A Fang Reformed (RWBY SlightAU)

S2 Week 16 (Extra)
Before long the two of us depart on good terms. All this recent socialization has done me some good, but I have to turn my attention back to business at some point.

There are a number of projects completing this week. In addition to that, finally dealing with the brothers opens up certain avenues that will come knocking sooner or later. I get the feeling that Sienna and I will have a discussion about the leadership of the White Fang. However, that's not what has my attention at the moment.

Perhaps it does have some influence over my choices as I decide to look into Timber's report about Mistral. Specifically the Great Cities that hold much of the political power in the Kingdom.

His exact report is pretty verbose and details much of the general politics of each city. I simply file away most of that for later review whenever it becomes relevant. That may be sooner than I'd hope considering everything going on, but for now I content myself with a more general overview.

As I discussed with Timber before, there are nine Great Cities in Mistral. The original eight and the recent addition of Kuchinashi. Zephyr, Libeccio, Ostro, Sirocco, Levante, Gregale, Argus, and of course Mistral were all established as Great Cities in the constitution of Mistral following the Great War and the Vytal Peace Accords. As evidenced by Ostro, none of these cities have lost that status despite any hardships they may have faced; although there is another interesting quirk to note.

The Great Cities are split relatively evenly between those in Outer Mistral and those in Inner Mistral. The difference as such is primarily that Outer Mistral is located around the coast while Inner Mistral is more inland or around Lake Matsu. Although, calling it a lake is a bit of a misnomer.

Lake Matsu is nearly, if not greater than, the size of half of Menagerie as a whole. It is a veritable sea which has provided much benefit both in the past and in the present. However, that has little to do with the immediate distinction.

Both Inner and Outer Mistral are culturally Mistrali, though there are more differences than mere geography; though that certainly is the origin of the differences. Inner Mistrali are the more stereotypical example of the Kingdom and what most people think of when Mistral enters their mind. Full of traditional architecture and people with heavy Mistrali features.

Whilst Outer Mistral is more characterized by an intermingling with foreigners and a focus on trade. This leads to them being much more diverse in mode of thought. Though, again, the people associate closely with the Mistrali culture more so than any foreign influence. One of the few things that has kept the Kingdom from disintegrating into petty fiefdoms.

To put it more bluntly, those from Outer Mistral are typically characterized by the likes of Nora and Pyrrha while Inner Mistral is more characterized by Ren and Marina. Not that this is wholly accurate to the demographics that have since shifted. Torchwick was born in Windpath which is otherwise an Inner Mistrali settlement and he doesn't bear many heavy features.

Regardless, by this metric the Inner Mistrali cities are Mistral, Zephyr, Gregale, Sirocco, and the newest addition Kuchinashi. Of these, Mistral, Zephyr, and Gregale are located on the coast of, or in close proximity to, Lake Matsu. Furthermore, Gregale and Zephyr benefit from being linked to railines that feed into Argus, though the two cities are on opposite sides of the Lake. This has led to a partnership of sorts between the two cities, but that's perhaps best served to be gotten into later.

Gregale is located along the Northeastern coast of Lake Matsu and is similarly located next to the Argus Limited line first constructed by Atlas. This puts them in a position of having easy access to refined Dust as well as a measure of control over Mistral, and subsequently Kuchinashi and Sirocco's, trade network. This leaves them as an unpopular, if necessary, partner to those cities.

This access to the trade network allows Gregale to be as heavily industrialized as it is. Located northwards enough to face harsh winters and blizzards the city itself doesn't produce much of its own food. Rather being an important stopping point for commerce that allows it to import many foodstuffs while exporting industrial goods. Typically ones that Atlas is ill suited to transport overland to Mistral that Gregale can simply use the access to Lake Matsu to transport far more easily.

Being located where it is also meant that the faunus population didn't retreat from the city after the conclusion of the Great War like they did in Ostro. In fact, that's more or less the norm with Mistrali cities, with Ostro proving as the exception. Nonetheless, Gregale's location has also led it to be a melting pot between the Inner Mistrali and the Outer Mistrali, though this is more a demographic note than a political one.

On the opposite side of Matsu is Zephyr, located on the Western coastline. Like Gregale it has a commanding position on a rail line. Specifically the one from Argus to Libeccio. Something that has led Gregale and Zephyr cooperating in any attempt to stifle the construction of additional railways. Neither side wants to give up their commanding position even slightly. Though by my estimation Zephyr has more to lose than Gregale.

Unlike Gregale, Zephyr is not an overly industrialized center. It still produces some goods and takes advantage of the easy access to Dust. However, the main economic impetus behind Zephyr is less developed.

They are able to produce their own food and have a strong maritime tradition. Even having a colony on the island within Lake Matsu. However, their greatest economic claim is that of the Dust deposits in their area. Something which is providing much of the wealth for the city, though bound to cause difficulties later on.

For whatever reason they have not been quick to shift their industry or ramp it up. The reasoning for which may simply be that there isn't an easy economic niche for them to fall into and a broad overview simply isn't enough to detect what they are doing about it. I imagine that there's either a lot of politicking responsible or that there are many small ideas that are tested and tried only to fail.

Further down the line leads to Libeccio on the Western coast of Mistral. This city is primarily focused on trade with the Eastern Valean colonies and the Southwestern Mistral settlements. This puts them in loose competition with Ostro, who stands to gain from servicing those settlements though is not in a proper position to do so.

Libeccio benefits from its railway connection just as much as Zephyr does. However, the lack of a direct connection to Mistral is something that irks the city greatly. This of course is a cause of enmity between the cities, though the resultant deadlock from Zephyr, Gregale, and Argus makes it near impossible for them to change that state of affairs.

There was an attempt by them and the elite of Mistral to establish Kuroyuri as a sort of central rail hub to help circumvent that issue. However, the fall of Kuroyuri to the grimm has put an end to that arena of politicking. As a result, Libeccio has sought closer ties with Vale, both economically and politically. The people and practices of the city have taken on a distinctly Valean bent; in fact Libeccio one of only two cities to not practice tiered voting.

Unfortunately, the city itself is rather crowded because of its geography. Nestled into a cove by the coast shielded by two mountains there is only so much space for expansion. That sounds pretty familiar to me, and checking into the city reveals why. Asylum, the combat school Ren and Nora attended for a year, is located in Libeccio.

Further investigation also reveals that the city, and by extension Asylum, is a popular spot for Mistrali hopeful to emigrate to Vale to pass through. Apparently the city is rather close diplomatically to that of Tani in Vale. The two cities often share information on prospective immigrants as well as the responsibility to investigate and approve them

On the opposite end of Anima, though more similar than different, is Levante. Like Libeccio, it is the only other city that does not practice tiered voting. Primarily due to cultural diffusion from Vacuo and the city's isolated position. Located on the Northern tip of the desert-like Eastern arm of Anima leaves very little room for other neighbors. This is probably assisted by the city's purpose as the main port of call for trade between Mistral and Vacuo.

Furthermore, most of the settlements of Western Vacuo are either Mistrali ventures or filled with Mistrali people. Something that gave the Mistral Trading Company an in into the desert Kingdom to extract Dust from it. While the Dust has dried up, which led to a contraction economically and decline in population, the western settlements are still affluent enough that the proximal wealth is enough to keep Levante afloat.

Unlike the rest of Vacuo, the western end is actually not desert. Instead full of fertile farmland and forests due to being on the favorable side of the rain shadow from the mountains at their back. This and the climate leads them to be a significant agricultural export for Vacuan goods that Levante is able to leverage as a part of its economic position. However, the advances in airships has posed a threat to the city's livelihood.

This uniqueness leads to the city taking on an almost foreign air not found elsewhere in Mistral and the differences don't stop there. During the economic contraction, many criminal syndicates were run out during the competition. In fact, so much so that no real organization persists in Levante to this day. Though this is more due to the fact that the 'winner' became the de-facto government only to slowly be edged out by the populace under the Vacuan influenced equality.

Another difference is that Levante has a proud military tradition owed to the Mistrali veterans who settled in the area upon the conclusion of the Great War. Something that is necessary given the remoteness of their location and the deep waters of the Eastern ocean. Large aquatic grimm attacks are somewhat frequent and held off by the mandatory service of the populace; usually with large artillery pieces.

While this may reduce the need for Huntsmen, the isolated nature of the city still makes it a hotbed for missions. Something I'm sure the city encourages as it also leaves them better defended in the case of grimm attacks. From my read of it, it seems like Levante and Libeccio would be natural avenues for further political action on my part, but there are a few cities I haven't gotten to yet.

Of the remaining, Argus and Mistral perhaps need the least introduction. Argus is a colony renamed to more Atlesian conventions like Zephyr. Argus also shares a dominating position due to its close ties to Atlas, including hosting a military base who protects the city and Atlesian interests.

As the main hub for Dust flowing into and out of Mistral, it has little trouble being perhaps the most affluent city in the Kingdom. Something that allows them to throw their weight around more than their one seat on the council might otherwise imply. However, despite its advanceness in terms of industry and technology, the same can't be said about social issues.

With its closeness to Atlas, previously Mantle, many of the sentiments towards faunus from that time are particularly prevalent in the city. Not quite to the extent of Ostro as there are few problems to blame on the faunus. More that there is a clear memory of the past and progress is relatively slow to make up for it.

Mistral itself is much the same way, though that is a whole other can of complicated worms. To put it short, the city of Mistral is heavily stratified with multiple levels to the city that often correlate to social status. It is extreme enough that there is no elevator in Mistral that travels to every level.

In fact, one that travels to more than two is relatively rare. All this leads to a heavy discrimination against the lower class who have mainly been left to govern to their own devices. As long as they don't interfere with the plans of those at the top, that is.

For the remaining two, Sirocco and Kuchinashi are rather closely related. Both are located inland, away from Lake Matsu, and to the Southeast of Mistral proper. Both are hubs of fertile farmland and plantations, though Sirocco is much greater in that arena.

Sirocco used to be the breadbasket of Mistral, and arguably still is, but with the conclusion of the Great War the city was connected to a wider market. This led to much of their crops shifting over from foodstuffs to luxury goods such as tobacco, tea, and coffee. Something that generated a lot of wealth for the city as well as Kuchinashi due to their connection.

Despite any benefits present, there is no rail line between Sirocco and Ostro. The two cities harbor a disdain for one another due to past grievances. A matter that is unlikely to be solved in addition to how much the other rail-connected cities have to lose from said connection. Not that Sirocco appreciates its Northern neighbor more than its Southern one.

Kuchinashi has a rather strong reputation of being a hive of criminal activity and other scum and villainy. Something particularly evidenced by their rise to prominence. Before the conclusion of the Great War it was mainly a hideout for any criminal that drew too much ire from Mistral proper. Particularly those who were too egregious for the authorities to be happy with them settling in Windpath despite a similar reputation.

Once connected to the greater world, the various crime families cooperated to slowly gain control of the rail line and surrounding countryside. Effectively strangling trade. This was then made up for by their own plantations and negotiations with Mistral and Sirocco. An uneasy state of affairs proceeding with an eventual agreement that has led to the arguable prosperity of the city.

Crime families still control it for the most part and they are rather insular. Something that makes any changes, political or otherwise, difficult to enact. It is also a place where most of the laws of Mistral simply don't apply. With some nearby plantations being open drug farms whose product is thusly shipped from Kuchinashi for additional profit.

As interesting as Timber's report is to pour over, there is only so much attention I can give it at any given time. Other affairs simply garner my attention much more quickly. The most prominent of which is our affairs wrapping up back home.

The materials for our efforts in Menagerie have been delivered and the labor is to be provided by the citizens. All they need is time and a few experts from the Union to oversee things. This frees my men up to take care of other duties. Although, there is nothing technically stopping us from continuing our assistance. That doesn't mean it's the best of ideas, however.

The people back home are already under a good deal of stress from our involvement and that of Vale. Add in the recent tensions and things may be progressing too fast for many people's liking. An annoying concern that I have to weigh up with my plans for the future. In addition to that, there are other areas that could use our assistance.

Mistral is an immediate target in my mind. Whether Sienna and I confederate our forces is somewhat a meaningless distinction in my mind. One that will impact our future efforts, but doesn't make dealing with some unpleasant aspects of the White Fang any less needed.

While we have done well to eliminate much of the brothers' influence; and I doubt anyone is going to rush to defend them, that doesn't stop other bad or extremist actors within the Fang from striking out. Especially not with the boiling tensions in Mistral itself. It may be a little late to blunt any ill-effects, but gaining control of the situation in whatever way we can should be a priority.

Unfortunately, any such endeavor is going to be a long one. It is not a simple thing to change the course of the White Fang. Especially not while balancing the responsibility of restraining our members while also not giving them enough cause to break away and form a counter-movement. That may not be something we can avoid at this point, though there is still much to gain from making the attempt.

That is perhaps the most urgent matter to attend to, but it doesn't make the others less important. Of particular need for attention are our political bids in Vale, though that can technically wait until the end of summer when election season truly begins. Having the resources and a plan in place beforehand wouldn't hurt, though is hardly the highest priority in my mind.

Similarly for preparing for the Atlesian elections in the spring of the next year. Technically something I can attend to, but hardly at the forefront of my mind. More useful may be expanding our efforts in Vale, the Kingdom, or in Vacuo itself.

The former for more economic reasons than anything else. Our cash flow is positive from our efforts in Atlas, though somewhat small in comparison to our expenses. Not something to worry about in the immediacy, though something that limits our options somewhat. A similar effort like we originally expanded into Vacuo, whilst possible, is ill-advised.

Although, on the matter of the desert Kingdom, we still have the option to entrench ourselves further and there may be a benefit to doing so. From what my men have discovered there is some odd behavior worth looking into. Some of it is crime-related and some of it is more concerning in the political sense. Neither is a major issue, though neither seems easy to address.

On the political front, the response from our establishment in the area, as well as the resurgence of the SDC, has finally coalesced into a backlash of sorts. Mainly from the outlying settlements and nomadic groups of Vacuo who have easy reminders of the past. From abandoned quarries and facilities to other damages brought about by foreigners.

For the most part this has led to a sort of tribal talks between those outlying groups who have shunned the central authority. Nothing too major in the grand scheme of things for Vacuo, but a change nonetheless. One that I'm not entirely easy with for whatever reason.

As for the crime side of things, that's a bit more complicated. It appears that there is a local pushback against my presence and that of the SDC. Mainly supplies going missing in the dead of night and damage done to our facilities. Nothing all that major in the grand scheme of things, though one thing to note is that the main thing missing from our supplies is food. Only odd because Terra's charities give that away for free.

Our men on the ground simply chalked that up to some locals being too proud to ask for a handout. Although, I'm not sure how stealing from a charity and their countrymen is any step up. Something about it just seems odd to me, as does the minor damage that is inflicted. If food was all they were after, graffiti and destruction of windows, doors, and such wouldn't really be necessary. There's a further motivation to it, which is probably related to my relationship with Weiss if I had to guess.

Her offices have suffered larger damage, especially in the aftermath of an inquiry into acquiring the rights to an abandoned refinery on the outskirts of Vacuo. Furthermore, some of her surveyors have found Dust deposits, though difficult to access, and others have simply disappeared in addition to their hired protection. I'm unsure if foul play could be called in every instance of the latter, though with the previous information I think that's a more reasonable assumption than not. In addition to that, there is another concerning trend that I note.

Disappearances in Vacuo are nothing new. From the danger of the wildlife, grimm, and weather, it's not uncommon for people to simply not show up one day. Far less common in the cities, though it still happens, though that's not what catches my attention.

No, what stands out to me is actually a matter of statistics. Some of my men, interested in what was going on, looked into the matter briefly. A lack of official authority made it difficult to get answers other than the details of whose gone missing. From there I notice that there is an uptick in those with aura who have disappeared greater than that of those without.

This isn't too surprising considering that most people in Vacuo have their aura unlocked, even those in the city. However, even with that in consideration, the difference is still of statistical significance. I doubt there's any one cause for this, but it's indicative that something is targeting them. Especially since those with aura should be better equipped to not perish in any of the situations detailed prior.

At first my thought would be agents of Salem sabotaging the city, but a further look disproves that as well. Most who disappear are simply civilians which makes sense. Huntsmen or those in training would be able to more or less take care of themselves. If Salem were behind it I'd expect the actual protectors to be targeted and not civilians.

In the end I can't shake that something else is happening in the Desert Kingdom despite a lack of hard evidence for such. I could send my info off to Theo to take care of though I'd personally like more than suspicious data and ill-feelings. Especially since it's not too dissimilar to how Vacuo normally operates.

Still, that sort of investigation doesn't require that I post more men in the area. That's simply an avenue I could take if I want more control of the situation and perhaps to benefit myself or Vacuo more in the long-run. The material and opportunity costs makes that unpalatable even if I'm inclined to look into the matter in my off-time as it is.

White Fang Wrangling: I feel any conflict between Sienna and I is a thing of the past. However, not everyone in the Fang is going to accept that state of affairs. Moving operations into Mistral and cleaning up should be a high priority. (4)

Vale Politics: Perhaps it's time to start kicking our political campaign into gear. The preparation may prove useful and deal with any complications before they can manifest. (1)

Menagerie: Continuing to assist my home is a large concern of mine. Now that the brothers are dealt with we have a colony to help manage as well as the continued industrialization of my home. (0)

Atlas Politics: Maybe a bit premature, but there is only one seat up for grabs in Atlas and the election is coming up relatively soon. Letting the moment pass may not be in my best interests. (0)

Business Expansion: Our influx of Lien from Atlas does our coffers some good. With that in mind we can continue said expansion, though focused on the other cities in Vale. (0)

Vacuo Expansion: There are some concerning reports coming out of the desert Kingdom. Nothing that destabilizes our efforts majorly, though maybe there is more that can be done with resources poured into the area. (0)

From there my attention pivots over to Atlas and our operations there. They still need a couple of weeks before they're fully self-sufficient. Although, that's not my immediate concern. Rather the delicate balance of obligation I'm dealing with are more pressing.

We started a protest against the SDC at the behest of White Fang agitators. Something that was well-received by our men and those we're catering to. Of course, that was less of a capitulation and more of a necessary sacrifice to maintain my image and good relations.

The latter of which had to be taken into consideration when Jacques requested that we disperse. Admittedly I followed through with that as more of a personal consideration for Weiss than anything else. Though I made sure to act in such a way that suspicions were unlikely to be cast on me.

Unfortunately, that burden ultimately passed on to James who had to incentivize the authorities to break up the protest and give us an excuse to stop. This brought about some division as there are those who both view this as a sign of closeness to James and a schism between us. On one hand, if we were close, why would he shut down our efforts? On the other, I didn't offer much resistance to the dispersal in the minds of many.

This has led to a clamoring of voices, even within the Union itself, to conduct some sort of action. More or less asking that I put truth to my words of not being willing to roll over at the first sign of resistance. This would go against James' wishes pretty directly, though that isn't the only complication.

Jacques, either aware of this struggle or coming to some other conclusion, has offered me a list of operations in Atlas. Specifically mining operations; some headed by the SDC and others by smaller competitors. One commonality is that they all make heavy usage of faunus labor, though from further inspection, it seems like the SDC ones on the list are something of underperformers. That information comes from Weiss' contacts and not Jacques himself which is no doubt intentional.

Within his correspondence to me he doesn't make any outright calls to action. However, reading between the lines, it's somewhat clear what he wants me to do. Wiping out, or damaging, his competitors is an obvious component and in that light the SDC operations are somewhat of a cover. Although, if I know Jacques, he likely stands to benefit from damage done to them in some way.

As annoying as that is, I'm left in somewhat of a harsh situation. The workers at those various worksites aren't in the best of conditions. More often than not they're trapped by work-contracts and debt. Something that the White Fang in the past has assisted with by freeing said indentured workers and finding new lives for them elsewhere.

What's being offered is a chance to do something similar, though to the benefit of Jacques and not the detriment. On the surface it would be somewhat of a win for the Union, though the other aspect of it is the type of press that it would generate. It would set us at odds with James and make future collaboration more fraught. More so in the public sense, though I imagine he won't be happy with me conducting this operation anyway.

Furthermore, with the Vytal Festival ongoing it is a bad look to conduct any hostilities right now. Something that can easily be delayed, though would rile up the men somewhat. Perhaps not enough to matter in the grand scheme of things, though something to keep in mind. Additionally, I can easily imagine other actors taking advantage of the chaos; either with their own operations simultaneously or in the aftermath. Realistically this leaves me with two sets of options.

The first of which is whether to go through with this sort of reprisal, delay it, or forego the opportunity altogether. The first two are largely the same, just with the matter of timing being different. It would probably run counter to my efforts to calm down the Fang in some ways whilst assisting in others.

Then there's the blowback on my personal image to consider and how that reflects on Menagerie. Something that I think is a bigger concern for dealings with Mistral, though I imagine some of that will spill over into Vale. It would at least give our opponents something to point to that's an actual black mark on our record.

Otherwise, I can forego chasing this action entirely; or perhaps find some other minor way to show our indignation. This wouldn't be enough for some people under us, particularly the sub-leaders under Sienna agitating for this kind of action to begin with. However, that will apply to some of the men under me as well. Although, the same could be said for going forward with any kind of extreme action.

Nonetheless, if I do decide to go through with this, I have to consider how much I should play into Jacques' hand. The first is to simply make a token effort. Only enough to show our teeth so to speak and not cause much actual damage. This is both a good and a bad thing as far as results are concerned, though I imagine it would be enough to satisfy the men under me.

Second of which is to commit, though not fully. We don't have to hit all the targets on the list; perhaps we could orchestrate our attacks in such a way to leave a couple of the rival mining companies some room to fight back or expand. That might damage my standing in the eyes of Jacques, likely more out of perceived competency than a reluctance to work with him.

Of course I could actually follow along with his desires and deal with the aftermath later. Or I could turn this on its head and actually include assets he doesn't want me to strike into the mix. This would definitely draw his ire, though I imagine I could play some of it off as needing to appease my men. How much he'll buy that excuse is a matter of debate, though it will strain our relationship regardless.

Delay: Any action during the Vytal Festival is best kept off till later. This may make the men more eager and allow Sienna's sub-leaders a chance to plan their own operations, but it's far better than the alternative. (3)

Action: I have the men and resources to go after this with the information Jacques has provided. Doing so quickly will play into his plans and prevent anyone else from interfering at the cost of some pretty bad publicity. (0)

Other (+for write in): It's possible that there's some other way for me to navigate this situation that doesn't draw too many downsides. I just have to figure out what (0)

Refrain: With my current stance it's too troublesome to cause any issues at the present moment. This would disappoint the White Fang and Jacques, but the bigger picture is more important. (0)
Partial: I'm not enthused about playing by Jacques' strings. I can hopefully pull things off so they aren't wholly to his benefit while still complying. (2)

Token: My concerns are more about pleasing my support base than anything else. This shouldn't prove too problematic, though it doesn't really accomplish anything other than draw attention. (0)

Full: Far be it from me to care what Jacques thinks, but this opportunity is one that's hard to pass up. If only to help the people working under the SDC and various companies in the area. (0)

Extra: Perhaps a little bolder than I should be, but I might as well be in it for all the Lien. If Jacques wants to complain I have some convenient blackmail against him even if it implicates myself as well. (0)

Lastly is the matter of what tasks to set my men to now that our previous obligations are taken care of. If not fully then at least as much as we can do in the interim. With that consideration, not much new has actually opened up to us.

Of that, there is the fact that our efforts in Atlas are starting to finalize. This gives us the opportunity to invest more resources in the area. Although, it's perhaps best not to overinvest in the area for multiple reasons. Some dealing with our upcoming actions and others from certain matters being perhaps more important.

Such as the situation in Mistral. While we'll do our best to ameliorate tensions and keep the rest of the White Fang in line, there's still time to make some inroads that will hopefully provide some assistance. These efforts would primarily be focused in receptive cities like Libeccio and Levante where the good press can hopefully make the faunus think things aren't as dire as they could be.

On a somewhat related note is the matter of Tutoa Tasi. The damage isn't total, and with our current support shouldn't provide too much trouble. However, it may be best to not let that fester. Both in the sense of security and the opinion of the current populace. Repairing the damage would be a good first step. Additionally, without the brothers in control, it could perhaps be turned into a colony in truth, and not just a glorified base.

Failing that, it may finally be prudent to assign my men towards attending to the conspiracy at large. Not necessarily let them into the greater secrets, though there are a number of ways to have them provide assistance without doing so. Largely tracking odd occurrences and grimm movements in an attempt to divine Salem's activities and that of her minions. Both grimm and otherwise.

Mistral: Public Inroads: We're already going to do our best to restrain the more extreme elements of the White Fang. Something that may calm them down is seeing action conducted within Mistral proper. Particularly in Levante and Libeccio as easy targets. (4)

Menagerie: Tutoa Tasi: The damage inflicted by Amber is nothing to scoff at. As is the importance of the location itself. Perhaps now without the brothers in charge we could make it a proper colony and not a glorified military base. (3)

Atlas: Outskirt Expansion: There is more to Atlas than simply Mantle and Atlas. Plenty of opportunities abound even if they're somewhat risky and less profitable. Not to mention the potential benefits to being spread out. (2)

Vacuo: Desert Expansion: With our newfound reputation it shouldn't be too hard to find people willing to deal with us. Whether that be merchant caravans, small settlements, or whatnot doesn't really matter. It gives our men something to do and be productive. (2)

Atlas: HH Partnership: The Happy Huntresses seem fine assisting us in what little ways they can. Considering some options I'm considering it may benefit us to have closer ties despite the problems that may bring. (1)

Atlas: Upper Class Solicitation: There is still the prospect of shaking down the rich and elite of Atlas to donate to charity. It should help cut down on costs and maybe even turn a small overall profit. (1)

Vacuo: Disturbing Trends: My men have uncovered some worrying possibilities budding up in the Desert Kingdom. It's perhaps in my best interests to remain on top of the matter. (1)

Conspiracy: Grimm Tracking: If there really was someone controlling the grimm then I'd expect that there'd be some indication of it somewhere. Mostly this would be my men collating historical accounts and records of grimm while I put the pieces together myself. (1)

Lightened Load (Menagerie: Landwork): I have a project on my hands that can now be passed on to someone else. The freedom in the short term is somewhat tempting. (Frees up 1 currently occupied short-term action each week) (0)

Conspiracy: Chasing Shadows: Salem's forces are a slippery bunch, but that doesn't mean they're impossible to track down. My men might have to delay for a bit, but getting on the trail of Watts or Salem's other minions can only be helpful in the long-run. (0)

Vale: Roadwardens: Taking the fight to the grimm and keeping the roads safe isn't exactly a well-paying job, at least without the council involved. However, keeping the roads safe may assist with our efforts as well as earn us a lot of goodwill. (0)

Menagerie: Airdock: Expanding the infrastructure could allow merchant airships to come by as well as personal ones. Additionally, it would lead to an increase in the Menagerie air force. (0)

Menagerie: Exploitation: A bit more selfishly focused, I'll admit. We could focus our efforts on securing and establishing operations at more Dust deposits. (0)

Atlas: HH Investigation: Something about the group doesn't strike me as strictly legal. Something I'm sure James would love to be aware of. I guess I could throw him this bone. (0)

Atlas: Public Advocacy: Perhaps something better suited to be addressed later, when it won't run up against recent and soon to come actions. However, arguing for the plight and better treatment of the faunus is prudent here and in Mistral (0)

Atlas: Hidden Order: Considering some of our preparations, acting like a public version of law enforcement would be tricky. However, we could do our best to comply with James' request on the down low (0)

Menagerie: Refinery: Space is still a bit tight and the prospect of an SDC refinery in the area may be a little too much at the moment, but aside from those concerns there shouldn't be anything stopping us from making this a reality (0)

Vacuo: Desert Expansion: With our newfound reputation it shouldn't be too hard to find people willing to deal with us. Whether that be merchant caravans, small settlements, or whatnot doesn't really matter. It gives our men something to do and be productive. (3)

Atlas: Outskirt Expansion: There is more to Atlas than simply Mantle and Atlas. Plenty of opportunities abound even if they're somewhat risky and less profitable. Not to mention the potential benefits to being spread out. (2)
Interlude 12, Sienna Khan

Sienna Khan

"Is everyone in position," I bark out over local comms. I receive a chorus of affirmatives and wait a few seconds for my men to actually make their statements true. During that time I calm myself and cast my senses outward.

Everything is far too fuzzy for my taste; pulling this off without a semblance, this is the best I can manage. I detect roughly twenty or so auras inside the warehouse. That puts us at a numerical disadvantage, but it shouldn't matter.

All Fox and Eagle have left are dregs and grunts to throw at us. They would collapse in this city even if we weren't hitting them as hard as we are. Still, we have to teach these mutts a lesson. Even if it means cleaning up after Ochre.

Before I can think of the man any more I give the signal to begin and kick in the door. I unleash Cerberus from my wrist and inflict my frustration on an unfortunate man. One of the heads of Cerberus slips its chains and slams directly into his chest. The lightning Dust within goes off on contact and shocks him enough that he can't properly aim his gun.

I'm upon him in short order. My free hand goes to his gun and I point it further away from me. Then I twist my body and kick him square in the chest. He goes flying into a pallet of boxes. My extra senses pick up his aura winking out; if he has any sense he won't put up any more fight. Otherwise me and my men will have no problem putting him down for good.

I turn my attention to the next scum who catches my sight; a girl this time. She's trying to be fancy with twin double-headed axes. Poor girl should stick to something less complicated until she's halfway competent. She's young and might have potential; a shame she'll never realize it. Probably just chose her weapons because she thought they were cool or something.

She tries to charge at me and I show her exactly why her choice of weaponry is a poor one. Without a ranged option she has no ability to stop Cerberus from wrapping around her leg. I tug on the chain quickly, sending her to the floor. Then I strike out with a different head of Cerberus against the floor.

Ice and frost erupts from the impact zone, trapping the poor girl's limbs. I simply step over her on the way to my next target. Her aura isn't out; that should be sapped away by the cold. Regardless, she's not much of a threat.

My next victim decides to run; another mistake. He should have done so from the start if he wanted any hope of retreat. Before he can gather any false hope, Cerberus lashes out again. This time wrapping around his neck. I take a small amount of joy in how his running halts so suddenly before I yank back and force him fully on the ground.

I stalk towards him. His eyes and head roll back to catch sight of me and I smile. He opens his mouth to say something, but I just pull back on Cerberus. His head raises slightly as his hands go to his throat. Then I kick him upside the head and put to silence anything he could have spat out.

All around me are my men in various states of dealing with their opposition. No less brutal than myself; perhaps less restrained. By the looks of things they don't need my help to clean up this trash. However, I crack my whip against the floor and shoot a look towards one of them in particular before they can do anything unwise. I took too soft of a hand with Adam when he was under my direct command and I'm not going to make that same mistake again.

I cast my senses out again to make sure the fighting is over. Then I yell, "That's enough everyone. Start tying people up or mark and move items for the retrieval team. Does anyone have to sit out on the next assault?"

Predictably everyone follows my orders, but none of them volunteer that they are unable to continue. I click my tongue and turn to two people who should know better, "Marsh! Iroko! The two of you are swapping out. Tell Felix and Myrtle that they're up."

They wisely don't complain where I can hear them. Everyone has been more than eager to take down this scum after Ochre's broadcast of their crimes. Still, they comply with my order and assist the retrieval team with stripping the place of anything of value.

With things as they are in Ostro we can't hold this territory. Even if we did have the manpower to hold it all, it would only draw unwanted attention at the moment. The next best thing is to simply ensure that our efforts aren't entirely without reward.

Ochre left me with this mess to clean up. Although I don't disagree with his reasoning for doing so. This scum and the brothers had to be made an example of; not for them to learn anything, but for the rest of our enemies. That any attack as large as the one they were planning can only be met with complete and utter annihilation.

I turn my attention to organizing our looting and impending withdrawal. The Ostro Police should be on their way and aren't exactly kind to the faunus at the best of times. This is hardly such a time. They aren't going to cry over the loss of Fox or Eagle, but they're out for blood in their own way.

They didn't exactly cover themselves in glory with their behavior towards Ochre and his men; more humiliated than anything else. Even if we weren't connected they'd take their frustrations out on us. We simply don't enjoy the same protections that Ochre does. We aren't Huntsmen or have friends in high-places or any legal authority. Not that we need any of that; this at least lets us show that we have some bite.

I receive a signal from one of our lookouts that the police are rolling up. I wave my hand out to everyone else and we start clearing out. Some juggling boxes or loose loot; one even hands me Cerberurs' discarded head. We leave our captives for the cops to deal with. At least all of our previous ones have been sent to jail; no other real option with what is known about their crimes.

I conduct one last headcount before hopping into one of the trucks and we all peel out. We should have enough headway that we should be able to avoid direct notice from the cops. Even if we don't, oh well; we'd just be defending ourselves.

It seems that they have some sense and don't bother to mess with us or pull us over. We pass by the flashing lights and loud sirens and everyone lets themselves relax however little. We'll drop off the loot and then head to the next target. This wasn't our first nor will it be our last for the night. We have no shortage of them from the information we've gathered. Although some are already being raided by competitors. That just makes it more important to keep a harsh pace so our lesson truly sets in.

While I wait for our arrival I pull out my scroll and smile. It turns out my men have made it to Tutoa Tasi and figured out what happened. Even if Ochre upheld his end of the bargain, how he did so is just as important as anything else. Not that I'll fault him for his methods, but I'm all but certain it was something underhanded given how few people he took with him. Whatever he says in that little announcement of his shouldn't be taken at face value.

Only I find that he was more truthful than I've given him credit for. Attached are a few pictures and videos that show nothing but devastation and patchwork repairs. Men from his branch and my own are occasionally in frame. They don't look roughed up; not nearly as much as the previous inhabitants who are more haggard than anything. What the hell happened there?

Reading through the report doesn't make me any less anxious. All of that devastation happened over the course of a few hours. All without Ochre or anyone working for him stepping foot on the island.

It's…is this his semblance? I heard he took down Adam with only a touch. I thought that was just him or his men puffing him up, but I'm almost tempted to believe it from what I'm seeing.

I almost want to discount it entirely. Where was this display beforehand? Plus, if his report is to be believed this wasn't caused by him. However, it would be just like him or the brothers to keep something like this low-key so as to not draw unwanted attention. I guess it doesn't matter if the power is his own or not.

All that's important is that he's shown that he has access to something or someone that is quite frankly awe-inspiring. Both in the potential for destruction and the display of it. Apparently the sudden change in weather felt even over in Ostro was his responsibility to some degree or another. That's the kind of strength that would make it foolhardy to stand against the White Fang and he's shown that he's not unwilling to use it.

One of my men gets my attention and I realize we've made it back to our safehouse. "Unload everything and take a break for a few minutes. I have matters to take care of," I say as I exit the vehicle. Then I make my way to a makeshift office. It isn't as private as I'd like, but amusingly enough it is far more so than the throne room.

Said amusement drains swiftly. There is no reason for me to change my plans like this, but I can't help myself. My scroll sits in my hand with images of devastation on them. I already knew that things can't stay as they are. I've known that for a while now. This just settles it; I just need a moment.

I close my eyes and rest my head against the wall. All I've ever done is what was necessary for the White Fang and faunus to survive. To earn what we rightfully deserve. This-everything that's happened in the past few months should be a victory, but it tastes like nothing but ash.

I know who's responsible for that, but my principles won't allow me to be angry with him. He's working in the best interest of the faunus just as much as I am. Alright, maybe a little less than myself; but he's shown results and I can't discount.

That doesn't stop the shame from the fact that I can't say that any credit for his accomplishments belongs to me. I didn't even know he existed until Adam's mess in Vale spilled over to my attention. How much better off would we be if I paid more attention to what was happening right under my nose?

In fact, it seems like I know so little about the men who work under me. Far too many traitors, turncoats, or those only a part of the movement for their own benefit. Unity is our real strength and it seems like more people than not don't seem to understand that. It's people like them who are a plague upon the White Fang and prove themselves nothing but trouble. I have no clue how Ghira was able to manage them.

Was he even aware of them to begin with? He had to be, otherwise the movement would have fallen apart. Only five short years and it's come to this…I certainly didn't help with my rebellion. Even if it was for the best in the end. But, did he think that? And if so why?

Slowly I realize that I have the option to simply ask him. There isn't any logical reason to do so. What's happened has happened, whether it's a mistake or not. However, I'm not willing to give up so easily or so soon. If he has any advice to give me it wouldn't hurt to prepare myself for the future.

I take a breath and dial a number recently delivered to me. Ghira picks up quickly, with the background telling me he's outside instead of in his office. His open mouth quickly closes and he seems lost for a moment as he takes in my image.

"Sienna," he questions more than states. There's a tenor in his tone that's hard to place, but feels like a kick to the gut.

"Why did you step down as High-Leader," I question immediately. No sense in trading worthless pleasantries after all this time.

"Why are you asking," he replies with a look that implies he already suspects the reason why.

"Just answer the question," I bite out. A moment later I realize that I'm being more aggressive than I should. Too late to back down so I keep my glare up.

Ghira simply takes in my harsh tone like he used to. Not letting it affect him and merely thinking through how to respond. He takes a deep breath and the image jostles around until it settles again. Evidently with him leaning over a railing with his scroll kept an arm's length away.

"To put it simply, I did what I thought was best for our people. You should know better than anyone that my methods weren't popular or showing the results that we wanted. Rights weren't won, attacks on our people didn't stop. I thought it was just a matter of time, but as time went on the voices of dissent only grew louder and the people calling for peace grew smaller.

I couldn't let the White Fang break apart like that. Even if I could have, should have, kept a handle on things for a few years more, that is not what I decided. I decided to leave the future in the hands of someone who our people supported. Who seemed like she could succeed where I had failed."

He stops one step short of completely comparing our positions. How am I supposed to respond to that? It's exactly what I wanted, but also not at the same time. I don't have anything to get mad at him over; only my own thoughts leading me down a trail that I'm not going to show. I'm not some petulant child that has to throw a tantrum when things don't go her way.

"Sienna," he prompts softly to catch my attention. "There is no shame in failing. Only in giving up." As he says that his gaze falls downwards.

"I'm not giving up," I state firmly. It's an impossibility for me to. Not after all I've been through.

"I know, that's why I decided to trust you."

"Do you…" I venture as much as I can. Unable to finish the question.

He takes a breath and closes his eyes for a moment. Then his shoulders sag, "Despite everything, yes. If there's anything I know about you, it's that you'll do what you think is best for the faunus, always. You and I may disagree on what that is, but I left the White Fang in your hands for a reason. I know you won't disappoint me in that aspect."

I bristle at his fatherly tone and the implication he doesn't explicitly raise. That I have disappointed him in some way. But the incidents with Adam and the brothers are still at the forefront of my mind. Maybe he has reason to be.

I huff and move to end the call. I got my answer I don't need to listen to him anymore.

"Sienna," he calls out one more time, stilling my hand. "I know it might not mean much, but if you ever need to talk, Kali and I's door remains open."

What a worthless thing to say. I end the call not a moment later and let out a deep exhale. Not enough to fully relax, but my frame does slide down the wall until I reach a more comfortable position. Then a knock comes from the door.

"High Leader," one of my men calls out. "Everything is in place for our next assault."

"I thought I told everyone to take a break afterwards," I bark out. Even if I'm ready as well, that doesn't mean they should ignore my orders. It wouldn't do to be seen catering to the whims of my men overly much.

"U-Understood," he stutters and then runs off. I close my eyes again and sink until I'm sitting on the floor with my back against the wall. It really would have been better to head off now. At least then I'd have something else to focus my thoughts on.

Perhaps this is for the best; I have to work through my course of action soon enough. Things can't remain as they are between Ochre and I; something has to change. That has been the case for a while now and I've been scrambling to look for any way out of it.

Perhaps there isn't one and I just have to accept that. I wonder if this is how Ghira felt all those years ago? But, unlike him, I'm not going to give up, I can't. I'm not going to abandon the cause, not now, not ever. Not until we've earned everything that's been denied to us for so long.

No actual note needed, this interlude is in the proper place as far as the timeline is concerned.
S2 Week 17 (Part 1)
We swapped over to plan voting and so the format has changed a little. Not sure how exactly to display that so the format might change in future updates, but for now I'm just going to post the vote for the plans, what the winning plan was, and a list of all the options for people who are interested.
Plan Anon (4)

Chap7 plan (2)

Plan Dealing with problems, preparing for Festival, getting to know our subordinate (1)
Plan anon

Timber - mistral racial tensions

Investigation - desert coalition

- desert commonalities

- desert disappearances

Organization - defensive preparations

- desert agents

- sabotage prevention

- mid term - Atlas oitskirts

Questions for Oz - idealism

Socials - whitley

- onyx

- raven

- neo

- mediation

VPD - Cobalt

Training - mobility x8
QM Note: We have 6 weekly action points this week. One additional from a canceled investigation action due to employing Amber's destructive capabilities. Default actions are listed next to their category as well as whatever instructions are necessary for that section.

The only stipulation is that all default actions have to be filled with something for a plan and all action points have to be assigned. Other than that go wild.

Quick Check Guide: The actions are ordered by category in the following way: Missions, Timber, Investigation, Organization, Questions for Oz, Socials, and Training. You can ctrl f or whatever search function you have to ease with navigation if you're looking for something specific.

Missions: Each costs 2 Actions to take.

None Currently

Timber/World: Choose 1

Mistral: Inner Cities: Closer Look: There is much more in Timber's report that I didn't go over. Getting a greater idea of the cities and how they handle themselves seems pertinent.

Mitral: Great City Relations: Perhaps the more important part of diplomacy for me. The connections the various cities have with each other and other Kingdoms.

Mistral: Outer Cities: Closer Look:There is much more in Timber's report that I didn't go over. Getting a greater idea of the cities and how they handle themselves seems pertinent.

Mistral: Racial Tensions: He has to be aware of the boiling pot that is Mistral outside of the state of Ostro. Might be a good idea to see how big the mess is.

Mistral: Lower Council: I'm not sure what the point of the lower council would be. I doubt the Mistrali are that concerned with what they view as lesser voices.

Vale: Overview: I've already dipped my toes into the politics of the region, but perhaps he could give me a greater view.

Atlas: Overview: I'm pretty sure I know how the politics of Atlas works, but it can't hurt to ask.

Vacuo: Overview: Is there really anything to talk about as far as Vacuo is concerned? As far as I'm aware their official government isn't much of one.

None: Politics don't really interest me. No need to bother with him.

Investigation: 1 by default. Each additional costs 1 action.

Conspiracy: Elusive Mr. Watts: Watts, as far as I can tell, is the backbone of Salem's organization. Without him they'd be much more limited by sheer simple logistics. Maybe I can find something that sets me on his whereabouts. (Very hard Investigation Check)

Conspiracy: Grimm Tracking: I haven't been able to pass this off to my men yet. Perhaps I need to do so myself to see if I can pick up any trace of Salem. (Difficult Investigation and Grimm checks)

Conspiracy: Traces: There has to be some activity by Tyrian, Watts, or some other conspirator. Perhaps looking into odd occurrences could give me something to work off of. (???)

Desert Mystery: Coalition: The recent anti-foreigner backlash is nothing out of the ordinary, though I feel there is more to it than that. (Investigation and Politics checks)

Desert Mystery: Disappearances: People falling off the face of Remnant in Vacuo is nothing new, but the trend of mainly aura-capable individuals is concerning. (Very hard investigation Check; ???)

Desert Mystery: Hostile Action: Someone or some locals are acting against Weiss and I in the area. Perhaps it would be best to try to root them out and their motivations. (Investigation Check; Hard Criminology Check)

Desert Mystery: Commonalities: Perhaps I can't find the missing people with what I have now. However, more investigation must turn up something they have in common. (Tiered Investigation Check assisted by Tiered Criminology Check)

Missing Maiden: Raven's nest: I already have a heavy suspicion that Raven is involved with the missing Spring maiden I just need to find more definitive proof somehow (Very Hard Investigation check) [Tiny Circumstance Modifier to the check]

Organization: 1 by default currently. Each additional costs 1 action.

Long-term planning: I have plenty of plans that need to be done and less of a need for flexibility. I can shift those resources over to handle those matters for a short time. (+ with a medium-term focus. This takes up 1 short-term focus action until it is resolved.)

Raven's Nest: I can't get to the area myself, but my men might be able to. It might be a long-shot but it may be possible for them to get some direct evidence on if she has the maiden or not.

Wattchmen: It's been a while since I've had my men look into matters of Salem. I would have to keep a close eye on them and progress might be slow, but it couldn't hurt to make some progress.

Atlas Assistance: With all the circumstances surrounding our expansion into Atlas I doubt this will be very difficult, but assigning additional oversight and resources should ensure we set up there the slightest bit quicker.

Defensive preparations: The tension in Mistral is set to boil over. I can ensure that we have men and plans in place to limit the damage to the best of our abilities.

Desert Agents: Something is going on in Vacuo and I need more boots on the ground. Mainly in a discrete investigative role.

Sabotage prevention: Someone is messing with Weiss and my business in Vacuo. It would be preferable to cut off that avenue with some additional men and materiel.

Mid-Term action Selection

Atlas: Outskirt Expansion: There is more to Atlas than simply Mantle and Atlas. Plenty of opportunities abound even if they're somewhat risky and less profitable. Not to mention the potential benefits to being spread out.

Atlas: HH Partnership: The Happy Huntresses seem fine assisting us in what little ways they can. Considering some options I'm considering it may benefit us to have closer ties despite the problems that may bring.

Atlas: Upper Class Solicitation: There is still the prospect of shaking down the rich and elite of Atlas to donate to charity. It should help cut down on costs and maybe even turn a small overall profit.

Vacuo: Disturbing Trends: My men have uncovered some worrying possibilities budding up in the Desert Kingdom. It's perhaps in my best interests to remain on top of the matter.

Conspiracy: Grimm Tracking: If there really was someone controlling the grimm then I'd expect that there'd be some indication of it somewhere. Mostly this would be my men collating historical accounts and records of grimm while I put the pieces together myself.

Lightened Load (Menagerie: Landwork): I have a project on my hands that can now be passed on to someone else. The freedom in the short term is somewhat tempting. (Frees up 1 currently occupied short-term action each week)

Conspiracy: Chasing Shadows: Salem's forces are a slippery bunch, but that doesn't mean they're impossible to track down. My men might have to delay for a bit, but getting on the trail of Watts or Salem's other minions can only be helpful in the long-run.

Vale: Roadwardens: Taking the fight to the grimm and keeping the roads safe isn't exactly a well-paying job, at least without the council involved. However, keeping the roads safe may assist with our efforts as well as earn us a lot of goodwill.

Menagerie: Airdock: Expanding the infrastructure could allow merchant airships to come by as well as personal ones. Additionally, it would lead to an increase in the Menagerie air force.

Menagerie: Exploitation: A bit more selfishly focused, I'll admit. We could focus our efforts on securing and establishing operations at more Dust deposits.

Atlas: HH Investigation: Something about the group doesn't strike me as strictly legal. Something I'm sure James would love to be aware of. I guess I could throw him this bone.

Atlas: Public Advocacy: Perhaps something better suited to be addressed later, when it won't run up against recent and soon to come actions. However, arguing for the plight and better treatment of the faunus is prudent here and in Mistral

Atlas: Hidden Order: Considering some of our preparations, acting like a public version of law enforcement would be tricky. However, we could do our best to comply with James' request on the down low

Menagerie: Refinery: Space is still a bit tight and the prospect of an SDC refinery in the area may be a little too much at the moment, but aside from those concerns there shouldn't be anything stopping us from making this a reality

Questions for Oz/LORE; Choose 1

Doubts: I think some of my words have gotten to Oz. It might be worthwhile to see if I could build off of that.

Idealism: Despite all the things that Oz has seen and done he seems to retain a certain optimistic view of the world. Believing in humanities potential to be better more so than anything else.

Other/Write in

Socials: 3 by default. Each additional costs ½ an action.

Relationships (close):

Blake (Free this Week)

Weiss: My girlfriend has received plenty of my attention recently, though that's no reason not to give her more.

Onyx Rovere (Dad): Dad is staying in Vale for the duration of the Tournament. He could probably do with someone checking in on him to keep him out of trouble.

Coral Clover (Mom): After my confession last week, perhaps it's best for us to do something to solidify it. Or at least a confirmation that nothing has really changed.

Lie Ren: I've hardly spent that much time around my best friend. Something tells me that he's ready to open up if I want to press him on that, though more time together is hardly mis-spent

Marina Aoi: My partner is in an uncharacteristically good mood. The prospect of future violence with the tournament and the successful mission in Ostor, in addition to the boat ride, has done her much good. Wouldn't hurt to talk with her about something that's been on my mind

Kelly Russet: Our recent successful missions have left her happy. Especially the more high-profile one in Ostro. Perhaps it's a good idea to check in on her.

Autumn Russet: Our recent successful missions have left him satisfied. Easily washing away the previous problems of our activities at Crest, though perhaps it's a good time to check in about that.

Bartholomew Oobleck: My long-time mentor who's a new part of the conspiracy. It may be an interesting topic to see how he's taken the discovery of a people before recorded history.

Relationships (Distant):

Whitley: We talked recently, but that's no reason not to keep in contact with him.

Yang: It has been a little time since the meeting with Raven. It may be a good idea to check up on the girl.

Velvet: She seems to be recovering well, but I could spare some more time to check on her after everything.

Neo: She sent me a gift for the dance which was well received by both of my girlfriends. I could extend my thanks and also just hang out.

Nora: After the incident with Marina, she's been spending a bit of time with my partner. Might be a good idea to see what's up.

Ruby: The other team leader just went on a mission with me and we didn't exactly see eye to eye on how to proceed. Maybe I should discuss that with her?

Penny: I've broken the good news to her and my partner. May be worthwhile to see what she's thinking.

Pyrrha: With the tournament upon us, there's perhaps no better time for us to touch base.


Jaune: It's been a while since I've given the other team leader any thought. It may be nice to check in with him.

Sun: I still don't like him all that much, but I can admit he's not an onerous individual. Just annoying.

Lime: The brother of my Vacuan friend. A bit awkward, though with a sense of honor and ideas of his own.

Ciel: Our talk wasn't the worst thing ever I guess. She seems to have liked the contact in her own way at least.

Winter: The future prospect for the Winter Maiden. More importantly my girlfriend's sister. I imagine her and Weiss will have words about Weiss' performance in the tournament and I could give her some advice.

Willow: The misanthropic woman and I aren't on the greatest terms it seems. Perhaps that could be solved with more time?

Professional Contacts:

Raven: Still as much of a bitch as ever, but now I have something to hold over her. I don't know if I should bother dealing with her, just that it's an option.

Qrow: I just went on a mission with him and he seems to have attracted the attention of a maiden. Might be fun to mess with him a little.

Amber: The fall maiden left me with a somewhat open ended offer. I'm sure I can find some time in the week to arrange for a spar.

Torchwick: It's somewhat amusing poking in on his life, I could spare another moment or two to check on him.

Sienna (Chosen by QM)

Pietro: With James on my side it might be a good idea to talk with Pietro and get his permission before breaking the news to the girls

Belladonnas: My last visit was rather recent, though I imagine we still have much more to talk about.

James: I have a pretty direct line of communication with him. Additionally, even if I'll already be informing him, there is something of a situation for me in Atlas.






Terra: She's spent some time in Atlas and is sure to have something to say about our plans and the upcoming situation.

Charlotte: A recent addition to our roster. I could drop by her studio to get her measure.

Primm: He's spent some time in Menagerie. Perhaps he has some insight as a foreigner that I haven't picked up on?


VPD: Alabaster: I'm holding off on the conspiracy stuff for now, but that's no reason not to maintain good relations.

VPD: Flint: There isn't much for us to talk about aside from maybe high-minded ideals. Perhaps my attention is best spent elsewhere?

VPD: Rouge: I'm not going with her as my assistant, but that doesn't mean I can't swing by to talk shop on occasion.

VPD: Cobalt: A somewhat recent addition to the Union. I'm sure he'll have something to say about my activities in Ostro

VPD: Sandy: She may have ostensibly won last time, but that doesn't mean I should let her linger on her victory for any longer than she has.


Mediation: I made a more or less implicit offer with Willow. I could follow through and mediate her talks with Whitley. Though maybe I should check in with the boy first.


We have eight semblance slots to assign, either in bulk or divided. If additional actions are desired to be spent, please write that down.

Aura Techniques

Aura Projection: A foundational technique for the most part. It opens up a wide variety of aura usage even if its base form is rather…underwhelming. (0/50) [can create extremely basic aura constructs, can use .3xAura(Practical) as the Dust modifier for combat (.15x modifier for how it affects overall combat score); Upgradeable]

Aura Sensing: More useful for avoiding such people than its original intention. Might be worthwhile if I plan on sneaking around a lot. (0/100) [provides a circumstance bonus when sneaking around aura-capable individuals; Upgradeable]

Grimm Sensing: Perhaps not the most useful as proper scouting and observation can serve a similar role, but there are times where grimm try to be sneaky or are ambush predators. (0/100) [Can sense grimm at a short distance or with great concentration at longer ranges; Upgradeable]

Cloaking: Hiding my presence also comes with obvious benefits. While most aren't reliant on their aura to detect people it does generally assist them and every little bit helps. (0/150) [provides a circumstance bonus when sneaking around aura-capable individuals; reduces difficulty of sneak challenges against those with aura sensing]

Hardening: A rather basic defensive technique that requires a good helping of concentration and predictive capabilities for relatively minimal gain. (0/100) [Reduces damage taken by attacks Ochre is aware of by 5%; Upgradeable.]

Before I really start my week, I look into the public response to our most recent media campaign. There is much I can say to how we accomplished such, but really the matter was simple enough.

As a new split of the White Fang with an unheard of leader there wasn't much pushback to our side of things. Most of this is because I was finally pushing forth a coherent image of myself that did most of the heavy lifting. Something that has its own costs as the saddling myself with a certain tile of Mistrali origins can attest to.

'Prince,' is used as a derogatory term by those in the know as well as without irony by those who don't. As much as it pains me to admit, there are far more of the latter than there are of the former. Honestly, I'd kind of prefer it if only my opponents and detractors called me by the name instead of my supporters.

However, our quasi-royalist stance lines up too well with the royalist sentiments in Vacuo and Vale for me to avoid the title altogether. That doesn't make it any less annoying or embarrassing to deal with. Especially since there is some truth to the misnomer with my dating of Blake. Not that anyone is really aware of that in particular.

As far as anyone not directly in the know is aware, Blake's parents are the previous high-leader and someone of importance back home. She's been touchy about the reveal of Ghira as Chieftain. Something that can't last past the tournament I feel.

Regardless, it is enough for people to feel she has 'earned' her place with our newly presented image. Terra slots into that nicely as well due to her inheritance and self-started efforts to assist the poor. Something that would otherwise prove incongruent with our common man membership is instead construed as an extension of a sort of noblesse oblige. That the more fortunate and capable of society owe an obligation to assist the less fortunate.

Arguably I should be counted in the latter group given my past. However, like most Mistrali aren't going to consider Pyrrha low-class due to the merits of her efforts the same applies to me. Even if it didn't I'd have a hard time convincing people otherwise. As a mentee to both Oobleck and Ozpin there has to be something special about me otherwise the world doesn't make sense to most. I suppose they're more right than wrong, though I'm not sure how to process that myself.

I can say despite it all, the additional attention and proclamation of my accolades isn't the worst thing in the world. Far from the best and I'd much prefer to keep a low profile. For my ambitions and for my home, however, I can make this minor sacrifice. It probably helps that my girlfriends are particularly supportive of me getting my name out there even if Blake is also trying to shy away from the attention.

On a related matter, Weiss scheduled a few media appearances of her own to assist with my image change. Preferring much more to talk about me than herself during said interviews. Naturally this shifted to a general talk about our relationship and clarifications as such.

Needless to say, her reaction to a particularly bold interviewer asking about her faunus harem, and in particular Blake, has shut down many of the misconceptions floating around. The sacrifice is not a small one, and something I plan to make up for my girlfriend as much as I can. As cruel as it may be to say, better that it's her who explains that mess to the public than myself.

However, Weiss is not the only one to carry out a media campaign on our behalf. Our most recent diva, Charlotte, decided to make her re-debut in the midst of everything. She's a natural fit to our new image, both playing up to the dramatics and pointing to her graduation from a once prestigious academy for young women and her career as a fashionista.

She decided to use this newfound attention to generate interest in an upcoming line of hers. Apparently she's found inspiration and has been working on such in between projects for the Union and self-scheduled interviews. She seems to thrive with the new busyness of her schedule, much like I do. Her work hasn't suffered at least, and thus I can't really fault her.

In regards to how this has been taken by the Kingdoms at large, is a relatively simple matter. There aren't any surprises as far as reception is concerned. Atlas seems unbothered, maybe slightly negative, Mistral is negative, and Vale and Vacuo have seen an increase in support.

This is actually odd when paired with the recent pushback in Vacuo. What that tells me is that it's actually a rather small portion of the population who takes issue with us. An interesting data point and a reassuring one.

More problematic is what exactly our quasi-royalist stance actually means and there are a few interpretations. These mainly revolve around how much one can actually change their station through effort alone. In this sense the inclusion of 'lower' status people like Primm, Tukson, and Maple is seen as a positive. However, this also trends closer to a populist sentiment that we were trying to avoid so isn't officially endorsed.

Generally this discussion settles into a nebulous sense of hierarchy. Where there is a sort of owed obligation between the layers, both upper and lower. The exact nature and mechanics of this vary from person to person and isn't strongly evident in much of Union activity. We're still more focused on the issue of equality, but there is a genuine political sentiment building within the ranks for better or for worse.

In more recent events, my actions in Ostro and apprehension of the brothers serves as a sort of confirmation of my status under this paradigm. However, this has not been entirely without consequence. Much like Timber predicted, there are plenty of faunus who are upset with the news. Especially with our attempt to obfuscate the involvement of the brothers, and hence Menagerie, as much as possible.

Of course, excluding them altogether is impossible. Rather we portrayed them as less important than they actually are as well as swept some of the issues of White Fang disunity under the rug. Needless to say, I don't think there will be much public outcry from our members about the brothers and their fate.

However, the reveal of such has also incensed the human side, though to a lesser degree than Timber feared. Really, the reaction is less than what his worst case predictions; most of it is simply bubbling away under the surface waiting to pop.

As unfortunate as that is, a recent revelation implies that it was perhaps for the best. My actions in Ostro did not avoid notice of everyone there, nor was the presence of Weiss ignored either. Both received coverage criticizing our actions, claiming that we had no right to interfere with Ostro business. Weiss for meeting with politicians and myself for the somewhat obvious take-down of a political group.

Without our efforts to combat that with the truth, I feel it would have been easy to rile up the human-populace of Ostro and perhaps some of greater Mistral as well. As it is, we have taken some of the bite out of it while adding to the tension in our own way. It's hard to say if we've made things better or worse, though it does take some of the sting out of the decision in the first place.

The rest of my day starts like many others at Beacon; observing the newly parked Amity Colosseum and its attendant fleet. Said fleet is mainly transport craft and a few specialized vessels to assist with any repairs and maintenance needed. The arena itself is built into and around a floating island, a natural occurrence for landmasses with gravity Dust.

When in its inactive state, gravity Dust generates a null gravity field which is enough for some landmasses to remain buoyant in the air. Amity is different in both size of the deposit, ending in massive crystals that poke out the bottom, and in how it's modulated by technology to provide variable lift, though there are upper and lower limits.

This proof of concept is probably why people don't question the logistics of how Atlas floats in the air despite smaller deposits and a larger landmass. Really, when the facts are presented it's hard to call Atlas' current position anything other than an impossibility, especially since the floating city predates the floating colosseum.

Atlas ascended to the sky shortly after the Great War, courtesy of the Staff of Creation. Meanwhile, it took multiple Vytal Tournaments for a central and prestigious stage for everyone to use was called upon. Naturally, Atlas was turned to in order to provide the expertise necessary to make that a reality, but Amity is one of the few joint Inter-Kingdom projects in Remnant. Certainly the most notable at any rate.

However, as grand of a sight as it is and the anticipation that fills my frame, it is not yet time for any fights. There is a slight delay in order to accommodate any over-long missions as well as provide the technicians aboard time to go over some last minute checks.

From there, some business in Vale or traveling merchants will reserve space in the lower levels to hawk their wares to the attendants of the Tournament and only after all that will the actual show commence. There is still a defined start date so this isn't out of the ordinary, but I imagine every competitor is a little bit more antsy with Amity in the sky.

I am as well, I suppose, but for different reasons. From everything that I know the debut of my home and our desire to become the fifth Kingdom are going to be announced likely at the height of the tournament. With any luck during or right after my win.

That's already more pressure upon me to perform well as the primary representative of Menagerie, but I have to simply have faith in my abilities. There isn't much more I can do to prepare, though the reminder of my ambition and the lack of anything I can do in the immediacy wears on me.

I give some thought to checking on my men or the strange occurrences in Vacuo only to decide not to. At least not yet. I need to give some time for my men to actually do something and for information to roll in.

I can't reach out to many of my friends at the moment because of preparations for the Tournament which leaves me with fewer options to pass the time than I'd like. I want to remain at least semi-productive which is probably why I board an airship to head down to Vale. There are a couple of people I could check on and making the commitment is a good first step.

As I touch down I receive a message from Sienna; she wants to talk. It's a little sooner than I'd have expected her to reach out to me. Honestly I thought I'd have to initiate our talk with what must be on her mind. Something must have occurred to fully convince her to go through with this instead of attempting to retain her power as she has been.

She has to be aware that if I really push her there's no way for her to remain in power. The best she could manage is a temporary hold while the issue in Mistral flares up, but that would only last as long as there aren't bigger threats for me to take out.

Needless to say, my curiosity is piqued and I make my way to a Union aligned business where I can get some privacy. Once inside I start up a call and receive an immediate answer.

"Ochre," Sienna calls out imperiously, she's sat up against some sort of tall chair with her back straight and as tall as she can manage. Most certainly deliberate, though I'm not entirely sure what kind of message she's trying to send with that. Perhaps she just can't allow herself to show any weakness at the moment?

"Sienna," I return and shoot her a questioning look. I'm not crass enough to point out she's the one who wanted to talk. My simple reply and lack of using her proper title is enough to clue her into what I believe this talk will be about.

She keeps both her arms down and grips at her armrests, a departure from her usually more aloof and relaxed attitude she displays at the throne room. We then devolve into a staring contest of sorts as a silence permeates the discussion. Little wonder as Sienna probably doesn't actually want to broach the subject but feels like she has to.

For my part, I'm unwilling to jump into it just yet to allow the woman to keep some measure of pride. I'm unsure if that's really necessary. However, having her think favorably of me is far more likely to ensure everything goes smoothly and doesn't cost me much of anything.

"It is good to see that you're not an utter fool and are willing to defend our people," she eventually states with a complicated tone. She's probably referring to my plans to bolster our defenses for the upcoming break in peace.

Mainly around Mistral if I'm being honest, though there are plans in the work for the other Kingdoms as well, particularly Atlas. She's only aware of the Mistral ones due to a necessary factor of cooperation. Still, the fact that she's starting with that implies that she wants me to play along so she can save some face and I have no problem doing so.

"I have only ever wanted to do what was best for our people."

"As I have I," she replies immediately. "Which is why we must have this discussion now. I'm forced to recognize your achievements and…capabilities in light of recent events. It, I-" she takes a breath, "we can no longer ignore the issues. As I'm sure you're aware, the real strength of the White Fang comes from our unity. Our people cannot serve two masters without inviting weakness, as has been aptly demonstrated."

She stops there, practically inviting me to answer. "What do you suggest?"

She scoffs, "As if you don't know. Changes must be made or the current state of affairs must be affirmed. Both between ourselves and publicly."

She continues to refrain from making any indication of who should be subordinate to who. For all intents and purposes I have the greater resources and connections at my disposal. I arguably deserve it at this point and could force her out if I wanted to. However, it seems her pride is no small thing.

Truthfully, I don't know how best to approach this. I decide on leveling her with a stare in order to see how she reacts. It's a low cost maneuver and doesn't close out any options.

As I do so, I notice her frame tighten up before all that tension is released with a heavy sigh. With closed eyes she remarks, "I would prefer to remain where I am, if you'll allow it." She forces her voice to remain level, but I have to suspect that admission is a real moment of weakness for her.

Infuriatingly enough for me, she still hasn't clarified what she exactly means by that. It could refer to her position as High Leader or simply remaining in control of operations in Mistral. I suppose she's keeping her options open in case I'm feeling generous or not up to the task. By the fact she ended her statement with if I'll allow it means she understands her position and how she's at my mercy for what I decide.

On the one hand, it does seem like she is genuinely dedicated to the cause. Being willing to give up her throne to me is a somewhat obvious indication of that. Of course this probably means she's more dedicated to the advancement of equality than any personal loyalty to myself. Something easily evidenced by her usurpation of Ghira.

On the other hand is her questionable competency. Her efforts, while well-intentioned it seems, have not exactly left the Fang in a good position. This is off-set by her understanding the gravity of her actions and a desire to right them. However, with the general state of Mistral she may be ill-suited to remain in control there. Especially with her more violent tendencies.

Although, those same tendencies are also a benefit for Mistral. Low-level conflict of criminals is almost a given. While that label might not apply to us anymore I doubt that will stop any aggressors. Being able and willing to defend ourselves in the Windy Kingdom is a valuable skill.

Regardless, while my mind may be more or less made up I also have to consider the fullness of my options. I have to consider if having her remain the head would be best. I find the prospect unpalatable for somewhat obvious reasons. Not really enjoying the prospect of subordinating myself to her as well as my other obligations. Especially since the power dynamic between us would already be pretty messy. That and I enjoy the level of control I wield.

Coronation: There isn't really any reason I can think of to refuse. Sienna seems convinced this is how things are going to play out anyway. (3)

+Coronation: Send in an advisor to deal with Sienna's flaws and in the worst case assume direct control. (2)

Reassignment (+for what/where): If she's already willing to give me control then I don't see why she wouldn't accept me placing her somewhere her skills could be of better use. (0)

Fealty: Technically I could leave her in charge of the overall Fang. I'm unsure how exactly this would benefit me. (0)

"I'm glad we could come to terms peacefully," I start. It's a bit of a non-sequitur. However, it should aptly display my position without coming off as too eager or aggressive. A shame that is slightly undercut by my following words, "Do you need any assistance managing your branch?"

She adopts a complicated expression; not appreciating the acknowledgement of her loss of status, but not gainsaying it either. Like I surmised last time we met, she's more comfortable in a position of power over others. That generated enough awkwardness when our positions were more murky. It is both a benefit and a detriment that things have been cleared up. Ultimately, it seems that she's deliberately and consciously working through how she should react.

"If you feel that is necessary," she allows slowly. "However, the assistance you're already providing is more than enough. I assure you that I can maintain control and restore order in due time."

That makes her position clear enough. Perhaps a little insulted that I feel the need to interfere at all. Undoubtedly not used to my method of greater control over the Fang. I can't imagine that Ghira kept an overly close eye on his subordinates and while mine isn't overbearing or anything, it must be quite the change.

Then there's the matter that I feel like her pride is talking more than a little. How bad must it be for her to relinquish her position? Then not only that, but also to have her competency called into question in an oblique matter?

Not that I feel it is uncalled for. She hasn't exactly shown a capability to deal with the more underhanded side of Mistrali affairs and that has seeped into her branch. This was most likely accelerated by the brothers' involvement, but that's hardly an excuse. Perhaps she is capable of covering for that now that she's aware of how much of a weakness it was, but then there's also the matter of loyalty.

While Sienna appears to have the best interests of the faunus in mind, that may not always align with my interests. Whether because of short-term sacrifices or a misalignment in vision. Either way she's going to expect results and might grow discontent otherwise.

Even if she remains loyal I'm unsure if the people under her would, or at the very least that they wouldn't agitate the situation. Having someone on hand to take care of those matters just seems like good sense; all I have to do is convince her of such.

"Sienna, let's speak plainly," I state with a low rumble. Doing my best to call on my leadership voice.

"Yes…High Leader," she calls out after a moment. Both recognizing my tone and her new position explicitly. Something that does admittedly bring me to a full stop for a moment.

It is kind of a hefty feeling that I've accomplished one of my goals so swiftly. Not even a year and I've somehow threaded the needle to end up where I am. To give credit where it is due, a good portion of that is reliant on others. Whether that be Flint, Oz, James, or the men under me. Having access to the resources and connections that I do are more responsible for where I'm at than any amount of personal competency, though that has obviously helped.

Either way, I can deal with that later. Perhaps a discussion with Blake is in order. Here and now, however, I can't let myself get too lost in my thoughts when I'm trying to establish my authority.

"I do not make this inquiry lightly. Nor do I mean to disparage you. You have proven your loyalty and capabilities long before I came into the picture. However, neither of us are perfect. I have employed men under me to make up for my deficiencies and all I ask is for you to examine your own capabilities and inform me if there is any area you need assistance."

My words come off as a request, but she should know that they are more or less an order. This way she can keep some of her pride, though the circumstances make it clear what I want to hear from her. I don't think it's too much for her to cave on.

She has already admitted that she is lacking in the area of subterfuge. Both in comparison to myself and against the brothers; the only thing stopping her from admitting it outright here is her pride. In that sense this is just one small move to start chipping away at that.

With any luck it's possible that her attitude is more borne from her need to present an image with no weakness. As the previous leader she couldn't allow others to undermine her and her personal brand of leadership was very much focused on the force of her personality. That and the legitimacy and authority that she could wield. She lacked much actual power to compel people to follow her, something that my structure of the White Fang is better equipped to deal with.

"In that case…" she trails off and wets her lips. Probably swallowing down her discomfort or apprehension. "Someone more familiar with scheming and trusted would not go amiss amongst the numbers of the Mistral branch."

That is still a bit more detached than I'd prefer. Making it seem like it's an event happening to something not connected to her. I suppose it would have been too hopeful to believe this was a small issue for her. Although, it is definitely more of an emotional than logical one. I have to hope that she can recognize that as well and her desire for what's best for the faunus outweighs any need to keep her ego intact.

From there we get into the details of how we're going to wrangle the Mistrali branch into order. I already have men prepared for that, though the matter is going to be a slow one. There's also no real opportunity for me to speed things up. Changing people's minds is not something that can be rushed. Especially not with the tensions in Mistral as they are. Pushing too fast would just cause a backlash that could explode into something more troublesome.

My time with Sienna comes to an end and I'm soon on the streets. However, thoughts of the meeting remind me of a sort of tradition that has now been broken. Well, arguably it was broken last week, though it's not like I could have met with Torchwick or Neo before meeting with Sienna in Ostro. Just a bit odd that up until that point I would always visit them first before opening discussions with the former High Leader. Either way I find it amusing enough to pay the short-stack troublemaker a visit.

I stalk up to a now familiar house and can't stop myself from hazarding a look at the nearby properties. I'm not sold on finding a place like that to settle down at, but my mind is wandering a little. Seems like I'm open to the consideration at any rate.

I knock on the door and not a second later it opens up to a smug Neo standing in the doorway. "I thought I told you only to check in to my location during an emergency? I can just take it off if that's not the case," I threaten.

To my slight surprise, Neo shrinks back and waves her hands in front of her before turning that into a different motion. One I can't quite discern which causes her to transition her hands so that one is below her eyes and the other above, as if peeking through something.

I look up and note that the window to her room faces the street and can't discount the possibility that she saw me. That's a little too convenient for my liking. However, the system we set up is supposed to make it impossible for her to access my location without me sending out the signal. Something similar to the way the tracker worked for the SDC truck. I can't discount that she could have found a work-around and I have to weigh up whether I trust her or not.

"Fine," I let out eventually, deciding it's better to give her the benefit of the doubt. "Didn't think you were so eager to see me."

She plays out a silent scoff with an overly dramatic eye roll. Then she crosses her arms with one hand splayed out upwards as if checking out her nails. Despite all that, any trace of prior nervousness bleeds off her. If I had to guess she was actually concerned that I had the wrong idea. Either that or my suspicions were somewhat founded.

As for why she would be so eager, I can make an easy determination. Her position in the doorway and utter refusal to move out of the way thus far indicates she doesn't want to stay inside. I'm pretty sure her agreement has been amended so she has some freedom courtesy of her actions at Merlot's base. However, most of that is likely to come into effect once she's officially enrolled in Beacon. That sort of leaves her in a lurch where she has the promise of freedom, but very little of it at the moment.

"And what if I wanted to go to your room to play some games? Maybe check out your other outfits? Really, how did you keep your surprise hidden away from me?" I also want to know how she got my sizes down as that was a well-fitted suit-jacket. Although, I don't think I'll get that from her.

Neo gasps as if scandalized and then sports a coy smile with a shake of her hips. No blush rises to her cheeks which is a good indication I haven't accidentally hit on anything more concerning for me. In fact I think I may have been misreading some signals from her, much to my relief. If she was actually interested in me I'd expect her to be bolder or mix some of her colors in the outfit she sent me.

"Yeah, yeah, I can show you a good time," I challenge back, not willing to let her have an easy win.

My response forces her to stop entirely and blink slowly. She tries to recover by shooting me a smoldering look and a smile with parted lips.

"Or are you saying you wouldn't enjoy showing me up in a few of your games," I interrupt before she can take the bit any further.

She stamps her foot for me ruining her fun and then shakes her head lightly. Then she turns to regard me more seriously. She sticks out her arm in front of her and taps the back of her wrist. A motion to tell me that we're wasting time.

"Oh please, you didn't even know I was coming today. Or did you?" My question comes off as another challenge and she huffs. That doesn't dismiss the earlier possibility that I considered, though that sort of petulance fits with her response to a sudden opportunity to have fun. I suppose it wouldn't be the worst thing in the world though it brings to mind a few places and topics I could bring up.

Beacon: As far as I'm aware her clemency includes attending Beacon. Perhaps it's a good idea to get her thoughts on that and her reasoning for why. (2)

Charlotte: I could try to get her opinion about my newest Lieutenant. If my guess is right they both went to the same school, but I doubt they knew each other personally. Though since both are somewhat of a fashionista perhaps there's more that can be said. (2)

Silent Language: More for my benefit than anything else. Would mean introducing her to some of my friends, but I'm interested in seeing how she'll deal with a rabid Nora when she can't retaliate. (0)

Torchwick: I haven't exactly gotten her view on the change in her situation with her guardian. I know she has to care for him to some extent, but more insight couldn't hurt. (0)

Trust: We're in kind of an odd-spot regarding this. We've both exchanged some token of trust. Her with the details of her semblance and me by wearing her tracker. Perhaps it's best to have a frank discussion. (0)

Conspiracy: I know she probably doesn't have anything actually of value to say about this, but I sort of suspect that she was originally supposed to be a part of Cinder's team. Maybe she'd be willing to talk about that. (0)

"How about I show you around your new home for the next four years," I offer as an opener.

Whether she really wants to go or not is immaterial. I suppose it wouldn't be the worst thing, though it would mean showing her around on campus and allowing her to meet my friends. Although, now that I think about it, there's no real way for me to stop her from doing that once she's properly enrolled. Probably for the best to show no weakness even if I won't introduce them explicitly.

In response she shrugs and sticks out her hand in a half-and-half measure. It wouldn't be her preference, but it seems like she doesn't have any complaints.

"What," I croak, affecting some level of disappointment and outrage. "Were you expecting us to go out and get ice cream or something?"

She nods far too rapidly for her to merely be messing with me. With a bit of mental revision I have a somewhat workable plan.

"Fine, we can work that in. Pretty sure there's a stall or something at the fairgrounds we can hit up." I turn around to lead the way only to have my attention drawn back to her from a clap of her hands.

When she re-enters my vision I find her with one foot forward, over the threshold of the house, and the other behind. She has an outstretched hand with her palm facing up and a finger pointed at that empty space. Then she narrows her eyes at me.

"Really, you think you can be that demanding with me? I'm better off leaving you here."

She steps into my space before stopping abruptly. Her brain apparently working through the fact that she can't simply threaten me and causing her to abort her initial response. Something that causes me to smirk.

In response she glares at me, reaches her hand up high to my face, and pushes me away. Then she snaps her fingers and brings them to her chin in a very deliberate thinking pose. Complete with her impatiently tapping her foot as if that will somehow make the answer come faster.

"You could try begging," I offer with a wry grin.

She shoots me a dirty look. Then her face scrunches up in apparent disgust before leveling out into something more contemplative. She turns away slightly, but I catch her eyeing me up and down out of the corner of her vision and she lets out a breath.

With shoulders sagging she looks much smaller than she actually is, which is honestly kind of impressive. A stance she then keeps and exaggerates further as she turns back to me with both hands clasped into one big fist. She shakes her hands upwards in a sort of begging motion with a pleading look on her face. That's already amusing enough, though a small smile on her face informs me that there's more to this than earnest begging.

Just as I process that, said smirk widens and between moments a familiar pair of ears sprout from her head. Familiar in the sense that they are my own. Then her hair shifts to a single shade of brown, lighter than her usual two-tone look and more in line with mine.

She doesn't shift the shade of her eyes, whether out of inability to do so or some measure of not wanting to change herself too much. Either way, she bears enough of a resemblance to me that I'd be unsurprised if someone thought we were related.

"You had something going there for a little while. However, this," I wave at her changed features, "isn't exactly convincing me it's a good idea to drag you around."

She pouts and the changes vanish in an instant. I'm prepared for that to be the end of it only for a bright light to emanate from her as I prepare to set off once again. I turn back around and for the briefest of moments see the changes plastered about her once again before again disappearing without a trace. I know she's fucking with me at this point.

"Aren't you supposed to not be using your semblance," I question harshly.

She shoots me a dumbfounded look with her head turned. Then she winks at me and brings a finger to her lips in shushing motion. Seems like she expects that I'll keep quiet about that little breach for her behalf. I hate to admit she's probably right, but I can't let her get away with that entirely without rebuke.

"Fine, but just for that, no ice cream." This time I set off and don't bother to deal with whatever shenanigan she has prepared for me next. This appears to be the right call as Neo is soon by my side giving me a small shove and then tugging on my sleeve with a petulant expression.

"Aren't you supposed to be older and more mature than me," I snipe.

She takes a dramatic step back before planting a hand on her chest with her fingers splayed out. As if to say, 'who, me?' Further punctuated by a swivel of her head in two opposite directions.

I grunt at her antics and she adopts a sly smile. I look away for a moment and I swear she's used her semblance to give her face younger features. Well, if she wants to act like a brat I'll treat her like one. I bonk her on the head with an overhead chop and simply stalk off.

That seems to put an end to her antics, though she seems happy enough. Skipping alongside me in an irregular motion as if she is somehow the victor. Either she really isn't that bothered by her loss or she knows that kind of behavior is perhaps the best way to get to me. Honestly I suspect more the latter than the former. I know the diminutive girl can hold a grudge over the smallest things and isn't too gracious of a loser.

Once aboard the airship to Beacon I can finally get into what I wish to talk to her about without any worry about wasting time. Although, I suppose there is no need to actually take her on a tour. My words were just meant as an idle opener to get her mood about attending.

As far as I can tell she's not terribly enthused, but that doesn't entirely line up with her prior behavior. She had to work hard to get the chance to even attend. She has to have some sort of game going on. However, once again, that doesn't explain why I'm indulging her like this.

Arguably it is a way to get back at her by doing something she doesn't entirely enjoy, but if I wanted to do that I had better options. I suppose it is a neutral enough option to show my displeasure without generating too much negativity, but that doesn't feel right either. Whatever. I can ponder my odd decisions some other time; for now I have a curiosity to satisfy.

"So, got any thoughts about your new home," I ask and knock my head in the direction we're traveling just to make my intention clear.

Neo stares at me as if I'm stupid. Then she sighs with a shake of her head, not actually answering my question.

"That's not an answer and you know it."

She shrugs in response and again doesn't grace me with any real answer.

"Really? You're really going to act like this," I grouse. I'm not sure why I expected anything different. Outside of serious situations it seems she revels in her immaturity. Heck, even in more serious ones she isn't readily able to escape her usual attitude. Put a lid on it, perhaps, but I imagine it scratches away underneath the surface when locked up.

As if reading my thoughts she repeats the gesture of an outstretched hand and a pointed finger. Restating her demands in an apparent trade to answer my questions. I have a feeling I could press her for answers without complying. However, that would be much more of a headache and I'm sure she'd look for some way to get one over on me. As much as it pains me to admit, capitulation is the most prudent avenue.

"You're an annoying brat, you know that right," I grumble in a reluctant tone.

Something that Neo picks up on if her rapid nod is any indication. I let out a heavy sigh and recline in my seat as much as I can. She takes this as her cue to go into her explanation.

She points in the direction we're traveling, tilts her head to the side, and then taps her cheek twice. She then mimes stabbing something with her parasol, thumps her chest, and puffs herself up. Afterwards she brings up her hand to cover her eyes from some imaginary light and hefts her legs up and down as if walking somewhere. She finishes by crossing her arms and giving a firm nod as if all those pieces are supposed to tell some story.

…I kind of hate that I'm pretty sure I know what she's talking about. From my read, she thought long and hard about attending Beacon before figuring if she could get accepted, all she had to do was fight some grimm. Something she feels capable of. Then she'd be offered some measure of freedom.

Perhaps in perpetuity based on how she finished her 'speech' ended. Although, failing that, I'm sure doing missions and being able to stalk the grounds of Beacon would be a step up for her. Probably quicker than waiting for any appeals to the justice system to work their way through, or at least more certain.

"Okay, but do you have any thoughts other than that about Beacon? Like any reason you'd like to attend in particular or anything you're looking forward to?"

She twirls her hand in a lazy circular motion as if to toss aside my words. Not in an entirely dismissive or aggressive manner. Rather I take that to mean she isn't bothered by such thoughts. Likely treating her attendance as a business arrangement instead of anything else.

I'm not sure how long she'd be able to keep up that attitude as I thought similarly when I first arrived. However, I have to admit she's older and more set in her ways. Perhaps she won't be as willing to change. Although, I imagine that Oz and Glynda would be particularly motivated to do so. I decide I might as well plant a future seed they might be able to take advantage of.

"What? You aren't excited about the prospect of finally having some friends? Can't imagine that Torchy is too into your preferred hobbies."

She huffs at that and crosses her arms. Then she looks at me with a scrunched up face and sticks her tongue out. As if to imply she wants nothing to do with that prospect. She waves a hand dismissively before sniffing loudly.

I take that latter part to be some derogatory remark. Perhaps calling students at Beacon snot-nosed brats. I suppose if I am right about her previous schooling she'd have something to say about the whole system. Although I do find it funny that she's deriding others for their age and relative immaturity considering how she usually acts.

"And here I thought we had something special," I state while clutching my heart dramatically. "Or am I somehow not lumped in with the rest of my peers."

She gives me a flat look and pushes me over in my seat and I simply laugh at her. Something that is perhaps ill-advised as it incenses her enough that she falls upon me. Whereupon she grabs my shirt and attempts to shake me about. I counter by gripping her head between my hands and then forcibly rolling her over. She doesn't let go of my clothing and instead of letting it rip I allow her to carry me to the floor as well.

This leaves me atop her for a moment. One that is short lived as I roll off so no one can get the wrong idea. Once I do so I see a hand raised, not in apparent victory, but with a middle finger pointed upwards to transmit her thoughts rather easily.

"Don't blame me you started it," I mumble, only to be greeted by another finger raised in my direction. I let that one pass unremarked. The fact that she's having such a strong reaction meant I got through to her in some way and there's no reason to make my success too obvious. Knowing her she'd resist the efforts if she caught a whiff that I did this intentionally.

Still, we've made a bit of a scene and we have a bit of time before we're at Beacon proper. I need something to calm her down a little and I think I have just the thing.

"Hey," I say while remaining on the floor. I pull out my scroll, open it to my notes on a certain spider-faunus, and toss it to her. "Been picking up some weird vibes about someone and thought you might be able to give me some insight."

She freezes up a little at that before gingerly picking up and reviewing my scroll. I leave her with so little detail so I can read into her expression and movements all while keeping my own face relatively still.

I hear her suck in a breath when she gets into the intro, where the mention of Lady Browning's academy is mentioned. To her credit, she doesn't do something as obvious as try to gauge my reaction. I only heard her as well as I did thanks to our position and my upper ears. However, that's as good as confirmation for myself that she was a part of the school.

I suppose with that information I could work back from her age and figure out which student(s) she could be. All of that is rather public information at this point and I have a good feeling I could figure it out with only a little effort. The real question is whether I should or not.

I try not to let those thoughts distract me as she pages through the rest of the report. Immediately afterwards she tosses my scroll back to me dismissively. Then she hooks her thumbs together with her palms facing out. She wiggles her eight remaining fingers.

"Yes, Charlotte is a spider-faunus, I don't need anyone to point that out."

I hear her smack her forehead. She sits up abruptly and slaps the back of her hand. She then holds said hand in front of me where an image of a spider's web now rests a small stylized spider in the middle. I know that to also be the symbol of the now defunct organization of the same name.

"Really? Charlotte is a faunus, I thought Spider was a more human-oriented group."

My words cause whatever confidence Neo had about her assertion to crumble. Her previously certain demeanor wiped away in an expression of doubt and deep thought. Something she resolves, though shakily by my estimation. The symbol of Spider on her hand morphs to the school sigil of Lady Browning's before flitting back again and finally resolving into a final image with the sigil trapped underneath the spider and its web.

I already knew that, which is a bit disappointing. It should also be something Neo is aware of. I asked her about Lady Browning's and their connection to Spider beforehand and she confirmed the association. The fact that she's simply falling back on that instead of something more substantial is just confirmation that she doesn't know anything about Charlotte. Again, disappointing, but I suppose I was getting my hopes up for nothing.

"And here I thought you'd have more to say about her taste in fashion," I joke, letting the matter fall to the wayside.

I lock eyes with the two-toned girl and she gives me a deliberate eye-roll. No doubt trying to disparage my interest in fashion in some way.

"Don't act all high-and-mighty short-stuff. Just because her stuff is better than yours is no reason to be upset."

Apparently that touches a nerve as fury overtakes her features and she starts throwing her hands about in a complicated motion to show her displeasure. Of course, my inflammatory comment was deliberate. Also not all that correct if I have to admit.

Charlotte has the better technical work, but I'd be lying if I didn't say I prefer Neo's designs more. Maybe that's a bit biased because of her gift. Speaking of which, this is perhaps the best time to bring that up.

I wait for her to start running out of steam with a soft expression on my face. Deliberate yet genuine. Because of that she knows something is up. However, the situation is odd enough that she can't parse what and she eventually stills her response to try and figure me out.

Just as that occurs I say, "Don't worry, yours are still my favorite, really. I can't thank you enough for the outfit. It made that night with Weiss and Blake all the more magical."

That brings her up short with one hand going up to play with her hair. Twirling it around a single finger sheepishly. The other slowly lifts and points at the oak and flower pin on my chest along with a complicated expression.

I parse that with a little thought. Probably something about the craftsmanship of my pin, or more likely the set. It was hard not to notice the color scheme implied that the relationship between me and my girlfriends was more of a mutual affair than solely connected through myself.

"Yeah, sorry about that. They aren't into each other like that."

She throws me a soft look before shaking her head and putting on a deliberately confused expression. As if to state my answer somehow makes the situation make less sense. Then she flashes me a cheeky smile and lets her gaze drift southwards making a lurid implication.

"Wouldn't you like to find out," I snipe more so she can't keep using any apparent reluctance against me.

Unfortunately, that only makes her bolder. She increases the intensity of her stare and bites her lip in an overly dramatic way. Playing up how much she's considering it further by shifting her legs back and forth in an odd way.

The latter throws me off a bit, but I have to play my part. "Oh, knock it off, that joke is getting old."

She remains as she was for a moment longer before letting herself deflate. Apparently coming to the conclusion that it's not worth messing with me further. Instead adopting a soft, if far away, expression for a few moments before we properly dock at Beacon. Then she stands up slowly as if there are some thoughts still in her head.

I'm unsure what they are exactly, though they obviously relate to the previous topic in some way. I get the feeling it's less about any lurid matters and more my earlier thanks. As much as I was messing with her in that conversation, that part was genuine and it seems like she's taking the compliment to heart in some way. Perhaps even thinking that it's more significant because of my interest and appreciation of fashion.

I give some thought to giving Neo a proper tour of Beacon before coming to the conclusion that she probably doesn't care. It wouldn't be the worst way for her to spend her day; far better than simply being cooped up in her room all day. As evidenced by her relative enthusiasm to accompany me in the first place.

Although, I'm under the impression that she genuinely enjoys spending her time playing video games. Her extensive set up can't imply anything but. And it's not like that's the only thing that would occupy her.

She has her tech stuff and tailoring. If all she wanted to do was keep busy it appears that she has plenty of hobbies to do so. However, now that I think about it, I don't know if those latter two are actually hobbies and not work for her.

I get the feeling that if she had total freedom that her idea of fun might involve something more extreme. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised on account of her criminal nature, but it's another thing to keep in mind. Not that I expect her to waste her second chance so soon.

Not when she's under the scrutiny of so many people. However, I can easily imagine that she would chafe under all that attention and she might not be well-equipped to vent her frustrations. At least not in a way that wouldn't cause further headaches.

Ultimately that's a matter to worry about at the start of the next semester. And possibly one that I won't have to concern myself with at all. Although I suppose spending some time with her to allow her to destress and give her another reason not to stray from the path she's on wouldn't be an onerous consideration. Hardly the worst way for me to spend my time either.

Neo almost makes me regret those words as the first thing we do is make a beeline to an ice-cream stall. Clearly she wants me to make good on my earlier bribe and I don't have the heart to make it an issue. Instead I pointedly ignore her and her smug face as she digs into her treat. That only makes her smug aura increase and I distract myself with the crowd of unfamiliar faces.

Not many of the people around currently are students, and those few that are don't appear to be any of the Vytal hopefuls or their teammates. Unsurprising since the attraction has been with us for most of the semester. Its luster has worn off somewhat among the student body and anybody serious about the tournament is most likely training.

I suspect more people will come back to visit as the tournament progresses. Either to celebrate their victories or mollify their failures. The pace of the tournament once it starts is harsh enough that any training is unlikely to show any results. Far better to conserve your strength for the actual fighting; so I'm sure the place will be busier in the following days.

That isn't to say that the place isn't bustling now. In fact it's busier than it has been from any of my prior visits. This time-period is an all-time high of tourism for Vale with many people arriving to watch the main event. Of course, this means there are those who arrive early for one reason or another. Either to take part in such festivities or as a quirk of how travel in Remnant works.

While airships are an increasingly popular method of transit that isn't always the preferred method. Whether due to economic, traditional, or other concerns, a large group of Remnant's population travel through more outdated methods.

This often involves leaving earlier than planned to pack your schedule with free days in case of delays. I myself have done so plenty of times just because of how tumultuous sea-travel can be. I can only imagine that it's worse for land-based caravans.

Not that many people travel solely by land anymore. Those that do are usually nomadic groups, though I imagine that the Vytal Festival is a large enough cultural concern that some rural villagers would make the trek.

Depending on how far away they are and what transports they have, that could take a few weeks or months. For the latter I imagine heading to a port city to charter a boat would be the better option, though I can't say that people will always make the best decision.

I suppose there is a lot that can be said about the clash of modernity and antiquity across Remnant. That we can have such wonders as floating cities and some groups are left with nothing better than animal based transport and comparatively primitive weapons. In fact, the matter is such that such regression is sometimes preferable. Take Cyril and Cerulean's village, Ridge I think it's being called now, for example.

Their state of economics makes the usage of even simple Dust based munitions a fraught one, much less any vehicles. In fact, based on their terrain, many vehicles would be more of a liability than anything else. The narrow mountain passages simply aren't built for large trucks. Heck, even a relatively small wagon faces some difficulty going up and down. On the one hand, they are in a good position to receive airships, but that again wraps around to the problem of economics.

I'm unsure if that sort of inherent inequality is ever possible to resolve in a world such as ours. Maybe if the grimm were out of the picture it'd be possible to develop the land properly. The problem is a matter of infrastructure and economics as far as I'm concerned. I'm not naive enough to think that would solve the problem outright, but this is more of a thought experiment to take up my time anyway.

In that aspect it seems to have served its purpose as an impatient Neo pokes at my side before skipping off into the crowd. Of course I have to follow after her as her minder, but she doesn't make it easy for me. She flits to and from various stalls only ever giving me a few brief seconds to catch sight of her.

With the crowd as it is and her semblance I'm sure she could disappear if she wanted to. The fact that she isn't is a good one, though her almost irreverent behavior strikes me as another challenge. As if to say she could walk away at any time given our level of skills. However, it seems she isn't willing to go as far as to make it an outright competition. She saves that for the stall-games.

After a few minutes of our chase she abruptly stops at one such game and stares at me with quirked eyebrows and hips. Clearly requesting that I indulge her further. I want to decline, but again that smug smile of hers digs at me and I find myself unable to resist.

I don't win all of our little competitions, but neither does she. That doesn't stop her from lording her few wins over me each and every time. Before I know it I'm doing the same to her. I'm not sure how she can keep getting under my skin so easily, but by the end of the day I can't say I regret my actions.

It's relaxing in a way, and it probably helps that she calms down on our way back to Vale. I have to deposit her back at her house as per the terms of her agreement with the Kingdom. She doesn't complain about the unfairness of it all or try to convince me to keep her company or escort her somewhere else.

When we do make it to her house the goodbye I receive is her blowing a kiss my way. I flip her off for good measure and she gives a silent laugh as she opens the door. Then she stands awkwardly in the doorway before slowly looking over her shoulder, giving a small wave, and shutting the door.

It seems that's as much as she's willing to express her thankfulness. She seems more like a woman of action in that regard than any grandiose statements. I suppose in that sense even something as small as that is a big deal to her.
S2 Week 17 (Part 2)
The next day starts much like the previous one. Although today there's a bit less naval gazing at Amity and its near complete state. Competitions should start tomorrow, a little earlier than is absolutely necessary to account for any shifts in schedule that may be needed. There are a lot of moving parts for the Vytal Tournament, the least of them being the arena itself.

As a part of the Tournament's fixation on reflecting real-life circumstances the arena is built with an extensive terrain modification system. I'm uncertain how many variations there actually are, but the use of terrain is usually the highlight of the team and doubles rounds where the system is actually used. Once it turns to the finals, things turn a bit more 'fair' with only a central flat platform that both fighters have to remain on for the duration of the fight.

In case of any mechanical failures there has to be time built in during the teams and double matches. Opportunity for the system to fail is practically non-existent during the finals rounds. However, it's not like there has been much of a record of mechanical failure for Amity after the first few years of its debut. More likely for fights or other events to go over their allotted time in my mind.

Either way, I don't expect there to be any issues and I've thought of the matter for long enough. Perhaps my attention is drawn in such a way because my thoughts are on other Kingdoms. Menagerie is an obvious one with our planned debut and how that interfaces with the Vytal Tournament. I wonder how exactly that's going to be worked in. Both in the here and now and in the future.

For now I turn my attention to a different Kingdom, Mistral. Timber's report sits on my scroll and considering the severity of the upcoming situation I should get to it sooner rather than later.

Mr. Rovere, as I'm sure you're aware, the matter of racial politics in Mistral is a fraught one. To start with, this issue of prejudice mainly pertains to inner Mistali cities; at least in the generalities that I will present. The outer cities are all outliers in their own ways and will only be gone over briefly.

Libeccio and Levante take after their foreign influences and racial matters, while present, are much more subdued. Argus has the presence of Atlas to keep the peace and also adopt much of that attitude. They aren't much more gracious to our kind than the rest of Mistral. They are, however, more formal and restrained about their mistreatment than other cities. More rigid and codified, but random acts of violence against faunus innocents is rarely seen.

That isn't to say that such acts are common to the rest of Mistral. As far as the data indicates such practices are on the decline. However, there is a strong historical precedent for violent reprisals occurring in inner cities and Ostro. Something that is likely to flare up in the case of an break-down in racial relations. Speaking of the southern city, I hope I don't have to explain in this report the extremist nature of Ostro in this report.

Of the inner cities, Kuchinashi is the least troublesome in this aspect. Their primarily criminal and outcast nature makes it so that matters of race are of lesser consequence. The criminals in the area still self-select to form mostly racially homogenous, but they aren't as hidebound as other Mistrali are. In particular because the city's rise to the status of Great City required the cooperation of multiple criminal groups spanning the racial divide.

For the rest of inner Mistral, including many outlying settlements, the matter is a bit more complicated. Faunus are discriminated against in a number of ways, from the opportunities available to them, the pay they receive, and the kind of work available.

Most faunus work in extraction, basic service, or labor intensive fields. More skilled work and economic opportunities are available to the faunus, in theory. However, there is a clear bias amongst many human-oriented businesses. Which are the majority considering that the faunus haven't had their freedom for even a century at this point. This is permitted, and sometimes required, by law which often forces the faunus to take less skilled and lower paying work.

This comes with the natural disadvantage that it's difficult for faunus to break out of their income bracket and achieve the subsequent increase in political power that comes with it. This is a source of debate on the policies of Levante and Libeccio. Both cities are more equal in their treatment of the faunus and don't practice tiered voting.

The combination of which has inextricably linked both issues in the minds of the elite. The common thinking goes that if one is allowed the other will naturally follow. Just as naturally that is not a state that the elite of Mistral are enthused by and thus they act against the interests of the faunus in order to further their own.

Furthermore, in the fields of extraction that are largely dominated by the faunus; they suffer, by necessity, increased interaction with the grimm. This requires a force to guard them, often composed of humans. This leads to a perception, and a not unfounded one, that little has changed since the Great War and the Rights Revolution.

Furthermore, when there are problems with production, many cities' economies often suffer which causes the elites, and subsequently the human population, to blame their faunus workers leading to further animosity. And since the local enforcement of each city is beholden to the elites more so than the people, they are often used as a cudgel to keep the faunus in line and back to work.

This, of course, leads to further animosity which leads us to the situation that we have today. In an effort to protect themselves, the lower class faunus usually band together to participate in or support a criminal venture to guard their interests. This leads to friction with already present criminal groups, though it has been decades since the Revolution so the state of affairs has developed into a new status quo.

There are still firebrands and extremists on both sides who strike out for ideological reasons. But, the leadership on both sides often recognize that they have more to lose in an outright unrestricted fight.

Said status quo impacts both humans and faunus equally. Just as a faunus is discriminated against in human-dominated districts and territory controlled by human groups, the same applies to the other side of the racial divide. In that sense, faunus in faunus-controlled territory enjoy a mostly normal life by Mistrali standards.

However, this type of segregation only reinforces the racial animosity that most of the Kingdom feels. Where most of the racial animosity is actually perpetuated by the lower class while the upper class remains largely uninvolved aside from their political meddling. If the elite did desire to crack down on the faunus, they certainly have the power and authority to do so. However, it would weaken their position and it simply isn't the Mistrali way.

The Kingdom as a whole is a collection of petty fiefdoms carved out by criminal groups who, as in ancient times, pay tribute to ensure their relative independence. The ability to bring these groups to heel is questionable, but thus far no one in Mistral has seen fit to make the attempt.

This leaves those individual groups to resolve their grievances amongst one another. As long as they aren't too disruptive and pay their respects, they are left alone. However, grand shake-ups in the status quo of any city are bound to draw the notice of the elite who may feel forced to act.

In addition to these more recent grievances are also the more ancient ones. Furthermore, the recent actions of the White Fang has only inflamed tensions even higher. This is both in regards to their recent attacks on mainly human groups as well as their initial turn to violence five years ago.

The addition of a powerful, ideologically minded, pro-faunus organization is hard to quantify. Regardless, the disruption to the criminal state of the Windy Kingdom is hard to argue against. Their very presence has led to a radicalization effect on both sides of the aisle. With faunus groups feeling like with that support they can increase their presence and territory, while human groups are more wary. Fearing that this may be the start of another Revolution within their territory and preparing in their own ways.

In this instance, the faunus groups are usually the aggressors and some have even received support from the White Fang, further exacerbating the issue. In some ways it is fortunate that the White Fang's turn occurred during a relative lull in the semi-constant warfare between criminal groups in Mistral.

Every side was too exhausted to restart hostilities, too focused on consolidating what gains the survivors made. That has led to these groups biding their time and recent events and injustices uncovered has led many to speculate that the upcoming period of violence may reflect that of a decade prior.

Ultimately, it is hard to argue that the actions of humans, and in particular the elite, of Mistral is not the main source of this racial animosity. However, neither can it be discounted that the faunus of the Kingdom have been contributing to the issue. Despite any intention of self-defense, the groups they have formed engage in criminal activity and launch raids upon others' territory much like every group in Mistral does.

This feeds into the cycle of discrimination where these events give further justification to act against the faunus which further incentivizes them to strike out for their own benefit. This cycle trends towards peaceability out of mutual self-interest, however, any disruption to it usually restarts hostilities and makes them worse.

It is unfortunate then that there have been many disruptions to the system in such a short span of time. It cannot be determined fully what effect that will result in, but the coming months are not going to be easy ones for anyone in Mistral. The issues have simply been compounding too much in recent times for there to be any other outcome.

In the end, the issue is that of a deep-seated resentment on both sides. Fear and uncertainty make men difficult creatures to predict and the very structure of Mistral makes it resistant against change. Any attempt at political upheaval will be viewed as an existential threat to the elite.

Attached to Timber's report is a number of citations and data to back up some of his claims and go into further detail. A lot of it isn't too useful because of the nature of Mistral and the more criminal aspect which makes a lot of the numbers suspect at best. It does at least reaffirm the understanding that racial animosity is heavily charged on both sides.

In addition to that, the rest of Timber's report points to a feeling of hopelessness amongst the faunus population. At least in the sense that things can be changed through legitimate means. I have a hard time arguing against that position. As things stand, it seems like the political winds are against us.

As long as we present some threat to the humans of the Kingdom, much less a threat to the elites, it doesn't appear like there will be any chance to change things peacefully. There is simply too much political will set against us and making friends with the elites is a difficult prospect given the association of equality of racial treatment to equality in suffrage. Maybe not impossible, but any peaceful means would require us to rein in the faunus aggression for any hope of success.

That would be deeply unpopular amongst our supporters. It's a good thing that I haven't prohibited myself from violent action as it seems like it may be necessary to enact in Mistral in particular. However, that makes things difficult for us to act in other Kingdoms. That disparity of action is going to draw attention and make this whole matter far more of a grand political one than I'd like.

As a representative of Menagerie I would, by my very presence, bring my home in on this mess. I'll have to give some thought on how to best approach this, but I have time before anything material can actually surface. For now we just have to worry about defending ourselves and other faunus for the inevitable breakdown in hostilities.

As far as I can tell, efforts for that are coming along nicely. Sienna certainly knows what she's doing in Mistral as far as that aspect is concerned. I figure having Maple in the area couldn't hurt either as the faunus in Ostro are going to need as much help as they can get. In addition to that, James is already aware of the issue and has plans in place for when the peace breaks down.

Unfortunately, it may be up to us to keep the peace in Ostro as there's only so much Atlas can act before politics get in the way. Arguably, the issue deteriorating or being seen as more dire would probably help in this instance. At the cost of giving Atlas more operational capacity and legitimacy.

It's all a mess of politics and maneuvering that I quite frankly, don't want to deal with at the moment. I feel like I would age a decade if I gave the matter any more attention than I already have. Just the number of ways things could play out is already difficult to conceive, though I am of mind for some sort of action.

I let my mind drift to other topics. I'd prefer to simply relax and I have a few options for that, but I can't let myself fully relax either. Simply too much on my plate to let up on the momentum now. Maybe I'll treat myself to something later tonight. For now I decide to split the difference and call up one of my friends.

"Ochre," Whitley answers after several rings. His hair is more disheveled than usual which is an odd occurrence, though indicative that he's somewhat comfortable in our relationship. He does keep the framing of our call such that I can only see his head and very little of his upper body. Probably not in a much better state. "Do you have any idea how early it is," he snaps.

"Sorry," I reply unapologetically, "I kind of have a lot on my plate and wanted to talk to you."

"Well," he huffs and looks off to the side; letting his indignation slowly bleed away. "Just don't make a habit of this would you? I need my rest just as much as you do. Now, how can I help?"

"Who says I need help," I quip. I'm interested in seeing how he'll react after our last conversation.

"No one," he replies with some cheek. "However, what kind of friend would I be if I wasn't willing to offer?"

He's laying it on a bit thick, but it appears he's genuine. If anything, he might be a bit too eager. Likely still feeling some sort of implicit debt to me after last time. That can work in my favor even though I told him it was utterly unnecessary. At least he seems fit to not make an issue of it, though I doubt that will make the upcoming discussion any easier.

I already have plans with Willow to mediate a discussion between her and Whitley. Something I know my friend is not going to be happy about. At least all I have to do is get him to agree to one conversation, which shouldn't be troublesome. Although, it would be in my best interests if I could somehow ensure a more favorable outcome.

Doing so is a bit complicated due to how our relationship has come to be. A more genuine attempt at friendship on my part has left me with far fewer levers I could pull on than I'm used to. This kind of vulnerability leaves me uneasy, as do other aspects, though familiarity makes it easy to swallow that down.

I'm doing this more for Weiss than myself, though I can admit that with recent events I may have a perspective I could share with Whitley. Maybe it's not the best approach, but it would be somewhat genuine. I'm not sure if I'd want to get into it with him, but it is an option.

Another option is to lean on our friendship and ask this as a favor from him. Perhaps preemptively apologize for putting him on the spot like this. I feel this would be best at preserving our relationship, but I think it would do little to convince him to give Willow an earnest chance. She'd have to earn that on her own and considering her usual state of mind I'm unsure if she'll pull through.

With that in mind it's perhaps better to convince Whitley to give her a chance for some actual tangible reason. The most obvious of which is his nascent reconnection with his sisters. However, I'm unsure how he actually feels about that at the moment. Never got the opportunity to talk to him about it. It may be too undeveloped to bear the weight of this request, though I suppose I could make the attempt.

Failing that, there's the matter of practicality. I can't say that Willow would be essential for ousting his Father, but she certainly isn't useless with the surveillance she set up. I'd say it would color the whole upcoming conversation with far more of a business-like air than anyone would like, but it'd be a start.

Honesty: Perhaps its better to just be frank with him, that from what I've observed Willow genuinely seems to be making an effort to get better and reconnect, and that I genuinely do believe it'd be best for him to at least attempt to, but ultimately its up to him. (2)

Friendship: I can admit I'm torn between how I want things to proceed and affirming that I'm on Whitley's side has to matter for something. (1)

Business: We still have Jacques to deal with as a collective. While he might not be receptive to dealing with his mother as a person, perhaps as a business partner is the best start we can hope for. (1)

Mothers: I can sympathize with the absence of a mother just as much as the presence of one now. Maybe that could convince him? (1)

Reconnection: Perhaps a reminder of who else is involved in his life is in order. I just wish I had more to work with here. (0)

I open my mouth to say something and find myself at a loss. I close my mouth and promptly think through my options. However, this moment of indecision doesn't go by unnoticed.

"Are you alright," Whitley questions with a degree of earnestness I can't ignore.

Maybe I'm overcomplicating this problem? I mean, it's not a simple or small one. My girlfriend's family all getting along is an obvious desire of hers. Furthermore, ensuring this reconnection between mother and son goes well would be in my best interests.

However, I can't deny that the messy nature of all this is making the matter more complicated than I'd like it to be. Maybe if it wasn't for striking up a genuine friendship with Whitely I'd be more willing to use him to serve my own ends. With that out of my mind, perhaps it's best that I simplify the issue?

I'm not usually one to pivot from my plans so suddenly. But, I can't simply receive his earnestness without some reciprocation. I have to hope that mine is as well received as his is. Besides, it's not like I'm giving up my chance to argue my case entirely. Or that there aren't further benefits to this course of action.

If anything I imagine the main problem he's had in his life is that he hasn't been able to make any meaningful choices of his own. If all else fails, giving him this choice, a real choice, has to mean something.

"I'm fine," I state with a long exhale. My words answer his question while my subsequent response implies the opposite. That isn't entirely intentional on my part, though it sets the ground well enough that this isn't a simple matter for me to approach. Oh well, nothing for it but to move onto the blunt point. "I've scheduled a meeting between your mother, myself, and you."

"Why would you do that," he replies immediately and defensively. His tone makes clear that he feels some level of betrayal, though it's tinted with confusion. The former is simple enough considering the relationship he has with his mother. The latter informs me that he wouldn't expect me to make such an arrangement. Or more accurately tell him about it in such a blunt manner.

That is interesting in the academic sense I suppose. Further information for how he sees me, but hardly my intent. More important is that his words serve as conveyance of the notion that he's not all that amenable to a meeting with Willow. Something I was already aware of, but this further reinforces the point.

"For a lot of reasons," I sigh. I feel the enormity of my tasks weigh on the back of my mind before deliberately dismissing them again. "I could explain them to you, try to puff them up. But honestly, I'm not going to do any of that. Worst case, I'll tell her that I couldn't make this work and you can forget about the whole thing."

There, simple enough for him to engage with even if there is plenty left unsaid. Of course, it's not like I'm actually giving anything up. There was no way for me to force him to comply. If he doesn't want to meet with Willow I have no real recourse. However, he has failed to bring that up himself. I can't imagine he's unaware of the option; it makes me think his worries lie elsewhere.

"That won't cause any problems for you, would it? Not with…" he trails off.

I'm unsure if he means to imply I'd have to deal with trouble from Willow or from Weiss. I take that to mean that he's as unaware of my relationship with them to the same degree that I am of his. Just as I haven't made it a point to look into how his relationship with Weiss or Willow is building out, I imagine he's acted the same towards me. Either as a sign of respect, indifference, or something else.

"You worry too much," I throw out with a wry grin and some level of bravado. "Whatever comes from this won't be anything I can't deal with. I mean, who do you think you're talking to?" I finish my response with a semi-indulgent preen, playing up my prideful nature. Something that sets the conversation back to a familiar air as Whitley correctly receives my intent of making this a less serious matter.

I have little doubt that he hasn't read into my statement and tone further. He knows just as well as I do that I don't have that level of control over Weiss or Willow's reaction. He's not like one of my fans who has an overinflated sense of what I can accomplish.

He adopts a complicated expression, which confirms my line of thinking, but remains silent. Likely working out whether to make this sacrifice on my behalf. That is more than a little heartwarming, but I can't let him go about that. It would defeat the purpose of this approach in the first place; plus it wouldn't allow a chance for him and Willow to actually reconnect.

"If I may," I start and he nods, "I'm not proposing this solely for my benefit or for hers."

"And what would I be getting out of it," he asks skeptically. There is a bit of venom in his tone from bringing up his mother, but it appears my efforts to de-escalate the talk and our relationship at least has him willing to hear me out in this aspect.

Truthfully, there is a lot that I could tell him. A lot that I have already thought through and discarded. I didn't go with any of those approaches for a reason and I'm not about to back down now.

"You can figure out some of the benefits easily enough. For some of them, just let me say…let me say that there's more to consider than just the logic behind it. I'm not going to make excuses for that pitiful facsimile of a woman, but it seems like she's genuinely trying in her own way."

"Is she now," he scoffs immediately and I let him have the moment. Not like I disagree with him or his sentiment. If Willow really wanted to set things right she has had plenty of opportunities to do so. Especially in Whitley's case.

The lack of rebuttal seems to catch him off guard. No doubt expecting that I'd have a stronger point otherwise I wouldn't bring it up at all. I flash him a small smile for picking up on that which does help disarm his frosty demeanor. Not fully; he's too close and mixed up in the issue for anything as simple as that to get through to him fully. Bad memories and ill emotions plaguing him too much to retreat back to a more positive, or even neutral, expression.

The both of us sit in that silence for a moment longer, neither of us willing to break it. Whitley out of a sense of seeming disbelief and hesitancy. I imagine that he has some complicated feelings towards his mother. The disdain is obvious, but if all that was there was merely a desire to have nothing to do with her he'd have little problem expressing such. No, the issue is that his emotions regarding that woman are as complicated as Weiss.

If I remember right, the issues with their family became apparent when Weiss turned ten. Before that, from her perspective, and likely Whitley's, they were a family, or pretending to be one. That means Whitley likely remembers a time when his mother actually cared for him. Just as similarly, he had to rationalize away some reason for her subsequent absence. While Weiss blamed the drink and Jacques it seems like Whitley has found another explanation.

What that is I can't divine exactly, but I have a feeling it's not going to make the situation any easier. Not like it was going to be easy to begin with. I can't imagine he'd appreciate knowing that Willow has been making a genuine attempt to reconnect with Weiss and not himself.

I know that isn't out of a sense of favoritism. She's simply taking the path of least resistance and Whitley is very resistant. There are very few ways I could dress that up into something palatable. Although, maybe that's the issue? There may be no way to reduce this into something favorable or bite sized. All I can do is give it to him as it is and let him make a decision.

"If you want my view on the matter, Willow is a fragile woman who shies away at the first sign of failure or trouble. I'm not going to presume that I know her better than you do, but I think you can agree with me on that. However, that doesn't mean she's unwilling to set things right. Just that she's too scared to make that first step."

A hand rises to straighten out his hair while his lips tighten. I take that as a sign of the stress getting to him. He's too proud to break down in a more obvious way, though I imagine if it weren't for our friendship he'd have a greater reaction. Either way, I have to take the opportunity to continue otherwise I feel he'd get too lost in his own emotions.

He opens his mouth and I cut him off, "She's been willing to make the effort with Weiss since she started reaching out." His lips thin even more at that and his features grow more severe. Interesting to note, but I can't address that now. "She's even been cutting back on the alcohol according to Weiss and Klein. Say what you will about the matter, but that's because Weiss is making the effort. I'm not going to pretend that Willow has redeemed herself or anything, but at least keep that in mind."

"And what am I supposed to do with that," he asks while clutching at his hair. Something as minor as that is already a bad sign, but even worse considering Whitley's obsession with his appearance. Apparently something about what I've said or brought up has set him off and I have to right the track before he can get into any sort of rant.

"Whatever you want," I yell with a rise in my voice and pitch. "You don't want her in your life. Good. Tell her yourself. But…if I have to weigh in on it, I think you should give her a chance.

Not because she deserves it or any redeeming qualities on her part, but for yourself. I'm not going to presume to know what it's like to have a mother, not fully. But, I can say I know what it's like to suffer the absence of one. I can't tell you that you'll be better off with making the attempt; only asking that you consider what you really want and work for it."

I finish my tirade and note a particular look of distaste on Whitley's face; one that he soon smooths over into a polite mask. This isn't how I expected this conversation to go. Truthfully there is more I wish to say to him, to explain to him, but he's not particularly receptive at the moment.

I haven't even said anything that egregious in my mind. However, I must concede that this is no small matter for him. Too much about it has built-up and too much has been left unsaid.

All that must be at the forefront of his mind and Whitley is too proud to let it all come streaming out. Not after the kind of conversation that we had; not even with our nascent friendship. I'd like to believe that Whitley is more likely to reflect on this later, but with the matter as it is I can't be wholly sure of that.

"Is that all," he asks with a frosty tone. I know what that likely means and refrain from saying anything. "Ochre," he prompts with some heat in his voice.

That's a clear enough signal that I have to say something, but what remains as the question. I could go along with his current attitude and capitulate, I was offering him the option. Or I could press my case further; it's clear to me that he isn't thinking about this issue rationally right now. Maybe that's better left for him to process on his own time, but I could force the issue now.


Relent: I gave him the choice on what to do. That was the whole point of this conversation. While the outcome is disappointing, that's no reason to abandon my principles. (3)

Press: There is more that's left unsaid. Even if Whitley doesn't want to hear it right now, I think this is for his own good. The fact that convincing him would be directly helpful for me is only a minor concern. (0)

"Yes, that's it," I admit with the taste of defeat on my lips.

"Good. I'm going back to sleep. Tell Mother whatever you need to, I'm sure you can think of something." With that he turns off the call.

His response and subsequent action was too fast for me to think it was anything other than a knee-jerk reaction. Probably didn't register my own reluctance there or anything else. I imagine that for as bad as this feels for me that Whitley's not going to look too kindly on his behavior here either.

He might be able to convince himself of the necessity in the heat of the moment, but I also know he has precious few outlets to actually turn to. He certainly isn't going to talk about his boyhood drama with his father. Much less Willow or Winter.

Weiss is a maybe, but I have a feeling if he were to do that, that there wouldn't be much need for me to worry. Perhaps the worst outcome is that he simply bottles things up and refuses to act on them. Whatever, let him stew on that for a bit; I have other things to deal with.

This place really must be wearing on me if I ever thought that kind of approach would work. Now I'm left with a need to rearrange my schedule AND deal with the ignominy of admitting my failure to Willow. Fucking brat. Won't even be able to appreciate the sacrifice I'm making for him.

I put away my scroll before I can do anything unwise with it and run my hand through my hair. Alright, that was bad, but it was far from the worst thing. More annoying because of how it disrupts my plans than anything. And maybe a bit disheartening that I couldn't get through to my friend.

Heh, guess this is how Autumn felt after our disagreement with one another. I certainly want to beat in Whitley's teeth for his unreasonableness, but I force myself to let the matter lie. Like I noted, this is far from the worst outcome. Arguably having him put on a brave face and not engage with Willow at all during their conversation would be the worst outcome.

As much as I can tell myself that, it does little to relieve me of my frustration. I'm getting too worked up where I am now and I have to blow off some steam. A particular thought for doing so comes to mind and I have to shake it away. Both my girlfriends would probably be happy to help, but I can't put this on them right now. Not when they're both practicing with their team. Besides, I can hold it together for a little bit.

I run through my list of mental options and quickly discard most of them. Just not in the right mindset. Instead I make my way on an airship into Vale while I distract myself with how I'm going to work with the sudden spanner in my schedule.

I don't come to a firm decision by the time we land, but that's no big deal. It served its purpose in keeping my mind off things and allowing me time to calm down.

A quick exchange with Dad later and we have a place to meet. I almost roll my eyes at the seaside cafe we meet up at. I know he's only doing this for my benefit and I don't quite have the heart to refuse him altogether.

I sit down with the man, who is in his more Huntsman-like attire. A formal white long-sleeved formal shirt covered by a black vest with green patterning. Similarly black pants cover his legs and his extremities terminate in a pair of brown gloves and boots respectively. Along his shoulders and trailing down his back is a two-toned cape, a dull foresty green on the outside and a deep orange on the inside. Always the sentimental one out of us and the shock of unrelated color likely does much to dissuade any unwanted attention.

"You know," I prompt, "the purpose of a vacation is to get out and do something new. What's the point of recreating an experience we could get back home?"

"Precisely because one of us could do with the reminder," Dad rejoins with a slight laugh. I know he's referring to me and I duck my head a little before he can show some mercy. "I miss the place terribly even now."

