A Fang Reformed (RWBY SlightAU)

S2 Week 10 (Part 1)
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Adam's Brand: Merlot Connection: I suspect that Mulberry has some sort of connection to Merlot. Assuming the man is still alive it might behoove me to investigate further (Hard Investigation Check) (5)

Adam's Brand: Mysterious Ships: Whoever was trading with Mulberry must have been doing so by ship. I could check into the sealanes and reports and maybe I'll find something substantial (Investigation Check) (3)
Mistrali Management: I doubt Mulberry's camp is the only example of off the books operations in Mistral or the only example of extreme punishments. I could have my men investigate and see what they turn up. (4)

Bully Pulpit: With being the only real public leader of the White Fang I'm in the unique position where I can portray myself as the voice of the Fang and influence public opinion on certain issues. (3)
Faunus: The way he speaks about humanity and the gods makes me think there's something here that I'm missing. Like the faunus weren't around at some point, or something. (3)
Yang (QM)

Weiss (Free)

VPD: Sandy: We've come to terms as best we can I suppose. It might be worth talking with her some more and maybe seeing about changing her perspective. (4)

Ruby: She kind of walked in on Weiss and I. I could make sure that she isn't too traumatized by that. (3)

Neo: The diminutive partner of Torchwick's was rather expressive when I last saw her. Considering her circumstances some socialization might keep her out of trouble. (3)

Kelly: We haven't talked much since the trip, but she seems to be settling in well after returning. Not to mention our assistance rendered to the VPD. (2)

Autumn: He's been hanging out with Sun and his team semi-frequently. Nothing against them, but I could check in to see how he's getting along. (2)

Blake: Our last date was pretty fun if I say so myself. Aside from her trying to get under my skin. Still, I can do far worse with my time than enjoy it with her. (2)

The Clovers: The unspoken tension between Coral and I is resolved. Maybe I could see how much that has changed things between us. (2)

QM Note: A compromise was proposed and accepted by chat to have a sort of combined social with Kelly and Autumn and a second one with Blake and the Clovers.
1 aura knowledge 8 performance piano (5)

QM Note: I did a dumb and forgot to have a vote for how many social actions to do. Thus I decided to split the difference and just give an action to the social category and training rather than delay the voting process further.

The next day is, in fact, not better. In fact I'd go so far as to say that it's infinitely worse in every way. It doesn't start so horribly; Port takes us out for a field lecture which everyone on my team perks up at knowing how he was like during Winter break. This causes some derision from our friends, clearly not believing what we told them about the man and his…eccentricities.

Amber pulls double duty in keeping watch over the whole class while also helping Port restrain poor grimm and throwing out comments of her own. Oftentimes she lacks the exact technical terminology to refer to some grimm parts which Port corrects her on, but otherwise the lesson proceeds apace.

This time Port is working with Ursa; not really a concern for most of our teams at this point, but the lesson is quite in depth and informative. We even get to see the exact range of motion for the grimm's limbs several times as Port bodies it into the ground and then contorts its limbs in such a way to render it harmless.

More important to me is catching the disbelieving looks on the rest of my friends' faces. This time Autumn and I's smug grins are aimed in the same direction. Imperiously challenging each and every one of them over their prior comments. Admittedly my teammate has more of a right to do this than I do, but I'm not passing on the opportunity.

After that lesson is when things start to fall apart for me. Apparently the letters and the girl from the day prior were but a mere prelude to the deluge of hopefuls trying their luck with me or seeking me out for advice. The first few times are fun for everyone who isn't me. But, when it becomes clear that this is an endemic issue my girlfriends step up and start chasing off anyone and everyone they don't recognize.

This even includes Sun and the blue-haired guy from his team. Dunno what they would have wanted to talk about but I don't have to worry about it now. Either way it earns me a slight reprieve while allowing the two of them to stake out their territory so to speak. It does, however, interrupt our lunch time something fierce. It's a time period where people are more or less free and there hasn't been enough time for the news to spread to stop whatever inanity people have gotten stuck in their head.

Like the whole being on the market, so to speak, thing I can kind of understand. Without proper context it might look that way on the outside. However, I can't understand why people would look to me for advice on their love-life. I mean, Weiss and Blake essentially made a move on me without me really being aware at first. I just don't understand where they're coming from.

Apparently I express too much of that sentiment at the lunch table. Furthermore my friends all look at me with the flattest stares imaginable. Some are tinged with pity, but more have amusement playing behind their eyes.

Confused, I look around the table, not finding any friendly faces until I lock eyes with Ren. He sighs over-dramatically, grabs Nora's hand and lifts it up to eye level. Well, yeah, I suppose that counts, but- he cuts me off by knocking his head towards Jaune and Pyrrha then Marina and Penny. I-I don't really have an argument against that do I?

I don't want to admit defeat. However, I recognize there is no way I'm reasonably worming my way out of this one. Resistance would only make things worse for me, so I slump my shoulders and rest my head against the table; I'll eat something later. A hand ruffles my hair and another gives me a single pat on the back before backing off.

With eyes promising pain I turn to look at my assailants. Kelly with her hand still in my hair and a sly smile on her face. The other turn out to have been Ciel which is somehow even worse. I don't need your pity, stiff. Kel I at least know is doing this solely to mess with me. I bite back any sort of reaction, but I can't wait for this day to be over.

As soon as History ends, Yang waves her hand about to get my attention and I groan. I just want to crawl back to my bed and forget this day ever happened. Maybe get back into the swing of investigating things. Merlot has to be up to something and my suspicions that he's alive and involved are growing despite the lack of clear evidence.

Either way he'd make for a good addition to the public outcry case; everyone likes the reveal of a good conspiracy, right? Such a shame that I can't reveal any other ones, plus if he's somehow involved with Salem then I'll have to censor some of my statements no matter how much it irks me.

Unfortunately I can't easily deny Yang's attention. Considering the business that happened with Raven, Ruby's reaction, and, uh, Weiss and I's impromptu shenanigans she has a number of legitimate grievances against me that I can't allow to fester.

Reluctantly I follow her until we stop in the middle of a hallway that's rapidly losing people. Typically we'd take conversations like this outside or somewhere more private. I guess finding out her mom has been watching her has introduced a level of paranoia as far as that's concerned and unless we commandeer a classroom this is the best we're going to get in this building.

Either way she waits until the halls clear out before saying, "Alright, sorry about that. Just thought we should have some privacy for this."

"And what is 'this' about," I ask somewhat testily.

"Amber," she says flatly and with a piercing look. Of course she picked up on that moment of assurance I gave the girl last week. I caught it back then even, guess the meeting with her mom was enough to throw off a little, but not fully. However, the day has worn on me and I want to take it out on someone else for a change.

"I think she's a bit old to be going to the dance with you," I state with a teasing smile. She stumbles over whatever she was thinking about for a bit, not having expected such a sudden tone shift. Too bad she doesn't become a blushing mess; I suppose it was a vain hope for that weak point to remain one for long.

"Jerk," she says, slugging my arm, "You know that's not what I'm talking about. The two of you recognized each other. The day she had us hang back she said Qrow saved her, but didn't mention you at all. That and Qrow didn't say anything about saving her." She rubs at her temples, "Look, I'm just tired of people I care about keeping secrets from me. Makes me-" she cuts herself off with a harsh shake of the head; evidently deciding we aren't close enough for her to share whatever she's thinking about.

Yeah, I'm not really helping there; nor do I think is any authority figure in her life. Raven might actually end up being the exception to that if I have my read of her right; just have to work through her layers of bullshit. I don't miss the slight hypocrisy either, she's dealing with Raven and I don't think she's told Ruby about any of that so far. There's probably a story behind that somewhere as Yang's clearly affected by keeping these secrets. Don't know if it would be worthwhile to poke on that, but I have to give her some sort of answer for now.

"Yes, we recognize each other, but that's only been the case for a few weeks." I pause, both out of natural habit and to build up suspense. "Look, I don't like giving away too much of my semblance, but Oz thought it might help her recover. Don't know if it did or not, really, but I was essentially her only outside contact for a good while there. No, I don't know how she was stuck in that kind of state and that might be why your Uncle wasn't too enthused to bring it up. Either way, my assistance was enough to fleece Oz out of some private lessons."

The last part may be unnecessary to add, but it allows me to put to bed another nascent question while putting a neat little bow on everything. While the truth is mixed in with my statements it's also not the full picture which stirs some complicated emotions. I don't like deceiving her like this any more than she likes being lied to, but I'm not certain if it's a good idea to go any more in-depth than I actually have.

Weiss, Blake, and to a lesser extent my team are one thing. They deserve to know what I'm doing and why, but I can't say the same extends for all the people I know. Even then there are still secrets kept for now. It's all a mess and I can see why Oz's blanket policy is to keep things as clear cut and delineated as possible. Still not sure I agree, but I can see it's a lot less messy than what I have going on. Either way, now might not be the time to delve into that subject.

She takes my response with a muted acceptance. Like she doesn't quite believe me, but thinks that's the best answer she's going to get. There's a certain heaviness with her features that makes me think this is wearing on her far more than it should. No doubt prompted by her lack of belief and possibly prompting her to look into whether I'm truthful or not on her own terms.

I don't think she'd go that far, preferring instead to respect my privacy. However, I can't deny that the situation doesn't seem to be sitting with her quite right and it's not like she has to spend time looking for her mom any more.

Meeting: Raven and her are going to meet at some time this week. My presence probably isn't necessary, but I could ask to be brought along if I really want to. (4)

Ruby: I, uh, maybe not the best subject considering I'm somewhat responsible and will be checking in on her anyway, but maybe it would be a good idea to get a scope of the landscape before moving on. (3)

Secrets: There is a bit of incongruity between her seeking answers and keeping them from Ruby. Might be worthwhile to poke at that. (3)

Semblance: Alright, fine. Maybe keeping the thing secret from my friends is causing more problems than it's solving right now. Not like I can use the damn thing much in the Tournament anyway. (2)

Amber: She might have more questions about the girl and I could do my best to answer them. (0)

Qrow: Her misanthropic uncle did come up. She probably has some opinions about him and I could go more in-depth about some of his self-loathing I've picked up in case she's unaware. (0)

Raven: It hasn't been too long since their first meeting and I doubt they've had a second. But, with the benefit of time I could see if her opinion of her mom has shifted any. (0)

Conspiracy: I don't know if this is a good idea, but it's clear this sort of secret keeping really digs at her. Maybe it would do well in settling some of her enmity as well. (0)

I stand there and debate with myself the best way to go about this. I could tell her about my semblance, but I strike that as an option. If I tell her I might as well go all the way and reveal it to the rest of my friends. That way Weiss and Blake can at least back me up. I'm somewhat unsure of if I should do that, but it is something to think about. Maybe I could even leverage it to get Pyrrha to cough up hers, if only out of fairness' sake. Oh and Ren's as well I guess; or Jaune's, but I don't think he's discovered his yet - he doesn't seem like the type to keep his a secret.

I shake my head, such selfish thoughts aren't helping me with Yang. I rule out several avenues right away and eventually land on what I think is the best course of action. Not necessarily for her, but I'm sure there's a way I can spin this so everyone benefits.

I let out a dramatic sigh, "Yang, yeah that's not exactly the full truth, but I'm not lying about Amber." It's as much as I'm willing to concede and might pay dividends later if she ever finds out about the conspiracy. "Tell you what, next time Qrow swings by I'll help you squeeze some answers out of him." I offer my hand and she takes it, but it doesn't seem to buoy her mood.

"More family secrets," she says with melancholy and resignation.

"Honestly, I don't even know at this point," I offer more or less truthfully. Her family is awfully tied up in the conspiracy from what I've learned and that's not an easy subject to unravel. Although, speaking of family, "Have you told Ruby about meeting with Raven yet?" I already suspect the answer, but it's a good enough lead to the subject.

"What? No! I-I'm not going to do that to her." she takes a look at my expression and adds, "I'm trying to protect her." Her voice is angry and full of heat, but her posture is the exact opposite. Instead of getting in my face or throwing any wild gestures, Yang shirks backwards and grabs hold of her arms as if to reassure herself. Not quite the reaction I was hoping for, but one I can work with.

I stare at her intensely for a few seconds, trying to stoke her more combative nature with an unspoken challenge. When that proves to not be enough I say, "I'm sure your uncle and your dad felt the same way." She shrinks even further, "Obviously you have a reason." I roll my eyes to sell the image, but she's not looking at me now and I switch tracks, "Look are you going to tell me or do I have to beat it out of you?"

After the display between Raven and her last week I feel she's inclined to that sort of direct confrontation. Either way it catches her attention, she looks up at me, and then snorts as she thinks of something. "Oh, jumping straight to violence? Should I be concerned for Weiss and Blake? Do they know?"

Her brazen mention of my girlfriends and the implication catches me short for a moment and she barks out a short laugh at my reaction. I suppose it's not the worst way to break the tension, though I would have preferred for it to not be at my expense.

"Are you going to keep dodging the issue?"

She thinks over my question for a moment before discarding whatever comment first pops into her head. "No. Not really my style you feel. I'm more the get knocked down and get back up kinda girl," she announces lightly. However, there is a reluctance to the tone that betrays the issue isn't as light as she's trying to make it out to be. "Uh, could we sit down for this one?"

I nod and wait for her to get comfortable to which she remains standing. I know this isn't a power play, but I still have to close my eyes from showing off any kind of frustration. This day has worn on me more than I think is reasonable. I slowly slide against the hallway wall until I'm seated. Yang does the same next to me, evidently not wanting to talk about this from across the hall.

She gets settled in with her knees brought close instead of my straight legs. She keeps her arms at her sides instead of huddling her appendages even closer. That's a good sign in my books. However, she takes several long moments and deep breaths before she moves on.

"You know how I told you my dad wasn't quite okay after Summer disappeared?" I nod, but she's not even looking at me, "Well, Ruby didn't take it too well either. She was too young to really know what was going on and I don't think she even remembers it all that well, but one day her mom was there and the next she wasn't and everything was that much heavier. That's around the time I found out about Raven and how she was on a team with my dad and Qrow.

Qrow wasn't around to give me answers and dad shut down, but that didn't stop me. I looked for whatever answers I could and found something that I thought could lead me to her. I just thought if I found her things would be better. I knew dad would stop me and wouldn't react well to what I found so I waited until he left the home one day, loaded Ruby up in a wagon, and set off.

I walked for hours, long enough for Ruby to fall asleep despite the bumpy ride. By the end of it I was covered in cuts and bruises and exhausted from lugging her across the rough terrain. I should have stopped, but I didn't. I wasn't going to let anything stop me, not even myself. Well, I made it alright, except I wasn't the only thing there.

My stubbornness should have gotten us killed that night. The beowolves jumped at us, but, as luck would have it, Qrow showed up just in time. I put us both in that danger and for what? For her, a woman who couldn't be there when it really mattered and doesn't care to apologize? I couldn't risk Ruby again on any of my other excursions; at least if things went poorly then only I'd have to suffer."

Yang ends her story there, but I'm sure there's more left unsaid about her feelings. If I had to guess I'd say that she's concerned about besmirching Summer's memory in Ruby's mind by bringing up another maternal figure, at least at first. Now I think it's shifted over to Raven not being worthy of bothering Ruby with. I doubt that would change normally until Raven owns up to and apologizes for leaving them which is its own struggle that I don't even know if it's possible. Seems like everyone has a shared hurt that prevents them from actually addressing the issue properly.

I take a few long moments to process all that while Yang keeps quiet. There isn't really an increase or decrease in the tension that suffuses her so I don't think she's all that hung up on the story itself. Just that she doesn't particularly like sharing it without having a reason to. It also appears that she's not bracing herself for any criticism. I think she's already accepted that she made a mistake and she's resolved to not make it again in the future. However, that resolution bears a striking similarity to the current situation.

"You're a hypocrite," I say flatly and with no accusation in my voice. Just uttering a simple fact of life. My words and tone being at odds shakes Yang out of her stupor and she looks at me with wide eyes; not quite decided on whether she should be angry or not. "That's fine, everyone is; myself especially, but that's not the point. Do you think she'd be any happier not knowing about your struggles and being unable to help you?

"I know," she says sullenly, "I know, but-"

"And you don't think that's how everyone else felt," I interrupt cutting her off from building up any steam. I know I'm not in a position to talk about this kind of subject with any authority so I leave it there. Maybe she'll tell Ruby, maybe she won't. I could try to sway her one way or the other or even explain my reasoning as well as my actions. I don't. I don't, for the simple reason that she should be smart enough to put it all together herself. She just needed someone to show it to her so bluntly.

I give it good odds of ending with her telling Ruby in the end. She's made mention that she changed her behavior with her sister when she realized she was leaving her alone like Raven did her. I doubt the fundamental behind that will change now that she realizes that she's been treating Ruby like Qrow and Tai treated her.

She punches the ground after resolving that dilemma herself. Apparently finding it as the only proper way to rid herself of her feelings and not subjecting me to her mercies. Physically at least.

"You really have a way with words don't you," she bites out snidely

"I've been told it's gotten me into trouble on more than one occasion," I shoot back. She tries to stay mad, but can't stop a snort from escaping. She schools her expression quickly afterwards.

"You can be a real jerk, you know that? I pour my heart out to you and the first thing you do is insult me. Some friend you are." She tries to pour her anger out on me, but her prior actions make me think it's more for show than anything else.

"I've found that the best friends are those willing to challenge you on occasion." My thoughts drift to Ren and Autumn in particular. Yeah, I really should hang out with them sometime soon; it's been far too long.

"Oh, accepting you can be a good friend now," Yang teases.

I duck my head, but manage to let out a "Yes" without stuttering. How dare she bring that up. Has she been holding onto that moment since the first semester? Sheesh, and she calls me the jerk. Naturally she laughs at my predicament like the devilish woman that she is.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up," I say, straining to keep my voice level, the next subject not making this train of embarrassment any easier. "Say, uh, how is Ruby? She hasn't been acting strange has she?"

Yang detects something in my tone and gives me a look. Whether thinking it's a particularly unsubtle departure from our previous topic or suspecting there's something deeper at play I can't tell. Either way she puts a finger up to her lips, pushing the bottom one upwards in an overly-pouty expression. I stop myself from giving off any sort of reaction, but every part of my brain and body tells me it's a good idea to run.

"Well," she says, drawing out the word for as long as possible and I know for certain this topic was a bad choice on my part. "Now that you mention she has been acting a bit strange. Awfully skittish whenever we return to the dorms without Blake or Weiss. Keeps looking at the three of you and turns beet red whenever I bring the subject up. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?"

I keep my trap shut while I work out how exactly to phrase that Ruby walked in on Weiss and I alone, but we weren't doing anything, promise. Like I can explain all the mechanical parts of how the situation unfolded that way and they all make logical sense. However, I doubt that will be enough to convince her of a lack of impropriety and she can just as easily think that I'm lying.

"Weren't you just getting onto me about keeping secrets," she questions with a teasing lilt. I don't think I'm getting through this moment with pure logic, so refuge in absurdity is my next best option.

"Yes, well, I did also say that I'm a hypocrite and that's not changing. Some things are better kept secret after all. But trust me, Ruby is just overreacting and blowing the whole thing out of proportion."

"Uh-huh," Yang responds unconvinced. I get the feeling she'll be talking with her sister real soon after all of this so that more or less forces me to preempt her. Shouldn't be too hard, I can distract Ruby with more weapon talk and sweets. That should make her more willing to hear me out first.

Ignorant of my more diabolical plans Yang continues, "Just be straight with me Ochre, is there anywhere in the dorm that I need to clean up or steer clear of?"

"No," I shriek out and only catch her grin a moment too late. It's enough to tell me that she doesn't think there was anything too improper going on while Weiss and I were alone and I fell for her bait perfectly. I'm more than a little upset by it and she goes to pinch my cheek as if to say she finds my reaction cute. I snap at her fingers, saving myself from one indignity only to end up with another.

"My, my, I didn't know you were a biter. Do your girls know, or is that what you were doing with your alone time?" Naturally I release her digits; I only intended to scare her off, but either she called my bluff or was too slow to react. Neither scenario stops her from laughing at my misfortune. "Seriously though," she says after a moment, "find some actual privacy if you're going to do that stuff or anything close to it. I'm not going to deal with Rubes having a meltdown over every little bit of your relationship drama. Capeesh?"

"Yes, no need to rub it in," I grouse. It's not like I can just tell her I wasn't really planning on things to end up like that. I know what sort of reputation I've built up with my friends and moments of spontaneity don't fit into their mental image of me.

As if in direct contrast to my words Yang ruffles my hair as she stands up. Using my head as a makeshift platform to boost herself up. I bristle at that indignity as well, but allow it. Knowing her she'd just try to turn it back on me if I actually did something and a lack of reaction should hopefully stop her in the future.

Before she departs I ask, "Do you know when you're meeting Raven this week?"

It cuts her movements short as she was taking this as the end of our conversation and very reluctantly addresses me. "No, it's not like she gave me a schedule or anything."

"Okay…" I trail off suspecting that she's missed the obvious here. "Just walk out into the woods whenever you want to deal with her, she's just waiting for a good time for privacy because she's, well, Raven," I say, not having a better way to describe the insufferable woman.

"Fine," Yang allows, "I can find time for her I suppose. Better on my terms than not, right." I can tell she's saying that more to reassure herself than anything else. "Why'd you want to know anyway?"

"Eh, felt like crashing in on it," I reply with a dismissive wave. I don't elaborate on any other possible reasons and instead allow Yang to read into whatever she wants. Probably drawing the conclusion that I'm doing it to be there for her if nothing else. While true it can also give me a good way of gauging how the two are handling one another while also being prepared in case Raven decides she needs to preempt Oz or I about the conspiracy. I don't think that'd happen so soon into their meetings, but Raven is a bit of a wild card as far as I'm concerned.

Yang deliberates over my response for a second before saying, "Sure. I'll let you know where I squeeze her in." I have a feeling there's another comment she wants to add, but she can't think of one that would be appropriate. This conversation and her mom leaving a lot of complications to deal with. Thus, without much more fanfare she departs and I slowly stretch my legs before following after her to the dorms to deal with Ruby.

We make it back to the dorms one after another. Yang naturally goes to her team's which gives me the opportunity to get Ruby's attention. The diminutive leader hops off her bed with an ease of practice that implies she does it rather often. It also sets her bed swinging slightly from the ropes it's suspended from.

How does no one else see the danger associated with that? Like yeah, there's no real danger of anyone dying or being injured by it, but it must cause quite a bit of damage and be a huge mess to clean up if it ever shakes loose. And, with four years like that it has to give way sooner or later, right?

As continually stupefied as I am by RWBY's sleeping arrangements I nearly miss the apprehension Ruby adopts as she makes her way out the door. She's still in her Beacon uniform except she's draped her red cloak over herself and is clutching at it tightly.

"I, uh, hey Ochre. What's up," she asks. I don't need to be a genius to figure out what she's thinking or where that apprehension stems from. Just as naturally I undercut it.

"Oh, nothing much. Was just thinking of heading into Vale and wanted to see if you wanted to come with," I say affecting disinterest as much as I can.

It's not what she's expecting, but she still looks back at her room before saying, "Oh, that's nice I guess. I really should study though. Hehe, never know when the next test will be, am I right?" She clearly sees through my attempt as there's no way she'd be willing to stay at Beacon to study otherwise. Even with the threat of Weiss' disapproval there's not much that can stop her otherwise, especially since midterms finished up not too long ago.

Therefore I move to outright bribery, "Shame. I was gonna visit some bakeries, maybe a few weapon stores. Oh well, studies are important right? Just send me a message and I'll see if I can pick up anything you're interested in." I start to walk off and find the red hooded girl in front of me after a blink of the eyes.

She walks with me pleading, "Let's not be hasty here. I mean, I'm sure I can spare a couple of hours to check out Vale. I can always hit the books when I come back all fueled up and raring to go." Then the reality of the situation hits her, "It's just, uh-"

"Yes, I'm paying Ruby." She pumps her fist and then realizes what she just did and scratches the back of her head. I roll my eyes at her antics, but I can't really blame her.

Weiss has taken up the duties of spoiling her team whenever they go on outings and aside from that Ruby's funds only go so far. It's not like I'm doing too bad financially myself and it has been a while since I've dipped into my discretionary funds for anything other than throwing Lien cards at my teammates. Of course the real dastardly part of my plan comes together when Ruby and I board the airship and the girl has no means of escape.

"So, about the weekend," I start unceremoniously. Ruby groans and then looks about the airship before realizing her predicament. Then she stares at me with accusing eyes and I flash her an unrepentant smile.

"I-Look, it's fine. What you Weiss and Blake get up to on your own time is your business and I gave you guys privacy. Just, uh, find somewhere else next time. I sleep in that room, you know. I don't need that image in my head every night." I hum neutrally, acknowledging her point but not promising anything. Besides, it's not what I want to address anyway.

"You know that's not what we were doing, right," I state levelly and with the utmost confidence.

Unfortunately Ruby just pouts at me instead of having her faith in her version of events shaken. "I'm not dumb," she hunches over and taps her two pointer fingers together apprehensively. Then she says in a far quieter voice than I normally hear from her, "I know how babies are made." She raises her voice, "So don't lie to me mister. I'm a big girl and you gotta treat me like one."

I almost want to comment that she only came with me after the promises of sweets and weapons, but put it to the side as counterproductive for now. I'll bring it up, or something similar, soon enough. "Yeah, I know, but I'm not lying. Things got a bit more heated than I was expecting, but we didn't go that far." She gives me a side eye like she still doesn't believe me. However, she doesn't bring it up which tells me she's giving my words some level of credence. "Either way I'm sorry for that. How are you holding up?"

"Fine," she mumbles in such a way that makes me think that's not the truth. "Would be a lot better if you did more than just say you're sorry."

"What do you think this trip is for?" She takes a moment to process things and then her eyes light up with an apparent idea. Her face morphs into disgust for another moment until finally settling on resolve with a firm nod. I think I can guess where she's taken my statements and even if she didn't her reaction would be funny regardless. "No, you can't earn more trips by catching me in the act."

Her frame droops at the denial of such an easy prospect of free stuff. However, I think she prefers the prospect of being able to shut out any such deliberate searching and the thoughts it must bring up out of her mind. That doesn't stop her from fixing me with a look of puppy eyes as if that would somehow make me change my mind or be more permissive with her.

I sigh in apparent defeat which is enough for her to drop the act and kick out her legs happily, humming all the while. Apparently able and willing to let the matter drop now that delectable restitution has been confirmed. Still, we have the rest of the ride into Vale to fill with conversation before I'm forced to indulge her whims.

Reaction: I know why she's apprehensive about me being involved with her teammates, but that doesn't mean I can't tease her about her overreaction. (6)

Menagerie: Weiss implied she'd be joining us for Summer break. Home wouldn't be the worst of things to talk with her about and I could see if she has anything she wants to do while she's there. (3)

Maturity: She tries to act above her age in most matters, but can't help herself on occasions like this. Maybe a little light-hearted probing would be fun. (3)

Activities: I remember her having an entire planner full of things for us to do for the semester. I could indulge her further and see if there's one in Vale we can knock off the list. (2)

Lime: She still has a sort of rivalry, sort of antagonistic relationship with the brother of my Vacuan friend. Might be fun to poke her a bit about that and draw comparisons to her efforts with Jaune and I. (2)

Forgiveness: She's awfully quick to forgive over this. That could be that it isn't that big of a deal, but I thought she might have a bigger issue about this. (0)

Bounceback: She seems to be able to recover from any foul moods rather quickly. A part of me suspects that's simply her optimistic nature, but I could dig into it a little deeper. (0)

QM Note: Two of these options worked quite well together. A third, not so much. It still got written up, it's just gonna be a bit before we get there.

After what I've dealt with today I suppose I can cut back a little and just relax. Rubes is good for that, she's not much of a source of stress; discounting some of her antics. That and I suppose the overreaction that I've more or less cleared up. Dunno why she's so ready to let the matter go over some words and treats; might just be overly trusting since I'm her friend or some other naive reason but there's no reason to press her on that. No, far more fun to press from a different direction.

"Speaking of which," I start, calling back to how our conversation just ended. It takes her a few seconds to play it back in her head. She doesn't quite connect where I'm going, though my sly smile has her preemptively waving her hands in front of her. "You left Crescent Rose that day."

The words hit her with far more force than they would for any reasonable person. One down side to treating weapons more or less as people is that, well, you treat them more or less as people. As far as Ruby is concerned she walked in on Weiss and I and left her baby in her rush to escape. Oh that gives me an idea.

"I know we weren't actually up to anything so she isn't scarred, but you didn't know that. Just think of all the things she could have seen with that privacy you oh so graciously gave us."

"Shut up," she mutters weakly in response to my teasing voice. Perhaps it's a little cruel to remind her of it so soon after that fact. Personally I blame her sister for riling me up. Either way I can tell she's more thinking about her weapon than the hypothetical acts I and my girlfriends could have gotten up to. She actually looks distraught that said Sniper-Scythe isn't nearby for her to coddle and whisper assurances to. I guess I know what she has planned for when we get back to Beacon.

"Just saying that it was an overreaction is all," I say, downplaying things as much as I can. "I mean, you bolted out of the room pretty fast and didn't seek any clarification with Weiss or I. And I know Weiss messaged you about it." Ruby groans for one reason or another and then pulls her hood ever more forward, closing herself off from the rest of the world. "Alright, I'm just joking around. Won't press on it anymore; and everything turned out fine in the end right?"

I bump her shoulder at the end as if to prompt her into saying something which she does, "No fair." It takes her a moment to realize she said something and then follow it up with, "I mean you have all these things to tease me with so easily and I got nothing for you."

Well that's not true. As Yang and the twins have shown there is plenty she could tease me over. Then I remember her expressing a similar sentiment about her sister right before initiation. With that in mind I think her problem is a lack of knowledge on how to do so, not lacking the tools themselves which gives me an idea. A good one too because Ruby isn't for bullying - Ruby is friend-shaped.

"Do you wanna learn how?"

"Nooooooo," she says, drawing out the word as long as possible and in a tone that clearly indicates the opposite.

Running with her unspoken request I say, "Well first thing is you gotta build up a stronger front. Kind of hard to tease someone if you end up tongue-tied at the slightest provocation."

"Yeah," she replies with an edge of defeat and frustration, "but how do I even do that? Every time I try Yang, you, or someone else just turns the tables on me."

"Normally I'd say exposure is the best way. Maybe we can try something a bit more directed. No matter what I say, try not to let too much of a response show."

She nods at that then brings both her arms up to her shoulders with her fists curled and nods again. As if readying herself for the toughest fight yet. I really want to mess with her, ruffle her hair, and give some sort of pithy comment. Unfortunately that would be starting things off far too strongly and I know she'd be upset by it.

She probably expects me to start off with more prodding about my relationship or maybe poking her about some embarrassing stories Yang has shared. Instead I state with no preamble, "So what's the deal with you and Lime?"

"Bwuh," is her elegant reply as my question sneaks past her mental defenses. Technically that's already a loss, but I'm curious so I let it slide. "Uh, I mean, what do you mean?" Her recovery is lame, but serviceable I guess. Wouldn't hold up against anyone really committed, but I can't expect too much from her.

"Just that you pull off a real passive-aggressive act towards each other in weaponsmithing. Not that I blame you, but considering your usual friendliness it makes me wonder."

"I'm not changing nothing until he apologizes," she states firmly. I just give her a look that has her squirming. "I mean, I get that he's, what, the brother of your friend or something, but that doesn't mean anything."

"I seem to remember sharing a similar sentiment before. What was it you said at the time? Something along the lines of just try to get along regardless or share an insincere apology. Still stand by that?"

"This and that is different," she yells back, her face growing red.

"Your mask slipped," I point out. She growls at me in response. Then she shakes her head, takes a few deep breaths, and resets herself like she's going for another round in the ring. I kind of expected her to call it quits after the first round, but it seems like she's taking this as seriously as any other training.

For the entire ride into Vale I continue my 'lesson.' Honestly by the end of it I feel more than a little guilty. Despite going along with it and it technically being at her request it feels too much like I tricked her into it. Not that I didn't enjoy messing with her the entire time in a friendly manner, nor to say that she doesn't show any signs of improvement.

She even tries firing back by the end of it. Her crowning achievement, calling me a scaredy cat. Points against her for not realizing how that can be interpreted although I explain it to her afterwards. However, during that moment I roll with it. I really shouldn't have as her explanation is that I can fight off a horde of grimm, criminals, and the White Fang, but turn tail at having to deal with some love-sick fools.

She's particularly proud of that accomplishment and how it gets me to shut up for a few seconds. Maybe I shouldn't have done this; there's no getting back that lost innocence and now I've tainted her irrevocably. Then I think back to Yang and have no compunctions with my actions.

In fact now that Ruby has some hope of teasing her sister back she's all too willing to share some dirt on her sibling and I even push her for some photos from when Yang was young. Considering the meeting with Raven it might not be a great idea to have on hand, but I can't deny the possibilities that spring to mind.

Either way we soon find ourselves on the sidewalk making our way towards a bakery with Ruby pestering me to go faster. "C'mon, c'mon, c'mon. We don't have any time to waste."

"You know you could just go ahead of me if you really want."

"Pfft, no I can't. I need you for this."

"I think you mean my wallet," I tease. She fights back her immediate reaction though she still shows far too much for me to miss that nascent pout. "Practice is over, or whatever you wanna call it. I think you can pick up a few things from here. Although word of advice, sometimes it's best to accept a part of you that people prod at. Some of them aren't easy to change and if you're confident about it it holds no power over you."

Ruby looks at me oddly for dropping that bit, but nods anyway. While I'm not planning on delving into it too deeply I do want to mess with her a bit about her age and I know that's a big insecurity for her. Inoculating her with the idea can only do some good.

When we make our way into the bakery I'm even inundated with a plethora of material to bring up later. To start with she rushes by the counter to check out the snacks, cakes, and other assorted sweets until I have to cough to draw her back to the start of the line. Then while we're waiting she keeps impatiently peeking around trying to catch sight of whatever morsels she wishes to devour today. Additionally when we put in our order she very proudly declares her drink of choice, milk.

Then we sit down so she can enjoy her meal, and it is a meal with how much she got. I guess she's looking to wring as much out of me for this trip as she can. What follows is an utterly restrained Ruby reaching out and grabbing whatever delicacy she can and quickly shoving it in her gob. It's not quite as distressing as the time I witnessed Blake devouring fish, but it's a near thing.

At one point I tell her to slow down or else she'll eat too much. In response she starts eating more and quicker. Then I do it again just to mess with her with predictable consequences. Just as predictable are the results of her actions when we make our way out of the bakery and head towards a weapon store; Ruby starts complaining and clutching at her stomach.

However, said complaining soon takes a left turn and devolves into pointed requests to carry her like I do Weiss. I simply stare at her in utter disbelief. I already have enough problems with people having the wrong idea about Weiss, Blake, and I. Although it seems like Ruby is utterly unaware of the potential implications from such an intimate act

Yeah, I'm not dealing with that; I'm tagging out, Weiss can deal with her partner on that aspect. Instead I pointedly remark, "You're the one who kept eating when I told you not to."

"Yeah-well, you're the one who kept buying them, so who's fault is it really?"

"Yours," I state flatly

"I guess! But you could have stopped me at any time!"

"What, and let you miss out on this valuable lesson? As they say, experience is the best teacher."

"Ughh," she complains while clutching at her stomach, "If that's the case you think I'd learn after the first six times."

I snort, "Trying to imply this is only the seventh?" She tries to swat at me, but as filled up on milk and cookies as she is, her movements are too sluggish to catch me. Instead she stumbles into a nearby wall and lets out a gurgling noise.

Maybe I should have tried harder to stop her; she looks about ready to upchuck what she just put down. Thankfully all that escapes her is a rather unladylike belch. However, that does little to stop her from growing red in the face and then looking at me before looking away, unable to meet my eyes. I get the feeling that she's preparing herself for more teasing so I refrain.

It takes several long seconds for her to work up the courage to say something, "You're not going to say anything about that?"

"Should I," I question. To her credit Ruby keeps her wits about her instead of devolving into a sputtering mess. See, she's learning.

"Ah, no. I guess I'm just wondering why you aren't," she says with a hopeful tinge in her voice.

"Because I know it really gets to you," is my pithy remark. Made with all the gravitas of a passing observation.

"Wha-no it doesn't," she complains, not realizing how much her little statement really reveals.

"Ruby, I said we're done practicing," I remind her, "But if we were to continue it, how much about what happened in that bake shop do you think I could bring to bear right now." It takes her a couple of moments before a look of utter horror passes her face and then I step back in. "Now how much did you enjoy actually doing all that stuff?"

"It was alright I guess," she demures, missing my point entirely.

"See, that's what I'm getting at. You had fun, own up to it and I can't use it against you." I can tell she's not too convinced so I move on to my trump card, "Wanna test it out?" She nods slowly, thinking of the progress she's made thus far. "Alright, no matter what I say, own up to it and act like it's the best thing ever."

I give her a moment to prepare herself before adopting an acidic tone, "Really, you got so excited over some sweets, grow up."

"I-of course I did, they were delicious and I'd eat them all again if I could!" She took a bit of a stumble there, but got into it rather easily. Of course I picked such an easy opener for precisely such a reason.

"Sure, I guess; but cookies? Couldn't you have chosen something a bit more refined."

"Hmph, shows what you know. I bet you've never had fresh baked cookies. Otherwise you'd know how sweet, and warm, and gooey, and oh the smell-I mean, you must have no taste if you're picking on me for that, Mr. No Taste." I could do without the name-calling, but it seems like she's getting into the swing of things and a smile is breaching her features.

"I guess, but getting them with milk as well? What are you, a little kid?"

"Well, excuuuuse me, but some of us want to grow up big and strong. And what else are you supposed to have with cookies? You gonna dunk them in orange juice or something?!"

"Alright, but what about your weapon? It's taller than you are, you look like a little girl swinging it around and even littler when it flings you around whenever you pull the trigger."

"I don't care," she shouts, beaming at this point. "I don't care 'cause she's the best darn weapon ever. I don't care if I look silly shooting off high-caliber rounds going all zip and zoom. I don't care if I'm a little girl smashing in grimm and cutting them down. I don't care because she's perfect. She's all schwing and fsshwah and I'm gonna keep on working on her and I'm gonna love every second of it and no one can tell me otherwise!"

At this point we've drawn quite the crowd of onlookers which might set off her self-conscious side. To head that off I return her smile with one of my own, just as wide and more than a little proud. I've created a monster; Yang won't know what's coming. Oh and I guess Ruby is pretty cute with how into it she got.

Speaking of which with the energy no longer building up it all pops at once as she realizes the absurdity of the situation and what she just said. However, instead of devolving into her usual shrinking she carries forward that momentum. Whether out of sheer inertia or because of keeping in mind what I told her. Either way she doesn't shy away and ends up giggling instead.

That sets me off and I start laughing about my evil plan coming to fruition. Truly I have become the most diabolical of masterminds, using this moment of ostensible good to cause misfortune for my enemies. Well, that and devolving into a maniacal and evil laugh isn't something I have an excuse for most of the time. This, of course, sets Ruby off once more and she can't escape the fit of giggles that results. At least until her stomach protests and makes itself known.

Even then she can't help herself entirely and the good cheer carries through in her voice, "Why are we laughing?"

"That doesn't matter; what matters is that we had fun." She nods, taking my words to heart.

"Yeah, well fun or no; you still owe me some parts don't you? C'mon, I'm absolutely brimming with ideas for my baby now." Ruby ambles away as quick as her leadened feet can take her. Hmmm, this may have been a mistake; I'll need to cap off her spending. Either way I can't say this is what I was expecting when I thought about teasing her so much, but I feel like it's more than adequate as a result.

Soon enough we make it into the shop, and I deliver Ruby her budget. She's clearly upset by it, but doesn't bring up a complaint after all that's happened. Rather she starts digging through parts. Taking some with us in the end and sending others somewhere else in Vale. The latter group barely dents her budget and aren't that important, mainly being cosmetic pieces, but brings the question of where she's sending them.

Not really something I get to question her on as the sugar rush wears off as soon as we get on the airship and with her tummy full the girl ends up falling asleep on my shoulder for the whole ride back. I, being the gentleman that I am, take a picture of the scene for future blackmail. I may have created a monster, but I'm going to make sure she can't be used against me.

With Ruby primed and sleepy I deposit her with her team and inform Blake and Weiss of the new circumstances along with an explicit request not to let Yang know. I get a roll of the eyes and a sigh from Weiss and a message with a complicated series of emojis that I'm not sure how to parse from Blake.

I get the feeling they aren't as on-board with my diabolical plan as they should be. I'll show them, I'll show them all. Dramatics aside Ruby has sapped most of my energy so I only play around a bit on my scroll before calling it a night.

Yes (4)

No (1)

QM Note: Chat made some noise about potentially revealing our semblance to our friends and thus it was put to a vote. Won't come up for a little while, but we get there.

The next day I'm excited to see the fruits of my labor. I have to wait until lunch rolls around as Ruby doesn't get drawn into any conversation lengthy enough to show her teeth. Once we're all seated all it takes is a little prodding to get Yang to start up a story about Ruby from their youth. Just like we practiced, Ruby plows through her sister's weak attempts and then takes things a step further.

She brings up a time that Yang tried curling her hair with a heated hair curler only to end up ruining her hair to the point that it had to be trimmed down to size. As gobsmacked as she is, Yang is unable to put up much of a defense as Ruby senses weakness and takes revenge for years of sibling teasing.

She brings up example after example, ranging from when Yang first got bumblebee and ended up wiping out on her way to Signal to doing some sort of dare with her friends that ended with them being chased by bees until they jumped into a river to escape their tiny stingers. I kind of wonder if that's what she named her bike after, but the moment passes too quickly to comment on.

Sensing the sibling drama, Autumn and Kelly join in. Both with a new target to pick on and to fire shots at one another. The whole situation quickly devolves into chaos when Nora gets involved, spouting off anecdotes from her time traveling and of her team. Not usually at anyone else's expense, but neither does she shy away from their more inglorious moments.

I, for my part, sport the smuggest smile imaginable while my girlfriends look at each other and then me with slow blinking eyes. Then I preen; I'm waiting for your acknowledgement, doubters. Weiss huffs off to the side like she doesn't want to but gives me a quick look in the eyes while Blake shakes her head slightly before knocking it against my shoulder. I take that to mean that both of them don't understand why this is a big deal to me, but are putting up with my antics anyway.

Hmph, fine. I can deal with that morsel of attention. I'm sure I'll squeeze them for something more substantial when our time together rolls around. Either way the rest of classes pass with that easy-going atmosphere. Yang only getting it through her head that I might be responsible by the very end.

Naturally I make my escape into Vale before she can corner me. All I have to do is ride out her immediate indignation and she won't escalate things any further, hopefully. Unfortunately I have to find something to occupy myself with.

That isn't a too hard after a bit of mental reshuffling. It does mean that I'm pushing my investigations off even further, but that's not too big of an ask. It'll give some additional time for reports to be collated and perhaps for additional assistance to be garnered.

Blake, bless her heart, has been hard at work pulling together what she can for me to look over. A part of me suspects it's so I have an excuse to spend time with her as we delve into the nitty gritty. The more reasonable part of me assures myself that she really is trying to help because she wants to. Either way I'm going to spoil her with attention, but that time is not now.

Instead I make my way to a house that's becoming far too familiar for my tastes. An equally overly familiar orange-haired man greets me and almost welcomes me in until I tell him I'm here for Neo and ask if she can come out to play. That gets him to share a conspiratorial smile before calling out to the girl with a sing-song voice. Then he shoves her out the door with a 'Have fun you kids.' However, I don't miss the thankful smile he shoots me when Neo isn't looking.

Just outside their door Neo looks at me testily, crossing her arms with a slight slant and tapping away at her elbows with her fingers. She wants me to get to the point, but it's far more fun to mess with her like this. Especially with how she tries to restrain herself from looking at the outside world with apparent wonder. This is probably the first time she's really been outside in months now which only adds to her antsiness. And yet I wait for her to break.

She throws her arms to her side in apparent frustration then walks up to me, places both hands on my chest, and gives me a light shove. I return her aggression with a flat stare and then a playful smile. Two can play this game; I know she has her scroll on her and if she wanted to be less obstinate she could just word her request.

She turns three quarters away from me, facing more towards the door than myself, turns her head to look at me, and then back at the door.

"If you want to go back inside, be my guest."

She turns back towards me with a sour expression before she wipes it away. Then she throws her hands up in a dramatic shrug, finally acquiescing to making an inquiry instead of acting like a bitch.

"I promised you a rematch didn't I?" Excitement that she doesn't bother to hold back colors her features. "With a few restrictions, of course." That diminishes it slightly, but going how she hops on one foot while leaning towards me and then switches to the other I'm pretty sure she's willing to go along with things.

It mainly boils down to this being a chase of sorts that we take to a local park. It's not like I'm going to give her weapon back to her. As an assurance she has a tracker on her which is also to serve as our indicator for success. If she gets a certain distance away it'll notify the both of us and serves as a warning not to go any further.

It's a big bulky thing, more akin to an ankle monitor than anything else and can shock her if need be. I don't think the precaution is all that necessary, but I'm not about to risk her getting away. She stares at the thing hatefully and then me just as much so, but the prospect that she'll be able to run free if only for a short time is more than enough to convince her. Either way our race soon begins.

Mobility Check: 4.82 vs 5.18

Final Modifier: -9

Dice: 1d100-9

60 - 9 = 51
At first her movements aren't anything major. A relaxed stroll to gauge me properly with sudden movements that amount to nothing peppered in. With the rules we've set I can only engage in chasing once she makes it outside of a certain area and she's all too eager to trip me up with a false start. At this point it's more of a mental game than a physical one and she certainly doesn't find me wanting in that aspect.

Then she mimes holding her parasol, she even affects a spin with her wrists. I roll my eyes, she's not getting that for this, or ever if I had to guess. She just wants me to get into that argument with her again and use my distraction against me. When that doesn't work she pulls out her scroll and sends me a message. I just stare at her flatly and she gives me a shrug. Then I sigh and during that she rushes away.

Not the best moment for either of us, but far from the worst for her. Unfortunately one of our stipulations is that she can't use her semblance to hide away and it's clear to me she's grown reliant on it in some aspects. That isn't to say she doesn't make things difficult for me; she weaves in and out of crowds, jumps into the branches of a tree as well as its canopy only to jump out from a random direction. She even uses a children's playground as a makeshift swing bar to add momentum.

I'm gonna cry foul on that last one, but I need to catch her first. Fortunately this is where I, regretfully, have to thank Nora. While Neo is quicker than me in short bursts she's a bit lacking in the stamina department. I still shudder in memory of running away from the orange-haired bundle of energy and the hell she put me through on that treadmill, but it's left me more than able to slowly gain ground on the two-toned girl and eventually tackle her. Of course the minx has the gall to spread her arms and legs in the aftermath as if to invite me for some rather lurid acts.

I just stand up, not rising to the bait and not helping her up either. Her features set into a frown which deepens when she fully processes her defeat. Then she deigns to hold out a hand and I help her up. She gives me a bow and then raps her knuckles together, declaring she's ready for another go. I guess one defeat isn't enough for her, but I don't quite have the energy for it.

I suppose I'll have to distract her with something and there are a number of things I could question her about. There's also another idea that pops into my mind, which is either a horrible idea or a genius one, but that can wait a little while longer.

Freedom: It seems being unrestrained is rather important to her. I could find out how much and why if I really try. (4)

Silence: I'm pretty sure it's not something she can help but I can bug her about why she's not using her scroll to talk to me as well as how this kind of life treats her. (3)

Past: Torchy isn't too keen on sharing her past, but maybe I could drag a thing or two out of her. Couldn't hurt to make the attempt I suppose. (1)

Weapon: So what made her think a weapon with absolutely no ranged capability was a good idea. Plus the whole thing was a bit anemic on the Dust side. Really she could have put up more of a challenge if she designed it any way half-decently. (1)

Nora: Thinking of my orange-haired friend reminds me of her conspiracy of the silent language. It would be funny to see how these two interact. (1)

"Yeah, yeah," I start waving off her challenge, "We'll get to that in a moment. Just give me a sec to catch my breath."

Neo stands up straighter and puffs out her chest as if that's somehow a victory for her when she's actually the one who's stamina ended up faltering first. Then she flashes me a smug smile when she's fully extended as if to taunt me further.

Naturally I deploy the most devilish tool in my arsenal and use our difference in height to mess with her. In just a second my hand plants itself on the top of her head and neither of us do anything. Me because of my plan and her because of how unexpected that was. I may not be incapable of rising to her bait on every occasion, but my response is different enough from her usual victims and Torchwick.

Just as naturally she swats her arm upwards to dislodge my appendage, not realizing that's the exact reaction I'm looking for. Either way she's not fast enough to stop the second pat at the top of her head. Something that sets her face into a dramatic pout while she holds my arm. I know she wants to inflict some kind of violence upon me for my transgression. However, with the circumstances as they are and the lack of a weapon prevents that from being anything more than errant thoughts.

Not that it does anything to ameliorate her disappointment. She all but throws my arm aside as she lets go then turns aside with one foot pointed towards me while to other slides to open up her frame to the rest of the world. It's clear she's trying to dismiss my presence in the aftermath of that. Acting all too much like the child she's trying to portray herself as instead of the woman who has more than a few years on me.

"I get it," I state neutrally, drawing a cock of her head as she reluctantly shows that she's listening. "No one likes getting looked down upon. But honestly are you going to say that you wouldn't be doing the same if you won?"

That incenses her and she steps up close to me jabbing her finger at my face. Then she takes a step back and mimes a swing. Even going as far as to shade her eyes afterwards with a slight smile as if she's sure she'd get even with me if she had her weapon.

I'm not about to get dragged into that argument again so I snort instead, "Yeah, keep dreaming short stuff. I beat you once before and that was before I really kicked up my training. I have more than a few tricks up my sleeve for a rematch, and let's face it your semblance doesn't work too well against mine."

She sweeps her arm in front of me, throwing away my argument. Or at least I think that's what she's doing. She reads the expression on my face and determines I'm misreading her. Then she sweeps her arm again, stops it when it points towards me with her palm out, and then she taps her palm with her pointer finger before turning that hand over. With both palms outstretched she gives a shake of her shoulders in apparent helplessness; ah that makes a bit more sense.

It's a bit difficult to parse since she's still being obstinate and not using words like a civilized person. Something I'll bust her over in a moment. However, the meat of her response from what I can surmise is her complaining about the unfairness of our positions accompanied by a request that she have a chance before ending in a sort of frustrated helplessness otherwise.

I roll my eyes, "We both know after what you've done that isn't going to happen. Torchwick has done a lot of wheeling and dealing for you, but he's run out of cards he can easily play." She throws aside her head petulantly, but a complicated expression graces her features. It's enough that I add on, "Look, I know it sucks, but a few years of good behavior should have their restrictions loosen as time goes on. You just got to stick through it until then."

That's not what she wants to hear and she crosses her arms before kicking the ground with the tip of her shoe. She stops herself halfway through the follow-through of the motion and quickly wheels on me, a grin splitting her features. She points to me then her face, nods, repeats the gesture, and finishes with pulling both her fists to her chest.

"No," I say, more than a little dumbfounded. "One, aren't you a little too old to go to Beacon?"

She pulls her arms behind her back, one resting in the small of it while the other is slightly off to her side. She buckles her knees, angling herself towards me, tilts her head, and looks at me with big puppy eyes, playing up her childishness. I-uh, whatever.

"Okay, second, that's not just something you can do, you know?" She looks like she doesn't follow so I elaborate, "Ozpin and the staff there have to approve of your application, it's not like they take in anyone."

She narrows her eyes at me and then slowly circles around me as if to evaluate my statement and disprove it in that simple motion. She even fixes me with a questioning expression when she finishes her walk.

"I don't know why you're insulting me. You think you'd want to get on my good side so I pull some strings for you if that's what you really want. Kind of doubt it though, you don't strike me as the type to put up with school all that much."

She turns her head aside as if bashful, but with a sly smile that she caps off with a cheeky shake of her shoulders. All but confirming my accusation as accurate. That's a nice piece of info. It might seem insignificant, but it tells me that she has in fact gone to school and is not some feral wild child Torchwick picked up off the street. Maybe I'll poke at that later.

"I mean you can try, but I don't give you good odds. Everyone involved knows about you and your behavior so good luck getting over that hurdle."

She mulls over my words for a few moments with a frown dominating her face. Then she sighs silently with her shoulders drooping dramatically. After that she shrinks in on herself and looks up to me, clasping her two hands together and shaking them lightly as if beseeching me for my aid.

"Oh, and why would I do that," I ask, deciding to humor her for now.

That brings her up short for a moment. She thinks it over before rapping her knuckles together and then jutting her thumb to herself with her chest puffed out.

"Okay, even if you were to win one of these, why would I do that? I don't gain anything from it and I'm not about to stake my reputation on your behalf."

Apparently she was expecting to bargain more than a little as her response is immediate. She opens her mouth, puffing out her cheek on one side with her tongue, and then mimes a pumping motion with her hand on the opposite side before sticking out her tongue in apparent disgust. Well if she's not going to take this seriously then neither will I.

"Sorry, I already have two girlfriends and they're much prettier than you. Sorry to say, but I'm not that shallow."

She scoffs silently, backing up as if to imply I somehow got the wrong idea from her gesture. She tries to keep her face neutral afterwards, but I can detect the subtle signs of disappointment that aren't quite gone. She's not upset at the prospect of not doing any of that stuff. Rather at the prospect that she'll be stuck like this for the foreseeable future.

I figured it was something like that, but for her to be this distraught makes me think her reference to Beacon isn't entirely a joke. That implies a certain level of desperation as it's not like she'd be under any less scrutiny there than where she is now. She'd just have the opportunity to meet with people and stretch her legs on occasion. That's assuming that she receives anything like the arrangement I have and not receive special attention because of her age, actions, and notoriety.

"You know you could still ask. The worst thing they could do is turn you down," I say. I wonder if she'll pick up on the subtle hint that she could ask for my help. I don't know if I'd give it to her, probably not all things considered, but it would tell me if she's able to pick up on those more subtle cues.

She looks at me for a second before turning her gaze to the horizon with a forlorn and longing expression. Then she exhales heavily, the most noise she's made during this whole conversation. Seems like she doesn't give herself good odds either and she's missed my subtlety. Either that or she doesn't consider that an option for whatever reason, but with how she's been acting I figure she would have latched onto it.

"Yeah, I get it," I start, papering over the previous topic as best I can. "That why you joined up with Torchwick in the first place?" I truthfully don't have much to go off of, but her expression seems like one she's worn for a good portion of her life and it's as good of an explanation as any.

She nods and then launches into a complicated series of gestures. Far too quick and fluid for me to have any hope of keeping up with. Something she no doubt knows with how slow and deliberate her earlier gestures were. The broadening smile on her face as she witnesses my predicament does nothing to assist me. Alright, now she's just fucking with me.

Either that or she's trying to express so many things all at once and that's what's causing this confusing dance of limbs. The latter would imply that she's just so overwhelmed trying to bring up a multitude of feelings or examples to answer my question. A part of me feels like that's the case, but I'm left wondering why she would bother opening up like that at all. Far easier to assume it's deliberate on her part rather than a slip of her control, but that doesn't feel right either. Regardless it's more than a little grating at this point.

"As much as I love our game of charades, you have to know if you want to get your point across clearly you have far better options."

My comment stops her dead in her tracks until she tilts her head and has a silent laugh at my expense. Yeah, she knows, she just does this to mess with people it seems. However, immediately afterwards she stops and settles back down, sparing a couple of seconds to look at her hands and then back up to me. Then she brings up a hand to her chin and taps her cheek with one of her fingers, signaling that she's trying to parse a way to explain things properly to me.

She puts one hand to her mouth and pulls it away, she repeats this gesture three more times. Then she mimes talking with her other hand, bringing it up to one of her ears before miming the action on the other side and turning her head to each of the mouths until her shaking becomes violent with one final definitive shake of the head accompanied by her arm cutting through the air.

She follows up with a series of complicated gestures from her fingers before crossing her arms with a huff. She holds the pose for a second and then leans forward, dropping one arm with the other going up to her neckline, pointing towards her with her fingers splayed out in apparent superiority. After which she zips her lips, puffs out her chest, and places both her hands on her hips as if proud of the action.

That- yeah, that doesn't help me parse much of her explanation either. The best I can surmise is that she felt like people kept telling her things. I don't know if they were things she didn't want to hear, how to act, or what have you. Whatever they were she didn't like them, apparently finding them to be in some way reprehensible.

The middle bit with her finger gestures I can't even hope to decipher, but the aftermath makes it clear that she considers her approach to be the superior one in the end. That makes me think it's something related to expressing herself; which can be brought about by a series of lies she was fed and found out the truth about or perhaps a bit of repression from her childhood. She really isn't giving me anything definitive to work with here and I think that's more or less the point behind some of this.

It doesn't quite fit with how expressive she can be with her gestures, but it's clear clarity isn't exactly her goal in all of this. The fact that she can frustrate people with her choice of communication is clearly a benefit for her and not a detriment. I don't think that would hold up under scrutiny if she ever were to attend Beacon, which is a funny thought. Although, she seems much more like the kind of person to just go with things as they are in the short-term rather than think about the long-term ramifications of her actions.

"Fine," I allow, knowing that I'm not going to get anything better from her. Especially if I make any notification that it might frustrate me. That would only get her to double down on her antics. "Just make sure you deal with any official functions in writing. Not everyone is going to have my level of patience."

My helpful bit of advice only draws a teasing smirk as she thinks she's gotten one over on me. It's enough to cut me off from any further conversation as I just want to wipe that smug grin off her face. There's only one easy avenue for me to do that, so I give her a signal and we set for our next chase. This conversation has been far less fruitful than I thought it would, but I think I understand her mode of thinking a lot better now; even if the why's of doing so remains a mystery and has only brought up more questions.

Our excursion draws to a close before too long and I escort the tiny troublemaker back to her residence. I make sure to part our time together with a pithy comment of, "Make sure to say hi to daddy Torchwick for me." Naturally she fumes at the parting blow and the fact that she can't get back at me because I turn away ignoring her comment entirely. She can't chase after me either without running afoul of the terms of her agreement so all she can do is angrily open and slam the door afterwards.

My good mood doesn't last too long, however, as I get a message from Yang. Apparently she's going to meet with her mom this evening. No doubt a bit of revenge for me siccing Ruby on her. She at least isn't upset with me enough to do it without me being present and gives me more than enough time to catch a flight back to Beacon.
S2 Week 10 (Part 2)
On the way back to Beacon I decide to dig into some reports on how the Union is doing. There isn't much to report on for our expansion into Menagerie or Atlas just yet. My home because of the time delay and Atlas because establishing ourselves takes most of our efforts and is straightforward enough that my input isn't necessary quite yet. As for our other projects there are more than a few updates.

The first of which is our expansion into the wilderness and outskirts of Vale. Following Maple's wishes and Terra's departure from the project, our efforts focus more on securing remote boltholes and stashes in case the worst ever happens. I think it's an entirely wasted effort, but it keeps Maple happy. In the end I decide to step on her toes a little and instruct our men to leave some signs so these bases can be seen by passers-by.

It defeats Maple's original purpose for the most part. Only ameliorated by the fact that these bases could get a signal to disappear and relocate elsewhere rather easily. That and I think she's coming around to the fact that the Union isn't going to get hunted down for our beliefs any time soon. That's most likely because of my close relationship with the authorities as well as her own mingling with JNPR. Kind of hard to be afraid of Huntsmen when you have such a close relation to them and your boss not only is one, but has the ear of perhaps the most influential one of them as far as Vale is concerned.

Either way, hopefully some good will come out of these more remote bases. It's possible they might be able to help out the occasional traveler or caravan, but with their locations I don't give that as too good of odds. Oh well, I more or less suspected that resources would be diverted to essentially useless prospects at one point or another and I did sign off on things. The rest of the project when Terra provided oversight is more than enough to help with things anyway. That provides a pretty good way of interfacing with rural communities and can slowly grow on its own now that the framework has been established.

Moving on from that are some reports from Vale itself. My men have been working to rid the renegade establishments that Spider set up in the upper class district. It's slow going and causing more than a little outrage from the elites, not helped with the typically more populous representation of the Union. It makes more than a few enemies although most of them are proven to be complicit in these dealings. Unfortunately most is not all, and even if it were them and their friends run more than one smear campaign directed towards the Union.

Most of the establishments that we rip out root and stem have long-since discarded their loyalty to Spider so there was no risk of a resurgence in Vale. A few of them started confederating their efforts and we cut them off before that could solidify.

However, in terms of concrete benefits for the Union there really aren't any. This costs us about as much in pay as we get out from any bounties or shared loot and mainly serves to help clean up Vale of the more difficult criminal elements that the VPD can't easily reach. Of course this brings about accusations of impropriety, but the public at large doesn't seem to care as the results roll in.

It'll probably be used as an example of the Union or the VPD overstepping our bounds by some. Although, it seems unlikely to do much aside from foment discontent and give another arrow in the quiver of anyone who wants to take shots at us. Not that I think many people who'd do that would be all that reasonable or inclined towards us in the first place.

In more pleasant news our efforts in Vacuo are drawing some rewards. Our men there have been ranging out in the deserts to prove their worthiness and in the process help out some towns with minor issues. It's done a lot to quell the discontent of the city borne Vacuans who previously had issue with us. There's still a fundamental disagreement on helping others in some cases as Vacuans pride themselves on their self-sufficiency, but they grudgingly acknowledge that we aren't there to suborn their culture or exploit them exclusively.

Things turn even more in our favor when our men meet up with a nomad group that I met with during my time in Vacuo. It takes some negotiation and a few not so subtle reminders, but it's hard for the group to forget about four faunus in over their heads that chased them throughout the desert. They have no problem sharing that story again when they next come into town and equally no issue displaying that I was one of said members.

What might be an embarrassing tale in any other Kingdom more or less proves that I've endured a struggle that they've gone through and bringing up the desert wastelands of Menagerie only draws the comparison even tighter. Not that I ever stepped foot in those blasted places, but they don't need to know that part. Either way we make a lot of progress ingratiating ourselves with the locals and due to our close ties with Weiss' branch of the SDC, them as well. A nice side-gift for my girlfriend I suppose and hopefully something comes of it.

As illuminating and good as the news on my organization's efforts are, I don't have too much longer to ponder them as the airship docks at Beacon. Technically there is time yet before I have to meet with Yang, but not enough to do anything meaningful. Instead I send her a message and receive instructions on where to meet up with her. When she shows up she does so alone and I shoot her a look. Neither accusing or judgmental, just a simple question.

She shakes her head, "Not today. Soon, but, well, I want to see how this goes before dragging her into this."

I only nod at her words not showing off any of my inner thoughts and she exhales a bit too loudly for me to think this hasn't been eating at her. It is indicative that she's planning on telling Ruby at some point. Just have to hope she actually follows through with it rather than delaying it as much as she can.

With that resolved the two of us step away into the forest on the outskirts of Beacon. I catch sight of a particular bird that flies off into the distance and point it out to Yang. We head in that direction and not long after Raven steps out from behind a tree, a scowl still set on her face. I roll my eyes at her dramatics, but do have to accede that it was probably the best course of action if she's operating under the assumption that Yang doesn't know about her bird-form.

"Yang," she calls out levelly, and in such a way that I know she's holding back her true feelings.

"Raven," her daughter replies in much the same way. Why did I think coming out here was a good idea again? At this rate the two of them will just stare at each other. To break that cycle I shove Yang's shoulder with mine. She looks at me with her face set in stone before those features soften, likely thinking about what we've talked about. With an almost weak voice she says, "Mom."

That's enough to get Raven to drop her tough-girl act completely and utterly. At least for a few seconds. She resets before too long, but her scowl is replaced with a neutral smile and she keeps her arms off to the side rather than in a more guarded posture.

"Don't think I'll go easy on you for that," she says as her acknowledgement of Yang's feelings. To her that's probably an actual sign of affection, that she's willing to look past her status as Yang's mother in order to show her the harshness of the world.

"Actually," Yang starts and then gives me a quick look. She reads something from my expression as she takes a breath and continues, "Can I take a rain-check? Classes are real tough this week and showing up with a bunch of bruises is just going to raise a ton of questions that I don't wanna deal with."

"I suppose I can allow you that," Raven responds with more warmth than I think she intends to let on. Something she catches as she quickly appends, "Just don't think you can go about wasting my time like this in the future."

"Oh, I'm not planning on wasting your time. Not today at any rate. I was wondering if you could sit down and chat for a bit. Maybe answer a few questions."

"Oh, I thought you already received all the answers you could have wanted?"

"Yeah, so? You offered to answer any questions I had. Backing out of that now?"

Despite ostensibly being what she wants Raven bristles at the challenge, "That was before you made your impertinent demands."

"Are you going to go through with it or not," Yang fires back. Her mother adopts a complicated expression. Likely both wanting to go through with it and not wanting to settle on such a matter so easily because of her pride. "How about this, we trade a question for a question; an answer for an answer, seem fair?"

"And why would I do that," Raven asks, more out of a sense of obligation than a desire for the contrary.

"I dunno, maybe you'd like to know how I found out about that whole bird thing you do," Yang cheekily replies. I almost want to shoot her a glare for pulling out such a card so early. I only stop myself because it would rob her of that card for this meeting. It, however, doesn't stop Raven from glaring at me and my carefully neutral expression. Yeah, this whole meeting is going to be a mess on my end isn't it.

"Fine-" Raven bites out.

"Cool, how long have you been keeping an eye on me," Yang interrupts, getting the first question in. Raven glares at her, but she doesn't back down. She merely leans against a tree and starts whistling until her mother settles back down.

"Almost thirteen years now." They both try not to let that admission affect either of them; both fail. Raven looks off to the side like admitting that is some sort of failing on her part while Yang has a sharp intake of breath. Raven recovers first and asks, "How did you find out about the 'bird-thing?'"

Yang juts a thumb in my direction, "Ochre told me." I look at her in shock. Yeah, that's the truth, but you could have dressed it up a bit nicer.

Why did I agree to this again? No, scratch that, why did I propose doing this in the first place? Especially since her comment draws Raven's ire in my direction. Really making me want to pull out that blackmail I got on you Yang. Unfortunately I can't warn the blonde of my intentions without causing further problems so I hold off for now.

Yang takes a few seconds and a deep breath to propose her next question, "Why did you leave?"

Raven pauses before slowly saying, "My tribe needed me. You were too weak to take with me; you wouldn't have survived a day without me babying you and-"

"Don't lie to me," Yang shouts, cocking her bracers to make an issue of it. "No lies. Not any more. Not after all I've been through."

"Are you sure about that," Raven replies with more than a little pride in her voice. "You might not like some of the answers I have for you then." I don't miss the way her eyes flick to me and neither does Yang. Either way Yang nods resolutely which has the opposite effect on Raven. I get the feeling she wants her daughter to act this way, but that question in particular is not one she wants to answer readily.

She sighs and refuses to meet either of our eyes. Then she looks at me with a fury as if to will me to go away, not wanting to reveal any sort of vulnerability to a stranger. That causes Yang to intercede on my behalf, putting herself in the way of her mother's wrath. The stand-off continues for over a minute with Raven's resolve slowly chipping away, but not enough to overcome her pride.

Once again I'm more in the way than not and so I remove myself from the equation as much as I can. I go behind a tree a fair distance away and out of sight. Then I strain my ears to listen in and see when it's safe for me to return.

"I know I'm not a good mother," I hear Raven admit quietly, her voice pitched enough that Yang can hear her and thus I can overhear with the help of my upper ears. "I'm not built for that kind of life, I'm not used to it. I thought you'd be a lot happier growing up with Tai and Summer."

"Then why didn't you come back after Summer disappeared," Yang cries back.

"It's not your turn," Raven growls, evidently not willing to indulge her daughter too much now that a framework for an exchange has been established. She pauses for a moment, most likely deliberating on what the best question for her to ask is. "Why did you bring him here?"

Going by her tone I think she's probing to see how much Yang is aware of the conspiracy, likely linking the knowledge of her bird form to other secrets Yang can know about. Not a bad assumption to make, but wrong in this case. However, I can't help feeling that there's some other reason she's asking that question.

"Because he asked," is Yang's pithy and immediate reply. Far too quick and genuine for her mother to think she's lying. I imagine Raven's remonstrating herself for not wording her question better, but she's lost the initiative. "Why are you so interested in him anyway?"

Raven doesn't respond immediately, probably parsing how to respond without giving too much away. "Because I don't want you associating with him too strongly. It might not seem like it now, but doing so will drag you into a world you can't escape and would only cause you trouble and bring you danger in the future." Once again referencing the nature of the conspiracy without directly bringing it up.

"Nah, I think he has his hands full enough with Weiss and Blake as it is," is Yang's response, as unaware of my more secretive side as she is. I'd have preferred if that wasn't where her mind jumped to immediately. At least going by her dismissive tone I don't think I'll have to deal with another Blake situation in the future.

"Why did you decide to allow him to come here," Raven questions, not quite believing that Yang's response was anything other than a deflection. Maybe she even thinks because of the 'rules' established that Yang would be compelled to tell the truth here where she may have been lying with her prior comment.

"Because he's my friend," Yang shouts, outraged that her mom is still pressing on that issue. "He actually stuck around to help out when I needed him and he gave me proper answers unlike some other people in my life!"

I suppose that's my que to see if it's safe to rejoin the conversation. I stick my head out and catch sight of Raven's eyes. We hold each other's gazes for a moment before she sighs and sweeps her hand back to the clearing we found ourselves in and I rejoin the conversation as a hapless bystander.

Well, maybe not completely so. My return seems to give Yang some amount of strength and helps corral her more hot-headed aspects. It appears having someone other than her mother around is helping her keep grounded and not getting too worked up. It also helped waste quite a few of Raven's questions so more than one benefit I suppose.

With that inadvertent re-centering Yang strikes at her mother once more, "Did you know how dad was? After Summer disappeared?" That brings the woman up short and she glares at me once again, but Yang is having none of it. "I haven't refused to answer any of your questions so far." Implicitly stating that Raven would be of weaker mental fortitude than herself if she backs down now.

That challenge isn't something she can ignore no matter how much she wants to, "No, I didn't. At least not before it was too late. I had to learn about it from Qrow; he told me about what happened that day. With you and Ruby." If it weren't for Yang sharing that story with me earlier this week that would prompt a series of answers. "I started keeping an eye on you after that," she supplies even though she doesn't have to.

Yang's fists ball up, clearly not wanting to hear that kind of answer. I'm sure it only makes things more complicated for her, much like Raven's other answers. They all make a degree of sense for the kind of woman that Raven is, though it must be a disappointment either way. Not to mention the sense that her mom was so close all this time, always just out of reach.

Seeing her daughter's state she goes for a softer and more personal question, "How is he?"

"He's fine," Yang spits out, "Just fine without you." I don't think she means much by those words, just saying them in the heat of the moment. Not that it stops them from hitting Raven. Her almost soft smile hardens before turning into a scowl once more. It seems like that was her attempt to be vulnerable once more only for it to be slammed in her face. Something tells me that she's not going to put up with this much longer.

"It's pretty rich that you're worrying about dad," Yang continues, "Do you even care about him any more?"

Once more that slips by Raven's defenses, though it seems like she expected it on some level. "He'll always hold a place in my heart," she says cryptically, her expression growing harder. "Has your friend told you any of Ozpin's secrets?" I guess that's her way of closing out this conversation as there are only so many roads she can go down with something as bold as that.

"What? No! Why would he do that," Yang barks out. Her mother's expression turns almost vicious at her daughter's inadvertent question. Although I don't think Yang has even realized that she technically asked one.

"Because Ozpin always has need of more soldiers for his war, I know that from experience. So does Qrow, so does your father." Yang doesn't seem to put too much stock in her words, though I think internally she's giving them some thought. "Or do you think it's a coincidence that your friend has entered Ozpin's confidence and then returned with knowledge that must seem outlandish with little to no explanation?"

I bite my tongue at that, anything I say is just going to feed into whatever she wants to say. Much better to give her nothing but vagaries to work off of. I swear this woman just wants to cause me problems. I've already made my stance about Ozpin with her pretty clear and here she is setting me up as an enemy instead of an ally. I guess she's the kind of person to lash out when she's cornered, like a rabid animal really.

"If I were you," she continues after I don't give her anything to work with, "I'd start asking a lot more questions. And challenge whatever answers you're given. Quite often the truth is a lot more ugly than whatever they tell you."

With her having the final answer I suppose she feels no obligation to indulge Yang any longer. Instead she transforms right in front of us, which is still as jarring as ever, and takes flight. Leaving me to deal with the picking up of the pieces and no doubt trying to stoke a desire for answers from Yang for their next meeting.

Yang looks at me with an indiscernible expression before going over to punch a tree down. Meanwhile I work over the conversation and one thing that sticks out to me is that she didn't ask for Yang's opinion on anything. Really she didn't ask for many definitive answers, merely informative ones.

She could have asked if Yang wanted her back in her life or why she chased after Raven for so many years. Part of that was likely answered during their previous meeting, but to me it implies that she's afraid of what those answers could be. Much better to leave it in a nebulous sort of state than suffer the possibility of something she'd rather not hear.

As much as I can understand that damnable woman it doesn't make her actions any less frustrating. Even if they didn't affect me personally they would still leave Yang unsatisfied for the most part. I have to wonder if that's deliberate or not on Raven's part. She made mention that she thought Yang would be better off without her and while that goes against her desires I don't think that aspect has diminished in the slightest. If anything it's probably only been reaffirmed by both of their reactions.

The two of them are just too stubborn and easily worked up on the matters they want the other to acknowledge. I get the feeling they could come to some sort of understanding with one another given enough time. However, knowing the temperament of both of them it's likely that such an arrangement would take a long time and be one that neither party is fully happy with.

By the time I'm done processing my thoughts the blonde brawler has reduced a tree to splinters and then she rounds on me. "Ochre, what was that? What was she talking about?" Well I kind of knew that I was going to have to face the music sooner or later. Would have definitely preferred not to be put on the spot like this, but I gotta play with the cards I'm dealt.

I sigh, "Do you want the short explanation or the long one?" My joke doesn't land very well as she instead shoves me against a tree, her bracers still out and ready for violence.

"I want AN explanation! How long have you been lying to me?"

"Hey," I yell back affronted, "I have been very careful to not lie about anything. I just haven't been forthcoming with certain things."

"And how is that any better," she swipes her hand in front of my face. "And you got on me for keeping things from Ruby."

"Yeah," I let out slowly. "I told you I was a hypocrite back then, didn't I?" That comment isn't any more well received, but she does let me actually say something else. "I can apologize for not telling you certain things, but getting into them is another matter entirely. I haven't been keeping secrets for shits and giggles." She opens her mouth and I think I know where she's going with it so I cut her off, "And before you ask, yes Blake and Weiss both know about it. They deserved to know."

"And I don't," she fires back, missing that I'm working towards telling her already. "And geeze, thanks. It's so much better knowing that you're not the only one lying to me. They might be your girlfriends but they're my teammates. I have just as much of a right to know what they're getting up to."

I want to argue that I've been keeping them at a distance from the conspiracy itself, but find myself unable to do so. With Blake's recent efforts I can't even say that with complete accuracy. Sure she isn't going out on her own, but she's more than a hapless bystander. That and Weiss would certainly help out if I asked her to, she's just more focused on the SDC and her family which is more helpful for both our futures in any case.

"Alright, alright. You have a point," I allow, trying to calm things down. The fact that I'm backing off instead of doubling down on my position satisfies Yang enough to not make a huge issue of it and allows me to get my thoughts in order.

I don't think there's any way of getting around the hurt Yang feels. She made it pretty clear her problems with people lying and keeping things from her that without a full explanation she isn't likely to care all that much about my reasons why. Even if she does and recognizes them as valid I don't think that'll take away from her emotional reaction. A part of me tells me that things could be so much worse for me here, but I also don't know exactly how she's going to take this news.

I could technically refuse to tell her even after all this or even direct her to Oz, but that strikes me as a terrible idea. One I could technically do, but also one likely to cause no small number of problems. It would worsen relations for one and also send her to her mom for answers in any eventuality. I'm not sure what Raven would tell her, but I doubt it would be to my benefit.

More likely I'm going to tell her about what's been going on. Not the full story unfortunately, but getting into the basics of Salem, the relics, and the maidens is something I can accomplish. That would leave Ruby as the odd one out for now.

She might get brought in the know when Oz's trainer finally checks in, but that could be months from now. Not to mention the wrench summer break would throw in that. Plus I don't think Yang would be all that down for keeping secrets from her sister, especially after resolving to tell her about Raven. Although if I'm going to be forced to reveal things to her as well I'm going to make damn sure Yang holds up her end of things. What a mess.

Transparency: Far from my usual method of operating, but at this point might as well bring on all of RWBY and deal with the consequences from there. (+For JNPR or no) (4)

+Don't (3)

+JNPR: If I'm bringing on this group of friends it's not too difficult to extend that line of thinking to JNPR as well. Although they don't have anything tying them to the conspiracy from what I know. (1)

Secrecy: I could caution her that this is really something she shouldn't be sticking her nose in and refuse to answer her questions. Not a good idea for multiple reasons, but I can technically do it. (0)

Divulgence: She's more or less involved at this point and taking her the rest of the way there shouldn't be too hard. The difficult part is impressing upon her that this is a secret she needs to keep. (0)

I exhale loudly, both out of genuine anguish and to signal to Yang that I've come to a decision. I start walking back to the dorms, "Come on, I'm not going to bother explaining this twice." I catch a nod of her head before I fully focus on the path ahead of us. It's not too much trouble to find our way back and a quick message to my girlfriends ensures that everyone is at RWBY's dorm ready and waiting. I could bring my team in on this, but I'm sure Weiss and Blake should be enough backup.

At this point my explanations feel like they're getting rather rote. Talk about the magic, the maidens, then Salem, and cap it off with talks of the relics to tie everything up a neat little bow. I have a goodly amount of evidence and recordings as well as the backup from my girlfriends to push through the initial skepticism; although during the talk about magic I make sure to share a meaningful look with Yang. Hopefully she can put two and two together and figure out where her mom's bird-form comes from.

I deal with that and subsequent questions from a strangely excited Ruby and a few from a solemn Yang. The latter I can understand, but the former is a bit of a mystery. At least Yang seems to accept the seriousness of the matter and possibly understands my position although her mood doesn't really improve.

It also doesn't pass by my notice that she's not looking at anyone else in the room. She will for a short moment, but her eyes often drift off into the distance or get fixated on a spot on the floor or ceiling. No doubt her issue about keeping secrets is rearing its head here and the prospect of telling Ruby about Raven isn't a cheerful one.

Ignoring that tidbit of drama for the moment I launch into explaining Silver Eyes, their historical backing, and what Oz has told me about them. Typically I'd save this for a later explanation as it's not terribly relevant most of the time, but considering my audience is pretty pertinent for this discussion. Oddly enough Ruby's excitement actually diminishes when I talk about her magic eyes and I start playing up what I know about them until she cuts me off.

"Enough," she barks out and throws her sister an accusatory look, "Yang, did you put him up to this? Is this why you ran off?" Her sudden skepticism is enough to throw everyone for a loop and she dominates that silence, "Like yeah this is all a cool story and all. Super exciting! All hush-hush super secret spy shenaninanigans, but c'mon; magic eyes, me? You almost had me for a moment there, you've really done your work Ochre. Oh and good job backing him up," she finishes by shooting a thumbs up to my two girlfriends.

"Ruby," I grind out, my patience for the day drawing thin, "I swear if I have to march you to Oz's office to settle this I'm gonna be upset." More so because it allows Yang to weasel out of her part in this story, but upset nonetheless. Although, that reminds me of something. "Speaking of him, did he mention or say anything to you when the two of you met?"

"Yeah, he said something about how I have…silver eyes," she stumbles over the last bit, not quite welcoming the realization, but not knowing how to slot it in with her worldview either. That doesn't last long as she starts visibly vibrating. "Oh my god, I have super powers! Quick, quick, how do I use them? Do I think really hard or stare? Really hard? I, uh, huh, you'd think these things would come with some instincts huh?"

Ruby proceeds to tool about with activating her special eyes while I share a flat look with Yang as if to express this is exactly why I didn't want to bring up this subject in the first place. She's still defiant, but does adopt a bashful look for a moment before averting her eyes once more.

"Don't know," I cut in, chopping her enthusiasm at the knees, "Neither does Oz. He knows someone who does, but it's gonna be some time before they're free to stop in." I shrug, "Anyway, I know that's exciting but this is serious stuff Ruby."

Her shoulders slump, more so at the mention this is serious rather than having to wait for her super-powered training. "I know," she mumbles petulantly, "It just sounds like something out of a story is all. The grimm aren't a joke, but we can be heroes. Well, more so than we are already. Just think about it guys, we can be the one to take her down."

I stop myself from having any kind of reaction one way or another. A quick look about the room has everyone else far more somber though they're warming up to their leader's enthusiasm in their own way. I don't really have an easy way of undercutting that. I have been sure to impress how monumental of a task this is with Weiss, and somewhat with Blake. That it's not so simple as dealing with Salem and our problems are gone while also building up for the knowledge of her immortality leaking out.

Just as I'm about to dump this problem onto Yang's shoes, Ruby says, "So when are we telling JNPR?"

"We aren't," I say slowly, trying to convey just how serious and reluctant I am to include them with just those two words.

"Why not," is her immediate reply. Once again I look at Yang and I think she's finally getting the point. Not that she likes it too much, but she'll have her turn in the hot seat soon enough.

"Because they don't need to know," I respond bluntly before moving on to a more palatable answer. "Just let them enjoy their time at Beacon. Not everyone is going to take this news as well as you have."

That causes Ruby to slow down with a thoughtful expression. "Sure," she announces slowly, trying to find the right words herself. "But that doesn't mean that we can't start talking about it with them. Leave a hint or two here, an off-handed comment there, and bam! Before you know it they're ready for the truth," she finishes proudly.

I've done something similar before so I know she's vastly oversimplifying that order of operations. It's not so simple to manipulate someone like that, and it is manipulation as far as I'm concerned. Yes, those are component steps, but there's so much more to take into account such as timing and phrasing that I don't think she's even considering. Rather I think she's just parroting a line of action she's read in a comic somewhere as there's no way she's pulled off anything like this before.

"Ruby," Weiss starts, noticing my dilemma. "It's not that simple and Ochre has a point. Let JNPR enjoy their time here. Nothing stops us from telling them in the future, but we can't take it back."

Ruby still seems unhappy at that, but acquiesces. It reminds me of Autumn's reaction, the two of them are similar enough on that aspect. However, any further protestations the petite reaper can bring up are cut short by Yang coughing into her fist.

"If that's all settled," she says, while looking at me. I nod and she continues, "I have something to announce myself." The byplay doesn't go by unnoticed by everyone else in the room and both Blake and Weiss end up staring at me. Hey! It's not like that, sheesh. "I, uh, Ruby," Yang continues, ignoring that and focusing on the person most likely to be affected.

"Yeah, what's up," she questions innocently, like she wasn't just worked up about announcing the conspiracy to JNPR.

That's almost enough to stop Yang entirely, but she powers through her discomfort. "I found my mom," she blurts out inelegantly. Then again, I'm not sure if there's a better way for her to handle that kind of reveal. She's not the kind of person to go with something more subtle and it was difficult enough getting out that I don't think she could have worked her way up to it.

She braces herself for whatever reaction her sister is about to have, but I don't think she expects the girl to turn into a red-caped missile and tackle her with a hug. The small girl swinging about the neck of her sister while squeeing in glee.

"That's so great, I'm so happy for you. OH! Where is she? Can I meet her?"

"Uhm, yeah I can bring you along next time," Yang mumbles, pauses, and then recovers, "I mean are you sure you want to do that she's kind of-"

"Of course I do Yang! She's your mom, she has to be awesome!" Then the pieces start to fall into place for Ruby. "Wait a minute, where has she been all these years? Was she on some sort of really long mission? Does she know-" she cuts herself off before she can finish that sentence, but it draws a wince from Yang. She didn't get to ask about Summer before Raven departed and that has to be stinging more than a little right now.

Not like it makes what Yang has to say any easier. It's kind of hard to admit that your mother has been playing bandit for almost two decades. I give Weiss a shove to help the blonde out, her being more than familiar with that kind of pain of disappointment and what Yang needs is a sympathetic face.

What follows is Yang opening up to her team about her looking for her mom, how long she's been doing so, and even what she's really like. She even works in an apology to Ruby for that event during their childhood, although the other sister doesn't really remember it and tries to play the apology off. I think that whole procession hits Weiss and Blake harder than it does the sisters. That their two teammates could very easily just not be here if a twist of fate occurred and Qrow was just a little too slow saving them.

I'm not sure how to feel about the fact that the topic of Raven turns out to be more of a downer for everyone than the fact there's a world spanning conspiracy and an evil mastermind in charge of the grimm. I suppose I'll just have to check in on them later as I feel more than a little out of place in this whole exchange.

It's clearly an emotional moment they need to process and while I've been more than a little involved it's not really something that's weighted on my end. I'm sure just being there complicates things more than it helps and they'd probably appreciate the privacy after I've stepped into affairs as much as I have.

I'm stopped by Blake who grabs my hand and rubs her thumb over it. I shoot her a look, as if questioning if I really have to be here for this. She shares a small smile with me before gesturing to the rest of her team who are just now noticing my attempt to leave. I'm not sure I like that look in Ruby's eyes so I settle back down with a huff. My two girlfriends share a look with one another that I'm sure spells trouble for me in the future, but I otherwise subject myself to this experience.

I really don't see why they bother as aside from a few muted thanks from Ruby for helping Yang out I'm not sure my presence really changes anything. Whatever issue Yang has with me doesn't get resolved. There are no further dramatic reveals. Instead the two sisters start talking about their family and various stories of the past which draws Weiss to do the same and eventually Blake.

After one of Blake's stories everyone turns to me like it's somehow my turn. I almost want to dismiss their unstated inquiries out of hand. I never agreed to this, but I've stuck around and heard enough that there's some level of expectation that I contribute. That and everyone except Yang is giving me an expectant look. I should have left when I had the chance.

"Fine," I concede and ignore the resultant cheering from Ruby. My girlfriends take up space on each side of me as I join the circular seating arrangement on the floor.

Weiss naturally links her hand with mine which prompts Blake to do the same which then prompts my other girlfriend to escalate and practically drape herself around my shoulder. I ignore the byplay as best as I can and Blake seems unaware of the inadvertent competition she started while I'm sure Weiss has a smug smile for winning. Going by the looks on Yang and Ruby's faces they don't miss what's going on either though Ruby is doing her best to stare at an empty spot on the ground.

It's a mess and not one I can deal with presently. Besides, this is supposed to be a more light-hearted moment I think. It definitely started somber and reminiscent of better times, but the girls opening up with one another generates a certain sense of camaraderie. I don't know why they feel the need to include me in that, but with the weight of Weiss and a squeeze from Blake I think I get the hint. I'm more or less an honorary member of the team just like Weiss and Blake are with mine.

Either way I can't delay for too long and so I say, "Well if we're all sharing. My dad's a former Huntsman, sure, but he ran to Menagerie for a multitude of reasons. Mom was one of them, but he also ran up a debt he couldn't pay back easily. Turns out he was quite the gambler, or at least a prolific one. Can't say he saw too much success from how things turned out."

My attempt at humor doesn't really stir a reaction from anyone and before I can get into the meat of my story Yang interrupts, "How much debt did he rack up?" I think the question is more out of politeness than actual interest. I suppose it's a good sign that she's willing to let things warm up between us, although I don't think she's going to let the matter of secret keeping slip from her mind easily.

"I don't know actually," I admit slowly. "I imagine it has to be in the tens of thousands of Lien, maybe more. Anyway that's not all that important. It does inform this story as dad decided to teach me how to play poker since we didn't really deal with anyone else at Kuo Kuana." I decide to preempt any questions and add, "We didn't play with any real money, just some seashells I collected in place of chips."

"OH," Ruby interjects excitedly, "Are those the treasures you collected when you'd go swimming?" Her comment draws me into a silence for several long moments before I nod slowly. I know my girlfriends' gazes are on me without needing to look which only makes it worse. Why did I ever tell Ruby about that? Right, because talking about my homeland makes me say stupid things. Summer can't come soon enough.

"Yes, well-"

"What else did you find?" That question comes from my treacherous cat-eared girlfriend who only flashes me an unrepentant smile. I swear if there wasn't so much company I'd do something to get back at her immediately. That and, well, both of my hands are rather occupied making that a foolish endeavor.

I sigh, "A bunch of junk for the most part. I did find a jade comb someone dropped in the waters. Dad made me give it back. Not for nothing in the end, which led to us having time for this distraction as we didn't have to go out fishing for a few weeks."

Weiss makes a noise of interest next to my ear. She should really use her words if she wants to ask something specific. However, knowing her and the distance between her and her family I get the sense what she's wanting to interrogate me about.

"Yeah, dad and I would fish together pretty often, at least when I was young like that. Too dangerous to get our food outside of the walls without proper training on my part. That and lazily sitting on the pier with one another for hours on end was enjoyable enough. We were pretty close I guess," I admit reluctantly.

"I didn't peg you as a daddy's boy," Yang needles and I wince. That draws her attention further and she presses, "Here I thought you'd spend that time hanging with your friends acting all cool and above it all." When she finishes her sentence she looks about the crowd for support. I don't remember if I've told her about my circumstances in Menagerie or if she's forgotten. But I know I've told my girlfriends and Yang's rapidly shifting expression to a more sheepish one informs me they aren't too appreciative of her words.

