Oh, and Seta. You may take time to devolve slowly. Mom and I don't want you to rush it and feel the pain and exhaustion from that. And yes, I know that'll probably take you about 30 minutes." Okay, well it's good that they don't make me rush it, I suppose.

"You'll be fine right? Since we're doing this, I'll go to my room as well to change into my... yeah," Saki said, I'm glad she's concerned about me as well.

"I'm sure I'll be fine if I take it slowly. Well-" I got up from my chair and started to walk to my room. "See you guys later!" I raised one of my hands before leaving the sight of everyone in the kitchen. Guess I'm doing this then.


I need to get this out of my head after thinking about these characters for a while. If one of you can tell me which person is which Pokemon. Then, I'll give you one free OOC question for me to answer.

Edit 1: Fixed some errors in the writing and changed the borders for the End Note for consistency in later chapters.​

Edit 2: Fix naming errors and change one 'nods' to 'nodded'.

Thank You For Reading!​
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I nodded before I turned to make eye contact with Saki with her eyes being empty, devoid of life, and... well yeah, I came to expect that to say the least. "Say Saki, what did you do last night?" Saki's head jerks up with the rest of her body limping but before she can answer, the kids appear.
I can't tell you everyone but Saki is probably a Mimikyu.

"Here's the food!" Tadashi stands up before opening a cupboard and the curries are there after all... in bowls. "Oh, and Seta. You may take time to devolve slowly. Mom and I don't want you to rush it and feel the pain and exhaustion from that. And yes, I know that'll probably take you about 30 minutes." Okay, well it's good that they don't make me rush it, I suppose.
And that comment of devolving sounds like a Slowbro shedding their tail ornament to become a Slowpoke, which makes Seta a Slowpoke/Bro (no nitpicking please)...

... Wait no, Seta is POV character. An Eevie. Somehow.
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I can't tell you everyone but Saki is probably a Mimikyu.
And that comment of devolving sounds like a Slowbro shedding their tail ornament to become a Slowpoke, which makes Seta a Slowpoke/Bro (no nitpicking please).
Unfortunately Incorrect...

Edit 1: @Faraway-R. Since you guess at least one of the Pokemon's correctly. You can ask me one OOC question! Please don't ask questions such as what Seta actually is for example.

Edit 2: Context clues are a real boon aren't they? You can ask one more OOC question! Just try not to ask how Seta can pretend to be a human. That's a spoiler!
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I guess my question, or two if you are feeling that way, is about the "organization" that's "hunting" the group.

What are their overall goals, officially and unofficially?

Example. Team Magma - officially ecology-minded activists. Unofficially they want Groudon awakened.

I don't actually need a long answer. It's more like, what does the public expect from the organization for official side (or the ones responsible for their funding). And what do the leaders of organization actually want to achieve, on unofficial side (or the ones that give them marching orders, if the organization is strictly a tool without a significant independent agenda).
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I guess my question, or two if you are feeling that way, is about the "organization" that's "hunting" the group.

What are their overall goals, officially and unofficially?
The first question is for officially, and the second is for unofficially.

Official Goal: Create a society where Humans and Pokemon can truly co-exist with one another, and really whatever else they came up with to appeal to the public.

Unofficial Goal: Secretly take over important positions in Human society through the placement of brainwashed Pokemon with human disguises and Regular Humans via a variety of means, Make super soldiers of Pokemon through processes such as [REDACTED] and [REDACTED], and other stuff that are too spoilery.

Their ways of achieving their goal have become a lot more secretive, manipulative, and sometimes brutal following the escape of the first batch as well as the defeats of other organizations which shows that a subdued and non-secretive approach will not work.
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Oh dear.

Well that definitely frames the looming threat really well.

Makes me wonder though how they intend to avoid being found out by Psychic Types, what with the use of brainwashing. Gotta be rather sophisticated, at a guess.
Currently writing the second chapter. Going to feature spoilers for what the characters are. This is a bit of a last chance, so I've given you a warning for this. Feel free to guess!
Chapter 2: Contemplation, Dinner, And Spice Shenanigans (Ditto's POV)

Chapter 2: Contemplation, Dinner, And Spice Shenanigans​

Ditto's POV​

Ditto... he is okay. He helped his Mom make Spicy Plenty-of-Potato curry, he's not hurt, and everyone he cares about is okay. His life seems okay for now. He's going to enjoy it while it lasts. And now, he's waiting for Seta and Saki to revert to their original forms. Simple enough.