"So do I." He nods at me afterwards, but lets me enjoy the moment in peace. It's a lot like how things were so many years ago. Maybe less catching our own dinner, and the sound of the ocean is further away, but I can appreciate the attempt.

Dad leans his head against his fist, his elbow propped against the table, and stares out along the ocean. Once he thinks it's been long enough, he says, "Still, for all the heartbreak, I wouldn't miss this moment for the world. Tell me, you must have something you have planned. Surely it wouldn't hurt to share a little with you old man."

"I'm afraid you're going to have to find out with the rest of the world," I answer with a shark-like smile. Said smile quickly dwindles away as I grow serious, "Don't think I don't know why you're asking about that."

Dad hums innocently and I fix him with a glare. "I don't know what you're talking about."

I keep the pressure up for a moment longer before relenting, "Seriously, you can't possibly have any Lien to waste away like that."

"Is it really a waste if it's a sure bet," he quips. I throw him another glare except this time he's unrepentant.

I tsk to myself, and say a private prayer that he isn't equipped to hear me. Just like him to make that kind of statement and the implication isn't lost on me. Just because I think I have good odds in the tournament doesn't mean he should act like it's a sure thing. There are plenty of ways things could go wrong before the finals. Not that I'm going to make things easy for anyone or not try my best, but-

"Ochre," Dad interrupts, "You can worry some other time. Keep that up and you'll have as many grays as I do and in half the time."

I grumble internally, but see what he's getting at. I'm still a little high-strung from that conversation with Whitley and I suppose I should relax. Although, some topics that come to my mind aren't all that relaxing.

Gambling: Seriously, I can't believe that he'd even consider getting into such again. I should give him a piece of my mind. Maybe settle into some familiar banter as much as actually talk about it. (3)

Coral: I know Dad is going to want to visit her. I could make excuses for much of our duration here, though I imagine the two of them will meet up in the stands of the Tournament otherwise. (3)

Reminiscing: Yeah, he kind of has a point with the reminder of home. Probably unnecessary considering my plans. However, we could talk about the old times for old times' sake. (2)

Huntsman: I know Dad didn't go very far along in his career. Joined up as a part of the competency program than through the Academy. Though I could still get his thoughts. (1)

Whitley: Far from the most palatable option for me, but I could vent about the conversation I just had. Dad at least would listen without too much judgment. (0)
Contemporary QM Note: Mediation has become no longer possible due to recent events. This may change in the future, but that leaves a hole in the schedule. Vote to remain up until the close of the Live.

Winter: Weiss is certainly going to try talking to her about her performance in the tournament. Perhaps for the best that I step in and try to make sure Winter isn't too critical. (3)

Willow: I'm going to talk with her in some capacity. Might as well expand on that and explain myself. (2)

Defer (+1 social next week): Nothing to fill the hole in my schedule comes immediately to mind. Best to save some time near the end of the week to make some preparations and perhaps squeeze someone in. (1)

Other(+for which social): I have a hole in my schedule and I have to fill it somehow. How and with who exactly is another question. (0)

A brief thought passes through my head before I taper down on it. As cathartic as it would be to vent I have better options available to relax.

"Seriously, Dad?" I lazily wave my hand ending in an accusatory finger pointed his way, "You think I'm going to forget about your other nonsense so easily."

"Ochre-" he starts and I narrow my eyes.

"Just because you have something half-resembling a point doesn't clear you of any wrongdoing. I thought we've had this conversation before? Didn't you end up in a whole heap of trouble because you couldn't control yourself?"

"More than a heap, but I assure you I had the situation under control. Besides, this is entirely-"

"Uh-huh," I agree facetiously. "Keep telling yourself that old man. How much did you lose again? Twenty-thousand? Thirty? A hundred? two," I scoff with a small laugh I can't quite contain.

I don't actually know the exact number, never could get that out of him. That and it's more fun to pretend that it's some outrageous sum like that.

Dad has the decency to play his part for the bit and adopt a sheepish almost guilty look. I shake my head good-naturedly. As if, the old dog has too much fun making bets over frivolous things. Although, I suppose it's nice that his most recent attempt would be because of me. Actually I'm not sure why I think that at all.

"At least tell me it's entirely legal this time."

Dad gruffs, "Don't act like you were there the last time I made any shady bets. Brat," he throws on as almost an afterthought. I play up a hurt reaction, though he really should be better than that. Guess he's a bit rusty since it's been so long since I've been home properly.

"You say that, but need I remind you about your arrangement with the Chief?"

"He told you," Dad questions and I only allow myself a smile with too many teeth. He observes my reaction for a moment before letting out a gust of air. "You shouldn't try to trick me like that."

"You say that, but all you've confirmed is that you have something to hide," I remark.

"Since when have you been so witty?"

"I had a good teacher." That brings him up short and I suppose I should let up on him for the moment. That isn't going to save him in the end, but we need to place our orders and there's something else I need to bring up. "Thanks. For the advice with Coral; it helped."

Dad does me the service of not making a big deal of my admission. He merely hums to himself and strokes his beard. "I don't suppose I'll be meeting this mystery woman who's involved in my son's life?" He shoots me a guarded look with his emerald eyes and I roll my own.

"As if the two of you wouldn't find each other in the crowd. Probably going to scream your hearts out while I'm on the field."

"I can't imagine that we're the only ones," Dad interjects.

"Sorry to say, but I'm more of a controversial figure than a popular one." He raises an eyebrow at me and returns to stroking his beard. "What?"

"Just that it doesn't matter how smart you are if you miss the obvious just as well."

"Yeah, yeah," I wave him off. "Trust me I know."

I think back to the repeated ambushes of admirers and people seeking romantic advice. Despite my mixed reputation at Beacon I still have quite the following there and I know the royalist stance has attracted no small number of fans who undoubtedly will be there to see their leader fight. Huh, I guess I haven't told Dad about that yet. Although, to be fair, that is a more recent development.

"And yet you're the one who made the statement," Dad says with skepticism in his voice.

"Yeah, well, I had to keep you talking somehow."

"Ah, you could have just said that you prefer for the two of us to not meet."

"It's not that," I yell with a raised hand. Okay, that was a bit much in my opinion. Guess I'm still off-kilter from Whitley and explaining things to Dad always walks a line where I'm too open about things. I suppose the fact it's about Coral only adds to that. "In fact I was going to suggest that we meet up."

"Does she have a preference for where?"

"Either here or at her apartment I imagine."

"In that case best to arrange for here," Dad says before sporting a smile I don't like the look of. "It isn't the best idea for me to be invited to a single woman's abode."

He waggles his eyebrows for good measure and it takes me a second to process his words. Immediately afterwards I shake my head to dispel the mental image. No, just no. My thoughts aren't helped by the guffawing laugh that comes from deep within his gut.

"Sorry, sorry," he says, wiping away at his eye. "I couldn't resist. You should know I wouldn't be seduced so easily. But, for your state of mind, could you ask for her to meet us here?"

I glare at him again, but nod. With any luck Coral will bring the gremlin and I can sic her on him. Get some level of retribution for this indignity. Our whole arrangement might make meeting like this a little awkward, but there's no harm in deferring our orders until later and I receive a response from Coral quickly enough. That leaves us with some time to kill and perhaps a bit of unresolved enmity towards a certain someone.

"So," I start in a low tone, full of warning. "What made you think gambling was a good idea?"

Dad backs up a little in his chair and throws a look in either direction as if someone would save him. Amusing, but that isn't going to save him. Not this time. I stab a finger in his direction and he gets the clue that I'm not looking to play into our usual dynamic.

"For the record, I haven't actually made any bets since coming into Vale."

"But you intended to," I challenge.

"Maybe," he hedges, which might as well be a yes for all I care. He chews on his lips immediately afterwards. As if trying to come up with some sort of response before failing and slumping his shoulders. "If it's that big of a deal for you, I'll leave it all alone."

I allow myself a small smile, but perhaps that's taking things a bit too far. I wave one hand in front of me lazily and rest my head in the palm of the other. "Do whatever you want. I just find myself curious is all. That and I figured you'd get in over your head if I didn't call you out. Someone has to keep an eye on you don't they?"

Dad looks off with a wistful expression on his face, "Perhaps you're right." He doesn't say anything further, but I know where his thoughts are drifting off to. Not that I think Mom did a good job of reigning in his worst impulses if the fact they had to abscond to Menagerie is any indication.

Then again, I never got the full story for that either. There's probably more to it than just a need to get away, otherwise I might as well have been born in Vacuo for all that would matter. Thank the heavens for otherwise; I don't think I could ever get used to the sun or the heat there. At least back home we had the ocean nearby to cool off in and plenty of rain.

"You didn't answer the question," I state absent-mindedly, my thoughts occupied elsewhere.

"You're right," Dad answers with a slight laugh. It's clear to me he's trying to keep his thoughts back in the past, but he likely recognizes that doing so isn't helpful in this instance. Or at least not what I want to deal with right now. Perhaps another time.

"I suppose in the simplest terms it's about the thrill. Not necessarily winning big, but that's the idea. Best I can relate it to is my time as a Huntsman. The thrill of the hunt, the riding a knife's edge in a fight. Not knowing if you're going to win or die, live or lose. It's intoxicating in a way that I hope you never experience."

By the end of it he has both his hands raised upwards to the sky. As if he were providing adulations for his hobby instead of the outright recrimination of it. At least going by his last comment. I know Dad has a complicated relationship with it, that much was obvious growing up with him. However, it seems like it does occupy a sort of soft spot in his heart, if a not wholly happy one.

"At least you know it's bad for you," I gruff half-heartedly.

"More than just for myself," he replies cryptically. I could read into that some more, but I think the air is heavy enough as it is.

"How come you never taught me any of that," I ask with some heat in my voice. "No, not gambling. Heavens know that you're terrible at that. I mean finding those shady dealers to begin with. Them and the loan-sharks I suppose; really any criminal element."

"I suppose I thought my son had enough experience with that under his belt," he quips after a moment. Easily jumping on to my change of tone and topic. "A certain someone had an easy enough time falling in with some criminals. Excuse me for not wanting to encourage that behavior."

"Yeah and now I'm leading them," I state simply and hold back a smile. Dad appears ready with a rejoinder of his own until he reads more into my expression. I can't help myself and soon the adulation at my apparent victory creeps through despite my best efforts.

Instead of anything severe or bombastic, Dad's eyes soften and he plants a hand on my shoulder. "I knew you could do it."

Damn it old man; I don't need that kind of response right now. I tough out that wave of emotions and throw out a distraction.

"Yeah, well, that's beside the point. You know just as well as I do how useful that kind of know-how is in my line of work." I don't clarify if I mean Huntsmen work or something else. Really at this point they might be one in the same. "I had to rely on my partner to guide us while we were in Ostro."

"Speaking of little Marina, will she be joining us for this little family outing?" Dad's question comes so suddenly and unexpectedly that I have little answer for him. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised based on what I told him. Not that I've addressed the issue with my partner quite yet.

"I think she's spending time with her girlfriend," I provide as an excuse instead.

Dad hums in such a way that I think he sees through my deception. "She's just as welcome to spend time with us as any. Unless you don't want the company." Of course he's turning this back on me.

"Might as well say the same thing about my girlfriends," I quibble back; only to receive a knowing look instead.

Yeah, probably should have expected that would be his response; though at least I know those two are too busy to join us. Knowing my partner and Penny, they'd come running if I call for them. Not that it makes the prospect any easier to consider, though I suppose I'm forced to while we're waiting for Coral.

Invite: It might make this whole affair messier than it needs to be, but there is a certain charm in bringing the whole 'family' together. Especially to meet properly for the first time. (2)

Don't: I'm already going to be putting up with enough from Coral and Dad. No need to throw in another party who wouldn't even understand why they're there to begin with. (0)

"Making me invite more people," I grumble just for the sake of complaining about something. Before I even finish my sentence my scroll is already in my hands drafting a message to send to my partner and her girlfriend. I don't actually know if the two of them are together right now, though I give it good odds. However, I can't help but think that I'm forgetting about something obvious.

"You can do whatever you want, Ochre," Dad unhelpfully clarifies and drags my attention elsewhere. I glare at him and he pretends to not know what the issue is.

"I know that, but you don't have to point it out," I spell out for him.

"Ah, I'll try my best to be more observant in the future." I spare him another look before letting out a huff of air. He knows perfectly well what he was doing and no amount of pretending is going to convince me otherwise.

He just wanted to point out that this was my choice and he'd be fine no matter what I decided to do. At least outwardly; I know what he'd prefer, but that was his way of saying he'd support me regardless of my decision. However, I already knew that. Useless old man; trying to teach me things I already know.

From there Dad and I fall into light-hearted conversation, albeit to my slight reluctance. I'm not much in the mood for talking after all that, but he keeps chipping away at me with small comments and questions that I can't help responding to. I end up sporting a soft smile by the time we're interrupted.

Clanging, heavy footsteps herald the arrival of Penny. Soon followed by Marina pulling out a chair next to me and then leaning her back towards me as if to present her mess of a hair. I'm not sure if she's doing that out of an earnest desire for me to fix that mess or just because she's grown used to my usual fretting when we're on outings.

Either way I pull out a comb to get to work, only to freeze up as a third member of their group locks eyes with me. Ciel takes a seat at the edge of the table as far away from everyone else. Right, I did kind of forget that Penny was supposed to have an escort. Actually, now that I think about it, she hasn't been in Vale for similar reasons.

Before I can think of that any more I'm wrapped in a crushing hug and I don't have to guess who's giving it. Unyielding arms of metal continue to dig at me and make it hard to breath as Dad begins laughing at the development.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you," Penny fires off rapidly. Not letting me get a word in, in more ways than one. At my apparent lack of comment she elaborates, "Ironwood didn't want to let us go out in Vale until we showed him that you invited us."

Huh, I suppose I did something good. I think that would make Dad suspicious about…something. I'm not sure what; it's getting hard to think and I weakly press at Penny's arms.

My partner must notice something as I note her hand dart against her girlfriend's side. "Captain has enough mistresses," she says with a slight whine in her voice. Very slight, almost flat and guarded otherwise. I take that to mean her more possessive side is coming out which means she views this kind of behavior as intimate, at least as far as Penny is concerned. I doubt that Marina actually cares if I get another girlfriend.

Her words at least serve to save me as her girlfriend soon wraps her in a hug and the two of them share a whispered conversation. I can't hear it too well because of my heavy heartbeats and trying to draw air in my lungs. Something that amuses Dad to no end, but it seems like he's not quite done yet.

He waits for me to recover before meeting my eyes and then deliberately turning towards Ciel. "So, young lady. I don't believe we're acquainted, I'm Onyx Rovere. I believe Ochre has forgotten to mention you at some point. How is it that you know each other?"

"Ciel Soliel," she returns the greeting before falling into an awkward silence. Likely surmising that she can't just outright say that she's Penny's minder without that coming off as a bad look. "I'm a friend," she settles on with a reluctant and questioning lilt.

"A good friend I'm sure," he says in a tone I don't like. Then with a gleam in his eye he shoots a meaningful look towards me and then Marina before letting his face fall into a more neutral expression.

I'm not sure which of those implications I like less. Sure I'm dating Weiss, but that doesn't mean I'd be interested in any stiff from Atlas. As for Marina, it's bad enough that she's already involved with one, I don't need the headache of dealing with another.

Alright, that's harsh; Penny isn't that much of a stiff. It's not like she had a choice in all this and it seems like she's breaking out at the first chance she can get so I can't hold that against her. I'm just a bit upset is all.

"It looks like you're having fun," Coral calls out as she pulls out a seat for Jasmine and then seats herself on the other side of me. Dad is on the opposite side of the table from me and Penny joins next to him. On the other side of him is an empty seat and next to that is Ciel who now sits face to face with Jasmine.

"Your hair's pretty," the gremlin chirps.

I'm not sure what exactly she was expecting, but the stiff freezes up for a moment. "Thanks," she returns awkwardly, "your hair's pretty neat too."

Despite the lackluster compliment the little girl nods her head vigorously. I suppose it's not the worst thing for her to get fixated on. Her and Ciel have an odd hair color compared to most people. Arguably my partner, and perhaps Penny, are in the same boat, but theirs come off as more natural for some reason.

Ignorant of my thoughts, Jasmine pipes up, "Thanks, I got it from my dad."

"Same," Ciel replies and I swear there's a small tug of her lips upwards before it's wiped away and she looks around the table. Likely coming to the conclusion that Mr. Clover is no longer in the picture. "Uh, my name's Ciel," she offers with an outstretched hand.

Jasmine looks at it oddly for a second before bumping it with her fist instead. "Jasmine. Jasmine Clover," she repeats, splaying out her hand against her chest in a haughty manner I'm sure she's seen Weiss do.

"Coral," her mother supplies, finishing the introductions to Ciel. Everyone else should have some level of everyone else even if more formal introductions haven't occurred yet. Related to that, Jasmine turns to Dad and her brow furrows. It reminds me of when I first met her in Vale.

"You're Mr. Big Oak," she exclaims with a pointed finger. I simply look over to her mother who ducks her head sheepishly. Come to think of it, I haven't heard her use my name once properly. She just suddenly started calling me big bro instead of Mr. Oak.

"Right you are," Dad laughs out, much to Coral's displeasure. "I'm the biggest Oak around, right Ochre?" I refrain from flipping him off solely due to the presence of a child, though Penny and Coral titter.

"Charmed," he finishes on a tangent and shoots a smile towards Coral. I try not to think of any implications behind that and find some solace that Coral's expression is more polite than anything else.

"His name is Onyx Rovere," Ciel tries to correct the precocious child.

"Okay, Miss Sky," she replies and kicks her legs out in a carefree manner. Ciel turns to the rest of us as if to ask if this is normal behavior. I keep my expression firm, but Coral's shamefaced gaze towards the ground serves as answer enough.

My partner ignores all that commotion and tugs on my sleeve before leaning back for me to attend to her hair again. I sigh, but I already have my comb out and nothing better to do. Besides, it's best not to leave a job half-finished. Even if she's just going to mess it up again in a few minutes.

Conversation drifts to small-talk which I promptly keep out of. Throughout it all I know that Dad and Coral share looks and make mention of specific words to try to communicate without being too obvious to the rest of their table. I know most of it revolves around me, and Marina as well to a lesser degree. Likely trying to bring each other up to speed on their thoughts and what to make of my partner and our odd relationship.

It turns out that Jasmine is just as perceptive as her mother. Lacking a topic that she has no understanding of like last time she puts the pieces together, slinks out of her chair, and stomps up to my partner who regards her as a curiosity.

"Big bro is my brother, if you want him you got to go through me," she cries out much to my embarrassment.

So much so that I don't register what exactly she said and who she said it to. Marina turns her head for a moment and looks at me. Not finding whatever it is she's looking for she turns back to Jasmine and unceremoniously pushes her to the ground.

Luckily she has aura so it's only a minor pain. Although, maybe a bit more than that; I can't imagine falling on her tail like that is in any way pleasant. Still, a bit lucky I feel that Marina saw how I dealt with child combatants as well as the lessons she's learned after the incident with Nora. Otherwise I feel like this could have turned out much worse.

Immediately afterwards she looks up to me for approval and I can only sigh. It's not wholly negative though since I understand her issues and I find it endearing in a way. Not enough to satisfy her so she turns to the rest of the table and says, "I won?"

Coral shoots her a dirty look while Dad starts openly laughing. Ciel has a tight expression on her face and Penny shakes her head lightly before pulling Marina into another hushed conversation. She also holds onto my partner's arm and hand throughout it all so I take that to mean that the two of them are working on their communication skills with one another.

Jasmine meanwhile fumes, stands up, dusts herself off, and before she can make the issue any worse is swept up by her mother. That doesn't calm her down much and I can tell she's holding more than a little ill-will towards Marina. Who still doesn't have the capacity to understand what the issue was really about.

I haven't talked to her about it and as far as she's concerned that was probably just an odd thing for Jasmine to do. It's not like she views Jasmine as crew so why would she care anyway? I'm her Captain after all, and Jasmine saying she had to go through her to get me could only lead to one conclusion.

That doesn't make the following get-together any less awkward. However, Marina is perfectly fine with staying out of the limelight and largely quiet for the rest of it. Coral, Dad, Penny, and I take up much of the conversational slack with Jasmine occasionally chiming in.

There's too much going on to follow all of it and we often fall into small conversations with one another. A lot of it ends up relating to myself as that's what everyone here, minus maybe Ciel, has in common.

That isn't the only topic as Coral and Dad try to get to know each other better and even talk about their respective past to some degree. Jasmine chimes in with her experiences at school and in the city which often makes Penny question her about it. Ever eager to understand how 'normal' people live their lives and treating Vale like some sort of fairy tale city she hasn't had the chance to explore.

At some point I can allow myself to sit back and observe the menagerie of people that have gathered here today. Faunus and human in equal measure if we discount the fact Penny is a robot. And all with different hair colors and varying skin-tones to boot.

It's not quite the idea I had in mind when the word family comes to mind, and Ciel does a little to diminish that. However, as the day drags on and we finally get to our meal I can't bring myself to care all that much. So what if it's a little odd, or that everyone doesn't get along all that well? I can simply let myself sink into the moment and properly relax.

I end up volunteering to chaperone Marina and Penny on their first real date out in Vale. It mostly entails either Penny running off to whatever looks interesting or Marina showing her around to the few spots she's discovered on her own. I try to stay out the way as much as I can and mind my own business. However, the whole outing is too chaotic for me to focus on anything else of real import.

In a couple instances I have to step in to prevent the date from going awry. The most recent one involves my partner inviting her girlfriend to a racing game she's developed a liking for recently. One with a fake bike as the method of control. As Penny tries to mount the thing it sags and groans under her weight, putting an end to the whole idea.

Despite her small size and ability to blend in, Penny's artificial nature comes rearing its head every once in a while. I don't think that's an insurmountable issue, either for the relationship or in this specific instance. However, the reminder does not sit well with the robot girl and puts a bit of a damper on the whole outing. One that takes a while to clear up.

While that occurs, I think about whether my presence is actually needed here. For all intents and purposes it seems like Marina and Penny can work things out fine on their own. There may be a few missteps like that one, but not usually anything major.

The greater problem comes from whether James would allow this otherwise or not. Ciel's presence and Penny's words from earlier imply that while her restrictions are lessened, they aren't gone entirely yet. I can't imagine that will stay that way if James wishes to entice her to stay in Atlas, much less if Penny decides to stay in Vale. I don't think he's trying to sabotage his chances, more likely he just doesn't think much of it and is slow to change if I don't make it an issue.

I can admit that not seeking said clarification is perhaps in my best interest. At least that's what the content expression my partner wears tells me. Even in this instance, sacrificing my time to keep watch over her isn't any onerous task. I really should get around to talking to her about a certain something; even if she won't understand fully. For now, I put that matter out of my mind for the rest of the night and the coming morning.
S2 Week 17 (Part 3)
My team and I, as well as the rest of the Vytal hopefuls, arrive at Amity amidst an early wave of airships. It's too soon for any of the general public to arrive, though several merchants are setting up their stalls and wares around the lower level. The rest of us are shunted off to competitor only areas to conduct some last minute preparations for the Tournament.

The foremost amongst these is going over the structure, rules, and regulations of the Tournament for one final time. This is a time-waster for most involved. We've already gone over such with Glynda. However, I suspect that this last minute check is to prevent any excuses of favoritism, unfair advantages, or anything of the like. Also, maybe it's to get it through the head of anyone who wasn't listening the first time; like Sun.

Afterwards we're separated into our initial brackets with half of us being told we'll be fighting today and the other half dismissed to either make their way to the stands or find some other way to occupy themselves. My team, as well as RWBY, are a part of the teams fighting today, though in different brackets.

Each bracket has one team from each of the Kingdoms as a measure of fairness and to roughly structure the tournament so an equal number of finalists from each Kingdom makes it to the finals. This doesn't always work out ideally for a multitude of reasons, but that's what I think the intent is. I know the addition of Menagerie would make this whole structure a lot messier, but there's not much I can do about that.

Back to my earlier point, I'm almost certain that the tournament is structured so the strongest teams don't face off against one another in the initial rounds. The point of the Tournament is to build up to the finals so it wouldn't make much sense in my mind to sabotage that in any way. Of course there can be upsets or bad match-ups, but there's only so much that can be done with the restrictions as they are.

We're then given a little time to mingle with our competitors, or more accurately size them up. Before long our exact match-ups are announced and we're separated so our teams can discuss tactics in privacy.

We're up against a second year team from Mistral, Ronchi (RANC). Which is perhaps not the greatest match-up considering the fact I'm from Menagerie and the racial tension involved. At least the team we're up against includes a faunus member so it isn't as bad as it could be.

As far as I can tell, they're nothing special. Above average, yes, but that means little in comparison to me or my team. In fact, I give myself good odds of being able to take them on by myself. It wouldn't be as easy as Pyrrha's thrashing of CRDL, but they aren't a part of this tournament to begin with. I mean, why would they be? They're a thoroughly average first year team; it would take a miracle for them to even be a part of the tournament, much less advance any further than that.

But, I'm getting ahead of myself. I could take the easy win, or I could try to show off a little. Either way wouldn't affect the outcome of the fight too much, but it may be a bit embarrassing to make the play and then fumble it. Still, the benefits of a strong showing for myself, and by extension, Menagerie is nothing to scoff at. Although, I could always pull this stunt off in the doubles round when it's arguably less of a gamble.

Solo: If nothing else I think I could pull off a pretty good showing all on my lonesome. Winning would be preferable, but in the worst case I know my team could follow through. (3)

Team: It probably would be a bit disrespectful to sideline my team after all this time, even if it would be a good showing and they'd understand. Plus no need to risk a sure thing. (2)

I give the matter some thought and turn to the rest of my team. "Let me guess, you want to show off like the damn peacock you are," Kel states with a smile.

Recognizing her tone I counter, "Yeah, well I have to make up for the lack of style amongst the rest of us don't I?"

"I'm stylish," Marina protests, a small frown on her face. I've told her that before, but I think in this instance she recognizes that I'm planning to fight on my own which is obviously not to her desire.

"Next best in the team, like always," I agree and ruffle her hair while shooting a look at Autumn to gauge his reaction.

He shrugs his shoulders, "Less work for me. Oh and I guess not stealing the spotlight from the drama queen is a plus." I slug him in the shoulder for that and he laughs it off.

"Thanks," I utter and nod to each of the twins. I share a complicated expression with Marina who still isn't happy with the turn of events but isn't willing to protest if the rest of the team isn't. That still tells me that she isn't picking up on the reason why I'm doing this while the twins at least understand.

I could explain it to her and I give some thought towards doing so before deciding Kel is just as well-equipped to get through to her as I am. I doubt she'll be enthusiastic about what occurs, but I think I can make it up to her in the doubles round. I'll have already made my statement by then.

For now I settle into a seat and work at building up my aura for the match. Perhaps unnecessary, but we aren't the first ones up and I should ensure I'm at my best regardless.

I'm not sure how much time passes, but by time we're called up I have a decent amount of extra aura in the tank. Not quite twenty percent over and I can practically feel it slipping away. From my experience extra aura slips away quicker than aura naturally regenerates, but it shouldn't be too big of a deal one way or another.

The four of us exit out onto the arena from the opposite side of RANC who all have their game-faces on as far as I can tell. My team, with the exception of Marina who's a bit wound up still, has a more relaxed gait as we step out on the default arena floor. If I weren't aware of otherwise I'd say that we're the first fight of the day.

The thought of which does bring a bit of panic to me. I really hope I didn't miss Weiss and Blake's match because I was too focused on this. Surely Oz wouldn't be so cruel to schedule things that way? Then again, how much control does he actually have over the tournament scheduling? Maybe James would be a better person to plead to?

Kel elbows me in the ribs, likely discerning where my thoughts are at and points to the stands where RWBY is seated. Well, Yang is seated, the rest of the team are on their feet ready or in the process of voicing their support. They're seated in the front row red seats, reserved for either VIP's or competitors. I'm sure Dad, Coral, and Jasmine are in something similar, but I can't spare too much attention to find them in the crowd. Amity is big, to say the least, and spotting any faces from the multitude of people is difficult enough.

Oobleck and Port drone on with their introductions of our respective teams. Although, it's clear to me that they're talking up OAAK more so than the rest. Unsurprising since their pupils are on one team and not the other.

We meet up in the middle dais and I size up my competition. Like I noted already, they aren't anything special, though their clothing is at least something to note. Heavily Mistrali inspired for the most part.

The leader wearing a red-samurai inspired armor set, a boy garbed in black ninja-like wear, and the sole girl in some yellow- I'm not sure what to call it. Rider suit? Morph suit? Something like that; all I know is it looks like something out of a Mistrali show I saw maybe a couple of times, complete with a full-face helmet. The last member of the group stands out the most in a stark white tuxedo.

That's about all the attention I can spare for them before the randomized terrain is announced. The first being, funnily enough, ocean for our side. Marina adopts a look of wonderment as the plates shift behind us revealing a sandy beach with plenty of small islands and more importantly the carcass of a ship. I can already tell what she and the twins are going to be doing with their time until I need their help. Not that I'm planning on needing it.

The other side then settles on an urban environment, though ruins is perhaps more accurate. Dilapidated buildings and structures rise up on the opposite side of the field that might as well be all me and RANC are going to be dealing with. I doubt they'll want to get anywhere close to my team when I'm already pressing on them as much as I'm going to.

Before the match even begins the rest of my team falls back as far as they can so I'm standing out on my own. A clear enough signal that I'm sure Oobleck is commenting on it. Almost positive by how the opposing team looks at each other nervously.

Ochre Combat: 6.02 +3.85(Mobility modified by Combat style)=9.87 vs RANC Combat: 8.95

Diff: .92

Final Modifier: +23

Ochre Aura: 7/6

RANC Aura: 10/10

Match Ends if RANC reaches 2/10 aura or Ochre reaches 1/6 Aura (though the latter would have his team step in beforehand.)

Dice: 9d100+23

Options: Individual.

55,78,86,2,75,83,90,88,34 + 23 = 78,101,109,25,98,106,113,111,57

There's a sort of uneasiness that permeates RANC as they cautiously watch me, and I suppose my team. One that extends past the start signal as if they're expecting some sort of trick. Just as well for me that they aren't fully prepared for what they're about to face. Although, I think they aren't that hopeful for things anyway.

As students for the past semester, they're aware of my tie with Pyrrha and subsequent performance in spars. That is sure to put the fear of the heavens in them alone. However, I will admit that they might think they have a chance.

Before picking up my new style I did struggle somewhat with groups of people. Come to think of it, none of them should be aware of my upgrades courtesy of Vel. They must suspect there has to be some sort of trick rather than me playing things completely straight. More's the pity, I suppose.

I crack my neck and get into a proper stance which finally knocks them out of their stupor. Before they can properly react I stretch out my left hand and put Vel's upgrade to good use. A bolt of lightning flies wildly and barely strikes their leader in the face. Guess she wasn't kidding when she said it was more of a short-range option than mid-range one.

The rest of them train their weapons on me, but they're too slow. I duck down in a low crouch and blast off the arena floor with my boots. Most of my momentum is placed horizontally instead of vertically, allowing the first round of shots to pass over my head.

I'm making a beeline for the ninja wannabe, but heading too fast to make an effective attack. I arrest my momentum by slamming my hand on the ground and firing off a corrective shot from my weapon. Turning my mad dash forward into a vicious circular swipe as my legs lash out and trip up my opponent before he can properly register the attack.

As he falls I make a split second decision to raise my shield in the direction of tuxedo guy opposite to where my current victim is falling. That turns out to be a minor mistake. Tuxedo guy hasn't quite recovered from the mess and their leader has stumbled in front of our line of fire. Instead I briefly register the pang of bullets on my aura from my back, but it isn't major enough to throw me off my plan.

A bit after the ninja lands, but before he crumbles into a heap or recovers, I pull back my leg and kick them towards their annoyance of a teammate. Those shots probably hit him more than me, but I'm not in a charitable mood. I add in a low powered blast from my boots which also sends me surging towards the leader.

Who just now gets their bearings enough to slash their sword in my direction. Only to be stopped as I'm already in their guard before they can get their attack out properly. I then keep up the momentum as much as I can and we end up crashing into tuxedo guy and the whole maneuver drives us off the central platform into the urban section at an oblique angle.

One hell of a way to start off the fight in my opinion and I'm sure the crowd is going wild at all this. I'm not quite sure about the fullness of it. I know that everything from the crowd to the arena and vice versa passes through some sort of anti-tamper system which I'm sure modulates some of the volume. Regardless, I've done a wonderful job of disrupting RANC's formation and cohesion as I drive two of their members against a barely held together wall.

We don't impact the wall with enough force to break through it, unfortunately. I could do with the cover, but I'm not about to cry over spilt milk. Too bad I'm too close to use Wit's End properly and so I devolve to punching the leader, Ru-something; I'm not sure I never paid attention to their names. I distantly note tuxedo guy break away from the tangle of limbs and I suppose I should get a move on before they all regroup properly.

Just as I do so, I narrowly avoid a long spindly limb of his weapon. Some sort of whip by the looks of things. Where it strikes soon frosts over from his usage of Dust. Although, going by his expression, he slowly realizes that perhaps drawing attention to himself wasn't the best of ideas.

His leader uses my momentary distraction to transform his sword into some sort of long-rifle and take a shot at me. I can't dodge it fully, nor can I afford to get bogged down dealing with the two of them and allow the rest of their team to regroup.

I fire off a lazy shot in his direction and speed past tuxedo guy. Who apparently doesn't expect me to close the distance and can't alter his weapon's trajectory to cause me problems. Too bad I wasn't counting on that and already shifted Wit's End into rifle form to fire off a hail of bullets before darting into a building to get some height.

I'm sure Ruby will appreciate that little tidbit. Figured it wouldn't hurt to give mark one, one last hurrah. Not like I could use the hardier Dust chambers anyway and efficiency doesn't matter if I'm not the one paying for my Dust. Plus, I can admit I want the little guy to go out with some dignity; heh, maybe a bit too sentimental for my tastes. On a more practical note it leaves me some surprises to keep in store once the finals roll around.

The fighting dies down with my obvious disappearance and the lack of presence from my team. I keep my ears primed to discern where RANC are and what they're up to. It sounds like they're coming closer. Probably don't want to turn their backs on me and I can't blame 'em.

By the sounds of things they don't know where I am and they're skittish about entering any of the buildings. However, they can't stay out in the open like that forever; the look isn't good for them in a one v. four. Not like I plan on giving them a respite myself.

Weiss is probably going to chew my ear off for this, but I think I know what I'm doing. I pull out one of my spare cartridges and empty out the Dust in my hand. It's a motley collection and I'm sure this is a wasteful use of it. But again, I'm not the one paying for this expense and it helps me out here.

I peer over the crumbling wall of the second story I'm on before ducking my head away. Targets located I back up and make a proper jump off my makeshift balcony, tossing the collection of Dust into the middle of them as a makeshift grenade.

The impact and detonation is less than I hoped for. More of a smokescreen than any sort of concussive blast. I even earn a couple more bullets for my troubles and one of them makes a half-decent swing at me before visual conditions worsen to the point no one can make anything out. Definitely bad for them, they can't strike out without risking doing more harm to themselves than me. While I have a target rich environment and plan to use it to the fullest.

My eyes don't assist me in locating my targets, faunus eyes not having any sort of adaptation for seeing through a field of smoke. However, my ears are a serviceable substitute. Not perfect, though, I end up blindly striking and darting away more than anything else. I don't even think I hit anyone the majority of the time, but I know I tag them at least occasionally.

I'm about to call that a win and dart out to reposition until one of them crashes into me. He starts hollering something, likely in an attempt to attract his team's attention. Probably a bit too late for that since the smoke is clearing, but it hasn't dissipated quite yet. On top of this he starts pounding into me with something. Either his fists or his weapons, but the lack of leverage and other circumstances makes it more annoying than anything else.

Speaking of annoyances, I think the one grappling onto me may have overestimated his position. He wasn't quite able to knock me down and he doesn't have the heft or strength to keep me in one place. Not with the extra options for mobility that Vel gave me.

Despite it all, he holds on with a tenacity that's foolhardy. I guess he's either desperate or has something to prove. Either works for me and I soon drag him off to another nearby building. I'm sure his team is going to be hot on my heels, but I should be able to manage.

Once in proper cover, I grapple onto his arm and twist my body with enough force that he has no choice but to let go. I'm pretty sure he also tore something on my outfit, but that's something to deal with later. Not that it makes me any more inclined to take it easy on the ninja-wannabe.

I kick him square in the head with a minor blast which disorients him enough that he's completely defenseless when I go in for an actual stab. I, of course, add in a few pulls of the trigger for good measure until a buzzer sounds out. Huh. I kind of expected the lot of them to last longer than this. Maybe he just had the weakest aura out of them?

Either way, I'm not going to gainsay my blessings when I receive them. Instead I turn around to see his leader skidding into view with tuxedo guy following shortly behind. That immediately twigs my senses onto something being up and I turn to see the biker chick striking at me.

She uses some sort of unarmed style; using her suit and vambraces more as gadgets and defensive items than anything else. She reminds me of an odd mix of Vel and Yang, though only serves as a momentary distraction before I shoot her in the gut.

That isn't enough to down her entirely and I soon have to contend with the sword-wielding leader. As I do so, Tuxedo guy snaps his whip out around my arm and a layer of frost creeps out making it difficult to move my arm. I don't think he was expecting me to just take that. Likely expecting I'd step out of the way so he could lock my legs in place with his usage of Dust.

I don't give him a chance to take advantage of his position and fall flat on my back with a harsh tug from my shoulder. That sends him sprawling to the floor and a sword swing sailing above me. I kick myself back up, rising into the guard of the leader and socking him with an uppercut. Again, not enough to send him down for the count, but the only person with ability to combat me ends up being the biker-chick for a moment.

I stab at her semi-sluggishly and she deploys her vambraces into some sort of shield that sends my strike off course. Oh well, I think this fight is near its end anyway. I let Wit's End slip from my grasp and pull on her makeshift shield instead. She falls my way and I slam a fist into her helmeted face before flipping her onto tuxedo guy who still hasn't fully recovered.

Then I turn my attention to the leader. I shake out any remaining cold from my arm, step into his space, and headbutt him. While I do so, I put my hand on his weapon, thankful that both my hands are gauntleted, and rip it out of his grasp. Bereft of a weapon it only takes a couple of swings to send him out of aura and then I can turn my attention on the two slowly recovering members of RANC.

In the end, they already know that they have no hope of beating me. Which makes them not put up much more of a fight. Still a bit embarrassing that I had to abandon my weapon to do so, but I think the results more than speak for themselves.

In fact when I turn to look at the display it appears that myself, and the rest of my team, are still at full aura. I'm not sure how exactly they accounted for me having more than my max, but it seems that they did indeed account for it.

I suppose I shouldn't be surprised, the technique isn't too difficult to learn or obscure. It just has a really questionable utility. I suppose I should expect to see more people use it in the future with a showing like this, though that's not really my concern.

Whatever my thoughts of the future might be, in the here and now our respective teams have to clear out of the arena. My team does so with an almost bored nonchalance. I can't imagine that the luster of hanging out in what appears to be a ruined ship was all that exciting while I got to have some actual fun.

Not quite the fanfare or celebration I was expecting for my efforts. However, I can say that I pulled off what I wanted to. I can exult in that victory even if it isn't the focus for the day.

The show, as they say, must go on and the Tournament has a rough schedule to follow. Nothing wholly binding, more a rough sequence of events and a time for them to take place. To my relief I haven't missed RWBY's fight and don't have to deal with any irate girlfriends. Probably for the best that no one mentions to them how much of a possibility that actually was.

Either way, I decide to meet up with them and my team breaks away to pursue their own interests. Everyone heads to the stands, Marina and Kel in one group and Autumn off on his own. Most likely they're meeting up with different people; SSSN in the case of Autumn and Penny and Ciel for the other two.

For myself I simply wait in a sort of common room for the competitors. It's not meant for any long-term habitation, just a simple couch and screen displaying the tournament for anyone needing time to kill between rounds and not wanting to bother heading up to get a proper view.

Before long a knock on the door occurs and the room is filled with RWBY. Curiously the first one to me is Ruby who babbles on about the fight itself and soon distracts herself by cooing over my weapon. Apparently pleased that I decided to bring out the old model for one last hurrah. I try not to make it obvious that I only got that sort of thought thanks to hanging out with her.

Yang keeps to the back while my girlfriends swarm my presence. I get the feeling they both have something to say about my performance. Weiss I expect to be more critical, especially with the malformed trick with raw Dust crystals while I think Blake understands perfectly why I did what I did. She seems conflicted about that, but neither of them gets a chance to say anything.

"Show off," Yang interjects and deliberately wipes away an errant strand of hair. I just shoot her a look to display my annoyance rather than anything major.

She doesn't mean anything by it and her words serve as enough of a break in the tension that things turn to a more casual affair rather than making a big deal about what I just pulled off. Not that it makes it any smaller in my mind. Just that everything that has to be said about it can wait until later or has already been said.

After a few minutes, the rest of them receive an alert on their scrolls and they depart to be ready for their fight. I suppose that means I should get in position to cheer them on.

Finding a spot in the stands isn't difficult due to the aforementioned reserved seats for the competitors. Despite it being a pretty busy time for the Vytal Festival, the front row has plenty of empty seats available. It kind of has to in order to accommodate all contestants and plenty of them are still engaged in fighting or preparations to fight so there's bound to be some empty space.

My prediction about the fights being arranged to some degree continues to hold some water in my mind. The team that RWBY is up against is ABRN, another team from Mistral as it turns out. Their leader, Arslan, seems to be able to give Yang a run for her Lien in a one on one, but the outcome is never in doubt in my mind.

Blake is able to dispatch her opponent with little trouble. Both by ring-out, which is impressive all on its own given the size of the arena, and by aura level.

Ruby and Weiss working together put the other two in a bind. Using the arctic terrain on one half of the arena to entrap two members of ABRN together and then forming a crude snowball heading out of the arena that their leader then rushes off to stop. During that time, Weiss finally decides to be fancy and perform her summon. Perhaps actually learning her lesson from Ostro that she needs an opening to do so.

Slowly her spectral knight lumbers out of a Schnee glyph and I know my girlfriend is doing everything in her power not to do a little dance. It's kind of cute that she's trying to act all reserved and stoic; even if I'm not the primary audience for such a show.

However, that may be a slight mistake as the rescue of ABRN's two errant members continues unabated despite the trio leaving themselves open to a counterattack. Not that it matters too much. It's now a five v three and even if Arslan is good enough to put up a fight, the rest of her team isn't quite up to snuff.

I, of course, do my part to cheer on my girlfriends. Although, as soon as the fight ends I make a mad dash to an out of the way location as soon as their attention is off me. I'm unsure of when Weiss would call Winter, but I've already decided to move around my mental schedule to preempt that to the best of my ability.

Once I've found a suitable location I dial the number and wait for Winter to pick up. Annoyingly enough that takes a few rings, though that shouldn't be too surprising. If I have my read right, Winter is probably watching her sister right now, even if she doesn't want to advertise that fact.

I imagine that there is a slight delay in the feed; not enough to explain this, but perhaps enough that she's still riding the high of seeing her sister pull off a summon and a victory. Maybe she also needed a few seconds to calm down so as to not ruin her image, which seems more likely in my mind.

Regardless, the image soon resolves into one of Winter in her usual military outfit. "I presume you are calling me for a reason, now of all times," she questions with a frosty attitude that is almost certainly affected.

"Don't act like you can't guess why," I bite back. That's perhaps a bit too aggressive in words so I throw in a soft smile to get the right tone across.

"Is this about Weiss? I am sure she can take care of herself fine. You worry too much," she replies dismissively.

"Uh-huh. And how do you know there's nothing to worry about," I ask with a slight threatening lilt in my voice.

That brings her up short and I'm almost disappointed; there are a number of ways she could deflect that. Although, I suppose it doesn't matter since I already suspect the truth. No way she wouldn't pay attention to Weiss now of all times. At least if she had any way of getting out of her duties to do so, which I think is a sure enough bet.

Either way, I'll be…circumventing a certain issue with her more critical side soon enough. However, I don't want to call her up just to chastise her and recommend a course of action. Too likely to engender bad feelings and cause her to be more reluctant about such in the future. And it's not like we don't have a lot to talk about now that I think about it. However, there's only so much time in the day and so much time before my girlfriends wonder where I am.

Conspiracy: she's been brought into the conspiracy and I imagine that she has some words to say about my involvement and that of my girlfriends. (1)

Maiden: She's the next candidate for the Winter maiden and she has been made aware of the conspiracy. Perhaps I could find out her thoughts about that. (0)

Whitley: Perhaps not the best idea to air my failure about, but talking about her brother could provide some benefit I'm sure. (0)

Willow: I've failed on one account for setting up a relationship between the Schnee matriarch and one of her children. Perhaps some actual reconnaissance about the matter is in order. (0)

"Well, I suppose there's no sense in beating around the bush. The most recent bout at Amity, I take it that you were watching?"

"It may have been left on and I may have stopped to watch for a bit," Winter ventures cautiously.

I'm not sure how to take the fact she won't simply be up-front about her affection for her sister. I mean, it's kind of obvious and I've already talked to her about it once before. Not in such frank terms; more in the frame of mind that Weiss wouldn't think any less of her for doing so.

It seems that it hasn't sunk in at any rate. I sort of expected that if I'm going to be honest. Change isn't easy, though this reaction indicates that the issue is probably something else than a simple desire to look 'good' or 'cool' to her sister. Perhaps it's simply a part of her personality that can't be changed, though I'm more shaky on that one.

I think she can overcome her reticence with enough effort and motivation. It's more like her resting state is to return to a more detached and critical state of mind. If I had to guess, that's likely a defense mechanism of sorts. It is interesting to note that Weiss doesn't get past it; perhaps even makes it more prominent.

I think that might be taking this extrapolation too far, but it also fits in a weird way. Weiss would be a pretty strong reminder of the life Winter is trying to leave behind. She even gave advice to her sister to simply do away with or ignore their family name. It's possible that wasn't wholly motivated by earnest advice given from one sister to another. Not that I think Winter had this on her mind when she made that suggestion; just that it fits in a weird way.

That's an interesting diversion, but a diversion nonetheless. "In that case, I'm sure you have a lot to say about a certain someone and her performance."

She narrows her eyes, "I may, but I see no reason to share it with you."

I sigh, "You know, you'd think you'd give me some benefit of the doubt after everything. I mean, we're on the same side in all this aren't we?" My words could be construed as referring to Weiss or the conspiracy. I suppose it would be interesting to see which one wins out in her mind.

Winter regards me for a long moment before letting out a breath. No doubt picking up on my ambiguity. "Perhaps I am being overly harsh with you," she allows in the same firm tone as always. "The General trusts you, and your relationship with Weiss - Well, it is genuine at any rate."

Her lips twitch before thinning out. Likely indicative of her having something else on her mind only to think better of saying it. What that could be is interesting; as is the lack of confirmation for where her mind is at.

Just like how my words could be construed in multiple ways, her mention of the General followed by Weiss throws out mixed signals. I suppose she's not leaving herself open for any criticism which is unhelpful in this instance. Perhaps dealing with her more professional side in an amicable manner would convince her there's no need for her defensiveness?

"I hope whatever James told you didn't come as too much of a shock," I venture unaware of what exactly he told her. I'd imagine that he isn't inclined to keep secrets from his trusted compatriots at this point, but better to not make that assumption and give away something I shouldn't.

Winter hums, "It was…surprising to a degree. Not as much as it could be. The General made sure to inform me he had something to share beforehand. However, the scope of it, and particularly your involvement, was the most shocking."

She didn't have to add that last part; she could have easily gotten away with cutting her answer shorter and she must be aware of that. She chose to add that last tidbit, and not likely for my benefit. Her tone is the same as ever, not actually making an issue of it one way or another. However, she felt the need to bring it up for some reason. Either to say something or because of some questions on her mind.

"Okay I'll bite," I start as a light chastisement. This would be a lot simpler if she would just outright ask or say what she wants rather than this run-around. Perhaps calling her out will make her less inclined to act this way in the future, but I'm not getting my hopes up. "What about my involvement has you so upset?"

"Upset is putting it far too harshly," she replies with an icy tone that belies the matter is more significant than she's letting on. I can suspect the reasoning behind it, but I have a feeling it's best to push this issue a little more. I scoff and roll my eyes, which only draws a narrowing of the eyes from her. It seems like she isn't willing to let herself react too strongly, but I think I've gotten under her skin.

"As I said, upset would not be the right word; shocking, as I described earlier, is more appropriate. Your level of familiarity with the General is most peculiar, especially at your age. The fact that he vouches for your character and supports some of your ideas to the detriment of Atlas boggles the mind."

That last bit throws me for a loop for a bit. I'm not sure I've actually suggested anything that would hurt Atlas in the long-run; James would never go for it. The closest thing I can think of was leaning on him to help break up the protests in Mantle. In that lens, it definitely hurt the military a little, as well as James' standing which I think is the actual issue here.

Furthermore, the fact that she's confused by the trust extended to me is interesting to note. I wondered about it myself, but from the answer Oz gave I know why James is acting the way that he is. That brings to mind why he hasn't shared that with Winter.

Like I noted before, I wouldn't think that he'd keep secrets from his confidants, but that's what this appears to be. However, there may be another explanation available. What that could be isn't something I can answer, although I feel like my suspicion is more accurate than not.

As interesting as that is to ponder, that's all Winter is willing to share at the moment. It still doesn't strike at what I think is the core of her enmity and I suppose I'll have to bring her up directly if I want to make headway.

"And here I thought you'd have more to say about me and my relationships," I chirp with a lazy smile. I'm definitely being too obvious, but at this point I think Winter would simply ignore any more subtle cues I could give her.

"And I am sure you can guess what I have to say on the matter," she retorts.

"Maybe. But, you aren't voicing any complaints now are you?"

"Because there is no need. Whatever I may feel, I know Weiss is stubborn and will not listen to me in regards to this. You have been an incorrigible influence on her." Her tone is still icy, though I think there's a note of pride in her voice even while calling Weiss stubborn.

I hum in a way that is neither agreeing or disagreeing. I'm sure she has some problems with Weiss being involved, but she isn't willing to voice them; not fully at any rate.

I'm not sure if that's because she's too guarded to get into it with me or because she's already discussed such with my girlfriend and found her unpliable. Probably a mix of both if I had to guess. This sort of precludes any catharsis from popping the issue and dealing with it, although it appears that she's perfectly willing to engage me in a professional manner.

With that issue not really resolved, I don't have many ways to pivot the conversation. Unfortunately I can't just let it die out and end the call. That would defeat the entire purpose of calling in the first place. With no real way to pull off any fancy tricks, at least not without Winter suspecting my aims to begin with, I decide to go with the blunt approach.

"Speaking of Weiss, you know she's going to want to talk to you about her match, right?"

"And when she does I'll be sure to discuss my findings with her," Winter replies, again not changing her tone. Although I imagine that she's slightly defensive.

"I'm sure you will," I state and leave it at that. My refusal to engage in any sort of antics or meaningful conversation causes a frown to form on Winter's face. A small downward tug of the lips that isn't communicating displeasure, but rather unease.

I could probably push her to tell me what her findings are, and there is a convoluted scheme hatching in the back of my mind to arrange things such that Weiss would walk in during the middle of that spiel. I'm certain I could get Winter to speak of the positives of my girlfriend if I poked and prodded her the right way, but that would be detrimental in this instance.

Sure, it would make Weiss happy, which is the number one goal here. But, I shouldn't hold that to such a high regard as to sacrifice everything else. Winter being able to pull through and provide any sort of compliments to my girlfriend would do the both of them a lot of good. Tricking her into doing so would just sour relations and be too volatile to rely on.

"I know you're proud of her. Telling her that shouldn't be a huge ask. And you and I both know how much of a victory all this was for her. I'm not telling you to lie to her or to inflate her ego or anything. Just that letting her have this celebration is going to make her extraordinarily happy.

If you need a practical reason for it, this has been the work of months, if not years, for her. Imagine how much harder she'll work when she finds out that this is the sort of reward that waits for her. You can bring up her faults that she should address if you want to, but focus on the positives; I tend to find that she loves the attention."

"...I'll take that under advisement," she manages after a brief second of silence. I don't think she's taking my words entirely to heart, but neither is she arguing with me. Winter seems like a direct enough person that if she had some issue with my advice she'd share it. I take that to mean that it's once again a more emotional issue than a logical one. Or perhaps that she's simply not used to acting in that way and doesn't think she'll measure up.

Either way, she seems willing to think about it. At this point there's not much else for me to do. Whatever happens is in her hands now and I've put my finger on the scale as much as I could without outright begging or favor trading. Again, that would be detrimental I feel. Far better if Winter comes to the conclusion without any coercion; it would at least be something positive for the Schnee family considering the week so far.

I then receive a message from my girlfriends and I have to cut the call short. They're going to celebrate their victory as a team down in the fairgrounds. While there's no specific mention that I should come along, I figure they want to brag about their efforts a little. The fact that both of them are messaging me and not just Weiss implies that Blake is no less proud of her efforts than Weiss is. Unsurprising since she did effectively take out her opponent without any assistance.

I meet with them at some sort of noodle stall and take an open seat between my girlfriends. Weiss plays it cool initially and Blake is too enamored with her food, fish of course, for either of them to be blatant about seeking out praise. I'm willing to give it to them all the same, but before we can discuss anything about the match JNPR shows up.

Confused, I pull out my scroll to double check the schedule, "Aren't you guys up next?"

"Yeah, but we should have time for some grub, right," Nora states rather confidently.

I blink slowly, "No, you really don't." Then I rub at my temples and shoot a look at Jaune and Ren. One of those two should have been responsible enough for this to not be an issue. I mean, it's not like transit to Amity is immediate or anything. Even if there are semi-constant flights to and from Beacon, there's still the matter of said flights taking time.

"Psshaw, I'm sure it'll be fine," she retorts and takes a seat. "Hey! Shop guy! Get me something!" Reluctantly the rest of her team follows suit, although once they receive their meals the four of them dig into them quickly. They really are lucky that the tournament isn't on a strict time-table or else I think they'd run into a real risk of disqualification. As if to prove my thoughts true, an announcement on the broadcast system calls for their presence immediately.

That only vindicates a petty look I throw over to the rest of the team and Ren in particular. He shudders a bit, knowing fully well that I'm not going to let him live this down even as they depart. Not like I think they're at a real risk of being disqualified. I can only imagine the sheer media outrage at stopping Pyrrha from competing.

With them finally gone I can turn my attention to my girlfriends. Only for Weiss to receive a call of some sort and rush off to take it. There are only a handful of people I can think of who'd require that kind of urgency and I hope it's who I think it is.

Ruby and Yang then sluggishly depart so they can view JNPR's upcoming fight. I have absolutely no desire to keep making the trip up and down from Amity, especially since the outcome is pretty obvious in my mind. That and the only person I'd really cheer on is Ren; maybe Nora as well.

That leaves me alone with Blake and I tease, "You've been patient haven't you."

"I don't know what you mean," she evades.

"Uh-huh, I'm sure you don't. Regardless, you did good in your fight. Aura break and knockout…" I trail off for a bit and finish with, "Showoff"

"Thanks-" she starts before my word cuts her off. "How was I showing off?!" She pauses, then huffs, "Like you're one to talk. Seriously, taking a whole team on your own…"

"I know right, pretty impressive. Had to show them what our home is made of, didn't we?"

"Yeah," she replies with a wistful tone and a soft smile. Although there is a small measure of reluctance in her tone. If I had to guess that relates to how she isn't going forward into the doubles round. Weiss and Yang have the better odds so I can't blame her, but it seems like she's realizing that more could be done in the name of our homeland if she pressed her case a bit more.

I wrap her in a hug and pull her into a kiss. No reason to let her dwell on the missed opportunity. "You did wonderfully; I can take things from here." I don't get to see her exact reaction as she pulls me into another kiss and we get heated enough that the shopkeep kicks us out of our seats. Probably also to free up room for the slight crowd that's formed from Pyrrha, Weiss, and I's patronage of the place.

"You shouldn't have to do it alone," Blake says cryptically as she nuzzles into my side. I know she's referring to more than just the Tournament.

"As if you aren't helping out," I squeeze her close and she lets out a small giggle despite any attempt to control herself. "You were able to hold your own, and I don't want to think of where I'd be without your help."

"Still…" she trails off until I pinch her side and she shakes her head. Then she turns more light-hearted, "Shouldn't I be singing your praises after everything you've done."

"I wouldn't mind it," I answer, much to her surprise. Something that causes me to duck my head a little, but carry forth with my response. "However, that's no reason not to make it a mutual affair. That's kind of our thing isn't it?"

"Oh," she sounds out like she doesn't know what I'm talking about.

I really shouldn't fall for such a blatant response, but I can't help myself. I whisper words to her of how supportive she's been and how thankful I am for her help. Despite any reservations otherwise or the lack of warning she was willing to support me against her parents. That isn't the first time it happened, but I haven't been able to show my appreciation for the most recent time until now.

Of course, she replies in kind. Although, this time her words reflect more awe and relate back to my recent fight. As much indignation she may have shown at being called a showoff that doesn't seem to extend to myself. If anything it makes her more eager to compliment me. Probably thinking that I deserve the praise and secretly liking that I had a good showing.

I reflect that sentiment and soon the two of us are a blushing mess in the midst of the fairgrounds. Come to think of it, I don't believe her and I have paid the place any significant visit. We've always occupied ourselves with more physical activities. That's more her speed to begin with, although, now that the prospect is in my mind I can't give up the opportunity for anything else.

Maybe that's the romantic moments I've shared here with Weiss occupying my thoughts. I'd be lying if I didn't say I was hoping for something similar to happen again. Going by Blake's shy expression, I think she feels similar.

It takes all my willpower not to just succumb to the moment as there are actual serious matters we could touch on. Maybe that's best left until later, but considering that things are likely to heat up in Mistral and for the White Fang as a whole, this might be the best opportunity. That and I have to share the news of my ascension come to think of it. So many things to attend to and so little time it seems.

Romance: Maybe it's a bit foolhardy to think that this is the best course of action, but I can at least try. She did wonder when she'd see the romantic side of me and I guess I could show her. (2)

Ascension: I have an announcement to make and I'm sure she'll have something to say about it. Likely a lot of emotions to deal with as well considering her past. (2)

Limelight: Considering my level of fame, recent media campaign, her parents, and the soon announcement from Menagerie, a lot of attention is going to be on her. I could see what her thoughts are. (0)

Guilt: She had a bit of reluctance in fighting the brotherhood and the actions at Tutoa Tasi likely didn't make that better. Still, she seems to have come to some resolution of the former. I'm sure she'd appreciate a discussion about it, though I imagine it'll go both ways. (0)

Menagerie: We've both recently been home and there are some changes. We could talk about that and the future for our home together to some degree. Though it may be a bit incongruent with the current mood. (0)

White Fang: A bit more forward thinking than the others. We're probably going to have to discuss the inevitable blow up in Mistral and her thoughts on what we should do. Maybe not appropriate at the moment all things considered. (0)

In the end I can't keep my attention anywhere else and I soon drown in the bliss of my girlfriend's presence. However, it seems she picks up on my brief moment of deliberation.

"What's on your mind," she asks with a tight expression. Likely expecting the moment we just shared to be short-lived.

"You." My simple reply earns a slight smile that soon disappears.

"You've always got something else on your mind," she prods.

"What if I don't want there to be," I ask with a smile and shoot her a meaningful look.

She sucks in a breath of air. An earnest smile crosses her lips before turning into something more sultry. "I can think of a few ways to make you think solely about me." She leans against me with enough weight that I'm pressed against the side of a stall. Then one of her hands trails a line along the outside of my leg.

I grab said arm before she can make a more suggestive gesture. "I'm sure you could…" I trail off for a few moments before thinking of something that could satisfy her. "Pretty sure our teams will be busy at Amity." She nods at that, although I think she's almost disappointed by my words, despite the implicit promise. Something about the change in venue is not exactly what she desires.

I pull her into a kiss to wipe away the disappointment. She makes a needy noise before pulling on my arm in the direction of the dorms. I remain firm and pull her back. Her response is to deepen our kiss and make soft noises, just loud enough for others to hear.

"You're incorrigible, you know that," I quip.

"No, I just know what I want," she returns in a breathy tone and gives my arm a squeeze. The distraction is very much not what I wanted to deal with. She's making it really difficult to get my actual feelings across.

I suppose I should have seen that sort of difficulty coming. She's usually one for physical activity first with the more emotional aspects coming in later. It turns out that her fight wasn't enough to wear her out to be receptive to such just yet. Or the fact I wasn't involved in said fight or the short break afterwards could be responsible. I'm not sure if this level of forwardness is just her default or simply spiked because of recent occurrences.

"You know, I was trying to have a moment for the two of us," I grouse without much heat. However, my words bring a softening to her features. Blake stares at me with wide amber eyes before turning sheepish. It seems like she's honestly embarrassed either by the prospect or the fact that she's been inadvertently ruining it.

"Sorry," she says. I give her a light pinch which brings confusion to her features. Not able to tell what type of tone I'm trying to go for and her mind instantly drifting to something lurid instead of as the light admonishment my gesture is.

"Don't be sorry, I just want to spend some time with you. Without anything else hanging over it, okay?" I feel empty for a moment as I wait for her response. All that is, is a simple slow nod which does little to make up for the vulnerability that I displayed.

Blake apparently reads into that and allows a soft smile to come through. It's a lot shyer than I normally see out of her. She backs up a little and lets my arm slide into a more neutral position. Then she leans her head against my shoulder and grabs my hand, intertwining our fingers together. She throws our hands together in the direction of the fairground and I start leading her about.

There are several times where there is a slight stutter in her steps. I try to pay attention each and every time. Sometimes she then points to or drags us off to some sort of attraction. Others she'll simply tear her gaze away from something and I have to try to figure out what. I don't think she's doing that on purpose. Rather, I think she's trying to pick out things that the both of us like while discounting her own feelings and what she'd like to do.

Of course, I don't let her get away with that and try to visit whatever she's interested in as much as I can. Afterwards I pepper in some attraction I like, even if I've been to most of them at this point. I know that if I don't do so, she'll blame herself, however little, for taking up my time. No matter how much I enjoy our time together.

It seems like despite her best attempts, she isn't willing to put herself fully out there just yet. Not to say that she isn't trying, or that her response isn't understandable. Just that she's having some trouble and I'm doing my best to work with her through that.

In the end, things don't really click in any sort of way. The time was enjoyable enough, but Blake's apprehension and the activity not really meshing with her preferred pace prevents it from being as emotional as I was hoping it would be.

Rather silly to think that things would play out that way, especially so soon. She needs more than a few weeks since opening up to really be vulnerable and receptive to this kind of gesture. She's done as well as she can, but she knows something is up when we retire to a bench for a few moments.

"I'm sorry, I-" I shut her up with a kiss and press her firmly against the bench. The gesture is not really appropriate for a public space, but one that I know she'll enjoy.

"Stop being sorry. You have nothing to apologize for; I love you."

"Love you too," she returns after a moment and she relaxes. A serene smile comes over her face and I allow it. The words are still hollow by my estimation, but the two of us can enjoy the falsity while we both hope for the day they become true.

"Maybe we should go into Vale next time," she offers. I throw her a look and she shrugs. It seems like she doesn't have any concrete ideas or plans for our next date. Although I could imagine a few we could partake in. Something a bit more active, or with a particular appeal that this collection of stands, stalls, and fairground games is lacking.

"I think we could squeeze something in before we leave. Want to get in one last taste of Vale before heading home?"

"Or Atlas," she counters and I roll my eyes. Sure, we could go to the snowy Kingdom first for our summer plans, but I don't think anyone is enthusiastic about visiting the place.

"I suppose so…" I trail off and the two of us lean into each other. Just enjoying the silence for a moment. I find it interesting to note that Blake isn't eager to retreat to privacy any more. That makes me think she's taking her 'failure' a lot harder than she's trying to let on. Not really in the mood for anything further anymore for one reason or another. "Thank you," I say abruptly.

She lets out a questioning noise and I continue, "I enjoyed our time today. I don't usually get to see you act all cute and reserved. My Blake has become far too bold as of late," I chide lightly.

She ducks her head a little and a blush rises to her face, but she doesn't say anything. Likely thinking that her eagerness is what has ruined this outing more than anything.

I lean in close to her ear and whisper, "Not that I don't love that side of her. But, there's more to her than just that. I want to know and love every part of her; not just the side she wants me to see."

"I," she starts and then swallows thickly. I can't see her face, but I imagine she's resolving herself to say or do something. "I'll try." Despite her lackluster words, she says them with a level of firmness that makes me think she'll succeed far more often then she'll fail.

"Good girl," I whisper back before appending, "We'll get to what you want in a bit." Then I back away and she looks at me with an odd expression. If she doesn't want to, that's fine; my words from earlier should indicate that. I think she's trying to come to terms that I'm fine with her more physical side even if that wasn't what I was wanting today.

"What's first then," she asks with a wiggle of her hips.

"Nothing serious, just thought you'd like to know I've gotten a promotion of sorts."

She furrows her brow, trying to parse my words and finding that they don't make much sense. The obvious conclusion would be that I'm speaking of the VPD, but she should know that I'm at my ceiling there and haven't made any moves that would warrant any rise in rank recently. She works through that realization and that leaves only one other real option.

"Really," she questions almost absently and I flash her a smile. She doesn't seem to know how to process that and we sit in silence with one another for a few minutes. It seems our recent talk on opening up has some effect as she doesn't shut herself off from the world. She pulls me in tight and buries her head against my chest. A soft dampness slowly forms on my outfit.

She isn't despondent or breaking down or anything of the like. Rather it feels like she's letting out some emotions and using me as her shield against the world instead of bottling it all inside. She isn't shuddering or wracked with emotion. I think that means this is more of a happy catharsis than anything else, though I'm not crass enough to make any inquiry into it.

Instead I let her get it all out. One hand strokes the top of her head and graces her ears with the most incidental of touches. The other rubs at the small of her back. All the while I coo in her ear and whisper assurances, despite them not likely being necessary at the moment.

Eventually she works everything out on her own. She grabs my head tightly and brings her lips to my ears. "Thank you. Really. It, this- that. It means a lot. I'm not sure how you convinced Sienna, but thank you."

"You're repeating yourself," I quip.

She lets out an amused huff, "I am, aren't I? Doesn't mean you don't deserve it. You're really doing it aren't you? Saving the White Fang. Saving Dad's dream, our dream."

"We're doing it," I correct. "Don't think that you haven't contributed. Hell, I think you've done far more than you give yourself credit for. Your dad, Sienna, a lot of people in the Fang actually, they all hold you in high regard. Don't sell yourself short or anything, without your support; I don't think I'd be where I am right now. Certainly not as quickly.

You're just as responsible for saving our dream as I am. Don't ever forget that." I finish my little speech with a small kiss to her forehead. She wiggles around her ears a little at that to tickle my face and I allow her that kind of childishness. We stay like that for a few minutes until I nudge her again. "You know, my bed would be a lot more comfortable than this bench."

"Okay," she nods and sits up before slowing her movements. "Could we just lie down. Maybe cuddle a little," she ventures in a cautious and innocent manner.

"If that's what you want," I state with a smile. It seems like she wants to give these emotional moments a shot. Perhaps even liking the catharsis that the one we just shared brought.

The two of us remain in my room for most of the day. Until my team comes in to break us up. Marina is first and doesn't have much to say about us cuddled up in bed with one another, or our disheveled state. She does throw us the occasional look, though her expression isn't really readable. I think she might even be pleased by whatever she sees. What that is exactly is hard to determine through her oddness.

However, that air of tense relaxation only lasts until the rest of my team shows up. Autumn looks at me, then Blake, then the rest of the room before shrugging his shoulders and shooting me a thumbs up. Kel, meanwhile, is much less amused. She stands by the doorway and dead-stares at Blake and I until my cat-eared girlfriend gets the hint and saunters out

"Do I even want to know what the two of you have been up to," Kel asks as soon as she shuts the door. I shrug with an innocent smile and she pinches the bridge of her nose.

She doesn't say anything further, merely shooting me an irritated look. Not enough to call truly venomous, more annoyed than anything. Not like she can decry me for using my part of the room when it doesn't interfere with any of her business. Although the whole event makes me put some more thought towards getting an out of the way place.

Something to mull on and figure out after the Tournament. I certainly don't have time to go house-hunting right now and neither does Weiss or Blake. It reminds me that I'll likely be plenty busy myself. With the mess in Mistral sure to spark off and my efforts reigning in the White Fang, I have plenty to keep my attention before I fall asleep.

Nothing all that remarkable at the moment. Everything is either defensive in nature or needing time to fully pan out. That doesn't mean that there aren't orders to be made or efforts needed on my part. Trying to get a handle of the White Fang amidst a transfer of power right before a major crisis is no small feat. Just that there isn't much to report on that I don't already know.

Sienna has made her men aware of the transfer of power, something that I have mixed feelings about. On one hand it would arguably be to my benefit to have the crisis in Mistral over before I assume power. I would be able to avoid any negative fallout from not being responsible for the violence about to break out. On the other hand, if I can manage a good showing, it should solidify my position in the White Fang.

As a more practical concern, I don't think Sienna would have accepted my bid for leadership if I didn't go along with things in this way. She would view me shirking the responsibility and trying to preserve my image as a sign of weakness. Perhaps not that, but at the very least a mark that I'm unwilling to make needed sacrifices. It brings to mind that her loyalty isn't fully assured just yet.

She's willing to follow my lead, but if I were to stray from her perceived path or fail to show results I'm sure she'll have something to say. Maybe not enough to fully rebel; she knows she can't win that fight. However, I think it's a safe bet to say she'll do what she thinks is best for the faunus and that may or may not align with my aims; all things to consider later.
S2 Week 17 (Part 4)
Morning comes and while I could make my way to the colosseum, I don't for the simple fact that I don't need to and I have better things to do. My next fight isn't until tomorrow and that'll be a part of the doubles round. I give some thought to who my partner would be until I come to the conclusion there are only really two options.
Autumn is perhaps the next strongest out of all of us, with that semblance of his. However, he's never been big into the Huntsman life and our victory is certain regardless of who I bring. That leaves Kel and Marina.

Marina obviously wants in on the action, but that's a simple desire for violence easily sated by taking her out to kill some grimm. Maybe it would be worth something to affirm our relationship and my trust in her, but I feel that might be better done with words at this point.

Kel, on the other hand, has some level of ambition. I haven't talked to her to see if she's any closer to figuring out what she wants to do with her life, but a small level of acclaim by being the one to join me in the doubles round can't hurt. I probably should check in with her now that I think about it, but if she were to come to any serious consideration that involves me I'm sure she'll let me know.

With that figured out my mind naturally drifts to the other competitors and subsequently Yang. She's in the doubles round with Weiss and will probably be RWBY's pick for finalist if they win. I doubt she'll win the tournament, but I think she could make a good showing. However, that thought prompts another.

I'm sure her dad is watching and supportive in his own way. I haven't heard anything about him being in the area, but the same can't be said about the Branwen twins. Qrow is more obvious with his presence and that's not where my focus lies anyway. Raven has to be around the area and I'm sure she'll be keeping an eye on Yang's fights.

It's not my idea of a good time, but I find a sort of morbid amusement in figuring out how Raven sees things. Maybe even a bit of curiosity to see if her reconnection with her family is going anywhere. Knowing her, probably not, but now I have a favor or two to hold over her head.

That doesn't mean I have to cash it in. More so that it puts that bitch in an awkward position and I've suffered enough under her petty attitude. The prospect of a little retribution is doing me some good. Although I am giving some thought to what I could ask of her.

I suppose some help in the upcoming mess in Mistral wouldn't be beyond her capabilities. Whether that's a good idea is another matter. Realistically, there's just not that much help I could get from her or the Branwen tribe without the optics looking terrible for myself and the White Fang. Might be better served using my favors to compel her in a more personal sense, but that does little to help me right now.

I need to decide what sort of approach, if any, I wish to take with her right now. There are a few topics for us to bring up, and even the threat of calling in one of my favors may make her more open than she otherwise would be. I don't put too much stock in that, but it is there.

Yang: I have no doubt that she's checking on her daughter even now. Just like I'm sure Winter would have something to say about Weiss' performance, I'm sure the same is true here. (5)

Strength: An underlying part of her philosophy. Understanding what exactly she means and envisions with the word strength could prove useful in getting through her stubbornness. (3)

Reunion: Perhaps the biggest matter on my mind, and related to future plans, is how she's getting along with the new change. Probably not all that well if I had to imagine. Perhaps I could push her in the right direction. (2)

Tai: I know I said I wouldn't look into it, but that was before the cat was out of the bag so to speak. Might be interesting to learn what she sees in the man. Or more accurately how she views their relationship. (0)

Maiden: Probably not a great idea to bring up, but considering the talk I had with Amber, I have certain thoughts regarding the maidens and I'm sure she has something to say about it all. (0)

I take a lazy stroll around campus grounds before coming to the realization that I don't really have a way to call in my favors. I have no way of reaching out to Raven on my own and I don't even know if her scroll would pick up my signal at her camp. Or how that would interact with her being in bird form. I can't imagine that being shunted off via magical shenanigans is conducive to receiving a signal.

I know she has to receive some sort of feedback from her semblance. Just based on what little I know and her behavior thus far. However, that is far from omniscient nor do I think I make the cut. I'm unsure of what exact 'close' relationships would qualify for her semblance's activation condition. I know worryingly little about it in the grand scheme of things, as do most people.

If I remember right, there is that paper from Atlas, which was the foundation for some theorem about a portal network. Maybe I should read up on that and see if there are any details I can discern. Although, I'm not sure how one would measure any sort of relationship and I doubt that was the focus of the study. I wonder how Raven would feel about Atlas recreating her semblance, even if only theoretically at the moment.

Although, now that I think about it, wouldn't an absolute portal network be a smarter idea than a floating city? I mean, there'd be the difficulty of keeping the grimm out if any node were to be overrun, but I'm sure there's some sort of fix for that. Maybe I should pitch the idea to James and Oz; James probably wouldn't go for it, but that's no reason not to make the attempt.

"Are you," someone starts from behind me. Then they tap me on the shoulder and I almost brush them off before placing the voice. I really must have been distracted to not notice Raven. Then again, she was probably in bird form, but that begs the question where she transformed.

I haven't gone out to the outskirts just yet. Where we are isn't bustling or anything, but there's the occasional passerby. Some people keeping up with their morning routine even with the Festival in full swing. However, my thoughts go somewhere else completely.

"What were you about to say?" I can only imagine so many words that would follow 'are you' especially coming out of Raven's mouth. Her lips quirk in obvious distaste and she remains petulant. I shoot her a look and she rolls her shoulder as if to dismiss my inquiry.

After another second she finally relents, "I was going to say, 'are you looking for me?'"

"How did you know that," I ask immediately. A bit too quickly by my estimation if how her eyes narrow afterwards is any indication.

"Lucky guess," is her response. She subsequently stares me down, as if stating there's no way I could gainsay her. She should know that I'm aware of her semblance and have some suspicion regarding that. However, getting a straight answer out of her doesn't seem feasible. Not without wasting one of my favors on the matter. As curious as I may be, that's a price too high for my blood and I let the moment pass.

"Fine, are you free to talk?"

"No, I'm rather busy at the moment," Raven then cranes her head as if scanning the crowd and I can guess where her mind is at.

"You should know that she isn't on the block today. She fought yesterday. Hell, there are schedules published for heavens' sake." I scrutinize her reaction, or rather her lack of one. If she had any credible counter for what I just brought up she'd have no problem bringing it up. The fact that she isn't means that she sees some validity in my words even if she'll never admit it.

I rub at my temples, "Let me guess, you only saw her fight while you were flying around?"

"I saw plenty," she responds immediately, which does not counter my question. I can't imagine that she got a good view of the fight considering that Amity has a hard-light bubble explicitly to prevent attacks and outside interference.

"You know, you could join the rest of us in the modern age. The whole tournament is broadcasted on public channels. Or hell, you could even watch the fight in person. They only check for admission and tickets at the entry ways. I'm sure a woman of your caliber and abilities can find a way around it if you really needed to."

That's also discounting that she could get a VIP seat. However, that would require that she reveal her presence to some degree. Arguably she could be picked out of the crowd easily as well. Her style and hair are rather distinctive, but that is more likely an excuse than anything else.

"Are you just going to berate me," she growls.

"No, that's just an added bonus," I throw out cheekily. She grumbles at my words and my tone, but I'm all smiles. Not so fun when it's on the other foot, huh bitch? Still, I should be careful not to take things too far. Having some sort of half-way decent relationship with her is probably for the best. Both for my health and for my future plans.

"I believe we are done here," she states and turns to depart.

"What? Nothing to say about Yang?" That brings her to a standstill and she slowly rounds on me.

"Are you trying to imply something," the hint of threat is in her tone, but I doubt she's going to try anything. Not so close to Oz's seat of power and not when I hold some measure of control over her.

"Of course not you daft bitch." Raven blinks at my words apparently not expecting me to be as blunt or aggressive as I am. "I can't just be interested in what you think about my friend and her performance."

She shoots me a look that says she doesn't believe me. In this case she's completely right, but as I've found out; she's easy to fool by providing her with one deception to see through. "Fine, I'm more interested in why you're still hanging around Yang rather than meeting her properly."

"I don't see how that is any of your business."

"I'm making it my business," I state. Then I follow up a moment later, "And let's not pretend that I don't have reason to do so."

She narrows her red eyes, "I thought you weren't going to tell him."

"And I'm not, but that doesn't mean that it's not in my best interests to keep tabs on you."

"So that's all it is? Just fishing for information?"

"Talk, don't, whatever you choose, stop running away from the issue." My challenge laid, we enter into a stare down of sorts. Nothing as intense as our previous encounters. Just enough to get across her displeasure. Framing it the way I have, it's almost calling her weak for her evasive answers.

Now, she could make an issue of it, which I don't have an easy way out of, or she can concede some ground. That would almost be anathema to Raven, but she also has to weigh up if I consider the matter grave enough to call in a favor for. I don't, but she can't know that. In that light, she has to value how much she prefers to keep secret and I'm certain she'll let some details slip to avoid getting into more dramatic ones.

"She isn't going to win," Raven states. Not with any sort of inflection. Just utter certainty that her prediction is correct. Maybe even a bit disappointed, but that doesn't carry through in her tone. Neither is there a hint of pride for Yang's martial accomplishments thus far. Maybe the latter will change if she makes it to the finals, but it seems like she's already made her determination on the course of events.

"What makes you say that?"

She looks at me like I'm stupid, "Her fight isn't the only one I've witnessed."

"Honestly I'm surprised that you're able to see anything at all up there in the sky. Don't they have interdiction flights to help ward off grimm?" I know the latter to be true, though that usually ranges further out. No need to have the civilians catch even a hint of a nevermore and descend into any kind of panic.

"Do not play dumb," she barks out and I'm a little dumbfounded. "I saw your match, do you really think she stands a chance against you?"

Well no, but I get a feeling that saying that isn't the wisest course of action. However, her response is interesting for another reason. There's some genuine vitriol in her remark which I find hard to place.

I suppose that fight would be the only time that she's actually seen me in action. I can't think of any other time she'd have gotten a read on me. It's not like she obsesses over me like she does her daughter. In that sense my combat prowess must come off as unnatural, or at least unexpected.

"I guess I can thank my teachers for that. Huh, figure that; do you think she'd have a chance if you decided to show her a thing or two?" I allow a vicious smile to grace my features at that unsubtle reminder. Her lips thin and I'm sure she's grumbling internally, but otherwise she doesn't react much.

I decide to pivot and switch tracks entirely, "Surely you can find some sort of positive about her." My tone is deliberately combative. I imagine that she has more negative things to say than positive at the moment. At least that's what the rest of the conversation implies. However, framing things in such a direct and challenging way abuses her worldview to make her rise to the challenge.

"I don't need to prove anything to you," she growls and I shoot her a serene smile. Something that digs at her more than anything else I could do. She stews in that for a moment longer and I almost break the attempt until she says, "She's reckless, but she's got good footwork and form.

Even with the former and her opponents best efforts she didn't leave herself too open. Just enough to take some hits; too many really. But, she's always been stubborn that way; she somehow finds a way to make it work."

Not much praise I can detect, but it is there. Filled with caveats and back-handed compliments. Although, I think those compliments aren't supposed to be back-handed. Rather, Raven views stubbornness as an almost positive quality. Not sure if that's because of her own obstinance or because of Tai or some other level of affection for it.

I disregard all the deeper meaning I can pull out of her words for something insultingly casual. "Cool. Do you think you could tell her that?" Again I lace a challenge in my tone and she shoots me a look. No doubt she understands exactly what I'm doing, but putting her in a difficult situation like that forces her to actually confront her feelings and worldview. Even if it doesn't win me any points, that's kind of a lost cause by now.

She stares me down again. As if willing me to drop the matter and I simply raise a brow in return. A lot of her threat is diminished when I know she's more afraid of causing a scene and is unwilling to act for other reasons. There's a certain wisdom in not bandying about threats if you're unwilling to follow through on them and it seems like Raven hasn't learned that. Probably because there aren't many threats she isn't willing to carry out.

"She doesn't need my coddling," she answers cryptically and turns to the side. Her gaze is off me for the first time in this conversation. I take that to mean that the matter is more emotional for her and that I shouldn't press too harshly.

"Need has nothing to do with it in this instance. I think you know what she wants," I offer. Raven presents no response and I let her sit on my words for a moment. "I'm sure you can find the strength to do it." She whips her head towards me and I sport an unrepentant smile.

"You don't know the beginning of the meaning of that word," she huffs and then adds, "brat."

"Wow, that's almost a term of endearment," I sing-song in false praise. Of course she bristles at that and I back down. "Fine, if you think I'm mistaken, perhaps you could elucidate me?"

"You think I'm so easily led around by your wants and desires," she growls.

"Yes," I answer flatly, "now answer the question."

She tears her gaze away, almost petulantly. Clearly not wanting to answer now, but unable to square away how to resolve that in her worldview. Likely thinking, would she really be 'strong' if she were to shy away from answering at this moment?

I'm sure her emotions are screaming at her to stop everything, but Raven is hardly one to just do what she wants. It has to make some sort of sense in her world-view even if it's a post-facto explanation. I suppose she could be growing more patient and mature if her first reaction isn't to run and explain away the reason why later.

"It's a matter of survival," she starts softly, finding the firmness in her voice as she goes on. "Raw strength is the direct component, but that alone doesn't make you strong, not truly. What good is a warrior if they're fighting the wrong battles? Cunning is the next logical step.

However, a man who can't fight his own battles is worthless. And all the smarts in the world won't save you if you aren't wise enough to discern falsehood from truth. While wisdom is good and all, it pales in comparison to the most important aspect. All of them do, really. One needs to have the will to do what needs to be done. Without that everything else might as well be worthless.

What use is strength if you are unwilling to use it? What use is cunning if it's never turned on your enemies when you need to? What good is wisdom if you're unable to stand against the lies clearly fed to you? With enough willpower the former can all be rectified with training, but one needs to have the strength to carry it out."

"And do you consider yourself strong," I question almost immediately before thinking better of it. It's too late for me to rectify now and instead I focus on her reaction.

She sucks in a breath for a moment and responds with a steely, "The strongest." Despite any attempt otherwise, that slight pause catches my attention. I'm not sure how exactly to parse it. On the one hand she has to be aware of Salem and the other maidens, but again that's not the actual cause of strength as she's explained it.

Now, she could be lying, but I don't think that's the case here. Even then I'd have to imagine that she'd hold someone willing to bear a millenia long-grudge with some level of respect in her warped world-view. Arguably Oz could be collated in that, although his state as the wizard from the tale of the maidens puts a dent in that image.

If her response really is all bravado, that begs the question of how does she really view herself? Is she actually strong or is she pretending to be? I'm not sure which would be more accurate in her world-view. In some senses she could convince herself that she has made the hard decisions necessary for survival. On the other hand, it can be argued that all she's really done is run from her problems. That she hasn't had the strength or confidence to face them head on.

Maybe that's the real reason behind her reluctance. That she'd have to tear down her vision of herself or her entire worldview in order for any real reconciliation to make sense. I'm sure she could be coaxed into a new normal, but I doubt that'd be an easy or fast thing.

Furthermore, it raises the question as to how that view became so entrenched in her psyche. Being raised by bandits probably didn't help, but it can't be the full explanation. Otherwise there would be more people like her. Say what I want about Raven, there aren't many with her brand of crazy. What that tells me is that there's likely some sort of event or sequence of events that entrenched that line of thinking in her brain.

Maybe that's reading into her simple response too much, but I've worked with less before and it's a workable theory. Not one that I can put to much use unfortunately. However, now that I have her worldview set in relative stone I can begin poking away at all the inconsistencies and where she doesn't measure up. I'm unsure how she'll take such a maneuver, but it's an option now.

I ponder on that for a moment more, but neither Raven or I are up for much further conversation. Although, an interesting thing to note is she doesn't transform into a bird or use her semblance to escape. Rather she walks around the campus and I think her feet are taking her to the dorms.

I'm not sure what part of our conversation has prompted that, but I take it to be a good sign. The question remains on whether she'll follow through. I could press the issue by following her. Essentially force her to go through with whatever is on her plan or prove herself a coward. However, I think her own worldview will be sufficient in this case and turn my attention elsewhere.

At first I draw my eyes towards the matter of my agents in Vacuo and the mess in there before discounting it. I should give my men some more time to put together what they can. Blake and I will have some time after my doubles fight. With that matter on my mind, my thoughts turn back to an earlier consideration.

I need to decide on who I want to join me on that stage. In all honesty it's probably not that big of a decision, but it feels like one to me. Not for any logical reason, but I can't deny that it would have some impact on my relationships.

I've already considered the matter to some degree and think that including Kel would be a great way to show my appreciation. Or at the very least the most efficient way of improving my relationship with anyone on my team through this gesture.

Autumn is perhaps the best suited to actually help me out, but it's not like the fight is going to be difficult based on my past win. Additionally, he wouldn't care if I excluded him. For him this Huntsmen business is just another part of his life before going into what he really wants. Not to say he wouldn't appreciate it to some degree, but his priorities aren't dependent on any sort of acclaim or fame. The same can't be said for his sister.

Of course that leaves my thoughts turning to my own. Marina would definitely not be happy sitting out on another fight. Especially since this would be the last opportunity for her to fight in the Vytal Tournament; at least this one. However, her disappointment would mainly stem from not being able to enact violence on other people. Something that can be solved via a trip to deal with some grimm or arranging some spars for her.

As for how it would affect our relationship, that is almost a non-factor. She's put up with unpalatable decisions from me before and that sort of misses the point. The…issue between us isn't going to be solved or progressed by the two of us fighting together. That's only something that can be taken care of by actually talking to her about it, even if she doesn't understand. I suppose keeping her in a happy mood could help with that, but it shouldn't be necessary.

I let those thoughts fall out of my head for the moment as I make my way to Oz's tower. Curiously he's kept mostly to himself while the festivities have gone on. I would expect him to take a more involved hand in the affairs given the significance of the event. However, that same significance may be the cause behind his relative inaction. Although, it's not like he doesn't have a few operations in the air that need his assistance.

Still, this may actually be one of the few times he can allow himself to truly relax. I have to imagine that there is a lot of feelings tied up for him in the Vytal Festival. It is a major accomplishment of his and perhaps a sign that the task set for him by the gods is not impossible. A fiction in my mind, but an enjoyable one I suppose.

I step out of the elevator with my thoughts not fully resolved. Not that they need to be, it is an idle curiosity after all. However, Oz picks up that something is on my mind.

"Ochre, is there something you want to talk about?"

"Sort of," I start and deliberate on how I want to approach this.

"I don't suppose you're just looking for pointers on your fight," he prompts good-naturedly before standing up from his chair.

"I'm not going to turn it down," I fire back immediately. He shoots me a small smile and gestures to his side as he turns his back on me and looks out the window. I of course join him. We actually have a pretty good look at Amity. The floating colosseum dominates the upper-left portion of the view while the rest looks out on Beacon and Vale off in the horizon.

"Is there a point to the view," I prompt.

"Is the view itself not enough?" He shakes his head and tuts disingenuously. "You need to learn to appreciate the little things in life. Take a step back every once in a while and just enjoy yourself."

"And your actual reason," I reply flatly. There is no world in my mind where Oz doesn't have some sort of greater point that he's building up to.

He stays silent, apparently soaking in the sight before closing his eyes for a moment. "I would not discount the advice I have already given; it is genuine at any rate. However, there is indeed more to it. For myself this is a reminder of how far I've come and what the future could hold. Yes, we all have our differences, but we can still come together for a common goal. If anything those differences may make us stronger together than a wholly homogenous block."

"And for me?"

Oz smiles, "Just that I hope you take away a similar sentiment. Perhaps unnecessary considering all the things you've advocated thus far. However, what we can accomplish together is far greater than what we can apart. No matter how capable any of us are on our own, we can't be everywhere or do everything; there's no reason to turn down help when it's earnestly given."

I have a number of things I could say to counter that, but that would be arguing semantics. There's a much more real concern I can address. "What is James planning this time?"

"Nothing nefarious I assure you. Nor something to come to be for a while yet. I just ask that you keep an open mind and look to the benefits rather than your enmity towards Atlas. If there's one thing Vytal and Amity represent it's that our old wounds can be mended if all sides are willing to. I know James is, and I hope you are as well."

"Kind of hard not to considering Weiss," I grouse.

Oz regards me with kind brown eyes. "Yes, well love does have a way of bringing the best out of all of us…" he trails off. Practically saying, 'and the worst,' even if he leaves it unvoiced. Kind of hard not to come to that conclusion considering why Salem fell onto the path that she did.

Regardless of if he leaves that unvoiced or not I know the matter is on both of our minds. It brings the conversation to a near close. Not willing to abide by that, I joke, "Are you sure I don't have to worry about any body-snatching?"

"Pretty sure," he says in a tone that's too light to be entirely flat despite his best intentions. "However, I can never be certain, and it never hurts to be prepared, wouldn't you say?"

"I think I have more than a few issues with the whole prospect, but it's not like I have much of a choice in the end."

"Neither do I," he concurs sadly. "Sometimes all we can do is play with the hand we're dealt."

"I prefer cheating and stacking the deck as much in my favor as I can."

"I'm sure you do," he chuckles before shaking his head and dispelling the humorous atmosphere. "Even if things go as I predict them to, this moment isn't wasted. Some of the greatest joy I've found in my many lives is instructing my pupils and showing them a better life. I must thank you for giving me the opportunity again after so many years."

"It hasn't been that long," I counter. He taught Glynda, Port, and Oobleck so it hasn't been decades. Even then, Oz usually talks about time as some distant thing and doesn't usually view years as that long of a measurement of time.

"I think you'll find that any time away from something you love is a terribly long one." A silence falls between the two of us as our view returns to the scene before us. There isn't anything to break the moment, not even a screen or any showing of the fight currently going on.

"This might be a bit insensitive," I start suddenly, not finding a better way to broach the subject.

"Rarely has anything good followed those words, but I'll allow it," Oz quips.

"Just, how do you keep going after everything you've been through? There has to be something that keeps you going?" I'd like to believe that I could be as determined as he is in his situation, though I'm not sure if I would. That is assuming that he is determined and not merely resigned. But, everything that I know about Oz tells me that he's the former rather than the latter.

"I believe I've already answered that question," he says with a small wave out the window. I suppose in a way he has. That being able to sit back and enjoy the fruits of his labors is an important part of keeping his sanity. And that the small reminder that his goal may not be impossible is sure to provide some hope.

"But there's more to it," I state, not bothering to tear my eyes off the sight before me.

"There always is, but this is the crux of it. Not only the sight itself or the ability to step back for a moment, but also what it represents. It's easy to look at the world and only see the injustice that our fellow men perpetuate everyday. However, humanity is so much more than our worst aspects.

At the heart of every man, most men," he corrects, "there is a well of compassion and empathy. That can be worn away by the world, but it persists even in the most dire of moments. The greatest moments of humanity spring forth at our lowest points. Some call that exceptional, but I call that normal. What else are we if not ultimately good in the end?

We are not mindless creatures, like the grimm, bent on destruction. Such destruction is an inherent part of our nature, but it need not be turned to evil ends. Our works of creation could never come to be without the destruction of what came before, but that waxes too poetical for my liking.

When I look upon the world and the state it's in I can only see how far we've come. From our lowest points and the barbarity of antiquity to a time of peace and prosperity. Things are not perfect, perhaps they never will be. However, that is no reason not to try. If humanity can show its strength in our darkest times, how much greater would our efforts be in the brightest of them?

Wishful thinking, I know, but humanity's good nature shines through. Not always at every moment, nor always enough to prevent any dark spots or black marks throughout history. However, the trend for history has thus far been a positive one. I have faith that it will continue; even if there are other threats to consider or that people still have the possibility to err. I'm afraid both aspects are something we simply have to deal with, but neither are a reason to lose hope."

He stops there and it's almost abrupt considering how much he was getting into his little speech. I don't think I can say that he's fully correct, but neither does he seem to believe in what he's saying whole-heartedly. More that it's a thing he wishes to be true and believes to some extent. I'm sure he's aware of a number of caveats and exceptions to what he's brought up, but it seems that isn't enough to dissuade him fully.

Even if I can't accept his worldview I can at least understand it. That and take something from his earlier lesson. Which, now that I think about it, was probably his actual point. He has to know that we don't exactly see eye to eye on certain ideological matters.

Close enough to work together and understand each other, but this wasn't an attempt to sway me over to his side. There aren't enough concrete arguments for that to be the case. This was simply him explaining himself to me; more or less giving me what I asked for. I can't be mad at him for that so I only stand next to him in silence for a few minutes longer before we get into our session for the week.

I decide to take Oz's advice and take it easy for the rest of the day. There is still plenty of work for me to get done, but I'm far enough ahead that I can afford to take a break or two. I make my way to Amity and try not to think about what I'm doing as work. I'm here to relax even if I get the chance to scope out the competition.

Although, perhaps the real reason why I agree to this is the company. I take my place among the stands in between Dad and Coral. Jasmine, apparently upset about how our last outing went, takes a seat on my knee. At least when she bothers to sit down.

More often than not she's on her feet or against the railing and hard-light shield in order to get a better view of the action. For the most part, she doesn't seem to care who she's cheering on; though I do note that she isn't enthusiastic about any Mistrali teams. No doubt something she's picked up from her mom. Unsurprising given their past and something neither Dad or I remark on.

It's an enjoyable enough of a way to spend the day. We don't go out upon the conclusion of festivities for any further 'family' outings. The sun is already dipping past the horizon and the flight into Vale isn't instant.

I wouldn't be terribly out of luck if I went with them or if they stayed here to partake in the fairgrounds, but none of us feel the need to. Probably isn't all that fun to schedule all these trips up to Beacon and Amity just to watch me fight, but Coral and Dad seem to have accepted that sacrifice.

Kelly (3)

Autumn (0)

Marina (0)
S2 Week 17 (Part 5, End)
The next day Kel and I make our way to the competitor staging area. There isn't as long of a wait as last time as we decided to arrive at an appropriate time and not just linger around after the orientation given by the tournament staff. That gives me much less time to actually work up any additional aura, but I shouldn't need it at any rate.

Kel and I march out to meet our opponents; a pair from Atlas which doesn't do much to dissuade me from this being intentionally set-up. It doesn't escape my notice that on the eve of Menagerie stepping out on the world stage that I, and I suppose Blake now that I think about it, have been set against the traditional enemies in the Great War and of the faunus. I suppose it's good optics in a way, but a bit too on the nose for my tastes.

As for my opponents themselves, one of them has a silver and brown clockwork aesthetic, complete with cog-like goggles which is a strange departure from the usual Atlas professionalism. It seems that he thinks himself something of a tinkerer or inventor. Perhaps he wants to have a good showing for his invention. I'm not sure what exactly to call it, it's a rough backpack that looks fit to either explode or belch steam.

It's attached to his arms and legs which I'm sure is supposed to serve some use and think of my own upgrades from Vel. Far more elegant than that hunk of junk and it wouldn't surprise me if James has made an attempt to poach her more than once considering her father probably works for the man already.

As for the Atlesian inventor, he does have an actual weapon. A bulky rifle, cannon is probably more accurate, with what appears to be a mixing chamber for Dust. Now, I don't have enough knowledge to say if that's a good idea or not, but it is terribly slow from what I understand.

Good for modularity and on the fly changes in the battlefield, depending on how many combinations he can account for. However, it's usually better to do any sort of mixing before getting into combat than during. I guess he's really pushing how much the tournament organizers are willing to cover as far as Dust expenses go.

As for his partner, she's a lot more no-nonsense. Decked out in winter furs complete with a hat that covers her faunus ears. Said furs are mostly brown with a red accent and a blue that peeks out from underneath her uniform. The former is probably a personal affectation, while the latter is probably to signal her allegiance to Atlas. The whole of it gives an informal, if militarized appearance; though not as much as Kel's frank display with her Valean fatigues.

Her weapon is a comparatively simple shotgun-axe. No doubt there's another mode that it could switch to, but I'm unsure if I'll get to see it. Kel is abandoning her usual defensive posture because she wants to show off a little to the rest of the world. Would kind of defeat the point of bringing her along if it looked like she was reliant on me for her victory. That and I think she wants to do Glynda proud with her performance.

Either way the arena soon shifts into the four biomes our fight can take place in. A familiar Valean-esque forest and a harsh geyser area are the first out and I already rule them out in my mind. Especially when the next lands on the anti-gravity field.

A bit of an odd one to add into the tournament rotation in my opinion. Not like we take many missions out on floating islands, but that's what it's ostensibly supposed to represent. Really I think Atlas just wanted to show off a bit with their tech. Still, it seems like it's the most fun of the options and it appears my inventor-opponent believes the same.

Whatever jubilation I might feel falls when the last segment settles on Ocean again. I just know Marina is going to be even more upset now that she's been left out. Nothing I can really do about it. There was a slightly less than even chance it would show up and it seems like I lost that coin-toss. All that's left now is to run through the fight even if that should be a relatively simple affair on my end.

Ochre Combat: 6.02 +3.85(Mobility modified by Combat style)=9.87 vs Atlas Guy: 7.97

Diff: 1.9

Final Modifier: +47

Ochre Aura: 7/6

Atlas Guy Aura: 5/5

Kelly Combat: 4.96 +2.13(Mobility) +.25(Semblance) +1(Ochre) =8.34 VS Atlas Girl: 8.05

Diff: 0.29

Final Modifier: +7

Kelly Aura: 5/5

Atlas Girl Aura: 5/5

Anyone is out once their aura reaches 1

Dice: 4d100+47
Options: Individual.
83,44,38,54 + 47 = 130,91,85,101
Dice: 6d100+7
Options: Individual.
10,83,26,75,80,93 + 7 = 17,90,33,82,87,100

"So what's the plan," Kel asks as the countdown commences.

"Plan? Well, I want to check out the anti-grav area."

"And what if they don't play along and gang up on me."
I turn to our competitors, "Are you going to do that?" The girl doesn't say anything, but her expression reads like she's considering it.

The guy says, "Actually, I wanted to duke it out in the anti-grav area as well." His partner shoots him a look and he pulls up his goggles to look at her. "Come on, how many other opportunities am I going to get to test this stuff out in an anti-grav field? Besides, do you think we stand a chance against him anyway?"

She starts to say something, but it's quickly cut off by the start of the match. Kel, true to her words with me earlier, doesn't take a defensive stance. Instead she charges at the Atlesian girl and swings her shovel in a wide arc that the girl backsteps from. Then she transitions into using her weapon like a poor man's spear, trying her best to get the other girl off the opening platform and towards the ocean area.

I simply look at my opponent and offer a slow gesture towards the anti-grav field. Panels with gravity Dust inlaid into them and active dot the landscape. Some stand as floating islands, others as vertical platforms. Although, vertical is a bit of a tricky thing to judge; the gravity Dust should make it so that every direction is down as long as we're close enough to the generated field.

The inventor shoots me a thankful look which quickly morphs into shock as I charge at him. He raises his weapon to fire, but just as I predicted, there's a delay to him pulling the trigger and the subsequent projectile. In this case it turns out to be a stream of molten rocks. By the time they're exiting out of the chamber I'm already on him.

I push his weapon down, causing more pain for him than myself as said molten rocks spill out over his feet. I make his situation worse by grappling onto his shoulders and using him to perform a vault. I'm sure my form is far from perfect, but soon enough I'm directed sideways by the odd gravitational forces and roll into a standing position.

Wit's End quickly transitions into rifle mode and I prepare to pepper him with bullets, only to stop. He stands up from his previous predicament with his weapon raised non-threateningly and his other hand adjusting his goggles so they actually rest on his face. I'm not sure how he sees out of them, but I can appreciate the dedication to a look. However, him shooting me a thumbs up immediately afterwards is taking things too far.

His seeming inaction gives me enough time to line up a headshot, which I of course pull off. His head knocks back viciously and he stumbles back first into another vertical platform before putting his game-face on. We stand across from one another, upside down from the other's perspective.

He pulls his gun up and I start moving so he doesn't have an easy shot. He does the same and then changes his aim even as shots rain down on him. I'm not sure what exactly he's up to until I realize he's aiming in front of me and I slow down.

Just as I do so a loud crack emanates from his weapon and the spot I was just about to run into is covered in what can only be described as a miniature storm. Electricity crackles audibly from a sort of dark gray fog that spills over and wraps around the end of the platform.

Too fast to completely change my trajectory, I opt to go over it. This comes with the unfortunate trouble of jumping off from relative gravity and into actual gravity which aims to take me away from my destination. Something that requires a corrective burst from my equipment to end up on an unrelated vertical platform. Performing a sort of corkscrew maneuver in the process.

I hear a thud and a curse from the opposite side of the platform and I figure that he plans on setting up more hazards like the one he just did along this path. I think I could outspeed him so that would still be to his detriment, but I have a better idea on my mind. I simply take a step off the platform and wrap around to the other side.

Apparently not expecting me to come at him from an odd angle, he has his weapon facing forwards and already in the process of firing. He turns it in my direction, but again I'm on him too quickly for it to have much effect. A torrent of cold whips past my face before properly exploding some distance away. Said explosion generates some sort of appreciation from the crowd so I imagine it is somehow impressive or novel, but I can't spare the attention right now.

I whip him about the head with my left hand before transforming that into my buckler. Bladed bits then unfold from the sides and I slash at him enough so he jumps away. Right into perfect range for a stab. Lacking any sort of defensive option he simply takes the hit on the chin and aims his weapon towards me as we both pull our triggers.

Mine, of course, comes out first and hits him with enough impact that his aim is thrown off. Not that it seems to matter as some sort of blade comes out of his weapon instead of anything else. Hard-light by the looks of it, but crackling with some sort of other hazy effect. I'm briefly puzzled as to how he has access to that kind of Dust before reminding myself that he probably built this equipment by himself. A shame then that he doesn't have the skill to use it properly.

He slashes at me and I raise my shield to block. I take the hit rather easily, but a garish noise rings out from the contact that doesn't simply go away as he keeps contact with my shield. It's not quite like the sound of metal on metal, but that's the closest I can relate it to. I can also feel my aura dipping from keeping my buckler from receiving any damage. It's like there's some sort of invisible chainsaw ripping away at it piece by piece.

As bad as that sounds, it's not putting me in any dire straits. He's a bit too focused on pressing his advantage to pay attention to me fully. Perhaps expecting that I'll be put out by the pressure and back away rather than close the distance to him further.

He processes what's occurring a moment too late as I rear up my leg and kick him off the platform. He free-falls for a little bit before slamming onto a horizontal floating platform. He doesn't have the skill to right himself before I jump after him, sword at the ready.

He swings early as an attempt to parry but I simply fire off Wits End to slow my momentum. That halts my trajectory too much, but I correct that with a blast from my boots. Comparatively lazily I run along a bit on the platform and stab at him before he can whip his blade around to defend himself. If I had to guess he didn't account for the extra heft hard-light would bring.

I strike at him and I know that would be enough to normally knock him out of a fight. However, no buzzer actually sounds and he kicks out a leg to scramble away from me. Shortly after he must do something as a roar comes from his backpack. Apparently either just now fixing whatever issue he had with it or considering the situation dire enough to warrant it.

Distractedly I throw my gaze towards the aura displays. I'm right in my earlier assessment, but forgot to account for the fact that the knockout tolerance is lower in the doubles than the teams fight. Down to fifteen percent from twenty. I also note that Kel and her opponent are on roughly equal terms and how they're displaying my 'extra' aura. A small sliver of yellow-green overlapping the usual red at the start of the aura display and '102' underneath.

Neat, but I still have an opponent to down. I could take him out with a single shot by the looks of things. Only that would cut my fun short. Not that I expect there to be too much to be had.

During my distraction he apparently discovered some sort of issue with his weapon. He bangs on it with one hand before almost petulantly stashing it away in its holster. Then he gets into a, quite frankly, sloppy unarmed stance. He can't really expect to take me on with that, no matter how much his weird invention may or may not help him.

Still, I do him the service of putting away my Wits End and charging at him. He throws out a punch that comes out far faster than I think a novice should be capable of. I still dodge it rather easily, as well as the second more panicked sweep that comes my way until I'm right in his guard.

I almost want to quip as I take in his expression. A little bit of shock and a little bit of fear, but not dominated by either. Ultimately I don't and 'merely' send him flying off the platform with a vicious uppercut.

I realize perhaps a little later than I should, that the move breaks his aura and he's now plummeting from a not insignificant height. How far can people fall without aura without getting injured again? Fuck it, I don't have the time to think.

I rush after him and arrest his fall as best as I can. Such contact after he's been knocked out as it were is technically against the rules, but there are exceptions for cases like this. It still precludes me from rushing to assist Kel directly as I have to wait for a ruling. Despite that, what just occurred must not be considered egregious as the fight doesn't stop and I can turn my attention to the fight as it's progressing.

Kel and her opponent have made their way over to the geyser area. She is also in the middle of using her semblance, far more aggressively than she normally does. A disturbing number of branch-like earthen limbs and spears strike out at her opponent.

Said opponent responds by cutting them down one by one. The earthwork appendages grow a weird shade of blue before each strike. Probably semblance related if I had to guess, but she's still slowly being overwhelmed.

Kel, however, isn't willing to sit out on her victory. Instead she makes an attempt to put an end to the fight. She joins her assault of earthen limbs, shovel no longer in the ground and aura draining precipitously. Her opponent slowly gives ground and almost steps over a geyser that goes off. Only narrowly avoiding such a fate by a few inches.

That seems to be what my teammate wants as she sticks her shovel into the ground and a moment later the ground beneath and behind her opponent opens up. A vent of steam then shoots out from the new opening, engulfing the Atlas girl and my own teammate to some degree. Naturally, bearing the brunt of it the stiff's aura drops suddenly into the danger zone and the hazard is automatically shut off before any further harm can come.

As for Kel, she toughs out some aura loss as well. Her aura sits around thirty-five percent according to the readout. The last moves from her semblance eating into a good portion of that, as must have prior use. Another bad hit and she'd be straddling the line of elimination; maybe even out completely if she wasn't careful with her aura usage.

The match is called in our favor and I am not disqualified from the rest of the tournament. I stick around in the arena until Weiss and Yang's fight. I take my place alongside Blake and next to Dad. On the opposite side of him is Ruby. Who is apparently willing to risk being in the presence of Blake and I together if it means remaining close to her teammate while cheering on the rest of her team.

On the opposite side of my girlfriend is, of course, Coral and Jasmine. I could read into the continued nature of this seating arrangement; Dad on one side and Coral on the other instead of intermingling. However, it is honestly kind of reassuring that those two aspects of my life remain separate.

I don't have time to give the matter much further thought as Yang and Weiss stride out of their segment of the arena. Weiss has her head held high and an outright confident demeanor. It's a little hard to tell from this distance, but I think she's smiling as well.

She even gives me and indulgent wave when she notices my presence. I'd normally expect her to be a bit more reserved on this kind of stage. Either she really is getting lost in our relationship or Winter took my advice and gave her some words of praise and encouragement.

Yang for the most part walks with her usual carefree attitude only to freeze up suddenly. I try to track where her eyes were at that moment. It takes me almost a whole minute until my eyes register a certain woman with a long mane of black hair.

Again it's hard to discern due to the distance involved, but I'm pretty sure Raven has her arms crossed and a scowl on her face. Not the picture of parental support, but I'm certain her mom's presence means something to Yang.

Their opponents are another pair from Atlas, again not disabusing me of my current theory. One of them, the leader - Flynt I think, appears to have some sort of beef with Weiss. While the other is a faunus with an unfortunate last name.

Not that Katt is a terribly uncommon name given to faunus after their freedom from slavery in Atlas. They were all able to change their names if they wanted to. Some simply stuck with what they were called before or were uncreative.

Their fight starts with Yang and Weiss on the back-foot. Flynt uses some sort of trumpet weapon to lock down both of them while Neon skates forwards and knocks Yang to the ground. From there she taunts Yang which I would normally evaluate as an effective strategy.

I think it gets to her a little, but the effects are diminished. With Raven in the crowd it seems like Yang wants to perform at her very best and maybe was even scolded over her reckless nature. Whatever the case, Yang doesn't join in with the banter of battle and keeps a serious head on her shoulders.

Meanwhile, Weiss and Flynt engage in a skirmish duel of sorts. They trade ranged blows through Dust empowered usages of their weapons and semblances. I almost want to scream at her to just do the obvious when she comes to that conclusion herself.

A ring of white glyphs sprout up around Flynt and Weiss darts between them, using them as jumping off points and speed platforms to make quick stabs at the man. On the final one she doesn't rush past to give him any chance of retaliation. Instead she slams into him full force and knocks both of them over.

Then she grabs onto Flynt's vest, foregoing her weapon and starts laying into him with her fists. Hardly the refined or dignified style typical of her fighting, but I suppose she's picked up a few tricks from our training sessions. That and she must have realized what I did about Flynt and his weapon.

One pretty glaring weakness is that he can't use it effectively if someone closes the distance. It makes me think Yang and Weiss would have been better off trading opponents, but that's not how the battle is progressing.

Of course Flynt tries to fight back; I think he'd even manage it after a while, though maybe not with a meaningful amount of aura left. However, he doesn't need to worry.

Neon, using her superior speed, outpaces Yang and comes to his rescue. That leaves my girlfriend in a rather precarious position without her weapon. Not that she needs it for all of her glyphs.

A rather large one appears and I know she's trying to summon something despite it being the absolute worst time to do so. She predictably is punished for this error. However, doing so provides enough of a distraction that Flynt doesn't notice the incoming Yang who lays him out of the fight.

From there it's a two v one and despite her speed and semblance, Neon isn't fully able to escape the negative effects of Weiss' black glyphs. They're enough that with a bit of teamwork, Weiss and Yang are able to whittle away at Neon's aura until the match is called.

It wasn't a pretty match and I wouldn't be surprised if Winter is unable to restrain herself from criticizing my girlfriend. Truth be told I have half a mind to as well; although I think that mistimed summon was somewhat intentional. That doesn't mean I have to like her putting herself in harm's way just to win a fight. Maybe that's hypocritical of me, but that's how I feel.

With the conclusion of the fight we all depart to celebrate a little with the victors. My victory is brought up, but brushed over. No surprise there because of my last showing. It would have been more impressive for me to have managed a loss.

Before too long I leave Weiss and Blake to celebrate with their team. I'm unsure if Raven would want to drop in, but leaving at least gives her the opportunity to. Plus, I'm not sure if I could give Weiss too much genuine praise with my thoughts as they are. Yes, still hypocritical, but I can at least acknowledge that.

Without too many other options available to me I head into Vale for 'work.' While I could actually do some casework for the VPD or help Al with his paperwork, that's not my aim for today.

I'll have to get to it at some point, but I think I'll have time for it later. Instead I head to a different station where I find a familiar…well, friend is perhaps too strong of a word, but it's the one that comes to mind.

"Lieutenant," Cobalt calls out with a smile. "Or should I call you Champion already?"

"Piss off," I reply immediately, which does nothing to combat his enthusiasm. I can't fight back the frown that comes to my features. I'm not sure why I let his use of titles get to me.

Is it just the formality of it or the fact that it's piggybacking off an old annoyance? I don't think hearing the words from anyone else would cause such a reaction from me, but Cobalt has a way of saying it that just gets at me. Belatedly I shudder at the realization that he technically has two, no three, other titles to use against me. High Leader being the least problematic of them all.

"So what brings you around these parts? Thought you'd be more worried about winning that tournament of yours."

"Just because I have one thing to worry about doesn't mean I can be lax with the rest of my responsibilities. Besides, I have to make sure everything is in order before I leave." Cobalt gives a serious nod at that and shoots me a reassuring smile.

I'm sure he appreciates that I'm not about to leave the VPD high and dry during my absence. Even if he isn't affected by my work or lack thereof. Not like I expect the task force to remain as it is for much longer.

The brass will likely take the opportunity to shuffle things up and formalize the methods and bureaucracy while I'm away. The VPD itself has taken a few steps to disentangle our two organizations for somewhat obvious reasons. The brass is still worried about potential corruption and conflicts of interest.

Not a major concern right now, but one that can become one in the future. As long as I don't use my influence to bully them anymore I think it'll all blow over. However, this isn't a matter to be forgotten about after a couple of weeks.

"And I'm a part of your rounds," he asks cryptically.

"Nah," I blow him off with the wave of a hand. "There were a few things I wanted to talk to you about and figured it'd be nice to drop in anyways."

"I'm honored sir," he responds facetiously.

"Oh fuck off Cobalt. I'm not here in any official capacity."

"Understood sir," is his immediate reply. His good cheer still in full swing. I could show my displeasure more fully, but it really isn't worth it. I do actually have a few things I could talk with him about and figure it'll be a nice break before getting into the matters of Vacuo with Blake.

Irons: It's been a while since I've talked about any politics with the man. His cousin is still an aide of Irons if I remember right and the man has been to my home. Maybe I could figure him out by asking a few questions. (3)

Mistral: I had a run in with the authorities of Mistral, specifically Ostro. I suppose it would be a fun thought exercise to see what Cobalt thinks of the situation and how he would respond. (2)

White Fang: He's been a part of my organization for a while. I could tap him for his thoughts on it now as well as some upcoming changes. (1)

Tournament: He has some awareness of what's going on for the tournament. I could ask him about that; perhaps about how policing is going during this time as well. (0)

Vacuo: Maybe he won't have much knowledge about the situation, but I could at least ask about it. As far as I'm aware the Kingdom doesn't have much of a recognized police force and that's at least something to talk about. (0)

"You know what, just for that we'll head into your favorite subject," I threaten. It takes a moment, but I get to watch as his face morphs from confusion, to understanding, to dread.

"Is it too late to apologize?"

"Yes," is my immediate and flat answer.

"In that case you're better off asking my cousin," he ventures evasively.

"Uh-huh. Well, if I wanted a more informed opinion I'd turn to my own experts. Now, stop avoiding the topic. Consider this me wanting a more personal perspective."

"Please tell me I don't have to do something asinine like size up your candidates or assess your chance of winning an election," he pleads.

I make an elaborate show of thinking over his words. Just to give off the impression that I might just ask him about that. Much to his consternation and my amusement. I'm tempted to drag this out for as long as I can, but decide to show him some mercy.

"No, I'm not that cruel," I say, allowing the tension to release a little. Cobalt mutters something under his breath and my ears perk up in warning. I'm not sure what was said exactly, just that it was likely some sort of complaint or grousing. In answer I stare him down until he lets out a sigh. "All I'm looking for is your perspective on Councilor Irons."

My request doesn't do much to buoy his mood. Still reluctant to actually engage with a subject that he finds distasteful.

"Welllll," he drawls reluctantly. "I've only met him once before. He's, well, his personality isn't the only big thing about him."

I shake my head, "I know that; I've met with him too." I avoid saying that he should know that as well. I don't see any way he'd be unaware, with his cousin working as an aide for the man. And the fact that the repeal of a certain ordinance occurred shortly after I met with the man. I made sure that the men under me made that implicit connection rather clear in the mind of the public. No reason not to claim credit.

The fact that he's being so evasive must mean that he actually has some insight to share. All he needs is a little push, a reason to open up. "He's even visited my homeland so I'm trying to find out what I can about him."

Cobalt digests me words with a strained expression. I know he doesn't owe any loyalty to Menagerie, but he has expressed some level of support for my actions thus far. For one reason or another that seems to be enough to push him over the edge.

"I don't think you have to worry too much about that, sir. I'm not going to claim I know him all that well, but he seems like an ally through and through. Although I don't know the reasons why."

"Probably because of his mistress," I note absently.

"Mistress," Cobalt echoes as if lost. He balls his hand up in a fist and puts the first knuckle of his forefinger and thumb against his forehead; his version of a thinking man's pose on account of his scaled neck. "The only- no, no, that makes sense actually." He pauses for a moment, "Are you sure you need me to tell you anything about the man?"

"Cobalt," I grind out and he picks up on the implication.

"Fine," he allows before taking a breath. "He's not a bad man as far as I can tell. At least my cousin hasn't mentioned anything nefarious that he's been up to. I'm…not really going to comment on the mistress situation, if you don't mind.

However, he's a bit…I'm not sure what the right word for it is. Selfish feels too strong and inaccurate to boot; maybe opportunistic? It just seems like he's always looking to see what he can get out of any situation or conversation. I don't know if that's always to the benefit of Vale or himself or what the exact mix is. Just that my cousin doesn't have a problem working for the man."

"And what about a more personal consideration," I question. "You talked with him, right?"

"Just the one time and not for very long. He's very conversational, gregarious I think is the proper word. Like he can talk for hours on end, but it didn't feel like he was talking just to hear himself talk. Something about it just felt off, though."

That is interesting to note. That despite Irons' attitude and way with words that Cobalt could still pick up that there was some sort of ulterior motive going on. I chalk that up to Cobalt's usual restrained and reticent nature. Awfully hard for a man like Irons to engage someone like that when they don't give you much to work with and you're in a rush.

"Did he approach you or did you approach him," I question and he stares at me flatly. "I figured as much, but just wanted to make sure. Let me guess, he showed up shortly after or before your cousin started working as an aide for him?"

"Yeah. I figured it was something like that as well, but that wasn't the only thing he tried to talk about. He asked a few questions about my job and the VPD in general. Couldn't exactly refuse answering him on some of those, but…" he trails off with a shrug like he doesn't know how he was going to end that sentence either.

Regardless, I don't think Cobalt has much further insight into the man. Not that it's too much more than what I already know. The confirmation of his opportunistic nature and an inclination that he isn't self-serving is good information to have, although I don't know how exactly I'd leverage it to my benefit.