"I'd rather not talk about that honestly," I cut in before the mood gets too heavy. "Let's just say that the more things change the more they stay the same." Yang nods solemnly at that while Ruby looks a little lost and I'm not about to explain to her how or why I was treated by my countrymen. "Back to the story at hand, my dad's kind of a lousy gambler.

He has the tendency to start overbetting whenever he gets a few wins under his belt and while he can clean house on occasion with that tactic it's not too hard to counteract. I just had to learn how to be patient and wait for him to overextend on some rather garbage hands. I was eight or nine or something at this point and holed up in the house with dad for a week. So, naturally I was bored out of my mind and kept needling him to do something else.

Of course he decided we'd bet on that over the course of a game. I won some, lost some, practically had the next few weeks of our schedule picked out just by all the promises we made with one another. Then I decided to push my luck a bit.

He won the last two rounds so I knew he was riding high and I was getting kind of tired of being picked on all the time. So I made my next bet something more long-term, that he'd have to spend some time each week training me to be a Huntsman.

Looking back on it I'm pretty sure he would have trained me regardless, at least if I told him my reasons why. Even then I'm sure he knew something was up; can't imagine he didn't with how obvious it was. Either way putting it up for a bet like we did and me winning it had me invested. It was something that I earned in my mind and I think that's been more than a little responsible for my attitude towards training in general."

I conclude my tale with that. It's not quite the same as the others, lacking a certain personal or in-depth component. If I was aiming for that, I could go into the silly bets my dad would make and times where I'm certain he threw the game on purpose, or even when he lost his rod to a fish and jumped in to skewer the thing personally.

However, I feel what I've shared is more than enough for what they were looking for and tells them more about me as well. I'll admit sharing like this is something I'm uncomfortable with and a less revealing tale would serve just as well, but I can admit that it wouldn't be following the spirit of things.

Although I don't think that sentiment is shared by the two sisters. Yang is looking expectantly like I'll get to some sort of dramatic moment or have some punch-line at the end and she grows more disappointed by the second. Ruby has a look of concentration on her face that makes it hard to tell what she's thinking, though it's not exactly touched by the reveal.

My girlfriends, however, know what I'm like and how I act normally and show their appreciation in their own little gestures. Blake's seem to be a bit more than she'd go for normally, likely a small apology for not being there when I was a kid. A small enough matter that I won't deal with it now, but I'll keep it in the back of my mind for later.

"Wait," Ruby utters as if she's come to some sort of conclusion. "You said you were picked on. Who'd do that to you and why?"

I suck in a breath and let out a huff. I suppose there's no way for me to avoid dealing with it. "The other kids mostly, but the adults around town didn't do much to stop them most of the time. My dad's a human, remember?"

"I thought you said in your interview that that kind of thing didn't happen in Menagerie."

"I lied," I admit frankly and Ruby looks lost for a second like that was an impossibility. "People, at the core, are mostly the same no matter where you go. And people can be cruel and callous even at the best of times."

Yang snorts, more to draw the attention away from Ruby and the subject at large instead of drawing any humor from what I've said. "Figures. Sound like a bunch of jerks to me; don't know why you'd bother with them." Her comment is cool and dismissive, trying to put the matter behind us. However, her words have me more than a little incensed.

"Yang. Don't disparage my home or my countrymen like that ever again or I'll make you eat those words." Everyone stills at that as the tension between Yang and I comes back to the forefront. I let out a huff; sure it's a bit of an extreme response but after being pushed around by her and her mom this week and last I'm more than willing to bandy threats of violence. We'll see if she's so willing to throw her weight around with the implicit threat of reprisal brought up.

"I, uh," Ruby stalls, looking about the room for some sort of solution to the nascent problem. "I think what Yang was trying to ask was why you're doing that. Like what your reasons for being so committed are, not trying to imply anything else." Her defense of her sister is weak, but for the sake of everyone else in the room I put it behind me

"It's my home," I state simply. It's the truth yet I know that's not enough for most. "Sure it has its problems. More than most I'd think, but there are happy memories there. More than that, growing up there is the reason why I am who I am today; I can't just abandon it after that. We've been dealt a raw hand and most people don't want to change things, but if we play our cards right I know things can be so much better."

"Sounds like you inherited more than a few things from your dad," Yang supplies in a light tone. Most likely trying to offer an olive-branch of sorts. "You know, playing with the cards you're dealt and all that, even playing with a bad hand." She smiles at the rest of the group, her explanation being unnecessary for me and I don't bother focusing on everyone else. I'm too lost in my thoughts.

"I guess the thing I fell in love with the most is the land itself. For the most part it's rough, wild, and untamed, but there's a lot of potential there. We're settled against a mountain range, like Vale, which restricts our expansion, something fierce, though it keeps the grimm out. Unlike Vale we aren't in the middle of a river valley and some rough hills to the side help our defenses for the most part while making expansion an utter pain. I think depression is the technical term, but the atmosphere is almost the opposite of that.

There's so much greenery in town, more so than I've seen anywhere else. Except maybe Mistral. In their case they've had the benefit of so many more years and actual usable tools to carve out their mountainsides. It just makes me think of how much potential my home has.

Back before I joined the White Fang I would spend hours in my semblance leveling the place and constructing my own little town. Like the biggest sandcastle you've ever seen. If we can just get the correct tools to work the land there's so much space we can free up, maybe even push the walls out and then we really start building ourselves up.

Not to say that what we have already isn't worthwhile. It's pretty cramped despite all the greenery, the ground too uneven and rough in a lot of places to make use of. However, it has a charm all of its own. When you get to the more cramped portions of town it's pretty easy to hop onto a roof and take the rooftops instead of slumming it around on the street. At least that's what I, and a lot of other kids, would do

I know that might all seem really superficial, but I guess even with my semblance helping out I can tell just how much effort setting up what little we have takes. That so much was poured into our town, our Kingdom, and how much that must mean to everyone there to even make the attempt. Most of the time it feels like the land itself doesn't want us there any more than the grimm does, but we've clawed a place for ourselves all the same. How can I not appreciate that effort?"

I take a few deep breaths, feeling like I've talked for far longer than I intended. I'm not sure if that's true. I haven't even gotten to the watering hole just outside the walls or how when the sun shines just right the whole sea shimmers like a collection of jewels. Or how despite my isolation there's a palpable sense that we were all in this together. We kind of have to be with how inhospitable the place is. I know the other Kingdoms had to have gone through and done something similar, but it's so much different seeing it up close when I can actually affect things.

Apparently my words, or something else about how I act, come as some sort of shock to the people around me. Yang and Ruby are left speechless while Blake has a nostalgic look in her eyes and Weiss has an odd sort of expression. I think I know what's on her mind and maybe we should get around to talking about it in detail, but now isn't the place for it. Particularly since Ruby isn't quiet for long and starts to bombard me with questions about my home and what we can do there.

I actually have to caution her against expecting too much grimm slaying. Being a largely abandoned continent means most of the grimm are of the ancient variety and particularly cunning and dangerous. Not that I expect our time to go by without any grimm slaying, but getting it through her head that these beasts are actually dangerous can only be a good thing. That and most of them are out in the outback and I really don't want to get dragged along and have to deal with the heat. The coast line is fine because I could just pop in the water to cool off, but I don't want to suffer through that if I don't have to.

Eventually the conversation turns back to the fact I brought up my semblance and then I'm interrogated by Ruby and Yang about it. It wasn't quite a slip of the tongue, but it's already a lot of reveals that I didn't think I'd make today. It isn't too bad since I already planned to reveal it to my friends anyway, though I do hate that I'll have to explain it yet again to the others. It also gets me thinking about what else I could reveal, like how I stole the plans for the CCT Relay.

It's almost certainly going to come up during our summer trip and it's not like Weiss and Blake don't know about my involvement already. Maybe I'll share that story with everyone sometime soon. I'm a bit hesitant considering Ciel and Penny, but it's not like Ironwood doesn't already know and somewhat approve after the fact. Either way, enough has been said for one day that I can hold onto that little tidbit for later.

Our discussion drags on for long enough until it eventually devolves into just talking about potential plans for the summer. Yang confirms that she'll be coming along. I figure with her mother coming by for semi-regular talks she doesn't have much of a reason to seek her out. The plan seems to be for RWBY to stick together, at least while we're visiting Blake's and Weiss' family.

Ruby even tries to plead with Weiss and I to visit Patch before we leave so she can show us off to her dad. I'd think she forgot that we've all met him before if she isn't so embarrassed when I bring up how he cornered me that one day. Apparently she thinks that makes her dad uncool, and that uncoolness reflects on her as well. I don't see how meeting him for a second time is supposed to help with that, but it's not like Patch is too far out of the way to not stop by for a visit before departing for our other destinations. Either way it gets late enough that I have to retire for the day.
Interlude 7, Raven Branwen

7. Raven Branwen

I beat my wings as I make my departure from Beacon. While my semblance would make this escape more expedient, it wouldn't serve my purposes. Yang knows about this part of me, but I doubt she fully comprehends what it means. I didn't at first. And who knows what lies that man has been feeding her.

It hasn't been much, that's for sure. Yang's lack of reaction to the subtler hints is proof as such. She might have some Tai in her, but I refuse to believe she's that daft. Plus a quick check on her afterwards and her aggression to the meddler supports this. Good. With any luck she'll learn to question things far sooner than I did.

As satisfying as it would be to monitor her journey a little more I can't spare her the time. She has to find her own way through the world. I think she's doing a well-enough job of that already. Aside from her hot-headedness she's picked up the right lessons. She knows when to step up and when not to back down. The alternative hasn't been tested, but I'll be there when she bites off more than she can chew.

Really what I regret the most is not being able to observe how she puts the screws to the interloper. He should know better than to get involved especially after our confrontation last week. He has guts at least, I'll give him that much. Such a shame that he'll throw that life of his away. Maybe that will serve as another lesson for Yang; a caution against any of Ozpin's deceptions.

It is odd that he's so well informed for how young he is. Ozpin doesn't recruit that young, which must mean he's really desperate. However, that doesn't line up with how little Yang knew. It's impossible that he found out all that information on his own, I refuse to believe it. He is bold enough that I think him believing he's doing what he thinks is best for his people is true. Another shame that Ozpin will endanger them just as readily.

I bank to the left and let thoughts of the faunus drop from my head. I have far more worthwhile things to think about than him and this flight will be long enough. I could get there faster with my semblance, but I need to think things through a little more first.

The meeting I depart from is just the most important of those. Yang acquitted herself more than adequately for her age, something worthy of being rewarded. Maybe I'll think of something for her by time our next meeting rolls around. It's odd how that makes me feel, almost a good odd. If only she could have chosen the right questions.

No, instead she focuses on the past and things best left forgotten. There's no mending what was torn apart, not after what I did. Just as equally there's no reason for her to obsess over the past. It's another weakness to be exploited. I wish she didn't inherit that weakness from me; it was hard enough overcoming it and leaving things behind without her making the same mistakes.

Then she had the nerve to bring up Tai. She's the reason why I'm even making this trip to begin with and it's foolish even now. Nothing's going to change from this and his pain is long buried. There's no reason for me to interfere and nothing I can do even if I did. What would I even say that's worth saying?

Still, her reminder of how he was after Summer and that night; well, I just want to make sure one more time. He should be well settled back home by time I arrive and I can evaluate him before he heads to bed. It has been a while since I've checked on him. With Yang at Beacon I've spent less time around that house, not like I'd be welcome at any rate. She even agrees with the sentiment; he's fine without me, but I'm already on my way and it wouldn't hurt to make sure.

Just as before I alter course and the thoughts slide away as the cityscape of Vale is replaced by the ocean blue. Ships are entering and exiting port and seem oh so small from my height. They feel even smaller when I know that with a bit of exertion I could call upon the powers of nature and wash them all away. It wouldn't be fast, and would certainly be noticed, but I could do it.

Yet, with all this power it's still not enough to stand against Salem. All this power and more and Ozpin can't stand against her despite his lifetimes of experience. It's all a house of cards just waiting to come crashing down. All it takes is one weakness and it's all gone. So many people throwing their lives away to stave off that inevitability when they could be securing their own livelihood instead. It's not like anyone will ever know of your sacrifices in the end anyway. At least Tai learned to avoid that life before it took him as well.

It doesn't take long to reach the shores of Patch. Even shorter to find the log home and the clearing it's in. What does take the most time is finding a suitable perch to settle in on. One that's close enough that I can peer inside while remaining distant enough to not be spotted. I can't afford to let myself be caught like that, I just can't.

Even after I find my first perch I have to give up on it as Tai is simply not in any of the rooms that I can view from my angle. So, I change it for another one and then another until I finally catch sight of him. He's in the kitchen fixing himself dinner, my view of him unobstructed. Apparently he saw fit to open the window despite the chill outside. I'd berate him for that if I could, I swear if he catches something from the cold I'd…Well, I would make fun of him in my head at the least. That's all I can do really.

Eventually he steps away from the stove and into the living room. I wait a few minutes and he doesn't return, evidently this part of his cooking requires no further input on his part. I don't know why he doesn't shut the window, but there is a certain call to have a look inside.

It's been a while since I've actually seen the house from the inside and this seems like a golden opportunity. Even if something goes wrong it's not like he'd be able to do anything to me or keep me there. Still, it's better if I'm not seen at all. Yet I glide towards the opening despite those reservations.

I-it's just a quick peek, it shouldn't hurt to check around and then I can fly out. No need to alert him that I've been here at all. I land on the windowsill and then hop to the counter to avoid dealing with the aroma of what he is cooking. I don't need that kind of distraction right now even if it brings me further inside the house.

Once I'm situated I look around slowly starting from the left. A row of cabinets up top, another window to the outside - this one closed and a single pane of glass unable to be opened, a sink, a door to the outside, a door to the laundry room, a table with two chairs across from one another, a door to the living room with the staircase to the bedrooms in view, and a fridge. I can't see Tai from my angle, which means he shouldn't be able to see me either, but what I do see has me flutter over to the table for a closer look.

Hung up on the fridge are a variety of magnets and childish affectations, drawings mostly. However, amongst them are also pictures of Tai and the girls. Sometimes together, sometimes on their own, but my attention is only drawn to one in particular.

Gods she's so young in most of these. One of them has her holding up a fish on the end of a line beaming with a gap-toothed smile and blonde pigtails, she couldn't be any older than eight. What's worse is I can't remember the moment. Either I was away at the time or, more likely in my mind, I've simply forgotten. Seeing it stirs some feeling of familiarity, but I can't recall any great details.

It isn't much better for most of the photos. There's one of her and Ruby skating over a frozen lake. A scene I've seen more than a few times, but can't place this particular one. Another of Yang with uncharacteristically short hair pouting at the camera. Yet another of her a few years younger than she is now and fawning over her bike. That one I can place, kind of hard to forget when she first got the thing, but the exuberant expression showcased isn't one I remember.

I knew she was excited to receive the machine and have witnessed her spend more than a few hours toiling over and caring for it. However, nothing quite matches up with the sight I see and I scoot to the edge of the table, as far as I dare to get a closer look at everything. I'm not so overwhelmed I'm going to do something as foolish as transforming in here.

I knew there was only so much I could gleam at a distance, but I didn't think I missed this much. I mean it's all superficial in the face of making sure she's safe and happy. Although, it is yet another reminder that for as much as I've been there I also haven't. Not in any capacity that matters to her. Or Tai.

My heart grows still and cold at that realization. Of course I knew it was true already. I'm not stupid. Or maybe I am. Stupid enough to think this was a good idea at any rate. Tai and her have done well for themselves and they don't need me messing with this part of their lives. I can make sure she's safe and ready to face the harshness of the world and he can take care of her happiness.

I turn to leave only to see a large and familiar obstruction between me and the window. Tai is, well, the best way I can describe him is older. It was easy to pretend the age wasn't there when viewing him from afar. The details never clear enough that I had to deal with them. His hair has a duller shine though he wears it in the same short style. Really, aside from a bit more stubble around his cheeks he hasn't changed his looks all that much; the only thing really catching my eye is the red band around his arm, no doubt in memory of Summer.

"Hey," he says, placing his hands up to show he means no harm and not startle me. I should just leave right now, but he's too in the way and it would be for the best if he thinks I'm just a bird that wandered in. "She's grown up a lot, I know," he continues, putting that vain hope to rest. His head cocks towards the fridge and against my better judgment I look back again.

He steps towards me while I'm distracted and I stop myself from running away from the innocent gesture. I'm not so weak as to turn tail and run over that, but it takes far more effort to combat that initial reaction than it should. Tai moves past me and pulls out one of the chairs, the one closer to the fridge and pictures, before taking a few steps back leaving the seat free and clear.

I look at him then back at the seat offered. I hop onto it and then, realizing if I'm going to go that far I might as well go all the way, I transform. The sudden change in perspective passes by with familiar ease and with newly returned hands I grab a picture of Yang smiling at a sleeping Ruby, the two of them still so young.

"I have more if you want to see them. A whole album's worth and then some," Tai interrupts. I glare at him. I know what he's trying to do and I'm not going to indulge him like that, I can't let myself do so. As if he realizes that he continues with an easygoing smile, "At least stay for dinner. It's almost ready and I made a little extra just in case."

"What do you mean by that?" The question escapes me before I realize it and I click my tongue. I stop any further reactions, that's far more than I should be giving away. I shouldn't even be here in the first place. I blame that stubborn girl and that damnable brat.

"Just that I know you, Rae. That and I've been holding out hope that one of you would find your way back eventually." His frank admission hits me with all the force and subtlety of a bag of bricks. I-he can't be serious can he? After all that's happened? My eyes drift to that red armband once again and then to the colors of my own outfit.

What am I thinking? Of course he's serious. He's Tai and he's the same fool as always. He really should know better, it would be all too easy for me to take advantage of that kindness. I've done it enough times already.

He takes my momentary silence as consent and passes a bowl in front of my seat along with a spoon. It's a stew of some sort and I'm not going to turn down free food; no need to stretch the supplies of the tribe if I can get what I need elsewhere. However, it fills a bit over half of the bowl and a quick look as he sits down makes me think he's given himself a smaller portion.

"You need to eat more," I grumble before digging into the meal myself. After my first bite I spot his soft eyes and I'm all but certain he overheard me. I stare down at the dish and stir it around to dissipate the heat. Only when I'm satisfied that it's at the proper temperature do I return my attention to him. This time he has a kindly smile on his face and I want to scream at him.

No, that would be admitting weakness. I can't do that; not now, not ever. Instead I return to my meal in silence, except that Tai has other ideas.

"How's the tribe?"

I suppose as his guest I should answer, "We're doing fine. We've had to move more often than I'd like, but we're making it work." There, that should be satisfactory and not give him much to go on.

Then again does it matter? Yang's already found the camp and I'm not moving us again so soon after the last time. At least not over something as trivial as her figuring it out. While it would be safer to move, moving too often would draw attention I'd rather avoid. And since Oz's newest soldier didn't press me about the Spring Maiden they probably don't know about that either.

"That's good," he says neutrally, ignoring any and all thoughts I have on the matter. Then, instead of asking about them he asks, "Do you wanna know what she's up to? Or Ruby?" The latter girl is only thrown in for politeness' sake. I have even less of a right to deal with her than anyone else, but he's making the attempt.

My first response is to dismiss his question outright. It's hard enough to talk about my baby girl with him after I've been gone for so long. Even harder doing so in his house and with this atmosphere. I should shut up and just get out as soon as I can. Except my thoughts return to my headstrong daughter.

She's willing to fight me over some perceived slights on others' behalf. Most certainly inheriting that foolishness from her father. Still, I can't dismiss that he's one of those people she would want me to make up with and I did think that her behavior thus far deserves some sort of reward. It would be far better for her to ask for something more personally beneficial, though I know this is the exact type of request she'd make instead.

I take a breath, set aside my mostly empty bowl, and cooly state, "I met her earlier actually." That surprises him and I don't fight the smile that forms from shaking him so. He recovers quickly with a smile too wide and smooth to be forced much to my confusion.

"That's great," he says in a light-hearted tone. As if things are all fine just because Yang and I have talked, however briefly. Of course; he's a fool, a blind overly hopeful fool. He doesn't even know what she and I talked about, or if we even talked about anything of consequence. He just hopes that means things are changing for the better.

"She doesn't think so," I say to disabuse him of that notion.

His face falls, "I'm sorry, Rae." He reaches over the table to grab my hand and I pull it away as if burned. At least I try to, except his grip is too much for me to easily break out of. I stare at him intensely; If you're going to be that firm just take what you want.

Besides, why is he even apologizing to me? It's just like him to misinterpret my words for something I never said. That doesn't tell me anything of what misconstruction he's going with currently and quite frankly I don't want to think about it.

"It's to be expected," I state, ignoring the matter altogether. It looks like he wants to argue the point. Only for a moment, afterwards he sighs, looks down, and then stares me in the eyes with far more gentleness than he should.

"Rae," He says to get my attention. I don't know why he bothered. It's not like I have anyone else to deal with currently. "If you're done I have something I'd like to show you." There is more I could eat, but I've lost my appetite. Tai was never that great at cooking anyway, though he's maybe improved a little. Either way I nod and with my hand still held by his he leads me into the living room before setting me on the couch.

I glare at him as he walks away. I really hope he doesn't think things are so simple. I'm not cut out for this domestic life and the sooner he stops pretending I am the better off we'll both be. Even if I was, or if I wanted to be, I can't exactly stay here with him.

While I need the Maiden's power to survive it also paints a target on my back and the backs of anyone close to me. When I made that decision I knew what it meant and that I could never return to a normal life. I'd either be pressured into using my power or chased for it and neither would be what's best for them.

I know this, but Yang's words about how she just wanted a mom that was there for her come ringing back in my head. Silly girl doesn't know what she's asking for and I should just ignore her. Just like I should ignore whatever nonsense Tai is getting up to. He returns with a thick book that he only opens enough to withdraw a paper from within.

It's torn with wrinkles all over the page and more than a few wet spots that have long since dried even if they smear the words on occasion. No doubt the writer balled it up and tried to throw it away. Given the rough lettering and the fact Tai is showing it to me tells me that the writer is Yang. How young must she have been for such shoddy penmanship?

Her childish scrawl takes far too much effort to determine what exactly she wrote, but it is legible, barely. Her writing is overly shaky and some words utterly ruined by the smearing from some sort of liquid. I don't let myself think about that too much and stop myself after her second plea for me to come back as well as what we could do if I did so. This is a letter written for me as pointless as it was for her to do so, there's no way she could have had it delivered and only served to indulge her childish fantasies. Just as pointless is continuing on; she certainly doesn't feel that way anymore. Yet I can't force myself to hand it back to Tai just yet.

Not that it would stop him from shoving the book in front of my eyes. A photo album pulled open to an entire collage of Yang through various stages of her life. I know exactly what he's trying to do and I throw a half-hearted glare at him. Why does he keep ignoring them? Can't he take the hint and stop this nonsense? Whatever, it would be rude to shut him down so completely after we shared a meal together.

I pretend to pay attention to his words as his finger trails from picture to picture and explains the context. I know most of it, and try to shut him out as much as I can. However, his words have a way of piercing through even that. The way he describes them each and every moment is wholly unique and special and holds a place in his heart not soon to be forgotten. My own feels like it seizes up in that moment and my blood runs cold until he wraps an arm around me.

I growl at him and he shoots me that idiotic smile of his. Damnable man would probably play with a bear thinking it's an oversized dog with all the sense he has. My complaints are silenced when he turns the page to more pictures of Yang, and her sister too I suppose. He explains those as well and I slowly allow myself to relax against his shoulder.

There are worse things I could do with my time and my men aren't so helpless they need me to watch over them all the time. Or even check in with them all that often. Vernal should be able to keep things in line until I come back unless I'm gone for a whole week or so.

It feels like hours pass as we page through the book, going back from the beginning. There are even a few of STRQ and the individual members, but they quickly are overcome by the pictures of the children as they grow up. There are more than a few blank spots for pictures, especially in those early sections. When I ask about them Tai just shoots me that dumb grin of his and I know there's no point in asking further questions.

By the end of it I'm more than a little slouched over resting against his frame, pretending this is what could have been. He closes the book and I send him a look with no real heat. Just keep your mouth closed and let me enjoy this. Of course he doesn't listen.

"You know, with the kids out of the house there's more than enough room for the both of us. If you don't mind staying the night, that is." I just look at him, he seriously can't be that dumb can he? "C'mon, or are you saying that your tribe is so weak they can't go without you for a single night?" I don't say anything and narrow my eyes instead. Naturally he laughs it off.

I huff; that's not what this is about, idiot. Yet I don't make a move to clarify or leave. What could I say anyways? That he's right, but I want to leave regardless? Then I'd have to explain why I'm leaving or show weakness by avoiding the question.

I suppose one night away from it all wouldn't be the worst. I'll have to leave early so Tai doesn't get too attached or upset. Maybe he'll even think it was all a dream instead of holding onto the delusional hope that anything could ever come of this. It's a hopeless hope, but he doesn't deserve to be hurt anymore than he already has.

Still, his big stupidly cute blue eyes bore into mine awaiting an answer and I nod as little as I can. We don't stir from our position just yet. Instead his arm moves up from my shoulder and starts patting and lightly brushing my hair.

I wonder if he kept the brush set? It's been too long since I've taken proper care of it. Would it be too much of an imposition to ask him to assist with that? What am I thinking about? I can just demand him to help out; he'd probably be overjoyed considering how he's been acting.

"Tai. My hair," I start firmly. He looks at me like he doesn't know what I could possibly be asking and it only makes forming the words all that bit harder. "Help- could you help me with it?" I shut up immediately afterwards. Treacherous mouth, stupid brain; you both know that's not what I meant to say.

He laughs openly which only makes it worse. "Of course Rae," he whispers in my ear, "I'd be happy to." My heart beats with a warmth I have to strangle. This is only for tonight and while I can't stop Tai from getting his hopes up I can certainly stop myself from having such delusions. No longer am I a naive schoolgirl too caught up in things to question them. Staying like this will just bring heartbreak for us all.

Still, I allow myself to be led upstairs to the bathroom, passing by his bed that's large enough for the both of us. We set up next to the tub and start running the water to help deal with my mane of hair. It seems in all this time he hasn't forgotten how to handle it and his touch has only grown more tender and gentle. I think we both know where this night is ending, but I allow myself to luxuriate for the moment and let those worries drift away.
S2 Week 10 (Part 3)
After classes the next day I decide to take some time out for myself and delve into the mysteries of Merlot and Mulberry. I'll drop by the station to have a chat with Al and see what he's turned up before I really get into things, but going over and piecing together reports is a nice reprieve from the past few days. It especially helps since there are a lot of similarities with my more conspiracy related projects, well fake conspiracy ones. I really am involved in far too many real ones for me to not make that distinction.

Not that this one appears all that fake now. It could be a wild goose chase, but this is the proof that I need to figure out if it is one or not and I have more than enough concrete figures to look into. I'll also have to check and see if the evidence recovery is complete and what that's turned up. Therefore I start with the one aspect of things that shouldn't be affected by all that.

The most likely method of Dust transport between Mulberry and Merlot has to be a ship. All I have to do is check various ports of call and see if there are any repeat ships on a voyage that indicates they've gone to and from Mulberry's camps. If that fails I'll have to rely on rumor and hearsay, maybe even bug my partner about it to see if she has any insight.

Investigation Check: Rank: 4.4 + .5(Marina) = 4.9 vs Challenge: 4

Final Modifier: +22

Dice: 1d100+22

14 + 22 = 36

It takes a few hours before I'm able to discard almost all of the dockside reports. None of the traveling ships line up with the voyage times and consistency indicated by what I've found. That doesn't necessarily mean that there isn't something there, but I have to consider Merlot's financials and nature.

He doesn't exactly strike me as the kind of man to set up multiple clandestine relationships with dockmasters just to hide his ships from official reports and he wouldn't necessarily have the Lien to do so. If he is the one responsible then he's held a long-standing relationship with Mulberry because of the convenience it grants him. I doubt he'd go through that whole song and dance with additional people if he could help it.

Of course that's a sign that it isn't Merlot then and instead someone else, but that just feels wrong to consider. I can't reasonably prove it, but operating under that assumption has worked thus far. It hasn't thrown out all my prior work so I'm willing to indulge it for now as well. Either I'll find something to confirm it or stumble onto something to discount it definitively.

Back to the investigation at hand it must mean that the ship, or ships, in question have to be large and well equipped enough to survive a long-term voyage. There are a lot of factors that I can only guess at here and a lot of the pieces don't make a whole lot of sense. Doing some napkin math the ship either has to be ridiculously large for the supplies it has to carry along with the Dust or there's something else going on. At a dead end I decide to reach out to my partner and see if she can help with anything.

Surprisingly, or perhaps not so, her piratical experience is more than a little useful. She eliminates an entire search area for me, that being the sea lanes that travel along Northwestern and Northern Mistral. Apparently Atlas patrols those waters far too much for anything of that size to escape their notice.

Marina assures me that even the smallest ship I can imagine fit for this duty would be too large to escape notice entirely and I trust her on that. I still mark down the reports to be checked in the future in case one of our underlying assumptions is wrong, but otherwise move on to reports and rumors.

Since she's already with me I quiz her on that and the closest thing she brings up is stories of ghost ships. I almost want to dismiss it out of hand, but I bite my tongue and ask her what exactly she means by that.

"What I said Captain," she looks at me and my unmoving expression before realizing I'm wanting an explanation. "We'd deal with other crews on occasion and they'd share stories of their hunts. Some talked about following after a big ship, not as big as a tanker, not many crews are equipped to deal with that. We even followed one that matched up with the stories.

Everyone was real scared in case they were true and the longer we followed after them the more they seemed to be. The whole ship was all dead and empty, I couldn't see anyone, not even with my semblance, and the grimm didn't bother them at all.

At first we thought we were attracting them and the other crew were just made of sterner stuff, but after the second day of following them we decided it was best to hold off for a while longer. After the third day we turned tail and let them get away. Not once did they try to signal us or change course, and of course the grimm didn't descend on them so we could pick 'em off afterwards. The next few weeks were real tough on everyone and we learned to avoid tailing them in the future. Eventually we had to move to richer seas."

As much as I hate having to go off of hearsay for the most part I know Marina isn't one to lie about this kind of thing. She might come up with outlandish stories for the reasoning of why after the fact, but she can present facts like this in a dry and detailed enough way for me to formulate my own conclusions.

Drilling down on her recountings there are some holes that appear due to her forgetting details and not knowing exact dates. However, I am able to determine that there has to be more than one ship involved at the bare minimum. Additionally I have a route that they most likely took with Marina supplying a corroboration when brought to a map.

Initially the ships were heading South along the Mistrali coastline before cutting through a narrow strait that most ships avoided due to bringing them too close to the landborne grimm that would otherwise cause the ships trouble. Marina's crew were there for the obvious reason of picking on unsuspecting travelers either before or immediately after the grimm got to them which makes it all the stranger that the grimm weren't willing to attack the ship.

Drifting that close should have gathered their attention regardless of what happened, so long as there were any people aboard. That makes me go back to my initial assumption that Merlot had to have some sort of crew for his ships. Given Marina's recounting that isn't the only thing I have to reconsider, but it is the most significant.

Atlas and the SDC use automated rail-lines to avoid the notice of the grimm and staff them with robotic protectors to deal with any bandits. It's not always successful, but I can't find reports of grimm attacks on such structures without some sort of outside interference or in the rare case of the automated defenses attacking the grimm first.

Something similar has to be going on here and that has troubling implications. Merlot has the technical expertise that I have to begrudgingly accept this as a potential reality. The concerning part is that he's been able to keep up with and outpace Atlesian developments. Sure some of that was set back by Watts' sabotage, but Merlot has been out of the public eye for decades at this point. He's done all of what Atlas has accomplished and more all on his own.

Furthermore he has the industrial capacity to service these ships, and presumably robots, all on his lonesome. I can't even fathom what that must look like, but it spells nothing good. Either he is connected with the broader conspiracy or he's resourceful enough to manage this all on his own. I don't know which is worse, honestly.

Back to more practical matters, Marina's recounting assures me that there has to be multiple ships as well as their rough dimensions. Far smaller than I was expecting, but if he doesn't have to budget space for food and other sundries or even cabin space for sleeping crew it fits. Unfortunately that's where my good fortune ends.

My partner is hardly an authoritative source for this and there's little corroboration from the rumors and reports about these mystery ships. They must deliberately travel along grimm infested waters to throw off any official attention. They might even be thought of as smugglers or particularly daring sailors, although the lack of any reported altercations with these ships indicates that either they are able to avoid that notice altogether or that those that tangle with them don't live long enough to report on it.

Either way that presents another dead end and I have to work backwards. Marina's testimony and the position of Mulberry's camp at the time can give me most of the travel path and I try to reconstruct what I can from grimm patterns and reports. It would be far easier if I had such grimm movements collated and easily presentable, the second time such a sentiment crosses my mind. Marina is of little help for reconstructing the start of their journey, it being an area that her and her crew simply didn't operate out of.

With not much more help that she can provide my partner retreats to her bed to return to chronicling and her presence is soon replaced by a shy Blake. She has a few more reports for me to look over as well as her insights on them. It isn't very helpful as it's nothing I haven't found out on my own, but I get her caught up to speed on what I've determined and what I suspect.

During this she attends to me with little scratches along my back and rubbing my shoulders. It's nice being the one pampered for a change, plus my girlfriend acts as an able soundboard for my more outlandish observations and theories. I doubt that I'll find anything concrete now without turning over a few more stones or finding a new source of information, but it is an enjoyable way to pass the time.

We even start delving into an increasingly ridiculous series of events to explain what we know. We eventually settle on that Merlot gained control of some sort of grimm kraken to wipe out any ships that threatened his supply boats. Something that draws a puzzling look from my partner, but is otherwise entertaining enough. The time spent is an easy reminder of the days I've spent on conspiracy boards. I wouldn't mind getting involved in them again, and it seems like Blake would be amenable to joining me in that hobby so it's even more enticing.

As much fun as it would be to hang out with Blake even longer, I do have to head into work today. Al wants my input on a few reports before he submits them. Mainly budget and scheduling related. I almost want to drag my girlfriend with me since I'll be digging into Mulberry and Merlot some more with Al, but refrain from doing so.

Even if she has some time set aside for me I shouldn't impugn on it too much and I have something else in mind for what's already reserved. That doesn't stop her from saying goodbye with a needy expression on her face, I'm sure she's only barely holding herself back from doing something more significant.

As amusing as that thought is it doesn't hold my attention for too long and before I know it I'm at the station. We don't have a meeting for today and yet Sandy is off to the side with her scroll out looking through one thing or another. I'm sure I could sneak by her with as distracted as she is, but if she's here on a day when she should be at her own station that must mean something and my curiosity is piqued.

I slide next to her with a small wave of my hand and say, "Hey. Don't see you around here too often, what brings you in today?"

She looks at me and then her scroll, presses a few buttons and puts it away. Then she turns to me and states, "You actually."

"Oh, what did I do this time?" Her expression grows annoyed at that, either picking it up as a subtle jab over her prior behavior towards me or thinking that I'm not taking this matter seriously enough for her sensibilities.

"It's not actually you this time, but rather your men." I make a noise of interest to prompt her to continue, "You do know they've been causing a scene in the upper class district, right?"

I quirk my head, "Yes, and? Is there a problem with that?" Her look grows more complicated, though the reasons why I can't quite discern. I know she doesn't have much of a connection to anyone in that area and I would think she'd be all for going after targets that are tough for the VPD to deal with.

"It's a bit more involved than that," she supplies, unhelpfully. "Those bastards deserve what's coming for them, but the way you're going about it; I can't approve."

"Why not," I ask slowly. Both desiring an answer and thinking of one that could apply to her.

She cuts her hand across the air, "We have rules and regs for a reason. You can't just ignore people's rights because it's inconvenient. Those sorts of restrictions are what separates us from any sort of common thug on the street."

"Are you saying you'd prefer for those guys to still be puttering about with their ventures," I challenge.

"Of course not, but how we do things is just as important as actually doing them," she huffs. It's not like she doesn't have a point. My men have bent the rules more than a little, we pretty much always have during our partnership with the VPD. Even if I wasn't aware of this small scale violation of personal liberties I think they'd run afoul of it sooner or later.

The way the Union and the watches operate is different enough from how the VPD does that it was all but inevitable. Better in my mind that it pops off in face of dealing with people who have too much influence and protection from the usual channels of law enforcement than anyone else.

It does deepen the populist impression that the Union gives off. Unless I find that distasteful and work against it, it might just become a part of the movement in truth. Not necessarily a bad thing, but like everything else it comes with its own set of baggage.

Regardless, it's not like I'm too willing to hear Sandy out on this. Ridding those operations before they can be fully entrenched is worth a little public scrutiny and it's not like the usual methods that the VPD operates with is all that useful in this arena.

Besides, enforcement over there is…complicated to say the least. Outright corruption may have taken a serious hit after the CCT Records operation, but the more mundane wielding of influence as a cudgel and shield makes the officers there cautious of throwing around accusations and asking for warrants.

I don't think much can be done to address that particular inequality, at least not any that are easily implementable and enforceable. I'll have to break it to her in one way or another that my position is more or less fixed, but I can cover that up with talk of some other topics.

Regulations: I can see where she's coming from even if I don't agree with her myself. Changing her point of view is a minor project for me so I can interrogate her position and see where it's weakest. (4)

Status quo: During our last conversation it was brought up that she has a rather…charitable and simplistic view of how things are run in the VPD. Maybe not a great subject to bring up, but her viewpoint is reflected by a lot of people in Remnant. (3)

White Fang: From our last conversation I know that she doesn't have a charitable view of the Fang, but I can dig into that and maybe point out how the Union is different to distract from the issue. (1)

Concession: Maybe I can admit things are taken a little too far. I can give her my assurance that I'll rein in my men more after this and try to work along more palatable channels. (0)

Enforcement: Surely she's not unaware of how difficult it is to catch those kinds of people in the act, much less with the level of proof to go through the regular channels. Might be worth interrogating her on that. (0)

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention. However, I don't see a reason to address it any further than this," I reply, dismissing her concerns as best I can. It's better if I make it clear that I'm not willing to move from my position. Sandy's face tightens and I get the impression she expected my response even if she hoped for otherwise. She is, however, nothing if not stubborn.

"I told you that I was going to hold you accountable, right?"

"Not in those exact words."

"Well, yeah, but I got that sentiment across. Forget about that," she states, waving her hand from one side to the other as if to discard the distraction. "What I'm trying to say is that's what I'm doing. I'm giving you a chance to do the right thing before I bring it up with the brass."

Her plea is earnest, but I've already decided that I'm not budging. "You're more than free to try," I say, knowing fully how far her complaint would get. "But before you do I think we should talk about it."

"What's there to talk about," she replies, her face and tone growing thunderous.

"Why you think what I'm doing is wrong."

"It's illegal," is her immediate reply.

"And yet the VPD isn't calling me out on it." Her face sours at that news, no doubt aware of it herself. If I had to imagine more than a few of our boys and even some of the brass probably celebrated at the news instead of cursing my name. I doubt that will last as those caught make themselves a headache and a nuisance, but I similarly doubt that the decision will be reversed or myself punished for what I've done. Technically I've had no provable hand in it and Al's precinct is about as far from the upper class district as one can get.

"That doesn't mean it's right," she counters and I sigh.

"Now we're just talking in circles. If it's not the legality of it, as implied by the enforcement or lack thereof, where does your actual issue lie?"

"Just because no one is doing anything about it doesn't mean you're not in the wrong. Proper procedure is pretty clear how to go about handling this kind of stuff and you're just going around it instead." Finally a position I can actually argue against. I know this is how she actually feels because it lines up with our previous conversation, but leading her in this way will prevent her from inventing some other reason why I have to be in the wrong for what I'm doing.

Alright," I hazard, "but those regulations, rules, even laws can be wrong. Let me give you an example. There are businesses in Vale that can exclude faunus just because we're faunus. They have the legal right to do so and subsequently they can call us in case they have a patron within their premises that refuses to leave. We don't answer most of those calls for a reason, or are you saying we need to hold people accountable for enforcing that as well?"

It is an exceedingly cheap example, but it's also my best one to attack the fundamentals she's presented. It's also not untrue, although vastly misleading. Such calls don't happen often and are usually paired with the suspect doing something more than wandering into the wrong store or business. It's also not an official policy to ignore such calls, but oftentimes they are discarded for something a bit more substantial unless it's a sustained or recurring issue. Curiously enough as more faunus have joined the VPD the number of such calls has gone down as well as the proportional response to them.

Ignoring all that, my comment serves its purpose as Sandy adopts a sour expression. Not wanting to acknowledge my point, but forcing herself to engage with it. Obviously she knows it's wrong and that we shouldn't enforce it. However, she can't go out and say that while also holding me to the standard that she's trying to.

"I see your point," she allows after several long seconds. "It might not be right, but it's the law. If we want to change it then we have to go through the proper channels, not dance around it and pretend that it's not there. That will only bite us in the future." She adds a shake of her head a moment later. Most likely wanting to say something else, only to think better of it.

"Well, in that case the legality trumps the morality doesn't it," I needle. She doesn't respond, once again trying to avoid the point. Thus, I bring out another example, "In that case let's assume things get worse and not better, what then? Are we just supposed to roll over and even help enforce what are clearly unjust policies?"

Her brows furrow, searching for some way to combat what I'm saying without sounding petulant or childish. Her hand absently raises and rubs at her horns, worrying away at the budding stress. If I had to guess she probably doesn't think that such a thing could actually happen. That progress only marches in one direction or such injustices would only be temporary.

"We'd have to deal with it," she admits with defiance in her tone. Not admitting defeat in the face of the bleak hypothetical. "It would suck, and we'd have to make our voices heard. Offer a better alternative and a shining example for others to follow. In the end I have faith that everyone's better natures will prevail."

"And what if that doesn't work? What if things get even worse? What if people grow tired of our complaining and silence our voices," I rattle off a list of counters. Each is as vague as her ephemeral hope of the better nature of man, but that's on purpose. I could go into the historical examples of such injustices, except that she'd be even less equipped to deal with those.

"I understand," she says, not understanding at all. "That's not going to happen though. Vale is a free and democratic-"

"Engage with the hypothetical," I interrupt flatly, not bothering to hide the frustration in my tone. "Yes, I know it's not likely to happen, but we aren't arguing likelihoods, we're arguing fundamentals."

My rebuke has its intended effect of shutting her up and causing her to think. It's clear to me that she's not equipped to engage with this kind of debate. Lacking an ability to articulate her points rather lacking them entirely. Her personality probably had it so few people would debate her like this. She probably attributed that to her worldview and internally reinforced it rather than examining the fundamentals at play.

"I don't know," she says in a quiet voice after a long pause. Apparently she's not willing to admit defeat. Although, her face is scrunched up in such a way that I'm sure she's going to think this over. I have a feeling that I'll have to deal with more than a few arguments from her the next time we meet.

I hold back a sigh at that, if only because I know it's a big change for her. A lot of her identity is tied up with being an officer or the daughter of one. So, having to choose between that and her sense of justice, even if only in concept rather than practice, is no easy feat. Still, dealing with her feels like it's going to be more of a headache than anything else. Well, if I'm giving her one thing to think about, what's one more?

"Now do you see where I'm coming from? From my perspective stuff like that is prevalent and rife all over." I allow her a second to breathe out in disbelief before I cut off her retort, "Or do you think it's a mistake how leadership positions are so slanted out of favor of the faunus?"

"I don't know what you're talking about," she replies. I'm pretty sure that ignorance is genuine. Not that it matters either way, I'm going to spell it out for her.

"Two councilors in Vale, out of thirteen, none in Atlas, and don't even get me started about Mistral. Heck even in the VPD things are slanted in favor of humans. One or two of those I could easily excuse, maybe even chalk up to different cultures, but these kinds of things don't happen by accident."

"That doesn't mean anything," Sandy cuts in, stepping into my personal space. "Frost would never-"

"Frost hasn't always been in charge. Neither is he the highest authority unless you think the council doesn't have some say in what we do. Furthermore, Frost can't act unilaterally; he can't just make decisions for the whole force. And even if he could, that doesn't mean he can enforce them. At every step there is another layer of culpability that can be subverted for someone else's ends."

"And what you're doing is any better than that?! If what you're saying is true then you're just as bad as they are. Whoever they are," she rejoins, waving her arm in the air vaguely at the end.

"Look, I'm not blaming anyone, at least I'm not trying to. Not anyone specific at any rate. There are a lot of factors involved that make it difficult to pinpoint any one source of the problem. I just recognize the game everyone is playing and see no reason to sit out for arbitrary reasons. The only reason why they'd complain is because I'm better at it than they are."

As much as that's a little tidbit of wisdom I've accumulated I know it's not going to do much to convince her. "We need to do more than act like good little soldiers and hope that things will turn out better in the future." With that I make my departure while she tries to have some sort of response. It's difficult when the issue is a fundamental irreconcilable difference between our worldviews and she doesn't manage it before I slink into Al's office.

It's not the best way to end things, but there is no way to end such a conversation on any sort of good note. Not when I'm attacking her beliefs so heavily and giving no ground myself. Maybe if I did so I could give her the impression of a compromise. Or if I only hit one of the issues instead of both of them I could slide under the radar so to speak.

The latter portion of our conversation wasn't even really convincing her of anything, rather bringing up an uncomfortable truth and explaining my stance on it. Maybe she'll appreciate that given time, but she's nothing if not stubborn and I doubt our one conversation will be enough to change her mind no matter how much I give her to think over.

Once inside Al's office I give myself a few seconds to catch my breath as well as give Sandy the opportunity to grab me if she's really so incensed. Luckily the horned woman makes no attempt to breach the sanctum of my lazy superior's office. Speaking of the man, he's slumped over his keyboard in apparent slumber.

"She's gone."

"Thank the gods," he replies shooting up. "Actually on second thought, can you drag her back in? I was just getting comfortable."

I roll my eyes, "Can I use department time to look into an oddity?"

"Only if you use the rest of your time to help me with the demons of bureaucracy."

"I don't know, that's asking for a lot you know. And I distinctly remember one of my bosses saying that I work too hard."

"And it's the truth," he responds without thinking. "Although, maybe I was wrong about that. For you specifically of course." That last bit is added on to cover himself from any claims of hypocrisy as if that would stop me. "Well, it's a bit early, but I might have something for you." He produces a file and throws it on the table. "Want me to go over it with you?"

"If you would." He's already looked into all this info so if he stumbles over the conspiracy or something similar to it I'd rather know first-hand instead of having to bring it up after reading a report. That and knowing Al, the two of us can bounce ideas off of one another and build on our conclusions.

Regardless, this kind of work isn't going to manage itself and I might as well get into it before either of us gets distracted. Of course the information is about Mulberry and it's quite an extensive search on Al's part. Something to thank him for when we get through with this. With any luck we'll find something definitive to tie Mulberry and Merlot together. Maybe even prove that Merlot is alive. It would certainly make my plans a lot easier if such good fortune occurs.

Investigation Check: Rank 4.4 + .5(Circumstance) + 1(Alabaster) = 5.9 vs Challenge: 5

Final Modifier: +22

Dice: 1d100+22

88 + 22 = 110

What Al has compiled is rather comprehensive. A full list of all the CCTS records on Mulberry as well as a few reports from stations within Mountain Glenn before it fell. Information sharing like that was and is hardly the norm, most precincts preferring to keep their own records instead of centralizing them. Only the most important documents and cases end up getting backed up for the most part.

The majority of these are marked off as irrelevant, though a few are marked as possibly relevant. Out of all of them only two involve Mulberry at all and both are related to Merlot as well. It almost makes me regret not bringing Al on already, he could have possibly found out more about Merlot if just these two reports are indicative of the man's general expertise.

The first of said reports concerns a rather large explosion that occurred on Merlot Industries' premises. The majority of the damage was contained to the building itself, although its neighbors did receive minor damages. Where Mulberry enters the picture is with him providing testimony that the Dust shipments for that month were more volatile due to a collection of errors. I don't have any direct references to confirm or deny that, but it seems plausible.

What's more interesting is that Mulberry, as a representative of the SDC, would vouch for that in Merlot's defense. He doesn't strike me as an individual that particularly cares about honesty beyond how it benefits him. Looking at it from that end makes his motivations rather clear.

Merlot was his biggest client and endangering that relationship is simply something the man would not do. Even if it possibly damaged his prospects in the long-term. It means Mulberry is more results focused instead of methods or politically focused. Not anything groundbreaking, but more information on his pattern of behavior is always appreciated.

The second incident once again occurred on company grounds. This time the problem was that a grimm had escaped its enclosure, killing and injuring several of Merlot's employees before automated defenses and guards were able to put the beast down. Mulberry's contribution here is that he was meeting with Merlot at the time to talk over their contract. A reasonable enough of an excuse and a serviceable alibi.

Something that satisfied the Glenn police as the investigation was resolved shortly after. Merlot had to pay for damages and a fine with his company marked under watch for further negligence. Any further incidents would put him at risk of losing his clearance for grimm testing.

That may have all lined up at the time, but knowing what I do certain parts just don't make sense. Like the meeting between Merlot and Mulberry. Merlot specifically chose Mulberry out of every other SDC representative because the man didn't waste his time. Now that doesn't preclude him from renegotiating his contract, but it also doesn't strike me as particularly in character for the man. Not to mention the timing is more than a little suspicious.

This incident occurred shortly before Mulberry was transferred to Mistral. I can't imagine that he wouldn't be aware of such a change and I doubt he'd have the authority to renegotiate any contracts with Merlot. With these facts combined it's easy enough to forge a connection between the two that extended beyond mere business. Well, legitimate business at any rate. Neither man is all that personable so this might be the extent to which their relationships will ever extend.

The next part that doesn't quite line up is the reported grimm they were experimenting on, which is another odd bit to consider. The wording there is very peculiar, but repeated by multiple witnesses and survivors. What exactly these experiments entailed aren't included in the report. However, most wouldn't be so blase with their words about the grimm. Typically I'd expect more euphemistic language and at the very worst just saying they were conducting tests on the grimm.

The fact that this incident occurs so close to the fall of Mountain Glenn has my suspicions more than a little raised, which I can't hide fully from Al. I refrain from explaining for now, citing it as just a hunch. Only Al's wider ignorance on the dangerousness of grimm prevents him from making the connection himself.

Going from the reports the grimm in question was supposedly a stock standard ursa, but eyewitness reports of the incident also paint that it was of a rather large variety. Those two facts aren't necessarily incongruent and there might be some muddling due to the chaos at the time. However, the consistency of the term and the description has me thinking something else is at play. Something rather concerning all things considered.

Either way the beast caused far more casualties and destruction than I would attribute to a normal ursa. Additionally its cage was examined after the fact and determined that the beast simply shredded its way out of its enclosure. It's part of the reason why Merlot was not in deeper trouble than he was. From the surface all proper safety procedures were followed, they simply weren't sufficient for one reason or another.

It probably also helps that Merlot Industries quickly came out with another design of their grimm cages. Only slightly more expensive and built to tolerances far in excess of the strength displayed by the average member of each grimm species they're marketed for. Apparently they were quite popular with the Huntsmen and researchers who purchased them, but the short time before Mountain Glenn's fall and the lack of significant back-up locations spelt a short end for the product line. Now they're something of a collectors item.

As interesting as that is, all these facts together paint a pretty damning picture to me. Merlot's interest in the grimm was already known to me, but this spells out a more concerning interest than merely dealing with the existential threat to us all. The broken cage and inflated casualties points to the beast being deliberately empowered in some way. How I couldn't say and have no real way of determining after the fact.

Well, maybe that isn't quite true. Merlot Industries' location was in Mountain Glenn and the city fell, but that doesn't mean there's nothing there. It would be a bit of a trip for me or my men to range out there to pick over the place for clues. Maybe it will amount to nothing, but I'm more than a little curious at this point.

It also reminds me that Oz is likely not wholly unaware of what happened. He has to keep an eye out for the agents of Salem and a scientist gaining an interest in the grimm combined with the latter incident almost certainly caught his eye. Mountain Glenn most likely fell before Oz could collate and act on his information and most certainly thought Merlot died to his own hubris with how much of a low profile the Doctor has kept himself to. Either way it will be interesting enough to pick Oz's brain on what he knows about the man.

Unfortunately while that settles things in my mind, this information isn't really something I can spread to the public. The timing and subject matter will draw far too much attention to the fall of Mountain Glenn. Combined with my suspicion that Merlot is alive and that could spread far too much panic in the public minds of Remnant to make this a particularly palatable presentation. To that end I search for something both distinct and definitive to prove Mulberry's connection and Merlot's status among the living.

This comes with obvious difficulties as neither men are stupid and there are no direct conversations from the two of them after Mulberry's departure. It's a bit of a longshot, but it brings my attention back to the early days of their new arrangement. If there's any time that they were in any way sloppy it would either be at the beginning or near the end. I only start with the beginning because of a township not too far away from Mulberry's first camp.

Thankfully Al did his due diligence, saw this connection, and collated a series of reports made by the residents. The vast majority of these are entirely unrelated and most of the ones that are turn out to be worthless. Hidden amongst all this dross is a rather mundane report from an old woman mentioning strange ships.

Naturally her concerns were noted and ignored as Mulberry's camp was public knowledge. While most of their shipments were sent off by rail it wouldn't be unheard of for the SDC or someone else to stop by. Especially since this is Mistral we're talking about and the odd smuggler or pirate is easily dismissed so long as they aren't causing the authorities themselves any trouble.

As an extreme stroke of good fortune the complaint is accompanied by a picture of the ship. It roughly correlates with the dimensions Marina and I workshopped together. More importantly is the photo includes the ship's bow and painted on the side is an emblem of some sort. It's more than a little distorted by the angle, distance, and lack of fidelity. Even manipulating it as best as I can has it rather pixelated and if I didn't know what I was looking for I probably wouldn't be able to tell what it is.

It's not quite the spitting image of Merlot Industries' symbol and Merlot's personal emblem. The quality and pixelation makes it far more blocky and difficult to parse in some areas. However, it's clearly hexagonal with three circle-like buds popping from the top, top-right, and bottom-left of the hexagon. Inside is smudged together, but I'm pretty sure it's the stylized 'M' from the now defunct company's logo.

Holding the two images side-by-side certainly evokes that feeling of similarity. Enough so that despite it not being completely provable it should be serviceable enough for most members of the general public. Considering the dates involved this is long after Mountain Glenn's fall and supposed death of Merlot. It's only unfortunate that Merlot Industries were not completely bereft of ships before its collapse.

It is, however, easy enough to track down most of them and find their new owners. It leaves only one ship that's unaccounted for, supposedly lost to the grimm. I don't know if that's true myself, and going by what I found, Merlot has to have some way of constructing and servicing new ships regardless, so it isn't all that useful to me. It only really serves to provide a hole in my story and offer an alternative explanation, much to my frustration.

I have to console myself that this is the knowledge I was more or less setting out to find even if it provides its own complications rather than being tied up in a neat little bow. It gives me a few ways to investigate this if public scrutiny can be drummed up, such as checking the company's financials.

It would be a hard sell for most of the Kingdom's otherwise. While James can get access pretty easily, Atlas looking into a supposedly dead man is going to raise tensions amongst the Kingdom's. They'll think Atlas is doing something more nefarious with the CCTS than a simple investigation.

It's why inquiries into the records are so difficult. They usually require an outside party to submit a request along with a strong case for why it's necessary. No one wants to give Atlas that kind of advantage and they aren't bold enough to try pushing that advantage when it would be so divisive.

Amidst my thoughts of geopolitics I almost forget about Al and how we've been going over this information. He's had a front row seat to most of the things I've focused on. While he might not have all the pieces that doesn't mean that he's going to stop looking. Or maybe he will, he is rather lazy most of the time. Still, I don't give it good odds that he's going to let this lie. That same sense of obligation I leveraged to get this info and assistance from him in the first place will probably compel him to do his due diligence to make sure I'm not in over my head.

Going over what I've found and how I don't give it good odds of him reaching the same conclusion I have for a couple of months. It might raise his suspicions on why I'm not being more forthright with him, but as long as I deal with Merlot before too long I doubt he'll have the motivation to keep digging.

That's at least one avenue I don't have to worry about, although announcing Merlot's survival and my subsequent suspicions will be more than enough for Al to start putting the pieces together. Based on my progress thus far I don't think I'd have things handled quickly enough to avoid him drawing certain conclusions and at that point I might as well come clean to him.

This is assuming that I want to inform the public before I've dealt with Merlot. It would help with public sentiment towards myself and the SDC as well as allowing other parties to look into the matter more openly. It could also give Merlot a heads-up that someone is coming for him. Almost certainly, though he may have similar thoughts from my calling out of Mulberry.

Regardless, that's something for me to deal with later. Currently I need to decide if Al is someone I want to bring up to speed on matters like this and maybe start introducing him to the wider conspiracy bit by bit. Either that or I could keep him in the dark and only occasionally ask for help. It would be nice to have some assistance for certain investigations like this, but secrecy is a valuable commodity.

Divulge: I can bring up my suspicions while keeping the broader points away from the conspiracy itself. There's more than enough suspicious behavior on Merlot's part and my conclusions are well founded enough that it shouldn't be an issue. (2)

Refrain: It's best to not risk even this much. It might make certain considerations much harder to justify, but bringing on Al like this is just not something I can consider currently. (0)

While I'm at the station I check in with the forensic teams as well as my own men to see what we've recovered from Merlot's secret camp. The files that were burnt seem to be a variety of reports ranging from employee files to extraction reports and all the other bits of minutiae that even a clandestine operation like this needs to log their activities and run effectively.

Once again there is no smoking gun or direct correspondence linking Mulberry to Merlot or their illicit dealings. What there is, however, is a discrepancy between the Dust recorded as mined at the site and what was sent to the SDC. Well, not quite, there are more than a few holes in the information where we simply can't reconstruct the information.

The electronic records we recover fills in some of these holes, but not all of them. It is possible that absolutely no Dust was mined on some of those days or they came back with an exceedingly poor haul. However, going by the averages there's a clear trail of some Dust just going missing from one location to another. Something I'm already aware of based on the SDC records Whitley provided, but having an alternative explanation that pins things on Mulberry is preferable to my girlfriend and her company.

It's further proof that Mulberry had to be selling Dust to somebody. With a lack of meaningful settlements in his area as well as the clandestine nature of his camp it eliminates a great many possible ventures. At this point the only reasonable conclusion is collusion with some outside force.

Whether the greater SDC would be aware of what's going on is another matter that I don't think can ever be dismissed fully. No matter how much evidence we find there's just no way to prove a negative like that. What we do have indicates it as an exceedingly slim possibility, but some of that evidence is based on information from or provided by the SDC. Not exactly something some people are willing to take at face value. Annoying, but there is nothing I can do about it.

Something that's more useful is that the employee records we reconstruct match up with some of the transfers that occurred and luckily enough includes one of our witnesses, the former guard specifically. That will make his testimony a lot stronger, although the same can't be said for our other witness. She had a designation change at some point, so as far as a clear chain of evidence is concerned there isn't one. Her brand and testimony pegs her at the place, but the lack of corroborating proof still stings.

Moving on from that, there isn't much of a difference between the physical records and the digital one. It seems Mulberry only used the terminal as a backup for the physical records, due to company policy from what I can tell. That makes it less useful than it could have been, but it helps corroborate the records even if there is an occasional discrepancy from transcription errors most likely.

One thing the digital records have over their counterparts is a notes section, presumably written by Mulberry himself. It isn't all that helpful, mainly a dry addition to whatever report or file is on record instead of something more personal or biographical. It isn't dated either, and appears that any previous versions of these files and notes are simply not there. Rather these records are solely the most up to date versions while the paper ones include more than a few variations whenever something had to be updated.

It does, however, come in handy for the incident reports. Most concern grimm attacks or an issue in the mines, but they also include times when the workers would resist against the guards. While the reports themselves don't indicate whether the perpetrator was punished or not, Mulberry's notes do, in their own way at least. His wording is always that corrective action was approved for certain individuals, never ordered, which is annoying.

Helpful in that I can usually match up the employee files with those that were punished and I'm pretty sure I found Adam's. Unhelpful in the sense that it implies someone else is responsible for that branding in particular. It could just be Mulberry covering his ass or the real culprit could be dead. I find the latter more likely than the former. The camp's chief of security was one of the men who perished in the grimm attack and Mulberry's otherwise dry writing hasn't shied away from implicating himself otherwise. However, this might be a scenario where that tidbit is more trouble than it's worth.

My men were the ones to deal with the recovery of the digital records while the VPD handled the physical ones. Our partnership allowing us that much latitude and all our procedures follow the VPD's standard. Supposedly there was also oversight present, but that's more of a polite fiction than anything else. With my men's integration with the VPD and their resurging strength I doubt I'll enjoy this permissiveness in the future, but here it's distinctly helpful.

Without Mulberry's comments there's no real way for anyone to counter any claims if I simply don't bring up this discrepancy. If I'm right then in a way justice has already been served. It's just an unpalatable admission for the public. Well that and I lack any definitive proof that the chief of security was actually responsible for this.

It's technically the same with Mulberry. However, having a sensationalist story attached to him in addition to his more provable corruption is a far easier sell. Any sort of conviction for him should grant that sense of catharsis that comes from justice being done.

While I withhold that particular detail from Al, I haven't decided if it'll affect my decision making yet or not, I do bring him up to speed on my suspicions about Merlot. I have to rely on my knowledge of the grimm for some of my points and my boss' lazy demeanor is slowly replaced when he figures out and accepts that there really is someone crazy enough to experiment on the grimm. Even more so when the prospect that such a man is still alive and operating under everyone's noses.

We even come to an agreement that he'll start looking into Merlot to see what he can find. It seems if there is an actual existential threat on the line he's willing to step up. Either that or because I'm involved and clearly not letting the matter drop he feels in some way responsible. Probably more of the latter than the former if I'm being honest, but it works out in my favor.
S2 Week 10 (Part 4)
As illuminating as the information I found is, I need some more time to ruminate on it. I have something planned for the tail end of the week that I could use the information for and I'll need to figure out what I want to say or if I want to bring it up at all. Being the nominal face of both the White Fang and Menagerie gives me a lot of profile in the public eye and I've been building up an image of myself with them so even if I don't bring up this specifically I'm sure I can find some way to bend things to my end. Before I can do that, however, I have to deal with school.

It is amusing in a sense that I'm dealing with so much on a world-wide scale while also being confined to class for an appreciable amount of time each week. I can't help thinking that I can get more done outside of these walls than in them. Of course the thoughts are short-lived. Call me sentimental or whatever, but there's a lot more going on for me here than mere education. That and thoughts of moving around again prompts more of my thoughts about my time in the White Fang than anything else.

The more I think about them the more they're colored with a sort of melancholy. I mostly kept to myself and kept my head down. Not really trusting any of the people I met, though they didn't trust me too much either. It's just so different from what I've experienced here and I can honestly say I prefer this over my past. I don't think I'd quite say I regret how I lived prior, but the thought is there.

Although, I'm sure most people would point out two girls in particular for my change in attitude. While they wouldn't be wrong they wouldn't be right either. I can't dismiss that dealing with my team hasn't been an overall enjoyable experience. Although, I wish they wouldn't needle and tease me as much as they do.

To be fair, that's more on the twins than my partner, but they have been doing their best to corrupt her to their way of thinking. Marina isn't too receptive though she can agree with their points from time to time. At least she doesn't try to incite anything.

However, Yang tries to change that by cornering her at the end of class. Only for Marina to completely ignore the blonde. I'm pretty sure that's Yang's way of trying to get back at me for my behavior and corrupting her sister and turning Ruby against her. That causes me to lock up for a moment as I recall Nora calling me big bro.

I don't think she's let that slip quite yet to the wider group, but I get the feeling it'll happen soon. Either way, Yang picking my partner draws up that particular parallel in a way that I can't easily dismiss. I know Marina and I wouldn't describe our bond in any sort of sibling way. On the other hand, neither do we have any real experience knowing what that's like.

I'm an only child and Marina's upbringing is anything but standard, and the fact her parental figures referred to themselves as older siblings doesn't help things either. I'm uncertain if I even want to untangle that mess of feelings, but even if I did my only palatable option is Ruby.

I try to put it out of my mind as much as I can and get on with my day, but my deep thoughts attract the attention of one of my other teammates. Kelly this time. She walks up next to me and I have to look upwards to catch her firm nod which I return. No words are necessary to convey her intent or mine.

She's checking up on me after noticing I've been deep in thought today. While my nod could reassure her and be the end of it I also haven't hung out with her in a while and I can admit I was wanting to do so at some point. I make a motion with my shoulders and knock my head back to the dorms, my unstated request for privacy more than easily picked up by the girl.

We make our way back to our room where Autumn is already set up at one of the desks. Of course he isn't studying, though he is pouring over a sheet of plain white paper like his life depends on it. Next to him is one of his horror books which he keeps glancing at. That and his collection of pencils next to him and a large white eraser tells the both of us he's trying his hand at his craft.

Kel and I share a look, but let it lie for now. We'll both be sure to give him some shit for this later, especially with how much effort he's putting in right now. Although it makes me wonder if I should throw him in Vel's direction for some drawing tips. Either way the two of us take our conversation to the opposite side of the room to minimally respect his privacy.

"So what's been stuck in your craw," Kelly starts bluntly. This is the exact kind of thing that they'd tease me over. But, like the lesson I imparted on Ruby, if I own up to it then it holds no power over me.

"Just been thinking about things. The past mostly, my time in the Fang, my stay at Beacon. How much I prefer one over the other."

"Well excuse me," she chuffs in mock offense, "If I knew you wanted to be so much of a lone wolf I wouldn't have bothered."

I scoff at her comment with a put upon expression, playing up that I'm more upset than I actually am. "Fine, see if I share anything personal with you again."

"Right, and when has that happened," she challenges with a wide grin. I may have more moments with her brother along those lines than her, but I'm not completely bereft of examples.

"That time I talked about Marina with you." I don't need to specify any more than that, it should be pretty prevalent in her mind as my only real example.

"Shit," she says with a slight frown, "Yeah, you got me there. Though, didn't I have to drag that out of you?" I don't grace her question with an answer, which is answer enough. I'm not foolish enough to deny reality and she more or less has the right of it. Now if only she'd stop that spreading smile of hers maybe I'd feel like this was the right course of action.

Diligence: She's been pretty on point as far as taking care of Marina and attending to team duties is concerned. I could show my thanks and maybe see what she feels about her role in the group. (3)

Sincerity: Okay, fine, maybe I could expound in a bit more detail my genuine thanks for the support she and her brother have given me. (3)

Gods: I, uh, I don't really know how to bring this up with her. Knowledge that a certain pair of gods are in fact real is going to throw a wrench into anyone's worldview much less hers with her views on spirituality. (1)

Siblings: I really shouldn't bring this up, at least not with her or Autumn, but I am curious what that relationship is like exactly and I can see if it fits with my behavior or not. (0)

Ambition: We can keep things quiet if we have to, though maybe she would want to involve Autumn in this discussion either way. Regardless, I could see if she's found out what she wants to do in the future. (0)

Accomplishments: She might not have given it much thought before, but she does want to do something more with her life. Pointing out that she has some credibility with her assistance in my operations might go a long way here. (0)

Kelly's behavior is utterly insufferable and it's getting to the point that I want to chew her out over it. I take a deep breath instead. Feeling that way just proves that she's getting to me and I have to examine the reasons why. It doesn't take me long to trace them back to this strange sense of sentimentality. I really am being corrupted by my friends.

There's a certain incongruity with this whole situation. I've already expressed my gratitude, albeit in my own oblique way. I know from Kelly's joking rejoinder that she picked up on what I was really saying and I should just leave things there. Should, but I don't necessarily want to.

While it's a stark departure from how I normally act, maybe that's not a bad thing? I don't know yet, being this open is rather raw and something I'd rather not do if I'm honest. Then my thoughts drift back to how, for lack of a better word, comfortable I was with my time in the Fang. Am I going to look back on these moments in the same way if I don't put myself out there?
I'd say I've been doing that more than enough with Weiss and Blake, but that's easily excusable. I might be doing something similar with Marina, and I shared that moment with RWBY. It's to the point where I can't rightly say it isn't something that's on my mind.

Either way my return to deep thoughts doesn't pass by my teammate unnoticed. Her expression remains firmly jovial, though her eyes darting about tells me that she's more than a little concerned. I suppose I haven't been this melancholic before or for this long. It doesn't matter. Waiting any longer is just going to make things worse and cause me to second-guess myself. I have to deal with it and take the plunge.

"Yeah, you did," I answer her question like I didn't just have a brief crisis play through my head. "And I don't think I've ever thanked you for that." Her half-started response is culled at the second part of my statement.

"I, uh-that," she stutters, not expecting my frankness and scrambling to respond. Our tender moment is cut off by Autumn's guffawing laugh. "Oh shut it," she snipes back. "You know you'd respond the same way ya big baby! You gonna keep making fun of me like that or you gonna get back to what you were doing?! Or do I need to give you some of my paints to add some color to your pictures?"

The reminder of his nascent hobby has Autumn shut his trap. Though he tries to play off his discomfort by resuming his laughter albeit much more subdued. Kelly's glare thrown his way lightens when she realizes what she just did and what caused it. She looks away from her brother shamefaced and I get the sense she'll apologize to him later. I suppose I can work that well enough into my plans.

Still, I'm not one to pass up the moment and I think I can turn it light-hearted. I wrap my arm around her neck. A task that leaves me comedically standing on my tip-toes to make the gesture comfortable for the both of us. "Awww, and here I thought I was the only one you gave shit to."

My comment serves in drawing a heated glare, "Ochre, you've been around us for how long? You sure you're right in the head?" I flash her a guileless smile like I don't know what she's talking about and she sighs. The twins are more than willing to snipe at each other, though she took things a little too far in this instance.

"Stop that," she continues at my sustained expression. "Seriously no, stop it now. You're giving me the creeps." That only makes me want to do so even longer, but I concede on the matter. Not that I'm not going to poke at her for that.

I remove my arm from around her neck, "Sheesh, I thank you from the bottom of my heart and it has you all rattled. And yet you're the one who thinks there's something wrong with me." I tut at her and wag my finger in her face, "Seriously? After all we've been through I think I'd have earned some benefit of the doubt."

Once again not expecting me to continue with the bit, no matter how genuine it is, Kel looks about the room. Of course there's no support for her and Autumn with his widening grin is certainly of no help either.

"Alright, what's gotten into ya? You sure you ain't sick or somethin'?" Her slipping into her more colloquial accent is just another indicator that I got her on the backfoot. I wonder how aware she is of that tell of hers? Hmmm, maybe something to keep in the back pocket in case she ever starts getting onto me about something I'd rather she wouldn't.

I take a deep breath and release the tension with a shrug of the shoulders, "Nothing like that. Like I said I was thinking about some things and how I enjoy my time here. I'm man enough to admit that you all have played a big part in that. No matter how much you guys try otherwise. So, y'know, thanks for putting up with me and helping out."

Both of the twins have muted expressions like they can't quite believe what I'm saying. I'd think they were messing with me if it wasn't for the fact that both of them are rendered speechless. Sure it's a bit out of character for me to act like this, but it's not entirely out of the realm of possibility is it? It has worrying implications otherwise, so I simply resolve that the twins had the wrong impression of me and leave it at that.

What I don't leave at that is my comments, "What? Cat got your tongue?" I wiggle my ears at the question and immediately come to the decision that Yang must never know of this moment. "More seriously you've been a big help and I really appreciate it. Not you," I clarify in Autumn's direction before he can adopt a smug smile. He should know that I'm joking, but I'm not about to let him get a big head over something so small.

"Yer welcome," Kel questions more than states. She even turns to Autumn and his lack of color commentary is the only thing that assures her this isn't some sort of joke at her expense. Her expression turns into a diffident one as she turns back, "I don't know what I've done that's all that worthy of bein' thanked for, really. I mean yer the one who's been doin' all this plannin' 'n' stuff."

That, huh, I didn't think she'd be the type to be avoidant like this. Is it because it's genuine or is this a deeper issue? I'll admit Kel always seemed the most well-composed of the people I know. With the exception of maybe Ren. Kind of makes me feel bad for not picking up on this before. I guess under that stony and joking facade there are some insecurities at play.

As informative as her reaction is, it doesn't change my words, "Well all your assistance with Marina is sorely appreciated. I know you picked up more than a little slack for her tutoring when I was busy the first semester. Plus you're keeping watch on her while you're with Glynda. And let's not forget that you were actually helpful with her and Penny unlike some big lug."

She turns bashful, refusing to meet my eyes and scratching at her cheek. "I was just doing what anyone should do, really. And don't go sellin' yerself short. Ya were plenty busy, well plenty busy all the time. Not like ya were neglectful or nothin'."

I, yeah I can't tease her over something like this. It's more of a legitimate issue than a minor insecurity to poke fun at. Maybe it has something with her ambitious desires, not thinking she's deserving enough even for this minor praise. That spells trouble for her future, though it seems like she otherwise has a good handle on herself and her quirks.

Her acting like this does throw a wrench in my plans, however. I can't rightly keep thanking her as I have without making her feel self-conscious. I share a look with Autumn who has a placid expression as if this is all normal. It throws me off my train of thought entirely.

He called me out for not accepting I could be a good person and his sister is doing something similar and he doesn't seem all that concerned. Is it some sort of familiarity induced blindness? Has he tried reaching out to her like he did me and figured it was a waste? Did he reach out to me the way he did because I reminded him of how she acts? Geeze, this is more of a headache than I was expecting.

Regardless, I'm not done showing my thanks and if I can't do it with words I can do it with actions. Kel missed the cheer-up trip the last time and with both of them present there's no real reason to not rope them into this together. It's a bit slapdash as I have no real plan of what to do, but the ride into Vale should provide enough time for me to figure out something. Plus I can knock out another bird with the same stone since I was wanting to spend a bit of time with Autumn as well.

Drawing: I won't poke fun at him for it, but showing some interest couldn't hurt. Maybe he's made something already and I could certainly throw him Vel's way for some tips. (3)

Law: As someone as into law and order as himself it would be interesting to pick his brain on what he thinks of our ops with the VPD as well as my actions with them. (2)

SSSN: He's been hanging around that team relatively often. A bit less so after the party and finding a fellow comic-lover in Ruby, but still more often than not. Might as well find out what he's been up to. (1)

Amber: She's working as a TA with Port so she and Autumn have to have some degree of interaction. Might be a good way of checking in on the girl. (1)

Kelly: Okay, so I gotta know if she acts that way normally or if he's even aware of her behavior. It's not necessarily a problem, but my curiosity is killing me. (0)

Siblings: Still a horrible idea, but I could talk to him about his experiences and feelings with his sister and see how they stack up with mine and Marina. (0)

While on the airship it doesn't take me too long to formulate something to appease both twins. There is a certain commonality in their hobbies now that I can exploit to my advantage. Before I can do that, however, I have to warm Autumn up to the idea. Just springing it on him might make him think I'm poking fun rather than being genuine. Oh, and I guess the airship has to land first. Or maybe not.

I mean with Autumn's semblance I suppose it would be possible for us to jump out and be completely fine. It's not a real option, though it is amusing to think about. The same could be achieved with some recoil maneuvers. However, the discharge of munitions in a city especially when there can be people without aura in the vicinity is frowned upon for obvious reasons.

Tangent aside I open the conversation, "So how long have you been drawing? Got anything you can show me?" My larger than life teammate slumps in on himself, more than telling me that he takes my words the wrong way. I'm not entirely sure I can be at fault for this. He's the one who decided to try out his hobby in broad daylight at our dorm. Was he just expecting us to ignore him entirely?

Maybe. I wouldn't put it past him to think like that. Or perhaps he thought trying to hide it away would only draw further scrutiny and remarks. I think there's more than a little projection going on there as I don't think I've taken anything too far like that. Although I have to consider his sister and her slip back at the dorm. It could be that something like this has happened before which would just make Kel feel worse.

Regardless, I've set myself to this task and I just have to figure out a way to draw Autumn out of his shell. "What? Are you going to tell me you got nothing? Not even some idea for a cool monster or concept or something of the like?"

My prodding doesn't provoke much of a reaction beyond mere grumbling and so I start poking his side. Making it clear that I'm not going to let this matter lie. If he also takes that to mean that I'm legitimately curious then that's on him. If all I wanted to do was tease him then I wouldn't need to belabor the point like this.

"I ain't got nothing like that," he snaps and then sags back into his defeated posture, sulking.

"Well, duh, you just started didn't you? If you had something, great, but I wasn't expecting it. I figured, knowing you, that you had some sort of concept in mind that you wanted to bring to life." He nods slowly, "Idiot. I'm asking if you can tell me about that."

He looks to me as if to reassure himself that I am, indeed, being serious right now. Not seeing any hint of duplicity he sits up a little and throws a brief look towards his sister. Kelly is keeping quiet and to herself after her earlier comment, letting me pick up the slack of getting her brother back into a good mood.

She's making me do all the work, but going by her expression that's more because she thinks it's best if there's some time between the two events rather than apologizing suddenly. Evidently thinking it too late for an immediate apology and that it's too early and raw to bring attention back to what she said.

"Well," Autumn drawls, "Like I said I don't have nothing drawn quite yet. Kind of picking up the basics here. I don't wanna start anything too ambitious, but the immediate goal is to get myself up to a level to make my own short-form comic. Essentially a one-shot more or less."

The terminology is unfamiliar to me despite hanging out with Autumn so I pay no attention to it. Instead I ask, "And what's it going to be about? Or is it better to ask what the monster is gonna be?"

"Hey now, don't you think you're pigeonholing me a little early there," he asks genially while bringing his hands up as if to stave off my observation. I just throw him a look, as if there's anything else that he'd be so passionate to draw about. Plus he was rather obvious with his inspiration when he had one of his horror comics set next to his drawing paper and using it as a reference.

Eventually he concedes, "Fine, fine. You got the right of it. Just don't go judging a book by its cover and all that." He's delaying, but I don't say anything. This is probably something he's actually invested in if he's not being his usual gung-ho self.

"Now like I said I don't wanna start with anything too complex, but I was thinking about making a story about a man who suffers an accident and some sort of damage to his head. This makes him see the world in an entirely different way where people are still people, but flitting about them are these little sprites that whisper things in their ears or show them things in their eyes."

"That doesn't sound too bad," I hedge, knowing that he's waiting for a moment to drop the reveal.

"You'd think, but the things these sprites show and tell people aren't always good or the truth either. Most of the time they're pushing people to do something that'll hurt them or others. The more they keep at it the more normal folks start listening to them without realizing it.

No one else can see the little buggers, only the man can. And to make things even worse for him he can still see and hear all the things they normally try with him. Only exception is that he has a bit of a choice in whether he listens to them or not. I kind of want them to get real vicious as the thing goes on, but pulling all this off is gonna be difficult enough as is and adding too much takes away from the impact ya feel?"

I hum at that. More to acknowledge what he said than necessarily agreeing with him. I'm not sure I could provide any real creative input, at least worthwhile input. Either way the overall outline matches up with his general desire for a monster that could conceivably be beaten, just by ignoring it, while also not having the expectation that it will actually be beaten.

I suppose there are details that I'm missing, but the impression that I get is that these sprites are pretty numerous and pervasive. That and not many people can deal with constant torment before breaking or giving into darker impulses.

"Alright, and since you're drawing this I assume you have some sort of design in mind."

Autumn's lips thin and his expression become almost sheepish, "That's something I'm a little less firm on. I think some or most of them will turn out normal, or normal enough at any rate. However, I do want to dabble a bit with something a bit more extreme. Have some of the buggers particularly near the end look a bit deformed.

The best way I can describe it is like a wax figure with their features a bit melted. You know, like eyes and mouths running or slightly misplaced. The skin running a bit too long and covering up patches with thin stretchy consistency. Don't think I got the technical skills to pull it off, though I figure some of my mistakes could be played off as trying to be unsettling."

I hum again. I can tell that he's passionate about his idea, even if it's just to test the waters so to speak. I just can't work up the same level of enthusiasm. I guess I need something a bit more concrete before I can actually evaluate the idea. The whole scenario brings up a lot of questions that I'm pretty sure would just go unanswered which really tanks my investment. Although, who knows, maybe he'll surprise me or ask for some feedback when the thing is done.

While that provides me an avenue to assist in the future it does little for the here and now. I don't have to get involved, but he mentioned a lack of technical skill and I think I have someone in mind to help with that.

"Well, I'm sure you'll figure it out eventually. I can't say I'd be of too much help, but Vel's done more than a little drawing on her own so if you wanna ask for tips she's as good of a place to start as any."

He nods, accepting my advice before stopping himself. Then he turns to me with a wide grin, puts up his hand in a placating gesture, and says, "Now pardner I know you're just trying to help, but don't you think you're going too far?" I just know he's going to go on about something stupid yet I'm unable to stop the confusion from spreading across my features. "You don't need to go setting me up with anyone you hear? I think you've done more than enough with your little cupid act, don't you think?"

I bite my tongue so I don't give him anything more to go off of. He should clearly know that was not my intent. Not that it matters to him. Well go ahead and act like that, see if I try to help him out in the future. Eventually he winds down his mirth and, noticing my souring mood, slugs me in the shoulder.

"Hey now, I know you didn't mean it like that. Just couldn't pass on the joke I suppose. No hard feelings right," he asks while looking at Kelly instead of me. I catch her nodding and then relaxing in her seat.

Well aren't I just soooo glad that I could serve as the bridge for their apology. Seriously Kel you could have contributed at any point. I let out a huff and wait for a few minutes to let the conversation and mood settle. I'm still a little upset at that byplay, though I can't bring myself to hold it against either of them.

As we're on our final approach I decide to indulge myself in another curiosity of mine, "Autumn. As a prospective lawman yourself I was hoping I could pick your brain a little."

He waves his meaty hand in front of my face as if to toss aside the comment. "Don't think you gotta set up any lengthy preamble on my behalf. If you got questions for me then just ask 'em."

"Well, I guess I'm wondering what your thoughts are about the VPD. You know, how we worked with them, how I'm working with them, any sort of criticisms or insight you might have. No real specific questions, just your honest thoughts." Normally I'd go for something a bit more directed and seek out answers to specific questions. Maybe I'll go into that later, but for some reason starting off this way just makes the most sense.

He whistles at my request and takes a few seconds to compose himself. "Now that's a pretty broad field. Hope ya don't mind if I step outside of it a touch." I more or less asked for that so I nod. Although I find it amusing that he thinks the topic is already broad and yet not broad enough.

He brings his fist to his face and rests his chin against it, almost covering his lips while he loses himself in thought. I figured he'd have something off-the-cuff to say about everything, not this. Maybe he does and understands this can be a rather fraught topic and thus wants to compose his answers instead of going off half-cocked. No doubt he remembers a previous conversation of ours where I pressed him on similar matters and wants to account for himself better here.

"Well," he starts slowly, "for starters I have to say the work we've done with them has been more than necessary. No real complaints there and talking with some of the guys on the ground was a hoot. The mess at Glenn went about as well as it could I suppose. Really all of our collaborations have gone pretty well."

I feel like that's supposed to be a compliment directed my way which makes me think he has some sort of criticism in mind to undercut things. While I wouldn't mind hearing it, I also want to challenge him on a point before it slips away. "And you don't mind how the VPD were brought into that Glenn business?" At his confusion I elaborate, "Going outside of the city like that is beyond their remit. Proper procedure would have been getting the Guard or Huntsmen involved."

He answers immediately, "I stand by my initial assessment. Going by the book and all is fine and dandy, but when lives are on the line it's more important to take care of business than worry if you're doing it the way everyone else wants you to."

I make a noise of satisfaction and allow the moment to pass on. At least I would if Autumn didn't shoot me a suspicious look immediately afterwards. "I just find it interesting that you hold that position. Didn't you go on about how even if you're doing things for good reasons the how of that's accomplished is just as important. That just because you're doing some good doesn't excuse the bad along the way. Or is it different here because the people involved are members of the law?"

He bristles at my pointing out his supposed hypocrisy and I back off in my commentary. To his credit he doesn't launch into a rebuttal right away, recognizing this more as a debate than an attack on his beliefs and not wanting to get caught out.

"I'd say that the context is completely different here. Sure, what was done may have been technically against the law. However, if any actual wrongdoing was found we'd be held accountable for it, right? It's not like we were operatin' in secret or anything of the like. Everyone in Vale knows exactly what we did, who we did it to, and who all was involved. We ain't keeping nothing from nobody and if everyone's fine with leaving it alone, well that's as good as permission isn't it?"

That strikes me as particularly self-serving. That everything would be fine just so long as the right people know and don't make a fuss about it. It certainly leaves things open for corruption as I've aptly demonstrated. The only reason why the VPD isn't being called out for their brazen act is that my men took the brunt of the casualties at Glenn and we were wildly successful. Success very rarely needs an explanation while failure demands one.

Regardless, I think his position is more of one of transparency and accountability. It would match up with his behavior thus far. Especially his desire to tell the townspeople instead of just the headsman at the town when we went on our underground expedition. In that light it's easy to surmise what his position on the greater conspiracy is, though I'm not wholly unsympathetic.

"So in that respect, to go back to a previous conversation, what do you think about my attendance at Beacon and me being a free man? After all you can't say that there's anyone uninformed of my involvement with the White Fang."

"Have you confessed to your crimes," he counters. He takes me ensuing silence as his answer, "Then I don't see any reason why my stance should change. You haven't actually admitted to anything and thus can't be judged for it. At least not by the authorities. Not saying you have to; the world ain't ideal and there are bigger issues out there. But if you're wanting a real fresh start you gotta own up to your past, not run away from it."

"I think I'll pass," I respond with a wave of my hand. No way am I risking what I have with my friends, Blake, and Weiss over actions that I don't even regret. Besides, my biggest crime has more or less been pardoned by James, though I don't think Autumn would appreciate hearing that.

His face tightens at my dismissal of his offer. I don't think he was expecting me to take it, but the frank refusal disappoints him by some small measure. "As for the rest of it; I don't have too much ground to prod you over. Don't like that you've been able to more or less bully the police around, but the powers that be approve of it and I know you ain't doin' nothing dubious.

Just a bit concerning that one man can have so much influence over the law. Then again this is why I don't wanna deal with city-business. Much simpler to take care of things on the frontier, just gotta see justice done and don't gotta worry too much about this or regulations and the like."

"I guess that explains some things," I state to acknowledge his words while I slip into thought. Then my teammate shoves me and gives me a look and I know he wants me to expound on my findings. "I just figured that you'd bug me about joining up with the VPD or do so on your own at some point if you were interested in being a lawman. You know, get some experience under your belt and see if it's something you actually want to do."

Understanding dawns on his features and he says, "Ah, I think I see where yer comin' from now. Your kind of work just doesn't interest me all that much, far too much homework involved." I want to bring up the counterpoint that I work more as an analyst and manager than a beat cop until I remember that beat cops have to deal with their fair share of paperwork as well. "Not sayin' it ain't good work or nothing, but to me there's more to being a lawman than clocking into work every day and doing your job.

To me that kind of position is like being a pillar of the community. Like you gotta be there and open and really put yourself out there. No one should be afraid of coming to you with their problems no matter how big or how small and when all is said and done people gotta respect your decision. They don't have to like it, but they gotta respect it.

Maybe I don't got the right of it with the city police. Maybe my view is skewed as an outsider looking in and your comments got me thinking the wrong thing. It's just that in my mind the VPD don't really stack up in the same way. Yes, what they do is important and vital, I ain't diminishing the work you do, but you don't fulfill the same role that smaller policing does. It's all too distant, too impersonal.

Like yer arbiters on high deciding how things should be run rather than really connecting with the people yer protecting. I ain't saying that's wrong, or not understandable; I just can't abide by that myself, personally. There's a reason why we're gonna settle back on a farm when our Huntsmen business is over. Isn't that right, sis?"

Kel freezes up at his words and turns to him with a stilted smile and a much smoother nod. He doesn't seem to pay much attention to it, but I also distract him by grabbing the pair of them and heading over to the landing platform. Fortunately our airship is already touching down so the maneuver shouldn't come off as too strange.

From there I take the twins on a night out on the town. Our first stop is an art store for the two of them to pick up what they need for their hobbies. Now that he's certain I'm not gonna make a fuss over his nascent interest, Autumn is more than open to prevailing himself upon my generosity and my wallet. Kelly also takes him aside at one point, probably to formally apologize for her words back at the dorm.

Either way the two of them purchase far more for their hobbies than I think they even have currently. It's not enough to put too big of a dent on my finances, but I more or less pay them every month and what I've given them should cover this more than well enough. Do they not realize I'm planning on using my discretionary account for this purchase and thus they're just spending their own Lien?

Then I think about where their money has likely been going. Their parents, no doubt. Well, that seems terribly unfair to deprive them of that in these circumstances when this is supposed to be a gift. I suppose I can dip into the funds I acquired from Whitley for this.

As satisfied as they are, they have no problem leading me about to their favorite hang-out spots in Vale. First heading to a restaurant, then a park, and then a game shop where Autumn peruses the comics while Kel tries to convince us into a round of wargaming.

I'm not quite sure how she manages it, but Autumn and I indulge her while she gets to play around with some new models courtesy of my Lien and assurances to the owner that I'll pay for any damages. Though seeing the price tag on some of these has me being very careful when I move the models around.

The next day I decide to treat myself to even more of a break and seek out my white-haired girlfriend. Honestly I feel like I've relaxed enough already this week and this is just excessive at this point. My trips into Vale are kind of stacking up and even the work I've done has been sedate as far as my usual standards are concerned.

Only the first talk with Yang and her meeting with Raven as well as the subsequent aftermath has been all that stressful. Oh well, I'm sure my girlfriends would tell me that I need to relax more even if I'm doing that plenty enough as it is. I even have an all day affair planned with Blake and the Clovers for tomorrow.