"Tadashi, you should stop saying the curries there-" Haru points to the curries in the cupboard. "As 'Spicy Plenty-of-Potato', it's a bit redundant. You can say it is Spicy Potato Curry. Isn't that simpler?" Huh, she's right. Ditt- he should do that from now on.

"Yeah, I agree with Haru. The reason why the name'zz like that on the original-" Shinichi realizes his mistake and puts his hands on his mouth. It looks like he slips up.

"We need to work on that. That is dangerous if you say it out in public," Haru said while thinking about something. "Okay, I'm probably overestimating it. But it could still be dangerous, okay?" Shinichi just nods at that, and Ryobe seems to be reading a book. But previous experiences show that Ryobe is also-

Ditto felt a touch on his shoulder before seeing that it was Mom. "Sweetie, Mimikyu's done," Ah, right. Saying our species' name in our original forms to maintain secrecy. He looks at Saki. Huh, Mom's right. He sees that Saki lets her false head tilt a bit with her eye holes in the bottom squinting. Right, Ditto should set things up with Mom and transform back now. The others should as well...

Dinner went well. The curry's gone cold so he can just scoop it up with his hands after he hardens it and makes it into a more convenient shape. The other's enjoyment of it seems to vary. Well, most of them are just fine with it. It's food after all.

Ryobe eats the curry by putting his mouth on the bowl. The Zorua seems to be... uh. Ditt- he doesn't know. Ryobe is better at examining people's emotions than him. But, at least he's enjoying the curry. A bit too much, he thinks.

Haru and Mom just eat their curries with cutlery. The table's set up to be low for the Pokémon here, so they both need to bend their backs a bit.

Saki just used cutlery on the curry by extending her black appendage, using it to pick up the cutlery, and scooping her curry with the cutlery under her rag. I guess that means the part of her true form that kills people is in the upper section? I suppose so. Though then again, just seeing that black appendage makes him feel a lot of dread with all the terror leaking around... which he thankfully got used to.

Shinichi can't eat curry, so instead he just possesses Mom's phone while it's charging. Laying around like that could be pretty relaxing, I almost feel jealous of him. Well, his robot humanoid body thing is placed in a hidden compartment somewhere in the house, so...

Seta eats the same way as Ryobe except for the fact that he doesn't seem to enjoy eating it. His face is burning red, he's sweating very badly, and he drinks water in the other bowl Mom sets up a lot.

It's pretty obvious for Ditt- him to see that Haru is holding her laughter. Unfortunately, she lets out a snicker. Seta is uh...

"H-hey! A-at least I'm no-not confused anymore wh-when eating this!" Wow, Seta said it with such vigor even with the stuttering. Unfortunately for him, Haru in the best-case scenario probably only understands some of the words, and that's because she's living with them for so long.

Haru breathes deeply before speaking. "Sorry Eevee, I apologized for snickering at your expense. But, I'm glad to see that you're not confused anymore when eating spicy stuff," Haru said, probably in a calmed-down state now.

Mom then proceeded to tug on Haru's hair. "Sweetie, thank you so much for apologizing to Eevee! If you hadn't, I would've stretched one of your ears for not having enough self-control. You're such a good girl," Oh, that's threatening. Mom certainly has a way with her words.

Mom then proceeded to rip out the charging cable from her possessed phone and pick Shinichi up. "Although, Rotom. I noticed that you're also secretly holding your laugh as well when I noticed you vibrate a little. Thank you for having the decency to not release your laugh!" Oh, my Arceus. Her smile is seriously unhinged. Even Saki and Ryobe flinched a little.

"Y-your welcome!" Having to deal with what Mom is capable of is terrifying. Poor Shinichi... At least Mom put him back down and charged him again.

"Can someone tu-turn on the TV, please?" Eevee said while he was gasping incessantly. Maybe he's doing it to redirect everyone's attention from the situation at hand?

Mom's the one who did it. She grabbed the remote with one hand and turned on the TV while increasing the volume of it.