I also get the feeling that his fondness for the faunus is something that could be used to my advantage, but I'm unsure how exactly that manifests and neither does Cobalt. Well, aside from the obvious mistress angle.

"Thanks," I say mostly as a courtesy. Even if he hasn't given me much workable information, what he has provided isn't worthless. That and it was no small thing for him to speak on it in the first place. "If you're up for it, I have something else we can delve into."

"I think I'm able to indulge you, sir," he replies with a mostly neutral expression; only the hint of a smile on his lips. Likely taking my words as a sort of olive branch and departure from our previous topic.

"I'm unsure how much you've kept up with it, but I had a run in with the police of Mistral; Ostro in particular. Weren't exactly the most welcoming bunch and had a bit of a standoff with them. Just sort of wondering what your thoughts on that are, what you would do, that kind of thing."

He grunts, shakes his head, and says, "I'd need more to go off of than that. At least normally. Luckily for you, I've kept up with those announcements you've been putting out and then some."

He pauses for a moment like he's going to say something else, but nothing follows. He shoots me a meaningful look afterwards, as if I'm supposed to be thankful for his inaction. He probably had something that he knew I wouldn't appreciate. No doubt it was something that would express his displeasure at being dragged into politics.

"The way I see it, both sides made mistakes," he starts suddenly. Then he cuts me off before I can voice my rebuttal, "Not to say that you weren't justified in taking action. Just that if you were looking to cooperate with the authorities, you went the complete wrong way of doing so. Although, I don't think that was your intention."

"We tried," I interject, not willing to take the criticism entirely lying down.

"Did you," he questions honestly. I suppose it wouldn't be possible for him to know the entire situation.

"Yes, we didn't get anywhere in our negotiations and we had to take matters into our own hands."

Cobalt pulls a complicated face at that. Some part of the information he knows and the tidbit I gave him not lining up fully. He seems to be edging out on my version of events. Although, now that I think about it, I might not be entirely honest.

We didn't have any hard evidence when meeting with the politicians of the area. By the time we made a move to acquire said evidence, we decided to do so in a way that would send us crashing against the local authorities. This is on top of the fact that we didn't reach out to the police either; although, I don't think they would have been any more amenable.

I don't think I made a mistake, but I can see where a grievance could be laid. In fact, if one were to assume that the Ostro police weren't biased, it would reflect a common sentiment of the police against Huntsmen. That Huntsmen are too reckless and want fast results instead of doing things properly.

"Alright, but look at it from an outside perspective. You and your friends dropped into the area one day and by nightfall you're already attacking a political group. You had your reasons, but how much of that was known by the first responders? They had to react in some way anyway or else it was their necks on the line.

That isn't to say they didn't fuck up, though. If they really wanted to understand and deescalate the situation they chose the worst possible response. Escalating the situation like they did, I'm not going to pretend I know why they did that. Or at least I hope they weren't that blatant for their reason why. Either way, they overreacted and crossed a line."

Now that he's said it, I also think there might be another variable at play. My team and I kept as low of a profile as we could for a reason. It was enough for the Argent Brotherhood to be unaware of our presence. With that being said, it's entirely reasonable to assume that the cops were unaware of the presence of me and my team. Add in the assistance from the White Fang and I can see why they'd jump to certain conclusions.

"Fine," I allow with some measure of reluctance. "And what would you do if you were in their shoes then?"

He thinks it over for a moment, "It would depend on how much I knew going in, but failing that, probably the same way. Just a lot less extreme and more cautious. Don't take this the wrong way sir, but it seems like you were acting more like a Huntsman than a cop.

You went in looking for a quick solution rather than a proper one. At least that's how it seems. If any out of town Huntsmen blew into Vale and caused a ruckus within a single day like you did in Ostro, how do you think we would respond? Doesn't matter if you were right in the end, you've seen how that rubs officers the wrong way."

"I had my reasons," I protest.

"So does every Huntsman who thinks the law should be expedited. I'm not saying that as a criticism sir; from everything I've seen you were right to do so, but that's only after the fact. Just that from an outside and ignorant perspective, that's what it looks like. Not everyone is aware of how you operate. And even if they were, I imagine that it would be worse over in Mistral given certain accomplishments of yours."

He leaves it off at that and I prompt, "I don't suppose you have anything to say about how Mistral runs its legal system?"

"Quite frankly sir," he starts, "I don't get paid enough to discuss that mess. Perhaps another time we could go into it in more detail. For now, all I'll say is that the system as a whole is a disgrace, but I'm not sure there's an easy way to fix it. You saw firsthand the effects of ripping out the influence of the Xiong family. Imagining that but on an even grander scale is nothing short of a disaster."

I can see where he's coming from, but he's also missing some important context. Probably doesn't know too much about how Mistral is actually structured in its approach to law enforcement.

Some areas are only policed by criminals which adds an entire extra mess to the corruption. The already extant police forces aren't enough to cover the city they have. Add in removing the corrupt officers and the few that are left wouldn't stand much of a chance at keeping order.

Regardless, it's clear that Cobalt thinks getting into that subject right now would be too much of a headache. I've arguably already got the answer I wanted out of him even if it's not quite what I was hoping for. It's not quite a criticism of my character, more an admonishment of my actions.

Perhaps that's because of his view on matters of enforcement and not taking into full account how different things are in Mistral. However, it's not like he doesn't have any point. My actions in Ostro were primarily motivated by expediency rather than anything else. Still not a mistake in my mind, and any negative consequences don't seem apparent. Just that it's something to keep in mind for my future actions I suppose.

Blake and I meet up to begin our investigations. Our agents have had plenty of time to collate their findings and our weekend is free until the start of the Finals round. Even then, I'll be the only one of the two of us otherwise preoccupied. Plus I'll have to work out my schedule for next week with many potential projects in the air.

Before I can attend to that, I turn my attention to Vacuo. Particularly the odd and concerning behavior going on in the desert Kingdom. There are a lot of places that Blake and I can start our investigation into. Ultimately, I decide to start with the coalition of outlying settlements and nomadic groups.

Not for any particular reason. Although, I guess it is somewhat related to our plans for expansion into the area. The fact that there is any sort of political movement forming, and in apparent reaction to foreign presence is concerning to a degree. I can only hope that it's out of caution or for some other benign reason and not one that will cause me trouble later on down the road.

Investigation Check: Rank: 4.76 vs Challenge 4

Final Modifier: +19

Dice: 1d100+19
55 + 19 = 74

Politics Check: Rank: 2.22 + .25(circumstance) =2.47 vs Challenge 3

Final Modifier: -14

Dice: 1d100-14
62 - 14 = 48

Our search begins with a rocky start. As it turns out, many of the outlying settlements and nomadic groups we're looking into have no desire to make information about them easily accessible. There is very little information about them on the CCTS and what information we can access is rather dated. Not all that useful for investigating what is a relatively recent trend.

This is further complicated by how they shun the central authority of Vacuo, like many Vacuans do, and are largely independent. They of course trade and interact with their neighbors, but that doesn't help when many of those same groups are also who we're trying to look into.

However, just as we were able to catch wind of this development, their isolation isn't perfect. There are groups that serve as sort of middlemen between these isolationist groups and the more central authorities of Vacuo as well as Vale.

From what I can tell there are two fronts to this coalition. One is located a fair distance from Vacuo proper in the Western desert, on the dry side of the mountains there. The other resides in the Eastern desert, Southeast of Coquina and Obscuro Academy.

This is fairly odd because as far as I can tell there is a fair bit of distance involved and there hasn't been much of an attempt to bridge the gap between the two portions. However, that may be explained by the two groups being separate rather than two parts of the same whole. Their aims may be similar, but as far as I can tell they each have reason to be.

Both portions are no strangers to foreign exploitation, the reminders of which are particularly present in the Eastern side. From abandoned mines, quarries, and refineries; there are a plethora of reminders of what exactly Vacuo has lost. This is ameliorated somewhat by the incidental closeness to Vale, but it isn't enough to fully wipe away the enmity. Especially since some can blame Vale for not stepping in to stop the exploitation.

Meanwhile, in the Western groups, their reminder is a bit older, primarily from the Great War. Although there are still remnants of exploitation from later years. Just that the Great War is likely of greater impact to the consciousness of the Western Vacuans.

In an effort to cut off the supply of Dust for the Valean and Vacuan armies, Mantle and Mistral conducted an operation using Mistrali settlements in the area as a base for logistics. Arguably this ended up costing them the war as they weren't equipped to deal with the harshness of the desert, but initially the plan was a success. At least until Vale and Vacuo were able to wheel their armies from where the fighting had died down to deal with the actual threat of the war.

In any case, there is ample reason for both groups to harbor distaste and distrust over foreigners. Blake and I are also able to narrow down which groups are likely involved and which are perhaps mildly interested or sitting out on the matter entirely.

The latter group is almost distressingly small which is odd considering Vacuo's usually isolationist nature. That could be them learning a lesson from the Great War and the foreign exploitation after the fact, but something about it doesn't seem right.

Lime's words from last week echo in my head, despite the brief conversation. Something about them twigs me on to looking at the names of the groups and settlements and that feeling that something is off intensifies. Ignoring the far flung nature between the two groups, not all of the names on the list have the best relationship with one another.

Factionalism and loyalty to a tribe or clan are somewhat common in the outskirts of Vacuo. I have a feeling something about that should be presenting an issue, but what it is exactly I can't place. Maybe I should pass this off to Timber and see what he can tell me.

Failing that I move on to what the group, or groups, is up to. For the most part it appears to be in the preliminary stages with meetings of leaders of the various groups convening. Likely to discuss the nature of their coalition and decide if they want to participate or not.

One interesting thing to note is that it appears that the Western coalition coalesced faster than the Eastern one. Perhaps because of fewer groups overall, thus needing less set-up and common sentiment for a common cause to be called for. However, if the worry was foreign exploitation I would assume that the Eastern coalition would be the more motivated out of the two.

They would have the larger and more immediate reminders of what they stand to lose from such involvement, but that isn't the case. Again, I feel like there's just something about the whole matter that I'm missing. Not that I feel like it would make sense. Rather that it would shed light on the situation and allow me to make some inferences.

Whatever the case may be, there is only so much time we can dedicate to that as of right now. I'll be sure to monitor the situation, but we move onto a more immediately distressing situation in Vacuo. From the look of things there is some force in Vacuo who is disappearing people with aura. Either through kidnapping or a more permanent end.

That's already odd considering that these people would be better able to fend off an opponent than those without aura. Salem I've already ruled out as not making sense, as has Theo if I had to guess. However, that doesn't mean this isn't a scheme of hers. Even if it isn't, I find it worthwhile to look into.

Criminology Check: Rank: 2.43+ .5(Assistance)= 2.93 vs Challenge: 2/4
Final DC: 22/72

BO2 Source: Assistance(Desert Agents)

Dice: 2d100
Options: Individual.

Investigation Check: Rank: 4.76 +.5(Assistance) + .25(Previous pass)= 5.51 vs Challenge 3/5/7

Final DC: Auto-pass/38/88

BO2 Source: Assistance(Desert Agents)

Dice: 2d100
Options: Individual.

Investigation Check: Rank 4.76 +.5(Assistance) + .25(Circumstance)=5.51 vs Challenge 7

Final Modifier: -38

BO2 Source: Assistance (Desert Agents)

Dice: 2d100-38
Options: Individual.
56,56 - 38 = 18,18

Our efforts are again stymied; this time by a lack of any one central figure or authority to turn to for information on this case. This is ameliorated somewhat by our men on the ground as well as information being available, but that hardly makes up for ease of access to information I've previously enjoyed.

Even with making a request through Oz, Theo does not have much information for us to work with that we can't get on our own. There is simply too much going on for him to deal with every disappearance and the dysfunctional state of any other authority in Vacuo makes it difficult to gather information in the first place.

That isn't to say that we're without options. There are attempts at establishing law through local groups and statisticians such as Olive try to keep on top of figures as best as they can. Both are good places for my men to go and collate information for us to look through, but there are obvious holes.

The most prevalent of which are those outlying settlements and nomad groups. However, I can only speculate on what their figures could provide and I'm trying to find a pattern first and foremost. Not necessarily see how widespread the problem is.

Then comes the difficult aspect of separating the 'normal' disappearances from what I'm actually trying to investigate. The best I can manage is locating areas where aura capable individuals disappearing approaches statistical significance and then collating all said disappearances for some sort of commonality. This, by its very nature, has to introduce unwanted noise into our investigation, but I don't see any other option.

From what I find, the disappearances are spread out, but in an odd way. There are very few of such disappearances in other cities like Coquina, but a detectable amount in Vacuo proper. From there the disappearances appear to spread out to nearby settlements, at a low and sporadic rate before the data becomes too muddied to make any determination.

That makes Vacuo proper a rather odd stand out and I bet I'd find whatever culprit responsible is operating in there. However, Vacuo is not a small place and narrowing it down further is not possible with the data I have. I have a feeling there's something that could make this easier, but whatever it is I can't discern.

Some of that difficulty undoubtedly comes from the lack of any clear pattern to those who have disappeared. This, of course, is not helped by the noise we've introduced into our search or the informal nature of our data collection. Regardless, I try to separate it out and make sense of it how I can.

Since Vacuo is already an outlier I set its pool of disappearances off to the side, separate from the rest of our reports. From there we go into what personal details have been reported about those who have gone missing. Thankfully, my men were mindful enough to collect that data even if that isn't too helpful.

As far as I can tell there is no significant bias between male and female victims. Younger demographics seem to be targeted over older, although outright children appear to be in the minority. This is despite the potential ease of kidnapping said children, which implies there is some factor rather than simple aura-capability at play.

Perhaps depth of reserves; but that doesn't make sense to target civilians then. Plus some children can have larger reserves than adults dependent on a variety of factors.

All the thoughts of aura brings my mind to a former student of Shade who's semblance the aura-transfer machine is based on. As it turns out, her and her twin brother are among those listed as missing, although they have apparently been so for years at this point. I log that as an oddity, but move on.

It takes me a while to spot, but there's another thing that aura-capable individuals tend to have; semblances. Not all of them are the same, or that everyone has their semblance unlocked or even useful. However, after pouring over the reports some more I discover that there is an uptick in those with powerful, or at least useful, semblances disappearing out in the outskirts.

It's rather small all things considered, however, that could be explained by the amount of noise that has been introduced. Comparing it to the suspected increase over normal levels shows that the two numbers are rather similar and it's the only thing I've encountered thus far.

It again brings my mind back to the twins who disappeared. The girl, Gillian, was the one with the aura-transfer semblance. Both able to drain and give aura to individuals while her brother, Jax, never unlocked his. I'm not sure why my brain fixates on them exactly, but I go with my gut.

They could have been the start of this trend. Gill kidnapped with her brother taken out as collateral. The only dent in that theory is that both attended Shade, although neither graduated. I suppose I could try to get into contact with their former teammates, Bertilak and Carmine, but that's a matter for another time.

Back to the matter at hand, I return to the pile of disappearances in Vacuo and run into another brick wall. As far as I can tell there is no significant correlation between disappearances and people with powerful semblances. Too close to Shade, perhaps? But then how does this all work out at all?

There is a greater level of disappearances in Vacuo proper, it's what twigged me onto this oddity in the first place. However, it seems like there's something else muddying the data. Belatedly my attention returns to Gill's semblance.

That could be a potential explanation for this discrepancy. It's not like you need to travel far to find someone with aura rather than a powerful semblance. However, that just brings up more questions. Such as why go through with any of this? I'm rather lost on what that answer could be, but I'm rather confident that it can't be anything good.

Aura(Knowledge)raised from (33/300) to (38/300) Source: Ozpin

Aura(Practical) raised from (424/1250) to (466/1250) Source: Semblance usage, Combat, & Aura(knowledge) boost.

Combat Raised from (56/2500) to (90/2500) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, & Combat

Criminology Raised from (65/150) to (70/150) Source: VPD & Challenge

Culture raised from (47/300) to (52/300) Source: Oobleck

Dust raised from (94/150) to (104/150) Source: Ozpin
History raised from (311/625) to (321/625) Source: Oobleck

Investigation raised from(477/625) to (510/625) Source: Oobleck, Alabaster, Training, Challenge, & Ozpin

Law raised from (65/150) to (69/150) Source: VPD

Mobility raised from (170/1250) to (260/1250) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, Combat, & Training

Politics raised from (33/150) to (35/150) Source: Challenge

Personal Funds increased to 11500L Source: VPD
S2 Week 18 (Part 1)
Chap7 Plan (3)

Plan Socials Over, Time to work (1)
Chap7 Plan:

Timber- Vacuo: Coalition

Investigation - Coalition: Odd Formation

-Desert Mystery: Hostile Action

-Desert Mystery: Logistical Concerns

-Desert Mystery: Desert Snake

Organization- Bully Pulpit

-Mistral: Personal Bait

Questions for Oz/LORE- Leonardo Lionheart

Socials- Pyrrha(QM)



-Marina Aoi


-VPD: Sandy

Training- InvestigationX8
Contemporary QM Note: We have 5 weekly action points this week. Default actions are listed next to their category as well as whatever instructions are necessary for that section. The only stipulation is that all default actions have to be filled with something for a plan and all action points have to be assigned. Other than that go wild.

Missions: Each costs 2 Actions to take.

None Currently

Timber/World: Choose 1

Mistral: Inner Cities: Closer Look: There is much more in Timber's report that I didn't go over. Getting a greater idea of the cities and how they handle themselves seems pertinent.

Mitral: Great City Relations: Perhaps the more important part of diplomacy for me. The connections the various cities have with each other and other Kingdoms.

Mistral: Outer Cities: Closer Look:There is much more in Timber's report that I didn't go over. Getting a greater idea of the cities and how they handle themselves seems pertinent.

Mistral: Lower Council: I'm not sure what the point of the lower council would be. I doubt the Mistrali are that concerned with what they view as lesser voices.

Vale: Overview: I've already dipped my toes into the politics of the region, but perhaps he could give me a greater view.

Atlas: Overview: I'm pretty sure I know how the politics of Atlas works, but it can't hurt to ask.

Vacuo: Overview: Is there really anything to talk about as far as Vacuo is concerned? As far as I'm aware their official government isn't much of one.

Vacuo: Coalition: Something about this grouping of nomads and settlements just doesn't make sense to me. Perhaps he could shed some light on the situation.

None: Politics don't really interest me. No need to bother with him.

Investigation: 1 by default. Each additional costs 1 action.

Conspiracy: Elusive Mr. Watts: Watts, as far as I can tell, is the backbone of Salem's organization. Without him they'd be much more limited by sheer simple logistics. Maybe I can find something that sets me on his whereabouts. (Very hard Investigation Check)

Conspiracy: Grimm Tracking: I haven't been able to pass this off to my men yet. Perhaps I need to do so myself to see if I can pick up any trace of Salem. (Difficult Investigation and Grimm checks)

Conspiracy: Traces: There has to be some activity by Tyrian, Watts, or some other conspirator. Perhaps looking into odd occurrences could give me something to work off of. (???)

Coalition: Odd Formation: There is something odd about how and when the coalition(s) in Vacuo formed. Regardless of if there is a connection between the Western and Eastern blocs I should investigate. (Investigation and Politics Checks)

Desert Mystery: Disappearances: I've encountered some information that makes this whole disappearing act a lot more concerning at first glance. I just need to find out where they're going. (Very hard investigation Check; ???) [Small modifier to the Investigation check]

Desert Mystery: Hostile Action: Someone or some locals are acting against Weiss and I in the area. Perhaps it would be best to try to root them out and their motivations. (Investigation Check; Hard Criminology Check)

Desert Mystery: Logistical Concerns: It might be based on a foolish hope, but I have to think that some of those who have disappeared are still alive. If that's the case, their captors have to be getting supplies from somewhere. (Hard Investigation Check)

Desert Mystery: Asturias Twins: As my first suspected victims, perhaps finding out who exactly they are and what they are up to are in order. (Tiered Investigation check)

Desert Mystery: Desert Snake: Carmine and Bertilak are former teammates of my earliest suspected victims. Perhaps they have some information about what's going on. I just have to find them first. (Investigation Check; possible social)

Missing Maiden: Raven's nest: I already have a heavy suspicion that Raven is involved with the missing Spring maiden I just need to find more definitive proof somehow (Very Hard Investigation check) [Tiny Circumstance Modifier to the check]

Misc: Trivia Pursuit: I think I have enough information to track down Neo's previous identity. The question is whether I should or not. (Investigation Check)

Organization: 0 by default currently. Each additional costs 1 action.

Long-term planning: I have plenty of plans that need to be done and less of a need for flexibility. I can shift those resources over to handle those matters for a short time. (+ with a medium-term focus. This takes up 1 short-term focus action until it is resolved.)

Raven's Nest: I can't get to the area myself, but my men might be able to. It might be a long-shot but it may be possible for them to get some direct evidence on if she has the maiden or not.

Wattchmen: It's been a while since I've had my men look into matters of Salem. I would have to keep a close eye on them and progress might be slow, but it couldn't hurt to make some progress.

Atlas Assistance: With all the circumstances surrounding our expansion into Atlas I doubt this will be very difficult, but assigning additional oversight and resources should ensure we set up there the slightest bit quicker.

Desert Agents: My men have already proved somewhat helpful in my investigation. Combating the lack of centralized authority in Vacuo is no easy feat.

Coalition Meeting: Perhaps it's best to actually meet with the coalition before anything is settled between our two groups.

Vacuo: Outskirt Investigation: I suspect that disappearances in Vacuo aren't solely focused on the inner settlements. Unfortunately, I'll just have to rely on my men finding out what they can and sending them out into the wilderness does have some element of danger.

Mistrali Scapegoat: Tensions are already going to be high in Mistral. I could perhaps deflate them a little by framing an unfortunate group. Perhaps give Atlas or the other authorities an excuse to crack down a little early.

Mistral: Personal Bait: Tensions in Mistral are ready to boil over. I could put myself in the middle of that and try to invite an attack to blunt the worst of what's to come. Perhaps clean house a little and show my mettle to the rest of the Fang.

Bully Pulpit: I am more or less the face for the White Fang and Menagerie to a degree. I could draft up some sort of announcement or lead some sort of campaign to raise awareness about an issue.

Mid-Term action Selection

Atlas: HH Partnership: The Happy Huntresses seem fine assisting us in what little ways they can. Considering some options I'm considering it may benefit us to have closer ties despite the problems that may bring.

Atlas: Upper Class Solicitation: There is still the prospect of shaking down the rich and elite of Atlas to donate to charity. It should help cut down on costs and maybe even turn a small overall profit.

Vacuo: Disturbing Trends: My men have uncovered some worrying possibilities budding up in the Desert Kingdom. It's perhaps in my best interests to remain on top of the matter.

Conspiracy: Grimm Tracking: If there really was someone controlling the grimm then I'd expect that there'd be some indication of it somewhere. Mostly this would be my men collating historical accounts and records of grimm while I put the pieces together myself.

Lightened Load (Menagerie: Landwork): I have a project on my hands that can now be passed on to someone else. The freedom in the short term is somewhat tempting. (Frees up 1 currently occupied short-term action each week)

Conspiracy: Chasing Shadows: Salem's forces are a slippery bunch, but that doesn't mean they're impossible to track down. My men might have to delay for a bit, but getting on the trail of Watts or Salem's other minions can only be helpful in the long-run.

Vale: Roadwardens: Taking the fight to the grimm and keeping the roads safe isn't exactly a well-paying job, at least without the council involved. However, keeping the roads safe may assist with our efforts as well as earn us a lot of goodwill.

Menagerie: Airdock: Expanding the infrastructure could allow merchant airships to come by as well as personal ones. Additionally, it would lead to an increase in the Menagerie air force.

Menagerie: Exploitation: A bit more selfishly focused, I'll admit. We could focus our efforts on securing and establishing operations at more Dust deposits.

Atlas: HH Investigation: Something about the group doesn't strike me as strictly legal. Something I'm sure James would love to be aware of. I guess I could throw him this bone.

Atlas: Public Advocacy: Perhaps something better suited to be addressed later, when it won't run up against recent and soon to come actions. However, arguing for the plight and better treatment of the faunus is prudent here and in Mistral

Atlas: Hidden Order: Considering some of our preparations, acting like a public version of law enforcement would be tricky. However, we could do our best to comply with James' request on the down low

Menagerie: Refinery: Space is still a bit tight and the prospect of an SDC refinery in the area may be a little too much at the moment, but aside from those concerns there shouldn't be anything stopping us from making this a reality

Questions for Oz/LORE; Choose 1

Doubts: I think some of my words have gotten to Oz. It might be worthwhile to see if I could build off of that.

Leonardo Lionheart: I'm sure he has a lot to say about his former friend and maybe even his plan to deal with him now that the Vytal Festival is almost over.

Cooperation: I think he's fine with me working on my own. However, I could see if there are any specific projects he wants help with.

Other/Write in

Socials: 3 by default. Each additional costs ½ an action.

Relationships (close):

Blake: As enjoyable as our time together was last week, there are other things I could discuss with her. Or perhaps I'd just like to celebrate with my girlfriend.

Weiss: (Free this week)

Onyx Rovere (Dad): Dad is still in town for the rest of the week. Maybe I could hang out with him some more. Possibly talk about our plans for the summer.

Coral Clover (Mom): After my confession last week, perhaps it's best for us to do something to solidify it. Or at least a confirmation that nothing has really changed.

Lie Ren: I've hardly spent that much time around my best friend. Something tells me that he's ready to open up if I want to press him on that, though more time together is hardly mis-spent

Marina Aoi: My partner is still a bit sullen at being excluded from the tournament. Either way, I do have something to talk to her about.

Kelly Russet: Our recent successful missions have left her happy. Especially the more high-profile one in Ostro. Perhaps it's a good idea to check in on her.

Autumn Russet: Our recent successful missions have left him satisfied. Easily washing away the previous problems of our activities at Crest, though perhaps it's a good time to check in about that.

Bartholomew Oobleck: My long-time mentor who's a new part of the conspiracy. It may be an interesting topic to see how he's taken the discovery of a people before recorded history.

Relationships (Distant):

Neo: I have no real complaints about how our last outing went. It wouldn't be the worst thing to have a repeat.

Whitley: Our last talk did not go as well as I hoped it would. Perhaps it's better to leave him alone for a little while.

Yang: It has been a little time since the meeting with Raven. It may be a good idea to check up on the girl.

Velvet: She seems to be recovering well, but I could spare some more time to check on her after everything.

Nora: After the incident with Marina, she's been spending a bit of time with my partner. Might be a good idea to see what's up.

Ruby: The other team leader just went on a mission with me and we didn't exactly see eye to eye on how to proceed. Maybe I should discuss that with her?

Penny: I've broken the good news to her and my partner. May be worthwhile to see what she's thinking.

Pyrrha: (QM)


Jaune: It's been a while since I've given the other team leader any thought. It may be nice to check in with him.

Sun: I still don't like him all that much, but I can admit he's not an onerous individual. Just annoying.

Lime: The brother of my Vacuan friend. A bit awkward, though with a sense of honor and ideas of his own.

Ciel: Our talk wasn't the worst thing ever I guess. She seems to have liked the contact in her own way at least.

Winter: It seems like Winter took my advice last week. However, she wasn't very forthcoming and there is also the rest of the conspiracy we could talk about.

Willow: I kind of disappointed her last week by not being able to make the connection with Whitley happen. Perhaps an apology is in order?

Professional Contacts:

Raven: I'm not quite sure what to make of her right now. However, if I ever wanted to deal with her it seems like I have a way of getting her attention.

Qrow: I just went on a mission with him and he seems to have attracted the attention of a maiden. Might be fun to mess with him a little.

Amber: The fall maiden left me with a somewhat open ended offer. I'm sure I can find some time in the week to arrange for a spar.

Torchwick: It's somewhat amusing poking in on his life, I could spare another moment or two to check on him.

Sienna: Perhaps there's nothing more for us to discuss. However, as the former High Leader I imagine that she has much to say about the state of the White Fang and our future.

Pietro: With James on my side it might be a good idea to talk with Pietro and get his permission before breaking the news to the girls

Kali: Blake's mom and I haven't really had a one on one yet. She at least seems supportive.

Ghira: Blake's dad and my boss in a sense. I'm not sure if it's a great idea to talk to him on my own, but I could make the attempt.

James: I have a pretty direct line of communication with him. Additionally, even if I'll already be informing him, there is something of a situation for me in Atlas.






Terra: She's spent some time in Atlas and is sure to have something to say about our plans and the upcoming situation.

Charlotte: A recent addition to our roster. I could drop by her studio to get her measure.

Primm: He's spent some time in Menagerie. Perhaps he has some insight as a foreigner that I haven't picked up on?


VPD: Alabaster: I'm holding off on the conspiracy stuff for now, but that's no reason not to maintain good relations.

VPD: Flint: There isn't much for us to talk about aside from maybe high-minded ideals. Perhaps my attention is best spent elsewhere?

VPD: Rouge: I'm not going with her as my assistant, but that doesn't mean I can't swing by to talk shop on occasion.

VPD: Cobalt: He and I have talked recently. I'm not sure what else we could discuss in the immediacy, but I'm sure I could come up with something.

VPD: Sandy: She may have ostensibly won last time, but that doesn't mean I should let her linger on her victory for any longer than she has.




We have eight slots to assign, either in bulk or divided. If additional actions are desired to be spent, please write that down.

Aura Techniques:

Aura Projection: A foundational technique for the most part. It opens up a wide variety of aura usage even if its base form is rather…underwhelming. (0/50) [can create extremely basic aura constructs, can use .3xAura(Practical) as the Dust modifier for combat (.15x modifier for how it affects overall combat score); Upgradeable]

Aura Sensing: More useful for avoiding such people than its original intention. Might be worthwhile if I plan on sneaking around a lot. (0/100) [provides a circumstance bonus when sneaking around aura-capable individuals; Upgradeable]

Grimm Sensing: Perhaps not the most useful as proper scouting and observation can serve a similar role, but there are times where grimm try to be sneaky or are ambush predators. (0/100) [Can sense grimm at a short distance or with great concentration at longer ranges; Upgradeable]

Cloaking: Hiding my presence also comes with obvious benefits. While most aren't reliant on their aura to detect people it does generally assist them and every little bit helps. (0/150) [provides a circumstance bonus when sneaking around aura-capable individuals; reduces difficulty of sneak challenges against those with aura sensing]

Hardening: A rather basic defensive technique that requires a good helping of concentration and predictive capabilities for relatively minimal gain. (0/100) [Reduces damage taken by attacks Ochre is aware of by 5%; Upgradeable.]

Overcharge II: A further refinement of the basic overcharge technique. Faster charging times and slower discharge. Although perhaps not worth the effort. (0/100)

For some reason, unknowable to me, the Finals aren't set to start until nightfall. That isn't a problem for the usual audience member, but leaves the eight finalists to stew in apprehension. This isn't helped by the fact that none of us know who we'd be fighting against. Supposedly it's entirely random as far as match-ups go. Which, quite frankly, aligns with the usual behavior from Huntsmen Academies. Minus, Atlas I suppose.

The rest rely on randomized teams. Something no doubt suggested by Oz when the Academies were first set up. I still don't think that's the most optimal way of arranging teams. However, I can begrudgingly admit that that the process has worked out rather well for me and my friends. That has to be an outlier though; I can't imagine that the same level of success is guaranteed even if it is eerily accurate.

Maybe Oz is using some magic to fix the outcome? No, that would defeat the purpose of the arrangement and I'm sure he has better things to do. Rather, it might simply be that the process engenders certain attitudes and teaches behaviors that Huntsmen find useful.

The most prominent of which would be figuring out how to work with complete strangers out in the field as well as forge friendships with them. I suppose it's also a way to push his students out of their comfort zone and force them to grow. I could just ask Oz for a straight answer, but that's not the most pressing matter on my mind.

With my schedule as it is, I can't guarantee that I'll have time for one of our sessions later on in the week. I might take more damage from my fights and have to use all the time to recover from a broken aura. After the tournament, I'm planning a little trip to Mistral in order to lay a sort of trap. That also reminds me that I have to coordinate an announcement with Blake and see what she's comfortable with.

Regardless, the relative busyness of myself leaves this as the only guaranteed time I could meet with Oz. The lateness of the Finals round should give me plenty of time to recover aura from the usage of my semblance.

I step into his office to find my mentor sitting at his desk hard at work. He spares a quick glance at me before returning his attention to his scroll. "Ochre, I'm sorry to say, but you've caught me at a complicated time. What brings you in so early?"

"Just that this was the best time to fit you into my schedule," I reply flatly.

"Oh? I hope you're not trying to imply your time is more valuable than my own," he says without lifting his gaze, the hint of a smile evident in his tone. Not that it's reflected in his expression which is set into a small frown.

Not only that, but Oz doesn't usually let his work dominate his time whenever I come in. That either means that he's more comfortable with my presence, which I can't entirely discount, or whatever has his attention is important enough that he has to stay on top of it. Given the situation in Mistral and with Lionheart I'm betting on the latter more than the former.

Instead of letting him know what I suspect, I make a dismissive noise and wave my hand. "Don't act like I don't make time enough for the both of us." I pause for a moment as he returns to his work; still not done putting the finishing touches on whatever plan he's concocting. "So what's going on?"

Oz briefly looks up from my innocuous question that's anything but. He stares at my face, looks down at his scroll, and sighs. "I figure you won't be happy if I were to say that the matter is handled."

"Probably not, but it's not like I can force you to tell me anything."

He chuckles, "Right you are, Ochre. Right you are. Still, it would be a most unkind thing to do; to leave you in the dark like this. I'm sure you're aware of the situation in Mistral and with Lionheart."

I nod and he waits for a more verbal response. "Not the specifics, but I'm aware there is a plan to deal with him. I have plans of my own to deal with the nasty nature of Mistral."

"There is not much you could do to make the situation worse," he grouses in a rare display of stress from the man. "We'll trade exact details later; although, forgive me if I insist that you take no part."

I hum noncommittally; I really do have a lot on my plate. Perhaps too much to offer my help and it seems like Oz has the matter well in hand. That and I'm sure this is more of a personal matter than anything else. I'm sure that his proclivity towards shielding his students from the horrors of the world play a part in his decision; perhaps something else as well.

"I'll be in the area," I offer as a hedge and he takes a deep breath.

"Ochre; I appreciate the offer, but I'm afraid I'll have to decline." He pauses for a moment and reads my expression. "If it will set you at ease, I assure you that everything is well in hand. Lionheart…is not the man he once was. It seems like in his elder years, and his loss of heart, his combat skills themselves have grown rusty. Not only that, but Miss Corvus has mapped out his daily schedule and keeps an eye on him when she can."

Confused, I work through who he could possibly be referring to. My mind jumps to Cassandra; I never got her last name, but the fact she joined us on our assault against Merlot and her useful semblance makes her the most likely option. As does the fact that she's a professor at Haven and would have access to Lionheart in order to use her semblance.

"And what has she found out," I question.

"A whole lot of minutia and a few opportunities for us to make our move. A terrible timeline for us to work with, I admit. However, we cannot mar the image of the Vytal Festival and what it represents. Nor can we allow a thrall of Salem in such an important position of power with the upcoming chaos."

"And we know that for sure?"

"Without a doubt," he answers immediately and firmly. "In addition to our earlier suspicions, Cassandra reports him making contact with Salem. Through a new variant of Grimm hidden away in Haven."

"...How does that work exactly," I can't help but ask.

"I have a few theories," he starts. "The most obvious of which would rely on magic, a relatively simple enchantment all things considered. However, I think it would be foolish for her to relinquish her strength so easily. Not for someone she'd consider a puppet. Rather, I suspect that she's managed to figure out a trick using a grimm's normal senses after much trial and error."

That is not welcome news to say the least and I can think of one man to blame, assuming that magic isn't responsible. Watts, while not as mad as Merlot, has plenty of experience with communications systems and could assist Salem with the construction of such if it was reliant on relatively mundane means.

The prospect that our enemies might have their own untraceable version of the CCTS system is most concerning. Although, given the lack of panic with Oz, or the proliferation with Cinder, I have to assume there are some limitations that prevent it from being used without issue. I can't really say too much more without knowing the exact mechanism or grimm involved; just that it's likely not as bad as it seems at first glance.

I nod along at the conclusion of my thoughts and it seems that Oz understands exactly what I'm thinking. "That is one of the complicating factors in our operation. Capturing the specimen for study is a high priority, but doing so without drawing attention is difficult. As is dealing with Leonardo in the first place. Regardless, I have every confidence that we will accomplish our goals. Even if not with the most optimal outcome."

"Are you sure you don't want me to help out," I offer again light-heartedly.

"Mr. Rovere," Oz raises his voice. That tells me his concern is more of an emotional one than logically based. Although I already suspected that. I also get the feeling that I'm wearing at him and if I really want to join in on the operation that I could force my way in. Something to give some thought towards.

"Fine, fine, I can take a hint," I reply facetiously with the shake of my head. Oz stares at me with his brown eyes and I can tell that he doesn't believe me. However, he makes no move to chide or chastise me. Whether out of a sense of trust or because it would only serve to undermine the relationship we have with one another.

There's not really a way for him to compel me not to act without outright bribery or threats of force. Something that he isn't willing to consider it seems. That's certainly a step up from how this whole conspiracy business started. It seems that I don't have a sword of damocles hanging over my head if I were ever to want out of this business. I chalk that up to Oz trusting more people with the secret of Salem's nature as well as a sort of camaraderie we've built.

"Do we know why he's turned traitor," I ask somewhat absent-mindedly. I don't really care what his reasons are. As far as I'm concerned he needs to be stopped either way. Perhaps it would be easier to not know at all, but I know Oz can't think that way.

"Not exactly," he starts with a level of weariness. "The exact details elude us, and I wish to ask him myself if I can. However, I suspect that the secrets I've kept may have been the seed of doubt Salem needed to capitalize on.

Leo is, like most, a man of fickle courage. Unlike yourself or James, the prospect of an impossible or insurmountable goal is not something he can work against. Whether with dogged determination or a simple dismissal," he states with a complicated smile that quickly faded.

"Whether Salem's nature is the actual start of his descent or not is immaterial. If he's been in contact with her, I have no doubt that he has learned of her nature."

He stops there and I can't help but feel that he's leaving off a personal consideration; not wanting to show too much vulnerability even now. There's simply no way that he hasn't considered not telling Lionheart and his other trusted confidants about Salem as anything other than a mistake. Not with what he knows now and the reaction he has seen thus far.

I know this is hardly the first time he's faced hardship or been betrayed. Probably because he was too open which led to the correction I dealt with. I'm not even sure if him keeping the secret from Lionheart was even wrong. From the sound of things it seems like he would have grown despondent from learning of the information anyway. Perhaps another way Oz could convince himself that the secret had to be kept.

I feel like I could dig more into whatever relationship Oz had with the man, but I'm unsure if it would be the best idea. It's quite clear to me that the two had a friendly relationship. Perhaps not entirely friends or equals. I don't think Oz has allowed himself to have that kind of exact relationship for a long time.

Even my relationship with Oz is tinted more as a mentor-mentee dynamic than anything else. Despite that, I feel the closest to the man from our interactions and we aren't anywhere close to what I would call friends. No surprise there, given Oz's nature. I suspect that for anything like that to truly blossom would be the matter of years if not decades.

Now that I think of it, that could be a potential use of whatever plan James had for Penny. Not Penny exactly, but if her creation could be replicated, I suppose it's possible that Oz could have an actual companion for his fight against Salem. I doubt that was ever the purpose of the research, but it is interesting to consider. Although, the ethical considerations are muddled to say the least.

After my meeting with Oz, I join Blake in one of the study rooms in the library. My girlfriend and I are the only people there aside from a sole member of the faculty who's distracted by the ongoing festival. It immediately brings to mind what we got up to the last time we were here. However, neither of us have that on our minds.

Blake shoots me a shy look, evidently taking to heart our questionably romantic moment last week. Not putting forth her more physical side in a likely attempt to leave herself more emotionally open. I try to keep my thoughts more business-like, but find it hard to with her earnest attitude.

I almost want to discard my plans entirely and just spoil her. Revel in the moment and try to connect with her more now that she's letting her guard down. However, we have plenty of our more professional concerns that have piled up in the background that we really should address.

By default I'll have to tell her about my upcoming plan in Mistral. I don't think I could get away with placing myself as effective bait, no matter how confident I am in my chances. Or if anyone would actually take it. Regardless, keeping it from her and Weiss isn't an option; that would just cause me more trouble than anything else.

Aside from that, there is also the upcoming violence in Mistral, what our actions should be, and what her thoughts on that are. Similarly, but less relevant, is what she thinks of the changes back home and what that means for Menagerie as a whole. Somewhat related then is her reluctance to enter the public sphere and the inevitable nature of that happening regardless. With the dual announcement of Menagerie and my ascension to High-Leader that's not really possible to avoid anymore.

Even then, I can't get my thoughts off of more personal affairs entirely. Due to my plans there isn't much opportunity to actually go into Vale for one last night-time visit before I depart. Although, I guess I could shift things around to accommodate her. Failing that, I could at least try to show my appreciation for the help she's given me and her attempts thus far.

Limelight: Attention is going to be on her soon enough, there's no way around it. I should at least see how she feels about that and what her plans are. (3)

Appreciation: She has helped me out quite a bit and has been supportive even against her parents. I shouldn't let that go entirely without comment and treat her to something nice before we leave Vale. (3)

Emotions: She's trying to leave herself open somewhat and I can't resist attending to her to some degree. Perhaps not the best idea when we should both be professional right now. (1)

Menagerie: Our home is going through some changes and the people aren't wholly receptive. I could talk about that with her and the possible future for Menagerie. (1)

Violence: Mistral is set to go off and with my own plans there is a likely chance that we'll have to at least engage in self-defense. She doesn't have a problem with that, per se, but I could see where her thoughts are. (0)

My girlfriend grabs a hold of my hand and rubs circles along the back of it. It's not usually like her to go for such a simple gesture of affection and I turn to her. She has a light smile, but her shoulders are tense, as if under an undue amount of stress. Her amber eyes lock with mine for a moment before they retreat to focus on the point of our joining.

Normally she would be a lot bolder with the two of us alone, especially with my semblance. Here, however, she's entirely shy; a lot more like she was when we first started dating. Actually, even shier than back then. She certainly had a bold streak and knew what she wanted, it was just the newness that put a stop to her advances. Well, that and Weiss.

That novelty is no doubt present in our current interaction. Even if the gesture is otherwise innocuous, I take it to mean that she's trying to open herself up. Despite that, she isn't fully comfortable with what's going on. I could push her, try to talk about what's going on, even attempt to forge a deeper connection. But, that may be too much and too fast for her.

Our relationship may have an incredibly odd pace to it, but that feels right. That she needs to have a moment where she can leave herself vulnerable like this where nothing happens. Something that allows her to grow comfortable with the concept before venturing into anything more meaningful. With that in mind, what else can I do but spoil her a little?

I pull her into a kiss, an overly chaste one by our standards, and she just enjoys the moment in silence. Not trying to push for more or play up her enjoyment; or even vocalize it for that matter. She is a bit stiff regardless and so I pull her unprotesting form into my lap and simply hold her like that.

That seems to shock her out of her behavior, but she simply huffs before shrinking in on herself and nuzzling her head against my shoulder. I'd say that she's acting far more cat-like than she should, but that isn't a big enough deal for me to ruin the moment. It gives me the impression that she's not fully being vulnerable or acting how she'd prefer, but I already suspected such. Our relationship, all of this has to be confusing to her. I imagine that she had some idea of what she wanted out of it all and that's been turned on its head a little.

"What's on your mind," she whispers into my ear. No doubt taking my silence for a moment of deep thought. I can't say that she's wrong.

"You," I answer back immediately. She pauses for a moment before letting out a breath that seems pleased by my ear. She must read something in my tone because she doesn't take that as an opportunity to escalate our intimacy. Either that or she really is trying to hold herself back, which is slightly concerning in my mind. Although, given her usual behavior, I figure it's more of the former than the latter.

We stay like that for a few minutes longer. Blake rubs at the back of my neck and occasionally kisses me on the cheek, but otherwise contents herself with those light touches. I reply in kind with a hand that rubs along her back and another that caresses her hair and ears.

There is almost a physical weight to break away from the moment and each second that passes I feel my concerns grow more and more distant. The fact that in order to discuss anything of importance would require the two of us to separate feels almost too great of an ask. I suppose Blake is a physical weight that makes that slightly more difficult, but we've put off the talk for too long.

"We're making an announcement this week," I state vaguely. Not entirely wanting to drift from this blissful moment.

"I know," she responds reluctantly. She knows full well what exactly that means for her and her disposition is easy to discern. I try to find the right words for what I want to convey, but everything is too crass. Instead, I jostle my girlfriend a little and she shoots me a playful glare. One that rapidly falls away at the soft look on my face.

Blake takes a deep, shuddering, breath; either not expecting the emotions she feels or utterly reluctant to engage with the topic. "It had to happen sooner or later," she states cryptically and I refrain from rolling my eyes or showing any sign of irritation. She's working through how exactly she wants to respond and what she's feeling and I shouldn't make that harder on her.

Instead I give her a feather light touch along the inside of her furred ear that she leans into. She takes another breath and tightens her grip around me, "I know I can't keep running forever. It's all just catching up to me sooner than I thought. I thought I'd have more time to enjoy this before…well, before.

I'm not sure how to put it into words; it just seems like a big change for me. Even when my dad was the High Leader, it never felt that way as a kid. I'm not used to the attention, not like that. I'm more at home in the quiet and the shadows." She stops there and I'm sure there are more thoughts on her mind.

I know she's expressed a sense of not deserving the acclaim from her parents before and she's not voicing that right now. However, I have a feeling that's because she's past that in some way. That isn't to say she's past all issues she has with herself. I still detect a small bit of that self-recrimination in her last statement, but she's trying and she's willing to face this issue head on.

"I know the feeling," I voice, allowing all of my frustrations at my public role leak into my voice. Something that draws a delightful purr from my girlfriend as her grip loosens. "I could delay the-"

I don't get to finish my sentence as my lips are soon otherwise occupied. Blake shifts around me, to find a more comfortable position before breaking the kiss. I briefly note that she's straightened herself up so that she's relatively taller than myself for the moment.

"Don't," she says simply; her voice as strong as steel and her high position trying to demand obedience. Said strength wavers immediately; her eyes turn soft, as does her tone, "I'm not going to hold you back. I don't want to. Not now, not ever. You've done so much that you don't deserve anything less."

"And what do you deserve?"

"I," she starts before taking in the weight of the question that slipped from my lips. "I deserve to be as strong as you think I am." I almost want to throw her a questioning look for the circular, self-serving rationale. However, she says that with such conviction that I think it's what she truly wants.

Technically her response doesn't answer my question, but I don't need a direct answer. With that I know she wants to face the struggle head-on. Even if it's the last thing she actually wants, she wants to be someone who could face that hardship and still be by my side. She really likes making it hard to control myself around her, doesn't she?

"It wouldn't hurt to delay the announcement for a few hours," I offer and then follow up before she can protest, "One last night to get lost in the crowd?"

"I'd love that," she giggles and rests her head against me. The previous tension at the start of our conversation almost entirely absent now.

"What's the downside," she jokes and I desperately want the matter to end there. I can't, though, she doesn't deserve any secrets to be kept and it's not like I could hide my plans from her or Weiss. At least this way it won't ruin our night out after the first round of the finals.

"I'm setting up an ambush in Mistral," I state suddenly and without inflection. I know that isn't going to be enough to explain the situation to her and so I continue, "I figure if I put myself under the cross-hairs so to speak I could draw out some troublemakers. Maybe clean house a little bit, or at least help deflate some of the tensions in Mistral."

I'm more likely to be the thing that sparks them off, but with any luck I should be able to catch some racists or enemy organizations off-guard. Although, I suppose that would be dependent on the execution.

"You're really putting yourself at risk like that," my girlfriend asks in a complicated tone. Not one that I can entirely place, but is indicative that she's rather thoughtful about the prospect instead of overly worried.

"It seems like the best option," is my simple response. Of course I'm ready to explain my reasoning, but it doesn't seem to be necessary. She regards me for what feels like a long moment. A soft, albeit complicated, look in her eyes as she deliberates on the matter.

"I love you," she says with a soft determination that I can't immediately process. That isn't helped by her tightening her grip around me and darting her head next to my ear to repeat the words again. I reply with those same words absently, lacking the weight I just felt from her, while I parse why exactly.

It takes me a bit longer than I'm willing to admit to put together that despite raising protests against my questionably self-sacrificial nature, she finds it endearing. I would say that I'm not really putting myself that far into harm's way, but that is of questionable validity as well.

In the heart of Mistral it wouldn't be inaccurate to say that criminal organizations have certain Huntsmen in their pockets. Even with my performance, I'm not sure if I'd be all that ready to take on a veteran which is a very real possibility. I have safeguards for that and will have my own amount of supporters, but it's still a risk. One dependent on how much leeway I give my opponents, but one that's there nonetheless. Something that Blake has pieced together herself without the need of an elaborate explanation.

That must bring her to why I'm doing this. While the obvious benefit of cementing my position as High Leader has to cross her mind, I suspect there is something else that's at the forefront. Going by everything that I know about her, it must seem like I'm doing this to shield the Mistrali faunus to some degree. Painting a large target on my back so they don't suffer the abuse of those who would come after me.

I can't say she's wrong; even if I'm not sure that's my primary motivation. At the very least she's taking that to mean that I'm willing to put my life on the line for the cause. Why exactly that would generate this kind of reaction is a bit odd to me, but I don't have the time to follow through with that thought fully.

"I'm going too," she states with utter certainty. I try to protest, but she shushes me, "I'll charter my own flight if I have to, but you're not facing that alone. Whatever it is, how much it is, I'll be there."

I still want to tell her that things are going to be fine, or that I shouldn't have too much trouble, but let the moment lie. I don't think I'm going to convince her. Instead, I turn my thoughts to how exactly to handle the trap I'm trying to lay.

By its very nature I have to give my enemies some time to react to my announcement and make their own preparations. No doubt there are some in place for the upcoming break in tension that would be aimed towards me, either from within or without. The real question then is how much to gamble; or otherwise, how many to let in on the little secret of my upcoming visit.

The bare minimum I could do is keep it an internal matter. I'm sure there would be some traitors who'd take one last desperate swing, but that wouldn't achieve many of my other goals. Although, it would keep the threat low and manageable and if Blake is coming with me that seems prudent.

Otherwise, I'd have to let the information leak out to other groups and I have to judge how risky that is. I think I can control the flow of information rather well by timing the announcement and the usage of certain agents present in the Mistral branch. It really depends on how much trouble I want. Of course, if I want to go really bold, I could make it a public announcement and practically invite a challenge from the ideologically minded Mistrali.

All of that I consider and then dismiss to deal with later. My girlfriend doesn't deserve my attention to be divided right now. I allow those thoughts to drain out of me as the two of us sit alone in that room with each other in our arms and our subsequent descent into kisses.

Neither of us repeat those three little words from earlier, but I can tell that's on the forefront of Blake's mind. I suppose I'm similar, but it doesn't quite feel real for me yet. I haven't had a sudden moment of realization like she has to push her forward. Still, that doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the subsequent moments to their fullest.

Distantly the alarm I set on my scroll goes off, but neither Blake or I want to leave our spots. I give way too much consideration to simply using my semblance to enjoy a proper amount of time together before discarding it. I simply can't determine if I'll be amongst the first round or not. Even then that would leave me with precious little time to overcharge my aura. Arguably I'm already infringing on that time as the timer would suggest.

Reluctantly, it is Blake who peels herself off me first, apologetic features on her face. I suppose it would be silly to think she wouldn't suspect how much I was enjoying the moment. Or that she wouldn't feel compelled to ensure that I have the best odds of winning despite her own enjoyment. I suppose that makes my plans for her and I this evening even more prudent.

The two of us ride together to Amity, hands held all the while. She even follows me through most of the competitor-only areas. A benefit she has access to as a former competitor and that Yang is among the finalists. My mind registers that as an imperfect system in the light that Cinder was able to infiltrate Beacon as a competitor. I'm unsure how exactly that would be an issue, but my mind raises it as one. Whatever, I'm enjoying the benefits right now and Cinder has already been taken care of.

However, my girlfriend has to depart when I make it to the waiting room with the other seven finalists. Among them are Yang, Pyrrha, Penny, and Lime. On less friendly terms are Paprika, Jasper, and Sun. Okay, that might be too cruel to the monkey-boy, but he and I never really clicked and his hyper-active pacing around isn't doing him any favors.

Meanwhile, the other competitors are all a mix of restrained confidence or slight worry. It makes it tempting to offer some reassurances to the nervous Lime, but it appears that everyone was waiting on my presence in order to go over a few last minute stipulations.

Most of them are directed to how we're supposed to behave and move to when we're called up to the arena. However, there are also a few rule changes. The most important of which is the shrinking of the arena and the new aura knockout level.

We can go down to as little as ten percent before we're out. What this realistically means is that there are going to be a lot more broken auras. This is allowable because of the one on one nature of the fights and the lack of hazards. Aside from that, the arena itself is restricted to the small starting platform of each fight. Exit from the bounds of the fighting plane is allowed, but landing outside of it counts as losing the fight; so more or less how most spars go here at Beacon.

The presentation is thus a short one, but since everyone actually arrived on time, even if just barely in my case, there is an ongoing display in the arena that prevents us from just heading out. I'm unsure if it's a fight from the losers bracket or some other cultural display, but I have other things to focus on. I try to get into the state of mind to start building up my reserves only to receive a shy poke to the shoulder.

My vision is greeted by a wincing Pyrrha. "Sorry. I just, uh, I wanted to talk to you before our fight." That's a bit presumptive of her. Neither of us know if we're actually fighting tonight; although, I take that to mean that she has no illusion that either of us would be knocked out by any of the competition here. I don't know if that's her sense of destiny speaking or just her confidence in her skills and my own.

Either way I nod and let out a, "Sure." She sucks in her cheek before throwing her gaze around the room. First leftwards then rightwords with her long red hair flipping back as she does so. I'm not sure what exactly is on her mind from the gesture and the fact that we simply haven't talked all that much throughout the school year.

Then she motions for me to follow her and she makes her way over to Yang where the two of them have a similar exchange. That tells me more of what's on her mind as does her hesitant steps towards Penny where events play out once more. Afterwards we depart for one of the common rooms where we have some relative privacy.

We all take a seat with Yang and Penny both confused and eager to understand why Pyrrha called us away like this. Before either of them can speak I shoot them a look and they both back down for the moment. The red-haired girl shoots me a thankful look before working back up her confidence.

"Ochre," she starts with a nod, "Yang…Penny. I-you all told me about your semblance or lack. Um, what I mean is that I should return the favor. To have a level playing field."

"Nah," Yang interrupts with a dismissive stretch. "Don't worry about it. I don't care if you think it's unfair or whatever, I'll beat you without the help. No need to stress on my behalf."

Penny is a bit less eager to pass on the information, but she doesn't seem willing to press a 'friend.' She merely echoes Yang's sentiment, although neither of them leave the room.

Put in that kind of position I can't exactly feed my curiosity without some negative fallout and I judge that as not worth the hassle. While Pyrrha has quite clearly worked through the matter to try and bring it up, she isn't comfortable with doing so. Perhaps if I had worked with her some more before or if my friends weren't willing to pass on the matter so easily I'd have a different option, but that's not the world I live in.

"I seem to recall that I've beat you once. I don't need any help to do it again," I call out cockily and lock eyes with Pyrrha. She seems surprised by the development and conflicted on whether to continue regardless.

Ultimately she remains locked in that indecision until Yang stands up and stretches. She bids her goodbye and Penny follows suit shortly after. Perhaps correctly assuming that their non-relationship with Pyrrha would get in the way. Not that I'm much better, but I suppose they also trust me to handle this.

"I-do you really not care," she asks with a level of desperation in her voice. Not in the sense that she really wants to tell me, but rather that what just occurred goes against her view of the world. I file that away as useful information for later, but turn to her deliberately relaxed features.

"I wouldn't say that I don't care," I respond airily. "Just that whatever you tell me is immaterial. I'm pretty sure I have the important parts of your semblance nailed down and I don't need anything else to take you on."

"I wouldn't say that so easily if I were you," she states shakily; regaining some measure of her usual confidence.

"Eh, call it a matter of pride, but I want to face you at your best. You'd be doing me a real disservice if you were to handicap yourself."

She nods at that and allows herself a small smile, easily taking the olive branch for what it is. "You're right, I shouldn't have insulted you or Yang or Penny like that." She pauses for a moment and closes her eyes. "Thank you."

She appears willing to leave things at that, but I'm uncertain if I wish to do the same. She's already ruined my moment of meditation and our talk shouldn't take too long. Plus, what are the chances that I'll be the first fight up? One in four? I think I can take those odds. I can't leave her like this without offering her some level of support; I just have to figure out what to talk about.

Competitiveness: It seems like she has a sense of fairness, but I doubt that she's willing to throw in the towel without a fight. Although, it's not like she tried all that hard to improve herself in the first semester either. I suppose it wouldn't be the worst thing to talk about. (3)

Destiny: She's brought up the topic before though we never really touched on it. I'm sure she has some thoughts about it now given that things didn't go according to plan. (2)

Loss: She took her previous loss to me pretty well, though that was arguably a draw. Or maybe the other way around depending on perspective. Either way, I wonder if she's given any thought to how she'll react this time. (1)

Fame: She could use her fame to exact some measure of change. She hasn't thus far, and it isn't hard to guess why given her past experience, but perhaps I could float the idea to her. (0)

Jaune: I'm not sure what exactly she sees in the guy, but it has been a while since I've checked on him. It would at least be a neutral topic. (0)

Mother: I know a little about her personal life, but I could dig into that a bit more. Perhaps get her thinking towards something more positive to re-center her. (0)

"You know, the last time you thanked me it was after I beat you up. Don't you think this is a little premature," I ask in a deliberately cocky tone. My challenge laid, Pyrrha slowly opens her eyes and shoots me a small smile. Evidently taking my words in the spirit they were given.

"I wouldn't be so confident if I were you. I've redoubled my training since we last fought; I'm not going down this time."

"Bold words; I might have been a bit busy, but I haven't been lax either."

She nods, "Good. I wouldn't have it any other way." She leaves her statement at that and a response immediately comes to my mind. I hold onto it for a moment to actually work through what she's saying and what her words imply.

The first factor to consider is that she didn't mind, in fact she was overjoyed that she lost our fight last time. However, here she makes it seem like she'll try her damndest to not give me an easy win. I don't feel like that's from any consideration for myself or my wishes. We simply haven't discussed this before and so all of her training was done for some other reason.

That means that this attitude originates prior to our relationship. Probably on the arena circuit of Mistral. Unsurprising I suppose since she had to have considered throwing a fight in order to deal with her budding fame. The fact that she didn't means that she considers giving it her all of greater importance.

On a similar note, I know she hasn't stopped training Jaune and I'm sure their subsequent dating has impacted her schedule in some way. Not to say she doesn't deserve it or that she isn't managing her time well. Just that she isn't throwing her entire being into winning. I think that leaves me with the advantage in overall training time and my access to my mentors.

What that leaves me with is a series of conflicting messages. She both wants to be the best while also not devoting herself fully to the task. I suppose that's normal in most ways or that she doesn't feel the need to work herself too hard. Or, she has already decided what the course of events are going to be which aligns slightly with her behavior thus-far and Destiny-minded mentality.

"And yet you tried to give away one of your advantages," I state, trying my best to get to the bottom of this now that my curiosity has been sparked.

"Yeah, uh, sorry about that," she replies immediately, utterly missing the subtext to my statement. The words also came out far too quickly for my liking. Has she always been this apologetic? I don't think so, but then again she was angry with me for my behavior with Jaune and since then I've rarely interacted with her.

"It's fine," I wave off, "I'm just wondering where this spunk was in the first semester."

"I," she starts and clacks her mouth shut while turning her head away. Still not looking at me she resumes, "I didn't really think it was necessary. Not to boast or anything, but I was better than anyone else in our year by far. Even in our first fight you weren't that difficult to beat. Seeing how much you improved, well, I couldn't just let you pass me by entirely now could I?"

I exhale through my nose trying to reign in some level of frustration. I consider it too much and it's not like I particularly care about her opinion so I let out, "Idiot." Her head snaps in my direction and I feel a need to explain myself. "Even if you thought you were so much better than the rest of us, you had to know that it wasn't as simple as that. There are much more dangerous varieties of grimm than myself and you can't tell me that you thought you were better than the teachers.

Do you think you could take Glynda in a fight?" She takes a moment to place the name before shaking her head. "And yet you thought you could just, what? Coast by?"

"More or less," she admits shyly. I suppose that I'm taking too heavy of a hand given her nature. She isn't all that combative in the social arena so a softer approach is in order.

"Why," I question lightly and she remains silent. "Look, I'm not trying to disparage you and I know you've fixed the issue. However, Ren and Nora depend on you to some degree. Like I told Jaune, that's where my irritation stems from."

I leave things there and let her digest my words. Her expression remains largely inscrutable to me. There is some level of guilt to it, but far from dominating her features. Rather I think her issue is that she doesn't know how to put something to words which leaves her more irritated than anything else.

If she simply wanted to avoid the issue or deflect she has a number of excuses available. She might not have the social acumen to consider all of them, but the fact she isn't defaulting to anything tells me she's searching for something genuine. Eventually she lets out a gust of air and locks her green eyes with mine.

"Do you believe in Destiny," she asks and I can practically hear the capitalization of the word.

"No," I state with utter certainty which seems to take the wind out of her sails. Already committed I continue, "In fact I despise such a concept. That there could be anything that would override or compel our actions just cheapens what we do accomplish. I'm not great because of some noble birth or a guiding hand of the heavens and neither are you. At least that's how I feel," I tack on.

I know the brother gods are real because of my talks with Oz, but he hasn't mentioned any force of Destiny. Maybe that's splitting hairs, but it seems like he agrees with my assessment. After all, if there was a destiny in place, why would the gods need him? Or would he have even had a choice in the matter?

I suppose the existence of the Crown of Choice and the supposed immutability of the concept within humanity from the brother gods puts lie to any supposed destiny. Of course I can't simply voice those suspicions to her and I tried to pull back on my admonishment of her belief. Not that I think I did a very good job of it. I think I've kept that bottled up for longer than perhaps is healthy with my discovery of the asshole gods.

"I-well, I disagree," Pyrrha voices and I let her comment settle without rebuttal.

Instead I take a deep breath and say, "Sorry. I didn't mean it like that; I've just given the matter a lot of thought myself." I pause for a moment, "Again, sorry; just, uh, how do you view it I suppose would have been the better response."

She looks at me warily as if to ascertain if I'm being genuine and I adopt a sheepish look. It probably helps that it's mostly genuine.

"It's," she starts with a great amount of uncertainty; taking a while to find her footing before growing more confident. "It's less like there is some grand plan that everyone has to follow; it's more general than that. There are great events and actions that a person has to perform, but how they do so is up to them.

I'm not sure if that makes sense to you, but hear me out. It's like if someone has to have an impact on a certain person or group of people, they will no matter what; at least before they die. However, they have the choice in how they do so.

Not that everyone, or even most people, know what they're destined to do, so it can happen accidentally. And people can be destined for more than one thing. Big or small, it doesn't matter. Just that all of those little moments of serendipity have a purpose. One that seems almost aimless at first glance.

It's less of an orchestrated tapestry and more of a chaotic whirlwind that nonetheless comes together. Thousands of disparate events and threads that sometimes work at cross purposes, but are all the same work of art. I don't believe there's some sort of grand plan, but we're all connected through those threads of fate whether we know it or not and it's up to us to make the most of what opportunities are given to us," she finishes with a level of conviction that rapidly fades. "At least that's how I feel."

That's…interesting I suppose. It's kind of hard to get invested in her belief system considering our distant relationship. Well, that and the fact that I know it's mostly nonsense. However, the fact that she could spin all that off from the small question I provided tells me that she earnestly believes all that.

I think it would be no small feat to push her from her position. At least without relying on the knowledge I have from the conspiracy. I am genuinely interested to see how gods fit into her worldview given that she didn't once mention them. Just some vague allusion to fate and destiny.

I suppose I can't fault her entirely for that. My own beliefs aren't anything concrete, nor have they changed with what I know about the asshole divinities. Kind of hard to respect them after all they've done and like hell am I going to worship them.

"Thank you, and sorry again," I state as an olive branch and she nods her head accepting that. "I'm not really convinced, but it's not like my beliefs are all that special either. You've at least thought about this more than I have. I guess we'll see where your destiny takes us, won't we?"

"To the end at least," she ventures in a light-hearted tone. I suppose she means the end of the tournament and it's good that she isn't taking my recrimination too harshly. Her and I do have good odds going against each other depending on match-ups. I could question whether her certainty comes from her sense of destiny or simply because she views us as the two most-skilled combatants.

Ultimately I leave that be as there's no reason to trudge up the topic. This was just a way to pass time after all. At the very least it seems like she's forgotten about whatever misstep happened from us not following along with her plan. Additionally, her words tell me that her previously lax training may have been borne from said destiny-minded attitude. That things would simply work themselves out if left alone. That seems like a contradiction, but it's the best I can work out from what she's given me.

Maybe I should give some thought to breaking her out of that mind-set. For Ren and Nora's sake of course. However, I can't help but feel like there's no need for me to step in just yet. I suppose it is amusing that I'm relying on a feeling just as much as she is; we'll just have to wait and see which of us is more correct.

Our conversation sort of dies out from there. I'm not willing to question her on the specifics of her belief and she's too cautious to offer them. The two of us instead fall into our pre-battle rituals with each of us going over our gear. This is where I have to retire Wit's End mark one. While it is still better on average against human opponents, the surprise factor of my updated equipment isn't one I can give up on easily. Perhaps that isn't any great reason to switch over, but I also have to factor in giving all of Vel's upgrades their time in the limelight.
S2 Week 18 (Part 2)
Yes, I know; this post is pretty short by my standards. A bit of oddness with where natural endpoints fall. Plus, I think the interlude being posted up at the same time should ameliorate that somewhat. In fact, I would suggest reading that either before this or just after Ochre's fight.

Before long Pyrrha and I are called up, along with all the other competitors, to line up on the grand stage. This is a bit of pageantry to make a show of unity before we all clobber each other. I don't see the need for it technically, but I suppose the tradition is warming to some.

As we approach we traverse over the usual arena to the hexagonal main platform. The terrain isn't the usual blank default of Amity, but rather has been transformed into a flat gray plane broken up in eight different pieces. On four of those are the individual symbols of each Kingdom; another show of unity.

It reminds me that so much of this display will have to be changed upon the accommodation of Menagerie as well as the exclusion we've faced thus far. Whatever, it shouldn't matter. I just have to prove our worth on this stage and the rest can wait until after.

The eight of us stand in a line as Oobleck and Port make their announcements. Both explaining the rules for the audience as well as a final time to make sure everyone has it through their heads. That is then followed by a spinning display of the available competitors. Despite any hopes I might have for otherwise, it turns out luck is against me as the very first spot settles on me. However, I might be a bit hasty in that judgment as the very next spot lands on Lime.

Out of everyone here I'm probably his absolute worst match-up. Anyone else he has a decent chance of outspeeding, outmaneuvering, or catching unaware. That doesn't always work against everyone. For example, I think Pyrrha and Penny wouldn't be too shut down by his style of combat, but they'd be much fairer fights. As it stands I feel bad for the guy.

Not that he apparently wants my pity as he merely stares at me with dogged determination. If anything he seems like this is the most preferable outcome for him. I have to wonder how much of that is from his poor social skills or if he actually has some sort of trick up his sleeve.

Ochre: 6.03+3.91(Mobility modified by combat style)= 9.94

Lime: 5.18+ 2.77(Mobility)=7.95

Difference: 1.99/1.84/1.69/1.54/1.39/1.24

Final DC (Dependent on rounds won): autopass(will still roll)/4/8/12/16/21

Due to shenanigans this starts at the second tier or 4 for the DC

Ochre Aura: 6/6 (Actual skill 5.37)

Lime Aura: 6/6 (Actual skill 5.02) [this is reduced by semblance usage, leading to fewer rounds than may be otherwise stated; as does chip damage from combat as time goes on.]

Round ends when Ochre dips below .63 aura or Lime reaches .6 aura.

Lime's Combat style: Evasive Ambusher: If the modified mobility of this character is .5 or greater than their opponent's mobility then their opponent can be prevented from obtaining bonuses due to style and/or semblances. This is dependent on the exact nature of said style and semblances and can apply at a reduced nature to grimm. Furthermore, 10% of the Dust modifier (in this case .15) is applied to the user's combat score for every failed round. This is reset upon a successful round.

[5.54(Lime Mobility)-5.21(Ochre Mobility)=.23]

Dice: 5d100

Options: Individual.

58,36,27,18, 85

Lime and I square off against each other while the rest of the competitors depart and the platform rises into the air. The new elevation brings us level with the front row of the vip seats. I half-expect that the only reason we don't go any higher is to not ruin the view of those people. Not only would it detract from our competitors' ability to dissect our styles, but it would also make anyone who paid for the luxury essentially wasting their Lien. I suppose there are also safety concerns as well, but a ten foot fall is hardly anything to worry about, right?

Whatever; I can't let those thoughts dominate my mind. No matter how much I think this might be a bad match-up for Lime, that doesn't preclude him from getting the upper-hand. Plus, given what little pride he has shown, he wouldn't accept me underestimating him.

He still has the same look about him, piercing green eyes with the hint of a cocky smile underneath his face covering. It appears he's inordinately pleased with our pairing rather than anything else. Either happy to be fighting against a nominal friend or having some sort of trick up his sleeve. Something in my gut tells me that it's a mixture of the two. Of course, we have to wait for Port and Oobleck to finish their announcements leaving the two of us to just stare at each other.

He's in his combat gear which seems more suited to operate in the desert than anything else. His arms are bare from his otherwise off-white, almost yellowish shirt; the ends of which are bunched up around his bicep, likely in an attempt of keeping any sand out. Said shirt is covered by a small decorative piece of armor held on by a cross of leather belts each with a green trim. Said decoration is roughly the size of my hand and bears the resemblance of a scorpion as its design.

He is largely bereft of the use of his primary color except for the dust mask on his face. That is a very soft and faint green piece of cloth that covers him from his chin to his nose with the rest wrapped around the back of his head tightly. It gives even more focus to his severe eyes and if I didn't know of his social deficiencies I'd consider it an attempt at intimidation. As it is, I think that's more of an attempt to cover his boyish features, even if the look does suit him.

It also gives me the impression that he's focused more on practicality than on how he looks. Although a gray cape that hangs around his hips at the end and wrapped around his neck with enough slack that it spills over onto his upper chest, gives some indication that he isn't entirely bereft of the desire. All of this is capped off by his weapons, his Scorpions, that hang on each of his arms.

They are easily the most decorated part of his outfit. Metal worked into the facsimile of the chosen animal ending with pincer like blades that I know can shoot out. No tail as of yet, and I'm unsure if he wants to stick to the theme that heavily. Arguably the fact that his weapon can shoot out and has the mine-laying assembly built into said blades is already enough of an approximation. However, it's clear that his weapons receive the most attention out of his ensemble.

The countdown for our match rings out and proceeds without issue. I ready myself to move only to find myself unable to do so, no matter how much I struggle. Lime takes this opportunity to take a shaky step backwards and shoot his weapon in my direction. Just as that occurs the force keeping me in place disappears and I throw myself to the side, letting his weapon pass me. Shortly afterwards I hear the telltale clank of his blade hitting the arena floor followed by a click that I know means there's a mine laid.

That particular aspect of his strategy would be more useful in a looser terrain. Dirt or sand, most likely. As it is I can spot the mine easily enough, though that doesn't diminish the threat it poses.

I throw a look in Lime's direction and spot him running to the outer portion of our arena, blades spitting forth and planting more mines and we lock eyes for a moment. Not much has changed by his look, though it seems he reads something in mine and gives me a small nod even as he keeps up his attempt to make my life difficult.

No doubt he just used his semblance on me, but he isn't doing so now to fully set-up the arena. I suspect that's more because of a limitation to it or the aura cost rather than out of a sense of honor. If anything, I get the feeling that he only went with that sort of move against me because of our conversation about his fighting style. That I wouldn't hold him using that arguable trick against him. He might be right, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to give him a good drumming.

With my bearings regained I kick off the floor at an angle behind where he will be in a few seconds. As I do so I shift Wit's End into its rifle mode and nail him with a shot into his midsection. The dark-skinned man flies off from his trajectory, most likely expecting to receive the usual low-caliber rounds from the mark one rather than this sudden change. The impact is enough to carry him over into my path as he twists about to recover his momentum.

I dodge one of his scorpions easily enough while the other he raises upwards into the air. I jump to chase him into the sky only to find him reeling himself forwards rather than upwards. I spin around midair, fire off a corrective blast from both of my boots to kill my upward momentum and then add another shot from my weapon to correct my trajectory.

Just as he turns around to figure out where I am, I deliver a vicious kick to the chest that lowers him into the ground. Not enough to crack it with the forces as dispersed as they are, but I know the platform would need a few repairs if I had missed.

Even with the air forced from his lungs, he grips onto my leg and flips around it. One hand swings back while the other heads towards me. I block with a rapidly deployed buckler and then take a swing at now empty air with the bladed portions of it.

Lime is already pulled backwards and is somersaulting backwards with his weapons darting forth rapidly over the floor he's barely passing over. I have to take a circuitous route and of course as soon as I commit to one path he starts running in the opposite direction of it; going counterclockwise around the arena.

I jump over his path of mines and he lays more where I'm about to land which causes me to change course. It's starting to get hard to remember which paths are safe and which aren't anymore; I can definitely see why there would be plenty of people who'd grow irritated with his style of fighting.

Still, the mines are relatively easy to spot and I chart a course through it. The two of us are set to intercept around the outer edge of the octagonal arena. Lime has to know this and so I keep an eye on him. Only for him to continue running straight off the platform instead of making a turn or trying to stop. I don't know if he's doing that out of a sense of dramatics for the crowd or what's on his mind as I don't stop either.

He pulls his hands to the air and shoots out his blades, one after the other. They each end up frozen in the air, though with a stutter between the two. The result is a fast paced turn where I'm sure he gains momentum from the winching of his weapons. No doubt an attempt to pull a reversal on me; except I'm in the air coming at him and not on the platform.

He's far too committed to the maneuver to stop now and I essentially have a sitting duck to stab at. His eyes widen for a moment before closing as my blade strikes at him. Only for me to be met with something that feels like a brick wall right over his abdomen. I pull the trigger which seems to shatter whatever obstruction there was, however, most of the impact is blunted from whatever he's pulled off and he's able to tumble back to the arena instead of being spiked into the ground below.

I quickly spin around and fire off the necessary amount of munitions to return to the arena myself. It was definitely a risk to pull that off since even with Vel's upgrades, sustained flight isn't really in the cards for me. As I make my way back, I do note that whatever trick Lime pulled didn't spare him from a big hit to his aura. Maybe even made it worse, all to spare himself from being knocked out prematurely.

Unfortunately, I don't have many spots where I can land safely due to my trajectory. As soon as I touch down, one of his mines goes off. I bear through the blast and throw myself towards the middle of the arena and raise up my shield.

As if on cue something strikes at it which sends me further off balance onto another set of mines. The lot of them are so close together that a chain reaction sets the others off in a line deafening me. He was no doubt waiting for this and I don't have the chance to react when I'm slugged in the face by his gauntleted hand. Apparently he wasn't trusting the delay his weapon would have and sought to close the distance.

He throws another punch and I deflect it easily and stab him in the chest. A pull of the trigger and he's sent backwards. Not entirely because of the round; he probably jumped back to try to mitigate the impact even if that's not entirely helpful. He then raises an arm and his blade shoots out again.

I transform my shield and step away from the projectile. Then, with an armored hand, I grasp at the line that connects Lime to his weapon and hold on tight. I don't know if he's never considered how his mechanism could be used against him or if this is just a serendipitous moment, but he's soon reeled towards me with wide eyes.

With no real recourse he slams into the tip of my Wit's End with enough speed that he'd be utterly skewered without aura. I refrain from pulling the trigger because I'm unsure if his aura would hold out, but it seems like it does, if barely.

A blare from the tournaments sound system announces the end of the fight as Lime falls to his back. He tears at the cloth over his face and lets out heavy labored breaths as he simply lies there to recover. I sheathe my weapon and stare at him for a moment before holding out my hand, which he takes immediately.

Despite the loss he seems…almost proud of himself, or at the very least pleased with his performance. I'm not sure what to make of that exactly as I don't know him too well, but it doesn't seem like he's upset about how things turned out. I suppose I won't get the chance to figure out why that's the case, but that's just how things are. Too busy to give everyone who walks into my life my attention.

We have to stand around for a moment longer and wave to the crowd. Port and Oobleck taking the opportunity to give their closing remarks for the fight as well as affirm the purpose of the Vytal Festival. Easily using Lime and I's somewhat friendly behavior as a comparison to how relations between the Kingdoms should be.

For as bothersome as the pageantry is I still put up with it for the moment until Lime and I are directed to leave the stage. There will be a bit of downtime as they go over and replace any of the damage we may have done. I'm sure the clean-up crew really isn't a fan of Lime right now with all the mines he placed. Either way it's out of our hands and leaves us with a few minutes of downtime until the next match.

Not that either of us really use it. Perhaps it's a bit cheesy, but I think we both feel we've communicated enough. The only thing that could be on my mind is his semblance and I'm not about to push him on the topic so soon after a loss.

However, he brings it up of his own volition before we depart. Apparently he calls it aero-lock; a somewhat ostentatious name, but I don't really have a leg to stand on. It works somewhat like the name would suggest. He can form sort of walls out of air, but they typically have to be short lasting ones and the bigger they are the harder they are for him to maintain; both in concentration and aura.

It turns out that his trick from the start of the match is really the extent of how far he can go and even that takes a few seconds to set up. He took advantage of my relative stillness to set the trap and it doesn't pass my notice that that's technically against tournament rules. Evidently not picked up on, but I get a feeling he only went through with the trick because of the attitude I expressed earlier.

It still leaves the somewhat obvious option of setting up barriers around my limbs which he has shown the capacity for before, but he shakes his head at that proposal. While possible, it seems that motion from the target makes it difficult to make a lock; usually prohibitively so. I simply wasn't still enough for it to be a viable option. Supposedly that is something he can account for with his Scorpions, but I have no clue how. The fact that he is very poor at explaining himself doesn't help.

Either way, with my curiosity addressed, the two of us depart. I give some thought to taking Blake out on the town right away before deciding to stick around to watch the other matches. No reason to throw away an advantage if I can help it. I make my way over to RWBY, Yang is still present as apparently the next match is between Paprika and Jasper.

I know who I want to cheer on if only because one of them isn't an Atlas stiff. Although, that is slightly modified by Jasper's faunus nature. Not enough to overcome my initial distaste though. Something that earns an eyeroll and a playful shove from my girlfriends.

It turns out despite my thoughts they see fit to cheer on the faunus anyway. Weiss because of her ties to Atlas and Blake because Jasper is one of the few faunus still in the tournament; she has more than a few reasons to be hesitant about cheering Sun on.

I ready myself for what I feel is supposed to be a close match, but turns out to be anything but. Jasper simply can't find any opening to abuse in Paprika's chaotic style. The environment rapidly shifts from the simple flat plane of the usual platform to a warped and deformed mess of reddish-black metal.

The effects of Paprika's semblance doesn't stop there as chains and mining equipment spring forth from nothing. Each of which she uses in a chaotic whirlwind to tie down Jasper's movements and whittle down on his aura. I get the feeling that she is much luckier with her semblance than she usually is. Either from the luck of the draw or perhaps having a greater degree of control than she's given off. Regardless, the outcome becomes clear enough with her as the victor.

Then they clear off and Yang and Sun are called down. Instantly I know who I'm rooting for and the rest of RWBY is on my side in this one as well. This match turns out a lot more straightforward than the previous.

Yang and Sun are both pretty direct people and so there's no beating around the bush or fancy plays from either of them. Just a simple brawl with the both of them using their abilities to their fullest. Yang with her usual brawling style, taking deliberate hits in order to power up her semblance and lay the hurt on Sun. Meanwhile, he usually sticks to simply using his staff-gunchuk mechashift to engage her more traditionally.

Occasionally, whenever he has the upper hand or is in a sticky situation he calls upon his semblance to create a translucent clone of himself. Unlike with Blake, these clones are more solid, or at least longer lasting. From what I know about aura projections she, and I suppose Neo, should be able to obtain a similar degree of solidity if they really trained for it. However, another thing I note is that it seems like Sun works a lot better with himself than his own team. At least that's the impression I get.

I don't remember any great show of teamwork from the snippets of his matches prior that I caught. Just that here he's able to set himself up for some combos that leave Yang at the edge of her aura. Of course, it would be foolish to count Yang out with the type of semblance she has.

She's able to throw off his clones, multiple of them at this point, evident of some degree of panic on his part. Generating said clones leaves him in a much more precipitous state than if he simply refrained, but he doesn't have much time to regret his decision.

He tries to block Yang's incoming punch with his staff, only for her to break through that. Her fist is slowed slightly, but there's enough force that a small shockwave erupts in addition to her bracers going off. That turns out to be enough to send him flying off the platform and with his weapon malfunction, he doesn't have a way to return.

Afterwards just leaves Pyrrha and Penny which I note with disappointment and an odd feeling in my gut. The first is easy to place; by my reckoning they're both the major competition that I'd have to face in the tournament and not being able to go against both of them stings more than a little. The latter I can't place entirely; it just feels like things could go horribly wrong between the two of them very easily.

What follows is a very fast paced, and aggressive, fight between the two of them. Penny starts off the more reserved of the two. Still displaying exceptional skill and coordination, no doubt brought about by her artificial nature.

However, by my estimation it seems like Pyrrha cottons on to said coordination and then uses her semblance to send it into utter disarray. She ends up breaking into Penny's guard as well as foiling her subsequent counterattack somehow. I think by tangling up the wires, or 'strings,' as Penny calls them, of her weapons.

A lull of a few seconds emerges in the fight with Penny down near thirty percent of her aura with Pyrrha having roughly double that. I resign myself to her loss despite her unique performance; just a bad match-up I suppose. Just as I do so Penny switches up her style entirely.

Instead of having her swords float about her and make independent strikes, she takes matters into her own hands, literally. She grabs two of her floating swords in a mad Dust enhanced dash towards Pyrrha followed by a series of acrobatics that thusly separates the two and another charge.

Then they engage in a short gun-fight that appears to have Penny as the victor. Except she gives up on that strategy and makes yet another dash. She loses grip of one of her swords, but she makes up for it by grabbing and wrenching Pyrrha's own out of her grasp only to throw it backwards where one of her blades wraps around it. She tries to repeat the performance with Pyrrha's shield only for Pyrrha to retaliate and send the both of them to the floor.

They suffer through what is more akin to a brawl than a structured fight with both of them clawing and scraping at each other. The ball of turmoil, kicks, punches, and even bites eventually ends with the sound of one of their auras falling below the knockout threshold. I think everyone is captivated by the closeness of the fight that there's an audible silence in the stadium as everyone's eyes go to the aura display.

Of course, Port announces the victor, but with an air of shock that I know more people feel than not. I think it might even be the majority given how I wrote off her victory as well. However, lying there almost unmoving as if frozen in shock herself is the victor Penny. I give some thought to checking in on her, but then I remember Pyrrha is in the area.

Even if we aren't that close I don't want to ruin things by showing up by her opponent's side. I know from the conversation we had that she was utterly certain the two of us would duke it out and that's just been taken away from her. I'm not sure I can fathom how exactly that would feel for her since it would run so counter to her worldview.

Regardless of what I might think, I note Jaune rushing out on the field to go get her and the rest of her teammates standing a bit further back but still ready to comfort her. I just have to have hope they'll be able to deal with whatever issues she's dealing with.

Speaking of people on the field, Ciel and Marina are both there to reassure Penny. I'm not entirely sure why the stiff is down there, but the matter seems to be handled either way. Instead, I make good on my promise to Blake and take her down for one last night on the town. At least one last one where she can fully revel in anonymity.

Despite it all, she isn't as pushy or as forward as she could be. We still end up reserving a hotel room for the night, but the matter doesn't escalate. No doubt running counter to her original plans, otherwise we could have roomed with the Clovers. However, all we end up doing is just cuddling one another until sleep takes us.
Interlude 13, Penny Polendina

Penny Polendina

Oh I can barely wait for my match. I wasn't the first one; that honor resides with big brother Ochre, but I know he isn't going to lose. I might not fight him in this round, but I'll still have a chance to face off against him and maybe even the Pyrrha Nikos.

I mean, we've been kind of maybe friends for a while, but it'll be like the first time we actually engage each other. She even trusted me enough to be willing to tell me her semblance. That feels important for some reason, but I shouldn't make friends tell me their secrets when they're uncomfortable about them.

Oh well, it isn't as important as spending time with my-my girlfriend. Her, I, Kelly, Mr. Rovere, the Clovers, and even Ciel are all cheering on Ochre's match against the Vacuan boy. Ochre puts on a great display of his engineering; although, curiously enough I can't find any mention of an Onyx Rovere working for Atlas.

The man is clearly Ochre's father, like my own is to me. Even if the methods may be different, we're the same in that aspect. It's just odd that I can't find anything. Well, anything public at least. Whether there is something about him in the military records I can't be certain of.

Ironwood restricted my access after I gave him my decision and thus I can't turn to my usual source of information. Not that that's a problem or anything. Instead I turn to another source of information, the same one that informed me about Ochre's experimental nature.

The whole site is at the forefront of scientific inquiry. Questioning the very reality of our world sometimes. A few of their theories are a bit outlandish, but I chalk that up to people being over-excited and not verifying their findings. It's not like someone would just lie on the CCTS for no reason.

Either way, they don't have anything on Onyx Rovere either. Not too surprising given the utmost secretive nature of project O.C.H.R.E. Bad for my curiosity, but I can always ask about it later. I mean, I'm going to be staying in Vale. Vale! With Marina, Ochre, Ruby and all my other future friends.

I'm going to miss Ciel in a way, but I'll make sure to call her so she won't forget about me. I suppose I have to do the same with Dad. That's an entirely different mess though; I just have to show him how strong I am in this tournament.

Before long, Ochre wins his match, much like Marina and I expected he would. Mr. Rovere even pumps his arm before shouting while my girlfriend simply slumps back into her seat. Her expression isn't that different from normal, but I know it's a serene one for her. Like she wasn't just cheering on her Captain with the same fervor as everyone else. Although, I know the outcome was never in doubt in her mind.

It was really cute how she scrunched up her face and thought for several minutes when I asked her who would win in a fight between Ochre and I. Eventually all she said was, "Captain's the strongest," like there was no other possibility.

I don't know if she's right or not, but she has a level of certainty that the both of us will dispatch our opponents no matter who they are. That goes for all the people close to her, but things get weird whenever the theoretical of us against each other is proposed.

Either way, I'm more than ready for my name to be called and enter the arena when instead Paprika and Jasper are called. I get another chance for that anticipation when their match ends only to receive the same disappointment as Yang and Sun are called up. I can hardly pay attention to that fight at that point as I realize it leaves me and Pyrrha facing off against one another.

This is going to be so much fun! Win or lose it's going to be a great match! Of course I want to win and my girlfriend has no doubt that I will do so. I'm not so confident; I mean, this is the Pyrrha Nikos.

A lot of my time training was spent specifically observing her and with the explicit aim to surpass her. Apparently a good first step to proving the viability of my project was to beat the combat prodigy. In that sense the hopes and dreams of Dad and Atlas ride on me to win this match.

I give my girlfriend a normal hug that she loves so much and skip on down to get ready myself. Before long Pyrrha and I stand against each other on the same stage where all the other fights took place. Of course Atlesian technology means that the whole thing is perfectly repaired and pristine. Although, the two of us are going to do our best to ruin that.

I mean, with the two of us against one another how else could this end but in a bang? It's probably going to be the most exciting match of the night, no offense to anyone else.

As the countdown commences I go through my memory banks and locate where Marina is cheering me on. I focus my optics, but can't find Ochre with her. Probably with his girlfriends if I had to guess.

Unfortunately, I don't have the time to locate him and chide myself for forgetting about him and Ruby in my excitement. Then I remember that I haven't said anything to Pyrrha as well and almost panic. Except she doesn't seem to be in the mood to talk before the fight either and I keep my mouth closed.

Is that weird? Am I being weird right now? I mean, all the shows I watched would have some pre-fight banter. Although, it's not like Ochre engages in it all that much, nor does Marina. Ruby and Yang are more amenable; sometimes even throwing out quips in the middle of the fight.

Oobleck yells, "Begin," and like a switch is flipped all those thoughts and worries melt away. I open with my array unfolding from my backpack and darting out. Of course, Pyrrha is too competent to be caught by the simple all out attack. As connected as I am to my array all it takes is a mental tug for my strings to pull back and attack her rear. The feel of parting air distantly noted and measured from each element.

Meanwhile, Pyrrha charges at me spear and shield in hand and I distantly note that I'm defenseless, relatively speaking. She makes a swing at me and I hop backwards, her tip barely grazing against me from the calculated movement. A part of me also notes that she's wide open, but that's not something I can take advantage of…that feels wrong somehow, but all my training says otherwise.

Like before, the thought falls away as my array crashes into her. Well, not really crash, she wheels around with her sword and shield to deflect the onslaught of my blades. I reposition one of them in the storm and note that sword four is off course. A minor correction is issued and I score a hit along her arm as my array retreats to a more defensive position between myself and her.

She makes the decision to close the distance once again, jabbing out with her spear and I spin my array into a cyclone to hold her off. Only for one half of the orchestrated movement to seize up for a moment, allowing a gap in my defense that she darts in. Her shield is angled so that the resumptive motion slams against that instead of into her directly, which affords her the space and time to transform her sword and swipe at me with it.

I make another calculated hop backwards, but find that it is somehow less than it should be. Her sword slams into my midsection and then curiously I find myself falling backwards. I land on my back, which is particularly bad since my strings are caught under me and restrict how much and how fast I can move my array. She's able to get another hit in before I can force her to retreat.

Her semblance has to be responsible for all of that somehow. I know that I didn't make a mistake anywhere in my movements so it can only be enemy action. Corrective forces have to applied towards any anomaly, but how can I detect when such forces are needed before it's too late?

I dodge automatically, and my head clears again; no! Stupid programming, I need to think not fight right now. Despite the clarity of thought, I find myself falling into defensive pattern two. My blades retreat to my side in groups of three, deploying into their gun mode to rain laser fire on Pyrrha.

The sheer volume of fire forces her back for a moment before she darts in once again. Each time that I have a lock-on the array element in question is pulled a few degrees off target and the shot is wasted. I force through a change and start leading my shots instead of focusing on her.

That serves well in stopping her advance as she circles around for another angle of attack. I cut off that avenue as well as the next one, slowly herding her into a field of fire. She swaps her weapon to its rifle mode, but instead of aiming at me she aims at my array.

Before I can make any changes a shot rings out, hitting one of the blades in a group which then careens into the others in a way that I can't control. Soon enough the trio are a tangle of wires; not impossible to fix with my awareness of my systems, but the performance is repeated on each member-group of my array.

I go through the untangling protocol as fast as I can while making distance as best I can. However, with the restricted nature of the arena and without the assistance of my array, my top speed is vastly limited. Something that Pyrrha is not restricted by.

I'm able to untangle one group just as she's on me, but I'm defenseless as I am. Blow after blow slams into me, from sword and shield, as I try to recall my array as fast as I can. Apparently I'm more successful than I first guessed as a trio of blades slam into her back, but I know I'm starting to run low on aura.

She no doubt knows that as well and retreats a small distance away to regain her bearings. From what I can sense, she's breathing heavily; something about either her movements or the usage of her semblance causing her to take a breather. Every part of my being tells me that she's open to attack and I have to stop myself from following through.

I'm relying on bad data; I just know it even if all my systems don't. With how much focus was given onto Pyrrha as part of my project there are no small number of countermeasures specifically designed to counteract her. However, despite that, she's matching up against them.

Her semblance is a variable we couldn't have predicted, but something about all that practice and maybe something more innate is preventing me from changing my strategy. Only this lull in the action allows me to go over my findings as quickly as I can.

From the anomalous movements of the array and the senses from there, I can discern that she can generate some sort of force centered on the objects themselves. Not exactly telekinesis; the impetus of movement comes from within, for lack of better terminology, rather than being pushed into position. If anything it's more of a pulling force that doesn't wrap around the whole of any member of my array.

Then I note the oddness of my fall and resultant subpar dodge that led to that. That same force was present and caused that failure and it slowly dawns on me how familiar it is. Almost like a magnet and things slot even more into place.

I have never noticed her using her semblance in this way against others. Maybe she didn't need to or kept it to subtler motions, but she didn't act upon Ochre's body even in their fight at the beginning of the semester. The only thing different from him and I in that sense is that he's organic, real, while I am not.

Heh, even now I only have this much time to think because of my artificial nature. No one else can think this fast that a few seconds in a fight feels like minutes. Ochre can do something similar with his semblance compared to real time, but that's entirely different. I don't even have a semblance.

I mean, why am I even this desperate to win in the first place? I could just rely on my training and programming to carry me through this fight. Except I just know how that's going to end. But, what can I really do?

Even if I do make changes, all of how I fight is based on extreme precision and coordination. Something that Pyrrha is apparently supremely equipped to disrupt. How can I fight her like that when my own body is a liability? I'm not like others, I can't change that easily…I'm just not like them in a very obvious way.

Resigned, I look away in that moment of what feels like frozen time. My optics fall upon Marina, her face not the usual dispassion, curiosity, or confusion she wears. It's…distraught is the best way I can put it. Like what's happening is both impossible for her to comprehend and hurts her in a way I don't understand. As if some sort of past injustice is rushing forth at the forefront of her mind from my performance.

It hurts. It hurts in a way I can't understand, but in a way that I know is irrevocably real.

So what if I'm not like other girls, she doesn't care. Nor do Ochre, Ruby, or any other real friend I'll make in the future. Just because I don't have squishy guts doesn't mean I can't have feelings. Marina's semblance seems to think so and seems to think they're as real as anyone else's.

I don't know what that means, and I don't care. Even if I can't process or conceive what all the implications are, that doesn't change how I feel. Not for her or right now. And what I feel is a burning desire to win. Not for myself or Dad or anyone in Atlas, but because it's the only way I can think of to wipe away that hurt; both from me and her.

I know it doesn't make any sense. Every part of me says it doesn't make sense, but I ignore it. It's been all wrong throughout this fight and it's wrong again.

Even if it isn't grounded fully in logic I know what I'm feeling is right. I don't know how I know, but that doesn't make it any less real. Whatever doubts I may have had before or even just now I discard; because the only thing I can allow myself to know right now is that I'm going to win.

With that a wave of noise comes crashing down on me as the chill of the air nips at me. This time I deliberately set those thoughts aside as I charge at Pyrrha. My array floats behind me with the majority of its members engaging a full burn to propel me forwards. The remaining members are two and float slightly in front of me before I grab onto them with my hands. Even if she can still affect me regardless, holding them like this just feels right.

Apparently my speed of approach must surprise her as she just barely raises her shield before I slam into her. My speed, weight, and strength barreling down on her fully and cracking the ground underneath her as I press her into the ground.

Then I retract the rest of my array and curl my core. I use her shield as the focal point for the maneuver, holding onto it with the edge of my fingers as I pull off the move that requires utmost precision. Curiously enough I can't feel anything pull me off course and my feet land on her chest before I kick off with full force.

We both fly away from each other and she recovers by taking shots at me with her rifle. I respond in kind with my blades in their gun form, one striking her weapon and throwing it off course and the other slamming into her open cheek with unerring accuracy. That certainly feels better and more normal.

She hides behind her shield, her rifle resting on top of it to plink away at me once more and I know despite my performance I won't be able to beat her in a gun duel. Not with my aura as low as it is. Instead I deploy in an instant another two members of my array and send them out.

Predictably they go off course, but that was intended to some degree. I direct them into the arena with enough force to bury them and then retract. Performing a poor copy of my girlfriend's method of moving around the battlefield.

Both blades landed behind Pyrrha who suddenly realizes the extent of my plan and is cut off from most easy avenues of escape. She takes to the air with a jump and another peppering of bullets that I can only suffer through. A part of me notes a potential maneuver with my array to deflect such in the future, but I discard it as useless against her.

It takes me a moment longer to retrieve my errant array members in the ground and retract them into myself. Pyrrha stands in a low crouch in the center of the arena, just having landed. I waste no time closing the distance myself. As I do so I throw out my right hand and my blade leaves it to dart at the girl. The speed and distance should be too close for her to send it off kilter entirely.

Unfortunately, I have misjudged the extent of her semblance as the blade blows entirely off course and I feel a tug on the remaining one in my hand. Whatever; I retract the errant member before it can cause me any trouble and swing at Pyrrha. The attack from my left covers up my right hand darting out and grabbing hold of her sword. I'm all metal so this shouldn't be a problem, and I hold on as tight as I can.

Slowly, inch by inch I force her weapon out of her grip. Evidently my tremendous strength and grip prove utterly useful in this instance. All the while I slam blow after blow against her shield.

Once free of her hands I toss her weapon backwards and a member of my array darts out and wraps around it. Even if she can affect me and my array it'll be really difficult for her to retrieve it now. I swap my sword to my other hand to repeat the maneuver to her shield.

Unfortunately, she isn't inactive. While I get a grip on her shield, she uses the opportunity to use it as a pivot point and I end up holding her up as she sweeps my legs out from under me.

Her shield and my sword end up discarded as the two of us devolve into a brawl on the floor. Too close or too pinned for me to call on my array members for the most part. All except for two of them, but they're more of a liability to me with Pyrrha's skill and semblance.

What follows is a flurry of punches and kicks that hurt way more than I feel they should. Desperate I throw out a headbutt which disorients the both of us before I go for an even more desperate move and bite her. It turns out my jaw strength is as enhanced as the rest of me as she can't dislodge me easily. This turns into her sending strike after strike at my head while I continue to pound away at her in my own way until the buzzer sounds off.

I flop onto my back and look up at the display ready to accept my defeat. I have to rub away at my eyes just to make sure what I'm looking at is real. A level of unacceptable blurriness wiped away that does nothing to diminish the moment in my memory. Just barely did I get Pyrrha to below ten percent before myself. In fact, my aura reads at a dead ten by the aura gauge.

From everything I know that should be impossible. I was lesser in aura even before that lull in the fight. By every logical metric I should have failed. Put up a good fight, sure; but outright win, even I had to have known that was a fantasy. Except for a certain someone, that was never a fantasy; it was just a reality that I had to manifest.

Still, the shock of it all leaves me light-headed which is a new and weird feeling. As is the tightness in my chest that's utterly still despite the pounding I feel. Wait…

I place a hand over my chest and feel something strange; not just the erratic pounding that I can't place as any of my systems, but also the softness underneath my fingers. I press down and while the sensation of my fake skin is there it's also more pliable than it should be. It goes deeper by my estimation as well. Something strange is going on and a look back at the displays has my aura dip down to nine from the readout.

With that realization my systems slowly return to normal even if the excitement from the moment doesn't go away. It's all too much to process at the moment and even my circuits and programming agrees. I have to file away the information for later review, talk with Dad, maybe even Ironwood. Oh and Marina, Ochre, and Ruby. I almost want to shout it to the world, but I know I can't; not without causing problems for the people I care about.

Instead, I just lay in that moment of shock until my girlfriend and Ciel run up to my side. Ciel, of course, keeps her distance, but she looks almost worried. A sentiment that isn't reflected by Marina who simply cradles my head with a self-satisfied smile. She sits with her knees to the ground and pulls my head onto her lap despite whatever protests the tournament organizers can lodge. I know we'll have to move from this position soon, but I can't work up the energy to get up right now.

None, this is in the right place for when it occurs in story.
S2 Week 18 (Part 3)
Blake and I wake up in the morning, a bit later than I usually prefer. This isn't a problem because of the way and rate at which aura regenerates, there's no possibility for my next match to occur until well into the afternoon at the earliest. This is further backed up by the rough schedule I was given having us start a little bit earlier than last night's performance. Although, I think that's more to encourage people to be on time and prepared rather than any strict deadline.

Either way, it leaves the two of us with more than a few hours to enjoy ourselves.Only,any public option seems terribly unpalatable. While I doubt that news will spread too quickly, Blake is of a different mind and doesn't want to take the chance. I have no problem accommodating her, however, no matter how much I wish to indulge myself I can't dismiss business entirely.

That leads us to Carlotte's atelier, which the woman insists is the proper name rather than studio or workshop. While I doubt there's any possibility of danger for us, I can't discount the fact that Charlotte is much more self-interested than my other lieutenants. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing, just that I'm more than a little on my toes.

We're greeted with a smoky, dimly lit interior. Inside is an expansive floor space full of mannequins in various states of dress and well organized dispensers and rolls of fabric and other material dot the landscape. It's all much more organized than Neo's room, more open too. Although, it also lacks the other projects that made Neo's room more of a minefield than anything else. No surprise since Charlotte's focus is much more narrow.

Also along the walls, nestled among a collection of burning incense, is a small map of Remnant with various notes pinned. All on or around specific locations which I take to be some way for her to organize her thoughts for her actual job with the White Fang. Maybe I should be concerned that it takes comparatively little space in her work area, but I knew where her priorities lay when I took her on.

Near the center of the room is a collection of tables and equipment as well as a sole wheeled chair and its occupant. Charlotte is a woman nearing thirty with beady brown eyes and teal bob-cut hair; more green than blue in this light. She's dressed in a black leather winter coat with a red fur trimline around her neck and cuffs. A similarly red miniskirt and black leggings cover her lower half ending in platform boots.

She crosses her legs, one over the other, in a slow and deliberate motion as she turns to us. "Step into my parlor, my darlings," she throws out in a haughty, low-rumbling voice and a smile on her face that shows a hint of her fangs. The combination of all that has my girlfriend stiffen up next to me before shaking her head and stepping closer to me. Something that I'm pretty sure amuses Charlotte.

"I'm not sure if I would make that implication if I were you," I state as neutrally as I can. With this as our first real meeting it's important to discern where exactly her intentions lie and not give her too much to work with. Plus, it will be interesting to see which aspect of my rebuke she focuses on.

"Oh, spare me the pleasantries," she flicks out her hand, produces a cigarette, and lights it up without a care. She takes a drag, "This isn't the first time I've been threatened, so could we perhaps cut to the chase before we waste too much time. What exactly are you after?"

I get the feeling that she finds her time more valuable than my own and I'm sure Blake wishes to rise to my defense. As much as I enjoy that, I can't allow myself to get lost in her presence and so I give her a reassuring squeeze and put myself at the forefront. She takes the hint and steps back from the conversation; her attention is soon drawn to the various outfits strewn about.

Charlotte takes another drag, "You know, if you wanted I know more than a few outfits she'd look positively delectable in."

"Perhaps another time," I respond without inflection. She pulls a face at that and stabs her still lit cigarette onto the face of her desk.

"Yes, yes. Business first and all that, but never say I didn't make the offer." She eyes me up and down as well. "Of course, if you are interested I have no problem accommodating you as well." She sighs, "Now, can we get through the boring bits?"

I grunt, but leave it at that as I formulate my thoughts. She isn't giving me much to work with and neither have I her. Bringing Blake is perhaps a weakness in that aspect, though it seems to have gotten to speak up however little.

From what I can tell she absolutely despises a professional attitude so I'll have to drop that at some point. Either that or she was hoping I'd give her something to work with. Regardless, I'll have little issue feeding her what she wants to see. The real question is how to prompt her in the direction I want.

I need to ascertain her loyalty to some degree. On the flip side, she has to be on some level aware that's my goal. Her comment about being threatened before puts some doubt to that. Regardless, she believes I'm here for something and there's no getting around that. I just need to figure out what topics would get her talking and me the information I want.

Fashion: Perhaps not related, but I get the feeling I could get her talking about the subject in more than a few ways. (3)

Spider: I know she has a tenuous connection through Lady Browning's perhaps prodding on that more explicitly might produce the results I want. (3)

Threatened: She said this wasn't the first time she was threatened. Perhaps I could inquire into that. (0)

Logistics: It doesn't seem she's terribly enthused about the position, but she took it up anyway. I could ask about that and gain some insight. (0)

Mistral: She was born in the place, so perhaps asking about her home would naturally lead to topics on why she's staying in Vale. (0)

Assignment: Perhaps the best way to ascertain her loyalty is simply to propose what my plan for her is and see what sort of response I can shock out of her. (0)

I throw a look towards Blake and then allow myself to deliberately relax. Well, put on the appearance that I'm doing so. It does help that my girlfriend is a comforting presence. As is the way she pulls at an outfit and then looks down at herself as if considering how it would fit.

I can't tell what exactly it is she's looking at, but she turns her head towards me and catches me staring. She whips her head back around, stares at the ground for a moment, and takes a hesitant step away before returning to the garment apparently stuck in indecision despite her embarrassment. That distraction does help sell the illusion I'm going for. So,with a reluctance that isn't entirely feigned I turn my attention back to Charlotte.

"Actually, now that you've brought it up, I wouldn't mind hearing out some of your ideas; seeing some of them, maybe talk shop a little."

"Oh, are you a seamster as well," she huffs in clear disbelief.

"No, I just have an interest in the subject, although I do have a friend who dabbles in the profession." I can practically feel that Blake looks in my direction with those words. I'm not sure what the issue is myself. How else am I supposed to refer to Neo in this context?

Charlotte looks at me for a moment and reclines in her chair. Evidently not entirely pleased that I'm avoiding getting into any deeper topic right off the bat. Despite her disdain for a professional attitude, I take that to mean that she doesn't believe that I'm earnest. However, there is the faint hint of a smile that she can't quite wipe away.

"I suppose you do. You wouldn't happen to be able to reveal who it is? I'm afraid I don't recognize the design and I'd rather not get caught unaware."

"I'm afraid she only does personal designs; she doesn't have as much of an interest in the subject like either of us do."

"Shame," she tuts with her hand outstretched and fingers twitching as if to dump out the ash end of a cigarette despite not holding one. Then her gaze swivels towards the table and the collection of burn marks, ash, and dead cigarettes before turning her attention towards me with tight lips and irritated eyes. As if I'm somehow responsible for her wasting her previous one.

She pauses for a moment until she realizes she left a thought unfinished, "It would have been preferable to see how much they could blossom if they had the will for it, but I'm getting ahead of myself. Are you in the market for yourself or your girls," she asks with a husky voice.

I'm not sure what exactly she's trying to get at, but her words and tone cause Blake to straighten up and turn slightly. Charlotte ignores her antics that I only observe out of the corner of my eye. My girlfriend goes back to her tour of the workspace soon enough.

"Let's start with myself; it's been a while since I've spruced things up."

"Good," she purrs, sounding inordinately pleased. I get the feeling that I'm playing to her tune more than not. But on such a small matter I let my indignation fall away. Charlotte kicks against the ground and propels herself and her chair to another desk. She fiddles around with the drawers until she produces a few sketches and wheels herself back.

She clears the table off with a swipe of her arm, sending much of the detritus to the floor which I now note is also building up. Still not as bad as the mess in Neo's room, but it appears that cleanliness is not one of Charlotte's priorities.

"First off," she explains, "let's get you out of your bright colors. I'm sure you think they're wonderful and all, but you'd look so much more scrumptious in something darker-"

"I'd have trouble incorporating Weiss' colors," I interrupt.

Charlotte tsks, "Can't she just go with a deeper blue?" I shake my head. "Teenagers," she rips up one of her designs and scatters the pieces to the floor. "Fine, if we can't go darker we'll go deeper. Let your girls' colors lighten up and highlight the outfit if we have to. We should be able to balance it out between the two of them."

She grabs a pen and sketches out some corrections to one of her sheets before turning it to me. It primarily consists of a deep, almost burnt, orange and brown color scheme. My usual green nowhere in sight, sacrificed to maintain the color balance of the rest of the image. Aside from that it's a more…form-fitting I shall say, version of my usual combat outfit.

This one doesn't include sleeves that go all the way down to my arm, rather stopping at my bicep in addition to hugging my form muchmore closely. On top of this is a deeper neckline, though it looks like it could be buttoned up higher; apparently not how she would want it worn, however. In addition to that it's also bereft of a cape which might as well be a deal-breaker for me. Perhaps that's childish, but that's how I feel.

To make up for that there are a few accessories added to make up for this absence. The first is that my gauntlets are to be painted with designs in my girlfriends colors; nothing major it seems by the plans. Just something to add a bit of color to the otherwise blocky metal things. I already had something similar in mind so it isn't a huge ask.

In addition to this is a sash of sorts cinched to my waist under my belt that is a mix of their two colors with each sticking out on either side of me. The usual ornamentation of my outfit is also stripped down so it's more solidly orange and brown. However, decorative elements still remain. Growing out of the middle are little swirls, almost like branches, that break off from the main from in each of my girlfriends' colors.

Furthermore, there are some pouches added to my sides as well as a belt and pouch on each of my legs. A seemingly random chain is added around my neck and dips over my torso. I guess to make up for my lack of cape. To top it all off are a pair of earrings in one of my upper ears, one black and one white.

I don't comment too much on that as I have had similar thoughts. Even if I'm not looking forward to the prospect. Blake's mom has her ears pierced if I remember right. Maybe she'd have some insight on if this is a good idea or not. I put that out of my mind for the moment as I pour over the design once more and make a noise of interest.

"I can see the potential in this, but if I could offer a few alterations?" Apparently that isn't what Charlotte was expecting to hear. She chokes on her words and isn't able to protest when I continue, "Just a few minor alterations.

Firstly, we don't need so many belts and pouches. A couple are fine, but more than that and it's just tacky. Secondly, could we go for a bit more of a breathable design?"

She processes that in another moment of silence. Likely deliberating on which of my protests to tackle first. She bites out, "Who's the professional here?" I suppose she's trying to broach both at once so as to not give ground on either concession, but all she's done is give me an easier target.

"Andwho has to wear this thing? In the field no less? Regardless of what you want or what's fashionable, I need this to be practical as well." She scowls, no doubt thinking her design is practical, but doesn't raise a complaint. "Also, nix the chain and throw back on the cape."

"No capes," she barks out, not willing to back down.

"If you don't design a replacement, I'll just throw on my old one."

"You wouldn't dare," she protests with a level of seriousness that I'm sure is unreasonable for an outside observer.

For us, however, the green of my cape would be a shock of color otherwise out of place in the rest of the design. Not really the end of the world for most involved, but it would definitely detract from the look. Plus, I suppose it wouldn't be as 'modern' as she's trying to make this version of my outfit; there is more than a little charm for me in sticking to the faux-traditional design.

In the end she breaks first with a frustrated exhale. She scribbles more notes on her paper, rubs at her head, and pops another cigarette out and gives it a long hard stare. Ultimately she lights that one up, takes a long drag, and sets aside the rest of her designs for later perusal.

"I'll see what I can work up. I'll send you the update when I finish; try to keep your suggestions to a minimum this time.

I could point out that she really has no leverage over me or the fact that she hasn't demanded any payment. She's definitely overplayed her hand that she wants this far more than I do.

If I wanted an update I could just turn to Neo or throw something together myself. However, if I were to wear one of Charlotte's designs, she could use my popularity to boost her appeal. I'm unsure if I want to forfeit that so easily so I don't confirm her statement one way or another. I have to assume someone like her must know what that means and she clicks tsks as if in outright confirmation.

"Whatever," she spits, irritation flooding her voice. "Let's not pretend you swung by just to 'talk shop.'" She says the last bit with air quotes and throws her head to the side haughtily as if that somehow improves her position.

She's not wrong, though I think I've earned more from this exchange than she has. She wasn't able to control her interest when I brought up the topic. We could have talked about any of her designs. Instead she tried to sell me on one for myself without a second thought or any real build-up.

Not only that, but she made and offer for 'my girls' as she put it. However, with our exchange I think that was mostly facetious. An attempt made so that I'd feel more inclined to go with her preferred option. Probably basing my reaction on how I 'shielded' Blake from her attention at the start of the conversation.

That tells me that she's observant to a degree and has a devious side. Not unwilling to use her interest or the implication of it to get what she wants. Probably also isn't afraid of flaunting a more seductive side if it serves her aims. The rest implies that she's practically minded and self-serving. The latter of which I already suspect, but the confirmation is always good.

Even then, there's a clear passion in her chosen profession that I can't dismiss either. The fact my threat with the cape pulled through tells me that she isn't willing to abandon all of her sensibilities in the name of whatever benefit she can garner.

That's probably more motivated by pride than anything else by my estimation. Just another lever I could use if I need to ensure compliance. Smearing her name and skills would be tantamount ot an actual wound I feel.

She takes another drag and blows smoke vaguely in my direction. A show of impatience at the fact I'm taking too long to answer her. I suppose I have avoided the subject long enough.

"As I understand it, you had a relationship of sorts with Spider," I start off without elaboration. I could, of course, explain myself further, but that would defeat the purpose. The whole point is to put her in a somewhat untenable position and not give her anything to work with.

She falters for a moment, lips loosening around her cigarette with the offending object almost falling loose before she regains control of herself. "You could say that," she ventures cautiously and holds her smoke away from her. That implies the relationship goes much deeper than I first thought and I shoot her a knowing glare.

"Oh, piss off," she shouts. "It's not like I had that much of a choice."

"You say that, but I know of a man who disagreed with the notion and was just as…entangled as they say." It's an oblique mention of Torchwick, but her features tighten up at the mention anyway. Recognition most likely, which only grows my curiosity more.

"Yes, well, he wasn't born in it. He at least technically had a choice even if it was a rotten one." I'm sure Torchwick would disagree with her heavily. Not much of a choice in his mind when he has a gun to his head. His issue would be more that he had a choice to get into crime at all and it's one he chose. From there he was less free until he came to Vale.

"It's a bit odd for a faunus to find themselves in the group," I state without going into any more detail. It seems she is more than a little off-balance from my questions, statements, as well as the tone of our previous topic; she's all too willing to answer my inquiries even if I don't voice them directly.

"Trust me, I know, but I could at least pass so it wasn't a big deal. As long as I could be useful to the group it was better to use me up and throw me away rather than waste resources on hiding a body."

"And were you," I question despite the insensitivity. I allow a moment to pass in which she doesn't answer. Her features grow more severe and the cigarette crumples in her grasp with one end falling to the floor. "Useful I mean?"

"Fuck no," is her immediate reply. Like my question was the trigger for an explosive. "I played pet and soldier for those fucks until they thought I'd be better off in Vale as some sort of pawn for them. As soon as I was out of that excuse for a school I cut contact with them as much as I could."

"They wouldn't have taken that without some sort of reprisal."

She regards me for a moment and sighs, "You're right about that. I thought I got away without issue; supposedly they had an agreement with the Xiong family to stay out of Vale. I thought that was why I wasn't hunted down.

I hunkered down for a year or so, then, when I thought it was safe, I tried to make a business and name for myself. Only to find out the reason why they didn't hunt me down is they already had their claws in me. Stupid fucking pin; practically handed them the secrets they wanted. Speaking of, if you know that fuck Torchwick, tell him I owe him one for finding that out."

I get the feeling that there's more to the story, but pushing any further is just going to make Charlotte more and more angry. It seems like her cool collected persona is just that, a persona. At least in regards to topics like this; not at all helped by the way I approached this and it seems like she can't keep herself under control. Either that or she's an incredible actress who can put this all up at the drop of a hat. However, that would run counter to how we devolved into this topic.

She could have spun some sort of sob story instead of getting angry. Her rage I feel is genuine which gives her words an air of truth. Par of her response, I feel, comes from her expecting me to know more about her than I actually did. Guess my reputation precedes me in some aspects.

If I do trust her version of events, then there is no love lost between her and Spider. If anything I suppose that could be one reason why she's willing to support me despite an otherwise lack of interest in what she does for the White Fang.

Just like how she apparently owes Torchwick, she probably feels a similar degree to myself. Now that I go over her actions, she certainly hasn't done anything to damage my aims in the White Fang. Maybe only slightly helpful and more self-serving than anything else, but she does her job without complaint.

It matches up with her behavior thus far so I'm willing to stake that it's at least partially true.

Again, I feel there's more to the tale than she's letting on. However, pushing her too much doesn't seem like a wise course of action. Instead I sit and stare at her as she slowly recovers and processes her loss of control.

She isn't some sort of schoolgirl who acts embarrassed from the display. She merely nods in my direction as if to say she understands what I'm doing. A complicated expression rests on her face, at once thankful and chagrined. Too prideful for either to come out on top of the other.

With nothing further to discuss, Blake and I make our departure. Not before my girlfriend has a few words with the fashionista. I get the feeling it's supposed to be a surprise for me which already tells me the kind of outfits she has picked out in her mind. I bet I'm supposed to pretend this conversation never happened and just be pleasantly surprised by whatever she shows up in. Although, how exactly would the logistics of that work?

I mean, Charlotte would have to either send the outfits to where we're staying over the summer or wait for Blake to pick them up. Neither seem like they would have an immediate return. That means either my girlfriend has a way around that or she is completely fine with waiting for months for her efforts to come to fruition. Both imply a level of seriousness that's hard not to find endearing.

Of course, that means on our trip up to Amity together, we're once again inextricably linked. She really has been taking up a lot of my attention these past two days. Not that I'm really complaining. More noting that it has to come to an end at some point.

By the time we arrive we have a couple of hours before the matches are set to begin, but I shove her off so I can attend to my own preparations. As much as I enjoy the company, I was too distracted to build up my reserves for my fight against Lime.

Not that I ended up needing them, but I don't want to get knocked out of the competition because of simple carelessness. As crass as it might be to compare our situations, befalling the same fate as Pyrrha is not a palatable one. Especially since I don't know who exactly I'll be up against.

All because of the Tournament's fixation on real-life circumstances. After all, a Huntsman can't always be sure who or what they're going to face in the field. I can see the appeal, but I think it overly detracts from a tournament set-up. Preparation can be key to victory and they've essentially rendered that a non-factor with the structure of the competition.

Eventually I'm called up and I make my way to the stage. From the announcements I hear from Port and Oobleck it sounds like I'm the second fight of the night. Me and Paprika. That means I've missed Penny and Yang's fight completely and, despite my wishes otherwise, my two teachers simply focus on the upcoming fight rather than what just occurred. I suppose I'll have to get the details after the fact.

For now I focus on my opponent, a lightly tanned Vacuan girl. Far lighter than the normal Vacuan, implying some foreigner in her. As do the Mistrali features in her face.