Either way I'm going to hang out with Weiss first. I almost want to show her that I've been practicing with her favored instrument. I know she'd love to give me some hands-on lessons, though the prospect of whipping it out and surprising her at the dance is too good of a prospect to pass up.

It does make our training sessions together more than a little awkward when I hide away what exactly I'm doing and studying. That and I'll have to check with the team organizing the dance to make sure the instrument is available when the time is right. CFVY is supposed to be in charge of such if I recall correctly, but something in my gut is telling me that I'm wrong.

Either way when classes end I grab Weiss' arm and all but drag her to the fairgrounds on campus. She plays up a resistance to my antics until she realizes where we're heading. We've already had our fill of festivities when we went to a similar venue in Vale proper a couple weeks back, but that's not what's important here.

The both of us remember the tender moment we had here and how the day was more or less called off due to certain issues being brought up. I roll up my sleeves and wiggle my ears in a way to tell Weiss that those concerns are behind us. She's talking with her mom and I've acquiesced to her demands to show off my features. Heck I'm even thinking of how I can accessorize properly now that so much of my skin is now free real estate. I wonder what she'd think about a tattoo?

Such thoughts can wait as instead I carry about an overly limp Weiss throughout the crowding stalls and vendors. This is as much of a victory lap for her as it is an affirmation of our relationship and how far it's come. We largely ignore the games and competitions, though we do patronize a few food stalls. Primarily treats and sweets and the like.

I don't miss the way she holds onto them all instead of eating them immediately. No doubt she's waiting for me to use my semblance so she can savor the treats twice. She can be greedy and silly like that.

Though such a thought brings up a distasteful subject for me. I don't want to bring Blake too much into our time together, but I have noticed that my girlfriend's competitive side is flaring up more than a little whenever the three of us are together. The meeting with RWBY is just the most blatant example thus far.

I'm pretty sure she's not aware of it to any meaningful degree. Something tells me she wouldn't be so easy-going and carefree if she was. She probably doesn't mean anything by it either, but, well, we can't always help how we feel. Still, it might be better to let such concerns pass away and enjoy our time together instead. It's not like I have a shortage of other things to talk with her about.

Bliss: I can put aside some of these concerns for the present. I doubt Weiss is going to complain about even more attention thrown her way. (3)

Reflection: While this tour is more or less a reminder of how our relationship has progressed that doesn't mean that a more direct reminiscence wouldn't be enjoyable. (3)

Competitiveness: While I wouldn't describe her behavior as outright jealous thus far it certainly is indicative of something like that going on. Might be best to address and get out of the way now that I've noticed it. (0)

Relationship: A more oblique approach and will bring the mood down. She may be permissive, but some time has passed for her thoughts to settle and it might behoove me to seek them out. (0)

Willow: I could check in to see how her nascent reconnection with her mother is going. It's certainly thematically appropriate at this venue. (0)

I let such thoughts pour out of my head, swing Weiss around in the middle of the fairgrounds and give her a kiss. It attracts the attention of some onlookers, but in Weiss' books that's only a benefit. She leans back slightly while making insistent noises, essentially forcing me to follow through with her to keep our kiss going and eventually supporting her back when she dips low enough to no longer support herself. Putting a lot of trust in me reading your cryptic signals, aren't you?

As if aware of my thoughts she breaks off and trails a finger along my jawline before ending it on my lips. "I really like the more relaxed you," she remarks with passion in her eyes.

I get the feeling that if it weren't for the crowd of people around us she'd do something a bit more extreme. That and I suppose the other thing holding her back is the promise of a truly magical night on the day of the dance. It almost makes me want to tease her relentlessly to see how far her resolve extends, almost. I know it would mean so much to her to not spoil that so I refrain from getting pushy about it despite her blatant interest.

Regardless I'm feeling in a romantic mood so I kick her legs out from under her and catch her with my other arm. Then I pepper her with a few more kisses before moving onto our next stall. Some sort of Mistrali sweets from what I can tell. My girlfriend is more than happy luxuriating in my grasp with a smug smile as she observes all the other peasants walking about. She still gives the stall a cursory look until her eyes lock onto something and a mischievousness overtakes her features.

With faux contemptuousness she tosses her card to the proprietor and lazily waves to her purchase. Some sort of chocolate covered edible stick things from what I can tell. Not exactly her normal type of purchase, but the reason soon becomes evident.

Instead of tucking them away for later consumption she sticks one end in her mouth, slowly nibbling on it while letting gravity assist with her efforts. That would be the end of it except for the fact that she's looking at me with expectant eyes and shifting about in my grasp. I really do spoil her don't I?

Still, I oblige her and her selfish request, taking the other end in my mouth and descending until our lips touch. I don't think I get more than a third of the treat myself with how eager Weiss is. Something she displays even more so when I break off and she quickly replaces the treat with an identical one, complete with the same look and wriggling about. She bought a whole pack of them and I get the feeling she isn't going to let up on her efforts any time soon.

I ignore her antics for a few moments, not entirely forgetting our venue and propriety unlike her. I end up indulging her again and again before too long. We're being absolutely insufferable to the people around us with how public we're being. I don't care too much, but it makes me think Weiss is doing this for more than simple pleasure.

No doubt the reassurance is nice, especially so publicly and immediately after my outing with Blake. Once again I don't think she's consciously aware of that and I could be off the mark, but my gut tells me it fits. She just wants the constant assurance that things won't change and while she's enjoying my more adventurous side this is a bastion of stability she can retreat to. Knowing that makes it so much easier to ignore the scene we're causing, though I am growing tired of all the stares.

I finish up another one of our kisses, making sure to leave her breathless this time so she can't complain too much about the sudden departure. I take us over to a bench, sit down, ensure that her head and everything else is well situated in my grasp, and activate my semblance. Technically, now that I think about it there's no real point in doing so. It's not like I plan on talking about anything sensitive or upsetting. I guess there's just a certain sentimentality in me that wants to have my girlfriend all to myself for this without any distractions.

Our sudden departure from the real world doesn't go unnoticed by Weiss. She starts trailing a hand along my chest and occasionally hooking in on the neckline of my shirt to rub at me even more. I'm not really well-positioned to return her advances with how I'm supporting her so I resolve to just give her a quick kiss before I can get too distracted.

"Much better than last time," I ask suddenly before she can sucker me in with her feminine wiles once more. She hums in a pleased manner, not bothering to vocalize her sentiment in any other way than broad acceptance. She does, however, snuggle up against me as best as she can with her head and body now that she isn't being so needy, recognizing this is a more genuine moment and wanting to get into the mood of things.

Once she's settled down she responds with faux haughtiness, "I don't know. I think we'll need to come back two, three, maybe four more times just to see how the experiences compare."

"Greedy," I quip.

"I just know what I want," she states while wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Oh, and what do you want?"

"You know what." Petulance enters her tone as she knows full well what I'm going to respond with.

"Yes, but I wanna hear you say it." She mumbles something. I can hear it with my upper ears but it would defeat the purpose if I let her get away with that little. "I'm sorry, couldn't quite hear you." She knows I'm lying but that doesn't help her.

"You," she cries out louder. "There I said it…brute." Despite her disparaging remark at the end I reward her with another kiss and she holds on tight, doing her level best to stop me from breaking away this time. Unfortunately such a thing has to come to an end at some point and I really can't let myself keep getting distracted like this.

"Things have changed a lot haven't they? I remember when your stuck up princess act wasn't so much of one."

Her cheeks light up and she shuffles about avoidantly, "And I remember when you were all secretive and aloof. Acting like you didn't really care."

"Yes, well I had a lovely little someone to help me out with that didn't I?" My genuine praise does little to stifle the blush spreading across her. However, it does inform her that I'm not just teasing her.

"In that case, I have to give you some credit. Having someone to open up with and push me forwards. It's. Well, I don't think I need to tell you how much it's helped me."

I lean down next to her, "Doesn't mean I don't want to hear it."

"You boor," she whines while pushing against my chest, "Shouldn't you be above seeking out such praise?"

"Like you're any better," I counter with a wide smile.

"Yes, well," she stutters, working up the courage to say certain things so boldly. "If you're going to make me do this then I expect some reciprocation." I nod easily enough at her unnecessary demand. I was already going to spoil her and adding some truthful words to it shouldn't be too difficult.

My girlfriend takes a moment to steady herself, "Well, there's the company and how big of a help you've been with that. How big of a help you're still being with that. Despite all the pain we've caused." She starts faltering, so I give her another kiss to bolster her back up again.

My action draws a satisfied hum, "I suppose I'd be remiss if I didn't mention how much you help me personally. Our time together, well, it's one of the things that keeps me going through the week. With any level of enthusiasm at any rate. I love Ruby and my team, don't get me wrong. It's just so hard juggling them, Beacon, and work. So a time where I can let everything just fade away is much appreciated. Especially since you've gotten better at not dragging complicated stuff into my life all the time."

I roll my eyes at her comment and shoot her a soft smile. I know there's something else on her mind and that she's only bringing out that particular comment because the next bit is so tough for her.

"Then there's my family. Returning to the manor, talking with them as I am now. I know who to thank for that. Truthfully I don't think I'd have the courage to reach out to them otherwise."

Her plea is heartfelt, but I can only respond one way, "Stop speaking nonsense." She opens her mouth and I silence her protestations with another kiss. I don't care if they have some basis. In my mind there's no other way she would ever act and I'll impress that fact upon the universe if I have to. Failing that I'll impress it upon her mind with my actions alone.

She's tense at first, but when it becomes clear I'm not letting her get away with impugning her character she relaxes into the gesture and starts returning affection more eagerly. Not so much so that she forgets the context of what's going on. She eventually pushes at my chest and the kiss ends. She sends me a look that promises trouble if I don't keep my end of the bargain.

"So needy," I snipe before composing myself for something more genuine, though I could ape her structure more or less. "I suppose I should thank you for the help you've given me. Not many would be so accepting of a criminal such as myself, much less help supply their illegal ends." She swats at me for framing things that way, I suppose I just couldn't help myself. "And don't go thinking that you're the only one who enjoys our time together. I won't soon forget how busy I was and you trying to accommodate me as best as you could."

I pause for a moment, "And I guess I'm glad that you've made me do this." I wiggle my ears since I can't exactly show her my spots with our current arrangement. "Still don't think it was a problem, but I'll admit it's been a little freeing not having to worry about it constantly." She giggles at my understatement, knowing full well how the fashion-minded side of me has been dealing with things. "Thank you especially for the time you've given me as well. I don't ever want you to think I'm taking advantage of you for that; but please never tell me how much you spend doing so. I don't think my heart could take it."

She laughs more openly at my dramatics, a melodic jingle accompanying the sound that makes me think she's practiced for such an occasion. I let her enjoy her fun for a few moments longer. Just like with her, the last thing I want to bring up is a bit tougher for me to get out than the rest.

"While I'm at it I should thank you for helping with my team." I continue to bull over her confusion, "You might not have helped directly, but I've been trying to be more open with them. Emotionally I mean. It's going a lot better than I expected, but I don't think I'd have been so able to do it without this." I knock my head towards her and heft her slightly to make my point clear. "I guess putting myself out there once already has made it a bit easier to do and, well, you're the first person to do that to me."

The frank admission is met with soft eyes and my girlfriend clutching at her heart. I know it will do her a lot of good to have that tidbit in the back of her mind. Something that makes her well and truly special that no one can take away from her.

When I started this topic I thought I'd have to end it by wiping away any smugness that my compliments would engender in her. However, there's none of that present in her expression.

Just awe and wonderment at our expression of gratitude with one another and the reminders of our past. Not so much the negatives, there's no need to touch on those, but if she's anything like me they're there at the edges of our minds. Their presence and contrast make this moment all the more heartwarming. I don't know which one of us says it first, but soon we're repeating the same three words to each other in between light kisses. "I love you."

I spend the rest of my day with Weiss. Subsequently pushing back any notion of working at all. It just seems so unimportant in comparison to spending more time with her.

It's intoxicating in a way that I can't express. Freeing in no small measure while utterly reassuring. Like there's no world in which the two of us will part, or at least that's how it feels. I'm able to banish away such intrusive thoughts for the duration of our time together even if it stretches for hours longer than I initially planned. It's easy to justify the sacrifice in my mind since I'll be spending a similar if not longer time with Blake tomorrow.

Either way I drop off Weiss at her dorm and she gingerly walks away. Her legs no doubt fell asleep from me carrying her wherever we went. Not that she voices any complaints, and she tries to play it off like it's no big deal so I'm not disinclined in the future. It makes me want to rush into the dorm to scatter away such silly thoughts with a plethora of kisses. I hold off because her team is inside and we've already displayed our affection with one another publicly enough for one day.
S2 Week 10 (Part 5, End)
The next day is not in any way less public. Blake and I meet with Coral and Jasmine outside of a small amusement park. At least small in the sense that it's far reduced from what the owners were wanting originally. The cities are almost always tight on space even if they aren't as cramped as Kuo Kuana. The only reason why such places exist within the walls is that entertainment is seen as a very effective way to combat negative emotions and this fits the bill.

Unfortunately I don't think Remnant will ever see one of these venues expanded to the full scope of what can really be done. Anywhere they could set up would either be too remote, already occupied, or attacked by grimm just by nature that their patrons are there.

Regardless, this is my first time patronizing such a place. Never had the time for the frivolity during my time in the Fang and Menagerie has nothing like it. Blake has some more experience from when she was a kid and the fond memories only increase her excitement. It's cute enough that it gets me in the mood to really give this place a chance.

Her behavior reminds me of the actual child with us and I acquiesce to be her steed for the interim. Really only to keep her entertained and from running off while we wait to be admitted to the park. Coral shoots me a thankful gesture as I settle the little munchkins legs around my neck and tell her to be mindful of the ears. Naturally she isn't and starts playing with them immediately and I suppress a wince. It wouldn't do to bring the mood down this early.

Blake notices my predicament and gets the rowdy girl to settle down. I'm about to thank her when she presses herself against me, leans towards my ears, and whispers in a sultry tone, "You'd make a great dad."

I go ramrod straight at her comment. What the fuck Blake? Why would you say that? Why would anyone say that?

She flashes me a coy smile that tells me her words were entirely deliberate, as if I didn't know that already. I can't tell how genuine they are, but going by her mirth this kind of reaction was one that she was wanting to draw. Fine, well, two can play that game.

I wrap her up in a side-long hug to prevent her from escaping. I even pinch at her side a little, ostensibly a show of affection, but for us a promise of something more if she tries to back out of what's coming for her. Afterwards I lean towards her in such a way that Jasmine can reach her ears. Then I stare my girlfriend dead in the eyes and challenge her to react in any way.

Don't think I forgot about how you acted at the club, Blake. I know you were faking it then, but are you going to be consistent about it now? No way you're that shameless, and Coral is right there.

True to form Blake has no choice except to put up with the grubby hand attack. Although when I spare her from further torment Coral just looks at us with a soft smile and slight shake of the head that brings a blush to my cheeks. That gets me thinking about what just happened and how it must look to others.

From the outside we probably look like an otherwise normal faunus family. Our features, while similar in some respects, are all different so all we're missing is a dad. An understandable enough absence with the way Remnant is. Blake and I aren't exactly acting as a typical couple right now due to our chaperone.

Either way it gives the outing a pretty hefty domestic feel although I'm under no compunction that it will remain that way given how my previous outing with Blake went. Especially since we'll be here for quite a few hours. At some point Coral will take Jasmine so Blake and I can enjoy some time together without the gremlin and I just gotta wait for that point. Doesn't mean that I can't plan for some revenge in the meantime.

Teasing: I haven't quite gotten my revenge for her earlier comment. I'm sure there's more than a few ways I can get her hot and bothered and inflict a similar feeling on my girlfriend. (3)

Memories: I can indulge her with some childhood memories. Maybe even get her talking about her parents (3)

Dance: Undoubtedly she knows I'm gonna invite her to the dance at Beacon. Although with Weiss' plans there's a certain messiness involved. Might be a good idea to touch base with her and get her thoughts. (1)

Dependence: I don't actually know if this is an issue considering how she's acting. But making sure she's not falling into a similar pattern as her dating with Adam would be doing my due diligence. (0)

Boldness: Okay, seriously, what the hell was that? I wouldn't normally expect her to be so brazen and I still don't know if she held any genuine feelings or was just trying to get a rise from me (0)

Blake and I both remain on our best behavior once we enter the park. At least when Coral is looking or Jasmine gets too curious. The rest of the crowd might as well not exist as far as we're concerned. Our little battle of wits mostly descends into passing gestures, touches, and words. Compliments specifically.

I know she's weak to them, especially genuine ones, but any that are in any way sincere bring a smile to her face and a blush to her cheeks. She fires back in kind and I'm not sure why she bothers. Not like I'm going to be so affected by mere words. Although, geeze with so many people around it gets more than a little hot and stuffy despite my lack of layers and the chill in the air.

Most of our efforts take place as hushed whispers while we wait in certain lines or wait for Coral and Jasmine to get back from whatever kiddy ride Jasmine picks out. We have to settle down whenever the pair of them come back or whenever we're boarding for a line. It only adds to the impression that I'm getting that we're displaying more as siblings than a couple. At least as long as people aren't concerned about the exact words we're bandying.

It's a dynamic I want to try to change, but struggle to find a way to do so. Apparently my frustration must leak out because after a few rides Coral bids us goodbye while she takes Jasmine to see some shows at the park. We all agree on a time and place to meet back up and enjoy some more time together, but otherwise Blake and I are free to do what we please.

What we please in her mind is to point towards a photo booth and drag me bodily towards it. As we get closer she slows down and whispers more sweet nothings in my ear. Before I can respond properly she breaks off and runs into the booth, practically inviting me to chase her. And chase her I do.

I corner her inside while she fiddles with the buttons and start showering her in compliments while one of my hands trails along her side. Her breathing grows heavier and blush spreads as she makes no move to launch a counterattack. At least until I'm blinded by a sudden flash.

On reflex I turn to look at the offending light and then back at my girlfriend. During that time she launches forwards and gives me a light peck on the lips as the next flash comes. I'm a bit stunned that our first kiss together would be something so anticlimactic that it takes for the next flash for me to properly react.

I decide the best course of action is to fire back in kind and kiss her as well. Due to our positioning I'm leaning over her and she wraps her legs around my back, just above my crotch, and her arms around my neck. All in an attempt to keep my focus on her as much as possible as she deepens our kiss. I also get the feeling she wouldn't let go if I were to back away, rather stick to me like some sort of sloth than release her hold.

It's an enjoyable enough experience that I don't even register if there are any more flashes or not. Only that by the end of it Blake's hair is more than a little frazzled. I, uh, fuck. Yeah, everyone outside is going to know exactly what just went on in here. I suppose I'll have to rely on the general stereotype of my age range to cover for that impropriety.

We do our best to make ourselves presentable without taking too long before venturing outside. My girlfriend quickly snatches the photo reel that pops out from inside the machine on our way out. Going by the restrained smile on her face I think she got exactly what she wanted out of our exchange. Maybe even considers herself the victor of it and is desperately fighting back from displaying any more mirth. I kind of wish she'd stop; I much prefer her more genuine looks and she doesn't need to put up any kind of front for me or anyone else here.

Not wanting to admit defeat after a setback so small I resume our antics whenever we wait in line. Of course she does the same, although I think I'm coming out the better from our engagements. Honestly the actual ride part serves primarily as catharsis for our efforts than an experience in their own right

This repeats another two times before Blake decides to make another bold move. Before we board she studies the ride layout as much as she can, even deciding to toss aside many attempts at trying to get back to me. At first I think she's given up on that angle after so long, I should know better than that.

When it comes time to actually go through the ride we enjoy it as usual until she squeezes my hand which causes me to look at her and she kisses me once again. The exact reasoning for why passes by my notice until she drags me off to the photo section for the ride and points out one picture in particular. I turn to her and her grin widens with far too much smugness.

I refrain from wiping it on her face due to the locale and not wanting to waste too much time. Of course that doesn't stop her from peppering me with kisses on the next ride, or in the line after that. Each time she ducks her head away to avoid any reprisal before turning immensely smug afterwards.

Honestly it's getting kind of infuriating, but in the way that she's playing a completely different game than I am. I feel like I have to be ready at every moment. My girlfriend can go from zero to a hundred at the flick of a switch and it's more than a little disorienting. It's like she's darting in and out of combat like the faunus during the Revolution. Always keeping me on my toes and striking whenever I show weakness.

It's not a tenable state of affairs. I have to admit that I was expecting her to be a bit more romantic and not so willing to show off her experience to such a capacity. That more than accounts for the evident rust on my skills. I simply can't plan out my moves with someone like Blake, I have to seize the opportunity and take it with no remorse.

To that end as soon as we're done with another ride I preempt her before she can even think of pulling something off. Just as we're exiting the ride, I pull her to the side, plant a kiss on her lips, and then start dragging her off like nothing happened. Despite the slowness of her steps in the immediate aftermath and having to speed up to keep pace with me I feel like I gave her exactly what she wanted. Annoying; I guess I'll just have to come to terms with the fact that my girlfriend is a tease.

From there it doesn't pass my notice that the rides Blake finds interesting start trending towards what I'd call 'lovers' rides. The ones where it's usually just the two of us in a car or carriage while also going through at a sedate pace and away from too many prying eyes. Evidently she's taken my returning gesture as an opening of the floodgates.

She doesn't quite throw away all propriety, but she does start getting a lot more touchy in addition to the kisses we share. Not only that but she also makes suggestive noises on more than one occasion to rile me up whenever we're alone and always in the midst of a barrage of compliments. I really don't know what she's trying to accomplish there, but I shut her up each and every time with a kiss. I should stop myself since it's clearly only encouraging her, but I can't bring myself to do so.

Our adventure on that end culminates on a go on the ferris wheel. Although I'll admit we spend the time on that making out with one another rather than enjoying the view. No real point for either of us since we get a far better one from all the airships we take. By the end of it my mouth and tongue are more than a little fatigued while Blake still seems to be going strong. I may have not thought through the logistical issues of having two girlfriends and how draining giving each of them my full attention is.

Regardless I can't show any weakness and with our meeting time rapidly approaching we don't have the time for anymore shenanigans. Of course as soon as that thought passes through my mind Blake squeals and pulls me over to a booth with her hand outstretched and finger pointing at something. I follow along the path until my eyes lock onto what exactly she's pointing at.

It's a small leopard plush, a prize for the game booth she dragged me to. My soul wilts at the prospect of even trying to win something so embarrassing for her though she jumps up and down with far more energy and desire than I've seen from her. I can't turn her down like that and to split the difference I shove a Lien card in the attendant's hands.

Of course since I'm doing something as sacrilegious as buying the thing instead of winning it 'properly' Blake demands one of the larger varieties. Large enough that the thing almost counts as a body pillow and the way Blake's arms wrap around herself I get the feeling that's exactly the purpose this thing will serve.

With that in mind I buy a second one for Weiss because there's no way in hell that she's going to miss the newest addition to Blake's sleeping roster and I know she'd get jealous otherwise. Then since I'm already spending a chunk of Lien I get a smaller cat plush, grumbling all the while.

The whole exchange seems to tamper down on her more needy side as she walks slowly with me. Her holding onto one of my arms with both of hers, the leopard plush squished against her breasts, and her head lightly on my shoulder. I get the feeling that the suggestive spot of the plush has more to it than simple practicality.

It makes me think she's taking things rather quickly, although this is still a lot slower compared to my time in the Fang. Then again I can admit that I really don't know what's supposed to be 'normal' here. I guess as long as we're having fun and don't take things too far it should work out fine.

In the midst of all the chaos I almost forget that I did want to attend to an aspect of my girlfriend that isn't just her neediness. However, going by how excited she was over the plush as well as the clear joy she showed on some of the rides I think I've done well in other aspects. This comparatively quiet moment is just fertile ground to push on that subject more deeply.

"Enjoying yourself," I ask, more as an opener than anything else. She catches my eyes and then rolls hers. Yes I know I'm being obvious, you're supposed to play along. She shoots me another look and then hums out in a pleased manner as if that answers my inquiry. Then a smile spreads across her face like she's mocking me.

I'm really too tired to wipe that grin off her face no matter how much that fact might disappoint her. "Well I'm glad. Can't say it's the exact same experience as what you had prior, but I hope I didn't disappoint." It takes me a second to realize my sentence could be read as talking about Adam and not her previous amusement park trip with her parents. I really am too damn worn out if I'm making that simple of a mistake.

Fortunately her mind drifts to the correct topic as she lets out a giggle. I think she tries to turn it sultry or seductive part way through, but ultimately gives up to exult in childish memories instead. "Yeah, I'd say this is up there with that. Lacking in some ways while more than making up for it in others."

Her eyes drift down to plush's face pressed against her breasts and she gives them a little shake. She has to know what she's doing and it takes all my patience not to call her out on it. I don't think I'd survive going down that rabbit hole right now.

"That's good. Can't say I had an experience like this before so I was kind of wondering what the baseline experience for it was." My girlfriend isn't completely daft so she should be able to tell that I'm trying to get off of the more lurid topics and what I'm actually getting at. I just have to hope that her fond memories are enough to overpower any desire to call me out on refusing to engage her on her terms.

She grabs my arm even tighter before relaxing slightly. I'm not sure if she was trying to draw resolve from me or thank me for bringing the topic, however obliquely, towards her parents.

"I imagine it's something like Jasmine is going through right now. I wasn't much older than her when I went. The first and only time before today. I don't think it was here though. Probably in a different city in Vale, or maybe a tolerant part of Mistral. I don't remember any protests before or immediately after the trip, but I wasn't really paying too much attention if I'm being honest."

She stalls in her explanation a bit, an actual bashful look crossing her features as she looks away. "I may have also ridden on my dad's shoulder throughout most of the park. But, uh, I don't even know what I'm trying to say."

That may have certain implications but I'm too out of it to really give them much consideration. It could just be as simple as her being reminded of her dad which prompted her initial comment before we got into the park, but actually explaining things has her tongue-tied.

She takes my silence as me sparing her given the relieved sigh she lets out rather than an indication of my exhausted state it really is. "I guess what I'm trying to say is that you're pretty caring like he is. You didn't mind Jasmine messing with your ears. You could have told her to knock it off, but you didn't."

"That doesn't mean much," I reply automatically, slipping into old habits. As if to cover it up I hurry on, "But I'm not trying to ask what about today reminds you of the past. I just want to know about it in general. And, uh, anything you can tell me about your folks to stop them from trying to kill me when we get home would be nice."

She tries to hold it back at first. Snorting instead of laughing openly, but she starts shaking the more she tries to hold it in. Eventually she gives up and pivots around me so she can laugh in my chest instead of out in the open.

"Of course that's what you'd be worried about isn't it? You don't have to worry about anything Ochre, Dad's the sweetest guy I know."

"Uh, no offense Blake. It might seem that way to you, but he has one hell of a reputation of being protective towards you." I pause before deciding to reveal the next bit, "That and I may have gotten a letter from your parents that implied they wouldn't be too pleased if they thought I was taking advantage of you." I hope I don't have to spell it out to her that despite our relationship being in accordance with her wishes it certainly doesn't look that way from the outside.

"They what," she asks, zeroing in on one detail in particular. Apparently it's more out of disbelief than not hearing me as she continues, "When was this?" I don't have to say anything, the time-frame should make things rather obvious. A conclusion she also comes to. "I-" that's all she gets out as she struggles to deal with how she's feeling.

I get the sense that there's a lot of good emotions mixed with the bad. Probably even more so. The fact that her parents cared about her enough to do that as well as me accepting her even in the face of the potential retribution should be more than enough for the positives to win out. Something that seems to be punctuated by her wrapping me in a hug.

I pat her back as best as I can, "If it's any consolation I'm pretty sure the letter to me was all your mom. Nothing in it really fits what I know of the Chief."

"Thank you," she says quietly and breaks away. "Sorry they put you through that. Remind me not to let either of them corner you without me there when we visit. Not about to let them get away with that again."

"I don't think it's that bad," I hedge.

"It probably isn't," she huffs, "but I don't want them giving you a hard time because of my mistakes. You're a good guy Ochre; today just proves it."

"Fine," I concede, that particular point not worth raising a fuss about. "You know this just means my question from earlier is even more pertinent, right?"

"I suppose," she grumbles like she doesn't want to give me that victory. "I've told you about them before and I don't have too much to add to that, but dad likes it when people can be straight with him. Like really up front and no beating around the bush. Not blunt, per se, but close to it. He can appreciate the subtlety of things, but if he thinks you're doing it to mislead him he'll only get upset."

"Got it, so don't act at all like my usual self," I quip. She shoots me a playful glare and I return it with a broad smile.

"I never said that," she mumbles petulantly before picking back up. "I think your usual self would get to my mom pretty good. The two of you are a lot alike in that respect. So, you know, just be yourself and she'll like you."

"It isn't going to cause issues if I'm flipping on how I present myself like that?"

"As if you don't do that enough already," she says, calling me out on my normal behavior. She pauses, "I don't think so, at least as long as you're genuine about it if that makes sense. Mom will appreciate you have the capacity for it while Dad will appreciate that you can take things seriously. Just don't act like an absolute jokester and I think you'll be fine."

"Trying to say I worry too much?"

"Always," she rejoins with a small smile. Soon after we resume our walk, conversation falls to the wayside as we enjoy the atmosphere and each other's company. Said atmosphere lasts until we make it to the meeting place, a small restaurant within the park to cater to the guests.

Jasmine and Coral are nowhere to be seen. I suppose it was a bit much to expect with the wild bundle of energy Jasmine is for them to arrive on time, though it is slightly frustrating. Perhaps not too frustrating now that I think about it; I did want to prompt Blake with some happy memories instead of focusing on the newest ills of her parents.

Either way I park the two of us by the entrance and in the shade. I keep a watch on Blake as I do so just in case she wants to take this as an admission to restart efforts between the two of us. Fortunately she has her hands rather full with the plush right now and it seems like after the physical component of our date she's more than willing to settle into the more emotional part. Come to think of it something similar happened on our first date, perhaps arguably with the museum visit. It could just be how she operates. If so it makes my desire all the easier to accomplish.

"So," I start, "excited to visit home after all this time?" She looks up to me and then away, planting her face in the plush and mumbling something. I can't tell what, but the sentiment is easy to read; worry of some sort. The exact source doesn't matter and so I simply pull her closer so she can draw some reassurance from that. I even flash her a smile when she gathers the courage to look back at me that she returns with a smaller one.

"I am," she returns weakly, slowly growing more confident, albeit conflicted, as she continues, "It's just that I haven't spent that much time there even before my absence. I've told you about how we were traveling all the time to wherever we were needed to protest at or conduct talks. Thinking of Menagerie as my home is…well, it's not inaccurate. But, the way you talk about it makes it seem like an entirely different place from my memories."

She leans against me more at the end and I'm not sure how exactly to interpret that. I don't think she does either. More than likely it's a complicated bundle of emotions and issues that I seem to have inadvertently contributed to. I guess my outburst at RWBY's dorm was passionate enough that it got her thinking of home and not having the same well of feelings to draw upon.

"Well, why don't you tell me about them and I can see how they stack up?" Blake turns pensive at my offer and seems like she's going to discount it until I shoot her a pleading look. I'm above begging even in an instance like this so that's as far as I'll go. However, I think it will do her some good and I'm not going to pass on reminiscing about home if I can help it.

"I guess," she allows tentatively. "I don't remember too much, the constant trips all blur together and we didn't visit Menagerie too often. Whenever we did we would stay at the, uh, I'm not sure what to call it. It was just my home to me."

I don't miss how she says 'was' instead of 'is.' I'm not sure how to feel about that and just note it for now. It's not like I was expecting dating Blake to make my life somehow less complicated, but it is another indicator that there are things to talk about and resolve with her even if we share an interest in each other. Either way, ruminating on that isn't my goal here.

"I call it the Belladonna manor."

"I-It's not that big. Is it?"

"Blake, your house is the biggest one in all of Menagerie and takes up the same space as, like, ten houses." She actually tears her gaze away and shifts nervously while sporting a blush. It's a different sort than the one she usually gets from the attack of compliments. Like she's actually embarrassed at having the status of her living arrangements so bluntly pointed out. After the day she's given me I can't exactly let the moment pass uncapitalized on. So, I adopt a teasing smirk while leaning in to make sure she can see it out of the corner of her eye.

She pouts at first, not liking the fact that I'm the one tormenting her. That pout turns to a more genuine frown before her brows furrow in thought and her features lighten up. I get the feeling that pushing things was the precise wrong thing to do when she opens her mouth.

"Ochre," her tone is light and teasing, "Are you trying to tell me that you have a type." A coy smile spreads across her face as she frees one of her hands enough to poke me pointedly at the chest.

I'm about to refuse her statement automatically when I fully process the words. I don't have a type, do I? Sure there are certain similarities between Weiss and Blake. Both being from influential and relatively rich families, socially isolated, the type to remain private if not silent until they're comfortable enough to open up, and driven in a way to change the world. I still want to discount such a blanket assertion, but I must admit from the outside that's enough for someone to draw a similar conclusion.

Not that I'm going to let my girlfriend get away with a win that easily. It would be all too simple to just turn her claim back on her. Simple, but cruel and not something she deserves for an act so minor. It does, however, remove the most immediate rebuttal from my hand and it takes me a while to formulate a response that is both cutting and appropriate.

Too long as it turns out; Jasmine, still wound up despite, or perhaps because of her time in the park, launches into us while we're both distracted. It doesn't help that she grows enamored with the plushes we're carrying. Blake doesn't want to relinquish hers and I'm not about to let Weiss' get damaged in any way.

To that end I surrender the cat plush for her to play with for the interim. I make a mental promise to myself that I will be getting it back. I don't care if I have to fight the child for it; I'm not above such pettiness. Fortunately the moment is shortly punctuated by her mother showing and rearing the demon child into some form of decency.

"Hope we're not interrupting anything," Coral says. A neutral expression sits on her face, but a twinkle in her eyes betrays that she's trying to tease us. No doubt aware of the exact kind of behavior that the two of us would get up to when we're alone.

Not that Blake or I give her much to work with and I smoothly pivot, "Just talking about home. You know, Menagerie." Coral lets out a noise of interest, but otherwise leads us into the restaurant. Since I'm trying to get Blake to open up a bit more instead of extolling the virtues of my home I give her a little shove. Naturally she glares at me before sighing.

"As I was saying. The manor," she grinds out the word 'manor' like it physically pains her, "and my time there is what I mostly remember from Menagerie."

"Manor," Jasmine questions and her mother has a similarly puzzled look that betrays that she has the same question.

"Ghira is Blake's dad," I state, as it should obviously clear up the confusion. It doesn't.

"Do all former High Leaders get a villa at Menagerie," Coral asks.

"He's the Chieftain of Menagerie," I supply to resolve the confusion. Not like I know why exactly it's present in the first place. Do people just not know anything of Menagerie out in the Kingdoms? I know Ruby said they don't hear much news out of the place, but you'd think knowing the name of who runs the place would be basic information that everyone would be interested in.

It makes me think about any time I'd look into news of my homeland, which wasn't too often. There was no need to as I was already familiar with the place and any new information took far too long to come to the CCTS. Not that there were none, but now that I think about none of those were big stories as far as I could tell. That and they'd relate things that I'm almost certain were wrong. Mainly due to an ignorance on how my homeland is and how it's run.

While I'm distracted Jasmine goes on to ask if that means Blake is the princess of Menagerie. To which my girlfriend responds, "I suppose." Her words may be short and affecting a demure demeanor, but I don't miss how her lips curl into a smile and she puffs herself out a little. If I had to guess, having someone actually acknowledge her in this way is a refreshing change in pace from her team's non-reaction.

I suppose the non-reaction from everyone at Beacon as well. Has she even told JNPR about her dad running Menagerie? I don't see any reason why she would do so, so I have to assume the answer is no. I think Jaune or Nora would at least act in a similar manner as Jasmine, so if it was validation she was seeking there's no reason for her not to tell them. Likely she thinks herself too proud, too humble, or not deserving enough for such an association, though it is obvious that she takes some pleasure from the reveal.

Naturally what follows is Jasmine dominating the conversation by asking about Blake's life and what being a real princess is like. This lasts throughout the late lunch with Blake relating stories about her youth and Jasmine being ever the more interested. It serves well enough for my purposes and I'm tired enough that I don't interject too much and neither does Coral. Although in her case I think it's for entirely different reasons.

By the end of it Jasmine declares Blake as the superior princess over Weiss. A title that my black-haired girlfriend wears with more than a little pride. I don't have the heart to tell her that's most likely because she doesn't get on Jasmine for her table manners nearly as much as Weiss does. Not that Blake would be able to levy any legitimate criticism against anyone with how voraciously she dug into her seafood dish. I- just- this is my life now isn't it?

I'm not spared from further indignity as Coral's gimlet eyes stare at me in between softer looks between her daughter and Blake. As if trying to insinuate a certain connection that Blake made earlier. It would be far easier on me if she'd just vocalize the sentiment instead of implying it. Without the words to counter, bringing it up would just prove that it's on my mind. With both Coral and Blake present I would soon have my denial under attack from both sides.

Eventually my girlfriend does have to excuse herself which leaves me alone with Coral for a few minutes. It's enough time to squeeze in a private topic, although that may not be necessary. It's not like I have much I need to hide that I'd bring up and waiting until we're back out into public for certain discussions might mesh well.

Although that does bring my mind back to how public my admission of Blake essentially being the princess of Menagerie is and our resultant talks. I'm under no compunction that with my level of popularity that such a reveal will remain quiet for too long.

Type: It really isn't like that. Is it? I mean what are the odds? I'm not sure I can let something like this pass by without comment. (3)

Fame: With Weiss and I, and now Blake, hanging around her semi-frequently I'm sure she's getting a level of attention that she hasn't thus far. I could see how she's adapting to that. (2)

Union: As far as I can tell she's settling into her duties with the Union rather well. Although getting her perspective can't hurt. (1)

SDC: With the recent news of Adam's brand and my subsequent investigation/defense of the matter I'm sure there are a lot of thoughts involved. Especially for her and her past of working with them. (0)

Menagerie: She declined going to the place with Jasmine when I first rescued them, but I could talk about it with them and with summer coming up it might be pertinent. (0)

"It's not what you're thinking," I say once Blake is well out of earshot.

"Oh," Coral draws out her noise of interest slowly, "And what am I thinking, Ochre?"

"It's just, it's not like that."

"And what, pray tell, is it?"

"I-," I stutter, I may not have thought this entirely through. Damn my compulsive need to respond. Okay, disabusing her of the notion is only going to make things worse. Maybe I can play it off as not entirely intentional, but certainly not my fault. "Alright, maybe I attract a certain kind of girl. You can't blame me for that, can you?" Why the fuck did I think that was a good idea?

As if to reflect my lack of forethought Coral hums and says, "Are you sure you want to go with that?"

No, no I am not. "Of course I am." My response makes her mirth ever more present on her features, mixed with a dash of surprise.

She most likely thought I'd take the out she gave me. However taking it would have been an admission of defeat. If I did so I'm sure I'd end up getting teased about it at some later and more inconvenient time. Instead I can set off the trap early and deal with the teasing after a day of all but proving it and being incredibly tired to boot. Wait…

"Well," she starts the teasing imminent in her tone, "it's so good that you're willing to be so honest with yourself. Although let's not kid anyone; you attract far more attention than just those two don't you?"

Any response that I might have dies at the tip of my tongue. With how this week started I can't exactly deny her. Instead I give her a searching look, trying to discern if she had any foreknowledge of the kind of trouble I've been dealing with. I swear to the heavens if Blake or Weiss told her about any of that I'd…I'd try to find some way to express my ire I'm sure.

Unfortunately my lack of rebuttal may as well be confirmation as Coral's grin grows wider. "Use your words dear," she chides with a short laugh. She further punctuates the demeaning talking down by ruffling my hair. I muster the most baleful glare I can and she only laughs it off. Without my hat I'm far too open to this kind of attack and I'm not willing to bat away her hand just because I'm a little uncomfortable. Just another thing to blame my girlfriends for.

Taking my silence as further permission she continues, "Is it anyone you've told me about? Don't tell me that two isn't enough for you?"

"Two is too much, honestly," I reply before my brain can catch up with my mouth. I waited too long to get in a rebuttal that I primed myself too much to prevent that slip. My expression also freezes once I process what I just said. I can't take it back and with the pause trying to play it off as something more confident and assertive is consigned to an impossibility.

Coral, in response, gasps in a scandalized manner. As if she was in any way unaware of what Blake and I were going to get up to. "Well," she announces with a wolfish grin, "as long as you use protection I'm sure you'll be fine."

I want to protest even that, but I'm interrupted by the third member of our party, "Mom, are you and bro talking about him and sis?"

Bro? I shoot Coral an accusatory stare and she has the gall to pretend as if she's somehow not responsible for Jasmine's misconception. She ignores me completely to respond to her daughter, "Among other things, dear, yes."

"Shouldn't their aura protect them," she questions with an overly serious expression on her face.

"Aura doesn't protect against everything." At this point I don't even bother putting up a strong front. Just letting my head crash against the table while I cradle my idiot brain with my arms as the two girls continue. "For instance, Huntsmen can still get quite sick. Especially if they eat the wrong thing or let something improper enter their system."

"And protection can help with that?"

"It certainly can," Coral replies stiltedly to Jasmine's innocent question. No doubt trying to fight back having too much of a reaction. "As long as he uses it appropriately there shouldn't be any cause for alarm."

Jasmine tugs on my shirt, "You gotta use protection big bro. I don't want you or sis getting sick." I can't help myself and so I glare at her mother for instigating all of this. She's trying to hold back her laughter as much as possible. Her control is admirable as she remains silent, although Jasmine looks at her oddly. Evidently connecting to the fact that her mother is acting weird even if she can't quite tell why.

As if to make things worse, Blake decides to show up at this time and ask, "Is everything okay?" The answer is obviously no with how I'm resting my head in my arms and the table instead of sitting upright. Not to mention Coral's state, Jasmine's confusion, or the number of stares we've no doubt attracted. Most certainly not helped by my popularity or Jasmine referring to Blake and I as sis and bro, especially with the topic that came up.

"I think so," Jasmine says slowly, still unsure if that's the case. "Just making sure you and big bro don't get sick."

"How would we get sick," my girlfriend asks before I can stop her from making such a mistake.

"From not using protection," is Jasmine's guileless answer. That sets Coral over the edge as she starts laughing openly, clutching at her sides. Blake has some shame, apparently, as her face goes beet red and she stutters as she tries to form any kind of response. I only bury my head deeper in an attempt to avoid attention.

"Are you okay? Were we too late," Jasmine questions. Undoubtedly prompted by Blake's sudden change in complexion and demeanor. Before awaiting any kind of response she turns and shakes my arm repeating the question and then saying that I "should know better."

Uncaring, I activate my semblance just to have the time to recover. I can't bring Blake in with me and I'm not gonna bring in Jasmine of all people. At least not at this particular moment. It takes far longer than I think it should, but without the constant reminder or the public pressure I'm able to get myself put together after a few minutes. I spend a little while longer to make sure I'm recovered before I step out with barely a second passing real time.

Coral is still laughing and my girlfriend is mortified. Although she has taken the proactive step of covering the gremlins mouth with her hand to stop her from causing a further commotion. Something that's short-lived as Blake pulls her hand away to shake it in the open air before drying it off with a napkin. Jasmine meanwhile has her tongue slipped out for a moment before withdrawing it into her mouth with smug satisfaction

This is a trainwreck of the highest order, but with some perspective a twitch of my lips occurs. It's still far from ideal, but it's not as bad as I felt it was. Then I feel the weight of the stares on our persons. Something that the girls haven't cottoned on yet; otherwise I think they'd be more self-conscious about what's going on than currently. At least Blake and Coral would.

Oh well, not like I could give much attention to what the public thinks about my relationships. It would be preferable if it didn't come with downsides like this. However, I can admit that I wouldn't trade moments like these for the lack of attention. Well, as long as it doesn't tank my plans for Menagerie. I should probably give some thought to which I value more at some point, but that will have to wait for later.

As I wait for Coral to regain control of herself I guide Blake back into her seat so she can at least process a pain similar to the one I just went through. Hopefully it doesn't scar her too badly. I get the impression that she hasn't had to deal with this kind of attention or all too much of Coral's maternal teasing now that I think about it. I can only hope that her mom isn't in any way similar to this as I'm not much more inured to it than Blake is.

Eventually we are able to make our way outside. Although Blake has retreated from her previously outgoing demeanor to bury her head against the side of the leopard plush, that's a stand in for myself. Probably thinking that I had some hand in things devolving to that point when I am, in fact, utterly blameless. She isn't upset enough to separate herself from us entirely and the latter part of our day is planned to be spent with Coral and Jasmine already.

I wait until we get to a more isolated spot. I don't exactly want to spring this on Coral with a lot of people around given the context of the topic and the situation. Blake is escorting Jasmine on a ride that the munchkin insisted would cheer her up. Taking my girlfriend's sullen silence as mere moodiness rather than indicative of the injustice she had to suffer.

Coral gives me a sly smile and opens her mouth when I preempt her, "So, I know I've drawn quite a bit of attention. That's probably spilled over to you at some point. Hope it hasn't been too much trouble."

I lock her eyes with mine, implying that I'm going to make a point of sticking to this topic no matter how much she might want to tease me right now. I think it comes off as more pleading than demanding, though she doesn't let enough of her emotions show for me to be sure. Either way she should know what I'm really asking about here.

"It hasn't been too much trouble, dear. It's not like I'm working at my old job anymore and while the people I work with now are more than aware they don't treat me too differently. Although…" she trails off to pinch at my cheek, "don't think I didn't notice the kind of job and pay you saddled me with. It's too much! I'm not qualified for that kind of work."

She releases her grip and I wave my hand, "It'll be fine. Trust me it's not too much trouble and I can always use more people I can trust." I can tell she doesn't believe my words, but relents anyway. I'm sure earning more than she initially thought isn't her complaint and her workload can't be too onerous. Different, certainly, but she doesn't need to concern herself with treating individual patients unless that's something she wants to do.

Before she can get stuck on that point for too long I say, "Either way I'm glad. Being a public figure, well, it's different that's for sure." Truthfully I'm not sure how different it actually is. Going from a relative nobody to a well-known figure has been jarring. However, it's not like I got much time to appreciate that middle ground. A couple of months, maybe, before I started dating Weiss and any hope of anonymity was dashed.

Apparently my words engender a different reaction in her than assurance. Her face grows pensive and droops with a slight frown. Her voice weakens and lacks its previous exuberance when she asks, "That isn't going to cause you any problems will it?"

It takes me a few seconds to start piecing together what she could be referring to. She's probably thinking back to what got me so aware of this issue in the first place. That being the attention we drew in the restaurant. I can't say that's entirely because of my fame, though it probably played a part in it. Rather it was a public display and the contents were less than flattering.

Maybe," I admit slowly, before appending. "I would have had to deal with it at some point or another. It's not like I'm keeping any of this secret."

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine," I assure. "I can handle it, so don't worry about me." I know that's a foolish hope, but I can't help tacking it on. "I was more worried about how you were handling it than me. Especially with Weiss involved."

Her lips twitch a bit, though are still strained, "I should be asking you about that. I'm fine, your men have made sure of that." I remain silent, but apparently she has more to share. "Kind of hard to miss how they've replaced most of my neighbors at this point."

Slightly chastised, I ask, "Is that a problem?"

She waits several long moments. Just watching me squirm as she rocks her head back and forth as if she has to come to some sort of conclusion, her blonde hair swishing about freely. "No," she allows, freeing me from the torment of uncertainty. "It's actually been quite helpful having additional hands nearby to deal with Jasmine at times. I hope that hasn't been a problem."

I shake my head. Even if it was, it wouldn't be too hard to find someone else to take residence in Coral's complex and compensate the other member accordingly. I can say I wasn't expecting her to use my men as slapdash babysitters, but perhaps I should have. It's not like she's imperceptive.

"I'm sorry." My apology draws a hum from Coral. Not really agreeing or disagreeing with me. Perhaps I'd even find it neutral if I didn't know her so well, but it comes off as inquisitive. Thus I supply, "You didn't ask for any of that, any of this, to be dumped on you."

"And I recall telling you before that I knew what I was getting into. Being a mother brings many challenges, especially from what my children get up to."

"You're still on about that," I shoot back without any criticism in my voice. My heart isn't in it to admonish her and I'm not about to back down from my previous position even if she's venturing with hers a bit more boldly.

"Do you want me to stop," she challenges. Well, not really a challenge. The implication is there, but there's only kindness in her voice. Maybe I'm just reading into things too deeply or I'm too compromised to think rationally. That thought stops me and I shake my head.

"No," I verbalize even if it's not necessary. I don't add anything further to that and she backs off. I have to assume she's reading into my reaction to mean that I don't want to delve into that rabbit hole once more and she's not willing to press me on it. Not yet at least, on both accounts. We're both more than happy to leave things as they are for now.

The rest of our afternoon passes without too much issue. With all the walking around that we do and the food now in her Jasmine gets pretty tired pretty quickly. She's a bit too old to be taking naps in the middle of the day and the excitement of new things is enough that she struggles a lot despite her tiredness until Coral assures her that they can come back some other day. With their influx of funds from Coral's new well-paying job, courtesy of the Union, the only issue they should have is scheduling.

Regardless, it's enough for Jasmine to quiet down and for us to make a departure. With all the walking we've already done I hail a cab instead of making the trek to Coral's apartment. Jasmine falls asleep on the way there and Blake has no hesitation in leaning against me the whole ride there.

She even goes so far as to trap my arm between hers, holding it close to her breasts and midsection. There's no titillation in the gesture as she soon uses me as a makeshift pillow despite ostensibly buying the plush to use as something similar. I suppose it's a good sign that she enjoyed our time and doesn't hold it against me any longer about the teasing Coral and, inadvertently, Jasmine got up to.

We set our things aside in the apartment while Coral puts Jasmine in her bed. No doubt that's going to throw off the tot's sleep schedule a little, but the peace and quiet is much appreciated. The remaining three of us fall into a companionable silence as we attend to work set out for us all. Coral with more homework from her night school and Blake and I with reports from the Union.

Honestly what we're going over would be best brought up with Weiss as well. However, my white-haired girlfriend isn't exactly enthused whenever work comes up with our time together, much less if I make a point of doing so. She thinks we let work intrude on our lives too much as is and keeps to a separation from work and play.

In her defense it's entirely reasonable and she just wants our time together to be time for, well, us together. Too afraid that something will change one day if she doesn't keep to that strict line. Even if she occasionally blurs the line like with the 'work date' that was more her trying to pamper me while I worked than anything else.

Either way I put Weiss out of my mind as much as I can as I review what we've found with Blake's assistance. Blake has a seriousness about her as we parse through the reports, but she isn't shy about showing her affection. Either taking my hand in hers, rubbing alongside my arms and shoulders, or giving me a quick kiss before we return our attention to the matters at hand.

Our men have conducted a cursory investigation into the SDC branch in Mistral, with their permission. More Whitley's permission than anyone else involved, though I think he'll be more than happy with what we've turned up. Well, as long as we don't immediately leak it to the public I think; not that that's a realistic option for me considering who I'm dating.

Either way, with the SDC's permission my men had no trouble getting to and inspecting various mining and work camps that dot Mistral's expansive borders. The lax eyes of the Mistrali council can't be everywhere and that is no more present than in our findings.

Outside of a certain radius from Mistral proper, and a smaller one from other cities that aren't Argus, the enforcement of appropriate working standards and living conditions falls off dramatically. Something that everyone knew, but few would acknowledge or have hard data on. Now, this is only a week's worth of findings so it's hardly extensive, but it is enough to indicate the larger trend.

This is bolstered by a plethora of in-person reports collected from the faunus workers. However, the amount we collect is far fewer than I would expect given the size of the camps and the working conditions we encounter. I almost chalk it up to simple laziness within our agents' reports until I come across an addendum from one of them. Apparently the open connection with the SDC has a good number of those workers unwilling to deal with my men despite their faunus features.

I don't know if I can blame the workers in this case. If I were a poor faunus asked about camp mistreatment and the misdeeds of the SDC by men claiming to be from the White Fang yet openly walking about the camps I would be hesitant as well.

That isn't to say that there aren't benefits to said association. It easily pays for itself by the sheer expediency by which my men are able to locate and travel to these sites, speeding up the investigation by an order of magnitude. Such haste does come at a cost of detail, but that can be solved by simply having our men repeat their endeavors. Either way we come across more than enough details to cause the SDC a heap of trouble with what we've uncovered.

Such as the corruption found in a majority of the investigations. Apparently there's a certain weakness introduced in those responsible due to the lax watch of the council there, the general Mistrali sentiment, and the company itself turning a blind eye as long as profits are up. Furthermore evidence and accounts of abuse are far from uncommon as well. I'm unsure if this information will truly help in the current situation, but I send off the relevant information to Weiss and Whitley to take care of.

If nothing else I get the feeling that Whitley will be able to use the info to strongarm the Mistral branch. The boy wants to prove himself in some way and delivering results from investigators he approved is the least I would expect from him. Jacques may or may not be happy with that sequence of events, though I think he'll be most concerned with the loss of profits.

Unfortunately for him, with how he's displayed himself to the media he has no real recourse except to follow through if Whitley decides to use that information. Too obsessed with his image to go back on his word and displaying the virtues of the Schnee name is probably among his top priorities anyways.

It makes me wonder if he's actually as racist as people make him out to be or if it's simply a grift he engages in. I imagine the reduction in cost makes it easy to justify and I don't think much of the Atlas elite particularly care about their faunus counterparts given that the institution of slavery was only abolished in Atlas due to the Great War.

Thoughts of that aside, there isn't too much about Mulberry and the investigation at large. That simply wasn't the purpose of this endeavor, although I have a few things to report on that matter. From what we find there aren't any other camps engaged with Merlot's Dust trading. What I was expecting, but good to have confirmation. Another confirmation we receive is the general quality of life of the faunus under him at his latest camp.

Conditions have improved since the news broke, no doubt the SDC is running damage control as best they can. However, the memories of the workers there aren't so brief. It could be due to the openness of us dealing with the issue or the comparative greater attention this camp in particular receives; whatever the reason we have complaints, recollections, and accounts stretching back for a few months, far longer than the other camps.

Additionally, from what I can surmise, the conditions for the faunus there were among the lower end compared to other camps. It's only unfortunate that enough time has passed that signs of more direct abuse have more or less disappeared although the testimony of such is relatively fresh on the minds of those there. Nothing as extreme as branding in this instance, but it is another marker that poor conditions and rough treatment is a pattern with Mulberry's operations and not an exception.

On a similar note to Mulberry, my men also stumble across a few work camps that they weren't directed to amidst their criss-crossing of the continent. Most belong to other corporations like the Mistrali Trading Company, but some, on closer inspection, are SDC sites.

With Whitley's permission, my men are able to approach said camps and deal with them as well. None are as barbaric as Mulberry's operations, though they aren't exactly legal operations either. The treatment of the faunus are also among the lower ends of the company. Admittedly I don't know what Whitley will do with that information, or Weiss for that matter, but it is another card I can give to him.

Perhaps my efforts to ingratiate myself to him aren't entirely to Weiss' benefit now. While I don't want to imply that I'm only hanging out with him because it is convenient or Weiss would like it, I can't realistically say that such concerns aren't present in my mind either. Oh well, most of my relationships seem to have stemmed out of what were on the surface insincere reasons and that hasn't stopped them from developing into something more genuine.

Understandably, Blake and I's previously jovial moods take a turn while looking over reports on the mistreatment of our kind. Even knowing that the problem has been found and is likely to be addressed can't bring too much solace. Especially since Coral is nearby and she suffered under the abuse of the SDC just as much as anyone else; though she was able to escape and seems to have had a lighter time of it than what she could have.

While her more romantic ministrations stop halfway through, my girlfriend's determination doesn't stutter. If anything, reviewing the material with her has only made her conviction stronger, no matter how much it hurts to read through it. Enough so that we engage in a talk of what our options are and what we're doing. She isn't too pleased by the limitations imposed by working with Weiss and Whitley, but that's more due to how they restrict us than having a fundamental problem with anyone involved or the complications their presence brings.

There is potential for further friction between her, Weiss, and Weiss' family. Unfortunately there isn't too much we can do to defuse that. I get the feeling that something similar is spreading throughout the Union if not the rest of the White Fang. This whole situation makes things especially hard for myself and straddling the line between everyone involved.

Even then my people are being remarkably patient with me and not leaking this information immediately. I don't think I'd enjoy such leniency if I didn't have such a track record of dealing with unpleasant elements like Spider, Wave, Adam, and Torchwick. As long as we deliver results there shouldn't be any issues, though that depends on others outside of myself at this point. I just have to have faith that those involved won't do something monumentally stupid.

Either way I'm not quite through with the week and I have something to attend to that I've been putting off. I've decided to make another announcement to the public, or at least I plan to. In truth it's not too late to back out and reassign the resources elsewhere, though there would be a small delay. Not one to make too big of an impact, so I'm not too concerned.

In any case I have to decide what I want to tell the public. After my displays with my girlfriends and the start of this week I'm somewhat inclined to shed light on my relationship situation. The details of which should come to the forefront just by how I act with Blake and Weiss as well as how they interact with each other, but it may be worth it to put some rumors to bed.

Aside from that I have the more pertinent issues in my mind. The first of which is Merlot. I have enough evidence that I'm fairly certain in making a claim that he's alive. At the very least I have enough to prove his involvement with Mulberry and I don't even have to drag out what I've found about his experiments with the grimm to add weight to my accusation. Unfortunately what Merlot and his company were working on before they disappeared is a matter of public record and could cause a panic.

It wouldn't be helped by a lack of knowing how far his assets extend, his current location, or his current capabilities either. I know distressingly little in the grand scheme of things, though it's not like I would be informing the public of his exact capabilities either. What is more concerning is the possibility that he catches onto the broadcast and subsequent hunt for him and decides to make our lives difficult. Either by concocting some sort of countermeasure or by going to ground.

I can admit my best work has been done while my targets are unaware of me and this is no different. Admittedly it might still be a good idea to go with it as it would distract from the SDC issue, and particularly Adam's brand, by throwing out a target for everyone's ire to turn to. I might have to bend the truth a little to ensure that outcome, but I don't think anyone important will blame me for that.

On the other hand I have my personal soapbox to step up to, Menagerie. Going from Coral's lack of awareness of my homeland I have to assume something similar is with the rest of Remnant. Plus with my meeting with the council next week it might serve me well to drum up some public support for one of my pet projects instead of having to come at it from a position of weakness.

While public support isn't the greatest of leverage it is something that the council has to consider in some aspects. Seeing as I'm the only one who can realistically represent my home at the moment it more or less falls to me by default to advocate for my home.

In a similar vein is the White Fang as whole. I'm more or less the public face for our organization as well. With the budding problems from extremists due to the whole SDC situation it may behoove me to attempt to calm tensions. I'm not sure how many people I'd reach with an earnest plea if I'm not also willing to go through with releasing some evidence of my conviction. However, I am sure it would be more than zero which makes it a decent enough middle ground in case I don't find the need to out Merlot right now, but want to address this issue in particular.

Menagerie: My home has languished in obscurity for long enough. I can bring quite a bit of attention to it just by relating its current state and my experiences there. (2)

Merlot: My investigation has borne fruit. It would be all too easy to implicate Merlot as well as reveal his survival to the public. What consequences that will bring is undetermined as of now. (1)

White Fang: More of a compromise position than anything else. However, the White Fang is showing signs of fragmenting under this current crisis and I can do my best to prevent that. (1)

Personal: Airing this out to the public isn't exactly palatable, but I can admit it would do well in dispelling misconceptions as well as drumming up some drama to distract from other issues. (0)

Nothing: This effort isn't necessary at the moment and the resources could be spent elsewhere (+1 short-term org action next week) (0)

This time I decide to write an expose on the Menagerien experience as well as a personal recounting of such. Both are to be released through the Union's channels instead of relying on station coverage in particular. There simply isn't a lot of demand for this otherwise unless I want the piece to be more about myself and my past and I think that would work counter to my goals. Delving too close to my past might unearth some unpalatable facts to the public at large and displaying the conditions of Menagerie should be more than enough to garner sympathy.

At first I think I'm being too obvious when describing certain things, like surely there has to be a level of knowledge that has reached the common people even if that didn't extend to Coral and Jasmine. To my dismay a lot of my comments turn out to be necessary and I even have to clarify certain things. Like how the majority of Menagerie is in fact uninhabitable and home to dangerous varieties of grimm. It is more than a little conflicting to have to explain to a Vacuan proofreader that, no, we can't just expand out into the desert.

I eventually devolve into having a meeting with various laymen from the Union where I explain things to them and have them ask questions until we can refine something into a workable paper. Most of it is coming from my personal experience as not too many people leave Menagerie and Blake doesn't exactly have a lay-person's view of our homeland either. By the end of it we have a decent primer of the state of Menagerie and what I think the average life of the people there is like.

Unfortunately it's founded on far less facts than I'd like, relying on personal observations and half-remembered memories rather than any hard figures. Olive would be so disappointed in me. It's a shame and not really one that I can correct all that easily. Although adding it to the list of tasks for my men visiting my home with supplies isn't too hard to manage. I'll just have to collate and release their findings as they come in, but that shouldn't be too hard.

For the public I imagine the impact will be pretty hard. I've made some references to my home's state and problems before, like in the interview with Stirling. However, detailing such problems and even getting into how an otherwise treatable sickness struck the town while I was a child is sure to draw sympathy as well as point out how dire our condition is. It is a little upsetting that people might be able to draw a conclusion that's why mom isn't a part of my life anymore, but I can deal with that.

I also imagine that my recounting will come with a healthy dose of scrutiny and skepticism once enough time has passed. It shouldn't affect the public outcry from the immediacy so shouldn't affect my plans with the council too much. Things might even line up well enough for Menagerie to have access to the CCTS and be able to prove to those skeptics that my claims do hold water. I might be in a bit of trouble for an inaccurate recollection at that point, but it should serve its purpose well enough.

Either way I'll be able to review the exact results when I meet up with the council and again when Menagerie inevitably connects with the CCTS. Admittedly it takes a not insignificant amount of willpower not to allude to that possibility while drafting everything. I can only hope my patience is more or less rewarded.

That and I guess the hope that the Belladonnas don't mind me reaching out to the world before they can in an official capacity. Then again they had all the time to do so while heading the White Fang and instead decided to focus primarily on equality. Not that I can blame them too hard for that, but not addressing the issues with our home more directly rubs me the wrong way. Regardless, I can't let my thoughts be dominated by that entirely as I make my way to Oz's tower.

"Ah, Ochre," he greets once I'm inside his office. "And here I thought you'd miss out on one of our sessions. I'm glad I can still tear you away from your newest hobby."

I shoot him a glare. If he was one of my friends, like Autumn, I'd flip him off for that kind of comment. I suppose I should have gone to someone else for advice on playing piano. However, with me wanting to surprise Weiss and Maple being entirely useless there aside from a few music primers I was more than a little desperate. At least I know Oz can keep a secret.

"Yes, very funny Oz. Before we get into training though, could I talk to you about something?"

"As long as you can make the time for it," he smirks at his joke and I approach to bring us both into my semblance.

From there I talk with him about Merlot and my suspicions and receive my share of info from Oz. Actual records will have to wait until I'm out of my mirror world, but Oz is able to more or less confirm my suspicions that Merlot had a hand in the fall of Mountain Glenn. To what extent is actually up in the air with so much evidence destroyed.

Oz did think that Merlot had perished in the incident so it is with more than a little trepidation that he thanks me for my efforts. This work apparently being close enough to conspiracy business for that acknowledgement and for him to divert some agents to assist with this. I suppose I might be able to leave things in his hands, but he's more concerned about dealing with Lionheart.

Apparently they've found a link connecting him to some disappearances of Huntsmen in Mistral from otherwise simple missions going awry. It's enough to convince Oz of his betrayal and all that's left is finding some way to remove him.

Unfortunately I don't think there's much I can do to assist with that. It's not like I could make the trip easily. At least not without Raven's assistance. Nor do I have significant assets that could assist. I could possibly bug Sienna to help out, but something tells me getting the White Fang involved would only bring more headaches than anything else. I suppose I'll just have to let Oz and the cabal figure this one out.

I could leave things there and get to training. Although, with all the discussion I had about Menagerie my thoughts can't help but be dragged in a certain direction. Oz may have some culpability in the forced resettlement of faunus to my home, but I don't know that and I'm all but certain his opinion is wholly different. If not always then at least now.

What draws my attention more is his comments, or lack thereof of the faunus, in a lot of his relation of the distant past. Not that he talks about it all too often. For his general statements about people he refers to them as humans or humanity almost exclusively. Now that could just be an unprecedented amount of progressiveness from my mentor considering his age, but I'm certain there's something more behind it.

"There's one more thing," I say before we get started in earnest.

"Whatever it is, I'm more than happy to answer it. As long as it's within reason of course." He appends the latter part of his statement with a slight chuckle. Finding some level of humor in giving himself an out.

"It's about the faunus. More specifically-" Oz cuts me off by holding out his hand. Then he remains silent for a long while, evidently regretting his decision, but not finding this matter personal or egregious enough to shut down my inquiry.

"I must admit, I was personally hoping you would never inquire about this subject," he states with utter seriousness, though a level of world-weariness enters his voice. "I can't promise that the answers I have are necessarily the ones you would appreciate. Are you sure you want to delve into this?"

That just raises more questions in my mind so there's only one proper response. I nod. In doing so I draw a sigh from Oz who foolishly hoped otherwise.

"Well, I suppose you'll want the full story, but I might as well get your questions out of the way." That seems more like an attempt to answer as little as possible to me than an earnest plea. I thought we were largely past that, but evidently this subject is rather prickly for him for some reason. Not that I see a reason for him to be.

"First, I suppose, is why you don't bring up the faunus whenever the ancient past is brought up," I lay out bluntly. It's the heart of my issue and his answer might tell me a lot of what's going on.

He sighs again, "To put simply there were no faunus around during my first life." I stare at him waiting for some kind of joke or further elaboration only for him to not say anything.

"What are you saying," I ask when he isn't forthright with any further answers.

"What I'm saying is that the faunus were not a part of the gods' original creations."

That's a lot for me to consider so I hone in on the only actionable words I can properly respond to, "Original creations. You said original. What does that mean exactly?"

"I can't say for certain-"

"Cut the crap Oz! I'm not stupid enough to believe that you didn't look into this matter and I'm not leaving until I have answers!" He weathers my exclamation with a regal sort of calmness. Utterly unperturbed by my outburst aside from looking at me with soft eyes.

"And you will get them, Ochre. Though I will admit I don't have much to give. I asked the lamp if your people were relevant to my goals and to what extent. Your kind simply didn't exist during my first life and it was quite jarring waking to a world where they had suddenly been there for hundreds of years. Regardless, the lamp gave me the answers I sought and nothing more. I'm afraid I couldn't afford to spend those questions on learning about their origins when I had more pressing matters to attend to.

However," he interjects as if to provide me some measure of reassurance, "I did have much more time on my hands back then than I do now and I have done some research into the subject. Obviously at some point between my first death and my first reincarnation the gods saw fit to recreate humanity and among them the faunus. From what I can surmise there are two rather distinct tales that tell of their development, each localized and dated in different areas and time frames.

If I were to hazard a guess I would say that the Brother of Darkness found out about my agreement with the Brother of Light and sought to balance the scales as it were. He did so under the ostensible guise of creation, but I hold no doubt he was aware of the potential for discord he was sowing. Either way there's a tale of the combining of man and animal amidst a battle between the two that I think lends credence to this interpretation.

Admittedly I may have the brothers mixed up as the actions in the other creation myth aren't exactly what I would attribute to the God of Light personally. Although he is no less capable of destruction than his brother is. That and the early depictions and descriptions of the entities responsible imply that I'm wrong as well."

I don't say the words exactly, but considering what the Union's full name is there's no doubt that Oz knows I'm aware of the myth to some degree. The myth of the Shallow Sea is rather important to the faunus identity even if it's started to fall out of favor since the settlement of Menagerie. Not that it's any less popular back home.

The tale broadly covers the god of animals disguising himself and seeking out special individuals all over Remnant to invite back to an island and subsequently the shallow sea. A lot of people assume this to be Menagerie based on some geographical similarities, but that has fallen largely out of favor after the settlement of the land. Either way, once the people arrived they were offered the chance to stay, all it would cost is their humanity. Supposedly that is where those people were supposed to be.

Those that had faith joined the god of animals and became the faunus while the rest were washed away. Oz is right in saying those actions don't really fit the God of Light, at least from his description of the god. Personally I think both brothers are assholes. They committed genocide once already, hold their favor of magic under the nebulous sense that we need to unite, and left Salem to sit about the world despite her only making things worse.

Truthfully I wouldn't put much stock in either creation myth as both only cause problems under either interpretation of the brothers. I suppose the one Oz relates would fit the brother of light best. At least in that case the idiot god could plead ignorance over just what he did when making a people wholly different from those who already inhabit Remnant.

That thought does little to secure my state of mind. I either have to accept the gods are assholes or that they're monumentally stupid or short-sighted. I honestly don't know which is worse to consider.

"Are you sure that those tales are accurate," I ask with heavy skepticism.

"As much as I can be without the lamps' direct assistance. I will admit there is a certain amount of shakiness among it all as the events had transpired before my reintroduction to the world. I am confident there is some level of truth to them and the brothers are the only ones who can be responsible.

Especially with the descriptions back during those early years of my new life on Remnant. It would be quite a coincidence for two nearly identical individuals to the brothers to both exist and have such prominence in regards to the creation of the faunus."

"So, what does that mean?"

"From what I can surmise," he states, "not much. The origins of your people don't matter to me and my task is difficult enough anyway. If they're intended as an additional challenge to the goal of unity or some kind of assistance I can't say. What matters is how to approach the matter now and in the future, not so much the past."

I'm not sure I agree. Knowing that my people's past is because the gods were bored at best and malicious at worst doesn't engender much confidence in me. Maybe because it so closely relates to some of the actual concerns that racists have brought up to justify discrimination. That we aren't natural or that we are somehow lesser due to our creation. The fact that there is some credence, even if I don't believe it, well, it's disheartening to say the least.

"Ochre," Oz says, laying a hand on my shoulder to knock me out of my shock. "I know it's a lot to take in and process, but it doesn't change anything does it? Does knowing, or even suspecting, that things were different change any of your plans in the here and now? I know it didn't for me and I would expect nothing less from my protege. Or am I wrong in that aspect?"

He's manipulating me, however justly he is. I know he is and yet it's all too easy to just push that aside. To rise to his implicit challenge and put this out of my mind. Perhaps that's why I don't do so immediately. He may be right that it doesn't change things for me, at least in any way that matters. I'm still going to fight for my home and equal rights in the process. However, I can't just put it entirely out of my mind either.

A conclusion my mentor comes to as well as he gently eases me into our lesson. Eventually he settles into a rhythm that doesn't give me much time to think about what we just talked about. Just another manipulation of his that's all too easy to fall into. Perhaps I could fool myself into thinking that it's entirely for my benefit. I know I've done similar in the past and will do so in the future, but to be on the receiving end so blatantly makes it too difficult for me to swallow.

I've spent quite a bit of time these past few weeks, in addition to my Aura Studies class, looking into the mysteries of aura. While most of the modern information comes from Atlas, that isn't a big enough reason for me to discount them. Like looking into semblances and how insights from that could assist me this is no different.

Unlike researching semblances this field of study is much more universal and applicable to me. The main difficulty involved is sifting through the various methods to attain certain techniques for what is most efficient to train in.

There are also a multitude of aura techniques from every culture under the sun. Naturally they all claim to be the best and explicit research into which is more efficient to train in is hard to find. It also doesn't help that some of them appear to be complete bunk, or vastly overstate their usefulness. The latter of which is usually easy to spot as if a technique sounds too good to be true it usually is. After all, if it were so useful it would be a part of the curriculum at Beacon.

Oz is able to help me parse through what has merit and what doesn't, at least for my level of knowledge, after our training session. Even he doesn't know the full breadth of what aura can do after all his lifetimes, in so far as he can relate a personal experience.

Apparently whenever he reincarnates he has to start at square one, though he has a few benefits to get caught back up so to speak. What this has largely meant is that he doesn't explore the field heavily, preferring to stick with a regimen of techniques that are practical and easy to train. That is vastly helpful to me endeavors even if I don't see the same value in all of them that he does or find some that he doesn't bring up.

Aura techniques can be broken up into four broad categories for me to pursue; offensive, defensive, recovery, and utility. My training in the Vacuan constant regeneration would fall under recovery, obviously. That entails all the aspects by which aura can heal a person as well as how to recover aura. The latter of which is an often desired field and so there are a ton of theories and pseudo-techniques that abound.

Unfortunately it's not so easy, as has been demonstrated by my own research. The only reason why the constant regeneration is useful for me is because my semblance has a low, but constant, drain; the time-dilation aspect only helps. That isn't to say that there's nothing, the field has been studied for so long that people are bound to have found something to work with.

The workaround is a sort of meditative trance that requires one's passive protections to be dropped in order to work. Something about how that is a constant drain as well, but one that aura and the body deals with by default. The meditative aspect is technically separate from this lack of protection, but only when they're combined does it allow an appreciable increase in the aura regeneration rate.

More than a little annoying and Oz comments that the technique hasn't been all that useful from his experience. Although it does open up the doorway to more advanced techniques. Moving away from that and to stuff of also dubious usefulness are the offensive techniques.

Almost by default everyone uses aura to augment their strength and general athletic capabilities. How exactly this is done isn't too well understood, although some theorize that it's the result of the general protection and healing from aura that allows Huntsmen to over-exert themselves in ways that would normally damage the body in small ways. However, pushing past that is incredibly painful and aura intensive to the degree that it's not very useful.

On a somewhat more useful note is condensing one's aura to a point and sending forwards usually as a slash of some sort. It still eats a chunk of aura and honestly just using Dust appropriately can give similar if not greater results in most cases. Oz is able to inform me that the technique generally scales off the strength of one's aura and that it can be refined to the point that it's actually quite efficient.

The basic technique itself isn't likely to be all that useful to me. However, it does open up some more advanced applications and if I devote myself to the offensive principles I can see the usefulness. That in and of itself doesn't make it an enticing prospect, but it is there.

For the opposing side, defensive techniques are a bit trickier. Aura already automatically defends the body quite well and trying to make it more efficient or useful usually results in the opposite. Learning the aforementioned aura projections can open doors in this field, but with my loadout I'm not certain it would be all that useful.

Aside from that, most techniques require a greater level of knowledge than the current fumbling I'm capable of. Thus, I shelve it for the most part. However, a somewhat related technique catches my eye.

Aura already protects against extreme weather and conditions. Not to the point of blocking out the sensations entirely as I'm well aware of at this point. But, there are exercises and techniques one can maintain to offload that discomfort ever more onto aura. Not exactly useful out in the field when I need to maintain a certain level of aura, but the sheer comfort has me thinking I'll toy around with it on my off-time.

Speaking of utility this is where the field of aura techniques really opens up. It turns out in the vast attempts to get a one-up on one another and failed attempts to make techniques that fall in the other categories, this catch-all has grown to be the largest. There is a variety that I could dig into, but I choose to narrow my scope into something that is already present with Huntsmen, enhanced perception.

It's not quite that simple as it doesn't enhance your perceptive abilities directly. I wouldn't be able to hear more or see better with this as much as that would be helpful in some cases. Rather it's using your aura to sense things more or less. This falls into two broad camps, sensing other aura users and sensing grimm. Both are pretty well documented with veteran Huntsmen and particularly the vision impaired.

How it expresses itself is different from person to person and the exact training seems rather personal, but it does appear like it can be trained. The exact specifics elude me at present, but if I had to guess it's that the constant low-level usage or presence of aura or a soul emits some sort of signal or wavelength that can be read by others with aura and a similar thing with whatever grimm are made of. The former does make sense as we already have sensors that can detect one's aura built into our scrolls. Unfortunately the two techniques are rather dissimilar after that and training in one doesn't necessarily help with the other.

On a related note is being able to apply the principle in reverse and try to hide one's aura as much as possible. This would help against other aura users although not the grimm or Atlas' robotic security. The grimm are attracted by negative emotions and not aura and there's not an easy way to mask that.

Naturally it doesn't help protect against being seen by the mark one eyeball or anything that Atlas develops along those lines. What it does offer is a general increase in my stealth capabilities. Not that I've put much effort in developing them and it would be a circumstantial improvement.

Furthermore the aura perception stuff could help out here as well. Knowing where an enemy is located without having to rely on normal perception is useful and combined with my semblance would assist in bypassing most mundane security. I'm uncertain if doing so for the grimm would have any benefit, though.

Oz does inform me that these techniques can be refined even further, to the point of being able to read the strength of someone's aura and differentiate the auras of different people. Similarly it can be used to tell the age of certain grimm with enough practice.

Unfortunately refining these skills to that level is a hefty investment and usually only worthwhile to vision impaired. Unsurprising since it probably requires a high level of skill to absorb the information and parse it in a useful manner. I just can't imagine that there are many circumstances where such a development would impact my operations.

I'm not quite sure what I was expecting. Most of this comes out as rather underwhelming. I could see the appeal in ancient times, or if I didn't have access to the level of industry I currently do. It might be useful for Menagerie in the interim and I'm sure to send what info I can back home for the guards to practice with. However, that does little for me currently.

From what I can tell the techniques require a level of dedication to turn into something more useful or in some cases on par with what can be provided by modern convenience. The world has simply developed and moved on that a well made shield can serve the same if not greater role than one made of aura. Similarly the advances in Dust and metallurgy put to shame some of the previously developed offensive techniques.

The difference is that these aura techniques are broadly artisanal skills and hard to teach without large levels of effort while most modern developments are industrial ones. Easy to proliferate and pass on to the next generation. They aren't useless that's for sure, but there's a reason why everyone isn't using them all the time.

Aura(Knowledge) raised from (140/150) to (149/150) Source: Class & Training

Aura(Practical) raised from (38/1250) to (73/1250) Source: Semblance usage, & Class

Combat Raised from (1004/1250) to (1055/1250) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, Class, & Assistance

Craft(Weapon) Raised from (56/150) to (62/150) Source: Class

Criminology Raised from (42/150) to (44/150) Source: VPD

Culture raised from (127/150) to (137/150) Source: Oobleck & Ozpin

Grimm raised from (150/300) to (156/300) Source: Class

History raised from (176/625) to (200/625) Source: Oobleck, Class, & Ozpin

Investigation raised from(258/625) to(285/625) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, Alabaster, Class, Training, & Challenge

Law raised from (36/150) to (40/150) Source: VPD & Ozpin

Mobility raised from (515/625) to (546/625) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, & Class

Performance (Piano) raised from Rank 0 (0/10) to Rank 2 (6/150)

Semblance raised from (28/300) to (33/300) Source: Ozpin

Personal Funds decreased to 18500L Source: VPD(Gain) & Outings(Loss)
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Interlude 8, Marina Aoi

Marina Aoi

Stupid, so stupid. I ended up doing the wrong thing AGAIN. Stupid Loud and her big dumb mouth. She had to keep talking and talking and bugging Captain. If she didn't do that we wouldn't be here. Big dummy airhead who can't understand a simple warning, she just had to get in my space and that's somehow my fault?

Maybe it was something else, but I couldn't think in Doc O's room. Not when he's going on about a bunch of people and things that I don't care about but gotta remember for some reason. He doesn't even let us sing like that other useless class I have to take. At least Weiss is in that one, even if she gets all weird whenever I get to sing.

With the quiet and the fresh air it should be easier to think, but nothing's coming. I thwack my head; I'm done bein' stupid and I gotta figure this out yet nothing's coming to me. So, I hit myself again. Captain wouldn't like that, but my big dumbness needs to start working.

If he was here he'd go into what exactly I did and why it was wrong. But nothing I did WAS wrong. I defended him from someone outside of the crew. It doesn't matter how much she calls him by that name he doesn't like or if she joins up under the sub-crew he's leading. That whole White Fang thing is really confusing. Either way she's not crew.

Crew is only Captain, I, Blake, Weiss, Autumn, Kel, and Penny. It doesn't matter how much time Captain spends with Red, Hair, Ren, or her. Just like it doesn't matter that Kel and Cici get along. You can't just join the crew just because you wanna. Captain has to approve. He hasn't and he wasn't feeling that good from her harassment so that's that.

Loud is outside of the crew and she shouldn't mess with us, any of us. It's one thing when Autumn, Kel, and Captain do it to each other. We always have each other's backs no matter what happens, we have to. Otherwise we could lose people or they'd leave so easily and I'm never letting that happen ever again.

Stupid Loud. She wouldn't even have what it takes to live on a ship. She'd be all, 'oh what does this do,' and 'oh, what's this,' instead of doing her job. Everyone has something they have to do, something to contribute, no matter how big or small and not doing it is just trouble.

Knowing her, she'd rush off ahead of everyone and do something stupid that draws in the grimm. Then everyone would be too worried about her dumb butt that they'd try to rescue her instead of themselves. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Just leave her, she's not worth it.

Big dumb Loud and her stupid big mouth and manic energy. It's all her fault, not mine. Except I had to have done something. Captain wouldn't stop me or the crew darken up like that if I didn't. Whatever it was was bad enough to spark fear. Not a lot and it was mixed with more worry than I'm used to. Just why, though? It doesn't make any sense.

I continue pounding and clawing away at my dumb empty head trying to get the answer to come. No matter how much I do or tell myself I'm a big dummy who has to figure this out if I don't want them to leave me it doesn't work. It's gonna be one of those dumb simple things that's just so obvious to everyone else, isn't it? Why can't things ever be that simple really?

Before long my arms are grabbed and I turn around to snarl at the one responsible. I freeze up when I see Penny's face and her cute freckles. Then I frown.

She has too much dark wafting off her. She shouldn't. Anyone else would be fine, not her. Normally I'd study those fascinating balls of anxiety and worry, but it's wrong when it's her. She's mine and she should never have to worry like she is now.

"Marina are you alright," she asks, her grip holding my arms tight in that reassuring way. It only lasts for a moment before she lets go and I don't feel like hitting myself in front of her.

"No." It only causes her worry to bubble up even more and darken her all over, the small kernel of fear growing in her chest. Great, just another wrong thing I've done today. I gotta stop messing up. I've messed up all year it feels like, but I can't mess up now. Not with her. Stupid words aren't working right and I gotta find another way to get across what I feel.

She's my land mistress like Captain has Blake and Weiss. What that means is really confusing though. According to Captain and Kel there are a whole bunch of invisible lines that could be the right thing to do in certain circumstances and utterly wrong in others. How am I supposed to know which is right and which is wrong like that?

They tried saying that it's okay if I mess up from time to time as long as I talk about it with Penny afterwards, but I don't wanna mess up any more. The only thing they told me that I could use is that I should only do what I want and am comfortable with Penny. Well, the only thing I wanna do right now is hug her and so I do.

It takes her a second to respond. She freezes up like my scroll does when I do something wrong and gotta ask for help. Before I can be too worried about breaking my love machine, she wraps her arms around my chest squeezing me tight. It's hard to breathe, but I don't care. She's not letting go, not now, not ever, and I couldn't be happier.

No, that's wrong. She still has those balls of darkness radiating off her and she shouldn't. I don't have my hands free so it takes me some time to shift around her tight grip. Then I have to wait a bit for a small orb of dark to fly close enough for me to gobble up. Tasty. Wasting no time I angle for another then another to the resultant chime-like giggles of my woman.

"What are you doing," she asks, loosening her grip to my disappointment.

"I'm eating you sad and your bad." She laughs harder. I don't get it. I was just being honest. Maybe she doesn't understand? "You're much more beautiful when you don't worry."

Her breath hitches and I'm sure her heart goes thu-thump thu-thump like mine is. I hold her closer even if it means I miss the glorious rebirth of my little sunshine. She's so bright that I swear she's warm to the touch. Only for that to dim for some reason.

"I'm worried about you," she says softly, like that explains anything.

"You shouldn't." She dims more and I know I made another mistake. Stupid! Adding that to the list of things to never say again.

"You don't get to decide that," she states with utter certainty. The familiar glow of resolve flickering in her eyes. I could stare at them for hours. Especially with how the dark of anxiety creeps in only to be dashed away with more resolve and weirdly enough rapturous joy.

She's so fascinating like that. Those little shifts in most people that I sort of miss if I'm not paying attention are just so much more pronounced with her. She's easy to read in that sort of way, but I never grow bored. I only want to stoke that light in her to see how bright she gets.

"I get to decide that," she continues, not detecting my selfish thoughts. She really shouldn't get to determine that, but I can't stop the warm fuzzy in me from spreading. It makes me want to hug her more. Like a double hug. Is that what a kiss is for?

I look at her lips and I don't feel drawn to them. Does that mean I don't like it or that I'm thinking of the wrong thing again? Her freckles are looking really cute though, so I nuzzle against them instead.

I catch sight of Kel a ways away just staring at the two of us. A messy conflagration of lights sparking off one another within her with some drifting off. Still more dark than normal, but a small light in her center is growing brighter for some reason. I don't know why, she's only looking at us and it's not like anything has changed since I hit Loud. I almost don't want to ruin my time with Penny, but I gotta figure this out.

"I messed up didn't I?"

"It's going to be okay," Penny says instead of answering my question. I want to restate it only to be cut off when her hand drifts to my neck and tickles it in just the right way. Cheap-shot. My weakness aside, my woman won't stop me from getting my answers.

"What did I do wrong?" My question must be another bad one because Penny dims again. Her face goes all complicated and I'm not like Captain who can read that so easily, what I can read is her lights. The light of joy, affection, and adoration fading away rapidly; soon replaced by concern and anxiety. If only that could actually tell me what's wrong I wouldn't be stuck like this.

"I think I'll be able to take things from here Miss Polendina," Miss G's stern voice states behind me. I look at her without letting go of my love machine. She's covered in disappointment with an underlayer of stress; she carries that pretty much everywhere with her except during that trip of ours. Well, it was less back then.

Penny separates from me and my attention is drawn to the funny coat of embarrassment that covers her. That one's always a weird light to deal with, but I think it's good? Either way Miss G continues, "Miss Aoi, if you would follow me. You too Miss Russet."

She must be serious if she's calling us by our second names. Not that she doesn't normally, but she sometimes calls us by our real ones and this feels different from those other times. Maybe the disappointment is the cause, but that doesn't make sense either. It doesn't work that way for others most of the time.

"I can explain Professor Goodwitch," Kel starts, panic wafting off her in droves. I poke one with my nose as it passes by and it shoots off. I kind of want to track it down, but Miss G isn't gonna let me. Case in point she turns around for only a moment to address us as she continues walking.

"I am well aware of what occurred Miss Russet. Attempting to downplay things will only make things harder for your teammate. I simply require your presence to ensure the punishment is understood by all relevant parties and to clear up any details in Miss Aoi's recounting. Do I make myself clear?"

Kel demures with a "Yes ma'am" while I nod. Then Miss G takes us into her office, which isn't a big fancy room at the top of a tower like Big O. She makes me take a seat in front of her desk as she gets situated while Kel hovers around before standing in a corner of the room. Kel's panic both grows and shrinks. More potent, but less there if that makes sense? Like it's not overcoming her anymore, but it's curdling into something more potent like dread. Fascinating.

Miss G coughs. "Sorry Miss G." She does that weird thing where her face scowls and a thin layer of annoyance covers her already dark lights. That darkness is soon overshadowed(?) Overlighted(?) By the affection that stirs from her breast.

"I've told you not to call me that. As far as you and any other student is concerned I'm Professor Goodwitch. Nothing more, nothing less."

"Okay Miss G." I dunno why she's lying and my answer only makes that light of hers grow more so. I can't be wrong if that's the result. That and I know Captain calls her Glynda so she's double wrong. And as Autumn says, two wrongs don't make a right. But, apparently three lefts do? Confusing.

She sighs, "I hope I don't have to explain why you're in my office today."

I nod, "I did something bad."

Her frown lessens, "Yes, Miss Aoi. And do you know what you did wrong?"

"No." Surprise flits about the other lights and is soon joined by frustration. Another bad answer. "Could you tell me?" Disbelief colors her only to be replaced by acceptance and a not small amount of sadness. Was that a bad question? She should know the answer if she's talking to me like this so it can't be hard to answer like some dumb ones I've asked before.

"You hit another student," she says slowly and I wait for her to tell me what I did that was bad. "Outside of a sanctioned spar," she continues. She waits a moment longer before sighing deeply, "That is against the rules of Beacon."

Is it? "Why?" Plenty of people hit each other all the time. Hell, Captain pushed Autumn for messing with him at lunch and no one made a big deal of it then. Or how Cardin bullies other people whenever Captain or the teachers aren't keeping an eye on him.

"I think this is something your leader should address with you," she says, sharing a look with Kel and uncertainty buds off of her. It's tinged with pity and more sadness, but not the inward kind of sadness like dejection. It gets quickly washed away by a wave of determination. "Regardless, this kind of behavior will not be tolerated. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes ma'am."

She regards me with narrow eyes, a weird conflux of light and dark mixing about too quick for me to pick up. "Unfortunately your word alone is not good enough in this situation." She pauses again, a small light of compassion budding. It gets tampered down pretty quickly, but it doesn't go out. "Tell me, are you still unaware what you did wrong and why it is so?" I turn to look at Kel except Miss G slams her hand on her desk to stop me.

"I hit Nora." She nods and it takes me a while to come up with the next part. "And that's wrong because it's against the rules." She doesn't say anything or sigh, but the sadness and disappointment that permeates her tells me my answer's wrong somehow. Why'd she tell me the wrong thing then? It's so dumb; I knew she gave me the wrong answer, but she won't give me the right one either.