I wonder what kind of news is going to air today? It always seems a bit random at times. Hopefully, it isn't news related to them. He proceeded to watch the TV as the logo for the news program at this hour appeared in motion before disappearing.


That's all for this chapter! Originally, I was going to incorporate the TV scenes into this chapter. But, I couldn't write them quite like how I wanted to. So, that's delayed into a new chapter! It would be appreciated if you readers give feedback as well as commentary.​

Edit 2: Changed the title h thing to be a bit more consistent with the other chapters.

Thank You For Reading!​
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So yeah, writing fan fiction that's good is hard. Wow, who knew?

Okay, but seriously. I should write my ideas down. If I don't, I fear the ideas would alter leading to inconsistencies in the characterization and worldbuilding. Or, I just forget about them. They're both bad, really.

Can someone please Beta for me too? Don't worry I'm lenient and my post schedule tends to be wack due to motivation/procrastination issues. At least, I'm trying to make this fic have a weekly update schedule.

Thank You For Reading!
Chapter 3: Watching News And Stopping Disappointment (Zorua's POV)

Chapter 3: Watching News And Stopping Disappointment​

Zorua's POV​

He doesn't think the whole spicy debacle is funny at all. Why would he? If they spied on them, it would be easy to deduce that the humans here really cared about their Pokémon, to the point where the only adult in the house seemed to think of them as her own kids rather than just pets. Along with the other potential evidence on them, it would be easy to deduce that they're indeed...

But it's okay, he's probably overestimating it. Just like Haru earlier, as long as they don't do something stupid and or obvious... Then everything's good. Yeah, everything's good.

That doesn't mean he's going to stop being observant. It's common sense to use logic in everything if his newfound family is being potentially stalked or spied on after all.

So with the sound of the TV with the whole logo animation thing being played. He proceeded to watch it.​

The TV said:
A zoom-in of a brown-skinned woman appears with green eyes, thin lips, and well-groomed eyebrows.​
She has interesting makeup choices, wearing contacts to change her eye color... Just what was the makeup team even thinking to agree to this? Make her look mystique? He's not going to question it aloud though. Assuming is bad after all, especially in bad faith. Well, that's what Mama teaches anyway.​

The TV said:
"Welcome to the Extraordinary Trainer series. Where we document Trainers who are extraordinary or unique in their own unique ways. Whether it'll be via their training method or ethos," The woman begins to say.

"Today, we will be taking a look at an exceptional young girl who decided to start a new business for Mimikyu's where she sold not only full body suits of the famous Pikachu for these fellows but also other Pokemon."​

Hearing the sound of what appears to be a rug moving seems to confirm that Saki is very much into this. This makes sense because she sold other Pokemon body suits. But to be honest, he's going to take this with a grain of salt. He needs to actually see them first... Well, then again. The suits would probably look better than the Mimikyu's regular outfit. No one is fooled by that thing.

"Saki, don't raise your expectations too high, okay?" He warns to Saki. "You need to actually look at the suits first before judging them. Don't make the mistake of imagining them before you see them."

Saki just looks at him and he thinks he heard a small "Yeah," coming from her before she looks at the TV again. Well, at least he warned her already. The terror leaking out of her would be horrible after all.

He glanced around and saw that the others were either silently watching the TV, or just focusing on eating food.

Okay, well Haru is looking at one of her hands while eating like she usually does when she's contemplating something...

Shinichi is watching the TV while 'eating' at the same time. But he's in an uncomfortable positio- Oh never mind, Mama picked him up and lay him down into a stand.

And well, I suppose I am eating while watching the TV. But the curry is so good. Oh my Arceus, the spicyness is amazing!!!


Wow, sorry for the two-week delay. This was supposed to be a filler chapter, but I ended up just splitting it into parts because if not the story would never continue. But, at least I'm going to compensate by switching character POV during these scenes. Character moments like these are awesome and I think they're underappreciated. Or at least, that's just me.

Also help, beta writer wanted! Help, advice, and critique would help me a lot with the writing process.​

Edit 1: General Batch Post-Release Polishing.