She stands in a business suit, a brownish undershirt with a cream jacket overtop. Her hair is jet black and her eyes are similarly colored and piercing. Nothing I can see points to the color inspiration behind her name which is more than a little odd. Doubly so for myself since paprika and ochre aren't too far off from one another on the color scale.

I bet there's a story behind that, there always is, but I doubt it's one I'm going to learn. The woman before me doesn't seem like the talkative type. Not after the kind of performance I've put on thus far. Right now she's evaluating me as much as I'm evaluating her, both of us calculating what we should do to maximize our chances of success.

From what I've seen of her, unless she has some sort of trick up her sleeve I should win this one. The amount of training I've received due to my semblance, tutelage under Oobleck and Ozpin, as well as my style of combat simply gives me too many advantages for this to be considered a fair fight.

I have to assume that she knows this and is seeking some way to throw me off my game or some other advantage she can secure. As the countdown begins she comes to some sort of conclusion. No less resolved than she was a moment prior, but something about her has changed. I'm not sure what exactly, but I suppose I'll find out soon.

Ochre: 6.03+3.91(Mobility modified by combat style)= 9.94

Paprika: 5.23+2.37(mobility)+1/-.25(Style)=8.60/7.35

Difference: 1.34/2.59

Final Modifier: +33/Autopass

Due to shenanigans, the final roll of the match is under a different ruleset. The match will end when we reach the final roll whether we win or lose. We require 4 won rounds to reach the final round.

Final Roll diff: .34

Final Roll Modifier: +8

Ochre Aura: 7/6 (Actual skill 5.37)

Paprika Aura: 5/5 (Actual skill 4.37) [this is reduced by semblance usage, leading to fewer rounds than may be otherwise stated; as does chip damage from combat as time goes on.]

Chaotic Fighting style: Dependent on the user having a semblance or some other circumstance to take advantage of. This style doubles the circumstance bonuses and halves the circumstance maluses as appropriate.

In Paprika's case her semblance provides either +/-.5 bonus to her rolls dependent on chaos rolls. At her level of skill the default ratio is two-thirds of every roll is positive while the remainder are negative. This is under normal circumstances; for her final roll the bonus is increased to +1 (+2 under her style) and forced to be a positive result.

The results and order of her chaos rolls are: Negative, Positive, Positive, Positive, Positive, Positive, Negative, and after that I suspect it doesn't matter.

Autopass first round.

Dice: 3d100+33

57,56,41 + 33 = 90, 89, 74

Dice: 1d100+8

6 + 8 = 14

Ocean waves crashing against the beach. That's the first thing I hear after Oobleck announces the start of the match. Subsequently I spot a dampness at my feet as the center of the platform suddenly starts spouting water that pushes outwards towards a crude beach-head. More oasis in my mind than beach, but the sounds and movement of the water reminds me more of the latter than the former.

The next noise that crosses my ears is gunfire. Paprika has her default machine pistols as an opener while her semblance generates something for her to use. Her real weapon is, and always has been by my estimation, her semblance and the environment it generates.

I duck low in response to the gunfire. While a few bullets ding off my aura I'm able to avoid a majority of them and shoot off into her direction. The rising water bleeds off some of my momentum which gives her enough time to back off onto the sandbank. Just as I reach her a wooden shoot bursts forth from the ground and she swings her arm around the upper part of it. The motion of the suddenly rising tree bringing her out of reach.

I jump and climb up after her, distantly noting that the tree is rather familiar. It's a lot like the palm trees that dot Menagerie. That's a moment of distraction too much as a projectile comes towards me and I slice it apart instinctively. I'm not sure what exactly it was, but whatever it was didn't have the effect Parika wanted it to.

She sports a serious frown as she jumps away from the tree. However, I'm a bit too quick for her and grab her by the ankle. Her trajectory turns from an outward one to a harsh circle that slams her into the tree her semblance summoned.

One arm brings a machine pistol in my direction. I swat it away with my blade and reposition to stab at her. Only to find what looks like a terribly out of place toy robot head in her hand that she slams into my weapon in an attempt to stop it. All the while she wiggles her body and slips out of her shoe that I subsequently drop after her.

As I do so the air takes on a frosty chill for some reason. It feels oddly comforting in a way, but I put it out of my mind as I fire at her. Both with Wit's End's shotgun shells and Vel's upgrade to my gauntlet. The bolt of lightning is intercepted by a suddenly appearing and comically large snowflake, but the shell slams into Paprika.

The woman turns around and said comically large snowflake gravitates to her hand. She makes a swing with it and I tilt back to avoid it. I somehow just know that despite the appearance, that thing is a lot sturdier and sharper than it looks.

Despite my dodge, which should be successful in my mind, she lets go of her weapon and the thing turns into an impromptu projectile. Just like how it gravitated towards her it does so this time, but towards my face. I don't know what aspect of her semblance is causing it to act that way, but I bat it away with my shield. The damn thing doesn't break and starts wheeling around to cause me more trouble.

Meanwhile Paprika bounces back into the water which is now coming up to her waist. That causes me to realize that our platform has risen from all the water, sand, and other formations that her semblance has generated. That doesn't serve as a great enough distraction against me this time and I leap at her in the water.

Just as I do so she drops her hands underneath and withdraws an overly large conical seashell. She knocks my sword off-course and I simply pivot on my foot to swipe at her with my bladed shield. The motion is slowed by the water and waves I have to contend with, but I ring her bell and she falls over.

Before I can capitalize on the moment fully the snowflake from earlier flies in and I have to deflect it from a direct hit. I'm able to push it away from me, but it ends up gravitating to Paprika's left arm like a shield. She stands up with the seashell firmly in her other hand, long and pointy. Looking like a weird funhouse version of myself and entirely off-brand from her businesswoman look.

She swings at me, clearly not knowing how to use a rapier-like weapon effectively. I bat away her weak strike and move to punish her. Only for whip-like vines with purple blooming flowers to wrap around my shield arm, stopping my momentum entirely.

While I'm distracted she lashes out with her snowflake shield and I duck under the strike. That brings my head under the still rising water which isn't a tenable state of affairs. I strike off with a blast from Vel's boots which proves to be enough to jet out of the water and rip apart the vines that were otherwise trapping me. Said vegetation moves to wrap around my arm, but otherwise stops being in the way.

While up in the air I transform my weapon into its rifle mode and land a shot on Paprika's stomach. She doubles over before diving out of the way of a second shot. A miniature building of steel and glass erupts extremely out of place in the water to shield her from a third barrage.

Then a strange woman with short dull orange hair pops out from the cover, a red staff with yellow ends in hand. Her outfit is of similar colors and much more fitting to Paprika's namesake. A light orange scarf tied around her neck and the rest of her upper body covered by an orange gi-jacket. Her leggings are a pair of light gray pants bunched up around her calf. The connection between the two articles of clothing is covered by a short black and yellow short sarong.

Mindful that this might be a trick I maneuver to try to get a shot at Paprika again only to find her utterly gone. I'm not sure what exactly is going on, if this is some sort of illusion, like with Neo again, or if the most obvious conclusion is the right one, but I turn my attention to the new girl and open fire.

Just as I do so she swings her staff and the bullet explodes in mid-air, separating out in what appears to be party streamers and confetti. Through that I note that she's actually standing atop the water and I realize the snowflake from earlier is nowhere in sight.

It slams into my back and knocks me out from the air. I hold out a hand and swing around the palm tree, redirecting myself in her direction. Just as I do so a crack of thunder peels out and the tree bursts into flame. In addition to that, what can only be called a storm of coconuts fall from the branches and start chasing after me. Not helped by the fact that some of them are also on fire.

I simply choose to outspeed them and come crashing into the water ready to finish this. However, the water is up to my upper chest now and with my opponent standing atop she has a commanding position. She bats away my first strike and stabs at my head which I simply take on full force while propelling myself as far forward as I can.

As I do so the storm from earlier chases after me and I hear the splashing of them behind me as well as the shattering or what sounds like ice. As I register that I also note that the water around me is freezing rapidly, but I simply power through that to wrap a hand around the girl's ankle, ready to pull her under and finish this.

Just as I make contact the buzzer for the match rings out and I frown. I know I haven't taken enough hits to knock out my aura. In fact, I've barely taken any hits at all. That last flurry of activity was putting me in a bad position, but it's nothing that I couldn't fight my way out of. Especially with how close the end of the fight should be.

I look at the aura gauges confirms my victory as well as the rapidly draining aura of Paprika. Speaking of her, I turn to the woman I was fighting and she simply holds a hand out. Her staff is on her back and now that I get a good look at her, her features aren't wholly unrecognizable.

They're a lot less severe and more easygoing than Paprika's usual countenance, but I can spot the similarities. Still, I would more easily place them as sisters rather than the same person. Just the attitude this version of her is giving off is a lot more relaxed than her usual severity.

I take her hand and she pulls me up, also to stand on the water with her, though I guess it's more ice than anything else at this point. Most of our fight took place in the center of the arena, the ocean-like oasis standing as an obvious focal-point. And, now that I think about it, a weird cross between Vacuo and Menagerie. I'm not sure if that was in any way intentional, but it oddly works in my favor I feel.

My opponent shoots me a soft smile and knocks her head in my direction before throwing it out in another. I track her movement as we slowly descend from her semblance dissipating. Doing so I spot Dad, Coral, Jasmine, Penny, Ciel, and Marina altogether in the stands. Somehow I just know that she was referring to Marina in particular and I feel a hand on my shoulder for a moment before that drifts away.

When I turn back around, Paprika is back to normal with her usual severe and distant mien. She brushes against her business suit as if willing the water away. I suppose she knows what she's doing as the dampness does dissipate which spells good things for my own outfit. It's not like her semblance makes anything permanent, just an ephemeral creation that lasts until she stops maintaining it. I'm sure there's more to it, but that's the important part at any rate.

My victory is announced explicitly, for the second time. It takes place as soon as Paprika's semblance dissipates completely. Perhaps they thought there was some sort of interference and merely wanted to make sure we heard them. We both, of course, did the first time. However, that's not what keeps me in place.

I'm not sure why Paprika stuck around, but with the second announcement she turns on her heels and walks out of the arena. Not quite wholly proud of herself I feel, but neither is she all that disappointed by the results. I suspect she expected this outcome, but perhaps hoped for a better showing.

She only really got started near the end. Although, I think that was more from her dumping her focus into her semblance. Something that is apparently an aura-hog when used that way. Not that I think using it earlier would have saved her either.

I get the feeling doing so would have just made the match end sooner and with less for her to show from the effort. I mean, the only thing that really got me in the end was being blindsided by that snowflake. Which, I'm unsure of why it wasn't an issue after that. I get the feeling that I'm missing something obvious, but I'll just have to review the footage of the fight to make sure.

Regardless, that's not why I'm reluctant to move. Paprika's final gesture I can't help but feel was deliberate. That tweaks the paranoid part of my brain on account of all the secrets she shouldn't be privy to. I'm not sure how exactly her semblance works or the extent of it; I resolve to pass word to Oz and Theo just to keep on top of everything.

Even then I feel like it was an earnest attempt at something. The obvious forefront of my mind is Marina and I's relationship. I'm not sure how exactly to handle that; just that I've been putting it off for long enough.

I meet with her as well as the rest of, well, family is the best word for it. Discounting the stiff of course. Not that she or Penny stick around for too long and I simply share a look with Dad and Coral that has the rest of them peeling off and leaving me alone with my partner. That doesn't make the start of this any easier in my mind, nor does the milling crowd.

Marina simply looks at me curiously before looking around at everyone else and nodding to herself. She waves me over to the airbuses taking everyone down and we settle into a somewhat crowded compartment heading to Beacon.

From the conversations I overhear that Penny and Yang's match was apparently the more exciting of the two, or at least a lot closer. Penny won out in the end, but I can't help but think she should have performed better. Not that I have a wholly accurate read of either of their capabilities, but I think I'm more accurate than not. Either way it seems like I'll be up against my partner's girlfriend.

However, despite whatever consternation I think that should cause her, she's showing none of it. She could just be hiding it; after all, two members of the crew earnestly fighting one another wouldn't weigh easily on her psyche. Still, I don't think that's entirely accurate. She's too calm for that to be the case and she isn't even showing any frustration from excluding her from the team and doubles fight.

I thought I'd have to at least bribe her with violence, and I am in a great state to do so. Even if grimm are kept to a minimum because of the civilians I'm sure we could find a few to tussle with. Only, that doesn't seem necessary anymore.

It's an odd feeling to know that she's handling herself rather well. I don't know if that's a sign of her growing maturity and independence or if there's some sort of outside factor at play. I really haven't been keeping up with her life as much as I feel like I should these past few weeks. Although, I also get the impression that things are changing too quickly to keep up with. Both in regards to the situation in the White Fang and Mistral, and personal concerns.

When we land we make our way to the dorms and Marina busts in the door to our room while belting out, "Everyone out, we're commandeering the room." Her commanding presence is vastly undercut by the fact she just yelled that to an empty room. Rather than appear embarrassed, she nods in satisfaction and flops onto her bed.

She doesn't say anything and neither do I. Instead I take a seat on my bed facing her and work through my thoughts. It isn't exactly an easy thing to parse or put into words. Much less when I have to translate it in a way that she would understand. Not the exact nature of it, but perhaps the feelings behind it all. Again, not made easy by her current attitude.

She's acting as if she doesn't have a care in the world. That everything is exactly as it should be whereas I'm not quite there yet. Now that I think about it, I don't think I'm too far off from where she is. However, my mind always races to the next moment rather than just exulting in the now.

From her perspective it must seem like this is the height of her life while I'm still looking to the future. That isn't to say she can't be forward thinking, as her plans of the future attest to. Maybe that's a way to open this conversation?

Either way I need something, if only for my own nerves and to ease me into the subject. Even if she isn't going to judge me or care, there's a sort of mental barrier to get over. Just like with my time with Coral and trusting my girlfriends, the issue is entirely on my end, but that doesn't mean it isn't there. Or I can do away with it easily.

Penny: It's been a bit since I've checked in on their relationship and I feel like something has changed anyway. At least I know she'll like talking about this. (4)

Family: She hasn't really had a real family and that is sort of what this conversation is about. Perhaps I could drill on that a bit further, explain my own situation, and invite her to take part in that. (4)

Tournament: I'm sure she has some thoughts on how I excluded her and my upcoming match with her girlfriend. Perhaps not the worst subject to bring up. (0)

Possessiveness: Her moment with Jasmine is still on my mind. I know she has a possessive streak, which has a sort of charm. But perhaps I should find out where that stems from exactly. (0)

Future: A more neutral topic to talk about her plans. It would be a good way to measure how much she's matured over this semester by how much that has changed. (0)

Willow: As far as I'm aware she still talks with Weiss' mom on occasion. I doubt there's much feeling for so from my partner's end, but perhaps explaining things to her will help lead in to my own topic. (0)

That blockage remains even as I work through what I want to talk about. All the while I have to keep my emotions in check so as to not give anything for my partner to worry about. I mean, this is technically about me, but it's not about me; if that makes any sense. I don't think it does, not really.

All I really know is that we were complete strangers not even a year ago and yet I've devoted a good portion of my time into making sure she's alright. More than what my position as team leader would demand of me. That has wound down in recent times, but that hasn't made the issue go away.

There is an undeniable level of affection I feel for her. While that has settled into a concrete paradigm in my mind, expressing that isn't easy. How exactly do I explain to her the kind of relationship I want us to have when her mind operates on an entirely different schema?

To her I'm the Captain, nothing more and nothing less. And her idea of siblings is more akin to parents than actual siblings. Even with time spent with the twins she hasn't picked up the kind of dynamic they share. Rather ascribing it to something she can't really understand and moving on. Perhaps that's the truth, but I don't want it to be.

"Marina," I start and she perks up from her prone position. Teal eyes lock onto me as if expecting that I'd want to talk. The rest of her frame is still pretty relaxed, though she gives me a searching look that appears to only deepen as the moment stretches on. I never got to know the exact extent of her semblance, but I figure it's best to throw out a distraction before she cottons onto anything I don't want her to.

"How are things with you and Penny?" The question rolls off her and filters through her mind and she nods. Like that somehow explains away my behavior thus far.

"Good," is the only response she offers. I throw her a look and she blinks before picking up that I want something more substantive than that. "She's really happy about her semblance."

I click my mouth shut, at once both curious and frustrated. Marina didn't answer my question at all, somehow misconstruing it into asking about Penny. Simultaneously she actually has provided me with information I find intriguing. No doubt accidentally, knowing my partner; any level of social obfuscation is simply beyond her.

"Not exactly what I asked," I hedge, trying my best to give her a clue about her faux-pax while pivoting to the actually interesting bit. "I don't suppose you could tell me more about her semblance and why she's happy with it?"

"Nope," she chirps immediately, though with a complicated expression. One that belies she has no actual clue either and I hold back any severe response.

"I assume she told you about it," I state and she nods. There's no other way I can conceive that my partner would find out about the information with myself remaining in the dark. Does Penny want to save the advantage for the fight or has she simply not found the time to talk to me about it? Either is a real possibility although I suppose I won't know for sure for a while yet. "What did she say about it exactly?"

My partner's face scrunches up and she tilts her head in an obvious way to imply she's thinking. Then she brings up a fist and lightly knocks against her temple while observing my reaction. Upon not seeing much of a reaction, she does so again with a bit more force and rapidity. Still not enough to actually hurt herself although I'm really at a loss of where she picked that up from or what purpose it serves.

Suddenly she stops and answers, "She said a lot of things about it. Tried explaining it or something, but she was being silly. Kept repeating herself and saying wrong things. Like her semblance made her 'real.' I just told her she was always real and, uh, I don't remember much after that," she finishes while scratching at her cheek in apparent sheepishness.

I don't know how much of that is just mimicry of the gesture, although it seems genuine to an extent. I think I can imagine a response that Penny would have to what my partner said as well as the subsequent reasoning for why she couldn't remember much afterwards. I really hope I don't have to be the one to tell Penny that her hugs could genuinely kill people if she's not careful. No matter how much my partner seems to enjoy them and encourage her.

I make a noise of acknowledgement, still not trying to let my emotions show too much and ask, "And how is your relationship going in general?"

Again it seems like she doesn't understand what I'm trying to ask about and just seems confused. However, unlike last time she doesn't move to provide an answer right away. Rather thinking through her response before cautiously venturing, "She's going to stay in Vale."

Her tone is flat and implies that I should have known that. Like there was never any other possibility despite the fact both of them were fretting before I talked to James about it. Well, Penny was more fretful and despondent. Marina had the utmost certainty that I'd pull through which I guess explains her confusion. Although, how exactly is Penny being added to Beacon supposed to work?

Transfers aren't unheard of, though there are a lot of mitigating circumstances. Sometimes it's a whole team which is the simplest, while this time it's a lone member. As far as I'm aware there aren't any openings in the first year teams that Penny would be joining. I don't think Oz would turn down her transfer or force her to go through the first year again. That would probably draw too much attention and given Penny's artificial nature said attention could only be detrimental.

Thinking about that brings my mind to what my partner said about her girlfriend's semblance. That it made her 'real.' That…seems unlikely from what I know about semblances, but I suppose it wouldn't be impossible. More likely there's more to the semblance than simply that, though I doubt I'll get any details from Marina.

Not because she's been sworn to secrecy; rather simply because she doesn't know and doesn't really have an interest in learning, which is a bit odd. That implies this is a recent development and that my partner hasn't had the time to understand how important that is to Penny and it's not just her being silly.

Either way, that distracts from my actual inquiry once again. I suppose it was too lofty to expect Marina to have many deep thoughts about their relationship. Although, not being able to introspect on the status of the relationship is a concerning blind-spot. I guess that just makes my involvement in her life all the more important.

Marina's face is scrunched up and searching which draws me from my thoughts. Before I can speak she stands up and sits next to me. Her finger pokes at what is apparently empty air and I just feel more confused. Was that supposed to mean something?

I turn to look at her and she has a self-satisfied smile that thins before turning into a scowl. As if she was confused herself before coming to some sort of negative conclusion. She shrinks in on herself and pulls her knees up. Not really pouting, but closing herself off somewhat from the world.

I sigh and figure that a more neutral activity would do us both some good before getting into the serious topic. I pull out a comb and hold her lightly so I can start working through her hair. She's tense at first, but slowly lets herself relax and hum softly. Apparently taking whatever misstep from earlier as just a minor stumble and not something to berate herself over any further.

With courage gathered, I say, "You know I care about you, right?"

"Duh," is her instant and dismissive response. As if I just said the most obvious thing in the world.

"No, not like that. As more than just Captain and crew. I-you know the kind of relationship Kel and Autumn have? Ruby and Yang? That's-that's how I feel or what I want at any rate."

Marina stills completely and utterly. Her previous humming cuts off entirely as she takes in my words in silence. With that off my chest the only thing I can do is try to keep her calm and not interfere with how she works through that statement.

Already it feels like things are off to a bad start, but I can't hold her too tightly. That seems to be a thing reserved for her and Penny. Nor can I really express a serene calm through combing her hair or with my own emotions. She's not even facing me right now, which is perhaps for the best.

I hear a soft sniffle and then note that she's actually shaking a little. Both grow more severe as she tries her best to keep her emotions in check. However, something about what I said must have set her off as she isn't anywhere close to calming down. She isn't willing to run away when I've made it so implicitly clear that I want her to stay and talk about this. She just squirms wildly while fighting back tears and failing; only I don't think they're happy ones.

"Talk to me," I command, trying to give her something else to focus on or at least vent her emotions in a more explicit and healthy way.

"Don't! Stop," she chokes out and I get the impression both of those are to be taken as separate denials rather than her saying she's fine with my affection. Of course I can't listen to her right now, though it isn't pleasant to hear either.

I jostle her, trying to make it clear that she should keep talking rather than let herself fall into a sort of pit. She shakes her head wildly, making her wishes clear. I almost want to give in as well, but I've resolved myself to this path. Instead I simply whisper her name in her ear and she locks up.

"Stop," she cries. "You aren't Rob! You aren't Lily. They're dead because of-Just stop! I don't want to talk about this anymore!"

Again she doesn't make any move to actually escape. More shutting down emotionally. However, her response gives me some indication what the issue might actually be.

She's still grieving to an extent. Or maybe it's more accurate to say that she never stopped; I don't even know if she knows how to grieve properly. The tragedy with her crew is still relatively fresh and while she's been able to distance herself from that by not thinking about it and enjoying her new life that doesn't mean she's accepted it. Bringing up such a direct comparison to her prior life must have just made the issue worse.

I can't really judge her. I might have been less of a mess emotionally around Coral when a similar subject was brought up. Still I understand the pain all too well and I had much longer to come to terms with it. In addition to not losing as much or having my entire world turned upside down. It's easy to forget with her normal behavior, but her life has changed so drastically from what she's used to and this step from me must seem like an infringement on her past as well as her present.

"I know," I state softly and pause for a moment meaningfully. Said moment is slightly ruined by Marina snorting loudly and then wiping her snot off on the sleeve of my outfit. "I thought the same after Mom passed. I…wasn't exactly receptive to a similar relationship myself. It's just-I care about you, like I said. I just wanted you to know that; it's okay if-"

"No," she interrupts firmly while cradling her head.

"No," I repeat absently and she throws out her hands explosively. As if to express what she's trying to say, but lacking the words to do so.

"Just no. No! It isn't right! All wrong," she rattles off, not making any more sense to me. She spins around and looks so much smaller than she normally does which makes me think the issue is much more within her thoughts of herself than the situation as a whole. "You wouldn't want-"

"Stop it," I command and she straightens up. "It's fine if you want to refuse for your own reasons, but don't imply I don't know what I'm doing or what I want. Am I clear," she nods rapidly, but still doesn't look convinced. "I'm not even trying to be a brother to you the same way Rob was; I know I can't slot into that role, nor do I want to.

What I do want is for you to be happy. I thought…maybe you needed someone in your life that you could rely on. Not just as crew, but something more. Maybe that doesn't make sense to you, but I thought it best to give you the opportunity and it's what I want as well."

With that she calms down a little. No longer desperate to shake away the conversation or screaming protestations. I don't think she's fully accepting of it either, though she can't produce a coherent protest which leaves us at an odd impasse.

The issue is fully an emotional one and we've both staked out where we stand. The only thing left to do is to try to bridge the gap. I know she isn't going to be the first to do so, so it's up to me, but what's the best approach?

With a lack of better options on my mind I release the hold on my emotions I've been trying to keep up. I can't approach this moment with anything other than earnestness. After all, it sort of defeats the purpose of opening up if I still keep so much back.

"I know those people were special to you. Mom was special to me as well, however little I knew about her. Coral didn't replace her, they both share a spot in my heart. Still, I'd be lying if I didn't say that it was worth it.

It's okay to remember your old crew and feel sad about them, but don't forget about everyone else. I know you've done a good job of that so far. I mean, look how far you've come.

I remember that scared little girl on an airship and I also remember the woman bossing around veteran Huntsmen and an actual force of nature on a ship because she was in charge. Whatever happened in your past, I know you're stronger now than back then. And besides, you don't have to face anything alone if you don't want to. Just remember that, okay?"

Truthfully there is a lot more that I could say, but only so much I can convey to her before she'll get overwhelmed. The moment is already emotional enough that it's a delicate balancing act.

Trying to navigate through complex topics to their natural resolution is simply beyond my ability no matter how much I wish otherwise. The next best thing I can offer her is my experience as well as that promise of support to see her through this. Maybe puffing herself up a little to deal with her self-esteem issues.

She takes several deep breaths and closes her eyes. She opens them every few seconds, likely trying to read my emotions and I leave them as bare as I can. That causes her to shake and hunch in on herself which I take to be a bad sign, but let her work through.

Before long a giggle escapes her along with the words, "Okay Captain."

"Just Captain," I question in a light-tone, trying to gauge where her mind is at.

She nods firmly, "You'll always be Captain to me." As she says that she practically collapses against my chest.

I'm not sure how to take that. If it's really an answer or not. Marina hardly makes sense at the best of times much less when she's genuinely confused. However, it seems like things are ending on a positive note, albeit a complicated one as well.

I suppose it would have been foolhardy to expect any clean resolution to this issue. Although, it's not like she's walled herself off from the possibility or even refused it.

Her words themselves might imply that with her referring to me as Captain rather than anything else. However, I know her well enough to discern that isn't her intention. Just that my title as Captain supersedes everything else. If she was really against something further she would have said so as she had prior.

Not that the result is clean or bereft of its own issues. There is still a clear grief and trauma that she carries. Perhaps our talk will give her some impetus to work through her issues.

Just as I resolve our conversation to be finished, she looks up at me with an inscrutable expression and asks, "Does this mean Papa Ochre is just Papa now?"

It takes me a moment to process that and any words I can say get caught in my throat. Marina at least takes my reaction positively, practically beaming at her clever response. I certainly hope that wasn't deliberate on her part. She really would be picking up too many bad habits then.

"I-yes," I choke out as an answer. She nods rapidly and then leans back with her hands flopping back to catch her, both ending up planted near my feet.

"What about Mama Weiss," she questions in the same innocent way that only she can manage.

"...we'll talk about that another time," I decide on. Already having dealt with enough emotional turmoil that I don't have the will to go through more. Much less since it's a messy topic on multiple fronts from my relationship with everyone involved and Marina's own. Although, I suppose she's asking more about her own relationship since she didn't bring up Coral.

I let myself collapse backwards in my bed, not wanting to deal with anything else or think much more. The emotional whiplash from the conversation wipes out much desire for anything else. Marina levers herself over to stare down at me curiously.

She seems happy with what she finds and shoots me finger guns for some reason before hopping off. She returns to her own bed where she starts softly singing a sea shanty. At some point she learned volume control, but she's still terribly off-key.

Not that I'm much better as I join her in on the parts I pick up on. Now that I'm aware of my lack of ability I really have no clue why Weiss enjoys hearing my singing voice as much as she does. Oh well, that's a matter to worry about later.

For now Marina and I just enjoy the relatively quiet moment together. Even if there is a heavy air to it all, it seems like things are more resolved than not.

Marina and I keep singing until the twins get back from whatever they were up to. Visiting their parents probably. What exactly they're going to be doing while I take care of business is a bit up in the air. As is Marina, now that I think about it. I'll have to give some thought if I want to involve them in my trap or keep it as a White Fang moment.

For now I resume my part of the sea shanty and Marina joins in after a short interruption. Of course, this draws a comment from Kel who calls my signing utter shit. Notably she doesn't levy the same criticism towards Marina. It isn't like she's wrong, but the only proper response is to sing louder which Marina happily joins in on.

Shortly afterwards Autumn does so as well. However, I think he's deliberately playing up how bad he is at it rather than coming by it honestly like Marina and I. Eventually our combined efforts wear on Kel and she joins in as well, much to Marina's jubilation. We do keep our voices down from there and only carry forth a few songs before I call it a night for all of us.
S2 Week 18 (Part 4)
Morning comes and I lack any actual motivation to get up and do anything. The talk from yesterday and subsequent catharsis leaves me feeling utterly drained. I try to check in on the White Fang and only accomplish marking some reports and files for later review. I think I have a good place to slot them into my schedule so it's not a big deal. For now I just luxuriate in the knowledge of a job well done and nothing further on my mind.

A few hours later I turn to more practical concerns. I'm set to face Penny and I take the time to start picking apart what I can of her fighting style. From what few recordings I have of her fights in the tournament and spars throughout the school year.

She struggled quite a bit against Yang for whatever reason and Pyrrha for more obvious ones. In both she relied pretty heavily on her collection of floating swords. She used them to good effect in order to hem in and overwhelm her opponent. The only deviation I spot is from the latter half of her fight with Pyrrha when it became clear that her strategy wasn't working.

Even then she didn't pull out some sort of secret trump card to level the scales. In fact, she merely scaled back her complexity. No doubt brought about because of Pyrrha's semblance. I'm not sure quite what it is, but the fact that it could disrupt Penny's coordination is fairly evident. Not that I have to worry about that anymore.

By my estimation, Penny shouldn't present as much of a challenge as Pyrrha did at the start of the semester. Of course, the capabilities of both of them have grown, but so have mine. Perhaps not enough to outpace them completely, but I feel like the odds are in my favor regardless. Of course, I afford myself a few hours to build up my reserves just on the off-chance I'm wrong or something unfortunate happens.

There is a great amount of pageantry building up to the final fight of the tournament. The losers bracket fully finishes out with a sort of melee between the finalists. Far less structured than an actual bracket, but they simply don't have the same amount of time afforded to them as the actual finalists. Not when they have to keep pace with the festivities.

That all concludes before I make my way onto the stage. The four sections bearing the Kingdoms' symbols stand out in my mind again. There is no better moment to reveal Menagerie and I have a feeling it's going to be something big and bombastic rather than understated.

That can wait until after I win; instead I turn my attention to Penny who seems more happy than anything to be here. I don't truly know what's going on in her head, though I do note that this is the first time I'm really registering her combat attire. Not too different from her casual clothes for somewhat obvious reasons and her colors are rather understated by my estimation.

I have a feeling that will change soon, but for now all she has is a gray pinafore dress with green patterning towards the bottom and an off-white blouse underneath. Long sleeves cover her arms and black stockings her legs. Probably an attempt to keep her artificial nature easier to conceal.

"It is an honor to finally fight you," Penny states while the countdown commences. "Don't go easy on me just because of our relationship," she throws out with a wink before whispering just loud enough for me to hear, "big brother."

I still don't know where she picked up that misconception. But with what I just affirmed with Marina, perhaps it's not too inaccurate. Hopefully the public picks up on that as well rather than concoct some outlandish theory. Then again, it's not like I plan on going easy on her so maybe they'll think it was just banter.

Ochre: 6.03+3.91(Mobility modified by combat style)= 9.94

Penny: 5.96 +2.36(Mobility) +.75(Style)=9.07

Difference: .87

Final Modifier: +21

Ochre Aura: 7/6 (Actual Skill: 5.37)

Penny Aura: 4/4 (Actual Skill: 3.85)

Match ends when Ochre dips below .63 aura or Penny reaches .48 aura.

Penny's Combat Style: HPHC: Gain a .75 modifier in all circumstances. Opponent numerical advantage bonuses do not apply against this character. Furthermore, this style counts as having multiple people for the purpose of negating opponent styles, if applicable. Semblances or combat styles that mess with coordination or concentration negate this style completely.

Dice: 5d100+21

Options: Individual.

37,98,39,40,97 + 21 = 58,119,60,61,118

The match begins and I rush at Penny. She sends forth her blades forward like a circular saw and I slide under them. My shield and blade deflect a couple of them as I do so. Just as I reach her legs I kick out at them only to find unyielding steel.

I transform my buckler into a gauntlet and use it to push off and shoot a corrective burst to send me upright. As I do so, Penny grabs at me with her unarmed hands. They head towards my shirt and break apart her clumsy attempt to grapple. I grab her right arm with my left and pivot around her backside.

She doesn't have the same pain response to having her arm torqued like that and she simply moves to follow my motion. However, I've put her between myself and her swords. She's also a touch too slow to react to an upwards strike from Wit's End. My blade pierces right under her chin and a pull of the trigger lifts even her heavy frame off the ground.

Just enough that one of her blades slips under foot and she jumps off of it with a pirouette. That leaves me with a sudden flurry of blades to contend with. I drop low to dodge the initial barrage, with the latter half zeroed on my new position. A blast from my boots sends me backwards creating distance between us.

She reacts quickly, drawing her swords back into groups of three to start raining fire. However, she leaves herself open and I score a quick shot from my rifle before dashing off to the side. Her next shot comes right in front of me. I only barely slow down just enough to avoid it.

Another blast comes to my location and I fire off a shot to reposition. The recoil maneuver keeps me close to the ground and her gun-swords keep a lock on my position as well as where I'm heading. Thus, I kick off the ground and add a sporadic boost from my boots to throw off her aim even more.

That proves successful and I somersault into the air to perform another recoil maneuver from both my boots and weapon. This sends me right towards her. She recalls her collection of blades to perform a swirling motion; a form of offensive defense.

At the last second I shoot off another corrective burst from my left gauntlet and roll myself to the left as well. I get a pretty close look at her swords by doing so. I also get to note the exact moment they break from their formation to chase after me.

I slam my hand on the ground, creating a divot in the arena, and pull my body inwards to turn all of my linear momentum into rotational. This is assisted again by blasts from my boots. One of which pings off of Penny's aura from a lucky angle and close proximity. Not enough to do any real damage, but it allows me to build up enough speed to properly kick out her legs in a devastating sweep.

The whole motion keeps me too fast to recover in any proper way, so I don't bother. Instead I push off the ground and allow myself to fall on top of her. Of course, my blade is drawn and heads towards her neck. I suddenly find her formation is two blades short with said blades crossed ready to stop my assault.

With my full weight behind the attack, there's not much of a chance for her to stop the motion, though she does blunt it. Not enough to save her from the impact or from another slug slamming into her dome. Then I throw myself off her only to find resistance coming from my blade. In that split second I decide to let go of it rather than leave myself as a sitting duck against her incoming blades.

I land and with the lack of a real ranged option, I find Penny retreating to the edge of the arena. All the while setting her collection of weapons to fire upon me again. This time I'm not too far away so there isn't much ground to cover. Still, I hold out my hand and use Vel's hold-out weapon mechanism in my gauntlet to shoot forth a blast of electricity. Of course it's inaccurate even at this range, but that doesn't matter as Penny knocks it away with one of her swords diverting from their formation.

That tells me she must be worried about her aura if she's unwilling to risk even such a low-risk projectile. Not that I can spare a glance at the actual read out. Even if she hasn't scored a good hit on me yet, that doesn't mean I can break my concentration. Dealing with her is like dealing with a small and very coordinated army.

Of course without my weapon, my first instinct is to find it. I happen to spot it tangled in one of the nearly invisible wires of her weapon. Just as I spot it she pulls back and tosses it outside the arena. Close enough that I could break away and jump after it.

Naturally I do the opposite of what she wants. That brief unexpected motion leaves her guns trained the long way just long enough for me to close the rest of the distance. I wrap an arm around her midsection and use her weight and heft to spin around her. Then I plant my feet on the ground and arch my back.

The strain is enough that I don't ever want to do that again if I don't have to. However, I produce enough leverage to lift her off the ground and toss her into the air. With as close as we are to the edge of the arena she's soon flying out of bounds and quickly realizes her situation.

She calls back her blades which settle around her back before a jet of green emissions erupts and sends her rocketing back to the arena. I place myself in the middle of her path. I think she tries to vector away from me, perhaps suspecting that I have something planned for her.

Unfortunately for her, her velocity and distance she needs to make up is too great for any corrective maneuvers to throw her outside of my reach. She probably should have left a blade to harry me or make me think twice, though, I doubt that would have been much of an impediment.

To try to get out of her predicament she keeps up her speed and tries to rush past me. Good enough for me, I wasn't planning on stopping her dead anyway. I hold out an arm and catch her on the shoulder. The forces jerk it around in its socket, but I hold on and wrap my other arm around her as quickly as I can.

I abandon any pretense of remaining on the ground and roll over Penny's backside. I feel her 'strings' as she calls them, get trapped under my heft as I go over her facsimile of a backpack. With all that accomplished I pull and curl with all my strength right before I slam my feet against the ground.

Our speed is still appreciable, but my efforts are enough to tilt her upwards. That combined with her still present Dust propulsion allows her to do much of the work for me. She lifts off the ground shortly before cutting off her thrust and I follow through with the motion. I spin her more with the aid of momentum and slam her into the ground head first. Not as hard as I could, but her weight and gravity does a great job of doing most of the work for me.

This time the arena breaks apart, both around my feet and her head as we run a furrow into the ground. Her head stops first, but only has more pressure put upon it when it arrests my momentum. I twirl around her form before letting go and allowing her to fall flat on the ground. That should about do it by my estimate, but the buzzer hasn't rung out yet and so I drop to the ground to deliver the last few hits before she can regain her bearings.

I catch my breath and help Penny up. I have to put on a magnanimous display, now particularly of all other times. I've given as good of a showing as I possibly could. That should help cement Menageries' place in the new world order, to the public at least. Perhaps it could be better with a more explosive fight, but dominating the competition has to serve as a serviceable substitute.

Speaking of which, this all feels…lacking for some reason. I'm not sure why, just that I was expecting more of a struggle. Not to say that Penny couldn't have provided that or she didn't make me work for my victory. She tried her best; which sounds awfully condescending now that I think about it.

Unfortunately, that's the truth. She was always just a step too slow to really put the pressure on me. Again, not incapable of doing so, just that her level of experience left her too slow to react properly. I'm unsure if that's an underlying problem with her style or if she was just flummoxed by my erratic movements.

Her range bias probably doesn't help that consideration. She's clearly more used to operating at mid to long range. Little surprise with how much of a nightmare she can make closing the distance. That and her prodigious strength and weight would otherwise give her the advantage in close quarters.

However, she clearly lacks much finesse and skill in that arena. It makes me think that her fight with Pyrrha was carried by pure luck and grit. That she simply caught the former champion by surprise with her maneuvers and didn't leave her any room to retreat rather than any real skill on Penny's part. Perhaps that's where the disappointment comes from; knowing that Pyrrha would have been the stronger fight.

This is made even worse by Penny having the worst reserves out of any of the competitors. Unsurprising considering how young she is relatively speaking; though it certainly doesn't help either. Although, I get the strange sensation that will be less of an issue in the future. That gut feeling is probably prompted by the discovery of her semblance…whatever it is in reality. Oh well, now is not the time to think about her and her future.

Instead I let the thoughts fall and preen a little for the crowd. I have to balance appearing refined and dignified without coming off as condescending. Only really difficult because I know any mistake I make will be scrutinized to hell and back. This is a historic moment in more ways than one.

With my body on auto-pilot, my mind runs at a mile a minute. I still don't know what the exact plan for announcing Menagerie is, but I do know that now of all times is the best moment. I prepare myself to hear Oz or Greene cut Oobleck off on the intercom, but it doesn't come.

I suppose delaying for the actual award ceremony would be preferable for all other actors. It should only be a couple of minutes longer at any rate. For now, Oobleck and Port go over a replay of my fight so they can dissect everything that happened again for the people at home. Some moments are slowed down for their benefit, but it's main purpose is to distract everyone from the minutiae of setting up to hand out the awards.

Penny walks off the platform for my bit of ceremony and a small circle in the center rises for me to stand on. I of course play my part, but again, the expected interruption doesn't come. Rather Oobleck launches into some sort of speech about the purpose of the Vytal Festival. One that comes off as too practed to my ear, which twigs my more suspicious side immediately.

A light shines on me while my platform rises ever so slightly higher. Meanwhile, I search the grounds for whatever trick could be at play and spot Oz, First Councilman Greene, and Councilor Irons all standing next to one another. In Oz's hands is the trophy for the tournament, though I can't spot any details on it from this distance.

I'm pretty sure a headmaster or even councilman isn't required to hand it off. The tournament staff have their own members for that so as to not show off too much favoritism. However, as the host Kingdom, Vale can bend the rules a little. No doubt as a part of their plan for their announcement.

Before I can process that much further, Greene and Oz make their way to the central platform. Oobleck is still in the middle of his speech, but I can't spare too much of my mind for it at the moment. The two men pause for a moment, waiting for apparently the right time before Oz hands me the trophy with a meaningful look.

More than I think the moment itself warrants. It seems like he wants to convey how much he knows this must mean to me. With that in mind, his slight reluctance to let the trophy go informs me that there's something he wants to draw my attention to.

With the moment as it is, I can hardly discern when Oobleck stops talking and when Oz and Greene begin. Much less what they're actually saying. All I can hear is the pounding of my heart in my head. I already knew this was going to be an important moment for my plans and for Menagerie, but it feels like so much more than that right now. More personal and heavy for lack of better words.

My gaze drifts to the trophy in my restlessness. I freeze and then many moments later suck in a breath with the sudden realization that I forgot to breathe. The trophy itself is filled with ornamentation of warriors fighting grimm together, but that's not where my attention settles. In the center is a ring divided into four sections, each with the symbol of one of the four Kingdoms.

Said symbols, as it turns out, include the relic hidden within each Kingdom; another sign of Oz's influence over the years. Despite what I might think about that, it always made me think what symbol Menagerie would be saddled with. I mean, it's not like there's some sort of secret fifth relic for us to incorporate.

I guess I have my answer now. With two of the relics being outright weapons, the other Kingdoms have weaponry as a part of their heraldry. Vacuo has the sword and Atlas the staff, but Vale has the twin axes and Mistral has a shield. It's supposed to be the lamp of knowledge, but to the common man it's usually understood to be a lantern shield. However, that's the least important part.

In the center of the ring, and slightly bigger as if by design, are two glaives set horizontally parallel and facing in opposite directions. Banners are tied just below the head of each glaive and spin off towards the upper and lower middle of the circle as if blown by crossing winds. It doesn't pass my notice that the imagery could be read into more than a little. An almost literal representation of the winds of change plastered over what could be read as a sign for equality; the two glaives forming an actual equals sign if the banners are discounted.

That tears my attention back to reality for the briefest moment as I look down at my mentor. Only to see the same symbol displayed on the central platform for all the world to see. Well, the bottom of it from what I can see; no doubt the top half is behind me. That realization finally hits me and I'm suddenly aware that all of this is real and so much more raw than I thought it would be. That despite whatever detachment I'm trying to put on, I know it isn't enough for this moment.

The words of Valean support for Menagerie's Kingdomship bid roll off me in that moment of emotionality. The fact that my goal is one step closer is already a big weight to deal with, but the fact this was orchestrated to follow my victory and the personal touch makes it too much. To make it worse, I can't allow any of that emotion to show at this very moment.

I have an image to uphold and as I noted earlier, this moment is a historic one. Every little action of mine is going to be burnt into history and gone over for years to come. Not to mention all of the immediate trouble that would come if I were to have a public display of weakness. Not with all my plans for the future and, more immediately, my plans for Mistral.

I take a breath and try to calm down. However, my body betrays me and my eyes search the crowd. Before long they lock in on my family and girlfriends; so coincidental is the fact that I'm facing them to begin with that I have to imagine Oz planned this to some degree.

All of them are together but that only makes the moment harder, not easier. My mask is breaking apart under all the strain and there's not anything I can do about it. Fortunately, Oz seems to be aware of my predicament.

He and Greene bring their announcement to a close. I'm unsure if I've cut them off short or not, but I can't focus on that either. He is magnanimous enough to offer his support. I practically lean on him as we walk out. I just have to hope he has enough skill to pass off my moment of weakness from the masses. I think he's more successful than not, which is another thing to be thankful to the man for.

That thought brings me up short as we settle into a common room. The action of which is to allow me to regain my bearings, but only prompts further thoughts.

It's hard not to be cautious around Oz when I know how manipulative he can be. I've already dealt with that before and have arguably failed just as much as I'm doing right now. But is that so bad? It's not like I can avoid the possibility altogether with how close we are and is there really a point in keeping him an arms length away after all this time?

Perhaps it's a lost cause, but the turmoil remains. Not helped in the slightest by the secret I'm keeping from him. Even if it's not to his detriment, doing so does not provide a pleasant feeling right now. The emotionality of the moment is already running high and the fact I can't let it all out in front of him only makes that worse.

Oz and I share a few words together. Well, Oz shares a few words with me and I absently answer some of his inquiries. He probably thinks something is up, but soon our moment is interrupted by my family crashing in.

Weiss is first through the door and crashes into me. She uses her superior position to cradle my head against her chest. Far too close to some of her assets to be entirely appropriate, but it's clear she doesn't care. She has to know me well enough at this point to not only be overjoyed, but also know that I'm not nearly as put together as I was trying to display. She insistently taps at the back of my hand for me to draw us into my mirror world.

I stubbornly refuse to do so and the reason for why becomes readily apparent. Blake manages to squeeze herself into the impromptu hug going on. Her own position is no less awkward than Weiss, nor any less insistent and tight. It's making it hard to breathe which isn't helped by another weight impacting the two of them.

That one is a lot less heavy than prior, but is soon followed up by another weighty one and the subsequent laughter of Dad and Coral. Going by that the last impact was probably Marina and the one before was Jasmine. I'm not sure if either of them actually knows the reasons why Weiss and Blake are acting this way, but it's clear that they didn't want to be left out.

Fortunately for my mortality, Dad is not entirely negligent. After a few moments he and Coral start peeling away the layers of humanity that have clung to me and give me space to breathe. Once he's done so, I note Penny standing off to the side with a little wave along with Kel and Autumn, but no Oz in sight. I briefly wonder where the rest of RWBY is, but chalk it up to them giving me a moment to actually recover before swarming me.

That's a brief distraction as my thoughts return to Oz and his absence. Something about that just gnaws at me and puts me at unease. Something I'm sure most of the people here pick up on. The only ones I'd consider ignorant are Penny, Kel, and Autumn. Not for any particular reason, just that we aren't close enough for them to read into my turmoil and don't have the same assistance Marina does.

Speaking of her, my little sister pokes me in the cheek and my worries drift away for a moment. She seems inordinately proud of the change despite the minute maneuver on her part. Really, it is weird that something so small would do anything.

Before I can think that over any more, Blake steals the first celebratory kiss. Something that has Weiss look at her in shock as if she's breaking some sort of unspoken agreement. Not that Blake notices as she simply darts in for another kiss until Jasmine makes a retching noise from the public display. That's followed by a laugh from Coral which turns out to be enough to make my girlfriend shame-faced.

Not to be deterred, Weiss takes two sharp breaths and closes her eyes. She fumbles a bit, but our lips are able to meet and she irreverently ignores any sounds of protest or jubilation that would otherwise distract her. Apparently she isn't willing to give up her position in the case that Blake works up the courage to interject. Not even the hollers and whoops from the twins, primarily Autumn, are enough to stop her.

What does turn out to be enough is a polite cough from Dad, which brings a radiant heat to her cheeks. I think more for the reminder that she's dominating my time with everyone else in the room rather than anything to do with the public display. Heavens know that my girlfriend is all but shameless in that regard.

Of course, she still wants to show her appreciation and support. Given no other real way to do so, she offers to take everyone out on the town. On the way, Yang and Ruby meet up with us, as do Ren, Nora, and curiously Ciel. She doesn't need to watch over Penny with me around, but either she wants to or figures that I'll become too preoccupied to drop her charge back off at Beacon.

Weiss makes several calls as we enter the city and as we travel around. I think she had a celebration planned out, but it was supposed to be a smaller affair and the sudden influx of people is causing no small headache. Not that she doesn't manage it, though without too much help from myself.

I suppose I'm still dealing with the shock of it all and the night passes by in almost a blur. I note people falling off and attending to their own business as the night drags on. The final members of our party being just Blake, Weiss, and myself.

Blake seems to read the mood and dips out. But not before sharing an indulgent and long kiss. If it were in any other context I would assume she was trying to stir up some jealousy in Weiss. Not to say that doesn't happen, but I think it was more prompted by earnest desire than anything else.

With all of that time, I finally have my bearings, but am more or less exhausted. As is Weiss from managing the evening affairs and we both end up leaning into each other more than anything as we stalk the streets of Vale.

She rubs a small circle with her pointer finger around the center of my chest and hums a low tune. I doubt we'll share too much affection given her issues; not until we have a chance to stop somewhere for me to attend to my hygiene. Not like that's where my head is at right now.

Her and I have more important things to talk about than just my emotions. She's already done plenty to help work through them, even if I know she'd be thrilled to help out. In more ways than one I suspect.

There's still the matter in Mistral to actually discuss with her. Not that she's unaware, not with my plans as they are. Still, that is a relatively straightforward matter to deal with. Even if I have the suspicion that she's going to want to be by my side just as much as Blake does. Just the fact that she's a Schnee complicates that which likely doesn't make things easier in her mind. Perhaps something worth talking about.

Exultation: I've already dealt with plenty for one day. I could just enjoy the moment for what it is as well as her company. (3)

Home: I have given some thought to scouting out a place for us in Vale. Perhaps it wouldn't be the worst thing to float the idea past her before settling on anything. (3)

White Fang: We've recently finished a somewhat complicated operation for the benefit of the White Fang and I'm the new leader. I'm sure that has to draw some complicated emotions for her. (0)

Family: One of the bigger stressors in her life and we'll have to deal with them to some degree during our break. I could see if she has any plans for how to deal with that. (0)

Obstacles: From my leadership of the White Fang, work, home, and her status as a Schnee; perhaps a frank discussion on how to deal with the impediments of our relationship is in order. (0)

I shake my head a little which naturally means I rub against Weiss' skin. I wiggle my ears however little I can and draw a tinkling giggle from her. Perhaps I should ask Blake how she got so flexible with hers so I could replicate this whenever I want. Of course, I toss that thought out of my mind in short order and I soon forget what exactly was bothering me a moment prior. Probably nothing important.

In our state of mutual stupor one of us stumbles over something on the sidewalk and we both take a tumble. Not a serious one and the otherwise embarrassing misstep is soon covered over by the intimate closeness the two of us are stuck with. We both lie next to another and we both suck in a breath as we stare into each other's eyes.

Her blue ones shutter slowly before turning half-lidded with an indulgent smile on her face. She grabs my hand and plants it on her side while making no move to get up. I lower my head as an implicit invitation, which she takes. She strokes both my ears with both of her hands. That only lasts a moment longer as she soon plants a kiss on the tip of my nose before scrunching up her face in an overly dramatic manner.

I know what she's trying to imply, but I didn't work up that much of a sweat during my fight with Penny. Much less during the rest of her outing. Still, I get the feeling that pointing that out isn't going to win me any points and it's a further reminder that she is only going to get so intimate with me right now.

Not that I have a problem with that per se. I hook an arm around her side and under her, then flip her over my shoulder while I stand up. Not exactly a romantic gesture and one that brings about the tiny beating of fists along the back of my shoulder. I endure that for a little because I find it funny, but soon enough I cave into her wishes.

I sling her from my shoulder into a more palatable princess carry. She still pouts at that, playing up her frustration, even if I know she's actually overjoyed. I heft her up a little and crane my neck downward in invitation. One that she takes as her right arm loops around my neck and the other scratches at my hair and ears.

With her somewhat supporting herself, albeit awkwardly, I'm able to show my appreciation for her efforts. Both as my feet take us to a somewhat familiar locale and my mind drifts off somewhere else. It really would be more convenient for us to have a place of our own to retreat to at the present moment. Although, I think that's a bit too heavy to bring up right now.

Instead, I shift my left arm and hand so she's somewhat reclining against it, like I'm holding her in a sling. The only reason she isn't falling forward is her arm looped around my neck which holds on even tighter.

An errant touch from me causes her to jump and shake, almost falling out of my grasp before she processes what exactly just happened. An absolutely radiant blush overtakes her features and she shifts around, not exactly sure how to retaliate and being in no position to do so even if she wanted to. Something she seems to realize as she starts breathing heavily and closes her eyes. Simply consigning herself to my whims and protection.

I'll admit, that produces a heady feeling all on its own. Not like carrying her as I usually do doesn't provide that feeling to some degree, but something about this combination of actions and position makes me realize how much she trusts me. Even if she's usually pretty shameless, she does have her limits, especially for more intimate acts. Yet, I feel like I could get away with anything with her at the present moment.

Not that I do so. Instead my free hand drifts to her stomach and I trace small circles around her core with light touches. That causes her to take a deep breath first as if preparing for something bolder from me before settling into a pleasant hum. She tries to return the favor by rubbing at my ears and hair, but the position makes it pretty awkward for her to get a good angle. Eventually she settles into singing, just quiet enough that her voice only carries a little past our personal space.

I luxuriate in that moment as much as I can. There is more that each of us can do to show our affection more explicitly, but it isn't necessary in the slightest. I know exactly how she feels and I also know how much she's trying to comfort me in her own way. Even if she's easily distracted from her goal.

However, I simply let her have this victory as I allow myself to relax to her singing her own song. Perhaps not the best for my image, but I don't care. Come what may from this, I know I love her just as much as I know she loves me and vice versa.

After a few songs she comes to some sort of determination and with a half-open eye, asks, "Feeling better?"

"With you, always," I quip back. She swats a hand half-heartedly against my chest before suddenly realizing that puts her in a precarious position. She rocks heavily as her left arm clutches at my neck. Despite the discomfort I lean forward just to make her job that little bit harder.

"Ochre," she cries out as she finally loses the struggle in keeping herself upright. She spills out on the ground and rolls over to her front in order to jump up and voice her frustration with me. "What was that for," she grinds out in a manner far more irritated than anything else.

"Physical assault," I state flatly. My girlfriend just looks at me like I've lost my mind until I crack and let out a small chuckle of my own. Then she rolls her eyes, crosses her arms, and practically tuts at my childishness. Of course that can't go unanswered.

I step into her space and press her lightly against the wall of a business. One that is temporarily shuttered due to the celebration. However, I don't escalate the physicality. Instead I drift my hands to her side, practically tickling her with the feather light touches.

She's far too ticklish for me to actually tickle her, she'd never be able to control herself and would only get madder at me. Keeping things like this still generates the result I want as her icy facade crumbles under subsequent giggles and she loses her footing.

I catch her, hold her close, and whisper, "Thank you, Weiss. I needed this." I don't make any move to apologize for my actions because I'm not truly repentant, but it seems my words rob her of all her anger.

"Y-yes, well, that was the point of all this. I'm just glad I could be of service," she returns in her usual overly-haughty voice for our dynamic. I know there's definitely more on her mind which just makes the joy of stabbing at her prideful demeanor all the more so.

I hum in facetious agreement, "Mhm, and I'm sure that was the only service you had in mind for tonight."

"Y-yes, well, even if it wasn't I don't see you complaining."

"I haven't exactly seen what you have in mind yet," I retort and she fumes. I know she could produce an actual response if she wanted to. She's just a little too flustered to do so; it will be a shame once she gets more comfortable with the new dynamic of our relationship. Either way, I decide to give her a small break. "I have a surprise for you."

Just as the words leave my lips I discern that's perhaps not the best thing to say at this immediate moment. All consideration for serious talk leaves Weiss' mind as she swallows thickly. "You do?"

Of course that's not what I actually meant, but she is exceedingly cute as she tries to parse through her minimal experiences thus far to what I could possibly be referring to. Although, said cuteness pales in comparison to the heavy blush that dominates her features as her mind settles on something. It makes me wonder what exactly is on her mind right now. Oh well, not like I think she's going to find my topic any less delightful.

"Okay, not really a surprise, more of an idea I thought you'd like." Her disappointment is palpable and I simply bull on. "I…well, to put it simply; I've been thinking about maybe looking around Vale for a place to stay. Nothing permanent-" I try to tack on.

"Where," is Weiss' immediate interruption. One that leaves me without words and she evidently picks up on what that means. "Okay, I mean, we can look for a place together. When we have the time I mean…if that's alright with you?"

"I wouldn't be suggesting it if I wasn't," I lie.

She nods rapidly and, perhaps not entirely unaware of my discomfort, wraps me in a gentle hug. Then she freezes for a moment before pulling back a little to give me a kiss. I suppose that's supposed to be a sign of how much that concession means to her. That I'm willing to give ground on my own issues somehow means that she has to do so as well.

"This isn't a competition," I bark out, trying to get that contrary sentiment across.

"Because I'd win," she replies cheekily before darting in for another kiss.

"And here I thought you'd be more interested in discussing details."

"Ochre," she groans. "We'll have all summer to look over ideas and places. What's more important is what this means for- for us," she stutters. That makes me think she was going to say something else before deciding to make it more general. Whether to lump me into that meaningfulness or Blake.

"It's just a place-" She interrupts me with another kiss, this one somehow angry before replacing her lips with a finger.

"Hush. This isn't some place, domicile, or temporary residence. This is going to be a home. Our home. Am I understood?" She puts up a brave face for a moment more before realizing that may be pushing things too far. Not that she backtracks on her position. She's too proud to do so, but it leaves me in an odd position.

I can't hate her for her enthusiasm. A part of me always knew she was going to react like this. I guess I sort of hoped that she'd be a bit more reasonable, or at least understanding of my issues. Although, it's not like she isn't with the latter; I suppose she just took my venture as me being more certain of the idea than I actually am.

Actually, when was the last time I brought any idea in front of her that I wasn't entirely certain on? Was it when I asked her for advice last semester? Maybe there was something else, but it's hardly like I haven't shown her my more confident side rather than my vulnerable one. Something to dwell on later I suppose.

"I'll try," I venture as a promise; my words far from certain and my tone more shaky than I'd like, but the sentiment is true enough.

"Good," she lets out with a deflationary exhale. Evidently her relief is a palpable thing as she shrinks with the breath and adopts a more conciliatory expression. She rubs along my back, "I'm sorry." She pauses for a moment, "I know it's a big deal for you. It's a big deal for me too; it's just," another pause, "I love you."

With that she nuzzles against my chest once again. The mismatch in our values is a small thing to deal with after those three little words.

I weave my fingers through her hair, "I love you too…I don't think I'd be considering this if it wasn't for you. It's just-"

She grabs my hand, "I know…I know," she repeats in a more meaningful tone. She closes her eyes and brings my hand up to her face. Evidently feeling like nothing more has to be said. That her tone and actions alone convey all she needs to.

I can't say that she's wrong. Or that I'm all that opposed. It still feels like we're leaving things terribly unvoiced. I suppose the atmosphere just isn't there for us to get into a heavy conversation about my apprehension. Even if this is technically one less obstacle for us to deal with, I doubt my hesitation does much to engender good feelings in her.

Although, the fact that I'm willing to put up with that discomfort for, what she perceives to be, her benefit speaks more than anything else I feel. I suppose I'll have to make good on that implicit promise which causes a twist in my gut despite everything. For as small as the sacrifice might be in reality it still feels like so much more than that at the moment.

There isn't much room for a serious conversation to spring forth after that. I'm not even sure if I would want to delve into the obvious topic at the moment. However, the decision is taken out of my hands by Weiss pulling me into an impromptu make-out session.

Evidently she's still riding the high from my shaky plans and promise. Enough to overcome her usual discomfort. I try not to think what other reasons she may have for being so insistent and fall into her flow instead.

Said flow takes us to an increasingly familiar hotel and our room for the night. Serious thoughts bounce around in my mind as there is a topic left unaddressed.They don't last for long as I'm already pretty tired as is. More emotionally than anything else, but I can't work up the necessary energy to delve into the heavy topic tonight. There's always the morning and I should enjoy my time as much as I can.

Come morning I find that I've slept more than I usually do. My alarm failed to go off whether accidentally or deliberately. Given that I also find Weiss curled up on top of me I have the inclination that it's the latter instead of the former.

"Morning," she mewls and wraps her arms tightly around me. At the same time she digs herself deeper against me. Practically trying to meld her body to my frame.

"You know, I have to get up at some point," I throw out with a light yawn. I'm pretty sure I know why she's acting like this, but her response should allow me to be sure.

She hums in the affirmative and rubs her head against me some more. I give into her implicit demand and start running my fingers through her hair. A bit messier than it usually is, but…well, that's kind of my fault to begin with. Still, she doesn't offer a response which is answer enough on its own.

I enjoy the morning moments as much as I can. Even as a heavy air descends from the unaddressed topic. There's a certain level of desperation coming from Weiss. As if she simply holds out long enough that I'll give up on my plans.

I suppose she figures that I won't bring her along and she has no desire to see me put myself at risk. I have the feeling that there's something deeper to that as well, but can't quite place it. It's hardly the first time we'd be separated, but it feels like it's bigger than that. Especially in her mind.

"Weiss," I utter as I jostle her. Again she refuses to actually respond, instead she stretches deliberately against me.

"I know," she snaps. Then she huffs and wraps her legs around me as if that would make me forget everything. I open my mouth to talk and she places a hand over my mouth while butting her head against my chest. "Please," she pleads.

I pull her hand away and she limply follows. The lack of energy is more than a little concerning. The best I can describe it, it's as if she's already resigned herself to a certain series of events. She clearly doesn't like what she thinks is going to happen, yet she isn't making a move to convince me away from this course of action. She probably thinks she couldn't do that, but I'm not so sure.

I still think I'm doing the right thing, but our closeness and the heaviness presents a weakness. I'm sure it would be an argument of sorts between us, but she has a chance and she isn't taking it. Although, I think the two of us getting into a genuine argument would be even worse for her state of mind.

As I think that, there's a certain comparison that comes to mind. Even if Jacques wasn't entirely genuine in his affection for her mother, the concrete break away point was when he was too consumed with work to attend to family matters. I suppose in that light the similarity is rather large for her. She's been building up this summer break as a time for us to truly relax and the first thing I plan on doing is to run away to attend to work. Even if it is excusable, the fact that there are instances where I have to attend to work over our personal plans is inextricably planted in her mind now.

On a logical level she knows how important this project is for me and how necessary it is. That's why she isn't bringing up any complaints or anything to convince me to the contrary. Emotionally it's another matter entirely. She doesn't think there's any one thing in this world that would tear us apart. However, if there is one thing that has the possibility to it's my obligations to my home and our work.

The interests of my home and our organizations don't always align. In fact, I'd say they're in competition to a pretty hefty degree with the image of the SDC under Jacques and the radicalization of the faunus. Not to say that either of us aren't dealing with that as best we can. Just that our ambitions seem to be the only point where she thinks we'd fall apart.

With all that in mind, I let her hand fall to the side and wrap her in a hug. "A few hours longer won't hurt," I whisper in her ear and she nods slowly. Neither of us are quite happy with the compromise, but it's what I can offer.

"I could-" she starts before shaking her head and accepting the answer. I think she was going to offer to accompany me before thinking better of it. On the one hand, having another capable fighter wouldn't be the worst thing. On the other hand, I don't want her at risk, as hypocritical as that might be.

As for more practical considerations, bringing her along would surely incense some members of the White Fang. Perhaps that's what I want, but if I have to deal with enemies and traitors from within while otherwise occupied that might not be the best combination. Furthermore, there's a certain…image to worry about with bringing her along. One that could be both positive and negative I suppose.

Bringing a Schnee would be a breach of trust to some faunus, but it could also show the sincerity of bridging the gap between humans and faunus. At least the SDC and faunus. That's a bit complicated to consider with my plans in Atlas, which is a point against it. I also think I could use her and I's presence to bring in even more extremists and enemies to combat, but that's hardly a palatable thought when it would be putting my girlfriends at risk.

I guess I'll have to resolve this here and now instead of waffling on it further. The rest of my considerations can be a bit more last minute, but leaving Weiss in a lurch while I deliberate isn't something I can abide by. I either have to let the door be shut or bring her in now.

Invite: As much as I have against it, I can't say that certain personal concerns are getting in the way. Perhaps I could use her presence to my benefit anyway. (2)

Decline: I don't have to say anything. She knows just as well as I do how bad this idea could go. I just have to give her what support I can before attending to my business. (0)

"I," I start suddenly before shutting up and wetting my lips. Weiss shudders in my grasp and I can't tear my mind off of a stupid idea…Heavens above, I'm really going to go through with this aren't I? "If you want to…I wouldn't mind."

I can't even get the full offer out, but that doesn't stop Weiss from recoiling away with shock. She stares at me with wide eyes, as if asking herself if she heard me correctly. I can't help my expression entirely, one more filled with resignation and concern rather than anything else. We lock eyes for a moment and she knows I'm lying. She also knows that I know that she knows I'm lying, but neither of us say anything.

I've made the offer and it must seem like glass. Any comment thrown one way or the other could break it. I'm honestly unsure if that's accurate or not. I know I'm too prideful and committed to back down now without some sort of response from her. Something that I could spin in my favor to disincline her from this sort of action.

Of course, no such response comes. The only thing I receive is a small nod and a tight hug.

My thoughts turn into how big of a mess this could spiral into. With both of my girlfriends coming I know Ruby and Yang would want to swing by to keep them safe. If I allow that then the rest of my team would want to join in as well. And then there's the mess of who they'd tell and if they'd want to join in. All a mess to consider later; far too many moving parts for what should be a relaxing moment.

I let the thoughts drift from my head and Weiss whispers, "I'm not going anywhere," in my ear. It takes far too much willpower not to bristle at her words. She means them to be reassuring, but my thoughts can only turn to how this could go wrong.

Unlike with Blake, her very presence would invite enemies from within my ranks. It makes it all too tempting to wind down the scope of the operation. I only avoid doing so because I know my thinking is compromised; well, that and Weiss' position makes it an impossibility for me to reach my scroll and redraft my plans.

The only thing I can do is drift my attention to my girlfriend, which is exactly what she wants. A part of me wants to get back at her for this trickery. That's soon shouted down by the rest of me that notes her pain from earlier. This isn't any easier for her than it is for me, but it seems like I've diminished one of her fears; let's see if I can do another.

"Hey, now that the tournament is over, I think I can make some time for you to eat up." My words are simple, but Weiss' whole body perks up in response. Perhaps it's a bit crass to make the offer so immediately after our turmoil from earlier, but it's not like this wasn't my plan from before that mess. If anything she's made it messier and I should be commended for sticking to my self-made schedule.

"Are you sure," she asks cautiously. I bite back a laugh from her asking so shyly. Especially just after bullying me into having her assist me in Mistral. Well, it's not entirely accurate, but that's more or less what happened and I'm sticking with it.

I shake my head slightly, cup her hand into my own, and pull her into a kiss. "It would be my pleasure to make music with you…" I trail off and then shoot her a wink after a couple of seconds pass.

It takes her a moment to process the statement before burying her head against me and pounding her fists against my chest. Hard enough to actually put a dent in my aura, which perhaps means I took the joke a little too far. I let her vent her frustrations for a moment longer before locking her up. Upon which she starts to struggle and she eventually relaxes. With that the heavy emotional air is soon forgotten.
S2 Week 18 (Part 5)
With a rather late start to the day, I meet up with the press related side of the White Fang. They've been busy managing my announcement as both High-Leader and Chief Diplomat. The latter requires much more explanation than the former and also has to be managed alongside our collaboration with Vale and their announcements.

Most of my personal announcements were actually made before I won the tournament. Now they're taking on another level of popularity as well as any subsequent statements being swept up by the news cycle in the midst of this massive change.

All of our efforts are managed by the recently promoted Misty and Charlotte to a degree. She keeps mainly to her own projects, but apparently this was too big for her to not jump in on to some degree. Not that she spoiled the surprise or anything, and in fact she waited until after my meeting with her to really venture anything that would raise suspicions.

Similarly, despite the bureaucratic apparatus, the council was able to keep this largely under wraps as well. It's simply too big to have gone unnoticed entirely, but I think the announcement caught the common man by surprise.

I mean, how could it not? They might expect things to move fast, unrealistically so at times, but as a relative unknown until a few months ago, my sudden rise and that of my home has to catch them unawares. I'm sure there are more than a few people who'd say they expected all this, but they aren't my focus for today.

…Okay, that may be inaccurate. While riding off the wave of my popularity and Vytal victory, we've set up a press conference of sorts. While most people involved are going to be journalists representing various outlets, I also have some of my men in the crowd to field questions from the public. Pre-screened to a degree, but I figure this is the best way I can interact with the common man short of some sort of event deliberately set-up to cater to them.

Despite that preparation, it appears it might not be wholly necessary. It turns out that not only reporters are lined up to hear me speak. I don't even have a speech or anything planned that's all that special. A few lines to reiterate my status as High-Leader and explain my position as Chief Diplomat, but nothing major.

Regardless, I steel myself for the additional attention and plaster on a dignified expression. My time with Weiss at least doing me good in ridding myself of unwanted emotions. Even if it came with problems of their own. At least those aren't related to my home or my position directly and so I can put them out of my mind.

After a short introduction and reiteration of my media campaign, we move onto questions. I point to one of the crowd at random, "Are you disappointed by not being able to fight Pyrrha Nikos in the finals?"

I keep my expression still. Of course the thing people would be interested in first and foremost is the tournament. Not the moon-shattering news of another Kingdom. One already hooked up to the CCTS after decades of neglect no less. No, no, that's clearly less important.

"I think I speak for everyone that it is a tragedy we could not show off our match to the rest of the world. However, I have no doubt that she and I will face each other again during our spars at Beacon. The stakes may not be as high, but I'm certain our performance will reflect our abilities despite the lack of a world stage. I'm certainly looking forward to a rematch at any rate."

The crowd erupts into yells as everyone fights to ensure their question is heard. I get the feeling that despite my answer I've only invited more questions about the tournament. I should have just shut the reporter down hard instead of playing ball with him. Whatever, lessons for later.

I point to another reporter, "Do you believe the Pyrrha Nikos match was in any way rigged or biased?"

Again, I fight back any greater reaction. I make a show of thinking over the matter before politely replying, "Rigged, not at all; biased, perhaps, but not in the way you think. Knowing both of the girls as I do the match was very heavily slanted against Penny.

I'm afraid I can't go into too many details at the present moment, but I firmly believe that nine times out of ten Penny loses that fight. The fact that she didn't in this instance is proven by the footage we see; I'm sure you can analyze that to find out why things turned out as they did."

If anything, my match against Lime was more biased than Penny and Pyrrha's match. Poor guy couldn't even get into the groove of things with how much I shut him down. But of course, no one cares about the guy from Vacuo and his poor showing. Never mind that he's one of the few people to get a good hit on me. Although, maybe Penny's poor showing against me has more to do with that than anything else.

"But what about-" she starts and I ignore her. This time I bring my attention to one of our plants who can hopefully get this back on track.

"Are you confident that you'll be able to execute your responsibilities as the leader of the White Fang while still attending Beacon?"

I rock back a little to give the appearance of thought, "Truthfully, I considered leaving Beacon altogether in order to focus my attention on the White Fang. It is with great pleasure that I can announce that I'm not going to abandon my schooling.

As I've aptly demonstrated these past few months, I'm more than capable of handling our operations and my schoolwork and apprehending world criminals and now winning the Vytal Tournament. If that doesn't speak to my qualifications and ability to juggle my workload I don't know what will."

Now to see if the other journalists got the hint; I point to another, "What is your exact relationship with Penny Polendina?"

Or they could remain thick-headed. I can't restrain a sigh this time, though I chide myself internally. "She's a friend and she's also dating someone who I consider my little sister. Next question."

It's clear the announcement of a little sister isn't exactly what people were expecting, but I ignore the clamoring. What even brought that question on in the first place? Penny's words from before our fight? Why would people read into that so much? Is there really that much concern in the tournament being rigged somehow?

If so, I think the tournament officials are much better to ask than me. No, they're probably just trying to get soundbites to use against me to ride my popularity more than anything else. Still, I'm making a mental list of what journalists and outlets to blacklist from our efforts in the future.

"Next question," I state again, bringing silence to the room. I point to another one of my men, but this one fields questions from the public so they can have a say. With that in mind, I prepare myself for something rather personal.

"Is it true that you're trying to become the leader of Menagerie and make the White Fang its official military?"

I'm entirely silent for a moment. "I'm sorry, but could you repeat the question?" He does and my nascent headache only grows more so.

I can't even be mad at the man reading it off. It's not like it's his words he's spewing. However, that doesn't explain how that question made its way through our screening process. Perhaps my men simply thought it'd be something I could dismiss out of hand rather than a legitimate possibility in my mind.

In fact, now that I think about it, the only person I told about that was Yang. At least I think so. Did she submit the question? That doesn't seem like her at all. Even if she wanted to mess with me she'd do so more personally.

Rather, the simplest explanation has to be brought forth. Some conspiracy nut got it in his head that it was my plan and not just an idle consideration. In that sense it really doesn't matter how I answer; he'll believe whatever he wants. However, now that it's been brought up I have to provide a response.

"I'm afraid that the question is horribly misplaced. Ghira Belladonna is the current chieftain and with our movement towards becoming a Kingdom, the solitary executive position is going to be replaced by a council. It's possible that I may take a position within such, but to call me the leader of Menagerie at any point in the process would be a gross overstatement.

Furthermore, the White Fang is a worldwide organization, not beholden to the whims of Menagerie. In fact, only a minority of our members are Menagerian like myself. To suggest that they would operate as an army for any one Kingdom in particular proves a level of ignorance that I can't hope to address at the moment. Needless to say, the answer to that particular question is a negative, but thank you for the thought experiment."

Without a single thought I direct my attention to another journalist, "You said Ghira Belladonna, correct?" I nod. "Does he bear any relation to Blake Belladonna? The same Blake Belladonna that you're dating?"

I'm pretty sure this was already answered in some of our statements earlier this week. I guess he's trying to catch me out with an unflattering comparison. It doesn't escape my notice entirely that her position as my second in command would be easy to find out. Really that's its own headache, but there's very little I can do about that now.

"Yes, he's her father," I answer succinctly. There aren't many other answers I can give or expound upon without drawing this into a lengthy discussion or making myself look bad. Just another matter to add to the pile.

The reporter pulls a face at my technical answer, but I'm already moving onto the next one, "Do you believe that the previous High-Leader, Sienna Khan, was incompetent?"

To a degree, but I can't say that. She tried her best, but she simply navigated us to a field she was inexperienced in. Hoping her earlier competence would somehow carry over.

"Sienna is an admirable woman who has done her best to work in the interests of the faunus. I have my problems with her methods as I've outlined before. However, as I said, she's worked in the interests of the faunus which includes the recent transfer of power. I'm just glad that I could convince her of my methods and capabilities."

Before she can make a stink of how I didn't actually answer her question, I point to another of our men who reads out questions from the public. "Is it true that Headmaster Ozpin has taken you on as an apprentice?"

I die a little inside. I'm pretty sure that's public information at this point, but the redundant answer helps pivot us away from the sticky situation even if it's to more personal waters.

"He has. I can credit my win at Vytal partially due to his tutelage and that of Bartholomew Oobleck. Both have been wonderful mentors to me and I hope to continue learning under both men." The crowd roars in questions again; this is going to be a long day isn't it?

Events are brought to a close and I'm left more frustrated than anything else. Despite not even lasting a full hour so many questions were focused on personal concerns or my thoughts on the Tournament. Disturbingly little were in regards to the monumental changes occurring and my place in them. Not to say they were entirely absent or my goals weren't accomplished. I guess I was expecting better from professionals and the common man alike.

My disappointment aside, I still have more to attend to for this week. I send a message to Blake for the both of us to prepare for a rather long investigative session. The relative lack of activity for this week gives us both the time to address our concerns in Vacuo before our affairs in Mistral are to begin. I have to make my way to Beacon on an airship and while I do so my mind drifts to another topic I have to take care of.

My plans in Mistral are slowly taking shape over the course of this week. While I have time to conduct further preparations, it's best if I take care of them as much as I can. Foremost on that list is the part I have the least hand in, though I can influence to a heavy degree; how widespread I want news of my arrival to be.

That's really a question of what and how many enemies I want to deal with. Making this a purely internal matter would mean only cleaning house of the bad elements of the White Fang. With the opportunity to take a swing at a Schnee I don't think many of the extremists will be able to hold themselves back if I give them the opportunity to organize.

I suppose that's true to a degree regardless of what I choose. However, I know that even if there are extremists who would love to see me or Weiss suffer for their own aims, that some of them are capable of putting aside their desires if there's an outside threat. Maybe my display would convince them that I'm worthy of following regardless or that there's no point to standing against me. Whether that's necessarily likely or a good thing is another matter entirely.

At the very least, keeping this an internal matter allows me to manage the threat level rather well. For the most part the White Fang doesn't have access to incredibly skilled combatants. It was kind of unnecessary while under Ghira, we only needed people capable of keeping off the grimm and the occasional harassment of extremists. Something that led to no shortage of complaints and militarization of the White Fang, though mostly self-taught rather than under a formal education.

That isn't to say that we don't have contacts with or didn't contract Huntsmen; that's kind of a necessity for life in Remnant, but permanent members on that level are remarkably rare. Disturbingly so now that I look at the numbers.

I'm not sure why exactly that's the case. On one hand, there's the professional difficulty of remaining affiliated with the White Fang after our turn towards violence. Atlas and Vale were particularly quick to suspend the licenses of Huntsmen with connections towards any violence on the part of the movement which provided a chilling effect. However, the low numbers still extend into Mistral.

That could be because it would paint a target on the Huntsmen's back for being so closely aligned. Both by the authorities and other criminal groups. On top of threatening their livelihood and likely paying less because of the on-demand nature of Huntsmen services. The occasional job is easy enough to justify, but permanent positions less so. Most Mistrali crime families don't even keep Huntsmen on as permanent enforcers.

This is partly because of the cost involved, but also the fact that keeping a hold of such useful and powerful members of society is heavily discouraged in Mistral. Too likely for the elite to think that you're planning a coup. Plus Huntsmen are better off fighting grimm than other people, so preventing them from doing so too much brings about accusations of deliberately weakening the defenses of the Kingdom.

Still, that's a long road to saying that it appears our number of contacts and Huntsmen willing to help us seems distressingly low; upwards of twenty by my rough estimation. The factors are further muddied by Lionheart's traitorous nature. If I recall correctly, he was implicated in the disappearance of Huntsmen in one way or another. I'm unsure how exactly since I never looked over the data myself. No real point to now I suppose.

Either way, the ones on our contact list are rather new or, well, underperformers as it seems. Only a handful of graduates with most of these 'Huntsmen' being people who passed the competency exams. A few of them make up the sub-leaders under Sienna and while they could prove troublesome, I don't think they're more skilled than my friends. After all, Adam had his lofty position primarily because of his combat capabilities. Needless to say, after my performance at the Tournament I don't think they're a threat.

A few could give me a bit more of a work-out, especially if they work together. However, my access to higher quality Dust once again renders them much less of a threat. Plus I'm pretty sure these people aren't that versed in working together due to the disparate and independent nature of the cells in Mistral.

The same can be extended, but not necessarily applied to our theoretical opponents. Humans in Mistral have enjoyed a much greater degree of prosperity in the past. In addition to this, the elite in particular have reason to believe that I'm a disruptive force with the stances I've taken. I doubt all extremist groups we could attract would have such connections, but the wider the net we cast the more likely we are to attract such big fish.

I don't know if they would splurge to give themselves the advantage in Dust. Not even Atlas usually springs for a grade higher than I use, except for specific circumstances and emergencies. It's often better put to use for industrial and research purposes rather than stuck on the end of a weapon. Although, as Vel can attest, there are people who use it and ways to acquire it. Just that I think it would require whoever is splurging on the expense to be really desperate to take me out.

Of course, the relatively short notice I'm giving will prevent too many strong assets being relocated to deal with me. There's also the fact that the more groups involved the more they'll get in the way of each other. Even if they have the same overall goal in mind, they won't have too much time to communicate with another. Furthermore I have a few other ways to level the playing field.

I could bring in my team and friends, call in more Huntsmen from Oz and Qrow's trusted contacts, maybe even reach out to James to request some support. I'm unsure if I want to go that far; this is supposed to reinforce my position, not undermine it by needing help to defend ourselves. I suppose I could call in a favor from Raven; especially if I go for something more ambitious, but that's a matter to entertain another time.

Back to my initial thought, I have to figure out how much I want to cast out my net. First is to keep it an internal matter as I deliberated earlier. That shouldn't be too troublesome, but doesn't do much to deflate tensions in Mistral and if anything leaves us weaker. Not exactly a popular look even if it secures my position. Still, it's more palatable than not in my mind in how it would keep Weiss and Blake relatively safe.

Alternatively, I could let the information leak out through certain agents and to certain groups. By managing the timing and other variables I could keep the info to only being really usable by groups in Mistral proper. Even then, not all of them would bite because they have their own affairs or don't really care about eliminating me.

It would also prevent them from shifting their plans for the post-Vytal bloodletting that's to come. That should be manageable enough in my mind, even if the potential backstabbing from extremist elements at the same time makes that a bit more tenuous.

To go a little bit further I could manage the spread a bit further, mainly to the outlying settlements and nearby cities of Mistral. Groups from Windpath, Kuchinashi, Sirocco, and Gregale should be able to respond in some limited capacity by my estimation. Probably not with too many assets unless incentivized by various elites, but Kuchinashi and Windpath are also criminal hotspots even by Mistrali standards. They likely have access to stronger combatants by sheer dint of fact that they are the de-facto authorities for the most part.

I'm left with too little information to truly estimate their strength, but I wouldn't be surprised to have to deal with Huntsmen who have a few years under their belt or the rough equivalent. It may be a bit of an overestimation of my abilities, but I think I'd be on par with or slightly below what I expect to be the best assets they could spare.

Without further preparation, that's already perhaps a bit too risky. Still, I could go even further and essentially just let the information spill out entirely, but avoid making a public announcement. That should still give them too little time to pivot their truly dangerous assets. However, I'm all but certain that it would lead to an increase of foes to deal with. There would simply be more groups aware of the issue and can range out from further afield from those truly motivated.

Finally, is an arguable step back; making a public declaration. That seems a bit counterintuitive as the outright challenge would incense more extreme groups to send stronger assets that they can spare. However, that's the crux of the issue, what they can spare.

Even if nearly everyone is aware of the information, that's different from knowing for certain that your enemy has that information. I'm sure that the criminals in Mistral can predict how particular groups will react to the information of my arrival. However without knowing for certain that they have that information, they need certain contingencies in place. Even if everyone is certain that the extremists will come from the battle unbloodied it would still leave them vulnerable at a critical time which would be unacceptable.

I can't know for certain, but I suspect we'll deal with smaller numbers and more skilled individuals. Which, now that I think about it, probably isn't the best of ideas. Despite my performance, I doubt that I'll have the skills to keep up entirely. Then there's the fact Blake and Weiss just aren't up to the same skill level and are rather obvious targets. I almost want to dismiss this option entirely for that alone. However, I can recognize that success here would do much to flip the entire state of Mistral, for better or for worse.

Challenge: If I'm planning on making a statement I might as well make a bold one. I suspect this would be less numerous than my other extreme option. However, the skill of the opponents I could face is most likely going to be too much for me, even with the short notice I'm giving them. (2)

Leaked (Moderate): I could expand the scope of my ambitions a little and entice further criminal and extremists groups with the knowledge of my arrival. Although, the suspected resistance would be a challenge to overcome. (2)

Leaked (Light): Making a show of force has to be carefully considered and I can ensure to a reasonable degree that only the groups in Mistral proper are able to react with any modicum of organization. (1)

Internal: I could keep this an entirely internal affair with the correct orders and information. Maybe not enough to deal with the extremists entirely, but with Weiss' presence I think I'll deal with more of them than not. (0)

Leaked (Heavy): I could go even further and essentially let the whole of Mistral know about my imminent arrival. With enough time to organize themselves slightly. (0)

Challenge: If I'm planning on making a statement I might as well make a bold one. I suspect this would be less numerous than my other extreme option. However, the skill of the opponents I could face is most likely going to be too much for me, even with the short notice I'm giving them. (3)

Leaked (Moderate): I could expand the scope of my ambitions a little and entice further criminal and extremists groups with the knowledge of my arrival. Although, the suspected resistance would be a challenge to overcome. (3)

AN: This tie was broken in Challenge's favor by QM fiat

It takes me a while to settle on my options. Even then they feel far riskier than I should venture. I know that's my protectiveness speaking. I'm…not really sure what I would do if Blake or Weiss got hurt because of me. This was a lot easier when I didn't have to worry about them. Or really anyone other than myself, Dad, and Menagerie. Hell, this doesn't even really impact Menagerie so much?

When the hell did I become so selfless? Bitter thoughts spin around my time at Beacon and my girlfriends in particular until the airship docks at Beacon. I…I should probably talk to both of them about this at some point. I know it's hypocritical for me to be fine with putting myself in danger but reacting like this with them.

Whatever. I send out my orders and dismiss the matter from my mind with plenty of effort. I'll have to manage my preparations one way or another, but for now Blake and I have to look into the oddities in Vacuo.

We start with an earlier oddity in the form of the sudden anti-foreigner coalition. Something about it still doesn't sit entirely right with me. Although, I don't think looking into the matter is going to be all that troublesome. With our men in the area and Timber delivering a report on the politics of the area I think all that's left is to just go over the reports; I'm sure I'll stumble over what I missed previously and maybe something more.

Investigation Check: Rank: 4.82 +1(previous success)=5.82 vs Challenge 4

Final Modifier: +45

Politics Check: Auto-success; Source: Timber

Dice: 1d100+45

71 + 45 = 116

We start with the simple approach and go over Timber's report. He spells out in great detail what he understands of the groups and politics of the area.

While they don't maintain much up to date presence with the rest of the world there are still decades to centuries of history between the groups which helps predict how they would act. Additionally, he notes how odd it is that such a coalition was founded in the first place. Not to the point that he considers it an impossibility, but with other factors at play he doubts that it's a natural formation.

Legitimate grievances are in play, and he suspects that some sort of reprisal or pushback would coalesce eventually, but the timeline is too fast by his estimation and the members of the coalitions don't make sense. Arguably all of them have suffered at the hands of foreigners, but that doesn't wash away the bad blood that exists between the various groups.

In one instance, in the Western coalition, there exists a tribe that actually assisted Mantle and Mistral in the Great War. They didn't exactly come out all that better for it, but they were able to survive the reprisals from their rivals in the aftermath. Mainly due to additional support from Mistral, particularly the Mistrali Trading Company. However, they are a part of the coalition and it appears there is less friction than there should be from their involvement.

That isn't to say that the common tribesman or settler doesn't still hold grievances against them or their other traditional rivals. Just that it seems that the leadership has somehow come to agree this is the best course of action which is already odd given Vacuan sentiments.

Leaders are an important part of any community, but Vacuans are always fickle about who they follow and why. If these leaders are doing something so unpopular with their supporters, much less possibly lowering their chances of survival, I doubt they'd remain in charge for long, particularly for the nomads. They can simply leave their leader behind and no amount of strong arming is really going to keep the group in line.

In that light it's a minor miracle that the coalition even exists, much less as fast as it did and with seeming coordination between the Eastern and Western halves despite the distances involved. Especially since communication can be pretty spotty out in parts of the desert. The more I look at it, it seems less like a group of people coming together out of mutual self-interest and more of a top-down directive. Except, that doesn't make any sense either.

Vacuans are pretty much the stereotype of people who don't listen to authority and look out for themselves. They can form tight-knit communities like anyone else, but that's not what I'm observing. Hell, from Timber's report a few of the tribes are composed of faunus ex-miners who were abandoned when the MTC and SDC pulled out of Vacuo. The fact that they would even be in the same organization as a group who assisted in their oppression, despite any shared suffering, boggles the mind.

Additionally, Timber agrees with my assessment last week that it was weird how exactly the coalition formed. Or more succinctly, that the Western have coalesced before the Eastern half despite having less motivation to do so. With that in mind as well as my previous speculation I can only assume that was deliberate.

The Western desert of Vacuo is more isolated from the rest of the world and thus easier to conceal said formation. I wouldn't have even suspected anything was amiss if I didn't have my men look into Vacuo on idle speculation. While the Eastern half is still pretty isolated, they are also more populated and have closer relations to Vale as a broad generality. Not that every tribe or settlement is on good terms with Vale or Valeans in general, but I feel like that's important. Possibly a deliberate attempt to not draw foreign attention at first, but going for it anyway?

I suppose I can't rule out Salem's involvement in this. She would have the strength to command the various leaders of these tribes to listen to her. And I suppose whatever grimm she used to communicate with Lionheart could be employed to maintain communications between the various tribes. However, it doesn't really seem like her style either. Plus, how would the nomads tow around a grimm without that raising massive red flags?

I feel like there are too many pieces that I'm missing to make sense of all this. I can rule out a natural formation almost entirely. Still possible I suppose, but very unlikely. Salem would be the next most obvious culprit and while I feel that's inaccurate I can't rule it out either.

On a hunch I direct our men to ask around about any disappearances of people with strong semblances or aura. They are able to find a few instances of such, but after some asking around it seems like those people left their tribes willingly. There's a lot of confusion on if this is actually true or not with conflicting reports. Like not everyone is on the same page somehow.

Furthermore, there are conflicting descriptions of who they left with. Either a budding group, with a few strangers, or just on their own with their friends. All of it is so sporadic that I have to assume multiple people are lying or misrepresenting what exactly happened. Either because of their views towards foreigners or out of some sort of attempt to protect their departed loved ones.

Ultimately I'm left with more questions than answers as I turn my attention to something closer to Vacuo proper. At least there I'll have more direct reports to go over. Plus my men have been established in the area for months now and have collected their own observations. More so about our operations rather than the SDC, but I'm sure there are some that I can look into. I suppose while I'm at it I can follow that lead of missing people a little bit more and see if I can identify where their supplies are coming from.

Hostile Action:

Investigation Check: Rank: 4.82 vs Challenge 4

Final Modifier: +20

Dice: 1d100+20

54 + 20 = 74

Criminology Check: Rank: 2.47 vs Challenge 4

Final Modifier: -39

Dice: 1d100-39

51 - 39 = 12

Logistical Concerns:

Investigation Check: Rank: 4.82 vs Challenge 6

Final Modifier: -30

Dice: 1d100-30

22 - 30 = -8

Almost immediately, Blake and I run into the somewhat obvious problem that Vacuo is a big place. Even with an oversized presence in the area, that's still a fraction of a fraction of the total population. The charities that we have don't exactly span the whole city, as much of a cost sink as that would be, nor do our recruiting efforts or members provide an overwhelming view of the city and its state.

This is further hampered by a lack of official reports. There is only so much my men can do and collate on their own while also attending to their responsibilities. Perhaps if we took a more authoritative role in the Kingdom or expanded our efforts more there would be more to go off of. As it is we can only parse through what our men are aware of and what they have tracked.

What that leaves us with is a collection of reports. Which, while up to our usual standard, is vastly lacking in the breadth necessary to pull out larger trends.

I quickly have to give up any hope of tracking down where, if any, supplies are being bought, stolen, or otherwise missing from that could point to any semblance of location for the kidnapped victims. I reassign our men with new orders and places to look into in case I need to delve into the topic at a later date, but there's little I can do now. Instead, I turn my attention to the local vandalism, thefts, and other trouble that has befallen the White Fang and the SDC in Vacuo.

It would be easy to assume that it's simply more of that anti-foreigner sentiment that seemingly cropped up in the outskirts as well. However, with the oddity around that I find a certain need to be thorough.

As it turns out, the actions against me and Weiss started before the suspected formation of the coalition. By almost a month in fact. That's understandable enough; after all, the actual foreigners were messing around in Vacuo long before the outskirts should have been concerned. This is slightly undermined by my men helping Vacuans and proving themselves in some capacity. It simply doesn't make sense that they would be lumped in with the SDC besides the most obvious connection that Weiss and I are dating.

However, I already knew there was little reason for the common Vacuan to do this. I have to suspect that it's a small group of relative extremists. Unfortunately, what that means exactly is difficult to pin down.

It's not like my men have any deep insight into the criminal scene in Vacuo. If anything, what criminals that do reside in the Desert Kingdom are even more insular than the average citizen. Not to the extent that they'll refuse to meet with or do business with outsiders, but there's a certain criminal culture that's wholly different from Mistral.

In Mistral, anyone can do business as long as they know the right people and pay the proper respects. You might run afoul of competitors, but there isn't any real exclusion. Vacuo, however, seems much more focused on exclusivity and trust. While groups betraying each other is commonplace in Mistral it appears that's much rarer in Vacuo.

As a consequence, there's actually a lot of trust relationships in the Vacuan criminal scene and I suppose Vacuo in general. You have to prove yourself worthy of an audience or have someone vouch for you before you can meet with anyone important or do much business. Of course, there are people who are less strict about this, but that appears to be the norm.

What this means for me is that the criminal scene is particularly opaque and what criminals we are aware of are resistant to dealing with my men. I get the feeling that if I were to show up they'd be far more open, although I would be vastly out of depth in knowledge and wouldn't know who to turn to. Furthermore, I don't have any plans to visit Vacuo at the moment and have a bad feeling about doing so besides. Not at all related to my horrible experience when I was last there.

Belatedly, I realize that my men were actually offered an in into the criminal scene which I only now realize is odd. After they proved they could survive in the desert the warriors of the group were invited to visit an underground fighting ring. How underground that actually is, is up for debate considering it's Vacuo. Either way, said fighting ring is nestled in an abandoned refinery.

Double checking the public records, it used to belong to the MTC. I have a feeling I may have mixed that up at some point. Probably explained by Weiss looking to acquire the rights to as a part of her expansion into Vacuo. In fact, that sets off further alarm bells as it brings my mind back to the initial reports which sparked this investigation.

A large uptick in reports of vandalism, both against our and SDC assets in the area, occurred directly after the inquiry was originally made. Even though it was just an idle bid for Weiss to consider her options, it seems even that was enough to spook whoever was in charge into incendiary action.

Unfortunately, even with that information, I still don't know who is responsible. I suppose I could have our men check out the area, but for now I focus on what reports I have in the immediacy.

Thanks to our efforts to shore up our defenses, there have been less incidents for us to deal with. In fact, they have almost all but stopped after we caught a pair of our would-be vandal-thieves. They didn't give up any of their comrades, almost stubbornly so, but we also really aren't able to detain them either. After their interrogation and light punishment they were turned over to what could be called the authorities in Vacuo, but I wouldn't be surprised if they were already back out on the streets,

This, frustratingly enough, leaves us with little to actually follow up on now that there's been a decline in activity against us. I suppose we could follow up on the vandals and track them to whatever friends they have. However, attacks have still commenced against Weiss and her men.

That is both easier and harder to track down and we have a few more people to watch over. Although, I'm more interested in the supposed guides that would occasionally lead her men and surveyors out in the desert. As I've noted before, some of her men have gone out on surveys and not returned. This isn't too odd because of the nature of Remnant, but some of those 'guides' have also been spotted by my men during the course of this investigation. I'm sure there are some wonderful questions we could ask them, but again that will require a few more assets in place.

That's a pretty good number of possible leads I feel. Even if some of them turn out to be dead-ends, I'm certain that I'll be able to find something. Perhaps not what I always want, but something.

With the bulk of our investigation over and the sun rising after an all-nighter, I deal with a napping Blake as I delve into what is possibly an idle curiosity. Bertilak and Carmine are the former teammates of Gillian and Jax Asturias, my suspected first victims of the kidnapping spree. Of course, I can't actually know that based on the inherent inaccuracy brought on by operating in Vacuo. It's like the very Kingdom itself and its people seek solely to frustrate me with how they make a relatively simple inquiry so much harder.

Regardless, this shouldn't be so difficult. Bertilak and Carmine are accredited Huntsmen who graduated from Shade. Even if Vacuo is an utter information black hole, Theo would still have his records on them. In that sense this is a much more relaxing departure from the previous inquiries.

Investigation Check: Rank 4.82 vs Challenge: 2/4/5

Final DC: Autopass/30/55

Dice: 1d100

37 = 37

Bertilak and Carmine are both Huntsmen in good standing as far as Vacuo and Vale are concerned. There aren't many records of them taking jobs in Mistral and almost none in Atlas which I can't fault them for entirely. Atlas is pretty hostile against independent Huntsmen, preferring to take care of problems with the army and 'incentivize' independent Huntsmen to either leave or join up.

The former of which I guess happened with Carmine. While Bertilak is a Vacuan native, Carmine is not. She in fact hails from Atlas as a part of her birth. She's an orphan and left her home behind to attend Shade of all places after graduating from combat school in Atlas. Her reasoning for why Vacuo is entirely absent and I'm baffled. From what her school records and Theo indicate she was a capable Huntress and could have attended Haven or Beacon.

Her odd choice aside, she has worked alongside Bertilak to perform jobs mainly in Vacuo and occasionally ranging out into Vale. That would imply that there's a certain level of closeness between the two of them. Even if teams usually stick together for a few years after graduating, most Huntsmen split off into solo or duo acts as they grow more capable. However, a quick look at her CCTS posts imply a different kind of relationship.

It appears that there's still a mutual respect between them, but they aren't intimate in any way. Something evidenced by a lack of affectionate language from Carmine's many many posts to various social media sites. The ones in question are apparently brought forth by an amateur hobby of photography. Just with her scroll and not with any professional equipment and the subject of her pictures puts some idea to her true intentions.

Almost all of them are of a scowling, upset, or angry Bertilak, presumably taken on their various jobs. If I had to hazard a guess, her picture taking is more to set him off or annoy him rather than a hobby she truly enjoys. The lack of any other subject matter or exploration is indicative of that at least. I take that to mean she's a more social person and the only victim she can inflict her tendencies upon is usually her partner.

Something more or less confirmed by his light CCTS record. I suppose that's not too out of the ordinary for a rough and tumble Vacuan. Could be indicative of a relatively reserved nature, a rural upbringing, or an utter disinterest. As such, most of my information about the man comes from his school records and Carmine's posts.

According to Theo's records, he and Carmine were both capable Huntsmen and continue to be for Vacuo. They often take far-ranging jobs and don't stick near the city. Typically their operating area is in the Eastern portion of Vacuo, but that's only a slight bias. I note that puts them particularly close to the coalition in the Eastern bloc, but there isn't any real indication of anti-foreigner sentiment. Maybe a bit of racism on Bertilak's part based on some of his partner's comments, but that's it.

Included in Theo's records is a note that he felt they were held back from their true potential by the dead weight of their team, Jax. Apparently the man wasn't that impressive as a Huntsman and threw a tantrum when his team was disallowed from participating in the Vytal Tournament because of his behavior. This ultimately led to him being kicked out and his sister following him. After which there's no real indication of where they ended up and the various posts from Carmine don't answer that question either.

She was a lot less active during her school years, but during that time there are a couple of now deleted posts and fragments of her complaints towards Shade's decision. Reading into it a little, it seems like her and Gillian were close enough to warrant the outrage. I'm unsure what her exact feelings are to Jax based on what I see, or Bertilak for that matter, but I don't think it's all that negative. Certainly not as bad as Theo's take on the boy.

However, that's not my intention to delve into and I try to get myself back on track. I do some more digging and discover a more ostentatious side of Carmine. She apparently has a bit of a habit about bragging about her missions and promoting her self-made nickname, 'The Rattlesnake of the Sands.' I have no clue why she thinks that's a cool name or whatever, but in her efforts of self-promotion she has left me with a handy list and timeline for her missions. Which, when put up against the dates of her pictures of Bertilak, introduces a discrepancy.

Every few months it appears that her and her partner simply, just stop doing missions for a few weeks. That isn't terribly suspicious on its own, but the pictures of Bertilak from those time periods are of a variety of places in Vacuo. It's a bit hard to tell based on how samey Vacuo looks to me, but my men assure me they are from different places and even map them out as best they can.

That gives me a rough timeline and locations that I can dig into later. Nothing about them immediately stands out to me, but the fact she isn't bragging about these adventures tells me that she has something to hide. I assume the same is for Bertilak as well, although I get the feeling I'm not going to pick up much more about him from a distant observation. He's simply not involved enough for me to generate any clues short of going through the mission board system and contacting his clients.

Speaking of which, I drop a line with Theo and find out that the two of them are between missions at the moment. I don't know if this is indicative of another one of their 'breaks,' but it does give me an interesting opportunity.

I'm already going to need Huntsmen to help me with my plans in Mistral and this gives me a good opportunity to speak to them without making it obvious that I'm interested in what they know about Gill and Jax. Of course, whatever secret they're keeping could be concerning and potentially troublesome, but that's something I could risk.

Failing that, I could contact one or both of them to try to generate a more general discussion. From what I know, Carmine would probably be more receptive about my concern for the Asturias twins. Perhaps she could give me something to help deal with the disappearances, she should certainly have the motivation to do so.

Although, I could just leave them alone. No reason to bring up old wounds . From her lack of focus on it in her posts it doesn't seem like she has any knowledge or interest in searching for friends who could be long-dead.

Recruit: I'll need all the hands I can get and this could give me the possibility to get a read on them before committing to any sort of action. Perhaps build up camaraderie and show my good intentions first-hand. (3)

Contact: I see no reason not to reach out to them to discover what they do and don't know. Perhaps it'll be a waste of time, but it shouldn't be too much of one. (0)

Ignore: There's no reason to reach out to them at the present moment. All I have are suspicions and half-formed ideas. Better to further my investigation before possibly dealing with them. (0)

I shift my sleepy girlfriend off my shoulder so she can get some rest. Afterwards I stand up and stretch out my limbs on a short walk. It's still a little too early to reach out to the duo given the time difference. It should be even earlier for them in Vacuo than it is for me in Vale.

I kill that time by finishing my walk and then taking an airship into Vale. I'll need a few days for word to spread about my visit to Mistral as well as to collect all the resources I can to bolster my trap. The more I toss it over in my mind the more I see no reason not to invite Bertilak and Carmine to assist with that.

They aren't agents of Theo or Oz, but they are competent Huntsmen. While they may be keeping a secret, there's no indication that it's harmful to me or anything more than an idle curiosity for me to look into. Plus, they aren't unwilling to do jobs in Mistral and I'm sure I can pay well. There's also the fact that it's better for chaff like them to be cut down before any of my friends or Oz's real contacts and agents. Would be a shame to lose talented Huntsmen, but I'm already risking a lot with this plan.

When my ride into town stops I feel like I've waited long enough for them to be active. Still pretty early for business calls, but then again most Huntsmen have to get up early in the field. I suppose this will be a nice change of pace for them.

Unfortunately, the only one of the two I could dig up the contact info on was Carmine, so I don't have the option to speak with Bertilak in a one on one, not yet. Just as well I suppose, I'm not digging for any information just yet and I'm sure I could arrange a moment to speak with them during our after my affairs in Mistral.

I put in the call and unlike the usual video that accompanies a call, the only thing I'm met with is a static image of Carmine. Either she's enabled her privacy settings, or more likely she's in an area of poor connection for some reason.

"Carmine Esclados speaking," comes a scratchy tinny voice from my scroll, putting more validity to my latter theory.

"The Rattlesnake of the Sands," I say in a questioning tone.

No reason not to feed into her ego a little bit. Going by her behavior and picture she's no stranger to pride, but at least she has some style. The display on my scroll shows a dark-skinned woman, heavily tanned by my estimation which makes her a better fit in Vacuo than Atlas where she's from. It makes me think she has some Vacuan in her blood, but that's a minor matter.

The picture is only of her upper body, which displays her wild auburn hair going well past the frame. There's a pair of goggles atop her head and a silver streak that drapes the front of her face across freckles around her nose and cheeks. She's wearing a chainmail crop top with blue long sleeves and just the hint of skin available in frame. Her expression is cocky as if she knows just how much she's showing off and keeping hidden.

"The one and only," she chirps happily and a bit distantly. Followed by some noise I can't discern fully as something happens on the other end. If I had to guess, very few people actually call her that and my reply prompted a response from Bertilak. "I'm guessing you need my help," she finishes with a tone that implies utter superiority.

"You could say that," I hedge and pause for a moment. "Although, the job is a little bit too big for just one person. Is that going to be a problem?"

"Not at all, I'm sure I can find a hanger-on to bring along," she laughs and another noise comes from the other end followed by rushing air and movement. "I can give you all the details if you want, but I need some of my own."

"I figured you would. You haven't exactly been at this job for a short time."

"You could say that," she returns hesitantly. "Look, I've been taken for a ride before and sorry to say it, but I'm not running a charity here."

"And I can assure you that you'll be well-compensated, but as you've said that's details and we should get down to them. You're not the only person I'm reaching out to for this job, but you are the first." I hear a pleased note from her, which I'm pretty sure is affected.

From there I go into the exact details and what I expect. It's less than what I'd feel comfortable with taking a mission for, but it seems like Carmine is a lot more confident in her and Bertilak's skills than I would be. Probably haven't run into anyone who could give them a serious run for their money. Which, honestly, isn't too surprising considering the nature of Vacuo.

"Alright, just a few of the usual stipulations, half the Lien up-front for this kind of job and we're going to go over your security and plans on our own when your little shindig comes up. Don't hold anything back or the deal's off, got it? Nothing against you honey, but you have to know how suspicious this sounds. Would do me a world of good if I knew who I was talking to."

That all seems really reasonable until I get to the end and I'm stopped utterly in my tracks. "You don't?" Apparently that's funny to Carmine as she simply laughs for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry, but there's not much I can draw from a blank picture and a random number. Probably should have introduced yourself first, huh?" It doesn't pass my notice that she's putting this on me when she could have asked at any point prior. I guess the fact she was called by her self-chosen nickname really got to her.

As for my lack of identification, I place that in short order. This is hardly my first scroll and I was never all that interested in leaving information about myself for anyone who could get their hands on my devices to use. Especially during my time running with the Fang. It was never an issue as video-call would usually display who I am rather easily and on any rare instance where that wasn't the case, whoever I was calling already knew who I was.

"Sorry, sorry, you're right," I say, adopting a contrite and innocent tone. As if I completely forgot about the possibility, which I suppose I did. "The name's Ochre Rovere. Do I need to give you more to work with or is that enough?"

She is silent for a long time on the other end. It's entirely possible I suppose for her to not know who I am, though I find it vanishingly unlikely. Maybe that's my ego talking, but I imagine there aren't too many people who haven't at least heard of me by now. At least not any who are remotely connected to the modern world. I suppose I'll need a few weeks more for the really impactful stuff like my ascension to High-Leader and Chief Diplomat to spread out, but I think it'll be harder for me to meet someone ignorant of who I am than not.

"Is this a joke," she eventually asks in a harsh tone.

"Of course not," I reply dismissively and then work through how I could convince her. "I'll send you a photo of myself as proof." She scoffs for a moment as I go through the action and then she's silent once more. I could offer to pose or something I suppose so it doesn't seem like I was a random person who had a picture of myself on hand to send. Fortunately, that proves unnecessary.

"A job's a job," she replies with a dismissiveness that feels forced to me. I can't place the reason for why, but it's as if she's suddenly stressed by the interaction rather than her previous easy-going self. "Bert and I will be there and we can hash things out more then. Buh-bye," she finishes and makes a kissing noise before ending the call.

That feels abrupt to me and a departure from her usual attitude which I can't entirely place. Not being able to see her body language inhibits me a lot in what I can pull out, but it seems at least the first part of my plan is successful.
S2 Week 18 (Part 6)
On top of my usual job with the VPD I've staked out enough time to meet with Sandy for another one of our debates. We're more even than I think we should be and since I won't be seeing any of my colleagues in the force, at least in person, over the summer, I figure I'm better off ending on a high note. Hopefully she won't take my inevitable victory too hard and she'll reflect on what I'm trying to convince her of instead. But first, I have to deal with Al and his nonsense.

I enter the station and distantly note there are less people than usual and make a beeline for Al's office. I don't really pick up the more usual work in the VPD anymore. I help provide insight with the occasional case, but I've been moved off of petty cases and there's only so much help I can provide on the more serious ones without getting dug into them myself. Honestly, I'm more of an assistant to Al at this point, though I guess that was his aim to begin with.

As I open his office door I discover that the inside is pitch-black. There's enough light spilling in from the hallway that with my eyes I can spot him slumped over his desk. Taking a nap no doubt. A bit odd from his usual behavior, but if there's any time for him to relax it would be now. Still, we have work that has to be done.

Once I step inside the lights flip on and small pops go off next to my ears. Immediately followed by a small stream of confetti, evidently from party poppers. On each side of the door is a jubilant Rouge and a stone-faced Sandy. Immediately afterwards, Cobalt flops into view from behind Al's desk with a heave. I guess he was hiding behind the thing for some time to not spoil the surprise.

Al meanwhile looks up briefly with hate-filled eyes directed at the two women. He looks at me for a moment, relaxes, and then buries himself back into his feathery arms to return to some semblance of peace. Meanwhile, my gaze swivels to the only person who could possibly be responsible, Rouge.

"What," she squawks. "Did you really think we wouldn't celebrate your victory? I know it's not anything as glamorous as your princesses could throw you, but it's the thought that counts, right?"

I don't even grace her with a response.

"Fine," she huffs, "see if I ever do anything for you again, you hear me mister!" I get the feeling her indignant tone is the same one she takes with her brother which I suppose is par for the course. At least she doesn't seem too upset by me turning her down as my assistant. If anything, I think Rufous would take it harder than her. "Now come on, we have cake in the break room. You too Alabastard."

"I could have you fired," he grouses, but does as she commands. Rouge simply laughs off his threat.

It's easy enough to discern that this get-together is more than just a celebration of my victory, though that's the ostensible excuse. The rest of the task force knows just as well as I do that we aren't really doing anything meaningful with our meetings as of recently. We'll probably be rotated to our actual jobs instead of having the responsibility while the decisions we have landed on will be worked through the rest of the force and incorporated into the bureaucracy of the VPD.

I can't say that we didn't achieve the broad objectives we set out to do. Faunus membership and cooperation with the VPD is at an all time high. While that's not really something that can be 'solved' as it were, there are better things for us to do and our previous responsibilities can be passed onto more specialized personnel.

Either way, I join my boss in directing a small amount of ire to the squirrel-tailed woman. It's funny to see how she tries to plead with me for a few moments before pouting dramatically and stalking over to Cobalt. He just stares at her oddly for a moment and then pats her shoulder with an expression full of pity. Of course that's deliberate and sets Rouge off once more, though I spot the hint of a smile on his face.

Al has his confectionery and eats quickly before crashing again, this time in the break room. He could just excuse himself, but apparently he is enjoying the moment in his own way. Even if he's pretending that he's not. That leaves me with my only real conversation partner who happens to be the person I wanted to talk with to begin with.

Sandy herself looks out of place at this sort of celebration and even more so as I approach her. Despite the small numbers and lack of anyone else I could be seeking, she still casts her gaze to the left and right just to make sure.

"Ochre," she greets and pauses. "You've been…successful," she eventually settles on.

"Heard about what happened in Ostro," I guess.

"Yes, it's…look, could we not today? I've read the reports and I know what you're going to say." Her plea is earnest, but I think she's blowing this out of proportion a little.

Even if I wanted to wave that incident in her face to prove her wrong in her beliefs, that's clearly not necessary now. Rather, I think she's taking in the facts and has come to her own conclusion. One that she isn't entirely happy with, but can't convince herself that it's a lie.

It bears some similarity to how she was certain of my villainous intentions and corruption of the VPD. Expecting a victory speech instead of an earnest attempt at debate. To be fair, I was looking forward to a victory speech, but that's because I think my ideas are superior. Not any intrinsic reason of wanting to rub her face in the matter. Regardless, I have the option on whether to press her about the matter or not.

High-Leader: A previous sticking point was the lack of accountability for the White Fang. That has arguably changed and I can see what she thinks of my new position and responsibility. (2)

Future: I have a good idea for the plans of everyone else here; either explicitly or implicitly. I don't think she has any surprises for me, but it would be a neutral topic for her to engage with. (1)

Personableness: She's not really at home in this kind of celebration, yet she's here anyway. Maybe I should press her on that. (1)

Beliefs: Unlike Cobalt, she has come to the conclusion that the Ostro police were inexcusably in the wrong. I'm sure her take is less nuanced than his, but the important part is her feelings and thoughts. (0)

Politics: she's expressed concerns over my influence with the VPD. I wonder if that extends into the realm of politics as well, and her thoughts on Finch in particular. (0)

Future won roll off.

I struggle to form the words to convey a proper response. In the end I simply nod in her direction and stand next to her as the rest of the 'party' unfolds. I'm not really sure it can be called that in anything other than the most technical sense. Al isn't participating at all while Cobalt and Rouge are more messing with each other rather than celebrating with everyone.

I suppose, despite the shared experiences and common cause everyone is too different in personality to really click. It probably doesn't help that Rouge seems to be the only one of us who wants to try and she can form some pretty strong opinions about people. I guess this is what Al meant about how they didn't mesh well together all those months ago. Plus the lack of people makes the party feel lacking; something that the distance only makes worse. Even if Rouge feels an almost impulsive need to infringe on other's space.

"Why are you still here," Sandy asks suddenly. I stare at her to divine the full extent of her question. Her expression is as firm as ever which doesn't give me much to go off of.

Her question could be parsed in multiple ways. Either referring to why I'm still at the party or the VPD. Or, more likely, why I'm still bothering with her if it seems like I'm not here to torment her with another debate.

"That's a good question isn't it," I retort sardonically and she bristles. I allow a smirk to overtake my features which does nothing to sell my good intentions. I put up my hand as a sort of request to give me time to think. "I don't think I have a good answer for you. It's not like I'm not doing anything or that my work isn't helpful. Just…I don't know, I'm not really benefiting this aside from the pay and meeting up with Al."

She snorts, pivots away from me with crossed arms adopting a defensive posture, and gruffs, "If compensation is the only thing you're after you're in the wrong line of work."

I let the comment pass over me and chuckle instead of growing indignant. "Yeah, I really should quit while I'm ahead if that's what I'm after."

This isn't the first time that I've question how committed I should be to the VPD. With the restructuring of the Faunus Relations Task Force, the scope of my influence is vastly reduced. Arguably that was already the case after we dealt with Spider and Wave. Still, I could use my ties to Frost, Flint, and Al to enact some level of change if I desired it. Although that doesn't require me to be a cop. Something else is at play even if I should reconsider this matter after the break.

I fix Sandy with a look. "I should have phrased that better. I'm not only concerned with how this job benefits me. I have more responsibilities now than just myself. A lot of changes that make it odd for me to keep this job. I have to wonder if my time is better spent on other things but…"

"But," she asks after a few seconds. Equal parts curious and hopeful.

I shake my head, "Like I said, I don't know. At some point coming into work each week just became routine. The place, the people; I guess you could say they kind of grew on me." Even if I'm not direct, Sandy isn't dense enough to not pick up on the subtext of the statement.

She actually looks puzzled as if trying to determine if she truly fits in, only to appear lost a moment later with her thoughts scattered. I let her work through it as best she can without comment. Eventually she mumbles, "Well, don't let us keep you away from your big plans."

"And don't act like you don't have any," I retort. She glares at me and I get the impression that she thinks my actions were a lot more deliberate than they have been. That I planned out a good deal of my rise rather than taking advantage of opportunities as they came to me. Of course I planned for the future, but I wouldn't say my ascension was any masterstroke on my part, though entirely earned.

"They certainly aren't as big as yours," she settles on eventually. I think that's supposed to be a joke, but it's hard to tell with her usual demeanor. Especially since she didn't do anything to make it clear in her tone or expression how I'm supposed to take that.

"Yeah, but I doubt they're any less important. I'm guessing you're sticking with the force as much as you can?"

She nods and utters with complete certainty, "All the way to Chief."

That's ambitious even by my estimation of her character. Also not all that realistic in my mind. Sandy isn't exactly the most personable person or all that willing to network with people in order to jockey for promotions. Perhaps I'm a bit pessimistic, but there are only so many upper level positions even with the glutting from corruption. I'm sure some level of politics comes into play and only grows harsher the closer you get to the top.

However, I get the feeling that she'll throw herself at the problem regardless and with her usual stubbornness. Although, given that the events in Ostro have shaken her usual resolve to some extent, maybe I'm doubting her too much. Even on the more personable side, she's willing to engage with this sort of activity. Perhaps that's indicative of her opening up a little.

We don't exactly have a supportive relationship between us, but I shrug and try my best. "I know you'll give them hell. If there was ever a time to rise up the ranks, now is it, isn't it?"

She nods firmly, "Yes. Don't think I'll be as quick about it as you, but you're proof of concept enough."

"This about my rise in the VPD or my other positions?" She rolls her eyes which tells me where her mind is, but I decide to make it explicit. "Because I don't think any of the brass are going to trust me with a station, even on paper."

Her shoulders tense up in apparent stress. "I'm talking about your rise in the White Fang," she says in a clipped manner. Not willing to expand on her position or make any other inferences about my positions.

I am slightly curious about what she thinks about my position as Chief Diplomat, if she's even aware of it. I think she is, because otherwise she wouldn't be bringing up my rise in the White Fang. The outside world isn't really all that aware of just how fast my rise is. Probably assuming that I had a position of importance in the Fang rather than a simple agent until I wound up at Beacon.

"Well, in that case, what do you have to say about it," I throw out with a cheeky smile.

Sandy frowns and stares at me, trying to put her thoughts together. Her frown only deepens and she brings a hand to her chin while looking down. I take that to mean her thoughts are complicated, but she's the kind of person who can't just say that or that she doesn't know how to feel. Too headstrong for her own good I feel.

"It's a good change," she starts. "It doesn't fix all the issues…but, you are better off in charge than Khan. It's-I trust that you'll do your best to bring your people in line."

She falls silent immediately afterwards and I feel she has more she wants to say even if her thoughts are half-formed. Something about the situation and turmoil makes it so she's less certain than usual. Not resorting to her usual hard-line stance or even saying that she'll keep an eye on me.

"I know, it doesn't exactly fix your root problem does it? The White Fang answers to me now, technically. But who do I answer to?"

She nods and tears her gaze away from me. That tells me I'm accurate and I think her issue is that she doesn't want to state that I'm untrustworthy. I've built up too much trust with my previous actions that she doesn't find my motives impure. Maybe my methods, but not my character itself; my relinquishing of control and effort with the VPD does most of the heavy lifting there.