After a while she pinches the bridge of her nose, "As I said earlier this is something that you should discuss with your leader. Perhaps the rest of your team if he's unavailable. Whatever the case it only strengthens my decision. Normally under such circumstances your misbehavior could be grounds to disbar your team from the Vytal Tournament."

I don't gotta turn around to know that Kel's panicking again and my stomach feels all deep and empty again. They're gonna hate me for this aren't they? They've worked so hard and I'm just dead weight. AGAIN. I hate this, hate it, hate hate hate! Stupid!

My arms cross alongside one another over the back of my head, pressing me towards the floor. I can't hit the stupid idiot responsible for this. Either of them. One would be wrong, apparently, and the other would make Kel and Miss G. worried.

"Please, anything, but that. I'm the one that messed up! Punish me, not them. They don't deserve that." Her face is unmoving, but my words are stirring something inside her.

The only problem is I don't know what I can say. I'm not like Captain, I don't words good like he does. All that comes out now is a strangled garbled cry. That soon devolves into my breath hitching and hiccups coming out as I try to say anything to make things right again.

I can't. There's nothing I can say, nothing that I can think of. I said the wrong thing. Did the wrong thing. Now I'm gonna lose them and it's all my fault. Just like last time.

"Marina," someone says as I'm shaken. Around me are both Miss G and Kel, but I don't know who spoke up. It's all jumbled in my head and I don't know what to do anymore.

"Are you alright," Miss G asks, kneeling so her eyes meet mine, big orbs of worry staring back at me. I start to nod only to shake my head, I shouldn't lie.

She stops like she doesn't know what to do and Kel wraps me in a hug. I let myself relax a little and Miss G. takes the moment to battle the small pit of hopelessness that's settling in her stomach. I'm not much better, but at least Kel's not leaving me.

"As I was saying Miss Aoi," Miss G starts again. Her words coming out very slow like she's afraid of them. "Under normal circumstances your behavior could be grounds for disqualification. However, these aren't normal circumstances are they?" I don't understand so I tilt my head to ask a question without asking one like everyone else does. "I am not…unsympathetic to your position Miss Aoi. I just need you to understand the severity of your actions and why exactly they are unacceptable."

She waits a moment and I nod, "To that end your punishment will entail a paper detailing what you did, why it is wrong, and what you would do in a similar situation in the future. You will continue working on said paper and revising it until it reaches my level of satisfaction. Do I make myself clear?" I nod. That doesn't sound too bad. I just have to ask Captain or the others for what the right answers are.

"And just to make sure I want this paper to be in your own words. I will be checking with your teammates and friends to make sure you aren't simply parroting what they tell you. It would defeat the purpose if you simply regurgitated what others tell you without internalizing it yourself." I-damnit. How am I supposed to do that? I don't even know where to start. Loud started it anyway, why isn't she here?

"Furthermore," she continues, "I will be canceling our lessons together until after the Vytal Tournament is over. I will not permit you to misuse my tutelage to harm others. If anything like this happens again I will not be giving you another chance." She waits for a moment, "Do you have any questions?"

I shake my head vigorously. Then I stop abruptly. My thoughts are too jumbled and chaotic. "Could I be alone for a moment?"

Miss G nods slowly, stops herself, and double checks me looking for something. I dunno what it could be. Whatever she's looking for doesn't make her feel good, a conflux of dark lights grow in her chest and stomach. Sadness is obvious, but there's also a touch of worry and shame that's only highlighted by her familiar determination.

She stands up and pauses for another moment. Her face is all weird and firm and she isn't leaving immediately. There's something going on and try as I might to figure it out I just can't. I shouldn't be thinking about her anyway. My thoughts are still a mess and I'll just be glad when she finally leaves so I can talk this over with Kel.

Only that's not what happens. For some reason Kel follows Miss G. out of the room, leaving me all alone. They said something, I'm sure of it; except I don't remember what it was. Kel shouldn't be leaving, crew shouldn't leave other crew no matter how much they deserve it.

I don't know what to do. I can't run after her; she's done the right thing, but it hurts. Why does it hurt so much? My chest is so tight that I run a hand over it just to make sure. No wound, no mark, no blemish. My aura is still up as well. The realization has my eyes wet and watery in short order and it's getting hard to see.

I struggle to breathe and get myself under control. It shouldn't be this hard. I've been through this before and it was so much easier to just let all my feeling die. Maybe it's because I don't gotta worry about the grimm, or that I'm not out on the waves. It feels so much like when our ship was destroyed and I was first alone. I just want it to stop but it won't.

I need answers. I need help. I can't run after Kel after what I just did. I don't think I can face the rest of the crew either. I messed up big time and I'm running out of options. I fumble around with my scroll. I'm not supposed to call Mama Weiss for some reason, but asking a couple questions shouldn't hurt.

It's hard to tell what I'm doing from the blurry vision, but the familiarity of the action carries me through. Just like dealing with the ship during a storm. Sometimes your hands know better what you're doing than your head and eyes do.

When the call connects Mama Weiss looks at me. I can't see her face too well, so I wipe away at my eyes. After that I catch her looking away and then back at her scroll. Her mouth hangs slightly open, her eyes are wide, and she's leaning slightly forward. One of her arms hovers over the scroll reaching past it for some reason.

I try to think through it and realize I haven't said hello. I'm supposed to do that whenever I call someone. That must be what's up. The greeting she taught me dies in my throat. Some sort of warbled cry escaping instead. Like I'm trying to yell through water.

"Marina, what's wrong," she asks. I'm trying to figure that out myself.

"I messed up, Mama. I did something bad and I got in trouble." Her face does something complicated and she takes a fast breath. I don't think she meant to as she takes a deeper one after that and her face settles, but she's not looking at me anymore.

"You shouldn't call me that," she says without elaboration.

"Okay, Mama." Her lips twitch into an absent smile and I'm sure I've done the right thing. Just like Miss G, Mama can be weird like that.

A moment later she shakes her head and the smile's gone. Weird. It usually lasts for longer than that. What changed this time?

She stumbles over her words for a few seconds before her shoulders sag and she says, "First things first you should clean yourself up."

Right, appearances are supposed to be important and all this wet on my face probably doesn't look good. I use the sleeve of my uniform to wipe away all my snot and tears. There, all cleaned up. Mama even pulls a funny face that causes a slight hiccup in the pit in my belly.

"Good job," she says with a tight expression and I beam. It's good to know I can do some things right. Maybe I should go kill some grimm after this? It's one of the few things I'm actually good at. "Now, could you tell me what's going on?"

"I'm in trouble."

She sighs, "I meant how did that occur. What happened that led you here?" Ah, that's much easier to answer.

"I hit Nora."

"I think I'm going to need the full story, little one." I nod at that. Of course hitting Loud wasn't the bad thing itself. It was the wrong answer for Miss G and Mama can't tell what's wrong with just that. I suppose I should start from the beginning.

"Nora started bugging Captain at lunch. Started calling him a name that he didn't like and soon Autumn and Kel were teasing him over it, calling him that name as well."

"What name was this," she interrupts.

"Big bro." Her eyes and expression softens and then she looks at me in a weird way. I wait a moment for her to say anything, but it never comes. "She kept calling him that and interrupting our class time as much as she could. It was making him annoyed, frustrated, angry, embarrassed; a whole bunch of dark lights. I tried to tell her to stop, but she wouldn't listen, so I hit her."

She waits for a long moment as if there has to be something more to the story. There isn't so I tilt my head to ask why she isn't saying anything. It works and she asks, "What happened after that?"

"I ran out of class." Her expression goes weird like she doesn't understand and then she nods. Was that the problem? Running away? That doesn't make any sense. "What did I do wrong?"

"You hit someone," she says softly after a moment. Her voice is all weird that way, like she's treating me as if I'm glass and she has to be gentle with me. I just want to know what I did so I can not do it again in the future.

"Oh…but why is that wrong?"

"You can't just hit people." Now she's just repeating herself and she's wrong. Just give me the right answer already. She sighs, "You shouldn't hit your friends like that." That's still wrong, but it's different. Maybe it's closer to what's right?

"She's not crew."

Mama is stumped and doesn't have anything to say. Duh, obviously I shouldn't care about anyone not on the crew. They aren't important in the long-run, especially if it comes at our detriment. Something about that feels wrong to think. It can't be wrong though, that's how it's always been.

Hmmmm, Mama isn't crew, but I'm talking with her and she's important to Weiss. It's weird to think about. Like there's a category other than crew that's important. I mean, that makes sense. Certain guys and gals would have land folk that were important to them and we weren't supposed to mess with. Maybe that's what's going on here?

"This Nora, she hangs out with your crew and friends rather often, doesn't she?" I nod. "Then you shouldn't hit her like that. It's clear that your other friends are at least tolerant of her behavior, if not favorable of it. Next time you could simply ask if they have a problem with her and take things from there."

Finally, an answer. I smile as wide as I can. "Thanks Mama!"

She stands up straighter at that and a smile stretches across her face in an unfamiliar way. It's short lived, though. Before long, her face falls, her shoulders huddle inwards, and she looks away. Something's wrong. I said the right thing, but it didn't work.

"Please stop. I can't be that for you, little one. I wish I-" She pauses and looks away, "I'm sorry. I can't. It wouldn't be right."

"Okay, Mama." I still don't know what's wrong. I should ask her what's going on. Before I can do that a knock rings out from the door. Kel! Or maybe Miss G, but Kel! She's still there. "Bye-bye."

I end the call and rush to the door, scroll still in hand. I've got things figured out. I can fix things! I open the door and my excitement falls away.

Kel is all dark with worry and self-loathing. I don't get it, she did nothing wrong. I don't think I said anything that would get her to act like this either. Was she even listening in on me and Mama? Why would she care?

Whatever it is affects Miss G as well. She only looks at me briefly before turning away. Not quite dismissing me as she keeps me in the corner of her eye. Pity is added to her previous constellation of lights and shame has grown much more prominent. They aren't enough to overwhelm her, at least not when held back by her determination and resolve, but those are weakening as time goes on.

As interesting as that sight is and how much I want to stare until that wall bursts, I don't get to appreciate it for long. Kel wraps me in a hug which I return, just glad that the crew isn't leaving me. Miss G gives us both a nod and I return one immediately while Kel takes a while longer.

Her and Miss G's lights stir for a few moments before settling back down and brighter. I wish I was studying their faces more because maybe I'd be able to figure out what just went on between them.

Either way, Kel soon drags me to our room while we wait for Captain to get back. Autumn is there when we enter and nervousness and uncertainty wafts off him in waves. The uncertainty diminishes as Kel explains things and I set myself on my bed, letting my scroll slip out of my hands.

Things aren't looking entirely up, however, as Autumn doesn't get much brighter. His lights merely shift over to worry, apprehension, and a touch of suspicion. It's the last one that stabs the most because it spikes when he looks my way.

I pull my knees up to me and huddle them. Both to avoid his gaze as much as possible and to display that I know I messed up. It works in the sense that it gets him to look away, anger and shame filling that suspicion instead. That I can at least deal with.

Before long Captain walks into the room. He looks about us all and his lights are packed together tight enough that it's hard to tell what they are. I'm plenty motivated though and with a bit of extra effort and aura I pierce through that obfuscation. There's relief and joy, both fading fast combined with irritation that isn't dying down. Not so much anger like I feared, more disappointment than anything else. That feels worse, honestly.

I don't get long to process that as soon Captain is running his hand through my hair. I catch a bit of a jump in his joy before it becomes too much for me to focus on. Of course I was being dumb, Captain's not going to abandon me over this. None of the crew will.

I let that hope blossom. I don't have the will to try to smother it. I'll make it true one way or the other. I already have my way of fixing things, I just gotta write that dumb paper.

"What's the damage," Captain asks, his hand still firmly planted on my head.

I look up to him, but Kel answers, "Goodwitch is cutting her off from our sessions until the tournament is over. That and Marina has to write a paper on how what she did was wrong and what she should do in the future instead."

Captain thinks it over for a few moments. His green eyes drift from Kel, to me, back to Kel, back to me, and finally at the desk that I usually work at. His jaw shifts a bit like he does when trying to come up with an answer and his upper ears are upright as if to pick up on the slightest sound. Something's stumping him and I should help out.

"No hitting friends of the crew." There, that should tell him I know what I gotta write. All I need to do is put in the work. Easy peasy.

I'm not sure how well it works. Instead of being happy or anything, all Captain lets slip is a brief bit of shock paired with acceptance. He does this while taking a deep breath, then he looks at me weirdly and his lights pack together more.

No, that's not quite right, but I don't know how to describe it better. It's like I have to look deeper to tell anything, which isn't strange, it's happened before, and the lights end up getting in the way of each other. Captain likes to do that whenever we're alone, except whenever he forgets. It's good practice and it's not like I can't see through it with enough time.

"Fine," Captain says, his tone at odds with his feelings. He's not angry, but it sounds like he is. "I think there's something else we need to discuss."

"I get what you're saying. It won't happen again-" Autumn starts.

"Cut the shit Autumn," Captain yells back, frustration leaking into his voice and out of his lights before being corralled back in order. "I know this won't happen again, but that's not what I'm getting at. Or did you forget how much you instigated things?"

"I know, I'm trying to apologize-" Autumn tries to say, his own frustration building up into a small pool of anger.

Captain uses his other hand to clear the air in front of him, "I don't care what you have to say right now. Let's not pretend this isn't a pattern of behavior with the two of you. I'm fine with putting up with it for the most part and I do want to be friends, but this…this can't happen again and we all have to pick up some of the blame for that.

I should have told the two of you to cut it out sooner. By the same token the two of you should have stopped on your own. Especially after last week when I could have given the both of you so much shit, but I didn't. I'm not asking for much, I'm just asking for the favor to be returned. I don't want to be a hardass about it, but unless you can change your behavior I'm going to have to be. Do I make myself clear?"

Indignation worries at the twins, but it gutters out before becoming anything more extreme. At worst it curdles into a sort of shame and regret that only compound, especially for Kel, when they look my way. I try to look at Captain, but his big hand and arm are getting in the way.

He doesn't seem too shaken up, his lights well under control, but his words are confusing. I'm the one who messed up. It's the whole reason Miss G had to yell at me, but he's making it seem like it's everyone's fault but mine.

It makes me feel both light and heavy at the same time. Like maybe what I did wasn't so bad after all. Although if anyone on the crew is to blame it is me and not them. They shouldn't blame themselves for my mistakes. That will just lead to…no I don't wanna think about it.

I keep quiet while Captain, Autumn, and Kel talk it out. They aren't really talking about me anyway. Rather how they'll act around each other in the future. I don't see why it's necessary, we've been doing pretty well as a crew so far, but Captain's word is law and I'll make sure Autumn and Kel follow it in the future.

Throughout this Autumn and Kel apologize to Captain and he apologizes to me as well. Completely unnecessary since I'm the one to blame and he has all the right in the world to tell us how to behave. Bit by bit the tension in the room fades and those dark lights are soon cast off.

Their lights don't grow much brighter, but there's less dark to deal with. After a while Captain gets up and leaves the room, leaving me with Autumn and Kel. I wish that he'd stay around for a bit longer because the crew shouldn't be divided at this time, but maybe he's telling his mistresses about what's going on. I should probably do the same with Penny soon then, I should be able to do that tomorrow.

When classes are over the next day I try to make good on my plan the night prior. Unfortunately Loud hasn't learned her lesson and gets in my way. She's been nosy all day; it's like she wants to get me in trouble again. I bare my teeth and chomp at her only for her to ignore that.

"Go away!" It shakes her lights, but determination still wins out over all the others. Practically suffusing and suffocating all the other lights for the moment. She's not gonna stop whatever she's doing and I can't fight back, apparently.

"I'm sorry," she says suddenly as she grabs my hand. "I know I messed up yesterday, and if you want to be angry with me you can, but could you at least hear me out?" I try shaking my head, only to catch sight of the rest of the crew looking on. There's some worry and trepidation there, but a lack of any significant fear. That's good? I think. "C'mon, we can at least go out and smash some grimm together."

I nod; that sounds like a good time. I have to pull out my scroll to call my locker to where we're going. Captain seems to think they're a waste and I agree. Would be a whole lot simpler if I was allowed to carry Bitter End with me wherever I go. A lot comfier too as it's an on demand seat if I set it up right.

Either way I ignore Loud as best as I can and only briefly take note that Kel, Penny, Captain, and Ren are following after us. Captain and Ren break away before too long while Kel and Penny follow us into the forest. I don't see why they would, these grimm aren't so tough.

I'm insulted they think I need that much babying. I can take care of myself, though if they want to join in that's a whole 'nother story. I haven't even gotten a chance to fight with my woman and show her my prowess. I gotta really step it up and make her swoon like the stories.

If only Loud wasn't getting in the way. She's eager, excitable, and bouncing all over our impromptu arenas much like myself. She's having fun in her own way, but she's throwing me off my rhythm and I can't just hit her to make her stop.

I suppose she's not that bad at fighting. She could certainly be better and her hammer a bit bigger, but she makes it work. One time she hits a small ursa right as I'm about to swing Bitter End into it. I would've been too slow to avoid getting hit entirely so I suppose I should show her some appreciation for that. Even if she's ruining my fun she at least has extended it that little bit extra.

Unfortunately, Kel and Penny don't join in, no matter how many looks I send their way. Though their apprehension has slowly bled away and been replaced with warm lights like hope, joy, and anticipation. There is an exception to that as a third set of lights joins them.

That one is filled with a lot more contempt, frustration, and impatience. Guess that's Cici then. Regardless, I have to be doing something right with Loud. Otherwise Kel and Penny wouldn't be improving; and Captain always said anything I can do to make an Atlas stiff upset has to be the right thing.

As happy as I am to continue, Loud has other plans in mind. She strikes her hammer into the ground, leaning against it and a tree. Surely she can't be tired already? We've only been at this for like an hour. Then she opens her mouth.

"So, uh, sorry about everything that happened yesterday. Ochre and I had a talk about it yesterday and I feel awful about it. Not that I didn't feel super bad before that conversation. And honestly he kind of tried cheering me up more than anything. I mean that only makes him more of a big brother. Although, yes, I know he doesn't like being called that. It just fits him so perfectly you know? Anyway I'm getting off topic, uh, what I mean to say is-"

"You're Loud." I cover my ears for good measure. I don't have the time or patience to listen to her anymore. Curiously she laughs instead of being admonished by my words. A storm of nervousness and encroaching despair dissipating just as easily as it formed. That can't be normal right? I'm not missing anything, am I?

She tries to say something, but I can't hear her with my ears covered up. She turns her head and looks at me expectantly, a small measure of hope sparking within her. She says something else that I can't hear and she steps up towards me. She makes a motion towards my arms and stops herself at the last second. Then she takes a step back with resignation bubbling within her.

"What?" I take my hands off my ears. I don't know how to feel about that decision, but it feels like the right one.

Surprise flits off her rapidly, "I- just. I know how it feels, you know?"

"No?" The surprise grows before being replaced by embarrassment.

"Right," she starts, stiffening rapidly and putting one hand behind her head. "I guess I let myself get carried away there and didn't explain things properly." She looks around the clearing once again. "It's just, I know what it's like to be abandoned too. Not only that, but to find someone I could trust and how important they are to me. I know if someone was messing with Renny like I was with Ochre I'd act the same way you did. So, yeah, sorry about that."

"Why?" She doesn't need to tell me any of this. Not like her saying she's sorry is gonna make Miss G take back the paper she gave me. Not like it's gonna fix what happened with the crew, even if things don't seem so bad right now.

"I, well, that's a long story you know. To make it short, I was kind of alone in this place, Kuroyuri, after my mom abandoned me while fleeing from the grimm. It was rough, I had to beg for food, steal it sometimes. Eventually I met Ren, but, well, let's just say our meeting wasn't a happy one and all we had left afterwards was each other. So, yeah, after hearing about you and what you've been through I can't help seeing the similarities."

"Okay." I mean, I guess that makes sense. Doesn't give her the right to mess with the crew still. But, she is saying she's sorry and I don't think she's lying about what she said. I don't know why that should affect what I think about her though.

She pulls me into a side hug and I don't push her away for some reason. She's being far too personal and I look at the trio of lights in the treetops that have more amusement and similar lights budding off them than anything else. I guess they'd get upset if I stopped this moment.

"I, uh," she stutters, "If it's alright with you I'd kinda like to start fresh. I know I haven't made the best impression, but I want to change that. So, I'm Nora Valkyrie. I like Ren, pancakes, singing my heart out, and killing grimm in that order. Oh and I suppose the rest of my friends are great too." She giggles at the end and so much hope blossoms in her chest as she sticks her hand out.

I just stare at her arm not understanding what's going on or why she's doing this. She wilts more and more the longer I wait. That hope soon sputters and dies out as I continue staring at her dumbfounded.

She eventually separates and holds both her arms under her chest while hunching over them. Her resolve falters and dims until it's a small light. All that separates her from a bay of darker lights seeking to swarm her.

"I, look, I get that this was probably a dumb idea, but I thought it might help. I know you think you might be used to it and happy now. It's just, well, I know a younger Nora sure would have liked another friend by her side. That and as someone who's gone through what you have before I want to make sure you're doing alright," she says and a small bit of hope remains with her despite her words. Just barely keeping her from falling into a pit of despair

I want to push her in. Just that little bit more ignoring her and I somehow know that tiny light will die out in full leaving her with only the dark to deal with. However, I can't.

Something she said, some part of it. I should just ignore it. She can't mean anything by it, she can't. She's not crew and I can't trust her after what she's done.

I look to the light that I know is my woman. What would she think about this? Can she even hear it from where she's at? What about Kel? Or Captain? Or Autumn, Blake, or Weiss?

They'd probably be upset if I did that to Nora. Too soft they are sometimes. However, that means I have to come up with something so I don't push her over the edge accidentally.

Going by what she's said and everything I think she wants to be my friend. I don't want to be hers. That's something special between Penny and I. Though, we aren't exactly friends anymore as I understand it.

Still, it seems wrong to accept Nora so easily. She's not crew and she's messed with us and made me upset more than a few times and only now is apologizing for it. There has to be some sort of compromise.

"Give me a moment." I hold up my hand and rub my temples with the other one. I think it's supposed to stimulate thoughts and I think it's working. "I can't pretend that what you've done to me hasn't happened. We've quarreled and that isn't going away." Nora nods slowly and despair fills her. "However, just because we've quarreled doesn't mean this has to be the end. I'm not willing to forgive the debts you've incurred with me, but you can pay them off with your labors. Is that acceptable?"

Confusion fills her and she nods slowly. I get the feeling there's something I'm missing, but that means she's agreeing with me, right?

"Then, by agreement I'll take you under me on a provisional basis. You'll have to follow my orders or else I'll toss you overboard. In return I'll make sure you know everything you need to run and maintain a ship. If you want to keep an eye on me or teach me something, that's your prerogative."

Nora giggles, "Aye, aye, ma'am! Or should I call you captain now?"

"Don't be silly. Captain is captain. I'm first mate and fill in the role whenever he has other things to do." I could never be captain. I don't have that steel in my bones.

Even if the arrangement is similar on a superficial level I'm not starting my own crew or bringing her into the existing one. At best we'd be some sort of sub-crew, but it's not like that. We just can't be friends so easily and this is the next best thing I can think of.

"Gotcha. Well, I'm ready to begin my first lesson whenever you are. Just, uh, how exactly are we supposed to do that?"

I almost shrug at her question until I realize that it's my responsibility to answer. I may be able to end this relationship experiment at any time if she bothers me or doesn't meet my standards. But, like Captain has brought up before I have a certain obligation to the people under me. Is this how he feels all the time?

He makes it seem so easy, but this problem is a big one to overcome. I don't think all the money Captain has given me would be enough to buy a boat. At least not any that would be worthy of the name.

Although, now that I think about it, I'm not in the same position as Captain am I? I mean he's still the Captain and maybe he can help me out. He has that whole sub-crew underneath him and that confusing mess. Surely he has to have a boat that I could use. How have I never asked this before? What kind of crew even are we if we don't have a ship to sail?

Nora keeps looking at me and I realize I haven't answered her question. "I'll talk with Captain and work something out. You don't have to worry about anything. We should have something ready by the weekend and if not I'll run you through some knots while we get things figured out."

She nods rapidly and hugs me in full. Her grip is strong and crushing, but it doesn't have the same all encompassing strength Penny does. I kind of like being held like this, but it feels wrong with Nora.

"Stop. Only Penny gets to hold me like that."

She jumps away as if scalded. She waits a moment, looking me up and down before saying, "Oh, duh." Then she knocks her noggin with her knuckles. I look at her with my head tilted, especially at her carefree attitude and lack of dark lights. How come she gets to hit herself and I don't? That doesn't seem fair.

I exhale through my nose. "Let's get back to it." I heft my anchor and head deeper into the forest. We've wasted enough time talking and I'm itching to smack some grimm.

"Aye, aye," Nora calls out and falls into step behind me. Apparently letting me take the lead. My heart hammers in my chest and feels like it's stuck in my throat at the same time.

I shouldn't be trusted with decisions like this, but I more or less asked for it. I can't order her to take charge for me. Maybe I should have considered the friend thing a bit more rather than discarding it immediately. Can't change it now; at least it won't mean much if I mess up with her.

Penny and I hole up in her dorm while the rest of her team is otherwise busy. Well, that's not true. Cici is standing outside the door to make sure we don't go anywhere we're not supposed to, but is letting us have our privacy.

My woman is all cute and nervous as I hand her my scroll and we lay together on her bed. She wants to introduce me to her father. Which, as I understand it, is some sort of important courtship ritual. I want to tell her she's being silly, she's already my woman. Then I think back to Captain and how he did something similar with Weiss and is planning to with Blake. Maybe there's something to it that I don't understand.

Either way I push away her dark lights by snuggling up next to her and rubbing my face against hers. She laughs her chime-like laugh and I flop atop her. She's more than sturdy enough to handle my weight and I cinch around her midsection as tight as I can.

She responds by circling her arms around me and responding in kind. She's a lot stronger than I am and a familiar breathlessness overtakes me. This is the life.

She loosens her grip after a few seconds even though I can take it for far longer. I look her in the eyes and see nothing but care, love, and joy. I give her a firm nod, touch our foreheads together, and rub my nose back and forth across hers. I'm sure her face is scrunching up in a cute manner that I can't see. It's not quite ticklish for her, but the sensation is weird and sensual enough that she's not used to it.

Eventually my love machine remembers why we're in her room today and pushes me off to the side. Nothing needs to be said and I'm not good at words anyway. I simply wrap my arm around one of her shoulders as she punches in the right number.

The call rings several times and with each one my woman's lights dim a bit more and the dark of worry and anxiety creeps in ever more. After far too long the line is picked up revealing a man who looks nothing like Penny.

He has dark skin and gray almost white hair with a beard. Utterly unlike my girl's pale skin and proudly orange hair. Their eyes are different, hers a green and his a brown. His face is more rounded with kind of chubby cheeks and a squashed nose unlike her sharper features. The only thing that's kind of similar is that they both have freckles, but his are much sparser, spread out, and distinctly un-cute. I have a feeling Captain would be drawing some sort of conclusion from all this, but I just file it away as weird and flit my glances between Penny and him.

"Ah, sorry darling. Was just finishing up with a patient when you called. Though I am wondering why you've called me like this and who your friend is. There isn't anything wrong, is there?" The way he says the last bit is kind of weird. Like he wanted to say something else but changed his words. It's just a feeling though; his face doesn't change one bit and he wears a broad smile.

"No, dad. Everything is fine and operational," Penny says and taps the side of her head. Her dad lets out a breath of relief and my girl hesitates. I hold her closer to me and she says, "Dad. The reason why I'm calling you like this is that I have someone to introduce you to. This is Marina. She's uh, She'sMyGirlfriend." She ducks her head at the end and embarrassment floods off her in droves.

He's silent for a few moments, his jaw working like Captain's does when he thinks. Then he laughs, stops himself, and shakes his head.

"Nearly gave me a scare there darling. I'm glad you're making friends at Beacon and it's a pleasure to meet you Marina. Penny has told me a bit about you and I hope you realize how special of a girl your friend is." He chuckles some more, "I certainly think so at least."

"Daaaad," my girl whines. Indignation builds up within her working past her embarrassment that flares up again and is accompanied by some anger. There's some sort of misunderstanding going on. Since Penny and I are on the same page there can only be one cause.

"She's my woman, sir." There. It's out there and there's no way he can misinterpret that. Penny covers her face, but also snuggles up closer to me. Her lights are washed away in a sea of embarrassment and joy. My little sunshine radiating her familiar warmth once more.

His brow furrows and he looks at me with his eyes narrowing. Then he looks at my Penny and he softens up only for his expression to turn complicated and weird. "I-Darling, I don't want to tell you how to live your life, but are you sure about this? I mean with your condition it wouldn't be right, would it?"

I don't get what he's saying. So what if Penny has some fake bits in her. She's real and she's mine and nothing's going to change that. Why would he say that then? Maybe Captain would have something to say about this.

"She already knows," Penny yells back, raising her voice for some reason. Something that draws shock from her and has her dad silent for a moment. "I couldn't lie to her, dad," she says smoothly in a softer voice.

Surprise returns to the forefront of her lights followed by far too much joy for such simple words. My girl turns to me with the widest smile I've ever seen and she grabs my hand lacing her fingers with mine. At this point she's so bright I have to look away for fear of going blind.

"I can't lie to her," she concludes without interruption which seems to be a big deal to her as her light somehow grows brighter. I can only sneak a brief look before my eyes get watery and have to look away again. That draws a melodic giggle from my girl and my face grows hot for some reason.

The only one who doesn't seem to be happy is her dad who sighs, "General Ironwood isn't going to like this."

"Captain can take care of him. He's done it before." I stick out my chest at the end, more than proud to declare that my leader is better than his. Stupid Atlas. They can't compete with Captain and his smartness.

Penny giggles again like what I said somehow isn't true. I'll need to make sure she understands that Captain is the greatest leader there ever was. Well, living leader anyway. There's a reason so many people wanna follow him and he hasn't let any of the crew down ever.

"Be that as it may," Penny's dad says slowly. "You have to understand that he's going to be quite upset that you've told anyone. I'm not sure what sort of complications that will bring or what sort of restrictions he'll want to put in place when you get back to Atlas."

Apprehension fills my girl as she hesitantly replies, "Dad, about that-"


"No, Dad, listen. Please. My friends are in Vale. Marina is in Vale. Everything good in my life is in Vale," she hiccups and despondency and hope grows within her in equal measure. "Everything good, except you."

He stares for a while before taking off his glasses to clean them and exhales heavily, "You know it's not that simple darling. We can talk this over when you're back home." That comment dashes the hopes of my girl and I glare at the man responsible. I'll make him pay for that, I swear it. Unaware of his doom he continues, "Look, I'll do my best to make things better for you at home. Just don't go acting too hastily now."

"Okay Dad," she replies with a hollow tone in her voice. Listlessness and despondency fills her to the point I send all my hate towards this damnable man.

He opens his mouth only for something to catch his attention. "I'm sorry Penny. I have to deal with another patient. We can talk later." With that he cuts off the call, leaving the both of us with no one to argue with. Was that intentional? Doesn't matter.

"I don't like him." Surprise and worry fills my woman though it's tinged with some joy underneath.

"He's not that bad. He's a really good guy, he's just…protective. I'm sure he'll come around if we give him some time." The surprise falls away, but there's no confidence to accompany her words. Even then I wouldn't need that for my response.

"He made you feel bad. I don't like him." Penny glows up like the sun again. Although that kernel of worry doesn't go away even as she holds me tight.

"Thank you," she says softly in my ear and my face heats up again. I want to leave, to wiggle and escape, but there's nowhere else I'd rather be. "Still, he's my dad. Could you try to get along with him in the future?" I don't get the big deal with this parent business. I didn't have one and I turned out fine. Before I can say any of that she asks, "For me?"

My mouth goes dry and my heart goes thu-thump as she stares at me with her big green eyes. "For you." I nod at the end and feel more certain. It makes her happy and a bright star in truth. Plus, if he ever makes her sad again I can always follow Nora's advice and break his legs.
S2 Week 11 (Part 1)
This marks where SB was caught up with my posting from the other site so there's a bit of weirdness with the length of the usual post from this point forwards. Typically shorter, though that has shifted in more recent times.
Adam's Brand: Mysterious Location: Merlot has to have somewhere his ships are delivering to and being serviced. I could narrow down the list of possibilities and possibly stumble upon his primary location. (Investigation Check) [Moderate circumstance modifier to the check] (3)

Adam's Brand: Merlot Industries: Merlot had operations outside of Mountain Glenn and possibly off the books operations as well. I could see what I can turn up. (Hard Investigation check). (2)
Bully Pulpit: With being the only real public leader of the White Fang I'm in the unique position where I can portray myself as the voice of the Fang and influence public opinion on certain issues. (3)

Merlot Assistance: With how important it is to me to track this man down, some additional assistance would go a long way. (3)
Gods: Hearing about Gods being an actual thing is already confusing seeing as there are tons of contradictory beliefs even about solely the brother gods. Might be worthwhile to ask what he knows about them. (2)
Whitley (QM)

Blake (Free)

Blake&Weiss: This relationship business has been going well thus far. However, it may be prudent to have all relevant parties convene and talk about some issues that are cropping up. (3)

Nora: She's a member of the White Fang, much to my confusion. Maybe I should talk to her about it. (3)

Yang: She's a bit upset with me after keeping secrets from her. Could be a good idea to start making inroads again. (2)

Raven: I'm not entirely sure why I'd bother at this point, but I can admit the woman has annoyed me more than a little and I could possibly express that displeasure. (2)

Ren: He seems fine with everything that's going on but there have been some recent changes in our lives. Might be a good idea to check in with him. (2)

VPD: Alabaster: My boss and someone who's slowly becoming aware of the conspiracy. He might only be aware of Merlot right now, but it could be a good idea to keep an eye on him or bring him in more. (2)
Performance (Piano) (2)

Classes are growing more and more disorganized in the lead up to the dance, missions, and the Vytal Tournament. Since midterms have passed there's little keeping most students in line aside from threats of disciplinary action that could render them unable to compete. However, that doesn't stop the budding excitement which is largely disruptive for every class involved.

I'm able to knuckle through it and just study or practice on my own enough to keep up, but I think the less diligent are going to be in for an awakening when finals do actually affect them. It might come too late to prevent participation in the tournament itself, but a poor performance doesn't just go away.

Regardless, it makes it near impossible not to get drawn into the rhythm with my friend groups when lunch rolls around. The already excitable personalities of Ruby and Nora make it rather difficult for it not to be the case. That and for how much everyone else downplays it they are rather excited for missions to start. The only exception to that is my team and Blake since we've arguably been on some and Blake is more subdued in this matter.

Ren on the other hand gets drawn into the build-up by his girlfriend. Even then I think he's chomping at the bit to actually show off his stuff. It draws my attention to how he hasn't revealed his semblance to me yet and gets me thinking that it might have something to do with the grimm.

That subsequently reminds me that I should tell everyone about my semblance, at least in enough detail to matter. I've already decided to and announcing that I'll tell them about it is met with eager listeners. By the end of it I get the side eye from Yang who no doubt puts together that my girlfriends and I have most likely abused my semblance more than a few times.

Ruby meanwhile has an exuberant expression as the pieces fall into place for her and then she demands that I use it on her so she has more time for her hobbies. I have to inform her that anything we do in my semblance won't carry over to the real world, which draws a good number of stares from everyone at the table. That doesn't diminish her enthusiasm whatsoever and I have to just firmly shut down any prospect of using my semblance so frivolously.

In regards to the earlier suspicion, my girlfriends try to speak up that we haven't done anything egregious under the aegis of my mirror world. Their words fall on deaf ears as their testimony is obviously suspect. I suppose I should have expected that.

Moving away from that messy bundle I survey the other participants. My team just shrugs, but Autumn and Kelly wag their eyebrows at the potential for impropriety my semblance brings. Marina is confused yet accepting, and Penny shoots me a thumbs up for some reason. Ciel has a thoughtful expression, which is my only real regret since I couldn't exclude her from this conversation easily.

Jaune has a similarly thoughtful expression. I'm pretty sure he's connecting my semblance to how I told him I worked for my skills. Perhaps he might still feel bitter that I got dealt a good hand while his semblance remains undiscovered; I can't really help with that though. Nora, however, hones in on how she can eat the same thing over and over again if she abuses my semblance and makes multiple requests to do so.

I shoot a look at her boyfriend and Ren coughs slightly, drawing everyone's attention to him from the simple gesture. He goes on to detail what his semblance is to my surprise. Sure that was an implicit request by the nature of my reveal, but I can't say I was expecting him to go out with it so boldly. Then again it's not like anyone else's semblance is all that hidden. At least if we believe Penny and Ciel when they say they haven't discovered theirs, and of course discounting Pyrrha.

Ren's semblance is emotional masking, to the degree that grimm can't sense him. He can extend said masking out in a field to cover others, though that comes with a resultant increase in aura cost. It makes me wonder what exactly he could pull off with his semblance.

The grimm getting the drop on people is a big reason for why some varieties are dangerous. Additionally most grimm will go down if you can get a good hit on their head or sever it entirely. With the right loadout and build-up Ren could be one hell of a grimm assassin which makes his choice of weapons all the more suspect. Dual machine pistols with blades attached aren't exactly well suited for what his semblance allows. Then again I'm not really one to talk as far as weapon choice against the grimm goes.

Either way it implies that he's either more concerned about a protracted fight, originally planned to fight primarily people, or that his semblance comes at too high of a cost. The latter might be true based on how he talks about extending it to multiple people, however I can't imagine solo usage would be all that ruinous. I suppose I could poke him about that later, but I do have a few theories in mind.

When Ren finishes, eyes naturally fall on Pyrrha as the only one of us who's semblance isn't known to the greater collective. Naturally she shifts about under the attention, not particularly liking it. Slowly everyone draws their attention away from her and allows her some breathing room.

Apparently the attention draws too close to her prior experiences due to her fame. Enough so that she remains quiet throughout the rest of lunch. I catch her a few times with an open mouth only to not say anything. If I had to guess keeping her semblance a secret is as ingrained for her as it was for me. Now that she's missed the easy moment to open up it only makes things harder for her even if I think she wants to reveal it at this point.

Unfortunately she and I don't have enough of a connection for me to really prompt her or offer her any reassurances. Going by Jaune's reaction I think he picks up on his partner's dilemma and I have to hope he'll attend to it. At the very worst I can assume Ren is aware and he'll provide whatever assistance he can in his subtle way.

At the tail end of lunch, just as we're all about to head away, Nora's scroll dings. She checks it quickly in her usual manic state only to say, "Awww, big bro," to whatever is on her screen. That combination of words can only spell trouble for me so I try to break away as futile as that would be when we have classes still together.

However, my departure doesn't go unnoticed by those present and only draws further attention to me. Autumn, the traitorous bastard, even has the gall to catch me on the back of my uniform before wheeling me back to the crowd. "Now Nora," my lug of a teammate says, "mind tellin' us why you said that?" I glare at Autumn with all the hate that I can muster.

"Well, I mean," she delays until she predictably folds under the pressure, "Here let me just show you." She tosses her scroll on the table which displays an article with a photo of me and Jasmine when she sat on my shoulders.

"Plus I mean, just look at him and think about how he's acted," Nora rambles. "How much of a busybody he is, how he's always looking out for people and taking them under his wing. Think about it; he's so busy and yet he finds time to do all that and, like, also tutor that bunny girl. Sure he has that semblance of his, but he still has to do stuff in the real world, right?"

"Nora, stop talking nonsense," I cut in dismissively.

"I don't know," Autumn drawls, "She's speaking a whole lotta sense from where I'm standing. Didn't you have a big mushy moment with us back in our dorm?" I can't help myself and I end up shoving him with enough force that he bowls over backwards, laughing all the while.

The cats out of the bag now and my mind rapidly flips into how I can run damage control. I've already revealed too much about how that title gets to me so denial isn't going to work. I'm also not confident enough that I can remain appropriately nonchalant to own up to the moniker.

"Now that you mention it," Ruby starts to my and her sister's displeasure, "I can kind of see it." Excitement starts to flood into her voice, "I've always wondered what it would be like-"

"I dunno, seems more like a little brother to me," Yang interjects, cutting her sister off before she can finish her thought. I didn't think I left that bad of an impression with her, but it's clear she's not over the secret keeping.

"I'm taller than you," I let out with a defeated sigh.

"Height is just a mindset," she counters, tapping her head.

"I've always thought of Ochre as an older brother," Penny pipes in unhelpfully. I have to look at her in shock as I have no clue where she's drawing that from. We've hardly hung out enough for her to form that kind of relationship. Right?

"As someone who's grown up with a lot of older siblings, I respectfully disagree," Jaune says, adding his two Lien before heading to class. I turn to my girlfriends to see if they can offer any support and they only display amusement on their features. Figures; they were awfully silent throughout that whole exchange. I try not to huff at this information, but going by how Blake tugs at my sleeve I don't think I'm entirely successful.

Almost fearfully I turn to my partner to see how she's taking the news. She's pretty deep in thought before she shakes her head, turns to me, and says, "Captain." The one word is so definitive like it won't change no matter what and I have to admit it's not as reassuring as I thought it would be.

I try my best to not let those events affect me throughout the rest of the day. Unfortunately the twins are rather constant in their teasing and with the floodgates open Nora has no problem joining in. Eventually her continued insistence draws the ire of my teammate who ends up growling at the ginger who isn't her girlfriend(?) I'm not sure what her and Penny's relationship status is exactly aside from the fact that they're going to the dance together and that Marina is happy with it.

Back to the matter at hand, the resultant gowling causes Nora to return the gesture in kind and she crowds into Marina's space. An evidently bad move as my partner headbutts her opponent and Nora goes wheeling backwards from the unexpected maneuver. The assaulted doesn't seem to think it's a big deal and is all smiles until she notices that I've moved to calm Marina down. Then her expression turns more conflicted.

I eventually let Marina go and she looks about the room to the concerned gazes of her crew. I can't exactly tell what's going on according to her emotion sight. Whatever it is happens to be enough that she runs away in the middle of class. Oobleck calls me down and we discuss what exactly to do about what just happened. Eventually we decide that Glynda is the best faculty member to handle the disciplinary action for Marina considering she trains with the woman.

It's not exactly a great mark on my team's record either, but it isn't enough to disqualify us from the tournament. I don't think that's stacking things in our favor considering what some teams can get away with and it probably helps that Nora isn't too torn up about it. She even sticks by to apologize and claim that it's more her fault than anything.

Amidst all of that Penny chases after my partner and Kelly follows suit to keep an eye on them. No doubt Glynda will rope her into assisting. I'll probably get roped into that as well. Not the start of the week I was hoping for to say the least.

I'm about to pack it in and meet with my team to talk about this when Nora walks up beside me. We remain silent for a few paces as I'm sure she has something she wants to say and I'm not about to preempt her when she's being serious like this. "I guess I pushed things a bit too far, didn't I," she asks morosely.

The downer attitude is uncharacteristic of what I know about Nora. I can't say it's fully unwarranted as the sequence of events certainly surprised her. I had a feeling Marina's more violent nature would flare up at some point and she'd get caught out for it. Granted I thought that would be more from her comments than her actions.

"It's fine. Or it will be. I mean I don't hold it against you." I stumble over my words more than a few times trying to express the right idea and without my usual eloquence. It's a bit hard for me since I'm trying to reassure the aggrieved party rather than apologize for the actions of my partner.

Nora nods mutely, I think not really accepting what I'm trying to get across, much to my frustration. That makes me think she's taking the matter a lot harder than she should.

"I'm serious, it's not your fault," I add in an attempt to reassure her.

"Why'd she act like that then," she questions as if to be a counter to my words.

That's a bit harder to explain as it interacts with Marina's worldview a lot and I doubt telling Nora she's an outsider in my partner's mind is all that easy to deal with. Also doesn't help that I can remember hearing Marina say she found Nora to be too much. It's easy to imagine that hasn't changed all that much and may have grown worse over time, though I don't think it had an overly large impact in this case.

"I think," I start slowly, searching for the right words even as I speak them, "that she might have a bit of a possessive streak. I can't go into too much detail about her past, but she's pretty protective of our team and the people close to her because of it."

Hopefully that's vague enough that Nora won't worry about how she doesn't fit that definition. It might not fit exactly with Blake and Weiss, but I can only do so much while trying to maintain positive relations between everyone.

I'm pretty sure I'm at least partially correct though. It's kind of hard to forget the first few days Penny sat with us for lunch and how Marina would grow annoyed whenever her quasi-girlfriend's attention wasn't on her. I didn't think it would cause issues like this, but having someone from outside of the crew pick on me, in her eyes, must have set her off.

If it was about any other subject matter or if the twins weren't in on it as well I probably would have comported myself better. I almost want to blame myself for opening up in the first place since that's what made that opening so tempting and easy for them to go after. I know that would be a foolish assumption and so I dismiss it out of hand. It's just something I'll have to talk with my team about I guess.

Regardless of my thoughts Nora seems to accept that answer, albeit hesitantly. I guess I could expound on my partner's sensibilities a little to get it through Nora's head that she's not at fault. Alternatively I have other things in mind to talk about that can at least lift her spirits a little. I'm sure she'll bounce back before too long, but I will admit that could be hopeful thinking on my part. While Nora is a bundle of energy I know she has more to her than just her happy-go-lucky attitude.

Marina: Talking about my partner and her general mindset might do her some good as explaining the context of events should prevent her from blaming herself. (2)

Treat: I shot her down previously for suggesting to abuse my semblance, but I suppose some restitution is in order. We can swing by the cafeteria for our conversation before I have to deal with the fallout. (2)

Union: She's a member of the Union now and I haven't really talked to her about that. Plus I'm sure she's a bit upset by the sudden lack of acceptable targets to smash. (1)

Music: If I have the right of it she's still continuing lessons with Maple. I could see how they're going and maybe even relate my own experiences thus far. (1)

Relationship: She more or less thanked me for setting up her and Ren the last time we talked. I could see how things are between her and him as well as get her perspective. (0)

Self-Blame: I can't say if I'm entirely on the mark, but it seems to me that she's making this more about her mistakes, perceived or otherwise, rather than my partners. Might be worth interrogating that idea. (0)

Favor: She gave advice on how to deal with Marina's more violent tendencies. Given how she's beating herself up over this maybe being able to assist in a more direct manner will help her out. (0)

It doesn't take too long to decide on a course of action. My lackluster explanation hasn't done much to assuage Nora's worries and there is an implicit debt that I have to pay back. It would be better if Marina did so, but knowing her it would only be if I told her to and would be insincere. Plus I have something in my tool kit that she doesn't.

With that it's only a slight modification to our path and with Nora following me as she is and deep in thought she doesn't realize our destination until we're there. She looks at me with a complicated expression and I nod. Then she looks to the counter and back at me with wide eyes. I nod again and she drags me off to the line.

Once we make our way through she sweet talks the chefs into whipping her up some pancakes with familiar ease. Knowing Nora she's a repeat customer and it's a popular request from her. Before too long we're seated nearby and I have to fix her posture a little before bringing her into my semblance.

Unlike everyone else who's been brought into my mirror world voluntarily she doesn't look about in suspicion or wonder. The only thing she has eyes for is her food which she digs into heartily. She doesn't say anything. I don't think I can get a word in edgewise with how she is currently. Once she finishes she looks at me with sad eyes. I sigh and repeat the cycle.

You'd really think someone would get sick of eating the same food over and over again, but not her. I don't bother keeping track of how many times we go through the same set of motions. I almost want to say she's wasting my time or delaying things. I know neither is the case with her temperament. She's just so absorbed in the novelty of being able to eat her favorite food just for the taste and not for the sustenance.

Eventually she grows…well not bored, but she does slow down. Starting to take measured bites instead of somehow slurping the entire flapjack like it's some sort of limp noodle. Then again with how utterly drowned in syrup they are, maybe that isn't an inaccurate description.

"Didn…havta…do this," she mumbles around a mouthful of food. I receive her sentiment well enough. I just wish she didn't do so in such a manner.

"It's fine. I owe you an apology anyhow. I should have kept on top of things better." My reminder of what exactly prompted this display is enough for her to stop entirely. Apparently not finding much of an appetite which makes me think she's still focused on how she affected things.

I elbow her, "Stop that, it's not your fault, okay? Look, Marina's complicated. She doesn't deal with people well. I've tried to keep on top of it as best I can, but well…" I wave my hand about vaguely as if that will produce the answers I seek.

"Yeah, but I didn't help things, did I?" I could do without her snarky commentary. Especially when it's aimed at herself more so than me or the situation.

"You didn't know about her hang-ups, I did. End of story," I cut in before she can somehow convince herself she's at fault again. I know that's not going to be enough so I append, "If it matters that much to you, I can explain a few things." Nora nods and I suddenly wish I actually thought things through a bit better.

Explaining my partner to someone who only has a surface level of context isn't exactly the easiest thing. There are a lot of layers to get through for why she behaves the way she does. From her tendency to mimic others, her general lack and lack of desire for independence, her apparent possessiveness, and lack of social skills. Needless to say it's not exactly a positive collection of traits and that's before getting into her past, tragic or otherwise. I suppose I can only start with what's perhaps the least palatable of all the topics; it would do the most to explain the current situation at any rate.

"Marina has a lot of difficulty connecting to people. Not because she's shy or she doesn't know how, though the latter plays some part. Rather she's pretty particular and definitive on who's a part of the group she associates with and who's on the outside with no in between." That isn't quite true as the waters are a bit muddied with Penny and Willow. Penny doubly so since I could easily see my partner's mind justifying that now they're together in some vague sense that she's a part of the crew.

Either way I can tell my answer doesn't elucidate anything for my hammer-wielding friend. I would prefer to do anything other than spell it out explicitly, but I guess I have no choice. "The group she considers hers is our team, my girlfriends, and Penny."

"Does she not like us," Nora asks sullenly

"It's more complicated than that. More that she doesn't see the need or have any desire for connections outside of that. I've been trying to work past that as best I can-" I shake my head, honestly that's coming off as more of an excuse on my end than an explanation so I take a breath to recenter. "It's been difficult and, uh, she may think you're a bit much to deal with normally."

The admission tacked on at the end does little to reassure Nora that she's not at fault and she shrinks in on herself. I'm not used to her acting so self-conscious and subdued that it's a little hard to process. I guess when she feels like she's messed up she really feels it. It sort of explains why she would get so worried during her manic spirals and why she held off on pursuing Ren for so long.

"That's on Marina not you," I say, shoving her shoulder. Almost as an attempt to impart some energy within her. Except she only limply rolls along with it. It leaves me at a loss for what exactly to do and I wish that Ren was here to assist. At this point I think I'm only making things worse, but I have to have some hope my chosen course of action isn't the wrong one.

"Nora, can you look at me?" It takes her several long seconds to respond and when she does I have no doubt where her mind is at right now. She's not to the point of tears or any extreme reaction, rather she's more empty. Like there's not anything going on inside, nothing good at least.

"Marina's the one who hit you, not the other way around. You didn't get angry, you didn't strike back. You did nothing wrong," I plead, once again to deaf ears. Moving on from that I attack the only thing that she could realistically blame herself for. "I'm not going to say prodding me about the big bro stuff didn't get on my nerves but I can deal with it. It's just- I can't always control my emotions in the interim and Marina picks up on that kind of stuff.

I don't blame you for that and neither should you; you weren't doing anything the twins weren't. To Marina that's different, we're a part of the crew and you aren't. Once again that's not on you. She's only like that because she's lost people and was more or less abandoned less than a year ago. I'm not trying to excuse her actions or anything; I'll be dealing with her after this. I'm just trying to explain things and you shouldn't beat yourself up over this, okay?"

That at least replaces her empty expression with a serious one. I'm not sure what exactly is going on in her head or if this is really an improvement. Perhaps that's why I decide to add in a bit of levity that I otherwise wouldn't. "Look, you were going on about how I was acting like a big brother to everyone. So, why don't you put some trust in what I'm saying and let me handle things?"

I'm more than a little impressed with myself that I'm able to get the words out without gagging on them. The struggle is worth it as Nora's lips twitch upwards for a moment. She remains in thought for several more seconds before nodding again and a thin smile spreads across her face. It's not her normal exuberance, but I take that as something positive.

Something further reinforced when she bumps her shoulder against mine, "I can do that, bro." I'm not sure how to react to that exactly. It's a good sign, but I also really don't want her calling me that. I get the feeling I'm not going to escape from the label if I let her get away with it here.

In the end I have to let it slide for fear of causing her mood to tailspin. More than a little annoying, but nothing I can do about it now. I can only hope that she won't take things too far or worse actually internalize the title.

She returns to her meal with a degree of certainty to her actions. Like she's done more than just accepted my reasoning. Given how she was pretty deep in thought and her resultant behavior I can surmise that she's decided to do something.

I guess despite her words she still feels a level of culpability, or perhaps something else, that's causing her to do something on her own rather than rely on me to clear things up. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing, but I'm hopeful for now and I can keep an eye on her for the worst case scenario.

From there she doesn't go for another round with her food. Rather letting me drop my semblance entirely as she fills up on the food in reality. Along the way I try to fill in some other details of Marina in an attempt to make sure Nora knows the problem is on my partner's end and not her fault in any way.

Nothing I say generates much of a reaction and I get the feeling that her mind is already decided on the matter. Whatever that decision is I don't feel the need to prod her on; I need to deal with my team first and foremost before worrying overly much about Nora's brand of chaos. I send a message to Kelly to make sure the team is assembled at our dorm. Fortunately, no one is dumb enough to think the circumstances don't warrant this kind of talking to.

Before long I'm in our room. Marina is sitting on her bed with her back against the wall and her knees huddled close. Her scroll is off to the side, not really discarded, but evidently not in use either. The twins are better in mood though not by much.

Autumn seems more conflicted than anything. I'm sure he has some thoughts on how he could have handled things differently as well as what Marina's sudden aggression actually means. Kelly meanwhile is fretting over Marina from a distance. I'm not sure why such a gap exists currently, but it's present nonetheless. It's possible she feels guilty for her torment adding to Marina's inevitable trigger as well as her likely involvement when Glynda handed down her ruling.

First things first, I walk over to my partner and ruffle her hair. A slight bit of affection that I can permit while I keep my face firm and my emotions under check. It's a bit disconcerting how easily the glove slips back on after so long of trying to bare myself emotionally. However, this is the time for me to act as a leader and not a friend.

"What's the damage," I pitch my voice and body language so Kelly knows she's singled out even if it should be obvious. The only other person I'd expect to tell me is my partner and she doesn't need to deal with that right now.

"Goodwitch is cutting her off from our sessions until the tournament is over. That and Marina has to write a paper on how what she did was wrong and what she should do in the future instead."

That's a lot more lenient than I was expecting out of Glynda. She might have a soft spot for Marina after training with her for a while. Not that the actual punishment is any less devastating or difficult for my partner. I'm pretty sure she's going to struggle with the comparatively simple ethics paper far more than anything else and that's going to eat into her time trying to keep pace with the rest of the team.

"No hitting friends of the crew," my partner mumbles as if to prove my point. I take a deep breath. One thing at a time, I can help her with that later. Or as much as I can at any rate. She looks at me oddly afterwards and I have to remind myself to keep a tighter hold throughout this conversation.

"Fine," I grind out more to display my displeasure towards the situation and the twins in particular. "I think there's something else we need to discuss." Not being entirely inept in social matters they pick up where this is going pretty quickly and Autumn moves first.

"I get what you're saying. It won't happen again-"

"Cut the shit Autumn," I bark out. "I know this won't happen again, but that's not what I'm getting at. Or did you forget how much you instigated things?"

"I know, I'm trying to apologize-"

I cut my hand across the air in front of me, "I don't care what you have to say right now. Let's not pretend this isn't a pattern of behavior with the two of you. I'm fine with putting up with it for the most part and I do want to be friends, but this…this can't happen again and we all have to pick up some of the blame for that.

I should have told the two of you to cut it out sooner. By the same token the two of you should have stopped on your own. Especially after last week when I could have given the both of you so much shit, but I didn't. I'm not asking for much, I'm just asking for the favor to be returned. I don't want to be a hardass about it, but unless you can change your behavior I'm going to have to be. Do I make myself clear?"

It only takes them a second to process my words and nod their heads. Any protest or attempt to apologize dies out as I've made it clear I'm only accepting one answer currently. I know the charged atmosphere does nothing to calm my partner down which is part of the reason why I'm next to her and keeping myself in constant contact with her. Acting as a sort of rock in the storm for these turbulent times.

I let the tension hang in the air for a few seconds longer before I drop my stiff act. Not quite relaxing, but making it clear in my posture that the worst is over for everyone. It takes a while for anyone to speak up in the aftermath of that, but eventually a discussion does emerge on what lines we can and cannot cross. Honestly we should have taken care of this at some point prior, but better late than never.

I also receive apologies from Autumn and Kelly and I give one to Marina. She doesn't understand why I'm apologizing to her and she doesn't need to. Maybe she'll look back on this moment as me taking accountability rather than blaming her even if she shares a portion of the blame. Either way it's not something I can concern myself with. Instead I let myself relax bit by bit as I have to remain hopeful something like this won't flare up again any time soon.

Once I'm done with my team I take a moment to walk outside to clear my head. I know Marina would prefer that I stick with them so it doesn't feel like the team is drifting apart. Unfortunately for her, I have to work through some emotions and I don't want her to have a front row seat to that.

Midway through my excursion my scroll rings. Pulling it out reveals the caller to be Whitley. I almost want to ignore him and continue dealing with things on my own. However, if he's calling me it's either important or he's trying to reach out to me on his own. Neither is something I can ignore.

I let out a breath to relieve myself of tension as best as I can and answer the call, "Hello, Whitley."

"Ochre, so good to talk to you. I must really thank you for the team you sent. They and their information has proven most helpful," he replies with a wide grin. Going by the background he's in a bedroom of some sort and given the time difference it's pretty late there as evidenced by the lack of natural light. As for Whitley himself he's actually a little dressed down surprisingly; only in his white dress shirt and slacks with his vest on a nearby chair.

"Well that's good, but why are you really calling," I reply, making a passing reference to our previous conversation. Hopefully I keep enough of my frustration out of my tone so he takes it as the joke it is.

"Father," he bites out before realizing what he said. "Not to say he's done anything egregious or the like. Nothing to concern yourself over I assure you. I just need a peer to speak to who isn't him right now is all." He pauses, "I didn't catch you at a bad time, did I?"

I don't think I've let anything slip for him to pick up on that. That implies that he's doing so more as a cover so I don't delve too deeply into what he just said. Given that he obliquely complained about Jacques and admitted that he just wanted to talk with me there's more than enough reason for him to do so. I could let the comment pass as the change and topic and attempt at a fresh start it's intended as, but I go for something more genuine.

"Kind of, just some drama with my team. Nothing for you to worry about, I've got it handled. Just makes my life that little bit more difficult."

He waits for a moment for some sort of follow up and then his eyes lighten up when it becomes clear I'm not going to press him for that slip of his tongue. "My apologies then. Nevertheless I'm sure you'll manage things just fine."

"Of course. We're both made of sterner stuff aren't we," the compliment rolls off my tongue easily and he preens at it. Obviously that's distracting from the actual reason why he called even if that's a bit difficult to discern exactly.

Most likely he wants the social contact, but what exactly prompted it is another question. His father is obviously involved in some way, though I don't doubt his work is playing some part in that. As is the need to thank me for my assistance no matter how much it's in my best interests.

It leaves me with a few ways to try to direct the conversation if I really want to. Whether that's the best for him and our budding is another question entirely. Talking about Jacques, for example, could have him opening up or shutting down and it's hard to tell which he'd trend to. He obviously has complaints, but airing them out isn't easy for him and if I prod too much he might think I'm up to something rather than lending a friendly ear. There is a similar problem with a few other options, but I could keep things light for both of our sakes.

Dealer's Choice: He's the one who called, put the impetus on him to start the conversation. It might be good for his budding social skills and who knows what he might say. (4)

Jacques: try to get him to open up about what his father is doing that's bugging him. It might backfire, but it will at least tell me how willing he is to stand up against his father. (3)

Work: Not normally a topic I think he'd open up about, but I could keep it to complaints he has about the various managers he's dealing with especially after all the corruption I unearthed. (0)

Family: Again another touchy subject, but trading some gossip is well in Whitley's wheelhouse and I might be able to gauge how he's taking the reconnection. (0)

Team: More me complaining than anything else, but it might endear me to him. Besides, relationships are supposed to be a bit of give and take aren't they? (0)

Before he can recover from preening at my compliment I carry forward with my momentum, "Well, you're the one calling me. If you don't want to talk about him, what do you want to talk about?"

Whitley adopts a contrite expression at that. Going by his slip of the tongue earlier he really wants to talk about his father and the stress he's no doubt putting on the boy. Unfortunately, that's running up against his general fear and anxiety of the man so it's not a realistic option, at least at first. I could possibly force the conversation right here and right now, but there's no need when I can ease Whitley into it.

"As I told you, there's nothing that you have to concern yourself with," he replies dismissively. Most likely taking my comment as an oblique way to search for the root of his issues. Perhaps the remark towards Jacques was a bit too much. Either way it's not an insurmountable issue.

"Fine, then don't talk about it," I quip. "You're the one who called me, ball's in your court and all that. But really, what are friends for?"

He mouths one word in particular and gives me a searching look. I resume my lazy stroll around campus as if to give off an air that I don't particularly care what we talk about. Helps that it's true to an extent. He's the one drifting back to his complaints instead of latching onto a hobby or interest.

"I suppose you're right," he allows slowly, not making it clear what aspect of my prior comment he's agreeing with. I'm pretty sure he's only drawing out said words in order to fill the space. Probably doesn't want to let a silence sit for too long while he thinks due to his time among the Atlesian elite. "Forgive me if I'm not as eloquent as I usually am. I will admit that this was a rather spur of the moment decision and an ill-prepared one at that."

"Whitley it's fine, just choose something to talk about and we can talk about it." It is interesting that he's being so apologetic instead of launching into some other tangent. I have to assume that he really went into this conversation off the cuff and with no real plan in mind. Well, that's likely not too accurate. He probably wanted to talk about Jacques or to vent, but found that to be too unpalatable of a subject for him.

That implies that, while he's not too comfortable with the subject, in the heat of the moment he felt that I would be appropriate to reach out to. That combined with his state of undress and lack of a desire to reconstitute his normal obsession with his appearance shows that he's grown a fondness for me that he's likely not used to. No surprise since I don't think any of the Schnee siblings had any real friends growing up and Whitley is no different. No doubt the constant pecking and attention of the Atlesian elite does much to engender any sort of affection, platonic or otherwise.

"In that case, I find it most pertinent to ask about your knowledge of Mistral. The city proper I mean. Are there any places you think I should visit? Father has given me permission to inspect some of the stores and a generous time table, with some restrictions of course."

His voice comes out strained at the end. If I had to guess that's probably where his current issue with Jacques is stemming from. Once again, it feels too early to delve into that particular subject. Instead I ask, "What sort of restrictions?"

He huffs, "That I have to allow his security detail to keep an eye on me and to avoid certain areas. Particularly the lower levels. I don't quite see the point of both of those. Individually, yes, I've heard some rather unsavory things about Mistral. Together, however, is a different story. It's like he doesn't trust me."

That is quite the lead in to get him complaining about his father. Unfortunately, as loath as I am to admit it, Jacques may have a point here. While the upper levels of Mistral are typically safe for the average resident that may not apply in Whitley's case. Not only is he a member of a reviled and wealthy family, two aspects that would attract no small number of unwanted attention, he's also visiting at a rather poor time.

The reveal of Adam's brand and subsequent controversy has inflamed tensions in all Kingdoms, but most so in Mistral. It's where the crime took place, the people responsible are, and in the midst of all that also where racial tensions are most charged in all of Remnant.

Additionally with the dismantling of Spider, other criminal syndicates may be smelling blood in the water and looking for any advantage they can get over their competitors. A tidy ransom from the Schnee family would be a valuable prospect and that's ignoring that less human oriented groups have other reasons to seek out Whitley's head.

While I'm sure the SDC security could take care of any normal threats among the upper levels until the authorities come to back them up, I wouldn't give them the same benefit of the doubt the lower they descend in Mistral. Not only do response times grow longer, if calls for help are answered at all, but there are a multitude more criminals skulking about looking for weakness.

It would be all too easy for the SDC security to be overwhelmed. Even more so because Whitley's lack of aura necessitates that the security take further precautions to ensure he doesn't accidentally die in any ensuing fight. I can't say that many criminals would be aware of his lack of aura and if they were I think they'd be the type to use that information to their benefit instead of their detriment.

Normally I'd have no issue keeping this all under wraps until such a point that it benefits me. However, in this instance I am trying to take a different tack with Whitley than I normally do. It's still rather strange, but maybe it'll pay off in the future. I can think of one way that it would. Telling him outright about his father's likely worries should help dispel notions that I'm mindlessly against Jacques. That should lend some weight to my words and concerns later on, but I have to get there first.

"I don't think it's entirely a matter of trust," I start slowly, broaching the topic in a way that's hopefully palatable to him. Even then he sighs and his eyes droop like he's ready to be lectured to. Not quite the impression that I'm going for, but it's best to get this through to him instead of worrying overmuch about his feelings. "Put simply, you don't have aura and that is a major impediment that has to be worked around."

"Not you too," he grouses, forgetting about propriety for a moment. "Look, I appreciate your and my sister's sentiment, but I have no desire to debase myself to that level of barbarism. Uh, no offense intended. It's just that we have people and the army to take care of such needs that my efforts are better spent improving myself instead developing some meager measure of martial skill to play at being a warrior."

He finishes with a puff of air and his chest stuck out which makes me think this is something that's been on his mind for a while and he's just glad to get his thoughts out into the world. Seeing as how he brought up Weiss I have to assume she's tried talking him into getting his aura unlocked and this is his rebuttal to her efforts. However, I'm not Weiss and the realization of what he just said and the implicit derogatory nature of it soon catches up with him.

"Not that I'm saying that your efforts aren't appreciated or that you're untalented. I've heard quite good things about your skills in fact. I'm sure you'll win the Vytal Tournament and you have my full support," he rattles off.

He tries to keep his tone and pace level so as not to give away his panic, but his rapid one-eighty on his tone indicates that he's worried about tanking this relationship, though that he wouldn't be so concerned with doing so to Weiss for whatever reason. It also belies his lack of experience and relative immaturity. In that way he's similar to Ruby. However, Ruby is arguably more socially well-adjusted than he is despite appearances to the contrary.

Ruby may be shy and overly-excitable at times, and honestly she's kind of growing out of that, but Whitley only really has experience with social settings in one particular context. Operating outside of that is giving him no small amount of difficulties and I think if allowed to continue would have him find a difficult time breaking out of the mold he's found himself in. I'm already assisting with that, but his petulance is a bit annoying to deal with.

"Whitley," I call out, letting that frustration color my voice. "You don't need to puff me up, but this is more than just ego stroking. Do whatever you want, but it is an earnest plea from myself that you consider it. I'll help if you need me to. Having your aura unlocked gives you a lot of leeway. You don't have to worry about accidents nearly as much for one. And I'm sure you'd be able to move about much more freely if no one had to worry about you catching a stray bullet and bleeding out."

He scoffs and waves a hand in front of himself, "Be that as it may I have no intention of visiting any such low-class establishments where my person could be harmed. It's just that being restricted as such seems utterly unnecessary when I also have to be watched like some precocious child. I'm far too responsible to not have earned such leniency from Father and yet here I am."

I fight back a frown. He's avoiding the issue instead of actually dealing with what I said. I'm sure that's rather common from anyone trying to convince a reluctant individual to get their aura unlocked. Having to deal with such excuses like they don't have the time to maintain it or that it's useless to them. At least he's not busting out those excuses, probably because they imply a personal failing or that I can take them apart logically.

Very well, if he's playing that game I might as well elucidate him further on the nature of his situation. "You do know that Mistral is hardly a safe place at the best of times, right? Much less when your family is caught up in the middle of a scandal and the underworld is going through a shake-up. I wouldn't exactly call the streets safe despite the ongoing festival and that goes much more for you than anyone else."

"It can't be that bad, surely. There's no way the military would allow such lawlessness in any Kingdom, much less our closest ally."

"Do I even need to bring up Vacuo," I complain while rubbing at my temples. I was trying to calm down from the chaos of today, not add to it.

"Yes, well, that's different," is all he can muster as he adopts a standoffish attitude. This isn't going how I want it to and it feels like it's going to be an effort to convince him of the utility of aura. At least without any personal experience that convinces him of the need for it. Letting things end on this note would only sour him further, so I have to recenter the conversation.

"Fine," I bite out with enough reluctance to make it clear that I'm dropping the matter. He doesn't take it as his win and actually looks chagrined at the resolution. "The big issue is Jacques not trusting you, right? I doubt you're this worked up solely because he ordered his goons to accompany you."

"You're right," he says, latching onto the proposed out rather quickly. It's a strong departure from his earlier hesitance which makes me think this is more of an immediate emotional reaction than a logical one. I suppose he's pretty conflicted about what to think and feel exactly; it can't be easy for him being torn in as many directions as he is by emotions both good and bad.

"Ever since I got the reports from your men and started waving them about the offices here he's been hovering over my shoulder and double checking my work. It's, I don't mind the tutelage I suppose, but…" he trails off not quite finding the words he's looking for.

"You want to show him that you can handle this," I supply, dancing around that it's most likely validation he's after not an ephemeral longing for independence.

"Exactly," Whitley agrees, "I know you're helping out, but I'm not useless here either. He certainly wasn't trying his hardest to browbeat the executives here into giving up their secrets. Much less so before we knew how deep the rot spread. Then they have the gall to accuse me of sabotaging the company. Fortunately, Father isn't a fool and he's siding with me instead of them. It's just so infuriating that he's double checking my work now instead of taking me at my word."

I nod along attentively to Whitley's growing approval. Undoubtedly he doesn't get much of an opportunity to complain about his father and giving him some positive encouragement can only help me out down the road. "Anything else," I question, more to prompt him to relieve his tension rather than searching for anything in particular.

"Well, now that you mention it…" From there he details all the little annoyances that he's picked up on from the change to Mistral from Atlas. From things so minute to how the switches in their Mistral house are set up to the more personal involving complaints about specific individuals he's forced to interact with.

At some point he lays down on his bed and later on he yawns. Then his eyes dart to the time and he rushes out an apology for taking so much of my day. He also hesitantly offers to listen to my problems, which I think at this point would do him some good as he gets to play off some of his resultant embarrassment by returning the favor so to speak. Unfortunately for Whitley I don't have the time to indulge him, no matter how much I might want to, and thus we bring the call to a close.

I finish up a languid lap around Beacon as I think through some of the implications behind the conversation. Whitley is trying to get out from under Jacques' thumb now that he has some authority and success. Probably letting that get to his head a bit too much in my opinion, though I'm unsure how I can resolve that easily.

Either way, there is friction between him and his father. Unfortunately it's not to the point that I think Whitley would be willing to take a stand against Jacques. It seems he's far more concerned with performing beyond expectations than he is bothered by the onerous demands of his father.

Seeking validation and approval is one part of that. I think I'm chipping away at that in my own way, but Whitley is also hesitant to go against his father in general. Complaining about him is a good sign indicating that particular aspect isn't dominating his life, it's just another factor to consider in the messy web of relationships that is the Schnee family.

More concerning is that he doesn't seem to have that strong of a connection with Weiss despite all this time and I doubt Winter is any better. That's probably because of their relative abandonment of him while I'm free from that baggage. While building up a bond with him seems fine in the short-term I also have to think about what comes after. Replacing his dependency of Jacques with myself is acceptable, but I'd much prefer a more equitable bond and that I'm not the sole recipient of his attention.

Unfortunately there's only so much I can do at any given time. That and doing any type of dramatic action to address the budding issue may only be possible in person. I'm sure I'll be able to meet him over summer break all things considered, but letting the problem fester for so long isn't exactly enticing. Well, worrying about it isn't going to do me any good and I should probably get back before my team worries too much about my extended absence.
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Interlude 9, Neopolitan Torchwick
So I made a mistake and did not post this up at the proper time. It's supposed to occur during S2 Week 10, just after the Neo social. This will happen with some future interludes and timeline notes will be added from now on even if they are posted at the correct time to hopefully cut down on confusion. Just a sort of concession that has to be made due to keeping my pace with conducting lives and not putting everything on hold to nail out an interlude.

Neopolitan Torchwick (Formerly Trivia Vanille)

I slam the front door shut behind me, bad move. It informs Roman that I'm home and he laughs, understanding exactly who could be responsible for making me upset. I stamp my foot with a silent huff to get across my lack of amusement; he only laughs harder. I roll my eyes and make my way to the 'family' room as he calls it. Just another thing to hate that boy over.

Alright, he might not be that bad. If it were in any other context I'd consider the day fun. Although I can't deny that it wasn't enjoyable. It's been so long since I could just run around playing something akin to tiptoe tag; Roman would never go for such simple chasing about. Truthfully, I thought I'd have to rely a lot more on the lessons I learned at Lady Beat's than I actually did today.

I shake my head. The cat-boy is no proper partner, though I suppose he didn't have to check in on me or Roman either. A shame that I can't convince him to let me out of this cage. At least it's a full house instead of stuck in a dorm with other girls or all on my lonesome. Certainly beats living atop of a bomb.

I enter the family room and without looking up from his scroll Roman asks, "Did you have fun, pumpkin?" Then he can't help himself and snickers. Jerk; he's taken to this whole legal guardianship thing way too well, all to mess with me of course. He might have a decade on me, but there's no way I'd ever call him papa. Well, he deserves a reminder that I'm not going to take this lying down.

I approach from behind and sensually work my hands at his shoulders before draping them around his neck and pressing what assets I got against him. He tenses up, but not out of fear that I may show my displeasure in a more direct way. While my hands are around his neck that would be too crude and not something either of us would consider. Oh no, he's far more afraid of where I'm going with this.

Just as he opens his mouth to quip, I pull back, plant my hands on the back of the couch, and vault overhead with my light frame. The move pins both his arms underneath me for a moment and I take that freedom to cinch my arms behind his head. Then I dart in for a quick peck on his nose before falling back with a smug smile. The latter of which is the only real indication that I'm messing with him rather than suddenly turning serious. Not that it stops the blush that rises to his cheeks.

Roman tries to collect his arms, but I don't make that any easier for him. I am straddling him rather closely and he's clearly flustered by the close contact. I flash him a vicious smile that promises a good time and almost want to make good on it myself just to see how he'd react. Then I pull back my head and look down on him like I'm disappointed. That would be going too far for either of us, though it would be good payback for the hell he's put me through.

I play up my reluctance with a long silent sigh before lifting one of my legs and pivoting my body so I end up sitting next to him, a small amount of distance kept between us. Said distance is not eaten up by my partner and instead he lets out a breath in relief. He seems to think better of the action afterwards as he turns to me with a question falling from his lips.

The exact words are unimportant. He tries to cover up his tone and keep it playful instead of the worry that sits underneath. A crease under his eyes and a carefree smile that's a bit too strained to be natural tells me more than any amount of lying words ever could. He's usually better than this, but he's not exactly at the top of his game either. Even if he was, I wouldn't need the help to read him like a book; this scene is rather familiar even if the exact circumstances are different.

Words are unnecessary even if Roman feels the need to talk enough for the both of us. Again, what exactly he says is unimportant. Unless it's about some sort of plan, in which case we both need to be on the same page. Just another reason why partners is what describes us the best and we don't need any other label. Although it does remind me of the start where he kept insisting I was more of a sidekick to get a rise out of me.

I only process the frown that forms on my face when he makes another comment that I ignore. Partners are supposed to be equal. I thought we were before all this; we each had our strengths and played to them. Except we got too comfortable with where we were. He'd do the planning and I'd work my magic. Whether that would be with my semblance or Hush didn't really matter, just that I followed the plan and improvised where necessary.

Only that kind of thinking got us stuck where we are right now. We got too cocky and that fire-bitch Cinder caught on to us. Should have just cut our losses then. Except we weren't about to leave all we'd done in Vale with our tails between our legs and the bitch flashed enough Lien and resources to catch Roman's attention. Stupid; that only compounded our mistakes until they caught up with us.

Roman, for as smart as he is, is far more fond of openly breaking the rules than merely bending them. Likes to have his face out there and his name on other people's lips. I'm similar to a degree, but I can at least recognize that Lady Beat had a reason to organize her school the way she did.

Just like the rest of society, bending the rules and finding loopholes is fine, even encouraged back at school. Outright breaking them, however…well, you can only get away with that if you're not caught. While I'm pretty good at that; we have been doing the exact opposite for the past five or so years under Roman's directive. As fun as it was to do whatever we want when we want, it wasn't sustainable. Now we're stuck like this and I'm sure he's trying to concoct some clever scheme out of this rather than just accepting he's been beat.

Speaking of the man, I've played silent for long enough that he's repeating himself. I wave him off with a tap to my head and he gets the message. Still not happy with that I distract him by pointing at his scroll which catches him by surprise. I stare him in the eyes; we're supposed to be equal and we've been slacking in our weaknesses. I need to be more involved on the planning side and quite frankly he needs to work on his combat skills. The both of us should, considering one annoying would-be-Huntsman.

My thoughts drift to how I can rectify that only for Roman to interrupt them, "Fine, if you really must know, our mutual friend let slip that my old boss is in a spot of trouble. Now it would be difficult to slip out under the watchful eyes of our overlords…"

He looks about the room shiftily before throwing his head back for a laugh. Yeah, the cops are kind of a joke; that is if they didn't have a certain someone helping them. Though I guess not all of them are that bad…no, this isn't the time to get hung up on sentimental memories.

Filling the silence with the sound of his own voice, he continues, "With the Festival in full swing it shouldn't be a problem to hitch a ride to another Kingdom and from there Mistral. Then we can really get started."

He looks at me heavily, "Trust me, you'll love it. Think about what we got up to here. I can't promise it'd be exactly the same, but my old home has no shortage of scores we could run. Plus the cops are a lot more used to crime being more or less out in the open as long as we keep the collateral down. They certainly won't care about how many fights the two of us get into."

He throws the last part in for me and I poke him in the cheek for being an idiot about things. Then I lay my hand atop his.

He sighs, "You're right, just trying to figure a way out of the situation we're in. For the record we can pull that off easily."

I roll my eyes and swat at him, but don't otherwise disagree.

"Glad someone appreciates my skills," he throws out petulantly.

I bring a hand up to my face to disguise my polite giggles only to throw my hand down and stick my tongue out at him.

"Everyone's a critic," he complains with a smile on his face.

A smile that I trace with my finger. He seems to appreciate the gesture until he speaks.

"Thanks-bleh," he coughs out and blanches as if caught by surprise. "What the hell were the two of you doing today? Playing in the dirt?"

Right, probably should have washed up before doing this. Although if I really think about it, this is all his fault for trying to tease me as soon as I came back. Thus I smile smugly and mime two people chasing after one another with my fingers until one of them catches the other.

"I'm not sure what I expected. At least tell me I don't have to worry about you catching fleas?"

The way he says the last bit makes me look at him suspiciously. He doesn't break under that and so I strike an accusatory finger at his chest and push him back as I stand up so I can tower over him, barely. I'm not sure what exactly he's trying to get at and his joking cover doesn't hold up to my scrutiny.

Despite that his upwardly curved lips are genuine. As is the tenseness in his brow and slight confusion in his eyes. The last from my recent action and the rest I conclude as reluctantly happy.

He tries to say something and I shush him, much to his displeasure. The same finger as before pressed against his lips, but more necessary this time. Neither of us are leaving the other; not now, not ever. We're partner's after all. Of course saying or explaining as such isn't necessary between us and Roman soon relaxes.

I plant both hands at my hips and preen while he makes a pithy comment about my current state. Normally we'd devolve into messing with each other some more, but I suppose I should apologize for the uncleanliness. I hop off to the kitchen and set about brewing up a coffee for him and tea for myself. After washing up of course.

Naturally, I'm not doing this solely for his benefit, nor am I just going with the flow anymore. Getting him a treat like this should let us recenter the conversation and allow us to figure out what exactly our plans are. Plus I've always been a quick study and I can think of a few ways to help him out.

I set our drinks on the small table in front of the couch and take a seat next to Roman again, this time on the opposite side just to change things up a little. He's surprised by how I'm not just skipping off to my room again and I simply scoff. It's not like I have anything to do up there. It's going to take some time before we get any games or books for me to enjoy and I've had enough living in that lifeless space.

Of course he knows there's more to it than just that explanation, but he accepts it easily enough and returns to his work. I knock my head back and let out a silent groan. Just like him to think he's indulging me instead of catching on to what I really want. I wave a hand in front of his face and point to his scroll and tap it twice before, reluctantly, pulling out my own. Plans require clarity and I'm not going to risk him misinterpreting my signals again.

"Alright, fine, I'll cut you in. I don't think we'll get away with anything that's strictly illegal; we'll need to build up support and connections before dipping our toes back into that kind of business. That and we'll need to figure out a way to stay off of wunderkind's radar. Don't suppose you have anything leftover that might help us with that?"

I stare at him for a moment. He knows just as well as I do where our stashes are throughout the city so that can't be what he's getting at. When I figure it out I shake my head slowly.

Papa was only a city manager despite the wealth we enjoyed. All that wealth was garnered through dirty double dealings and embezzlement. Then it all evaporated like the rest of the Vanille family in the explosion. Even if it didn't, the council and the Xiong family wouldn't have held back on seizing what assets they could. The council, because of the embezzlement; the Xiong to recoup their losses.

Although…thinking about papa brings something to mind that we could use. Except there's no way Roman hasn't already considered it.

We have papa's plans and notes on the Dust trade even if we haven't made use of it ourselves. Well, outside of what we needed to deal with Cinder's stupidity. While it is out of date and several of the contracts have been renegotiated it paints a picture of the internal logistics of the vital Dust trade for Vale. With the recent scare the council has more reason than ever to not want that info out there. He has to know this himself which is why I don't bring it up immediately; he's holding back for some reason.

It can't be because we can't get to it. We stashed it away for this very type of occasion. While we might have eyes watching us it shouldn't be too hard to find some sort of excuse eventually to drop by the area and pick it up. It's a problem, but a solvable one and one that Roman is familiar with so he wouldn't see a reason to not bring it up at all.

Then again…there aren't many places we could have gotten this information. The date and how involved papa was in all of it points to that rather clearly. We could doctor the data to try to throw them off that trail, but neither of us are computer experts. I'm not too bad at it if I say so myself, but a couple months of study at Lady Beat's isn't enough to make me confident in my skills.

Of course that's the problem and I lean against his arm for how foolish he is. If he needs to grow up, learn some combat skills, and finally figure out his semblance; I need to do some growing of my own. That isn't to say that we should jump out of the gates with this.

It's best to find the right councilors who'd be sympathetic or blackmailable by this info. Someone had to put papa in charge and if they somehow kept their job this is another way to put them on blast. Discarding that, papa also threw a bunch of parties to rub elbows with the rich and elite of Vale, including councilors. Not all of them knew about me, but if men like Hei Xiong were aware of my existence and sent me presents, who's to say it isn't the same with the councilors?

"I don't think that's going to be enough," he says and tussles my hair with a gloved hand. I know that, he knows that, there's no reason for him to say it so explicitly. I stick my tongue out at him and he appends, "pumpkin," in that annoying tone of his. This isn't the time for jokes and I'm about to respond when I bring myself under control again.

He's trying to distract me. His green eyes are soft, his smile wan, and there is no tenseness in his features. He's not worried about what I might do which means he's not aware of my nascent plan. Rather he's concerned that I'm getting my hopes up; again being a dum-dum about things. I suppose I've left some skills to gather too much rust if he's treating me like this.

I push a hand against his chest, righting myself and distracting him all the while. My other hand creeps around out of sight, but not entirely unnoticed, until it reaches the top of his head. I flip the hat I made him off his head and ruffle his hair just to see how he likes it. His hands stutter from going to his chest before settling on covering his head with both of them, trapping my hand in the crossfire.

After a couple seconds he releases hold of me to grab his discarded hat, shoot me a dirty look, and recompose himself. I use that time to pull up everything I need on my scroll and prevent him from taking the lead again. I lay both hands over his and look into his eyes softly before waving my scroll in his face. I need a chance to say my piece and he reluctantly agrees to it.

He's right that the information alone likely wouldn't be enough to get what we want. The council isn't about to be blackmailed by a couple of criminals they already have eyes on. It's why he's planning on storming the media in the aftermath of the Vytal Festival instead. They need some sort of story to run and should give him enough time to have a rough manuscript ready.

I can't say there's anything wrong with his plan except that there isn't a way for me to contribute easily. Perhaps I could try my hand at the media circuit as well, except I don't think people would be all that interested in what I don't have to say. No, what I need is some other way to assist and something those in charge would already be inclined for. It's why Huntress business springs to mind.

Of all the skills that I have that aren't criminally related, violence is among the best of them. Well, that and my fashion skills, but that's less fun and they have their place in my plan anyways.

On top of that, the powers that be and the public should appreciate another poor sap willing to throw their life away to keep them safe. I don't have any intent to do so in the end, but it's the appearance of following the rules that counts. No one will care that I bend the rules in my favor or find work arounds as long as I abide by what's expected of me.

Finally, it offers a chance to assist with what Roman wants to do. We'll each have our parts to play, but he could easily point to me as a young girl that convinced him to change his ways in the end. It'd allow him to present the both of us as looking for a new start and hopefully get the cops off our backs.

Of course it's not as easy as I'm trying to make it out to be. My plan requires that those involved play along with the ruse. That's a hard line to ride when it also requires using information that reveals we're not truthful about my age nor have we been cooperating fully with the authorities. That can be solved with finding the right people to use the information against. Either those with too much to lose or sympathetic enough that they'd keep quiet. I don't have much hope for the latter, but perhaps a few gifts could swing things in my favor.

Lady Beat said that my outfits were good enough for a fashion label. That might have been puffing me up, but it wouldn't hurt to show my appreciation for the fine men and women of the Valean council. Combine that with a few letters expressing my appreciation for their leniency and understanding while also making my pleas to reform for a better life and…well, even if it falls through it pays to have friends in high places.

Roman allows me to get through my explanation without interruption. Although his lips thin when I bring up the Huntress business and Beacon. Said strain only gets worse and worse as I continue on and make it clear that I'm actually giving this some thought. It's a long-shot, but I'm not willing to let myself sit by uselessly.

"You don't need to do that," he announces solemnly when it becomes clear I have nothing to add on. I move to protest and he holds a hand up. "Alright, I can acknowledge that I didn't exactly have something for you to do while I schmoozed with the media.

However, it'd only take me a couple months tops and I'd have them eating out of my hand and then things could go back to normal. Besides, getting involved with a bunch of goody-two-shoes Huntsmen just seems like it'd be a pain for the future. You can't tell me that they won't be breathing down your neck the whole time. I got us into this mess and I'll get us out of it, don't you worry."

I look at him with wide eyes. I can see how he's come to that conclusion, but I share just as much of the blame. I should have just stuck to the plan and backed out of the dock fight. Granted the plan never outright included him getting caught; we still recognized the possibility it might happen with how ridiculous Cinder's request was.

There was a reason why we never acted on Papa's info about the Dust trade for all these years. Much easier to skim a little off the top instead of hitting it all at once in such a broad manner. Even then, we tried to plan for the future by only hitting the high-end stores instead of the regional distributors. No need to tip our hand for someone who didn't have our best interests at heart.

Either way, that's a distraction from how impulsive I was. Roman was already loaded into a bullhead. I should have just backed off instead of taking a cheap shot at Ochre. All I had to do was pretend to be a schoolgirl with Cinder and her posse and I'd have the chance to free Roman; no muss no fuss.

Then again, apparently the girl and the rest of her 'team' were caught for having faked their transcripts. I can only imagine one cat-boy at the heart of that, so maybe it was a moot point anyway. Either way, I owe Roman for messing up and I'm trying to make up for it. No way am I going to let him shoulder all of the blame.

I pause for a moment, thinking on how best to dismiss his worries. Eventually I settle on something genuine. I shift my weight against him, resting my head on his shoulder, and wrap my arms around his midsection. He's smart enough that I don't have to explain things to him, but I do shoot a quick look towards him to catch him staring off into the distance with a new blush to his cheeks. I laugh silently until that is stilled by an arm that settles around me.

Roman sighs and explains to me what he knows about the councilors and any other official he has information on. He includes several cops and Ochre as well. They're more rough statements of character than workable facts, I'll have to do my own research, and come with his usual disparaging comments. Although, curiously, he has little to say in unkind terms about the cat-boy.

I could grill him on that, but I'm too comfy where I am and I want to exult in my little victory some more before ruining it. He might not be enthused about my plan, but he's helping out instead of shooting it down. Can't say that I'm anymore motivated to hang out with snot-nosed brats than he is, but some people are worth making sacrifices for.
S2 Week 11 (Part 2)
So, upon a brief review I realized that I hadn't posted the end of S2 Week 10. That has been edited in at the proper spot and I suppose the *new* update for this site. Apologies for the mistake, but it doesn't seem like anyone really noticed it.

The next day my team is pretty subdued. Despite coming to an agreement as to where our boundaries lie, the twins don't want to resume things so soon after Marina's incident. Nora at least doesn't seem too down. Although she keeps secreting looks towards my partner throughout class. Something that causes the white-haired girl to bristle next to me. I do my best to calm her down and by time classes end I have her in a more or less complacent state.

Only for my efforts to be relatively undone by Nora swinging around to talk with my partner. I only catch the barest hints of it as Nora drags my partner off bodily for some privacy. Penny and Kelly both look on with concern and follow hesitantly and I'm not much better. I can shift around my plans a little to ensure there are no incidents.

Before I get too far, however, a hand lands on my shoulder slowing my movements. I don't stop my stride, but I do look back to see Ren. He gives a small shake of his head as he catches up next to me, keeping his gait purposefully relaxed. Implicitly giving me the option of rushing off ahead and ignoring him or giving in and letting everyone else handle things for a bit.