Thank You For Reading!​
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That Horrible Apology With The Ukelele: Pokemon Edition! (Haru's Incomplete Reaction)

That Horrible Apology With The Ukelele: Pokemon Edition! (Haru's Incomplete Reaction)​

Haru's POV​

Well, this is happening. The influencer she's been watching turns out to be a Pokémon abuser. That sucks, she doesn't even know how to describe it honestly, the idea of your fri-. Oh yeah, wait, never mind. Parasocial relationships are what that is. Thanks, Mom!

Wait, she just released a new video. Will she apologize and take accountability? Hopefully, please at least just apologize and regret your mistakes... And so, I click on the video.
hi. said:
An adult woman avoids making eye contact with the camera before picking up a ukelele and staring into the camera for a few seconds.​

Wait, why is she picking up a ukelele? What? What is she going to do with i-​

hi. said:

She began to play on her Ukelele before speaking.

"It's been a while since you saw my pretty face."
"I haven't been doing so great."
"Or well for that matter."
"So I took a little bit of a break."
"So a lot of people are saying some things about me that aren't quite true."
"Doesn't matter if it's true though."
"Just as long as it's entertaining to you, right?"
"You guys having fun?"
"Having fun listening to those things?"

No, learning that the influencer she's watching is a Pokémon abuser who tries to ruin a minor's life/shifting the blame on him is making me have a mental breakdown. Oh, and the body-shaming jokes. Why?

Wait, is she trying to gaslight me?

hi. said:

She then begins to sing.

"All aboard the toxic gossip train!"
"Chugging down the tracks of misinformation."
"The toxic gossip traaaain!"
"You got a one-way ticket to manipulation station!"
"Toxic gossip traaaain!"
"Tie me to the tracks and harass me for my past!"
"Those rumors look like facts if you don't mind the gaps!"
"I won't survive in this kind of crash, but hey."
"At least you're havin' fun!"

She is literally trying to gaslight me into thinking she's the victim... while singing?!​

hi. said:

She then speaks again.

"Uh, hi, everyone!"
"I've been wanting to come online and talk to you about a few things..."
"But uh, even though my team has strongly advised me to not say what I want to say."
"Well, I recently realized that they never said that I couldn't sing what I wanna say, so."
"Here I am with my cute and pretty face!"
"And um, today, I only wanna talk about the facts."
"So I hope that you'll be willing to listen."
"Here we go."
"Many years ago, I used to have some Pokémon."
"I'm, you know recording them to post on my vlog channel."
"It's not like in a creepy way though!"
"It's more of uh... cutie way!"
"Where I was just trying to show everyone how to treat your Pokémon correctly."
"It was kinda like, uh, when you see a trainer taking care of your Pokémon."
"And then there's those trainers who are really trying to make their pokemon as powerful as possible..."
"Yeah, I'm just like that."

... This is going to be the whole song, huh? I think I'm going insane!

Shinichi's POV​
Hmm, you know, I have a bad feeling about Haru right now. I should go check on her. The other'zz are still busy after all, hopefully she'z not!

I finally arrived at her door before knocking...

Huh, she's not answering. I open the door before-

ARCEUS, WHY IS HARU HOLDING HER LAUGHING PSYCHOTICALLY LIKE THAT!? Ah, she's looking at me while smiling now! Welp, guess I'm doomed!


And that's how Haru decided to spitefully learn how to play the Ukelele. That's such a better option than bashing Narline with her own instrument!

As for Shinichi, he learn that every girl in his family is somehow terrifying. Haru's laugh and psychotic smile still lingers in his head rent-free...​

And yes, Narline is a influecer who shares vlogs and videos about how to take care of your Pokémon as pets properly with a cute persona while secretly abusing them before healing them, body shame kids as jokes, and tries to ruin a minor's life to shift the blame from her. Her Pokémon eventually help her former fans get evidence needed for her arrest.

But yeah, sorry for the delay. InsyaAllah, in the future, I'll make a full version of the "apology" video Pokémon edition. Going to try to post that as a twoshot/2 chapter fic on AO3 first though.​

Check out @Critian Caceorte's They Taught Me, So I'll Teach You quest! It's a collab between me and him. And, the concept is pretty similar to my fic.

Also, chapter 4. Procrastination is pain.​

Edit 1: Woops, forgot to threadmark this, it's now fixed!
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