In that light I think the problem she's unable to voice is that she thinks my control alone isn't enough. I'm just one person after all. She's fine with the VPD and Huntsmen answering to Vale and Vale answering to the people, in theory. There's a chain of culpability that should be followed in ideal circumstances. As it stands I probably appear all but untouchable at this point.

With that in mind I decide to let slip, "You know, there is something that I answer to. Always kind of did. It's even official now."

Sandy stares at me stone-faced for a few seconds before her eyes soften. She doesn't nod or make any further gesture or comment. That tells me her thoughts are still a bit too chaotic to really convey, although I'm pretty sure she takes my admission in a positive light. It probably makes my other commitments more muddy in her mind as I'd be serving Vale in the VPD and I've declared my loyalty to Menagerie.

Still, the prospect that I'd have someone to answer to does her mind good. Maybe not as much as it could since she doesn't know the inner workings of Menagerie. Which also probably isn't helped by the fact I'm dating the Chief's daughter. The transition towards a Kingdom should ameliorate that somewhat, but as it stands now Sandy doesn't have any comments to give and is a terrible conversationalist with nothing for us to focus on.

I allow myself to enjoy the last vestiges of this 'party' before it winds down and everyone reluctantly returns to work. Some are more reluctant than others, but Al knows just as well as I do that he won't be able to rely on my help for a few months. I work with him as best as I can before we call it a night.

He isn't perfectly set-up, but I can't spare him much more of my attention. Even if most of my personal responsibilities for the week have been attended to, a rather large one remains that demands all of my attention. I have a couple of days before the ambush, but all that time has to be spent putting it together.

I currently have access to a few, sub-par Huntsmen level help or the equivalent from the White Fang. This includes Sienna and Maple to a degree, though I think they might be a bit more helpful in a fight. In addition to them are my two girlfriends as well as Bertilak and Carmine, but as far as I'm aware that's the extent of who I have locked down right now.

Obviously Ruby and Yang would want to come now as well as the rest of my team. Now that I think about it, I could probably convince Tai and Qrow to come along as well. The situation is probably dangerous enough that they would want to keep the girls safe and I can use that to my advantage. Not that I think it's going to win me many points with them.

It's hard to deny that would exist to some degree as long as I bring Ruby and Yang on board. Although, I can't tell if it would be better relationship-wise to keep them in the dark. It would prevent them from knowing how dangerous the game I'm playing is. Whether that is worth the deception is another matter entirely.

Thoughts on two members of STRQ brings my mind to the third remaining member. I'll admit there's a morbid sort of curiosity to bringing together the team as much as possible. I'm sure there would be more than a few emotions from the get together. Both among the obvious members of STRQ as well as Ruby and Yang. I'm not exactly sure how they would deal with the implicit acknowledgement of Summer's absence.

Of more practical importance is that doing so would require me to burn a favor with Raven. I would have to do that if I want her help anyway. Perhaps her help and a few of her tribe members that she trusts. Of course, bringing Qrow and other agents of Oz wouldn't sit right with her; she might hold herself back in more ways than one.

I don't know if she'd be willing to use her maiden powers for me, but if Yang was there, I don't think she'll hold back too much as long as it ensures her safety and she can pretend she's just paying back a debt to me. Her worldview may be annoying at times; at least I can use it to my advantage in this case.

Even with that, numbers would be against me. Well, meaningful numbers that is. I'm sure I can outnumber my opponents with grunts, but…well, that's a poor idea with the level of estimated skill. As evidenced with the ambush against Spider, even if Oz's contacts took care of the more troublesome elements. I expect most of my opponents will be on the level of those troublesome elements and able to handle a crowd.

Naturally, I think over how to balance out that imbalance. On one hand, another heavy hitter could be useful. My mind drifts to Amber and while I consider her, I shift over to the more quantitative advantages I can employ.

Oz and Qrow have contacts with a lot of trustworthy and skilled Huntsmen. Unfortunately, this matter is a lot more slapdash than it could be so there are only so many I can reach out to at this point. The rest are either too busy on missions or with other tasks that Oz or the Kingdoms have set out for them. I imagine there are plenty ready to crack down on the fallout about to happen in Mistral as well as keep back the inevitable hordes of grimm. Especially since Lionheart is about to be out of the picture and his sabotage certainly isn't helping things.

There is a downside that I'd have to pay them, and not a small amount either. Well, I think I could get past that by leaning on Oz's reputation, but perhaps it's best not to. No reason to strain that relationship too much and the Huntsmen will need to restock on expended Dust anyway. I'd already be weakening the defense of the Kingdoms to some degree by calling them up and I should try to ensure good relations as best as I can.

With that in mind, I have a cheaper, albeit more complicated option available. Calling in James and the Atlesian military is certainly something I can do. The wisdom of doing such is highly questionable. Not only would it be a possible flame for an inter-Kingdom incident, but it wouldn't do my reputation much good. Arguably including much outside help would diminish my reputation, but with things as they are I don't think I can handle this entirely in-house as it were.

Even if I don't want to rely on Oz or James I would still have to seek outside contractors like Bertilak and Carmine. I could spend my time hunting down Huntsmen of various skills and loyalty to help bolster our numbers. Again I would have to pay them, but it is an option and not one devoid of benefits. I'll probably want to expand out to not having to rely on James or Oz to help solve my problems and building such contacts wouldn't hurt. Especially if I could find some people amenable to assisting Menagerie in the future.

Belatedly my mind turns to any other options with Ren and Nora coming to mind. There is the awkwardness of dealing with Jaune and Pyrrha right now, but perhaps this is big enough to warrant it. Maybe even enough to ask all of JNPR for help. Not as helpful as actual trained Huntsmen, but Pyrrha is no slouch either.

That thought brings me to the other Vytal finalists and other…less desirable options in my mind. I'm unsure if Lime or anyone else would like to assist, but I think getting Penny on board isn't a huge ask. Probably without the rest of her team, but it is an option. Similar to that is Sun and his team.

They're already Mistral natives so this wouldn't be out of the way for them. I don't know if it lines up with their summer plans, but for some reason I don't think Sun even has any. He'd probably jump at the chance to involve himself in some trouble. Plus, given how the rest of his team acted during their mission, I think they'd at least be willing to go along with this insanity.

Next up is Neo. Taking her out of Vale would be a violation of her probation. But, like with Merlot, as long as Oz signs off on it and we show results I don't think it'll be an issue. Whether I could convince her to come is another matter.

As a final consideration, I suppose there is Dad. He is a licensed Huntsman even if I think our skill difference isn't so great anymore. I haven't had the chance to spar with him to figure that out, and I'm not exactly enthused to put more people I care about in danger. However, I know he'd help me out without a second thought.

Contemporary QM Note: Alright; I tried to be as all-encompassing as I could be, but I'm certain there is someone I could be missing. If so feel free to put them in. Voting for a person to be involved does not guarantee their participation. They still have to be convinced and may have prior obligations going on that Ochre is unaware of. One such obligation he is aware of is that of most of the Beacon staff. Either busy assisting Oz with his plans or preparing to hold down the fort/go on missions.

Already Present:

Ochre, Blake, Weiss, Sienna, Bertilak, Carmine, WF sub-leaders



Ruby & Yang (Package deal)



Raven (Costs a favor)

Amber (Have to convince Oz/Complications with Oz)



Conspiracy Contacts (Costs a Moderate amount of WF Funds)

Independents (Costs a Small+ amount of WF funds)



Ren & Nora (Package deal)


Vytal Finalists (Specifically Lime, Paprika, and Jasper; feel free to mix and match if you want)



There are no restrictions on who to bring. We have enough funds to hire both independents and conspiracy contacts, though the combination of which would leave us at Small- treasury funds which can restrict org options in the future.
Plan 7 (2)

[No other options submitted]

Plan 7:
-Ruby & Yang (Package deal)
-Raven (Costs a favor)
-Amber (Have to convince Oz/Complications with Oz)
-Conspiracy Contacts (Costs a Moderate amount of WF Funds)
-Independents (Costs a Small+ amount of WF funds)

It takes me a while, but I'm able to manage a rough sort of plan and start putting it into action. Hiring all these Huntsmen is going to drain our accounts something fierce, especially Oz and Qrow's contacts in the area. They're each skilled Huntsmen in their own right and charge a pretty hefty fee for what's a somewhat last minute job. More so because it takes them away from other high-paying prospects.

On top of that I decide to splurge even more with less aligned Huntsmen. Their loyalty and skills are lesser. The former enough so that there are some concerns they could be double agents or something of the like.

However, even if they have nefarious thoughts on their mind, I have to imagine they have some degree of self-preservation. As long as it seems like we're set to win the fight, I think I can trust their loyalty.

It's almost the opposite of the sub-leaders in my mind. Their behavior is likely more moderated by the upcoming threat than anything else. Can't exactly betray me if they'll end up dead because of it. This subsequent show of force should bring them in line as well which does slightly ruin part of this whole ordeal.

I suspect some still won't be able to help themselves with the presence of Weiss and they could strike out at a really inopportune time. I just have to trust on the help to keep them in line I suppose.

To that end I look for more strong Huntsmen who can watch my back and have incentive to do so. That leads me naturally to Tai, Raven, and Qrow. The latter two of which make their inclusion somewhat problematic. I'll have to rely on their desire to keep Ruby and Yang safe as well as Raven's favor to keep her in line. Although, I imagine that Qrow will know that his sister is acting strangely to some degree. I know his presence alone will preclude her from using any maiden powers.

To that end I find it prudent to seek out Amber for this endeavor. Both for her power and because I know she'll distract Qrow to some degree. I suppose it will also be interesting to see how she reacts to Raven. I don't think there's any sort of recognition between maidens, but even without that I think Amber has motivation to meet with Raven to some degree.

However, just because I'm sure she'd be willing doesn't mean there aren't issues. Oz's permission is an obvious one. It might not be strictly necessary, but it would damage our relationship to not seek it out. I think I've made more than enough preparations to ensure he's at least amenable to hearing me out.

That turns out more accurate than not with my meeting with him the next day. He seems to pay particular attention to the timeline I lay out and is still cautious to a degree. Little wonder with all the potential tied up in one location and the expected resistance. If Salem were to learn of all the people involved it would make the whole assault a rather juicy target. Fortunately, even if she were interested; the only thing publicly known should be my arrival, location, and meeting date. Not the identity of all my back-up.

That seems to be enough for Oz to sign off on the endeavor. Although he falls deep into thought upon the deliverance of his decision. Either worrying about the outcome of my fight, or more likely putting to mind his own efforts against Lionheart. Both are likely to come to a head near the same time as well as serve as the spark for the animosity in Mistral.

With that concluded, all that's left is to board an airship and manage the preparations at our destination in Mistral as best as I can. We settle on a larger airship in order to accommodate all of our passengers and have plenty of room to move around. Plus it gives our arrival some much needed weight and visibility which should help ensure our targets are caught up in our trap.

Of course, the only ones who know about the nature of the trap are trusted agents. The independents and sub-leaders aren't exactly in the loop. However, it's not like I think I can fool the sub-leaders in particular.

I gave some thought to having our brawl in the throne room before having to give up on the idea. I've simply enlisted too many humans for the broader Fang to be alright with that idea. While that would serve my aims to a degree I find it too risky. Plus, I would never hear the end of it from Sienna for publicly revealing the throne room to the world.

Instead we're heading to a facsimile of it. A facility on the outskirts of Mistral, along the same path as the throne room actually, that's dressed up to look the part. It's not like anyone not versed in the Fang is going to really know the difference. And even if they did they could chalk it up to local politics or me seeking to make a change or a statement. Not bulletproof, but it should be sufficient for my purposes.

It does mean that my men are less likely to reveal themselves as traitors or extremists, but that's just something I have to deal with. It would be easier on all parties involved if they were upfront with their intentions. As it is I have to give some legitimate thought to perhaps arranging accidents for them or some other means of punishment. Sienna and Raven should be willing to enact my will in either case, but I need to consider whether to deal with them during or in the aftermath of the fight.

On the one hand, we definitely have the numerical advantage and I guess the qualitative one as well. Kind of hard not to with the number of skilled Huntsmen I'm bringing on. Lien well spent, but I can't exactly pull this off again any time soon. Either way, singling out some…troublesome members of the Fang would diminish our strength somewhat in addition to the expected traitors.

I think we could manage it, but it would bring our margins closer than I'd like. Even if the sub-leaders aren't all that strong in comparison to the strength we're bringing, every opponent added is another problem to deal with. This could prove crucial in the fight particularly for the weaker elements. Unfortunately enough that includes my team, RWBY, and myself to an extent. It might be best to avoid making this situation more complicated than it already is; perhaps even give the sub-leaders a chance to fall in line.

With that thought on the brain I also have to consider my part to play in all of this. The rest of our plans are somewhat obvious. Sienna and Maple will fight with their trusted men, as will the various sub-leaders. I don't expect them to put up an amazing fight, but they should be able to hold their own for a while.

Bertilak and Carmine, as well as the rest of the Huntsmen will fall into pairs, teams, or solo acts as they see fit. I can't really control that too well so I don't. Maybe I'll encourage some to pair up with White Fang grunts and keep them safe, but that's a minor concern, and not possible in every circumstance.

A good portion of the hired help are human and would look too out of place fighting alongside faunus. While the independent help is our ostensible security, something that I'm sure is going to rub certain members of the White Fang wrong, I can't exactly have my full force waiting in open display. Plus it would be detrimental in any case.

The basic strategy is to have the conspirator contacts, STRQ, Amber, and Dad act as a sort of relief force. With Raven's semblance there really is no downside to waiting on this. As long as her semblance works we can have sudden reinforcements. Plus, the fact that most of them are human or human passing would introduce chaos into the ranks of our opponents.

Most of them are going to expect to fight faunus and may focus on them, but they have to look out for human opponents. This on top of the slapdash nature of the assault should lead to more of them than not clashing with one another to further tilt the odds in our favor.

However, it still doesn't answer what I should be doing. I'm going to be the primary target of this raid with my girlfriends and Sienna as the secondary. I don't quite care too much if Sienna gets hurt in this struggle, but everyone else is of greater concern.

Blake and Weiss will fight with their team and I don't think I can convince the sisters to abandon that plan. I could join them, remain with my team, or operate on my own. In the first two cases I expect whoever I'm with to deal with more opponents and perhaps that would be too much for them to handle. Operating on my own would leave myself more vulnerable, but I also wouldn't have to worry about the others as much.

Ochre: Solo: I'm not exactly weak on my own and it would break up our opponents numbers more than not. That may be worth the risk on its own. (4)

Turncoats: Accidents: Sienna and I can work out our most likely opponents and deal with them. This will require some coordination with Raven and might weaken our defenses, but it's possible. (4)

Turncoats: Delay: I'm sure I'll have some sort of decision to make upon the conclusion of this fight. I can render my decision then. (0)

Ochre: RWBY: My girlfriends are a target in all this. While this might put them at more risk it also places me in position to actually assist them if need be. (0)

Ochre: OAAK: My team is here on my behalf and I now I'll be marginally more effective with them at my side. At the same time it would place them at more risk. (0)

I send out a few messages and then return my preparations. While everyone else socializes or strategizes I'm more personally focused. I have to build up my reserves as much as I can to ensure my own safety. As well as give me the option to save anyone who would be in trouble.

Before I know it we land in Mistral and I can't help but feel I'm underprepared. Despite that I step off with nothing but the utmost certainty and confidence. My entourage forms around me as we make our way through the upper levels through well-traveled places to reach our exit gate. The authorities, even if they don't like me, would be certain to respond to any sort of altercation which allows us this sort of safety despite the journey ahead.

On either side of me are my girlfriends with Ruby and Yang following along at the side of their respective partner. Behind me is the rest of my team and I'm surrounded by the independents I've hired. This is ostensibly their job and they're on the lookout as much as anyone is. Despite that I can't help but feel the stares. Both from them and the forming crowd.

This has to look like some sort of over-the-top procession, which I suppose it is. Almost as if I'm coming into the city as some sort of victorious conqueror or princely delegation. It's certainly reflected with the few boos and jeers that are thrown my way. Small only because we're ostensibly in the good part of town and heading out anyway.

Our destination is in the wind pass. Not Windpass, the city, but the old smuggling routes by which the town is named after. The actual throne room is nestled in this mountain pass as are a number of smuggling dens. The terrain and distance makes actually patrolling and observing it a fool's errand even if Mistral had the will. However, the geography does well in keeping the grimm out so even small smugglers and trade caravans can travel in relative peace.

This is the most dangerous part of our journey in my mind. It would be all too easy to ambush us on our route, which is why it is somewhat circuitous and why Sienna isn't with me just yet. I have to make our target less palatable and trust that she'll be able to arrive at the location with her entourage.

The feeling of being watched only intensifies as we traverse these paths. No doubt some of the extremists I'm hoping to lure are following my group. Not all of them I suspect. There's probably an issue of communication between groups. Whether they can really be trusted and other animosity prevents full cooperation. A shame, because otherwise I imagine they might have more of a chance.

Even then it doesn't make the affair any less stressful. Nor does the fact I can feel my aura slipping away before the engagement proper. However, I have to play up the pageantry to sell the illusion. It wears on me and my group more than a little. At least those in the know. We're able to put on brave faces for the most part with the exception of Yang and Ruby.

Ruby is serious, but she keeps darting around as do her eyes as if suspicious of something and Yang's face is entirely grim. Neither of them are able to keep a lid on their emotions fully. My team and my girlfriends at least have more faith in me to see us through this endeavor even if I'm beginning to think that faith is not entirely well-placed.

With so many people important to me all in one place my mind keeps drifting towards the worst case scenario and there's only so much the presence of Weiss and Blake can do to balm that. It's severe enough that I almost don't realize we've arrived at our destination.

Our guards break off to secure the perimeter and set up their own defenses. I spot briefly Carmine littering the corners of the room with some sort of small objects. While I don't trust her fully, her partner Bertilak remains observant if bored. Itching for a fight even if his eyes drift towards me to size me up as well. It isn't hostile per se, not like the unease I was feeling from earlier stares. More of a curiosity backed by a prideful notion of his strength. Like he wouldn't mind seeing how we measure up but it isn't his priority right now.

Either way, we wait at the entrance hall while Sienna and her men set up their bit of pageantry. After a few minutes we're all ready to actually begin the event.

I throw open the doors to the long hallway, constructed in the same style of the throne room. It lacks the usual decorative elements on the walls. They're bare for the most part, only broken up by the well-spaced pillars and banners hanging from the ceiling. They alternate between the old, or well restored, symbol of the White Fang and the evident symbol of Menagerie. Twin red glaives stand out against a black background and it's almost enough to distract me from the procession.

I know that must be a move on Sienna's part which I'm not sure how to fully parse. I don't know if she's as much of a patriot as me, I would expect not. More likely she's playing to my sensibilities.

Speaking of the woman, she's sitting in the faux-throne in an almost lazy manner. Not enough to hide the caution in her eyes and the stiffness in her posture, but she's playing her part.

I play mine as well and stalk down the carpet with my girlfriends still at my side. This causes more than a few issues for the sub-leaders who haven't figured out the plan yet, but their opinion won't matter for very long at this rate. I ascend the steps to the throne and stare eye to eye with Sienna.

She appears reluctant to give up her seat, but follows through with our pre-planned mummery. She's not entirely over ceding her leadership, and this is a physical act of doing so. A necessary one in more ways to one. She at least sees the benefit to my plan and the act, even if it's orchestrated to a degree, should have her more accepting of my rule.

I take my seat and my girlfriends go to my side as well as their team and mine filing behind the throne. Out of the way so I can address the crowd if need be.

Much to my consternation it appears so. It would really be too convenient for our enemies to strike so soon. Not that it's too problematic, I have a speech prepared already. It mainly goes over the confirmation of my leadership of the White Fang and what my goals are for the future in the broad term.

Apologies for this being somewhat short and ending on a cliff-hanger of sorts. Not usually my preference, but the word counts would require me to post up something over 15k words otherwise, so it is what it is.
S2 Week 18 (Part 7, End)
I've decided to put all the rolls in this one box as well as some commentary to explain the situation. All of these rolls are just Ochre's rolls. The rest of the fight was simulated, but kept off-site as is my usual style. The first round is against the duo of extremists.

Ochre Combat: 6.03 +3.91(Mobility modified by combat style) +2(Dust) = 11.94 Vs Extremists: 10.24 +1(Partner) +2.5(Dust)= 13.74

Difference: 1.8

Final Modifier: -45

Ochre Aura: 10/6

Extremists Aura: 12/12

Yes (3)

No (0)

AN: This is pretty much something that chat has been holding in their backpocket for this kind of occasion. As detailed in the mechanics section, a crit can be spent to grant an effective +1 to Ochre's combat score for an entire combat scenario. This provides an effective +25 to the rolls.

Dice: 5d100-20

87,77,44,93,87 - 20 = 67,57,24,73,67

Due to good rolls, and a confirmation vote, Ochre is able to use his semblance on one of his opponents.

Ochre: 6.03 +4.66(Mobility modified by combat style and semblance) +2(Dust) +1 (Crit) = 13.69 Vs Extremist woman: 9.89 -.5 (Ochre's semblance) +2.5(Dust) = 11.89

Difference: 1.8

Final Modifier: +45

Ochre Aura: 9/6

Extremist woman Aura: 3/6

Dice: 3d100+45

18, 81, 34 + 45 = 63, 126, 79

First roll

Ochre Combat: 6.03 +3.91(Mobility modified by combat style) +2(Dust)+ 1(Crit) = 12.94 Vs Extremist Man: 10.24 +2.5(Dust)= 12.74

Difference: .2

Final Modifier: +5

Subsequent Rolls

Ochre: 6.03 +4.66(Mobility modified by combat style and semblance) +2(Dust) +1 (Crit) = 13.69 Vs Extremist man: 10.24 -.5 (Ochre's semblance) +2.5(Dust) = 12.24

Diff: 1.45

Final Modifier: +36

Ochre Aura: 9/6

Extremist Man Aura: 5/6

Dice: 1d100+5

77 + 5 = 82

Dice: 5d100+36

97, 84, 45, 7, 15 + 36 = 133, 120, 81, 43, 51

Ochre suffers chip damage and stray damage from using his semblance in a chaotic circumstance. This is also where the vote is held to see who he helps next.

Ochre: 6.03 +3.91(Mobility modified by combat style) +2(Dust) +1 (Crit) = 12.94 Vs Extremist: 10.17 +2.5(Dust) = 12.67

Diff: .27

Final Modifier: +6

Ochre Aura: 6/6

Extremist Aura: 5/6

Dice: 6d100+6

77,94,87,49,38, 88 + 6 = 83,100,93,55,44, 94

At this point Ochre is no longer in danger as other combatants have dealt with their opponents, but others need help more than him. This leads to him fighting another two extremists, though less coordinated than the first pair.

Ochre: 6.03 +3.91(Mobility modified by combat style) +2(Dust) +1 (Crit) = 12.94 Vs Extremists: 9.84 +.5(Assistance) +2.5(Dust)= 12.84

Diff: .1

Final Modifier: +2

Ochre Aura: 5/6

Extremists Aura: 7/12

Dice: 5d100+2

Options: Individual.

94,99,46,69,20 + 2 = 96,101,48,71,22

This happens to be the first crit done on-site in the quest and also just enough damage to knock out one of the opponents.

Ochre: 6.03 +3.91(Mobility modified by combat style) +2(Dust) +1 (Crit) = 12.94 Vs Extremist: 9.84 +2.5(Dust)= 12.34

Diff: .6

Final Modifier: +15

Ochre Aura: 3/6

Extremists Aura: 3/6

Dice: 3d100+15
Options: Individual.
44,33,13 + 15 = 59,48,28

Dice: 1d100+15

14 + 15 = 29

Minutes into my speech one of the walls caves in from a sudden explosion, followed by another, and then by the front door being kicked down. From each entrance files in extremists of various states of dress. Mainly groups of two or three show any affiliation towards the same organization. In each of their hands are weapons of high-quality, marking them as either serious combatants or Huntsmen roped into this assault.

The three groups rush in and are soon met by our independents who fire shot after shot to slow their advance while everyone retreats to the throne room steps. It appears we have the advantage, but I know that would be soon worn away by the skill and numbers of our enemies without reinforcement.

It seems that's the trigger for some of the less trustworthy independents to turn on me and assist my attackers, but that was calculated to a degree. Just then, Raven's tell-tale red portal opens and disgorges a plethora of men. The room now filled to over a hundred occupants as a grand melee ensues.

I only have enough time to spot a rough and tumble girl, who I know wasn't a part of my consideration, step out of the portal and make her way next to Yang. In her hands are crescent shaped blades with guns that fire out at the crowd.

The sudden influx and attack on the rear sends the entire fight into chaos. Human fighting human when they should be fighting faunus in their minds spreads a sickness along the ranks as their cohesion evaporates. Not that it makes them any less of a threat. Each man individually is still a danger to consider in their own right.

Our defensive posture breaks apart at this signal and fighting spreads out across the room. No longer one wave against another, but individual fights and duels that break out when meaningful coordination becomes impossible. My group holds the advantage from our backup knowing who should be on our side and able to pick out targets thusly. However, I can't pay that much mind.

My team, RWBY, and I are beset with our opponents, five in total. Two split off to chase after Blake and Weiss, while my team intercepts a third. That leaves me to deal with two opponents at once. Distantly, I realize that sabotaging my own efforts was perhaps ill-founded.

Even if I hold the advantage in overall strength, my superior forces still have to deal with their opponents before they can render help elsewhere. I already knew I was going to be hard-pressed to fend off a single veteran and now I have to deal with two. I just have to see how long I can hang on for.

My opponents for the evening are a man and a woman in matching green and yellow traditional style clothing. The man holds a…I'm pretty sure there's a proper name for it, but to me it's just a spear with a blade attached to the side. Sort of like a halberd, but not.

The woman on the other hand wields a bow, the tips of which appear bladed. Mechashift in some form, most likely, as a bow is a terrible melee weapon. She keeps her distance with a Dust tipped arrow drawn; a rather large crystal in place of a more traditional arrowhead. I don't get a terribly good look at it before the man makes his move inward.

He's fast. Far faster than I normally am and is on me in a scant few seconds. I got to parry before listening to my instincts and counter charge him. That causes him to lock up his stance to take an easy swing at me.

Just as I approach, I kick off the ground and fire my boots off in a staggered motion. He tracks my trajectory with the first burst, but messes up at the second. That takes my feet to his shoulders. I stab downwards as I jump off with another blast of my boots and a pull of my trigger.

I narrowly escape his retaliation as I sail in the air. Unfortunately for me, the woman is ready for such and she looses her arrow. My mechanisms are too slow in reloading for me to do anything other than to twist and try to avoid the blow. I fail and the arrow sinks into my gut before the Dust explodes outward.

Suddenly cold and with frost spreading out from my core painfully, I fall to the ground. Her partner is ready and waiting for me. I spin out of his way with a desperate last second blast my boots; I can't keep playing keep away forever.

I decide to forget about focusing on the rest of the fight or even my future plans. Nothing but instinct guides my motions.

A hand slams against the ground and I spin in a semi-circular motion. Then I bodily throw myself behind the man and towards his partner. If there's a weak link in their set-up, I bet it's her.

Her eyes don't widen or anything, but she does swing her bow while holding the middle. I simply take the hit in stride and break inside her guard. I hear her weapon shift apart, but I've already grabbed hold of her head with my hand.

The Dust inside, normally reserved for correcting my maneuvers, goes off in her face and sends her head backwards. I don't let go of my grip. Instead I follow through with her. One foot goes behind hers and I push with another blast.

This sends her down on the ground and I finally let go. She slashes blindly with what appear to be curved swords. I bat them away with dismissive ease and stab her. I pull the trigger thrice until my ears pick up a scream in my direction.

I pivot just enough for the man's weird spear to fly right where I was. The flared end is facing towards me and ready to hit me on the backstroke. Without a second thought my hand lashes out and I pull the man towards me. Evidently not the motions he was expecting. He stumbles in my direction. I somehow know he'll recover in a second more, but I don't give that to him.

I let go of his weapon and, now in his guard, I drop down low. I let Wit's End drift from my grasp for a bit as I wrap an arm around one of his legs and use my other hand to support his waist. I turn, twist, and throw him to the side, using what little momentum I can to generate some distance between us. Again, I know it won't delay him for long, but I only need a second or two.

His partner swings at me and I dart in again instead of away. I take a shallow hit for my troubles, but I'm able to get some contact with her skin and smile.

Instantly the din of battle vanishes from the room as well as all the people, including her partner. That's enough to rattle her and allow me to kick my weapon to my hand without further reprisal. Normally I wouldn't go for such a risky move, much less in the middle of this much chaos, but it just feels right. Let's see how strong she is without her backup.

Without giving her a chance to breathe, I dash in and she tries to make some distance. Too bad she's in my world now. She hops backwards only to find a sudden wall in the way. And then when she tries to dash to the side, arms from the wall spring out to harry her. Not enough to prevent her flight entirely, or even present much of a threat, but enough to slow her down.

I slam into her form and she twirls to avoid the stable. A flash of metal signals her blades coming my way and I duck under. A shot rings out, proving they aren't an entirely outdated armament. A shame the same can't be said about their wielder.

I bring up a knee into her stomach and then an elbow on her back followed by stepping on her foot and headbutting her for good measure. Under the onslaught she lashes out again and I find her efforts almost cute. Almost. No, in fact I find them disgusting.

With a snarl I catch her blades, dropping my own. She struggles for a moment, but finds that she can't run away. The floor is rising up her legs; rising ever so slowly, but far too quickly for her tastes. Sure, it traps my foot with hers as well, but no big deal. The surprise is enough to catch her off-guard and another headbutt later she's disarmed. Not that it stops her struggles.

She swings her arms wildly and frantically. No doubt out of concern for herlife and her partner's. Don't worry dear, he'll be joining you soon. Still, it is bothersome to deal with her.

I can't lock her movements down entirely with my semblance. She simply moves about too much for the growth to have much of an effect. Not when she's also struggling to break free with her legs. She has the strength to do so and I suppose now that she's disarmed there's no harm in it. Even if she wanted them, her weapons are deep in the earth now and I doubt she realizes where they landed anyway.

I jump back and grab Wit's End as Iand. A quick transition to rifle mode earns me another hit before she can break out. She looks around desperately for some sort of weapon to defend herself and spots one. I guess someone was unfortunate enough to be disarmed during the short bout of fighting in the real world.

Perhaps it's cruel, but I play another trick on her. As she makes her way to what she perceives to be her salvation, I raise obstacles and alter the floor to disrupt her flow. She's competent enough that it's only a minor delay, but that's not my aim anyway.

She lands right between two pillars and her weight shatters the now hollow floor. Immediately afterwards, the twin pillars groan and creak before they shatter and fall where she has. The roof rumbles dangerously as well; I guess those things were for more than just show. Either way, she has a plethora of rubble to deal with as well as a pit she can't easily escape from; perfect target practice.

Shot after shot, assisted by hampering her escape with my semblance, rings out. Each one drains her aura more and more until suddenly she's gone. A real shame. The thought rings out weirdly in my head for a moment until I sink back into my instincts and step out of the mirror world.

The woman now falls atop me, like a puppet with her strings cut. Not that I'm in any position to really stop her. We were in my mirror world long enough for us to go completely limp, but before we could crash into the ground. Too late to do anything about it, but too early to avoid the pain.

Fortunately for me, we tumble close to where my blade is and I fumble around for it. Then I roll away as quickly as I can. With a slight reprieve I note a speck of blood on my blade. I got a little too careless there, but it's her fault for coming to this kind of thing in the first place.

However, the sight of blood brings her partner to a standstill when his gaze comes my way. Enough so that I hazard a look at the rest of the arena for a moment.

No one else appears to have dealt with their opponents quite yet. No one appears to be in need of my help either, even if I was in a position to provide it. Although Maple and her men seem to be having a rough time of it. I suppose the sub-leaders are struggling as well, but oh well.

From my brief overview, I estimate that Raven is close to dealing with her opponent, but she has other matters to attend to rather than assist any weaklings. Seems like I have more work on my hands then.

However, I might speak a little too soon. Just as I decide to turn my attention back to the man I'm facing, I spot a wondrous sight from RWBY. Well, disastrous would be more appropriate, the wonder comes from who it happens to.

Evidently, the man of slight build in question, doesn't have properly rated Dust chambers. Not for the grade the attackers are using. My guess is they've warped due to the repeated strain and when he goes to pull the trigger, his weapon backfires. An explosion of refracting Dust booms out, sends him to his ass, and a weird interaction of whatever he had in the chambers settles as a sort of hard-light blanket that traps him against the floor.

Just in time for three members of RWBY to fall on him. Ruby stabs through the mesh with her scythe and fires a round that sends her spinning back to the fight where Blake and the strange woman from earlier struggle to hold off their other opponent. Yang is up next with a heavy hit to the man's skull that sends it into the ground, but his troubles aren't done yet. A large glyph forms directly above him and an oversized sword stabs downwards shattering his aura.

What some would call an incredible display of teamwork I can only describe as the worst possible luck in the world. Huh, guess I owe a certain someone some thanks. Not to say the girls don't earn their praise either.

I can't think of the matter anymore. Instead, my attention returns to my opponent. I wonder if he'll put up a challenge all on his own.

I can't stop myself from laughing as the man charges at me. Something that only enrages him further. What a fool. Does he really think I'd waste my time killing his pathetic excuse of a partner? Must be pretty important to him in order to lose his head like that.

I spin around a frustrated stab that skims off my chest with an exhilarating closeness and I lose myself further. An open bellow that snaps his head in my direction, just quick enough for me to pivot all of my momentum into a vicious punch.

His head rockets in such a satisfying way and I revel in the sound of his body bouncing off the ground. A sound that echoes through the now empty hall. I can't help myself and I spread my arms out in a welcoming gesture, practically goading him into making an attack on my person. He takes the bait, but not in the way I'd prefer.

Instead his weapon transforms into some sort of long rifle with a wide barrel. Not quite a cannon and my thoughts are chased away by a storm of pellets that exits the other end. I deploy my buckler in an instant, shield myself from the worst of it, and grunt in frustration. You're supposed to be losing your head, dummy, not thinking smart and not taking the bait.

It's with a distant mind that I regret that his partner isn't in my mirror world. Just imagine how he'd react then. Oh well.

I roll to the side and with a rifled Wit's End draw a bead on him. His weapon specifically. Just before he can pull the trigger in my direction, my round slams into his gun and sends it wildly off course.

Without a second to waste I rush after him. My body held low to the ground and boosted by a subsequent blast from Wit's End followed by another two from my boots. I arrive in front of him with incredible speed hands first. The only reason why I don't overshoot, is the use of my semblance to help arrest my movement.

I do the same to his feet to make it more difficult to avoid my attack. I twist my body into a cruel facsimile of a handstand and push off the ground with a shot from my gauntlet's palms. I end up delivering a kick right underneath his chin.

It's a struggle to keep a handle on my weapon, but doing so puts me in the perfect position to make a downward stab at the apex of my hop. My blade slams into his chest and a pull of the trigger rains pellets on the area. Unfortunately that's not enough to break his form.

His hands slam down around my arms and trap me in place. I squirm as best as I can and mess with his footing as much as my semblance is able, but it's like he's immovable. It does provide enough momentum that we start wheeling backwards. I fire off a few shots from Wit's End to assist.

The angle is too bad to hit him with the shells, but it gives me a brief hope that he'll topple over and free me. That hope, however, is brief. He finds his strength and with a furious roar slams me into the ground back first.

My vision whites out for a moment and I suddenly find his blade heading for my throat. I'm able to angle myself outside of the direct path and his tip sinks into the ground. Unfortunately, his stupid little side-blade is then positioned to sink into my throat. Something he tries his level best to accomplish by pressing all his weight against his spear.

Try as I might, my semblance can only slow him down and I have to abandon everything else to grab a hold of the offending blade. A sustained sharp blade like that on a vital area would drain me pretty quick. My semblance is simply too slow to provide a threat to him through traditional means and his footwork is incredibly hard for me to disrupt. Probably a semblance if I had to guess.

All the while he rains kicks down against me to try and weaken my resistance. I can only weather them for a moment before the obvious comes to me. I fire off a blast from my boots, the angle and ground too much for me to get much distance, even if I wasn't held down by his stupid fucking spear, but that's not my aim.

Instead I use that slight bit of momentum to help pivot my body, I roll onto my shoulders while using his blade as a focal point and my legs rise high in the air. Immediately afterwards I uncurl and allow gravity to assist my motions.

Both of my legs slam into his shoulders. The leverage introduced by the downwards force is enough to lighten up the force he was putting on his spear. Simultaneously my semblance loosens the hold of the ground on the tip of his spear and I use the force and my legs to perform a weird sit up.

My shoes dig into his shoulder blades and I push past his blade. I have to take the hit on my throat, but soon I'm up and past his guard. His implacable stance works against him as I fully mount him with my legs around his shoulders which I cinch and rain blow after blow against his head as a smile full of teeth overtakes me.

Before long I fall to the ground as he disappears under me, but I still feel like punching something. Several somethings if I can. My head continues to pound as I step out of the mirror world only to smile again. The man is in the air and subsequently slamming against the ground before crumbling into a heap. Not so strong without aura, now are you?

Too bad I can only see him for a second before my swing carries me forward and I fall against the ground. I hop up as quickly as I can with my weapon ready to enact vengeance, but not too much has changed since.

RWBY are able to focus solely on their remaining opponent. It appears that they're struggling to some degree, but also getting the occasional hit in. A part of me wants to help them out, but they were able to handle one opponent without too much issue and there are more pressing matters at play.

Such as with my team who are struggling much more against a single opponent, however, a part of me just feels like they need a moment longer to pull something off. Marina is darting around the man with a long flail who seizes up mid-motion from Autumn all while Kel has a look of deep concentration. It feels like I'd be interfering if I were to step in and my next sight nearly makes my decision for me.

Dad isn't doing too well against his opponent. Little wonder since I felt I was catching up to him already. He isn't at the edge of his aura yet, so he could pull a reversal, but that seems like an errant hope. Still he might last long enough for someone else to assist him.

As for everyone else, Tai, Qrow, and the conspiracy contacts are doing well for themselves. I imagine it won't be long before they deal with their opponents and start helping others. The same can't be said for the cannon fodder, who are…well, fodder. Do I have to pay them if they die? Something to think about.

As for the people I'm actually responsible for, they're struggling…heavily. The only one among the Fang who appears to be holding their own is Sienna and even that's a close thing. Maple and her men in particular seem to be in a sticky situation between a press by a trio of extremists who are also pressing their advantage against two sub-leaders.

Briefly I spot Raven as she darts off into a separate group led by a sub-leader who's about to have an unfortunate time. Although, I think I'll have to get my eyes checked as her state of dress isn't as I remember it.

Either way, I feel like I have two real options available to me. I can either help Dad or Maple. Everyone else seems like they have things under control, or at least that's how I feel. Oh, I suppose I could help out the independents or the sub-leaders, but are they really more important?

Maple (3)

Dad (0)

Independents (0)

Sub Leaders (0)

My brief bit of inaction is enough to draw the slow concern of rationality to my brain. Something I deliberately dismiss as I launch myself over the various fights and crowds. Wit's End is deployed in rifle mode so I can make an entrance well before I land. With a birds eye view and my movement away from the more individual fights I can see that things…are not going well to say the least.

As I grow closer to Sienna, Maple, and the other sub-leaders' position, this is where our quality suffered the most. None of them are able to really stand up against any one of our assailants on their own, so they had to take a defensive posture or mob them with numbers. Our attackers demonstrated why that's such a poor idea, just as I did for the bandits back near Crest.

Unlike myself, they are not so kind. Bodies, blood, and discarded weapons litter the floor. Whether from deliberate infliction, or members of the White Fang simply getting caught in the crossfire. Probably a mix of both. I doubt these extremists care much if a faunus lives or dies, but they wouldn't go too far out of their way to ensure it while in the middle of the fight.

With little option other than to stand and fight or try to run away, most of the men under me have chosen the former. Likely holding out for reinforcements like myself and I suppose Raven. Although, Raven isn't exactly there to help them too much. More importantly to me is the state of Maple.

Her men look haggard and I'm pretty sure a lot of them have their aura broken. Some are even bleeding, but I can't spare too much attention. I spot the woman in question shoving one of her subordinates out of the way of a heavy two-handed hammer. She spins her spear by the shaft to block the hammer for a moment so her subordinates can land a few shots on the burly extremist who seems more annoyed than anything else.

He backs up for a moment and his hammer transforms into a rocket launcher by the looks of things. Something with that big of a blast radius isn't something that Maple can allow her men to be hit by right now. Thus she charges in and he shifts his weapon back quickly as if expecting that behavior. He swings and before he can make contact I nail him with a shot.

It isn't enough to stop the momentum of his weapon entirely and Maple is hit in the side with a sickening crunch as she drops to the ground like a sack of potatoes. It takes me a moment to realize she was tangoing with her opponent while completely bereft of aura which makes my sudden introduction all the more necessary.

I stab at the man and he blocks with the shaft of his weapon. I pull the trigger for good measure, even if the severity of my strike was blunted, that should do something. Then I hook my arm around backwards to gain leverage around the heft of his weapon, kick off the ground, and fire more shots from my boots. Reloading them is going to be a right pain after all this; I just hope I don't run dry at an awkward moment.

Either way the added momentum has me swing around the man's backside even as it wrenches my arm in my socket. I slam into him with my back, skidding a little across the floor. Not enough to leave me misaligned, thankfully. I lean forward, pull my leg back, and slam right into the back of his knee, buckling his entire form.

He rolls with his sudden fall and swings his hammer out, but I'm already in the air with a backflip. His weapon sails under me while I'm in the perfect position to stab him in the chest with another pull of the trigger.

He stands up not a moment later with his weapon transformed, but I'm already on him. I knock his weapon upwards with mine and his shot goes off. A new hole in the roof greets us as well as rubble falling down somewhere in the fight. With him out of position I deliver an uppercut that sends his head backwards. His feet almost follow him until he firms up and slams his head down on my own.

His weapon is soon discarded and he grabs me by my outfit, around the chest with both hands. No doubt he plans to make this a brawl, but I use his helpful holding me up to lift my feet completely off the ground. Before he can process my plan, both my feet are planted in his stomach and with a dual blast I'm free from his hold.

Weapon still in hand, I shift it to rifle mode once more and take a shot at his doubled over form. Landing a hit right on his head that has him curl up into a ball. He scrambles for his weapon, but I shoot it out of his reach, no doubt damaging the thing beyond repair as well. Fortunately for him, I didn't hit any of his Dust rounds. Oh well, nothing another shot or three to the head can't fix.

His aura breaks with him defenseless and my finger feels very itchy on my trigger. Absently I stare where I saw Maple fell, only to not see any sign of her or her men. That's more relieving than annoying. I don't think any of them would have been able to stand against these extremists, much less with broken or near broken auras.

For some reason that's enough to calm my nerves and I try to observe the battlefield once more. Except I don't get the opportunity to look beyond much of the immediacy. The two extremists that were dealing with the sub-leaders next to Maple have apparently finished their bloody work. Instead of running away with that minor success they've spotted me and seem to fancy their chances.

I'm starting to get really annoyed with all this fighting. I thought things would be well and over by now. Surely Qrow, Tai, and the others aren't struggling that much, are they? One of them has to be available to relieve me, right? Only, no one like that is in sight. Huh, on second thought, that's not that too bad. More for me, after all.

A smile overtakes me and a whistling in my ear informs me that I have to move out of the way. Just as I do so, a spherical weight attached to a chain slams into my previous position and Dust inside ignites in an explosion of light and sound. Fortunately, I wasn't looking directly at it so only my ears are ringing instead of also being blind.

The woman responsible is of slight build and short. Reminiscent of Nora in a few ways. With my rifle already out, I take a shot at her and ready another one. My shot is knocked off course by my other opponent who tears my gun towards him with his hook sword.

The man's face is terribly scarred and he's squinting which tells me this isn't exactly a well-planned maneuver. More opportunistic than anything. Unfortunately for him, I'm quick enough on the draw to land a shot on his chin before he can pull my weapon entirely off-course. The risk he took did not work out for him.

I stomp my foot right behind his and punch him square in the chest with my left hand. That isn't enough to send him backwards, but it is enough for him to loose a hold of my weapon which is soon back in its blade form and batting away his other weapon. Apparently dual wielding hook swords. This leaves my weapon facing towards him and I have no problem pulling the trigger. The sudden impact of the shell being enough to push him over the edge and I pull my leg backwards.

He falls and I ready a stab. Only for a hook to grab at my ankle and pull me down. As he does so, the large sphere falls again in our direction. It looks a little different, and I can't quite place the proper name for the weapon. Not before it lands square on my chest and an explosion rings out.

Hot, too hot, only my aura prevents my clothes from catching fire. The only silver lining I can find is that my other opponent was caught in the blast. No honor among thieves, eh. Shame, I thought I could use him as a hostage for a moment.

I ignore the pain as best as I can as I stand up only for another sphere to swing my way. I block it with my buckler and a snarl escapes me. Another blinding explosion rings out, only saved by the object between myself and the impact, but my ears are ringing and my balance is fucked. Damn bitch is using a weapon purpose built to fuck with people with extra senses.

Belatedly I stab and fire at the man who's groaning and patting at his side as if on fire himself and break his aura. I don't need any distractions at the moment. Too bad for me it delays me enough for the other sphere to slam towards me.

I deflect this one from a direct strike with my blade, but the Dust inside still goes off with another blistering wave of heat. It's starting to get hard to breathe and I stumble still not able to find my balance. I lose my footing and tumble to the floor; transforming Wit's End as quickly as I can. I pull back for a glancing shot and pull the trigger again only to hear a click.

I roll as best as I can to escape the impact sight and it feels like I'm going to hurl. Another explosion and the ringing in my ears gets even worse. I know trying to stand up is going to have me more likely to fall over than anything else so I fumble around to reload my weapon. I take another heated hit from her flame-ball thing, whatever and grit through the pain.

I line up another shot which sends her head backwards earning me a slight reprieve. I push off the ground and have to stab my weapon against the ground to prevent myself from falling over. She recovers faster than I can in my state and strikes her weapon deliberately in front of me. A flash of light blinding me before I can close my eyes and making my situation even worse.

I blindly fire as much as I can in her direction. Soon I'm hit and thrown across the ground from another of her swings. Luckily that throws me out of the worst of her flames. I don't think I could spare the aura to stop myself from catching alight at the moment.

With grim determination I rise to my feet and ready myself for an unpleasant time only to see a wild mane of black hair take up my entire view. A blade catches into the chain of the weapon and Raven spins around, before redirecting the momentum to send the sphere right back at my opponent.

The flash overtakes my vision and when it clears I see the woman who was giving me so many problems locked up from shock as Raven strikes her front, carries forward her moment, and strikes the woman against the back. A spray of blood comes from another strike and she falls to the floor with a small puddle slowly forming around her.

Raven throws her head around looking for more opponents and I suddenly feel very exhausted. My aura is near breaking and I've been fighting for so long. Longer than everyone else with my semblance. I think I've earned a bit of a rest.

I fall to a knee and try to catch my breath and shake out the ringing in my ears. I'm unsuccessful with the latter. Only noticing Raven's presence by her shoes…is she wearing heels? I don't know why that sudden realization is so funny to me, but I can't help laughing. It sounds extremely weird since I can tell there is some noise from within and without, but I can't quite process it either.

I try my best from looking up as that would be inappropriate. Even if the sight of Raven acting so seriously while also not being fully dressed is an amusing one. That thought is wiped away when her hand enters my vision. I stare at it for a moment before taking it and she helps me to my feet.

I stare at her face as best as I can. Raven's mouth moves, but I can't make out what she's saying. She exhales dramatically, waves her arm around the rapidly dwindling fights, and then points towards the back before giving me a shove in that direction. I almost want to protest, but my aura is low enough and my previous flow state is more than a little messed up that I don't think I'll provide much help. I just have to trust that she and everyone else has the matter handled.

I head to the back and through a secure door to a triage center of sorts. Plenty of people are in need of medical treatment after the fight; most of them White Fang. A few people have aura and are standing guard, but I can't imagine they have much left. They also seem to be relaxing as they've come to the conclusion the battle is won, but remain vigilant. I think so as well until I spot Tai, Qrow, and Amber back here as well.

They're also next to RWBY and my team is a short distance away with Dad who doesn't look the greatest right now. It's hard to tell as my vision hasn't fully recovered either. I think I make out Bertilak and Carmine back here as well, but my attention is soon drawn to Maple who I spot on one of the medical beds. I'll have to check in with her at some point, but I could do so now. However, my immediate attention is also brought to my girlfriends and my team.

Even if I had a feeling they might be fine that doesn't mean I shouldn't check in on them. Perhaps something that could wait. I still have to talk to Bertilak and Carmine as well, but that's best delayed. Either way, I'll need to waste a few more minutes while everything is put to rest outside.

Maple: She took a pretty bad hit. I should probably see if my subordinate is doing alright. Plus, showing concern wouldn't be the worst look. (4)

RWBY: Checking on my girlfriends is an obvious priority. Plus, I'm kind of vulnerable at the moment until I more fully recover so the company would be welcome. (1)

OAAK: My team surely had their own struggles, plus I could check on dad this way. Not that I won't later, but immediately seeking him out would do me some good. (0)

AN: This is done under my usual system where higher is better/less severe in this case. The first roll is for Maple and the second for Vernal. These were held off until completion of the vote so as to not affect the outcome.

Dice: 2d100

Options: Individual.


As much as personal concerns weigh on my mind, now isn't the time to indulge in them. I just have to trust that everyone I care about was able to handle themselves well. Or at least received timely assistance so as to not suffer the worst. The fact they aren't among those receiving treatment, well aside from RWBY's proximity to the area, I have to assume things are more fine than not.

With that resolved I pass by the wounded who are closed to the door, Sienna among them. They appear to be lower priority for our medical staff so I have to assume they aren't too banged up. Probably closer to the door because they are theoretically able to defend themselves. Following that logic the deeper I go the worse it should get. Something that doesn't bode well in my mind.

I pass Sienna with a firm nod shared. My team is next standing off away from the wounded which is another good sign. Marina snaps a salute as the twins are sitting next to each other with their heads knocked together. I notice more than a little blood on Dad's outfit, but his aware, albeit tired, eyes track on to me before returning to the door. Evidently not willing to relax quite yet.

RWBY is next to be passed, they're on the wounded side of the room, but seem to be fretting over the woman who helped them. She doesn't seem too banged up, but Yang is steeped over asleep right next to her. Weiss shuffles from her position ready to receive me with a large yawn, but I have to pass for now. Ruby seems like she wants to chase me down, but decides to stick with her team. As does Blake who curiously seems like the most put together out of all of them.

She sends me a shy smile before returning her gaze to her team and then gives me a nod. She probably wants to make sure her team remains safe which I can't blame her. Probably doesn't feel all that good about the injured or dead either which I can't fault her for either. Especially since that appears to be my destination.

I prepare myself for the worst, but Maple is on one of the medical beds and without a sheet drawn over her. The same can't be said about the bodies her bed is right next to. Each covered so as to give some respect to the dead and free up space for the wounded. I take a seat next to her as best as I can to observe her condition.

I'm no medical expert, but I'd expect that she has a lot of blunt force trauma. She's leaned over on her side with her arm on top looking absolutely mangled and limp. There's a lot that aura can fix, but I'm not sure it can fix that. Perhaps getting her a replacement arm would be in the cards, but that's not the extent of the damage.

Her wings are one reason why she isn't on her back and they weren't spared from the damage either. Once majestic owl wings are now in a pitiable state. Crumpled inward and bent at odd angles in addition to the feathers being incredibly out of place. Even if there was a technological solution for her arm, I don't think one exists for her wings. I'm not sure how she's attached to the idea, but I don't think she'll ever fly again. And again, that's not all of it.

On top of all that, her chest seems almost sunken. I'm still not that well versed in medical matters, but I think that's indicative of a broken rib cage. Possibly damage to her lungs and heart as well. The former is at least evidenced by her shallow breathing. It's a minor miracle that she's even hanging on as she is, but I truthfully don't know if that's actually a plus. In her mind or mine.

As it stands, I don't think there's any chance of her fully recovering. Something that a hurried medical member agrees with. She's likely to have complications for the rest of her life and that's if we can get her further treatment aside from what can be done in a facility vastly under equipped to deal with it. Fortunately we're close enough to Mistral to call in an airship, which I suppose is necessary in any case. However, that's not all I have to deal with.

There shouldn't be any trouble receiving a private transport with the appropriate staff and supplies. However, doing so is going to bring us and our activities to some level of awareness by the authorities. That's not necessarily a problem, but it doesn't pass my notice how well equipped these extremists were. They have to have some connection to wealthy or influential people.

On top of that, their combat skills were nothing to scoff at. While most of that would be aimed internally, there's also the argument to be made that they would use their skills against the grimm. Especially with the usual Mistrali attitude towards criminal elements and their place in the defense of the Kingdom.

As it is, I'm unsure if turning them over would really have justice served. Plus there's the matter of how this will kick off the powder keg in Mistral. Alternatively I could just detain them through the hands of the White Fang. Unfortunately, we don't exactly have the staff and facilities to hold them, especially after the losses we've suffered. Additionally, my status as a representative of Menagerie may turn that into an inter-Kingdom incident.

That leaves me with two incredibly unpalatable options. Simply executing our prisoners or calling in Atlas for assistance. The former has obvious upsides and downsides; it's not exactly something most of my friends would agree with, but I think I'd be hard pressed to find any of my men who'd disagree with the decision. As for Atlas…yeah, I don't exactly like calling them in either. It would further reinforce our connection as well as put the heat on James and Atlas, straining relations between them and Mistral.

On the plus side, it seems like the sub-leaders who would be against this kind of decision are all dead now. Although, the casualties we suffered only makes our hold in Mistral more tenuous. With Maple out of commission we really do have a manpower shortage. Well, trained manpower. Reserves from Vale and Vacuo should be able to cover things, but we've undoubtedly come out weaker from this even if my own position is secured. I just have to hope this will take a good bite out of the subsequent bloodshed ready to take place in Mistral.

Still, I have to come to some sort of decision and staring at Maple's shallow breathing is really not helping. I can't exactly turn away from her at this moment, so I'm just stuck considering the matter in relative silence.

Atlas: I think I might have to admit I'm out of my depth. Calling James won't be the most popular move, but it may be the most practical. (3)

Execution: A lot of blood has already been shed today, what's a little more? It's not exactly the most palatable option, but it's better than letting them get away from this and cause more trouble in the future. (2)

Turnover: Even if justice isn't going to be fully served, I think I can trust Mistral to hand out some sort of punishment. Even if it is lighter than it should be. (0)

Detainment: Kind of a risky move, but as evidenced by the resources they brought they have to have some influential assistance. Having them on hand to find out who that is and prove it could be worthwhile. (0)

Practicality, morals, and emotions war at each other as I try to come to a decision. It would be so easy to give the command to my men or Raven, or anyone really to simply start sticking the prisoners full of pointy bits or lead. Not even in a cruel way; it would be justice served in a way.

We all have a right to defend ourselves, and out in the wilderness like we ostensibly are, the laws of society are more relaxed than not. There's a legal defense there even if it's a tenuous one. Although, now that I think it through, I know it wouldn't hold up; not in that way.

I could simply state that all of our attackers perished in self-defense. I doubt anyone would believe it, but without proof they can't say otherwise. Although, we do have proof that they attacked us. Cameras set up in case I needed the footage for propaganda or evidence should have caught the whole fight. Even if a few were destroyed there should be plenty to ensure we're cleared of wrong doing. However, that same footage would indicate that not all of our attackers were killed in the fighting.

My opponents in particular wouldn't exactly match-up with that story. So, that would preclude us from releasing the footage. Again, not the end of the world. I just wouldn't be able to enjoy the fruits of my labor. Which is part of the reason why I did all this to begin with. To ensure my hold of the White Fang and deal a blow to the Mistrali extremists. Arguably executing them would ensure both are accomplished, but not to the fullest extent.

My eyes drift back to Maple; at the very least there's no chance I'll return them to Mistral. Too likely they'll be let off without proper punishment. Even if they would receive some it wouldn't be enough, but how much is the right amount?

They came at us with lethal intent and some of them certainly killed people. Faunus and humans alike to some extent. However, they aren't the only ones responsible. They were equipped well beyond the norm for Huntsmen. Not necessarily out of the realm of possibility, but this wasn't simple opportunism. They had to have a backer of some sort and that's where my ire is slowly drawn.

I need answers and I need them yesterday. Yes, I expected the elites of Mistral to take issue with me in particular. However, that doesn't tell me who exactly is responsible or why. There could be multiple reasons or multiple actors at play. In fact I find that more likely than not. That makes each prisoner a valuable resource in information to track down those truly responsible.

That means I need somewhere to store them while they await interrogation and for the duration of the investigation. Detaining them like that would be illegal and we don't exactly have proper facilities. Nor do we have personnel who could stop a breakout; not without bankrupting ourselves. Hell, keeping all of the survivors prisoner is going to be more of a headache than this fight. The only entity I think who'd have the resources and the arguable jurisdiction to carry this out is the obvious and unpalatable one.

As I consider that, Oz's words from earlier flood my head. About how old wounds can be mended if both sides are willing to. He says James is willing; he even had some sort of plan that hasn't been revealed to me. I would have had to make a decision like this anyway then. It's just coming sooner than I'd like. And I suppose I have my answer to a degree.

I tear my eyes away from Maple and pull out my scroll. A few seconds later the other line is picked up and I say, "James, I need help." After this there's no way to deny that Atlas and I have a connection. Not after cutting through to them to bypass the Mistrali authorities.

What could previously be blamed on my association with Oz now falls squarely on me. Even if my men have a distaste for this, it's the best option available. I know James won't be swayed by petty bribes or promises from Mistral. He'll at least see that some semblance of justice is down. And, with any luck, I'll be able to assist with that.

The image of the stern man stares back at me with a hard expression and a tight jaw. Both frustrated with my sudden intrusion and holding himself back from showing it too much. "What do you need," he asks, bypassing any questions about details.

I don't know if he doesn't want to know or if there's something else afoot. Most likely he suspects this is related to my plan and finds that it gets in the way of his own to a degree. Little surprise since this would be an overstep on Atlas' part.

Perhaps a warranted one, but I know the old me would lambast them for doing this. Overstepping the sovereignty of a Kingdom by not going through proper channels; just another sign of Atlesian imperialism. Another sign of Atlas slowly grabbing the whole world in its grasp. I shake my head, I can lambast myself later; this is the only way to see things properly done.

I give him my location and a run down of the situation. His jaw relaxes as I go through it and he finds things are better than he perhaps feared. It probably didn't help how many skilled fighters are on my side. If something happened to them it would be a minor crisis. As if it's any less of a tragedy when it happens to the rest of my men. Another look at Maple provides another incentive for my decision; Atlas has the best medical tech in the world. If anyone can help her it's them.

James seems to realize that I'm distracted and simply assures me that help is on the way. I nod distantly and the call closes. I suppose James would have assets in the area for the upcoming chaos. They would technically need permission before stepping in; I wonder if that's going to change from my involvement. How much have I changed in the progression of the world from my actions alone?

I feel more than a little limp from that emotional tiredness and physical exhaustion. At least I can hear and see more or less like normal now. Even then, I have to project a strong image and deal with the rest of the fallout as best as I can. It's going to be a few minutes before Atlas arrives anyways. I can at least go to the various independents and ensure they're paid, or make arrangements for those who didn't survive.

As I do so, I deliberately leave Bertilak and Carmine as last. Inviting them was more of a matter of furthering another one of my investigations rather than strictly necessary. However, I can't say they didn't hold their own. Less skilled perhaps than their competition, individually speaking; they at least didn't need to be bailed out from their fight.

Regardless, approaching them should be easy enough. We have business to discuss after all. However, how I'm supposed to get answers from them is another question. I could take the direct approach and just ask about the Asturias twins; ostensibly they shouldn't have a problem with me looking into their disappearance, but it might be too on the nose.

Alternatively I could ask about their time in Shade and see if I can piece anything together. It does run into the timeline of when Jax and Gill went missing so I should get something. Or I could try to build a more personal rapport for future exploitation, though that wouldn't do much to further my investigation in the immediacy.

Finally, I could try to press them on their jobs and the discrepancy in their work. Perhaps it's as simple as them taking private contracts that aren't logged by Theo and the mission board system. It really depends on how important that secret is to them.

Shade: A bit more of a subtle approach. Perhaps I could divine some details by asking about their school life and the events therein. (3)

Twins: The Asturias twins are of interest to my investigation. As their former teammates, surely they have something to say about them. (1)

Personal: There's no need to set them off just yet. Perhaps I could play this off as a truly serendipitous moment and come back to them when it's more appropriate. (0)

Secret: It will take some doing, but I think I can needle some details from them about what they're doing during their 'off' periods. (0)

It's more than a little exhausting talking with so many people and bringing them up to speed while handing out orders and coordinating with my men for the imminent arrival of Atlas. So I'm more than a little bushwhacked when I finally turn my attention to Bertilak and Carmine. Well, even more so than I already was.

Before I can speak, Bertilak grunts, "Good to see we aren't the only ones who took a drumming." His tone has an air of dismissive superiority that I can't even work up any outrage over at the moment. Fortunately his partner elbows him and he appends, "That being said; you didn't do too bad for yourself kitty-cat."

"Normally I'd say I apologize in advance for anything off-color my partner says, but he's beaten me to the punch. Hasn't he," Carmine threatens in a sing-song voice. She looks much like her picture on the scroll, same outfit and all. The only thing new are hand-wraps around her wrists, red torn booty shorts, a similarly red scarf, and thigh-high black leather boots.

Her comment is at least welcome, even if the man himself only grunts dismissively. As for him, he's broad and tall; near enough or slightly bigger than Autumn. He has a green mohawk and goatee and a brown hooded cloak sits on his shoulders with similarly brown pants.

A black shirt only barely covers his biceps and atop his center is a green chestplate that has more than a few dings on it. Evidently used to fighting more than little as proven by the long scar on his left arm. I'm sure he has a few more to brag about after this fight; a bandage is pressed against his right cheek.

He takes my observation and subsequent silence as a lack of reply on my part. He turns to his partner and gripes, "Stop getting so defensive on others' behalf. If kitty-cat had a problem with his little nickname he'd make it known. Besides, I was complimenting him."

Carmine shoots an apologetic look at me and opens her mouth, but I interrupt her. "I'm well capable of defending myself. If you want to have a go over this I'll see if I can fit you in my schedule," I challenge and stare the man dead in the eyes. That seems to satisfy him as he nods, though a moment later he blows out a dismissive breath of air from the corner of his mouth. "Either way, thank you both for the help; it's good to see Theo's recommendation wasn't wasted."

Bertilak's jaw tightens up at his former headmaster's name only for him to turn confused when he processes my words. "Theodore recommended us," he asks almost absently before shaking his head as if to dismiss the possibility. Bad blood between the two of them perhaps?

Of course, Theo didn't actually recommend them to me. That was my decision entirely. But he did mention they were capable Huntsmen from what he knew. Either way, it gives me a half-decent opening.

"Yeah; he thought the two of you had a lot of potential. Something that was extended to the rest of your team…sort of," I add with a chagrined expression. Best for them to think that it's somewhat accidental on my part while not drifting too far from the truth.

Bertilak snorts, still in disbelief to some degree, while Carmine has a small smile. A bit too forced by my estimation. Not entirely plastic, but she's certainly covering up her true feelings. Not too out of the realm of possibility considering the complaints she lodged after the twins' dismissal from Shade.

"If he thought so, he had a funny way of showing it," she says in a forced neutral tone.

Bertilak gruffs, "Yeah! That bastard had it out for me, Jax too."

"Bert-" she starts with a glare.

"Give it a rest, he'd know all about it, wouldn't he," Bertilak states more than questions. The two partners share a deep look before Carmine seemingly gives up with a slight frown.

One that smooths out as she asks, "I don't suppose Theodore had anything else to tell you." She's trying to hide her interest which is interesting in a way. She could be searching for idle gossip, but my gut tells me there's more to it. I suppose she's also wondering how I'm so close to Theo to be using a shortening of his name, even if that's just something I've picked up from Oz. Either way I have an answer to give her.

"Not too much; I kind of walked into a meeting between him and Oz. Oz had to step out for a bit and this," I wave my hand around only to regret doing so a moment later, "was already in the works."

That brings a worried look to her eyes for some reason. She makes a noise of interest and quickly says with an easygoing smile, "A meeting between headmasters, that must be pretty important." She bats her eyes in my way, doing a poor job to cover up her attempt to fish for information.

"Not really," I shrug. "James and Oz met plenty this semester. Oz is friends with all of the headmasters it seems and just hangs out with them from time to time. That meeting was at least slightly less boring since they were talking about how ready Vacuo was for the chaos about to spread in Mistral. Not like they'd be too affected. No offense, but it's Vacuo we're talking about."

My words seem to calm her down. As does Bertilak as a tenseness in his shoulders eases out with another grunt. I think he's trying to state that he takes offense, but ultimately he agrees with me. Either that, or the relief from my statement makes it so offense is the last thing on his mind.

"That's good," Carmine says in an upbeat tone. "Still a bit weird to have a student sit in on any important meetings. I mean, what? Are you going to take his place someday or something?"

A dark chuckle bubbles in my throat from how accidentally accurate she could be. Of course she has it the wrong way around, but she can't know about that. That's where the humor comes from after all.

"Something like that," I answer cryptically. Which seems to be exactly what she was wanting to hear.

"In that case, how about visiting Vacuo? We can show you around the place…for a price of course," she finishes by flashing me a winning smile.

"Maybe some other time," I answer evasively. Then I knock my head towards Blake and Weiss, "Those two want me to take a break from working for a bit and I don't plan on upsetting them." Carmine makes another noise of interest and Bertilak stares at the two girls as if sizing them up before shrugging his shoulders. Apparently not as invested in my answer as his partner is.

"Still," I continue, "I suppose I'll have to visit Shade at some point. I don't suppose you can give me a primer on what to expect?"

"It certainly beats Atlas," Carmine pipes up before her partner can say anything. Not that I think he planned to, but there's a certain fear there at the possibility.

"Not gonna disagree," I return. "But what does the big guy gotta say?"

His eyes drift over to Carmine who shoots him a glare. Something that puts a smile on his face and I think I know what's going on. She's had a lot of fun at his expense and now I'm offering an opportunity to let him return the favor without anything to worry about. Whether the fight or our interaction so far has lowered his guard that much I can't say.

"I have more than a few complaints," he starts. "Mainly about Theodore, but say what you will about the man, he runs a tight caravan. Doesn't much appreciate disruptive elements, no matter how popular they are." He shoots a meaningful look towards his partner who's continuing her glare.

I could let the moment pass, but I feel like this is my best chance to get them speaking. They're far too guarded for how I think they should be. Well, Carmine is; Bertilak just seems normally reticent.

"Oh," I state with exaggerated interest, before looking her up and down. "Well, I guess you're already something of a rebel and I can see where her popularity comes from."

Bertilak snorts at the comment, "I can too, but Carmine here only wishes she was that popular. Not many folks look too kindly on an Atlesian who lowered herself to join us. Plus, she was more of a follower than anything."

"Guessing that's the leader, Theo referred to," I prompt.

"Yeah, Queenie wasn't it," he needles. His words are more directed to Carmine than myself.

"Bert," she bites out with a warning in her tone.

"Queenie," I ask, affecting confusion. It could just be an innocuous nickname, but acting so innocently at least gives me a better opportunity for one of them to explain it to me.

Bertilak huffs with a threatening smile. Evidently satisfied already. However, Carmine reads into that more and rushes out an explanation, "It's just what I called Gill. Y'know, a sign of respect and all that."

She refocuses her gaze on Bertilak for a moment until I pipe up, "Yeah, but it's still odd; gotta come from somewhere right?"

She appears conflicted for a moment until she answers, "Of course it does, but-look, it's just a dumb nickname in the end."

I can't help but feel like there's more to it than that, but it seems like I'm not going to get any more answers. It doesn't pass my notice entirely how defensive she is and how little details they've actually given me about their school lives. I can piece some things together from what they've told me, but they haven't exactly been direct about it.

I can tell there's more than a little animosity towards Theodore, on both of their parts. Not exactly surprising, but Bertilak's other comment gives me something to go off of. He evidently thinks that Gill or Jax, more likely Jax in my mind, was a disruptive element and that's why Theo got rid of him. Not his exceedingly poor performance. Something to look into later.

There's also another matter that's brought up to my attention. Neither of them have really talked much about their former teammates. And what little they have said doesn't give me any indication that they're grieving or missing them.

That could be the usual Vacuan resilience at play, but Carmine isn't Vacuan and she was much more attached to Gillian from what I can tell. The fact that she's so hesitant to speak of them could be her way of dealing with grief, but it feels too defensive for that to be the case in my mind.

It puts further suspicions in my mind even if I don't have proof. There's a sort of sense that they both know more than they're letting on, but the pieces haven't aligned for me to divine what that is. In any case, it definitely has piqued my interest and I save those tidbits for later. For now, I have to face the music with Atlas and my friends and the bloody bill I've been dealt.

Aura(Practical) raised from (466/1250) to (544/1250) Source: Semblance usage, Combat, & Aura(knowledge) boost.

Combat Raised from (90/2500) to (206/2500) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, & Combat

Criminology Raised from (70/150) to (74/150) Source: VPD & Challenge

Culture raised from (52/300) to (57/300) Source: Oobleck

Grimm raised from (222/300) to (232/300). Source: Ozpin

History raised from (321/625) to (331/625) Source: Oobleck

Investigation raised from(510/625) to(593/625) Source: Oobleck, Alabaster, Training, & Challenge

Law raised from (69/150) to (73/150) Source: VPD

Mobility raised from (260/1250) to (334/1250) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, Combat, & Training

Semblance (Knowledge) raised from (38/300) to (43/300). Source: Ozpin

Survival raised from(134/150) to (139/150). Source: Ozpin

Personal Funds reduced to 11500L Source: VPD

Rank 4 Dust Gained and Reduced to (21/24) uses

Rank 2 Dust Reduced to (202/240) uses
Interlud 14, Ozpin


I wait patiently with Gavin and Lyon while my apprentice fights Miss Polendina. After all of his feats and the training I've put him through, the outcome is never in doubt in my mind. Not even when he abandons his weapon out of some sense of childish perfectionism.

He could very easily deal with Miss Polendina in an outright slug-fest. Miss Xiao Long evidenced that quite clearly in her fight with the robot girl; even if she did lose it in the end. I've been given the inclination to believe that something rather special carried her through her fight with Miss Nikos. Knowing what I do I can't help a small smile that comes to my lips. Love does bring out the best in us, doesn't it? If only it was wholly positive all the time.

Instead of delving into deeper thoughts I push the matter aside with practiced ease. It helps that Miss Polendina is a curious case all on her own. One I've never seen before in my many lives.

Imbuing an inanimate object with life has always been a curiosity among some of those with aura. If any of them were successful then I certainly never heard of it. Not beyond mere fairy tales of things like golems; no doubt inspired by the possession grimm, geists.

With that as inspiration it's so easy to guess that aura could possibly do something similar. However, unlike the grimm, aura on its own does not have any motive force. No impetus for movement or desires of their own. Any such construction would be dependent entirely on the control of the practitioner supplying their own aura.

That's where the real breakthrough of Miss Polendina comes from. Not solely because of the advances in automation, but the fact that she can wield and generate aura all on her own. That and her current state of consciousness I credit to the semblance of her father. Able to split a portion of his aura off permanently so as to create life.

Of course this took many attempts on the good doctor's part. Enough so that James' recounting has Dr. Polendina is only capable of perhaps one more life in him. Something that by my read of the man, means he will never use it. Only in the most dire emergency saved for his precious daughter. A real shame as the trial and error involved means there is vastly little understood about the whole process.

I'm no stranger to the concept, though applying it to aura is a bit trickier. Even as the foremost expert on the subject I'm stumped as to how exactly to make it work. Although, given Atlas' recent advances, perhaps I won't enjoy that lofty throne for long.

Good; it was always the point of Atlas to push the boundaries of what's known. Anything that could assist in the fight against Salem and the prosperity of humanity as a whole. Of course, I'm not going to let them get ahead so easily.

If nothing else the conundrum is an interesting diversion if I can spare any time for it. Plus, competition after so long is an enticing prospect.

Although, perhaps Atlas is closer than I give them credit for. The aura transfer machine can already drain someone of aura. It shouldn't be too difficult to extrapolate the process towards instilling an artificial being with a core like Miss Polendina. Just that it will require much precision and practice.

Although, speaking of her, Miss Polendina's soul, as far as I can tell, is a human soul. That brings up the rather disturbing possibility that I'll find myself in a similar body in the future. Maybe not now, and the chances would be vanishingly low, but it is there. Heh, and here I thought I'd run out of novel experiences. James and Ochre never fail to amuse.

A chuckle threatens to escape me and I beat it down. Now of all times I need to appear professional. Not for my sake, but for the sake of Remnant as a whole, and my protege in particular.

Although, his victory brings about an amusing parallel for myself. For all that Atlas' advancements are wondrous they can be outmatched by the will of a very determined man. Perhaps I should give some more thought to experimenting on my own. Unlike with my magic, this shouldn't permanently cripple me; plus I can spare that pain from the many volunteers Atlas would need to make this work.

I shake my head and Gavin turns his gaze my way. An easygoing smile on my face dispels any concerns from him. Even if it wouldn't I know he trusts me enough to handle my own affairs or seek him out if I need help. Of course, that ignores the darker thoughts that rest in the back of my mind. However, I'm more than capable of keeping a hold of them. After all, this is a time to celebrate the feats of a great man, not lament the fall from grace of a pretender.

I disperse that errant thought as Gavin and I approach the stage where my apprentice waits. Focusing on him and his efforts is so much simpler than worrying about Leo. With that in mind, his victory against Miss Polendina must seem so much more lacking than it should. Miss Nikos would be the closer, more exciting fight, but again my thoughts drift back to the matter of willpower.

Miss Polendina clearly had more riding on that fight than this one or the one against Miss Xiao Long. Similarly, my apprentice can't be described as anything other than a man of utter determination. Like James in a way; in a lot of ways actually. Although, Ochre is not as stubborn or committed as that man. Why, the sheer effort he put into his surprise for Miss Schnee is evident of that.

He spent more hours in his semblance than in the waking world. While he was also able to attend to his other responsibilities, that does not wash away he chose to do that rather than improve himself in any other way that would benefit his home.

Heh, I half think that James wouldn't know how to relax with a woman if she threw herself at him; or a man for that manner. He only has one love to my knowledge, Atlas. As for Ochre, his behavior is just indicative of how love reveals aspects of ourselves even we are unaware of.

My gaze turns to the trophy in my hands. It's not the same, not in the slightest. However, he has earned this much from me. As my student he deserves nothing less after all of his accomplishments.

On that note, Bartholomew has been taking his position with much enthusiasm. Not that most would know from hearing his quick and serious speech. However, I know my student too well to believe he's anything other than absolutely giddy over participating in this historic moment.

I allow my smile to reassert itself. Lyon wanted to present a speech of his own, only to be overruled by Gavin and I. While that would perhaps be better for Vale, there are far grander things at stake than the fate of a single Kingdom. Also, it makes a fantastic gift and apology for the man I should have perhaps trusted more before all this.

I can't hold myself down too heavily for that. Arguably doing so allowed Ochre the opportunity to go about his investigations as he did. How would he have reacted if he knew Bartholomew held loyalty to myself first and foremost rather than being a proper mentor to him?

That extension of trust on Bartholomew's part and then my own is largely responsible for the state of the world we find ourselves in. Really, all this pageantry is just a way to pay back the young man who has rekindled that trust after so long. With a relaxed gait I ascend to the stage proper and keep an ear towards what my former student is saying.

"-The Vytal Festival is not only a celebration of peace; it is also a celebration of the cultures and Kingdoms of Remnant. If it were solely about coming together in the prospect of peace and unity there would be no need for the very colosseum before all of you. However, it was more important that Remnant, all of Remnant, be able to display their culture, their mindsets, the very thing from which our competitors have drawn so much strength.

Atlesian discipline, Vacuan resilience, Mistrali cunning, Valean bravery, and now Menagerian tenacity. All of these have come together these past few weeks. Brought forth by exemplars of the people who have carried these traditions forwards into friendly competition."

A wave of confusion spills over the crowd. They no doubt are here to experience the fights and maybe a small celebration afterwards, not a grand political statement. We haven't gotten to there quite yet, but the mention of Menagerie at all has to sound odd otherwise.

Not that it's a grand matter. The energy from the fight and what's to follow should do plenty to incline people positively. Well, those who haven't made up their minds on the subject, but there was little we could do to reach those people to begin with.

Instead of lamenting those problematic elements, I hand the trophy off to my apprentice. His green eyes focused on Gavin and myself, as they have been for the entirety of our approach. The gears in his head, like the audience's, slowly turn as he pieces together the oddity of all this.

A reluctant release of the object he's truly earned, turns his attention to what I want him to see. Normally I'd expect him to be much quicker on the uptake, but I suppose the rush of the fight and the moment are getting to him more than a little. Something to keep an eye on. Of course, all that took barely a second and Bartholomew was not idle in his speech.

"Like with the construction of this very arena, this is a matter of collaboration, not rivalry. This diversity in strength and in mindset have clashed with one another, not to prove superiority, but to impart a lesson. Amongst the competitors and everyone watching; we all have a lot that we can learn from one another so we can be the best warriors, guardians, no people we can be.

Let no one say that Mr. Rovere has not earned his place amongst us all. Let no one say that his homeland, Menagerie, has not displayed the fortitude to be counted amongst the Kingdoms of Remnant. We are no lesser for their inclusion and, as Mr. Rovere has so aptly demonstrated, we find ourselves so much greater from his contributions. If I may be so bold, I would say that it would be the height of ignorance to assume the same does not extend to his homeland."

A pall of silence descends at the end of his speech and I give it a second before I play my part. "Today we stand together, united. Atlas. Vacuo. Mistral. Vale. And now Menagerie. Eighty years ago we fought a terrible war. One of ignorance, greed, and oppression. As much as I'm ashamed to admit it, we did not learn our lessons and nearly forty years later another conflict broke out for much the same reasons.

Though lesser in scale it is no less impactful to all of us living today. However, I'm afraid to say it seems like we didn't learn our lessons again. If I may be so bold, this sort of declaration is a long time coming. It is also a great personal shame for me to admit that it has taken a man like Mr. Rovere to force the issue. It is also my privilege to thank him for his efforts in averting that crisis.

Some of you may know of his exploits already, though only a few of them. I speak no lie when I say that he has provided more help for Vale, for Remnant as a whole than should ever be expected of a student. Not only that, but he has already proven he is as skilled if not more so than many who graduate from these halls. This is not from a lack of skill on their part, but a plethora of his. Although, knowing him personally I know his skill is born from his strength of character.

How easy would it have been for him to harbor hate in his heart for the neglect and misfortune his home has suffered? How easy would it be for him to take in the cruelty of the world and start lashing out like so many have fallen prey to before him? But that's not the kind of man he is; he did not let this tragedy taint his mind; I know we would be having a much more dire and serious conversation now if he had fallen for such a dark path.

Instead of condemning the world for his troubles, he sought us out. To learn and to stretch out his hand in friendship. He knew that we have so much more to gain together than apart. So, let him stand not only as an example for his peers to aspire to, but for all of us."

I pause for a moment and a small smattering of applause breaks out before I cut it off in a somber tone. "Eighty years ago we, as a world, came to the agreement that our differences and individuality should be celebrated, not stamped out. Forty years ago, we proved that we are not as noble as we imagined. That is fine, humanity is a great series of stumbles leading to a larger goal. Another such stumble almost occurred this very year if not for the efforts and cooperation of Mr. Rovere.

We have so much more to gain together than apart, which is the heart of this very celebration. To encourage individuality, expressionism, and unity through diversity. As I said, today we stand together, united. But this bond cannot exist without effort.

Effort which Mr. Rovere has already extended on behalf of his homeland. Vale will not be found wanting; and neither should you, dear citizen. Let Mr. Rovere, his victory, and his cooperation stand, not only as an example for all of us, but a reminder to not let ourselves be divided by the hate in our hearts or the ills of the past."

The crowd is more hesitant for the second seeming conclusion on my part. This time it's genuine and I step back and allow Gavin his time in the spotlight. As I do so the crowd erupts in their own form of reaction, mostly positive from what I can tell, though that energy doesn't overcome everyone. Some are already against the idea or just don't care, but I have other matters to concern myself with; I can finally spare my apprentice an amount of my attention that he deserves.

Much to my disappointment it seems like he hasn't taken in much of my speech. Instead he was enthralled with the trophy I gave him and the new symbol of Menagerie upon it, nestled in its proper place among the rest of the Kingdoms. One that is now reflected on the floor beneath his feet. Conveniently enough, that's when his gaze tears away from the object towards me, only to slide off to the floor in question.

His green eyes are soft and with an almost distant quality to them. Something I know means he's being overwhelmed by the moment. As if his obsession over the object and symbol in his hands wasn't indicative of that enough. As such he throws a plastic expression on his face, deliberately neutral and with a slight smile.

However, my student, like all men, is not free from his emotions. His eyes fall onto the crowd and, perhaps not even willing it, fall upon a sight. One that causes a hitch in his otherwise natural seeming performance.

My friend is nowhere near done with his speech, always one for verbose displays and announcements. Unfortunately, if we remain as we are for much longer I'm afraid it will spell disaster. Well, disaster for Ochre. Try as he might, he can't tear his gaze away from his family; some combination of their presence and the moment turns out to be too much for him to keep himself under control.

Even in the brief seconds it takes me to motion to Gavin to draw things to a close, his mask is slowly breaking apart. A hitched breath here, a wobble to his eye there; he's able to keep the rest of his body remarkably still and put together, but it's only a matter of time until that too falls apart.

Fortunately, my friend trusts me enough to wrap up his speech as best he can at his next natural pause. In the meantime I hold out a hand for my wayward student to step down. To entrust in me his burdens, both emotionally and physically. It is, after all, the duty of the older generations to look after the younger.

Long Memory serves as an able support to help conceal how much weight he ends up putting on me. I could manage without, but just as I expected his emotionality caught up to his body. This expresses as a sort of limpness on the outside. No doubt either a numbness of the body or a heaviness of the limbs for him.

To help preserve his pride, I fix my other arm around his upper back. My hand digs into his armpit to force him to remain as upright as I can manage. He's not entirely overcome and so is able to work with me to some small degree as I drag the two of us to a common room in the arena, far from the prying eyes of the crowd.

I set him into one of the couches as I do my best to discern his reaction and how best to combat it. His hair is wildly strewn about from all of the breakneck maneuvers he put himself through. Not at all helped by the light sheen of sweat coming forth. Whether from his combat or his attempt to keep a lid on his emotionality. More likely the latter in the mind, though the former doesn't help.

Furthermore, his outfit is more than a little disheveled from an attempted grapple on Miss Polendina's part. This gives him a more wild, almost feral, appearance than usual. The fact that he hasn't noticed and hasn't corrected it is a grave indication that his mind is elsewhere; perhaps unhealthily so.

This should be a moment of celebration for him, but it appears there's more of a tenseness to the air than anything else. Clearly he's overwhelmed to a degree, which is why I brought him to a place where he could process that. Somewhere where he'd have space to himself and not have to worry about keeping himself so held together. Only that's not what's happening.

It's not like he's too proud to show me a vulnerable side to him. Our talks have certainly delved into related topics, and a particular insecurity of his. One that I understand Miss Schnee and Miss Belladonna were trying to address to some degree.

That perhaps explains why he opened up about that, but isn't now, but it feels inaccurate. His reaction is perfectly normal and while he engages in the usual sort of machismo of a teenager, he never struck me as so proud to hide his feelings from himself or those he trusts.

Words pass from my lips in an attempt to reassure him, but he remains distant. As if keeping me at arm's length for some reason.

A sigh dies in my throat with an effort of will. He's always been cautious about my presence. I thought we were making headway on that, but it appears I was mistaken. Such a heavy moment for my apprentice must have caused him to be more aware of his state and myself; bringing his guard up to a very real barrier that stands between us.

This goes beyond merely being overwhelmed. Something deeper is at play. I like to think it isn't a fear that I'd manipulate him. However, as evidenced by his concerns, the matter of manipulation is often one at the forefront of his mind. Far more so than it should be considering his behavior; just that he can't help himself and likely thinks it's a measure of taking advantage of others.

Similarly, this isn't a matter of simple discomfort either. Ochre, when dealing with such, often jokes to hide behind the humor or redirect the mood somewhere else. He doesn't lock up as he has here and as the seconds drag on it only gets worse and worse for him.

If there was an actual issue that he was aware of he'd have no problem voicing it or asking me to leave. That only leaves the possibilities that this behavior is either caused by an issue he isn't aware of, unlikely, or because of something he doesn't want or can't let me know.

With that in mind, his behavior comes off as almost guilty, though I cannot fathom why exactly. Part of it appears to be that he's aware of his behavior and how he's not opening up to me. The fact that only seems to increase his troubles tells me that he feels as if he should open up, but can't quite bring himself to do so. That's at least something I can address.

Before I can do so, the door swings open with a hurried Miss Schnee filling the space. The young heiress crashes into Ochre, who was in the middle of pacing about the room. Likely an attempt to bleed off a nervous energy. Nevertheless, my apprentice is quite surprised by his girlfriend-cum-missile.

The young heiress practically leaps up and onto his frame. His arms reflexively jut out to catch hold of her. Unfortunately, her speed and the surprise sends the both of them tumbling onto the couch behind him with a small crash. Not that it stops the young heiress from holding her boyfriend close to shower him with her affection.

Said display is soon joined by Miss Belladonna. The Menagerian princess rushes to the other side of my student and holds him close in much the same way Miss Schnee is. This leaves him in a position that many young men would be envious of. Although, Ochre appears to be struggling to breathe through it all.

A sort of amusement is shared between myself and the parents of my protege. Perhaps I should introduce myself properly to them? That thought only lasts for a moment before my mind returns to my apprentice's prior behavior. It feels I'm more in the way than not at the moment. Although, I can't help a snort of amusement that escapes when a rabbit-tailed girl haplessly rushes towards the pile of bodies.

I notice Miss Aoi as I turn to leave the room, as well as Miss Polendina with her. I give them both a curt nod to acknowledge their presence. Something Miss Aoi interprets as some sort of command or permission to join in. Which she does so with a look of utter determination, as if the matter is one of life or death for her.

Heh, I wonder how exactly all that looked like to her semblance? Miss Aoi's case is a peculiar one. Not for her ability to see emotions or the grimm, but more so because I don't know if that's the extent of it. Getting any details from her is rather hard without her team to prompt her for answers; and based on what she has provided I doubt she understands her semblance fully to begin with either.

Just a minor curiosity in the end, as is the presence of Miss Soleil standing guard just outside of the door. James has rescinded her orders to follow Miss Polendina around and yet she still does so. However, she isn't comfortable enough to intrude on the moment, merely content to play at being a guard.

I send her a thankful nod which she dutifully returns. After which I depart for my office and pass the rest of RWBY as I do so. Thoughts ring out in my mind; first about my apprentice before deliberately redirecting them to the dark matters I've kept hold of until now. Leo has to be brought down and the time for doing so is rapidly approaching.

Three days later, I have most everything arranged until Ochre steps into my office. This is the second time this week and we already had our training session earlier on. This could just be a simple social call or courtesy, but neither are very likely.

My protege understands this just as well and he takes a seat opposite of me. He appears much more rested than I last saw him. No longer as lost as he was and certainly more cleaned up. Although, I do note that his outfit today consists of long-sleeves.

A curious sort of habit he's picked up is that he's fine bearing his skin, and his spots, whenever around people he's comfortable with. As I understand this, this was prompted by Miss Schnee and carried forth by Miss Belladonna as well.

I wouldn't be surprised if the momentum didn't carry over into other aspects of his life. Although, this is just an indication that I haven't made that list quite yet. Not that I haven't seen him with his sleeves rolled up; just that I don't apparently warrant the same level of consideration.

My student isn't stupid enough to believe I wouldn't pick up on that, but neither is he presenting any sort of false front for me. Not in this aspect at least. It brings my thoughts back to the aftermath of the tournament. Is this a declaration that he stands by not opening up then, or that he remains conflicted?

We enjoy a mostly customary now stare down as I digest that and he does the same to me for whatever he can discern. It wouldn't surprise me to know he's reading into my behavior and what plans I might have for Leo.

Unfortunately for him I keep a much higher lock on that than anything else I have previously. The last thing I want is to drag him into one of my messes. Even if it's unlikely to be dangerous or complicated, he shouldn't have this on his hands. I should have stopped him from going after Merlot to begin with.

Complications aside, he levelly states, "I'm orchestrating a trap in Mistral." He pauses for a moment while I raise an eyebrow and steeple my fingers. Both to prompt him and to see how he'll react. "I need some additional manpower to make it all work and was wondering if you or Qrow could recommend anyone. No need to cripple any of your own efforts; just a list of men and women who could help out will go a long way."

His tone starts out light, almost joking as if to dissolve tension. His face, however, remains carefully controlled. Not like I can hold that against him with how much it reflects his own.

A sort of familiar ground between the two of us. What could so easily be misconstrued as professionalism takes on a different air with our level of skill and ability to keep things hidden. The enjoyment each of us takes from the act makes it difficult to ever discern if a conversation is utterly serious or just another part of our act.

I don't even need to consider his request; it's trivially easy to accommodate. The only downside would be that it would take away those same Huntsmen from assisting when the inevitable chaos in Mistral breaks out. However, his plan seems like it would result in that anyway. A few alterations should ensure an even more favorable result. That would imply that this is the latter rather than the former, but my apprentice isn't a fool.

This is just a prelude to his actual request. Again, this isn't a courtesy visit or anything of the like. If that was all he needed he could have condensed it into a small message rather than waste both of our time. What could be construed as an over-inflated sense of entitlement or ego is laughable with my protege's usual behavior. He's far too busy, as I am, to waste things on trivialities when results are needed.

"I can do you one better and arrange the helpers myself, assuming you're able to pay for them." He nods with a grimace and it takes me a second to place it as genuine. Good help of this caliber is hardly cheap. Much less when you're asking with only a day or so's notice. Poor Ochre has no one else to pass the costs onto this time I'm afraid, but that's a mere distraction. "Now, what are you really after?"

My question brings with it a silence to the conversation. His jaw clenches in his usual way of thinking. Light enough that it hasn't drawn his attention to that little tell of his and with a slight rocking motion reminiscent of chewing or grinding. Again, not severe enough to catch his attention, but with his normal level of care and control over his reaction, the fact it remains at all stands out rather strikingly.

I'm sure there are others that he hasn't been able to eliminate fully. I mean, he's not even two decades old at this point. It would be foolish to think he has so much control over himself to only show exactly what he wants. Particularly since it appears his level of control comes from a sort of distance he keeps with relationships. The closer he's gotten with me, or his friends I suppose, the harder it is for him to feign his emotions or remain entirely distant.

Either way, his thoughtful demeanor is not indicative that he's been caught out and has to come up with some sort of goal or explanation. He clearly entered this conversation with one on the mind. Rather, he's parsing how to present his request in a way I'd approve. This sort of conversational back and forth is particularly foundational for our environment. Even if I'm aware of it, it's refreshing in a way to deal with someone who puts so much thought behind their words.

He takes a dramatic breath and applies an almost put-upon expression to his face, "With the help of the conspiracy contacts, I expect I'll hold the advantage in both manpower and quality. However, I would feel a lot more comfortable with the power of a maiden at my back in case things go horribly wrong."

A frown worms its way across my features, both deliberately and not. Deliberate so I can prompt Ochre to continue his pitch as I'm not daft enough to think that's the whole of it. Not so because I truly don't appreciate what I hear.

He remains silent for a moment, as if forcing me to go over his words another time, which I unfortunately do. Doing so wears at me again as it doesn't pass by my notice how his appeal references his own safety. By proxy that same safety includes RWBY and OAAK. Both of whom I'd rather not be involved at all, but I know I can't stop them. As much as I want to plead with him on that, I can't; not after bending so much to accept his assistance in the first place.

It's not like I'm against using them if I have to. I'd just rather that they are able to enjoy their time as children before facing the harsh world. Technically he hasn't mentioned them yet, but I'd be foolish to think they aren't involved to some degree. Love makes fools of us all in the end.

He continues, putting to lie any doubts otherwise, "RWBY, my team, and I will be there. So will my men, Sienna, Maple, and anyone else I can bring. Independent Huntsmen and those in the know. This includes Tai, Raven, Qrow, and Amber."

I stare at him cooly over my hands. It doesn't pass my notice that he appended her name at the end as if the conclusion is already foregone. Like he hasn't just suggested an incredibly powerful and important collection of forces; one that is nearly unthinkable. The sheer disaster if he were to fail, or worse, attract the attention of Salem.

I know that's a comparatively miniscule possibility, but it's one I have to dismiss deliberately. By all accounts she shouldn't be aware of anything so meaningful. Not unless she came to the same sort of erroneous conclusion that James did about Ochre. Or maybe she might think he's some sort of important agent of mine for the future.

His skills shouldn't be enough now for her to mark him as a priority, though that also assumes she isn't aware of how much he's messed with her plans. Thank the Gods we hashed things out as we did; before I told Leo anything about him. This would be a disaster otherwise.

With that settled in my mind, I have to go back to a more basic risk assessment. What I know of his plan paints it as a risky maneuver for himself, though his list of arrayed support should be able to handle themselves. There might be questionable wisdom in including Qrow given his semblance, but I would have pushed forth for something similar.

Even if the man would be more preoccupied keeping his nieces safe, he knows how important Amber is. On a similar bent, some of the agents I can send his way can be instructed to keep her safe at the bare minimum. A sort of last ditch effort to ensure this isn't a complete disaster should things take a turn.

Any thought of prohibiting the maiden's involvement is dashed away under a sense of pragmatism and morality. She should be safe, and if she wouldn't be, then I shouldn't allow RWBY and OAAK to join in this operation. It's not like her simply going to Mistral is the problem.

If anything she'll be safer in the outskirts of the wind pass than in the heart of Ostro. If only because James and his men will be close by for assistance. Qrow and my other agents should be able to keep her safe, or at least alive, until their arrival.

With all that in mind, it takes me a moment to place Raven's presence as odd. Odd, but hardly unfathomable. She's a capable fighter in her own respects. Hopefully one that kept her skills sharper than Leo.

Why she would agree to this is another matter entirely. Especially with her brother and my other agents. Ochre has to know that, but his tone earlier implied he was utterly confident in her assistance. Perhaps he's banking on her relationship with those involved to ensure her compliance. He's certainly worked with them and the woman to end their estrangement to some degree, so all I can do is trust his estimation.

"Against my better judgment," I start slowly and then cough into my hand to punctuate my statement. "I'm willing to sign off on this matter. I dearly hope you're not making a grave mistake, Ochre." He opens his mouth to assure me he isn't and I hold up a hand. "Please, it would do me a world of good if you could go into further detail."

His lips thin, not quite into a grimace or a frown. Evidently not appreciating the interruption or the implicit ability for me to retract my support if I don't like what I hear. He has a tendency to settle on the particulars for something as the time approaches rather than make any sort of complicated plan. I can't say it doesn't work out for him; he's able to think quickly and manage the chaos otherwise prevalent in the world.

Although, I get the feeling he has more settled than not at the moment and would give me the details anyway. In that light this is just an irksome request. I suppose I got ahead of myself a little in my worry. Still, it's better to go over this than not.

Of particular interest for me is his timeline of events. The rest he seems to have well in hand and I don't really have much to suggest as far as changes go. Not when there is so much unknown about the opposition. Although, they should know even less about what's happening to them, so he still holds the advantage.

Unfortunately, his plans necessitate that I accelerate my own. Of course this happens just after I have everything put together and in place. However, that also means it shouldn't be too difficult to arrange for a few changes.

I'd have much preferred to take this at my own pace. Allow the chaos in Mistral to rise a little before orchestrating Leo's disappearance. Said disappearance would wipe away Salem's pawn and give James the excuse to intervene that he needs. Not that the latter isn't workable to some degree, just harder now. I make sure he's duly informed and start pecking away at my scroll to handle my affairs.

The next day I'm on an airship, much like my protege is. Certainly smaller, sleeker, and less noticeable than his own efforts. I'm afraid not much hubbub will be made about my and Pewter's visit.

As far as the rest of the world is concerned, I should be celebrating one last day with James in person. Greene is also there to provide a further alibi, our lives in this incarnation have almost no relationship. This should give a credible alibi in case anyone doesn't believe the word of the Atlesian military.

Of course, our arrival isn't to Haven proper and I take care to ensure I'm well disguised. Lifetimes of experience come into play on that matter, but I'm not ignorant of the progress of the rest of the world. I follow a prescribed path to my destination; one where there are either no cameras or the ones on the route have been subverted for our purposes.

This sort of skullduggery comes by in a complicated manner. As does the subversion of my former friend's staff. Most have been convinced to be ready to attend to chaos across Mistral or conduct missions, as have the students. The remainder are all either in on the plan or easily distracted or disposed of. The latter shouldn't be necessary in all but the most dire of circumstances; I alone should be sufficient.

Perhaps that's the height of hubris, but I find it true. Everything we've observed of my former friend points to him being a shadow of his former self. Whatever rocked his confidence also robbed him of the drive for self-improvement or even maintaining his skill.

Theo would be most disappointed; I wouldn't be surprised if Ochre would have little trouble dealing with the once exemplary Huntsmen. Of course, I don't wish to involve him and the matter is too personal for me to trust Leo's capture to anyone other than myself; not with what he knows.

Just as naturally, my men should be able to cut off any attempt for escape if I'm somehow unsuccessful. Additionally, we have control of Haven's cameras, which on paper should be down for routine maintenance.

A discrepancy that will surely draw attention and point to the meddling of someone with influence. I'm sure there will be no small amount of finger pointing, but with the events as they are there is a somewhat obvious conclusion to draw. A small concession to help Ochre's future efforts.

I stand outside of Leo's office and a dark chuckle threatens to erupt from me. He was all too willing to send out his students and staff to help tamper down on the impending chaos. His skittishness demanding that he act the part of a loyal friend after his betrayal; he had to know we would have some suspicions about him after Cinder, but there's only so much he can do.

According to Cassandra, he tried to set up his own surveillance in his office, likely to catch any sort of attempt like what we're doing now. Unfortunately for him, that too is able to be suborned. Similarly, Cassandra's voice in my ear tells me the layout of the room, redundantly, and the position of my target.

I throw open the door and it hits the doorstop with a bang. The sudden motion and noise draws Leo's attention for a bare moment while he clutches at his chest and rocks backwards. Far enough back that his chair tilts backwards as well and his arms windmill in an attempt to right himself.

As he struggles I launch myself atop his desk. His hand darts towards one of his drawers, the one his shield is in. I bat it away with Long Memory. Then I wrap the head of my cane around his neck. With a great heave I lift him off his chair, which falls to the ground, and toss him bodily off to the side of the room; careful not to angle him towards any furniture or bookshelves so as to leave as little evidence as possible.

He skids and tries to right himself while crying out, "Stop!" I, of course, do not and I'm upon him before he's ready. His arms are crossed in front of his face as a measure of protection. I go around and stab him in the stomach which leaves him doubled over. It also leaves his brown eyes bare and they meet with mine.

"Ozpin," he questions, while scrambling backwards. His tone is one of outright disbelief before it quickly morphs into full blown panic. "Why- Wait. Waitwaitwait, I can explain." A full force blow slams into his head from the side, only slightly dulled by how he threw his arm in the way.

He crumples to the floor again and curls up in a ball. A solitary hand peeks out pointing towards a wall in his office which houses the second objective of mine for the night. He's practically sniveling when he manages to let out, "O-over there, she-her-the thing you're looking for is in the hidden room. I'm- Please! I'll do anything! I can still be useful!"

"You've done enough," I let out before clearing my head of his subsequent cries. With his skills much diminished and without his weapon, he stands no chance of stopping me. Even with a heavy heart and heavier limbs I'm able to beat him until his aura breaks and then restrain him.

"Rest easy, my friend," I whisper more to myself than anyone else. A small eulogy to remark on the passing of a friend as I remembered him.

After what he's done he can't be trusted with anything sensitive ever again. I doubt he even knows anything important which leaves a rather grim fate in store for him. But, I go forth with the knowledge that the memory of the friend I know will live on while the husk of what he's become suffers for his misdeeds.

"Cassandra, keep an eye on Lionheart will you," I state and receive a confirmation. Then I move over to the secret passage. I gave some thought to having someone else accompany me. Perhaps even force Leo to meet the master he sold his soul to so he can see how little she actually cares.

Oh Leo, you could have done so much, anything since Salem got her hooks into you. You could have reached out to any of us for help and we would have given it.

Still, I enter the winding candle lit passageway. It carries forth a short while before terminating into a circular room where a grimm floats. The very one Leo has used to communicate with Salem.

The grimm question looks nothing like the usual variety. No eyes, no mouth, no real head. Instead an orb like structure rests, underneath which lies tentacles. Some of which are tipped with sharp triangular points.

With my senses cast out I can detect no real trace of magic. It could just be dormant at the moment, but I'm absolutely certain she's managed to construct this beast with only her control of the grimm. No permanent sacrifice on her part.

More curious to me is the fact it's just lying there dormant. Any grimm that I know of would at the very least test the bounds of its captivity, but the walls show nothing of the sort. Far too docile for a creature of destruction, at least normally. I know with certainty that if it was able to detect any emotions it would react to them. That must mean that she's dulled its senses to such an extreme degree or maintains a somewhat tenuous and constant connection to the beast.

The latter is far too unlikely for my taste. More likely that its senses have been dulled so much that it can only detect a person when they are in absolute close proximity to the beast and by doing so she's sent a signal of some sort by which she then controls the beast so it doesn't rampage or do any damage.

Another reason for why I didn't want anyone with me here and why I distracted Cassandra with a task is that whatever happens here, I don't want anyone to be privy to if I can help it. Only the most trusted of people should be around this grimm if it's a direct connection to Salem. Who knows what kind of poison or secrets she could spill otherwise.

I approach the grimm and step onto the circular pattern floor, of which there are four rings in total. The circle the grimm floats over followed by concentric rings that expand out from that point. If my guess is right, crossing the first threshold is enough to inform her someone has arrived. A second to confirm, and then the third would confirm to the grimm that someone is there. Therefore I wait on the second ring with my weapon at the ready before cautiously stepping onto the third.

The grimm's orb is an inky blackness held by stark white bone-plates. This darkness lasts only for a second longer before a red mist erupts from the center, slowly resolving into an image. With my senses strained I still don't detect any hint of magic so I fall onto a different technique.

Like sensing someone's aura, someone can sense the presence of grimm. While harder in some ways, this too can be pushed like the technique for auras to distinguish specific individuals and even further.

As evidenced by alphas of even the humble beowulf, there are leaders amongst the grimm and they are able to communicate in a rudimentary way. Not at all similar to how animals do so; something other. Perhaps it could be described as a magic, but a different one from the abilities humans were graced with once upon a time.

Regardless, with enough focus I catch onto a similar sort of bleeding stream of information. Two of them in fact, though one is very hard to discern from the other; much weaker and nearly overpowered by that which pours off the grimm in front of me. It's communication isn't tightly packed or anything, rather it's omnidirectional. I doubt that's impossible for Salem to narrow down, so otherwise it must either not be worth her effort or it serves a purpose rather than something happenstance.

"Ozma," Salem's voice comes from the orb with a warbly quality to it. Something like a cross between an echo and radio distortion. Her deathly pale visage has a red tint over the entirety of it, though she has hardly aged a day; she can't, not with the Gods' curse and her grimmified nature. More importantly to me is the surprise in her voice, though she covers it well underneath the distortion and a forced imperious tone.

"It appears Lionheart has earned his execution twice over. One from each of us," she continues. "I'll leave you the honor." Yes, how magnanimous of her. Not like she could tear him from my grasp at the present moment.

"Oh, don't be like that dear, you should be proud. You sniffed out yet another traitor and I get to rid myself of a weakling hanger on. It's a real win-win for the both of us. Better luck next time, right?"

"I think I should be saying that to you and not the other way around. Although, forgive me if I don't do so," I state in a clear tone. I know exactly what she's trying to do and there's no benefit to this conversation. Just poisonous words that I should disregard no matter what. However, every moment of observation of this new type of grimm I can burn in my mind the better; I just have to keep her talking and remain somewhat subtle.

She croons in a malevolent tone, "Oh Ozma, forgiveness isn't earned so easily." Or at all. "But, I think you have this all backwards. I wish you the best of luck, I truly do. I mean, you lost a friend, someone you trusted. Someone who so readily turned on you; while all I lost was a pathetic excuse of a man who couldn't do anything right. Hardly a fair trade.

Although, how much of a friend was he to you," she inquires in a sing-song voice and an accusatory outstretched finger. "He seemed so surprised by what I had to tell him. I didn't even have to mention anything personal. Still keeping everyone an arm's length away I see."

The image tracks her as she stands up, but the image quality prevents me from seeing much of what she doesn't want me to see. Only the barest hint of windows as she glides past them and the grimm on the other end follows after her. This means I only get a look at her backside and whatever facial expressions she wants me to see and I can't read her properly like this. Not that I should even attempt to do so.

"I wonder," she ventures in an amused tone. "Who will betray you next? Will it be the old man in Vacuo? The despot in Atlas? Or maybe that new stray you caught? Was that your plan, to replace an old cat with a new one? Or maybe one of your birds-Oh! I'm so sorry, you've already lost one haven't you?"

"You're starting to ramble dear; I don't suppose you have a point you're building to?" My voice remains level, almost bored as I keep dismissing the intrusive thoughts and agitation she tries to enkindle in me.

"Not interested in how well-informed I am?"

"Would you even tell me if I was," I needle back. Of course, it's not like it's too hard to guess any of what she's brought up. A basic CCT search or just a passing level of interaction with my agents would inform her of such, and she's been far more active than just incidental meetings between our agents.

"You never know if you don't try, but you know all about quitting, don't you?" Her tone is heavy and difficult for me to truly ignore. Far too many instances in my mind that she could be referencing with the comment and each of them is heavy in emotions. Sometimes of conflicting ones, which is no doubt intentional.

"All of your sacrifices, all of your losses; how much you've given up. Look at how much you've diminished, and for what? A ruined world? Friends who'll grow old, die, or betray you? Is that what you really want?"

"Is that all," I question back, affecting an uninterested tone. She hums in interest, stops in her tracks, and swings her whole body back around to regard me. She repeats the noise louder this time and with a tilted head. I really shouldn't give her any more to work with, but I can't quite help myself.

"I suppose you could say we're of two minds about reality. There's far more to life than the worst aspects. I may outlive my friends and comrades, but their memories live on with me forevermore." I tap Long Memory against the ground for good measure. "And the world is far less ruined than you think it is. War, strife, discrimination, even death; all these exist, but they aren't the whole of it, nor do they mean life isn't worth living."

'Would you have rather remained in that tower,' remains unvoiced. Perhaps I should. This distance between us, this pain on both ends. Would it be lessened if I knew she truly didn't care anymore? To know that the woman I loved is well and truly gone now?

Before I can muster the courage, she tuts, "And how long before you give up on that childish dream? How long until you return to a husk of a man? Ozma, dear husband, just give me the relics and I'll take care of everything else. Trust me."

Her tone at the end turns soft and comforting and she throws open her arms as if to welcome a longing embrace. Her attempt doesn't stop there as her face is equally as soft and welcoming, almost caring. Even the purple veins that mar her otherwise perfectly and deathly white face seem to recede. In that I spot the beauty of the woman I fell in one with. Once when she was human and perfect and once when she was as she is now.

I'm brought out by the sweet allure of memories better off forgotten when I stare at her baleful red eyes. The black sclera around them brings a heavy contrast, but only highlights the malice and misery that I know lies within. No matter how soft, how earnest she sounds, I know she can't be trusted; not with something like this, not after last time.

"I would if I could dear," I answer honestly before letting that last bit of care slip from me momentarily. A harsh grip around my weapon allows me to collect the seriousness and anger necessary for what comes next. "However, you and I both know how that worked out last time."

The words slip out like deadly hornets of malice and a guilty glee fills me as she registers them and their meaning. Only for a brief moment until I allow the ghastly nature of what I said hit me as well. One's children should never be used as a weapon. Much less the memory of them. Love really does bring out the worst in us.

Regardless, my words have their intended effect. The previously receding veins on her face spring forth in an angry mass that threaten to dominate her features entirely as a wordless scream erupts from her throat. Violent enough that I briefly worry it would shatter the grimm through the sheer severity. Distantly I note that I'm likely getting a more restrained version, but only for a moment.

The next moment, the grimm takes a swing at me with one of its tentacles which is easily blocked. It swings again not even a second later, but not at me; at itself. I start a half-hearted attempt at restraining the beast so it can be studied properly only to wonder the point of it all. She's already demonstrated that she can force it to attack itself; she can just keep at it until she's inevitably successful.

That thought only lasts for a moment longer until I remind myself it's exactly that kind of thinking that benefits her. I can't give up, not now, maybe not ever. The moment I do, she's won in truth. All that moment of weakness indicates to me is that neither of us walk away from that conversation unscathed.

Restraining the beast once I've worked up the motivation to do so is no grand thing. Its tentacles are surprisingly strong, but also present an obvious area of weakness. With sufficient coordination I'm able to tie them up in one another rendering the beast largely defenseless. It also sinks to the floor as apparently the tentacles are also its source of propulsion.

Perhaps it would be better to let this grimm end itself and forget this conversation ever happened. It would certainly be the safer option. No real risk for her to corrupt someone or spill secrets I'd rather keep. However, that would be giving up in a way; I lost faith in others which led to Leo's betrayal and I'm not keen on repeating that mistake if I can help it. No matter how much it hurts.

A Kingdom, a house, a family. It all seems like distant memories, but so fresh now. I wonder where the girls are now; if they're happy, if they're living better lives than what I could give them. And if not, well, at least their memory is still around, helping people much like I imagine they would have.

I sit against the wall and run a hand along Long Memory. Not much longer old friend. Only a century, or two, or three, or four. However long it takes, we'll take in the beauty of the world, of humanity, and carry it forward until we can finally rest. And if not, well, we'll live on, won't we?

This takes place starting from S2 Week 18's Vytal victory to the Faux Throne Room fight of the same week.
Summer Week 1 (Part 1)
Chap7 plan (3)

[No other plan submitted]
Chap7 Plan
Vacation: Menagerie-Atlas-Patch
Timber: Mistral: Inner Cities
Investigation: Desert Mystery: Crown and Kingdom.
Org: Mistral Replacement, Bully Pulpit.
Socials: Penny(QM), Blake(Free), Weiss, Onyx, Coral, Autumn, Kelly, Yang, Ruby, Ironwood, Maple, Charlotte, Raven
Training: Aura(Knowledge) x7
Contemporary QM Note: We have 6 weekly action points this week. Default actions are listed next to their category as well as whatever instructions are necessary for that section. The only stipulation is that all default actions have to be filled with something for a plan and all action points have to be assigned. Other than that go wild.

Addendum; we only have 6 because Blake and Weiss are going to force Ochre to relax. Thus, this slot is a general 'vacation' action as it were. An appropriate scene of Ochre hanging out with relevant companions should be included in each week.

This also requires a vote on how to arrange our vacation time. This is separated into months, with Atlas and Menagerie taking up one month each; though the order is to be determined by vote. This also allows an open slot for the free month for other visits or extending our stay in a Kingdom.

Vacation: Please include this in your plans

Acceptable vote formats include: Menagerie-Atlas-Mistral; Menagerie-Menagerie-Atlas; Atlas-Menagerie-Atlas; and any other possible variations and substitutions. As long as one Atlas and one Menagerie is in the final plan. Additionally, Patch is an explicit option if you wish to go there for some reason.

Missions: Each costs 2 Actions to take.

Public Safety Commission: A job posted by Atlas specifically. It entails keeping the peace in Mistral proper. How exactly we do that is up to us and our pay is based on performance. (500L per member minimum)

Monkey Business: A congress of Beringels is reportedly stalking around outlying villages. Mostly spared by the fighting, but it's only a matter of time before the anxiety draw them in. And Atlas is spread too thin to cover everywhere. (2000L per member)

Dread Horseman: A Nuckelavee has been spotted by Atlesian airships. With the chaos going on, they'd prefer for the grimm to be dealt with, but they have their hands full as it is. (4000L per member)

Timber/World: Choose 1

Mistral: Inner Cities: Closer Look: There is much more in Timber's report that I didn't go over. Getting a greater idea of the cities and how they handle themselves seems pertinent.

Mitral: Great City Relations: Perhaps the more important part of diplomacy for me. The connections the various cities have with each other and other Kingdoms.

Mistral: Outer Cities: Closer Look:There is much more in Timber's report that I didn't go over. Getting a greater idea of the cities and how they handle themselves seems pertinent.

Mistral: Lower Council: I'm not sure what the point of the lower council would be. I doubt the Mistrali are that concerned with what they view as lesser voices.

Vale: Overview: I've already dipped my toes into the politics of the region, but perhaps he could give me a greater view.

Atlas: Overview: I'm pretty sure I know how the politics of Atlas works, but it can't hurt to ask.

Vacuo: Overview: Is there really anything to talk about as far as Vacuo is concerned? As far as I'm aware their official government isn't much of one.

None: Politics don't really interest me. No need to bother with him.

Investigation: 1 by default. Each additional costs 1 action.

Conspiracy: Elusive Mr. Watts: Watts, as far as I can tell, is the backbone of Salem's organization. Without him they'd be much more limited by sheer simple logistics. Maybe I can find something that sets me on his whereabouts. (Very hard Investigation Check)

Conspiracy: Grimm Tracking: I haven't been able to pass this off to my men yet. Perhaps I need to do so myself to see if I can pick up any trace of Salem. (Difficult Investigation and Grimm checks)

Conspiracy: Traces: There has to be some activity by Tyrian, Watts, or some other conspirator. Perhaps looking into odd occurrences could give me something to work off of. (???)

Coalition: Mutual Connection: The two halves of the Coalition have to have some sort of actual connection between them. Messagers, communications, something. All I have to do is find it. (Hard investigation Check)

Coalition: Volunteers: People with strong semblances suddenly walking away from their communities all at the same time is already strange. There has to be something going on and they had to have gone somewhere. (Hard Investigation Check)

Coalition: Animosity: As I understand it, there is more than a little bad blood between the constituent members of the coalition. Something big has to be binding them together right? (Investigation and Politics Checks)

Desert Mystery: Disappearances: I've encountered some information that makes this whole disappearing act a lot more concerning at first glance. I just need to find out where they're going. (Very hard investigation Check; ???) [Small Circumstance Modifier to the check]

Desert Mystery: Logistical Concerns: It might be based on a foolish hope, but I have to think that some of those who have disappeared are still alive. If that's the case, their captors have to be getting supplies from somewhere. (Hard Investigation Check) [Tiny circumstance modifier to the check]

Desert Mystery: Crown and Kingdom: The criminal side of Vacuo is hard for me and my men to breach into. However, if anyone is involved or knows about the extremists lashing out against Weiss and I's holding it would be them. (Hard Criminology Check) [Small circumstance modifier to the check]

Desert Mystery: Shady Guides: A few of the local guides for Weiss' men have reportedly arrived back alive while their charges did not. I could spare my attention to see if there's anything nefarious going on. (Investigation Check)

Desert Mystery: Asturias Twins: As my first suspected victims, perhaps finding out who exactly they are and what they are up to are in order. (Tiered Investigation check) [Small circumstance modifier to the check]

Desert Mystery: Slippery Inconsistencies: Carmine and Bertilak are keeping some sort of secret. I could look into their 'off-periods' as it were and see what I can find (Hard Investigation Check)

Missing Maiden: Raven's nest: I already have a heavy suspicion that Raven is involved with the missing Spring maiden I just need to find more definitive proof somehow (Very Hard Investigation check) [Tiny Circumstance Modifier to the check]

Misc: Trivia Pursuit: I think I have enough information to track down Neo's previous identity. The question is whether I should or not. (Investigation Check)

Misc: Puppet Masters: The assault on my person had to be funded by someone. Possibly several someone's. Still, I only have one real lead at the moment. (Tiered investigation and criminology checks; possible social)

Organization: 0 by default currently. Each additional costs 1 action.

Long-term planning: I have plenty of plans that need to be done and less of a need for flexibility. I can shift those resources over to handle those matters for a short time. (+ with a medium-term focus. This takes up 1 short-term focus action until it is resolved.)

Raven's Nest: I can't get to the area myself, but my men might be able to. It might be a long-shot but it may be possible for them to get some direct evidence on if she has the maiden or not.

Wattchmen: It's been a while since I've had my men look into matters of Salem. I would have to keep a close eye on them and progress might be slow, but it couldn't hurt to make some progress.

Desert Agents: My men have already proved somewhat helpful in my investigation. Combating the lack of centralized authority in Vacuo is no easy feat.

Vacuo: Shady Guides: A few of the local guides for Weiss' men have reportedly arrived back alive while their charges did not. My men should be able to round them up and ask some questions without too much issue.

Vacuan Vandals: The people who have broken into, stolen from, and defaced our operations in the area are known to us. We just have to keep a watch on them to see where and who they meet up with.

Vacuo: Refinery Sweep: It's a bit odd that the rest of the criminal scene in Vacuo is closed off to us, but one group handed out invitations. My men can survey the area and see what they come up with.

Vacuo: Underground infiltration: There hasn't really been a need to interface with the criminal scene in Vacuo, but I suspect they're the ones who would have the most insight into what's going on.

Coalition Meeting: Perhaps it's best to actually meet with the coalition before anything is settled between our two groups.

Vacuo: Outskirt Investigation: I suspect that disappearances in Vacuo aren't solely focused on the inner settlements. Unfortunately, I'll just have to rely on my men finding out what they can and sending them out into the wilderness does have some element of danger.

Mistral Replenishment: The Mistral branch is in dire straits. This isn't a full solution, but competent soldiers are needed pretty much everywhere.

Bully Pulpit: Given what's just happened I have more than a few things to say to the world. I could possibly even give James some payback for his support.

Mid-Term action Selection

Atlas: HH Partnership: The Happy Huntresses seem fine assisting us in what little ways they can. Considering some options I'm considering it may benefit us to have closer ties despite the problems that may bring.

Atlas: Upper Class Solicitation: There is still the prospect of shaking down the rich and elite of Atlas to donate to charity. It should help cut down on costs and maybe even turn a small overall profit.

Vacuo: Disturbing Trends: My men have uncovered some worrying possibilities budding up in the Desert Kingdom. It's perhaps in my best interests to remain on top of the matter.