It has been a while since I've hung out with him to any real extent so I slow my pace no matter how much this scenario concerns me. At least with the incident so fresh on her mind I don't think Marina will start anything, but that's hardly something I want to rely on. Either way we're heading in that direction and I'm choosing to trust Ren.

He puts both his hands behind his head and his smile widens fractionally, "Thank you. Nora would prefer handling this on her own."

"In that case why aren't you concerned about the other two?"

"They aren't the types to get in between others unless something's actually going on," he fires back, a single eyebrow raised in challenge. I don't know where he's getting that from Penny, but I'll admit he's roughly on the mark for Kelly. At least as far as Marina is concerned.

"Fine; what's she planning to do anyway?"

"Heading into the forest to kill some grimm. It's what she'd do if she was upset and I don't think your partner is much different."

"How much are you helping her with this," I grumble as I can't contest that point either.

"Not that much actually. Whatever you told her yesterday made her want to make amends all on her own. I only shot down her more…outlandish ideas."

"And you're not concerned that my partner could do something to your girlfriend when they're all alone in a forest full of grimm?"

Ren shrugs, "I have faith in her. She doesn't need me around constantly. That and I'll admit it'll do her some good dealing with this first-hand without any of us getting in the way." I huff at that and his lips curl ever upwards. I don't quite share his same sense of optimism, but I'll admit that the chance for anything untoward happening with Kelly and Penny on overwatch is extremely slim.

"Fine. Mission accomplished I suppose. Was that all you wanted?"

He tilts his head, his smile not diminished in the slightest, "No, actually. Believe it or not I do actually want to hang out with you. Call this fortunate circumstances if you will." His lips twitch ever so slightly and I get the feeling he's poking fun at me. It does seem similar to something I would have said last semester so I suppose that's where he's drawing the humor from.

"Alright, what do you wanna do," I ask, leaving it up to him to decide our fate.

"Well, unless you want me to school you in herbology again, I'd suggest we stop heading to the forest." His comment stops me immediately and I wheel on him. I didn't even get bad grades in Peach's class and yet here he is acting all high and mighty. Of course that's exactly what he wants and I have to stop myself from reacting further. I guess I really am too keyed up from the events prior and I could do with letting my worries fall away for the moment.

"If you're so worried," he continues without missing a beat, "we can head to the kitchens and whip something up for when everyone returns." He nudges his head in that direction and I nod. Not quite what either of us finds relaxing, but it serves well enough as an activity we can engage in together. It also gives us plenty of time to talk with one another as we wait for the gaggle of girls to return from their expedition.

Summer: Given the longer length of this break than the last one I'd be surprised if JNPR has the same plans as last time. Might be a good idea to see what's up and what his view of the matter is. (6)

Nora: I haven't checked in much about their relationship, but even if I didn't how Nora is acting right now gives me plenty to pick his brain about. (5)

Appreciation: I don't think I've really given him my thanks for the advice he gave me last semester. Especially since his delivery was much gentler than Autumn's (4)

Union: He and Nora are a part of my organization. While he's probably not as bummed out about the lack of targets recently I could get his opinion on things. (2)

Music: As far as I'm aware he's been having lessons with Maple on drums. My chosen instrument is technically percussion as well so maybe that's something we can talk about. (2)

Incident: He doesn't seem too torn up about what happened, but it might be a good idea to check in with him about it and see if he has any ideas on how to handle things. (0)

Maple: Probably a better choice for finding any insight on my lieutenant than his leader. I think I have most of the relevant pieces, but maybe Ren knows something I don't (0)

Past: Ren has been cagey about his past, but considering how much closer our relationship has gotten maybe he'd start opening up about it if I asked. (0)

Disparity: His semblance makes him an incredible alpha striker and ambush predator for the grimm. However, his weapons and fighting style are the opposite of that. I could ask why that's the case. (0)

Without much fanfare we get to work in the kitchen. Since we're in our school uniforms we have to roll up our sleeves and if it was anyone else I'd say the quick glance he gives at my relaxed posture would be entirely incidental.

However, it's Ren I'm talking about and I doubt that he's entirely unaware of the last time we were in the kitchen together. I can't pinpoint why, but the brief attention has my hackles raised even if I don't make a move to cover myself up. He also doesn't make any further mention or motion towards it which only makes things worse.

I wait until I get to a good stopping point before engaging him. Not about that in particular, but the matter is similar enough that it brings my thoughts to the help Autumn and him gave me.

"Hey," I start and he looks at me for a moment then turns his head quizzically. Fair, on most other subjects I'd be willing to dig into the matter or play up my reluctance more. Either way, I don't let it stop me now, "I don't think I ever thanked you properly for the advice you gave me in the first semester. As much as I hate to admit it, you and Autumn were right. That and you went about it far better than anyone else did, so, you know, thanks."

He waves off my earnest remarks, "Think nothing of it. I'm sure you'd have figured it out yourself eventually."

"And the two of you were getting on me for that kind of behavior," I quip back, light-heartedly.

The two of us share a grin as he continues, "Yes, well I didn't do much and certainly not with the expectation of any thanks or payback. It's enough for me that you're doing better now." I nod readily at his answer, sort of expecting it. Although I do catch him letting out a shallow breath as I do so.

That twigs onto my sensibilities and I ask, "How often do people actually thank you?" His lips strain and he sucks in a shallow breath which only makes me look at him harder.

"Far less than I'd prefer," he admits evasively. I give him a critical eye as he should no doubt draw some similarity between our situations as well as recall the advice he gave me. Then I deliberately cast my gaze away from him. He should know what the issue is and I'll give him the courtesy of approaching me if he wants to actually talk about that instead of the usual nosiness I get up to, apparently.

He relaxes after a few moments and then points at the dish I'm preparing only to point out that I haven't adjusted the portions to account for one additional person like he has. He doesn't say anything further than that before checking on his dish for a few moments.

I suppose that's his way of saying he's noticed that little discrepancy with my robot friend, or in this case my behavior with her. It could be taken as blackmail, but in this case I think it's simply an acknowledgement of quid pro quo. That he isn't going to ask about that issue since I'm not poking his.

Going by his prior behavior I'd still be losing out as I doubt he'd do much of anything about the Penny situation anyway. Even if he finds her odd or suspect there's something greater at play he isn't the type to dig into other people in any kind of direct matter. That combined with his prior avoidance makes me think that's all informed by something that happened in his past.

Although, I'm not planning on digging into that either. It might inform me why he's so willing to roll with the lack of proper appreciation, but I don't need to know it. I just need to make sure everything is alright in the present.

"I could always knock the appreciation into Jaune's head. Do my level best with Pyrrha as well. I, uh, I'll let you deal with Nora," I offer theatrically.

Ren's previous, if understated cheer, soon returns and he pleads with both hands raised, "Please, that won't be necessary. They're better than most," he finishes and his eyes slightly narrow towards me.

"Hey! I'm thanking you now aren't I?" He remains utterly unrepentant so I shove him by the shoulder, "Ass."

"Ah, sorry," he replies unapologetically, "I suppose that's another win for me isn't it?"

"Oh come off it. That wasn't a prank and you know it."

"Are you sure? I could get Nora to weigh in when she comes back."

I flip him off, "Yeah, as if that's any fair since you two started dating. I swear, I should just concede and let you deal with her."

"I suppose I was stretching the definition there, wasn't I?" I shoot him a disbelieving look as his lips curl up slightly. Still not a prank in either of our books, but he's enjoying himself at least. It makes me wonder how much he's missed out on this kind of thing. Although, I can't say I'm much better in that regard.

Subsequently those thoughts make me wonder about a great number of things. Ranging from how he interacts with Jaune or if he's sought to make any friends outside of our immediate group. I'm woefully under informed on the former and I think the latter is a no, though Ren is largely a quiet person so I don't blame him.

Then again he has a rather bombastic side to him as well. Willing to go along with the prank business and deal with Nora's level of energy. There's also his seeming comfort with crossdressing on two separate occasions, though I don't really want to think about that or its implications either.

Eventually I settle on perhaps the most palatable of topics, "So, you and Nora have been an item for a while now. Don't suppose you're willing to share anything about that?"

Ren lets out a hum of interest for a long while. As if dragging it out for as much as possible in an attempt to make me reveal something I otherwise wouldn't. After a while he simply asks, "Are you sure you want all of those details or should we just skip to why Nora's trying to make things up with your partner?"

I throw him a glare. While the latter is something I'm interested in, I wasn't going to push him that far unless he was amenable. "We can start with that last bit, but don't think I'm not interested."

He puts up both of his hands in a placating motion as if to stall off any further complaints. "I understand. It's just been a few months; I was unsure if you remembered all of your manners after your trek in the wilderness."

"Are you trying to be infuriating?"

"Trying," he questions with a grin. Yeah, he's got me there; not anything I can say that wouldn't prove his point. He lets his good cheer bleed off a bit, though it largely remains present. "To answer things succinctly:

Nora sees a lot of similarities between Marina and a younger her. I won't go into it any further than that, but she's empathetic with what your partner is struggling with. At least Nora thinks she is. I know she can be a bit…over enthusiastic at times, but in matters like this she's usually on the mark."

I suppose that explains why he's so willing to trust her on something like this. I'm not too sure of Nora's handling of delicate emotional matters myself. Although, I must admit that there is some evidence pointing towards Ren's conclusion that I've personally experienced. Even if it came from a very Nora way of doing things.

"Alright, is there anything else you'd like to add? Or are you going to stop avoiding the relationship talk," I needle back, hoping that I have something to work him over.

"Oh, I'm sorry. My love-life is so less adventurous than your own that I thought you wouldn't be interested." I roll my eyes and he finally gets on with it, "I'm sure I've told you before, but things between Nora and I haven't changed all that much. If anything, things feel more normal than they have for a while. I think there was a lot of worry on both of our minds that something would change if we went through with this and that impacted our relationship more than anything else." He chuckles for a few moments before shaking his head, "I suppose if you're going to thank me for what I did last semester I should do the same."

"I didn't exactly do that with your permission though," I state, highlighting the most pertinent difference.

"No, you didn't," he agrees. "But, you did it all the same and I can appreciate that. Or at least the good that came from it at any rate."

He ends things there and I receive the slowly building urge to throttle him. "You know you're still not answering my question, right?"

He looks at me with deliberately blank eyes as if trying to convey that he has no clue what I'm talking about. Maybe I'd believe him if he wasn't so willing to mess with me throughout this conversation. The fact that he's defaulting to confusion instead of playing it off in a more casual manner tells me that he doesn't like talking about this for one reason or another.

Eventually he concedes, "Yes, I suppose it was a little too hopeful to think you wouldn't catch onto that. I want to clarify that I don't think there are any problems and I'm happy. It's just that I was sort of expecting for things to be different from how they are.

While that similarity is comforting it's also something that the two of us know all too well. I guess I'm just worried that we're too comfortable with each other. Like there isn't anything more than the already present familiarity. I know that's not true, but the feeling is there."

That's a bigger concern than I was expecting to hear today. I can't say whether it's an actual issue or not, on either end. What I can say is that it is weighing on Ren to no small degree. Given Nora's general spontaneity it isn't any big stretch to think that Ren believes he has to be the one to meet her halfway so to speak. Although, if I were to have any inclination I'd assume that Nora is running into a related, albeit, different issue.

Unfortunately, I don't know if I'm in any position to play couples counselor. I'm more here to give Ren some friendly support than fix his problems for him. He and Nora have been going steady for a few months so I don't think it's that big of an issue either way.

However, that doesn't mean that I have no advice to offer, "Well, if that's the problem have you thought about doing something new together? Just the two of you?"

"Yes, actually," he announces with a smirk. That same smirk does diminish as he continues, "Although it was Nora's idea to start with and the rest of the team got involved so it's no longer a couple's activity. Well, not in the same sense anymore."

He doesn't elaborate any further, but I can only think he's referring to music lessons with Maple. I could be wrong, but it broadly fits if I accept that there have been some changes relatively recently. It also gives me a lead to ask about a couple of topics, so I choose one that might be more relevant to my plans.

"Speaking of JNPR, got any plans for this summer? Or are you guys going to hole up in Beacon while the rest of us have some fun," I ask with a combative grin.

Ren shares it in short order, "We may have a thing or two planned."

"And are you going to tell me?"

He makes a show of thinking it over, "Should I?"

"Unless you want me looking into it myself and crashing your plans, yes," I threaten light-heartedly. His mask breaks slightly at my frank remark until he catches that I'm messing with him. Well, maybe messing with him. We both know that I'm more than capable of getting the information and depending on where he's going it would be all too easy for me to drop in unannounced one day.

"Alright, you win. Nora and I aren't too involved with the planning process. Neither of us have much to contribute. What I can say is that most of our time will be spent in Mistral. Pyrrha wants to visit her mom in Argus and Jaune wants to go camping near Shion. His family used to camp in the area every year, though don't tell him I told you that."

Ren's comment throws me for a loop. It takes me a few seconds to parse the hidden meaning. Not that it's particularly hidden as it's pretty obvious what the immediate implication is. Jaune misses his family however little and is doing something similar with his team to fill in that gap. At least that's what I think is going on. I'm not sure if he'd be all that estranged from his family at this point.

While he's still catching up to the rest of us, the work he's put in thus far is showing off a healthy amount of dividends. I'd be hard pressed to say he doesn't have the skills to squeak by for the rest of Beacon. And that's assuming he stops any extra training altogether, which I doubt is something he'd consider. Then again, I'm not too sure where the issue between him and his family actually lies. Only that he ran away from them to join up at Beacon.

"And the rest of you are fine with that," I ask, hoping to glean some information that can tell me of the greater context that I'm missing. Ren shrugs as if to say he doesn't have the information either. I suppose that isn't too surprising as I doubt my friend would press his leader any more than he does anyone else. Which is to say barely at all.

"Pyrrha isn't," he says after a moment longer of deliberation. "She's found that one of his sisters is staying in Argus as well and the plan is to visit her." He then gives me a meaningful look which is entirely unnecessary. Yes, I can tell this is supposed to be kept from Jaune as well. I suppose it's a good sign that other people are getting involved in his business so I don't have to.

As pleasant and informative as the conversation is, it does have to end eventually. We put the finishing touches on the early dinner we're preparing and not long after that our partners come into view from the outskirts of Beacon. Trailing behind them is Kelly, Penny, and a very irate Ciel. Huh.

In my defense I completely forgot about the beret-wearing girl. Although that's more of an admission than a defense. Either way it makes sense that she'd have to rush after the robot girl whenever it became evident that I didn't actually end up following her like what Ciel probably assumed. I can only hope that running off like that isn't too much of a black mark against Penny and the freedoms she's enjoying.

I doubt Ironwood would be too concerned if I sent him a message explaining things. However, that would also necessitate explaining that his weapon is an item with my partner and that's going to be a headache. Sheesh, the things I do for Marina.

Resolving myself to that bit of inconvenience I almost miss the way Ren's lips curl into a smirk for a fraction of a second. With the attention soon to be on us I'm left with very little recourse for retribution. No big deal, I simply add it to my mental tally to get him back for later on in the week.

The early dinner is most appreciated by Ciel while I hang back to see how things shaked out between Nora and Marina. I also forego my portion of the supper so as to muddle the waters on how I completely forgot to account for Ciel. I can always grab a bite to eat later. Either way that's detracting from my observation of my partner.

Her and Nora are actually sitting next to one another without issue. Perhaps that's slightly explained by my partner's girlfriend sitting right next to her to calm her down. That doesn't quite feel right, though. Especially with how freely Nora is babbling with my partner. Her volume isn't as loud as normal, and that's even after her relative mellowing out since dating Ren.

As for further changes, my partner is no longer ignoring her or bristling at her comments. I'm pretty sure they're still annoying her to some degree, but it seems more subdued. Even more surprising is that Marina is actually engaging with the other ginger to some degree. Usually with barbed comments that Nora then laughs off, but that's already a level of interaction outside of the crew that exceeds the norm.

I'm not quite sure what to make of the new relationship. I'm even more confused when at the end of her meal Marina asks me if I could have a boat ready for her by the weekend. That isn't outside of the scope of the Union so her request is easy to grant.

When I ask her why she needs it she simply says that she has to show Nora the ropes. Looking about the room provides no answers for me and I have to refocus on my partner. She's puffing her chest out in a way to make herself bigger than she actually is. As if to affect a level of confidence she doesn't actually possess. That makes me think this is a far bigger deal to her than the simple loaning of a boat. Though I could surmise as such with how Nora is involved.

Unfortunately it doesn't tell me what's actually going on and bereft of any other immediate and palatable options I give my tentative approval. Much to the celebration of the two girls. Penny even joins in, though she soon adopts a longing look. Unsurprising since she can't head off of Beacon without an escort, though that may not be an insurmountable issue considering there is a lake nearby. Either way I may need to check in on everyone in a couple of weeks just to make sure there are no issues.

For now, I devote my attention to another matter. While I want to talk with Yang anyway just to clear the air, with my upcoming plans I have another reason to seek her out. Given the time-table involved the sooner I can reach out to her the better and thus after a bit of work I find her in the gym.

She's working on a punching bag, either preparing herself for the Vytal Tournament or working out her frustrations from the week prior. Probably both if I'm being honest. I wait for her to wind down a bit before getting her attention.

"What do you want," she bites out with heavy harshness in her tone. It really doesn't help that I actually have something I need to ask her about, but I can't out and out say that either.

"Just looking to talk right now."

She snorts, "Why, so you can lie to me some more? Keep even more secrets?"

"Can you cut that out," I bark back. "Lets not pretend that you weren't doing the same to Ruby." She huffs, but offers no rebuttal.

The situations aren't exactly the same in their scope or their severity. Not that it seems to be that way in Yang's mind, we both kept secrets and even if we had our reasons to, that doesn't absolve that behavior. The fact she's still holding me to account for my duplicity either implies that she's being hypocritical in this instance or that she's also blaming herself for hiding things from her sister for so long. Probably the latter if I had to guess, especially with how easily Ruby rolled with the changing circumstances.

Either way I have to formulate some way to move on from this. Most obvious would be to actually apologize, but I had my reasons to do what I did and I'm not sure if I should actually apologize. Yang is definitely the type to appreciate someone sticking to their principles rather than groveling at the slightest pushback. As long as they're reasonable that is.

Family: I think a good portion of the hurt she's going through might be second hand from how her family has kept secrets. Might be worthwhile to talk with her a bit to work through that. (3)

Raven: I haven't really checked in how she's taking things with her mom quite yet. The last two meetings have certainly given her a lot to think about. (3)

Hot-headedness: Not really a neutral topic, but her tendency to jump to violence has been on display these past few weeks and it might be worth talking to her about. (2)

Apology: Not the most palatable option to me, but I suppose keeping things secret for so long was unnecessary on my part. Especially with how Ruby is potentially involved on account of her eyes. (0)

Yeah, no way am I apologizing right now. Maybe if Yang was a bit less combative I'd consider it. I'm sure she has reasons in her mind to be angry. Firstmost being Ruby and how this whole conspiracy business puts her in potential danger. That's only compounded by Qrow and Taiyang being aware of the issue as well and never bringing it up with either of them. I'm simply the only person near enough that she can lash out against.

"I think we can agree we've both made mistakes," I offer, trying to get this onto a semi-amicable track while not admitting any culpability.

"Yeah," she says morosely. Then she swipes a sweaty bang out from her eyes and blows out a, "Whatever," trying to act like she doesn't care.

It's a confusing set of signals to follow up on. As if she's trying to agree and disagree with me at the same time. It makes me think I've caught Yang at a particularly bad time. Like she hasn't had enough time to process what she's going through and actually make up her mind on how she feels about it. Simply going from one emotional reaction to the next and not bothering to slow down. And here I am, adding more fuel to the fire by bringing this up again.

Not that I'm going to apologize for doing so either. I don't have the wherewithal to suffer her petulance. Nor do I have the time to wait for her to get her shit together. That may be a bit uncharitable. To that I'd say that she hasn't shown me much courtesy these past few weeks either. There are reasons for that, there always are, but I have my reasons as well. Mine just might end up saving lives if my current suspicions are correct.

"Look, Yang, I'm trying to move past all of that. Can you work with me at least a little bit?" She huffs at that and then remains silent for a few seconds. Crossing her arms as she thinks it over.

With a quiet yet firm voice she asks, "Why should I?" There's a certain lack of hostility and a present hollowness that makes me think she's looking for a legitimate answer and not just trying to push me away again. It also makes me think the issue is more from the apparent betrayal than keeping secrets in the first place.

Probably far too close to how she's felt about her family for so long, especially after I was one of the few people who actually ended up helping her. Normally I'd expect that to buy me some measure of leniency, but I suppose in her case it only makes the betrayal sting even more. That someone she thought she could finally trust was behaving exactly how her dad and Qrow did.

As insightful as that is, it doesn't answer her question. I could tell her any number of things. Like how I'm pretty sure I've been all but adopted into her team by the rest of her teammates and we'll have to deal with each other in the future.

Instead I say, "Because I'm trying, Yang. I wouldn't be here talking with you if that wasn't the case. All that I ask is that you do the same. I'm not asking to not have problems with what I did or what I do. I have my reasons for them and you can disagree with them all you want, but I'm not happy with leaving things like this and I don't think you are either."

She nods her head without a word and lets the moment pass. I guess I'm supposed to take that as her agreeing with me. Then her shoulders shudder and she curls slightly inward upon herself.

"One hell of a consolation prize, am I right?" At my look of confusion she elaborates, "After all this I don't think I have to worry about anything like this ever again. Nothing anyone could have for me can compare to what I've gone through and it's not like you somehow have an even bigger secret up your sleeve."

She tries to punctuate her joke by shoving me at my midsection, but her arms lack any real strength. I'm almost certain that has more to do with her emotional state than any post-workout exhaustion. That more than anything else makes me feel like I actually have to deal with this issue instead of simply passing along a message. It probably doesn't help that I'm keeping the whole Salem can't be killed thing under wraps at the moment.

I grab her arm and lead her to an out of the way corner. If we really need to I can use my semblance to ensure some privacy, but I don't think we're going to touch on anything particularly sensitive enough to warrant it.

"Want to talk about it?"

"What's there to talk about? It's all out there now, no putting it back in the bottle or making up for how things turned out."

I take a deep breath to not let my feelings out, "What you're going through is one thing. I can understand if you don't want to talk about it, but let's not pretend there's nothing there either."

"And why do you care," she bites back with no small amount of venom.

"Because I'm your friend. Or at least I'm trying to be. I'll admit I'm still getting used to the whole friend thing myself, but I'm pretty sure this is the kind of thing you'd talk to a friend about. Or is it because it's me in particular? I can go drag Weiss and Blake in here for this if you really want me to."

That gets a small strangled laugh out of her before she descends into silence again. I'll take that as a small win. Especially since she isn't making a move to leave or shove me away.

It takes a few minutes of just standing about like that before she opens up, "They've been lying to me for so long. Not only about my mom, but this as well. I know they just want to keep us safe, but that doesn't work in Ruby's case.

I don't think that's the worst part. The worst part is that I'll never know if they would come clean with me at any point or if they would rather I remain ignorant out of some deluded desire to keep me safe. Not knowing about the problem doesn't make it go away, it would still be out there and…I dunno. I suppose not having that hope that they could be the people I thought they were just stings."

I nod along in commiseration as her head hangs low. What she doesn't say is that I'm likely in that category as well. Raven all but forced an encounter between us. I could have refused at that point. Maybe that would make any sort of reveal that I did actually mean something, but it wasn't worth the hassle in my mind. All it would have done at the time is confirm that I was keeping secrets from her which runs into a different issue.

"That why you're working on your form so much? Gonna show them a thing or two the next time you see them, or the next time you fight," I question in a joking tone.

That seems to fill her with some good humor. She looks me in the eye and with a brittle smile, remarks, "You betcha. I doubt they'll even see it coming."

"My, getting a bit cocky aren't you? We could always request a round if you need to work out that energy."

Yang makes a show of thinking over my offer. The fact that she's making a show of it indicates to me that it's not a serious consideration. Something only confirmed further as she says, "Nah, I gotta keep a few tricks up my sleeve for the tournament after all. Don't want you to have too easy of a time."

"Fine," I say, waving off her implicit challenge. I don't think she'll be too much trouble by the time the tournament rolls around anyway. That and her statement is all but confirmation that she's not actually holding anything against me right now. I'm pretty sure that's more because I'm willing to reach out to her than fully believing that she has no cause to be angry with me over, but I'll take what I can get. "Want any help dealing with them when the time comes?"

My offer causes her to halt from the slight return to normalcy that she's going through. She looks at me as if to confirm what I just said and I keep my expression firm. I'm not sure what exactly she's drawing from this, but it seems important to her.

After a few long moments she says, "No, I don't think that'll be necessary. Not like I'm expecting to get more than a couple of shots in anyway. Maybe that's what they were waiting for? Hoping that I'll prove myself in some way like Mom was."

Her reply comes off as sardonic and rote. Forcing herself to act as she normally would, even including an attempt at humor. However, her humor is more at her expense than normal and even if it wasn't her tone would tell me all that I need to know.

"You know, there is more than one way to deal with Qrow and Tai if you want to. You don't always have to resort to violence as the first option," I fire back cheekily. Although that is becoming a rather distressingly common pattern. I should probably bring that up with someone at some point just to make sure it's being addressed if I don't do so myself.

"Thanks Ochre," she says softly, "I'll think about it and let you know if it's necessary. That isn't going to cause you any problems is it?"

"Not anything that I can't deal with. Besides, both of them have made my life a bit more difficult than it needs to be so I won't mind getting some payback." She snorts at that and shakes her head lightly as if she doesn't quite believe me. Although I'm pretty sure she's more than a little touched that I'm still in her corner as it is. Perhaps with some time she'll think the whole secret keeping thing was only a minor stumble and not the betrayal she's processing right now.

"Speaking of family, I don't suppose all this has made dealing with your mom any easier," I state bluntly. Yang looks at me oddly for that, the transition being too abrupt to pass by without any notice. It's not much better of a topic, but it at least draws her away from thoughts of immediate betrayal and onto a hurt that's a bit more familiar to her.

I'll have to pass word to the rest of RWBY to make sure they do something to cheer her up. Although, knowing them, they likely picked up on Yang's moodiness. Not like they'd miss her working out her frustrations at the gym.

"You trying to be a therapist or something," Yang quips back guardedly. I suppose I am digging into her personal life an awful lot these past few weeks and the chaos all around it hasn't made things any easier for her to deal with.

"No, but I have been told that I get involved in other people's business more than I should." She still regards me with suspicious eyes. However, they soon start softening as she mulls over my words and her expression shifts over to one of contrition. I'm not sure exactly what she's thinking about, though it's undoubtedly related to the past few weeks.

"I guess you have," she states cryptically. Her tone not providing enough insight into her current state of mind and coming off as more spent than anything. Unsurprising after the rollercoaster of emotions she's gone through and hopefully signaling she's at the tail end of her processing things.

"Yes, well, that's not important is it? Just making sure that you're dealing with things well and offering whatever help I can." She looks me up and down as if searching for any hint of duplicity. Not to say that there isn't any, as I do have an ulterior motive, but I have more than enough practice to hide that bit away.

Eventually her shoulders slump and guilt enters her voice, "You don't have to do that."

"Maybe," I allow, "But, you're the one who asked me for help and I'm just doing my due diligence." I end things there so as not to pressure her overly much. I get the sense that if I push her too much it'll just be detrimental and it seems like she's transitioning to a more thoughtful period now that she's emotionally exhausted.

"It's complicated," she says after a long pause and I bark out a laugh. "It is," she whines petulantly and throws me a glare that doesn't have any power behind it.

I get where she's coming from, I think. The answers from Raven as well as the knowledge that she has been watching Yang for so long run at odds with everything that she has thought thus far. Add in the rather frank admission that Raven did so because she thought Yang would be happier that way even if the girl clearly disagrees is a recipe for conflicting feelings.

Additionally, her lackluster response indicates that the topic is not nearly as heated or raw for her as it was prior. The only real thing that's changed as far as Raven is concerned from what I can surmise is that she explained her reasoning to Yang. Not for every decision, but for enough of them that she could get the picture.

It is curious that's enough to deflate her sails. If I had to guess she's the type to run with an explanation rather easily and ignore evidence to the contrary until it's waved in her face. It is a bit concerning that she's so willing to accept the new information without much prompting, though I'm not sure how much I should be concerned about that specifically.

However, going by that and her reactions thus far I think the same is being applied to me here as well. Or at least it should if Yang has any level of consistency about her. It's more than a little annoying that I have to deal with her moodiness when things are just going to work out in the end without either of us changing our positions in any real manner, but I guess that's just the way things are sometimes.

As fascinating as my thoughts are, they don't carry the conversation themselves and Yang is a bit too out of it to provide anything without prompting at the moment. To solve that I prod, "Well, if things are complicated, how about we simplify them a little? You're taking Ruby to your next meeting with her, right?"

"Yeah, I'm not leaving her behind on this one. I just-" she shakes her head, dispelling whatever thoughts wormed their way there. "That's not important, I'll deal with it when the time comes. Don't suppose you want to crash this meeting as well," she asks with a grin that's a little too wide to not be forced. Likely trying to squeak past her misstep there with a small joke.

"Nah, that won't be necessary," I wave my hand off to the side as if to discard the notion and the easy out she wants me to take. "If you could though, I do need you to pass along a message for me."

"What's it about," she asks in a laid back manner. If she wasn't so worn out I'm sure she'd have a stronger reaction, possibly even be suspicious as to why exactly I have to pass along to Raven. No doubt the conspiracy would be at the forefront of her mind and while Merlot isn't connected exactly, my request could certainly be seen as very much along the same lines or easing Raven back into that kind of life.

"Just let her know that I want to talk with her, I'm sure she can figure things out from there."

"Another secret of yours," Yang shoots back with an odd mix of levity and concern.

"Not exactly a secret. Trust me, you'll know all about it before anything meaningful happens. I just don't want to fill people in on details I'm unsure of."

"Alright, but I'm gonna hold you to that." She takes a moment to stretch and clear space between the two of us. I get the feeling she thinks that's the end of the conversation and wants to retreat to her room so she can think in relative peace. Too bad for her I'm not playing along.

"Not so fast," I call out while grabbing her arm. "You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to, but I'm serious about offering my help. If you need a friendly ear I'm right here."

She tries to fight out of my grip at first, but by the end of my statement she stops and looks at the floor. "You don't have to," she repeats. I could assure her that I'm doing this of my own volition, but we'd just be going in circles at that point. Instead I simply bonk her on the head and shoot her a smirk. She can take that however she wants, but I know she'll latch onto the implicit challenge. "You really wanna go through this, huh," she replies, warning evident in her voice.

"Want to? Yang, I'm practically asking for it, aren't I," I needle back. She deflates a little, but doesn't back down fully. Apparently her pride isn't going to let her slink away now despite the sensitive subject matter.

She takes a deep breath, shifts to the side, and says more to the wall than to me, "It's unfair isn't it?" Going by her actions I think this is more her conveying her messy internal thoughts and not an earnest question so I remain silent. "I mean, Summer loved the both of us equally. I never thought that she was anything other than my mom and looking back on it I don't think there was ever any indication she didn't think I was her child in all the ways that matter.

Raven though, I don't know. It's hard to say what she really feels with all the nonsense she puts up, but I get the feeling that she only cares about me, and I guess Dad and maybe Qrow as well. Apparently she meets with Qrow on her own terms from time to time, but she only asked about Dad and not Ruby.

Rubes, she's, well, she's a lot more hopeful about all this stuff than I am. She's so happy for me and I don't know how to break it to her that Raven isn't the kind of person she's building up in her head. I might be getting my mom back in my own messed up way, but I don't think Ruby will be getting one and that's just, it's not right, is it?"

She turns back to me, as if to indicate that she actually wants my input now. "I don't think Ruby will care about that," I offer.

"Yes, but that doesn't make it right. It's just, it's nothing like what I thought it would be." She doesn't elaborate further. Although I can easily surmise that there's more at work she isn't saying. Most likely believing that she doesn't have the right to enjoy any time with her mother when Ruby would be left out. It tracks with her earlier sentiment of not wanting to exclude Ruby from outings with friends and probably also builds off of the love Summer showed her as a kid.

"Can't punch your way out of this one," I quip, trying to lighten up the mood.

"Doesn't mean I'm not going to try," she retorts with a small smile.

"I'm sure whatever happens, Ruby will be there to help you out." Yang cringes inward at my innocuous statement and so I add on, "Look, I don't think I can help you out with the whole family thing, but you're trying, right? That means something and even if things aren't fair now, I don't for a second think you're not going to try your best to change that. Ruby isn't going to be upset with you when you're so concerned about all this."

I let the statement hang there. I'm not telling her anything that she shouldn't be aware of. However, I'm beginning to suspect that she needs this kind of stuff spelled out to her. If I had to guess there's a certain layer of self-doubt that's hidden underneath her usual bravado. Considering it was her gung-ho assumption as a child that nearly killed her and Ruby I think I can tell where that's stemming from. She probably second guesses herself a lot on anything that she's not confident in and likely has other habits that have built-up from her upbringing.

"Thanks," she says after a while and pauses for a moment. "I've-" She cuts herself off and looks away from me with a far-away kind of look. A moment longer passes and she says, "Thanks," again before walking off without another word. I could stop her and see what the issue is, but I can tell it has something to do with me. Guess I've added another thing for her to think about and it's probably for the best to let her deal with that and see what comes of it than forcing things now.
S2 Week 11 (Part 3)
I let things simmer for another day while keeping a loose eye on things. Yang doesn't seem to be in too sour of a mood, though she is more contemplative than usual. Understandable enough.

Marina and Nora, meanwhile, seem to be getting along in their own weird way despite the surface level hostility my partner sends to her non-preferred ginger. That gets more than a few looks and some questions directed Nora's way, but she just waves them off. She seems to be more worried about keeping an eye on my partner than whatever Marina has to say to her.

Penny doesn't seem too confused about this turn of events and neither does Kelly so I have to assume they're aware of whatever byplay is going on to a certain extent. Probably some sore of weird categorization on Marina's part and I'll have to bug my partner to explain it in more detail when things settle down.

However, such drama is not what concerns me for today. I'm working on a mostly self-imposed schedule to deal with this whole Merlot business as quickly as I can. Despite the lack of any external variables, aside from the SDC business, I can't help but feel that I am racing against a clock of sorts. Not sure where exactly that gut feeling stems from, but I'm willing to follow it for now.

To that end I'm joined by my lovely research assistant as well as with the backing of less-lovely, but no less useful agents combing over whatever data we can get our hands on. Blake and I sequester ourselves in a study room so we can speak freely with our agents. Not that it would be a huge problem in either of our dorms, but not having the distractions can only help.

Our first target is looking into Merlot Industries and more specifically their satellite locations. I struggle to comprehend that Merlot would be able to do anything of what he's done without some sort of start-up to kick-start his research and industrial development. To say otherwise is to imply that the man is so monstrously proficient that he can not only keep up, but also surpass Atlas in the field of robotics with only whatever materials he could scrounge on his way to whatever remote location he's holed up in.

Additionally, looking for these satellite facilities should give me some indication on where to look. Although, considering that he hasn't been found in the intervening decades I suspect that I'll have to look beyond mere filings of other locations and see if I can track down any suspicious movements of Lien or material to point me in the right direction.

Investigation Check: Rank: 4.6 + .5(Assistance)=5.1 vs Challenge: 5

Final Modifier: +2

BO2 source: Assistance

Dice: 2d100+2

Options: Individual.

68,18 + 2 = 70,20

First things first is to look through all of the official filings. It's an extreme off-chance that there will be anything actionable that has gone unnoticed by everyone for decades, but it's best to do our due diligence. Naturally I pass off that boring and unfruitful work to our subordinates while Blake and I dig into the actual juicy bits.

Although Blake does her level best to distract me from our investigation. Going so far as to bring her chair next to me and knock her hips against mine. She then shoots me a teasing look like I'm going to just drop everything to indulge her desires. I'm sure she increases her incidental touches after my refusal in some attempt to motivate me to either put aside work or finish up as soon as possible to attend to her.

I can't say that it's wholly ineffective either, annoyingly enough. While it makes it a struggle to read through some reports and I'm sure I leave a bit of sloppiness that I'll have to address later it certainly gets me motivated. It also leads to me making certain jumps I otherwise wouldn't for fear of wasting my time.

This leads me to checking some of the patents that Merlot has made over the course of his career. One of them in particular stands out to me. It's a part of his latter patents, from around his transition from cybernetics and a slight fixation of automation to the grimm.

The patent details an entirely automated facility, purportedly for the study of the grimm on the dark continent. From what I can tell most of the features were solely theoretical at the time of Merlot's submission and he attempted to garner backers, primarily from the Kingdoms and specifically Atlas, to which his proposal was rejected. Probably due to the influence of the conspiracy and not wanting to provoke Salem with the issues of the Revolution rearing their ugly head.

That gives me a potential how of what he's doing and not a where so I move back to basics. Most of Merlot Industries satellite offices are actually of the industrial variety. It seems the only major research the company did was whatever personal project Merlot was working on and the advances necessary to see it through to completion.

In a similar vein these industrial campuses seem to have been established for the sole purpose of catering to Merlot's eccentricities rather than with any profit motive in mind. They receive healthy funding initially to spool up production, but after a couple of runs the Lien dries up and a dearth of interested customers lead to the sites shuttering or mothballed until Merlot has use for them again.

What this means for me is that Merlot had access to a number of installations that no one would bat an eye at for being seemingly abandoned even after his death. Although his more active manufacturing centers were quickly gobbled up by his competitors and from what I can tell it was only the matter of a few years for the rest to be bought up if only for the land they were on.

That could explain where he got his materials, but it's too little for me. Surely someone would have noticed him pilfering industrial equipment in the dead of night. It's not like that stuff is all that easy to move and sometimes requires specialty equipment. At least from what my men are telling me. That, however, reminds me that the equipment had to be made, bought, and shipped elsewhere in the first place. It solidifies my decision and even more so as looking into the publicly listed ventures is a seeming bust.

I would normally be left without much to go on as there are a multitude of ways that Merlot could have established off-the-books facilities without making it obvious even in hindsight. The man is certainly smart enough to if he cares to take the proper precautions. However, going by his behavior thus far I think there's a weakness that I can exploit.

With his continued partnership with Mulberry I think he has the tendency to default into the same sort of solution over and over again for problems that don't interest him. Something that is further confirmed by him contracting the same delivery and heavy industry manufacturer as much as he could.

It takes some finangling with Al, but he's able to put in a request for their records as well as relevant docking reports for any ships large enough to transport said equipment. Sure enough looking through the records and then matching them up with Merlot's facilities leads to a discrepancy to put it mildly.

Either he has more floor space than the records are indicating or he's moving it somewhere not on public record. Supposedly said equipment was to replace run down or broken machines in Merlot's factories and some were even delivered where they were supposed to go. All of it if we're going by the delivery company he used.

However, Merlot did have ships of his own and matching their stays in port as well as their travel times and destination with when the equipment was purchased and manufactured leads to another discrepancy. It isn't consistent, but there are several instances where the ships in question take longer to reach their destination than they should. Some of this can be explained by inclement weather and for those we have a similar delay in other ships, but there is more than enough evidence remaining to make me think that I'm on the right track.

All of these ships depart from Vale and typically find themselves in the other cities of Vale, as per Merlot's usual inclinations. That makes finding the records rather easy and plotting them on a map as well as expanding out where each of the ships could have detoured during their time.

It's this map in particular that makes me think Merlot planned to have more than one site as backup in case the worst happened. Annoyingly enough it doesn't tell me which one he would go to immediately, nor do I have an exact location for any of them. I suppose it is good to know that I'll have to be on the lookout for more than one facility in the case I somehow don't capture him.

Although, even in that case it may be worthwhile to check in on them. Who knows what he's been up to with any one of them in particular and what advances he's made. Theoretically he may even have the capability to have established more backup bases during the time he's been away from the watchful eye of the world. It would have been slow going based on the amount of Dust he's purchased from Mulberry, but I will admit it is a possibility.

Either way the discovery leads me back to my initial inquiry, now armed with more evidence to narrow my search. I'll need every bit of it I feel as several of the potential sites for Merlot overlap and while finding each and every one of them is valuable I would prefer to find the man himself first and foremost. Similarly to the previous inquiry my men are set to the task of collating whatever records they can find that will be of use to me while I start refining my search.

I doubt that I'll find any sort of clear signal one way or another as otherwise his bases' locations would already be known and Oz is certainly unaware if that's the case. What I can do, however, is start eliminating possibilities due to having been surveyed relatively recently or from passing sightings or what have you. With any luck my men will also pull up some rumors from the sea of any suspicious ships or weird headings that could point me in the direction of any active base of Merlot's.

Investigation Check: Rank: 4.6 + .5(Assistance) + 1.25(Circumstance)= 6.35 vs Challenge 5/6/7/8

Final DC: 16/41/66/91

BO2 Source: Assistance

Dice: 2d100

Options: Individual.


AN: So, in this instance I actually did the math wrong and the DC's should be one higher. However, my usual stance on screw ups when I'm at fault is to settle it in the player's favor.

The start is pretty easy to figure out. Going by the ships used and their general range as well as speed it's easy to draw out all the possible locations they could have gone to during the time allotted to them. It's a generous initial estimate, but that's what the rest of my investigation is for.

Still, even without too much digging in I can eliminate a plethora of options. Even more so when I factor in that the clandestine facilities have to be somewhat well hidden. Following that logic I discount locations too close to the initial and preferred sea-lanes. It's far too likely that someone would stumble into them by sheer accident and furthermore there is little reason for the multi-day to week-long delays the ships suffered otherwise.

Similarly I can eliminate the other extreme end of the spectrum. Reality is not so kind to give ships perfect weather and sea conditions so they make optimal time. Therefore I can eliminate them as well. From there I collate the average delay to have some indication of how many locations I'm working with and where to focus my efforts.

From what I can tell it's either two or three distinct locations. It's a little difficult to make the determination exactly. There are two broad routes and the delays are different enough that I can be certain of my lower estimate. However, the frequency and amount of equipment shipped makes me think that the other route was used to establish more than one base.

The two routes in question end in Bailara to the Southwest and Ardal up at the Northern end of Sanus, where Lodestar is funnily enough. Although I highly doubt that Ren or Nora could provide any insight into this particular matter. Not that I necessarily need them to as I'm finding enough to support my search with fortunately little issue.

I focus firstly on the Western path as it is the one with the larger delay and more material. If I have the right of it, looking in that direction should double my chances of finding anything relevant. The search area is very broad given the timeframe involved. Fortunately I do have some assistance due to the portside nature of many towns and villages along the coastline as well as the close relations between Vale and Vacuo.

A plethora of ships have made the journey between that inner sea to such an extent that there aren't many places where any significant landmass can avoid detection. That isn't a guarantee that Merlot wouldn't be there, but the equipment takes up a goodly amount of space and the tiny islands that would avoid being charted and mapped simply don't fit the profile.

With that eliminated it brings my mind back to Merlot's automated facility. The lack of anyone with emotions alone would be enough to keep the grimm away and honestly from what I know of the man he doesn't particularly like dealing with people anyway. It doesn't explain how he wouldn't have to deal with the grimm at least somewhat as he'd still be there. But, I can admit he might have developed a solution or built some sort of defense to keep himself safe.

Following that train of logic I arrive at perhaps the obvious conclusion that the reason why Merlot hasn't been discovered thus far is that he's staying close to the dark continent. Given that exploration into the area is heavily discouraged, both by the Kingdoms at large and by Oz's efforts; as well as the dangerous grimm that hang in the area discouraging even smugglers from straying too close, it makes it an obvious place for Merlot to set up if he can deal with the issues. Unfortunately the dark continent is rather expansive and the travel time involved doesn't do much to eliminate the vast swathes of coastline.

However, this is where some survey reports come in to help me out. While expansion and exploration into the dark continent is heavily discouraged, that doesn't mean that people haven't made the attempt. Foremost at any attempt is looking for favorable land, both close enough to established settlements and more importantly in a well defensible location.

Some of these are wildly out of date, a few even predating the Great War and only carried over as a part of Kingdom records during the transition to the CCTS. Their age is of little concern, though obviously the ones after the fall of Mountain Glenn eliminate locations the most effectively.

I also use said surveys to eliminate certain locations as being far too exposed to be viable. Even if Merlot devised some way to deal with the grimm, and that's a big if, I have to assume they would have caused problems in the establishment phase of his facilities. Before whatever defenses or countermeasures he'd use could be established. That leads me to ever more survey reports until I stumble on some pre-war ones concerning a pair of islands.

They both hang off the inland portion of the dark continents Southern coast and are nearby one another which would explain the similar travel times. Similarly both of them are sizable enough to easily make it on most maps, at least the ones that don't take artistic liberties with the dark continent to make themselves more visually appealing.

Additionally, neither of them were marked with any sort of resources or indication of them that would make resurveying the area in any way appealing if someone weren't already in the area and even then it would be a waste of time. It's a confluence of enough factors that I think I have the right of it and turn to what rumors my men can collate to see if there is anything that corroborates my findings.

This is perhaps the part where we run into the most difficulties as there is an extreme lack of the more underworld contacts in the Union. Smugglers and criminals like them are the most likely to have the information we're looking for as there's even a common smuggler route that hugs pretty close to the dark continent at times. I'll have to thank Sinbad at some point for this information. Despite my reservations towards the man it is only the few contacts that he's maintained among the smuggling scene that gives me any insight into this particular matter.

Frustratingly the typical smuggling route sticks to the dark continent only in the Northward direction. The sea between Vacuo and Vale being more than wide enough to not necessitate such extreme measures and in fact wasting time due to the geography of the area for little benefit in anonymity. Still, shaking about for rumors and making some pointed comments have my men able to receive rumors of sightings of ships that match Merlot's from time to time.

Being the type to avoid detection and confrontation if they can help it, the smugglers don't have much to say other than that and their suspicions that there has to be a smugglers cove or something similar that they don't know about in the area. Popular conception is that it's another Mistrali based syndicate like Wave using the area to store contraband before moving it out. I get the feeling that there have been more curious smugglers than those telling these tales, but that their curiosity so close to Merlot's operations had them meet a grisly end.

As fascinating as that is, it doesn't exactly narrow down the location of this other base all on its own. It takes collating the reports as best as we can and the multiple sightings to narrow that down and even then we receive some conflicting reports.

Primarily this stems from sightings of ships both to the North and the South of a large island that hangs off the Eastern end of the dark continent. This is only odd because the smuggling route in question runs along the island and slips between the small waterway between the island and the continent proper and there aren't any reports of sightings along that narrow body of water.

This could be explained by Merlot using the far more common and only route between upper Vale and the island. However, that route runs into issues as it's very close to Ardal and is a natural chokepoint for the Valean authorities to intercept any smuggling operations. Going by his relationship with Mulberry he has been doing this for far too long to avoid notice of the authorities and thus I eliminate that as a possibility.

Unfortunately that leaves things somewhat unresolved, but I've looked through everything to as much of an extent as I can and am turning up nothing. There is some piece that I'm missing that ties this all together properly. Whatever the case, the ships heading southwards from the island, as reported by the smugglers, does give some credence to the two islands being a base as well.

It makes me confident enough in my conclusions that I have the rough locations narrowed down, but does frighteningly little to inform me which is the one Merlot is at or if they are even active rather than receiving supplies to make sure they're simply maintained for the eventuality that he has to change locations. It also doesn't do too much to narrow down any possible bases that Merlot has established during his time in exile. I think I can assume there can't be that many of them, perhaps one more at most, but not having that information is more than a little grating.

It makes me hesitant on how exactly to approach this as spooking Merlot too early could have him hiding away in an area that would be exceedingly difficult for me to track down. Additionally I don't currently have an easy way onto any of the locations that wouldn't draw his notice and neither does Oz. I have a couple of ideas in mind for how to deal with that particular hurdle, but those will have to sit for a while longer before I deal with them.

As fun as the past few hours are, they aren't nearly so entertaining for my girlfriend. While her enthusiasm to start with was commendable it very quickly petered off as I got more into the investigation than dealing with her paltry attempts to get my attention. Not that I don't appreciate them. So, when I reach the end and come to the conclusion that there is no more information for me to find without coming at this from another angle I decide to pay her back for all that.

Right now, she's busy plotting away on her scroll, reviewing orders with the Union and sending out a few messages of her own. She ran out of ways she could meaningfully contribute about a half-hour ago, but stuck with me to keep me company. I don't think she's even realized that I'm done and so it's all too easy for me to make my move.

Without any fanfare I cup her chin, turn her towards me, and catch her lips with my own. She lets out a cute noise of confusion before letting herself fall into simply enjoying the attention. Well, that's putting things mildly as she lets go of her scroll and wraps her arms around my neck in an attempt to stop me from pulling away. Even though I have no intention of doing any such thing.

Eventually she has to break things off for a quick gasp of air. I caught her by surprise so she wasn't able to prepare herself like she normally does. She isn't one to let this temporary weakness malign her and so she covers it up by coyly saying, "And here I thought you forgot about me."

She punctuates her statement by trailing down my sternum with a single finger. Her eyes dip low for a moment and she plays up her lurid thoughts by wiggling in her seat and shooting me a shy smile. She should know well enough that neither of us can get up to anything without getting in trouble. Although…now that I think about it my semblance can get around that particular issue.

I stop myself from shaking out such thoughts from my head. That would only be giving the victory to her. I suppose I should make a move of turning the tables.

With her chin still in my grasp I ply my thumb over her lips and say, "You? Never," and finish things with a light kiss.

Instead of reacting in any major way, Blake actually luxuriates in the simple statement and action. Basking in the afterglow of whatever she's feeling as a heat rises to her cheeks. I suppose it is a suitably romantic gesture and all but saying that I won't forget about her probably is doing something to her right now.

Again I have to stop myself from reacting too strongly. She's all too able and eager to get me riled up like this and I'd prefer not having to worry about taking things too far too quickly. It has been some time, and with the dance coming up and the events surely to follow I guess I'm getting a little impatient.

Then again the two of us have been alone in this room for hours on end. Not that we haven't done something similar last week. Though it does bring to mind that this is the first real quiet moment we've had to ourselves. I'm not sure I'd count the time in my semblance at the club or at the Clovers for this.

Either way, it colors the whole evening in a far more intimate air than I think either of us were expecting. That opens up some possible topics and antics while closing others off. Either way with plans to have a meet up with her, Weiss, and I later on I think I'll steer clear of any heavy topics for the moment.

Intimacy: I'll admit the atmosphere is heady enough that I want to indulge in it some more. And I'm sure my girlfriend would just love the attention right now. (3)

Reciprocation: I'm learning to play piano for Weiss, and while that's all well and good it does leave a bit of an imbalance. I could see if there's anything I could do that would make her happy. (3)

Investigation: Admittedly a more selfish request of mine, but it has been some time since I've delved into my usual conspiracies and she seems amenable enough to it if I were to propose it. (2)

Merlot: A bit heavier of a topic, but not too far in my mind. She is after all the one most caught up with my investigation into him. Might be worthwhile poking her brain a little and enumerating our options together. (0)

Techniques: We haven't really discussed it all that much, but Adam spent some time developing aura techniques and giving his tutelage to Blake. I could see what she's picked up and if she has anything to teach me. (0)

I hold out for a moment or two longer, but the atmosphere and my girlfriend's cute demure expression is getting to me more than a little. My attention in particular is brought to her supple lips, how they're slightly parted as if in invitation and her chest heaving with heady breaths. That-that wouldn't be taking things too far, would it? I can indulge myself just this little bit, especially after all the work I've done, right? Ah, fuck it.

I grab the back of her head and dart in with some force, our lips meeting in short order. It isn't enough and so I push things even further, pressing against and shifting from my seat. Apparently I'm a little too eager as I end up pushing the two of us far back enough in her seat that we're soon on the floor. Not that it stops either of us.

It seems my cute little kitty likes this kind of forward treatment. After that adventurous tumble she shudders with soft, almost quiet moans. It makes sense, we are technically in the library still and isn't that a thought.

Almost as an afterthought I file away a small complaint that I'll have to ask Glynda for some forgiveness. Surely it isn't too much of an abuse of my position to have her overlook this. Then again I'm not sure who actually reviews the footage for these study rooms or the practice rooms.

No time for thinking of other women when the one before me is more than worth my attention. I shift about to be a bit more comfortable and end with me sitting right above Blake's stomach. Her hair is disheveled already and it isn't going to get any more orderly. On a hunch I look her right in the eyes and press down her arms so she can't fight back. I get a quick nod in return and take that as my permission.

Going by the resulting enthusiasm and plethora of little noises I think she prefers this kind of domineering action. Although that isn't to say she doesn't make me work for it. She bucks wildly, which I think is more of an attempt to tease me than anything else, and she makes sure to test my grip on her arms. She breaks out once, but otherwise moves sluggishly enough for me to repin her. I guess she just likes having the struggle aspect as well. Honestly I should have expected that she'd be into stuff like this from the onset; then again I haven't looked too much into what her smut books detail.

Either way, no sense in not moving things on a little further. I finish up my efforts with her lips, leaving her gasping for breath as I waste no time executing the rest of my plan. My next kiss aims a bit lower and she tries to correct and capture them once again. Unfortunately, or perhaps not so, for her I pull back too quickly. Then my next kiss lands on her chin and she sucks in a breath figuring out what exactly I'm doing.

I continue down her neck, sticking to a pace that keeps her breathless while also drawing out the moment as long as I can. As I near her collarbone her performative struggles grow ever weaker. Her arms no longer with any strength in them and the rest of her dormant except to rub her legs together. I stop for a moment at the hem of her shirt until I hear a slight whine escape her. I suppose she has earned some amount of a reward.

By the end of it I think she's more than a little happy with my endeavors, though there is a touch of disappointment. Most likely because she got far more out of it than I did. Not that it's any great loss. She takes a moment to fix her clothes as well as rub at her wrists due to my rough treatment of them. Pretty sure she's more fixated on the memory they evoke than any pain as aura should have taken care of that.

Regardless, it's only a moment longer before she's fixed up and stares at me with a subdued hunger in her eyes. She mashes her lips against mine while pushing me over so she lands on top this time, but that's as far as her efforts go. Seems like the wind-down from the prior fun is stopping her from taking things further, though I'm certain they're on her mind.

"Had fun," I question with a wide grin. She levels me with an unimpressed glare and gives me another kiss instead of answering. Well, I suppose that is an answer all of its own. Regardless, when she breaks away she lets out a low satisfied hum. Close enough to a purr that I look at her suspiciously.

Of course that only gets her to play it up even more. I let out a huff and seemingly not satisfied with that much of a response she makes some teasing motions. Seeing how she's playing up the cat angle I can assume there would be a number of lurid comments she could make. That is if she was willing to talk. My girlfriend knows me too well; knowing that she doesn't have to say anything for me to think of those responses all on my own.

As fun as it would be to partake in her implicit offer of more explicit affection I think I'll pass for now. If she was that into it I don't doubt she'd make a go for it and with the prior moment passing it's probably not the best of ideas to revisit it. That and pushing things too far on school property is probably a bad idea. Should've used my semblance honestly, but as long as I plead my case before it gets brought up to anyone we should be fine. Not like we used the room solely to fool around unlike some people.

I wrap an arm around Blake's shoulder and she drops the act to cuddle up next to me, one arm snaking its way under my neck and the other resting atop my chest. "Are you sure," she questions with a slight whine in her voice.

I've already decided my course of action so it's no trouble turning down her offer, "Yes, it's no big deal. I was thinking I should give you more attention anyway."

"You don't have to," she demures, burying her head into my shoulder.

"Alright I'm wanting to give you more of my attention. Is that better?" She doesn't say anything, merely rapidly nodding and I know she's all too happy to hear those words. "As much as I like shy Blake, I could use some help here. This isn't exactly a one time thing I'm talking about."

"I'm fine just spending time whenever we can like this. You don't have to do anything special for me." Again she tries playing off my offer, but I'm pretty sure there's a subtle wanting tone to her words. Either way I decide to adopt a more aggressive approach to see if I can stir her more wild side.

"That's not what I asked, is it," I growl and squeeze her tight.

"No sir," she replies a bit too quickly to make me think it's not something she's familiar with. Not that I think that particular comparison is on her mind as she quickly continues on to the substance of her comment. "I guess, I mean- if you're looking for something to do I wouldn't mind talking about books, or well writing in general I mean."

She shifts about nervously and it's honestly quite cute and endearing. Then again it would be all too easy for me to tease her about her taste in literature, at least the bits I've glimpsed thus far. Unfortunately she's not being too articulate in her request even if I think I've got the gist of it.

"Blake, dear, I think you're going to have to be a little more specific than that." To give her that little extra bit of encouragement I give her a kiss. A not so subtle signal that I'm not judging her right now and earnestly want to hear what she has to say.

That seems to do the trick as she takes a breath, "Like I said it's not a big deal. What we have is fine with me, but if you're really looking for something to do there are a few books I could recommend. Well, stories in general really, but I'm not sure how into movies or shows you are. Either way, if you were to look into it, well, I would like it if we could talk about it you know? Not just about what happens, but properly breaking it down; seeing what works and what doesn't. Maybe even pick apart a few really bad examples?"

The last bit is said with a hopeful tone that I'm not sure how to parse. Can't say the prospect of picking apart something bad is all that appealing to me. Then again I haven't really engaged in it before and it seems like something she wants to do so I could give it a go. Not sure when exactly I'd work it in as going through that kind of stuff is going to take a bit of time that's pretty well spoken for, but I'm sure I can figure something out.

The moment does serve well enough in settling Blake's emotional neediness in the aftermath of our more physical adventures and she relaxes fully against me. I'm pretty sure if she had her way we'd simply spend the night in this room and honestly I am considering it. I don't think it's a realistic option, but laying here for a while longer isn't that big of an ask.

It takes far too long for either of us to feel the need to break our peaceful silence. Even then the air of lethargy remains and neither of us wants to depart the company of the other. To that end I find one last excuse for us to spend some more time together. It might also help my plea with Glynda if it looks like we had more work to get to and merely got distracted instead of taking our escapades to a proper location.

Even then I must admit the subject matter is something of intense interest to Blake and I. I was wanting to get her input on it anyway. The matter regards our interests and expansion into Menagerie. The first reports from my homeland are coming in and there are a few points of interest to get into.

Of course there's the expansion and assistance we're providing, but there is also our efforts against the Albain brothers to keep in mind. It is fortunate in this circumstance that our charitable aid assists in getting our agents against the brothers a chance to establish themselves. Although that may not have been all that necessary according to the reports.

At some point after my meeting with Sienna the brothers have taken to all but abandoning their headquarters in Kuo Kuana. Instead they are holed up in a colony, which is absolutely wild to think about in the context of my homeland, called Tutoa Tasi.

Said colony is established on an island to the north of my hometown, sitting between Southern Mistral and Menagerie. The land isn't much more hospitable or open than my homeland so there are no other settlers to contest the claim, though it is harrowingly close to the circumstances that instigated the Great War.

Unfortunately, there's not much that can be done in this case. From what my men have gathered a single relay in Kuo Kuana would be wholly incapable of connecting to the broader network. Simply not enough range. Thus the establishment of Tutoa Tasi, which is a source of headaches now.

The brothers have been careful to curate who comes in and out of the island, ostensibly to not overtax their supplies and there is some truth to that. There isn't much land to work and the colony is as cramped as Kuo Kuana without as much defensive geography to shield it from the grimm. What this leads to is the brothers staffing their new island with capable fighters and technicians, all of which they probably keep a close eye on.

That doesn't mean that it would be impossible to slip any agents into their domain, as evidenced by some of my men doing so to drop off supplies. Long-term agents seem like they will be a much more costly endeavor. Either way I'll have to wait a while longer for the report on what the brothers are up to exactly to come in as well as knowledge of how well our agents have handled themselves.

More important to my immediate concerns is what their position and composition means for my plans. Undoubtedly the brothers wouldn't staff their new headquarters with men they don't trust and combined with the range limitations of the Kuo Kuana relay that means they can effectively hold my home's ability to connect with the wider world hostage. Of course I had to end up making myself an enemy of them and that causes more than a few complicated feelings to emerge.

The only balm I have is that coming to blows was somewhat expected and inevitable. Perhaps it would have occurred more as a soft power struggle and favor trading otherwise, but the brothers are ambitious and I've thrown my lot in with Sienna. It's possible some form of negotiation could come of this, though this circumstance throws in a lot of complications.

Thus it is high up on my priorities to try to suborn the brothers' influence as much as possible. They may have broadly retreated from Kuo Kuana, but I don't doubt they've left trusted agents and possibly assassins to keep an eye on their interests. It wouldn't be a terrible first step to focus on removing them altogether, though that doesn't mean it would be easy.

It's a difficult enough endeavor that I'm giving some thought of sending Primm to supervise and deal with the matter directly. It hasn't been necessary for my lieutenants to involve themselves so directly in our projects, though that doesn't stop Maple, but this may be worth his absence.

It would delay his training of Celeste, though she could take his position during this time. It would also come with a certain amount of risk. Both from the brothers and Salem.

Knowing Primm's skillset he'd be best served trying to infiltrate Tutoa Tasi directly or managing our spies in a more direct manner. Either would require him to be away from the significant defenses of Vale, much less to say how the trip to Menagerie would be under significantly less protection. The only saving grace for the latter is that the airship dock is more or less complete at this point.

It's still a rather small one, and can't service the larger cargo or Atlesian airships or all that many at this point. It can service a good number of aircraft and as a part of our aid given to them, Menagerie now has our first air force. It's just a couple of bullhead's modified for a more combat oriented loadout and keeping them supplied and able to train the locals is a dent in the supplies going that way; only slightly ameliorated by the recent tapping into of the local Dust deposits.

According to Weiss, and corroborated by my reports, the Dust is still being picked up by ship. The distance and lack of proper facilities making it more economical for the SDC to continue with that arrangement instead of shifting to something more modern. It makes me wonder how Jacques would have reacted to the news, or Whitley for that matter. Assuming that either of them are aware of it.

Regardless, I'm getting distracted from the point. I should be getting quicker updates from my homeland now that we aren't reliant on boat to carry our messages. Despite this the delay is still too much that having Primm on hand would be helpful regardless of the dangers. However, that does little to deal with the root issue.

Truthfully I'm not sure how we can deal with it. At least in any easy and moral manner. The brothers have, not necessarily a stranglehold, but a significant grasp on my homeland and in particular something I care about. I assume that whenever Menagerie gets connected to the CCTS I'll be receiving a call from them to engage in some sort of negotiation.

That's enough of a headache that I'm trying to think of some way to deal with them since I'm already arraying myself against them with the help of Sienna. Naked force is an option though an unpalatable one. If I think that's for the best I could give word to my men and start stockpiling a force to deal with them. It would involve more than just fighters, however.

We will need technicians and men to help ensure the relay isn't damaged, or to repair whatever damage is done as well as look for signs of sabotage. I would also need the additional fighters to help ensure that the chaos doesn't draw in more grimm than we can handle as that's just as much of a failure state as anything else. This might just have to be an issue I swallow or attempt to deal with over the break which is more than a little infuriating, but I can start preparing for it now.

Aside from that option of naked force, anything else seems like it would require my immediate presence or necessitate establishing a further base of operations in the area. Sending Primm could help open up more subtle options, though that runs into the aforementioned issues. Additionally, though it is a minor concern, is that anyone I send could be suborned by the brothers. They aren't all that charismatic, but they have been playing this game for longer than I have and may have a few tricks up their sleeve.

As unpalatable as dealing with them is, I turn our attention to happier pastures. Primarily how I can assist my homeland further. The first that comes to mind is to continue with what I'm doing currently and expand out the airship dock beyond what is currently present.

That would necessitate that it take up more space, which would crowd people even further. Even with the slight expansion to mine Dust deposits and the new colony, the people of my homeland are still stacked practically atop one another on the busier thoroughfares.

Speaking of which, that is something I can assist with as well. Most of the roads of my homeland are dirt paths. This is due to a variety of factors, most prominent of which is that the ground is hard to work without the proper tools.

There is also the difficulty that any roadwork would necessitate the shutting down of said portion of road which is already a difficult prospect with how packed things are. In the midst of all this I suppose it would also be possible for my men to level out some areas within the walls to expand the livable space and allow people to construct newer, more space efficient, homes.

On the opposite end is helping to expand our borders. Once again this comes with the issue that the land is hard to work with and would be expanding past natural defenses. The initial stage would be the most difficult and in this aspect it would primarily require that I send capable fighters to hold the line as well as the supplies to build fortifications. Given the population density, as long as we can keep them safe, there should be no shortage of workers.

To expand on that point is also something that would help my girlfriend's projects in the area, well, Weiss'. She is rather hands off with my homeland, but that doesn't mean there isn't anything that I can do to help. Several of the deposits still remain untapped due to security issues which, once again, can be solved with the right application of people and supplies.

It would assist with the extraction of Dust and subsequent modernisation of Menagerie. With any luck we'll have enough of a surplus of the stuff for the guards to be properly armed and for an expansion into the outskirts to be able to be done by purely local forces. The latter would probably take a couple of months to come to fruition, but I am particularly concerned with my homeland being able to be self-sufficient.

On that subject, it brings to mind that the real thing my homeland lacks is industry. Something that is a result of being more or less left to our own devices without any assistance and heavily hampered by the overpopulation present. It would be a tough sell, but I think we could squeeze in one such facility or complex without boiling tensions too much. Space is still at a premium so it would be a headache regardless, though I have two broad options and both help with our self-sufficiency.

The first of which would be a Dust refinery. Normally the SDC would be hesitant to do so until the returns from Menagerie indicate that it's more economically beneficial to do so. Fortunately, I think I'm more than able to sweet talk Weiss into assisting with this matter.

Additionally, I'm sure she'll go above and beyond and establish a facility to refine Dust to a far greater degree than it really should for an initial venture. Either way, many consumer and military innovations over the past eighty years are reliant on Dust as a base so it opens many options for my homeland.

However, that's not free from issues. It would necessitate that the SDC have an actual presence on Menagerie aside from their consultants and ships. That has a few implications and would generate its own headache, especially since this is Menagerie we're talking about.

Even more worrying is that it would give a definitive target for the brothers to sabotage. I'm unsure if they would do so, but I also can't deny that the locals may do so on their own as well. Not many have a positive impression of the SDC in the first place and intruding into the space may inflame more tensions to an unhealthy degree.

If that idea is unpalatable then the space could be used for more generic goods and industrial purposes. Realistically the space required for a refinery could service more than a few areas as there's no need to specialize overmuch. The products that could be provided would range from tools, weapons, consumer goods, and even medicine. Primarily it would serve a civilian purpose and raise the quality of life. However, I can't deny that some of the industry would be put towards military ends and assist with future expansion.

Regardless, I am limited in what I can do. I can only send so much men and material before my home is overcrowded past a tenable point and while I'll send general aid as well, I can only realistically focus on a couple of these projects.

Going over what options are available with Blake has her as conflicted as I am. In the end she lets me know her preferred options are to deal with the brothers' agents, possibly opening up the possibility of dealing with them discreetly in the future, and civilian manufacturing. I look at her for the last one and she ends up averting her eyes from my gaze.

I sigh, it's hard to forget how Mom passed and the medicine bit of that proposal is in no small way prompted by that. I want to say that I can keep a long-term enough view that it's only a minor consideration in my mind, but that would be lying. The fact that it would genuinely help and save no small number of people is rather secondary for me, and, going by the touches and words or reassurance from my girlfriend, I'm sure it's the same for her.

I don't think she would be upset if I didn't choose it, though the same can't be said about ignoring the brothers' agents. With them present it leaves our parents in danger, though that may be worth it in the short-term to allow Menagerie a better position. Either way, I should come to a decision soon so I can at least explain my reasoning to her and have the orders sent out.

Removal: The brothers' agents are undoubtedly still present in Kuo Kuana to some degree. Assigning my men to deal with them and establish themselves would be worthwhile. (5)

Industry (cannot be chosen with Refinery): Focusing on the production of civilian goods with some spillover in military matters. The most important of which would be the steady supply of good medicine. (5)

+Send Primm (3)

Landwork: Really a collection of projects; from roadwork, to leveling plots of land for houses, to providing some assistance with the agricultural side of my home. Providing the tools and expertise to do so. (1)

Airdock: Expanding the infrastructure could allow merchant airships to come by as well as personal ones. Additionally, it would lead to an increase in the Menagerie air force. (1)

Extermination: The brothers are a rather big thorn in my side. It may be prudent to start creating a force to deal with them and formulate plans to get around their rather troublesome position (0)

Expansion: A bit more ambitious, but certainly necessary. The terrain doesn't make things easy, but with enough effort it should be possible to push out the walls. (0)

Exploitation: A bit more selfishly focused, I'll admit. We could focus our efforts on securing and establishing operations at more Dust deposits. (0)

Refinery (cannot be chosen with Industry): A bit of a complicated option. I'm sure I can convince Weiss, but there are certain problems associated with having an SDC operation situated in Menagerie (0)

+Don't (0)

It isn't too hard of a decision to acquiesce to my girlfriend's demands. It brings my mind back to when I yelled at her that she shouldn't follow along with my orders blindly. Particularly towards some complicated thoughts about how this situation superficially resembles the one I got onto her for. I still think she should have put up some resistance towards me for endangering her parents, although discovering her feelings for me certainly puts that into a different light.

I don't know if it's much better, but I have to maintain resolute that I'm doing this for my own reasons rather than just to make her happy. Her happiness is merely a side benefit.

Even then I can't say I'm not wholly uncompromised, sending out the orders lifts a certain weight off my shoulders that I didn't realize I was carrying. The reason is obvious enough and it gets me more than a little emotional as that realization comes crashing in. I'm able to fight back any immediate reaction, though Blake catches that something is going on.

I wave off her concerns and hold it together long enough to get into my dorm. It probably helps that her, Weiss, and I are meeting up tomorrow, but the lack of prodding at it ensures I'm able to hold myself together. I dislike being like this and I make it clear to my team that I'm not in the mood to talk. Perhaps unnecessary since they're all ready for bed and I'm disturbing the peace at this point. Regardless, none of them bother me as I lay on my bed, letting my thoughts, and eventually sleep, overtake me.
S2 Week 11 (Part 4)
The next day, heavy thoughts are absent from my mind for the most part, unlike how I thought it would be. I don't feel like my feelings were in any way resolved by the night's rest, but it is different in some sort of ephemeral way. I just lack the proper words to encapsulate the moment or how things changed, though the source remains obvious to me. Either way it doesn't seem to be all that apparent to anyone else, aside from my team, Blake, and Weiss. The latter of which was probably told by my other girlfriend, which just further incentivizes my plans for the day.

As soon as class lets out the three of us head into Vale and in particular the Clovers' apartment. The reason for the venue is that it is a place of comfort for the three of us which should help reduce any tensions or ill-feelings borne from the discussion. Plus it has a certain homey feel that I can't help ascribing to it now.

Of course, on the way there, my girlfriends bother me about my apparent moodiness. All it takes is a short explanation of my decision and a reminder of my mom for them to get the picture.

What follows is Weiss and Blake giving me a hug with the latter whispering assurances in my ear. Things like I'm a good person, that I'm doing the right thing, and Mom would be proud of me. Just as naturally, the former soon cottons on and her competitiveness kicks into gear as she whispers in my other ear much of the same, in addition to other compliments and how I've helped her so much.

This causes the both of them to lean into a sort of feedback loop where they keep at the effort, though Blake adopts a more teasing tone as time goes on and Weiss simply tries to one up her in earnestness. By the end of it I feel like I'm absolutely sweltering and about to pass out. It really shouldn't be this hot this time of year and I'm beginning to suspect there's something up to this feeling aside from the heat.

I don't get much time to process that as I'm rather limply dragged along to our destination by my girlfriends. I'm sure the sight is more than a little comical due to the difference in our statures and how they're ganging up on me. Weiss is openly giggling all the while and Blake has a self-satisfied smirk that I really want to wipe off, but don't have any good means to do so.

Before too long we find ourselves within the apartment and the mood settles down a notch due to the quietness. Jasmine and Coral are out doing something to give us privacy. It serves as a reminder that this isn't merely a trip for them to torment me on and that this is supposed to be a serious discussion. Perhaps more serious than I thought because as soon as I sit down, my girlfriends nod to each other with Weiss taking the lead.

"Ochre, I know you have something in mind for this, but if you could listen," she asks with a pleading tone in her voice. If it wasn't already apparent enough this is something important for the both of them that would do it. Though it is difficult to pinpoint what they would be concerned over. I do remember they shared a look with one another after I tried to leave in the aftermath of the reveal to the rest of RWBY. "It has come to our attention that you have a certain…tendency of sorts."

"Look, the thing with the rest of RWBY, I was just a bit uncomfortable okay. It was a moment between your team and I was more in the way than anything." My words seem to be on the mark as the two of them adopt a more severe expression. Unfortunately it doesn't abate their worries and Blake reaches out to grab my hand while Weiss takes a breath.

"Ochre," she calls out in a tone that brooks no disagreement. "Do not lie to me. Don't lie to yourself either. There is more than that one instance." She looks over to Blake who nods and returns her attention to me.

"You tried pushing away Blake. Not after her confession of sorts," Weiss says with a complicated expression, her lips thin and quickly shaking her head to carry on. "Rather after that whole unpleasant business with Sienna and making an enemy of the Albains if what Blake has told me is true." She finishes with a challenging glare sent my way. The glare is affected, but the challenge is earnest.

"It's more complicated than that," I protest. "I had a good reason for doing so." Blake squeezes my hand especially hard, drawing my eyes to her and stopping my thoughts for a moment. It takes some effort to continue, "I can't-"

"Be that as it may," Weiss cuts off, "that isn't the extent of what I found either. After that I talked with a few people, Coral and Oobleck among them and you tried something similar with them. Not exactly shutting them out, but being rather avoidant from what I've found out. Or are you saying that you had a good, logical, reason for all that as well?"

Her question, and particularly the word she stressed, shuts me up entirely. I throw a half-hearted glare her way, but she doesn't back down. It's still cheap that she used Coral as an example considering everything. That is solely an emotional issue and I don't think I tried pushing her away. Just that I wasn't comfortable with everything and was working through a few things. Sure, I might not have been entirely honest with my desires at first, but, well, it was a complicated subject.

However, I don't have as much of an excuse with Oobleck. Even after explaining things to him I was prepared to leave things off there. That wasn't a problem, was it? Sure, I could have tried harder or had the resolution to make things up to him, but why would I assume he even wanted a relationship after going behind his back and finding a new mentor?

"You might have a point," I allow, still not entirely convinced. There might be some rather circumstantial evidence towards their implicit hypothesis, but I don't think it's an issue. So what if I'm a bit more of a private person and have a hard time opening up? It's not like I wasn't aware of that, and I have been working outside of my comfort zone, so it shouldn't be a big deal.

My girlfriends think otherwise, going by their expressions. It's like they want to challenge me on that, but because I'm not actually saying they're wrong they don't want to press the point any further. It doesn't help how I feel to see that sort of nascent hope dim from their eyes and their expressions turn downcast.

Weiss lets out a sigh and Blake looks at me with pitiable eyes and the mood sours for a moment. It doesn't last too long as the topic passes by without anyone able to meaningfully contribute. If this is any indication how the rest of this talk is going to go I'm not looking forward to it.

Not that I was looking forward to it much in particular. There's a reason why I've blocked this day out in my schedule solely for this and whatever I need to do to make them happy in the aftermath. Just have to figure out what all we need to talk about.

Family: Considering their ties to the SDC and the White Fang I'm sure there is a lot of potential animosity between, not only my girlfriends, but their relatives as well. (5)

Friendship: Perhaps not that big of a concern since they're on the same team and are pretty amicable with each other, but a frank discussion on how the two of them regard each other in this messy situation may be in order. (5)

Dance: We should probably get our plans situated for the dance all figured out. Weiss wants it to be her special night, but Blake shouldn't be excluded either. Maybe talk a bit about that exclusion in and of itself. (4)

Future: Still kind of a hazy concern, but figuring out what everyone wants from this and our ambitions can only be a good thing. (4)

Reluctance: Okay, maybe they might have a point with my behavior and we could spend a bit more time actually talking about it. (3)

Competitiveness: Weiss gets rather competitive and almost jealous whenever Blake shows affection towards me and I've been hesitant to do anything too forward with my other girlfriend because of this. It deserves some figuring out. (3)

Resemblance: I bear a lot of similarities on the surface to Adam, at least as far as Blake is concerned. Might be a good idea to ensure that it isn't an actual issue and this relationship is something that Blake isn't just falling into. (2)

—---Don't talk about anything below this line—--------- (2)
+Don't (4)

Family: Considering their ties to the SDC and the White Fang I'm sure there is a lot of potential animosity between, not only my girlfriends, but their relatives as well. (3)

Dance: We should probably get our plans situated for the dance all figured out. Weiss wants it to be her special night, but Blake shouldn't be excluded either. Maybe talk a bit about that exclusion in and of itself. (2)

Reluctance: Okay, maybe they might have a point with my behavior and we could spend a bit more time actually talking about it. (2)

Future: Still kind of a hazy concern, but figuring out what everyone wants from this and our ambitions can only be a good thing. (1)

Competitiveness: Weiss gets rather competitive and almost jealous whenever Blake shows affection towards me and I've been hesitant to do anything too forward with my other girlfriend because of this. It deserves some figuring out. (0)

Resemblance: I bear a lot of similarities on the surface to Adam, at least as far as Blake is concerned. Might be a good idea to ensure that it isn't an actual issue and this relationship is something that Blake isn't just falling into. (0)

Friendship: Perhaps not that big of a concern since they're on the same team and are pretty amicable with each other, but a frank discussion on how the two of them regard each other in this messy situation may be in order. (0)

+Blake's Daring: Blake has been a bit bold with me in private. I don't think she'll take things too far, but I will admit things have progressed a lot faster with her than with Weiss. (0)
Yes (QM's discretion on how to tackle it) (4)

No (Moving on after the dance subject post it done) (0)
So, this vote includes the continue bit which occurred partway through this write-up. Chat was particularly receptive towards this meeting for one reason or another and prompted me to expand it out more than I was going to originally, so most topics are touched on in some way explicitly.

I could just let this be and continue on with the rest of the planned discussion. We certainly have more than enough to talk about that this could be left to the wayside. However, I can't bring myself to do that. They clearly think that it's an issue and while I might not think it's one this is pretty much the reason why we're meeting like this to begin with.

"Alright, fine," I say reluctantly. "You guys may have more than just a point. I don't see what's so wrong with it, but we can talk about it."

"We don't have to if you don't want to," Blake offers apologetically. Weiss shoots her an almost betrayed look at the lack of solidarity after she put in so much effort to make me realize this is an issue. I reach out and grab my white-haired girlfriend's hand as well and she lets out the bit of steam she was building up with a huff and a soft look thrown my way.

"We should talk about it," I correct myself and give them both a squeeze. Despite offering up the protest Blake is the most outwardly happy with this outcome, openly smiling and not bothering to hide how her ears perk up in the aftermath.

Weiss, meanwhile, has a soft smile, but remains focused on business, "Well, first we should find out why you're doing so." She gives me a piercing stare at the end. She probably thinks that I already have an inkling of what's going on and that I'm not completely unaware of the issue.

"Yeah, I suppose you're right," I state more to answer her unasked unvocalized statement, which I'm sure she picks up on since she preens afterwards. I take a moment to actually think through what I'm going to say because being aware of it doesn't make it any easier to put into words.

"The why is easy enough, I think," I start after a long few seconds. Despite my words, my tone is heavy; slow and calculated, as I parse through what my exact hang ups are without allowing myself to get overly emotional. "My time in the Fang wasn't exactly conducive to opening myself up. Neither was my childhood. I've just, kind of always been on the outside it feels. I'm fine with that, at least I thought I was," I say with a meaningful look shared between them, "It's just, sort of the way things were. Like I was comfortable so to speak and there was no reason to change that."

Blake nods, though she doesn't seem to understand what exactly I'm saying. I'm not exactly explaining it well so I don't blame her either. Weiss, however, remains motionless. Her hand is a bit loose in my grip and the only thing indicating that she's processing what I'm saying is that far-away look in her eyes.

I don't know if that's necessarily because of what I went through or because the similarities in our situations remind her of her own. They aren't exactly the same, but that essence of being alone resonates with her as we've talked about before.

"That's not much of an answer is it," I ask rhetorically and hold Weiss' hand that little bit tighter to draw her out of whatever thoughts she's having. "I guess that this is all strange to me. I'm not used to being so open so when people start getting close I might retreat a little to familiar ground."

"It seemed a bit more serious than just running away," Blake challenges. She backs down a bit when I turn my attention towards her. "With Oobleck I mean. It kind of seemed like you were trying to burn bridges more than anything," she finishes with some hesitance.

If I had to guess that's a complete shot in the dark based on what she and Weiss have talked about. More likely she's actually referring to my interaction with her. She may have a point with that. Drawing a deliberate comparison to her relationship with Adam and then myself was a very knee-jerk reaction and not one that engenders goodwill on either side. Which, yeah, that's gonna be a fun topic to bring up later.

My immediate response is still to deny the accusation entirely. That wouldn't be treating them right, however. I have a certain responsibility to take account for my actions and I do want this to work out in the end.

"You're right. I'm sorry about that, I was dealing with my own issues and I kind of lashed out because I was uncomfortable. I just don't like getting that close to people I guess, or I didn't," I say, changing my statement at the last second. I'm usually a bit more firm than this, but I'm in a transition period of sorts. I'm trying to change how I behave even if it doesn't come naturally to me.

"But it's not that way with us," Blake says in a complicated tone. I don't know if she's trying to reassure me or herself. Possibly both if I'm being honest, but it detracts more than a little with the muddled intent.

"It's different with you," I answer honestly. "I can't exactly not be open with either of you. That's just a recipe for disaster. I don't regret it one bit, but I did have to make the conscious decision to do so and to stick with it. It's just a lot harder for any other relationship. It just is," I finish without much heart.

"Ochre," Weiss pipes up, "It's okay for you to connect with others." Her eyes turn from piercing to pleading, leading me to believe that she thinks I'm already aware of that and sees no reason to state the obvious. "What's the real reason?"

I suck in a breath as a weight settles in my chest. Honestly this feels like it would be a lot harder for me if I didn't acknowledge Autumn and Ren's efforts from last semester and broadly accept their words. Even then there is some reluctance to truly accept it.

"I don't think I've told either of you, but I don't consider myself a good person." It is a struggle to get those words out and even then it doesn't make me feel in any way better. In fact a pit forms in my stomach as any hope of an easygoing atmosphere is hopelessly sunk when my girlfriends process my words.

Blake recovers first, only suffering a moment of shock before understanding dawns on her face. She even starts to get a bit misty eyed, no doubt having had similar thoughts about herself. Weiss is taking it a lot harder than I thought. Her head is bowed completely, not looking at either of us and her hand has gone entirely limp.

Weakly she cries out, "I didn't know." Most likely beating herself up more than a little for not noticing. It also makes me think she wasn't the one to notice my avoidant behavior in the first place. Rather Blake was the one who caught on to it and Weiss gathered the supporting evidence.

"It's okay," I offer as reassurance and stand up to embrace her properly. I shoot a look to Blake, just to make sure she knows she's not forgotten, and receive a shallow nod. "I may also have a bit of a problem with keeping everything to myself whenever I can help it." My little joke and attempt at reassurance isn't met too well as Weiss shudders in my grip.

It takes her a while to recover as I coo in her ear and make other soothing noises until suddenly she quietly says, "It's not okay." Before I can respond, she looks at me defiantly and continues, "I clearly have to make up for lost time now. I'll get it through your thick head that you deserve every bit of this love. I don't put up with anyone else besmirching your good name and I'll hold you to the same standard! You hear me mister?"

She finishes by puffing out her chest and sticking her nose in the air. Playing up the part of the haughty princess with familiar ease. Her eyes and expression are brittle, but I can accept her efforts in the spirit that they're given. I certainly have no reason to try to take her down a peg. Finally, partly as confirmation of her sentiment, partly as a reward, I give her a kiss that puts some life in her.

While she's more than happy with that, it apparently isn't enough in her mind. She stares at me for a few moments longer and then shares a look with Blake. Something must go on between the two of them as soon I'm dragged over to the couch with the two of them flanking me. Of course this naturally devolves into them showering me in compliments and affirmations just like on the airship.

All my hope and efforts towards keeping this as a serious and almost business-like meeting are turned to dust in the face of my girlfriends' affection. Weiss is certainly trying to make up for lost time and before long her efforts turn to the more physical, sharing no small number of kisses between us as if Blake isn't even there.

Eventually my cat-eared girlfriend grows bold enough to interrupt Weiss' insistent session to give me a kiss. Weiss pulls a face at that and doesn't return to her oral ministrations. Instead snuggling up against me and laying her head against my shoulder for a few moments. I try to give her a kiss to restore her previous mood, but she actively resists my efforts.

Of course this leads into talking about why she's acting that way. Her reason for doing so is some sort of mental block where it just feels wrong to her, almost dirty, after I kissed Blake. Apparently thinking that action would be too close to kissing Blake herself for her liking. I'm not sure it's a tenable position that we can allow to continue. It certainly wouldn't be fair to Blake, so Weiss getting over her issue or finding some sort of workaround is something we have to discuss.

Unfortunately, I think it will have to be attended to later in the conversation. While it would be a great topic to segue into, the look of almost disappointment on my other girlfriend's face makes me think it's best to come back after any feelings have settled down.

I get the feeling that Blake isn't upset on my behalf. Considering that she was fairly open about how she was considering an arrangement close to what I have for herself makes me think she doesn't particularly care for which team she's playing for; while Weiss doesn't share her sentiment.

With that avenue closed off I also strike off talking about the dance. Best to let any nascent tensions and feelings die down a bit. To that end I reluctantly distract them by opening up about why I feel the way I do. I try to tell myself that it will be easy since it's nothing I haven't thought about before. Of course, that belies the fact that it's anything but, as evidenced by how I don't go into the heart of my issues right away.

Rather, at first, I reiterate how I felt about Cinder's death. Even as I say the words I know they're hollow. I had every reason to see her dead, I've already worked through my feelings on the matter, and even worse both of my girlfriends have already dismissed my concerns in their own ways. Weiss seems to think it is a genuine issue for me, while Blake gives me a more critical eye, prompting me to come up with an actual reason.

"Well, you both should know that my time in the Fang wasn't exactly clean either."

Weiss huffs, "As if anything you could have done would have been worse than stealing from Atlas." She gives me a challenging look, as if to dare me to countermand her. While the more personal details on how exactly I achieved such a thing and the lives I ruined along the way might make her reconsider, most of those details are out in the open for the both of them anyway.

Reluctantly I shake my head and she crows victoriously, "Then there's no issue. You're still you, and you're a good person. I don't care how much I have to say that to beat it into your thick head."

Any attempt to protest dies in my throat from that and Blake shakes next to me. If I had to guess she's taking Weiss' words just as much to heart. The fact that I'm receiving absolution means that to some degree she is as well.

All that leaves me is with the ugly truth. However, I can't work up the courage to actually say it. How do I even say such a thing? That my initial interactions with them, and even more so in Blake's case, were all carefully planned and executed. While that doesn't stop something more genuine like what we have from blossoming, obviously, it's more or less the foundation on which our relationships were built.

It's all too fragile for me to want to dig at. Far too easy to mess up the slice of happiness I've carved out for myself. Surely it wouldn't be such a big deal to just not tell them? To merely pretend that they've convinced me and carry on like nothing's wrong. It would be far from the worst manipulation I've ever done, just one little lie to make everything better than it actually is.

Then again, there's a reason why I resolved myself not to manipulate them in any meaningful way. I don't think I could stop myself entirely and it makes me think this is a lesson Ren has learned far before I did. He's no less manipulative than myself, but he usually restrains himself to minor nudges and only when the opportunity presents itself. Quite a contrast to my more active meddling and searching for beneficial opportunities.

My continued silence does nothing to diminish the worries of my girlfriends and the previous atmosphere turns bleaker as I struggle to say anything of substance. In the end I just can't do it. Instead, I throw out more than a few hints and leading statements. I can't tell if either of them are picking up what I'm trying to convey as they both simply offer me assurances and their grave expressions could just be because of how the situation is affecting me.

It leaves me far more vulnerable than I'm used to and I almost want to shut down. It is only with cold logic and a hefty degree of willpower that I stop myself from descending into that pit as I force any thoughts of my nature from my mind. I can allow myself to be vulnerable with them even if this goes beyond what is normally acceptable in my mind. If there is anyone that I can trust with this level of vulnerability, it has to be them.

I take a few deep breaths and sit up straighter. The strain isn't entirely absent, but I'll manage. I've dealt with worse situations and it seems like Blake and Weiss are willing to let the matter drop for now. I'm sure I'll hear something from both of them later, but we've spent enough time on this topic and I'm not going to entertain any further discussion on it today.

"So, yeah, that's how it is for me," I say, glossing over my prior episode. My girlfriends look across me, towards each other and I have to force myself from considering the expressions they share. "Yeah," I let out agreeing with whatever their unspoken concerns are before steamrolling over any opposition with an unsubtle transition, "We need to talk about our families."

Weiss' brain must jump to something else entirely as she goes beet red at my comment. Makes me think she's being a bit too eager about future prospects, though I don't have the heart to call her out or make fun of her for it.

Blake, meanwhile, takes my comment as it was intended, "I guess. I still think you're worrying about things too much."

I sigh, "In this case I don't think so. I also think you're not getting what I'm trying to convey. Just imagine the drama between prominent members of the SDC and Schnee family and your folks who ran the White Fang prior to all this. Pretty sure there's more than a little bad blood to deal with."