Vacuo: Coalition Stakeout: I could spend my own time trying to track down the coalition and how it works. Or I could have my men in the area to log any strange occurrences and seek out answers as best as they can.

Mistral: Reinforcement: The Mistral branch is in dire need of support and manpower. This is going to take some time, but I can devote our resources to it.

Conspiracy: Grimm Tracking: If there really was someone controlling the grimm then I'd expect that there'd be some indication of it somewhere. Mostly this would be my men collating historical accounts and records of grimm while I put the pieces together myself.

Conspiracy: Chasing Shadows: Salem's forces are a slippery bunch, but that doesn't mean they're impossible to track down. My men might have to delay for a bit, but getting on the trail of Watts or Salem's other minions can only be helpful in the long-run.

Vale: Roadwardens: Taking the fight to the grimm and keeping the roads safe isn't exactly a well-paying job, at least without the council involved. However, keeping the roads safe may assist with our efforts as well as earn us a lot of goodwill.

Menagerie: Airdock: Expanding the infrastructure could allow merchant airships to come by as well as personal ones. Additionally, it would lead to an increase in the Menagerie air force.

Menagerie: Exploitation: A bit more selfishly focused, I'll admit. We could focus our efforts on securing and establishing operations at more Dust deposits.

Atlas: HH Investigation: Something about the group doesn't strike me as strictly legal. Something I'm sure James would love to be aware of. I guess I could throw him this bone.

Atlas: Public Advocacy: Perhaps something better suited to be addressed later, when it won't run up against recent and soon to come actions. However, arguing for the plight and better treatment of the faunus is prudent here and in Mistral

Atlas: Public Order: Considering recent events taking an underhanded approach to maintaining order in Atlas is no longer in the cards. Still, some might find our presence more palatable than Atlas'

Menagerie: Refinery: Space is still a bit tight and the prospect of an SDC refinery in the area may be a little too much at the moment, but aside from those concerns there shouldn't be anything stopping us from making this a reality

Questions for Oz/LORE; Unavailable


Socials: 3 by default. Each additional costs ½ an action. No free VPD socials for the summer.

Relationships (close):

Blake: (Free this week)

Weiss: After a pretty close call, I think it may be prudent to spend some time with my girlfriend. Possibly show her that I'm not letting work consume the time between us.

Onyx Rovere (Dad): Dad helped me out and came a lot closer to injury than I'm comfortable with. It wouldn't be the worst thing to hang out with him.

Coral Clover (Mom): After my confession last week, perhaps it's best for us to do something to solidify it. Or at least a confirmation that nothing has really changed.

Lie Ren: He should be heading to Mistral and while we won't exactly be in the same area, I could ensure a call of sorts.

Marina Aoi (Sister): Our relationship has more or less been affirmed and she handled herself pretty well in the last fight. Also, I can admit I'd like to spend some time with her.

Kelly Russet: With the recent closeness of her fight, it might behoove me to check in with her or her brother.

Autumn Russet: With the recent closeness of his fight, it might behoove me to check in with him or his sister.

Bartholomew Oobleck: I may not be at Beacon, but that's no reason not to get in touch with the man.

Relationships (Distant):

Neo: I'm not exactly enthusiastic about a scroll call with a mute, but it might be entertaining.

Whitley: Our last talk did not go as well as I hoped it would. Perhaps it's better to leave him alone for a little while.

Yang: She put her neck on the line for me and she's been a bit pensive since the fight. I could offer her some support.

Velvet: It's been a while since I've talked to Vel. I've certainly put her upgrades through the ringer and could just talk to her if I want.

Nora: She's on her own vacation with her team. Still, that puts me at an acceptable distance from her antics. Perhaps she's more reserved over a call?

Ruby: Ruby…well, she had to witness quite a bit of violence as well as fight for her life. That seems like the kind of thing that would shake her a bit.

Penny: (QM)

Pyrrha: After her loss in the tournament I'm sure she's dealing with more than a little turmoil. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to check in.


Jaune: Ostensibly on vacation, but I could check in with him.

Sun: I'm not sure why I'd bother, but supposedly he should be in Mistral if I wanted to see him.

Lime: The brother of my Vacuan friend. A bit awkward, though with a sense of honor and ideas of his own.

Ciel: Our talk wasn't the worst thing ever I guess. She seems to have liked the contact in her own way at least.

Winter: I imagine she has her hands full either with military matters or remaining on standby for the Winter maiden. Still, maybe she could spare some time.

Willow: I kind of disappointed her by not being able to make the connection with Whitley happen. Perhaps an apology is in order?

Professional Contacts:

Raven: For some reason she's sticking around with the group. She's also hovering, but also not over Yang and that woman she brought with her.

Qrow: He's sticking around for a few days it seems. Though he seems like he has more than a few distractions with his old team and Amber.

Amber: The fall maiden isn't trusted to travel on her own with all the chaos going on at the moment so she's stuck with Qrow and us. Not that she's complaining.

Tai: Ruby and Yang's Dad is also along for the line. More for Raven's sake I suspect. Possibly trying to convince her to come back with him to Patch when we're free to travel.

Ozpin: We won't be able to meet up for one of our training sessions, but talking to him each week has become sort of comforting.

Torchwick: It's somewhat amusing poking in on his life, I could spare another moment or two to check on him.

Sienna:The recent fight gives more than enough for us to talk about. As well as her view on the state of the White Fang.

Pietro: There may not be a point in calling Penny's dad. Although, I imagine there's some tension between him and his daughter that I might be able to resolve.

Kali: Blake's mom and I haven't really had a one on one yet. She at least seems supportive.

Ghira: Blake's dad and my boss in a sense. I'm not sure if it's a great idea to talk to him on my own, but I could make the attempt.

James: I have a feeling it might be a good idea to talk to him. He just went through a pretty big decision on my behalf and he's feeling the consequences. I shouldn't let him go unappreciated.


Maple: She's still recovering, but at least enough to talk now. It's the least that I could do to visit her.




Terra: She's spent some time in Atlas and is sure to have something to say about our plans and the upcoming situation.

Charlotte: I have some potential plans for her. Perhaps I should run them by the woman and see what she thinks.

Primm: He's spent some time in Menagerie. Perhaps he has some insight as a foreigner that I haven't picked up on?


VPD: Alabaster: I'm holding off on the conspiracy stuff for now, but that's no reason not to maintain good relations.

VPD: Flint: There isn't much for us to talk about aside from maybe high-minded ideals. Perhaps my attention is best spent elsewhere?

VPD: Rouge: She seems more or less normal, though I imagine she'd appreciate some brownie points with her brother from me speaking with her.

VPD: Cobalt: He and I have talked recently. I'm not sure what else we could discuss in the immediacy, but I'm sure I could come up with something.

VPD: Sandy: She seems to be going through a minor crisis of faith. I could let her deal with that or involve myself.


Vernal: The strange woman Raven brought is in the infirmary. Nothing major, but I could check on her.


We have seven slots to assign (normally 9, but Weiss and Blake take up one for Performance(Piano) and Culture respectively), either in bulk or divided. If additional actions are desired to be spent, please write that down.

Aura Techniques

Aura Projection: A foundational technique for the most part. It opens up a wide variety of aura usage even if its base form is rather…underwhelming. (0/50) [can create extremely basic aura constructs, can use .3xAura(Practical) as the Dust modifier for combat (.15x modifier for how it affects overall combat score); Upgradeable]

Aura Sensing: More useful for avoiding such people than its original intention. Might be worthwhile if I plan on sneaking around a lot. (0/100) [provides a circumstance bonus when sneaking around aura-capable individuals; Upgradeable]

Grimm Sensing: Perhaps not the most useful as proper scouting and observation can serve a similar role, but there are times where grimm try to be sneaky or are ambush predators. (0/100) [Can sense grimm at a short distance or with great concentration at longer ranges; Upgradeable]

Cloaking: Hiding my presence also comes with obvious benefits. While most aren't reliant on their aura to detect people it does generally assist them and every little bit helps. (0/150) [provides a circumstance bonus when sneaking around aura-capable individuals; reduces difficulty of sneak challenges against those with aura sensing]

Hardening: A rather basic defensive technique that requires a good helping of concentration and predictive capabilities for relatively minimal gain. (0/100) [Reduces damage taken by attacks Ochre is aware of by 5%; Upgradeable.]

Overcharge II: A further refinement of the basic overcharge technique. Faster charging times and slower discharge. Although perhaps not worth the effort. (0/100)

I awake from my exhausted state aboard an Atlesian airship. Something that is a strange experience and one that I'm sure is shared by no small number of my men. There's no ability to deny my connection now, but the fact that only the actual criminals are imprisoned does a lot to ease tensions.

Unfortunately, James isn't aboard as I have a lot of questions. Something that can only really be answered by looking through reports. Both about what's going on in Mistral and what occurred with my own operation.

On the plus side, only Maple was really hurt among the people I care about. The woman that Raven brought also suffered some injuries, but they're much more minor in comparison. Hardly an inconvenience. However, the same can't be said about most of my troops.

Nearly all of the sub-leaders of the Mistral branch and their men met their end during the fighting. Either by Raven's orchestration or simple attrition. There are a couple that survived, also by Raven's intervention, but the Mistral branch has well and truly been gutted.

Reinforcements are going to be needed from Vacuo and Vale and they are already on the way. However, competent help to manage them is harder to come by. Anyone with experience is either dead or critical care with the sole exception of Sienna. As competent as she can be in matters of violence, she's only one person so it seems most of our troops will have to deal with inexperienced leadership in the future.

As a sort of silver lining, none of the conspiracy contacts were injured in the fighting. All of them were more than capable of taking care of themselves. The same doesn't extend to the independents and all of them have been paid. The few who haven't have had their payment sent to their next of kin as best as I can manage.

Another slight plus is the Dust and weapons we've recovered from our attackers. One of those is much easier to sell than the other, but I also don't have to worry about that. James has had them both confiscated as evidence. Not without compensation, which does well for our coffers even if it's not exactly how I'd like things handled. That is complemented by further reports for me to look into about internal matters, but for now I turn my attention outwards.

As evidenced by Atlas' quick arrival, they already had assets in the area. Ready to tamper down on the outbreak of hostilities as soon as they were called in. Likely also to act as a deterrent for any fighting in the first place.

If that was the case, calling away Atlesian personnel from Mistral caused the city to erupt in fighting. The various elements there took that as their cue that hostilities could be engaged. Something that the Mistrali authorities would tolerate as long as it wasn't too severe.

This caused a ripple effect as the news and activities spread outwards from the implicit permission. Soon fighting broke out all over Mistral and things looked like they were only getting started. However, James then gave the order for Atlas to deploy and put a stop to the fighting where they could.

Following a possible chain of logic, I think he took the fact that he had to involve himself with me anyway as his cue. Probably fearful that acting like that would make the Mistrali council too hesitant to ask for his assistance after that overreach. His solution to the problem was to circumvent them entirely; not helped by the fact that Lionheart wouldn't be on our side.

Although, speaking of him, I don't think he factored into James' consideration at all. At the same time as my operation, by all accounts, Lionheart simply disappeared. Of course, blame is easy to distribute based on the timing of the events and evidence gathered. Something that has ensured no small number of finger pointing even as it further cements a reason for James to be acting as he is.

Unfortunately, the timing is all a bit too convenient. No doubt sped up by my request for assistance. This has led to James becoming the villain in the eyes of many Mistrali. This is despite the fact that his actions undoubtedly resulted in thousands of lives, if not more, being saved.

The explanation for such is rather simple. This cycle of violence is expected by the Mistrali to some degree. James simply stepped in before it could reach a fever pitch, which is what helped save so many lives. From an outside observer, however, it seems like James is making a play to control Mistral. It's all enough that I'm almost tempted to speak up on his behalf. The fact that I'm still hesitant about that is enough to cause no shortage of ill thoughts.

Either way, as things stand, this is rapidly shifting in the public mind from an issue of Mistrali crime groups and extremists to an issue between Mistrali sovereignty and Atlesian imperialism. The fact that such a blatant attack by racists has left them wholly unpopular and targeted by criminal elements in addition to their weakened state. It at least keeps any ill attention away from my home, but trading one inter-Kingdom incident for another is hardly any better.

My thoughts race as I pace about the room I've been given. Well, me and my team. Space aboard an Atlesian airship is usually at a premium, but despite that we've been given some rather generous accommodations. This has come at a cost of the usual crew space the airship uses, but the fact that many Atlesian personnel have work to do either aboard the airship or in Mistral proper does dull that a little bit. Plus, it's not like we plan on staying in the area for long; it's not like we could enjoy the city as it is.

Not necessarily because of Atlas' intervention, but because I'm not exactly a popular figure in the area. Much less after what just occurred. My presence would be more likely to spark off further hostilities than anything else. Something that could be useful, but I discard easily enough. I'm supposed to be relaxing and I know I'd get an earful from my girlfriends if I ruined that. It doesn't make my inaction any easier on me, but neither can we just leave yet.

Even if my men weren't recovering, Maple especially, the recent chaos has led to an increase in grimm attacks. It's going to get a lot worse before it gets better which leads us effectively trapped in the area at the moment. It's simply too dangerous for us to head to our vacation destination until things calm down a little bit.

A silver lining does exist in a further review of White Fang reports. It's too early for my orders to have borne fruit and our more long-term plans need a bit longer to play out. However, upon further inspection of our expenses and loot from the battle, our financial state is much better than I feared. Not exactly great, but we aren't riding at the knife's edge of bankruptcy.

More concerning is our drying up income. With the Mistral branch as crippled as it is and the subsequent chaos, there's hardly any inflow coming from the Windy Kingdom. Something that was always going to take a hit if we abandoned our criminal operations. If this keeps up I expect us to start running a deficit, which is not exactly appealing with our bouts of expansion and operations that we have to maintain.

I start speculating on ways to solve that issue only to shake my head a moment later. While the issue needs to be addressed, doing so now would be unwise. Besides, it's not like it's the only problem I have to consider.

With my affiliation to Atlas now out in the open I can't exactly follow through with Jacques' plan anymore. Not really a huge loss in my mind, but it definitely makes things awkward. Unfortunately, carrying forth the attack or ransacking of his assets and that of his competitors would be wildly incongruent with my relationship with Atlas. I can't exactly work against James and with him at the same time in the eyes of the public without drawing incredible scrutiny and criticism towards the both of us. Something that would be more trouble than it's worth.

Regardless, I can deal with all that nasty business later. That, and I feel like I have more important matters to attend to first. Thus, my team and I depart and make our way to the cantine.

RWBY is already there, as are a bunch of soldiers taking in their meals. I'm not exactly sure what time it is, or what meal this should be. I wasn't exactly lucid after recovering from my low aura that anytime seems reasonable right about now.

I suppose I could check the time, but as soon as I take a seat between my girlfriends they eliminate that option. Each of them grab onto my arms; Blake with a firm hold that I think I could shake out of with little issue, though Weiss' puts to rest any attempt in my mind to do so. Her grip is a deathly one, enough so that I wince at first until I grow used to the tightness. Evidently the events of the fight weigh more on her mind than Blake's. Or perhaps my cat-eared girlfriend simply trusts me more or some other reason. I'll have to see if I can find out at a later date, but now is not the time to bring up the heavy subject.

I simply suffer through their affections with a small sigh. That seems to set their minds to the obvious reason why I'd visit the canteen and they start feeding me from their plates. Weiss happens to use an entirely separate utensil from the one she feeds herself with, likely due to Blake's involvement. However, that matter is somewhat distant in my mind.

Across from me, and between Ruby and Yang, is the rough and tumble woman who assisted RWBY in the brawl. She has light blue eyes and short brown hair that pairs well with her light brown vest; the upper panels of which are a darker shade. On her left arm I spot a tattoo of a bird of some sort, raven I think, rising from flower petals. Which, honestly could be read to be quite the statement. I'm not sure how exactly to parse it, but it implies some sort of relationship between the girl and Raven. As if the fact she was brought along for the fight wasn't already indicative of that enough.

I imagine that Yang is not unaware of the implications, especially since she's sitting to the right of the woman with the tattoo practically shoved in her face. However, as evidenced by the fact the woman is between her and her sister, her reaction isn't entirely negative. Part of that is no doubt influenced by the injury the woman received. Her left arm is propped against the table and held in a sling around her shoulder.

Aura is usually pretty good at healing injuries, however it isn't perfect. The accelerated healing can cause injuries to heal wrong, especially for more extensive and delicate injuries. The fact that she's walking around proves that she isn't in too much danger of that. However, that doesn't discount the fact that she put herself at risk, ostensibly for the benefit of RWBY.

As interesting as that is to ponder it is rather detached from my more personal concerns at the moment. Perhaps not so much considering who I plan to visit after all this is over, but I need to present a strong front to an otherwise absolute stranger. Unfortunately for me, this is hampered by my girlfriends' continued insistence to pamper me and ensure I can't escape their sight. Something I can only put up with. To my benefit, however, the strange woman seems to be under similar circumstances.

Ruby, normally a bit shy and reserved with strangers, is attempting to make conversation as best she can. Bouncing from one topic to the next with a manic sort of energy that quickly peters out when our temporary companion doesn't follow along with the implicit offer. Not that it slows down the young team leader for very long. It's an odd departure from her normal behavior, but I think she's just trying to make the girl seem welcome. Although, her words seem to have the opposite effect.

The woman, Vernal as I learn from Ruby's ramblings, seems to have no idea how to handle a woman like Ruby. The insistence at conversation peppered with the occasional thanks, leaves Vernal in a state of variable confusion. This isn't helped by how she often looks anywhere other than Ruby in an odd way. Well, there's no real nice way to put it, like she's a rube entirely out of her depth.

No real surprise there considering that, if my guess is right, she's lived as a bandit for her whole life. This level of technology and order that Atlas so casually displays has to come as some sort of a shock. No matter how much she may have intellectually known about the Kingdom, it's an entirely different situation to see it in-person.

This avoidant attitude and occasional shifting around leads to Vernal bumping her tray. Which sends her mostly empty plate and utensils down to the ground in a clattering of noise. She moves sluggishly to pick up the pieces, an irritated frown already on her face. However, she's interrupted by Ruby who, in a flash of petals, is already on the ground picking up the pieces.

"I can take care of myself," Vernal bites out and sweeps her arm as if to dismiss Ruby's presence. Unfortunately, that happens to be her injured arm which draws a wince and only makes her expression more severe. If she's anything like Raven, then she must hate this display of relative weakness.

Not that Ruby notices the issue in the slightest. "Don't be silly, we all need a little help from time to time." She then beams at Vernal who seems more confused than anything else. Like she wants to protest against the help further, but can tell that Ruby is entirely genuine in her offer. Not looking down on her for her injury or seeking to put her into some sort of implicit debt; simply helping her because she needs help at the moment.

That leaves Vernal more or less frozen for the few moments required for Ruby to clean up the mess. With the source of her irritation cleared up she can't protest any further. She merely huffs and turns away from my friend, with a mumbled, "Thanks." A small blush to her tan cheeks implies there's some level of embarrassment she feels about the situation.

Of course, getting even a small response from the woman who's entirely out of her depth is enough to satisfy Ruby. Enough so that she can't restrain a small hop before she settles back in her seat. Evidently aware enough to not make the issue any bigger for Vernal than it already is.

I think she's taking a shine to the woman a little too quickly for my liking. Not that there's no reason to be thankful. I just know that it'll break Ruby's heart to find out the kind of person that Vernal is.

I don't think she's really processed how terrible of a person Raven, and anyone under her, has to be. Or if she has, she's stubbornly refusing to see anything other than the best in the woman after her behavior. Maybe something I should talk to her about. Although, it's not like I have much room to speak considering Marina's past.

Speaking of my sister, she's off to the side pouting. Well, not really, her expression is relatively neutral, but her eyes are locked on an empty seat next to her. One that would usually be filled by Penny. I guess this is the first time her and her girlfriend have really been separated and that's starting to slot into her mind.

I wish there was something I could do for her. The situation as it stands leaves me very little. I could distract her for a moment, but that wouldn't deal with the underlying issue. Plus, she has to get used to her girlfriend's absence at some point. It's not like the two of them can be joined at the hip all the time.

Just as I process that, Yang pipes up, "Ruby's right. Can you think of how much trouble we'd be in if you weren't there? You helped us first, we're just returning the favor." Despite whatever complicated feeling Yang must feel, her words are successful at their intent. Vernal is left with much less indignation, though it still seems like she isn't used to this kind of attention.

"Oh please," Weiss protests, "If we really needed help, I'm sure Ochre would have been there." Even as she says it, she squeezes my arm as if to confirm what she's saying is true. I simply look at her and roll my eyes which causes her to stiffen up before huffing.

"Well, duh," Ruby retorts, "but it's better that he didn't need to; other people needed his help too." That is the exact wrong thing to say to Weiss at the moment and my girlfriend swings her head away. Trying her best not to show too much irritation or emotion at the response. "I mean, uh, he'd never leave us hanging or anything, just that, uhm…" she trails off, unsure how to address the issue that's far more of one between Weiss and I than anything else.

At that moment Vernal finds her voice, "I didn't do any of this to help any of you. I was just-"

"That doesn't matter," Blake interrupts. "It doesn't matter if you had other intentions behind your actions. The results of them are what we're thanking you for and it doesn't make what you did any less meaningful." Then she turns to me and shoots me a heavy look which belies who she's really talking to.

I can't work up any real anger against her words. I know they're well intentioned; even if they are unnecessary to a degree, she doesn't think so. Probably believes that I need to be reminded of my good nature at somewhat regular intervals. I don't think that's necessary, but it's not like it's not already a part of our dynamic to some degree. Besides, hearing those reassurances from another person does the both of us some good.

Briefly I think about the results of my own actions. I don't think Blake would appreciate the underhanded elimination of troublesome elements of the White Fang. Even if by the looks of things they'd have perished in the battle anyways, I have some culpability towards the results. However, by the same token, I can't dismiss the outcome of my actions for Mistral as a whole.

Without their heavier elements, many of the anti-faunus extremist groups are going to be hard pressed to lash out against the faunus. Especially with Atlas in the area and cracking down on explosive bouts of violence. Unfortunately, this crackdown does preclude the various criminal groups from taking advantage of the extremist groups' weakness.

However, seeing as Atlas isn't going to release the captives we took, that's just a stay of execution. Of course, this doesn't eliminate the problem, but it does undeniably result in innocent faunus not needing to fear for their lives which is more important in my girlfriend's mind anyway.

My own thoughts are rather easy to file away, but it seems like Vernal has taken Blake's words to heart as well. Still not enough to knock her out of whatever headspace she's in. More like she has something to chew over and is unable to fully place it.

From there, she's slowly drawn into conversation by the dual efforts of Yang and Ruby. This mostly revolves around their actions in the fight, weapons, and hobbies. Always shying away from deeper and heavier topics as no one wants to get into that at the moment. Vernal's general reluctance no doubt plays a part in that, but overall is not the main factor.

Eventually the conversation peters out and my girlfriends get enough of a fill of my presence in order for me to beg off. Not that they're entirely happy to see me go, but upon a promise that I'm not leaving the airship they relent. Weiss, of course, is the more reluctant of the two. Only the presence of the military and my destination convinces her to give me some distance. No doubt she'll be dominating my time very soon, even if I think it'd be better for us to take a small break to recenter ourselves.

Heh, not like I'm much better than her at the moment. I'm not returning to work just yet, but the matter is closely related and has a certain heaviness about it. The medbay on the ship is filled with men in various states; most of them a part of the White Fang. The prisoners who are injured aren't trusted in a low-security medical bay at the moment so their treatment is likely lesser. Another factor that's likely to form a wedge in the relationship between Atlas and Mistral.

Maple wasn't in any condition to speak when I last visited her, but I've heard that she's recovered enough to carry a conversation. I'm unsure exactly to what extent and if it's better for me to visit later so I seek out one of the medical staff. In particular a woman with deep green hair done up in a bun with heavy hazel eyes. Probably from a long night due to the influx of patients.

She doesn't seem to appreciate my visit, but after a short explanation she sighs and drags me off to a small office. She pulls out a file and takes a seat, but makes no move to hand over the findings to me. Just as well since I'd have no clue how to parse what I read, instead I wait for her to give me a rundown.

"Miss Minerva's injuries are rather extensive, all things considered. It's a good thing you got her to us as soon as you did. Any delay would likely result in long-term health complications and a shortened life-expectancy. Although, I'm afraid to inform you that she hasn't escaped that altogether.

While medical technology has advanced leaps and bounds in the past few decades, there are still things we cannot fix. Things would be different if Dr. Polendina stuck with his research instead of," she pauses for a moment, sucks in a breath, and rubs at her temples. "Apologies, it's been a stressful day. Regardless, Miss Minerva will be in good hands at his clinic as soon as she's cleared for transit.

Right now she's stable and we're monitoring her condition." Her face pulls in tight, "I'm afraid to say that her arm will have to be amputated, as will her wings…I'm not going to presume that's an easy consideration, but with how damaged they both are, the limbs are already a loss. It's only a matter of time before gangrene and infection set in. From there they're more of a liability to her health than anything else.

In better news, we were able to save her lung. The puncture wasn't too difficult for us to deal with. However, we have to monitor her for infection. Worst case we might have to excise the organ, but a replacement could be arranged even then so her recovery shouldn't be too troublesome. As is the damage to her heart, not anything too significant at the moment, but obviously we'll monitor her for any changes.

What is more concerning is damage to her spinal column. I'm afraid I can't give a prognosis on her recovery as we rarely deal with injuries this severe. The General would be the closest example to this extent of damage from what I've seen and he's made a more or less full recovery. With any luck she'll be back to a hundred percent, but the full recovery process may take months or even years."

"That all seems rather extensive," I state numbly. My thought is more occupied by how it seems James already has everything in motion to give her the highest quality of care without me needing to prompt him. I know from his character that he isn't doing this to put me in his debt, but it certainly feels a lot like it.

"Nothing but the best for a hero of Remnant," the woman quips with suddenly light features. She seems to read something in my expression as she returns to seriousness shortly after. "I don't know if Miss Minerva qualifies, but you certainly do sir."

Again I'm at a loss for a moment. I'm not quite sure what she's referring to, but it sounds like she means it. My mind drifts to either Adam or Merlot as the culprit. Merlot seems more obvious in my mind with his experimentation on the grimm. I doubt she's involved with the conspiracy so that makes the most sense. Even if the exact extent of Merlot's crimes aren't widespread, they certainly extended to the heads of various Kingdoms and the Atlesian military. I guess she's one of those in the know then.

With that in mind I can't help darkly joking, "I don't suppose that's enough to warrant fixing her wings." Based on what she's said, that's already a lost cause and I'm of similar mind. Still, it seems like such a shame. That Maple would lose the part of her that makes her a faunus, at least outwardly.

The woman freezes up in her seat which is already an odd reaction in my mind. She takes a breath and shifts her gaze around the room as if to check we're truly alone. Then, with a quiet voice, she states, "I'm not at liberty to speak on that sir." She finishes with a nod which I suppose is meant to be meaningful.

I'm still not sure what she could be referring to. Most likely some sort of project on Atlas' part. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised; personal flight seems like something Atlas would look into. Even if it wouldn't be the same, it might be similar enough to Maple's tastes.

If so, it's honestly kind of awesome, in the traditional sense, the sheer difference between what I'm used to and what Atlas can do. Wondrous and terrifying in equal measure that such a gulf exists at all; a city in the clouds really is held to another standard isn't it?

"I'll take my leave sir," she says in a complicated tone before hurrying out of the room.

It takes me a second to register my blurry vision and the budding dampness in my eyes. Even longer to place where the tightness in my chest springs from. It all comes back to that damnable gap and all the problems it's caused for me. With Mom…and now Maple in the reverse. Something about how this could help her when I was otherwise powerless gets to me despite our lack of significant connection.

Of course, the lack of anything meaningful means that I recover before too long and step out of the room. I nod towards the green-haired woman from earlier. Perhaps unnecessary in the grand scheme of things, but her report and behavior were well-meaning and deserving of some acknowledgement. From there I make my way into the medbay proper to meet with Maple.

She's still constrained to her bed with her left arm slung limply, awaiting amputation. I'm unsure if the delay is really necessary; it no doubt leaves her in no small amount of pain and I doubt there's much benefit to putting it off. Then again, it hasn't even been a day by my reckoning; it could just be that with all the cases they had to deal with, doing so simply fell to a lower priority.

Similarly, she still has her wings, but they're in a sorry state. Still crumpled and bent at odd angles, she has a sort of brace and cushion around her back to prevent her from putting weight on them while she's confined to bedrest. Her breathing is at least a lot better than I last saw her.

"Ochre, sir," she starts with a cough and gravelly voice. Both of which ease up as she gets used to talking a bit more. "I…" she trails off with a complicated expression and downcast eyes, "Thank you. For saving my men I mean."

It doesn't pass my notice that she avoided herself in that statement. That could be her usual protectiveness at play; simply putting her men at higher valuation than herself. Or, it could be indicative that her mind is in a dark place right now. I honestly can't tell which it is.

"It was the least I could do," I state slowly. Tasting the words as they pass through my tongue to see if I find them true myself. I give a brief thought to offering an apology before dismissing it. I knew the risks when I ordered her to assist and so did she. She doesn't need my pity right now and the relatively light injuries among her men attest to my assistance.

If not for that I think this conversation would have a much heavier bent. Although, by the same token, if I didn't assist her I don't think she'd be around for this conversation. As it stands, it seems like she doesn't quite know how to react. She's at the very least thankful or viewing me positively for my assistance. While at the same time she has to deal with her sorry state and what she's lost.

It leaves me at an odd impasse for how to proceed. We could talk about more practical matters or I could try to distract her from her injuries. Perhaps a mix of both. There's also the possibility of dangling a hope in front of her based on what the doctor said. Although, I'm uncertain if there is any hope; at the very least it would require me to discuss it with James, which I suppose I already plan to do.

Recovery: Perhaps a bit crass, but there's something said about dealing with this bluntly. Talk about her injuries, options, and let her get her emotions out to some degree. (3)

Protectiveness: She cares about her men deeply, perhaps reminding her of their safety would boost her mood. Plus I might be able to convince her to take better care of herself in the future. (3)

JNPR: She's been a sort of manager/teacher for their impromptu band. Maybe asking about how that's going would distract her from what's going on. (0)

Atlas: It's a bit of a longshot, one that I'm unsure of, but perhaps I could implicate some hope and lead her to that sort of decision. Any talk with James about this can wait till later. (0)

Contributions: Knowing her, she'll want to continue to contribute in some way. Perhaps keeping her mind facing forwards will do her some good right now. (0)

The brief lull in the conversation extends into something deeper and more awkward. Where I should lead the conversation instantly comes to my mind, but actually getting there is another matter entirely. If anything, it seems like she wants nothing more than to be left alone right now.

Her thankfulness can only extend so far when she's stuck inside her head. It's just my job to pull her out. My guess is that she's reviewing the fight and trying to see if there's anything she could do better. Anything that would keep her men safe and her uninjured; it's what I'd do in her situation.

No doubt she's found more than a few places where she could improve. If only she was a bit faster, a bit stronger, if she trained for the fight more. It likely puts her mind to other fights she's lost in the past. Like the one against Adam.

She never thought that she was invincible or the best fighter there was, but to see the gulf between her and actually experienced Huntsmen has to be a blow of sorts; one that leaves her feeling inadequate. That's all well and good to know, but does nothing to draw her out of her dark thoughts.

"You kept them safe, didn't you," I state suddenly; trying my best to cut through the miasma that's overtaken her mind. She looks at me for a moment without saying anything. As if the acknowledgement of my words would mean she doesn't have to respond to them.

I narrow my eyes at her for her evasiveness. From my brief interactions with her I wouldn't say that she's all that withdrawn; more often than not she wears her heart on her sleeve. That feels more like the real her than this husk that sits across from me.

She huffs under the pressure, "Please…we both know you're more responsible for that than I am."

"And I'm also responsible for putting them in that position in the first place," I challenge. I follow her example of not referring to her directly in that statement either, but the implication is there. Again, she doesn't need my pity, however, getting her to focus outwards should be a good first step in drawing her out.

"Yeah, and we won didn't we? All that bloodshed meant something. It's just," she fumbles for a moment. "Forget it. You're supposed to do this thinking bullshit, not me."

I blink for a moment as I read into her statement more. Her thankfulness is still evident to a degree. However, her tone and aborted statement indicates that she has second thoughts on what exactly we accomplished. Likely wondering if what we achieved was actually worth the risk and sacrifice we made.

Looking at this from her perspective, I'm not sure I can fault her. While my actions may have spared the common faunus from reprisals of extremists elements, it also led to a great weakening of the White Fang. Not to mention Maple herself as well as putting her men at risk. The latter isn't exactly egregious in our line of work, but it's clearly something she doesn't like, especially with how outmatched we were. Without outside help there's no doubt how bad that would have turned out for us.

In that sense it's possible her thoughts have turned to how outmatched we always were. The Rights Revolution would indicate that we were able to stand against the humans, but that was always built on a sort of lie. We won the Revolution through the use of guerilla tactics and sapping our opponents willingness to fight.

The few grand battles that faunus won on their own were usually the results of tactical brilliance or blunders on the opponent's part, no matter how forced. In a stand up fight, there's little question who would come out on top, though the gap has been shrinking over the years. There's a reason why Sienna went with a cell-like structure for the White Fang instead of openly declaring war against Atlas and the humans.

However, more concerning for me is her last sentence. It's like she's come to the same conclusion, but has more or less given up instead of thinking up a solution around the conundrum. It's indicative of where her mind's at and how she views me. Not only superior in combat ability, but strategic brilliance as well. I'm unsure if that extends to her tactical acumen as well; I'd say she's my superior in that realm, but it's not like she's in a good place right now.

"Perhaps," I allow after a moment of thought longer. "However, you kept them safe until I could get there and that's worth something. They appreciated your efforts enough to drag you off to safety in the middle of a battlefield. I might have held off the attacker, but forgive me if I think the real savior is someone else."

I neglect to mention her directly another time. She can read into that statement however she wants. Whether she wants to apply it to her towards, her men, or vice versa. Both are true to a degree and I think that's the ultimate conclusion she'll reach. Unfortunately, it also leads her to a destination I don't wholly agree with and so I have to temper that as well.

I deliberately sigh, "Still, you shouldn't put yourself at risk like that." She throws me a glare as if willing me to stop. Curiously not putting to voice what she clearly wants to say. I chalk that up to her exuberant thankfulness and respect that I've gathered after saving her and her men. "Who's going to look after them if you're gone?"

I let the question hang in the air and Maple doesn't provide an answer. Her good hand clenches into a tight fist and a shuddering breath wracks her body. One that is interrupted by winces of pain from the sudden motion. However, she remains strong and only grunts a little as she settles back into a more relaxed position. The whole reaction making it seem like her body agrees with my assessment in a fortunate happenstance.

Not more needs to be said on that aspect and so I pull up a chair as a sort of transition. It leaves me at more or less eye level with her. No longer looking down on her as a superior, but more of an equal. Something that I'm sure gets through to her to some degree.

"I'm not telling you to stop or turn callous or anything of the like; just, do you really think you could go through this again? Or about what will happen while you recover?"

"I'll be fine," she protests. "I just need a few weeks and-"

"No," I cut her off with a chop of my hand. "I know you aren't that stupid Maple. The docs would have told you how bad you have it, and you insult me by thinking I wouldn't seek them out first. This," I wave to her body, "isn't going to be fixed in a few weeks."

She hunches over, "I-it's not that bad." The words escape her in a weak voice. Like she desperately hopes that it's not true.

I could berate her more or counter her words, but I do none of that. I simply let the moment hang as she slowly processes the seriousness of the matter. The fact that I'm visiting her and have brought up the subject is enough to convince her of the truthfulness. I'm unsure how much the doctors would have told her just yet, but at any rate it appears she didn't fully believe them. Whether because they were Atlesian, humans, or from a simple desire for the worst case to not be true.

A moment later her head snaps upwards to catch me in her gaze. Blue eyes swollen with emotion latch onto my frame for only a moment before sliding off. An odd sort of impotent rage bubbling around her body with nowhere to go. It seems the only person she really blames for her condition is herself; and maybe the human who attacked her, but they seem secondary in her mind. With no real outlet, the emotion curdles into something she can let out.

She curls ever more inwards and I'm sure tears are falling. Not that I can exactly see that as she uses her one good arm to shield herself as much as she can. Despite whatever respect she might have for me, we aren't close enough that she's willing to be that unguarded.

I'm at a loss for words for a moment until I venture, "It'll be alright. I talked with the doctor, like I said, you should be able to make a full recovery." More or less; of course left out is the rather grim state of her wings. The once majestic vestiges of which stand out above her curled form as a cruel reminder.

"They'll let me keep them right? Just a little bit? Please, just something. I know," she chokes on her words. "I know that I- that I-" She chokes again, devolving into a series of coughs. She doesn't make an attempt to finish her thought. Not that I need her to.

It's quite clear what she was talking about and it takes a lot of effort for me to remain stoic. There's nowhere I'd rather be less at the moment, but I can't let her down when this is arguably my fault. I almost want to bring the nascent hope of what Atlas could offer, but it would only be more cruel for her if I wasn't able to follow through. Far better to let her work out her emotions and deal with a pleasant surprise than deal with a cruel hollow hope.

Thus I sit there for minutes as Maple grieves the loss of her wings, slowly growing more and more distressed and incoherent until she loses energy to do even that. Tight eyes accompany a fitful sleep that overtakes her. Not in any way restful in appearance. I do her the small service of cleaning her up so she can keep some measure of her pride in the future, maybe.

I never really knew if she took that much pride in her features, but I suppose I should have guessed. At least she's able to deal with that loss in a controlled manner rather than continue living in denial. Although, that doesn't really feel like that much of a victory for me. She wasn't even that concerned with how she'd recover in the end; more worried about what she's lost than anything else.

As soon as I'm able I depart from the medbay and let a sudden exhaustion wash over me. I spent far too much time with Maple in her deplorable state for it to not affect me entirely. Especially since she's only in such a state because of my decisions. It leaves me with a ball of emotions to deal with and no real way to release them at my moment.

Briefly I check my scroll and notice a number of messages from Coral. I guess she just heard what I got up to and that I'm with Atlas. How much of the news she's heard is truthful is another matter entirely. To that end I have to message or call her back, but with my state as it is I'd prefer some privacy. Well, I'd prefer some privacy regardless, but my emotions just make it more necessary.

Unfortunately, my room is not exactly a proper venue. While I doubt my team would judge me for it, I don't want to deal with the drama involved. Especially since Marina would be there. Maybe that's doing her a disservice, but I'm allowed to be a bit protective, right?

I allow my feet to take me on a more or less random path through the ship. I don't know where I'm going, not truly, nor am I asking for directions. I must seem like I stand terribly out of place, but all of the Atlas personnel merely step out of my way or even salute me as I pass; no matter how confused they must feel.

Eventually I end up in a more or less dead end of a hallway. I think it might be used for maintenance supplies and access, but it serves my purposes well. I pull out my scroll and dial her number.

"Hey Mom," are the first words out of my mouth. I don't even have the time to chastise myself for the slip up. The words alone would tell her that there's something up even if she couldn't read it from my posture so I don't bother holding that back.

"Ochre," she responds, a question and worry hidden in her tone. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. Blake and Weiss are as well. Trust me, nothing to worry about there."

She clearly doesn't believe me. With narrowed eyes she repeats threateningly, "Ochre."

"How's Jasmine," I ask, deliberately ignoring her inquiry. I'm honestly unsure if I want to get into it right now. Perhaps just asking her for a frank and normal talk would do us both some good. It's not like I'm the one suffering right now anyway.

"She's fine," Coral replies in an icy tone. "She's just worried about her brother and sister." Not exactly trying to be subtle right now, are you?

"Well, she has nothing to worry about then. Had a bit of a close call, but we're all healthy. Could even get you a doctor's second opinion if you don't believe me."

"You know you can talk to me about anything," she offers in a brittle voice. I suppose I should drop the act fully.

"I know, I'm just trying to take my mind off of certain things. Not anything bad for me or, well, anyone I care about, but…yeah, I'm dealing with some stuff." Despite the vagueness that seems to soothe her nerves.

She shoots me a soft smile and allows a small silence to fall between us. I guess she just wanted to make sure I wasn't trying to keep something from her for some inane reason. The fact that I acknowledged that as well as made the implication that talking to her is how I'm dealing with my feelings is enough for her to not need to pry into the details. Which is good, because I have more I could talk to her about a number of things.

Home: I've more or less brokered the offer to Weiss and she's going to run with it one way or another. However, my feelings on the matter are a lot less resolved. (2)

Invite: It might be a little late, but I could extend an invitation for her to meet up with us while on vacation. I doubt she'll be able to accompany us the entire time, but it could reaffirm our closeness. (2)

Weiss: I could just seek her out for some earnest advice, both in regards to commitment and Weiss' clear shaken nature as of recently. (1)

Willow: I still need to deal with the misanthropic woman at some point. Perhaps Coral will have some advice for me. (0)

Subordinates: I suppose it might do me some good to talk about the actual issue. The people I've put in danger and the ill-effects of such. (0)

Relaxed: I don't want to bring up too many heavy topics. Perhaps just asking about her time and Jasmine is a good way to wind down. (0)

"Hey," I start lamely. Perhaps unnecessarily as well, but my prompting elicits a questioning noise from Coral. "You know what we talked about. You know, last time."

"I'm afraid you'll have to be more specific dear," she returns while adopting a shy expression.

At first I think it's deliberate until I piece together how else she could construe that. Well, technically she could construe it in multiple ways. However, I think she's relating it to my affirmation of our relationship rather than anything else. Although, that's somewhat dangerous ground to walk in my mind; what, with the various implications she could make or draw from that.

"N-not that," I stutter with suddenly hot cheeks. Something that draws a rather unladylike laugh from Coral. "It's about the…you know."

"Use your words," she teases, utterly abandoning the previously serious atmosphere.

"Now I don't wanna," I reply petulantly. That, of course, is the wrong thing to say for my dignity, but draws another laugh from her. It almost feels worth it and I allow myself to relax. "What a cruel mother I've chosen," I grouse dramatically.

"And I couldn't be happier," is her genuine reply that catches my tongue in my throat. This time she doesn't laugh, she merely stares at me with soft eyes and I have to admit her victory. I really am too weak to her tactics, but I can't say I don't appreciate them.

"Yeah, well, I told Weiss about looking for a house and-" I'm ready to continue, but Coral can't contain herself and bursts out in full blown laughter. I wait for her to get control of herself for a few seconds and it almost seems like a lost cause. "I'm so glad that you find that amusing."

"Sorry, sorry. I just wasn't expecting you to tell her so soon. Not with…well, it's a good thing at any rate." Her eyes soften as she fully regains control of herself, "That was very mature of you."

"You're one to speak of maturity right now," I complain.

"I said I was sorry. Still, you should be proud of yourself. I know that couldn't have been easy for you. She must mean a lot to you."

Yeah she does, but it's not like I have to say that. Her and Weiss both know that…right? I mean, they have to, I pretty much outright told Weiss when I brought up the whole home situation…maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to remind her that I'm only thinking about it because of her. Perhaps that's a bit silly, but the reassurance couldn't hurt.

"So," Coral prompts in a drawn out voice, the hint of a question at the edge of her tone.

I know what she's getting at, but I don't want to give her the satisfaction. "What," I question dumbly in an attempt to not be the first to blink.

"Ochre," she sounds out with a note of disappointment. Then she tuts, "You were the one to open the conversation on that topic." I have a feeling like she could add more, but she leaves it at that.

Honestly, that might make it worse in my mind. That she expected me to be more put together if I was bringing it up. It's just- it's a lot happening all at once and I'm still dealing with a lot of emotional turmoil. It hasn't even been a week since Menagerie's entrance onto the world stage, much less the mess in Mistral. But, then again, that's why I'm calling her isn't it?

"Yeah…" I trail off searching for the right words; only to default to my thoughts from earlier. "It's- a lot is happening very quickly and I don't like it. Another big change like that…it just seems like too much. And that's not getting into the fact that…well, I wasn't really that enthusiastic about it."


I mouth the word again myself. Why did I choose that one instead of something more present? I mean, it's not like I'm terribly fine with it now. Not even after the talks I've had about it, but that doesn't feel right either.

It's a terrible confluence of emotions for me to parse through, but I decide to ignore most of them. Whatever apprehensions I have, I'll just have to deal with them. I know how much this means to Weiss and if things feel like they're moving too fast I just have to recontextualize the situation. It's not like anything will actually change for months.

"Yeah, wasn't," I affirm with some measure of confidence. "I'm still…apprehensive to a degree, but there's no backing out now."

"That's," she starts with worry in her tone. Then she shakes her head, "If you're certain dear."

"It's worked well for me so far, hasn't it," I joke. Except it doesn't seem to land fully. Either the just present worry or something more distant getting in the way. I'm not sure how exactly to take that; it's weird having someone so invested in me, while not being able to assuage their concerns. It especially doesn't help that she's not voicing them.

"Anyway," I rattle off, simply moving past that awkwardness, "I know it's a bit sudden, but have you thought about visiting Menagerie?" I don't need to add more onto that for her to understand what my intention is.

Coral hums, "I may have toyed with the idea once or twice. I think Jasmine should spend some time with her friends, but I'm sure a vacation would do us some good. Just," she pauses, "are you sure now is the best time?"

It takes me a moment to place where her concern would be. With the chaos in Mistral, and Mistral's relative close proximity to Menagerie, grimm activity will certainly be on the rise. In fact, Atlas is already preparing for that to some degree. The whole situation really is too volatile to predict if it's going to get worse before it gets better. However, my plans for a statement this week should tilt things in our favor. Even then, I have other options.

"Some of my men should still be delivering supplies in the area. It might not be the comfiest ride, but I can ensure you're a part of the convoy."

"As long as you don't plan to keep us there," Coral jokes and a heat rises to my cheeks. "I kid, I kid. This…I hope I'm not intruding too much," she switches too cryptically. It takes me a moment to place the reason for the sudden change. When I do, it becomes kind of obvious and hard to ignore.

Mom, actual Mom, is still back home. Not all there, as one could say, but my memories of her are forever locked up in home. And here I am inviting Coral to step over them. Okay, maybe that's a bit too harsh and I've already ventured too far to pull back now. Maybe it's for the best to just go through with it anyway; I've done that much so far, haven't I?

"You might have to stay with the Belladonnas," I venture and she nods. Undoubtedly picking up on the complicated nature of my offer. Ignoring the fact that we might not have room for her at the old house, that just feels like a step too far at the moment.

Coral hums thoughtfully before turning playful, "Well, I'm sure Jasmine won't have any complaints. She'll get the real princess treatment won't she?" Belatedly, I also realize I've just put the onus of dealing with Jasmine on Blake. And by her mother's statement it seems like she'd be terribly enthusiastic about it.

I, uh, I hope she doesn't hold it against me too much. I mean, this should be happy memories for her as well. Although, it might also be awkward given how Coral more or less adopted my girlfriends as well. Did I accidentally make my life a lot more complicated than it should have been?

The answer is undoubtedly yes, but I can't help but feel that this is the right decision. Maybe not the best one for me, now that I think about it. However, I have to consider more than just my own well-being. Something that both weighs heavily on me and lightly at the same time. I suppose that means this conversation is more or less a success.

We continue to talk for what feels like a few minutes but turns out to be far longer than that. Mostly about small unimportant things. Well, in the grand scheme of things. The fact that she and Jasmine are preparing to move and as soon as they're done are going to hop on over to Menagerie makes me realize I've put them in a somewhat odd position. Not that it makes Coral any less enthusiastic about the trip; mainly because of what it means coming from me.

Fortunately that doesn't take up my entire day, but neither do I feel like doing much work at the moment. Instead I pick up some food and then retreat to my room.

As soon as I enter I hear, "Something's on your bed for ya," from Autumn. He, oh so helpfully and unnecessarily, juts his thumb towards the obvious. On my temporary bed sits a small open light blue case. Inside is a star shaped ornament of shining almost silvery metal. I suppose James felt that I fully earned the medal he threatened me with.

Well, threatened is a bit strong. He was pretty earnest when he first offered it and I had to decline. Both from a distaste of Atlas and to keep my reputation intact; any association with them was not something I could tolerate. Except now the latter is a moot point and the former seems like less and less of an issue as time goes on.

Whatever; I can just have it sit on my shelf or something. He's at least foregone any sort of formal reception so even if some people are aware of the award it's not like the public should. Although, I'm certain he'd go through with it if I asked him to.

Still, this show of respect makes me think that he believes I did more good than bad. Either that or he's just that much of a man of his principles that he made good on his earlier promise as soon as he could. Honestly, knowing James either is as likely as the other. I suppose I'll just have to interrogate him about it.

Just as the thought enters my mind I deliberately strangle it. Now of all times is not the time to rush off to him. He probably has his hands full with Mistral and my girlfriends would not be happy. Instead I settle into the room preparing to waste a few hours with my team.

Fortunately for me I don't remain entirely without assistance. A knock at the door reveals RWBY with some sort of board game. Presumably one that they borrowed or from their luggage since we more or less planned to head to Menagerie after our business in Mistral. I suppose that's still the plan, but I have to question why any of them thought that would be a good use of their luggage space.

Almost absently my gaze lands on Ruby, who doesn't react in the slightest, and then Weiss who acts almost affronted that I'd accuse her. Of course, I've said nothing and she wasn't even my first choice. It's her reaction that sells me that she's the one responsible and I shoot a playful glare her way. Knowing her this whole business was probably also her idea; a way to ensure I wouldn't rush off to do something else. With that in mind, what else can I do but go along with her whims?

Soon enough our group of eight is split into two teams for the game even if it's not built for that kind of playstyle. It's not really designed for so many people in the first place, only going up to six supposedly, but everyone is willing to bend the rules so no one is excluded. The twins and sisters end up on one team with everyone else on the other.

That leaves me with my girlfriends and sister, which, honestly, is probably a good idea. Not necessarily the Weiss part, she's competitive enough that there's no real risk of us colluding. However, not having to be separate is definitely to her benefit. That and Blake and Marina wouldn't have nearly as much motivation to work against me. In fact, my sister would probably work more to my benefit than anything else.
Summer Week 1 (Part 2)
After a night of gaming I wake up to bodies strewn all around the room in various states of dress. Well, various as in some people are in nightwear and others are not. Those in the not category are Marina, Ruby, and Yang who all seem to have fallen asleep with a half finished game between them.

I get the feeling that with this precedent that Kel will try to talk one of them into wargaming with her, if she brought her minis that is. Which, honestly, if she was able to bug Weiss about it, might be a possibility. As much as I love my girlfriend I get the feeling that she's brought far too much luggage with her for such a simple trip.

The twins were at least responsible enough to go to sleep at a reasonable hour on their beds. As for myself, I'm stuck on two pushed together beds between Blake and Weiss. Whatever normal aversion Weiss would have to this arrangement forgotten because of recent events.

I know I should talk to her about that, but now doesn't feel like the right time. However, that doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the halcyon moment for a while longer. It should do the both of us some good to return to normalcy before dealing with anything heavier.

Of course, I'm not then immediately free to go about my business. When everyone is roused from their slumber my girlfriends bodily drag me off to get breakfast with them. Much to the amusement of Kel and Autumn. Surely it wouldn't be a problem to get Marina in on some retribution against them?

As bothersome as that is, I let myself go along with the flow. Only distantly noting that Vernal is hanging around Raven this time. Well, more that it appears Raven is hovering around her while casting her gaze towards Yang.

They also aren't alone as Tai has an arm slung around Raven with Qrow and Amber hanging off to the side. Amber is particularly close to the bird-man which reminds me of their closeness following the assault. If I remember right, Amber was low or had a broken aura. Something that would no doubt require Qrow to keep a close eye on her and I can't help how my thoughts drift from there. Oh well, none of my business really.

Once that's concluded I finally have some room to breathe, but of course I'm not actually allowed to engage in too much work. Not that I argue my case either, implicitly taking my girlfriends' suggestion to take things easy for a bit. However, I can't fully turn that part of my brain off so I decide to split the difference.

I'm unsure if this is a good time to reach out to James, but doing so early enough in the week should allow me to coordinate my press release for him. If I'm going to throw my word behind him, he should have the time to adjust his plans. Especially since I sort of robbed him of that ability by calling in his help.

"Ochre, is something wrong?" he starts in a clipped tone. His blue eyes are as heavy as the woman from medical, indicating a similar lack of sleep. As does the stubble slowly growing around his jawline. I wouldn't be surprised if he's kept himself awake to respond to the situation as quickly as possible. That has to end at some time, otherwise he'll run himself into the ground, however, I know James would rather break before not giving Atlas his all.

"No," I state immediately and his stress releases however fractionally. "Nothing wrong or really new to report. Just checking in I suppose." I pause for a moment before deciding to add on, "And to show my appreciation for your help." I could venture something further, but it's already difficult enough to do that much.

"Not apologize," he questions in a level tone. More or less calling out my position.

I have to think for several seconds on what exactly to say. It would be so easy to just capitulate and offer a false apology. Though, I don't even know how fake it would be; it's not like I haven't caused him unintended problems.

However, on the flip side, I made the decisions that I did because I believed them and I'm still not certain I've made any sort of error. Perhaps I could have recruited more forces, better forces, or thought through what I'd do with prisoners beforehand. Maybe that would blunt the situation we find ourselves in, but it doesn't change what's happened.

"I stand by my position," I decide, not allowing myself to show too much weakness. "Though I do regret the position it's put you in."

"Ochre," he calls out, his tone suddenly sharp. Then he closes his eyes and pinches his fingers across his forehead. "I know you had the best intentions, but good intentions aren't everything. Please consider the effects of your actions more in the future. You knew the situation in Mistral was already going to be fraught, but instead of working with me you expected me to pick up the pieces afterwards.

I don't mean to be overly harsh, but we need to work together. Miscommunication like this only leaves us open to our enemy. You're young, so I'm not going to dwell on your mistake too heavily. However, I expect better from you in the future. As a future headmaster you have to set the standard for everyone else to measure up to."

There's a lot to dig into with his statement. His final line I take as a sort of veiled comment about the nature of Oz's reincarnation and where he thinks my place in it is. Although, I guess it could just as easily be construed towards the eventual Academy in Menagerie. Which, now that I think about it, would I end up in charge of it? Everything I know about the conspiracy points to yes which is a heady thought to consider.

The rest of his words seem somewhat warranted from his point of view, but I can't help but feel they aren't entirely true from his perspective. He wouldn't have arranged for me to receive that medal if that's how he truly felt. Of course that brings up the possibility that he's not involved with that at all, but I don't believe that for a second.

What that means is that he's trying to be overly harsh with me to instill the message he wants me to learn. His actual thoughts are probably more positive than that, thinking that I've done some measure of good even if it has thrown his plans in disarray. I get the feeling this isn't quite the end of our discussion on that matter, if only to bring up my plans which should help, but I'll want to throw in a topic of my own if I can help it.

Maple: I may have passed on giving hope to my subordinate, but that was only to ensure it was an actual option. If anyone can give me that answer it's James. Perhaps we could work out a deal. (3)

Operations: A lot is happening in Mistral right now. Talking shop a little bit and perhaps seeing where I, or by extension the White Fang, could help might be useful. (2)

Salem: He only mentioned her briefly, but I suspect there's more concern for him than just the surface level. Especially during a time of turmoil like this one. (1)

Menagerie: I could expand on his comment about becoming headmaster and see how that relates to my home. Something tells me he has more on his mind than just that. (0)

Atlas: Our relationship hasn't exactly been equitable. While my men in Mistral are pretty beat up, I could see if there's anything specific I could do in Atlas to return the favor. (0)

"Sir, if I may," I interject cautiously. Not because he's browbeaten me into submission, but rather so I can discern his reaction. It's more interested than anything else, which provides further credence that he's not wholly upset with me. Almost certainly he is to some extent, but other matters occupy his mind more. That doesn't tell me explicitly how he'll react to my request, but it spells good things.

"This might not be wholly appropriate right now-"

"But you're bringing it up anyway," he cuts off, utterly serious and lacking humor. His blue eyes are steely and focused, not fully pushing past his tiredness, but making his best attempt to. As if to warn me off from my path with sheer focus.

"I am," I affirm, calling his likely bluff. He maintains his stare for a few seconds before he waves a hand for me to continue. "It's about my subordinate, Maple-"

"Miss Minerva," he asks in confirmation, perhaps a bit too quickly. It seems like he hasn't been too busy to keep up on what's happening with me and my men. That implies that doing so is a priority for him, one way or another. Something that makes me suspect of his reaction, but he isn't giving me much to work with. His normally stern demeanor remains largely unchanged aside from the focus in his eyes. The best I can discern is that he's testing me in some way.

I can't help but feel like that undercuts the meaning behind this kind of request. However, I have already made the determination, so I might as well use his attitude to my benefit.

"Yes, her. I understand that her treatment is already considered, and I can't thank you enough for that. It's just…" I pause for a moment trying to think of how best to phrase this request.

That pause seems to be too much for the currently impatient general. "Out with it," he demands.

"I-it's her wings sir. I was wondering if there was anything you could do to help her?"

"Me specifically or Atlas?" His question brings me up short for a moment as I don't really see how there is much of a difference. However, to him there has to be one; I just wasn't expecting this level of pedantry which I suspect is solely to throw me off and second guess myself.

With that in mind, I can only project confidence and answer, "You. I can't ask all of Atlas for what amounts to a personal favor, but I don't believe we work at cross-purposes here."

"And what makes you think I can help at all," he asks with heavy skepticism. Another test I suspect. How extensively has he set up this scenario, or has he simply paid that much attention to my activities? He had to have some involvement just by how the medal was placed on my bed.

That level of subterfuge really doesn't fit James. Which means he's either really paranoid for some reason or it's a lot simpler and direct than what I suspect. Perhaps another attempt to put me off balance and see where my character really lies. I feel this would be more successful if I didn't already cotton on to his aim, but I can't really fault him for being poor at it. Well, poorer than I am.

"If there's anyone who could help it's you. Plus, I may have gotten the inclination from someone aboard the ship." He nods at that as if satisfied.

"They would be right, and I certainly hope that whoever gave you that inclination didn't spill any details." He waits for my response and I nod, which brings a small smile to his face. "Originally we were developing a flight system for Penny, but, well, you understand how that isn't viable anymore. I could let the project fall by the wayside, or…" he trails off leadingly.

"Or you could repurpose it. And it happens that I have a faunus used to flying who may be able to assist with developments." His lips thin at me presenting the matter so transactionally which informs me it's not wholly what he was wanting to hear. Not enough to disincline him fully, but definitely a small blunder.

"I wouldn't put it that way myself, but her assistance would be useful, yes. However, things aren't so simple. This tech isn't fully developed and even if it was, I'm not at liberty to hand it out to those not affiliated with Atlas."

"That shouldn't be a problem," I offer immediately, much to his approval. "Maple, can…work with, under I mean, Atlas if that's what's necessary. I can convince her of that much, or order her if I need to."

My mind races to why exactly I would go with something so drastic before coming up with a few uses for a woman inside Atlas. However, I have to admit, that's a secondary motivation at best. Paying her back for her service is the least I can do after what she's sacrificed.

James' lips thin, "I would prefer if she was a willing volunteer, but that's acceptable." He pauses for a moment and I don't allow myself to be filled with hope during that brief lull. "However, what exactly is stopping me from making her the offer myself? This benefits you more than it does me, as it stands."

My mind goes to how he's testing me and then my negotiations from when I first joined the conspiracy. This isn't an exact mirror, but I feel it's more accurate than not. Of course, James' aim would be more successful if I didn't cotton on. However, he simply isn't able to act well enough or pressure me enough to throw me off entirely.

"That's entirely acceptable, this isn't about how I can benefit. Not this time." That produces a shallow, almost certainly unintentional nod though he retains control of his lips; keeping them deliberately thin. "However, I can throw my voice behind support of your actions. It might not mean much, but it should do some good."

"And if I still refuse," he presses.

I pause for a moment to give the appearance of thought, "I'd go through with it anyway, you deserve that much." He stares at me for a moment, trying to discern if I'm being truthful and nods a few seconds later.

"It's good to see you're the kind of man I thought you were." He turns to the side for a moment and makes a few gestures with his hand, probably sending out orders. "I can't promise quick results, but with Miss Minerva's consent we should be able to look into something. She'll have to recover first, but the project has to work through R&D as well. Is that satisfactory," he asks with a smile more in his voice than on his face.

"Yes," I answer with some complication in my tone. Not wholly affected as I continue, "I don't much like being tested, James."

He returns to his serious mien, "Neither do I, Ochre. But it seems like we're both disappointed; at least it seems like neither of us have been found wanting."

I want to argue that my request for his help wasn't any sort of test or equivalent to what he just put me through, but still my tongue. He and I don't have to see eye to eye on everything and I understand that he's probably more than a little stressed. Even if he rubs me the wrong way he's still helped me far more than not; dealing with a bit of his irritation is a small price to pay.

He takes my brief pause to continue an errant thought, "Loyalty is to be rewarded. I think you know that already, but it does well to remember that." At the same time he flexes his right arm in a meaningful manner. The same arm that I suppose was ruined in the paladin incident.

I get what message he's trying to impart, or at least I think. James isn't exactly at the top of his game after a few sleepless nights it seems. Not enough to deter him from doing what he thinks needs to be done, but perhaps affecting his thinking more than it should. Unfortunately, it's more than a little undercut by my knowledge of his…manipulation doesn't even seem like the right word, but it's the most accurate.

I allow another moment to pass before speaking up, "With all that said, I don't suppose there's anywhere me or my men could assist?"

James concludes his brief bout of reminiscing, returning to his professional demeanor near instantly. "More than a few, if you could spare the assistance and stay out of trouble. The most important in my mind is locking down the Spring maiden."

I still my reaction with practiced ease. "You think she is going after her?"

"Without a doubt. She failed in Vale, but I don't believe for a second her ambitions end there. With all the chaos in Mistral, this Kingdom seems like the obvious place to wreak havoc. Without any indication of where her or her thralls could be operating we have to do our best to ensure there are no weaknesses. Haven is easy enough to secure now, but that's no reason to grow complacent.

With the traitor secured, we might have our answers soon. However, there's no way to tell if he knew more than he revealed to us. For all we know he was keeping an eye on the Spring maiden for her and it's only a matter of time before she's swept up."

Those are both interesting tidbits. The first because it implies that Lionheart was captured not killed. I wonder how exactly Oz pulled that off, all without giving any indication of his fate. The second is less likely in my mind. If Salem, or Lionheart, knew who the maiden was she wouldn't enjoy the freedom she does. However, I can take that to mean that James, and perhaps Oz, thinks that's Salem's next target.

"Anything your men can do to find her location would be most appreciated," he continues. "However, I would caution you from putting yourself at risk. Particularly in Mistral." That throws me off for a moment.

"Are you trying to say that she is going after me?"

James holds his hand in a so-so gesture. "I'm not entirely certain about that, but the possibility is there. Perhaps not enough to seek you out explicitly, but if you're already in the area I foresee that you'd be a target of opportunity as it were. I'm afraid anonymity might not be a shield for you much longer."

I let out a gust of air, "I guess it's a good thing I don't plan on sticking around for much longer." I look off to the side and only barely note that he nods in agreement with me. Him doing so just reminds me of his previous request.

While I might have the answer he's looking for, I can't exactly reveal that to him can I? Or if I did I'd have to explain why I'm keeping it from Oz. Maybe it isn't truly necessary anymore, but I can't say I've convinced Raven all that much either. Perhaps something more subtle then?

Except, anything that I reveal to him will likely set him onto Raven's trail. I'm not sure how I could obfuscate that it's her in particular without essentially asking him to trust me. Which naturally brings up the fact that I'm not trusting him and Oz with the information at the moment; that then leads into who could possibly be skittish because of them leading to a somewhat natural conclusion. Still, I get the feeling I should resolve that before wrapping this conversation up.

Delay: I can't give him anything immediately, but I can promise him answers soon. That should give me enough time to discuss the matter with Raven and refine my approach. (2)

Reveal: I may have had an agreement with Raven, but the situation has changed. Even if I would inform her of Salem's interest I can't exactly hide her status from the conspiracy anymore. Not while she's in Mistral. (0)

Secret: I made a promise and I can't go back on it now. Not with all the progress I've made, however little that is. I just have to hope my success speaks for itself. (0)

Trust: I could assure him that I have eyes on the Spring maiden, even ensuring her safety to a degree. That likely leads him enough to work out who I'm referring to, but wouldn't be an explicit break of trust. Not that I think Raven would see it the same way. (0)

I adopt a thoughtful posture to cover up my reaction. Although, it's not entirely feigned as I have much to consider. James and Oz have trusted me to quite an extent, not to mention the help they've provided. It's hard to say if I've paid that back with my assistance thus far. However, even if I have, that doesn't diminish the need for good relations between us all. It seems like the matter of trust has been more or less resolved on their ends, but I'm still holding back.

I believe that's for the best, but that doesn't exactly diminish what I'm doing. It would be so easy to wipe away with a confession at the moment, but that would only make things worse. I haven't worked with Raven enough to guarantee she'll work with us; if she doesn't I'm not sure how James and Oz would react exactly. I do know it's likely she'll break away from reconnecting with her family which would cause me some problems. Especially since I more or less promised I'd keep a lid on this.

That brings me back to my relationship with Oz and James. Is she really worth more than the support they've offered? Maybe Ruby, Yang, and Tai would think so, but I doubt that will extend to everyone else. Not if I don't have any results to show for my efforts. Success can forgive a multitude of sins; without that all I have is a fig leaf of effort which won't protect me fully. Not when I've already made a mistake in James' eyes.

I swallow my apprehension and decide on a course of action. It will be a betrayal of trust, I'm not going to lie to myself about that, but it should only be a temporary one. It rushes me far more than I'd like, but I was planning on talking with Raven anyway. I know she won't take the news super well. However, I'm not left with many options that are favorable. Something has to give and I suppose this is the best I can do.

"I'm not sure I can promise anything," I hedge with a leading lilt in my voice. Enough of one that he looks at me with expectation and waves his hand for me to continue. "I've been following a lead of sorts for a couple of months now. It might be nothing, but my men and I are close to exhausting it fully."

James looks at me for a moment before sighing. Not quite in disappointment, but not liking what he hears either. Most likely he doesn't think I've got anything promising if I'm not venturing anything further. That's better than suspicion in my mind, but stabs at me anyway. "Send me the details and my men can work with yours on the matter."

I shake my head, "It shouldn't be necessary. Besides, I think you have your hands full enough as it is."

He opens his mouth to protest; only to clack his mouth shut, hang his head, and shake about as if dismissing an unkind thought. "You're right," he starts not looking up, "We need to keep a handle on the situation for a few weeks before we go looking anyway. It should take two, no, three weeks or so before I can spare the assets. Deliver me what you have then. Even if it's a dead end, it's at least one less place to look."

I keep my polite mask firmly affixed even as I consider his words further. Of course he'd have to disperse his assets searching for Raven. That would leave him and Atlas even further stretched thin and unable to assist with the crisis. Yet another thing to consider even if I think I'm leaning towards telling him and Oz…I just need a little bit more time.

"Thank you, Ochre," he says, unwittingly digging the knife that little bit deeper. "Oz can't interfere with the matter too much, but he's assisting where he can. Having more direct support is always welcome, if the offer is still open."

"I'll see what I can do," I venture. "We're still recovering from the attack so-"

He holds up a hand, "It's fine, this crisis isn't going to be solved in a few weeks. Attend to your personal business if you have to. Any aid or support you can provide will be most welcome. Now, as to where you can help the most-" He pauses mid-sentence as his eyes drift to a different screen. "I'm sorry, I'll send you the details later; not a moment of rest around here I'm afraid."

With that he ends the call and I allow myself to drop my act. Not that I'm wholly torn up about my actions; more conflicted than anything. Which is odd in retrospect.

I've never really cared all that much about Atlas or James, but here I am sticking my neck out on his behalf. The implicit debt between us is one explanation for that. However, like my relationship with Oz, I don't think I can consider myself wholly impartial anymore. The two men have grown on me in some way and our connection has that emotional tint to it now. No big wonder after all the support and trust they've thrown my way; just annoying to deal with.

Unfortunately there's nothing I can do about that and I only have more work for myself to deal with. The White Fang will require some time before we're ready to assist him, in Mistral at least, but I can get to work on Raven. While I haven't promised him anything, if I don't provide him something around his rough deadline then I might as well have kept Raven's secret more explicitly.

Technically I'm still undecided on that, only having kicked the decision down the road. However, regardless of what I choose, seeking Raven out now is a priority of sorts. I know my girlfriends, Weiss especially, would prefer my presence right now, but I have to hold off from that for a moment longer. I can only hope I make it up to them later.

After some asking around I find her in the corner of the cantine. Presumably she's using it as a sort of common room. With her is Qrow, Amber, Dad, and Tai who has an arm slung around her that she still hasn't brushed off. I think I've noted that before, but it's a good sign that she isn't spurning the attention of her family. No doubt Qrow will be suspicious of the development, but hopefully my interest in reconnecting Yang with her mom serves as able cover.

Of course, he's occasionally distracted by Amber or Dad drawing him into conversation. Dad especially from what I can overhear. Likely in ostensible thanks for saving his life during the fight, but I can't help feeling he has an ulterior motive. What it is exactly I can't tell from the snippets I hear, just that I have a feeling if I were to learn it I wouldn't like it.

I give some thought on how to approach the situation. My first thought would be to separate Raven on her own, though the alternative exists to split Tai and her away from the group. I can't go any further than that due to the secrets involved and that much shouldn't raise too much suspicion. The question then extends how to approach her exactly.

Speaking of what I've found in the broad sense is obvious, but how I do so is another matter. Plus, I may actually wish to speak to her about other things. Naturally if Tai is with her will mean that he's aware of what we speak on and modulates her responses to some extent. I think that will be more helpful than not.

If I weren't concerned about answering to James and Oz in the future, a simple warning could suffice. Just let her know what's going on and let her make a decision from there. While not my preferred option there are upsides to it. Allowing her to make the choice without much manipulation should mean an improvement to our relationship. Perhaps particularly important if I want her working with us in the future. Everything else I have in mind would be pushing her along that bent.

The most obvious levers I can use are that of her family and what Oz could do. The first of which might not be entirely convincing if she thinks she'd put them in more danger than not. I'd have to rely on her emotions ruling over her sense and apprehension. Perhaps I could convince her of that, but it's definitely not guaranteed.

Belatedly, I think that her tribe could be another potential lever. She's shown some level of care towards Vernal, even if it was a bit brief from my perspective. There's the simple fact that chaos is coming to Mistral and Salem is likely active in the area as well.

Which, now that I think about it, is going to be an absolute mess. It was already hard enough to try and discern where Watts and her other lackeys are operating. With all the chaos in Mistral it's going to be incredibly difficult to sift through the noise in order to determine if they're involved in any particular incident.

I may have to rely on James and Oz to feed me details on that or wait for the moment to blow over. I simply don't have the same network of trusted agents that they do; perhaps some thought should be given to forming a conspiracy division in the White Fang. Thoughts for another time I suppose, Raven is still my immediate priority.

Bringing up Oz and James would definitely be the stick then. I'm still unsure how they would actually react. However, she has a decent idea herself. She could be entirely wrong, but the prospect that she'll be hunted down otherwise might cow her into submission, as unlikely as that sounds.

Alternatively, I could offer her my protection. I've displayed to some extent my capabilities and my connections with James and Oz. It really depends on if she thinks I'm a peer to them or an underling on how effective that would be. Of course, I can mix up my approaches and arguments to some degree. Or, simply pass off my warning and attempt to forge a more personal connection.

Protection: A bolder move on my part would be to offer my personal protection. How valuable that is and what that exactly means is up to some debate, but perhaps it could work. (4)

Tai:Raven's Choice (4)

Tai: Present: His presence could perhaps convince her to give more credence to my words and affect her thinking. She isn't immune to his affection. (1)

Warning (Mutually exclusive with all other options): Salem and Oz are going to be looking for her. That's more or less what I'm going to tell her, but I could leave it at that and move onto more personal concerns. (0)

Connections: I could attempt to leverage her personal feelings to get around her reluctance to work with Oz. Perhaps convincing her or negotiating some level of protection for those she cares about. (0)

Threat: The reminder of Oz and James' actions will already be implicit, but I could make a point of how they'll be involved. She has to make a decision sooner or later rather than keep running away. (0)

Tai: Absent: This kind of conversation is best kept between Raven and I. Especially after I had her engage in some skullduggery for my benefit. (0)

My presence isn't entirely unnoticed by the crowd at the table. Dad flashes me a quick smile which has Qrow turn slightly before his attention is drawn back to Amber by a quick comment from her and Dad. I'm not sure if he's trying to help me or going after his own agenda, but I can figure that out later.

Raven, for her part, picks up on the commotion rather quickly. Her somewhat neutral expression devolves into an outright glare. On filled with hate as if she's desperately trying to ward me off from interrupting her moment. I suppose I'd be willing to entertain her desires if this was any other circumstance.

Fortunately, Tai picks up on her behavior, looks at me, and then waves me over. Something that turns her glare towards the man for a moment. The two of them hold a stare with Raven leaning away from the man, but not enough to slip his grasp. More of a display of her displeasure, which comes off more as pouting with how she huffs and remains silent.

I approach the table, but stop before I can take a seat or enter Qrow's field of vision. While he might be distracted at the moment, the matter is serious enough that I can't let him pick up on it. Instead I knock my head to the side as an indication that I want to talk alone.

Immediately afterwards I give it another thought. I should probably give Raven the choice if she wants Tai to listen to this. Even if I have a preferable outcome in mind and will do my best to achieve it, doing this will give her the appearance that I'm not manipulating her.

Plus, I know she'll appreciate being given the ability to choose; though she'll want to make an informed choice. Something that is rather complicated to pull off without informing her with Tai around unless I dismiss him first. But that would be more or less making the decision for her.

Ultimately I decide to play with the hand I'm dealt first. Raven and Tai stand up together. More because she stands up first and Tai follows. Again, Qrow's eyes track on them only to be thrown off entirely when Amber wraps an arm around his neck. It is somewhat amusing to see him freeze up and start coughing as he chokes on his drink.

It's only a brief distraction as I see Raven and Tai enter a mini, silent argument. I assume Raven wants this to be a private matter as much as I do and does her best to not say anything to not draw her brother's attention. Of course, this leaves her without a strong argument and can only show her dissatisfaction by extricating herself out of his grip.

She tries to stalk off immediately afterwards only for him to walk up to her side and take her hand. This time she doesn't shake him off, though she sports a tight, irritated expression. I think that's just her surface level reaction from what I know of her. No doubt genuine to a degree, but not putting forth the full picture so easily.

With her husband following along like a persistent puppy, Raven's usual expression of dissatisfaction hits far less hard than it usually does. She tries to have her arm crossed across her chest, like usual. However, the fact the other is occupied by Tai, and she doesn't feel strongly enough to break it off, diminishes her intimidation a lot. She appears to try to make up for it, purely with a heat behind her eyes and a deep scowl. Her mood only worsens before growing more cautious as I lead us to an out of the way area.

There is a certain boldness to trying to keep secrets from James on one of his own ships. The height of hubris one might say and a grave enough concern that I have to be absolutely certain. Once we reach our destination, I put a finger against my lips, lean against the wall, and activate my semblance.

I only have a little experience with using bugs, and Atlas tech is probably far too advanced for me to spot anything out in the open. However, I can make up for that by simply being methodical. Layer by layer I peel apart the corridor we're in for anything that looks out of place.

Half the time I'm not sure what exactly I'm looking at, not at all helped by the distortion from my semblance. I don't think it's anything nefarious, James isn't paranoid enough to bug his own ships, but I had to be sure. Even if it's just the effort of trying rather than anything conclusive on my part.

When I step back, however, my odd behavior gets through to Raven and Tai. Both of them turn more serious from the walk and my actions. With them both on the backfoot, I have no better place to start.

"I'll be blunt. With everything that's going on in Mistral, Oz and James are going to be looking for the Spring maiden."

"What did you-" Raven growls.

"Calm down, I haven't done anything, but they're going to want answers," I cut her off. I also forego the immediate and more vulgar response that came to my mind. Probably best not to bring that up with Tai around, especially with what I saw a couple of days ago. "Furthermore, they suspect that Salem's going to use this chaos to do the same."

She stills for a moment, a fraction of a second and easily lost if I wasn't paying attention. Then she narrows her eyes and her lips pull back in a vicious snarl. Evidently taking my words as hostile…somehow.

"How convenient," she bites out. Then she shifts her weight and takes a small step away from everyone. Her arm hangs limply for a moment, but Tai doesn't let go, leaving a sort of awkward connection between the two of them that she doesn't entirely notice as she turns away. Her head faces the bulkhead instead of either of us and she scoffs, "Let me guess, I'll need to fall in line to ensure my safety?"

She's taking my words in the worst light possible and I can't help myself from growing frustrated. Mainly because I'm trying to be straight with her right now. If I was in the middle of any of my manipulations I'd be aggravated, sure, but somehow when it comes from trying to help her it makes the whole endeavor a thousand times worse.

"I am trying to help you, bitch," I slip, not bothering to cover up my language in front of Tai. Then I slide into something a bit more manipulative, "I thought it was the least I could do to inform you of the danger after what you did for me."

"That was a part of our deal."

"As if you weren't planning on using it to score a favor out of me," I challenge. That's enough to draw her attention back to me and we have a small staredown. One that's soon interrupted when her head whips towards Tai and she freezes up again.

"Rae, if he wasn't telling the truth, what do you think would be happening right now?" Tai's interruption, while it calms her down for a moment, puts a frown on my face. It's not entirely helpful that he's using her skittishness and aversion to James and Oz to put her in my corner. Not when the whole point of all this is to get her working with us. Although, maybe she doesn't need to work with them explicitly. Either way, it provides me the opportunity to put the ball in Raven's court.

"Thanks, Tai," I start, my tone level, if a bit facetious in actuality. "I think this might be best for us to discuss in private." I then shoot him a meaningful look and immediately Raven draws him to her side. I expect her to say something only for her to glare at me. Of course it's a knee-jerk defensive response; to which I can only ask, "Are you sure?"

My question stops her in her tracks for a moment as she registers her reaction and what exactly she just did. Then she looks at me oddly as if trying to discern what my game is and I don't bother holding back my frustration.

It is really annoying how much she thinks I'm manipulating her when I'm not and when I am it doesn't seem like she can pick up on it. Literally the worst of both worlds for me where I have to engineer scenarios so she thinks I'm being genuine.

It takes a few seconds, but eventually she relaxes without saying anything. Still not giving up her cautious eyes, but she doesn't react overly negatively or dismiss Tai. The both of us take that as her giving implicit permission for him to remain. It really would be too much to expect her to be explicit. Although, it seems like Tai is more or less used to her antics and simply wears an easygoing smile; only slightly strained by the topic at hand, as if trying to remain a pillar of support for her.

With that decided, her mind soon wanders back to my words from earlier and she growls, "So, is that it?"

I give some thought to my reaction before deciding to lead with a defeated sigh. That draws a pleased tug to her lips, though the matter is too serious for her to take that entirely as a victory. If nothing else it should associate more good feelings between her and Tai which might feed into my plan.

"If you must know, I think it's only going to be a matter of time before Oz, James, or Qrow," I stress, "look into you and find out the truth. I don't know too much about Salem, but Lionheart, as it turns out, was a traitor. Who knows how much he actually knew about the Spring maiden's disappearance and who he's kept tabs on up to this point."

That's a mistruth by my estimation. As I pondered earlier, it's unlikely that Lionheart knew Raven was a maiden, but the extra pressure couldn't hurt. It's not like I'm even lying, I don't know for certain; but if he did, I suspect Oz and the others will learn soon enough and Salem would already be aware.

"I'm not interested in your threats," she returns, full of hostility.

"It's not a threat," I argue back, losing myself a little. I take a breath, "Look, I said I'm trying to help you and I mean it. I can't do much about Salem, but I can work with Oz and James on your behalf. I said I'd argue in your defense before and I'm willing to do so now. However, I need something; not even anything significant, just something that shows you're working with me and we can know that you're safe.

Oz and James' main concern is getting a handle of the situation and part of that includes stopping Salem from taking advantage of the situation. If they know the Spring maiden is safe, they won't have to go looking for you and can spend their attention elsewhere."

"A stay of execution," she grumbles and then her eyes tear towards Tai, who I think gave her hand a squeeze.

"I don't see how it's much different from your current circumstances. Like it or not, you can't hide forever. I put the pieces together myself, so it's only a matter of time before someone else does the same. This isn't how I'd prefer to handle this either, but we all have to make compromises; you just get to choose what yours are."

I leave things there. Pushing her too hard is only going to cause her to lash out. Even if Tai is serving as an emotional anchor at the moment, doing so would just push her into an emotional corner. From what I've observed, if she feels trapped she usually seeks to escape the situation or whatever has brought about the feelings which is obviously detrimental.

I have to treat her more or less like a wounded animal. Give her just enough space to escape if need be. Gentle so that she doesn't lash out immediately, but firm enough that I can actually help her and lead her where I want.

Raven stares at me for what feels like many minutes; me and Tai. Her gaze keeps flitting between the two of us as she remains more or less stone-faced. Still not happy with the situation, but no longer lashing out. Instead she works through her options within her own headspace. Whenever she looks at me, it appears that she expects me to say something to sway her. The absence of which leaves her only with her own thoughts to deal with.

It probably helps that this is not the be all-end all for me. If she refuses my help, that's unfortunate and a black mark for my relationship with Oz and James. However, I'm sure I can spin circumstances in my favor as long as Ruby or Yang don't spill the beans that I knew of Raven's nature beforehand. I simply have much less to lose regardless of what her decision is so I can remain more or less uninvolved. Although my preferred option is already out in the open.

Putting it forth in such a blunt manner, however, is enough that Raven has to be second guessing herself. It seems she's so quick to assume the worst of my intentions, but putting my preferred course of action forth runs counter to that. She has to assume there's some sort of deception at play, but there isn't any and all evidence she's aware of would point to that. As much as she must hate it, she, by degrees, comes to accept that I'm being genuine.

Of course, with all that mental work already done, she can't simply ignore the matter and run away from it. Tai, again, serves as an anchor of sorts and a constant reminder. I'm unsure if his presence hurts more than it helps or vice versa; just that she can't ignore him and her feelings.

She looks at me again, this time with gritted teeth. She tears her gaze away for a brief moment before returning with an entirely different look in her eyes. Lighter by my estimation; as if she's seeing me in an entirely new light. Not a wholly happy one, I feel, but I'll take that over believing I'm acting in bad faith.

"I'll work with you," she utters in almost defeat. An odd stress on the word 'with' which I suppose is to indicate that she's not working for me. A not unreasonable distinction for her mind, I feel. However, that simple statement really doesn't tell me what she's offering aside from that she wants my protection against Oz and Ironwood, which is going to be its own headache now that I think about it.

On one hand, it might be worth figuring out what exactly she means by that. On the other hand…I stick my hand out immediately to shake on it so she can't back out. She does so gingerly and I slot that in as a victory. Exact terms need to be discussed, but she won't back out now unless I ask for something egregious.

"Alright…so, details," I start with a long-sigh of suffering that only hours of painful bureaucracy can bring about. Not that the conspiracy has that much paperwork, or really any for that matter. However, dealing with my men and finding her place in all that definitely will. While Oz and James will be more troublesome to deal with emotionally they definitely won't be organizationally. If Raven would even really interface with the White Fang.

I get the feeling that would only end in disaster or generate an even heavier headache for me. Although, I have to give the matter some thought to get her used to the idea of taking orders. Even if I take an excessively light hand with her. Of course, doing so will probably rub my subordinates the wrong way, Sienna especially. Maple would probably be next to complain if she wasn't in the state she's in. Still, there's no guarantee I have to go through with that just yet.

I rub at my temples for a moment and hold my hand up to forestall any comments from her. "To start with, what do you want out of this? Absolutes, preferences, how you want to present this to Oz and James. Like, do you want to do that yourself, be there when I do so, or just trust me to handle it and to what extent?"

"Don't tell them anything about me," she snaps.

I groan, "That's…not really an option. I have to tell them something, and, quite frankly, they aren't stupid. They'll put the pieces together themselves."

She digests my words for a moment. "I'll inform them with you at my side," she declares. With a level of confidence and certainty that's almost delusional. As if she didn't have the exact opposite immediate reaction. I suppose she's still trying to project strength, but she's also using my presence as a shield of sorts instead of handling it on her own. Whatever, I knew she was going to be troublesome to negotiate with and it's not like that's a huge ask.

"I can make that work." She nods her head instantly, celebrating her victory in a way that irks me. I share a brief look with Tai who shoots me a small smile. As if to express thanks that I'm putting up with her and approving.

"Leave Yang out of this," is her next demand and I almost wave off her concern immediately. We've already discussed her involvement to death I feel. There would be no need to address it, which she has to know as well. Therefore, I have to look at this from another angle.

I suppose, it could be construed to leave Yang out of any of my plans in the future. Since her presence could be used to essentially force Raven into action. Her care, which she would normally conceal, is already known to me so she has no problem making this an explicit concern. Although, at the same time, it also presents a closeness that is inarguable in my mind.

Of course, I can't bring that up without sabotaging progress between her and her family. Additionally, I'm not sure I offer her that guarantee in the first place. Yang would not like being excluded from what her team is doing because of her mom's desires.

Although, I guess this is only supposed to apply to conspiracy matters. How much that actually spills over to my normal activities is hard to discern exactly, but perhaps it's worth debating that concern and sweeping away her argument rather than to leave it to be a problem later.

I wave my hand to prompt her to continue, but my expression makes it clear I'm not agreeing with her quite yet. She clicks her tongue, turns wrathful for a moment, and is interrupted again by Tai squeezing her hand upon which she again looks at him. She turns back a moment later with a huff.

"My tribe, you aren't hunting them down or putting them in danger. And, they need my leadership still. Find a way to make that work or-"

"Rae," Tai interrupts. "Are you sure they need you watching over their shoulders? That girl, Vernal, she handled herself pretty well, didn't she?"

"She almost lost an arm!"

"Against a veteran Huntsman."

"The only real threat to the tribe," she counters with another huff.

She opens her mouth to argue further only to be cut off by Tai, "If I recall, your tribe was fine without you and your brother for a full four years. I'm certain they can survive a couple of months, right?" His question comes out as so soft and reasonable that I find it hard to disagree with his logic.

Raven nods along, while I distance myself and consider a deeper implication. Tai could be trying to get her used to the idea of leaving the tribe. At least for extended bits of time. I doubt he wants to force her to cut them out of her life entirely. Whether out of a lack of desire or knowing that it won't work.

I think he's convinced her away from leading her tribe, at least to the extent she would've pushed for previously. While that is useful it doesn't really make things easier for me. Her tribe is a weak point in Mistral and with James on the hunt, I imagine they'll run afoul of him and Atlas at some point. Perhaps they could be convinced to keep a low profile a while longer. However, as long as they maintain their usual behavior that's only delaying the inevitable.

The alternative would be to argue for an immunity of sorts for them. At least from the conspiracy. Something that sits ill with me to a degree and will certainly rub James the wrong way. I'm unsure how Oz would take it, but that last thing James needs right now is an unruly band of brigands he can't deal with. It'd be a millstone around his efforts of authority, constantly undercutting them if the tribe causes any trouble.

To that end, there's the option of either moving them or incorporating them into my operations in a way. I'm unsure if either of those are preferable to Raven, but that's what I can come up with.

For relocation, our only real options are Vacuo and Vale. Vale would certainly be easier and more prosperous while Vacuo would be difficult. Not to mention the oddness happening in Vacuo and if I want to subject them to that.

Alternatively, I could, I guess, fold them into the operations of the White Fang. We did just receive a huge dearth of manpower. That's probably a lot more fraught from Raven's point of view. Too close to putting them in danger intentionally, plus it would be deliberately replacing her in regards to leadership.

With that in mind, I could swap them over to a less hostile region to free up manpower for Mistral. Perhaps even leave Raven nominally in charge. Of course, this comes with the problem of introducing a human enclave into the White Fang, which is going to cause a lot of headaches for me.

I suppose that leads me naturally to where Raven should be and what she should be doing. Getting her used to taking orders and working as an agent has some appeal. However, that might be too close to the work she did with Oz and draw some unflattering comparisons. Honestly, I'd be happy if she just minded her own business in Patch, but that might be giving her a degree of independence and inaction that's too much to deal with.

That leaves me with two other options. Folding her into the White Fang or letting her remain in charge of her tribe. Technically, there is some overlap between those two positions due to obvious concerns. However, I think those are the most pressing matters. As long as I get her out of Mistral I've at least done my job.

Chap Plan (3)

[No other plan submitted]

Chap Plan:
-Yang: Press
-Tribe: White Fang (Vacuo) (Ultimately we do need some sort of grip over them, think letting them run free will just bring more issues in the long run and to be frank just having more men is always good, and the entire Mistral fiasco was meant to give us more control over the WF so even if theres some grumbling don't think this would push anything over the line)
-Raven: White Fang
---[Tribal Leader]

AN: The [Tribal Leader] section is listed differently as it was not in the plan as written; rather something that was clarified by chat throughout the voting process and thus reflected in the subsequent write-up
Contemporary QM Note: Alright we're going to do this as a plan. There are three areas of stipulation: Yang, the Tribe, and Raven. Something from each of those categories has to be chosen. There will also be a fourth area for other; essentially whatever demands or stipulations chat would like to place on the agreement before we get down to more negotiations.



-Press: I can't keep Yang away from helping her team. I have to get that through Raven's head even if she doesn't like it.

-Fold: I think this is only against conspiracy and adjacent sort of operations. Something that I wasn't planning on involving Yang into; but with how close she is to Ruby and her team it may be unavoidable.


-No Promises: I don't much like working with brigands and murderers at the moment. I can't guarantee anything for her here and she has to accept that.

-Immunity: I can argue with Oz and James to avoid targeting the tribe, but that's as far as I can go. Even if it causes problems for James in Mistral.

-Relocation (Vale): I'll have to get some assurances they won't be targeted by Oz, but it at least gets them out of Mistral. Even if they would cause havoc in Vale.

-Relocation (Vacuo):I'll have to get some assurances they won't be targeted by Theo, but it at least gets them out of Mistral. Even if they would have trouble in Vacuo.

-White Fang (Mistral): I'm not exactly enthused, but I need the manpower. Raven might not like them being in danger still, but this would be a compromise.

-White Fang (Vale): Not really a preferable option either. They would no doubt cause problems for me in Vale, but I could keep an eye on them.

-White Fang (Vacuo): It's possible they could be of more use here without putting them in undue danger. It would be a bit of a stretch and still comes with problems, but should be doable.


-Independent: I really don't care what Raven does, though I would caution her away from leading her tribe. Perhaps she'll use that time to spend with her family or pick up the odd mission.

-Monitoring: A bit more of a bold plan, but would help me convince James and Oz. This will most likely take the form of regular check-ins with trusted individuals, like her family.

-Agent: Perhaps a bit too close to what she did with Oz, but I could use the help in a few ways. It would also be a pretty clear and helpful groundwork for the future.

-White Fang: I could take her on as a lieutenant. Maybe not that much better than being an outright agent. Plus, I don't really like our first high-ranking human being her.

-Tribal Leader: She obviously wants to keep watch of her tribe to some degree so I should just let that happen. Of course, her tribe will have to move then, but that's a small price to pay.


Write-ins welcome

Note: Tribal Leader is not compatible with any option that has the tribe remaining in Mistral.

"I can make most of that work," I start. "The only problem I have is with Yang." Naturally, Raven glowers at me for that comment, but I remain strong. "You and I both know she'll do whatever she wants.

I could exclude her, yes, but you know who's on her team. I'm not going to drag them into conspiracy business if I can help it, but you're a fool if you think she isn't going to look out for her sister and friends."

"Fine," she huffs, not liking that she has to give up any ground. Even if she didn't spell out her terms explicitly. Then she crosses her free arm across her chest and taps the arm holding Tai's hand impatiently. More cute than intimidating in my mind, but it's not like I have too much that she should find controversial. Not compared to that I feel.

"As for the rest, I can find a place for you and your tribe in Vacuo. You'd have to work with the White Fang, nothing too major, but I can't keep you and your tribe supplied if you're not putting in the work." She scoffs as if insulted that I'd make the stipulation. Likely in regards to the implication that her and her tribe wouldn't pull their weight. Evidently not having much against the actual terms I've presented.

Honestly, I expected she'd have more pushback towards working under me in that aspect. I suppose that means she expects she'll have more freedom than I actually plan for. I'll have to curb that expectation slowly, but that shouldn't be too difficult. Not like much happens in Vacuo.

I'll have to give some thought towards how to break up her tribe or if it's even necessary. The plan for doing so should be relatively simple if complicated by her retaining control. However, as long as they don't devolve into criminal behavior it might not be necessary. Something to deal with later; I still have another demand to push.

"If that's fine, there's just one other thing. I want you to stop and check in with someone trusted every now and then. It doesn't have to be with me; one of my lieutenants, or hell, Ruby, Yang, Qrow, Tai, just someone I trust and can verify it's actually you who showed up. I don't want to get caught with any surprises if I can help it."

She narrows her eyes at my reasoning then throws a meaningful look Tai's way. It's kind of funny that this is the stipulation that gets the most pushback from her. Even if it's something I think she wants, the fact that she'd be compelled to do it is the problem. Perhaps it's unnecessary, but having something explicit should make this all easier to present to James and Oz.

I can't imagine either would be happy to have the Spring maiden on the other side of the world and still resistant. At least I can ensure she's safe. And if not, we'll have a tripwire of sorts so we can investigate the issue.

She doesn't voice her agreement. She merely sticks her hand out again and we shake on it. The combination of terms is apparently favorable enough in her mind that she has no real complaints. At least not any that she's willing to raise without compromising her appearance. She doesn't strike me as the kind of woman to worry about and argue the details too heavily as long as they aren't something she fundamentally disagrees with.

With our agreement reached the two of us just sort of stand there awkwardly and stare at each other. Something that Tai apparently finds funny as he starts laughing after a few seconds where nothing happens between us. United in a common cause, Raven and I both glare at the man. Her with a softer expression and me with an exasperated one.

I really don't see what humor he can derive from the situation. Unfortunately, our combined efforts don't deter him. If anything it makes him worse.

In what can only be described as a rare show of empathy, Raven does not grow angrier with the man. Instead, she merely drags him away bodily. No doubt frustrated and fed up with his behavior, but also a bit embarrassed by my estimation.

I feel like I'm vastly missing out on something that's supposed to explain this behavior and can only shrug it off as an oddity. Maybe I could ask them about it at a later date, but I'm unsure if there's a need to. I've gotten more or less what I wanted with Raven; I just have to wait for the results. Although, her inclusion and that of her tribe is going to cause me headaches, I just feel it.

Somehow it also feels like I'm underestimating the problem, but I can't place my finger on why that is exactly. I've already got a good handle on what trouble they can cause; just that it feels like I'm missing something, several somethings maybe.

I try to parse through that nebulous feeling for a moment longer before I realize I have more work that needs done. While my girlfriends might not like it, I've made a promise to James. The sooner I take care of this the less trouble he'll have to deal with.

I just have to deal with piling the trouble onto myself. Not like my position could get any worse in Mistral, which I suppose isn't the most heartening to think when my word is supposed to support him. However, that's only really an issue with the elites and humans. My royalist stance isn't exactly popular, but I undoubtedly have a following with the faunus. Plus, my win in Vytal has likely earned me some fans. Everyone likes a winner after all.

In the end there isn't much for me to do but draft my statement and support of the man. At first bluntly so my support cannot be construed as anything else. Afterwards I go into what I know about the situation in Mistral, in each of the cities to as much depth as I can.

Timber's report, which I will read more into later rather than draw facts and figures from, is of particular use for the inner cities, where most of the chaos is taking place. Ostro is included in this mess, but they're a lot simpler to provide a perspective as to why Atlesian intervention is necessary for the faunus minority. Perhaps that's a little too beneficial for myself and Menagerie, but I'm already going to be called a biased source, so who cares.

My intent with drawing all this information is to paint the picture of impending violence and highlight how James stepped in to stop that. Even if what he did was technically illegal, it still saved thousands of lives at minimum. Perhaps people might believe I'm being hyperbolic or compromised in some way, but I have to believe my word holds some weight.

It's a way to put my money where my mouth is and of greater concern is how I'm voicing support of Atlas' actions. What I would once rail against I'm now explicitly supporting. Mainly because James did do good and has the best intentions at heart. Even if this is a terrible precedent to set I can't let him suffer the brunt of the consequences alone. Hopefully explaining that these were truly unprecedented circumstances will deal with that. If not, I have to hope that whatever comes of this is to the benefit of Menagerie and not the detriment.
Summer Week 1 (Part 3)
A lot of my time is eaten up by having to put everything together more or less at the last minute. Enough so that when I head for bed I find that I've missed out on another gaming session. Well, my arrival marks the end of the activities. The sisters and my own decide not to stay up as late as last time. However, like last time, Weiss doesn't want to leave my side which makes sleeping arrangements somewhat awkward.

This is resolved when Blake leaves with Ruby and Yang. Most likely understanding that Weiss needs this right now. Or maybe just willing to leave so Marina has a bed of her own to sleep on. There simply isn't enough room for three of us on one of these beds and my sister isn't willing to leave the crew to bunk with RWBY. Honestly, I think she'd prefer to sleep on the floor than leave us all, but we don't have to test if that's true.

When morning comes, Weiss is a bit less clingy. Not to say she lets go of me or gives me much room to maneuver. However, with the most important matters of the week already taken care of, I have no problem indulging her with some cuddling. This extends past the point where my team departs to get breakfast, leaving the two of us alone.

I jostle her and she glares at me, playful only in the barest of degrees. Like she expects that I'll run off again if we get up. She has to know she's acting ridiculous right now, but I suppose she's also not in a way. This isn't how we wanted our vacation to start and how the fight went certainly didn't help.

She's more than a little shaken up with her close call. Something which I think is worsened by the injury Vernal received. After all, it could just as easily happen to her in all that chaos. Or Yang. Or Ruby. Or Me. It certainly doesn't help that I rushed off to check in on a subordinate and was swarmed with work afterwards.

Everything was more or less under control, as the events show, but that doesn't diminish the raw facts of the matter. That both of us lost our aura, or close enough, in that fight and we were only a few bad moves from something more severe. This is then exacerbated by how my attention has been caught by concerns other than her. Even if she needed the time to pull herself together, that doesn't mean she appreciated my absence.

So, with all that in mind, the only thing I can really do is just be there for her. Little more than an unmoving rock. Only differentiated by how our hands travel along each other giving incidental touches. An unspoken promise that we're still here and not going anywhere soon.

A part of me wants to make some sort of grand declaration. Even if it's not necessary or anything of the like, I have a matter on my mind.

"Weiss, I- I just wanted to say, I-well, about the house thing." She makes a noise of interest, but tightens around me as if preparing for the worst. "I know I didn't react the best, but…well, I'm determined now. It doesn't really matter to me what we pick out. As long as it's with you, I'll be happy."

She relaxes immediately, draws a line along my arm with her hand, and nuzzles against my side. "Dolt; you're just saying that to get on my good side." Despite her words, her tone couldn't be happier.

"Doesn't make it any less true," I retort. That draws a pleased noise from her and her hand draws back down my arm to the back of my hand. As if to threaten a request for me to pull her into my semblance.

Her hand hovers there for several moments, weighing if that's a proper response before she reaches across my chest instead. She then pulls me into a more complete hug and crosses her leg over mine, practically melding her body against me as best as she can.

She then closes her eyes as if she's reached some measure of peace and I jostle her. "Come on, we have to get something to eat at some point."

"Don't wanna," she mumbles petulantly. I resign myself to the both of us simply missing breakfast. A small price to pay I suppose. Not when it gives her this reassurance and a small bit of privacy. The latter of which is no great concern with my semblance, but appreciated nonetheless.

Recovery: We don't need to share too many words at the moment. Our time together is more precious than bandying about words and saddling each other with our concerns. (3)

Vacation: I know this isn't exactly the start she was hoping for. I could apologize for that more explicitly and see what she's excited about or any plans she has. (3)

Close-call: Considering our chosen profession something like this was going to come up sooner or later. Talking about it might be heavy, but perhaps necessary. (3)

Obstacles: Perhaps more pertinent than ever. There are impediments to our relationship, my work just being one of them and properly discussing them may be in order. (0)

Family: One of the bigger stressors in her life and with our plans we'll be dealing with them soon enough. It might be best to see what plans she has in store. (0)

AN: This was supposed to be a top 2, but got expanded out to top 3

I lie there and consider a heavy topic for a long while. It's something that should really be brought up with how she's acting. By that same token, the small bit of peace she's managed to claw out is too much for me to delve into it immediately. Even if the tightness around her eyes implies that she's forcing herself to some degree.

My hand goes to her cheek. The sudden contact shocks her for a moment before she leans into my touch. Not enough to pull her head off my body; no doubt concerned I'd take the action as some sort of implicit permission and move on from this bout of relaxation. Of course, if I were so inclined, I could simply manhandle her and carry her out of the room. However, that wouldn't be what either of us want at the moment, much less need.

My thumb splays over her cheek, brushes against her nose, and then runs over her lips. As soon as I do, she turns her head a little in an attempt to give a light kiss to the appendage. She's not really successful on account of her still closed eyes, but the contact does much to get her to relax more fully. Instead of holding onto me in a death grip, she loosens up so she's merely pressing down on me with her weight. That and she keeps a light hold for her own comfort.

I debate a little on what I should do. On one hand this reassurance seems to be relaxing her. On the other hand, I know she's only letting up because she thinks it's unnecessary, not because it's what she truly wants right now. She wants to be certain that I'm not going anywhere; that neither of us are leaving any time soon.

To that end, I weave my fingers through her hair briefly before settling the same hand on her back. I trace a line along her spine, slowly increasing my pressure as I do so, which elicits an appreciative noise out of my girlfriend. I stop at the small of her back, lay my palm flat, and press her against me as hard as I can.

The sudden pressure causes her to gasp, but I'm not pushing anywhere that would prevent her from breathing. A subsequent swell of her chest greets my side and informs me of the tightness of our arrangement. Even more so when Weiss squirms a bit to get comfortable. Naturally rubbing against me in her pursuit of comfort and a small show of affection.

One of her hands remains drawn over my body, holding my side. The other rests at the joining of my neck and shoulder. Said hand starts digging into and rubbing my flesh as a sort of gentle massage. The angle is too awkward for her to be particularly effective and she's unwilling to rearrange herself for a better angle. Not that I mind since the purpose behind her action is enough for me; a show of affection and reassurance that she's trying to comfort me just as much as I am her.

Deep content breaths ring out from the both of us as we lay like that for minutes. Weiss is ready to fall back asleep while I am less so. The quiet moment does much to sap the worries each of us feel. That whatever issues we may have, we have each other. Even if those issues may stem from that very person.

That's more applicable from her to me than vice versa. I never really had a problem with our arrangement. If anything I've benefited greatly from it; at least enough so to forgive the complications our pairing has caused. Honestly, the drama with the Schnee family is the worst of it. Regardless, Weiss herself has given me little to complain about.

She's put up with and accepted my ambitions and my workload. Not only that, but she's eager to help out where she can. Despite that, there's still the matter with Blake.

I don't regret my choice, not truly I think. However, I'd be lying if I thought the same applied to Weiss. Just based on how she's behaved I know she's been forcing herself to deal with it; mostly in silence. Only her disgust reaction in the aftermath of Blake and I sharing affection is overly present.

If it was solely up to her and her feelings I doubt she'd approve; I don't think she ever would. She's simply judged that her feelings weren't the most important to consider at the time and hasn't seen fit to countermand her judgment. That isn't to say she's unhappy, just that she has reason to feel conflicted. Reason to think we could drift apart.

My actions and attention I've given her has done well in assuaging most of that, but recent events have certainly shaken that confidence. Both in how much work eats into my time in the worst ways in her mind and in how circumstances beyond our control can tear us apart in a more permanent way. It doesn't help that those circumstances beyond our control were instigated by my work with the White Fang.

We really should get to talking about that, but this blissful moment is hard to break. Almost absently I trace a line along the scar over her eye and she engages in a half-aborted shudder. Not in a pleasant or happy way, more primal and dark in nature. As if touching her sole visible wound has triggered her towards ill thoughts of what could have been. A normally caring gesture between the two of us soured in the aftermath of the fight. After all, with her close call she was so close to gaining another or something worse.

"Weiss," I prompt in a soft voice and she makes a complicated noise. Then she buries her head deeper against me like that will ensure we avoid the topic. Notably she leaves enough room for her scar to peek out and I debate with myself for a moment. Whether it would be better to prompt her again or give her some sort of reassurance.

I go with the latter and trace a line over the scar again with my finger. This time she doesn't shy away from the touch or react in any meaningful way. I repeat the gesture over and over again with her slowly rising from the depths she sequestered herself in.

There is no smile to her features and the contentment from earlier is washed away. However, neither is her expression severe. More neutral than anything; perhaps anxious about the subject she feels is coming while also resolved to face it head on, no matter how much she wishes not to.

She catches my hand and remains silent for a moment. After a deep breath she states, "I know…I know." Further words fail to materialize. Instead she pulls herself enough to plant a small chaste kiss to my lips, where she hangs for what feels like minutes. It doesn't feel like she's running away to me, more seeking comfort to draw her courage before speaking.

Eventually she breaks away again. Her lower half holds onto me even tighter while she leans back her upper half to have a somewhat serious conversation. My hand on her back follows suit in her travels and moves upwards to cup the back of her head. My girlfriend shoots me a small thankful smile for allowing her the space while retaining the comfort. One that turns out short-lived as her attention returns to the problem at hand.

"I was so scared," she starts with a shuddering breath. Her eyes again tighten to shut out the outside world. And I suppose to keep some of her feelings inside and under control. "Not about me, not really…I sort of knew that whatever happened you'd drop everything to come save me if it was really necessary. It wasn't; Ruby, my team…I- we all dealt with the Huntsmen after us. I should be proud about that; I mean, look at me finally catching up to Winter…but that's not what really matters.

Once we were done we couldn't stay there. Then the rush of the fight, the exhilaration of it bled away as I waited. More people kept coming in, each looking worse and worse, but you weren't among them. I kept telling myself that you were fine, that you wouldn't put yourself in danger over anything stupid. That…that you had more important things to come back to; that I had to be there for you to come back to.

Gods it sounds all so silly now, but I really thought I had to stay awake for as long as I could. Like, as long as I could keep my eyes open," she shakes her head, "If I fell asleep it felt like that really would have been the last I saw of you."

She turns her head towards the bed. Likely in an attempt to hide away any tears which tells me more is at play. She's been rather open thus far, but for her to shut down like this, it's not fully characteristic of her. It doesn't take me long to figure out why.

She hasn't even mentioned what she felt when I came in. She wouldn't have known that my aura hadn't broken fully. Pretty damn low and near complete exhaustion, but it's not like Weiss was in a fully aware state at the moment. All she would have seen is that I'd be heading in before the fighting and probably looking like shit; it did take me a while to recover from the sensory overload.

And then the very next thing I did was march myself over to the heavily wounded section of triage…Oh, yeah, that looks very bad from an outside perspective. She didn't chase after me; some part of her had to recognize that I wasn't harmed, but she was also incredibly tired and likely not thinking straight. It wouldn't surprise me if she fell asleep shortly after with the worst possible thoughts wiggling away at the back of her brain.

That doesn't even get into the more logical issue of how I prioritized ensuring Maple was alright rather than herself first and foremost. Not that it's entirely logical or I disagree with my actions. Just that I know it's another implicit acknowledgment of my work coming between us; however small and however justified.

With all that in mind, I know that I could poke and prod at my girlfriend until she lets that all out. It may be unnecessary for me, but the catharsis might do her some good. Instead, I simply turn her head my way and stare into her watery blue eyes. She sniffles as I do so, but I keep a firm hold of her and do my best to convey that I understand with my expression alone.

Seeing her like this because of me isn't exactly easy on me either. Something of that must show as her expression softens and she shifts so she can press her forehead against mine. Briefly putting aside her own feelings in an attempt to console me for mine.

Soon enough that devolves into her arms looping around my neck and then a quick kiss. Followed by another one and another and another, each growing quicker and lighter than the preceding. Keeping forth with that momentum draws a silly giggle from my girlfriend. One that she knows is silly and only relishes in more because of the silliness.

Soon her kisses turn into brief brushes of the nose as she can't quite keep herself contained and still needs to breathe. A sort of manic compulsion that peters out when she sags against me for a final time and contents herself with rubbing our noses against one another.

I'm left sort of dumbfounded at the sudden change in tone. I know we haven't actually dealt with the underlying issues. The fact that there are two major ones makes it difficult to tackle separately. Especially with how intertwined they are with the event in question. Still it was my intent to deal with one of them as best as I could.

There's the very real fact that I can't go through with this every time either of our lives are put in danger. Her exact reaction makes that a bit less of a concern, but the worry that sparked it has to be alive and well in her. Even if she does have a handle on it to a degree.

I mean, logically she has to be aware of the contradiction. Each of us are training to be Huntsmen; that's not exactly a peaceful occupation. If either of us were so concerned with remaining safe and hearty we wouldn't be where we are now. The very real risk of death or disappearance accompanies us on each mission we take, but before this that never seemed to be an issue. Something at the back of her mind, sure, but also something she likely thought she already had a handle on.

"Dummy," she announces suddenly with a huff, as if aware of my thoughts. "It's not the same." I shoot her a look and she rolls her eyes in a haughty manner. I pinch at her side for her impertinence and she winces for a moment before holding strong. Then I give her a light kiss which seems to break her resolve. Not by wearing away at her defenses, moreso by conveying how much her answer means to me; how much she means to me.

She takes a breath, "I know that you know the…" she trails off for a moment. Likely searching for the correct word for the moment and failing. She eventually settles on, "enormity of the grimm. Yes, I know there's more to it than that, but after our talk…there was never really a fear that you'd do something stupid around them. I can trust you enough to only get yourself a little in trouble. This-this however is completely different.

You're always so much more- enthusiastic, I guess, when it comes to people. When it comes to a problem you can solve you're-you put yourself at a lot of risk. First Adam, Merlot, that mess with Spider, and now this; you keep putting yourself in harm's way even when it might not be necessary."

"I-" I start only to be shushed by a finger from a hand that wraps around my chin.

"I know. You're doing it to help people. Because it's the right thing to do or it benefits you. I'm just complaining about my stupid selfless boyfriend," she says in a tone far too light for her real feelings. A moment later she turns more serious and quiet, "I just want to be selfish about this much."

If that was the case I'd say she's done a poor job showing off how selfish she can be. If she wanted me to stop this she could have said so earlier. Although, as I've noted earlier, she's not always vocal about what upsets her.

It's more than likely that she understands my disposition on the matter and doesn't want to bring it up. Likely already expecting the answer and not wanting to start an argument. That might extend to other matters as well and I'm unsure if I want to delve into that right now. Actually, I'm all but certain I don't want to. However, I can at least do the bare minimum.

"Do you want me to stop," I ask, allowing her unvoiced concern to come from my lips. I brace myself for the inevitable talk we'll descend into. She slaps my shoulder as hard as she can, which, given our relative positions, isn't all that hard.

"Of course I do, but also no," she answers in a confusing way. Then she looks at me like I'm the one not making any sense, even rolling her eyes like she can't believe I'd ask the question at all. Fortunately she explains, "I love you, all of you; even the stupid bits. An Ochre who isn't so stupidly selfless wouldn't be the Ochre I fell in love with." She pulls herself tight against me, "Despite it all, I know who I want beside me for the years to come."

Again, it seems like she's already decided the course of our life, but it's becoming harder and harder to argue against her. I can only dread what will happen if she becomes aware of that fact. How she wouldn't stop bringing it up every few moments in order to speak it into existence. My girlfriend really is more trouble than she's worth sometimes.

"Still," I start with a sudden heaviness draining away, "That doesn't mean I shouldn't indulge you to some extent. We're supposed to be relaxing now anyway and…look I'm sorry about all of this. I know-" she shuts me up with a kiss.

"Dolt," she whispers before another. Followed by, "Imbecile," and another kiss. Again and again as she lists out insulting names so affectionately and making it clear she doesn't really mean them.

Eventually it gets to be too much and I hold her back from punctuating another name with another kiss. "You know, if you keep calling me things like that, I might reconsider what you really think of me," I quip light-heartedly. Just enough of a rebuke in my tone to tell her to cut it out.

"Oh," she responds in an interested tone, "That for whatever goes on in that head of yours, you're m-mine." She hiccups as if suddenly unsure of herself and with a quiet voice forces the completion of her thought, "and I'm yours."

She crashes against me, her head propped against my shoulder and cheeks rubbing against mine. They feel so warm all of a sudden, both hers and mine. I already knew that she held that sort of sentiment. For quite a while now, but with how she's acting it feels like much more of a confession; a promise of sorts, from her to me.

I wish I could reciprocate it in the way she desires, but my mouth is dry and the words are too hard to make out. The best I can do is hold her and reassure her as best I can. Light touches rain down her body, rubbing away at the errant stress of the moment and past few days.

I know from her words that if I wanted we'd…well I already knew that. It's nothing new, I just didn't think she'd bring it up so boldly. I guess she doesn't want to leave it unsaid after what we've been through even if I'm not ready to go through with anything of the sort. Just getting a house together is already a big step and that's discounting all of the other complications in my life.

With nothing else I can do, I throw out a joke, "You know, I was going to ask what plans you had for the summer before you so rudely interrupted me."

Weiss peels back a little and throws me a heated glare. Like I'm somehow ruining the moment. Then she huffs and allows a put upon expression to settle on her face. Displaying a level of indignation and exasperation at my behavior but also towards herself. Likely thinking she should have known better and this was the only real outcome from the scenario.

"Well, first of all, you're going to show me around your home. Every. Inch. Of. It," she threatens in a sing-song tone that carries forth the severity as well as an implied promise. "I want to know all about it. What you see in it." She ends there, but I can practically hear the unvoiced comment; why is it so important to me.

I guess it's a good thing that she's giving me a chance to convince her. To show her why I do what I do or at least am so motivated. I've talked about it a few times before, but I guess it's different in person. That, and I'd be lying if I didn't say I didn't want her to fall in love with my home as much as I have.

"Aside from that," she continues, "I'm not going to lie and say I have much pleasant planned for our stay in Atlas. Patch; you're better off asking Ruby and Yang. However, when we're at the estate, I do plan on bringing the family together for a frank discussion. In person," she stresses.

"I'll be there," I affirm. I briefly wonder if I should venture more serious help. Like wrangling any of the errant Schnees before thinking better of it. My last attempt didn't exactly go well and I don't want to disappoint her like I did Willow.

Fortunately, my response was the only one my girlfriend was looking for. She utters a quick, "Good," before settling back down so the two of us can cuddle. A certain heaviness in the air that prevents any further topics from arising. It also colors the moment in an intimate light. Not one that devolves into anything explicit; more of a resolution of our bond despite the problems that presented themselves.

It does little to address the problems themselves. Just that it seems like dwelling on them is less important to each of us than what we have currently. Although, I guess we did address some of them to some degree. Not that much ground was given on it; just an acknowledgement of our positions followed by a clear affirmation that Weiss isn't seeking for me to change.

Perhaps remaining as I am is unkind to her. It's hard to think that a lot of what I've put her through isn't unkind. Only the fact that she still wants this, wants me, despite it all convinces me to let the issue lie for now. As long as I'm there for her it seems like she'll be happy to some degree, even if how that comes to be isn't exactly what she desires.

We rest together in that contentment until the door creaks open with a lilac eye and a shock of blonde hair. Then the door is thrown open revealing Yang.

"It's alright Rubes, just a false alarm. They didn't get up to anything."

"In the real world at least," Autumn snarks as he pushes past the busty blonde and takes a seat on his bed.

"Excuse me," Weiss spits out, her tone high-pitched like a tea-kettle. "I was just making sure Ochre properly relaxed for once." I shoot her a look for that; not much liking the implication that I can't relax on my own or haven't before now.

"I know more than a few ways to get a fella to relax. Only so many of them require the two of you to be all alone away from everyone else for so long," Kel pokes, joining in along with her brother.

Who immediately retorts, "The fuck you mean you know more than a few ways?" Kel clacks her mouth shut and puts her hands up and waving as if to dispel the confusion.

She doesn't get the chance to as Ruby allows a frustrated cry to escape her throat and she bodily jumps on Autumn. Her hands clasp around his mouth and force him to lie horizontally. With his size this conveniently leaves her sitting over his shoulders with her legs between beds and his head on a bed different from his body.

"Yang," the small leader cries out, "Get the soap. I've had it with these potty-mouths!" I guess the stress has gotten to her in some way, though this is amusing enough. Not enough to spare me from the dangerous look on Ruby's face, but I'm sure I can talk my way out of this.

Yang gives a mock salute and rushes off to the bathroom while Kel scoffs, "You can't be serious; you're not our leader. Ochre, tell her."

"Sorry," I respond facetiously, "My mind is still stuck on what you said earlier." Then I flash her an unrepentant smile, eager to needle back at her for her comment.

"Oh fuck off," she replies immediately and her eyes widen as she processes what she just said and in the presence of who.

"Blake," Ruby calls out, utterly devoid of patience. Then she sticks her hand with her pointer and pinky finger sticking out towards Kel.

"Come on, we can talk about this like reasonable-" Autumn starts before Ruby places her hand back around his mouth. Then an 'eep' escapes her from something my teammate did. Followed by a tinkling laugh as he apparently resorts to tickling her. I know he can just lift her off so he's just playing along, but that knowledge hasn't passed to my sister yet.

As protective as ever of the crew she's put herself between Blake and Kel. Evidently assuming that my girlfriend is under enemy control since she's following Ruby's order at the moment. There isn't much room for the two of them to maneuver. Blake just shifts side to side as if to bait Marina into one direction before rushing off in the other. My sister is a little too keen to be tripped up so easily.

This lasts until Blake makes a run for it and Marina tackles her. Only for the Blake my sister tackles to disappear in a puff of smoke and the real Blake to run past her. My girlfriend then rushes into my remaining standing teammate and lays a hand on her, as if this is some sort of game and Kel is now out.

Likely both of them understand that if this was an actual fight there'd be more resistance. Although, it is an immensely amusing sight to see Kel cowed by a woman so much shorter than her. In multiple ways I suppose since Ruby is relishing her apparent victory.

Then Yang returns with a bar of soap and the tension ratchets up again. Enough so that Marina stands up and looks about the room. Immediately afterwards she starts cursing with every foul word and expression that she's ever heard of. Most likely connecting Ruby's behavior with those curse words and seeking to draw all the ire on herself rather than the rest of the team.

She doesn't stop until I tell her to and by that time she's held up in Yang's arms and falls limp. As if she fully accepted the order and stopped every part of her that she could. Not that it dissolves hostilities. Even Weiss is upset by Marina's behavior; probably not appreciating how close Marina resembles a Schnee and how such behavior could reflect on the family name. While also not looking too deeply into the reason why.

From there things devolve into a friendly brawl drawn on team lines. Three of four members of RWBY incensed against the behavior at this point. With Blake remaining on their side out of solidarity, though she does throw a playful wink at me throughout the mess. Naturally this leaves the room in a mess which we have to clean up before we leave.

Just as naturally, the fight was 'won' in my favor, though it doesn't feel like much of a victory as I have to help pick up the pieces afterwards. My girlfriends, evidently, think that's too much work for me and shoo me out of the room at their insistence. Claiming that because I 'won' and was the ostensible hard carry of my team I've at least earned that much.

This causes Kel and Autumn to grumble a little while my sister and everyone else doesn't really care. From Yang and Ruby's perspective I wasn't a part of the problem this time. I was merely defending my team as I should, even if I did push Kel into making a mistake. Though, that would have blown over if Marina didn't misread the situation and make everything worse. It's hard to hold that against her when she was making a self-sacrifice play for the benefit of the team.

Whatever, I can deal with my sister some other time. It's not like I didn't already know she has trouble parsing social situations. In a way I should be proud that she connected Ruby's aversion to curse words to her behavior against the twins. Even if it's startlingly obvious there's every possibility that Marina would have misconstrued the source.

Regardless, I'm left on my own for a little bit while everyone else cleans up. My first thought is to call Charlotte and make sure everything is in order for Mistral. While that is important and something that should be done sooner rather than later, that feels like a betrayal. I was kicked out to relax and enjoy myself. Throwing myself back into work would only upset my girlfriends, even if it is necessary. Then I'm reminded of my missed meal and head to the cantine.

It's mostly soldiers around. Although, like last time, Tai, Raven, Qrow, Amber, and Dad are all using the room as a sort of common room. Well, sort of. The Branwen twins are off on their own with their respective partners while Dad is off to the side looking at Qrow and Amber with a sly smile. As if he's accomplished something to be proud of and I think I can guess what and why.

I haven't gotten a great read on the fight and Dad's part in it, but I do know that Qrow bailed him out just before he lost and suffered for it. I briefly thought of thanking Qrow for that, but decided to hold off for now; though it seems like Dad has found a way to express his thanks.

I sit next to him with a tray of food and he shoots me a quick glance before returning his gaze to the nascent pair of lovebirds…I think. Amber is definitely being forward and Qrow seems embarrassed or overwhelmed by my estimation, but something about the pair of them just seems off.

No doubt I'm missing something to read into the situation further, but I'm unsure if I need to. Based on everyone's behavior, things are turning out more or less like how Oz and Dad envisioned for the pair. Which is a bit strange to think now that it's on my mind.

Whatever. It's not like I have to dwell on that. I could, I suppose, but there are just as many other things for us to speak about. Right now Dad is giving me the chance to eat and I suppose to gather my thoughts; either that or he really is distracted by what he sees, though that's doubtful.

Fight: He had his own close call and he helped me out besides. Both warrant some degree of thanks and investigation. (3)

Matchmaker: I admit I find myself morbidly curious as to why he's involving himself like this at all. Much less how he's pulled any of this off. (2)

Sister: He's largely approving of my relationship with Marina, but I haven't exactly gotten his thoughts on the matter, or her. I kinda want to make sure they get along well. (0)

Debt: I never really got into it with him about how much debt he racked up. Something about hanging in Mistral has my mind on the matter, like it could be important. (0)

Huntsman: I know he didn't go very far in his career and his recent showing gives some inclination to why. Still, I suppose I could see what he has planned for the future. (0)

I mull over my thoughts as I eat in relative silence. All throughout it Dad only spares me the occasional glance. More of his attention is drawn towards Qrow and Amber. At first it's easy to mistake that as simple thankfulness, even if it is oddly expressed. However, by tracking his eyes I think more of his attention goes to Amber out of the pair of them.

I can't parse the reason for why. I can understand why he'd be thankful towards Qrow, but not Amber. Nor can I understand why his attention would otherwise be drawn to her. He doesn't know that she's a maiden or anything. Plus, based on her performance in the fight she wouldn't stand out especially. Not for anyone who didn't keep a close eye on her and come to the conclusion her semblance has to be something ridiculous or something else at play. Something that he shouldn't have had the chance to do seeing as he lost his fight.

I don't think I'm going to get my answers by sitting idly so I nudge him with my shoulder. I throw my head in the direction of the pair and ask, "Something on your mind old man?"

"Brat," he retorts immediately, but without much heat. His eyes go back to Amber for a moment before he exhales loudly out of his nostrils. I easily imagine that his eyes are closed for that second, but they're a wide open green expanse when they turn my way. "Just memories is all."

I narrow my eyes, "And that's not an answer." He looks at me with honest confusion. That takes a moment to settle and he throws a look back to the pair. A couple of seconds pass before he shakes his head.

"I'm sorry, I was seeing something that wasn't there. I guess I've lost myself with the years as they are," he jokes.

"Dad," I press with a slight whine in his voice. He and I both know he's just continuing to evade the issue. What would otherwise be an innocuous observation appears to be something more meaningful.

"Ochre," he retorts in the exact same tone of voice and levels a stare at me. One that I return until he breaks, "I wasn't lying when I said it was memories. It's," he sighs, "Look, I should probably start from the beginning.

That Qrow fellow saved my life, pretty sure you already knew that, but that wasn't it. I thanked him for that the first time and he sort of brushed me off, like it was expected of him. Which, not saying it wasn't, just that he was being a bit gruff. 'Course I talked some more with him and his friends and well, I don't want to talk too much but-"

"I already know his semblance Dad," I supply for him, thinking that's the issue here.

He lets out a short relieved breath, "That's good, saves me some time. I'm not going to lie to you, I was outclassed back there. I'm not just speaking of when he jumped in to save my sorry ass, but before that as well. The guy I was up against, at first I thought he was just making the stupidest mistakes, he seemed kind of young like that. Not young like you, but…oh you know."

"Dad," I bite out at his rambling. Normally he's more put together than this. I guess the experience has rattled him more than a little even if the aftereffects aren't that severe. He probably has experience calming himself down after a close call in a mission. Although, now that I think about it, how long ago must that have been?

He hasn't been on a mission or anything like it since I was a kid. Maybe even before that. It wouldn't surprise me if he hung up his hat so to speak after arriving at Menagerie, which would put him out of the game for nearly two decades. Little wonder that he performed so poorly then. Even if he was my superior at one point, possibly even still, he's not exactly at the cutting edge of other Huntsmen, he never was.

"Well, to make a long story short, I'm pretty sure I owe the man my life thrice over now. That's-" his hands curl into fists over his pants, "I'm not sure how I'd pay that back, but I did notice how that lady would look at him. Not exactly the same as I first thought. Guess I was a little bit blinded by the debt and all that."

"Still not making any sense old man," I needle, even if I think I know where he's going with this.

He shakes his head, as if aware that I know more than I'm letting on. He seems to give it some thought about whether to leave me with the plausible deniability or not before stilling himself utterly. He moves his mouth, muttering words with no sound. As he does so a hand runs through his salt and pepper hair as if the action will somehow bring him a clarity of thought. Then he closes his eyes and leans back.

"Let's just say that I have some experience in that young man's shoes. Thinking I'm down on my luck and spurning those around me. Only for a younger woman to see something in me that I don't. Yes, not the exact same; I see that now." He takes a deep breath, "I just had to do something I suppose."

With that Dad looks far older to me than he usually does. Maybe that's a trick of the light or my eyes playing tricks on me. More likely it's that my memories of him are all out of date and he's usually able to put up a good false front. I already know how old he is, but now he's showing all of those years. Moreover, the fact he'd call someone like Qrow 'young' is just wrong to me somehow and only exacerbates the issue.

"I guess I can see where you're coming from," I answer back solemnly. Not willing to make an issue of where my mind is at. Even if Dad can likely tell there's something on my mind. To that end I joke, "And here I thought you were just happy to meddle in affairs you had no business to."

"Well, that might be a part of it," he agrees with a chuckle. "After all, you had to get it from somewhere."

"What do you mean by that," I ask with carefully neutral eyes. I suspect that he has something in mind that I'm not going to like. Technically he could be referring to something innocuous like my investigations; still, I can't react too heavily. That would only confirm that it's something that could get to me.

Not that it stops a toothy smile from overtaking his features, "Oh, just that I've heard you've done some matchmaking of your own."

"Who told you that," I bite out before I can stop myself. Lying traitorous bastards. It was probably Autumn wasn't it. Not that I think he and Dad interacted all that much, but he could have; the possibility is there. I mean, I never saw them in the crowds together or off on their own, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen.

Of course, by that logic Kel is just as likely…as is Marina now that I think about it. With her poor social skills I wouldn't be surprised if Dad was able to pull something out of her. Plus, her and Penny were around them far more than the rest of my team. Although, by the same token either of my girlfriends could be responsible. I'm unsure how spreading such slander would benefit them, but maybe they thought they were being helpful.

…Who am I kidding? It was probably Coral. She knows enough of my escapades to reach that conclusion with just enough information to be right and convincing while only able to speculate on some of the details. She probably talked me up more than a little with Dad, even if they mostly kept to themselves.

Naturally, while I parse all that, Dad breaks out in a guffaw of laughs. Just as naturally I cross my arms and try my best to ignore him. I fail and snipe, "And here I was all concerned about you; I see how it is."

"Sorry. Sorry, son," Dad manages, which takes the edge off just enough.

"It's fine…I'm just glad I didn't lose you. Especially not with how close it was. I-"

"Me too," Dad cuts me off before I can get in any way emotional. Stupid old man, I'm trying to have a moment here. Then he elbows me just below the ribs making me wonder why I thought that in the first place. He knocks his head towards Qrow, "You wanna give your thanks to the man responsible?"

I think it over for a moment and shake my head, "Nah, it seems like he has his hands full at the moment. Better to watch from afar I'd say."

"Yeah." His lame comment is followed by the both of us keeping our attention on each other, not bothering with Qrow and Amber in the slightest. It seems Dad is no longer dwelling on the past and is focused on the present or the future. Not that I want him to think of the latter too much. I have enough to deal with on that front without him mucking about with it as well. Fortunately, he's either aware of that much or sees no reason to bring it up himself.

After a few moments I say, "Thanks. For everything I mean. I shouldn't have put you in danger like that, but you'd do it all again, wouldn't you?"

"Guilty," he agrees, though his tone is far more serious and somber. His face turned long with a slight frown adorning his features and his gaze distant, but not vacant. His mind is elsewhere, I know that much, but it doesn't seem to be in a dark place. More resolved than anything and I sigh.

It's not much of what I was expecting or hoping for, but that's how it is. Even so, it's reassuring in a way to know Dad doesn't hold what happened against me too much. That he's still in my corner despite all of my decisions. Of course, that should have never been in doubt, but I had to make sure.

Dad and I chat for a while after that, even as Tai and Raven, and Qrow and Amber break off. Not about anything nearly as heavy. Mainly because Dad shuts down any sort of talk that even vaguely strays in that direction. I'm unsure if it's for his benefit or mine, but I also don't have many complaints. It's just nice to not have anything to worry about for a while.

Of course, the march of time is ever onwards. By my estimation we'll be able to depart for Menagerie tomorrow. Whether my announcement has affected that time-table is too hard for me to discern, but I'm leaning on no.

Mainly because there is a flight path that swings out Eastward from Mistral before heading South. This bypasses many of the settlements and people the grimm would attract. Only really having to worry about Mistral proper, Windpath, Kuchinashi, and perhaps Sirocco to a degree. Of course, this also costs an appreciably larger amount of fuel, but paying for the convenience is no real concern if it gets me home faster.

Still, that leaves me with a few things to put together before I leave. More manpower being one of them and easily addressed. Although, I am also tempted to check in on our efforts in Atlas. They should be finishing up for the most part this week. Along with a minor matter in Menagerie, but I'll be able to see that in person.

Before I address that, however, I return back to the Mistral problem. With new men ready to pour in it's no big issue to add someone else to the convoy. The real question is if Charlotte wants the job or not.

From what I know of her, I think I could get her to agree. That is if she has the same implicit debt shared towards me as she evidently does Torchwick. That might be stretching her to the limits of what she'd allow, though. Based on what I know, there don't appear to be any happy memories waiting for her in Mistral. Furthermore, it would be taking her away from her atelier. While she's fine working for the White Fang, doing so at the expense of her work might not be something she's willing to do.

Still, there is something to be said about a test of loyalty. Of course, I could just ask her if she's willing to take the job and make my decision from there. I imagine there will be some level of negotiation on her part. Although, there's nothing compelling me to talk business exclusively or at all.

Assignment: I've gotten a measure of her already. Might as well make sure she's willing to work with me for what I have planned. (3)

Self-serving: I'm not exactly expecting everyone in the White Fang to be in it for altruistic reasons. However, she wears her motivations on her sleeve, perhaps worth talking about. (3)

Parents: She implied she was born into Spider. How exactly does that work given that she's a faunus? (0)

Mistral: I'll admit I'm curious to a degree about her time in Mistral and if she has anything to say about recent events. (0)

Debt: Perhaps it's not best to leave this merely in the background. Both whatever she feels she owes to Torchwick and myself. (0)

I pull out my scroll and pull up Charlotte's number. I'm about to dial it until I remember Dad is next to me. We won't really discuss anything I'd absolutely not want him to hear. However, it's not like Charlotte and I have a close relationship either. I remember the last time I brought anyone important to me along for a conversation. I'm not about to leave such an obvious and exploitable weakness around. Especially not when Dad is liable to try and help in his own ways.

I really don't need the distraction and while I think she's far too young for Dad, that doesn't preclude her from throwing around her charm or innuendo. Either of which is not something I'm going to tolerate at the moment. Thus I shoo Dad away and he gives me my space with an eye-roll. Not much better to do this while surrounded by Atlesian personnel, but again there's not anything truly private I'd want to delve into so I can let it slide.

The image before me soon materializes into the teal-haired woman looking downwards. Her head in the way of her chest, which I'm thankful for as the loose mesh that hangs between her shoulders doesn't look like it covers much. From what I can tell it links up to a black furred red cloth that hangs from her upper arms before devolving into another thin, almost spidery mesh that travels the rest of her arm and intertwines with her fingers like a loose glove.

I guess I should have expected a fashionista to have a variety of outfits, even if this one is hardly something one would wear in public. Although, I also think it's only part of a larger outfit which perhaps explains her exposure.

She finishes whatever she's focused on for a moment, leans back, fluffs her hair backwards, and thrusts her chest out. "Ochre darling, this better be important. I'm in the middle of a spot of very technical work."

I'm doubly glad that Dad isn't around, though her state of dress and behavior does very little to assure me having this call in public is at all a good idea. Even if I can keep my eyes firmly on safe zones that doesn't stop her from how she acts or anyone else from getting the wrong idea.

Distantly I also note that her brown eyes are covered by what appear to be designer sunglasses. Normally I wouldn't even fathom that she could see in her workshop with those, but apparently she's doing so. Obviously there's something more to them even if I'm unaware of what exactly. Perhaps Coco or Vel would have some insight, but it's not like it's a huge matter at any rate.

"Well, I do have an offer to run by you, but I thought I'd ask about something else first."

"Offer or order," she tuts as if she knows which it's going to be. I hum as a non-answer and she frowns slightly. Then she reaches out to grab hold of her scroll and kick back with her chair, evidently abandoning her project. Probably doesn't like having to stare at the half completed work and isn't willing to disrespect me by not giving me her full attention

Doing so gives me a view of criminally short shorts, only barely better off in terms of coverage than her chest. It gives her a very punk aesthetic that I can't say looks terrible even if I'd prefer not to have seen what I have. Either she knows exactly what she's showing off or she's having some fun at my expense as she tears off her glasses and presses one of the arms against her lips in a suggestive motion followed by a dramatic pout.

"Fine, be that way. You said you wanted to talk about something else first? You better not make me pull any teeth about that mister."

I don't know if that's an overcorrection from our conversation last time or if she's trying to annoy me. Either way, I know trying to corral her onto a more professional bent is only going to be met with resistance. Her flair for dramatics and inherent divaness, for lack of a better word, means it's far too much trouble to try and make her fall in line rather than work with her. Not that I can't do so, but the benefits are very dubious and the headache is not worth it. Not when I need her to work with me for the role I have in mind for her.

"No need to worry about that dear," I reply using a similar vernacular as. The term of endearment tastes sour on my tongue after the moment I had with Weiss. "I just find myself curious why you're so forthcoming about your motivations? Most people would at least pretend they're more invested in the White Fang than their own projects when talking to me."

"And I'm not most people," she retorts and draws a cigarette to her lips before lighting it up. She takes a puff, sets down her scroll, and then rolls back so her full body is in frame.

Undoubtedly she wants to show off her full outfit, though for what exact reason is unknown. It could be a measure of pride on her part, seeking out some sort of opinion of approval for me, an attempt at seduction or something else entirely. I have a feeling it's more the latter than anything else as amusement colors her features at my staunch refusal to stare at anything below her neckline.

"If you must know," she continues, "I don't see any reason why I'd keep my intentions hidden in the slightest. I've done that before and it's more trouble than it's worth.

I can't tell you how many people I've wasted my time on only to have them balk at my price or refuse to help me for one reason or another. I'm old enough now that I have no patience for such a run around; not when I don't get something out of it that is." She takes another drag of her cigarette, "Of course, my skills are in enough demand now that it's a seller's market as far as I'm concerned."

I hum noncommittally. Her last statement could be aimed at me or more generally about her career as a fashionista. Given that her popularity is somewhat tied to the White Fang at the moment I'd consider it more of the former than the latter.

Although, by that same token it would no longer be a seller's market as I have the leverage here. That's only countermanded perhaps by a belief that I wouldn't enact any measures against her. Perhaps believing that her skills are too important to dismiss her entirely.

I kind of hate that she has a point. Unless I want to do the work myself while I'm on vacation, handling logistical matters is essential to keep the White Fang running. That leaves me with less to threaten her with than I'd like. Although, as the faux-throne room fight attests, I'm not above weakening the Fang for my own ambitions; hopefully she gets that through her head.

"Let's presume you're correct," I start slowly and she smiles. "That just begs the question of what you want."

"Why, I want what everyone wants. To be happy, healthy, and safe. Of course I also want more than that; nothing too crazy though. Just fame, fortune, and the freedom to do whatever the hell I want; perhaps even someone to warm my bed from time to time," she throws out with a wink. "However, I'm not going to sell my soul for it. That's a quick ticket to losing it all when the foundation of sand comes crashing down."

She takes a drag of her cigarette in a way to introduce a natural pause to her diatribe. She turns contemplative as she lets the smoke out and observes the lit object in her hands. "Naturally I don't want to be an old woman by the time I achieve all that. Of course, the fastest way would be to attach myself to a good-natured up and comer and extract as much value as I can."

"And that's what you're doing now?"

"Of course not," she scoffs as if she didn't set me up for the assumption. "That's just selling my soul by different means. Can you imagine what people would say about me if I was some harpy who drained a promising young man dry."

Her face contorts into a tight expression despite her playful tone. It really feels like she's saying something completely different with her words, but I don't have the context to place it. "No," she tuts and taps her cigarette to dump the ash end as best she can. "I've chosen to do the next best thing." She stops there and waits for me to ask the obvious question.

"And that is?"

"Why attach myself to someone driven and ruthless. Someone just like me, but more well-connected; maybe his talents also lie in a more immediately visible and sought after skill." She leans forwards with a wide smile as if she's completely victorious, "And just between you and me; someone who's not unwilling to do what needs to be done, but is held back from going too far by the opinions of others."

I'm not exactly sure how to feel about her estimation of myself. At one point I would have agreed with her wholeheartedly even if only in the confines of my own mind. Now…I'm not so sure, though I can't say she's wrong. As I've proven I'm willing to do what I think is necessary, but at the same time I have to consider my image. I'm not sure if she means personally or professionally. Maybe there isn't even a difference to her in that aspect.

Both are chains in their own way and I can't say they don't exist. Not with how many of my decisions have been predicated on a need to not appear connected to Atlas. That's one less restriction to worry about now, but that doesn't mean the others have gone away either.

"Interesting," I allow in a neutral tone. Charlotte nods rapidly in response, though she looks disappointed by the lack of confirmation on my part. It makes me think she wanted me to confide with her that we are similar in a way. That inference leads me to believe that she's awfully lonely on the inside; perhaps not finding someone to trust…well ever really. Almost enough to think her attempts at seduction or flirting are in some way genuine; although I have to imagine she knows there's no actual chance between us.

"I-" I start wondering what is really the best way to proceed. Honestly I'd be far more comfortable keeping things professional. However, if we are in any way similar I know which I'd prefer in her shoes. A level of sympathy that I really should just discard makes this more difficult than it should be, but it's the same sympathy that my time at Beacon has engendered in me.

"I understand completely," I finish my aborted thought in a firm tone. I then nod for good measure as if to solidify the decision.

It's a bit late for it to have the full impact, but there's no mistaking the relieved sigh that comes from Charlotte. The cigarette held up to her lips falls and she can't seem to care less about that happenstance. Of course, she's no squealing schoolgirl and reins in her expression shortly afterwards though she seems pleased with herself. I suppose in a sense we've reached an understanding where neither of us needs to betray or take advantage of the other. Our cards are all out on the table now.

"Now, about that assignment," she questions.

"Right," I state and scratch the back of my head, making it seem like I honestly forgot about it. "As you might know, the Mistral branch is in need of a bit of help at the moment. I'm not asking you to do the fighting or anything silly. Just that I think a smart and motivated woman such as yourself could get a handle on the situation. Perhaps cover areas that Sienna is deficient in and…well, guide her so to speak in areas of uncertainty."

I'm putting things perhaps a bit more flowery than reality. Sienna would still be in charge, but Sienna is also far better at handling the necessary violence side of the Fang and not so much the logistical or managerial side. She also has a tendency to overfocus from what I've seen so giving her someone to help manage the big picture should do plenty to cut down on any inefficiencies or corruption seeping in. Well, as much as can be done in Mistral

Charlotte brings her fingers up to her lips, as if to take a drag from her cigarette and contemplate my offer. Of course, her previous cigarette stands discarded somewhere out of frame. Just that it seems like this is her first moment realizing that she has indeed discarded it, accidentally even.

Something that shocks her straight into her seat. "You know what, I'm feeling generous today. Pay for moving my atelier or new equipment and workspace. Oh, and take a look at my proposal. Do all that and I'll consider this settled. Of course, I hope you see the merit in my offer, but I won't waste my breath explaining something to you that should be fairly self-evident" She pauses for a moment then mumbles, "Huh, I suppose I should get my things in order shouldn't I?"

I'm pretty sure that last part I wasn't supposed to hear. As soon as she finishes that, she rises from her seat and slowly walks towards the scroll. I keep my attention away from the display long enough to hear the call close and let out a breath myself.

Honestly, I was expecting that to be more involved on the professional side, not so much the personal. Although, I suppose it isn't entirely bad. More good than not I feel even if there was more than enough awkwardness for me to deal with.
Summer Week 1 (Extra)
Got a bit of an odd part where this chapter specifically is a lot more focused on the organization/mechanical side of things and thus doesn't have a huge bearing on the story. It's included here for completeness' sake, but I also know it's not everyone's cup of tea, so another chapter will be posted today to help make up for this. Additionally, since it's relevant, the organization tab has finally been updated. There is a minor spoiler involved with an action chosen in next week's plan included in the ongoing operations, but that's about it as far as that matter is concerned.

With that resolved I move onto another matter. At least it's convenient to move onto it given that my scroll is already in my hands. I get the feeling I'll be dealing with my girlfriends and friends soon enough, but my men will be finishing up in Atlas soon enough and need new orders. Those in Menagerie are also nearing completion, though for the moment I think I'll reserve them as short-term workers for anything that needs our sudden attention. Not that I don't look into reports of their efforts.

They've done a tremendous job of leveling the newly cleared land which is now given the go ahead for construction. From a brief note sent by Ghira, the new buildings appear to be a lot more expansive than what Menagerie is normally used to. Something of a luxury only reserved for absolute essentials and the Belladonnas.

Among these new buildings is a new guard outpost set up right against the walls with the first combat school a bit further away. Naturally children are not our first line of defense against the grimm. More than a few residential and commercial plots are also mapped out to deal with the overcrowding issue, but a few are also reserved for further developments if needed.

Unfortunately, my men were not able to pave all the roads in Menagerie in their short stay there. The most central and important thoroughfares have received some much needed love. These new roads combined with the new space has done wonders to deal with the complaints of my countrymen who were previously against all this change.

I speculate that given enough time they'll come around to pushing for more involvement all on their own. Although, I'm all but certain I can't give them that time; not with my ambitions as they are and the aid I've already received.

Speaking of which, Vale has now engaged in a somewhat massive undertaking. Now that Menagerie is connected to the CCTS they can be connected to the world in ways previously incomprehensible. This includes the field of commerce which comes with its own caveats. Mainly that my home hasn't exactly relied on Lien as a means of exchange.

Even with foreign traders our economy has relied on a sort of barter system. There is not a huge need for significant amounts of currency when everything one can purchase can be found within one city. With the colony of Tutoa Tasi and further foreign involvement this is not a tenable state of affairs.

Of course, this brings to issue Menagerie's rather lackluster economy. With very few exports to speak of this would be a disaster. Mainly due to a liquidity problem; simply not having enough currency on hand for an internal economy. That is if not for the natural resources of my home.

While ores and timber can be valuable in their own right, the main money maker is, of course, Dust. Weiss' efforts have given us a prior level of industry that prevents any sort of total exploitation. Of course that was never Vale's intent, but the fact we aren't reliant on them has to ease the burden on my countrymen's minds.

This results in Vale dealing with the dual issues of ensuring the populace adopts and uses the worldwide standard currency while also incentivizing them to expand Dust production. This is ostensibly so there isn't such a huge trade imbalance on Menagerie's side, though I think that's going to exist regardless of what anyone does for decades to come. Perhaps we'll be able to match Vacuo sometime soon, but even Vacuo has been an industrialized nation for over a century now. Just that it came with a lot of consequences for them. Ones that I hope we don't have to repeat.

Still, that's a distraction from what I should actually go over, our efforts in Atlas. There isn't really much to say about them. They were just an expansion of what we were already doing. We manage to break even on new expenses and new incomes which leaves us in the exact same state as I feared we would be; only a very small trickle of income.

This should be ameliorated when our expansions into the Atlesian outskirts are completed. A riskier endeavor, though still a profitable one. Perhaps less than I'd like, especially with the decline of the Mistral branch. That's still in motion and set to only grow worse if I cut off our illegal activities entirely. If I do so then I fear I'll be in this exact same situation when the aforementioned efforts in Atlas wrap up.

To make things worse, I have to factor in supporting the Branwen tribe in Vacuo. Doing so leaves our current income entirely stagnant. Likely to have weeks where we gain money just as much as lose it with no real overall change over the course of months. Obviously not something that can stand.

It makes me want to devote even more time to Atlas to see what I can secure. I don't have to worry so much about any sort of connection between the snowy Kingdom and myself anymore. Although, strengthening it further is perhaps not the best idea either. At the very least, our previous expansion has left the populace largely in favor of our efforts, though it will be interesting to see how Mantle reacts to the reveal of my relationship with Atlas.

As far as I can tell it hasn't been particularly negative. The Happy Huntresses at least are willing to keep working with us, though perhaps a bit more cautiously. Robyn Hill, their leader, has also put out a statement of support. Not quite drawing any attention to any sort of relationship between us. Merely stating that she believes we're a benefit to Mantle and cautioning anyone skeptical to refrain from making any final judgments just yet. That's nice of her I suppose, but doesn't fill our coffers with Lien.

To that end my attention is almost drawn to the proposals my subordinates have sent me. Almost. I feel it's far more important to figure out what our broad course of action is first and then see if the proposals given to me line up with that aim.

With our financial situation as it is, I immediately axe Vacuo as a consideration for this portion of our expansion. Even if I should find something to keep the Branwen tribe busy before too long. We're already likely to run into the red with start-up costs; whatever we invest in better have an actual return on investment rather than be another money pit. No offense to the Desert Kingdom, but it's not exactly a wise investment at the moment. Similarly, my home is stricken from consideration.

That leaves me with Vale and Atlas as options. Atlas is by the far the superior option still since I haven't tapped into the actual wealthy Atlesian market. Mantle, while closely linked, is far from the same quality as the city in the clouds. For Vale, most of our efforts would be focused on the other cities of the Kingdom and the countryside to some degree. We have seen some natural growth from our policies and positions which could see a significant return with little investment, but there's nothing wrong with speeding that along.

As for other options, I'm already arguably dealing with Mistral. I could, technically I suppose, double up on my focus. However, with the chaos currently reigning that's not a palatable option. Far more doable is a matter I can now consider given our worldwide reach.

I mean, it's sort of a childish desire, to see an information network of mine stretch across all of Remnant. The fact that I could actually work towards codifying such a thing is heady indeed. Unfortunately, it's not really liable to produce us any Lien. Not unless I'm willing to sell whatever information we don't need.

Which, honestly, I'm unsure if we want to engage in or not. That's borderline, if not outright, criminal behavior in most instances and I've been doing my best to not have the White Fang tied up in all that anymore. Although, it would be of particular benefit to the conspiracy.

Speaking of which, I suppose I could also start weeding through the White Fang for anyone who can be trusted to assist me with investigations into Salem. There's only so much sensitive information I can pass through my agents before they cotton on to something bigger at play. I can get around that somewhat easily, but it prevents me from using any sort of built-up specialties or relying heavily on trusted assistance.

Of course, money troubles plague this prospect as well. That and do I really have time to look into Salem right now? I mean, it will take a few months to screen people of appropriate loyalty and temperament as well as get them in positions where they can be helpful. Still, our efforts against Salem have been successful thus far and surely there's no need for me to focus all my attention back towards her just yet.

Almost as an afterthought is the matter of Valean politics. Honestly, at this point it may be better to forget about them until the summer is over. I just have to trust that my candidates are able to manage their campaigns without issue. Unless I can somehow spare the effort to assist them.

Atlas Expansion: We've established ourselves in the Kingdom already. The obvious choice would be to seek out a partnership with Atlesian businesses and perhaps start soliciting the elite for donations. (4)

Vale Expansion: The mountain Kingdom is still full of opportunities for us to exploit. A nice and relatively neutral option. Plus with the political season coming up we can get ahead of that as well. (1)

Conspiracy Crew: Everyone else in the conspiracy has or is a part of a trusted cadre of men. While it might not be a huge priority, having similar assistance can only help me in the future. (1)

Vale Politics: Perhaps it's time to start kicking our political campaign into gear. The preparation may prove useful and deal with any complications before they can manifest. (0)

Menagerie: My home might need further assistance, but doing so now is not really in the cards. Not unless I devote the rest of our efforts solely to raising money. (0)

Vacuo Expansion: We might have a small expansion in Vacuo planned, but now is not the time to focus on the Desert Kingdom. Not until we have a larger nest egg or a secure source of income. (0)

Shadow Network: Something my men already do to a small degree, but it's hardly their main focus. More of a childish desire than anything else, but can certainly be useful. (0)

My attention then drifts to the proposals sent to me by my subordinates. Terra's is the easiest to automatically approve. Concerned with the dip in funds she wants to establish fundraisers in Atlas which works well with our efforts in the area. Plus, I think I can swing at least one of those for Weiss' benefit. It probably means I'll have to play at the damn thing, but…well, I sort of knew I'd have to do that anyways.

After her request things are a lot less clear cut. On the morally superior side are Blake and Tukson's proposals. Both different, technically, but only in scope. Both focus on the plight of the people in Mistral and how we can help them.

Among the proposals is a general call for defense to be given to the residents, but as things are I know Blake and Tukson won't be able to oversee that responsibility. Blake because she'lll be with me and Tukson because he's not much of a fighter or tactician to begin with.

More likely it's just a general plea towards me as Sienna will most likely be in charge of organizing everything. Additionally, with Atlas' presence a distinct need for this is less necessary. Either these were written up before the extent of Atlas' involvement was known or they don't trust their coverage of protection for the faunus.

More substantial is that each of the proposals focus on offering incentives and transport out of Mistral for faunus who are willing. Reasoning that the best way to ensure their safety is to remove them from the situation. This also comes with the added benefit of removing negativity for the grimm to be attracted to, making operations in the windy Kingdom easier by some nebulous degree. Unfortunately it also comes at a cost, both monetary and for the position of faunus in the Kingdom.

Even if not all of them would be affluent, running away from the problem will decrease the level of influence and representation we have. Just by the very nature of having fewer people. Compared to that, the monetary cost of both proposals is rather minimal, but still present and one that I have to account for.

As for the differences, Tukson's proposal focuses on a more broad, almost distant program. One that would cover much of the major cities in Mistral, but would require people to seek us out rather than look for them ourselves. This helps defray costs somewhat, despite the scope, but also means that we aren't exactly expanding our reach in the area.

It's still a humanitarian effort, just one that's far less expansive than I'd expect. Perhaps that's informed by his knowledge of our monetary situation or because he knows first-hand how difficult it is to settle people in a new location.

In that light, maybe it would be worth it to agitate the Valean council for some action. However, doing so could be seen as an insult to Mistral; it's not like they consider what they're going through a state of emergency. To imply so when they believe what's happening is Atlas' fault would not do great things for inter-Kingdom relations. Blake's proposal is, by comparison, a lot more focused and proactive, though vastly reduced in scope.

Her concern lies in the faunus of Ostro. Little wonder based on her knowledge of demographics and the state of the city. Although, we have taken a bite out of the major extremists groups and Atlas presence does make this a lot less of an extreme issue. There's still the argument that Atlas can't provide protection everywhere and the White Fang needs time to recover; getting as many people as we can out of Ostro while we can has its moral benefits.

Unfortunately, the proactive nature of the proposal leads it to having a similar cost to Tukson's. Furthermore, the effort isn't going to go unnoticed by Mistral leading to further tensions and it brings into question where these people would be going exactly.

As I noted before, no real state of emergency has been called and the councils of other Kingdoms haven't made a decision about what's going on yet. Mainly because the issue is so fresh and still developing. It makes me think she'll lean on her parents to get this done which means those people would make their way to Menagerie.

That's perhaps less of a headache than Vale undermining Mistral's authority with any sort of statement. At least for the world. For my home, the introduction of yet more foreigners, especially those fleeing persecution, is perhaps the last thing I want. We just got a handle on the overcrowding situation, sort of; it's still present, but better than it was when I left. That and we're trying to establish ties with the world. While the mess in Mistral will undermine that to some degree, it's also far better than having the reminder physically present for everyone to see.

The politics of the situation is really the only thing that makes all that troublesome so I turn to the more neutral matters. I have to suppress a grimace of sorts based on what I see, particularly the start up costs involved. I start with Maple's as it's perhaps the easiest to dismiss with current circumstances.

Her proposal isn't even fully complete or cleaned up. Unsurprising given her current condition. One of her underlings probably sent it in on her behalf in order to argue for her case. It takes me a while to parse what exactly she's proposing as well as some of the details, but I can manage.

She wants to establish a training camp of sorts within the wilderness of Vale. I'm pretty sure she would also want to expand it out into a small compound. Solely for the use of the White Fang. With our relationship with Vale and Atlas, getting the materials and approval for such an endeavor is trivial, though there is a small cost involved in getting everything set up. That and it would be a constant drain on our future finances. Something that's not highly palatable at the moment.

There is also something to be said about letting Maple rest easy. Even if I think she wouldn't be able to attend to this anyway and have to leave it in the hands of her men, not having them out in the wilderness would probably do her mind some good in the short-term. Whether that would make up for any mental anguish she'd feel about her men being under-trained is another matter.

On the other hand, there's also an argument to be made that such a thing is even more necessary now. After the loss of so much competent manpower in Mistral, having a way to replenish our reserves would do much to cut down on future losses. Even if it will take us months to see any real return on that. In that light it's perhaps better to get started early.

Next is Charlotte's proposal and I'm not sure why I'd suspect anything other than this from her. In coordination with our image change, though a bit delayed, she wants us to adopt a new style of uniform. Of her own design of course.

Parsing through her report, much more clearly laid out than the others, it seems like she'll be breaking even on what she, or her manufacturers, charge us. The real benefit for her is the prestige and free advertisement.

She's also not completely crazy and suggesting designer clothing for every member, including the grunts. Most of her designs are saved for those in leadership positions. Starting off fairly simple for low-ranking officers, but growing more complex and ostentatious for the higher ranks, as well as allowing for more personal affectation.

I do have some complaints about the attempt at standardization, as I'm sure many people in Remnant would. Although, I do have to consider that the grunts of the White Fang under Sienna are more or less used to it. Not having identifying markings was useful in avoiding the law to a degree, though of course people discarded looking identical as they moved up the ranks and had greater latitude to do so.

I suppose this wouldn't be so different even if there is a unifying vision behind the designs. At the very least it's more fashionable than what the Fang currently sport and might boost our appeal to the general public. Not that we need any more recruits given our efforts in Vacuo, but perhaps there's another benefit to this.

The really stylish uniforms are reserved for higher members with plans from Charlotte to personally design pieces for those of high enough status in our organization. While genuine loyalty is more preferable in my mind, I'm no stranger to how people can be motivated by external factors; even something as otherwise meaningless as looking good.

This also provides a clear visual distinction to those in charge and those not. I'm not sure if it's her intention fully, but this leans into our royalist stance. Clearly marking our organization into sort of tiers based on appearance. I feel this would be another step into the stratification of the White Fang, for good or ill.

Lastly, as an addendum to this whole consideration, is a comment from her that she could launch a civilian line of the fashion. Distinct enough from official uniforms so as to not be confused and for them to remain somewhat exclusive, but close enough that the affiliation is rather clear.

Technically she could just do that anyway, and I have a feeling she will if I turn down her offer. However, approving of both means that she'll have the association with the White Fang for her new line to rely on. For doing so, she's willing to split the profits with us, which she has to know is an enticing offer given our finances.

However, there is an argument to be had against commercializing the White Fang in any way. We're afforded a certain amount of goodwill by remaining focused on the issue of equality. Although, that is something that I've given due consideration to changing.

Remaining a one issue organization leads us to the inevitable question of what happens after equality is achieved. Maybe that won't happen for decades to come, but it is a consideration in my mind. Arguably we've expanded our scope already with our royalist stance and involvement with labor and businesses.

As a sort of finisher are the more morally dubious proposals from Sienna and Primm. Neither really cross the line in my mind, but they definitely muddy the waters. Sienna's is a simple clear request for a go-ahead to launch offensive raids of her own in addition to defensive efforts. No doubt something she would otherwise do normally, but she's at least willing to play along with our structure. Perhaps finding it grating and I should approve of her efforts for that alone.

Doing so would absolutely require that I funnel more men and materiel into Mistral. Something I was already deliberating as necessary, but one that would sap manpower and our attention regardless. It would delay us being able to help James further, though perhaps we could aim our efforts at actual troublemakers.

Sienna affirms that she's willing to work with Atlas as long as they treat us well. Perhaps not liking the partnership, but understanding that it's in our best interests. Furthermore, she suggests that conducting these attacks gives us the opportunity for loot of which to pad our coffers with. It's difficult to say how much that would be as it depends entirely on her success which depends to a degree on how much support and forces she has.

More likely, by my reading of her proposal, her intent is to force me to divert more resources in the area. By agreeing to this I'll need to divert more men so we have the requisite defenses and manpower buffer to absorb losses. Something that will strengthen her branch in the long-run. Perhaps it's also a test of my character to a degree.

The main downside is that it would make us even more disliked by the Mistrali authorities and elite. It would also bring into question why Atlas would allow us to act out like this. Even if we do work with them, the clear favoritism is not likely to go over well with other Mistrali syndicates. This could end up painting even more of a target on our backs for the future. However, there's an argument to be had that it's already too late to back out now.

More controversially is Primm's proposal. Put simply, it's an effort to infiltrate, investigate, and spy on the elite of Mistral. Not focused on any city in particular, rather all of them if we can manage it. Of course, that's a massive undertaking that is not going to be completed in a mere month. I imagine that Primm will keep at it as long as the initial permission is given.

From his proposal it's quite clear that he expects this to go through. His motivation, at least on paper, is also easy to discern. He knows, just as I do, that some of the elites had to be involved in the attack against us. He's merely after his pound of flesh and justice in a way. Although, I don't doubt for a second that the apparatus will remain afterwards to continue gathering dirt on those men and women unless I explicitly shut it down. Something which I might not even want to.

Unfortunately, this is something that will really piss them off and is questionable in its legality. Mistral would certainly consider it so, perhaps even enough to crack down on the White Fang. Not only would this make our efforts in the Windy Kingdom more difficult it would also cause friction between Mistral and the other Kingdoms, mainly my own.

Plus, I can only imagine the political fallout from the public discovering a Menagerian spy ring so soon after our introduction to the world. My position with my homeland and my place among the White Fang has more than a little crossover to the public, I imagine.

That's all from my subordinates, but there is one more proposal for me to consider. This one is from Jacques. Needless to say he is not all that happy about me falling through on our previous deal, though he does understand it's not really feasible with my relationship with Atlas and James now out in the open. From what I read from him, it seems he's reluctantly impressed with my business acumen, even if the result of all that is far more accidental than purposeful.

Still, he wants some way to extract value from me. This takes the form of a command, though it's worded as a request, to spare some men to help defend his assets in Mistral. Mainly as standing guards. Evidently he's concerned that Atlas won't be able to defend all his interests in the area.

If I have my guess correct, he probably went to James first and got rejected. That explains why he isn't asking me to convince the General to do it. I don't think he'd concede that I have more influence with James than he does. Either way, it puts me in a tricky spot.

Like with Sienna's proposal this would stretch my men out and necessitate a number of reinforcements to maintain our strength in the region. That's also ignoring how this would look to the outside, particularly my men. It's one thing to work with Atlas and a whole other to work with the Schnees, Jacques in particular. Even more so since I don't think the various camps and work sites will be very welcoming to my men or stop their operations entirely.

That and Jacques is offering up only a pittance for what actual proper guards would cost. Not an insultingly low amount, but definitely under market rates. No doubt expecting me to follow through because of my relationship with Weiss and previous failure to abide by his wishes. At the very least it's something even if it's terribly small for the amount of work that has to be done.

Contemporary QM Note: Here are all the options to vote on, in a sort of short-hand form to make decision making easier.

Tukson: Refugee Relocation: A broad initiative to help relocate Mistrali citizens who may fear for their livelihood in the current chaos (Cost: Tiny)

Blake: Ostro Evacuation: A focused effort to relocate the vulnerable members of Ostro from the city. Likely to Menagerie. (Cost: Tiny)

Maple: Training site: An out of the way compound for training our men and perhaps a base for further expansion. (Cost: Small-)

Charlotte: New Uniforms: An update to the wardrobe of our leadership. A much more simplistic and less expensive change would also be presented for the grunts. Additionally, a civilian line with a profit split could be launched. (Cost: Tiny+; projected income upon completion: Small)

Sienna: Offensive Raids: Permission for Sienna to move into an offensive posture despite the chaos. Likely to result in losses of manpower, though with a monetary benefit. (Cost: None)

Primm: Elite Investigation: Seeding spies in the midst of elite society and looking into them for wrongdoing. Primarily focused on who bankrolled those who attacked us first (Cost: Tiny+)

Jacques: SDC Defense: Assigning men to help guard the interests of the SDC in Mistral. (Gain: Tiny)

Additional Note: Our current income is 'stagnant' meaning no increase or decrease upon monthly transitions and our treasury is 'moderate-' To simplify things, I will put things in rough abstract numbers to help people make a decision; these are NOT the numbers I use on the back-end this is merely to make things easier on the players.

Moderate- roughly translates to 85 units. Tiny roughly translates to 25. Tiny+ 35. Small- 40. Again, these are rough (and rounded) numbers as the actual term describes a range of possibilities. Additionally, going into debt is possible.
Tukson: Refugee Relocation (4)

Charlotte: New Uniforms (4)

Maple: Training site (3)

Sienna: Offensive Raids (2)

Primm: Elite Investigation (2)

Jacques: SDC Defense (2)

------None Below This Line/Vote Count------- (2)

Blake: Ostro Evacuation (0)
Sienna's Proposal
Yes (5)

No (0)

Primm's Proposal

No (4)

Yes (1)

Jacques' Proposal

Yes (3)

No (1)


Late at night I finally decide to more fully go over Timber's report on the cities in Mistral, specifically the inner cities. These include the ones I've gone over in general detail, like Zephyr, Gregale, Kuchinashi, Sirocco, and Mistral, but also includes Windpath. While not a Great city, Windpath still holds a lot of cultural importance.

It was, by historical records, the first colony ever of Mistral. Technically by conquest more than anything else. What used to be a small village of fishermen was overwhelmed by the first Mistrali exodus that then started ruling over the area. Before then, they and Mistral supposedly had good relations, only ruined by the adventurous colonial spirit from Mistral proper.

As the years went on, the humble fishing village expanded out into a trade port and was the Kingdom's main point of contact for foreign trade before the establishment of Argus or Levante. The position of Windpath gave it very little contact with Valean traders on the opposite end of the world which often left early Mistral more or less puzzled about what was going on in the mountain Kingdom, only hearing hearsay from their trade partners.

The establishment of proper contact between the two Kingdoms also spells the end of Windpath's rise to prominence. Libeccio, Levante, and Argus became the favored trade cities which left the once affluent city to begin to shrink. This dearth in prosperity attracted the usual Mistrali criminal element who filled in a similar role as the inter-Kingdom trade port once did, but with a distinctly illegal bent. Not that Mistral tried all that hard to crack down on it.

With the easy passage from Mistral to Windpath through the wind paths, there is little incentive for them to crack down on the behavior even if they could. Instead, Mistral does what it does best and profited off the illegal nature of the Kingdom, merely requesting a cut.

This has kept Windpath largely relevant today as a sort of port where one can find nearly anything. Not always for the best price and not always morally sourced, but if it can be bought it can be found there. This is slightly at odds with the continued shrinking of the city as more and more legitimate opportunities dry up. The only reason it doesn't have as large of a criminal problem as Kuchinashi is because of its smaller size and lack of meaningful production.

While it may have once been a contender for a Great City, those days are long past and a resurgence seems unlikely. The city only has the relevance it does because of its criminal heritage and cultural place in the minds of the Mistrali.


It, however, continues to benefit from the Argus-Sirocco railway trunk. In fact, all inner Mistrali cities save for Zephyr benefit from the rail line. Although, Sirocco would protest that they don't benefit nearly enough.

As I noted in a previous report, Kuchinashi has more or less bullied them out of their share of the rail network. Effectively held hostage by the criminal city in case they want their exports to reach market, which is the backbone of the Sirocco economy. These are mostly agricultural in origin and so speed of delivery is often too important to pass up.

Sirocco is the traditional breadbasket of Mistral and also a part of the early colonies; technically the second to last of the inner colonies. The outer cities took longer to establish for somewhat obvious reasons.

This leaves them with a dubious place of prestige among the more hidebound of the Mistrali which has led to them being more or less bullied by the other inner Mistrali cities. Those that should technically be the city's natural allies. This was made worse by Kuchinashi joining in on the extortion, but has left the otherwise powerful and influential city without allies. This extends to its relationship with Ostro, more brought about by racial tensions than anything else.

As the breadbasket of Mistral, Sirocco has extensive plantations and many of those workers used to be either poor Mistrali citizens or faunus slaves. Much more of the latter than the former. This continued until slavery was made illegal by the conclusion of the Great War and the slaves set free.

Unlike with Ostro, however, they did not have the same freedom and ability to move. Not because of any nefariousness on Sirocco's part, but simply because they would have to brave the fields of grimm. Without a rail line to Ostro, the faunus would have to travel north to Windpath, traversing through two criminal aligned settlements to do so. Or range even further afield in order to make their way anywhere meaningful like Menagerie.

Naturally, many did not have the means or will to do so and so they simply stayed where they were, working as they had while they were slaves, though arguably by choice. What that means today is that Sirocco has a much higher faunus population than any other city in Mistral, something that further alienates them from the rest of Mistral.

Their only nominal allies can be counted as Levante and Libeccio. The former of which is too distant to really cooperate or benefit from the cooperation and the latter not enough to work past the rest of the Mistrali council. Theoretically Kuroyuri would have been another natural ally and perhaps a way to break the stranglehold Kuchinashi has on the city and its people.


Moving on to the criminal city, it is the last to be settled of the inner settlements, though that's a matter of debate. Technically there were settlers in the area as soon as Windpath, but the settlement remained a podunk farming village for most of its life. This was only really modulated by the fact that many exiles from Mistral would find their way to Kuchinashi which laid the groundwork for the criminal elements that would dominate the region.

There is an argument to be made that this form of exile allowed those with criminal intent to build up a support base before infecting Mistral proper and from there the rest of the Kingdom. While that does have some merit it ignores that Mistrali leniency was something already in effect in their culture. As evident by the nature of exile with a safe haven, two of them in fact, close by.

In any case, before then it was a humble agricultural settlement, but with poorer soil and defensibility than Sirocco. Something which may explain the initial animosity between the two cities. What this resulted in was many of the early settlers focusing on ranching, attending to herds, and grazing, a difficult task to do, but lucrative so close to the city. This practice is important enough to the cultural heritage of the city that it continues to this day, though it's mainly practiced by crime families as a form of prestige.

Most of Kuchinashi's affluence didn't come to be until relations were established with foreign markets. Well, a couple decades later technically, when it became clear that some of the plants and drugs that the Mistrali consider rather common were found out to be highly sought after in foreign markets.

Kuchinashi would not be the only city that would chase after this trend, but they would be the most successful. They were not held back by any sort of appearance of normality. Rather, open drug farms were established and continue to exist to this very day.

Of course, there was competition between the crime families. However, they would come to the conclusion they had more to earn by working together and outcompeting any other competitors than anything else. This would subsequently lay the seeds for the cooperation necessary to enact a stranglehold over the rail line between Mistral and Sirocco.

As noted before this required the cooperation of faunus and human criminals which leads to what are oddly better race relations than many other inner Mistrali cities. Even Sirocco suffers worse, just from the faunus towards the humans which is perhaps another reason they're alienated from the rest of Mistral.

This isn't to say that things are all that good in Kuchinashi. While arguably equals, there is a heavy degree of segregation in the city. It may be more accurate to say there are two cities in the same location with how extreme it is. More often than not, business arrangements trump whatever animosity may be there, but it is there nonetheless.


Although, in terms of segregation, no one has Mistral proper beat. Their segregation may be built more along class lines, but it is explicitly and heavily enforced. It's also largely responsible for the idea of tiered voting across the rest of the Kingdom.

Like the tiered voting there are four tiers, technically. Built into a mountainside like it is, there are far more than four floors. The whole city is a vertical nightmare and so harshly dug out that entire sections exist in darkness or artificial light. While not as expensive as the massive heaters in Mantle, the Mistrali are over-the-top in their own display of wealth and hunger for space.

So much so that stairways in Mistral between one section and the other are nearly a thing of the past. Each level is supposed to be self-sufficient to a degree with their own emergency services. This doesn't really work out that well in practice for the lower levels where criminals take over the defunct civil services.

Arguably, that's everything working as intended by Mistrali sentiments and also explains the sheer pushback they have against James' actions. To them, his interference is a very real threat to their future livelihood. Nevermind that this is all Mistral's fault in the first place or that many lower level citizens are involved in criminal matters themselves one way or another.

Like with Kuchinashi, there is segregation between the faunus and humans. Unlike Kuchinashi, this is more or less voluntary rather than enforced by any sort of authority. The elites of Mistral are more likely to side against the faunus if that were the case, but after the Revolution, they aren't too willing to push the faunus too far. Officially at least.

Most of the upper echelons of the city are still dominated by humans, almost unnaturally so. Going by the social mobility in Great cities like Gregale and Zephyr, there's something weird going on. It could be something as innocuous as the tight confines of the city and overwhelming amount of capital in the hands of humans makes it hard for any upward mobility to take place. That doesn't explain things fully by my estimation, but it's not like Timber has an answer either.

Aside from that Mistral benefits from its more or less central location greatly. It has a Northwestern expansion to the city that allows it to trade across Lake Matsu and it holds a commanding position on the Argus-Sirocco rail line. Close enough to Sirocco to enjoy cheap foodstuffs and close enough to Gregale to benefit from cheap manufactured goods. Even if the city itself is rather lacking in dedicated industries, both agricultural and industrial.

That isn't to say that they have neither, but Mistral's economy relies more on cultural products. It is arguably the greatest exporter of all cultural goods, ranging from artwork to movies. In fact, they were rather early adopters of the latter thanks to their close relationship with Mantle and has become the shining exemplar for any would-be film-makers and film stars.

This is on top of the Mistral arena serving as the crown jewel of the arena circuit. All of this combined means there is a healthy inflow of Lien coming in from the outside world. Whether it be from gamblers, tourists, or suckers who think they can make it big. One way or another the city and the groups within find a way to fleece people of their Lien which keeps Mistral proper running.


If Mistral proper is the vacuum by which the capital of the Kingdom flows, then Gregale is the same for materials. Located as favorably as it is on the shores of Lake Matsu and along the Argus-Sirocco rail line, the city is practically a foundry for all sorts of industrial and commercial goods. Access to relatively cheap Dust and materials means that it's an industrial powerhouse.

One that is unfortunately crippled by lack of access to the wider ocean and foreign ports. Some products from Gregale are simply too big or too bulky to be shipped by rail. This means that their primary customers are other inner Mistrali cities. Particularly Zephyr and Mistral, at least for the bulk industrial goods.

They still produce smaller and still useful and sought after goods that do see some export to broader markets. However, Gregale's niche is very much as the industrial supplier for most of Mistral, with the notable exception of the outer Mistrali cities. That niche has been filled by either Atlesian or Valean traders who have more favorable access to the oceans. Of course, these aren't always better as the cost of sea-bound shipping and various delays can make them unpalatable options.

Overall, this puts Gregale in a more commanding position politically wise than what may be seen at first glance. The elevators of Mistral and much of their industrial equipment, for instance, is produced in Gregale. They are rated to last for years if not decades, but any disruption in trade would result in a delay of expansion. If kept up for long enough the capital would start breaking down and have to make some hard decisions or otherwise risk falling into anarchy.

The same could be said about Zephyr and Sirocco who rely on the city's mining and farming equipment respectively. Without that their economic sectors would break down, however, Gregale would be left in dire straits as well.

Without the materials and Dust mined in Zephyr and without the foodstuffs from Sirocco the city would find itself withering away. That is, if it were not for the influence of Kuchinashi and Mistral which helps keep the city afloat.

This partly creates a rather tenuous political situation that Gregale has often found itself in the middle of. Either as an instigator or as a relative kingmaker. In any case, a lot of Mistrali politics seems to revolve around Gregale and its relationships which is an interesting matter to delve in another time.


That still leads me to the final member of our list and the odd man out as far as inner cities are concerned. Zephyr does not sit on the same rail line as all the others and therefore wouldn't appear to have much common ground. However, they share a link with Gregale both through trade and through Argus.

Unfortunately, this does not mean that they are terribly affluent or influential. If anything they are under threat of being rendered obsolete and fading into obscurity much like Ostro is. If there's any city other than that Southern one under threat of losing their Great City status, it's Zephyr.

Despite the fact that they have a colony of their own and provided much of the security for Lake Matsu historically, in recent years they've been on the decline. This is mostly because of their inability to shift their economic focus away from mining, both Dust and otherwise. Something that has a limited lifespan, but the city finds itself in the spiral of needing to pay for equipment, pay for protection, and pay for additional prospecting all in an attempt to keep itself above water.

It enjoys a good position, being the only railway link between Libeccio and Argus, but those additional funds, in addition to whatever profits from mining have been wasted on failed initiatives.

Attempts to expand their agricultural sectors have been met with poor soil and ecological damage from mismanaged and careless mining. While their attempts at doing the same for their industrial sectors have more often than not run into the brick wall of Gregale not playing ball. Without some sort of outside assistance to break that stalemate, I think the city is resigned to die an ignoble death as its natural resources are depleted.

Its most recent initiative has been to try and make itself a place of learning and research for Mistral. Something resisted by Argus which technically holds that spot and not at all helped by their rural reputation. This also isn't helped by the treatment of the faunus in the area.

Like many cities in Mistral, the faunus population is still readily present, not having moved away in the aftermath of the Great War, but not nearly as bottled up as Sirocco. However, their work and economic situation isn't much better.

Like Timber said in another of his previous reports, extraction sectors are particularly rife with Faunus, often paired up with human guards. This is especially prevalent for Zephyr which leads to a greater mortality rate for the faunus and an intense feeling that nothing has changed since the Revolution.

This is not at all helped by how the city has instituted laws to make it harder to leave the city. They can't exactly function if their labor force abandons them. But neither are they able to shake off their poor reputation or develop in any meaningful way to reinvent themselves. Just simply stuck on a slow death spiral that the leaders are desperately trying to jerk them out of while also not letting the people know how dire the situation is.
Summer Week 1 (Part 4)
I deal with some tasks for the White Fang and send out orders which eats up most of my time before bed. After I wake up, we just have to pack the last of our belongings and wait for the go-ahead from Atlas. A good portion of traffic has been delayed for the past few days out of safety concerns. Enough that there's a small pile-up of air traffic waiting to head to other destinations. This naturally leads to a sort of convoy situation and there's no reason for us to not travel in packs.

It's not like there's any sharing of supplies. Although, some smaller crews still split off on their own, under the assumption that a smaller target won't be as enticing to the grimm and able to slip by in the 'wake' of the other ships. Whether that's an actual good idea is another matter, but I put it out of my mind.

Before we get the go ahead, Marina's scroll rings and she stalks off for a moment. I can only think of two people who would even call her to begin with and one of them she'd have just ignored if I understand correctly.

I'm well-prepared to give my sister her privacy only for her to stalk over to me. Then she drags me along to Ruby and explains that Penny wants to talk to all of us. This naturally leads us to our now vacant rooms. I assume the soldiers were looking forward to reclaiming them, but it seems we'll occupy them for just a bit longer.

As soon as we settle in, all squished together on the same bed as a sort of seat with Marina in the middle, she holds her scroll out so we're all in view of the camera. On the other side is of course Penny, who looks a bit different from how I last saw her.

The relatively small image and distance makes it difficult to place my finger on how exactly. Maybe her cheeks are fuller? More vibrant? I'm unsure if that's from the purview of her semblance or if her father conducted any modifications. I think the latter is too unlikely with the time-table, but I really don't know. Plus, it would be rude to ask even if Penny didn't have an issue with her 'realness.'

"Hello friends," she starts in an excited tone and we each return the greeting in our own ways. Ruby and I verbally while Marina just nods. I think perhaps a bit upset that her girlfriend time is being intruded upon, but not enough to disrupt her happiness. "I have something to tell you all. Two things actually! Uh, Marina, already knows, but…it just felt right to tell you all together," she finishes a lot more firmly than how she stumbled in the middle.

All throughout her little speech she's practically bouncing around the room. Far more animated than I've usually seen her. This has caused her to start breathing rather heavily which is another thing to note as a difference. While she had a simulacrum of something similar beforehand, the way she's acting now makes it seem like it's a requirement. Or perhaps something she's exulting in; it does seem exaggerated to a degree by my sense. And if I'm picking that up, Ruby most certainly has to know something is off, even if she can't place what exactly.

"Penny, are you alright," she questions.

"Alright," she returns manically, then she throws her head back in a giggle. Immediately followed by her throwing her hands up in the air, which causes our version of events to tumble by in an indiscernible whirlwind of motion as the device she's calling us with is discarded. Throughout that I hear, "I'm ab-solutely ec-static! Um…oops."

The image soon clears to a black screen which then turns to a worried Penny as she checks her device for damage. "Oh! That's a third thing to tell you all. I have a scroll now! Dad got me a scroll! Oh it's so wonderful. I mean, I don't really need one, but-"

"That's great Penny," Ruby interrupts with a worried tone. She shares a look with me as if trying to discern if she should be more concerned or less. I already have knowledge of what Penny wants to tell us so I try to be reassuring. "Just, uh, what did you want to tell us exactly?"

"Right, right." She mumbles with a heat in her cheeks which is more than a little off-putting seeing on Penny. Ruby throws me another look and I have a hard time not spoiling the surprise with how much the questionably robotic girl is struggling to convey what she wants. Penny freezes up right after I think that and takes several quick heavy breaths, most likely in an attempt to calm herself down.

Does…does that work? Or is she just hoping it does? What does it mean to suddenly have to deal with biological processes, if that is indeed how her semblance works, after not having to your whole life? What does that mean for her and Marina's relationship? Should I be concerned?

"First, I'm joining you all in Beacon," she exclaims, cutting through my thoughts. Ruby is rendered speechless for a moment while Marina is just smug. Either way there's enough of a lull for Penny to continue in a whisper, "And I'm real. Really real. Really really real. " She continues adding 'really's to each subsequent sentence of hers, growing increasingly giddy that she's doing so and bouncing about the room even more.

"Silly," Marina, utters completely seriously which draws a stop to Penny's antics. I know exactly what she means by that based on what she told me before and so does her girlfriend. That she's silly because she was always real. Ruby, however, is unaware of the deeper context and turns to chastise my sister, only to stop herself at Penny's expression.

She's stock still in her movement about the room, but she appears like she's vibrating in place, no doubt in happiness. A stunning smile on her face affirms that beyond a shadow of a doubt. However, she can't express herself as she wishes which plays a part in her relative lack of movement. I imagine there's nothing more that she'd wish to do than hug her girlfriend right now.

I do my best to approximate the gesture by ruffling Marina's hair. Then I decide to hammer the point home a bit more. "Silly." I add in a knowing look just so she can't misunderstand it as something else.

Unaware, but not willing to be left out, Ruby echoes my sentiment which seems to be too much for the girl on the other end. Rivulets of tears drop down her face for a few seconds before she realizes what's happening. Then she seems even more overjoyed as she dabs at her eyes, but is entirely unprepared for how to deal with the sudden onslaught of emotions or the mess they're creating.

"F-friends, I-I'm um how do you deal with leaking?" The question sends Ruby and I laughing and myself even more so when Marina launches into a very dry explanation of various things Penny could do. I let the two of them have their moment and try to rush out an explanation for Ruby. I'm sure Penny would provide one based on the reveal here, there's just no reason to interrupt what's going on.

With that in mind, I give some serious consideration to if we need to be present for this conversation any longer. I'm at a loss for explicit topics to bring up and I know my sister would enjoy some time alone with her girlfriend, even if they're still separated like this.

Proceed: I don't need to dig into anything in Penny's life right now. Much less with Marina and Ruby still around. We can just give her and Marina some time to talk and head about our day. (3)

Discussion (+ for what exactly): Actually, there is something I should bring up now. At least while I have her on the line. (0)

Yeah, Ruby and I are already intruding too much. I can understand that Penny would want us to all know at the same time. Likely doesn't want to make it seem like she values one of her friends over the other. Although, she did let it slip with Marina beforehand which does put a dent in that. Probably accidental on her part or overjoyed.

That doesn't explain the delay in her finding out and this call now. Something else is in play that stopped her from screaming it to the heavens as soon as she could. I have a few theories as to what that could be, but no credible proof towards anything. Oh well, it's just a minor conundrum and I think she tried to reach out to us as soon as she could. The fact this is the first time Marina and her have talked since we left for Mistral is a good indicator of that.

I suppose I should expect the two of them to remain in contact quite a lot now. Even if we aren't at Atlas. Maybe I should give some thought to ensuring the two of them aren't co-dependent, but I'm honestly stumped on how I would do that right now. I also get the sense I'm not going to have any easy solutions for that in the future.

Either way, Ruby and I depart to the hall just outside of the room. A quick check on my scroll shows we still aren't cleared to go, which is good I suppose. It gives the two of them time to catch up with one another even if they only have a few days of absence to speak of. Although, there's plenty of emotional stuff they could go into if either was truly inclined.

With nothing really better to do and time to kill, Ruby prompts, "Sooo, that's Penny's semblance, huh?"

I'm not sure what exactly she's looking for so I let out a simple, "Yeah."

She nods back, an awkwardness in her frame that's at odds with the otherwise simple exchange. I suppose she expected me to carry forth the conversation. That means she has comparatively little she wants to talk about herself, which strikes me as a bit odd.

She could get mad at me for dragging her team into a deadly fight, or have any thoughts of her own about that really. I know she isn't holding anything back because she's resentful or anything of the like. The sheer fact that she was fine playing board games with everyone, including me, is indicative of that. However, I can't imagine she's entirely unaffected.

I know her well enough to know she has an idealistic view of how Huntsmen operate. All the blood and death we had to deal with should already be at odds with that as is the fact that Huntsmen attacked us to begin with. That doesn't mean that I have to address that, or that it should even be addressed. Just that there has to be some level she's affected by it all.

Although, in typical Ruby fashion, she's not letting any of that show. Most of that is because she's already bounced back, so to speak. I've already noted her resiliency beforehand. It's honestly the most significant quality about her. That endless sort of optimism that doesn't seem all that impacted by, well, anything it seems like. Although, I out of everyone knows that looks can be deceiving. Whatever, I can deal with that later. I have something to get out of the way first.

"Hey," I start with a nudge of my head as if to dismiss the previous dead air, "before I forget, I just wanted to thank you." She appears honestly confused, but allows me to continue, "Really, I should be thanking everyone. You didn't have to help me, but you did and-"

"Oh, psshaw," she dismisses. "Like any of us would leave you on your own. We were more than happy to help out. Although, from what I know, you had everything under control. You were all wippah! Woosh! Wa-wo-wa! All over your guys. I mean, I only caught a little of it when we were done with our guys, but you absolutely smoked the two after you. It took five of us and we barely did it, while you hardly broke a sweat!"

I, yeah, how the fuck did that happen? I really should have struggled more than I did, but in that moment it just felt so easy. Obviously things worked out in my favor more often than not, but normally I'd imagine dealing with a veteran Huntsman wouldn't be so easy. I don't feel like I overvalued them; more that everything just clicked in that moment. Do or die in reality so to speak; there was no other option but for me to perform at my best and so I did.

More importantly, however, is Ruby's enthusiasm means that she has no real compunctions about the fight, unlike Weiss. Heck, I think I could get her talking about what exactly her team went through without any issue whatsoever. I might not get much detail from her, but I'm sure she'd like to brag a little bit about taking down two veteran Huntsmen, even if she needed some help to do so.

Patch: Our itinerary places us in Patch at the end of our break. I'm sure her and her sister have some ideas in mind, but I could see what's on hers now. (3)

Optimism: I have sort of wondered what exactly is at the heart of her up-beat attitude. Maybe a little too close to other topics, but I could just ask her. (3)

Fight: She seems…enthusiastic to say the least about what went down. Most certainly focused on everyone's performance which I can focus on. (2)

Leadership: Honestly, she might be one of the few people I could actually level with as a sort of equal. Just let the two of us vent a little; at least we won't judge each other. (2)

Idealism: A more serious topic, I could see how exactly her worldview is holding up after what we went through. (0)

I pause for a moment longer and weigh up what exactly I want to know. Admittedly it is far more relaxing just to deal with someone who doesn't have something weighing on them. Just able to relax and forget about anything serious for the moment. No business, no relationship drama. I know Ruby's good for that as long as I don't press on anything.

Her emotional fortitude is good for a great many things. Ensuring that she doesn't have much for me to worry over and obsess over is one of them. In that light, I don't really want to talk about the fight, though I can't help myself completely.

"You know," I start in a hushed tone as if sharing secret knowledge, which I suppose I am. It's enough to draw her closer, anticipation writ over her face; utterly dominating whatever serious front she might wish to put up as the excitement builds. "I have video of the fight."

"LemmeSeeIt," she rushes out all as one word. Then she coughs in her hand and pretends to be mature. "I mean, it would be very good for my team and I to see our mistakes and how we can improve in the future."

"Uh-huh, and not because it shows you all being super-cool huntresses who can make it in the big leagues."

"That may be a minor consideration, yes," she responds cooly. Using the lessons I've given her to resist my efforts. A hearty defense, but not one I can't circumvent.

I lean back against the wall and angle my head away from her. A severe expression on my face like I don't enjoy her answer and now have to deliberate on my implicit offer. She holds strong for a moment longer before falling to her usual bag of tricks.

She looks at me with wide silver puppy dog eyes. She even throws in a quiver to her lips like she'll be genuinely upset if I refuse her. It takes me a second to realize that the latter is not in any way affected. She very earnestly wants the footage. I know it's mainly to show-off to others, but I also know she'll do her due diligence and actually go over it with her team.

Honestly that makes it a pro and con in my mind. On one hand they could use the review and improvement. On the other hand it would put Weiss through all that all over again. Ultimately her safety is more important to me than my discomfort. I should probably do something similar with my own team now that I think about it.

"Pleeeeeeeasssssse," she pleads dramatically and pulls me out of my thoughts.

The same thoughts I hide with a light-hearted, "You've convinced me."

She pumps her arms in victory, and bops on the balls of her feet back and forth before letting out an exultant, "Yesss." Then she turns slightly to the side, hopping on her feet to do so. "Oh man, I hope you got a good angle on all of it. Especially when I went all wuba-wuba-whiiirbang on that guy. Or when Weiss went ohwa-shwing; oh and that move with her semblance with the urgh-crauch. Or when Yang went all uouoah-smash! What about Blake going puff-pop-stab!?"

It is very hard for me to not be drawn into her enthusiasm. Especially when I have absolutely no clue what in the world she's referring to with all those noises. It draws in my curiosity like a moth to the flame. Although, I also note that she didn't bring up Vernal. I can't imagine that she wouldn't based on what little I've seen of the two interacting; not after she helped them. Although, as I understand it, Vernal didn't perform all that well so maybe there's nothing to really talk about.

"I-uh, I mean. This will all be very interesting to look through," Ruby says, suddenly aware of her enthusiasm. Then she makes an affirming hum while also darting her head forward in a half nod. I think she's confirming her intentions with herself. Her more serious ones, not the over-enthusiasm she was previously gripped with.

"Ruby-" I start only to be immediately talked over.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. Own up to the whole immaturity thing. Like yeah, it's super fun to gush over and brag about my team and how awesome we are, but-"

"Are you going to say you shouldn't bore me with the details?" Her mouth clacks shut as if in confirmation. Which is further reinforced when she throws me a glare. Evidently confident enough to not be embarrassed, but still seeking retribution for some sort of ill-feeling. Honestly, she's more cute than anything; like I want to pinch her cheeks cute. She really doesn't have that much experience earnestly expressing any sort of anger which leads to such a massive undercut of her threat.

She crosses her arms and huffs, "I'm gonna tell Yang you're bullying me!"

"Oh and what's she going to do," I tease.

She whirls around to face me fully with a finger fully outstretched in accusation. "Just for that I'm gonna tell Weiss too." I'm not really sure how that's supposed to be a threat and can't stop myself from laughing.

I get to watch as her 'plan' backfires entirely and she stews in a sort of impotent helplessness. Apparently not willing to threaten any more of a severe reaction. Either she thinks I'll have the same reaction if Blake is brought up or not wanting to appear uncool by dragging her dad or uncle into this. Whatever the case, she eventually breaks and shoves me.

Her 'shove' as it were, isn't all that strong, though in the moment I decide to play along with it. Maybe to vent her frustration, maybe just to see how she reacts. I take a tumble to the floor with thoughts of the former on my mind. I figured she was a bit stressed with how she reacted to Autumn cursing; probably pushed over the edge by that and this seems similar in a way. Perhaps not enough to bubble past the surface, but also something I can't fully ignore. Hopefully this and the vacation ameliorates whatever's on her mind.

As I lay in the hallway, Ruby steps into my vision. Her two hands are held up to her face with her palms facing inwards, as if she can't believe what just happened. Whether me falling over or her losing control of herself. Although, I don't think she truly lost control; more wanted to vent her frustration in a physical manner. Her push wasn't all that strong after all.

Something that works its way through her brain and her apologetic attitude soon dissipates. She still ventures a hand downwards to help me up, which I take. After which she sort of stands awkwardly, as if not sure how to parse the sequence of events.

"Well," I start, adopting an apologetic tone and attitude. I scratch at my cheek while keeping my vision held high to truly bring forth that feeling of contrition. "If you don't want to talk about it I won't force you. I'll get you the footage when I can. I'm not really sure there's much else I can do to say I'm sorry." Then with the foundation laid I ask, "I don't suppose you have any plans for when we're in Patch."

I turn my gaze back at her to spot her pulling into herself with her arms. Her head faces downwards enough that I can't catch her eyes, which should also mean my observation isn't caught. Meaning there is something serious enough on her mind to warrant the embarrassment before she was aware I'd be looking. As interesting as that is, all I can do is wait for her response.

"I mean," she starts and then stops. She takes a breath and kicks at the floor with her foot. "Yeah, of course there's a whole bunch of stuff I'd like to do, but it's home you know. Nothing all that exciting. Like sure, there's that bakery I want to take you all to, and the rest of the town, maybe Signal…" she trails off. Her voice grew quieter and quieter throughout all of her last sentence like she lost her confidence.

I could press her, but I think there's a better way to get out of her shell. "Good, whatever you want to do, consider it a part of my thanks for all this." I wave my hand lazily and she nods with a soft smile. Evidently happy with my decision, but still not voicing what she really wants. Of course that's not my only trick.

I let out an amused snort, "You know, I've always admired you in a way."

She blinks slowly and a disbelieving, "Me?" escapes her lips. Followed by a half limp arm with a finger pointed towards her face. Very quickly she realizes what she just said and did.

Before she can play off her comment or withdraw into herself I interject, "Yes, you. Maybe it's not a big deal to you or whatever, but your," I wave vaguely towards her, "Rubyness, is more than a little endearing."

"Oh," she lets out, sounding disappointed. It also does little to improve her hesitant posture and I know she isn't getting the meaning behind my words. I also didn't exactly put them in a very clear way, so I suppose that's more on me than not.

I donk her on the head, which brings her hands to where I strike as well as a furious look to her face. Only for a moment as she meets my expression. "I'm serious. Nothing ever seems to keep you down for long. Or at all for what it's worth. You saw how Weiss was." I choke for a moment before forcing myself to continue, "That kind of fortitude, whether it's optimism or whatever; that's really special Rubes."

"It's not-"




"Ochre! Sheesh," she shakes her head, though more good-naturedly than exasperated. "Can you at least let me get a word in?"

"Not if it's nonsense," I counter.

She takes a moment to think. "Okay, maybe I can accept it's something special. It's just…I dunno, normal to me." She pauses and then with a heavy and serious tone continues, "I never really thought that someone would find it amazing or anything. I mean, if I didn't know better I'd say you were flirting with me."

"Of course not," I bark out immediately. Then I notice Ruby's shy little smile suddenly grows a hundredfold. I cross my arms, purposefully tear my gaze away as if ignoring her, and exhale, "Brat."

"Got you," she lets out in a sing-song voice while giggling. That she did. Only because she made it seem like she was about to descend into something a lot heavier, darker, and self-deprecating. I really have made a monster haven't I? Sweet little Ruby is now willing to abuse her friend's care for her for her own amusement. "Come on, that was funny," she pleads and presses against my shoulder.

"I guess it was," I affirm and she pumps her arms in victory again. "Low-blow though."

She scratches the back of her head, "Yeah, sorry about that. Just kind of, don't really wanna talk about that stuff you know. I just want to help people, you know."

"And brag about and be praised about your physical prowess." She nods sheepishly. "Guess that just doesn't extend mentally as well."

She opens her mouth to protest before considering my words. Whether she finds them worthy of greater consideration or just doesn't want to get into it, I don't know. What I do know is that she seems in a way lighter now. The moment doing much to bleed off a nascent stress that I hardly seemed to notice. Like it was some sort of long-term thing slowly building in the background. Never enough to really weigh her down, but I suppose it would be stupid to think she doesn't have her own troubles; no matter how she acts.

"So what did you want to do in Patch," I throw out now that my seeming non-sequitur is complete.

"Oh, that," she starts, sounding like she forgot all about it in the moment. "Well, I guess it seems kind of silly now. Both childish because of what it is and because I didn't want to bring it up, but, uhhhh. Would it be too much to ask you to meet the gang back at Signal? My old friends I mean?"

I hum in interest, not quite willing to put forth any sort of positive or negative connotation to the sound. "Do they not think you're a super special awesome Huntress who can hold her own against a professional?"

She rolls her eyes, but seems inordinately happy at the roundabout praise. "Yeah, but they're just being butts about it. But, I'm gonna have the last laugh, aren't I? Just imagine when they meet my friend Ochre Rovere. World-wide superstar and Vytal champion!"

I whistle, "Selling me pretty highly, aren't you Rubes?"

Instead of answering me immediately she adopts a thoughtful posture. One that brings a sense of dread to my gut. Then she suddenly announces, "I wonder what Weiss would think if I told her you said that? How about Blake?"

I hold her gaze for a moment with her apparently being unwilling to back down. "Okay, that's a much better threat than last time."

She nods happily, but doesn't say anything. Likely to convey a sort of sense that she's more than pleased to leave things there. Not more needs to be said in either of our minds.

However, she thinks better of that after a moment and looks up at me with soft eyes. "Thanks. I mean, you don't have to meet my friends if you don't want to. I more meant-"

"I'll meet them."

"Oh, well, thanks twice over then. For that and for what you said. It's-not many people have said anything about that. Or if they had it's something about how I'm a little ball of sunshine or idealistic. Not…strong, so just…thanks."

"Just telling you what I see," I shrug off.

"Well, then I know it's really true then," she rejoins with a skip in her step. Evidently more than happy to leave that as her last word in the conversation before we meet back up with everyone else. I take her comment to mean she has a lot of faith in my observational abilities, but it's also an implicit trust that I wouldn't lie to her. Not about something like that. Which, I suppose I wasn't; maybe I have earned that kind of trust from Ruby.

Actually it's more of trust in myself now that I think about it. Ruby would be trivially easy to fool if I really wanted to. However, I don't think any of what I told her is a lie. I'm unsure if I'm just being more honest with myself or my time at Beacon has changed me in that small way, but I suppose the difference is just academic in the end.

Soon afterwards we're given the go ahead for us to depart. We do so on an airship as expansive, though of different design, as the one we arrived at Mistral with. There's more than enough room for us to walk around and stare at the scenery as we pass.

The whole thing is modeled much like a sailing ship of old, something that Mistral is particularly fascinated with instead of the more modern designs from Vale or the arguably futuristic ones from Atlas. This oddity catches much of Marina's attention as she stares at similarly styled ships that are a part of our convoy. Dad is with her and answering whatever questions she bombards him with, which I suppose is a good sign.

Everyone else is a little bit more guarded, talking with themselves, or enjoying a quiet moment now that we aren't surrounded by soldiers. I give some thought to approaching the twins at this time, but I want to properly thank them for their efforts and doing that here isn't how I want to do so.

I could do the same with Yang or otherwise busy myself, but I decide to pass the time by watching the scenery. At this height there's something majestic to be said about the Mistrali countryside, at least until we hit the desert, then things are a lot less interesting. That's soon replaced by an eager desire once we reach the ocean and before I know it we're docking at home. The airdock we have is not really cleared to service the size of ship we arrived on so they'll have to refuel at Ostro, but the added cost isn't too impactful to Weiss or I.

Instead I rush to my luggage and fish out the Vytal trophy for another sort of historic moment. Perhaps very small in the grand scheme of things, but my home's first Vytal victory deserves some attention. Much more so than as a simple trinket on my shelf.

Like last time the Belladonnas are waiting and ready to receive us. Everyone clears back so I can approach them with nothing other than the trophy, which I then hand off to Ghira. Only a few members in a small crowd capture the moment with their scrolls. No real recording equipment in the area as it was simply not necessary before now. At least there will be some record of this historic moment.

We go through that pageantry and then everyone disembarks with Blake rushing off to her parents. As I watch her I catch Ghira throwing my Dad an odd look. One that he returns before the Chief reluctantly invites us all to the manor. Something that has Dad freeze up for a moment. There's something going on there.

Before I can figure out what, Weiss takes my right arm and starts leading me away. Blake soon joins her on my left and forces me to abandon my luggage. Our belongings have to be picked up by our respective teams, which gives me another thing to thank the twins for.

It's also at that moment that I realize I might have preferred to stay at the old house, in my old bed. Sure, it would have been tight on space, but sharing it with them, well that's sort of meaningful. Although, I guess it wouldn't have been the most comfortable accommodations.

Speaking of which, the rooms we're given at the manor are fit for two people each. Naturally Marina and I take one and the twins the other. It might be interesting to see how RWBY has solved their accommodations before I realize Blake likely has her own bedroom and then that thought takes up a good amount of my attention before we're called for dinner.

It's well into evening when we have everything settled so my plan can't be enacted until morning. Instead we all share one large communal meal before turning in for the night. I don't know if that's customary for the Belladonnas, but something tells me it is.

On a more amusing note, Kel and Autumn struggle with the Mistrali tables and floormats. The former is low enough to the ground that they have to hunch over or, in Autumn's case, lie down. Now that I notice it, Ghira has to do something similar. However, he remains as straight as he can as a measure of pride. When I catch sight of that I share an amused look with Kali and then Blake, though Blake's is much more sheepish. The Corals haven't arrived just yet, but I know they'll be here relatively soon.
Summer Week 1 (Part 5)
Morning arrives and I'm more than a little to show my team around my home, one spot in particular. Before I can get there, I take us to the market place for a little warm up of sorts. Only, I find the streets are very much not how I remember.

The main thoroughfares, like the one the market is set up on, have been reworked by my men. While there's a heady feeling borne from walking around my home on paved roads, I can't help but feel something was lost in the process.

The road has bulged out from how it was originally set, causing the once bundled together stalls and buildings to be much more spaced out. This is in addition to a clearing of flat and paved land that I think is supposed to become the foundation for actual buildings and shops. This has come at the cost of many, less sturdy, constructions from my childhood.

Overall there's more usable space than last I was here. And, I'm certain that in a few weeks or months it will be just as crowded as I remember. However, right now the dreams of hopping along the rooftops seems almost stillborn. Only almost, because I notice one of the unpaved streets that runs along the thoroughfare. The buildings are lower and more spaced out; not something that kids can easily traverse like I'm used to, but I'm not a kid anymore, am I?

"You know, there was a sort of game I used to play," I state and knock my head in the direction of our soon to be course. Of course it was less of a game and more of a way to get around the crowd. And maybe avoid some of the bigger kids who weren't as agile as me.

"I dunno pardner, I don't think stuff like that is really built for someone like us," Autumn rumbles, his voice full of caution.

"Well, I guess you'll just have to choose your steps carefully. After all, you break it, you buy it."

"Ochre," Kel protests.

"Marina," I retort. The girl in question turns to me slowly, a slow understanding in her eyes as she firmly nods towards me. Kel sighs, but I can tell her will to resist is broken.

She turns to her brother who is still unconvinced, "Oh come on you big baby. If I gotta do this then so do you."

"That's the issue here; I'm not one to turn down some fun, but it ain't much fun when we don't know what we're doing and you'll beat us."

"Sheesh, when have you been so pessimistic," I grouse. "Look, I'm not making this into some sort of competition; I have something else I wanna show you after all this. I just thought it'd be nice for you to feel what it's like. Making these kinds of jumps above the crowd and with the wind in your hair. Or are you afraid Marina will beat you?"

My sister turns to the man in question and narrows her eyes. The threat of her emotion sight seems to be enough to shock him into action. "Fine, fine. But no gloating or anything; I know my size and I ain't winnin' this one. Damn well better be worth all this trouble," he grumbles.

Reluctant agreement is still agreement and that's good enough for me. Truthfully I just want to enjoy the moment before further development to Menagerie can rob me of it in the future. Maybe it will still be there, maybe it won't. Just that I understand well and truly now that it's not for certain.

That kind of thought stays in my mind, towards the back, as we hop around the rooftops causing a ruckus. Definitely not earning myself many points with my countrymen, but I can't really bring myself to care either.

My sister is the only one who can really hope to keep up with me and the two of us start pulling off more and more ridiculous maneuvers in the air to make this somewhat fair for the twins. This isn't some sort of race or competition, but neither are the two of us willing to wait on them to catch up. Of course I start us off and Marina falls into my rhythm, but I'm pretty sure she comes into her own by the end of it. The biggest disappointment to her probably is the fact she couldn't use her anchor to get around.

That satisfies my sister and so I can attend to the twins afterwards. Our journey takes us to the new developments where we can't run along the rooftops any more. I get to look like an absolute rube staring at all the new buildings. Both those established and those under construction. The same wonderment is lost on everyone else, though they allow me to have the moment.

Soon we make it to the new wall and then over it. Our ultimate destination is a bit into the mountains and is a path well-known to me. I'm kind of surprised that this current expansion hasn't enveloped it, but I guess the path isn't as well explored as I thought it would be. I mean, I can't blame them. I had my semblance help me find this place after all.

We have to go through a small cave, more of a point where two large hills or small mountains crash against one another. Either way, we are definitely under the earth for a few minutes while I lead everyone onwards. At least this time we have light; though I still have the path memorized in my head.

We come up to a squeeze that I can just barely fit through. What was once an opening that felt so large is practically constricting now, though my little slice of paradise makes it all worth it.

Inside is a small clearing. An open roof that allows light and rain to come in as well as steep slopes around the sides. The tightness of the location makes it so any dangerous grimm can't make their way here even if it's outside of town.

More importantly is the small patch of greenery and amateurishly tilled land. More a curiosity on my part than any attempt at agriculture. Just as important to me is the small pool in the center. Not the best thing in the world, but utterly mine when I just wanted to get away from it all. At least when I didn't want to hide out at home.

I hear rocks shift behind me and distantly note that of course Kel had to expand the entrance. Just like with the rest of my home I find the change necessary if a bit concerning. Like something could so easily be lost by the march of progress and I just have to deal with that now.

"Well, I know it's not much, but this is my old hideout." I wave my hand around, "Make yourself at home." The rest of my team don't really know what to make of it and I consider this is perhaps not the best thank you.

Kel and Autumn seem to read something in my expression as a light of understanding passes through their eyes. Marina however walks up to me to give me a consolatory pat on the shoulder. Yeah, I wasn't expecting her to get it, but it seems like the twins at least understand a little bit.

Marina is absolutely lost and soon devolves to playing around on her scroll. Kel goes around to expect the walls, as they are, of the clearing. I'm not sure what exactly is going on in her mind, but I think she's drawing some sort of conclusion from what she's observing.

Autumn, meanwhile, rolls up his pants and takes a step into the pond. He does so for a couple of cautious steps before he sinks into the suddenly deep center. Fortunately there's no real risk of him drowning, so I allow myself a laugh and sit next to the water myself, letting my toes dip inside, while keeping a good distance.

Justice: I'm sure he has something to say of everything we've been up to and how that's gone down. (4)

Progress: Related to another concern of mine, but more theoretical in nature. Just sort of curious about his thoughts on the subject and how it relates to his reverence of rural life. (4)

Memories: Just kind of a thought on my mind. He had to deal with the loss of his farm and childhood home. It's not the same, but…yeah. (0)

Menagerie: More of a neutral topic, though one I'm still interested in. An outsider's perspective of my home and its developments seems appropriate in a way. (0)

Autumn remains under the water for a moment longer and I decide to lean back and just enjoy the moment. To simply luxuriate under the warmth of the sun like I used to when everything was much less complicated. When I could simply retreat here without having to worry about a mound of impending tasks or missed opportunities.

My friend resurfaces shortly afterwards and I hear him splash around the pool trying to gauge its odd depth for himself. This continues for a few minutes before he grows satisfied and his shadow mars my sunspot. "So, no offense, but what's there to do around here?"

I pop open one eye, but the glare around him makes it difficult to make out his features. I should probably fix that, but choose not to. Instead I shrug, "Not really that much. What you see is what you get. Sometimes I'd bring in a book to read or something else to work on." More like play with, but he doesn't need to know that.

"And how often did you hang around here?"

"Eh, maybe once or twice every week over the course of a year and a half."

He apparently has no response to my answer, not immediately at least. He might be disappointed by the lack of activities, which makes this perhaps the worst way to convey my thanks. I can only hope that inviting him to such an innately personal space for myself does more to impart how much his assistance really means to me.

A chuckle escapes him and I crack another look at him. Only to be met with the same damnable glare that casts his features in too deep of a contrast for me to make out anything meaningful. A moment later another chuckle is released, followed by another and another until he's suffering a minor laughing fit.

"Do I even want to know," I question, cutting into his apparent fun.

His shaded form straightens up from its slightly forward posture and his hand goes to his face before wiping away something. "It's just- I never expected those words to come out of your mouth,"

"I've always said I know how to relax," I gruff. "Not my fault no one believes me."

"Yeah," he lets out, sounding more amused than anything else. Then he levers himself to lie next to me. "You sure had me fooled for the longest time. Always seems like you're working on one thing after another. Just seems so weird to know you'd just sit around and do nothing. For whole days no less."

I turn my head to face him with heat in my voice, "It's not like there was much for me to do back then. I could fish with dad, walk the beach, or read the same books over and over again back home."

"And here I thought you loved reading, not enough facts, figures, and intrigue for ya?"

I roll my eyes at his damnable grin, "More like I pulled everything I could out of those books. Only so many times I can read the same thing again and again before I know everything I can about it. Besides, I much prefer something novel."

"And you didn't think to bother your girlfriend to see if she could remedy that," he needles good-naturedly.

I huff, "It's not like she was in Kuo Kuana when I was growing up." Much less what needs to be said about how her or the Belladonnas would react to a random kid showing up. Even if I did know of Blake's love of books back then.

"And what would you have done if she was," Autumn questions. No doubt trying to rile me up and get some sort of reaction for his own amusement. More and more it seems like taking him here was a bad idea if this is how he'll resort to entertaining himself.

"That's not what this is about-"

"Oh, I didn't know this was about anything; and here I thought you said you knew how to relax-"

"Autumn," I cut in with a threat to my tone.

His face remains amused for a moment before that takes on a more forced appearance. Only for a moment longer until he allows himself to relax and his features to soften. "I get it; sorry about that pardner." He levers himself up a little and takes a look around. "I mean, it's a nice place and all, just a bit small for me, wouldn't you say?"

I take his olive branch for what it is and needle back, "Nah, I'd just say that you're freakishly large."

"Yer just jealous I got good genes," he ribs back and then we enjoy a sort of companionable silence. One that stretches on for a few moments longer until he grows impatient. "So, do you have anything to actually pass the time?"

"Just some conversation."

"Yeah, besides that," he fires back and I can practically hear the grin in his voice.

"Ass," I return and take a breath. "See if I share anything with you ever again."

A meaty hand assaults my shoulders and shakes me about bodily. "Oh stop being such a sourpuss. I appreciate the gesture, I do." He leaves his comment off there even if he has more to add. Probably understanding that pushing too far would not go over well with me.

"Well if you're done being childish," I challenge. He adopts a sheepish expression; one that I know is entirely fake, but take to mean he's willing to put up with my antics. "I've just been having some thoughts."

I brace myself for an inevitable incendiary comment that doesn't come. Good, he at least knows how to put away his humor for something like this. Not that I didn't know about that prior. I guess I'm just not sure how to approach this now, in this space specifically.

I shake my head and just bull on, "Menagerie is going to change a lot. It has to happen sooner or later. We can't keep living in the past, but everyone seems hell bent on staying that way. Just sort of wondering what the appeal for them is."

What's left unsaid are my conflicted thoughts on the matter. Seeing it first hand I can understand how the change threatens to impugn the memories I once held so highly. Whether Autumn picks up on that or not isn't really any concern of mine. My words and tone should make it clear that I have no interest in delving into that subject. Of course, this is Autumn we're talking about and there are even odds that he'll dig into it anyways.

"And why are you asking me?" Or he could miss the subtext altogether. I guess I wasn't that clear about how my thoughts connect. Which, honestly, works more in my favor than not.

"Just that I figured you'd have some thoughts on the subject. You've straddled the line from a rural life to the more urban one while retaining a fondness for the former."

Plus, with advances in agriculture it's more and more likely that family farms like the one he operated will be slowly edged out by more modern efforts. The real impediment from doing so currently is just how much land is required. Not that the Kingdoms and various cities haven't tried to address this. Pretty much all of them have a section parseled away purely for agricultural purposes.

"I don't think this and that are all too similar," he challenges.

I wave a hand dismissively in the air, "Yeah, but you're the best I got, so spill."

A silence descends between the two of us and he brings a hand up to his chin. He stays like that for seconds longer. Long enough for me to think he has something on his mind he believes I won't like to hear. Of course, that's no reason for him not to say it to me.

"I think you're losing a lot more than you realize. Well, maybe not you specifically, but your people." I glare at him for his comment, but bite back any greater reaction or words. I don't want my complicated feelings to rise to the surface now so I squash them down and merely listen.

Upon my turmoil settling, he continues, "Now, I'm not saying you're doing the wrong thing. Or that you ain't right for being so concerned. Just that in rushing headlong into the future some things are going to be left to the wayside.

I haven't been 'round here long, but I get the sense there's a pretty big sense of community and camaraderie. That you're all in this mess together. Think you might have even said something like that in the past. But, the thing is, that sort of togetherness ain't gonna survive all your meddling. Not really I think.

I mean, look at Vale, Atlas, Mistral, heck any city and you'll see what I'm getting at. When things are so large and so prosperous, people just sort of naturally drift apart. A distance grows between them until the well-being of your neighbor isn't nearly as important as it's s'posed to be.

Instead of working together to defend each other, provide for each other we all seek out what's best for us individually. No longer do we settle disputes for the good of the community, but we bring them up to others for them to judge. We wash away the responsibility of policing ourselves and others as just not being our business. Or if it is our business, those we disagree with are just simply wrong; maybe even less than human."

He shakes his head, "I know I'm painting a bleak picture. Things aren't always that bad. Nor am I saying they are in Vale or anywhere else. Just that when you start giving up those little pieces it's so hard to get them back. So many people in one place; there's only so much connection a person can handle before it all falls apart. With no real reason to put in that effort, you lose all that; I guess that's what I'm trying to say."

I weigh his words myself. At the very least I know he's not putting up any sort of false front or trying to deceive me. Whether he's actually right is another question. I can sort of see where he's coming from with all that. There's a logic to it all, but it also paints him as not all that faithful to the belief of people's better nature. Maybe that's where all this stems from.

Unlike Oz or Ruby, Autumn sees the world, and humanity, in a much bleaker picture. Not necessarily that man is evil to the core, but rather that man is simply selfish. That he needs a reason to treat others well or he naturally drifts to a state of self-interest. That tracks to a degree; after all rural settlements couldn't get away with heavy amounts of disagreement. Too likely to draw in the grimm.

When your neighbors emotional and physical well-being might very well be the difference between life and death for yourself you have a lot of incentive to help them out. This does run at odds with his view of law enforcement being a pillar of the community, but that was also put into more personal terms as well. Perhaps it's as simple as believing some men can be good while humanity as a whole is inherently selfish. However, that doesn't mean I can't drill him on that discrepancy either.

"And how does your whole lawman schtick fit into that? You can't tell me you just criticized people off-loading that responsibility to someone else for city-folk, but also aspire to that kind of position in your own life."

He swats his hand in front of his face as if dispelling an unpleasant fly, "It's not that. There's always going to be people better at or more invested in one set of skills over the other; that's just nature. Naturally, those sorts of jobs will fall to those most able or willing to do them, but that doesn't mean it's not a concern for the community.

Anything severe like that involves everyone with the grimm; just that they need someone to act as an arbitrator at the very end. Can't let resentment like that pile up, which is why respect is so vital for someone in that position.

You can't be seen as partial or biased to one side. You gotta be firm like stone and decisive. Mistakes can happen, but in matters of judgment your word's gotta be law and that's just how it is."

"And what if your judgment is wrong," I question. My words seem to cut right through his diatribe. Not completely robbing him of his energy, but denting it heavily. Like he's considered the matter himself, but hasn't come to a satisfactory answer.

"Still figuring that bit out," he admits with a sigh. "This kind of thing is why you're the leader not me." His last sentence is light-hearted, entirely willing to put the matter behind us, but I find it too relevant to pass on entirely.

"And yet you're not asking me for my answer." His lips thin at my challenge. Then his face pulls into a frown, he sits up, and he runs a hand through his hair. His silence does more to tell me there's something more to his thoughts than anything else. Perhaps he thinks I haven't made any wrong judgments and thus can't help him, but I doubt that.

"You're not a bad guy, boss," he starts suddenly with a solemn tone. "But, a just one," he chuckles darkly, "I dunno if I can say that about you. I like to think you are; you ain't steered us wrong yet. Just, you and Marina, well; you know my thoughts about your past."

I do; the fact we haven't confessed to our crimes and rendered ourselves to judgment from the public is a sort of sticking point for him. Perhaps a more major one than I first gave him credit for. However, the fact he hasn't turned us in himself means he isn't as unbiased as he'd like to think. Given that he's brought it up again, I don't think it's because he thinks our crimes are small enough to just ignore.

"But that's not all there is to it?"

"Yeah," he sighs. Then he pats his cheeks with his palms and drags them downwards in a dramatic motion; I think more to psyche himself up than anything, even if it seems like it failed at that. "Your involvement with that conspiracy mess. It's just, I dunno, I get the feeling you'll end up doing something reprehensible for the greater good as it were. I mean, I heard about Headmaster Lionheart's disappearance and the timing's just too convenient. I don't suppose you know anything about that do you?"

I, of course, do. So does Weiss and Blake, though how aware Ruby, Yang, and my team are is another consideration. They don't need to know all the gory details going on with the conspiracy. I only tell my girlfriends because of our agreement of sorts. That and they deserve that much.

Arguably, my team deserves the same courtesy, but I hold off for now. Knowing the broad details is realistically all they should know for their own safety. That and whatever is necessary for whatever I may or may not bring them into. If they want to be more involved than that, the door is open for them to join the conspiracy. Which, now that I think about it, there's probably no reason to keep this away from my sister; I know she'll help me no matter what while keeping to her own things.

My moment of silence doesn't go by unnoticed which draws another sigh out of Autumn. "Look, all I'm trying to say is there's a difference between doing a good thing and doing the right thing."

"And which is more important," I fire back, while collecting my own thoughts.

He mulls it over for a moment before looking away and uttering, "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

That seems to be all he's willing to say on the matter. Almost certainly deliberately leaving me with little to attack on his position. I'm sure I could if I give it some effort, but that may have to wait for a later time. For now, other thoughts come to my mind.

The obvious one is that Oz and the conspiracy at large has already done something like that in Autumn's mind, not that he knows it. Not announcing Leo's crimes seems like something that would rub him the wrong way and he definitely has his suspicions now. In a similar vein is my deal with Raven.

With my teammate as stubborn as he is I doubt he'll appreciate the deal I struck with her. Maybe he'd be willing to overlook it if it was just Raven, as he's done with Marina and I. However, even that is doubtful. Raven has undoubtedly murdered and been responsible for far more deaths than Marina or I have. Furthermore, her tribe is just as if not more guilty than she is.

I've essentially given them a pass from the law extrajudicially. Even if I could somehow find some way to finagle my actions as being entirely legal I doubt Autumn would see things the same way. But, he doesn't need to know; there's a reason why I haven't kept him as up-to-date on things like I have my girlfriends.

However, just like with them I have to come to the decision if I should venture that much. The talks with Oz about trust ring out in my mind. As do the after-effects of that and my conversations with Blake and Weiss. With the secret I have now there's an obvious conclusion to simply pass on the moment. Allow him his ignorance, but is that really to his benefit? Would that be doing the right thing or simply something for the greater good like he worries?

+Inform him about Lionheart (3)

+Share conspiracy with only Kelly (3)

No (2)

Yes (1)

AN: So, I think this is the first time that a non-applicable vote has gone through. As I told chat at the time, it isn't something that I could address at the time so it doesn't overly affect the write-up, but it is something I keep in mind for the future.

I'm lost in my thoughts for much longer than I'd like. On one hand, I've trusted him and my team with so much so far. Perhaps far too much than I really should have. That's worked out more in my favor than not. However, I know it's worked out far better than it really should have.

Given a random selection of people, I know I wouldn't find anyone as understanding about the matter as my team or RWBY. Naturally there is a selection bias with the type of people who choose to become Huntsman. However, Autumn stands out from them all.

In the end he's just a very simple man who wants a simple life. While he does want to help people he's far less committed to the Huntsman lifestyle than anyone else I know. Weiss, his sister, heck even mine are all more favorable towards it than he is. Although, Marina is more because everyone she cares about is involved.

I suppose I always knew that his desires would create a divide. He's simply too different from me and everyone else for there not to be. I guess I just hoped that I could pretend this wasn't a potential issue for longer. Unfortunately, he's already suspicious of Lionheart's disappearance.

I could attempt to keep that from him for a while longer, but that might only incense him to poke and prod further. I imagine he has some inkling that I know more than I'm letting on. Not the end of the world on its own, but potentially disastrous because of the other secrets I keep. Particularly Raven, her status, and what I had her do.

He might not be able to get all of those details out of me, but he could seek out the others. It would be a small risk comparatively, but that's no reason to let it fester. If I can disabuse him of the notion with a truth, why shouldn't I?

That, however, leaves me in the odd spot on how to approach this. To that end I take slow deep breaths for a few moments. Something that draws Autumn's attention; my deception is assisted by the deep thought I was in previously.

Then I let out a gust of air and sit up with my knees held in, now out of the water, and I curl in on myself. Deliberately making myself seem smaller and more conflicted than I actually am. He might be perceptive enough to see through the oddity of Lionheart's disappearance and the timing, but I know he's not good enough to see through my act.

"Maybe you're right…" I trail off picking up after his thought while keeping a conflicted expression on my face. He shifts to the side and I feel his hand settle on my opposite shoulder, pressing me into a sort of hug.

I can practically feel the confusion in my sister's gaze when she looks my way and is utterly flabbergasted by how my emotions and behavior don't match up. Of course, she just thinks there's something wrong with her read and she goes with her emotion sight. Which means she returns to her scroll without issue.

"It's okay pardner," he says quietly as a reassurance. Then he prompts, "It's never too late to do the right thing." I almost want to laugh at his attempt to direct me. It's so obvious; maybe it would have more impact if I was engaging him genuinely

I allow myself to release my false tension and spread out, though I forcibly remove his arm for good measure. Then I draw a dramatic breath, "Lionheart was a traitor; working with the grimm. That's why Oz and the others got rid of him."

My statement is short and simple, but it causes him to look at me as if to confirm my words. Of course they're the truth so there's little for him to find fault with. However, it seems like his searching doesn't let up.

"Is that why we caused a ruckus in Mistral then?" I can't stop the confusion that draws to my features. Why would he even assume that? Except, it does line up a little too well, doesn't it? That and Oz paid particularly close attention to my timeline when I laid it out for him.

I click my tongue in frustration, not even feigned, "That wasn't my intent, but it looks like you're right in more ways than one." I fall flat on my back, "Should've guessed Oz would pull it off then."

"He didn't tell you," he questions skeptically. And I throw out a hand. At first to wave off his concern before it morphs into a show of false frustration. It's not like I really care or don't understand Oz's reason.

"No, he didn't; I think he did it at that time because it'd ensure I'd be busy and unable to help out." My answer hits Autumn and he still doesn't seem convinced, though the sincerity in my tone worms at him until he folds.

"See, this is why that sort of skullduggery does no good. I'd say get out of it while you're still ahead, but that's not really an option is it?"

It takes me a second to parse his words. I think he means that since I know about the fight against Salem I can't quit now. Either a statement on my character or the fact that the grimm are an existential threat. It also practically begs a question as to why he'd bring it up at all, which tells me there's an ulterior motive.

"And what would you have me do," I question in a put-upon tone.

"Quit dallying in the dark and bring things out in the open. Look, I know about concerns of panic and all, but it's better to rip that band-aid off before it's too late. Nothing good is built on a foundation of lies; how bad could it get if people were to suddenly find out at the worst time? I know it ain't gonna be easy, but if there's anyone who could manage it, I know it's you."

He places another hand on my shoulder, I think as a reassuring gesture for the both of us. Almost as if to say he thinks I'll do the right thing without putting a voice to those words explicitly. It's like he said, his evaluation is still up in the air of if I'm a just man or not.

I know I'm not, but again he doesn't need to know that. I might be a good man by his estimation, but there's no way I'll qualify as a just one. Not after what I've done and how I refuse to play by his 'rules' for society. We really are too different in the end.

He uses his hold on me to lever himself up and starts pacing about my private space to work through his thoughts. It doesn't pass my notice that he didn't bring up the fact that the public doesn't know the reason behind Lionheart's disappearance. It's a fruitless conversation for him to bring up, but I know it's on his mind.

Of course, by the standards of the conspiracy, we can't tell the public. Mentioning that there is a traitor working for the grimm invites many more questions. Plus it puts to doubt what should be an unassailable institution of the Kingdom in the minds of many. The death toll would be disastrous. Doing the right thing, according to Autumn, would spread so much misery and destruction that I, and the rest of the conspiracy, cannot abide by it.

However, in that light, his words seem like an endorsement of my character. That despite the enormity of the task he believes I could thread the needle. If only I had the will to do so. Completely ignoring what it would cost in the end; for myself and for others.

With those thoughts on my mind I cannot sit idly by my pond for any longer. The days of childish carefreeness and ideals are long past. While I mourn their passing, that march of progress is inevitable. I'm sure he'd argue against that in his own way, but I'm not interested in his opinion any further at the moment.

Instead I march my way over to Kel who only paid us a brief bit of attention to make sure there wasn't anything wrong. Right now she's trailing a hand along the perimeter of my little sanctuary with a calculating glint in her eyes. Probably evaluating how defensible the location is, though there's a darkness to her face that I can't quite place.

As soon as I approach, she turns towards me, "You visited this place when you were a kid right?"

Her seemingly random question throws me for a loop for a bit. I'm not sure what she's getting at, but it can't hurt to answer her. Not when I've already revealed similar information to Autumn.

"Yeah, pretty much every week for a year and a half before I left for the White Fang." My answer seemingly only prompts more consternation to flood her features.

She tears her gaze towards the now expanded entrance, "And you'd go here all alone?"

With that I think I understand what she's getting at. Especially since the walls weren't nearly as close to my hideout as they are now. There's also the fact that it would be little eleven year old me traipsing through a cave to get here. Something most Huntsmen would shy away from. Of course, I had my semblance as assistance, but she might not be thinking that. Plus, it wouldn't necessarily help me against any grimm.

"It's fine," I wave off her concern. "I always took my foil with me and my aura was enough that I could run back to the walls without much trouble." I scratch at my cheek, "That may have happened once or twice, but I got through all of that unscathed."

My answer, however, does little to assuage her concerns. "And what would you do if grimm showed up while you were hiding out here?"

I shrug, "Never had to deal with any grimm while I'd hide out; entrance is simply too small for anything dangerous and the terrain keeps out anything I couldn't deal with."

"But what if they waited for you outside of the entrance," she challenges and I glare at her. Can't she just drop this matter? Of course not; even if she's worrying about nothing. Obviously I need to distract her with something else and I might have a few options available to me.

Ambitions: It's been a while since I've checked on her plans for the future. Surely she's come up with something. The fact it would distract her is just a bonus. (5)

Religion: With the revelation that the brother gods are real I could perhaps share that and see what her take on the matter is. (3)

Grimm: Okay, I'll see where she's going with this, but I get a feeling I'm not going to like dealing with it too much. (2)

Avoidance: The last time I thanked her she was rather evasive in accepting my praise. She also slipped into a sort of tell of hers. Maybe I should press her on that? (0)

Militarism: I still haven't got an answer out of her on why she's so military-minded. Though, I imagine it has something to do with her patriotism and possibly future plans. (0)

Secrets: We're both keeping something from her brother. The topic could be broached on how she feels about that to a degree and if there's a way to get past his stubborn nature. (0)

"I'd run past them," I answer without a drop of seriousness. Then I cut my arm across the air between us to signal I'm done with her inquiries. "My turn." I know I'm avoiding the hypothetical and she knows that just as well. Maybe I'll pay for that later, but a good distraction and a bit of pressure should discourage her.

"You give any thought about what you're going to do in the future?"

"Ochre," she hisses and repositions herself so she's between me and her brother. She throws her head back to see if he heard anything, but he's a little busy circling the pond with his own thoughts on his mind. "Are you crazy!"

"Shhhh," I hush her with a finger up to my lips and a cheeky wink. Something that causes her to fume before devolving into consternation. Like she wants to be mad at me, but she's also too embarrassed and anxious to bring up the matter.

"I was jus' tryin' ta get ya to open up a little. It-I-look I'll drop it 'kay." Her swap into her heavy accent tells me I'm more or less successful and I allow her a moment of reprieve and a thankful nod.

"Good," I state before whispering, "but seriously, I want to know if you've figured anything out. Maybe I could help out?"

My offer seems to get through to her. After a moment of hesitation she swallows and wets her lips. "It's, okay, I still don't have things figured out, but I've narrowed them down to a couple of options. Either way, I wanna do something for Vale; I-just want to show my worth so to speak even if I'd like something…" she trails off with an empty wave of her hand. As if to say she wants something more or something grand without spilling the words themselves.

"Okay," I nod and she relaxes at the lack of judgment. I think she's projecting her issue of breaking the news to Autumn onto me, but that just means I can help her with that as well in an oblique way. Not that I think it'll do much good. "And what are your options?"

"Just two, no three, real ones. The first is to sign on with Vale as a Huntress for the Kingdom." She leaves things off at that instead of explaining further.

"And what's the problem with that," I venture, suspecting there is some sort of an issue.

"Not fast enough for my tastes. I know, I know; none of this is gonna be that fast, but you can make a girl jealous in more than one way Ochre." That statement can certainly be read in another way. While the option to tease her about it is open I decide to pass on it for now.

"I guess so," I allow instead and then hum inquisitively. If she wants to read into that to spill something other than the topic at hand the option is on the table.

However, she merely goes with the obvious implication. "Yeah, so as I see it, I'm down to two. Next would be to work with the Guard." She pauses for a moment, "Might be a bit ambitious, but I think if I play my cards right I could make it as the Minister of the Guard. Just gotta really work for it, only got a few years before old Lake gives up his seat one way or another."

"You want to get into politics," I can't help but question.

She pulls a face at that, "Not really, but it helps me achieve what I really want. I mean, Lake doesn't sit idle and works with the men under him. I could do something similar, perhaps make them something worthy of the name or I dunno, just something. I figured my chances aren't so bad with your support; maybe you could even introduce me so I'll get some hands on learning."

That…isn't entirely unreasonable from her perspective. Heck, I'm already getting involved in politics which is another potential two votes for my preferred candidate. This is on top of how Greene and Oz would likely want someone they could trust in one of the permanent seats.

However, depending on how long it takes Councilor Lake to step down, it very well might lead Kel into being the youngest councilor in the history of Vale. Something which is already a huge task to manage. It seems I might have underestimated her ambition if she's properly thought about that and decided to go with it anyway.

However, those thoughts don't stop me from pulling a face of my own. With gritted teeth I let out, "I could, but…well, Councilor Lake kind of has a predilection for younger women." Kel stares at me dumbfounded before the implication fully sinks in.

Her enthusiasm diminished, she asks, "But you could still do it right?" Before I can answer, she continues, "I appreciate the heads up, but it's not the worst thing in the world. It's not like I'd fall for the guy or anything; besides, I can take care of myself. If I have to deal with some ogling, it's no big deal." I'm unsure if she really means that, but I let it slide for now.

"Fine, but what about your last option?"

She blinks slowly as if she was for some reason not expecting me to ask. Maybe she thought I'd throw more support behind her bid for councilorship. While it's definitely in my interests to a degree it's also not that simple. Even if I had the power to guarantee her the seat, there is a very valid argument not to do so. Not until she's older and more experienced and by that point the opportunity might be closed off to her.

"That one," she starts and leans away from me. Her head hangs low for a moment while sucks in her cheek, a small dimple forming from the action. Likely she's not as certain about this one. In that respect, her bid for councilorship is her main goal at the moment with working for Vale as a Huntress is her fallback, which makes sense. They aren't going to turn down a Beacon graduate and she certainly thinks she'll be able to perform in that environment.

She lets out a heavy exhale, "I'll admit this one's a lot more shaky. It's just, if I can't work with the guard how I'd like, I'd want to still do something for Vale. I heard of this group doing something similar for Mantle, Happy Huntresses or something like that. I figured I could maybe round up a couple of Huntsmen who feel similar at the very worst; try to figure out some way to make it work."

I'm unsure how exactly that would be different from working as a Huntress for Vale, but that's perhaps the point. Her issue, as she stated, is that it wouldn't be fast enough. Most likely in reference to how she'd have to work for years to prove herself and claw together enough influence to be counted in the upper echelon of Valean Huntsmen. Perhaps then she'd have a squad of her own to work with.

This way, however, she can skip that whole process and start making a name for herself. It would be a lot riskier and it's clear she doesn't know how she'll pull it off either. She may work well as a second in command for the team, but it's an entirely different matter from managing the workload and finances of an organization. Much less one consisting of Huntsmen; especially when they would have better options to pursue their own ambitions.

"I'll see what I can do," I offer and she relaxes again. I'll have to give some thought on if I should introduce her to Councilor Lake Sr. or not. Also the conspiracy in general if she really wants to go forward with her bid. She'll certainly at least need a lot more high-profile missions on her roster to achieve her aims which I suppose is down to me to a degree as well.

As for her third plan, I could have her work with the White Fang and get her used to the essential and boring side of leadership. Whether she'd appreciate or even excel at it is another matter entirely. Either way, it's pretty clear to me that a lot of her success will ride on my efforts. I'm unsure if that's an extension of trust or that she's simply taking advantage of our relationship as best as she can. Not like it makes too much of a difference to me.

She nods and then looks over her shoulder again as if to ensure her brother didn't hear anything. He's messing with Marina at the moment, seeking some way to keep himself entertained before we depart. Apparently able to put away his complicated thoughts and feelings for the moment.

Kel looks ready to put everything to rest as it is, though her behavior thus far informs me she's committed to this course now. I don't think any amount of cajoling or pleading would bring her back to the farm. I could let the moment end there, but there's a curiosity that burns at me still.

"Think you'll get any divine assistance with your plan," I ask out of the blue.

She looks at me oddly for a moment, knowing just as well as I do what I just asked doesn't align with her beliefs. Evidently she takes it as needling on my behalf, which I suppose it is, and shakes her head. With a put upon expression and a dramatically heavy voice she says, "No, things don't work out that conveniently. Pretty sure we're a little too small for any beings out there to be concerned about us."

I grunt in amusement which draws a suspicious glint in her eyes. She knows there's something up, but she also knows my general irreverence of divinity, though I never really got the chance to talk to her about my personal beliefs before they were more or less shattered by Oz. Of course, I get the chance to do the same to her now.

I let the moment build up for a second longer before dropping the hammer, "You would think, but the brother gods disagree. At least, that's what their behavior indicates."

Her head whips towards me, almost unsettling her braided hair with how fast she does so. She searches me with a deep look and an irritated expression on her face. Likely trying to divine if I'm telling the truth, making fun of her, or whatever other possibility could come to her mind. Naturally it's the first one and so her face more or less locks up while she struggles to process all the implications.

"They're real," she questions absently. Probably not even aware she spoke aloud. Maybe it was supposed to be more of an internal confirmation while she goes over what she knows about them. If I remember right, someone in her family believed in the brother gods and raised her on stories of them. Stories that she more or less discarded, but now has to consider whether they're true or not.

Fortunately, I'm here to guide her on her crisis of faith. "They are, but I wouldn't get too hung up on it. There's a reason why I call them the asshole divinities-"

"Ochre," she cries out while slamming her palm over my mouth to prevent any further blasphemy in her eyes. "What are you- you can't say that!?"

I pull her hand away, "Why not?"

"Why not? Why-" she stumbles, completely dumbfounded that I wouldn't have a similar reaction, much less ask that question to begin with.

"Yeah, what are they going to do about it?"

"KILL YOU! Maybe- I don't know; do they do that?" Her final question comes as an earnest plea from a woman who is well and truly lost right now…Okay, maybe I'm the worst person in the world to guide her through this crisis in faith. Not that it stops me in the slightest.

I shrug, "Probably. I don't exactly have the best view of them myself. Kind of hard not to when I know they genocided an entire world over the actions of a few people."

Kel holds up a hand and I stop talking. Her other hand rubs at her temples as if that will dispel this mess of information she's been presented with. "Why are you dropping this on me now?"

I merely stare at her intensely. While it's not true that should convince her this is a reprisal towards her previous inquiries. Maybe that'll convince her to be more considerate in the future. Although, I was probably going to interrogate her on this matter eventually.

"I-could you maybe start from the beginning?"

I open my mouth to do so, before I realize that all of my issues with the asshole gods stem from their genocide and subsequent behavior. That strays particularly close to Salem and her true nature which is too tenuous for me to bring up while Autumn is still around. Maybe knowledge of her true nature wouldn't upset him too heavily, but there's a reason why I've avoided bringing it up until now. All either of them needed to know is that Salem is a threat and can control the grimm.

I'm sure I could spin that into a compelling narrative and incorporate it into the events as I know them. I hold off for now and merely go over the broad strokes before going into further details with the gods' supposed creation of the faunus. As Oz described them, the best the gods could be attributed as based on that is idiotically hopeful and at worst actively malicious.

Of course, I lean towards the latter myself and it comes through with my retelling of events and clarifying questions. Not that it does much to console the woman.

Perhaps I underestimated how much her faith meant to her. It just never really expressed itself in a major way and Blake and Weiss handled the revelation rather well. I suppose I shouldn't expect their reaction to be the norm.

Kel remains silent for over a minute straight before she ventures, "I-surely they have some sort of plan. They wouldn't-" She cuts herself off and her words sound as if she doesn't even believe them. Her image of the divine not matching up with the apparent reality.

Of course, the gods do have a plan, technically. But that would involve telling her about Oz's nature and mission, which, again, strays too close to conspiracy business for me to delve into at the moment. I suppose it's a good primer if I ever want to recruit her.

With that in mind, I'd say she'd at least be a better recruit than her brother. She's able to think pragmatically when it's necessary and she's not breaking down at the destruction of her worldview. Becoming more withdrawn and conflicted, yes; breaking down utterly, no.