Weiss finally gets her head out of the gutter and rubs at her arm sheepishly. Her usual confidence utterly shaken by the previous topic and no doubt remonstrating herself for the ills done by her families' company.

Blake picks up on this and with a diminished attitude responds, "Maybe you have a point." She takes a breath and with more assertiveness continues, "I don't think my mom and dad would hold anything against them if they're actually good people. Jacques has always been the real issue, and I don't think he's included in this." She finishes by looking over to Weiss who shakes her head vigorously.

I think she's being truthful, at least to the extent she thinks she is. I don't truly know if Ghira and Kali would be so accepting of the Schnees and perhaps Willow in particular considering the circumstances. I can't imagine that they haven't had multiple close friends who haven't been wronged by the SDC in some way. The company is simply too big, its usage of faunus too widespread, and the composition of the White Fang too skewed for that to not be the case.

That is also assuming that the Schnee family doesn't hold any animosity towards them either. Whitley seems to have picked up some bad habits based on how he's had to occasionally change up his words. I doubt he'll be much of an issue considering our budding friendship, but he could come off as insensitive more than easily enough.

Additionally, while the White Fang may have been broadly peaceful while Ghira was in charge there may be some residual blame for him handing the reins to Sienna to begin with. That was a voluntary transfer of power, after all, not an essential coup of the organization. In a sense, Ghira holds some level of culpability for allowing her that level of power so easily which I think would be more of a sticking point for Winter and Willow.

Relaying my thoughts isn't too much trouble, though bringing up the possibility that the Schnees might have a legitimate grievance against her father brings a complicated look to Blake's face. She doesn't want to accept that as true, but my logic doesn't leave her much room to argue against. Weiss merely adopts a thoughtful expression at all this.

I can tell that it's stressing her out more than a little. Perhaps from the prospect that she has to introduce Blake to her family now as well. It certainly doesn't send a flattering image that she has to parade another ex-radical of the White Fang to her family and there's quite a lot of mental working going on inside her mind. Likely trying to figure out if it's truly necessary or not and how she can work it into her budding reconnection with her family.

"Not only that," I cut in to drag the matters in another direction. "We also have to consider how you feel about the others' family."

My comment stops Weiss' mental calculations for a moment as they swerve into considering her position. Soon after she nods, "While you brought up a point I didn't consider prior, I don't blame her parents for anything I went through." Blake lets out a breath I don't think she knew she was holding.

"Thank you," she says earnestly and with a small nod. Weiss dismisses her appreciation with a dismissive wave, though she holds herself that little bit higher regardless. "I don't have any issue with her family either."

I turn to regard her fully, "Are you sure about that."

My black-haired girlfriend wilts under my gaze and shifts in her seat, "I may have been a bit frustrated with not being able to work around Whitley earlier. But! I don't have a problem with him, not really, it's just…annoying is all."

I hum noncommittally, neither agreeing or disagreeing with her, and she keeps on shifting. "I-okay, it's not that simple. I know I don't have a real reason to be angry with them. They aren't responsible for all the bad that's been done, it's just complicated. I grew up hating your family and criticizing their every move as a matter of course. It's not fair, I know, but that's how I feel."

I give her a side hug and whisper in her ear, "Good girl." She shifts about far too happily for those simple words and I break away to continue, "This is the reason why we're sitting down to talk about all this. I think it's safe to say that we're serious and these concerns should be addressed before they become too big."

I deliberately leave off that the seriousness is directed towards me and not the relationship itself. My comment serves its purpose in drawing nods of appreciation from both girls. However, considering the topic previous to this one, that pit in my stomach only grows larger. I can't let that stop me though. I power through and start talking about explicit plans on how to deal with everyone's family.

Mine is easy enough. Only my dad to consider really. Although Blake and Weiss both make sure to include Coral into their plans. I don't stop them from doing so or clarifying anything, but it gives me another thing to chew over in my mind.

Aside from that the Belladonnas aren't too difficult for Weiss to consider. While there's no guarantee that there won't be some issues with relations amongst the rest of the Schnee family, there is little doubt that they'll be accepting of Weiss since she's on the same team as Blake.

Predictably, most of the drama comes from Weiss' family. There's no guarantee that they'll be as accepting of Blake as they were with me. Considering Winter's reception, that's a particularly daunting obstacle.

Furthermore, I can tell that Weiss is only considering going through with it on my behalf. If I had to guess she'd be fine with keeping Blake and her family distant, perhaps just acknowledging Blake as her teammate and that I'm dating her as well. There is probably some lingering resentment or shame from having to share me to some degree even if that animosity isn't aimed at me or Blake. It more seems like it's at the situation itself, which isn't too surprising.

I doubt that Weiss would have ever expected to end up in this kind of arrangement and if it wasn't for our strong bond at the time as well as my willingness to give up on pursuing this we wouldn't be in this situation either. I'm definitely going to have to spoil her after this in some way, just to get her mind off of such thoughts if nothing else.

I let the moment hang for a couple of seconds and the matter drops as a more amiable air fills the conversation. The prior heavy topic gets swept under the procession as both girls move on and think of other issues. It's fertile enough ground that the conversation can move towards a more daunting, if less personal for me, subject.

"About the dance," I start, making sure to hold Weiss tightly to forestall her inevitable response. I give her a slight squeeze, "I'm going to spoil you rotten that day, don't get me wrong." She smiles bashfully in response and I think if it weren't for my prior behavior with Weiss she'd give me a quick kiss. "As magical of a night as I'm going to make that for you, we really need to discuss our plans."

Considering I've already done such with her, it doesn't take long for her to conclude what I'm really talking about. Fortunately my reassurances prove to be enough to have her join me in looking at the girl on the opposite side of me. Said girl wheels backwards as if she could somehow escape from the topic.

Her antics cause me to roll my eyes even if it draws some rather unpalatable thoughts. The most obvious of which being that she doesn't seem to have considered that I'd actually be taking her to the dance, which is all kinds of concerning. I suppose it's a good sign that she's willing to defer and let Weiss have her happy moment, but I can't help feeling it's going a bit too far.

It also doesn't say good things about the kind of treatment she expected out of this relationship if she thought I'd just leave her like that. It really makes me wonder how Adam treated her, though I'm at the point where I don't think I want to know; just going to be another headache to deal with later.

Still, with the nonsense alternate version of the night evaporating from her mind, Blake demures, "It's fine. Really. The two of you deserve to have fun without me getting in the way." She sags inwards as she says this and Weiss isn't much better as she presses against my back. She probably feels more than a little guilt over her original plans having no space for Blake.

I could interject at the moment, to lift the spirits of either girl. However, I know that my presence shouldn't be necessary. With how Weiss is feeling she'll tackle the issue on her own soon enough and that should lift Blake's spirits easily enough. Still, I'm not comfortable with being completely useless, so I wrap Blake in a hug and she shudders in my grip. It only lasts for a moment as she finds some level of strength within her and returns the gesture

Although, this leaves me in an awkward position when Weiss responds, "It's your night too." Her voice is incredibly weak, although strangely firm. Knowing her she's going to brook no disagreement on the subject no matter how much she perceives it as a sacrifice on her part.

I was already working away at the minutes of the dance itself with her, trying to find some time for Blake and I know Weiss was aware of the issue to some extent. However, facing things so bluntly stings for the both of us. At least I have the solace that she's acknowledged her dream night needs a few alterations to deal with reality.

Unfortunately for me, Blake stretches upwards to hug her teammate as well. I can understand that it's quite the emotional moment, but it leaves me in an untenable position. I'm sure there are some who would be envious of the position I'm left in. Me, however, I just want to breathe.

Fortunately my struggles are noticed before too long with Weiss letting go as if burnt. Unfortunately, that does little to diminish the teasing smirk on Blake's face as she pushes her chest out and flaunts her assets. She's lucky that there isn't any real indignation I can muster after that genuine moment between the two of them. Either way I let them settle down and start to discuss things amongst themselves.

Weiss is the first to start, her lip caught in her teeth as she finishes thinking, "You don't deserve being forgotten about. Not now, not ever. It shouldn't be too hard to shift things around." She pauses for another moment and looks at me with an inscrutable expression. I'm not sure what exactly she's trying to convey, but I nod and she sighs. "I suppose it wouldn't be too much trouble to add one more person into our pre-dance plans."

I don't need to look at her to know how much that pains her to admit. I could let things continue on in that vein, as I'm sure Blake would be touched by the gesture. Although, the possibility of it breeding resentment is too great in my mind. It would be far too intrusive on Weiss' special night. I might be a bit biased, but I want her to have that unforgettable memory and leave it as untainted as possible.

"That shouldn't be necessary," I cut in before Weiss can make the affirmation to herself or Blake accept it. "Honestly I'd prefer to do something special with each of you that you'd both enjoy instead of splitting the difference. I can make a hole in my schedule for Blake and we can fill it together however you want."

While my interjection is well received by Weiss, I get the feeling that it's not so simple for myself. Blake's rapturous smile turns more mischievous. It's too late to back down as she asks in a leading voice, "I get to choose my day right? Then how about the day after the dance? We should have the whole weekend free before missions start."

Despite my reservations I nod easily enough and flash her a winning smile. I can only hope whatever she has planned for me isn't too troublesome. Regardless, we devolve into figuring out the specifics for that night.

Naturally, most of the day will be spent with Weiss, while the dance itself has her occupying the start and end of it. That should work well with the initial plan I have with her as well as what should come after. Subsequently, Blake gets that middle portion for my attention to be hers which is a mostly equitable split as far as time is concerned.

Although, getting her to agree to that much is a struggle. I understand a bit of reluctance with her essentially intruding on Weiss and I's relationship, but getting it through to her that it's okay to be firm in her desires instead of acquiescing is a difficult task for the two of us. It serves well in undercutting any resentment Weiss would feel from her teammate impugning on my time. However, it generates no less complicated emotions in the aftermath.

At least Blake seems happy with the outcome. Despite being the source of the protests, she wants a special night as well. I suppose she also appreciates that myself and, perhaps moreso, Weiss are willing to make sacrifices for her. Not that hasn't essentially been the foundation for this deeper relationship, but having it affirmed is no less comforting.

I suppose that's why either of us don't feel the need to press her on her seeming self-esteem issue. That's probably putting things a little too harshly. Although, she needs to have some assertiveness in this relationship rather than letting herself get out of the way or pushed around. Just another thing to revisit later down the line.

I'm beginning to suspect that even an entire day is not enough to touch on all these issues. I could understand it if it was a one time issue for the dance, but how she reacted in the library when I brought up the prospect of spending some time with her attending to one of her hobbies makes me think this is an actual issue.

I can't stop a sigh from escaping me, which catches both girls' attention. The day is starting to wear on me and there's still a lot of ground to cover. Unfortunately, just explaining that would just have them fussing over me. A traitorous part of my brain asks if that would be such a bad thing, but I can't afford to listen to it right now. Getting too bogged down like that will just leave many of these issues unresolved. Therefore I have to touch on some topic that warrants my reaction.

"Sorry, just having some thoughts about the future," I state simply. Enumerating my actual worries seems like a step too far and it's probably best to ease them into the topic. Although, that doesn't stop my girlfriends from reaching their own conclusions.

Weiss adopts a complicated expression and speaks up first, almost bashfully, "I'm sorry. I know I said that before, but what I said, what I implied, I didn't mean it." It hardly takes me any time to work out what she's referring to. It probably helps that it is the main reason why the subject has been on my mind.

After proposing to give Blake a chance the subtle question of whether I value Weiss more than my homeland came up. I didn't really answer it at the time and I'm no closer to an actual answer now. The ideal hope is that no such need to decide ever comes up. However, with my ambitions as they are, the possibility for conflict exists. I know that's affected me more than either of my girlfriends, but figuring out what we want to do with our lives and this relationship seems prudent in my mind.

"It doesn't matter if you didn't mean it," I reply as neutrally as I can. It still causes her to wilt and then wrap herself around my arm as if to will me to stay with her; silly girl. I change my tone to be a bit softer, "It was always something we'd have to address at some point or another. Wouldn't hurt to do it a little ahead of time."

She nods mutely and I have to jostle her a little to convey that she's supposed to say something. She looks at me with distant blue eyes that gain some measure of strength from the gesture. Then she nods again with a bit more feeling and with a soft voice says, "I don't want to lose this."

"I know, but that's not what the problem is, is it?"

"I suppose not," she replies morosely. "I want to make this work as much as I can. I don't see any reason why my obligation to the company and yours to your home have to conflict. I don't want either of us to give up any of that. It's just…I don't know how to feel about it.

That we could be torn away so easily because of the things we value instead of a legitimate issue. Or at least one that we could address. I never thought my life would get that complicated, but I have given some thought to what it could be."

She finishes her words by wrapping her arms around my midsection in a meaningful way. More conveyed by her light touches and tone than her words herself. I-uh, I haven't thought quite that far ahead myself and the prospect is more than a little harrowing. I can't say that I disagree with it in principle, but she's far more emotionally invested in this than I thought she'd be.

Perhaps that stems partially from this being her first relationship; simply being unable to conceive that things might simply not work out. That has some unflattering implications towards the development by which Blake was included in all this.

The only solace I have for that is that she was more than willing to put her foot down and it's only because it involved someone she was close with that I think she allowed such an arrangement. I truthfully don't know if that's an actual issue that needs addressing though and simply add it to the pile to deal with later. I suppose I should rejoin in kind with the sentiment if nothing else

"I'm of similar mind," I start with no small amount of caution, "I don't want to give up on any of this. My time might be split between Menagerie, the White Fang, and most importantly the two of you, but I'm working as hard as I can to ensure everything is held together. Far harder than I think you might realize."

The last bit I add on with a knowing look directed Weiss' way. I'm sure she'll be able to put the pieces together when I unveil my grand plan at the dance and I can't help alluding to that a little bit.

"Are you sure you want to open that can of worms," Blake needles with a teasing grin. I suppose that's a good sign that she wasn't too left out. Although I don't think she has much to contribute with this topic.

I adopt an overly theatrical thinking posture, "On second thoughts no, forget I said anything." My tone is enough for Blake to bark out a short laugh while Weiss regards me critically. I get the feeling she's really going to be nosy during our training time for the next couple of weeks. Troublesome, but I should be able to deal with it. "More importantly," I continue before my white-haired girlfriend can make an issue of the topic, "what about you Blake?"

She turns to the side which makes me think she'd have preferred if I didn't ask the question. At least that serves as enough of a distraction for Weiss to drop the other matter entirely. The three of us sit in silence while Blake gathers her thoughts to actually speak.

"I still haven't given much thought to what I want in the long run. What I can say is that I'm enjoying this and don't want it to end anytime soon. If that's not enough then working together with you, Ochre, I don't think that's going to stop anytime soon. Fighting for equality and making our home a better place; where else would I be? What else would I be doing? As long as you'll have me I'll be working alongside you." She starts off weak, but by the end of it there's a certain conviction in her voice and frame that's hard to ignore.

What she said isn't anything I wasn't suspecting already. That's good in the sense that there aren't any real surprises. The only thing that's a detriment is that she's harboring some uncertainty on the long-term prospects of the relationship. However, considering it isn't even a month old at this point, that's to be expected.

As for Weiss, she takes Blake's words in an altogether different way. She doesn't raise any voice of protest, but I can tell the subtle bits of envy and slight resentment that worm their way into my girlfriends' expression. Most likely due to how Blake and I's goals align so closely while hers might drive us apart. That's exacerbated by Blake not being as committed to this endeavor as she is. I don't think I should address that quite yet, but there is something else that I could address that might also soothe her consternation.

"And you don't think you're settling into things a little too easily," I ask leadingly. Then I shoot Blake a particular look in case she's not jumping to the right conclusion immediately. It is a bit oblique, I'll admit, but the way her ears fold informs me that she's picked up on the actual concern. However, instead of being entirely chastised or denying the unstated accusation altogether, a small blush rises to her cheeks.

"I can admit I might have a bit of a type," she starts softly, then transitions to a more barbed tone, "unlike some people." She throws a challenging look my way for good measure and I narrow my eyes. I can't be certain if Coral actually told her about my denials; she is, after all, the one who came to that conclusion and it's not impossible for her to deduce as such from my behavior that day.

Perhaps worst of all, Weiss interjects, "What is she talking about?"

"Rich girls-" Blake starts before I can cover her traitorous mouth with my hand. I get the feeling if Weiss wasn't right there she'd do something or make some sort of suggestive noise at the sudden rough treatment. However, that does little to stop the tinkle of laughter that erupts from Weiss at my sudden action.

Reluctantly I accede and withdraw my hand before saying as levelly as I can, "You know that's not the issue." My words would probably have a bit more impact if I could look at her at the moment. Unfortunately with what she just pulled I can't quite force myself to do so. To make up for that lack of severity I tack on, "You have to realize there are certain similarities."

I don't add any more than that, though it is enough for her to pick up on the issue. "That's-yeah I suppose it does look like that doesn't it? I kind of hoped that Sienna was just over-reacting. You're nothing like him, you know that right?" She finishes by looking at me with big pleading eyes.

I think she's taking it as me being more self-conscious than I actually am. I'd think that's entirely spurious and without reason normally. However, after my episode earlier I can see why she's coming to that conclusion. It's still missing the point, just in an understandable way.

"Of course I know," I reply with honest confidence. "I'm not a madman for one. It's just, well, I suppose I don't want this to be something you're doing just because you're comfortable with it."

That draws an actual reaction out of her as she regards me with hostility, "Ochre. Never make that insinuation again. You should know far too well that nothing about how this came to be was comfortable for me. Maybe there is a point with certain similarities drawn to Adam, but I like you for you. I might still be trying to figure things out, but I'm no less serious about this than either of the two of you are."

She finishes by making some distance between us on the couch. Well, as much as she can at any rate. It's pretty clear the thing was more for Coral and Jasmine and maybe the occasional guest instead of three fully grown adults, no matter how diminutive one of my girlfriends may be.

I'm not sure I really deserve that kind of vitriol just for trying to make sure that things are alright between us all. I can sort of see where she's coming from, though. Adam is still a sore subject for her and after seeing how committed Weiss is to this prospect she was probably a bit primed for it. Then I went ahead and threw out her concern for me since that really wasn't the issue here.

Fortunately it seems she's just a bit upset as her anger dissipates. She's not storming out or closing herself off either. Just remaining somewhat distant and less affectionate. I was expecting there to be a few complicated feelings borne from all this so it's not the worst outcome.

From there it takes a few awkward moments for the discussion to pick up much steam. Mostly we end up revisiting prior points and making clarifications on how we actually feel. Honestly, that is most of our efforts; just making sure everyone is on the same page for what we think the issues are, not so much actually addressing them. In a lot of the cases there isn't much we can actually do.

Either they rely on mental hang-ups that will take a lot of time and effort to actually resolve or they're predicated on outside influences that we can only slightly control. There are no easy one and done solutions for these problems. If there was, it would just be a matter of bringing it up and correcting it. Rather, the behavior and thoughts that make these circumstances issues can only be addressed piecemeal.

Case in point is Weiss' hang-up around Blake and I swapping spit. She even orders me to go brush my teeth in the aftermath so we can share some affection while we go out for the night to help settle everyone's nerves. She's aware that it isn't quite right for Blake, as the girl in question holds off from doing anything with me until Weiss has her fill, but breaking past that mental block is no small feat. Just have to work in small steps.

Frustratingly enough I can't use her usual competitiveness to assist in breaking through this matter. Having addressed it as a part of our talks has Weiss being a lot more self-conscious about her actions in the aftermath and hesitant to act after Blake does which I think actually does more to compound on this issue than resolve it. There is a silver lining in that she is actively combating her more jealous side, but it's not without downsides.

One majorly good thing that comes from this is that the two girls are much more comfortable with each other while in my presence. I suppose there is something to say about going through such an emotional experience. I can also admit that touching on my issues in such a significant way provided fertile ground for the two to bond over. I get the feeling that it will be troublesome to deal with at some point down the line, but I merely luxuriate in a job, if not well done, then adequately accomplished.

Regardless, we visit a restaurant and stop by a few shops to peruse their wares before making our way back to Beacon. There simply isn't enough room at Coral's for us to all comfortably sleep there and neither of my girlfriends want to deal with booking a hotel room at the moment. There might be some reluctance there with the implied intimacy and how the sleeping arrangements would settle out. More so on Weiss' end than Blake's.

As we step onto the docks at Beacon I catch sight of a particular short girl who disappears into a flurry of petals when she notices I've seen her. Seems like she was worried about something happening since it's not like any of us hid that we'd have a serious kind of conversation. Maybe she thought that meant something aside from what actually happened, or that emotions would be high.

I don't know if I should be concerned or not given Ruby's usual sense of getting involved if she thinks there's a problem. It might be worthwhile to preempt her. Or I could assume that my girlfriends can account for themselves and let them deal with their overly involved team leader. I exhale at that thought; I don't need anyone to point out that I'd fit that description all too well myself.

Regardless, I soon escort the two girls to their dorm and then deliberately give a kiss to Blake first. Weiss closes her eyes throughout the process as if that would make the proceeding event just not happen. She has enough fortitude to not shy away from a similar goodbye to her, though she is overly limp and passive throughout it and I catch her wiping her lips in the aftermath. It's a start I guess.

I retire to my room and catch sight of a bird circling outside of our window. I really don't want to deal with Raven right now, but I more or less did ask for it. I sit by the side and wait patiently for her to approach. She certainly has to see me, but she's hesitating for whatever reason. She circles around a few more times before heading off into the distance towards Vale. Kind of strange that she's heading in that direction instead of somewhere more private to portal away, but it's easy to put her strangeness out of my mind.
S2 Week 11 (Part 5)
Unfortunately the next day arrives and with Raven's antics the day prior I have to set aside some time to actually deal with her. I have to meet up with the council soon enough so I'm taking some time to go over reports and prepare myself appropriately. Oz has even seen fit to pass along who all I'll be meeting with. It's only a portion of the council as I don't necessitate their full attention, meaning that it's only those particularly interested in meeting with me who are dropping in.

Before I can really dig into that, however, a pecking at the window draws my attention as well as that of the rest of my team. They only look up briefly, but Marina stares at Raven on our windowsill with a tilted head. I, uh, I guess she would have been far better for tracking Raven down than using Yang as bait. Then again I don't know how animals look in her semblance granted vision. Maybe I should figure that out?

I shake my head, discarding that distraction as I open the window instead. Raven tilts her head and caws at me before whipping her head over to the outskirts. It's easy enough to see what she's trying to convey even if she has given absolutely no shits about if this would cause problems with my team or not. I swear to the heavens this woman is trying to be the most insufferable person I've ever known.

"Just come inside you big baby. They already know about you," I answer with heavy frustration in my tone. I probably shouldn't be so antagonistic considering what I want, but she's tested my patience far too much recently.

She regards me with beady red eyes and waits as if that would make me break. Unfortunately for her I all but threw down a challenge and knowing her she has to rise to it if I don't back down. As if on cue she realizes that as well, hops forward, and suddenly the woman with all her hair and armor stands before me. Heavens above, I never think I'll get used to that sudden transition; it's just so unnatural.

My teammates react in much the same way with Autumn and Kelly dropping what is in their hands. Marina, however, is only ever more interested in the sudden figure and soon crowds in on Raven's space. Said woman then narrows her eyes, drops her hand to her weapon, and growls. It's enough for my partner to retreat slightly, but she still regards the woman as some sort of intense curiosity.

Raven continues to stare at my partner. Evidently she comes to the conclusion that she'll lose that staring contest or something as she soon ignores Marina to regard me instead. "Yang told me you had something you wanted to talk about, so talk."

I almost want to remain obstinate just for the sake of it. Unfortunately I have been heavily considering asking her for a favor. Mainly because of her semblance, but if I could get her to scout out Merlot's bases to find out which he is in that would assist me greatly as well. Worse comes to worst, I could tap Qrow to do the latter, but the former would be a massive boon.

However, I don't think I could just jump into asking for a favor directly. At the minimum I'm going to have to spend some time actually detailing what the circumstance is while also assuring her that this isn't connected to Salem as far as we can tell. That alone is going to be a hard pill to swallow with Merlot's involvement with the grimm. Having some other topic to at least fall back on wouldn't be a bad idea and I can admit I want to give her some trouble for all the pain she caused me.

Westward travels: I'm not sure what exactly she was up to heading off towards Vale instead of somewhere private, but bringing it up with the implicit promise that I'll stop digging into it if she listens to my request has some merit. (4)

Yang: I suppose I could offer up my more compassionate side and help bridge the gap between mother and daughter a little bit. If they're anything alike then she is misunderstanding Yang just as much as Yang misunderstood her. (0)

Qrow: I'll admit I am a bit curious as to what exactly led the twins to having this split on the conspiracy business. I can cover some of that up as merely inquiring about her brother and possibly the reminder that her family is involved might spur her to some action. (0)

Nothing: Just keep this strictly to business and make my request. I'll do my best to convince her of the necessity of it without leaning on any personal levers. (0)

"You sure you don't want to sit down for this one," I joke while gesturing towards my partner's bed that she's retreated to. Raven glares at me in response and I shrug.

It was a genuine offer, though I'm pretty sure she'll be able to deal with all the topics I want to bring up well enough. I'll even throw her a bone and keep away from the obvious family topics of Yang and Qrow. Pretty sure those are the only two she's dealing with currently in any real capacity.

"Suit yourself. As for what I wanted to talk about, I'll get to that in a little bit. It's gonna take some working up to."

"Spare me the pleasantries. I know exactly what you're doing."

"Really? Because if I really wanted to do that I'd start digging into what you talked with Yang about. Or perhaps figure out why exactly you and Qrow split, weren't the two of you so close as kids?"

"Qrow is letting himself be led around blindly by the nose. There's no mystery in why I'd find that distasteful," she growls.

"Thanks for the info," I rejoin to her subsequent contrition. "That's not what I'm getting at, though thank you for proving my point for me. I just find myself curious is all."

"Curious about what," she asks guardedly.

"Just about why you were outside our window last night and why you decided against paying a visit then."

She crosses her arms, "Don't flatter yourself. You're not that important."

"Marina," I call out, knocking my head towards my partner. "Remember seeing a bird flying around our dorm last night?" She looks confused but nods in answer to my question. "Think she's the same one?"

She nods again and I wave a hand to prompt her answer, "Yes, Captain. She's all weird and her lights volatile. Could I study you?" That's a bit bolder than I'd expect out of my partner, but I guess whatever emotional turmoil is afflicting Raven is enough to catch her interest in a significant way.

However, my partner's innocent question is quickly rebuffed, "Mind your own business child. I will not tolerate others butting into my affairs."

"I guess I'm a special case then," I quip before I can stop myself. Raven's expression tightens in response and I chastise myself for letting go of my control so easily. "Fine, fine I get the hint. Not like I'm all that concerned about what business you had in the West."

I brace myself for a glare that never comes. Instead Raven's eyes drift from my partner to the window before settling on myself with red eyes and features far too soft for me to normally associate with the woman. She opens her mouth to say something, but the words don't come out. She clicks her tongue, stares at the ground for a moment, and returns her attention to the window with a thoughtful expression.

It throws me for a loop as I try to decipher the exact interplay of what just occurred. She's not giving me a lot to work with, though it had to be significant enough to break through her guarded demeanor.

She may be a woman of few words, but the fact that the oblique mention brought her speechless has me thinking in a certain direction. It's almost like she's embarrassed to acknowledge that what she did indeed did happen. Belatedly, my attention is drawn particularly to geography.

Patch is off to the West of Vale, pretty much directly so for the most part. More importantly that's where Tai lives and the pieces slot into place easily enough. Although, I remain unsure on what the exact specifics are. It could just be that she has a certain longing for the place and simply checks up on it and the man within without doing much else.

I have the feeling that's wrong, but without digging into the matter more all I have is speculation. Perhaps Yang or Ruby could shine some light on the matter, or I could go to the source for my curiosity.

For now there's no need to indulge my desires. Her response already gives me more than enough to work with and provides an easy lever for me to abuse without needing to give the hint that I'm actually aware I'm touching on family matters.

"I would ask if the cat got your tongue, but I think that's a joke in poor taste," I start suddenly to break the silence and refocus her attention on me. My mind does go on a brief tangent on what can be drawn from my animal characteristics and the fact she turns into an actual bird. Then it drifts to what exactly that would mean in relation to the faunus. People already call us animals, but her and Qrow have a much more direct relation with the experience, amusingly enough.

"Did you just call me to talk, just to have fun at my expense," she states more than asks with warning in her tone.

"Sorry, just got a little distracted. It's been a busy week and I'm dealing with some nerves," I play off with a shake of my head. "Although, like I said, the curiosity is just a minor thing, I'll drop it easily enough. The real reason why I wanted to talk with you was to see if you were open to trading some favors."

She narrows her eyes in a way that makes me think she picks up the implicit statement that I could just as easily return to the subject. It's not quite blackmail as I don't actually have anything incriminating, but a similar threat hangs in the air. Not that she lets that dictate her behavior.

She snorts, "And what makes you think that you have anything that you could offer me?" She tries to act dismissive, though that's undercut by how she leans slightly in my direction. Almost certainly unconscious on her part.

Still, I play up my hurt at her barbed comment, clutching at my heart dramatically and saying, "Really? After all I've done, you still doubt me?" She scoffs in clear disbelief which makes me think she doesn't think I'm as competent as I've portrayed myself thus far. Not sure where exactly her hang-up there lies, but I gotta work with it. "Fine; this is supposed to be a personal favor so I would prefer if I don't have to use my organization to help you out, but I'd be willing to consider it based on what you'd have them do."

"Awfully presumptuous aren't you," she counters. I respond with a shrug and a sly smile. She huffs, "Do you really think you can demand anything from me? Even demanding I give you a blanket favor while not offering anything concrete yourself."

"I'll admit the latter has some bearing, but I don't know what you'd even want that you can't get yourself." The compliment rolls off my tongue easily, though she doesn't outwardly preen at it. I don't know if such sweet talk would endear me or not with her, but it's close enough to the truth that she shouldn't have an issue with it. "I will say I'm quite the interlocutor, especially in certain dynamics if you need my more personal skills."

She blinks owlishly at my verbiage. If I had to assume I probably used a word that she's unfamiliar with. Of dubious fortuity, Marina picks up on the confusion and supplies, "Captain does words good." I honestly don't know if she even knows the definition of the word or just picked up what I must have meant based on context clues and my prior behavior.

"Yes, quite," I grind out, not having the heart to correct my partner while Raven is present. "As for your former complaint, I'm getting to it. Truthfully I don't even know if it is something you'd be willing to do. I don't want to go through the effort of negotiating for something specific if all you're going to do is shoot down my request in the end."

She hums at that, not quite believing me or my intentions. Her suspicion is starting to build back up from being dashed by the embarrassment from my previous inquiry. Although, I think it would do me more harm than good to bring up that subject right now.

"Very well," she announces after a few seconds. "Out with it then. I'm not going to have you waste any more of my time."

"Alright, this may take some explaining, but the long and short of it is I need you to check out a few locations, figure out if a certain man is at one of them, and potentially using your semblance to send me and a few others to take care of him."

"Salem," she questions in a challenging tone.

"Merlot," I respond, not that it diminishes her narrowed eyes and hostile attitude. I sigh, "Can you see why I didn't lead with that now? If you're so worried about involving yourself in the conspiracy, don't be. As far as I can tell he's had no context with that witch. I can show you the evidence to prove it even."

She scoffs, "As if you'd show me anything that you wouldn't want me to see. He could be her deepest confidant and you'd still display things to portray otherwise. I've been through that song and dance before, and to burst your ego; you're simply not as good at it as Ozpin is."

"Awfully big words you're spitting. Do you only grow so bold when you corner a teenager in his room without his weapons?" She doesn't back down from my needling, but I need to project utmost confidence at the moment and so I step into her space until she's backed against the window. "I thought after all I've done I've earned some benefit of the doubt."

I open my mouth to continue, only to think better of it and shake my head. Bringing up Yang or how I've been helping with that would just be crass. Unfortunately, I've played my hand a little too much and can't back down without Raven taking that as weakness.

What this entails is the two of us getting into a staring contest for the next few minutes. At least it feels that way. However much time it actually takes is enough for Autumn and Kelly to shuffle around the room and prepare themselves in case hostilities break out.

Marina, however, gets over the rebuke Raven gave her earlier to sneak over to the woman's side and poke at her. For as wondrous as my partner's expression is, it is rather confusing as to what her action was supposed to accomplish. Something Raven feels as well as she looks towards the girl with a stupefied look on her face.

Whatever byplay occurrs is enough for Raven to slowly look at me and grind out, "I'll at least hear out your request in more detail. I'm not agreeing to anything, but I'll give you this one chance to convince me."

"Fine by me. I'll go over what I've found thus far, but, uh, yeah there's a lot of questions to answer." She seems to take some measure of amusement from my state. That expression soon disappears as I pull out the board I've set up for Merlot.

She takes it from my hand and tries to puzzle through it herself. I guess she must not be the more logical or investigative sort as she really struggles to parse it and is too proud to ask for my help. It gets so bad that she eventually has her hair balled up in her hands in such a way that Yang would find sacrilegious.

To spare her that embarrassment as well as save myself some time I sit next to Marina and start talking about the investigation as if I'm explaining it to her for the first time. My partner is more than a little confused why I'm doing so. However, partway through my explanation Raven picks up on what I'm doing. While she bristles she does at least set her pride aside enough to listen to me.

She goes through some complicated emotions as she still tries to parse through what I provide her to ensure I'm not lying. That only lasts a few more minutes before she sets my board aside in frustration. I don't know if she can't follow along or if she came to the conclusion that I could have put whatever I wanted in front of her. After my explanation she stands quietly for a few minutes digesting the new information.

Eventually she asks, "All I need to do is fly to those islands, look for this Merlot, and portal you in, right?" I nod. "Yang isn't involved is she?" While I could poke at her for being concerned for her daughter it's easy enough to let it slide.

"No. Quite frankly she wouldn't be too useful here. Her semblance doesn't provide much of a benefit and it would be better to bring along more experienced combatants." She accepts my explanation with a nod despite it not being the whole reason why I wouldn't bring Yang. I just don't think Raven would accept that I don't actually want to drag my friends into this whole conspiracy business.

"And you're still offering a favor for all of this?" I nod and she scoffs. I send her a questioning look and she continues, "The way I count it this is more than one favor."

"Alright," I start deciding to humor her, "What do you think is a more equitable exchange?"

"Three, minimum." I don't even get the chance to interject as she elaborates, "The first is for having me consider this business in the first place. I left it behind for a reason."

"I'm not going to give you a favor just for hearing me out. If that's how you want to act, then just forget it."

She mulls over my response for a bit before calling my bluff to a degree, "Fine. If you don't want my help then forget about it, but I'm still considering it one if you do. The second is to have me check these places out in the first place. My time is valuable despite whatever impression you might have. Plus if you had better options you'd use them instead of coming to me."

"You know, I could just get Qrow to do it if you're going to be so obstinate."

"You could," she allows, "but I assume that will come with the caveat of taking some more time. As blind as my brother is, he does keep himself busy and is drawn in many different directions working as a lapdog for Ozpin. I at the very least can deal with this matter more expediently."

"Fine," I bite out, not yet agreeing to her terms just yet. I don't exactly have a concrete plan on when to deal with Merlot so I might be able to defer for a later date instead of going after him immediately. "And why do you need your last favor," I ask despite knowing where she's going with this.

"For the use of my semblance of course. Like I said, if you had a better option in mind you'd use it instead of coming to me. Those are my terms, either take them or stop wasting my time."

I let out a huff of air. She isn't necessarily wrong, but she could be a lot more amicable about this. I suppose it is already asking for a lot from her since she's abandoned this kind of life and even if Merlot isn't connected to the broader conspiracy it is awfully close in subject matter. As evidenced by her not bringing up that she could deal with him in any way, not even to extract more payment out of me.

Unfortunately, her requested price is higher than what I was expecting to have to pay so I have to take some time to actually think this over. On the one hand her semblance is supremely useful in this case, but owing her two blanket favors isn't exactly a position I want to be in either. It'd be three if I want this done expediently.

I could tack on some stipulations and absolute no go's so she doesn't bother me with anything I'm not even going to consider. Just to prevent any bad blood from supposedly going back on my word. I don't know if that would make her back down from her offer. Although, as long as I keep things reasonable I don't foresee that being an issue.

Yes (+for which) (2)

+3 favors: Expediency is worth the increased cost in this instance. I have a good feeling that things would be well situated to deal with Merlot as early as next week with any luck. (2)

No: I don't necessarily need her help to deal with this man and her price is too steep for me to consider it. (1)

+2 favors: I don't necessarily need her to find where Merlot is hiding herself. I could always request Oz to send Qrow instead, though there would be a bit of a delay in him attending to the matter. (1)

"You may have a point," I grind out with only slightly more reluctance than I actually feel. This is going to be the first time I've actually put myself in someone's debt deliberately. It wasn't much fun doing so incidentally with the brothers, but I survived that situation and I'm sure I'll find a way to survive this one. "I hope I don't have to clarify not to ask me to do something that actively hurts me."

Raven grunts, "I'm not that crass." Then she regards me with narrowed eyes, "Don't go using that as an excuse to back out or you'll regret it."

"Fine," I say, holding my hands up in apparent surrender. I wait until she relaxes at my giving of ground. I let her sit in that feeling of self-satisfaction before sticking my hand out. She reaches for it and I say, "I'm broadly in favor of your terms."

She shakes my hand in agreement before the words register, "Broadly?" Hostility fills that word all too readily, but I put it out of my mind with a jovial smile.

"Yes, broadly. I just think if you're so bold to demand a favor out of me for just hearing me out that I should receive some kick-back for all the things I've done for you."

"Please," she brushes off with a touch of hesitance, "as if you've done anything for me."

"Do I have to bring up the whole Yang situation," I challenge and she wilts, though her eyes remain defiant. "That's fair, I did that more for Yang than you," I accede facetiously. "The same can't be said for whatever you've done West of Vale, but I'm willing to let the matter drop."

My smile remains plastered on my face throughout it all. As direct of a challenge towards her that I'm willing to give at the moment. Her posture stiffens up in response and her grip tightens as if a little pain is going to make me back down.

"You're a snake you know that," she spits out.

"Yes, well, you haven't exactly been friendly yourself." My blase comment catches her off guard as whatever response she had dies in her throat. Her face doesn't grow any softer, however. Just that she swallows whatever she could have said in the aftermath.

"I can allow you that much," she states imperiously. Like she's somehow doing me a favor instead of backing down. "Don't think you're weaseling your way out of the rest of them."

I let her threat wash over me with familiar ease. It's far from the first or worst time I've dealt with such. I still remember stacking up to Oz's threat, though I think given enough time he won't follow through with it. The only person who could be more threatening than him in that personal way would be Salem, or I suppose a maiden.

Regardless, the real reason why she's considering the favor paid back so easily is due to my assistance with connecting her and Yang. At least by my estimation. The excuse of not looking into her personal business is just a fig leaf the two of us can hold up about this conversation. It's all so very Mistrali in its performance, which honestly I should have expected from her.

After a few moments longer Raven tears her hand from mine with a scowl on her face. Evidently this isn't as big of a victory as she thought it would be. She turns to the window and though I don't get a good look at it, her shoulders heft up and down like she just took a fortifying breath.

She turns back to me with a strange glint in her eye, "Don't go getting yourself killed before I can collect my debt." As strange as hearing those words from her are, she doesn't give me any time to process them. Instead she assaults my mind by just blatantly transforming in front of us all again.

Does she and Qrow just not know how incredibly disorienting that is for other people or do they just not care? Even Autumn ends up rubbing at his temples to clear up the nascent headache. Reality just isn't meant to be violated in such a way. Honestly I might need to quiz Oz on if that's normal or not, because it still throws me for a loop and magic was much more common in his time.

Once things settle down, Kel turns to me and pipes up, "So how much of that was that you being honest and how much were you just bullshitting?"

"More truth than not, but I played my hand fairly well I think," I reply absent-mindedly while closing the window. I catch Raven heading Westward again and can only shake my head. I get the feeling she'll call in one of those favors soon enough and I have a vague inkling of what she'll use it for.

"You sure you don't belong in drama then like my lug of a brother?" I turn around to catch sight of her jabbing her thumb towards Autumn who has an affronted expression.

"C'mon Kelly, you know I'm only taking the class cus Peter talked me into it."

"Yet I haven't heard you complain about it." Her brother pouts sullenly at her remark while she relaxes back on her bed.

It's somewhat comforting that things are starting to settle back into some frame of normalcy after Marina's incident. Although the twins have been more ginger with their remarks aimed towards me. Not entirely absent currently, and possibly only like that because of the freshness of the event. Either way the atmosphere settles into a rhythm of normalcy and allows me to return to my business prior to Raven getting involved.

Of course this entails cracking back open what Oz has sent me on the other councilors. The only ones that are going to be present for my meeting are those with an interest in seeing me, the rest of the council either not interested in me in particular or just willing to let those councilors relay all the important points back to them.

In total there should be six of them, which is quite a lot for one person in my mind. Oz even relates that he typically only deals with three or four of them at any given time for anything that isn't full council sessions. Although, Oz is one of those six councilors for rather obvious reasons.

The others are: Gossamer and Gale, for the reason that their seats are up for election and I hold significant political clout at the moment; Irons, most likely for any talks about Menagerie considering that I'm their primary representative at the moment; Lake Sr. for some reason, whether that be to support his daughter or some other reason I can't determine on my own; and finally First Councilman Greene to lead and mediate the discussion.

I know a bit about Gossamer and Gale, though Oz's notes indicate that Gale is likely to be the more hostile of the two, especially with my plans. He's the Minister of Public Security much to the VPD's consternation. He's known to have quite the temper and prodigious strength as well as no small amount of bluster and an arrogant attitude. He's served well as a Huntsman, but if I had to hazard a guess it's only his pride that prevents him from acknowledging he isn't quite suited for a more civilian position.

Gossamer, on the other hand, has taken to her position with aplomb. Then again I'm not really certain how hard it is to be the Minister of Culture. Going by her track record she has organized a fair number of the public fairs and festivals around Vale as well as promoting the arts in general. The latter of which seems to be where most of her focus goes to; attempting to compete with Mistral if I had to guess.

As for her personality, she's generally upbeat if reserved. She's also been in the shadow of her father for pretty much all her life, though it doesn't appear that she's strived to go on her own path either. She simply doesn't match up against her old man in accomplishments though. Her Huntress career may have been broadly successful, but unlike her father she didn't win the Vytal Tournament during her time at Beacon.

There is more that indicates there may be resentment underneath the surface. Her father is quite the womanizer and never ended up marrying her mother for whatever reason. He also still chases after girls half his age and younger whenever he can get away with it. A complaint from Glynda even makes its way into that particular portion of his file.

It's not like Gossamer marches in lockstep with her father either, but she has been fine following in his footsteps. I can only hazard a few guesses as to why, but there shouldn't be much for me to worry about in the upcoming meeting.

Onto the matter of her father, he's a rather proud and martial if not marital man. He had quite the successful career as a Huntsman, hunting and slaying many varieties of grimm in his middle years just for the glory and sport of it which granted him no small amount of popularity in Vale. His victory as a second year in the Vytal Tournament only ended up pushing things more in his favor.

He used said popularity to serve his first term as councilman as Minister of Public Security before being appointed as Minister of the Guard. Evidently he's quite popular amongst the guardsmen as he'll occasionally stop by to check on the troops and run them through some drills. He even still takes the occasional mission although that has been dropping as time goes on.

That still doesn't tell me why he feels the need or desire to drop in on this meeting. Questioning Oz directly has him informing me that the most likely reason is because of my relationship with Weiss and Blake as well as the martial prowess I've displayed so far. More so the former than the latter according to my mentor. Apparently the old goat sees me as a kindred soul of sorts which I'm sure is going over oh so well with his daughter.

Moving on from that headache I go on to another. Irons is the only non-huntsman of the group. According to Oz he has a faunus mistress that he spends more time with than his wife. That explains some level of his sympathy and spells good tidings for future talks. The notes provided also detail him as surprisingly cunning and a great conversationalist. Arguably I've experienced both points first-hand.

Unfortunately, the man is rather good at hiding his genuine feelings under an affable and gregarious attitude. Pinpointing how exactly he feels towards any given issue is difficult in that context. However, Oz vouches that the man has remained firm on his stance of providing better treatment for the faunus.

Lastly, I arrive at First Councilman Greene. He's another Huntsman, though he's also the only faunus in this group aside from myself. Although, one wouldn't know that by looking at him. He has some sort of retractable claws like Tukson, though Oz never saw the need to figure out what specific animal the man's features resemble.

Unlike the others, Oz doesn't have a single negative thing to say about the man. Although he does admit that he's more than a little biased as Greene is a councilor that used to work under Oz as a part of the conspiracy and was particularly helpful in getting Oz his appointment back into Beacon after he reincarnated.

If I were to believe my mentor entirely, Greene is of the highest moral character. Dutiful and loyal in equal measure and I think those qualities are more important to Oz than strict morality. Unsurprising since a flexible moral compass seems to be required in the fight against Salem.

However, Oz's notes don't provide much more insight into that other than he trusts the man to a high degree. I suppose that's good to know, although I'm sure there's some sort of flaw to the man that Oz is overlooking. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to dig up whatever it is.
S2 Week 11 (Part 6, End)
The morning after, I travel into Vale alongside Oz. It's a statement on both of our parts and something he insists upon. I'm sure in his mind it's a way for him to shield me for as much as he can. My only complaint is that it paints me in a subordinate light underneath him rather than something more equitable. There isn't much I can do to counter that image, but the probable benefits of trading on his good name for my ambitions is too good to pass up.

No doubt he's aware that's why I agree to this arrangement so easily. Going by his soft smile I also get the feeling it's his way of making things up to me after our conversation last week. Utterly unnecessary on his part, but it leaves me feeling more conflicted not less.

It's only a short, if rather public, trip before we find ourselves at the seat of the council in Vale. Really it's the seat of the whole government with more than enough size to house the central bureaucracy. Said location is also the former palace of the Last King of Vale, which also means that we are quite literally walking into my mentor's old home.

He catches me eyeing him with that comparison in mind and actually turns a little sheepish. As if he's in any way less ostentatious living in that tower of his.

Regardless, we make our way through the press crowd until we reach the rather empty hallways that take us the rest of the way to our destination. Two large wooden doors that creak slowly to reveal a round table with councilors on the opposing side facing the door.

Oz gives me one last nod before taking his place amongst them. It's a gesture that doesn't pass by unnoticed by those present and it's too difficult to take in all of their reactions. Greene is the easiest as any hint of firmness dissipates entirely from his aged features.

I stand at the other end of the table until he motions for me to take a seat. Once I do he stands up and starts, "Mr. Rovere. I'm sure you must have some questions as to why you're called to these august halls."

I nod and fill the silence with a light-hearted comment, "I may have a few suspicions as to why."

It's not as well received as I'm hoping it would be, though Oz, Greene, and Irons display some level of amusement and Lake Sr. gives me a small nod.

"Be that as it may," Greene follows up immediately, "If you'll allow me a preamble before this meeting begins?" Everyone of course nods and I have a feeling this is rather expected by all those present.

He coughs several times as he starts up, "Mr. Rovere, we, the council, recognize your efforts in the defense of Vale, the Kingdom and the city. While there are no small number of honors we could bestow to you for your efforts, we also recognize there are certain…apprehensions, we shall say, that prevent us from going through with such measures.

The matter of your citizenship is just one such quibble and brings to mind a topic we will discuss as this meeting proceeds. More pertinent to certain councilors," he shoots a look towards Gale firstmost and then Gossamer as if it wasn't obvious who here would have the most issue with me, "is your influence among the machinations of Vale.

Before we delve into such a discussion, let me preface it with this. As a Huntsman you are afforded rights upon which we cannot infringe, and you have been charged with no crimes. You are under no obligation to answer any questions you do not wish to, no matter how much some may claim otherwise."

Gale, who is silent for the most part throughout all that, strains to keep himself in check until the First Councilman takes a seat. Then, before anyone else can act, he stands up, red in the face and full of bluster. "With all due respect," he announces towards Greene in a tone that implies nothing of the sort.

"He has not been charged with a crime because of his over-meddling in the affairs of the Vale Police Department. A department that is supposed to answer to me, I might add. Let us not act the fool and pretend he is innocent when he so clearly is not. We cannot afford to be lax in our questioning and should press him to the fullest extent of the law."

The man does not take a seat in the aftermath of his speech, but that doesn't stop my mentor from tapping the ground with his cane as he stands up. "Gale, I would advise you that in the future you do not cast such baseless-"

"Baseless!?" He tries to interject only for Oz to talk right over him.

"-aspersions upon the character of my protege. Ochre here has proven himself to be of great character and particularly concerned with the well-being of Vale. All this while ostensibly standing in opposition to such a sentiment given his love for his home. While we can acknowledge that the proper procedures have not always been followed, this young man has not erred in any way that matters and we owe him no small amount of thanks.

If that does not excuse that bit of impropriety then let me remind you that the VPD supports his endeavors. Both coming to an agreement and even acknowledging that without his assistance that the dual issues of Spider and Wave would have grown out of control. Which, if we're bringing up who is responsible here, Gale, need I remind you who it was that told us the matter was well under control?"

That's honestly more than I was expecting out of Oz. Regardless, he sits back in his chair even leaning backwards with a satisfied smile on his face. Acting entirely like his job here is done, which, honestly might be the case.

Gale doesn't seem convinced by his words. However, his opinion ceases to matter as Greene cuts in again, "Gale, you are present here as a matter of courtesy. It does not grant you the right to act in this uncivil manner. If you cannot control yourself and bring up your grievances in a productive manner then I will have no issue ejecting you from the discussion." That only incenses the man even further, but he can recognize when he's cornered and reluctantly takes a seat.

That seems to be the end to the pageantry as Irons feels no need to stand up afterwards even as he carries forth the discussion, "As unfortunate as my friend's wording is, he does bring up a salient point. Your involvement with the VPD is a troubling one, which doesn't even go into the influence you've accrued as head of your branch of the White Fang. Simply put we cannot allow any one man, much less a non-citizen, to hold such power without recourse."

His words and tone makes me think he's not entirely on my side despite how much we should be based on what Oz has told me. Considering he called Gale his friend I think I can assume where the hostility is coming from which is distinctly unhelpful in my present circumstance. He doesn't continue, however, and neither do the other councilors see a need to interject on my behalf, leaving me to pick up the slack.

"And what would you have me do?"

"You in particular, nothing at all," he responds with a winning smile that ensures there's a catch about to come up. "However, certain assurances would do a lot to quell the suspicions of this august body. Considering that it is primarily your rapid accrual of power that we take issue with, I think refraining from holding any sort of position in the upcoming elections should be serviceable enough. It's not like you're planning on running anyways."

It goes directly against my plans so I can't give ground, but he makes it seem like just such a reasonable course of action. However, Lake Sr. interjects on my behalf, "Irons, you fat sack of shit.

If Gale can't stand on his own two feet without your waddling around to keep him steady he doesn't deserve his seat. We could do with more of this ambitious sort than you bean counters anyways. Vale is the greatest Kingdom on Remnant and I'll be dead in the ground before I let anyone steer us into nepotistic oblivion."

I'm not quite sure why I was expecting the council of all places, full of big personalities, to be more civil than this. Greene certainly projects that kind of atmosphere and so does Oz, but it's clear to me that the place isn't as closely aligned with its idealistic founding as it perhaps should be. I'm also not sure how to take the wink Lake Sr. throws my way, nor the scowl that crosses his daughter's face.

"Lancel, I hope you're not defending Mr. Rovere out of the sense of personal favorability," Greene sighs.

"Of course not, I detailed my reasoning clearly, didn't I. Or are you not going to get on Irons for his clearly personal motivation?" His question hangs in the air for several seconds with Greene evidently not finding it worthy of response.

Despite being called out by name and insulted, Irons refrains from speaking up when the moment settles. A carefully neutral expression rests on his face, only marred by a slight turn of the lips in accordance to his normally cheery attitude.

Eventually the First Councilman recenters the conversation, "While such personal bickering is unbecoming of these halls; the point remains that your level of influence is concerning. Not only with the workings of the White Fang, which is not the point of this meeting, but also among Valean institutions.

It should not be a surprise to those present, but as a matter for the record, we are, of course, talking about the VPD. Just as similarly you have not been charged with any crime and any misconduct, perceived or otherwise, has not been deemed sufficient to hold against you." Greene shoots a look towards Gale as the man bristles again. However, he is unable to overcome the implicit pressure from the head of this meeting.

"Regardless, I think all of us present could do with an explanation. While your actions have been to the benefit of Vale, I have doubts that was ever your intention. You have made no move towards significant integration and going by what Oz has told us of you, you have no desire to do so. That is your right, but if I could be frank, why exactly did you feel the need to involve yourself with the VPD in the way that you did?"

"What are you referring to exactly," I ask. "Is this about my most recent actions or why I involved myself with them in the first place?"

Greene strokes his chin in apparent thought, "For completeness' sake it would be preferable for you to explain both. If you need a place to start with you may go with what prompted the interaction in the first place."

Gale fumes again at the level of permissiveness afforded to me, but otherwise maintains a handle on his reaction. In truth I could respond any number of ways. While there is some doubt, it would be all too easy to feed them a line about how I was more virtuous with my intentions than I actually was. It would only open me up to a little bit more scrutiny and I'd have to pay lip service to it in the future. However, given the company I keep I doubt there's much need for me to play up my virtue and presenting my motivations as more human and understandable might do me more good than harm.

"If I have to be completely honest, I only reached out to the VPD for selfish ends." Gale opens his mouth only to be silenced by a glare from Greene and Oz with the former holding up his hand threateningly.

I know Oz's notes said he had quite the temper, but I was honestly expecting something better from someone in politics. I'm almost tempted to make a bit of a scene to cause him to explode and get kicked out of this meeting. Unfortunately, I'm sure such an action would be picked up by a few that are present and there is no reason to damage their perception of me for such a minimal gain.

"Apologies, Mr Rovere. You may continue now," Greene says after a moment and tensions settle.

"Of course. As I was saying, my reasoning was hardly selfless. In addition to the benefits of having contacts within the VPD, I was investigating this branch of the White Fang and subsequently their connection with Roman Torchwick. Throughout this, there was a certain need for information that I could not easily acquire on my own, hence the initial partnership."

"And what did this information entail?! Who gave it to you," Gale blusters, at least asking a relevant question. Relevant enough that despite the disapproval resting on Greene's time-worn face he makes no move to chastise the aggressive man.

However, I have no obligation to actually answer. I'm sure Gale is just lashing out and looking for someone to blame. I'm not going to offer up Flint on a silver platter even if it should be blindingly obvious who helped me. As long as there's not anything official I'm pretty sure Frost should be able to protect his friend from Gale's wrath.

When it becomes clear I'm ignoring his inquiry Gossamer speaks up in a collected if biting tone, "You say you needed that information. You may believe that was the case; if so why did you not seek to meet with the proper authorities? Distance is hardly a concern for you in this instance."

Oz is about to speak up when I preempt him, "There are a multitude of reasons. The first of which is a distrust of the authorities; something I'm sure has been proven warranted considering all the arrests for corruption." I put my hands up to forestall any complaints as most, if not all, present have a positive impression of my mentor.

"The more pertinent reason is that I'm used to operating on my own and using whatever resources I can gather myself. Additionally, I had little desire to see the White Fang picked apart for obvious reasons. If I may be so bold, I believe my course of action to have been most beneficial for all parties involved." Oz has a small measure of pride in his features, though that's not reflected by much of the audience.

"You don't get to decide that," Gale yells out, red in the face. Only for his comment to be drowned out by the more collected Gossamer.

"While your reasoning is understandable it is also unacceptable. Refusing to properly work with the authorities and conducting your own investigation would be negligent for a citizen and downright criminal for a Huntsman. Especially one currently in training. Or are we to assume there was some reason for you to not provide such information to your headmaster aside from greed? Because as it stands now, I'm wondering how honest you were with Beacon in the first place."

"Miss Lake," Oz chastises in the same tone a parent or teacher would. Funnily enough it has the woman sitting straighter in her chair even though the timeline doesn't match up for her learning under this incarnation's life. I have no doubt that she was a student of his past life, but it is impressive he can get that feeling across with nothing but his tone. "I appreciate the effort, but it is entirely unwarranted. I'm well capable of defending myself thank you very much.

As for your implicit question, I was well aware of Ochre's connection to the White Fang. He did not hide it in his application and I suspected it was not as cut-off as he may have implied. I had the situation well in hand and it wouldn't be the first instance that Beacon has taken someone of a questionable past and shown them a better life. In this instance I'd say I was far more successful than I usually am," he chuckles to fill the air as he turns to me with a look most would consider fond.

I, however, notice the sharpness around his eyes that betray this isn't as uncalculated as it might first appear. He might be entirely truthful and genuine in his feelings, but he's also setting me up to carry past any awkward questions that may arise from me not initially trusting him or the council by simply not addressing the point.

"Oz is right. My time at Beacon has been…illuminating to say the least. I can admit that I would be a far worse person if not for my time there and the people I met. I can also safely say my attitude to the authorities is just one of the things that changed during my short time there. That is well evidenced by my continued working with the VPD."

My comment brings a cacophony of Gossamer and Gale talking over one another. They both stop for a moment to shoot the other a dirty look and in that intervening time Greene brings order with a clap of his hands. "I feel we may be drifting off topic. Mr. Rovere is free to associate with the VPD for whatever motivation compels him. We are not here to interrogate his life any more so than what it means for Vale as a whole and he has already answered the initial question.

While I would be remiss in not echoing the sentiment Gossamer put forth, I would also be just as troubled by not trusting Oz and his word. If there is still doubt over Mr. Rovere's sincerity and his initial motivation, let me put it to rest. It is not the topic of discussion, and who here can say that they were not motivated by self-interest when they were at his young age?"

Gale, Gossamer, and even Irons look like they have something they want to say in response, but Greene's tone makes it clear that any further discussion is not going to be tolerated. It's far from settling any suspicion or issues they may or may not have.

However, as far as council business is concerned I think that's Greene's way of saying the matter is settled. As much as his support has been helpful, I'm also getting the feeling that he's rather long-winded in his prose and mode of speech which makes me wonder how the council gets anything done with him at the helm.

"Fine," Gale spits out, "but that's not the main issue here anyway. Mr. Rovere has seen fit to continue meddling with the VPD long after the apprehension of Torchwick; the results of which are plain to see to anyone paying attention."

"Are you sure you want to bring that up," Lake Sr. quips. Gale resultantly shoots him a glare and the man openly laughs. "The way I see it, this young man did your job for you and much better than you could ever manage you toff. Or am I mistaken in my recollection of these past eight years?

You had every opportunity to look into this matter and take proactive steps to prevent this only to flaunt your ass around like a damn peacock. You are a disrespect not only to this council and my former seat, but Huntsmen everywhere as well. Do you think I'd have let such rot and corruption seep into my organization?

Have you even done so much as talk to those men on the ground to see what the real issues are? Don't bother answering; the only thing you're good for is blowing hot air. Why-"

"LANCEL," Greene yells out.

"What!? I'm not saying anything nobody here hasn't thought of. Excuse me if I don't worship proper decorum like you do. All the politeness in the world is worth nothing if we let scum like him hang around."

"That is enough! The rules of civility apply to you as well. All of you. Any further misstep and I will have no trouble cutting down on this meeting's numbers." Despite the rebuke, Lake Sr. appears as if he's won some great victory and turns his attention towards Gale.

The insulted man is already at the edge of his limits and the expression sets him off the rest of the way. He stands up with enough force to send his chair tumbling to the ground in a large crash while Lake Sr. leans back in his chair weathering the abuse hurled his way with the most serene smile on his face. Greene rubs at his temples for a few moments, the devolution of the meeting almost certainly rubbing him the wrong way.

After a few seconds of Gales' rambling tirade and stream of insults Greene takes that as his cue that such vitriol is not dying down. Thus he stands up and walks to the man in question who rapidly quiets down at his approach. Whatever words they share I can't overhear from my position, but they are punctuated by the older man pointing towards the door. Gale looks defiant for a moment only for Greene's stern expression to make him think better of it and he stomps out the door.

A silence overtakes the room as the First Councilman returns to his seat and takes a moment to collect himself. "Unless there are any complaints to the contrary, I am tabling this matter entirely. Mr. Rovere's involvement may have been unorthodox, but thus far no one has brought up anything that may indicate he has any ill intent towards Vale."

Irons raises his hand, perhaps unnecessarily, and Greene sighs but otherwise nods in his direction. "There is the matter of his connection to the White Fang as well as his presence at the CCT tower during their investigation despite the recency of his employment."

"Do you have an actual complaint to bring up," Greene asks with a weary voice. Irons doesn't say anything further and the leader of the meeting takes a couple of seconds to weigh what he actually said. "Mr. Rovere, do you have anything you'd like to say about this?"

"I don't believe it to be necessary," I say simply. Gossamer's lips thin in response and Irons remains unreadable, but despite any disapproval I should be fine. It's not like Vale has any jurisdiction over the White Fang and our current position seems to be enough to avoid any greater scrutiny. As for the CCT tower raid, if any investigation is going to be launched into what I did there that would be Atlas' jurisdiction and I already know James would be in my corner.

The silence reigns for a few moments longer only for Gossamer to break it. "If that's the case," she looks towards Greene who remains unphased and then her father to which her expression turns more severe. "I believe my presence here is no longer required." She only receives a nod of acknowledgement from Greene. She hesitates a little before making her way to the exit in earnest.

Her self-control is enough to refrain from any bigger show of her emotions. Although the disdain in her eyes as she passes me makes me think that her father is showing me a level of support that she's never been given. The man himself is either unaware or dismissive of such a dynamic as he simply luxuriates in the self-satisfaction of a job well done. If I had to guess he's accomplished much of what he wanted from this meeting and I'd be surprised if he has anything else to contribute.

Eventually Irons restarts the discussion, "I do believe that it would be in all of our interests to move on from this sordid affair and onto more productive topics. Before we do so, I hope we don't have to make it clear that such meddling in the affairs of Vale will not be so easily forgiven in the future."

"Irons," Greene calls out, but his heart isn't in it.

"I know, I know. I'm not trying to threaten the young man. Simply a friendly warning among peers I would say. Now, before we get too deep in the weeds, you must understand, Mr. Rovere, that none of this is binding. We will have to discuss things with the rest of the council and put it to a vote. Rather this will be a discussion on our position and what we hope to achieve in the future. Just as similarly for yourself, as I'm sure you are unable to fully speak for your Kingdom."

The fact that he's referring to Menagerie as a Kingdom is a good sign for things to come. However, I have something I can play that might tilt things in my favor ever more. Who knows it might actually be true in the future. "Actually," I interject, "the Belladonnas would not mind if I spoke on their behalf."

The room goes quiet once more as Greene and Irons blinks slowly. Oz remains largely unaffected while Lake Sr. beams with pride after a moment of processing and placing the name. I'm really not sure how I'm supposed to take that. Especially since it's so far off-base. I certainly didn't start dating Blake for that reason and I'm trading on her family's name instead of having explicit permission.

"Is this true," Greene asks in Oz's direction. My mentor nods in an almost rote gesture that belies some level of shock associated with the statement even if he's backing me up. It isn't enough to truly surprise him, but I guess doing so in such a bold manner wasn't something he accounted for.

"That does change some things," Iron announces, cupping his chin and lowering his head in thought. "Primarily for future arrangements. For now I think we can retain the fundamental and speculative nature of our discussion. I think I can speak for all present that we're broadly in favor of recognizing the faunus Kingdom. However, there are certain stipulations that must be met in agreement to the Vytal Accords."

"And Menagerie does not meet those requirements," I supply.

"Just so. That is the primary obstruction in recognizing your home as such. The public seems to think that it is just a matter of snapping our fingers and making it happen. A sentiment I'm sure you're more than aware of considering your actions as of late. Greene narrows his eyes in Irons' direction, but otherwise remains silent. Seems like he's pushing things just enough that the First Councilman is not voicing any objections.

"I'm not apologizing," I say in response to his unspoken challenge. Given the way Greene and Oz have been on my side I don't see a reason to play so passively, especially if I'm presenting myself as a representative of my homeland.

"Nor am I asking you to. I can respect the work you've put in, but you have to be aware that it puts us in a tight spot. Just a few words from yourself would do much to ease tensions."

"And what are you offering in return?"

If my words are of any surprise to the portly man he does not show in. In fact he gains a vicious smile as he continues, "I don't see why you feel the need to be so hostile and transactional. We're all on the same side, I can assure you that. If that's enough you have it in my word and honor-" Lake Sr. scoffs, interrupting Irons' pitch before it can get off the ground.

Before he can recover Greene cuts in, "Irons, is this any way to thank Mr. Rovere for what he has done for Vale? Your efforts are appreciated for acting in the interests of the Kingdom, but let us dispense with them and talk frankly." The other man looks like he wants to argue the point a bit further, but my mentor soon voices his agreement with the sentiment and he reluctantly backs down.

With that settled, Green takes the lead, "I suppose the matter has been put off for long enough and relates to the topic fairly well. Now, I can't speak on behalf of the rest of the council, but a reward for your efforts is long overdue. This would be a lot simpler if the matter of your citizenship was so easy to resolve. However, even lacking that, as head of the council I do have a certain permissiveness to reward your efforts and beyond that I can promise to perform my best efforts in convincing the rest of the council for that which I am unable to provide."

"Don't you think that's too presumptive? We haven't even discussed how we should handle Menagerie," Irons interrupts.

"I would not presume that a man such as Mr. Rovere would not have something to request in aid of his homeland and his efforts as such. In that case it would be best not to tread over the same ground twice." Irons very much looks like he wants to disagree, but holds his tongue. With no further complaints the four men look at me.

I share a brief glance with my mentor and he gives me a nod. This was somewhat expected by Oz's estimation so we went through a couple of things I could ask for, but the way Greene is presenting it makes it seem like the sky's the limit. Of course, that isn't actually the case. As he said himself, anything too big would require the approval of the rest of the council. However, that still leaves a number of options available to me.

It all depends on what exactly I want out of this. For the more personal, there is the possibility of being awarded land, although I almost immediately dismiss it. It would be well within the Greene's power to award me with such a material reward, it is a rather traditional one as far as the Kingdoms are concerned. I just don't see much of a reason to accept it beyond personal benefit as the Union has more than enough properties and Lien to make the occasional purchase even inside city walls. It might make a nice gift for Coral, but even that seems excessive.

Rather most of my thoughts drift towards how this could be used for a broader benefit. The first things that pop to mind are assisting with my homeland and the repeal of a certain city ordinance and passing of a new law. The former should be accomplishable easily enough.

With Irons as Minister of Inter-Kingdom Relations there is a small budget for assisting the other Kingdoms during times of crisis or otherwise spent on expenses for the department. It shouldn't be too much trouble to argue for aid for my homeland and would even be a move that engenders some goodwill with the Valean council. Both amongst the citizens and the faunus. It would be a pretty significant move to state that the Union can affect some change through purely peaceful and political means which is already a huge win.

Similarly is repealing the current city ordinance that allows businesses to exclude faunus from their premises. Going by what I've been told by Flint, the council was already considering such and it might be a waste of a favor. However, doing so would make it all too easy for me to claim credit for such in this instance. It would have a similar effect as the prior request while also being more immediately noticeable to the rest of the White Fang and the other Kingdoms.

I'm certain that would do more good than harm in the long run, but I can't discount that there is a budding racial tension from recent times. Seeing the faunus receive any rights is going to set some people the wrong way. I'm not sure I should care about their opinions, but something in my gut says that it is a legitimate issue.

After that is where things get a bit shakier. There is still a lot that I could request that would be easily granted, but not much that I find immediately useful. Maybe there's something I'm overlooking, but I move on to bigger picture things.

This primarily includes getting Vale to use its relations with the other Kingdoms to lobby for fairer treatment of the faunus. It would be a rather extreme measure as Vale has never historically been inclined to throw its influence around. Far too easy to spark a conflict or ill relations, but I could argue my case. No guarantee it would be followed through on though.

Something that is perhaps more palatable is to request the same aid, but in favor of raising Menagerie as the fifth Kingdom. This would require a lot of time to ensure we meet the Vytal Accords and do everything properly and might be overstepping my bounds since I haven't had the chance to talk this over with the Chief. It is, however, exactly what I've been hoping for and it's hard to dismiss now that the opportunity is before me.

On an arguably more controversial bent is getting the Kingdom of Vale to endorse the Union. I'm unsure if I'd argue for them to do so publicly or privately, but it is an option. At the bare minimum I'd expect an influx of resources and legitimacy for my position in particular.

It would, however, tie us to Vale in a way that wouldn't be easy to extricate ourselves from amicably. This would open up some long term possibilities of perhaps doing something similar with the other Kingdoms and perhaps receiving some official powers for the Union, but that is a far off concern and would certainly receive a large portion of pushback. We don't necessarily have to push things that far, though.

Realistically anything that I can think of that would require the assistance of a Kingdom is on the table. Although I have to keep in mind the politics at work and that there are things that Vale will not go for under any circumstance. Additionally, it seems like I've banked up one favor due to my efforts thus far. Arguably that should be two and with a small promise to say a few words to ease the current pressure the council is facing I'm sure I could get that other one. Then there is the matter of Merlot.

I don't see much reason to hold back on that information and promising to take care of it should offer me some more leniency here as well. Beyond that I feel like it would take some favor trading, but I'm uncertain what I could really offer the council that would be of equivalent value. I suppose I could offer to stay out of the election, but that runs counter to my goals and I want to dismiss it entirely.

Aid: It shouldn't be too problematic to get some funds and resources sent to my homeland. Given travel times I think the Relay issue will already be open at that time so there isn't much loss involved. (4)

Recognition: The council seems broadly on board with recognizing my home as long as we meet the criteria. This would just get the ball rolling and have them put some pressure on the other kingdoms. (4)

Ordinance: Something the council was planning before the Dust robberies. They might go back to it on their own, but making sure it gets done and taking some of the credit is useful. (2)

Significant Aid: This would require the approval of the rest of the council, but dedicating a fraction of Vale's budget solely to help my home for a few years is no small ask. (requires Aid as well) (2)

Land: It appears a townhome in Vale wouldn't be too much of an ask and would be a simple thing for the council to grant. (0)

Equality: Vale could argue on behalf of the faunus to some degree if it's to pay back what I've done for them. I also get the feeling that Irons would relish in the opportunity. (0)

Endorsement: This is more of a controversial pick. Having the backing of a Kingdom for my organization is as much of a drawback as it is a boon, but it could open up opportunities in the future. (0)
Speak in favor of the council: Just a few words about how Vale is attempting to do right by my home and the faunus as the whole should undercut some of the tension I've generated and be worth some recompense. (5)

Merlot: His existence and my actions against him should be public knowledge soon enough, but I could withhold from telling them for some reason. (4)

—-----None Below this line—---- (2)

Abstinance: there are some concerns that I'm overly involved in Valean matters. Promising to stay out of politics for the upcoming cycle should earn me some good will if nothing else (0)
Ordinance: Something the council was planning before the Dust robberies. They might go back to it on their own, but making sure it gets done and taking some of the credit is useful. (3)

Significant Aid: This would require the approval of the rest of the council, but dedicating a fraction of Vale's budget solely to help my home for a few years is no small ask. (requires Aid as well) (2)

From there things devolve into minutiae. My demands aren't too onerous even if there is some balking at listing them all at once before I can bring up what I can offer in return. Part of that comes from an oblique mention of Merlot that my mentor leans over to discuss with Greene. The other two men trust that the matter is sensitive enough that they don't have to be brought on.

Either way, my exact demands combined with offering to put a good word in for the council and their efforts are met well enough, especially by Irons. I get the feeling he doesn't get all that he wants out of this meeting, but enough of it that he's probably favorable towards me.

There isn't even much resistance to my requests when they're put forth with the ones that require the rest of the council to vote on already being something they were broadly in favor of to begin with. They just have a ready made excuse to go after such for now. Technically the hardest of which is the incipient recognition of Menagerie. The usual excuse for not doing so holds true, that the unofficial fifth Kingdom does not meet the requirements and has not reached out to the other Kingdoms with the inquiry.

The latter of which isn't necessarily false most of the time. Just that my home recognized that it wouldn't receive recognition through the proper channels and simply stopped trying after a while. Arguably as an agent of Menagerie, even an unconfirmed one, that bit of polite fiction can no longer be waved around. However, it also doesn't matter in this instance as the political will does exist on Vale's part.

It will take a bit for some of this to take effect, but perhaps not as long as I might think otherwise. As Oz and I depart, Greene calls for a special session with the rest of the council. I'm pretty sure I'll see word about the ordinance being repealed and a law passed prohibiting such in the future soon enough. The matter of Menagerie is touchy enough that I think it will take some more time, but the aid should soon start flowing as that is based on Iron's budget and he's in favor of the measure.

As much as that builds up a sense of anticipation within me I put it out of my mind as my mentor and I enter his small townhome. We had to shake off the press from following us at some point, but Oz knows the layout of Vale like the back of his hand at this point so it's no trouble taking some indirect routes to our destination. Once inside we don't get to training right away. Oz figures that the both of us could do with some relaxation and fixing the two of us some drinks as we sit in the den.

"I'd say that you accounted for yourself quite well, Ochre. Not that there was much to fear from the council, but not losing your nerve amongst the most powerful members of Vale is a commendable enough feat."

"You sure you're not puffing yourself a little bit there," I joke.

"Maybe," he drinks from his cup, "but the praise is genuine and I'm sure it will be a long time before your home forgets of the efforts you've won for them this day. If ever."

That particularly unsubtle reminder is enough to slip past my usual defenses and I take in a sharp breath. My mentor seems to recognize my situation and back off while I recover from that bit of emotionality. I never figured I'd be one to be so affected like this, but seeing my dream come together piece by piece seems to do the trick.

He allows me a few more moments before he restarts the conversation, "Either way, I think that's enough discussion relating to politics for one day. A month if I'm being honest. I don't suppose you have anything you'd like to talk about before we get started?"

"Well…" I trail off chuckling, "I have it on good authority the two things you never discuss in polite company are politics and religion. With one of those out of the way it only leaves one other."

"I don't suppose I could recant my statement in that case?" I laugh at his reluctance even if it's most likely feigned. I'm not sure if I should hold such against him, but I'm willing to let it slide considering the sensitive subject matter. "I don't suppose you have any questions I could answer instead of wading into the topic blindly?"

"A couple," I allow. "I do find it curious that the brother gods are still known by people today. Kelly's family even worshiped them though I think her exact beliefs differ. Just wondering how that's the case considering the whole wiping civilization off the face of Remnant thing."

Oz's good cheer takes a hit, but he recovers after a few seconds, "Yes, that was a regrettable state of affairs. To answer your question, I suppose it wouldn't be impossible for the Gods to have made themselves known to the people of Remnant at some point. We already have evidence they involved themselves more than once so further times wouldn't be entirely unexpected."

"Doesn't that go against their whole leaving us alone business? I mean, it's hardly fitting if they show up to mess with us whenever they feel like it."

"Perhaps," Oz says, but his tone indicates he isn't seeing what I'm getting at. Then again I don't exactly have a kind view of the asshole gods like he does. My comment was even intended to convey that we might just be better off if they never showed back up. "In either case it's a moot point as to how information of them spread. There are a few ruins buried underneath the wiped away slate the brothers wrought that could be responsible, although I'll admit they are far from common.

I doubt they're the source of the belief being in any way prevalent, but I can't dismiss it entirely. Even then it's not like myths and legends of other gods and god-like figures haven't abounded in Remnant. So, regardless of the method involved the brothers must not have been active enough to stamp out other religions entirely."

"I still don't think that gives them a right to mess with us." I swallow thickly in response as I move to a point I'm sure Oz himself disagrees with, "Honestly, we're probably better off if they don't show back up at all."

My mentor stares down at his cup for a long moment, sets it aside, and begins to clean his glasses. "I'm sure it must seem that way, though I can't agree. I don't think I have the words to do justice just how much the world has lost in their absence.

Not just magic, but the natural splendor of the world as well. There were wonders abound that would challenge the minds of most men. Sights like that of Atlas hanging in the sky could have been the norm among a thousand other fantastical things."

"But your world still had problems," I challenge. It's kind of hard to forget that he passed away from sickness in his first life so even magic had limits it couldn't overcome.

Oz sighs, "You're right, but that's hardly the fault of the gods. People can be greedy, ill-tempered, and downright cruel to one another. It wouldn't be right to blame the ills of the world on the gods when so much of them stem from our fellow man."

He obviously isn't getting my point and frustration leaks into my voice, "They aren't exactly blameless either." I try to bring myself under control and carry my point, but my mentor's questioning face has me launching into my tirade, "Let's ignore the fact they were perfectly fine with sickness and all manner of unequal random chance befalling people. These are the same gods that decided to punish the whole of humanity for the actions of a few right?"

Oz opens his mouth, but I don't give him the chance to respond, "There is no way everyone was on board with Salem's lunacy. Hell, from the way you describe it I don't think I'd be wrong in saying that the brothers are responsible for more innocent deaths than Salem is. You want to talk about your perfect world and how we can go back to it, but don't forget they're the ones who took that away, not Salem.

She's a problem, sure, but from what you've told me they could have crushed her like a bug and continued on with their lives, they chose not to. They chose to commit genocide on a worldwide scale for a small insult. Then they sent you on an impossible quest like that somehow makes them gracious and magnanimous.

"Mr. Rovere," Oz yells out.

I ignore him, "Believe in them all you want, but if I ever met your gods I would spit on them."

"MR. ROVERE," Oz repeats, striking his cane against the floor with enough force that I think the tiling underneath cracks. "You are free to have your beliefs. However, this is the only time that I'm going to ask you nicely to respect mine."

Right, I probably did get a bit too worked up there. Not that I don't mean what I said. I just thought that Oz would be smart enough to see the abuse that his gods have leveled against the rest of the world and himself in particular. He was even fine with my usual minor blasphemy against the gods and disparaging them in general for what they've done to him. However, despite that all it seems like he holds them in high regard.

"Can I at least ask why," I ask after a few long moments and then clarify. "I mean why do you still act like this? After all they've done?"

He looks at me for several seconds before rubbing at his temples, conveniently hiding his eyes from me. "I suppose it is hard to understand, having never seen them yourself. They're responsible for the creation of all of Remnant, humanity, and the faunus. None of us would be here without them and we owe them at least that much respect. Myself especially. That and- well, the rest would be rather personal I think."

That last bit starts casually enough before turning rapidly guarded. No doubt it's something he doesn't want to share, but the abrupt one eighty piques my curiosity. "Are you sure you don't want to tell me," I plead.

Oz stops shielding his eyes to look at me directly before they dart off to the side. It must actually be something that weighs on him if he's being so obviously avoidant. Unfortunately, calling him out on that would have the opposite effect of what I want so I let the moment go. In the end he doesn't return to whatever his actual reason is.

Instead our conversation turns towards the stories he was raised on of the gods detailing their personalities. The brother of darkness often depicted as capricious, selfish, self-indulgent, and proud. Ultimately the incarnation of destruction as it became known.

The brother of light was his opposite: steady, unyielding, generally selfless, and willing to humble himself to the point of occasionally taking a guise to traverse human settlements. Most aspects of creation end up attributed to him, but Oz cautions that both brothers are just as equal as the other in the fields of creation and destruction. They just have different preferences.

Of course, the existence of two tremendously powerful entities brings to mind what brought them into existence. Oz relates that the most popular theory was that the brothers simply willed themselves into being one day. That feels distinctly wrong to me, but I don't have the evidence to counteract it and it's only a theory.

I suppose that only the lamp would be able to provide the answers. However, as an item made by the gods I'm uncertain if it could be truly said to be unbiased. If that's the case searching for answers would be all but impossible.

Relating such to Oz leaves him in a thoughtful mood throughout much of our session. He doesn't have a logical point that he could bring up to argue against me. Additionally, since it's an honest inquiry instead of me just generally disparaging his deities he's actually giving it some thought instead of dismissing it entirely. I think the lack of a concrete answer is doing most of the work for me and getting him to revisit his conception of the gods far more than any of my actual words ever did.

It's frustrating in an entirely new way that I struggle to put into words. That I couldn't be trusted to know what I'm talking about, but suddenly when a pertinent and unanswered question appears that is enough to shake his faith however little. I'm uncertain what will become of such an observation and Oz is uncharacteristically quiet as we close things out.

If I had to guess he'll be spending some time poring over old tomes or his memories. I doubt he'll allow himself to remain off-balanced as it were for long. The ever-present demands of his life and the looming threat of Salem must not leave him with much time to just sit back and introspect.

The next day comes before I know it and as I get ready to go work down by the station I open my door to a practically vibrating Blake who envelopes me in a hug and kiss in short order. She has her scroll in her hand and I don't have to give very many guesses as to what she read on it. It is a bit surprising how fast the wheels of governance can turn when properly motivated, although it is not without its downsides.

Al and I finished the schedule for next week not that long ago. Unfortunately, with this I know he is going to complain until I help him rebalance shifts to have enough people on call to deal with the wave of complaints and incidents I'm sure we'll have to deal with.

I try to make my way down to the station on my lonesome, but Blake has other plans in mind. In fact she walks me all the way to my job and even hangs in the lobby area for a few minutes before she realizes that I'm going to be here for a while. It is awfully sweet of her, although it is demeaning in a way I never thought I'd experience; as evidenced by the snickering of a few of my fellow officers.

I'm sure they'd react much the same to most guys and gals showing up with their significant other, but that doesn't take the bite out at all. My only reprieve is that I'm pulled by Al into his office with a stern glare. Well, as stern as Al gets which isn't all that much. I get to work easily enough so his frustration rapidly dissipates and we fall into an easy discussion.

As we really get into it, Merlot gets brought up by Al in a gloating tone. One that is short-lived as I bring forth what I found out on my own. I don't even need to bring up that I have someone looking into where exactly Merlot is located before my boss' demeanor falls into an overly dramatic pout. It does remind me that I'll have to bring Oz up to speed again. I was planning to last night, but that fell through after the religious discussion.

Al pages through my evidence one more time before relenting, "As much as I hate to admit it you got me beat on this one." Then he turns inordinately smug as if he's somehow won, "I bet you had to work two, no, three times as hard to keep on top of this all as opposed to myself. If we really look at the ratio of time and results I'm sure I'm ahead."

"Uh-huh," I agree facetiously, "and I suppose that's all the more reason for you to be lazy in the future?"

"Of course," he waves off dismissively, "I'll admit, I was concerned about this guy when you brought him up, but it seems like you have things in hand. Crisis averted and all that right?" I roll my eyes and he takes that as a conclusion of our regular dramatics to go back to talking shop in other aspects.

Although, if I really wanted to, I have another thing I could bring up that might shake that lazy attitude of his. I'll admit it's somewhat prompted by self-interest and a general desire to see him shaken up. He also seemed ready to shape up when there was an actual crisis on the horizon and I am interested in seeing just how far he would change with this information.

It may be unnecessarily cruel, however. It's not like I absolutely need his help dealing with Salem, and the level of help he could provide isn't guaranteed. I could simply let this talk drift to more palatable topics instead.

Merlot: Ostensibly something we've already covered, but I could get his thoughts on the man and there might even be something I've missed. (4)

Equality: He must have some thoughts on the sudden ordinance beyond how much of a pain it is for him to change things last second. (3)

Responsibility: He's particularly avoidant of being saddled with any official duties, but he has taken to his position rather well all things considered. Might be worthwhile to see if he still feels the same way. (2)

Crisis: A bit more oblique than talking about the conspiracy directly. He has mentioned that Remnant is always in between one crisis or another, but when a real one became apparent he was actually somewhat motivated. Might be worth digging into that discrepancy. (1)

Conspiracy: I'm still uncertain on if I want to bring him on fully, but dropping a few hints might whet his appetite and give me a chance to read how he'll react (0)

Family: We talked a while ago and I got the impression that he feels more obligated to be a cop because of perceived expectations from his family. That may be the truth, but it might also be worth bringing up. (0)

Since we're already on the topic I have little trouble delving into Merlot a little bit more. "Are you really going to tell me that you spent the past week looking into Merlot and came up with nothing me and my men could find with a little effort," I say with a shit-eating grin plastered on my face.

Al stills for a moment at the conflicting signals before going along with my holier-than-thou attitude, "Don't act like you don't have the advantage here. You might have that school, your Union, your girlfriends, but…uh, nevermind we're probably actually on a level playing field all things considered." I roll my eyes again; if anything I'm at the disadvantage.

Al may take his job as seriously as he needs to, but that doesn't preclude him from getting done with his work ahead of time to generate the least amount of headache for himself. Plus it's not like he actually has anything outside of work that he absolutely has to attend to. Well, maybe aside from family matters with how that was a sticking point for him in a prior conversation.

"As fun as you trying and failing to come up with excuses is, it still doesn't disprove that I did your job infinitely better than you." He bristles at that which tells me that I'm bandying words a little too close to outright insults. I suppose I'll have to lay off him a bit in the future to ensure there are no hard feelings.

"Yeah, well, you may have gotten the more important bits, but I bet I was more thorough."

"I'm all ears, Al," I say a little bit too quickly for him not to pick up on the fact my needling has been intentional. He actually relaxes a little at that realization. I guess he figures that I am actually scrounging up for every bit on Merlot instead of busting his balls for not measuring up. Not that the latter wasn't fun to pretend to be the case while it lasted.

"Fine, I see how it is," he grouses without any real feeling behind it. "Like I brought up, I don't have much that you haven't been able to figure out, but I do have something. This Merlot guy seems to be the egotistical sort. Going through some old tour videos and product demonstrations he plasters his emblem on absolutely everything and to a degree that I would consider unhealthy.

Take one of the grimm cages for example. Did you know he painted the outer links and bars to resemble his emblem? And not just on one side, but every side. He made sure that on every piece of company property, including the uniforms, cybernetics, and vehicles, had an emblem somewhere easily visible on them. Usually multiple if he could get away with it.

On top of that, there are also some complaints from his employees that he'd put his face on the screens strewn about the facility whenever he wanted to talk to someone, usually through the intercom. If you believe all the reports he would even just put his face up randomly as if to show that he was watching one person in particular."

"Al," I start in a light-hearted tone. "As interesting as that bit of trivia is, it doesn't actually help me, now does it?"

He works his lower jaw as if to swallow the soft statement. "I suppose not. Perhaps a bit more useful to you is that Merlot had a few contracts with Glenn in expanding their underground tunnels. He even tried petitioning the city for some sort of mega-research complex that would be built mostly underground. He was denied, of course, but the initial submission to the city wasn't too hard to track down. Maybe it'll be of some use."

I don't know if it will or not, but finding out Merlot's predilection and capability of underground operations doesn't bode well for actually dealing with the man. Finding him on a remote island is already going to be a big enough pain without factoring in that tidbit as well. Hopefully it's not as bad as I potentially fear. On the plus side being aware of it means I can suggest Oz reach out to certain people ahead of time. Raven and her scouting is already going to leave us throwing things together at the last second as it is.

"I guess that's something," I say after a few seconds. I still don't know if it's worth it, but it is information I didn't have already. "I don't suppose there's anything more that you can give me."

Al shakes his head only to frown a couple seconds later. "Not anything concrete, more of a feeling I've developed while looking into him. This guy has a rather high opinion of himself; he won't think many people can actually give him a run for his money and I would say if he's not expecting trouble he'll be a lot more unbalanced than he normally is. He seems like the sort that would plan for a lot of eventualities, but if you can overwhelm him he's bound to start making mistakes."

I nod, though that info isn't too far off from what I could guess in the first place. Most people don't respond well to unexpected circumstances or being overwhelmed. Then again I think the likes of Torchwick and Paprika might be better suited to going with the flow than most others. I suppose in that lens Al could be saying that it's an even bigger issue for Merlot than it is for other people.

I guess that's good tidings as far as my plans are concerned. That is if he didn't pick up something was wrong when Mulberry was taken in and his Dust shipments started to run dry. With any luck, the time delay involved might be enough that he's only recently aware of the issue and hasn't prepared accordingly. Of course, that also relies on him not keeping an ear out on CCTS broadcasts and I can't be certain of that either. Too many unknowns for my liking, but there isn't much that can be done about that.

"Fine, I guess that earns you another day of my help," I say, affecting a haughty tone not unlike one Weiss would.

"Earn," Al questions affronted, "and here I thought I was the one helping you, not the other way around." He huffs dramatically and crosses his arms. Then he plants them on his desk and looks at them longingly. No doubt he's thinking of evading this topic altogether by retreating to the pillowy embrace of his arm feathers.

"Yes, and I do appreciate it," I say to mollify him before returning to my trap laid out for him. "I guess I'm just still waiting for the praise you have to send my way." I fan myself with an imaginary object and Al scoffs.

"Please, such attention seeking is unbecoming of you."

"You're right, you suit the look much better."

"Damn straight and don't you forget it." He sticks his nose up like he somehow won our little exchange only for his expression to soften as time wears on. "I guess if you're so adamant about this I could say you did something good. Don't know why you bothered pressing them for this instead of anything else. You do realize the council was gonna go through with this in like a year or so max, right? That's assuming the Festival and your inevitable victory wouldn't prompt them to do so in the first place."

As much as there is for me to dig into there, one part in particular catches my attention. "Inevitable victory? Not that I don't appreciate the vote of confidence Al, but you should know that's far from guaranteed."

"Pssh," he waves off, "I might not know anything about your Huntsmen business, but if there's anyone that works nearly half as hard as you do I'd eat my hat."

"You don't wear a hat," I counter.

"Saves me the trouble of eating it then, doesn't it? Look, what I'm getting at is that you're an overachiever and I don't doubt you approach your Huntsman business the same way."