Unfortunately, this leaves her in no real position to discuss theology. Much less her beliefs on the matter when they're in such disarray. I should have figured that. If I really want her perspective I'll have to give her some time to process this new information. Perhaps she'll appreciate the continued attention, though that doesn't guarantee I'll be free to give it to her.

When the dead air between us truly settles, we all depart from my hidey hole. The newly expanded entrance ensures that we have no difficulty doing so. Although, Autumn does briefly worry over his sister before listening into what has her so concerned. He clearly doesn't have the same reaction to learning the gods are real. More just shrugging his shoulders and letting Kel work out her issues with him.

That leaves me to deal with my sister who simply asks if I'd beat them. I can't in good conscience confirm that for her one way or the other. It reminds of her unwavering faith in how I'm simply stronger than everyone else. Maybe I need to disabuse her of that notion, but for now I merely ruffle her hair. Which I think she takes as affirmation of her thoughts going by her firm head bob afterwards.

Of course, we all quiet down as we approach the walls. While talk of religion isn't inherently suspicious, doing so with such certainty about the gods, their character, and their actions would just draw attention. Something that the twins at least know shouldn't be aired in public, even if it's not Autumn's usual preference.

When we return to the manor, I discover that Coral and Jasmine have already arrived and made themselves comfortable. I knew they'd be arriving today, but I guess I lost track of time with how involved with my team I was. That and there's a certain apprehension in actually meeting with her when she landed near my home. This way I can at least avoid that by just having to deal with her presence in a mutual location.

Although, that's a bit of coping on my end. My original plan didn't have me staying with the Belladonnas. Not that I don't want to…it's just complicated. I could at least console myself with the ability to take things at my own pace, rather than deal with her presence semi-constantly.

Coral seems to understand this and she shoots me a soft look with her ocean-like eyes. Then she turns and shares in whispers with Kali. The two women turning out to be fast friends. Although, by my read there's a bit of tenseness between them. A sort of competitiveness is the best I can guess, but about what beats me.

The obvious conclusion would be a mutual connection which could include me, but I think is aimed towards Blake more so. Something my girlfriend agrees with me for the most part as she simply rolls her eyes. Then she leans against me and clasps her hand with mine.

"Mom, is the room for Ochre and I ready," My girlfriend questions and then stares deep into my eyes. She obviously intends for this to be very meaningful, which tells me she doesn't have eroticism in mind. Well, simply eroticism; although, that fact is lost on nearly everyone else.

Autumn slaps me on the back in a congratulatory manner which my sister repeats after a moment. Kel simply huffs, but smiles at my expense. Ruby plugs her ears and starts making nonsense noises to cover up any further clarifications while her sister merely laughs before relaxing.

Unfortunately, Weiss mouths something and Ghira yells, "What room?! What is she talking about Kali?"

"Oh hush," she fires back and the two of them share a look. One that apparently settles the Chief down, though he still looks agitated. Then a sharp smile comes to his wife's features, "Not yet, dear. I think the two of you should wait until tomorrow. Wouldn't want to leave a mess to clean up so late at night."

That causes her husband's eyes to bulge as he again tries to work out what's going on. Only for him to realize that his wife is simply messing with him…I think. Given a blush on Blake's face, she isn't entirely unaffected. Either her mom is messing with her as well or she's far more open-minded than I give her credit for.

Coral chiding the matronly woman in clear disapproval, doesn't give me any indication of what's going on. Although, she quickly slaps her hand over Jasmine's mouth which makes me think the gremlin knows more than she should about the subject. That implies it's nothing as lurid as Kali is implying. A conclusion Dad comes to as well by the looks of things. Though, I don't think a neutral smile that emerges from a proud one is any sort of victory for me.
Summer Week 1 (Part 6, End)
When I wake up the next day, I have a very explicit message on my scroll from Blake to dress my best. Whatever we're up to is seemingly a special occasion in her mind, which only makes me wonder more. When I meet with her she's a bit more dressed up than normal as well. Although that's inaccurate to a degree.

She's covering a bit more of her skin and she has some new flashy accessories. Most of which I know she bought on the trip with Weiss after her confession; most prominent of all is the pin Neo made. Similarly, now that I'm reminded, her outfit looks a lot like the one she wore on that fake date of ours. Not that it's too dissimilar from what she usually wears.

"Ochre," she cuts in with exasperation in her voice. Likely knowing where my mind is going. Then she loops her arm in mine and snuggles against my side. From the profile of her face that I can see I spot a healthy blush which she soon hides by rubbing her face further into me.

She can't work up the courage to make her request, chide me, or whatever she planned to do. I think she's a bit worried about how this will go, which is just another comparison to our museum visit. I don't think there's any happy memories there; at least not to the extent of a repeat performance. Is she just trying to make up for her mistake or is there something more to it?

She cuts off my thoughts with a passionate kiss which draws a cough from a nearby guard. Something that only incenses her to try harder. I think Ghira assigned a watch to ensure we don't get up to anything and discourage this behavior, but Blake is only more motivated by it. She really is a deviant isn't she?

Of course, the intent behind her initial gesture isn't lost on me. She doesn't want my thoughts to dwell on the past right now. Well anything negative I think. I get the impression this is supposed to be more for me than for her, so I allow myself to follow her lead.

She leads us down a wing of the house towards a door at the end of a hall. I think it would normally be used as storage or something of the like. Maybe a bedroom.

She stops right in front of the door and stands so she faces towards me fully. Then she grabs both of my hands with hers and holds them low between us. She stays silent for a moment, staring at our joining until she snaps her head to look at me directly in the eyes. Her amber orbs are practically filled with a soft determination. Fully ready to go through whatever she has planned, which by her look seems like a kindness in her eyes.

"I love you," she says suddenly. Before I can respond in kind, she occupies my lips with hers and fumbles for the door. We spill in and she holds me upright for a moment as she occupies my attention. This forces us to stumble for a couple seconds until we hit something and fall upon it. Awfully soft for an object in a random room, but I briefly register my guess that it's a bedroom is correct. Awfully bold of Kali then.

Immediately afterwards, my girlfriend tears herself off me and sucks in a deep breath. I know there has to be something going on, but I still have to respond to her words from earlier. Only, when I gather my bearings, I find myself at a loss for words.

On the side opposite of the door are a plethora of sculptures and artworks that dominate the floorspace. Additionally, there are paintings held upon the wall and now that it has my attention I crane my head towards the other walls. Each is filled to the brim with paintings, with a few errant sculptures on one side and two easels with a blank canvas on the other. Even the wall the door is upon is filled with similar paintings. I can't say all of them are of professional quality, but it hits me all the harder regardless.

"It's more of a gallery than a museum, but here it is. Home," Blake says, breaking me out of my revelry. I find her sitting on the edge of the bed, messing with two palettes and a bundle of paints. "I know it's not much, but we gotta start somewhere right?" Then she holds out the palette and a few brushes for me to take.

Her hands are shaking I note. Like she desperately hopes she hasn't made a mistake like last time. The only thing I can think of that would have prompted this is when we were in the Vacuo exhibit of that same museum. How my thoughts drifted to the artists of our home and their lack of recognition. That I might not see those artistic contributions myself.

The fact she picked up on that, remembered it, and orchestrated all this, just for me and then to make that offer. All of that combined with her clear trepidation and desire…well, there's only one proper way for me to react, isn't there?

I pull her atop of me with a kiss and just hold her there. We'll get to the activity she had in mind for us at the moment, but right now I need to get through to her how much I appreciate this. It brings my mind back to her initial words. Her desire to put herself out there and see her affections returned. It's slight on my end, but like she said, we have to start somewhere.

I break away from our kiss, lean against her ear, and whisper those three little words that mean so much in the moment. She freezes up then shudders uncontrollably, overcome with emotion. For my part I simply hold her like that and she eventually cradles my head with her arms. "I love you," comes pouring from her lips with more surety each time. Mainly because I return her affections in much the same way.

We stay like that for a few minutes. Simply working through our mutual excitement together until we can calm down enough to proceed with activities. I give some thought to activating my semblance, but set it aside. That would lead us in a direction I don't want to go down right now.

Instead I focus on Blake. Going by her behavior, she must have understood that I was faking those words every time I said them to her before. Not that she didn't understand why I was doing so. Just that I think after she came to her own revelation last week that prompted this one to become more serious.

She put herself out there as much as she could. From arranging this in the first place, to saying 'I love you' outside of the door, and stopping my initial reaction with a kiss. Hearing those false words again must have been the worst thing for her.

It further informs me how absolutely scared she must have been. To put herself out there so fully, so readily and have to just hope her efforts work. How utterly ruined she would've felt if this didn't pull through. Another failure for her just like the first time; only one that didn't happen.

She lays content with her head against my shoulder and I allow the both of us a few moments to relax. I know she'll want to get up and do something soon with her usual level of energy. However, there is something on my mind.

"Can I ask what's up with the bed?" Out of everything in the room it stands the most out of place. Everything else is at least art or art related.

My girlfriend huffs, "I think it's Mom trying to poke fun at me. You heard her at dinner." Then her voice drops low, rumbly, and sultry. "But she doesn't know about something~" Again, she offers me the opportunity to drag her in, but I don't want to quite yet.

"Fine," she rolls over to recollect all the paint supplies we'll need, "ready to add to the artistic collection of Menagerie?"

"I don't think I have the skill to make any sort of contribution."

She hums, "Well, we can be bad together then."

"Is that an invitation?"

She wiggles her hips, "Only if you want it to be."

"Minx," I let slip as I get up.

"Stud," she returns and I have to admit she's won this exchange. Of course, our byplay also draws a confused look from our minder who goes back to watching the outside to give us some small measure of privacy. Though is apparently unwilling to abandon their post.

That draws a tinkling laugh from Blake as she pulls on my hand. She holds tight as she gets to the end of my fingers while playfully setting her weight as far towards the easels as she dares. I play up my reluctance for a bit before acquiescing. After which she immediately hops on her feet and gives me a chaste kiss on the cheek. Then she loops an arm within my own and leads the way with a heavy, happy sway to her hips.

I know this whole endeavor is unlikely to be over anytime soon so I simply ready my paints and decide on my subject matter. It's not going to look good, so I hope the thought counts for something, though I imagine she has something similar in mind.

Art: I know this is more or less on my behalf, but perhaps she'll just like the chance to brag. Or I could at least show my appreciation further. Maybe even see what the plan for all this is. (2)

Eros: Well, it's out in the open now. She's opened herself up emotionally and so have I, I guess. Maybe that's worth talking about, maybe see where the mood takes us. (2)

Home: I guess with this and my talks with Weiss there's really no reason to leave her out of the loop. Plus, I know she'll appreciate the consideration. (2)

Menagerie: We're back home and considering the contents of the room it's somewhat applicable. I could get her thoughts on everything that's changing, perhaps plan for the future. (0)

Violence: She's a lot less shaken up about the fight than Weiss was, but perhaps she'd like to talk about it a little. Or if not that, the level we have to stoop to in order to combat the chaos in Mistral. (0)

The two of us paint in relative silence for a time that seems to stretch on endlessly. Not that we're completely silent, able to fill the time with innocuous comments and small talk. However, much of our focus is on our artwork to come out with something half-decent. This is made all the harder by how we keep staring at each other and catching the other's eyes.

Blake, the troublemaker she is, does her level best to distract me as much as she can in little ways. A lilt in her voice there, a suggestive motion there, making bedroom eyes at me whenever our eyes meet, or posing dramatically whenever she catches me staring for a little too long. Not my fault she put this all together and looks absolutely stunning. She planned this all a little too much for me to not think that's intentional.

She's positively cute with how much she concentrates. Like she's trying to burn the image she wants to convey on her canvas with her eyes alone. Probably trying to capture every bit of feeling she has with the moment in her artwork. Which is only made cuter in my eyes with how her tongue pokes out the side of her mouth absently, the rest of her face screwed up in intense focus.

Of course, I can't tease her about that. Not with her subject matter and mine. Hers is a portrait of me, mainly of my face but with some exaggerated features. Possibly due to a lack of skill, but also an artistic choice, at least as far as colors are concerned. A striking orange for my ears instead of their actual color is just the biggest instance; though, it's not like I'm not guilty of something similar.

I, however, vastly overestimated my skills. I mean, how hard could this be really? I'm good at keeping a mental picture in my mind from all my practice with my semblance. Translating that to a canvas; that's apparently completely different.

This isn't helped by how I've only held a brush, maybe, twice in my life prior. My girlfriend obviously has more experience in arts and crafts than myself. Proving her my superior in this arena and not at all helped by my choice to have a full profile of her rather than just her face.

I could tease her or bring up something that would distract her, force her to make a mistake. I shake my head, this is supposed to be a happy moment; just the two of us messing around. The picture at the end is just supposed to be a nice bonus. A questionable one, maybe, but…well, it's the memory behind it that's more important, isn't it?

She's obviously put in a lot of work to make this a magical moment for the both of us. Our pictures are just supposed to be an encapsulation of that. All the work she put in and the feelings that effort is meant to express. How could I do anything to ruin that? Surely I can accept this loss for her.

That doesn't stop my mind from wandering from there. Mainly about this room and all the art. Which, I suppose, means my mind isn't wandering at all. Just filled with thoughts of Blake in a different way.

As she very well knows, there aren't many cultural exports from Menagerie. Due to our isolation and a combination of other factors. The primary of which is that artists in our home aren't usually able to make a living with their art on their own. More hobbies and projects of passion than a profession like the other Kingdoms.

To have a collection like this so quickly either means her parents are willing to pull out all the stops for her, which I can't discount, or there's some further plan for all this. Although, nothing says both of those can't be true at the same time.

Every other Kingdom has their cultural relics and to be without would mark us as inherently different. The display and export of our culture is as important to our ascension as our diplomatic efforts. I imagine that the best of these will be sent out as gifts, as they are of a distinctly foreign style based on what I've seen.

Of course, I have to think my girlfriend is smart enough to come to that conclusion herself, if not have it in mind since this idea of hers was conceived. Maybe that would detract from the gesture to some, but it only makes me appreciate her more. To know that she's not only backing me with my efforts in the White Fang but also with my dream for our home.

I almost want to ask her about that more explicitly before I realize my thoughts can be taken in more than one direction. I guess I have more than one way to show her my appreciation now.

"Blake," I start in a questioning tone to get her attention. She hums appreciatively, evidently enjoying the sound of her name on my lips. She turns to me and bats her eyes at me.

I'll admit it's getting harder to ignore all her efforts and I can't exactly distract myself considering my subject matter. Still, I can push that aside for both of our sakes. "I just wanted to say thank you, for all of this. I-you know that it means a lot to me."

"Yeah…" she trails off in a wistful tone, then she turns sultry. "But, I think you got that across already. If you wanted another way to thank me, I might have a few suggestions."

I roll my eyes at her shake of her hips; covering up her own emotionality with a physical display. One that I can't really fault her for since she's already addressed and gotten out her emotions.

"And here I thought you'd like to brag a little."

"Not much for me to brag about," she admits shyly, "Mom did most of the work."

"And who's idea was it, in the first place?"

She allows a small smile to stretch across her lips, "Mine," then she takes a deep breath. "I just-well, I wanted to do something-"

"I know why you did it Blake," she preens at her name again. I really don't think I'm saying it any differently; I guess she's attributing more to it at the moment than anything else. "Or did you just want to reiterate it so I could praise you more?"

"I wouldn't mind that," she says with a tilt of the head and a coquettish grin.

"Needy aren't you?"

"No, I just know what I want," she lets out with a husky voice. Then she trails her free hand down my chest.

"You just want to hear me say how observant you are. How you were able to spot something so small and meaningful. How thoughtful you were to put this altogether and how brave to go through with it with only the hope I'd return your feelings. Or maybe you just want to hear some very specific words right now?"

She sucks in a breath, captures my lips with her own, and whispers in my mouth, "I love you."

"I was supposed to say that," I protest, only to be shut up by another kiss.

"Should be quicker then," she challenges. As if to say it's her boldness and knowing what she wants that's leading her to have the upper hand in the exchange. As soon as she breaks away, she opens her mouth and I prevent those words from coming out with a kiss of my own.

Then I back away slowly and say, "I love you. Happy now you little minx?"

She hums happily for a moment, as if weighing up my response. "I could do without the attitude," she fires back in a breathy, but light-hearted tone. Obviously affected by the words, but also trying to be cheeky. Trying to rile me up until I lose control of myself. Too bad I have something in my back pocket for this.

"Sorry," I state facetiously. "Just a little overwhelmed that my surprise has been undercut by yours."

She makes a pleased noise, but that suddenly dies in her throat. "Surprise?" I simply grin at her question and she huffs. Not wholly displeased with my antics, she knows it's a part of our dynamic as much as her brattiness is.

"Ochre," she whines petulantly before realizing that won't work how she wants it to. Then she crosses the distance between us and rests her head against my shoulder, "Tell me. Please."

"Only because you asked nicely-"

"I'm always nice."


"Don't act like you don't love it." She isn't trying to press up against me or lead us to more physical acts, which at least tells me she isn't running from her emotions. Probably indulging in them even more and just having some fun.

"Time and a place, dear," I quip.

"If that's the case then you should have put me in mine to begin with," she croons and hold my eyes with her own.

"Well, that is what I'm trying to bring up," I return with a smile. Mainly because the joke only makes sense with the context I have and her flummoxed look is priceless. She stays like that trying to parse it herself until I clear up her confusion, "I'm looking for a place in Vale and I- well, um, I would like you to be there with me."

My statement hangs in the air as Blake doesn't react quite how I expect her to. She isn't over-the-moon or jumping with joy or really displaying much signs of happiness. Instead she stares at me intensely, as if trying to divine something.

"You don't have to do that," she mumbles and the pieces click in my mind. Of course she'd be more concerned about how I feel than she does.

"What happened to knowing what you want," I quip. Even though my tone is lighthearted, I wrap and arm around my girlfriend and pull her close. The disparity between my tone and actions seem to work at odds, but I know she needs the opportunity for levity and the reassurance of my grasp.

"Some things are more important," she replies with a smile in her voice. Her free hand travels up my shoulder, along my neck, and stops at my hair where she weaves her fingers in; just barely grazing against my ears.

"And what if I want it?" I let the question hang in the air as I stare meaningfully in her amber eyes. Trying to instill in her my determination for this course of action even if my actual thoughts remain more conflicted. I have plenty of time to grow accustomed to the change before it actually happens so I know I'll be fine; I just have to impart that upon her. "You worry too much."

She snorts since that so easily applies to me more so. As if to punctuate that, she petulantly throws out, "No you."

"That isn't how that works, Blake."

"Says you," she croons childishly even as she presses herself against me more.

"Are you trying to get on my bad side," I threaten playfully.

"Is it working?" She rubs her legs against one another and grabs a handful of my hair. Practically threatening that she'll mash her teeth against mine if we keep at this for a few moments longer. It seems like our task is all but forgotten at this moment. Not like I'm complaining; we can always come back to it and there are more important things to attend to.

"I'm afraid, you'll have to try harder than that," I lay out as a challenge, interested in what she'll do next.

She lets out a noise of interest as a mischievous smile crosses her features. I know she has something planned, but I don't allow any of my trepidation to show. I merely continue holding her gaze. Both as a challenge and a statement of trust. That I know whatever she has in mind I won't truly be upset with her.

She seems to take that more as a challenge than a conveyance of trust, though I know the latter got through to her. A sudden movement and wetness on my nose is my introduction to her antics. The brush in her occupied hand at the other end with a dollop of orange on it. She allows her smile to widen, but refrains from laughing.

Of course, I can't let her win so easily. She tries to escape, as she usually does, but I already have a hold on her. She leans her head as far back as she can and even tries to bat away my brush. However, her efforts are lackluster; if she really wanted to escape she has her semblance.

Not that she particularly enjoys my crude attempt at drawing whiskers on her. Not at all straight because of her movements which also smear the paints. I could keep up my attack, but I don't actually want to stain her outfit or mine. Instead I pull her into a kiss, spilling the orange she put on me on her and the purple on her onto me.

Our paintbrushes crash to the floor as we soon become obsessed only with each other. Eventually we fall to the floor along with them in our enthusiasm. We could use our words to discuss this matter, how much she's opening up, how much I'm accepting her and vice versa. It's not necessary; not when our actions and mutual affection can get that point across much more succinctly.

We spend a bit of time in my semblance before we leave. Just in time for the guard to check in on us. After that I don't feel like returning to painting at the moment. We have a few weeks to finish things up anyway.

Instead I pull out my scroll and look up our activities in Vacuo. Blake pouts at me dramatically until I start peppering her with kisses. Ultimately letting her take the lead on our investigation while I provide the incentive. Maybe if she does well enough she'll earn a bigger reward?

Criminology Check: Rank: 2.49 +.5(circumstance) =2.99 vs Challenge 4

Final Modifier: -26

Dice: 1d100-26

65 - 26 = 39

Perhaps predictably, Blake and I are too distracted by one another to really make much headway. Maybe if we weren't looking into something as opaque as the Vacuan criminal scene we'd have some results. Something more focused on incremental data and reports would at least allow us to slowly piece together something of value.

That isn't to say that we get nothing or that we aren't motivated, my girlfriend in particular. Just that no matter how much she wants to succeed she can't overcome the null of information that is Vacuo. She keeps nuzzling against me in an effort to work out her frustration towards the desert Kingdom. Something that I feel very similar about, but not to the extent where I lose myself completely.

Of course, I make sure to knock my head towards the guard responsible for my lack of reciprocation. Not like I'm not going to be giving her plenty of attention in the future. At the very least, it does a good job of redirecting her frustration to her parents; whichever of them is actually responsible for the guard.

My first thoughts would be Ghira, but the guard didn't freak out about the presence of a bed or really stop us from any of our activities. More polite than anything. That could be a kindness extended to Blake and I, but I figure it might be conflicting orders from the Belladonnas.

As amusing as that is, it doesn't help my thoughts any and we're at a brick wall of sorts. We're able to piece together the rough bases, locations, and men of the Vacuan underground. Just the surface level agents, nothing too substantial. Our men can't exactly poke their heads in that business very easily. Not without ingratiating ourselves with the criminal elements first, which I suppose is worthy of thought.

Either way, Blake and I depart with my girlfriend still pecking away at her scroll. I doubt she'll turn up anything on her own, at least not within the next couple of days. However, seeing how motivated she is certainly puts a spring in my step.

It also causes me to run down a mental list of people I need to check in with. My sister is one of them, but I know she's doing fine. The Belladonnas are another potential option, as is Coral, but I'm still getting settled in. I know those thoughts are just a distraction from the last person I really have to thank for helping me out in Mistral, Yang.

Her and I, well, I'd like to think our relationship is a good one, but it's also definitely complicated by conspiracy business and her mom. There shouldn't be anything that she could hold against me. In fact, if anything, she should be pleased by my recent efforts. Maybe that's the source of my trepidation? Not wanting to deal with a sort of awkwardness where we each have something to thank the other over.

There's also the fact that interacting with Yang naturally brings up thoughts of Raven and I'm unsure if I want to deal with those. It's bad enough that I'll have to be with her when she announces her maiden status to Oz and Ironwood, but I really shouldn't take that out on her daughter.

I look around for a bit and find Yang out in the courtyard changing the tires on her bike. Even if she's on vacation and we're providing transit, she still wants her ride. Bumblebee came with us along with Coral and will probably be a permanent fixture for Yang and her vacation.

"Hey Ochre, what's up," she calls out, only bothering to spare me a quick glance before a hint of a smile enters her tone. "You and Blakey enjoy your time together?"

"You could say that," I return confidently. I can't give her any indication that that's any sort of weakness on my part. Besides, I have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.

"Yeah, I bet," she chortles, shakes her head, and hops to her feet. "Just got done with my baby here and want to take her for a spin, you in?"

I force myself to not react overly much. I'm unsure if she means this to be a challenge on the lie I've kept up with her so far. That I have any real experience with vehicles, much less bikes. My pride demands that I maintain that false front, but I know going along with her wishes would just open up a crack in my story.

"I don't know," I rub at the back of my head. "We don't exactly have any streets for a ride like yours to really rip full throttle; seems like kind of a waste."

She blows out a huff of air from the side of her lips. "Yeah, that's why I don't plan on sticking around the walls. Got some tires for the sands; won't be that fast, but my baby's rated for off-road use too." Then she lowers her head and looks up at me with her eyes, "Figured you'd like an opportunity to see more of your home, even if we can't go too far."

Well, when she puts it like that it doesn't seem so bad. As long as she doesn't expect me to drive the thing I guess we'll be fine. She can't get that fast on the sands can she? At the very least she should be quicker than the grimm even if there's a small chance that anything we can't deal with will attack us. Which gives me the idea of perhaps picking up some missions for my home. Might not pay that much, but, well, that's not the point really.

Either way, I hop on the back of her bike and we slowly make our way out of Kuo Kuana. It's quite clear to me this is her way of thanking me so I give some thoughts to my own expression of thanks. I'll get it out regardless, but I always have something more going on in my mind.

Future: So, with her family seemingly on the mend, what plans does she have now? At least a neutral enough topic for us to engage in. (3)

Raven: I'm sure she has some awareness of the changes with Raven, through her dad if nothing else, I'm sure she'll thank me for that, but I could dig into that deeper. (2)

Vernal: I know she isn't stupid enough to miss the implications of the woman who's seemingly so close to her mother. Maybe she'd appreciate an ear to vent a little. (1)

Favoritism: Raven has been reconnecting with them, but if I have my mark right, she's been more or less ignoring Ruby. I'm sure Yang has something to say about that. (0)

Fight: She doesn't seem all that shaken up about what happened despite losing her aura. Might be worthwhile to press her on that. (0)

Menagerie: Perhaps it's best to just take her up on her offer and relax with new sights. Maybe talk about my home and what I see in it. (0)

It doesn't take us long to breach the walls of my homeland and start our trek into the wilderness. So close to the walls it's still very rocky and uneven. No doubt helped by the nearby mountains that we drive in the valley of. We could have gone along the coastline and the more hilly geography, but it seems like Yang wants to explore the desert, as evidenced by the tires she put on.

From what I know we have a bit of distance to travel until we get to any sand dunes. I think they exist at any rate; unfortunately my homeland hasn't exactly been explored super well. Without a strong foothold most of the other Kingdoms wrote off exploring the interior and we've been a bit busy ensuring our survival in order to do so.

What I do notice on this little trip is that the barrier between my more tropical home and the desert isn't as clear cut as I first thought. I always knew that there was a difference between our deserts and the ones in Vacuo. Heck, I've explored them a little myself, but I didn't think they were this extensive.

Instead of the mountains serving as a clear barrier from one side with vegetation and the other without, we instead drive through a sort of shrublands that extends far further than I first thought. I'm pretty sure this place is a desert in topological terminology, but lacks much of the look I usually place with the term.

There are plenty of shrubs and small trees as the term shrubland would imply. Additionally, the sand isn't a white, yellow, or off-tint color. Rather a dull sort of red that looks more like dirt than anything else. Probably has some of that mixed in with all the vegetation which is more like bushes or bundles of twigs than any sort of cactus or cactus-like derivative.

Eventually the vegetation dies out and the red sand piles into dunes. This seems to be what Yang was looking for. She hits the acceleration and starts a climb along a shallow dune, almost like she's ready to launch off it like a ramp. She turns into a slide as we reach the crest which bleeds off our speed and sends us more through the crest rather than off it.

Doing so stops us enough for me to see a narrow view of the expanse we've stepped into. Larger dunes block my view of the horizon, but I get a lucky sight of a winding sort of tunnel from criss-crossing dunes. Enough to see that the pattern repeats far into the horizon with the barest hint of a change in coloration. Perhaps, putting forth the idea that this reddish sand is unique even by my homeland's standards. Maybe it exists elsewhere, but I've never looked into the terrain of Vacuo or Mistral to make sure.

That serendipitous moment only lasts for a brief second before gravity reasserts itself and we fall downwards. First on our side, threatening to tumble over from our weight, before Yang forcibly shifts her weight and uses her strength to straighten us out. She lets out a whoop as she turns successful and we're on the downturn. Of course this only encourages her to repeat her behavior on a larger dune.

I do my best to just hold on and assist her with her maneuvers, but she's honestly doing most of the work. I'm far more concerned with not letting go or wiping out to be of much assistance. Not enough for me to not join in with her hollers, but that's more to sell the act I've put forth and I have to clamp down on the terror in my voice.

Eventually, she gets her fill of off-road activities and skids to a halt between two dunes. She shakes out her hair after doing so, utterly bereft of her helmet. I guess she realized it wasn't necessary when she has aura and she's done using it as a fashion accessory. Either that or she just wanted to feel the wind in her hair and cause problems for me.

Belatedly I realize that she coughs and then let go of her while keeping my own breathing under control. Then she turns to me, "I know you aren't experienced with bikes." I open my mouth to come up with some sort of bluff before she continues. "No one experienced would hold on that tight unless they want to cop a feel. While I would be flattered, I think we both know that isn't what you're after."

"You don't have to sound so happy about it," I grumble. More so towards her calling me out than anything else.

"Eh, I can sort of see what Checkmate sees in you, but I'll pass. Just keep your hands to yourself next time buster." I'm not even mad about her teasing, I'm more upset by her unironic and archaic terminology.

"Buster, and here I thought you were cool?"

"Hey," she barks out. "I am cool; I mean, have you seen me? I'm practically the bee's knees." I can't suppress the groan that comes out of me. Anyone who has to say they're cool, isn't cool in the slightest. "What," she squawks.

"Just you saying that; Marina really did pick it up from you." Of course, my sister only brought it up once which then resulted in a thirty minute conversation to explain to her why it's so cringe-inducing. Thirty minutes I'll never get back.

"How is that a bad thing?"

I merely stare at her. She should know that Marina isn't the most sociable of people. If she cared what non-crew thought and she repeated that phrase I can only imagine how much hurt she would have gone through. Unfortunately, Yang doesn't get that through her thick skull so I can only roll my eyes in the end

Naturally, Yang doesn't let things end there and appends, "Party-pooper."

I rub at my temples, "And you have the gall to call me a dork." Before she can protest I continue, "I swear to the heavens, you and your mom are trying to kill me."

She slugs me in the shoulder with just enough force to push me off the back of her bike. "Ass," I hear her call out while I fall on mine. Then I hear her get off and her hand is thrown in my face for me to pick up. As I do so she looks at me for a moment before looking away with a tight expression on her face.

"Fine, I'm sorry about that and, well, the stress she's put you under. I-" she stops herself suddenly and takes a shuddering breath. "Look; I feel like I've been taking you for granted. Our friendship I mean.

I know I've already sort of apologized about that before. But, the last time, when we were with my mom, and you decided not to tell Ozpin, I- I never really thanked you for that properly. Don't really know how I could, to be honest.

And yeah, I know Mom can be difficult, but you've put up with her. Not only that, but from what she and Dad told me, she's going to be showing up a bit more often and you're responsible for that. And then; I mean, you've done a lot and you really haven't asked for anything in return."

This isn't quite how I expected to jump into this topic, but it gives me a good enough opportunity. More interesting is that she said both her parents talked to her about my involvement. I'm unsure how much they told her, but I already suspected she had some level of awareness from Tai if nothing else. Of course, I have to address her personal concerns first before we can move on to anything else.

"I wouldn't worry about it too much. It was sort of in my best interests to be on good terms with her. You know, on account of the whole maiden business."

"I know that," she rolls her eyes. She stares at the ground for a moment before she returns her gaze towards me. "But, would you have done all that if it wasn't for me? I'm not an idiot, just blonde. I guess what I'm trying to say is you had my back and I'll have yours in the future. Dunno how useful that is really, but if you need to throw one hell of a party I'm your girl."

"I think Weiss would beg to differ," I snipe back

She huffs, "Oh please, you don't know the half of it. She obsessed over the tiniest of things and if you heard her original playlist you'd be thanking me." She dusts off her shoulders and continues in a braggadocious tone, "She might be better at all that fancy stuff, but if you want to have fun, I know who I'd pick."

"Not at all self-aggrandizing," I needle

"Oh please, I just know what I'm good at."

"And yet you're selling yourself short in other areas."

"Yeah," she starts heatedly before deflating. "I'm just having a hard time figuring out how I could help you is all. I mean, I'm pretty good at beating people up, but, well, you're just better. Plus, you found my mom and put us back together, not me. I'm sure I'll figure out something, I just need some time."

I place a hand on her shoulder and her downcast expression grows more so before she shakes her head. Then she looks me in my eyes, some measure of confidence back in her frame.

"Like I said," I start slowly, "don't sweat it so much. I appreciate the offer and the sentiment more than anything else." She shrinks away, evidently that's the wrong thing to say so I swap tracks. "If you want to help me, it'd be a lot easier if I knew what you wanted to do in the future. Kel and I've worked something out where I help her now and she helps me later."

That's a charitable way to portray the still in the air arrangement between my teammate and I, but Yang doesn't need to know the details. Much less that Kel is probably benefiting from this far more than I am.

"Trust me, that won't help too much," she throws out with a light-hearted chuckle. One that I'd normally associate with something darker, but it seems like she's more just at a momentary loss. "I've just sort of always gone with the flow, you know. You want to know my plans for the future? I just sort of thought I'd stick with Ruby, see where she takes me."

"You know that'll just bring you closer to all of this mess," I state after a moment's thought. With Ruby's silver eyes and natural disposition, I don't see very much of a chance for her to not involve herself in the conspiracy.

"Yeah, but someone has to keep her safe, right? Maybe Weiss and Blake will stick with us for a while, but we all have our own lives to lead."

"But you're not thinking of your own." My challenge is laid out, but strangely she seems unaffected by it. Like she's put plenty of her own thought into this.

"Maybe, but that's not what's important right now. Ruby and you will need my help in some way. I'm still trying to figure that out. Worst comes to worst I could be a teacher like Dad or a professor at Beacon or something. I just want to take things one day at a time right now."

That really isn't helpful for me solving any sort of conundrum. However, I should have expected that she'd be like this. Her family has always been the most important thing to her and with her biggest hurdle so obviously cleared there's not much for her to aspire to at the moment. At the very least, it seems like she wants to be useful and offer me her assistance, but, again, she doesn't know how.

I suppose that means she doesn't have any sort of big ambitions, but I knew that already. Oh well, I don't need all of my friends to have far reaching dreams. I never asked Ren or Nora about theirs, but something tells me it would be something similar. More just living their lives than striving towards a goal at the moment.

I chuckle, "You were right, that didn't help that much." Her face morphs into faux anger, only a certain lightness around her eyes betrays her true feelings. "Still, I think you can do plenty. Everyone likes to imply I don't know how to relax, but I'm sure that's something the premier party girl in Remnant can fix."

I'm not actually sure how true that is. During our entire time at Beacon she didn't seem all that inclined towards partying. Maybe that was just first-year jitters or something like that. I get the feeling I'm more right than not. Which makes me wonder if I should have aimed my question about the future more personally.

Yang snorts, "You can count on me, boss. At least until I can return the favor properly." She looks up to the sky, "Come on, it's getting kind of late and I'll have to drive back slowly because of you."

It doesn't pass my notice that she's avoiding the issue slightly, but I play along. "Oh come on, like I'm the one holding you back."

"Well, you are the one holding me at least."

"Gonna be the death of me, I swear to the heavens."

"Oh you big baby, like you can't handle a little heat." She hefts herself onto her bike, but leans back to prevent me from boarding. Then she looks me in the eyes, "Ochre, again, seriously, thank you. I have my mom back because of you. She's safe now because of you."

"How much did she and Tai tell you," I can't help but grumble out the question.

She laughs, "Sorry, sorry. Guess they sort of ruined the surprise didn't they? If it's any consolation, it was entirely Dad's fault. Mom just sort of sat there grumbling, even said something about training I think…" she trails off before sticking out her tongue. As if some unpleasant memory or thought came to the surface.


"Nothing," she says far too quickly and I stare at her. She fidgets, "It's, uh, look after the fight, Rubes kind of got an eyeful and that just reminded me of her recollection of it."

She shudders and I think I know full well what she's getting out. However, I find it far more amusing to prompt another reaction out of her, so I up the intensity of my stare. I don't even feel bad about it, she owes me after all.

"Ass," she cries out while throwing a hand in my direction. I'm too far for her to even come close to hitting me. Then she huffs and crosses her arms. She closes mouth, turns her head, and closes her eyes in a petulant expression of noncompliance.

"You know, I could just ask Ruby for the details," I threaten.

"You wouldn't dare," she retorts with a cracked open eye. We stare at each other for a moment until she huffs. "Okay, apparently mom came by to check in on us." Us of course being Vernal and her, though I don't press the point. "Only she-her-" Yang brings her hands in front of her chest before pulling her hands outwards, "were just hanging in the air. Like it was no big deal.

Then to make things worse, Dad just acts like it's no big deal and wraps her in a hug. A, uh, look Ruby was scarred by it alright. Didn't help that they apparently started whispering to each other in front of my team and-" she stops herself there; not willing to deal with any more embarrassment. Only just able to get out a "Happy now?"

I nod and don't say anything. I simply push on her back, which prompts her to lean forward and allow me on the bike. True to her word she heads back to town slower. Not willing to unleash her frustration on me despite my behavior. That's certainly a step up from how she acted beforehand; I suppose she really is genuine in her efforts of rendering her assistance to me.

Not much is happening in Menagerie at the moment. Both broadly and personally speaking. Well, that's not quite true on my homeland's part. Just that the efforts that are under way are either small or slow. At least in how they affect the greater world.

We do have some of our cultural exports heading out as gifts to museums and galleries in the four Kingdoms. Although, I'm pretty sure Mistral is a lot more hung up about the matter. Not that they have the opportunity to make a scandal out of anything when their attention is turned to Atlas currently.

It's not like James has engaged in a military lockdown across the various cities of Mistral or anything. Although, there was apparently a close call of some sort in Argus, from an overly enthusiastic commander I believe. That has since been scaled back, but has provided a sore spot between Mistral-Atlas relations.

Something that has been chilled by my announcement by the looks of things. It helped settle down the agitated faunus and when they backed down so did the human agitators. Not out of any sort of mutual love, but because of the simple fact that the less people there are running around the more likely Atlas is to pick them up.

This has not dealt a death blow to the chaos in Mistral, merely put a temporary pause on the fighting while it turns to more covert means. However, this delay also came at a fortuitous time.

All of the plans the various Mistrali syndicates put in place were predicated on the situation as it would be immediately following the Vytal festival. Either securing alliances for a broad push or bracing themselves for the worst. Atlas has naturally changed the game entirely, but some of their efforts were salvageable. After all, not all of them act so brazenly out in the open all the time.

In that light, the pause my announcement put on everything, I suspect, has thrown those more covert plans out of whack. Perhaps not entirely off-course, but enough so that they aren't as viable as they once were. From the looks of things, fighting is picking back up in Mistral as are clashes with Atlas. Mainly by criminals, though there are the occasional civilians and protestors caught in the mix.

James has to take a much lighter hand with all involved than he would in Atlas. Especially since he's waiting to hear back from his own council and using his influence to ensure the extremists who attacked me are sent to Atlesian prisons. That is a violation of the sovereignty of Mistral which only further complicates things, but I'm not really able to do much more. I simply don't have the contacts or influence in either of the Kingdoms.

Oz, meanwhile, has been putting out calls for cooler heads to prevail. Technically only lightly supporting James and his actions. However, all of his statements regard that gaining control of the situation and preventing the loss of life is most important which signals where his true support lies to anyone looking.

Vale, however, is much more hesitant than my mentor. Not that there aren't some overtures from Councilor Irons and first Councilman Greene. Just that they are more cautious and focused inward on appeasing the Valean citizen who doesn't much like getting involved in the affairs of others.

It's already a big ask from them to support the ascension of Menagerie. Asking them to get involved in foreign affairs simply reminds too many about the Great War and the Revolution. This spreads some negativity to the citizens of Vale which also halts any more significant overtures.

Out of everyone, Vacuo seems the most stable. Perhaps better off than the other Kingdoms. They don't have to worry about foreign interference if foreign powers are otherwise busy. I get the feeling that activity in the desert Kingdom will increase, particularly among criminal elements, but perhaps political as well. Not that I expect much to come of the latter, not without some kind of outside help which is just as likely to be spurned as anything else.

Aura (Knowledge) raised from (38/300) to (84/300)

Aura (Practical) raised from (544/1250) to (569/1250)

Criminology raised from (74/150) to (76/150)

Culture raised from (57/300) to (77/300)

Performance (Piano) raised from (0/625) to (6/625)
Summer Week 2 (Part 1)
Plan: Dealing with Coalitions and family drama (4)

Chap7 Plan (2)
Plan: Dealing with Coalitions and family drama Vacuo
Missions: None
Timber: Mistral:Great City Relations
Investigation: Desert Mystery: Shady Guides
-Coalition: Animosity
-Coalition: Mutual Connection
-Coalition: Volunteers
Organization: Coalition Meeting
-Long term-Atlas: HH Partnership
-Desert Agents
Socials: Raven(QM), Weiss(Free), Ghira, Kali Whitley, Coral, Maple
Training: x7 aura (knowledge)
Contemporary QM Note: We have 6 weekly action points this week. Default actions are listed next to their category as well as whatever instructions are necessary for that section. The only stipulation is that all default actions have to be filled with something for a plan and all action points have to be assigned. Other than that go wild.

Additionally, we have one additional concern to vote on since it was brought up. Having the Vacuo branch of the White Fang work with Weiss' branch of the SDC. Just a simple yes or no.

Vacuo SDC

Yes: Start working with the SDC in Vacuo to help off-set costs while furthering that link between the two organizations. Not likely to be terribly popular with the people of Vacuo.

No: Keep our distance for the time being. We can always come back to this matter at a later time. Perhaps after dealing with whatever strangeness is in the area.

Missions: Each costs 2 Actions to take.

ROUS: There is a herd of capivara's that have stuck far enough away from the walls to not present a threat to Kuo Kuana, but are troublesome to deal with in terms of expansion. (500L per member)

Worksite Visit: Technically a job to secure a perimeter around the up and coming mines, but more likely an understated visit to check on the equipment and how everything is going. (250L per member)

Beneath the sands: There have been reports of some sort of worm-like grimm slinking about in the deserts to the south. Nothing as big as a blind-worm, but there's very little info going in. (1000L per member)

Timber/World: Choose 1

Mitral: Great City Relations: Perhaps the more important part of diplomacy for me. The connections the various cities have with each other and other Kingdoms.

Mistral: Outer Cities: Closer Look:There is much more in Timber's report that I didn't go over. Getting a greater idea of the cities and how they handle themselves seems pertinent.

Mistral: Lower Council: I'm not sure what the point of the lower council would be. I doubt the Mistrali are that concerned with what they view as lesser voices.

Vale: Overview: I've already dipped my toes into the politics of the region, but perhaps he could give me a greater view.

Atlas: Overview: I'm pretty sure I know how the politics of Atlas works, but it can't hurt to ask.

Vacuo: Overview: Is there really anything to talk about as far as Vacuo is concerned? As far as I'm aware their official government isn't much of one.

None: Politics don't really interest me. No need to bother with him.

Investigation: 1 by default. Each additional costs 1 action.

Conspiracy: Elusive Mr. Watts: Watts, as far as I can tell, is the backbone of Salem's organization. Without him they'd be much more limited by sheer simple logistics. Maybe I can find something that sets me on his whereabouts. (Very hard Investigation Check)

Conspiracy: Grimm Tracking: I haven't been able to pass this off to my men yet. Perhaps I need to do so myself to see if I can pick up any trace of Salem. (Difficult Investigation and Grimm checks)

Conspiracy: Traces: There has to be some activity by Tyrian, Watts, or some other conspirator. Perhaps looking into odd occurrences could give me something to work off of. (???)

Coalition: Mutual Connection: The two halves of the Coalition have to have some sort of actual connection between them. Messagers, communications, something. All I have to do is find it. (Hard investigation Check)

Coalition: Volunteers: People with strong semblances suddenly walking away from their communities all at the same time is already strange. There has to be something going on and they had to have gone somewhere. (Hard Investigation Check)

Coalition: Animosity: As I understand it, there is more than a little bad blood between the constituent members of the coalition. Something big has to be binding them together right? (Investigation and Politics Checks)

Desert Mystery: Disappearances: I've encountered some information that makes this whole disappearing act a lot more concerning at first glance. I just need to find out where they're going. (Very hard investigation Check; ???) [Small Circumstance Modifier to the check]

Desert Mystery: Logistical Concerns: It might be based on a foolish hope, but I have to think that some of those who have disappeared are still alive. If that's the case, their captors have to be getting supplies from somewhere. (Hard Investigation Check) [Tiny circumstance modifier to the check]

Desert Mystery: Crown and Kingdom: The criminal side of Vacuo is hard for me and my men to breach into. However, if anyone is involved or knows about the extremists lashing out against Weiss and I's holding it would be them. (Hard Criminology Check) {Moderate circumstance modifier to the check]

Desert Mystery: Shady Guides: A few of the local guides for Weiss' men have reportedly arrived back alive while their charges did not. I could spare my attention to see if there's anything nefarious going on. (Investigation Check)

Desert Mystery: Asturias Twins: As my first suspected victims, perhaps finding out who exactly they are and what they are up to are in order. (Tiered Investigation check) [Small circumstance modifier to the check]

Desert Mystery: Slippery Inconsistencies: Carmine and Bertilak are keeping some sort of secret. I could look into their 'off-periods' as it were and see what I can find (Hard Investigation Check)

Misc: Trivia Pursuit: I think I have enough information to track down Neo's previous identity. The question is whether I should or not. (Investigation Check)

Misc: Puppet Masters: The assault on my person had to be funded by someone. Possibly several someone's. Still, I only have one real lead at the moment. (Tiered investigation and criminology checks; possible social)

Organization: 1 by default currently. Each additional costs 1 action.

Long-term planning: I have plenty of plans that need to be done and less of a need for flexibility. I can shift those resources over to handle those matters for a short time. (+ with a medium-term focus. This takes up 1 short-term focus action until it is resolved.)

Wattchmen: It's been a while since I've had my men look into matters of Salem. I would have to keep a close eye on them and progress might be slow, but it couldn't hurt to make some progress.

Atlas Assistance: With all the circumstances surrounding our expansion into Atlas I doubt this will be very difficult, but assigning additional oversight and resources should ensure we set up there the slightest bit quicker.

Desert Agents: My men have already proved somewhat helpful in my investigation. Combating the lack of centralized authority in Vacuo is no easy feat.

Shady Guides: A few of the local guides for Weiss' men have reportedly arrived back alive while their charges did not. My men should be able to round them up and ask some questions without too much issue.

Vacuan Vandals: The people who have broken into, stolen from, and defaced our operations in the area are known to us. We just have to keep a watch on them to see where and who they meet up with.

Refinery Sweep: It's a bit odd that the rest of the criminal scene in Vacuo is closed off to us, but one group handed out invitations. My men can survey the area and see what they come up with.

Vacuo: Underground infiltration: There hasn't really been a need to interface with the criminal scene in Vacuo, but I suspect they're the ones who would have the most insight into what's going on.

Coalition Meeting: Perhaps it's best to actually meet with the coalition before anything is settled between our two groups.

Vacuo: Outskirt Investigation: I suspect that disappearances in Vacuo aren't solely focused on the inner settlements. Unfortunately, I'll just have to rely on my men finding out what they can and sending them out into the wilderness does have some element of danger.

Mistral Reinforcement: With all of our efforts in Mistral, it's absolutely imperative that the branch receives more reinforcements. Possibly for a long-while yet.

Bully Pulpit: I've given a statement to support James, but perhaps there's more I can speak to the public about.

Mid-Term action Selection

Atlas: HH Partnership: The Happy Huntresses seem fine assisting us in what little ways they can. Considering some options I'm considering it may benefit us to have closer ties despite the problems that may bring.

Vacuo: Disturbing Trends: My men have uncovered some worrying possibilities budding up in the Desert Kingdom. It's perhaps in my best interests to remain on top of the matter.

Vacuo: Coalition Stakeout: I could spend my own time trying to track down the coalition and how it works. Or I could have my men in the area to log any strange occurrences and seek out answers as best as they can.

Mistral: Reinforcement: With all of our efforts in Mistral, it's absolutely imperative that the branch receives more reinforcements. Possibly for a long-while yet.

Conspiracy: Grimm Tracking: If there really was someone controlling the grimm then I'd expect that there'd be some indication of it somewhere. Mostly this would be my men collating historical accounts and records of grimm while I put the pieces together myself.

Conspiracy: Chasing Shadows: Salem's forces are a slippery bunch, but that doesn't mean they're impossible to track down. My men might have to delay for a bit, but getting on the trail of Watts or Salem's other minions can only be helpful in the long-run.

Vale: Roadwardens: Taking the fight to the grimm and keeping the roads safe isn't exactly a well-paying job, at least without the council involved. However, keeping the roads safe may assist with our efforts as well as earn us a lot of goodwill.

Menagerie: Airdock: Expanding the infrastructure could allow merchant airships to come by as well as personal ones. Additionally, it would lead to an increase in the Menagerie air force.

Atlas: HH Investigation: Something about the group doesn't strike me as strictly legal. Something I'm sure James would love to be aware of. I guess I could throw him this bone.

Atlas: Public Advocacy: Perhaps something better suited to be addressed later, when it won't run up against recent and soon to come actions. However, arguing for the plight and better treatment of the faunus is prudent here and in Mistral

Atlas: Public Order: Considering recent events taking an underhanded approach to maintaining order in Atlas is no longer in the cards. Still, some might find our presence more palatable than Atlas'

Menagerie: Refinery: Space is still a bit tight and the prospect of an SDC refinery in the area may be a little too much at the moment, but aside from those concerns there shouldn't be anything stopping us from making this a reality

Questions for Oz/LORE; Choose 0


Socials: 3 by default. Each additional costs ½ an action. No free VPD socials for the summer.

Relationships (close):

Blake: We're home more or less. My girlfriend has certainly earned my attention for this vacation and I certainly have no complaints.

Weiss: (Free this week)

Onyx Rovere (Dad): Dad's back home with me and I already plan to spend some time with him, but some more couldn't hurt.

Coral Clover (Mom): She's here in Menagerie at my behest so it sort of behooves me to talk to her at some point. Maybe work through some stuff or ask for some advice as well.

Lie Ren: He should be in Mistral, Argus specifically I think. I could see how things are with him.

Marina Aoi (Sister): I already have plans to hang out with her, sort of, but I could set aside some time for just the two of us.

Kelly Russet: I've affirmed our relationship and her ambitions. I could help her work through some stuff, clarify procedures, or just touch base.

Bartholomew Oobleck: I may not be at Beacon, but that's no reason not to get in touch with the man.

Relationships (Distant):

Yang: She seems at least enthusiastic about supporting me and our last talk did much to clear the air. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to see what her idea of fun is some more.

Neo: I'm not exactly enthusiastic about a scroll call with a mute, but it might be entertaining.

Whitley: Our last talk did not go as well as I hoped it would. I figure I should talk to him at least before we head to Atlas.

Ruby: She seems as swell as ever. Plus, given that she's going to show me around her home, I might as well return the favor.

Autumn: After our conversation, there's a necessary distance I have to keep between the two of us. At least until I can build up more of a rapport or figure out some other way around it.

Velvet: It's been a while since I've talked to Vel. I've certainly put her upgrades through the ringer and could just talk to her if I want.

Nora: She's on her own vacation with her team. Still, that puts me at an acceptable distance from her antics. Perhaps she's more reserved over a call?

Penny: She seems practically giddy with her newfound humanity. Perhaps I could talk to her about that or something else.

Pyrrha: After her loss in the tournament I'm sure she's dealing with more than a little turmoil. Perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to check in.


Jaune: Ostensibly on vacation, but I could check in with him.

Sun: I'm not sure why I'd bother, but getting his number shouldn't be too difficult.

Lime: The brother of my Vacuan friend. A bit awkward, though with a sense of honor and ideas of his own.

Ciel: Our talk wasn't the worst thing ever I guess. She seems to have liked the contact in her own way at least.

Winter: I imagine she has her hands full either with military matters or remaining on standby for the Winter maiden. Still, maybe she could spare some time.

Willow: I kind of disappointed her by not being able to make the connection with Whitley happen. Perhaps an apology is in order?

Professional Contacts:

Raven: (QM)

Qrow: I guess I kind of owe him one for his assistance. Might be a bit late on my end, but hey, better late than never.

Amber: She should be back at Beacon, but I could check on her.

Tai: Not sure why I'd bother, but I haven't exactly talked with the man one on one either.

Torchwick: It's somewhat amusing poking in on his life, I could spare another moment or two to check on him.

Pietro: There may not be a point in calling Penny's dad. Although, I imagine there's some tension between him and his daughter that I might be able to resolve.

Kali: Blake's mom and I haven't really had a one on one yet. She at least seems supportive.

Ghira: Blake's dad and my boss in a sense. I'm not sure if it's a great idea to talk to him on my own, but I could make the attempt.

James: Things between him and I should be smoothed over, though I might want to check in with him anyway.


Maple: I have some good news to break to her. Well, if I can convince her to take it that is.

Sienna:The recent fight gives more than enough for us to talk about. As well as her view on the state of the White Fang.




Terra: She's spent some time in Atlas and is sure to have something to say about our plans and the upcoming situation.

Charlotte: The flirtatious woman seems lonely by my estimation. Perhaps not the greatest idea, but I could check in with her and see how she's settling in.

Primm: He's spent some time in Menagerie. Perhaps he has some insight as a foreigner that I haven't picked up on?


VPD: Alabaster: I'm holding off on the conspiracy stuff for now, but that's no reason not to maintain good relations.

VPD: Flint: There isn't much for us to talk about aside from maybe high-minded ideals. Perhaps my attention is best spent elsewhere?

VPD: Rouge: She seems more or less normal, though I imagine she'd appreciate some brownie points with her brother from me speaking with her.

VPD: Cobalt: He and I have talked recently. I'm not sure what else we could discuss in the immediacy, but I'm sure I could come up with something.

VPD: Sandy: She seems to be going through a minor crisis of faith. I could let her deal with that or involve myself.



We have seven slots to assign, either in bulk or divided. If additional actions are desired to be spent, please write that down.

Aura Techniques

Aura Projection: A foundational technique for the most part. It opens up a wide variety of aura usage even if its base form is rather…underwhelming. (0/50) [can create extremely basic aura constructs, can use .3xAura(Practical) as the Dust modifier for combat (.15x modifier for how it affects overall combat score); Upgradeable]

Aura Sensing: More useful for avoiding such people than its original intention. Might be worthwhile if I plan on sneaking around a lot. (0/100) [provides a circumstance bonus when sneaking around aura-capable individuals; Upgradeable]

Grimm Sensing: Perhaps not the most useful as proper scouting and observation can serve a similar role, but there are times where grimm try to be sneaky or are ambush predators. (0/100) [Can sense grimm at a short distance or with great concentration at longer ranges; Upgradeable]

Cloaking: Hiding my presence also comes with obvious benefits. While most aren't reliant on their aura to detect people it does generally assist them and every little bit helps. (0/150) [provides a circumstance bonus when sneaking around aura-capable individuals; reduces difficulty of sneak challenges against those with aura sensing]

Hardening: A rather basic defensive technique that requires a good helping of concentration and predictive capabilities for relatively minimal gain. (0/100) [Reduces damage taken by attacks Ochre is aware of by 5%; Upgradeable.]

Overcharge II: A further refinement of the basic overcharge technique. Faster charging times and slower discharge. Although perhaps not worth the effort. (0/100)

Dad, Marina, and I set out for the pier, alone. I gave some thought to including Coral and Jasmine as well. Arguably I should, they're family in a way. Though that same logic could also possibly extend to my girlfriends as well. While that's all well and good, this is more for me than it is for them and I'm not afraid to admit that.

I just want to retreat and relax for a while. Not really on my own like I'm used to, but retreating back to happy memories with Dad seems like a decent way of doing so. Marina's inclusion, in that sense, is a bit odd. However, I know my sister won't be too much in the way. Plus, this allows her and him to bond a little.

I'm not sure if she'll grow on him like she has me, but it seems like Dad is at least willing to put up with my wishes. The fact he didn't argue or appear put down by the request, as well as their time on the airship, puts some credence that he's trying in his own way.

"So, have you fished before," he asks Marina as we set up our equipment along our usual spot. Even if we don't catch anything, the cafe is close by if we need to get lunch. Although, I do hope to catch something at least. Not necessarily for my own pride, but so I have something to bring back to my girlfriend's, Blake in particular…Okay, that might just be my pride in a different sense, but I still want to do it.

"Yes, Papa," she chirps, then tilts her head. Not really confused or thinking, more so in a way that she's copying a behavior again without fully understanding whether it's appropriate or not.

Dad just nods his head and smiles while he and I take our usual seats at the pier. I'm on his right and using a new rod, while my old one I've handed off to Marina.

We have a spare if she doesn't like it, but it just feels right to hand it off to her. Although, my hand still runs across a bare patch on my new handle. It doesn't have my lucky sticker, though I'm not too hung up on carrying the tradition. Kind of hard to after finding out the worn-little rabbit is actually a cartoon character and mascot for a breakfast cereal.

Dad and I cast our lines, and I wait a moment for Marina to do the same. A minute passes before I turn around to see what's the hold up. Thereupon I discover my old rod sitting against the boardwalk and my sister holding her harpoon cannon.

Just as I notice that, a bang barks out from the weapon and her harpoon strikes the water. She pulls back with the automatic winch of her weapon to display a small fish. One that has most of its usable meat utterly ruined by the large projectile. Despite this, Marina wears a proud expression; likely because she's 'won' in a sense. Completely ignoring the greater context I was trying to get across.

Of course, I never should have expected her to get the sort of familial dynamic I'm trying to engender without explanation. By the same token, I don't want to have to explain that to her. Not only would it be difficult for me to put into words my nebulous sort of sense of family, but I figure she'd take my words too much too heart. There's a certain value in her figuring this all out for herself that I don't want to rob from her.

Naturally, my thoughts and subsequent emotions aren't what she's hoping for with her display. To make up for this, she rips off and shoves the torn apart fish in front of my face, as if the problem was I didn't see it properly. When that fails she sort of limply holds it to her side, her face scrunched up in concentration. Her lips thin and she tilts her head to the side with her knuckles rapping at her head as if that will conjure up some sort of solution for her.

Dad, observing all this, decides the best course of action is to create a distraction. At least that's what I think happens when my ears catch on to a splash and his presence in the water; his weapon drawn and striking at the water in a mostly vain attempt to spear a fish. This isn't the first time he's done this, though the last time involved the loss of his fishing pole, which is sitting beside me on the pier.

I know he wouldn't do this for no reason and a distraction is the best I can come up with at the moment. Only, that doesn't make full sense either. Distracting Marina wouldn't do much and distracting me is only a momentary reprieve. The only thing I can think of then is it's a statement of sorts; one of encouragement.

I let out a sigh and a tension I didn't know I was holding. Guess he's not completely full of hot air. I set aside my rod and a couple of my other belongings before joining him. Something that has my sister standing in confusion before she follows suit.

I know she doesn't understand what's going on, much less why, but she quickly gets into the activity. Almost treating it as a sort of competition or way to prove her worth. Of course, she has an unfair advantage with her weapon and free use of Dust. I'm not quite the same as I know these fish aren't worth it and firing off my weapon with people so close by just seems like a bad idea.

Heh, I should have guessed that her idea of fishing would be different from mine. Not as something to spend time with a loved one, per se, but perhaps a necessity. Also, it's not like I haven't seen her spear a fish with her weapon beforehand. She did so at the Stygian river. Which, now that I think about it, how was she so accurate?

The obvious answer would be her semblance and I can't find anything that points against it. In a way that puts my mind even more at ease. While it's not well understood how the grimm operate and find people, it is theorized that they have a sort of emotion sense like Marina. That, and her seeming interest in the more negative emotions brought to mind some unflattering comparisons. However, if her vision works on animals as well, then that's a pretty important difference and distinction.

Either way, I let the mindless fun take up my mind instead of worrying about anything heavy. I should have known that trying to settle in an old dynamic wouldn't work as I planned. I could have forced it, I think. Marina would follow my orders if I really wanted that, but I guess I don't. Doing that wouldn't be seeing the real her, as frustrating as that can be at times.

We continue to play about in the water and we end up a bit more successful than I really think we should be. Not that Dad and I caught all that many fish, with so much disturbance and rather short weapons there was only so much we could do. However, by that same token, Marina's weapon is overly large and leaves us with what is more or less chum for future bait.

Bait we decide to use as we return to the pier. Despite it being her obvious wish to continue as she has been, my sister is willing to listen to reason. That and swinging about her large weapon in the water for over half an hour is draining even for her.

Surprisingly, Dad and I actually have to teach her how to use a fishing pole. I guess she just used her harpoon or something similar while aboard the ship with her old crew. I doubt they didn't ever fish, seeing as they would have lean months and need some form of sustenance. Although, the fact remains they were pirates and not fishermen. Plus, with her semblance, it was probably a lot easier and more efficient for her to just strike at fish directly instead of trying to bait them.

However, that just leaves the job of teaching her to Dad and I. Well, more me than anything else. Despite Dad's attempts, Marina will just listen to his advice with one ear and then turn to me as if to confirm it's true or for whatever tips I might have for her.

It seems her appellation of 'papa' for the man is just a sort of nickname for her. Just what Dad should be called now rather than anything with a greater connotation. Not like I was expecting anything else from her, but it still stings in a way. At the very least, she doesn't seem to be unreceptive to whatever small gestures of affection Dad offers.

It's small and I don't think she really understands the intent behind them. If anything, I think she's just putting up with it on my behalf. Either understanding it's somewhat to my wishes or just observing my emotions and replicating the behavior she thinks will engender the best result. Heh, we are kind of similar in that way. At least hers is more outwardly focused than my own behavior was, arguably.

I really don't know if my conception is all that accurate anymore. Still, that's no real reason for me to worry. If I could grow beyond that, then I have faith she will as well. Even if she might need some help getting there, what's a big brother for?

Once the sun approaches noon, we decide to call it a day. We don't exactly have a feast or anything, but we should have enough for lunch. Well, not enough for everyone, but that was never the point of this to begin with. I give some thought to whether I should surprise Blake with this now before deciding against it. I'll want a little bit more practice before doing so, though I guess I could still make the offer. It just won't have the romantic context I'm envisioning for the future.

Naturally this leads us to the Belladonna manor and more specifically the dining room. Therewithin, we find Kali, Coral, Jasmine, and oddly enough Raven all sitting down. The green-haired gremlin is with her mom and her eyes flit back towards our group before focusing on the bandit-woman. Not that any of them should be aware that Raven's a bandit unless Blake or someone else told them. I don't think the woman herself would volunteer that information.

Speaking of her, the woman in question puts down her cup of tea and turns to me. "I believe we have some business to take care of," she states vaguely. Something that no doubt catches the attention of everyone aside from my sister who merely stands ready for violence if it comes down to it. Then the woman stands up and turns to Kali, "Thank you for your hospitality."

"Think nothing of it. In fact, I'm sure we could find room for you if you wish to stay." Her tone is accommodating if firm. As a sort of way of presenting the option mostly neutrally while making her preference perfectly clear.

Raven narrows her eyes, but keeps a level tone. "Thank you, but that won't be necessary. Ochre," she calls out and knocks her head towards a set of doors leading outside. Evidently not wanting anything about our conversation to be overheard. Not that I blame her; it's not exactly something we can bring up around most others and I can't guarantee privacy with the number of guards around.

While that's all reasonable, something she said or the way she said it has Coral glaring at the woman. I could read into that some more, but I really don't know what's going on in her head. It all really depends on how much she knows of the raven-haired woman. I suppose if I'm so interested I could ask her about it.

For now I allow myself to be led off. Dad and Marina will probably work on preparing lunch so I'll at least have something to come back to. That doesn't make the upcoming call any easier on my mind, but it is a silver lining.

Once we're far enough away from any sort of presence, helped by the expansiveness of the Belladonna compound, I get to work setting up a call between ourselves, James, and Oz. It takes a few minutes, but Oz can thankfully clear his schedule and we just have to wait on James being freed up. I don't know if things are really that bad in Mistral that he's too busy to take a call at the moment, but any further thoughts prove unnecessary when he picks up the call.

"Ochre, this better be important," James calls out in a clipped tone.

"I'm sure it is, though I would second the notion that our time isn't to be wasted if we can help it," Oz adds on, chiding me lightly for how free I am with using up their time. Not like I'm really to blame in this instance.

Raven didn't bother to set up a scheduler with me or anything. No, she just swooped into my life and expected me to take care of this that very second. I probably should have just told her off when she made her demand in the first place, but I don't want to upset her too much and having her gone sooner rather than later allows us to avoid any awkward questions from those not in the know.

I lock those considerations away with a practiced exhale. One that perhaps conveys too much stress to the men on the other end of the line, but I can't say it's entirely feigned either. Raven is a very stressful woman after all. It at least gives me the opportunity to put up a polite mask without any scrutiny. It's preferable if I can get out of this without either of them being suspicious of my investigation and timing.

"Well, it's good news for once. It took some convincing, but the Spring maiden is working with me." Before either of them can question my choice of words, I pan the camera over so Raven is in frame.

Raven, for her part, merely grunts as if in acknowledgement of my words. Finding the best way to embody her idea of strength is just to remain silent. I suppose I can't fault her for that completely.

I can't think of anything she could say that wouldn't come across as a weakening of her position or ideals. She can't exactly admit that the concerns I brought up with her pushed her over the edge or she's willing to work with either man. Nor can she affirm the arguably subordinate position she's put her and her tribe in under me.

James appears to relax for a bit before he tenses up and lets out a sigh. Before he can speak whatever is on his mind, Oz interrupts, "This is wonderful news. Of course, with the chaos in Mistral, recovering the Lamp is not the wisest of ideas. Once the situation dies down we can revisit the subject. Although, I hope you've taken any necessary precautions in order to avoid anything troublesome."

My mentor keeps a level, almost jovial tone with his ending sentence being a bit more forceful. I suspect the information he's fishing for is what the plan is for the Branwen tribe and perhaps Raven to a degree. While that is a pressing matter to address, I also think his behavior doesn't line up exactly if that's his only concern.

If he wanted to take a neutral approach to the subject then he wouldn't need to cut off James. He isn't excited enough to warrant any degree of impatience, nor do I think he's that worried about the relic. In fact, he drew attention away from it, downplaying the importance of this acquisition. He would only do that if he has an ulterior motive in mind.

It doesn't take me long to figure it's likely for my benefit which leaves me with conflicted emotions. Ones that I press through to answer, "Her and her tribe have agreed to work for me in Vacuo. I'll be sure to keep an eye on them and safe from Salem." I don't venture forth with anything more definitive than that. Mainly because I know Raven would take issue with anything bolder that I could say and because it's unnecessary.

Oz at least understands and James grunts. I think the lack of rest is really getting to him, but the answer is satisfactory enough that he leaves the call for Oz and I to discuss details. As soon as the general leaves, Oz's demeanor takes on a much colder quality.

"Ochre," he sounds out, sounding distinctly unimpressed. "How long have you known that Raven was the Spring maiden?"

"I've had suspicions for a bit over a month now," I answer. Technically it isn't addressing his stated inquiry, but I know it addressed the more important one.

He remains silent for a moment and Raven is of no help with how she glares at the man. I really don't know if she's trying to be helpful or not. The natural assumption is just that she's conveying her displeasure. Except, that comes off as incredibly petty based on my read of Raven. Perhaps she just doesn't want to leave the frame so as to not show any weakness.

Oz draws a heavy breath, "I see." It's hard for me to not wince at the tone or how Oz rebuilds himself from that small moment of weakness. Even if he's not lambasting me for my actions, the lack of anger doesn't make me feel any better. If anything, it makes it worse. The knowledge that he was extending trust my way and it wasn't fully returned digging at the both of us.

I could provide my explanation for why I acted the way I did, but I think he understands it well enough. He isn't asking for me to explain myself, nor is he yelling at me. He's not displaying much of anything, but, if I have my read correct, if he were to do so it would be disappointment.

As uncomfortable as that makes me feel, I'm not going to apologize. Maybe for abusing his trust, but not for my actions with Raven in particular. Although, the former would ring hollow with the understanding that I would do so again in similar circumstances. Not that either of us should expect something like this to ever happen again.

With himself recomposed, he turns to Raven. "Miss Branwen, I have faith you'll work with Ochre, as he said. I hope you don't abuse the trust we're offering you." He waits for her response which is just another grunt before he shares one last look at me. The hint of words at his lips before he thinks better of it and shuts off the call.

It's not as grand or climactic as perhaps the moment warrants, but I feel that's more due to conflicting emotions than anything else. James is too busy to give out praise or ask questions, Oz is dealing with the fact I withheld my knowledge and suspicions from him, and Raven, well, she and I aren't exactly on best terms for this to feel like a victory for either of us.

She remains stiff after the conclusion of the call, though slowly relaxing. It likely doesn't pass her notice that Oz made explicit mention of her working with me and not the conspiracy at large. Maybe she could chalk that up as the same thing in his mind, but it's a fear of hers that's been put off to the wayside. Perhaps not fully dead, but the fact he's willing to accept the terms we've come to must lift some sort of weight off her mind.

Tribe: I never really got an answer as to why she's gone with the bandit life. Maybe asking about her tribe in general might give me that. Plus, it's a good idea to get to know my subordinates. (5)

Behavior: I'm not really sure I should dig into it right now, but she hasn't exactly been acting her normal brash self during the conversation. Maybe just cowed by facing James and Oz, but there could be more to it. (3)

Maiden: I got Amber's answer on what it's like, so I have a little interest in how she views her maiden powers. (2)

Protectiveness: She tries to downplay it, but from what I've seen she's pretty protective of Yang and now Vernal. Might be worthwhile to finally poke her on that. (0)

Family: I could check in with how she's reconnecting with her family now. Maybe press on the Ruby issue a little. (0)

I let the moment sit and settle before saying anything. While I could rush at her while she's in the middle of processing her emotions, that sounds like a distinctly bad idea. It could get me the answers I want, but I can't exactly regard her as essentially a hostile power. I doubt our relationship will ever recover to something above professionalism, but that's no reason to pile on more.

That, however, is not enough to prevent me from prodding her in her weak spots when I ask, "So, are you sure you don't want to stick around?" I use 'want' instead of 'can' deliberately. I already suspect that she can't stick around, but wording it this way should get her usual defensiveness in play. Admitting she would like to stay and watch over her daughter some more can only be interpreted so many ways in Raven's mind and with my presence added to the equation, I know how that will settle.

Her complicated expression turns into an outright scowl, "I have a few things to take care of first, but I have far better things to do with my time than babysit some brats on vacation." I make a noise of interest which draws a harsh look from the woman. She holds it for only a moment before scoffing.

My interest isn't purely for show, though that's amusing enough too. It's just a bit odd that she'd have anything to take care of in this context. By which I mean anything that would keep her in Kuo Kuana. The obvious conclusion is that it involves Yang, which I suppose she guesses I come to that realization as well if her surly attitude is anything to go by.

That gives me an opening, but not one I want to take at the moment. Her family is still a pretty soft and raw topic. While it might behoove me to get on top of that, it might not be wholly necessary. Not with her visiting them somewhat regularly in accordance with our agreement.

I just have to trust they'll become aware of the issues I've seen and address them accordingly. Although, maybe I should talk to one of them about it just to be sure. Regardless, there's a different opening for me to take.

"I'm guessing your tribe still needs your help in Vacuo?" She stares at me for a moment. As if to ask if I would really just say that. Arguably I already know the answer, but I keep my face placid so she has nothing to read into.

No doubt she expects there's some manipulation at play, even if there isn't. Not like she'd believe that, so giving off the appearance of one is the next best thing in my mind; I really don't want to deal with getting through my sincerity to her a second week in a row.

"We're still looking for a good place to set up. Far too much desert, far too little defensibility. Plus, we don't like setting up too close to the cities if we can help it," she answers after a brief moment. Okay, I thought there might be something odd before, but that cinches it for me. That's simply a level of openness I have never really expected from Raven.

It makes me wonder how she'd open up with other topics. Maybe it's just because I have a vested interest in her and her tribe's well being now? Or, maybe this is a ploy of some kind. After all, there's nothing to say that Raven wouldn't try to engage in a deception of her own.

"You could try setting up on the mountains or on the Western side of Vacuo. That should be a bit closer to what you're used to," I venture, trying to test out which of my theories is more correct.

"We could," she snorts and shakes her head. "That wouldn't exactly be in your best interests though, would it?"

Her question comes off as distinctly accusatory, which makes me think this is a test of sorts. We never really discussed terms on where and how her tribe would assist the White Fang and our efforts in Vacuo. Just the vague inclination that they had to pull their weight.

It could be that she simply has a misread on the situation with her own biases getting in the way. I can't discount that, not fully, but if that's all it was it still doesn't explain all of her behavior. She would normally want to project a position of strength.

With that in mind, I'd expect her to declare where her and her tribe are setting up and expect me to deal with it. This change could either be from a fear of the greater conspiracy still or that she's trying to figure out where my interests lie. Maybe even just testing me directly in how accommodating I'll be.

"Maybe not," I allow, quickly formulating a sort of middle ground. "Still, you guys need to get established in the area first. You can always move your base around if necessary after that, but we shouldn't wave around your semblance for anyone not aware of it. Better to make it seem like you're absconding from the chaos in Mistral like everyone else."

I suppose it also comes with the side benefit that she and her tribe would be well-positioned to deal with any tribes or criminal groups operating under similar sentiment. Not that I really expect too many to flee from Mistral.

Perhaps some groups will flee out of fear of Atlas, but since the common people seem behind them, it's more likely that only the most egregious groups will flee. Huh, a side benefit I suppose. Plus, keeping her on the Western side of Vacuo should keep her out of the oddness in the region until her and her tribe are more established.

Raven holds her gaze for a moment longer before she nods her head firmly. As if satisfied. It still feels odd to me, but I can't exactly place as to why. I suppose I could just ask her, but there's something I feel I should address first.

"Good," I throw out as an acknowledgement of her gesture more than anything else. "Aside from that, how is everyone taking the change?" She smiles, which throws me for a loop again. As if she was expecting I'd ask the question and is pleased by it.

"Some grumbling, but nothing I can't handle." She places a hand on her hip in a carefree manner, "If you're really so interested you could always stop by for a visit." Her tone comes off as a challenge, yet is still odd. Ostensibly there's no reason for her to be so skittish with her tribe's location, not now and not with me. But, I expected it would take longer for her old habits to die out, yet here she is arguably inviting me.

I shake my head sadly, and affect more reluctance in my voice than is actually there, "I would love to, but I don't exactly have it in my schedule at the moment. I'll let you know if that changes." She grunts and regards me critically, but then acts as if she doesn't care. I don't know if I'll have the chance or wherewithal to actually interact with bandits, but I think Raven wants me to.

Following that, the only chain of logic that I can find is that she perhaps thinks of me as more sentimental than I actually am. She really shouldn't have that delusion after what I had her do to my men, but perhaps this is spurred on by that to a degree. Possibly coming to the conclusion that if I knew them personally I'd be more reluctant. It would line up with how I've acted to my friends' benefit in regards to her more so than my own.

However, I feel it goes deeper than that. It's just too simple of an answer for Raven to stumble on and accept. She can't simply go from the woman interpreting my words and actions in the worst faith possible to so ostensibly accepting. Either she really does have something else in store for me in her mind, or something has changed.

I'm tempted to poke and prod her until I get my answer, but decide against it. The curiosity of this case is too great and Raven is a pretty blunt woman to begin with. Perhaps she'd appreciate a frank discussion.

"Alright," I cut in with an aggravated sigh. "What's going on?"

She stares at me with eyes like pinpricks. Not quite staring deep into me as if trying to ascertain my secrets, but not in open confusion either. There's a little bit of both going on until she resolves something internally and smirks.

"I just thought you'd appreciate the offer," is her simple statement. I level a stare her way, but one deliberately bereft of heat. She knows that I know she isn't giving me a straight or even honest answer. Most likely she's just messing with me, but that doesn't answer why she's suddenly relaxed when it comes to my presence.

"And you know that's not an answer," I point out the obvious.

"So it is," she cooly replies before dismissively waving her hand. "Look, I have better things to do with my time."

"As if I'm the one avoiding the question," I fire back. She glances away, as if trying to act unimpressed. "Are you going to answer me or not," I bite out in frustration.

Raven seems to hold some level of amusement before she lets herself deflate and her mood to darken. I'm not sure what's going on in her mind, but evidently it's something personal. Too personal for her to feel comfortable sharing with me just yet.

She moves past me towards the manor, bumping against my shoulder in the process. Then, without turning around she says, "I'm trusting you, Ochre, try not to get yourself killed anytime soon."

She departs with that and her 'answer' as it were only leaves me with more questions than not. Like, was that supposed to be meaningful or something. Obviously to Raven it was to some degree. But, just when I thought I had her figured out she pulls this and leaves me confused. I don't even think it's intentional, not fully.

There is a degree that she's playing up her responses to frustrate me, but it's…well, not actively malicious if that makes sense. Or at least that's how it feels. I suppose her explanation does make some sense in that aspect. She's chosen to trust me and, while it's different, it reminds me in a way of how I chose to trust Weiss and Blake. Obviously different, but the principle is the same; after doing that, there is a sort of required change in behavior and what secrets we'll keep. It's not the full picture, but a workable one I feel.

I'm not really sure how to process Raven's change in demeanor. While I have a workable model in my head, it feels like an incomplete one. Although, there's not really anything I can do to change that.

I wait a few minutes before heading into the manor myself, not wanting to give the appearance I'm following after Raven. That just means I happen to pass by her and Yang as the mother-daughter pair head off in the same direction where we held our conversation. The black-haired woman barely even pays me any attention as she does so. Like we didn't just have the confusing conversation we did. That could be because her attention is on her daughter, but I feel like it's avoidant to a degree.

Just another conundrum for me to contemplate as I enter the manor. Coral and Kali are still talking with one another in the dining room. Much more at ease now that Raven is no longer a part of the conversation. Jasmine has run off by this point, likely to bug Blake, Weiss, or, well, anyone really.

I'm tempted to join the two women as I have business with each of them. Well, not business with Coral and maybe not Kali. Which, now that I think about it, is probably better to address before I talk with Blake's mom. No real disrespect to her, but Ghira is the Chief and my boss now I guess.

I'm not exactly sure how that's supposed to balance out with my responsibilities with the White Fang, though I don't think either her or him would force me to choose. That doesn't mean it's not a consideration in my mind, and so I head to Ghira's office.

It's much like the last time I was in here, except instead of discussing terms at the long table, couch, and love-seats combo, I meet with him at his desk. His set-up clearly isn't established in order to host visitors like this. Most likely dealing with them at the entrance hall, the dining room, or at the oddly personal arrangement in his office. It makes me think he prefers handling things in a more personal matter and with people that he knows.

The man in question shuts a book, a ledger I think, and shoves around a few papers to clear up space, presenting some degree of professionalism. Then he coughs into his hand and says, "Ochre, this is surprising, can I help you?"

I can read into that in a lot of ways. The foremost of which is that it's putting our relationship at a distance, framing it in professional terms. As if there wouldn't be any reason for me to approach him otherwise. Which is obviously just untrue.

Rather, it makes it seem like he's in denial of sorts or perhaps willful ignorance. Like if he doesn't address the subject it'll just go away or stay quietly in the background. That makes me think that he and Blake have had a discussion about me and while he's not terribly enthused, he's not willing to go against her wishes either.

That leaves me in a sort of awkward spot in how to approach this. I could lean into the professional aspect by sticking to business, there certainly is no shortage of topics for us to bring up, or I could venture something more personal.

Blake would be the obvious topic there, but clearly one that would make him uncomfortable. I could try to establish a rapport with him otherwise to build off of in the future. I mean, I did get the feeling he'd rather have a man-to-man discussion about things and that naturally requires a degree of opening up. In a similar vein is something a bit more distant, but no less personal to me; expressing my soft-spoken admiration of the man.

While I don't think his methods were the best choice in leading the White Fang, I can't say that I have many complaints with him as Chief. Which, I suppose is another topic that we could delve into, but a more complicated one. I know he wasn't responsible for what happened with Mom, but it would still hit pretty close.

Kingdom: Menagerie is in the process of becoming a Kingdom, and while he's working with me, I never got his opinions on this beforehand. Plus we can discuss how to make this a reality. (3)

Machismo: Perhaps I have a misread of the man, but I think he'd appreciate the approach of talking about our problems and connection under the veil of something else. Hobbies and the like can cover a lot. (3)

Blake: The obvious topic, though no less personal or important to each of us. He might not like it, but he can't avoid it forever. (1)

Violence: I'm sure he'll have something to say about my conduct with the White Fang and our actions in Mistral, perhaps it's best to engage him on that debate. (1)

White Fang: A somewhat obvious topic in regards to the past and the present. His ideals of the organization, how it's changed, and what it'll mean for us going forward. (0)

Duties: More related to my position under him. What exactly is he expecting from me? Arguably, I'm already making in-roads with Vale, Atlas, and Mistral, but those are also related to the White Fang to a degree. (0)

Respect: Maybe a bit too much like sucking up, but no less honest. We could touch on his time with the Fang as well as his leadership of Menagerie. (0)

Leadership: More focused on his management of our home and the difficult decisions that he's had to make. Though, I do want to press him on his actions with the Albain brothers. (0)

I almost start by turning the question back on him as a way to show off my respect, gratitude, and willingness to serve Menagerie. While that's all genuine and true, it's not necessarily the best course of action. Too much groveling, or even the appearance of such, would be too reminiscent of the Albain brothers.

Instead, my thoughts drift to the advice Blake gave me to deal with her father. There's no need to give him the run around or approach cautiously when I can just be straight and honest with him. Of course, that requires that I trust Blake's assessment of his character since I haven't built up my own mental model of him fully. Not exactly my preference until I look at things from another angle; doing so would be a show of trust, even a quiet one, of my girlfriend and her judgment.

"I should be asking you that question myself, sir. However, if you're offering, I'd like to hear some of your thoughts."

"About what," he questions with a low rumble and heavy skepticism in his voice.

"Just the state of Menagerie, our bid for Kingdomship, your thoughts on all that. I-" I take a breath and close my eyes, putting away my apprehension. "I want what's best for my home and I know working with you is the best way to accomplish that."

"Took you a while to figure that out, didn't it," he growls with a tired sort of hostility. More resigned than actually upset, but a level of indignation is still present that I can't ignore.

He didn't exactly act like this when we met nearly a month ago. Although, that was also in the presence of his wife and daughter. Their presence must have done a lot to soften his tendencies, only that doesn't feel right either. He invited me into his home rather explicitly when he had other options; without Blake or anyone having to force the issue.

That leaves me with the prospect that I've touched on something of a sore spot accidentally. Perhaps the reminder of my prior cavalier attitude, but that feels wrong as well. If I had to guess, that merely prompted his thoughts in that direction and something more significant and possibly more recent has caught his attention.

My thought goes to the ambush first, but that doesn't make any sense. Unless Blake, or someone else, told him, he shouldn't be aware it was an intentional trap. That isn't to say he or Kali couldn't figure that out on their own, just that it's too soon in my mind for them to come to that conclusion; especially without it affecting their behavior around the dinner table. As far as either of them should be aware, I shouldn't be at fault for what happened there.

Afterwards, however, that's a different story. I have to admit,he might have more of a point there. I was already a pretty unpopular figure in Mistral and that was before I danced around their authority by calling in Atlas' assistance, handing over Mistrali citizens, and then ran defense for the man. In that light, I've almost deliberately soured relations between us and the next closest Kingdom. Perhaps irreparably from his perspective.

Of course, that ignores how unwilling Mistral is to break bread with us in the first place and that goes doubly so for the closest city of Ostro. Maybe that would be closing the door on relations too early. Before that mess we could have potentially come to some sort of agreement out of mutual benefit; to retain their own influence if nothing else. While that may still be an option, it seems terribly unlikely. If nothing else I've made it much harder, and that's not exactly a great showing of my qualities as a diplomat.

Even if what occurred was more personal and White Fang aligned, that doesn't mean my behavior doesn't reflect on my homeland. Even more so concerning my official position. If I got upset with Sun over him not paying his fare, then I can easily understand why Ghira would be more than a little irritated. However, unlike Sun, I didn't do what I did solely for personal gain.

"I'm not going to apologize for what I did," I state firmly, filling my frame with confidence as I do so. My answer is honest though purposefully vague. Truthfully I don't know if his issue is with my recent actions or my prior behavior that set us on this course, so this should address both. Not that my answer would be any different.

"I stand by my actions. I acted the way I did because I thought they were the best course of action, maybe not for us in the short-term, but for us and the faunus in the long-term," I explain further. Then I pause for a moment before deciding to venture the next bit, "That and, in regards to my most recent activities, I couldn't exactly sit by and do nothing. Quite a few of my men got hurt in the fighting, and I owed it to them that they got the best treatment possible."

I feel like that's bending the bounds of honesty with Ghira. Not that it wasn't a consideration in my mind, more like it wasn't the only one. I don't even know it was a major one. Perhaps more major than I first thought considering my visits with Maple and request for further treatment for her.

As for Ghira, his frame grows more and more tense, more irritated, throughout my explanation until that final tidbit. Whereupon his eyes soften, though he doesn't allow himself to relax. Instead he stares at me, almost listlessly, until he shakes his head.

I don't think all is forgiven in that aspect, but he can respect my decision, probably even sympathize with me to a degree. After all, he and White Fang suffered attacks of their own from the hands of extremists. He knows full well the weight of having someone's life rest in his hands because of his decisions.

"I didn't mean it like that," he grunts while bringing up a hand to his face. I'm pretty sure he's lying, but not in a malicious way. More like that's his way of apologizing for his hostility without saying the words. I guess I can't really fault him there since I refused to apologize as well, though I think he has more reason to than myself.

"If you really want my thoughts…" he trails off and I nod, "You've put us in an odd position, both within and without. Not many here welcome closer ties with Atlas or the SDC and you bring both. It has left many dissatisfied; many of our people want safety from the world not to be a part of it."

"Those aren't your thoughts, though," I counter. He merely presented the situation among the people. Something we both already know.

Again he stares at me for a few moments until he runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "I don't like it," he finally admits, "The pains of my people are my pains too. It's one of the reasons why I stepped down as High Leader and it remains true today. I know my people, I know that they are scared, confused, angry in a way. To change so drastically so quickly," he shakes his head, "We never needed to be a Kingdom to be happy."

"And yet you're working to bring about that change anyway."

"Only because it can't be stopped now. Not with what you've done. The only way we get out of this as a people is if we press on. We have to adapt rapidly now or else risk everything we've claimed for ourselves."

I don't bother fighting back a frown that comes to my face. I sort of knew that he was reluctant before all this, but hearing it for certain does little to assuage my worries. After all, it's not like he did much to advance the interests of our home when he was High Leader. Although, now that it's been brought up, I think I can spot his apprehension.

Not only would he receive pushback from our own people, but we'd have a sort of clock we'd be running against. I don't think he's unaware of what happened to Vacuo when they opened up to outside powers. As soon as we stepped out on the world stage and displayed anything of value we're on a clock in order to establish ourselves enough to not be taken advantage of.

Perhaps he thought the enormity of the task and speed required would be beyond him. However, I think he just didn't want to bring any harm to his people even if it was ultimately for the good. That would track with his behavior as High Leader at least.

"I know you don't agree," he continues calmly, likely in response to my expression. "You've already said you stand by your actions, but I know the people don't agree with you." He pauses for a moment and brings his hand in front of his face. Not to cough, but I think in order to help suppress a chuckle. "It is odd that in doing what you think is best for our people you ignore their wishes. Even more so when the changes you want to enact give them an even greater voice."

I suppose it is a bit odd. In order to be in compliance with the Vytal Peace Accords we'll need some sort of democratic portion to our government. No longer would Ghira be the sole chief executive, though how much of a say the public would have is still undetermined.

There's a reason why Oz established the system so there would be council positions not beheld to public opinion, though that is also an oddity. Another chink of where his idealized thoughts of the nature of man run counter to his actions. I never put myself under that sort of delusion, but I can see where a misconception can be brought forth.

Menagerie becoming a Kingdom was never about any sort of ideological or political grounds in my mind. At least not in relation to the method of governance. It's merely a means to an end, one that will see my home's standard of living rise and perhaps be put to use in safeguarding the rights of the faunus in the future.

"Would you prefer if I never got involved at all," I ask as a challenge. He's ostensibly already provided me with his perspective, but I think there's more to it.

His gaze casts downwards at his desk for several long moments. "Truthfully, no. I don't like it, I don't like many of the changes I've been party to. But, I have seen them as necessary and this is no different.

It's different from what I'd prefer or would do in your shoes, but Blake was right. We can't keep hiding away from the world hoping they won't bother us. For as many problems as you've brought, that remains true. My people's well-being is my biggest priority, but, it's as you said; a short-term setback. We have to have faith we'll pull through and come out of this stronger and more united than ever."

I feel like that took far too long for me to get any proper thoughts out of him. It ultimately boils down to him not liking and disagreeing with my actions and the course I've set us, but is able and willing to see the value in it. A lot of that was hidden behind his statements about how our people feel.

I don't feel like that was an attempt of evasion or avoidance on his part. Rather that the concerns of our people are an actual tangible weight that he deals with. Perhaps to the point that he views their beliefs and wants as greater than his own.

That makes me think he's a kind and cautious ruler more than anything else. I'm not really sure that's the best quality to have as a leader if it means he's not willing to do what needs to be done. However, I already knew he was soft-hearted in a way based on his behavior with the White Fang and the Albain brothers.

Still, that leaves us in a sort of awkward air. One where I feel we each understand the other better and that he has more respect for my character than before. Not that there wasn't any prior, just that Ghira seems to like the sort of people who are willing to stand by their beliefs as long as they aren't egregious or anything of the like. I haven't tried to weasel out of what I've done or downplay it, which, even if he disagrees, makes him more inclined to look on me favorably.

With that on my mind, I venture, "I know it's going to be difficult, but, like I said, our best chance is to do it together." I'm unsure if he'll pick up on it, but I'm not only referring to our efforts as a Kingdom. It might be a misread of the man, but I feel like if I want to get his genuine feelings I have to give him the opportunity to remark on them while also talking about something else.

"Maybe. You've given us a lot of trouble already," he grumbles, his tone far more restrained than I'd think if he were solely thinking of our homeland.

"I'd argue that trouble found me," I quip and he bristles. That more or less confirms to me where his mind is at. "Still, I can't say that it isn't worth it or that I don't love a challenge. My only regret is that I couldn't do it sooner."

"Does it really mean that much to you," he asks distantly. Not necessarily like he's at a loss or what I've brought up is inconceivable to him. More like he's considering something that he's not sure he wants to be true or not.

"More than the world," I answer instantly and with a wistful smile, "But, we're not here to talk about me. Although, I guess if you wanted, I owe you more than a few answers by this point."

Instead of taking the out presented, Ghira falls into a deep sort of thought. His hand scratches at his beard while he stares down at his desk. His other hand absently ruffles some paperwork around him, but I know his attention isn't on any matter of business. Of course, I do the favor of not making my observation obvious and allow him to keep his pride in a way.

"I don't like you," he says suddenly while looking me in the eyes.

What would otherwise be a simple statement of fact feels too heavy to be the case. Immediately my mind goes back to his earlier words and I allow myself to relax. I suppose I can't blame him for his feelings, but just like with Menagerie, he seems capable of overlooking them for others' benefit.

"I can't say that the feeling is returned," I fire back and he blinks. As if taken aback by my calm demeanor, though he schools his features soon after. "We're sort of stuck with each other now." In more ways than one.

"You know," he starts after a moment of thought, "if you're offering, I do have a few questions for you."

"About what," I return as a callback to his earlier response. That elicits a grunt out of him which I can't tell is amused or frustrated. Likely both with him finding my purposeful repeat of his words as impertinent to a degree.

"Yourself, mostly. I've heard plenty of you from your father, but I want to see what kind of man you are myself."

"You won't find me wanting," I state firmly, allowing a small smile in my voice and on my face.

"I hope not," he states cryptically before thinking through what exactly he'd like to say. His words themselves and their tone also implies that he's being honest. Again, most likely not for his own sake, but I can hardly fault him for that.

From there Ghira questions me on a variety of personal topics. Nothing deep or all that serious and bereft of doublespeak in way. While I have seen him apply more than just the meaning to his words in our brief talk, that feels more like he's operating off of vibes so to speak. Willing to let his emotion color a statement or interpret the same in a response, but not intending or picking up on any sort of hidden meaning.

Ghira is, in the end, a direct man. The subtext to his statements is almost invariably a measure to get his actual emotions across. I don't even think that's fully intentional. More like he can't help himself, which is earnest in a weird way. Not that he's incapable of subtlety, but he's very much ill-suited for it. Not quite wearing his heart on his sleeve, but whatever's on his mind becomes very apparent if I just listen in on his tone rather than his words.

I don't exactly establish the best or friendliest rapport with the man. But, by the time he grows tired of questioning me, we've at least established a bond of mutual respect. One that goes beyond mere professionalism, but is strained for somewhat obvious reasons.
Summer Week 2 (Part 2)
The next day I'm at somewhat of an impasse on what to do. There is the obvious consideration of attending to my investigations. The slight bit of work shouldn't be too hard to hide from Weiss given that we have actual common rooms to meet up at and I can use the bedroom provided for a measure of privacy.

I'll have to do that at some point regardless, but I just don't feel like it at the moment. Plus, I should give my men some more time to gather information themselves. Although, by that same token I can't wait too long. I need us to be prepared for our meeting with the coalition. Really there's a lot of work piling on from the White Fang this week, but I think I can put it off for another day without much issue.

However, those thoughts of my subordinates just brings my mind back to one in particular. Even if I have things lined up for Maple I should probably check in with her and break the good news. Well, arguably good news. I don't know how she'll take having to work with Atlas. She might hold her wings, and by extension her flight, in high regard, but doing this would require her to give up more than her personal autonomy.

Knowing her, she wants to return to her men as quickly as possible to watch over them and this would require her to be away for even longer. That also ignores any sort of attachment she might feel towards her bar or JNPR. It's not like she'll be in Vale in order to continue coaching them on music lessons. Speaking of which, maybe I should check in with them.

I'm sure Ren at the very least has picked up on the news and possibly Nora as well given that they're both a part of the White Fang. Jaune and Pyrrha might not know based on if the Mistrali pair decided to keep the information to themselves. I don't know if Maple or any of her subordinates would inform them specifically and Ren has shown that he can keep a secret if he feels it necessary.

Double Agent: I could present my offer as a need to have an agent within Atlas. This way she can retain some of her pride, taking this as a special assignment rather than an act of generosity. (3)

Aversion: She's going to have to deal with a lot of humans and men in particular. While her aversion isn't as straightforward as it first seemed, it might be a good idea to see if that's an issue for her. (3)

JNPR: Perhaps best left unaddressed with my plans. However, maybe the reminder of her pupils will do her some good. (0)

Bar: I'm not sure how invested she is in the place, but I could see what her plans are for it now. (0)

Atlas: She's going to have to go to the city in the clouds no matter what, or well, maybe below it. Still, I could get her thoughts on the topic. (0)

After a moment of thought and gathering myself, I call Maple. She picks up after only a few seconds and immediately answers, "Sir," in a clipped tone. Her expression is firm with her blue eyes locked on her screen. Her expression itself doesn't give much away, but the fact that she finds it necessary to put up any sort of strong front is strange.

As is her decision to refer to me as sir instead of my name, boss, or something more informal. It could just be a lingering respect from saving her and her men, but that doesn't feel right either. She's the type to be more likely to show her respect through her actions and behavior rather than falling back to simple formalities.

That tells me that she's worried about something; either my call in particular or something else. I can't really discern which at the moment. While I have good news for her, she can't know that. It's just as likely that I have something more troublesome to tell her.

Although, calling it good news is perhaps a misnomer. I certainly think she'd appreciate the end result, but Maple has a pride of her own. I'm not sure how exactly she'd react to an offer of charity, especially after the distress she showed at the loss of her wings. Perhaps it could be positive, but there's no reason for me to take that risk.

"Maple," I start in a level tone, still testing the waters to get a read on her mental state. "I trust that your recovery is going well?"

My question settles a lot of her nerves and her piercing blue eyes lose their intensity as she allows herself to relax. "Yes sir. I-I I'll be better in a few months. Back before you know it, maybe before you're back in Vale."

That's an overly optimistic view of her recovery time, but at least it's not outright delusional like the last time I talked to her. However, it doesn't pass my notice that she said she'll simply be better instead of fully recovered or something similar. While that could be an acknowledgement that she won't fully recover by then I don't think it was her intention.

Instead I think it was a bit of aversive language, likely relating to how she must feel like she won't ever fully recover. The fact that she isn't breaking down more tells me she either has an incredible hold of her emotions right now or that she's gone through something similar before. I'm not sure I want to read into that any more than I have; it does little to provide any insight on where her worries lie currently.

Fortunately, it does give me an opening of sorts to exploit. "Actually, I've been thinking your next assignment should be in Atlas." She opens her mouth to protest and I shoot her a glare, ready to bull over her. Surprisingly, the glare is enough and she backs down almost immediately.

I find myself at a momentary loss of words. I thought it would take more than just that to cow her. I don't think she's convinced, but it seems like she's willing to trust me extensively based on her reaction. Maybe she feels there's an implicit debt to be paid off, but that doesn't feel quite right either.

I think it factors into some degree, but I get the impression that her response is more meaningful than that. Whatever. I can parse through that later if it's necessary, her attitude at least makes this next bit easier.

"Are you alone currently," I ask with sudden seriousness painting my tone.

"I am." Her eyes dart around the room as she sits up as if to really confirm that fact or not. Then she lies back down and rolls over to her side while holding a hand over her scroll to block out some of the light. Likely in a further effort to garner some privacy. Her doing so shows me she's in a squarish hospital room, likely by herself and also points my scroll at the door.

"As I'm sure you're aware, we have a connection with Atlas that is undeniable now. I can make that work, but it unfortunately leaves me in the position where our relationship isn't exactly equal at the moment. Fortunately, you and a few others are going to be in the area for treatment.

I've worked out a deal with James, but he's expecting some level of reciprocation on our part. Most of that is relegated to efforts in Mistral. However, I don't think I need to tell you that we're stretched thin there as it is. So, if you and a few others could extend your stay in Atlas and offer whatever assistance to them you can, it would take a lot of pressure off the rest of us."

I let my words sit with her as I study her reaction. She doesn't immediately jump at the prospect, though curiously enough she doesn't speak out against it either. Her face is tight as if in consideration, not hostility which is just odd.

By my read of her character she should be fighting to get back to her men and require that I order or convince her otherwise. Instead, it seems like she's warring against the prospect. Either my word has a much greater hold of her than I first suspected or she's weighing up how to best be of use for her men.

I don't think the latter is all that likely. Even if my request would take the pressure off of them it wouldn't exactly help out in the immediacy. In fact, it would probably delay things as Atlesian doctors would be a lot more stringent in how much they monitor her and force her to relax. She probably planned on skirting the rules of her recovery as much as she could with the White Fang and that's not an option with Atlas. Regardless, I move on to present something that should convince her.

"Of course, if I was just interested in paying Atlas back, it wouldn't be necessary for you or the wounded to help. However, I have more in mind than that. You are in a perfect position to garner their trust. I know I might be asking a lot from you, but if you're willing, I'd like you to join the Atlesian military.

I need eyes on the inside and I've heard they have some sort of special project they're working on. I believe it's something related to personal flight. I need as many details as possible, so if you could angle your efforts that way it would help a lot. You can sell your recruitment as being overly grateful for the aid they've provided."

She takes a moment to mull over my orders, but an utter lack in her frame tells me that's just for show. Her mind is already decided long before she lets out a soft but determined, "I'll do it, sir." She probably doesn't trust herself to venture anything louder. Too likely to display any emotions that she wants to keep in check.

Oh, and I suppose she might be trying to keep a low profile given the context of her orders. Which, if she was alone as she said she was, is perhaps superfluous, but it's not like I'm expecting her to actually be a spy. In fact, I should probably let James know about this little deception. No reason to let any resentment breed between allies; not like I'm expecting a high level of subterfuge from Maple of all people.

That was never the point of this after all, though presenting things to her this way does multiple things for me all at once. The most obvious is that it protects her pride by reframing her recovery as a necessary component to sell her infiltration.

The next is that it implies my actions in Mistral, particularly with the SDC, is at the behest of Atlas. That's not a huge step up, but it's better than willingly working for Jacques and his interests. I don't think that will hold up to everyone, but it's a useful cover. Although, for Maple, I think it'll keep.

That fact she didn't grow the least bit suspicious when I brought up the flight development is indicative of that. I mean, if she thought it through just a little bit she should have some question about how I know about that, how would I benefit from it, or even just the convenient timing of it all.

Instead she's too caught up in the moment to really question anything. No doubt happy to contribute and help her men, even in an indirect way, while also having the possibility of hope in the future. Although, even with her agreement, there is something else I feel the need to address.

"Good, I knew I could count on you," I punctuate my statement with a nod. I let her bask in that mild praise before I undercut it, "I just hope I'm not asking too much from you."

"I'll be fine," she blows off my concern dismissively, as if she doesn't have the slightest inkling that she'd be anything other than great in this role.

"Are you sure," I challenge, letting a bit of doubt enter my tone. Her lips thin at that, but she doesn't jump at the blatant disrespect. "I mean, I've heard the military doesn't really discriminate over there, but you won't have much control over who you work with." I don't need to be any more blatant than that for her to get the idea.

"This again," she bites out, but her eyes trail away from her screen and almost have a distant quality before she closes them. "Look, I- Well, I don't have to like it, but I can put up with it. My doc, Polly-something or other, he's, well, he's not that bad of a guy; got a daughter and everything. As long as I'm with guys like him, it won't be so bad."

I already knew that she'd be visiting Polendina's clinic based on what the medical personnel told me, but that's not what I focus on, not fully anyway. It is interesting that she noted that he had a daughter, more so in the fact that she felt that was important to bring up in this context and a few things slot into place.

I knew that she had more of a prejudice against human men than women. At least that's how I've taken her behavior towards Marina, Nora, and Yang. Although, she also didn't seem to have that much of a problem with Ren and she's teaching all of JNPR music, or she was. However, Jaune recalled that she was a lot more skittish than her usual self when he met her. Not that he knew how she normally behaved.

All of that paints a bleak picture behind the source of her aversion. Based on everything she's presented, all of the human men she's dealt with have significant others or, in Pietro's case, a daughter. That doesn't explain her change in behavior with Jaune, but it's also possible that he just met her before she was aware he was dating Pyrrha. Maybe that's a stretch, but it feels like it fits. In fact, I remember that she sequestered herself in the cockpit of the bullhead on our approach to Adam.

With that in mind, her assurance to me sounds like it's more of one to herself. Like she doesn't want to let me or herself down. She probably realizes that her aversion is an emotional issue rather than a logical one.

I believe she chewed me out for thinking she was so shallow to simply be racist. Even back then I thought her behavior was a sort of cover for a more personal concern. She probably picked up her official stance of aversion so she didn't have to deal with any of that. Providing herself an easy out of dealing with any humans while also not drawing too much attention to the reason why.

The fact she hasn't outright told me tells me she doesn't want me, or maybe anyone to know. I don't know if I should let her live with that sort of mindset, but for now I respect her wishes.

"You sure you wouldn't want to work with a squad of girls," I offer in a light-hearted tone. Enough of one to make it seem like my offer is a simple joke instead of something more genuine.

Maple snorts, "It would be one hell of a consolation prize, but…" she trails off and closes her eyes. "No, don't worry about it. I need to earn my keep too, can't let you have all the glory."

I almost want to ask her if she's sure, but I stop myself. Maple isn't entirely imperceptive as I've found out. Showing any sort of worry would just tell her I figured out something on my own. Plus, I can't exactly pull any strings for her in the background without her growing suspicious either.

She has her own measure of pride that's already heavily damaged by what she went through. The fact that she's more resolute than anything, despite her discomfort, has to be enough for the both of us. At least, I think I can be satisfied if she believes she has a handle on her situation. I have to trust that if she truly didn't think she was up to the task that she'd let me know in some way.

With that bombshell from Maple, I don't really feel like doing much of anything after I end the call. I just want to lie down for a few hours. Naturally that state of affairs can't last forever, or even as long as I'd like. I don't like being so inefficient with my time. I just need to process things.

Of course, the obvious solution to just use my semblance comes to mind. At worst I could lean on Weiss a little bit more for some accelerated training.

I flop onto my temporary bed and enter my mirror world. I just enjoy the silence for a few minutes, then after a few minutes more, I grow to hate it. Without anything to distract me I can easily parse through my thoughts, but that doesn't make them any more pleasant.

Maple and I aren't even particularly close. Just that I'm invested in a way. Kind of hard not to be after going up to bat for her with James. I really should just put her out of my mind, but I'm getting nowhere acting like this.

Yet still, I just lie and wait. I know no one will come to interrupt me like this, but is that what I even want? Is that what's even best for me at the moment?

I could throw myself into work or some dry reading and I suppose that could work. I just feel like my mind would drift back to the topic afterwards and I'd be left in the same position. However, that doesn't make the prospect of actually talking to anyone any more appealing.

It's not like I could tell them what the issue is. I kind of have a problem with keeping other people's secrets even if I really should just spill the details. And this, well, I think it counts at least.

That means I can't meet up with anyone who'd be perceptive enough to pick up on it. Well, perceptive enough and willing to press me on it. That eliminates a lot of my options right off the bat, but doesn't give me any way to narrow down on any of them fully. I suppose a walk and going with my gut is as good of a method to clear my head as any.

I stand up and take a tour of the compound, not meeting anyone. This isn't because I forgot about my semblance, but more of a way for me to map out a route myself. I want to lose myself in the journey, not worry about keeping track of where I am or where I'm going.

Eventually I chart a course and set out on it in the real world. It conveniently keeps me largely to the outer section of the compound and away from most others. By almost complete coincidence, my action is decided for me when I happen to come across Coral and Jasmine.

"Ochre, Jasmine and I were just on our way to the market. Would you care to join us," Coral asks. Her offer is a genuine one, even if I have something on my mind, she shouldn't be able to spot it at a distance or from a casual interaction.

I shrug, "Sure, I should probably come along anyway. Don't know if the vendors are accepting Lien yet or not."

"Huh," Jasmine pipes up in obvious confusion.

"He's saying that they might not accept money," her mother explains, perhaps unnecessarily since Jasmine's confusion remains. Not that it slows her mother's continued explanation one bit.

"They probably only accept barter. I mean, trade in kind, I mean," her face scrunches up, searching for a way to convey the concept. "For the most part, they probably trade items that the other needs or only valuables like Dust."

"Oh," Jasmine sounds out in sudden understanding, "So like back in the camp then." Seemingly satisfied with her deduction she nods to herself and carries forward, temporarily taking the lead.

Coral sort of stands limply, not sure how to process her daughter's casual mention of their past life. No doubt she has more bad memories of it than her daughter does, especially with the loss of her husband. Which, now that I think about it, I don't think she's ever used his name around me.

Her paralysis turns out to be a temporary thing and she catches up with her daughter shortly after. She takes Jasmine's hand into her own as we step out onto the busy streets. At the very least her distraction keeps her attention away from my own stormy thoughts and gives me something to chew over. Of course, I don't remain idle either and take the lead myself, Grabbing Coral's free hand as I walk down paths far more familiar to me than it is for either of the women.

We arrive at the market street, which is still far too changed from how I remember it, and start walking along the stalls. As it turns out, Vale's efforts to institute the acceptance of Lien are still young with many shops refusing the prospect outright. That isn't a huge obstacle for us to overcome as I have my Dust reserves, though Coral insists that she'll pay me back.

For the most part we swing around to collect food, likely for dinner, keepsakes, and whatever catches Jasmine's interest. The busyness and normalcy of it all does well in putting my nerves back in me. As is the fact that Coral often has to scramble to keep up with the green-haired gremlin. Not that I think I've avoided her attention altogether.

I can't exactly let her know what's on my mind, but I do give some thought to talking to her about other things. Maybe I'll bring it up obliquely, but it's not exactly what's on my mind at the moment. Not like these busy streets are the best place for a conversation, so I'll have to wait for a more suitable location.

Jasmine: I really haven't interacted with the gremlin too much. That's entirely on me, but I could talk about her with her mother and engage her in conversation. (2)

Compassion: We both seem to have heavy thoughts on the brain. It would do the both of us some good to just enjoy this outing for what it is. (1)

Marina: My sister hasn't exactly made a positive impression with her. Perhaps it would be a good idea to make sure there aren't any hard feelings. (1)

Husband: She said she's willing to move on, and her lack of wearing his colors attests to that, but I really don't know much about the man. (0)

Mom: Perhaps the worst time to do something like this, but I could show her my old home and where Mom rests. I just don't know if there'll be another chance for me to do anything like this. (0)

Camp: Jasmine sort of brought it up and I'm unsure if I should follow up, but I think the subject is weighing on Coral's mind somewhat. Perhaps she'd like a chance to work through it. (0)

AN: This tie was settled in favor of Compassion.

As the minutes slip by, any motivation to tackle any sort of serious topic drifts from my mind. Curiosity and turmoil still burn at me in equal measures, but I swallow and taper them down to the best of my ability. The former isn't important enough for me to disturb this peace and the normalcy is exactly what I need to deal with the latter.

I know I haven't escaped Coral's notice entirely. Despite her frantic attempts to corral and keep an eye on her daughter, she's more than capable of keeping a loose eye on me as well. Not that she's had the opportunity to ask me anything; not with the little gremlin rushing to and fro.

That works to my advantage, but is also counterproductive in a way. If I want this to be a real family outing then I have to do more than just let Coral and Jasmine run about. As is, I'm essentially a loose tour guide and an even looser wallet. Although, I'm not worried about any real loss on my end; worst comes to worst I can just garnish Coral's wages.

I let a smile form at that thought. I'm not that cruel and I know Coral already feels too indebted to me as it is. I don't have to worry about repayment. I just have to worry if I'm keeping myself at too much of a distance. Which I'm undoubtedly doing.

The reasons for which are somewhat obvious and I have half a mind to deal with them at the source. Only I don't want to. Not now at least. It's not like it's even necessary.

We don't need any grand declaration of our feelings and our relationship. We just need to be a family. As weird of a one as I've found considering the circumstances.

To that end, I notice Coral chasing after Jasmine again. The little girl darts between the legs of Menagerian citizens with only a slight grumble from them. They're far too used to the tight confines of our home to be truly upset with someone bumping into them, much less a kid.

As circumstances would have it, she's coming my way. Just as she's about to dart by me, I jump to the side and sweep her up. She protests at first until I set her on my shoulders and quietly say, "Don't worry, I'm on your side. Just direct me where you want to go."

Of course, I'm not actually on her side, not truly. I simply know this will be a lot less stressful for Coral overall. Even if we'll outpace her, we'll easily be seen from the crowd with Jasmine's extra height. That and I know her main concern is Jasmine getting lost or something of the like. So, my capable presence should do much to assuage her worries.

I very much regret my decision when Jasmine grabs onto my upper ears for balance and to help her 'steer.' She very much wants to continue exploring and is rather insistent about it. I do my best to oblige her while not straying too far from Coral, though it is rather difficult for me to spot her in the crowd with how occupied I am.

Jasmine is under no such restriction, but her 'steering' grows less and less insistent as time goes on. If I had to guess, she's figured out that her mother isn't rushing after her anymore. Here I thought she'd be excited to explore, but it seems like she had something else on her mind. If I had to guess, her efforts were just because she wanted the attention.

That fits with what I know. Until very recently her mother would have been too busy with work and schooling to really be a part of her life. Not that she didn't try, just that Coral would often be absent whether physically or mentally.

I don't know if she suffered the same experience while at the work camp. However, there she at least had her dad, so she probably received more parental attention just by happenstance. It wouldn't surprise me if she looks back on those times a lot more fondly than her mother. Not that she doesn't enjoy her life in Vale, just that it might take some time for her to fully appreciate it and the recent changes.

While that's on my mind, I'm unsure how much of that Jasmine is consciously aware of. I'd say not very much given she isn't sulking, being avoidant, or otherwise trying to express her emotions. To her it must simply seem like she's grown bored with running around, though I could certainly change that up with how quickly I can move around.

I give some thought to finding a spot to use my semblance before I shake my head. This is supposed to be a family outing of sorts and we haven't exactly been acting like one. Truthfully, I don't know how this is supposed to go.

Instead of letting any heavy thoughts or uncertainty weigh me down, I simply hang back and allow Coral to catch up to us. A kind smile is on her face, carefully set as if she's figured out something is up. Most likely in relation to my prior behavior and Jasmine's current attitude.

She doesn't make any issue of it. She simply keeps her expression still as she reaches up and scratches her daughter's back, taking care of one of the nascent issues. Then she turns her gaze towards me.

Her eyes are kind, like always. Practically inviting me to share my issues with her. I can't exactly do that. Not in public and not with her daughter around; even if it was my secret to share or I had the inclination to do so. Instead I knock my head back towards her daughter and then to the stalls. An unspoken request to simply go about our day.

Coral's lips thin at that and I know she's misinterpreted what I was trying to get across. After a moment of thought, I don't know if I can blame her. The way I picked up Jasmine and ran away probably seems awfully avoidant to her.

Given that I reached out to her last week to calm my nerves without letting her know what the issue is, she likely thinks this is something similar. It really doesn't help that it's the same person as the root cause and I can't explain myself. That must make it seem like I'm not dealing as well with my issues as I actually am.

Coral doesn't express herself any more than that thinning of her lips. She turns to go back to stalk around the stalls some more, but I can't let this misconception fester.

I grab a hold of her hand and soften my eyes, "I'm sorry, it seems like I'm not very good at this. I-look, I just don't want to deal with anything heavy at the moment." Left unsaid is that I don't think she needs to deal with anything similar as well.

"Ochre," Coral sounds out slowly and with a pleading lilt in her voice.

"I know, but I have everything under control, I promise. It's just…not really my secret to share is all."

My words set her lips into a frown, "I'm sure whoever's secret you're keeping wouldn't want you to suffer on their behalf."

I fix her with a challenging look, "Yeah, but that's not the world we live in." Coral huffs, not willing to back down and neither am I. It really seems like a terrible way to conduct this outing, but neither of us are willing to give ground. However, I'm forced to when Jasmine roughly squeezes on my ears.


"What? Big bro is being dumb," she protests. Heh, I guess I am.

I hold my hand up to forestall any words out of her mother's mouth. "You're right." I can feel the way Jasmine preens at my affirmation, as if she's celebrating some sort of great victory. "Like I said, I'm not very good at this. I-I'd like it if we just spent some time together and not worry about anything else."

Coral squeezes my hand, "You know you can tell me anything." She ends her statement with a questioning lilt, as if hoping that her words are true.

"Duh," I retort with a purposeful roll of my eyes. As if to imply that any inclination otherwise is extremely foolish. Something that causes Jasmine to giggle into my upper ears, practically burying her head into my hair so her mother won't see the joy she's experiencing at her mother's comeuppance.

That does well to drain the tension so I venture with something more genuine. "I'm sorry if I'm being a pain, but, well, I want this." I throw our connected hands out to the market once more. We've already picked up most of what I think we could need or want, but that's not the point of this excursion. Coral should know that just as well as I do.

She's silent for a moment, staring at me with searching eyes. Before long she lets out a breath and affixes a soft smile to her face. "In that case, what kind of mother would I be if I didn't play along?"

"I don't know," I say with a purposeful shrug and her frame tenses up. "I do know that you'd still be as great as you are, no matter what." My light follow up seems to be the last thing she needs to hear and tension floods out of her body. She leans against me slightly for the reassurance before she recomposes herself.

She leads us to another stall for a moment, then she turns her head back. "Ochre. Thank you, but don't let me hear you malign yourself like that again. You might not think you're handling this well, but you're doing far better than you think you are."

Her tone is an odd mix of threatening and reassuring. Trying to get through to me with motherly affection and the promise of just as motherly retribution if I fail to live up. Somehow that gets the better of me and I can't help but poke at that.

"Fine," I let out in a purposefully recalcitrant tone.

"Don't take that tone with me."

I scoff and roll my eyes, "Oh and what are you going to do if I keep it up?"

She stares at me unamused then her eyes drift upwards. "Jasmine," she calls out in a flat tone. Afterwards I feel the gremlin's hands rest roughly against my ears. Not quite squeezing them yet, but the building pressure is uncomfortable.

"Resorting to violence already," I let out calmly, calling her bluff. She raises an eyebrow as if to challenge my assumption and I hold her gaze. Then she huffs playfully and shakes her head in apparent disbelief.

"I think you and I both know I have much greater threats I could resort to," she croons in a sing-song voice. One that's lacking any sort of intent to follow through with her unspoken promise, but reminds me of her closeness to Blake and Weiss. She really could make my life a living hell if she were so inclined.

Luckily for the both of us, we drop our antics to just spend some time together. Jasmine even releases her threatening hold on my ears. Should I be concerned that she's so willing to torture me like that? Or did she know that her mother was bluffing? I don't find that too likely and it's not like she was all that gentle beforehand; she probably just doesn't know how sensitive my extra ears are.

With thoughts of the little girl on my mind, I can't help but ask about her as we walk. Curiously enough, the girl herself doesn't chime in all that much. Either embarrassed by the subject or secretly pleased. That leaves her mother to pick up much of the slack. Which, while informative, just reminds me of something else.

Jasmine and I haven't exactly had a one on one conversation since I first arrived in Vale. Even then I wouldn't call that much of a conversation. Of course, back then I had no real interest in connecting with a child, but now things are different. It feels almost disrespectful to keep pushing her off to the sidelines, but I also struggle making any sort of real conversation in this setting.

Perhaps if we were back in more familiar ground or doing something she was truly excited about she'd be more of a chatterbox. She can certainly speak and say a whole lot of nothing, but I'm not too interested in mere babbling. Maybe she's just too young for me to really connect with, but I suppose I could try at a later date.

For now I just enjoy my time with the Clovers and try to absorb what information I can. Supposedly, Jasmine does quite well in school and is sociable enough. I know that from her previous sleep-overs to other friends' houses. I suppose I'll see more of that if I stay with the Clovers now that they have a new residence. It also brings up the thought that Jasmine might have to change schools, but that doesn't seem to be a concern for her or her mother.

Aside from that, Jasmine has made it clear that she has a sort of childish desire to be a Huntress. Something that still seems ill-formed from the last time I heard about it. Most likely just following the examples of Weiss and Blake rather than something she's truly adamant about. It's not like she doesn't have half a decade before she has to worry about combat school, so I put it off as an idle desire for now.