Hearing that from him is touching in an odd sort of way. I'm sure if I pressed him even a little bit he'd say that I work too hard and need to take a break or something. Or if I asked about the compliment itself he'd deflect and say that I'm being too obvious in fishing for praise or something equally asinine to distract from the genuine moment.

"Alright," I say, acknowledging that's likely the best I'm getting out of him. "And about the matter at hand."

"Are you still fishing for compliments? I hear that's a very unattractive quality with the ladies."

"Is it different for guys?"

"Not really, but every guy loves receiving compliments. They just don't think they're sincere most of the time." I'm not sure if that's true or not, but I let him have that point. "Still, if you're on about the whole ordinance business I'll have to reiterate it was unnecessary on your part and an utter waste of whatever influence you had with the council. Honestly anything would have been better than that I think."

Naturally I disagree pretty heavily. Al is looking at this as something that was inevitable and thus I shouldn't have bothered. Merely wait for the result to come in. I don't know if he doesn't value doing things expediently in this matter or the fact that it took more effort for me to force the issue. I'm all but certain he isn't factoring in how this affects my reputation with the faunus and perhaps he's unaware that it is a legitimate issue. He might also think that's a thing that will inevitably work itself out and is thus not an issue.

"Who says that's all I got from them," I question with a wry smile. Convincing my boss that my work ethic is entirely warranted in this aspect seems like it would be far more trouble than it's worth. However that doesn't mean I can't mess with him the best way I know how.

"Oh," he lets out while trying to affect disinterest. I simply return to work while he waits expectantly. Soon it becomes clear that I really am dropping the matter much to his frustration. Al even goes as far to bring up a few unrelated topics and ask a few leading questions to see if I'll give him any indication of what I worked over the council for. It more than makes the hours of paperwork less of a drudgery to work through.

My work for the week isn't quite done. I ring up Oz and explain the situation as best as I can while I head to meet up with some men from the Union. It isn't too hard to relay how I did some favor trading with Raven as well as what I've found on Merlot's personality and such. I don't bring up anything he disagrees with, but when it comes to the mention of when I'm planning on pulling this off, Oz abruptly stops my comment to interject a request of his own.

He wants to be there with me whenever I make a move to take down Merlot. The explanation for which is rather easy to draw out of him. He legitimately thinks that Merlot is too dangerous to leave this up to chance.

With the holes in our knowledge thus far he doesn't have the utmost confidence that I could deal with this on my lonesome even if he offered some agents to assist. The fact that Raven is our chauffeur is apparently enough of a benefit that he's willing to spend a bit of time on this endeavor to make sure it's completed properly. I'm sure the fact that he'll be there to ensure I don't get into too much trouble and the fact that Merlot is arguably his fault for not following up on has nothing to do with his decision.

My mentor's questionable truthfulness aside, accommodating his request is not going to sit well with Raven and I'm unsure if I could turn it down. The people I have available to deal with Merlot are already a thin number since there is the slim chance that he has stumbled on the conspiracy and answering any of those awkward questions is best kept to a minimum. Either way, I won't have to make the final decision on that for a while yet.

First I must deal with my men and the media campaign we're gearing up for. At the forefront of my mind is of course Merlot. Revealing him would be a nice distraction and explain where my efforts have been since I haven't been able to produce much else concerning the Mulberry case. There is a level of confidence carrying me forwards. The belief that I'll have something and if I'm taking this long to come up with it, it must be something worthwhile. I can't say this doesn't fit.

Still, it might not be in my best interest to go through with the information right away. My first instinct is to simply delay the release of the information. I won't know when exactly Raven will be ready to go, but I have the feeling it won't be too much longer now. If I can set aside the time to be ready and take down Merlot next week there shouldn't be much issue in arranging things this way.

Alternatively I could ignore the Merlot announcement entirely, at least for now. To that end there are two other possibilities that spring to mind. Try as I might, nothing else immediately comes to mind, but I might be overlooking something obvious.

Regardless, my two options are to talk about my relationships, for clarities' sake if nothing else, and my recent efforts with the Valean council. While it will be in the news soon enough, going on a victory tour of sorts might boost the message that this was achieved through entirely peaceful means. That might not amount to much, but it could be something faunus could point to when confronted with deliberating on a more extreme course of action. Naturally for those opposed to equality it might be painting an even target on my back and the rest of the faunus, but that may be unavoidable all things considered.

Delayed: I can still whip up our presentation for the takedown of Merlot. It might be the height of hubris, but if I'm confident this is an alternative that won't give him a heads up. (3)

Merlot: The public, and the Union, has been waiting for significant results from my investigation. It may be worthwhile to let it out even if it might inform the man himself ahead of time. (1)

Personal: Not the most appealing of options, but it is an option. It would at least make me more personable to open up like this and dispel some distasteful rumors. (0)

Victory lap: Perhaps unnecessary, but I can admit that this is ostensibly a big victory for the faunus. I could even work in the mention of Menagerie receiving aid. (0)

Nothing: This whole venture is a bit ill-founded in light of recent information. It may be best to scrap the manpower and redirect them elsewhere (+1 org action next week) (0)

With orders sent out there isn't much to do other than sit back and wait. I get around to planning out the week in advance and I get the feeling my time is going to be prevailed upon enough as it is. On a similar note, I receive a message from Vel. It's just informing me that she and her team are going to be busy with missions next week in case that affects my plans this week.

Realistically that would mean that for the two weeks after this upcoming one she'd be unavailable. Even if her team isn't overlong on their mission they would still be busy putting everything together in time for the dance. Something in my gut says there's something wrong with that sentence, but I for the life of me can't figure out what it is.

Aside from that, with my decision as it is, it is probably for the best that I reserve some time for chasing after Merlot. Given his predilection for a hidden compound and almost certain reliance on robotic security, my semblance gives me an undue advantage. Plus, given that I went through all this trouble to secure Raven's assistance and my planned message there isn't any world where I would pass on this for some other time later on. It is also of slight benefit that if anything were to go wrong I'd probably have enough time to make it back to Vale before missing the dance.

Aura(Knowledge) raised from rank 2 (149/150) to rank 3 (2/300) Source: Class & Training

Aura(Practical) raised from (73/1250) to (119/1250) Source: Semblance usage, Class, & Aura(knowledge) boost.

Combat Raised from (1055/1250) to (1111/1250) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, Class, & Assistance

Craft(Weapon) Raised from (62/150) to (68/150) Source: Class

Criminology Raised from (44/150) to (46/150) Source: VPD

Culture raised from (137/150) to (147/150) Source: Oobleck & Ozpin

Grimm raised from (156/300) to (162/300) Source: Class

History raised from (200/625) to (224/625) Source: Oobleck, Class, & Ozpin

Investigation raised from(285/625) to(331/625) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, Alabaster, Class, Training, Challenge, & QM mistake

Law raised from (40/150) to (44/150) Source: VPD

Mobility raised from (546/625) to (580/625) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, & Class

Performance (Piano) raised from Rank 0 (6/150) to Rank 2 (86/150) Source: Training

Personal Funds increased to 19000L Source: VPD
Interlude 10, Blake Belladonna

Blake Belladonna

He did it. He actually did it. The news comes to my scroll, carried forth by a plethora of messages from the people I work with in the White Fang. Apparently it's a surprise to them as much as it is to everyone else. Honestly, it's just like him to do this sort of dramatic stunt and then play it off like it's no big deal.

That's part of the problem. Ochre could have said anything to our men. To me. Any kind of heads up really. Instead he chooses to do this. I'm not sure if I should laugh, scream, or cry. I do none of that.

Instead I pace about the front of his room waiting for him to be ready for the day. I need to keep an eye on him and see if there's anything I can do to get through to him. I keep my scroll in hand to answer questions and wave off concerns.

Knowing Ochre, this is by his hand and he has everything under control. The alternative is that this is some sort of ruse by the council and I don't think Ozpin would go along with it. That and Ochre would be a lot more worried about it than his lack of reaction would indicate. The possibility that those old politicians could pull one over on my man is dismissed as farcical. He's far too aware to let some old fogies get one over on him. Then again, he can be quite dense and unaware at times, as I've experienced first-hand.

That's a small price to pay for how things turned out. I wonder how different it would be if I was more forthright with my feelings and didn't require that push from Mom. Ultimately, I can't know; it took me so long just to realize I had feelings for him and then there was that business with Adam hanging over our heads. I wanted to get it all off my chest before we faced him so I wouldn't have any regrets. Ochre, however…well, he has a way of circumventing the best laid plans of everyone around him. Not that I'm complaining.

Heck, from how he describes things he did the same thing to Ozpin. Practically bullied the man into letting him in on things. Which, honestly, sounds just like him.

My wistful thoughts are interrupted by my boyfriend exiting his room. My ears catch on to the slight noise quickly enough for me to be in position with little trouble. I spot the badge on his chest and his nonchalant attitude. Of course he's not giving himself enough credit for what he's accomplished. It's a struggle to maintain my emotions and hold back, so I don't.

Soon I'm in his arms and we're sharing kisses. He's indulging me for now and I try to pin him against the door or a nearby wall so I can properly show my appreciation. Maybe even get it through his thick head that he's done an amazing thing.

Unfortunately, when he has business on his mind there's not much that stops him from his chosen course of action. He bulls over my efforts and attempts to go about his day. Except I'm not about to let him win that easily.

I hook my arm in his and walk beside him. I try to keep my steps slightly slower than his normal pace. An attempt to slow him down and subtly try to draw his attention to his accomplishment. Not with words exactly, I can't find the right ones at the moment, but with my behavior. Of course it doesn't work and I can only berate myself. Fully giving up on such fantasies as we take our seats on the airship.

There's a lot of conflicting emotions I face that makes any attempt to speak up a fraught one. I'm happy, yes. But given what Ochre, Weiss, and I talked about, and more importantly his reaction, I have more than enough on my mind. It doesn't make it any easier, but I know what's going on. I know it all too well.

That same sense of self-loathing I dealt with for so long is something he grapples with too. I wouldn't guess it just by looking at him, but his words back then. The way he struggled to get them out in a coherent manner and his lack of seeking any kind of praise or affirmation for his efforts is rather telling.

I'm certain he'll ensure that people know the most recent ordinance repeal is due to his and the Union's efforts. That's not the same as ignoring any and all personal validation as he so easily could have sought out. It's a big accomplishment and he's acting like it's just another day for him.

I suppose it is in a sense. While I wallowed in my self-pity and failure to change my circumstances for the longest time, Ochre isn't like that. He simply accepted the state of affairs for what it was. It's a part of him as much as any other fact of his life no matter how far from the truth it is.

'Not a good person.' Anyone could tell that's patently false by his actions, but he really believes it. Even after everything he's done: restructuring the White Fang, taking down Adam, and now the biggest win for faunus rights in years; achieved solely through peaceful actions and working with people. Sure, some of the things he said…they concern me. But, they concern him just as much if not more. He may not think he's a good person because of that, but he clearly doesn't like that part of him and wants to change. We both do.

I lean against Ochre and hold him tight. Not too tight as he'll know that something is up and then we'll either have to talk about it or he'll worry about it. Considering it's about him and his attitude about himself it's more likely he'd wave my concerns up or keep me quiet with some kisses. I don't want to get into an argument about any of that, I just want to help him.

Only it's not that easy. C'mon Blake you can do this. This is important. He's important.

I open my mouth again only for no words to come out. I guess I'm still a coward deep down even after all this time. I shake my head; I can't afford to let myself wallow in pity when he needs my help. Unfortunately, my action catches his attention.

"You did something wonderful." The words fall from my lips. A general platitude that I know he'll shoot down instead of something more genuine.

"Eh, it wasn't anything that great. Just a few words and cashing in the right favors. Heck the council was already going to go through with it to begin with. I've just put us in a position to benefit from it."

The response is just as I expected and yet I don't stop myself from smiling. Part of that is out of genuine want. It really is a big deal for our people. Only more of my response is brought about deliberately. This is about him and not myself, I don't need him getting distracted.

I let a soft hum escape my throat as I nuzzle into him as much as I can. "Still, you've done good." I don't give him the chance to deny the sentiment, "And knowing you, you got them to agree to more than just that." If there's one thing I know that will get him talking it's about his future plans. Well, that and home.

"Well…" he trails off with faux reluctance. I roll my eyes, but play into his dramatics by shooting him a pleading look. "You didn't hear it from me, but home might be getting some much needed aid from Vale." He lets that out far too easily for it to be the complete picture. I narrow my eyes and he continues with a light tone, "Nothing's set in stone yet, but with any luck something that's a long-time coming will be in the works."

I wait for him to elaborate and he doesn't. Instead he pulls out his scroll to check on something for a moment before putting it away to give me his full attention. That lull in the conversation is long enough for me to process what exactly he said and what he means. In response I put up a mask that I'm not going to allow to slip. I would have thought that if anything would get him out of his mindset it'd be helping home. However, once again, he's acting as if nothing's happened and it breaks my heart.

That more than anything makes it clear that I'm not going to get through to him with a single conversation. The field is fraught enough that I don't push my luck any further. Instead I talk about light matters and take some comfort in his physical attention. I hope he takes the same from my small gestures. I can at least be sure that he cares about our relationship and hopefully that will be enough to work through this issue.

I quiet down as I walk with him to his station and then am left with my own thoughts. I need help with this. I know what the problem is, but dealing with it effectively…well, I'd rather have some back-up is all.

Fortunately I'm far from alone in this endeavor. It does mean that I have to board an airship back to Beacon right away instead of enjoying the city, but that's a small price to pay. On the way back I message Weiss and the two of us meet in our dorm.

Ruby and Yang are out and we double check to make sure they aren't going to be back any time soon. It feels wrong to keep a secret like this from them again. I know Ruby would want to help as much as she could. As for Yang, I think she would want to help out in the end as well, regardless of whatever weirdness is going on with her and Ochre.

Regardless, it's not a valid option for the two of us. Ochre trusted us with that moment of vulnerability. He seems to take keeping other people's secrets seriously. I can't really complain; he trusted me enough to keep my faunus nature hidden even if there was no reason to do so. I'm not going to betray him on something like this. Not when I have other options available to me.

Weiss knows this just as well as I do. Similarly, she knows the only reason we'd need to meet like this with this kind of secrecy is to talk about our boyfriend. It is a struggle, but I'm able to bring up some of my concerns and bring the topic back to his moment in our discussion. She doesn't like hearing about the subject any more than I like bringing it up, but she has more determination writ on her face than I feel at the moment.

"How do we fix him," she questions in an imperious tone.

"There's nothing to fix," I snipe back with a heat in my voice.

She continues with a dismissive wave of her hand, "You know what I mean." I clack my jaw shut and keep my tongue behind my teeth. I have to remember that we're both on the same side; getting angry isn't going to help. "There has to be some way," she adds on in a quiet voice and looks away from me. The lack of apparent reaction on my part drawing her to do so.

I let my previous indignation fall away. She's not acting like this because of a lack of concern or understanding. She wants to tackle the issue so harshly and directly because she blames herself for not noticing it earlier. I don't blame her and I'm sure Ochre doesn't either. Heck he practically admitted he was keeping it under wraps, but that doesn't change the situation. I can understand the sentiment behind it all too well; it's just not helpful.

"I know, Weiss. That's what we're here to talk about. I get where you're coming from, but it's not that simple. There isn't any sort of simple answer. This, what he's dealing with, how he's acting; that's a part of him and it's not so easy to change."

"It should be! I don't understand how he can think that way about himself. Any rational person would look at what he's done and come to the obvious conclusion. How he can't see that himself…" she trails off with a huff, "Honestly." She looks at me for a moment before looking away. I know she doesn't mean anything by it, but I get the sentiment.

"It's not a rational issue," I plead, trying to get us back on track.

"I know that," she sighs and pinches the bridge of her nose. "I don't know what else we can really do. He's smart enough that showing him the evidence has to get through to him eventually. And if that fails I'm not going to stop telling him what a great person he is until he gets it through his thick head."

I can't stop myself from smiling even as I shake my head. I get where she's coming from, but she's missing some of the pieces. Ochre tried to explain why he felt the way he did and we shot down the excuses he came up with at first.

When it came to explaining where his issues actually stem from he started to break down. He tried as best as he could and I could only pick up on what he was trying to convey due to my time with Adam. It's not pleasant contemplating how those two men are similar, though I know it's not an actual concern for my boyfriend. The way he brought up my past relationship told me where his concerns actually lied, as insulting as that was to put up with.

I was hoping to have more help with this and not have to bring it up myself, but it looks like I have no choice. I know Weiss is not going to like hearing this anymore than when I realized it. I don't think I can do this on my own though. We have to resolve this together.

"We have to tackle where his issues stem from," I state, projecting more confidence than I actually feel."

She looks at me and waits a moment expecting my response. When that isn't forthcoming she adopts a conciliatory tone, "I'm guessing you have an idea of what that is."

"I have my suspicions," I allow and a complicated look passes over her face. Upset at me for being evasive while also blaming herself for not picking up what's bothering our boyfriend.

"Blake," she spits, letting her frustration leak out while not looking up from the floor.

"It's just," I choke out before taking a second to breathe and steady myself. There's no real way to get through this without touching on any issues. My own included. "Some of the things he said, how he was saying them, what he was trying to convey," my words come out in a jumble until I latch on to the only point that actually matters. "I know it wasn't clear, but it reminds me of Adam."

"You take that back," Weiss snarls, unheeding of how difficult that was for me to get out. "He is not like that madman! Not in any way that matters!"

"Weiss, let me explain," I plead. She is not inclined to listen to reason. Instead she steps into my space and tries to tower over me with sheer posture despite the difference in our heights. She's angry, actually angry. Not the frustrated she gets with the rest of the team whenever Ruby or Yang get up to their antics or skip out on studying. I know she's taking my words the wrong way, which is a big reason why I have to find my resolve quickly.

"Listen to me," I bark out, standing as straight as her and putting my height to good use. "I want to help Ochre just as much as you do. Just trust me on this, please?"

Her lips thin in such a way that I think she's actually biting her tongue to stop a more extreme response. That holds for a moment or two until she lets out a breath and shifts her posture so she's no longer squared up against me. Her gaze is kept off of my eyes and from what I can tell she's not looking at anything in particular. Rather her eyes have a distant quality to them. She realized she was lashing out, but isn't ready to apologize. I guess I actually have to substantiate my point, though it's clear to me she regrets her actions.

I struggle to think of how I'm going to explain this to her. It's not like it's an easy topic to surmise and the issue is far more emotional than anything else. Getting her to understand that Ochre has an issue with the way he acts even if there's nothing inherently wrong with it is the struggle.

"Do you know how Ochre will change up how he talks and acts with different people," I ask rhetorically. More to start the conversation and give me something to build off of than anything else.

"Duh," she responds immediately, still not looking at me. "Everyone does that. Heck it's practically a tradition in high society. Everyone has a certain level of fakeness that they regard each other and they play up different masks with different people."

"Well, I think that's the issue on Ochre's end. He does that all deliberately, or at least he thinks he does. From what I could tell he thinks that it's for selfish reasons, that he isn't genuine with people unless he makes the concerted effort to. It's like…the best analogy that I can think of is that he's so used to wearing those different masks that they're more familiar to him than being genuinely himself." Considering what he's done and his time in the White Fang I don't blame him.

Weiss mulls over my words for a moment and then turns to regard me fully. "We're helping him with that aren't we? I mean, he said it himself that it's different with us. Maybe we just have to be there for him."

I shake my head on reflex before stopping myself. "Maybe. I don't think it's going to be that easy and it brings me to the reason behind that. He's manipulative; not in a bad way," I throw out before she can get upset. "It's a part of who he is and what he was trying to tell us."

Weiss doesn't believe me at first and it takes minutes of going over examples for her to start to see where I'm coming from. Some of it comes from the words Ochre tried to form during our meeting. Others come from shared experiences at lunch where he'd carefully choose his words or force himself to react in certain ways.

Honestly it's a lot more muddled than I'd like. I know what he was trying to convey, but explaining it is extremely difficult. It doesn't help that he's not as selfish as he pretends that he is, so an otherwise normal gesture of friendship has to be recontextualized for Weiss to understand and even then it's more because I'm certain about my findings than any evidence I can bring up.

Speaking of her, she's pacing about our room, turning on her heels as she reaches one end of the room and passing me by multiple times. Eventually she stops a small distance away from me and demands, "What are we going to do about this?" She waits a moment, "What can we do about this?" As if her rewording is supposed to prompt me to provide an answer that I don't have. "Blake, there has to be something, some idea we could try."

"Do you think I have any," I snap. "If I did I'd be fixing this on my own, but I'm not. I don't. I can't. I need your help for this."

My outburst shocks her out of her mood and she hesitantly approaches me. Huh, I didn't think I wrapped myself up in my arms, but Weiss tears one out of my grasp as she gently leads me to my bed. The two of us sit down and just stay there for a while not saying a word. There's still a tension in the air, but it's dying down. Even more so when she starts humming a slow tune and I finally let myself relax.

I should have known. It's like I said, there's no easy or simple answer to this. The issue is an intensely emotional one for Ochre and figuring out how to dissect it is the problematic part. He knows that he's manipulative so he's accepted it in some aspects, but his problem is that he views it as intensely immoral. It's probably one of the reasons why he's so internalized that he's a bad person. Obviously Weiss and I disagree, but the annoying thing of dealing with someone as smart as him is that he can convince himself into some really dumb positions and argue them.

Try as we might, Weiss and I aren't able to come up with any workable solutions. The best we manage is that we have to both tackle this at the same time with him. We'll both need the support and hopefully our efforts combined will indicate the seriousness of the matter and how strongly we feel about it. If only it was so simple to figure out how to talk to him about this.

It's something big enough that with a lack of immediate options we have to expand our horizons. It isn't the first time I've asked for relationship advice, but Weiss is much more hesitant. She doesn't really have anyone to turn to. Her sister hasn't been in a serious relationship and her mother…well that's complicated to say the least. Knowing her she'll figure something out.

Needless to say it reminds me of my own parents and how lucky I am. I really hate that I have to keep leaning on them like this, but it's important. I know they'd want to help out, but that doesn't make it any easier to reach out to Mom. Or should I reach out to Dad? I want to ask for advice from him even less so, but Ochre is more like Mom and maybe Dad had to deal with a similar issue.

Oh gods, just thinking about how I'd word my letters is going to kill me. I have to do it though. This is too important for me to mess up again like everything else. My life is finally back on track and I'm not going to skimp on it because of some embarrassment.

I don't know if it's a good thing that airships can come and go from home now. On one hand it means the delivery time on letters is measured in days instead of weeks. On the other hand, it means that my letter will reach home quicker than normal and I'll have to deal with the consequences in a similar timeframe. I'm going to count it as a good thing for now. My discomfort is a small thing if it means we can get through to him all that sooner.
This takes place during S2 Week 11's Alabaster Social
S2 Week 12 (Part 1)
Note: Due to prior actions, going after Merlot was already selected for 1 action this week.
Missing Maiden: Narrowed Search: Even with a rough outline of her potential location the Spring Maiden remains elusive. I could look into the area and pin down which tribes and nomads were in her practice areas with a bit more effort (Investigation Check) (5)

Missing Maiden: Local Rumors: Even if the powers of the Spring Maiden passed onto another it's possible she's still in Southwestern Mistral. Surely someone must have seen something odd or strange that could give me something to go off of. (Hard Investigation Check) (4)
Clean House: With Primm gone temporarily it is up to his pupil to pick up the slack. She may need a helping hand here or there to make sure she's on the right track. (5)

Desert Watch: There might not be much going on in Vacuo, ever really. Still, it might not hurt to have my men look in the area on occasion. (4)

Questions for Oz/LORE

Secrets: I know he's keeping secrets from the rest of the cabal. It might be a good idea to press him on why he thinks that's a good idea other than being burnt out on prior experiences. (5)
Weiss (Free)

Marina: My partner had a rough last week. It's probably a good idea to check in with her and see how she's handling things. (5)

Oobleck: We've settled back into a familiar rhythm and while I still have my questions that doesn't mean I have to talk to him about those matters. (4)

Ironwood: I don't think I've interacted with James in a one on one manner. It might be a good idea to change that since I'm setting up in his Kingdom. (3)

VPD: Sandy: She and I are having something of a debate with our ideologies. I'll admit it's more of a personal concern if I can turn her to my line of thinking. (3)

Penny: Considering how she's involved with my partner now it might be a good idea to hang out with the robot girl more often. (3)

Pietro: Penny's father and someone I have a piece of my mind I might want to share. Failing that, he might have some insight on Watts and maybe perhaps Merlot as well. (3)
Performance (Piano) (3)

Missions are fast approaching for most first years. This ostensibly includes my team as well. Technically we can take missions at any time with our provisional licenses, the same with RWBY as well I suppose. Unlike RWBY, my team already has a mission track record which should qualify us for our grades for the semester. Unfortunately, I doubt I'm going to be able to convince the twins or Marina that this is wholly unnecessary on our part.

Potential team drama aside, it brings us to our lesson today in Aura studies. The agenda for today is practicing unlocking a being's aura. The main reason why it's brought up now is to give any underperformers enough time to practice before being sent out on missions and potentially running into civilians. Not that there are many people in the outskirts that don't have their aura unlocked, but having the capability in case of emergency is just one precaution on the Beacon curriculum.

However, our subjects for today aren't people, that is for the upcoming weeks provided we succeed in the upcoming class. While there aren't any studies on how the failure to unlock someone's aura could affect them in the long-term, no one is willing to mess around with matters of the soul. To that end, our class pays a visit to the Beacon chicken coops where students from the ag class are corralling a bunch of chickens. Among the ag students are Autumn and Kelly in their element since they take the class as an elective.

Before long each team has their collection of hens and roosters to practice on with RWBY somehow ending up with a team full of roosters. I'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere, but I'm not sure I'd survive uttering it. Regardless, the meat of the lesson doesn't prove troublesome for anyone that I care about. Sure, there are those that struggle, but the closest that comes from the people I know is Marina who only needs a few moments to steady herself before things go swimmingly.

As for myself, the process is almost pitifully easy. There is no need for any chant or utterance on my part. Those aren't necessary in the slightest, though they do assist with concentration in some instances. Although some students, like Pyrrha, stumble over the words when doing so for a simple farm animal.

All that is required is a decent understanding of the theory of aura and a strong enough one of your own to awaken another's. Having a good grasp on the material and aura in spades leaves the task as a pitifully easy one and among the fastest in the class. I even finish before Pyrrha due to her stumbling over her words; not that I'm the fastest.

Ironically the fastest among us happens to be Jaune who doesn't even realize he unlocked his hen's aura for several long minutes until Nora points it out to him. He only scratches the back of his head and credits his large reserves for the success. While he may have a point I don't think it paints the full picture either. It would be a little ridiculous to assume that he's untalented in everything that concerns Huntsmen matters and might just have a greater aptitude for aura than he's aware of. Oh well, I'm sure he'll figure it out on his own eventually.

Either way the class is soon over with Ruby giving a tearful goodbye to her rooster she has dubbed 'Mr. Cluckers.' In the aftermath of that I see her team nod amongst each other and I resolve myself to keep certain knowledge a secret as well. She doesn't need to know that Beacon doesn't get all of its food from the mainland anyway.

The rest of class passes without much issue and I decide to check in on my partner. She slows her stride to allow me to take the lead, but I have a feeling she was going to check on something so I motion for her to show me the way. She's a bit hesitant at first but the more or less direct order has her taking the lead soon enough.

Where she takes us is in the direction of the airdocks only to take an abrupt turn to a steep dirt path that was carved out of the mountainside. It is quite the trek for the both of us, eating into a lot of time before we finally get to the bottom and to the shore of the lake that Beacon overlooks.

Vale rests on the other side of the lake and the docks, while present, are not in very good condition. Not much of a need to maintain them when airships fill the same role as traditional ships in this instance without any of the downsides. Supposedly it's a pain to get anything upriver as my men made sure I was aware of when I put in this little request for my partner.

Said request is a small sailboat, only fit for holding maybe five or so people, but realistically with everyone moving around would struggle with three. Most of the time it would be two people doing the actual sailing while a third could wait around and the boat is built more for leisurely relaxation than to serve any practical role.

While that is a detriment for my partner, she only has smiles in store for when we approach the boat. She stops by the plank and I mind my step around a particularly rotten board. As soon as my foot touches the ship it rocks to the side and Marina yells out with a salute, "Captain aboard!"

I'm glad she's having fun, but I'm having enough trouble trying to find my footing. I've been at sea before, but all the ships I've ridden have been far more stable than this one. Maybe I should yell at the boys in the Union for this kind of shoddiness?

Any thoughts of such are soon dismissed by my partner shoving me forwards and I have to catch myself on the railing. Before I know it Marina is working at the rigging and darting over to where we're tied, ready to push us off into the water in earnest.

"Marina, that's hardly necessary. I was just hoping we could talk." She looks at me with confusion in her teal eyes. She turns her head and darts in close before backing off and circling around me as best as she can.

She nods to herself coming to some sort of decision before planting herself in front of me and with big puppy eyes stating more than asking, "Talk and Sail?"

I really shouldn't give in so easily. I know she's just repeating something she's seen someone else do when asking for something. But dammit I find her case compelling. Marina hardly gets worked up about most normal things and I have wanted her to pick up some kind of hobby. Sailing is still a bit too close to her old life for me to be entirely comfortable with, but it is something she wants all on her own as far as I can tell.

In the end I nod and Marina cheers and then desperately awaits me to give her instruction. I really have no clue how to sail a boat so I only give her vague directions that she somehow translates into workable action. I'm more of a hindrance than a help as it turns out. While the ship is well-equipped to only be run by a couple of people, my partner keeps on expecting me to do some task she never tells me about only to rush over with a mouthful of apologies that she should have known better.

Despite this she never once gives me an order and with my lack of knowledge on nautical affairs I have no ability to discern what needs to be done and what would only cause problems. Eventually I just sit down and let her attend to matters herself. She still demands that I give her directions, but I grow tired of that and just tell her to let us drift for a bit.

Marina has worked up a bit of a sweat at this point. Regardless, she props herself up on the side opposite of me while she takes a break with a wide smile on her face. I suppose one upside to indulging her like this is that there is no conceivable way that anyone could overhear us. I'm not sure if that's necessary or not, but it is a useful side benefit especially since some of the topics might drift close to some sensitive topics.

Otherwise my partner seems to be in high spirits despite what occurred last week. I suppose she's taking some solace in the stability of the team and whatever nonsense her and Nora got up to. I suppose Penny is also responsible for Marina's mental state as well, though to what degree I can't easily discern. Whatever the cause, I have plenty of time to dig into my partner's brain.

Penny: My partner's girlfriend is a good topic for discussion. I really haven't dug into what their relationship is actually like and knowing the two of them there are probably a plethora of pitfalls for them to fall into. (3)

Ethics: The incident is probably still fresh on my partner's mind, and failing that I know she'll need help with that paper of hers. Might call for an in depth discussion out on the water. (2)

Nora: My partner has started up a strange relationship with the other ginger girl of our cohort. The two of them seem to be satisfied with the arrangement and even use this boat as far as I'm aware, though I could ask what's going on. (1)

Semblance: I suppose that it has been a while since I've really asked my partner about her semblance. She might have some additional insight for me or have been practicing it on her own. (0)

Competency: Her deferring to me when I'm outside of my area of expertise is problematic in a way. Considering this is her domain I might be able to convince her that such deference is unnecessary. (0)

With my partner and I all alone as well as the general tranquility of the locale, it is quite the conducive atmosphere for a host of topics. I can't get around to all of them; there simply isn't enough time. However, this is more of a general check-in anyway.

I don't need to touch base on all of my partner's problems and going ons. If there ever occurs a point where such builds up to an unhealthy degree I'll have a sit-down with her and the rest of the team like I did with Weiss and Blake last week. Although, personally, I hope no such thing comes to pass.

Still, it isn't hard for me to narrow in on a couple of topics and from there it's even easier to determine which to start with. After all, it's for the best to save the lecture for the end when we're on the way back to Beacon. With any luck she'll have the wherewithal to chew on whatever I say and it'll be fresh on her mind if she decides to work on her paper today.

"So," I start with what should be an unnecessary gesture to the lake around us. "Have you taken Penny out to see the waves yet?" Somehow the gesture turns out to be required for Marina's understanding as her confusion abates when she takes the movement in. I'm unsure where the disconnect is exactly. Perhaps referring to this as the waves when we're not in the open Ocean?

"No. Taking her out on the water is considered taking her off of Beacon proper. Doing that means we need an escort for her that's bigger than just Cici," Marina explains in a simple albeit reluctant manner. Then her eyes gain a sly edge as they turn towards me, "Hey Cap'n. You're better than Cici, right?" I nod readily at that even though I probably shouldn't. "Do you think Iron Man would allow Penny out if you're with her?"

Of course Marina can't make any simple inquiries. My partner's nickname for James aside, I have a hard time outright denying her. Truthfully I'd give myself good odds of convincing the man, depending on the argument I use. Simply promising that I'd keep watch on the robot girl would be the simplest, but it also does nothing to deal with the underlying problem.

Simply put, I don't think James sees her as a person. Granted that's based on an extremely short conversation I had with the man, but I think I have the right of it considering how he's treated Penny thus far. Either way I've resolved myself to talk with the man already and saying as such to my partner isn't anything onerous.

"I'll see what I can do," I say, trying to put as much reluctance into my tone so she doesn't get her hopes up. I might as well not even have bothered for how much good it does me. My partner starts happily humming to herself immediately and it is with a great force of will that I bring myself to force her out of that revelry. "I wouldn't get your hopes up if I were you. This isn't going to be easy on my end."

Instead of taking my warning for what it is, Marina cheers, "You can do it Captain!" That really should not encourage me as much as it does. Nor should I allow myself the budding sense of disappointment that I won't live up to Marina's image of me. It's all too ready of a reminder as to why I don't let myself get this close to people normally. Even if that seems like more and more of a moot point as time goes on.

"Enough about that," I deflect her comment as best as I can. I think she can tell that something is wrong, but not what exactly. I don't let her have enough time to figure out what the issue is or even question me about it as I bull over her nascent questions, "Why don't you tell me a little about what you and Penny have been up to."

Whatever hesitance she may have had over my reaction disappears as my partner babbles in a clinical tone, "Well, we don't really do that much. Whenever classes end the two of us go walking around school with Cici following after us. She gets real mad whenever we stop talking or walking for a while so we sort of just don't stop. I got tons of questions on my mind and Penny'll answer them. Then she'll ask me 'bout something.

I don't usually have an answer for the more technical stuff, but she'll ask me about emotions people are feeling and that's super easy to describe. It's sort of like that game you taught me, but not really. More like she's trying to figure out why people feel the way they do, but it doesn't make much more sense to me either. Recently she's been askin' me to tell her how she feels like that makes any sense.

I tried telling her she's being silly, but she just grows dark when I say that. But! My Penny gets real bright whenever I start telling her what she's feeling. I start with the bright lights first and by time I get done with them there aren't any dark ones to tell her about. She's my bright little sunshine by the end of it and I just gotta hug her."

It takes some amount of strength to rein in my reaction to my partner's deluge of words or how she puffs her chest out so proudly at the end. Honestly it's more than I hear her talk normally on any given day, which brings up some complicated feelings. Regardless, she gives me something to chew over.

That being the possessive language she slipped into. I was already aware that such was a potential problem for my partner, but such a frank example makes me think it's not an easily addressed one. I don't even know where I would start with something like that considering my partner's disposition. It just spells trouble for the future, especially since Penny will have to return to Atlas at some point.

To make sure I have everything straight I get Marina to recount some specific days. Just to make sure she's not leaving anything out of course. I'm uncertain if such a measure proves necessary, but it does shine a light on another potential problem that would be difficult to highlight normally.

From the way Marina describes it, she follows Penny's lead on where they go and what they talk about for the most part. Now, that could be true, but getting her to cough up a more objective description of events has me thinking that is not the case. It still isn't clear as I only have one-half of the events and Marina is hardly the best at separating what occurred with what she thinks occurred.

However, by the end of it I can surmise that the two of them are being idiots of a sort and likely thinking the other is taking the lead when both are in fact following each other. I can easily imagine that said behavior would drive Ciel up the figurative wall, but I don't really care about her well-being. What is more concerning is that it makes it all too easy for some kind of miscommunication to occur or for the two of them to end up doing something neither of them likes because they were just following each other's lead.

I don't know if there's an easy way around this given each girls' inexperience and Marina's issues especially. I'm not even sure who I could tell that would be able to assist Penny with this side of things as I'm sure as hell not trusting the stiff. I suppose Kel and I will just have to keep an eye on things to ensure that they don't deteriorate.

Regardless of my internal thoughts I plaster over them with a plastic smile and a tight grip on my emotions. Not that it stops Marina from staring at me with piercing eyes and a frown that spreads on her features. The latter of which is easy enough to solve with a quick head-pat, though it stirs more complicated feelings from performing the action that didn't exist prior.

Ignoring that as well with familiar ease, I ask, "Is there anything else about Penny you'd like to talk about?" Marina thinks it over for a moment before shaking her head. I'm ready to move on from the matter when I rethink my wording. "Is there anything about Penny you think we should talk about?"

That gets a rapid nod from my partner, but she isn't forthcoming with any words to explain herself. That's fine, we have plenty of time out here for her to get her thoughts together. Perhaps that's why I don't feel the need to pressure her for an answer. Besides, it would do her some good to come to the decision to speak up without my explicit prompting. My prompting is still implicitly there, but knowing Marina it's a complete toss-up on whether she picked it up or not.

"I met her dad," she says simply, as if talking about any number of topics that aren't nearly as serious as she's making this one out to be. The only indicator that it's causing her that much consternation is a frown that deepens with every word she says. "I don't like him." Before I can interject she adds, "He wants Penny to go to Atlas."

I fight back a sigh before deciding it's better to just let it out. She really doesn't make things easy for me, does she? "I can understand why that would make you upset, but she has to go home at some point. That doesn't-"

"Atlas isn't her home. Her home is here," she declares with utmost confidence.

"Marina-" I start, trying to ease her into the topic.

"She said so," she counters.

"Did she use those exact words?" Marina shuffles under my gaze, apparently caught out with that question.

"Not exactly. But! She said she doesn't want to go back to Atlas. She said all her important people are here in Vale and she doesn't want to leave." I give my partner a critical look and she appends, "Okay, most of her important people, but it's just one not here and he's not important. This is her home more than anywhere else!"

That information is enough to send me over the edge and I rub at my temples in an attempt to get my growing headache under control. Marina, noticing this, lets out a, 'Sorry Captain,' that I wave off without much issue.

I'm not even sure if she's aware of what the issue is or how much trouble it's causing me. What I am sure of is that her expectant eyes convey that she thinks I'll find some solution to her problems. I suppose it says a lot about me that even the monumental task she dumped on me is not enough for me to earnestly be upset with her. In either case, this bombshell gives me more than enough material to fill out the rest of my social calendar for this week.

Because of this curveball I don't feel much desire to dig into the complexities of their relationship. Even then I've already uncovered a nascent issue that's not easy to address. Two if I'm counting Marina's possessiveness. And that's before getting into the headache that is going to be dealing with James about Penny's desire to stay in vale. Needless to say the subject is complex enough, with a multitude of parts for me to puzzle over, that I have no issues instructing Marina to take us back to port.

While, perhaps, it would be better for my mental state to just take in the journey with relative silence that wouldn't be doing right by my partner. No matter how much I think I may regret this I have to push forward with my plan, "Marina. About what happened last week, is there anything you want to talk about? Do you need any help with your paper?"

"No, Captain," she calls out immediately and takes a break as everything is properly set up and we're heading in the right direction. That seems to be all I'm getting out of her before I prompt her with a wave of my hand. "It's no big deal. I know what I need to write."

"I'm sure you do Marina, but lay it on me anyway. Worst case, we kill some time before we get back to shore. Not like we have much better to do right now."

She opens her mouth to argue. Unfortunately for her she finds herself unable to present anything that's wrong with what I said. Instead her mouth slowly closes and her lips thin in obvious distaste for the situation she's in. It's not hard to pinpoint where exactly her hesitation is coming from. She doesn't like holding the team back and subsequently needing any kind of help to rectify her mistake rubs her the wrong way.

"Marina," I grouse, "Do I need to make that an order?" She remains silent and looks over the lake. Like simply ignoring me is enough to make the problem go away. "Marina," I call out one more time and my implicit threat finally gets through to her.

"Stop worrying Captain! I got it under control. You don't gotta do nothing." That's more pushback than I expect from my partner and it looks like she's on the verge of tears for one reason or another. I guess the whole situation has done a number on her that I wasn't entirely aware of, though the exact reason eludes me.

"Be that as it may," I start as gently as I can, "I'm trying to help. I failed the crew just as much as you feel you did. It's my responsibility to ensure that everyone is ship-shape and I failed that. I'm just trying to make up for it like you are."

She deflates at my comparison, but once again has no actual argument to bring against me. I'm under no illusion that she wants to do anything other than argue, however. She simply lacks the tools to claim that I'm wrong. In that sense my attempt at drawing some level of sympathy and understanding between us simply falls flat as Marina is just not receptive to such an effort.

Unfortunately, this leaves me in the tight position where she doesn't want to talk about what happened or receive much of any help. Even if that help is as minor as simply checking her work. With nothing else to fall back on I have to hope that breaking things down into simple chunks will at least get some answers out of her.

"Let's start from the beginning. You attacked Nora last week; why?"

"She was bugging you," Marina lets out morosely.

"Autumn and Kelly were bugging me too, but you didn't hit them."

"You didn't like it when Nora did it."

I sigh, "I'm well aware how I felt at the time. I didn't like that Kel and Autumn were messing with me either."

"She's not crew," my partner finally admits. It isn't anything that I'm unaware of. I suppose it is good that I'm able to walk Marina through events so easily. Although she's quite apparent in her dislike for doing so.

"And you hit her because of that," I state more than ask. I am careful to keep any sort of inflection out of my voice.

Marina nods slowly as if to express remorse that I'm not sure she actually feels. Going by her previous actions and lack of reflection on them, she probably only regrets that she did the 'wrong' thing and got in trouble for it. I'm sure it would be a completely different story if the crew and I were behind her actions despite the disparagement of others.

Regardless, I can't let that distract me and I move on to the question that Glynda wants answered, "And do you know why that was wrong to do?"

"Because Nora's a friend of the crew," she says like that explains everything I need to know. I don't bother holding back my emotions or a sigh which is enough to prompt further words from her. "You would have told her to cut it out if it really bothered you." I'm not sure that explanation actually helps, but it's a start. It would be serviceable enough for me to work with, but I know Glynda is expecting better.

Despite that I hum neutrally and ask, "And what are you going to do differently in the future?"

"Ask if you're alright being treated like that and if not then hitting them." She looks towards me for approval in spite of the fact she didn't want to talk about this to begin with. I shoot her a small smile that gets her hopes up while I settle in for my work.

It's tough enough that she's completely missed the lesson Glynda was trying to convey, though that's more or less what I was expecting. Her answer, in the end, is still as self-serving as her previous position. At least in the sense that she's putting the crew first before all else. Honestly, she probably doesn't know of any other way to live and there is a certain charm involved in how gung-ho she is about defending the crew. As endearing as that makes her to me it does not solve her issue or help her integrate into society as a whole.

"That's a good start," I state, much to her puzzlement. I suppose I'll have to put a little more effort into it than just that. She probably thinks that she has it figured out and such a luke-warm attempt to spare her feelings is not going to be sufficient. "Alright, let me be frank, most people don't think along the same lines as you do."

That seems to shake her out of whatever she's feeling about my minor rebuke. "But I'm right," she says so innocently, like nothing else could be the truth in her world.

I don't want to tell her that she's wrong so I offer instead, "Most people don't think that way. For most people they consider something wrong if it does harm to someone who doesn't deserve it. You understand that much, right?" I have to assume she understands some amount of normal morality considering she admitted that her previous crew were bad people. At least that most people would think of them that way.

"I guess."

"Well, it's the same thing here, at least in principle. As far as anyone was concerned you hit Nora with the intent to hurt her. It doesn't matter that she was fine afterwards or that you made up in the aftermath. You decided to lash out and hurt someone when others wouldn't think she deserved it and outside of a proper spar."

"She did deserve it," my partner mumbles. I get the feeling that in particular is the sticking point for my partner. I could either work through that block or work around it. In the end I think it's best for her to square the issue away on her own for now.

"Did she really?" Marina adopts a thoughtful expression at my question. I get the feeling she'll resolve it in the negative. She's already brought up how it was wrong to hit Nora because she's a friend of the crew. That's workable for me, but most likely wrong in Glynda's eyes. If I have the correct read, this will make her think it was wrong in general which is at least closer to what Glynda expects. It might be overly clinical and divorced from emotion for her tastes, but I'm working with my partner as much as I can.

Regardless, I let her chew on that tidbit for a while, only reminding her of reality as we get closer to shore. I don't think the subsequent docking and tying of the ship to the pier does anything to distract her from her thoughts. She goes through the motions in such a rote manner as if they're simply routine. Afterwards I accompany her back to our dorm where she flops on the bed without saying much of anything.

The silence isn't so out of character that I wouldn't ascribe it to my partner. However, the fact that she's seen fit to not bring up any questions or get into chronicling or writing her paper has me thinking she needs time to resolve what I've told her. Truthfully it shouldn't be any sort of grand revelation. For her, however, I get the sense that she's re-examining certain things that she held self-evident.

If I had to guess it has to deal with that murky area of those that are close to the crew, but aren't crew in truth. With her conception of the world that gray area has always been a sore point and for it to have caused as many problems as it has with my subsequent moral correction has her trying to resolve things to her mental satisfaction.

I wait patiently for my partner to come to some sort of new understanding or hit some snag that she needs my help resolving, however it doesn't come. Instead Kelly comes to the room after some practice of her own and I explain the situation as best as I can while she takes over Marina watching duties to free me up to pursue my own interests.

Well, that's a bit of a misnomer in this situation. I'm really pursuing the interest my partner expressed and dealing with the issue before it can balloon into something uncontrollable. To that end I traverse the strange halls that are the Atlesian dorms for this semester.

Despite having the same layout, materials, and overall construction as every other dorm on campus, an innate sense of wrongness permeates the whole of the facility. Like a chill you just can't get rid of. Not even with the ostensibly warm, if confused, welcome that some of the stiffs give me as I walk about their halls can counteract that.

Before long I end up in front of Penny's dorm and my knock is answered by an annoyed looking Ciel. That at least puts a small smile on my face while the robot girl is called up to meet with me. She seems fine sticking around in the halls, but considering the subject matter it's best to take this discussion elsewhere. My own discomfort only plays a small role in my ultimate decision.

When we are clear of the other students I take us to a secluded enough location on the outskirts of Beacon. I'm sure this would be pushing things as far as her usual boundaries are concerned, though I don't particularly care that much for adhering to such demands at the moment. Better to ask for forgiveness than permission in this instance. Besides, I'll already have to argue for much more leniency than what is already afforded to her.

"Ochre, if I may ask, what are we doing out here," the question comes from the robotic girl, who was otherwise patient enough with me to withhold direct questions until now.

That isn't to say that she was entirely quiet on the journey over. The two of us engaged in some small-talk with Penny being rather enthused to engage in such an activity with me after so long. I suppose the last time we had a decent conversation was with the whole Marina asking her out situation which wasn't exactly conducive to catching up in general.

Either way, I answer, "I talked with Marina."

"Oh, is something wrong," she asks with a befuddled expression. As if she can't place how that relates to our current location.

That tells me that she wasn't expecting Marina to tell me about Penny's desires if they aren't at the forefront of her mind. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing in this instance as it could very well be my partner breaking her girlfriend's trust instead of simply bringing up a legitimate worry. Unfortunately, this is too big of an issue to let lie and I've already gone this far.

"She told me how you want to stay in Vale."

Her eyes dart off to the side and she turns away while holding her arm straight and grasping it with her other hand. All she lets out in spite of the motion is, "Oh."

"Is that all you have to say?"

"What else is there for me to say?" Her question brings me up to short. It's clear that she's rather distraught by the topic; in a way that's indicative that she no longer considers it valid. I suppose her issue could stem from the apparent breaking in trust that I'm unsure has actually occurred or not. I get the distinct impression that I'm wrong on the latter and the former is easier to tackle anyway.

"For starters, how about anything at all? You could tell me how you feel about it. If you want me to do anything about it. If you have any plans to achieve it. Anything really. I'm working off of limited information here, but I'm willing to help you out. To do that I need you to meet me halfway."

She adopts a contrite expression for a moment before fully looking away from me. Then she speaks more to the wind than in my direction, "I talked with Dad about it. If it would be possible. He's not supportive. With him knowing what I have planned I don't really have a way of staying when the Tournament is over."

Evidently she's not as confident in me as she should be after the freedoms I secured for her from James. That tells me that there's more than just him that I have to deal with. Most likely her father in this instance. For whatever reason she thinks that he will be more difficult for me to convince than the General.

Or perhaps she thinks that requesting for her to stay past the Tournament would be a bridge too far for James. Admittedly that does have some merit as I doubt he'd be willing to give up any of his toys. Much less one as advanced as Penny with all she could mean for Atlas' future if she could be replicated. That is, of course, discounting her obvious, to me, personhood, but I can imagine that isn't a high concern for James.

I knew this was going to be a mess, and I suppose I got the answer I was looking for. I had to confirm that Marina was not in some way mistaken by Penny's desires. Her answers are enough to inform me that's true at least, although it tells me nothing about what she's already discussed with her father or James, nor do they tell me about what her plan was originally that is no longer viable. Knowing that may help me, but it also might be preferable to take her mind off such things while I attempt to deal with this situation.

Father: Getting some more insight into the man might be worthwhile considering I'll have to talk with him soon enough. Plus I might be able to work through her feelings towards him. (2)

Passivity: Not exactly the top concern for me right now, but her relationship with my partner has a potential hiccup that I might be able to resolve by encouraging her to be more proactive. (2)

Personhood: I know it's a bit of a hang-up for her so even though it's not directly related it might do her some good to work through the issue and receive some reassurances. (1)

Plan: She had to have some idea of how to stay in Vale. It might not be workable any longer, but I find myself curious and there might be something I can salvage. (0)

Vale: while I can guess why she might want to stay in Vale over Atlas easily enough, actually getting her to enumerate those reasons might work well in raising her spirits and may give me something I can use in talks with her dad or James. (0)

Marina: I suppose I could look into the flip side of the relationship and see what Penny's thoughts of my partner are and if there are any weird hang-ups on her end. (0)

"Alright, I can work with that," I assure her with more confidence than I actually feel. The situation looks admittedly bleak, but it can't be that bad, right? There has to be some sort of angle I can work. I just need the right information to ply things in just the right way for an ideal outcome. No different than I've done a hundred times over by now. Still, I need information to make that work and Penny is a much greater source for info on her father than she is for James. "Although, any information you can give me about your father will help."

She hesitates for a moment before replying almost mechanically, "Like what?" That hesitation tells me there are probably some things she won't talk about without a lot of prompting. Hopefully just Atlesian secrets and not any sort of drama that I'm better off being informed of than not.

"Anything you can tell me really, but let's start with why he's against you staying in Vale."

Her shoulders drop and she turns to me with a complicated expression before casting her gaze off into the distance again. "He doesn't want me to leave him. Apparently he never wanted me to; he was against me going to Vale all along. It seems so obvious now. I thought he was happy for me, but that was just a lie. The only reason I'm here is that Ironwood demanded I participate in the Vytal Tournament."

She shakes her head, "Beyond that, Dad doesn't give me an actual reason. He just tells me that things aren't so simple. That Ironwood wouldn't approve or that I should give home another chance before writing it off."

That is an interesting tidbit. Marina was pretty adamant that Penny's home was here, but she so casually refers to Atlas being her home. It doesn't seem like my partner is off on Penny being more attached to this place, but it would be all too easy for her to miss this subtle distinction regardless. I suppose it might be possible that Penny is like myself where I can use the word home to refer to several different places while only having my mind set on one real home, but that strikes me as distinctly wrong.

"You call it home. I don't suppose you can explain why that's the case."

"It's kind of hard not to," she replies automatically and I have to give her a light push to get her to elaborate. "I mean, it's a bit complicated. I don't have many fond memories of Atlas. Most of my time was spent in testing rooms for the longest time.

The only time I was outside of that was the time I'd spend in Dad's lab or his clinic. He was the only one who'd just talk to me like I was a normal person; he'd even read me stories. I guess, if I had to put it into exact words it's that home is wherever he is. I'm just a lot happier in Vale and I don't want to lose any of this."

Now, that is something I could use by my estimation. Even if he's already heard such from his daughter it would be another tool in my kit to try to get the man to change his mind. Unfortunately that doesn't solve the problem entirely.

I'm sure as far as Atlas, and James, is concerned Penny is Atlesian property. The research and development as well as the material costs were most certainly no small sum and they will want a return on their investment. I'm not sure what exactly is planned for her in the future, but I doubt it aligns with her current wants and goals.

As much as I believe it, I can admit it's not exactly easy to convince others that Penny has a right to self-determine. It would be an easier pill to swallow if it didn't run into such monumental problems for my partner. It would also be easier if I had any real leverage to make use of.

"I don't suppose there is anything else you can tell me about him? Like his personality perhaps?"

She cups her chin in apparent thought; at some point having turned enough that I can actually get a good look at her face again. "The best way I can describe him is jolly, I guess. After that would be protective and kind and generous. He's generally upbeat and looks to give back as much as he can despite being so busy all the time. I don't think I need to explain the protective part," she finishes with a weak grin.

Yeah, that's not what I'm looking for, but it's good to know I guess. Try as I might, I'm not running into any sort of easy solution. Not like I was expecting there to be one, but this is also less workable information than I was hoping for. I suspect my main difficulty will come from convincing James, while Pietro is a bit more of a wildcard that I might be able to deal with just the right words. If I really want to pull this off I suspect I'm going to have to engage in some favor trading and even then things aren't guaranteed.

"So what do you think about all this," I ask in an attempt to do some good for the robot girl if this whole venture turns out to be a bust. My question turns out to be the wrong thing to say as her brittle good cheer is soon shattered and she huddles in on herself.

With a strained voice she says, "I don't know," as if it's some great failing on her part. Guess I've found out why she's been asking my partner to tell her how she feels. Most likely she's feeling a lot of conflicting emotions.

Probably frustrated with her dad, but recognizing that he wants the best for her and also dealing with the latent affection from her early life in regards to the man. Throw in the prospect of losing the connections and people she holds dear in Vale and most people would be a lot more volatile and less put together than Penny herself is.

I could try explaining that all to her, but I get the feeling it will just make her self-conscious instead. She's pretty particular about her personhood and anything that doesn't line up with her conception of it faces an uphill struggle in resolving. Either way I can't sit idly by and so I slowly, almost gingerly, embrace the metallic girl.

Perhaps predictably she latches onto the brief contact and responds with a hug of her own. Once again she doesn't really know her own strength and squeezes me with enough force that breathing becomes difficult. I suffer through it as much as I can for her to regain some level of composure before extricating myself from her grip.

I take a few moments to catch my breath as well as check on the girl to make sure she's feeling better. She displays sheepishness and slight embarrassment all across her features with one of her hands hovering towards me, but not reaching out fully for the contact. I appreciate the concern Penny, but I'm not made of glass; just winded. Regardless, I suppose that concern is preferable to despondency and I've at least gotten her out of her rut.

"Are you okay?" I try waving off her concern only for her to continue anyway, "I don't think I held you any tighter than I do Marina." She says it with such honest confusion that I can't help conjure an image in my head. I don't know if it's accurate, but I could do without knowing that much about the affection they share with one another.

"It's fine," I say, waving off her worries once more, "Although, if we're bringing up Marina there is something I want to talk to you about."

"What is it," she asks, trying to keep her voice level and emotions in check only for worry to color her every word. I don't know if I should feel put out that such a mild comment on my part elicits a stronger reaction than her nearly cracking my spine, but I have to work with what I'm given.

"Nothing serious like what you're thinking. Just something I've noticed and think you should be aware of."

"Oh," she utters, suddenly calm and a question ready upon her features.

"Let me ask this first. When you and Marina hang out, who takes the lead?"

"She does," Penny says, confirming my suspicions. She must catch whatever reaction I have towards that as she elaborates, "I'm not as adventurous or as bold as she is. I really don't know what I'm doing, so I sort of just go along with it," she finishes shyly as if expecting that I'll get onto her about that. I suppose I am in a sense.

"That's fine," I start only to undercut it as she registers the words themselves, "in most cases. Unfortunately, in this one the both of you are on the exact same page. That is, the both of you are following the other's lead."

She processes my words only to shake her head vigorously and cut the air with one of her arms as if to discard my statement, "That doesn't make any sense. She's the one who declared we were friends. She asked me to the dance. She's the one that talks the most during our time together."

My lips tighten and I fight back a sigh. Under that context I can easily see how she'd get the wrong impression. Especially since she didn't observe the behind the scenes work that had Marina arrive at those positions.

"Fine, let me ask you this; has Marina ever suggested something for the two of you to do or lead you to do something without any prompting?"

"Well…" Penny trails off searching her memory. "She did suggest going sailing on the lake. We just can't actually do that."

"Aside from that," I huff.

"I guess…huh, I don't recall anything explicitly like what you said," she pauses for a moment, "That can't be right. Ochre, do you think I'm suffering memory damage? I haven't taken any heavy hits to the head, but I don't know what it's like for you."

I don't know what insight she's trying to glean from an off-handed joke I said a couple of months ago so I simply ignore whatever nonsense she's spewing, "I don't think your memory is damaged. Just that you didn't notice things in the moment. Look, that's not important; what I'm trying to get across is that kind of behavior is a potential issue and that maybe you should take charge a bit more."

"But I don't know what I'm doing," she looks away abashedly and mumbles, "Why can't Marina do it?" As amusing as it is that both girls want to offload that aspect of the relationship it is distinctly unhelpful.

"Because Marina has her own issues regarding this. I'm not going to go into them in detail, but it's not easy for her. And to give you a bit of advice, no one knows what they're doing, not really.

It's okay to make mistakes as long as you own up to them and talk with her about them. Worrying about doing the right thing all the time and walking on eggshells will only build resentment. In the both of you. Personally I'd suggest letting go of those worries a bit, but really you should have this kind of talk with your dad."

My little Coral inspired speech is met with a slow nod from my listener. I'm unsure of how much she's actually absorbed that or taken to heart. She does have a serious expression that makes me think she'll attempt to change her behavior in the future, which I guess is a good sign.

Although I'll admit I'm not particularly enthused managing both sides of this relationship like I have been. I want both girls to be happy, but it's enough trouble managing my own relationships without having to worry about keeping on top of things for a third party and ensuring they don't run into any pitfalls. I at least have Kel to help with Marina, so it isn't so much of a burden, but it is one that I'm not too keen on dealing with if I'll be honest.

However, I don't have to spend much longer hovering over Penny's shoulder as it is getting rather late. I make sure to escort her back to her dorm in accordance with the rules James laid out. Sure I could have summoned the stiff to take her back, but that would have taken more time than simply returning the girl.
S2 Week 12 (Part 2)
After classes finish up the next day I retreat to my dorm to handle a few calls. I figure it's best to handle this Penny business as soon as I can. Failing that I can fall back on talking about Merlot or the conspiracy in general with both of my targets.

Well, less explicitly with Pietro. At least he knows Watts and some personal insight into that man would be well appreciated. He might also know Merlot, at least by reputation. He may have met him a couple of times before, but as two men working on separate continents it's not like they're compelled to know one another.

Regardless, I feel that it's best to work my way up the chain. If I fail to convince Pietro there's very good reason for me to not waste my time attempting the same bit with James. Plus, I have the emotional attachment that I can leverage against Penny's dad that won't necessarily apply to James. Either way, starting with Pietro seems to be my best bet. So, I punch in the number and wait for the call to connect.

The person on the other end of the line is a dark skin freckled man wearing small spectacles with features distinctly unlike those of Penny's in nearly every aspect. I looked into Pietro a bit since he is a semi-public figure so this isn't much of a shock, but the sheer scale of difference brings to mind certain questions and implications that are hard to ignore.

One does not create a child not in their image for no reason; although what that specific reasoning might be currently eludes me. I suppose I could ask the man himself since it has to be a personal reason. I rather doubt James would care all that much what kind of appearance Penny would have.

As for the rest of his features, he has gray almost white hair with a beard and has brown eyes. He also has generally rounded features for his face and chin with his cheeks having some flab and a big almost squashed nose. His clothes are a bit more substantial, with a green cap covering his head and a red vest and pink bowtie combo that breaks up an otherwise monotonous if pleasant cream shirt.

"Hello, this is Pietro speaking, can I help you," he asks while I take in those details.

"Yes, I'm Ochre Rovere, Marina's leader. I figured I should introduce myself given the circumstances and how my partner generally is."

"Oh, you can say that again. I have quite a bit on my mind that I can say about that girl," he hollers in a good-natured tone, but the fact he's jumping to that right out of the gate makes me think she did something to insult the man. I don't know why I'm surprised, she said it herself that she didn't like him and I doubt she'd be able to hold that kind of resentment back when talking with him. Knowing her she also probably said something blunt that comes off as highly insensitive.

Still, this should be manageable. "Sorry about that, she's not exactly well-adjusted socially speaking. She's getting there, but it's not easy. I can only ask that you have some patience when dealing with her and try not to take anything she says too harshly. She didn't exactly grow up in a kind environment."

Pietro huffs and fixes his jaw in such a way that makes me think he's clenching his teeth. Likely trying not to throw out a barbed comment when I'm just running defense and damage control for my partner. Going by that I'm sure he has a plethora of complaints for me, but honestly I'd rather avoid the topic altogether.

I don't exactly have unlimited time and my efforts are probably better spent getting actual results than clearing up a bit of drama on Marina's behalf. To that end I can of course bring up the matter about Penny, mainly trying to convince him to let her have some greater measure of freedom and possibly hitting on the core issue there.

Alternatively I could take a different tack and subtly point out his more controlling nature. Admittedly, that may be personally motivated as I still don't understand how he would think it's in any way a good idea to have an override system installed into his daughter. The fact that it's even there does not imply good things about him as a creator or a dad.

Still, it might be best to let such sensitive subjects lie. I could ask about Merlot or Watts and see what insight I can glean. Failing that a discussion on robotics or security systems might prove useful considering that Merlot's base is likely to be filled with both and being prepared never hurts. Almost as an afterthought I realize I could ask him where he got Penny's resemblance. Maybe that would be a good way to get past his defenses assuming that it doesn't drudge up too many bad memories.

Control: The system he has installed in his daughter is abhorrent to me. Maybe I could find out his reasons why and see if there's any way to get him to remove said system. (5)

Marina: Maybe some of this would go over better if I hear out and address his complaints. Maybe talk up my partner a little. (4)

Watts: the two men worked with each for years. If anyone has a personal insight into Watts it would be this man or maybe James. (2)

Penny: The discussion of his daughter and seeking to gain his permission for her to stay in Vale is at the top of his girl's and my partner's priorities. I could see if I could convince him (0)

Security: Considering my upcoming activities with Merlot it might be best to be as prepared as I possibly can. Getting a run-down on what kind of security I might expect is as good of a way as any. (0)

Merlot: Kind of a longshot, but I could see if Pietro has anything he can provide me about Merlot that I don't already know. (0)

Resemblance: Penny's appearance has to be based on someone and it certainly isn't Pietro's likeness. It might be an emotional matter, but that might just be the lever I need to work him over properly. (0)

I fight back a sigh; the things I do for my partner. That troublesome girl better grow up to appreciate all the headaches she's put me through. Although, I suppose she will be a little upset that I don't resolve her problem immediately and seek to restitute the poor impression she made rather than anything else.

It's probably for the best that I do so; far better to create fertile soil for a subsequent discussion about Penny than jump into it while Pietro is in a surly mood. However, I should go all the way and start laying proper groundwork to circle back on that discussion at a later time. For now, I need to seek forgiveness on Marina's behalf.

"Look, if you have a problem with my partner, I can understand that. As I've said she's not exactly the best with people, I'm sure you can relate." My pointed comparison to his daughter draws a wince. "I can't say that you'll receive an apology from her, but I can at least tell you where she's coming from. You said you had a lot you could say about her and I figure you should get to know her as much as I have Penny."

My comment at the end is received with no small amount of confusion. Then his jaw relaxes before shifting back and forth as if actually chewing on my statement before realization dawns on his features. His reaction sets me back a little as I work through what exactly I just said and what he's picking up on. I suppose I did end up equating his position with Penny with mine concerning Marina. That has certain implications he could pick up on. Going by his compassionate eyes I think he's settled on something close enough to the truth.

I could clarify or seek to understand his realization, but I'm not sure I want to. My thoughts concerning Marina and my relationship with her are sufficiently muddled that I don't want to work through them at the moment. Instead, I merely wait since the onus of carrying the conversation forward is upon him. He seems to realize this in short order. His gaze shifts off of me and his jaw clenches as he doesn't want to address this topic in light of what he's learned.

"In that case I think you can understand why I'm not inclined to disparage her with you," he eventually settles on trying to avoid the issue.

I could take that as a win as he's now at least sympathetic towards my partner. However, that still leaves whatever grievances he has unaddressed. Plus letting him slink away that easily rubs me the wrong way on top of robbing me the opportunity to talk my partner up. Solely to head off future issues, of course.

"Yet I'm asking you," I say and his lack of reaction is enough to inform me I'm going to have to press a little harder than that. "Look, I know just how inconsiderate Marina can be at times. I'm sure she said something in a blunt manner that you took the wrong way. I'm just trying to resolve things before they blow up."

Pietro exhales heavily in a complicated mix of apprehension and budding frustration. "You may have a point. Then again I don't know how I'm supposed to react in any other way when your partner calls my little girl her woman right to my face." He ends his words with a heart chuckle, but the tightness in his features betrays the lack of humor he finds in the situation.

I suppose I can't blame him. I doubt he's lying and even though I lack the context to place the statement as well I don't think that would do much in ameliorating his feelings towards it. My partner is overly blunt at the best of times so I can only assume that the comment came out of left field for all that are involved. Then it wouldn't be too difficult to extrapolate that the relationship was spurred on by my partner.

It doesn't help that is the case as far as I'm concerned as well. Penny certainly didn't have any hopes for dating while at Beacon, though that seems to stem from her other issues. Issues that I'm not sure if Pietro is aware of or not. Either way, given his protectiveness and perhaps controlling nature, it wouldn't be a reach to assume he thinks Penny is not ready for a relationship.

He might try discouraging it in subtle ways, though I'm unsure on that. However, I am sure that it is only magnifying his dislike for my partner. Actually addressing those concerns succinctly is another story. I don't think I can tackle it directly. What I can do, however, is tackle the seeming rudeness of my partner.

"Yeah, that sounds like Marina," I allow with played up reluctance. "I can't say I know exactly how that came to be, but for her that was probably just a simple fact she was telling you. Heck, she might have even found the clarification to be necessary if she was confused by something."

My words seem to strike close enough to what actually happened as he thinks it through with a slight frown before continuing, "That might be the case, but that doesn't excuse her from acting like a brat afterwards. I was trying to have a conversation with my daughter and instead of respecting that she glared at me."

It's hard to keep a lid on the surprise that comes with that news. Marina is never one for severe expressions in the first place, or really any major show of emotion. Outside of unrestrained glee and bloodlust whenever combat is involved, of course. Imagining her being incensed enough to actually glare at the man with any level of feeling implies that she felt rather strongly about it. It isn't hard to place where that feeling is coming from since the matter of Penny's return to Atlas is a major one. Although that doesn't feel entirely accurate either.

Sure, it is an issue that weighs on her mind, however, I doubt it set in so immediately during whatever discussion they were having. That and in the end she wasn't desperate enough to go seeking my help right away, I had to bring it up with her. She feels confident enough that the issue won't come to pass that I doubt the man's reluctance would have her feeling strongly regardless. What that leaves me with is something that's probably obvious in hindsight.

"I don't suppose Penny has told you about Marina's semblance?" His nonplussed reaction is enough to determine the answer. I suppose this is as good of a way to talk up Marina as any. "She can see emotions. If I had to guess, Penny wasn't taking whatever you were telling her all that well and my partner lashed out at you for that. I can't really apologize for her actions, nor do I think she would, but I'm certain it was on Penny's behalf rather than any personal dislike."

He doesn't appear too convinced by what I've said. Though, his mouth does open and close in aborted rebuttals. Apparently I've given him something to think about. Most likely it's having him re-evaluate that discussion with Marina and Penny. Perhaps he didn't think that he did anything that would have his daughter react negatively.

I'm unsure what exact disposition he'll settle at. It would be all too easy for him to simply dismiss the concerns and believe he was entirely right in how he acted. Either thinking that what he said couldn't have been so bad or considering it a necessary sacrifice for his daughter's long-term happiness. As long as I were to strike before he gets too firm in his position it would provide a good base to launch into potentially letting Penny stay in Vale.

That, however, would be too much too soon. Still, I'm not going to let him off the hook that easily. His unbalanced mental state is as good of a chance as any to slip in the other subject I want to talk about.

"Truthfully sir," I start, affecting more respect for the man than I actually feel. "I believe there is something else I should bring to your attention." He lets out a noise of interest easily; I suppose he's taking the opportunity to distract himself from thinking about whatever ills he may have inflicted upon his daughter. Ironic considering what I want to bring up. "I guess it's just because of certain things I've been looking into, but I have some concerns regarding Penny."

I start off so cautiously for a few reasons. The first of which is that coming on too strongly is more likely to do harm than good. The second is that the easiest concerns I could bring up would stray close to the conspiracy. Not that Pietro isn't involved to some degree.

From what I can gather from comments Oz and James have made, James wants to bring the man on in full. Less so as an agent and more just to ensure there aren't any surprises for the researcher and to discuss solutions to their problems more frankly. He's only held off for so long, and in a similar vein with Winter, because Oz is quick to pressure others about not letting the conspiracy grow too wide.

Although that brings a different consideration to mind. I've probably expanded who knows about the conspiracy directly to a number in excess of what the cabal usually does over the course of years. Arguably I haven't told anyone who doesn't deserve to know or are closely related, so I have some shield against criticism. It does, however, make me wonder how James is taking this apparent permissiveness as far as I'm concerned. I suppose I'll have something to talk with him about later if nothing else.

"She hasn't been causing any trouble, has she," he asks with a small amount of worry. Likely not considering it a likely possibility, but with what was discussed previously holding onto some doubt.

"No, nothing like that. It's just that she let something slip about her systems." He doesn't react much to the mention which makes me think he's aware that the knowledge is out on some level. I don't know if James has let him know that I should be trusted with such knowledge or if he has some other reason for thinking I might know. "She said something about some sort of control mechanism.

Now, I'll admit ignorance on how much of an issue that is, but I've recently learned of a scientist who might be brilliant enough to abuse it and with ample reason to do so." He tightens up and leans forwards. It makes me think he has to at least be aware that Watts is alive.

Although, without the confirmation I transition into my chosen scapegoat, "Merlot, I've come to learn, didn't perish during Mountain Glenn and has continued his research. Relevantly that includes some advances in robotics and AI from what I can tell. I just want to make sure there aren't any potential problems there."

He thinks through the matter for a few moments before determining that I have nothing I need to worry about. An easy going smile spreads across his features with an amused shake of the head. "I can see why you'd be worried, but Penny has brought something similar up with me before and I've ensured there is no cause for concern. Even if they were to pick up on the signal for that function and had the correct inputs to follow through, Penny will be aware of the attempted intrusion and able to shut it down without issue."

I suppose it was a bit optimistic on my part to think that there would be an easy lever to convince him to scrap that system. I don't know enough about technology to even determine if he has the right of it or if he's mistaken. My gut tells me there's something not quite right with the matter, but an ill-feeling isn't anything concrete that I can work with.

That means I have to take a different tack with the matter. I'm loath to abandon the soft hand I've been dealing with since that could cause more trouble than it's worth. Building a decent relationship with the man is pretty necessary to convince him that Penny should stay in Vale in the first place.

"That's good to hear. Why did that system come up in the first place," I ask, figuring it's best if I continue poking at the subject until I find a weak spot.

Pietro's mood sours, "I don't suppose I need to tell you that the Paladin Incident left its marks over here. The General more so than anyone else, and I'm not just talking about the physical. Every autonomous project requires some way to shut down the subject in case they lose control again."

That's a very clinical explanation and I can't help challenging, "And you didn't see a need to fight back against that?"

He shuffles, "I did. There was no way I was going to let anyone have a way to kill my little girl. This is the compromise we reached." I refrain from narrowing my eyes. No need to inform him that I know he's lying.

The sequence of events follow through logically enough, but in the end they don't add up. Either there is a way to take control of Penny without her permission or there isn't. Penny said it couldn't be done without her permission, something his prior statement corroborates.

If I had to guess he's likely fudged whatever he's reported to claim that it's a shut down system. However, that begs the question that if he's going that far why would he keep the thing in the first place? I have my suspicions as to why and I think they're particularly on the mark. Getting the man to realize that and address it though; that's going to be harder.

I weigh my options a little before coming to the conclusion that I can't keep treating him with the kids gloves. I turn my eyes more critical and furrow my brow, "You have to realize that doesn't hold up." He briefly turns glum before papering over the lapse in control with a quick return to his jovial disposition.

"You must have the wrong idea. You see-" He starts before realizing that it's a moot point. "Look, I know I have no right to ask this of you, but for Penny's sake, please don't spread that around." I keep my expression firm, but do take a bit of amusement in the fact that he's the one with the wrong idea here.

"That's not what my issue is," I state simply and give him a few seconds to process my words and tone. "I hope I don't actually have to explain how wrong it is to have such control over another person." He looks like he wants to argue, but with his position how it is he really doesn't have any leverage.

It would be all too easy to blackmail him with the knowledge of him circumventing security procedures for his project. However, that would only be detrimental for a number of reasons. Chief among them is that while it could be used to have him remove the system entirely he could just as easily call my bluff. It's not like I want an effective kill-switch in Penny either and making a threat I'm unwilling to follow through on is counterproductive in this situation.

Eventually he responds with, "It isn't that simple." I openly sigh in apparent agreement; it really isn't. It should be, but that doesn't change the reality of the situation. Although I think his sentiment is more personally motivated than my own.

Either way, getting through to him is going to take more than just this one conversation. It at least plants the seed for further discussion and will certainly have his mind on his daughter and her well-being. That's a victory in its own right and one I should be able to leverage in the future.

However, it doesn't leave much room for this conversation to continue and thus I bring it to a close, "I know. But, most things worth doing rarely are." I don't give him a chance to respond and simply end the call. It might be presumptuous to leave him with such a pithy saying, but I couldn't resist the temptation. With any luck it might give him that little push to actually do the right thing even if I don't consider it likely presently.

My first thought is to continue with my plan and simply ring up James as well. Technically I could go visit him. While the rest of his fleet has departed Vale there is still the one main airship and its attendant craft that hangs over the Kingdom. Mainly it's been assisting at the call of the Guard to deal with outlying grimm and keep the roads safe for travel into Vale. The greater number of people traveling to the city already draws in more grimm just by natural mechanics and that's before factoring in any of the negative emotions those travelers may or may not be feeling.

Regardless, I push off dealing with the man for now. I suspect that a face to face meeting would be better anyway and considering my next choice of action it may be coming up sooner rather than later. Instead of heading to the proper area to take a lift up to the airship I head into Oz's office, being let in by the door automatically. I suppose I've been added to the list of people that can just drop in without the need of the secondary security system.

"Ochre," my mentor greets, only briefly looking up from his workstation, "what brings you in today? I don't suppose the Merlot situation has developed to the point where my assistance is required, has it?"

I shake my head unnecessarily, "No, nothing like that. Although we should talk about it soon. Just a certain talk I had has me thinking about a few things." He makes a noise of interest and quickly gestures to the chair in front of his desk while not stopping his work in the slightest.

I take a seat and wait for him to get caught up enough to regard me with his full attention. I could force the issue by just using my semblance on him, but I caught him in the middle of his work and the matter isn't pressing enough to demand the attention. It is only the matter of a few minutes anyway before he's ready.

"Sorry about that. Now, I may not presume to know what the issue is, but I'm willing to listen to whatever you want to discuss," he says kindly. As if the small blowout we had a few days prior simply never occurred. I suppose that's a good sign, but that doesn't make addressing this topic in any way easier.

That may be misrepresenting things though. The issue isn't that it's hard for me to bring up, quite the contrary. The primary issue is that it is a sore spot for Oz and getting him to address it is going to be a challenge. He has his reasons for his hesitance, but considering how much trust he's extended my way and my lack of balking or abusing that trust, so far, I might be able to use that.

I make a show of thinking things over before moving on confidently, "The heart of the matter is this web of secrets we've constructed. I think there is a lot of good that some people could do if we were a bit more permissive with the matter." What goes unsaid is what exactly I'm referring to. While it could be easy to see that as an attempt to extend the reach of the conspiracy by bringing on more people; my real intent is to draw attention to the fact that Oz has been keeping secrets from the rest of the cabal.

Something that Oz picks up on with no issue. "Yes, I expected this matter to arise sooner or later. Truthfully I'm somewhat surprised that you didn't bring it up earlier. Was that restraint on your part, or were you simply too curious about other matters?" He chuckles good naturedly and it would be all too easy to simply fall in line with his evasion.


"Yes, yes. I know Ochre. Some habits are hard to discard after so many lifetimes. Let me assure you I'm addressing this matter with every bit of severity it warrants. Please, just be patient with me."

I narrow my eyes; I know this is an issue for him and probably brings up no small number of bad memories. However, it's hard to discard that he's not exactly working with me here.

He adopts a complicated expression at the fact that I'm picking that up and then choosing to trust him on this. I don't know if I should or not, really. What I can say is that our relationship has developed to the point that it isn't a wholly practical matter on either of our ends. Heavens know that I'd press him a lot harder and he'd dance around the subject that much more if this was the start of our training together.

"I know it must seem unreasonable that I'm hiding certain things from the others, and yourself to an extent. I've gone over my reasoning why and I have to remain firm on some matters. You have already illustrated quite well how an inquisitive mind can piece together more from what scraps I let out than I intend to be picked up on. I'm afraid that if I were so permissive with everyone else that I'd let something out that isn't easily taken back."

"I think we both know that's not the real reason Oz," I say softly. His words might have some measure of truth to them. That is if he hasn't had the experience of compartmentalizing things so extensively for literal lifetimes.

"And yet your words prove my point for me," he retorts in a light-hearted tone that's short-lived. "You are right. The problem lies not in my self-control, but rather the opposite." I can't say I've missed the more cryptic side of my mentor, but it isn't too hard to piece together what he's referring to either.

"Well, if I proved the earlier point for you, then I think I also prove this one wrong." Oz regards my challenge with a slight smile, falling back into the familiar cadence of banter that can pick up between us. However, it quickly dissipates as even with how well I've handled his greater secrets there's a matter that isn't easily ignored in this context.

"I wish I could say that is the case. However, as Leonardo so aptly demonstrates, not everyone is as committed or level-headed as you are. I'm afraid you may be the exception rather than the rule." I'm not nearly caught up enough on the Lionheart situation to rebuke his words and Oz catches my brief moment of thought. "I wouldn't worry overmuch Ochre. This is far from the first time that I've suffered betrayal, nor will it be the last, perhaps this explains better than anything else why I keep the secrets I do."

I can recognize a leading statement when I hear one and my curiosity gets the better of me, "What exactly did he do?"

Oz swivels his chair to the side and takes a brief look out of his clocktower window before regarding me, "It's less of what he did and more what he learned that caused him to act the way he did. Leo is-was a good man, but certain knowledge makes our fight against Salem seem hopeless. For some, they can't handle it and Leo is one of those men. I'm afraid to say that his reaction is far more the norm than yours is in my experience."

That explains a bit more, at least the motivation aspect at least. Although I don't know if that's actually founded on anything or just pure conjecture on Oz's part. I'm thinking more of the latter as there's no real way of learning what Lionheart knows without him being aware that Oz would be after him for it.

In a similar vein, even if it is true he learned of something that shook his faith in the conspiracy it could just as easily be argued that he would only react in such a way because secrets were kept from him. After all, if Oz is keeping it a secret then it must mean that he has no plan that would see to Salem's ultimate end.

There is a familiar sort of falling into those bleak thoughts of inevitably amongst Huntsmen when they realize the enormity of the grimm and their unending nature. Still, despite that there are those who encounter such a conundrum and find the will to keep fighting so obviously Oz isn't working with a purely logical framework.

"I doubt I'm the only exception," I counter, figuring this is more of an emotional matter than a logical one. He gives me a wry smile, but doesn't say anything. I need to find another angle to attack from. I'm really regretting that I haven't formed deeper connections to the rest of the conspiracy, yet I push onward.

"Do you really think that Glynda would lose hope from this? Or James? I can't speak for everyone and there are those that would take this the wrong way. The two of them though, I know wouldn't back down over something like that. Glynda would only work twice as hard to make sure everyone is prepared for the dangers of the world and James…Well, if I have to say a good thing about him I can at least say that he's stubborn enough that he wouldn't even let the end of the world stop him from keeping Atlas safe."

Oz doesn't laugh at the bit of levity at the end. His lips do curl upwards before they're forcefully brought back in line with the rest of his serious features. "Don't think I'm unaware of what you're doing, Ochre." In response I put on the most overly innocent expression I can think of which at least draws a sigh from him. "I wouldn't be so cavalier with pretending you know my confidants more than I do."

"I don't hear you denying my impression."

"No, I suppose I'm not," he allows. "Yet, if we're going to get into that kind of discussion I would be remiss if I didn't inquire about yours." I'm not sure where exactly he's going with this and I allow him to continue. "You were quite adamant that you wouldn't keep secrets from Miss Schnee. I suppose the same would be applied to Miss Belladonna. If I may ask, how did they take the news?"

I know trying to obfuscate things would only end in him picking up so I answer truthfully, "Fairly well, but I haven't told them about Salem's brand of immortality." In response to his smug expression I add on, "You entrusted me with that secret and I wasn't going to spread it unnecessarily."

He draws out a low, long hum as if evaluating my statement. "Is that the truth or just a convenient excuse?"

"I could ask the same of you," I retort before realizing that would only cause more problems for me if I continue along a similar mind. "I'm not against telling them if you're willing to do the same," I concede with some measure of confidence.

"Are you sure about that," he questions levelly. I know what answer he'd prefer from me. In truth I'm not too certain about it either.

There hasn't been much benefit in telling them as it would just be another thing for them to worry about and there's no need to do so when they can't do anything about it. However, that kind of thinking lines up too closely to Oz's own. Arguably the rest of the cabal should know, but considering the nature of Salem, what could they even do with the information?

I suppose Oz and I are more alike than I'd have first thought. Well, that's not quite accurate. The more I think about it the more I realize that we share more similarities than differences. There are a lot of points on which I disagree with him on, but a lot of the fundamentals remain the same. It makes me wonder how I'd be dealing with the situation in his shoes, which I suppose might be why he's asking this question.

Yes: This kind of secret-keeping isn't wholly necessary amongst those that can be trusted. That might end up being an exclusive list, but it's not like there aren't tiers to this conspiracy already. (4)

No: I can, reluctantly, see his point. In this case there isn't much that people can do with this information and the added stress isn't worth removing the point of contention. (0)

AN: The characters specifically informed by this action are Ironwood, Glynda, Weiss, and Blake.

I suppose this is no time to back down; I answer with a definitive, "Yes." Much to Oz's consternation.

He sighs heavily and gripes, "I think my life was far less stressful before you got involved."

"Trying to say you regret the decisions that led you here?"

He shakes his head sadly, "I have a great number of regrets, but this isn't one of them. If you would, Ochre." He waves his hand at the empty room and I dismiss my semblance. He grabs his cane, stands up, and heads off.

I join him in the elevator, "Going somewhere?"

He presses a button for the ground floor, "Indeed I am. I can hardly stand aside while my student passes me by." He falls silent for a moment and with a weaker voice says, "This is the kind of thing that's best approached by going to them to make amends rather than reigning as an untouchable king and calling them into my office."

"In that case I hope you don't mind me joining you for your talk with James. I have something to talk with him about as well."

Oz chuckles, "Ever the opportunist aren't you?"

I preen facetiously, "It's one of my better qualities."

"You certainly don't stop yourself from taking them."

"Are you saying I shouldn't?"

"No, it seems to be working out in your favor more often than not. I just hope you don't find yourself taking too many risks."

"Please," I dismiss easily, leaning into the joking atmosphere, "I only take calculated risks and I think I've worked out the math pretty well so far." Oz makes a noise that is neither agreeing or disagreeing with me and I huff dramatically. The whole byplay serves well enough in raising his serious disposition into something more amiable.

Either way we soon find our way onto a bullhead to take us up to the flagship. It is amusing witnessing the odd expressions from the students on our way there. I suppose while speculation about my tutelage with Oz is abound we haven't actually been seen together all that often. That is also assuming that they don't keep up with the news in the aftermath of the council meeting. Though, I can admit that most may not have such an interest with their focus on preparing for the upcoming tournament and missions.

When we dock with the ship we're soon escorted up to Jame's office and quarters. The room is near the bridge with a screen that displays what's going on for the General to catch up on the going on's of the ship and beyond. It seems this is a new experience for Oz as well as I catch his eyes drifting about when our escort leaves us alone in the room.

It only takes a couple of minutes longer for James to burst in with stressful eyes and a strained tone, "Oz, Ochre, is everything alright?"

My mentor is struck from his stupor and I think he must be off his game as contrition passes over his features. Seems like he forgot to inform James of why we were showing up more or less unannounced. Likely had too much on his mind and me distracting him didn't help. From James' point of view something has to be wrong because why else would we act like this.

Oz coughs, "Everything is fine James. More than fine actually." James' skeptical look doesn't abate and my mentor sighs. "This isn't easy to admit, but I have been…convinced that I have erred and I can only ask for your forgiveness."

That isn't what the General was expecting to hear either, though the shock gives way quickly. "Oz, I can assure you that won't be necessary. Whatever you think is the matter-"

"Could you at least give me a chance to explain myself," Oz cuts him off with an earnest plea. "I haven't exactly been truthful with you until now James. I wish I could say that will change entirely, but I'll still have some secrets to keep. However, one that I can no longer keep in good conscience is in regards to Salem. I hope you can forgive my misstep."

I give him a light shove since he's still avoiding the matter. Funnily enough it draws more of a glare from James than it does Oz. The latter of whom gives me a thankful nod.

"Salem isn't simply an undying threat. She's an unkillable one as well. And despite my best efforts I have not found any solution to that problem." Oz keeps his head held up high, but he tenses around his cane as if bracing himself for James' reaction. I get to observe James' strong front collapse in real time and as much as I thought I might savor the moment, the current circumstances do nothing of the sort.

"Oz, please tell me you're not serious. Are you?" Disbelief rolls off of him palpably as his voice gains a hostile edge, "Why would you keep this from me? I trusted you?" Oz doesn't say anything; with a look he conveys that this exact situation is the reason why even as his resolve weakens in the face of betraying James' trust. "What do we do now," James asks, seeking the answer from Oz despite the revelation.

"I'm perhaps not the best one to answer that question anymore," Oz replies with a measure of defeat. "Though if you must know, my plans remain unchanged, I can only hope that yours are as well."

"I-yes, I suppose you're right. Just have to keep moving one foot after the other," he replies mechanically as if trying to convince himself that it's the truth. I have a feeling that it will become so in truth as James is nothing else if not stubborn.

Somehow that isn't how my mentor thought he'd act as his shock is apparent even as his voice is full of pride, "I know I don't deserve to tell you this, but you're acting with the hope that Atlas was meant to inspire. A city in the sky is held to a higher standard, isn't it?"

James weakly laughs, "That it is. I just hope there aren't any more surprises. I'm not sure I could take it." Despite the ostensibly favorable resolution Oz's mood doesn't improve all too much. I'm pretty sure that James isn't referring to the other secrets that Oz keeps like how to activate the relics, but there's evidently something weighing on his mind.

Not that he doesn't paper over his trepidation in short order with a certain curiosity that I know is at least slightly genuine. "Yes, well, I'm glad things resolved in this way. You're a greater man than I to take that in stride. My repentance isn't done and I'd like to discuss things with you when Ochre isn't present. However, if it isn't too much trouble I'd prefer to take a walk to clear my head. I certainly haven't taken a look inside your newest toy and I don't suppose asking for a tour would be too onerous?"

"Of course not, I'll have some of my men take care of you." Oz shoots me a meaningful look that I take to mean that this is his way of giving me the floor with James. That and I'm sure he expects me to distract the General from the recent revelation and help solidify his decision. I suppose as his pupil I do owe him that small favor. Still, I have more I want to talk about with James than what my mentor has brought up.

Revelation: I'm sure he's having certain thoughts about what was revealed that he'd rather not display in front of Oz. I could do my part in helping resolve them. (5)

Menagerie: I've secured Vale's help with my homeland and considering that he has two of five council seats for Atlas, he's my next best bet for getting the aid and recognition my home deserves. (5)

Atlas: not really a subject I like talking about, but I could find why he's so passionate about his home and also subtly remind him of what he's fighting for. (3)

Penny: I don't have Pietro's approval, but I could at least bring up the subject with him. Possibly make sure he's aware of the budding issue. (1)

Permissiveness: He doesn't seem that put off by the fact that I convinced Oz to go through with this or the previous freedom I've enjoyed under the cabal. I could see what's up with that (1)

AN: In the end I decided to make this a top 3 instead of 2

Oz takes a step outside even though I know it will take a minute or so for someone to reach him and show him around. It's not like James has a problem with it. At least I don't think he would normally. If anything he'd trust Oz enough to let him have free reign over the ship and I don't know if this would be enough to shake that much trust.

My current estimation is that James is still processing the news, but that he's more distraught by Oz evidently not trusting him before now. My mentor's repentant nature and coming clean despite no evident risk seems to have prompted him towards a more positive inclination than I'd expect otherwise. However, I think he's still off-balance. Going by the way he looked to Oz for answers despite everything makes me think that he's a little lost right now.

If I had to guess Oz has played up his all knowing nature and to find out that he doesn't have the answers would be a great shock. And that's more responsible for the immediate search for comfort than anything else. It's not like James is a child that needs to be coddled and he and Oz have disagreed on a number of things before. Still, I'm sure these circumstances will have James be more critical in the future, much to Oz's displeasure.

In any case, Oz has left me with some work to do and while I could ignore it in favor of completing my other goals, I don't feel quite right leaving James in a lurch like this. Processing that does, admittedly, take the wind out of my sails as I'll be helping the biggest stiff of Atlas. I can at least console myself that we're on the same side and having a good rapport with him benefits my plans for the future.

James is not inactive during my evaluation, "Ochre, I'd like to extend my thanks." It takes a lot of willpower to not immediately let out any noise of surprise. He's probably attributing Oz's sudden truthfulness with myself. Which…I mean, he's not wrong and my presence here certainly implies. It just feels wrong to receive that kind of earnest thanks. I just hope he's not going to get it in his head that he has to saddle me with a medal of some sort. "I should have guessed that it would be you who could change Oz's mind."

His subsequent comment throws me off again right as I'm about to recover. I don't think that I've displayed any sort of special quality that would have James attribute such an ability to me even if it is true in this instance. I'd expect there to be more animosity around why Oz trusted me so as opposed to anyone else. It makes me think that James has some reason to believe that I'd be more of a trusted confidant than himself which just doesn't make any sense to me. I suppose I'll just have to bring it up to Oz to make sure this isn't some weird issue that I'm unaware of.

For now I gather myself and say, "I don't think any thanks of any sort is necessary. Especially not the type you'd saddle me with." That joke strikes out and I carry on like nothing happened, "I know this must be a lot to take in…" I trail off trying to cede control back to him.

"It is," he says simply then regards me with heavy eyes, "When did you find out?" I really wish he didn't ask that question.

Still, I answer honestly, "A couple months back. Back when I squeezed that private meeting out of him." James grunts and shakes his head like that makes all too much sense before stopping his motions and looking back to me. A question rests on his lips only to be discarded with another grunt.

"How did you deal with it," he asks instead.

"I sort of didn't." At his look I elaborate, "It really doesn't change anything. If Salem wanted to attack us and wipe us off the face of Remnant she's had better opportunities in the past than she'll ever get in the present or the future. I don't know about you, but I think we're all far more advanced than we were a hundred years ago and really think about it. If she wanted to wipe out civilization she had no better time than during the Great War."

"It's not like she wasn't active during the time," James counters. I guess that Oz has shared more of his exploits against Salem than he has with me. Not that I ever made it an issue or asked all that deeply.

"Sure, but the point remains. You should know better than anybody just how pervasive the grimm are. If they or she wanted us gone in earnest we'd know it."

"So what are you saying? That Salem must not be as bad as Oz is telling us she is," he asks with an overly large amount of suspicion. Figures he'd miss the point in the entirely wrong way.

"No. What I'm saying is that she must have a reason for not going all out on any of the Kingdoms. The maidens and the relics are a part of that, certainly. It's just that whatever her end goal is, it isn't to wipe us out. Though Oz is sure that will be the case if she wins regardless. So, business as usual in my mind. Still have to deal with the grimm. Still have to keep an eye out for her machinations. Nothing really changes with this information, it just limits our options."

"Do we even know what she wants?"

I shake my head, "I suppose we could ask the lamp."

"I don't suppose Oz has shared how to use it?"

"No dice." James grunts in amusement. Apparently taking some joy that I'm in the dark as he is in regards to that. "How are you holding up," I ask bluntly, figuring now would be a good time to see if there are any actual issues.

"I'll be fine," he replies just as bluntly even though that should be patently untrue. Under my glare he merely continues, "It's like you said nothing has actually changed has it?"

His quip sets me frowning. I know James and I aren't particularly close, but I figured he'd take the chance to open up to someone who isn't Oz. I also can't imagine that he doesn't have any actual issues that aren't worth addressing. Something is stopping him from just outright telling me though. I guess it could be that lack of familiarity, but that doesn't feel right either. I might need to drop a comment with Glynda or Winter to check up on the man and make sure he's alright.

"Fine, keep your secrets," I rebut in a light tone that has him grimacing nonetheless. It's frustrating that I can't place where whatever complication of his is coming from. I'm missing some critical piece of the puzzle and I'm not sure how to acquire it.

I don't even have to feign indignation when I say, "You're really not giving me a lot to work with."

"I'm sorry," James replies with an air of confusion. He doesn't understand why I'd go off on such a non-sequitur.

"Look, I'm just trying to figure out how you work. I don't know much about your inner workings and I don't much like remaining ignorant." I don't know how much he believes that as it's a stark departure from what we were discussing prior. Even if I play up this angle of myself I doubt he'll forget that I was concerned about him first and foremost.

Infuriatingly enough he doesn't protest and instead acquiesces with a damnable smile, "Alright. I can humor you. What would you like to know?"

I really shouldn't bother with this line of inquiry, but I've gone too far and he's practically inviting me to satisfy my curiosity. "I guess I'd like to know about your thoughts on Atlas. More than just the obvious, of course. I don't exactly have a high opinion of the place despite its altitude and I'm not sure what you see in it."

"Aside from it being my home like Menagerie is yours," he responds with some cheek. I honestly didn't think he had it in him with how stern he is normally. "I suppose it relates back to what Oz said. A city in the sky has higher standards, literally. Both in what is expected of the Kingdom and what it demands of its citizens. Atlas is a Kingdom that demands excellence and especially so in the city itself.

Not everyone measures up, I know. And some aren't cut for the pressure. However, that crucible is responsible for the greatest minds and advances that Remnant has ever seen. First it was brought by the cold and harsh winters making it necessary under Mantle. That continues after the succession, but replaced by internal competition, friendly for the most part. I will admit that there are few setbacks in regards to that policy. Some more glaring than others.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that Atlas is the only place that I feel is living up to its full potential. Oz tries his best with Vale, but I don't think I need to point out to you that the council here can be sluggish and more concerned with appearances than action. I hope you'll forgive me if I don't go into detail about Vacuo, Mistral, or your own home. In the end there's a certain appreciation borne from that mutual achievement of potential. Every citizen is capable of pushing each other to ever greater heights and more rise to the challenge than fail it completely.

As someone who has gone through those trials and tribulations myself. First through the Academy and then through the Military. I can safely say that I would not be half the man I am today without those experiences." He flexes his right arm, "Not all of them were positive, but each is valuable in its own way. I like to imagine that it's because of those struggles I've been awarded so much trust by my Kingdom. I also like to imagine it's just another opportunity to pay back to the home that has given me so much. Does that answer your question?"

He has to be messing with me with that last line. He has to. No matter how genuine he sounds or how much truth he's related I refuse to believe otherwise. It's enough to knock me off balance and with as uncomfortable as I am I quip, "In that case what do you think about being called the First King of Atlas."

I bite my tongue in the immediate aftermath, but the crass comment is out there now. James sighs and looks at me with soft eyes as if to acknowledge he knows it was a slip of the tongue and not something more sinister.

"I really wish that nickname would stop being thrown around." Yeah, I can think of a certain moniker applied to myself that I feel much the same way towards. "I have no intention of ruling Atlas with an iron fist. I will not run for election and whenever matters of an appointment for the other two seats come up I've made it clear that I'm going to recuse myself and only step in to break a tie. I swear some people bring it up more as a joke or a threat than a legitimate concern. Although they do have a point with it being a threat; I deal with enough work managing the Academy and the Military as it is."

I let out a breath I was apparently holding as it becomes clear he's not taking offense or chastising me for my statement. When he finishes I have no problem adding on in a teasing tone, "Yet you found the time to spend a whole semester in Vale."

He works his jaw like I've just caught him out on some big lie, but I think he's playing up his embarrassment for my sake. "Yes, well, I only did what I thought was best at the time. I can't exactly just head back without raising more questions after stating my intent so frankly with the council back home.

I will say that it has been an enjoyable vacation of sorts. I don't think this kind of peacefulness is for me, but I can see the appeal. However, I think that's enough about me and I'll admit I'm just as curious about yourself as you are me. In that respect I wonder what you can tell me of the thoughts towards your home."

A well-worn nostalgia worms its way in my chest, but I keep a hold of myself long enough to not launch into the virtues of my home. "Before we get into that," I start, "I was wondering if I could ask a favor of you." He grunts and I carry on, "I've recently got the support of Vale to aid Menagerie and hopefully advocate for a rise in its station as the fifth Kingdom. I know that we have a ways to go before we're considered one as far as the Accords are concerned. If you need me to ask it bluntly, I would kindly request that you discuss something similar with your council."

The previously almost jovial atmosphere dissipates as the General turns entirely to business and roughly asks, "What are you suggesting exactly?"

My mind whirls for a moment on how best to phrase this before settling on, "Nothing that would weaken Atlas, of course. I know you wouldn't go for that. I suppose the most pertinent would be preparing your council and cautioning them away from getting involved in any disputes between my home and Mistral. We, uh, we may have settled an island that is close to Mistral's Southern shore in order to create a relay chain for us to connect to the CCTS with."

Apparently that wasn't what he was expecting as James soon rubs at his temples, "I really hope you just learned of this recently and haven't been sitting on a geopolitical bomb out of ignorance."

Seeing as I only found out about Tutoa Tasi last week I don't think he can blame me for this, not that it would raise his opinion of the situation. He reads enough of what is going on with the situation by my expression that he concludes, "Fine, I'll see what I can do. Is there anything else I should be aware of?"

"There may be some civil unrest within Menagerie because of said colony. Although that's going to be more of a White Fang matter than anything else. I'm trying to take care of it," I assure him and he at least has enough confidence in my skills that he doesn't outwardly react. "Aside from that any aid or assistance would be appreciated and in that vein, I know having a fifth tower would go a long way in fortifying the system from any unexpected damage or downtime."

The mention of the CCTS has him adopting a more severe expression, "I hope you're aware that if we were to do so we would need a presence in Menagerie?" I nod, "Then I also hope I don't have to explain why that isn't the best of ideas."

"Maybe," I allow. I know where he's coming from with the messy past of Atlas and Menagerie. It might be one thing with the relays as we've gained those schematics on our own and have trained our own technicians. I'm sure that the state of affairs won't last forever.

Atlas would either have to pressure us to put an end to the practice or do the same for the rest of the Kingdoms and I know which the snowy Kingdom would go for currently. That sort of inevitability makes me think it would be best to get it over and done with as well as securing as many benefits for my home as I can.

"There are a couple of things I don't think you're considering," I continue. "First is that Menagerie will be connecting to the CCTS soon enough. And the second is that the SDC, through Weiss, has been making in-roads into my home. It's not like they have a presence yet either, but a solid show of unity could do some good."

"You know, I remember trying to make a similar pitch when you first joined us and you didn't go for it then," he grouses. I suppose I did pass up an explicit offer for help. I had my reasons for it, but with Vale taking the first step instead of Atlas the calculus has changed. There might be calls that I'm an Atlesian puppet, but I doubt those will go away entirely. Either way Vale taking the first step is an able shield for both of us.

After that there is a sort of dead air and after a couple of seconds I start heading towards the door. Then James calls out, "Ochre. You didn't answer my question." It takes me a second to recall what he's referring to. Honestly, I should be embarrassed for forgetting about my home so easily. Still, it isn't too much trouble to turn around and regale him with my thoughts of my home. They're mostly what I told RWBY, but soon enough the two of us are somehow trading stories of our antics in our respective homelands.

As time goes on our stories dip into the more personal and I rapidly grow too uncomfortable to continue. I know James is trying to be friendly for one reason or another, but I can't allow myself to open up to someone like him.

Even if we're on the same side in all this there's no reason why our relationship can't remain entirely professional. I know that's more than a little hypocritical with my actions up to this point. However, there's a difference between endearing myself to the man and actually opening up to him; and I'm far too close to the latter for my liking.

I can't exactly allow myself that sort of weakness, and he of all people should understand that. I have to remain firm for my home. As much as we're on the same side we are still competitors of a sort. Going by his earlier words this is an acceptable and even preferable state of affairs. However, no matter how friendly the competition, it is, at the end of the day, still a competition.

I'm not going to give away any advantages if I can help it. Even one as nebulous as personal favorability. Especially not when I have the Penny business unresolved and after I've already made a request of the man. My position is already weak enough and that sort of emotional appeal might be the only real option left to me.

Just as we draw things to a close a knock comes from the door and Oz walks in. James regards him with a warm, if small, smile while I gaze at him with suspicion. It's kind of hard to dismiss how convenient that timing is. I know it hasn't actually been that long, only…a couple hours apparently. I double check my scroll just to make sure I'm not reading it wrong, but it has to be. There's no way I was alone in a room with the head stiff for so long and didn't want to kill myself.

I shake my head to dismiss the errant thought and refocus on the important matter. Oz most certainly planned his entrance. Most likely thinking that James and I were getting along rather than simply trading pleasantries. I'm going to need to get it through his head what exactly occurred and that if something similar happens he should save me from that hell instead of letting me suffer.

Whatever. Not like I can change his mind now. The two of them want their privacy and with how late it is I should head to bed myself. Curiously enough there are no soldiers waiting outside of James' quarters to take me to the bullheads nor do any of them stop me on my way to the attendant craft. There are a couple pilots waiting to take me down so they didn't simply forget that I was here, but that's still overly permissive in my mind.
S2 Week 12 (Part 3)
I put any such thoughts of the prior meeting with James and Oz out of my mind soon enough and find myself trudging through classes the next day. I have a lot of thoughts bouncing around my mind, but most of the material is review focused anyway for the early finals. I asked a couple of third years what to expect as far as finals during Vytal goes. Apparently they aren't that serious, very much akin to review work than the usual finals we have to deal with so I can allow myself this bit of laziness.

Not that I don't put up the front that I'm just as busy as everyone else. I just don't tell anyone I know about said leniency as it would build bad habits or be met with some scorn. I sure as hell know that Weiss wouldn't relent on her studying no matter how superfluous it is.

Additionally with my aura as constantly taxed as it is working on the surprise for her I need this class time to wind down from such. I swear I'm going to be seeing sheet music in my sleep and that's even discounting my itchy fingers that keep tapping away at the desk. My semblance is great, but building up proper muscle memory is a challenge without doing so in the real world. It helps to some degree, but it's like it isn't entirely solidified until I go through the motions.

Either way, I want to deal with my restlessness and need something to distract myself. The material we're going over isn't stimulating enough and so I dig into something a bit more interesting. I'm sure Blake, and possibly Weiss, would love to go over this stuff with me as well, but now isn't the time to bring it up.

The first thing that catches my attention is our recent expansion into Atlas. Which isn't even something I talked with James about but perhaps should have.

It's mostly about how we've established an open base of operations in the area. Right now it's located in Mantle, not wanting to draw too much attention to my relationship with Atlas, at least not anymore than I have to. That can be changed easily enough as it is rather early into the expansion plans relatively speaking.

What isn't so easy is the three-way demands that branch is going to be under. Four if I count their obligation to myself and the Union and possibly more depending on my intent for the area.

I know that Terra wants to open up charitable works in the area, particularly for the faunus slums in the crater underneath Atlas. Really Mantle as a whole could use some much needed aid for its common citizenry from what I'm reading. It's far from the worst I've seen, but the undercity is definitely the black mark on Atlas' otherwise shining visage.

If James' attitude towards his Kingdom is in any way shared by his common man then the presumption is that anyone who is truly talented or hard working would find themselves in the city above the clouds rather than stuck below.

I know it isn't as simple as that; there's only so much space in Atlas to begin with, but even discounting that it's not like the elite are all too welcoming of newcomers in their precious garden. Perhaps that's why the Academy and Military are so popular in Atlas? It is an easy way of circumventing that bit of discrimination for something more equal, most of the time anyway.

Either way, with the facts so bluntly presented to me, I can only imagine what kind of devastation Mantle in particular would face if there was any sort of disruption in global trade. A good portion of the city works either directly or indirectly for the SDC and I don't think Jacques would be at all hesitant in cutting such a force under normal circumstances. It really doesn't help that I and the Schnees are more or less colluding to orchestrate such an outcome and the destitute of Mantle haven't even entered our calculations.

Regardless, I can't allow myself to worry overmuch about things that may not even come to pass. I could go ahead and approve Terra's request and possibly even send her over if she's amenable. Mantle certainly seems like the kind of place that would benefit more from her direct oversight than the stable ventures in Vale. If I recall correctly Pietro also runs a clinic in Mantle and perhaps doing this could endear me to the man.

However, I'm letting myself get too distracted. The point of this venture was to make money, not spend it. And while that may not be a huge issue if we can solicit donations from the Atlesian elite it does bring me to a pressure I'm sure my branch will be under.

Jacques doesn't strike me as the kind of man to let a potential asset go to waste. I don't know if he'll try reaching out to Weiss or me for my men's assistance. Whether that be to deal with his competition or quell any sort of complaints that his policies otherwise engenders. Even if he didn't bother to reach out for self-gain I can assume he'll do so out of self-preservation.

It's hardly like I can stop any agents in the area from advocating for policy change or organizing protests and there is an obvious target in the area. I suppose I might be able to screen it so only the more practically minded members are sent to not cause a ruckus, but that would be playing into Jacques' hand too much for my liking and only solidify the connection between myself and the SDC.

On the flip side is the rest of the White Fang. I have some time yet before any requests come in, but I did make a rather public announcement with Sienna on the other line. No doubt the men and cells under her are chomping at the bit to use my resources for less palatable operations in the area.

I consider denying them entirely, but with the recent pressure within the Fang, that might not be the best of ideas. I can admit that working with them would help my reputation within the Fang and help ease some tensions and talk of the extreme elements of forming their own splinter groups.

Keeping the Fang whole is a priority of mine, if not the largest of them. The situation is just messy enough that there isn't an easy answer. I have to walk a fine line with my reputation. There are a lot of forces that I have to remain palatable to and walking that tight-rope is a difficult endeavor. I may have to accept I'm just unable to satisfy all the groups I have some obligation to.

For my own mental clarity I run through them. The first is the most obvious and technically two groups. That being the public at large, both the humans and the faunus. Just everyday people and how they view the White Fang and myself.

Subsequently of perhaps greater concern is the perception of the Kingdoms and more specifically their councils. I've made good strides in rebranding the Fang in Vale and that has allowed this venture into Atlas in the first place. Mistral is going to be a mess either way, but they also aren't the type to be put off by impropriety like the other two are.

After that is the White Fang itself. There is already a split of the Union, the moderates under Sienna, and the extremists. Obviously I haven't made many friends with the latter group, but keeping them somewhat appeased should stop them from breaking off entirely. If that's even possible at this point. I may just be delaying the inevitable, but considering the rising tension especially in Mistral, it is worth taking their feelings into account. Ever more so because any weakness is something the Albains could exploit.

That leaves my more personal connections; including the cabal, Weiss, and Blake. I don't think any of them would be happy if I allowed any sort of extremism or worked with Jacques even if I could convince them of the necessity of it.

That's the groups I have to keep in mind addressed and also leads into the last group that might demand something of my nascent organization, that being the military or more specifically James. Much like Jacques he isn't the type to leave an asset underutilized.

Fortunately it shouldn't be any more onerous than the work the Union has done with the VPD. I even have a bit of leeway in how soon I'm expected to start contributing to the public order of Atlas, more particularly Mantle. Not that I'm necessarily under any obligation to do so, but putting in that work could help ameliorate any concerns about the less palatable obligations the nascent branch may have to suffer.

I suppose in a similar vein I need to establish ground rules on how permissive we're being with outside elements commandeering Union assistance and resources. Both Jacques and the broader Fang. Refusing either would naturally draw their ire and in a similar being supporting one would engender harsh criticism from their opponent. Their approval may eke out into slight positivity if I support each at an equal level, but it is a harsh balancing act.

While I don't care much for how much Jacques supports me in particular, he can make Weiss' life much more difficult. I suppose I would also be negligent if I didn't consider that he does have quite the pull amongst the Atlesian elite and could put pressure on the Union, Atlas' council, and James if he's not duly satisfied.

Either way, my first sentiment is to take things on a case by case basis for now and see where my feelings actually lie. I could skip that and make blanket policies for both of these groups which would save me the headache, but may come at a greater cost.

Finally, I can get into concrete projects. The primary purpose of expanding into Atlas was to generate more Lien to pay for the ballooning obligations of the Union. Cutting back on spending is always an option, but one that I'm hesitant to do at the moment. In any case, despite this ostensible goal I have two projects that would be more of a drain than anything else; Terra's charity work and assisting with public order.

Not to say that they are without their benefits and Terra's work could possibly be turned into something profitable for Atlas. If there's one thing their elite are willing to do, it's shell out Lien in an attempt to make themselves look good. Of course, relying on such would require that I refrain from doing anything that would piss said elite off. Considering that Jacques is one such elite and holds considerable influence that may already be a dead proposition.

To refocus on the matter at hand, I can focus my economic ventures in either Mantle, Atlas, or with a bit more effort, both. Atlas would be the more profitable of the two, though it would run into some obvious conclusions towards my relationship with Atlas and the SDC that I'd rather avoid. Plus, there is a certain efficiency towards keeping all of my efforts focused in Mantle.

Similarly, it's hardly like the wealth of Atlas is solely concentrated in those two cities. While not much is developed outside of them, where Atlas has planted its flag is where Lien can be found and made. Developing in the outskirts is a more risky venture, but should also preclude as close of an association with the snowy Kingdom as would otherwise be the case. It would be less profitable overall, but if I'm going along with such a plan it wouldn't be too hard to also make some inroads into Mistral through Argus.

In any case, the manpower from Vacuo makes us well suited to exploit any number of opportunities. While dumb labor isn't in short supply in Atlas, neither is it in much of a surplus. Not everything can be done by robots quite yet and most of the citizenry prefer taking more educated and technical positions.

I suppose that leads me to another consideration. If Vacuo is our supply of simple manpower, Atlas could serve that role for more skilled positions. If we weren't open to humans this would be a more difficult endeavor for a variety of circumstances. However, I don't think we'll have much difficulty finding those in disenfranchised or overworked positions to add to our roster of specialists. Unfortunately such a thing would be another drain on resources. It may pay itself back in the long-run, but short-term concerns are taking precedent.

On a similar note I'm not considering all of the operations we can conduct in the snowy Kingdom. We need to deal with the present and there is only so much that can be accomplished at any given time.

Charity: It has worked well for us thus far and with any luck if we keep our impression with the Atlesian elite positive we might be able to turn a profit. Plus it would assist with the current plan to depose Jacques. (4)

+Send Terra(only applicable if charity is taken): Blake could potentially take up her duties in the interim and I can admit having a face for the Union in Atlas could allow us a lot more inroads than otherwise possible. (4)

Mantle Business: A healthy supply of manpower can do much for growing and exploiting the economic opportunities in the lower city. (3)

Atlas Business: A relatively obvious choice if it weren't for the unfortunate connotations. Still, if Lien is what I need this is the place to get it. (1)

Public Order: More something to keep James happy than anything else. Although, I can admit that seeding out the Union's influence amongst Mantle is an enticing prospect on its own.

Outskirt Expansion: Atlas is hardly a poor Kingdom and they aren't restrained to two cities either. There are plenty of opportunities abound even if they're riskier and less profitable. They at least shouldn't come with a heavy stigma of associating with the snowy Kingdom. (0)

+Don't (0)

Recruitment: Not exactly my greatest concern, but I can admit the population of Atlas is more technically inclined and overall skilled than most places in Remnant. (0)
Case-by-case: The matter is a bit too complicated to deal with any blanket policy as of right now. I can wait for incidents and requests to roll in and make up my mind on how much support I wish to give after the fact. (3)

None: As much as it'll set me against the more extreme parts of the White Fang, it's better to not have this sort of ambiguity hang around. (0)
Case-by-case: While I'm loath to listen to anything the man might demand of me I can recognize things aren't so simple. I'll just have to take things one day at a time and see where the line must be drawn. (3)

None: Even if it would set him against me and likely Weiss as well, I can't allow myself to bend the knee in any way regarding Jacques. A simple refusal of all his requests and going about business as usual should get the message across. (0)

While the matters in Atlas are enough to keep my mind occupied throughout class, they do little to address the budding apprehension I feel. If anything it adds to my mental load. It isn't too hard to come to a final decision and the other reports could possibly be more positive and welcoming, but I'd much rather do something that actually helps me relax.

I can think of a couple of things that would settle my mind, and a couple of people in particular. However, I eventually settle on following up on one of my hobbies. Not that I'm going to waste my time while doing so. The matter of the missing Spring Maiden is of some importance, but little real urgency. She's been missing for over a decade and we have some years left before we need her to open the vault underneath Haven.

Perhaps that's why, in addition to the rather vague nature of the clues I've discovered thus far, that it's more relaxing than pressing in my mind. While I can't spare too much time, this week especially, with indulging in my hobby normally this is close enough to scratch that same itch without having the fate of the world resting on my shoulders.

Even then there are certain aspects of the investigation I'd prefer to address before others. I don't much enjoy the prospect of flipping through a bunch of unrelated rumors looking for clues that might not even be there. While I have a vague area and time frame to look into each time, I can at least narrow that down even further by looking into the mobile groups in the area and determining which is most likely to have picked up Moutan or at least who was nearby all the phenomenon I picked up on previously.

Investigation Check: Rank 4.53 vs Challenge 4

Final modifier: +13

Dice: 1d100+13

67 + 13 = 80

Charting out Miss Moutan's course is something I've already done to the best of my abilities and it is unfortunately terribly vague for my tastes. If there was ever any strong evidence to narrow down her exact course and progression it wasn't found or covered up. Either way the passage of time has progressed to such a point that it's hardly worth worrying about what I lack; I certainly won't find it now.

Not that it doesn't cause problems, the main of which is that determining her rate of travel is damn near impossible. She may have had difficulty dealing with the grimm and fighting in general but her survival and woodsmanship skills are nothing to scoff at. While I would normally rate her progress as slow, she had plenty of motivation in regards to running away from Huntsmen and maiden powers could make up for a multitude of errors. Ultimately, despite my best efforts I have to discard this venture as entirely unhelpful.

Well, not entirely so. I can eliminate some of the tribes and nomads that stuck too close to Mistral and Haven as there is enough difference in time between her disappearance and the first of the strange storms that she must have gotten more distance than just that. Plus, if she were to lay low I doubt she'd remain so close no matter what the plans of the group she fell in with were.

While that does eliminate some of my leads it still leaves it far too vague for my liking and thus I start my work in earnest. Primarily double checking reports on bandit and nomad activity and doing some digging myself along those lines. Before long I have a map of Western Mistral absolutely filled and marked up with little notes on the travel behavior of all the groups in question and speculation on the areas I'm less sure of.

Then I start marking the map with the time and suspected origin of the sudden storms from the maiden practicing to control her power. This is slightly off-set by there being two separate collections of such reports. One during, presumably, Miss Moutan's attempts to wrangle control of her powers and another with what is most likely her successor. There is no guarantee that the two of them belong to the same group of people, but the evidence I found prior and my own gut is telling me that it's rather likely.

Unfortunately this is where the problems start to pile on. No one group matches up with all the storms on a one to one basis. Even eliminating some storms as simply natural occurrences does little to make the plotting make sense. Quite simply no group even approaches half of these storms which means that there is something else responsible.

It could be possible that Moutan's successor expected there to be trouble and abandoned their people. While that would explain the latter findings it doesn't explain the initial ones. Even under Moutan's supposed tenure as a maiden the locations simply don't align with where tribes or nomads would have been consistently enough for me to think that's the case.

An alternate explanation is that there are in fact three maidens I'm looking for and Miss Moutan simply perished not long after her initial escape. If that was the case I don't see why the power wouldn't have jumped to anyone in Botan, or even Haven. It's not like Moutan was in any way familiar with bandits or nomads given the remoteness and coastal nature of her village.

Once again I can't eliminate it as a possibility, but with Oz responsible for the overall nature of the investigation I'm more willing to delve deeper into the pits of speculation than I otherwise would be.

In that vein I decide to start looking not into what the patterns are telling me, but what they're not. More specifically what groups would be eliminated by such a pattern rather than confirmed by it. I suppose in a sense it's merely eliminating the groups that would be indicated by what I've found.

The reason for doing so is mostly a gut one. If there is no seeming pattern then I have to try to divine the intent behind it. The most obvious of which considering Moutan's likely state of mind is obfuscation. Putting up as many false trails as possible to throw off any kind of suspicion.

Okay, that might be too much of a stretch. More likely whoever the maiden suspected that anomalous activity would be investigated and sought to put as much distance as she could from where she was practicing and where she was actually located.

Although the more I look at it there seems to be a restriction on how far they were willing to go. Whether that is because of an inherent limitation in their mode of transit or because they traveled far enough to suspect there would be no issues is immaterial to me. While it could be used to narrow things down even further, if I'm going to throw away my normal limitations I might as well go all the way and just assume the maiden could travel anywhere she wished whenever she so chose. It's not like I don't already know someone with a teleportation semblance.

Speaking of Raven, her tribe is one of the ones that have been reverse selected by this novel method. Now that doesn't prove anything. After all, I am going out of my way to connect the pieces of data that I have. I could simply be missing the piece that ties everything together and be grasping at straws. Or there could be any number of legitimate explanations.

For example, it wouldn't be impossible for an airship crew to be in each of these areas over time. Although, looking into that would be a monumental feat all on its own. I suppose I can add it to the pile in case all of this turns out to be a bust.

However, now that I really think about it; Raven would have all the skills, abilities, and knowledge to match this profile. Again, it's built on shaky evidence, but it fits. I don't need to have one-hundred percent foolproof evidence to have a suspicion. Much less one that I don't need to bring up with anyone else. It would probably behoove me to inform Oz and the rest of the cabal on my suspicions, though I don't think they'll be too sold on it right now either.

I'm lacking anything conclusive, but with a target in mind I can actually start digging into the matter. A quick check of the time informs me I haven't wasted my entire day doing this and so it's an easy feat to refocus my attention on what else I can find on the Branwen tribe.

Investigation Check: Rank 4.53 +.5(Circumstance)= 5.03 vs Challenge 5

Final DC: +0

Dice: 1d100

53 = 53

I already have a rough map of the tribe's whereabouts and travel patterns over the past few years. With the benefit of hindsight and what Qrow told me about their habits I'm able to hone that even further. When that is completed all I have to do is start looking into their general area for any rumors or survivors.

Unfortunately, most of the Branwen tribe's raids and caravan hold-ups don't leave many witnesses. That doesn't mean none, however, though they are far from the norm. They are bandits after all, so no matter how much Raven would prefer otherwise there's some sloppiness that seeps in from the lack of discipline. After all, it's not like they aren't working against a clock whenever they decide to take a hostile action.

Whoever, they attempt to raid is going to radiate enough negativity to draw in the grimm, so bandit raids have more in common with a smash and grab than they don't. They have to get in, grab anything valuable, and get out before the grimm come crashing down. Usually the last bit would be enough to cover their tracks as well.

Additionally, they can't do the reverse all that well. Either the defenders will repel the beasts or draw even more of them in as they crumble. The former would just reset the situation. Whilst the latter would almost certainly destroy whatever valuables the tribe are after underneath the tide of grimm.

Furthermore, with my suspicion already on Raven, I toss out looking into anything during Moutan's supposed tenure. It really doesn't matter if she was the maiden or not at that time, much like it doesn't matter if Raven is actually the maiden or someone close to her. Either would be a good enough explanation for my findings thus far, as built on sand as they are.

What that leaves me with is taking multiple shots in the dark looking through years of records to parse through. Enough that without outside help I'd probably have to delay this until next week. As it is, I can pass some of the work off to Blake, who dutifully enough, drops what she's doing to assist me. With our powers combined it is still an hours long slog to rip through everything.

We find more than enough examples of what exactly the tribe has been up to and some sightings of Raven leading her pack of vandals. There is a curious example rather early in the reports where Raven is reported to not have any adornment on her head or face, but the rest of the reports has her wearing some sort of grimm mask. I can't help a groan that escapes me from learning that.

I don't know why anyone would think that sort of thing is cool; it's just edgy. I suppose that it isn't as much of a fashion disaster as it could be. The overall color scheme of the grimm does fit hers oddly well. However, if I'm going to give Adam and the rest of the Fang shit for this I gotta be consistent. Though it is kind of amusing that Adam is arguably not the start of this trend. I wonder if he would have been a fan? Probably not considering that Raven is a human.

Tangent aside, it doesn't pass my notice that the mask conveniently hides her eyes from the world. As I understand it a maiden can't use her powers without her eyes glowing in a fiery sort of way. Unfortunately, that evidence is still rather circumstantial and so we continue looking for any odd powers that were exhibited to at least draw a link that a maiden is a part of her tribe.

That is perhaps the hardest part of all this. The Branwen tribe already has enough strength to not need to pull out excessive power and Raven is interested in keeping a low profile. Combine that with the low incidence of survivorship and how the grimm would pick over any survivors and it's difficult to find any direct evidence.

In the end fortune smiles upon us and we stumble over one report in particular. One that I didn't pick up on prior due to its rather obscure nature and rambling details. In particular it's a recounting of a survivor of a bandit raid and the subsequent grimm attack; though none of the details specify the Branwen tribe, they simply fit the profile the most based on when this happened and where they were located.

An otherwise vulnerable village happened to be hosting a group of Huntsmen who just finished a job for them. While the Huntsmen were slain in the end they did well enough in delaying the Branwen tribe from looting the place and slaughtering the inhabitants entirely. The grimm came in and the survivor in question was hiding away in a cellar of sorts. They didn't get a good look at the scene going on, but were keeping an eye out through a small hole to the outside in order to be prepared if they needed to defend themselves.

Naturally this did not give them a good look at the fight itself, but they do mention that a loud crack filled the air followed by howling winds and the subsequent crash of some large avian grimm that they couldn't identify from their perspective. As a result of this chaos the cellar doors were covered in no small amount of rubble that perhaps shielded them from the subsequent predations of the grimm. Eventually they were able to escape and return to civilization which is a minor miracle in and of itself.

Once again it is rather circumstantial evidence, but I'm willing to stake a bet on it. At the very least in my mind Raven has to be harboring the Spring Maiden. Working through the timeline I don't know if Raven would have been too old to inherit the powers, as 'young woman' isn't a technical term. I suppose with the evidence I've gathered it wouldn't hurt to ask Oz what the exact age range is, but that does bring up the question of if I should tell him this or not.

In any other circumstance I wouldn't see a need to hold off. However, considering the closeness of the person and her connection with my friends I'm a bit hesitant. Seeing as she has recently made an attempt to reconnect with Yang, and Tai if I have my guess right, spooking her in any way could have that crumbling. I could argue for clemency with Oz on her behalf as it's not like he hasn't been fine being down a maiden and only needs her to unlock the vault within a few years.

I suppose I'd do that in any case, but before I jump to something I can't take back I want to at least evaluate my options. The first of which is to simply confront the woman herself. This may not be the greatest idea as I do owe her a couple of favors and bringing this up will almost certainly have her request I keep this a secret. I could always break my word, but I have another way I could handle this.

I could have the confrontation occur with some company, probably Yang and maybe even Tai. That should at least have the information out in such a way that she can't just demand I keep it a secret, though keeping it from Oz might be on the table. Either way will have to wait until after the business with Merlot concludes as I'm not jeopardizing that operation this close to completion.

There may be another way to tackle this issue, but it's not coming to mind. Getting a hold of Qrow for the potential meeting might as well be telling Oz as far as Raven is concerned and I'm not sure of who else would really be relevant for the discussion.

Meeting: I do owe the woman and bringing this up with the relevant parties is a natural courtesy. I can figure out who all needs to be aware some time later. (3)

Reveal: I don't see much of a point of keeping this from Oz. I can argue that he should let me handle Raven as I've been making inroads so far with reconnecting her with her family (0)

Delay: I don't actually have that hard of proof yet. Enough for my sensibilities, yes, but it wouldn't be hard to put this off until I find something more concrete; as hard as that would be. (0)

There's no reason to be hasty now when I don't have anything absolutely concrete. Though I am fairly confident in my findings. It means I'll most likely have to deal with Raven which is enough of a downside that I'm already regretting my decision.

Regrets or not I notice that my girlfriend has a rather complicated expression in response to our findings. It isn't hard to place where that trepidation is probably occurring. Raven is hardly a good person and we've just gone through a plethora of reports fully displaying her barbarity. The fact that such a woman is not only Yang's mom, but they're reforming a connection isn't an easy pill to swallow.

It is one thing to know intellectually that Raven is a horrible person and an entirely different one to have such a picture painted so vividly. As for the complicated aspect, I suppose Blake knows better than anyone what it's like to harbor feelings for someone who is objectively a scumbag.

The fact that I'm going with running a meeting instead of simply reporting the woman is met with a muted acceptance by my girlfriend. Still not knowing how to feel about it, but trusting my judgment in the moment. I do what I can to cheer her up, but before long I have to escort her back to her dorm room.
S2 Week 12 (Part 4)
Not really anything meaningful to this story, but today marks the one year anniversary since I started writing all this.

The next day I don't have much motivation to crack into how the Union is doing. The potential meeting concerning Raven is enough to occupy my mind. Going over various scenarios and compositions to best gameplan how to handle things.

My mindfulness, or lack thereof, doesn't go unnoticed though it is easy for those in the know to dismiss it as simple worry over my upcoming action against Merlot. Weiss tries not to let the fact I'm going off into the deep wilderness to chase down a madman affect her. Although it's kind of hard not to notice that she's parked her plans for us as far into the week as she can manage. I suppose in a sense for me to have something to come home to. As much as I want to spoil her for that consideration, she isn't the only one concerned.

Case in point is my first mentor. Oobleck and I haven't had very many deep discussions as of late, but he is dutiful in his tutelage. With the classes I have with him he's noticed something is up that isn't wholly related to my upcoming action. He is kind enough to not bring it up as we get settled into our session, but I guess I could pick his brain for his thoughts. Although, that may not be the best idea, considering his closeness with Oz.

Before we really get started he starts in his typically fast-paced manner, "I think it would be best to inform you that I have weighed my options and have settled on joining our merry band of conspirators. As my senior, I hope you take care of me." He finishes with a dramatic bow and a teasing smile that he quickly hides behind his thermos.

"That's good," I hedge, trying my best to ignore his joke.

"Mr. Rovere, let us not beat around the bush. I have my apprehensions, sure, but this matter is far too big for me to simply ignore. I'll admit it is disheartening to learn that I wasn't afforded such trust earlier. I can understand some of the reasoning, as certain things that have been done…well they're abhorrent to me to say the least.

I could remain happy in my ignorance, merely teaching those about history and how to survive in this world. This, however, I find this state of affairs far more preferable. I abhor ignorance more than anything. While things aren't as I would like them to be, that is the struggle we all face isn't it?"

I blink slowly. It's not uncommon for him to launch into a mini-lecture or monologue like this, but he always has a reason for doing so. Thinking through what could prompt such a thing has me arriving at a conclusion of sorts.

It's as he says, there are certain apprehensions involved in the conspiracy and unpalatable actions that must be taken. I can't imagine orchestrating the assassination of a headmaster doesn't make that list, or manipulating the public in general. I suppose in that light this is Oobleck's attempt at mollifying any guilt I'd feel for bringing him on.

"It certainly is," I agree lightly after processing all that. I don't know if that's how I actually feel, but it's his decision in the end. I think we both let out a sigh of relief at neither of us making this a bigger issue than it needs to be. I can at least count on Oobleck to be relatively drama free for the most part.

Even with that acknowledgement neither of us make a move to start our lesson. I have a few questions of my own buzzing around my head. The first consideration is that Oobleck would probably want to be involved in the assault against Merlot. Probably under the reasoning of making sure I'm not in over my head. That might have also played a part in him finally joining up with the conspiracy. Whether I ask about that or not, I need to find something to fill this dead air.

Merlot: Something that is no doubt going to be relevant soon enough. Perhaps working out a rough game plan with my mentor is in order. (4)

Politics: I've certainly been making some moves in Vale. Practically making history I'm sure he'd say. I could pick his brain on what he thinks of my efforts thus far. (3)

Forgiveness: It still sort of rubs me the wrong way that he was so willing to just forget about what I've done to him. I suppose I could interrogate him for some answers. (1)

Conspiracy: I could ask what exactly tipped him over the edge for deciding to join, what he does, and how exactly he feels about the situation aside from the platitude he gave me. (0)

Academy: If Menagerie is going to be a Kingdom one day we'll need to establish an academy of our own. I suppose I could ask him what all that realistically entails. (0)

Raven: Considering my findings it may behoove me to prepare by asking about the woman from someone who knows her personally. (0)

"So, Doc, have you been keeping up with current events?" My question serves as a transition and an acknowledgement that I'm leaving the issue well and firmly behind us.

"Mr. Rovere, you know that I do. Just as well as you should be aware how broad of a topic that is," he chastises in a light tone. I suppose I am rather obvious, but he's playing along well enough that I continue the bit instead of asking directly.

"You're not wrong. If I need to be more specific for you, I'm sure you've heard of a few happenings in Vale."

"More than a few actually. But, I think you're not too interested in the going ons for the Vytal Festival. A shame I would say, there's supposed to be a full on parade next week." I don't know why, but that rings a bell of some sort that I can't quite place. "Could I trouble you to be a bit more precise?"

"Fine, I'm talking about the business I've gotten up to with the council, I'm wondering if I could pick your brain about it."

"In what way specifically?" His question brings me up short as I originally just wanted his opinion on what is happening. However, I realize that he can give me some more insight than just into his own mind.

"In whatever way you can. I'm interested in what you have to say on the matter, though I think you of all people would understand the global significance." He makes a noise of interest which informs me that no matter how knowledgeable the man is he can't know something that hasn't been announced yet. "I've done some favor trading with the council and they're sending aid to Menagerie."

That already catches his curiosity and he opens his mouth only for me to finish with, "Not only that, but if everything goes well there should be some rumblings about a thing that's a long time coming." It isn't exactly a straight answer, but considering the context I have complete faith that he'll pick up on what I'm actually saying.

"I-that is quite the achievement if I do say so myself," he says, losing steam as he goes on. That might imply that he's not too into the discussion, but knowing the man as well as I do I know his mind is jumping to consider all the points of what this means and how it's going to be announced. He tries to keep himself restrained only for a certain giddiness to overcome him. He vibrates in place before he starts pacing about and talking at a rate I can't keep up with.

I appreciate the vote of support, but even with as much time as I spend with the man I can't keep up. With that avenue barred from me until he calms down I satisfy myself with puzzling over his reaction. As much as he might support my dream I don't think Menagerie becoming the fifth Kingdom much less the announcement of such would engender such a reaction. I suppose he could just be excited about witnessing history in the making, though that doesn't feel right either.

Then my mind drifts to another factoid I know about my teacher. He and Port are supposed to be the ones commentating on this year's Vytal Tournament. That might seem unrelated at first, but the more I think about it the more it makes an odd sort of sense.

The Vytal Festival is all about the unity of the four Kingdoms and there is no better time to make an announcement of another Kingdom joining the ranks. With Vale as the current host it makes sense that they would take charge. After all, it's not like they know about my arrangement with James and they would otherwise have to wait a whole two years to boot on top of accusations about trying to undermine Atlas with such a declaration.

With the Tournament serving as the capstone of the whole celebration it would make sense that the announcement would occur during such a time. I wouldn't think that Oobleck would be one to do so, rather First Councilman Greene would be my first assumption, maybe Oz. That is if they decide to go with an announcement in the first place as they could just as easily keep this a quiet affair.

I figure that should be enough time for him to wind down. Curiously enough I seem to be wrong about that sentiment. He's still zooming about the room talking at a mile a minute.

I feel like I'm missing some critical piece to the puzzle that will be obvious in retrospect. I just can't place what it could be. I suppose failing everything else it could be as simple as the fact that any such announcement would inextricably be linked with this Vytal Tournament and thus earn him a spot in the history books no matter how small.

As amusing as his energetic ramblings are, I did ask a question and I would like an answer to it. "Oobleck," I call out with a polite cough. One that I repeat, albeit louder another two times before he finally gets the message and calms himself down.

"Ah, apologies, Mr Rovere. I don't know what came over me." I can't help regarding him with critical eyes, but he doesn't elaborate on the exact source of his excitement. "I suppose you're seeking some sort of clarification. What part do I need to go over again?"

"All of it," I state flatly and the man shirks under the blunt nature of my words.

He musters up a fake sounding chuckle before taking a long draw from his thermos. "Yes, well, as I was saying your efforts are very much commendable. Even more so than the rest of your achievements thus far if I may say so myself. There is a lot that can be learned sociologically speaking from an effective Kingdom in exile from the past eighty years and I'm very much excited to delve into the subject myself. Oh, but I forget myself.

It should be unnecessary to expound upon the pride I have in you for accomplishing such and if I have the right of it you're seeking something far more substantial than mere praise." I nod at the implicit question and he mirrors the gesture. "Just as I thought. Now, I can't say I'm an expert in politics. However, I am one in history and much of history is dictated by the politics of the time, so if you'll allow me my amateur opinion?" I roll my eyes and nod anyway.

"Wonderful. To start with, I hope I don't have to say how momentous this occasion is for Vale itself. While being a leader on the global stage in some ways, our Kingdom has hardly seen fit to interfere in the affairs of others. There is some disagreement as to what event exactly kicked off the Great War, but Valean scholars attribute it as being a defensive war in nature and if not that at least in the minds of the populace.

Truthfully I can not begin to guess the sort of effects that will occur from Vale taking a step on the grand stage of the world like this, much less your homeland. What I can say is that Vale and Vacuo have traditionally been allies and aligned in most matters and I suspect this will be no different. I know the desert Kingdom has fallen on hard times as of late, but every bit of support helps, does it not?

As for the rest of the world, that is a more complicated matter. Atlas and Mistral have traditionally been aligned and they've maintained close relations past the conclusion of the Great War. Some would claim that they are more closely aligned now than they ever were prior. I don't put much stock into such a belief myself, but the case can be argued.

More pertinently in your case, I expect both Kingdoms to be resistant to one degree or another. Whether that comes from on high or on low or some combination of the two is difficult for me to surmise. I can admit that I don't quite have my fingers on the pulse of Atlas or Mistral."

He concludes his impromptu lesson and I have to digest the material. It isn't anything that I wasn't already aware of to some degree. He is missing the context that I have James' support as far as Atlas is concerned, though he may still have a point. I can't exactly say what the opinions of the other councilors would be and in addition to that I don't imagine the Atlesian elite would be too inclined about this either.

If they were a problem then I can only imagine that Mistral would be even worse. Their Kingdom has more to lose from my home's rise in station than anyone else. Historically the windy Kingdom has enjoyed a rather lenient hand in regards to their expansion policy. Usually they're free to settle wherever they damn well please with Vale famously avoiding confrontation as much as they could until the Great War sparked off.

While they haven't been as aggressive in their expansion in recent times, that's because of the conclusion of the war and Vacuo's subsequent defunct state ensuring they don't have to defend their Eastward interests. Adding another player into the mix would open up direct competition to their south. It's not like my home has anywhere else to expand to.

Not only that, but there would be a lot of onus put on both Atlas and Mistral, if such recognition were to be granted, that they owe some level of support to Menagerie. As the ostensible losers of the Great War, despite how well they've done for themselves in the aftermath, there is an expected obligation on their end. In the game of geopolitics they can, of course, ignore such a calling, but that has to be weighed against the discontent it would generate. Not only in their own populace, but also in their detractors.

I suppose the biggest obstacle for me then would be Mistral. I have to hold hope that James is able to keep his Kingdom in line, while I have no such assurances for the windy Kingdom. Even worse is the fact that their headmaster can't be relied on for support.

Lionheart is on his way out and a traitor to boot. Whoever ends up replacing him will likely have their hands too full to give me any kind of support beyond what's in their best interest. Being a part of the same conspiracy may allow me some leeway to force the issue, but I don't want to have to rely on such for my future plans.

My thoughtful demeanor proves little obstacle for Oobleck as he prepares for the lesson and we soon get into it. With the subject already brought up he sees no reason to hold back going on about particular tangents involving the history of the four Kingdoms. Primarily the transition period brought on by the Vytal Peace Accords. It provides not only insight into the current state of play for the globe, but also a look into the potential difficulties my home might soon face.

As interesting as that is, I don't let it dominate my thoughts. When we wind down for the day, I broach in on more serious matters, "Since you've been brought on, I assume you're aware of the plans against Merlot"

The simple questions brings a complicated aspect to his features before he smooths it over, "Yes, though not as much as I'd prefer if I'm being honest. There is a lot for me to get caught up to speed on so to speak. As I understand it you've been taking the lead on the case so if I could trouble you for an explanation I'd appreciate it."

I could do just that. It wouldn't be too hard to relay the facts and current situation. However, this is in some way me sounding him out for advice and bouncing my ideas off him.

"I have someone looking into Merlot's exact whereabouts and with any luck she'll be able to portal us in directly." The once again complicated expression graces his features, telling me that he knows who I'm referring to specifically. I wonder if he's been informed of Qrow and Raven's involvement just yet, though I suppose this is hardly the worst introduction to such an aspect. "Assuming she can do her job, the only real problem is figuring out who to bring in on this."

"How so," he questions more out of politeness' sake than anything else.

"Well, first off, I'm trying to keep things small and stealthy. Don't want to give Merlot any kind of heads-up if I can help it. That limits how many people I can realistically bring. Our recruitment pool may be limited, but I have to weigh who can bring useful skills to the table against the risk their presence brings. Doesn't help that Oz, and I assume yourself, want to join in on this."

"Is there a problem with that," he challenges. I just enumerated what the potential problem is, but simply repeating myself isn't really an option. That and I don't know if he's referring to Oz or himself.

"More for our method of transit than anything else," I explain with a sigh before delving into the heart of the issue. "I don't know if your presence would be necessary. Considering the base in question is a remote island and our target likely underground I'm more concerned about what semblances the team can bring to the table than anything else. Really anything that we can do to bypass Merlot's normal security would be helpful as the man himself isn't exactly a combatant."

"In that case I think you may be overlooking a rather obvious contribution." I stare at the green-haired man to prompt him. "Merlot's security is based on his remote automatons and not his skill in and of itself. A technical specialist may be of particular benefit here."

I shake my head, "As much as that's the case, I don't consider it a valid option. Merlot has been developing his tech for decades and is a genius to boot. There's no guarantee that any of his systems would be vulnerable to intrusion and I can't think of many people involved in the conspiracy that would be tech wizards."

Oobleck frowns in thought for a few moments. "Be that as it may, I still urge you to consider such. No one springs to my mind for the position, but perhaps Ironwood would be able to suggest someone qualified."

I have to reluctantly agree with that, though not without some caveats. Pressing James some more…well, it might be necessary, but it's not a palatable option for me as it is. I'd have far better leverage in the future if I can take care of this business on my own. Or as on my own as Oz is going to let me.

Even if it is absolutely necessary it would still throw some complications in my plans. I don't think there are any tech geniuses that are also Huntsmen who are so helpfully also a part of the conspiracy. We'd have to make a compromise in some area and with the conspiracy part a requirement it would either be ditching the combat or technical skills.

Bringing an effective non-combatant along isn't my first choice and someone without the requisite skills might only end up alerting Merlot that we're there instead of actually helping us. It is an option, just not one that I consider all that useful in the end. If it works it would be a serious benefit, but the risks are just as hefty. Far better to plan around an avenue that Merlot couldn't possibly predict than play into his hand.

Sensing that I've come to a conclusion my mentor speaks up, "Very well, then I suppose I should inform you of my semblance. I can excrete a sticky substance from my hands that I can toss around and is actually quite flammable."

"How hot does it get," I question, already concocting a possible use for the fortuitous semblance.

He blinks for a moment before gathering his bearings, "I think I know where you're going with this, but aren't we going to be underground for the most part? There's not much use we can get out of my semblance without causing more problems for ourselves."

"Perhaps," I allow, thinking that he's selling himself too short. "Most of it should be Merlot's underground facility and I'm sure he has some sort of ventilation system installed. Failing that we could bring something to assist with that ourselves. The benefit of being able to bypass parts of his facility entirely is too great of one to ignore entirely."

He's still not sold on it, but he puts up a hand as if to acquiesce to my demands. "I suppose you also have a plan to get to the underground sections in the first place?"

I roll my eyes at his unnecessary question. We both know that Kelly and Glynda should be more than up to the task. Although, bringing Kelly would limit me in certain ways. The rest of my team would want to join if she's going and she isn't exactly stealthy herself.

Honestly, the stealth aspect is more of a concern in my mind. Bringing additional people is already a concern in and of itself and some of those people aren't exactly inclined towards stealth in the first place. I can make up for some of that with some help from my semblance, but that cheat can only supplement skill so far. I either have to select people able to keep up with myself or look for another cheat.

Naturally the latter is what I'm inclined to think about, but can only really come to one possible conclusion, Neo. I'm not sure how effective her semblance actually is, but she can certainly disguise herself and move around rather easily. That's already a huge benefit if I can trust her to stick to the plan.

If she can extend her semblance out to much more of an extent that would allow us to get around with ease. In that case it's a measure of running against her aura and the attention that we'd attract from the grimm. The latter of which could tip off Merlot with their increased presence or catch us at a bad moment. I suppose bringing Ren along could solve that issue, but also runs into the problem of his aura and his team's approval.

Unfortunately I just can't think of anyone else that would be useful in this exact situation. Blake would have the skills to keep up, but her semblance doesn't bring much that would make up for her inclusion and I'm disinclined to risk her like this to begin with. More importantly would be finding Merlot to begin with.

The closest I can think from who I know would be Marina. However, with the nature of the base she might as well be useless. Too many solid walls and the underground nature means she isn't going to spot Merlot. I doubt he'll do us the courtesy to remain out in the open.

I suppose I'll have to rely on Oz to find someone to fulfill that role. I can't imagine that he'd let people with clairvoyant or detection semblances not be on his radar to some degree. I just have to hope that one of such people is not only useful, but aware of the conspiracy enough to join us.

Relaying that to Oobleck is no issue, but does little to give us something concrete to work with. He at least acknowledges that it may be for the best to keep our team small and reluctantly agrees to sit this one out if I deem it necessary. I try to press him for Oz's semblance, but he doesn't know it. I get the feeling that it won't be anything too useful in the present situation, though it is annoying to remain in the dark for a moment longer.

Before long our session is over in full and I retreat back to my room. I've gone ahead and informed Oz on what Oobleck and I talked about at the end so he can have a few people on call. At this point the only real hold-up in going after Merlot is Raven.

It's taking her longer than I would have thought to find something concrete. I don't think she's holding off until the weekend for my benefit, in fact inconveniencing me and Oz would probably be a benefit in her mind. Therefore there has to be some sort of holdup.

I suppose it shouldn't be that surprising. The same difficulty Oz and I will have in finding out where Merlot is at his base has to apply to Raven as well. I don't think she'd stick her neck out on our behalf and explore the underground sections. Probably for the best as that could tip off Merlot in the first place.

She has to find some other way of determining where he's located. I can imagine a few ways of doing so, but any one of them would take a few days of direct observation at each location and possibly a bit more just to make sure she's correct. We've already come to an agreement and it's not like I have her number to just call her up so all I can do is wait.

While I wait, there's no reason to hold myself off from attending to what business I can. This is a rather busy week all things considered for the Union. The Atlas expansion I've already checked in on, but keeping a lid on our media campaign and the bubbling discontent of the men underneath me is also another consideration.

I don't think it would have blown up this week, but with any luck I'll take care of that problem before it becomes one. What that leaves me with is going over reports on all the other activities we've engaged in. Perhaps because it's the simplest I start with our efforts in Vale.

The easiest of which is the efforts of Celeste and myself. She's been accounting for herself rather well, though I haven't had the chance to meet her in person. She does get overly focused on small time wrongdoers, much like Primm does. I think if she didn't have him as her mentor this would be a rather easy problem to fix and focus her attention on much more beneficial endeavors. As it is, it's a minor drain on efficiency, but nothing to get too worked up over.

We do an able job of covering Primm's responsibilities in his absence and even pick up a couple more probable spies of the brothers. I get the feeling that if I can keep the pressure up on them in Menagerie that I won't have to worry too much about Celeste getting overwhelmed, otherwise it might be in my best interests to check up on her every now and again. Then again I might want to do that anyway just to make sure that Primm hasn't been teaching her anything that would go against my interests.

Either way that's only a minor concern and I turn to our efforts in the upper-class district. As it turns out Primm and Celeste have been assisting our investigative efforts in the area for their own reasons. I'm not sure why exactly they felt the need to do so, but they ended up saving us some trouble while generating a smaller share for going after suspected criminal activity that turned out too small to really get that worked up over.

In the end I can safely say that any residual efforts of Spider are well expunged or gone to ground to such an extent that they don't really matter. What that means for the Union is not a whole lot. We get some accolades from the VPD, but that is easily outweighed by the outrage that the elite of Vale feel for us essentially stomping on their turf with little recourse.

If I were to believe the rumblings then certain members of high society have been petitioning the council to have them do something. I'm sure they're in for a rude awakening in the aftermath of the meeting I had with them the week prior. Then again, I don't really have a distinct need to mess with rich people after this and so maybe they'll think their outrage actually accomplished something.

Whatever they may or may not feel, it certainly hasn't helped with the reputation of the Union. We already had a populist bent to our image and going directly against elites has only increased that. I suspect that it'll be more of a problem for us in Atlas and Mistral than anywhere else. It, however, is cemented enough that only a deliberate effort on our part would begin to overcome the label. It might be in my best interest to do so considering my plans for Atlas, but best to hold off on any decisions until I've gone through all the reports.

Moving on from that leaves Vacuo and home. Home has sparser reports as some are still on their way by boat. It's going to be a headache to consolidate reports properly by time sent rather than when they arrive, but I have people for that.

Primm has made his way to Menagerie and taken it upon himself to wrangle the agents we sent over into something more workable. Purportedly this has done a good job in finding the barest hints of the brother's influence in Kuo Kuana, but that will take some time before Primm is ready to resolve it. Of greater interest to me is what our agents found about the brother's plans before his arrival.

As reported before, the two of them have retreated to their island of Tutoa Tasi. However, in recent times they've been stockpiling and barricading the place as if ready for war. I can't say that it isn't a legitimate concern with the rising tensions in Mistral and the settlement's proximity. Although the fact that the brothers are building up a small army of trusted combatants and kitting the place out to survive an assault makes me more than a little nervous.

It could entirely be out of preparation that I or Sienna would do something and essentially making themselves too big of an issue to dislodge easily. That's an understandable enough of an explanation, but knowing them they're playing multiple games at once. Though I get the suspicion that they'd try to reach out to either of us to pit us against one another.

I'd be more concerned about that if Sienna and I weren't at an understanding of sorts. Better to deal with the brothers before turning on each other. Technically I could go for the backstab option myself, but the more I think about it the more it seems like a poor idea.

Regardless, the brothers aren't going to make our efforts easy and if I have the right of it they probably have a back-up plan for if Sienna and I aren't playing ball. What exactly that could be I can't tell, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it has something to do with the unrest in Mistral and the broader Fang.

It hasn't passed our notice that certain faunus are agitating for extreme action in the reveal of Mulberry's wrongdoing. It's an understandable enough of a reaction which makes it hard to pin on the brothers specifically. However, if they want to sow discord there's no better action for them to take. I think I've been able to manage my branch's extremists rather well and with my upcoming action against Merlot there shouldn't be any more issues. Sienna, however, has had a harder time of it.

She has a greater territory to oversee without the organizational structure to assist in the matter. Too many leaders too used to doing things their own way rather than listen to her. While she can make up for that a little with her efforts against Spider and being aware of the problem it does not do enough to address the rot that's seeped in over the past five years. It may be in my best interest to send some men to help her play defense while we gear up to take down the brothers.

Speaking of them, I suppose with Primm close by I won't have to wait entirely for their agents to be removed from Kuo Kuana. My lieutenant should be more than able to oversee the current project and another with little difficulty.

Finally I settle at our efforts within Vacuo, which is where the most welcome news of the week comes from. There aren't really any complications. Our men were given a simple enough job and they delivered. Not without issues, as some weren't able to deal with the harshness of the desert, but that's a small enough issue that it hasn't harmed our overall reputation with the locals.

Now they're willing to deal with us, albeit reluctantly. That opens up a number of doors that would otherwise be closed off to us. I'm uncertain if that's something I can really take advantage of, but the option is there. I suppose at the worst I can start having my men advocate for some political action even if the Vacuan council is mostly defunct.

On a somewhat related bent is my men digging into the going ons of Vacuo to see what they can turn up. As it turns out there is quite the criminal underground scene in Vacuo. Although calling it criminal would imply that there is any force that would take them to task for being found out. Realistically, such a force does not exist beyond Shade Academy and Theo, but the Vytal Festival makes things rough for the desert Kingdom. Awfully hard to stay at the top of your game when some of your best and brightest have to travel to another Kingdom for a full semester.

That isn't to say that the criminals of Vacuo operate entirely in the open either. They aren't that bold and there's a bit of culture to the secret handshakes and referential nature of their criminal underbelly. While one could walk into Mistral and request a meeting with a crime boss if they had the Lien or position to demand such, things in Vacuo are a lot less transactional. More based on knowing the right people and having the right rep than the sheer profits involved.

In any case, my men haven't delved into that scene too much. Not enough to tell Theo anything that he doesn't already know. Mostly some underground fighting rings that my men are invited to after proving they could survive out in the desert. Curiously one of them is located in an abandoned refinery, but I haven't exactly had my men check into that too heavily. Involving ourselves in the criminal scene isn't exactly a priority, though I could have them check it out even further if I wanted.

A New Image: The current populist image of the Union isn't what I want to present ourselves as. It would take a bit of work with a media campaign, but we may be able to right the public perception. (4)

Sienna's Defense: The Mistral branch is a mess of competing interests and with an understanding between Sienna and I she may be receptive to trusted men coming in and helping her clean up her operations. (4)

Menagerie: Landwork: Really a collection of projects; from roadwork, to leveling plots of land for houses, to providing some assistance with the agricultural side of my home. Providing the tools and expertise to do so. (2)

Vacuo: Desert Mysteries: There's a decent criminal scene in Vacuo. While it might not be anything of significant interest it is a low-cost endeavor I can look into to assist Theo. (2)

Menagerie: Airdock: Expanding the infrastructure could allow merchant airships to come by as well as personal ones. Additionally, it would lead to an increase in the Menagerie air force. (1)

Chasing Shadows: Salem's forces are a slippery bunch, but that doesn't mean they're impossible to track down. My men might have to delay for a bit, but getting on the trail of Watts or Salem's other minions can only be helpful in the long-run. (0)

Grimm Tracking: If there really was someone controlling the grimm then I'd expect that there'd be some indication of it somewhere. Mostly this would be my men collating historical accounts and records of grimm while I put the pieces together myself. (0)

Roadwardens: Taking the fight to the grimm and keeping the roads safe isn't exactly a well-paying job, at least without the council involved. However, keeping the roads safe may assist with our efforts as well as earn us a lot of goodwill. (0)

Counterespionage: Celeste should be able to hold things together if we're able to keep the pressure up on the brothers, but otherwise it may be in my best interest to ensure she has the resources she needs. (0)

Easing Tensions: The tensions in Mistral is not an easy endeavor. What is easier is addressing the tension within the White Fang and hoping some of that will bleed over to taking the bite out of the racial tensions in the windy Kingdom. (0)

Vacuo: Desert Expansion: With our newfound reputation it shouldn't be too hard to find people willing to deal with us. Whether that be merchant caravans, small settlements, or whatnot doesn't really matter. It gives our men something to do and be productive. (0)

Menagerie: Extermination: The brothers are a rather big thorn in my side. It may be prudent to start creating a force to deal with them and formulate plans to get around their rather troublesome position (0)

Menagerie: Expansion: A bit more ambitious, but certainly necessary. The terrain doesn't make things easy, but with enough effort it should be possible to push out the walls. (0)

Menagerie: Exploitation: A bit more selfishly focused, I'll admit. We could focus our efforts on securing and establishing operations at more Dust deposits. (0)

Menagerie: Infiltration: Admittedly a bold move that may be required. The brothers will have to be removed eventually and inserting agents of our own should be within Primm's capabilities if we provide the backing. (0)

AN: I held a tie-breaker vote on the third slot which resulted in the same outcome. Then I settled this tie in favor of Desert Mysteries.

It, admittedly, takes me more time to decide on what I want to do than I thought it would. Most of my indecision comes from wanting to help my home even more and the matters in Vacuo catching my attention. I can't shake that there is something actually going on in the empty Kingdom so I settle in spending our efforts in that direction. It is a small solace that I've already won so much support for my home, but it is a bitter pill to swallow that it's not my top priority right now.

The rest of my decisions are easy in comparison. Sienna needs the help and sending my men to assist puts me ever more in a position of strength above her. Really waiting this thing out with the brothers only benefits me in regards to her. While she's stuck spinning her wheels the Union can expand and accrue influence without much issue.

That might be a sticking point between us if it looks like I'm not committed to ridding us of the Albains as Sienna is. However, with Primm on the ground and cleaning up Kuo Kuana I think I can avoid that accusation easily enough. All I have to do is devote some resources to advancing the issue when that is squared away and that should prevent any friction between Sienna and I; on that matter at least.

As for my budding image issue; that's easy to decide I need to address, but harder to determine how exactly. Since this is the first time it's really coming up I can more or less set the record straight for myself personally and let that do a lot of heavy lifting in changing the face of the Union. It would still be beholden to my prior actions to a degree, but there are a lot of ways I can spin that. I put it off for now as there's likely no better time to address this than after my return from dealing with Merlot.
S2 Week 12 (Part 5)
With my business for the Union addressed it leaves me with not much else to do as night falls. I keep waiting for a certain little bird to make her way back to me only for nothing to happen that night and settle in for sleep. Only for myself, and the rest of my team, to wake up to an incessant pecking at our window. She has to be trying to annoy me, right? Reluctantly I open the door and in my sleep-deprived state miss the exact moment that Raven enters and transforms.

"Took you long enough," she bites out with a full body shake. As if she's attempting to throw off the outside chill from her entire body.

She glares at me afterwards and I distractedly mumble, "You found him?"

She waggles her hand, "More or less." That isn't what I want to hear and so I force myself to wake up with a bit of pressure applied to my face.

"Better question, are you sure you know where Merlot is?"

"Like I said, more or less. It's not an exact science."

"Meaning you didn't see him directly."

She whirls on me with an accusatory finger, "I'd like to see you do better. The bastard hid underground. What exactly was I supposed to do?"

"Calm down," I spout, adopting a more apologetic and calm tone. "I wasn't accusing you of anything. I just need to know how you've come to your findings so neither of us waste our time with this."

She huffs, apparently not believing me entirely. I'm sorry, I didn't ambush you in the middle of your sleep bitch. You could at least give me the slightest benefit of the doubt.

I sigh and a cruel smile graces her features as I rub at my temples. She has to be doing this on purpose. Then again I spot some bags under her eyes indicating she isn't having a great time of it right now either. What a pain.

"Are you going to answer the question," I ask briskly after I've gotten myself mostly under control.

"I'm not sure where exactly he is," she admits slowly, "but he has to be on that northern island. It's the only one that attracts the grimm normally and in fact the other two he's shipping the beasts to for whatever reason." I gauge her face and words cautiously just in case she's mistaken or missing something.

I'm sure she believes her findings, but it is irritating that I don't have more direct proof. For all I know Merlot could have kidnapped some poor saps and be at a different base entirely. Although, now that I think about it that doesn't seem like a realistic probability. Merlot, from what I can tell, is the type to get comfortable with how he runs things. Unless something informs him to move to a different base he'll stay where he's at even if he has a better one constructed.

Either way I wring as much info out of the bird as I can. Unfortunately since Raven never ventured inside the facility she can only tell me about the base's outside. In fact it's probably more accurate to call it two bases. Fortunately, despite the island's size that's all there appears to be, on the surface at least.

There are two docks and loading facilities, one at the North end of the island and one at the South. Not much activity is going on in the North. A few ships sit at port with nothing to do. While the South receives the occasional ship carrying something that Raven couldn't identify. Some sort of glowing liquid from what I can get out of her.

I'm not sure what to do with that information, but it does inform me that there's an entrance that heads underground at the Southern base and likely at the Northern one as well. If I had to guess, the Northern base was where the Dust from Mulberry was offloaded and carried through the underground with some of it heading towards the Southern bases to keep them going. The lack of Dust flowing means that Merlot has to be aware there's an issue somewhere and I give it good odds he's figured out what has happened to Mulberry with how much time has passed.

What presents further evidence towards that theory are the towers constructed at either of the two bases. If I had to guess those are to boost their signal to piggyback off of the CCTS. They're a rather obvious target to go after if I want to take a more technical approach in my apprehension of Merlot, but may prove unnecessary.

However, looking at the full scope of everything, it may be required. The distance between the two bases is measured in miles and I have no clue where in that mess Merlot would hole himself in. Oz does have someone who can assist in locating Merlot, but it's no silver bullet either.

The woman in question needs to use up an appreciable amount of aura to scry a location and given the sheer size and unknown layout of the facility means that it would be no easy or quick feat. Even being able to rip a rough schematic from the system would go a long way in making the prospect easier. As would supplying the woman with a steady supply of aura. The latter I can sort of cobble together with the usage of my semblance, but isn't the most welcoming of prospects either.

That's all the info I can get out of Raven and she hesitates before heading towards the window. I think she's trying to ask if I'm sure I want to go through with this, but I've already predicated too much of my plans on resolving this in a timely manner to put off any more. Plus it would be pointless to trade what favors I did if I'm only going to delay things further.

She gives me a few hours for her to make the flight and then she'll open a portal to Yang. The latter point is a sore one for her as she'd prefer to do so to Qrow and keep Yang out of this but he's in Mistral. What's more annoying for myself is this intersects right in the middle of a normal school day. I know Oz is also of the preference of taking care of this as soon as possible, but there's no real way of hiding who all needs to be involved.

Yang and I are going to be sequestered along with whoever else is accompanying me. She might appreciate the break from schoolwork, but I'm unsure if the rest of her team would be of similar mind. They'll be stuck in classes with my team unless I bring them along for some unfathomable reason. I suppose I should figure out who all needs to accompany me in that case.

Oz and Oobleck want to accompany me and while the latter has a useful semblance the former is more so included because of his insistence and vast array of skills. Oz is handy in pretty much any situation, but he by far excels at combat and the more mystical side of things. I even learn of his semblance which is some form of personal time-dilation; far too draining to be useful out of combat, but opens up potential for our training together if it works anything like Weiss' time dilation.

After that is pretty much a gimme in Glynda. She's professional, involved in the conspiracy, and with an eminently useful semblance. On the flip side Kelly is less so. My teammate may be better at digging up the dirt than her mentor is, but that's a minor concern if we can find some other way into the base. That and she's by far the least stealthy of the options I'm considering which is almost a death sentence all on its own.

The next most useful would be Oz's pick and her clairvoyant semblance. We'd be close enough that she could use it without much issue, but there is still a time factor to take into account that isn't an issue with my semblance. Not that I think mine would be up to the task in locating Merlot, but we do have alternative means at our disposal.

In this case that means James, or more specifically what men he can provide. He has a specialist who's taken an interest in technology but they're far from as capable as Merlot or Watts are. In fact I think their skills would be rather wanting in the face of those two. I get the feeling that's his soft sell for me to consider an option I otherwise wouldn't.

Penny still has that remote control system and Pietro is the finest mind Atlas has to offer. The man himself even has a specialization in robotics and autonomous systems so he'd be well-suited to counter whatever safeguards Merlot has set up. All I have to do is agree that it's the best course of action and abide by the temporary violation of one of my friends.

Penny, I think, would be all for the action, but it would undermine the point I was making with Pietro that I find his system unconscionable if it is in fact our best option. Infuriatingly enough it does account for all the normal issues I would have with such a plan. It just leaves a bitter taste in my mouth to even consider.

Although, one such thing I can use to discount such an endeavor easily is how it'd split our troops up and the decrease in our stealth capabilities. Penny hasn't existed long enough to pick up on more than the most rudimentary skills and I doubt Pietro would be much better behind the wheel so to speak. Which brings me to the last real consideration.

Neo should be able to help cover our deficit in regards to stealth. Apparently her semblance can be used on more than one person at a time, although larger groups would cause an issue which is another reason to keep our numbers low. In either case, she has a useful semblance and the stealth skills to keep up. That is if I'm willing to trust her.

She has to know that her best option is to cooperate. At least Torchwick seems to think so and as long as we have a hold of him there shouldn't be much to worry about, I hope. Accidents can easily happen in a combat scenario and I have to hope that she has the good sense to not do something incredibly stupid. I like to think the little bit or rapport I've built with her is enough to circumvent any such concerns, but I have to admit it's far from a certain thing.

Then comes the consideration that I have to convince everyone else to go along with this. To that end I have something I can play on Neo's behalf. Her attending Beacon would allow her the measure of freedom that she wants and if she's going to be joining us on this I'm certain Oz would want to keep her somewhere he can keep an eye on her until he deems her not a threat. That doesn't mean she has to join the conspiracy, but that Oz isn't going to take chances so soon after the drama with Cinder and how he's been opening up.

I could avoid the issue altogether by not even bringing her up. There's no guarantee that Oz would agree with my reasoning, but I'm loath to leave out a useful asset when I can just as easily not do so. Plus it would serve me well in ingratiating myself with Torchwick and Neo most likely which, uhhh, I'm not sure why I'm considering their feelings in the first place.

Then again they might not appreciate this either. I doubt either of them like being under another's thumb for long despite how this would be an ostensible improvement to their current circumstances.

Either way, I've been put on the clock by Raven and need to come to a decision on who to bring before long. There's travel time involved on my end as well and I doubt Raven is going to appreciate any kind of hold-up when she learns Oz is involved.

Oz (5)

Glynda (5)

Neo (5)

Sensor (Clairvoyance semblance Huntress) (4)

—----None below this line—--- (4)

Penny (w/Pietro) (3)

Specialist (Tech-oriented Huntsman) (2)

Oobleck (1)

Ironwood (0)

Kelly (0)

Include Penny (W/Pietro) (4)

Don't (3)

AN: During the voting process there was a sudden jump at the end for the don't include below this line option. Suspecting voting manipulation I opened up a more explicit vote to see where the will of chat lied.

I rub at my face still not feeling entirely awake and rush to the bathroom to make myself presentable. Mainly by splashing water at my face and rubbing at my eyes. I debate if I'll have enough time to get my hair in order only to discard it. I might have hours to work this over, but I can worry about my personal appearance more when I have some downtime, not in the moments where I need to rush about as fast as I can.

Not that I'm entirely idle in my morning ablutions. My mind is racing on how best to deal with everything after sending a short message to Oz. He doesn't respond by the time I'm done and so I call him. Just a short message to start gathering everyone together while I collect myself.

I don't want to involve Penny in this right away, but I decide I have to. As much as I might have moral ground to stand on, I can't exactly let my morals get in the way of dealing with the problem. In that sense it's just like my time in the White Fang. I just have to deal with the unpleasantness until I'm in a position where I can do something about it.

That isn't even the most stress I have to face in the prelude of this operation, but the other bit can wait until I'm face to face with Oz. I go collect my combat uniform and weapon. On the way there I start a call with Neo. I have to pull her number from the VPD, but it's a minor thing to complain about considering the haste of putting together this operation.

Naturally, Neo doesn't want to be up at this early hour any more than I want to and I'm undoubtedly an unfamiliar number on her scroll. Thus she ends the call after a single ring. Well, I'm nothing if not persistent, so I send her a text and quickly call her again.

It ends after the first ring again and I wait a second and receive a call from the girl. Her brown and pink hair is a mess and I receive an image of the girl snuggled up under the covers sending me a hateful glare while wearing not much else than a pink nightie.

"Yes, I know, I'm not any more happy about this than you are." Her expression remains unchanged and she twirls her hand to tell me to get on with it. "I know this is short notice, but I could use your help. I'm running an op and it's kind of a time-sensitive thing. Stealth focused, right up your alley and important enough to argue some clemency on your behalf."

Some part of that catches her attention as she sits up and casts off her blanket. Then she hesitates and makes a motion at her scroll with narrowed eyes. If I had to guess she's waiting for some sort of catch.

"I can't talk too much about it," I admit since she isn't exactly on the approved list at the moment. "It'll be dangerous, though we'll have some pretty hefty backup. Really your semblance is more what I need you for than your combat skills. If you're interested I can send you some of the details while you make your way to Beacon."

She hops up then angles her scroll towards her feet and points at them meaningfully.

"Yes, I know about your deal with the VPD. I think Oz overrules that, but give me some time to talk this over with him. I'll give you the go ahead if I can get him to agree, just get ready yourself if you want in."

She gives me a firm nod and closes the call. That was too easy for what I'm asking for. She should have more reservations. Then again she's been holed up in that house for the past few days and I'm giving her an easy way out to argue she's reformed. I'll probably even have to argue that's the case later on. Whatever, solve the problem in front of me, worry about the rest later.

I meet with Oz at his tower. Glynda is running late, no doubt her plans for the day utterly ruined and having to grab Yang and Penny as well.

"Ochre, I appreciate your haste, but you have to know that Raven will be preoccupied for a couple hours yet. Come take a seat, no need to get worked up when that might draw in the grimm," he says in a calm tone while gesturing at the seat in front of him.

It's possible that he could be simply misreading my worked up state as apprehension over dealing with Merlot instead of the haste required for my plans in particular. Airship travel takes time and I have to convince him quickly if I want any hope for Neo to be included in our plans.

"It's not that, it's actually about a member I want on our team."

"Oh, is that why you didn't want me to bring Oobleck in?"

I shake my head harshly, no time to address that point, "No sir, I have other concerns for that. Related ones in fact. Bringing too many people would be a detriment more than a help. I'm hoping to only have those necessary and beneficial to our success. Oobleck is great, but he shouldn't be necessary with the people I want."

"You say that, but what if we encounter an unexpected issue? I'm sure we could find a way around it given enough time, but every bit helps," he counters. I think Oz is getting the wrong idea of how I want to run this op. Probably thinks the number of people is already too great to hide away effectively even with the assistance of my semblance and Pietro. In that case he's expecting more of a brawl and a mad dash after Merlot which is the opposite of what I want.

"Oz, I'm aware of the problems, which is why I'm trying to minimize them from the onset. With the proper semblance we should be able to sneak about the facility with little issue, which is why I want to bring Neopolitan into this."

"You're asking for a lot-" Oz starts only for me to cut him off.

"And I'm sacrificing a lot as well. Trust me on that. I'm making hard decisions just as much as you are and I'm telling you this is our best chance for success. You've trusted me to handle Merlot thus far, trust me with this as well."

My pleas work to some extent as he doesn't shoot the idea down right away. Rather he sighs, "Very well, I'll give you a chance to present the merits of your plan. However, we will be having words afterwards on just how far the trust between us extends."

His words at the end don't have much weight at the end of them. An empty threat, I think. I'm sure there'll be some discussion, but it's not like I'm taking the choice out of his hands anyway. I guess I've just pressed him a little too much for one week and he doesn't appreciate the surprises I've sprung on him. Understandable enough and easily discarded in this context. I'll work back to it later, but for now I need to focus on the mission.

"Our current team has everyone we need to infiltrate the facility. In a pinch Glynda should serve as a replacement for what Oobleck can pull off, so we aren't losing much in capability." What I leave off is that it would likely eat up more of her aura than Oobleck's and she might be pulling double duty depending on how we want to breach the facility.

"Our greatest resource and asset in that case is time," I continue, "Neo can buy us that time. She'll be stuck on that island with us and she has her own reasons to help out. She has no reason to do the same for Merlot.

Every second she buys us is another that Merlot can't make good on an escape. Considering just who we're dealing with I don't want to run into the possibility that he has some sort of escape route planned for if the authorities come down on his head. Best to give him as little time to react as possible."

I finish my pitch a bit winded with how fast I talk. Still feeling the crunch from the imminent pressure and no doubt something Oz is picking up on as well. If he really wants to tank my plan or is even indecisive he could just wait me out until such a time that Neo wouldn't be able to arrive before we leave. That might be a wide time-table, but I have no idea to the contrary that the man before me couldn't manage it.

"How sure are you that Miss Torchwick won't betray us?" His question throws me for a loop before I consider that would be her legal name now wouldn't it?

I file that bit of dissonance away to deal with later and answer honestly, "Less than I'd like, but I have to assume she'll work to maintain her best interests. She was already considering attending Beacon to earn herself some freedom in the future. This is just a way for her to expedite that process."

"You're asking for a lot," Oz repeats while rubbing at his temples. I suppose I am from a certain point of view.

He has worked rather hard for Huntsmen to be seen as a symbol to the common people. Incorruptible guardians that would shield the helpless from the predations of the grimm. There is some sense in that as the belief and sense of safety would keep the grimm at bay just as well as a wall full of guns. We both know it doesn't work that way, but the symbol is there and powerful in its own right.

Allowing someone as high profile as Neo in would be a tough sell. But, if there's any scenario that would warrant it; going off on a dangerous mission for the safety of Vale and the rest of Remnant seems to fit the bill. Something my mentor concludes as well as he nods shallowly to himself. I don't think he enjoys the prospect, but he's willing to work with it.

I stare him in the eyes awaiting his final answer and he simply sighs. Good enough for me. I pull out my scroll and let Neo know the good news. Then I have to track down where her weapon is and get one of my men to deliver it on campus. That should be all I have to worry about on her end and can refocus my efforts on the assault itself.

Considering the layout of the base there are two plans of attack that come to mind, a third if I'm willing to burn through Glynda's reserves. This revolves around which base to deploy to. I have to hope that Raven chooses the more favorable one, but telling her to fly a few miles shouldn't be a huge impediment either. Just have to be careful to not tip her off that Oz is involved.

The South would be busier and might provide us an opportunity to sneak in with Neo's semblance while the North wouldn't have much activity though we have to find our own way inside. The third option is to simply split the difference and head towards the middle in hopes of stumbling on Merlot's likely location right away. Not a great plan in my mind, but one that could be workable under the right circumstances.

I don't know what would be the best to choose as it really depends on where Merlot is located and I can't determine that ahead of time. The central location would be the best bet if it didn't involve heading in mostly blind with the greatest solace being that Merlot likely has no surveillance in the area giving us plenty of time for our scryer to locate him. At least if she can and has the aura to do so. Trading an amount of uncertainty for time I suppose. Speaking of which, I'm sure introductions are in short order, but I want to get this initial bit resolved before giving anyone else much more of my attention.

North: The northern base is the more quiet one. Should run into fewer issues on the onset for a resultant difficulty in infiltration. (3)

South: We might have to wait a while, but from what Raven described there's a decent amount of activity here. Just have to wait for the right moment and make our move. (1)

Middle: It's sort of the middle of nowhere, but Merlot shouldn't have any surveillance in the area. The only real difficulty comes from infiltration at that point and not being able to tap into his network beforehand. (0)

Resolving that conundrum only takes a few minutes of my time and I still have hours to kill. Thus I start managing my appearance now that I don't have any pressing time constraints. My boredom shouldn't last too long as Glynda arrives shortly thereafter with Yang and Penny in tow.

Yang joins me in the space I've marked out for myself; she's dressed in her usual tank-top and shorts sleepwear and bed-head renders her usually luscious locks a disorderly mess as she shifts about nervously. Glynda and Penny meanwhile talk with Oz for a moment before Glynda departs, presumably to wait for the arrival of Neo. Penny then looks over in my direction before stalking off to her own corner with her mouth moving, but too far away for me to pick up anything she's saying. I'm just going to assume she's talking with her father somehow instead of thinking there's something wrong with the robot girl.

Eventually Yang yawns and pipes up, "You're really fixing your hair right now?" Her tone is tired and incredulous, though I don't know if that's how she really feels or if she's playing it up for levity.

Either way I don't stop my actions, "Yes, gotta look my best no matter what. Aren't you?"

She adopts a contrite expression with one hand rubbing against her head before parting. I fight back a greater reaction. Probably thought this was a bigger hurry than it actually is and didn't bother to pick up anything to take care of her hair with how early and tired she was. Then again, if Glynda burst into my room and demanded I come with her I doubt I'd be much better.

"I guess…just wondering how you can be so calm about this…" she trails off. There's something more to her statement than simple concern for me, but it's the easiest to address.

"We're chasing after a madman not some sort of colossal grimm. I'll be right in my element infiltrating a high-tech low-personnel facility and I'll have a pair of the greatest living Huntsmen to keep me safe. My only concern is Merlot having something I can't predict or him getting away somehow; I doubt he can throw anything at us that we can't handle."

Yang nods in response, opens her mouth to say something else, closes it and rubs at her arm instead. She looks off to the side and takes a deep breath, working through something on her own while I get back to sprucing up my appearance. I don't really have much better to do and any last second planning is best served once everyone arrives. I suppose she could be working through how her mom is involved and how close this would be to dragging her back into that kind of life.

"Come back safe and sound," she says suddenly with a light punch to the arm before staking out her corner of the room, leaning against the wall with her eyes closed. Or it could be about something else entirely.

I already told her that there shouldn't be anything to worry about on my end, but I guess it's heartening to know that our friendship hasn't been too damaged from the proceeding weeks. I have a feeling there might be more to it than that, but I push such thoughts out of my mind. Worrying too much is just going to draw in the grimm and I need to have a clear head anyway.

The elevator opens again and a blonde steps out unaccompanied. Said blonde is not Glynda, instead it's our presumed seer. She's of stocky, rustic build with a healthy tan and hair the color of straw. Said hair is mostly pulled back into a ponytail that reaches the end of her shoulder blades.

She strolls into the room without a care, as if this is just another day and not the prelude to some sort of mission. I know I told Yang not to worry, but I still have an apprehension that things might not turn out fine. This woman, however, hardly seems fazed. If it weren't for the easy going way she approaches Oz I'd say that she's in the entirely wrong place. After a few words with the man she turns on her heels and approaches me.

Expecting an introduction, I stick out one of my hands only for it to be grasped by both of hers and shaken vigorously. "The name's Cassandra, but you can call me Cass or Cassy if you prefer." I throw out an introduction of my own and now that she's closer I can make out a few more details of the woman.

The first of which are the age lines and budding wrinkles about her face informs me that she's in her mid-to late fifties. A bit older than Terra is. It makes me think that there's a bit of vanity with her hair as it's entirely too even to be natural. Then again, I'm not one to throw stones about other people maintaining their appearances.

What I can be judgmental of is the fact that the woman just does not stop talking. I can only hope that she knows how to keep quiet on a mission; considering she's a Huntress I desperately hope that's the case. Either way it feels like I learn much of her life story despite not even having to prompt her much.

Apparently she's a teacher at Haven, taking a short break in order to assist with Merlot. A natural state of affairs since I informed Oz the situation was likely to develop this week or perhaps next and someone with her semblance would be immensely useful. Said semblance makes me think of how involved with the conspiracy she could be. It would certainly be useful in keeping track of Lionheart's movements now that the conspirators are aware of him and might even be used to construct his daily habits to find the best time to get rid of him.

I try to ask some probing questions to see if that's actually the case, but Cassy just plays off whatever I say into some kind of tangent about her life. I honestly can't tell if she's the perfect kind of agent or if Oz lucked into someone whose personality naturally throws off this kind of suspicion. I'm leaning towards the latter.

Either way, I suffer under her deluge of words until the elevator opens once again and I can distract her by pointing her in Penny's direction. The robot girl should have had plenty of time to talk to her father and I could use a breather myself. Not that the conversation was entirely pointless, it told me much about how Cassy's semblance works.

She can cast her sight to a remote location without any indication that she's observing the area. Knowing what I do about aura I don't think that's entirely the case, but I can surmise that unless someone has developed their aura sensing that the average user would be entirely unaware. That's good in this case as Merlot is most certainly not the kind of man to waste his time on outdated techniques when technology serves an able enough role.

Regardless, her aura costs for such a semblance are dependent on how far away she is from her target and how long she maintains her view. When her vision is cast, she can move about semi-freely albeit slowly. Walls and such provide an obstruction, but she can pass through them without having to re-cast her vision.

The only problem is that we'd be searching over multiple miles and that's before getting into the likely multi-layered structure of Merlot's facilities. If we were willing to spare enough time we might be able to find him before-hand, but giving the man much more time isn't in my best interests.

As I process that, I have to deal with my newest bundle of trouble who's at least quieter than Cassy. Neo walks up twirling her parasol with lazy motions, only the constant darting of her eyes telling me that she's not as relaxed as she's making herself out to be. Yang, spotting the two-toned girl, pulls a face that I can't address right now.

I suppose openly working with a criminal would draw some comments from my friends and I can only imagine what Autumn's response would be. Now that I think about it, Neo would be an interesting topic for our next talk; he can't exactly say that the public is unaware of her crimes, but she is, or will be, receiving favorable treatment because of Torchwick's contributions and her semblance.

The silent girl waves a hand across the room with her lips quirked and an eyebrow raised.

Deciphering her unspoken question I detail who's who and who's going with us as well as why. I keep light on the details for exact semblances because she doesn't need to know all those details and the uncertainty should aid in preventing her escape.

She looks at me critically, picking up on how I'm not being forthright with her. She takes a step back, waves her hands in the space between us, turns towards the elevator, and with a silent huff crosses her arms.

"No one's keeping you here," I toss out, in a dispassionate tone. Feigned in this case as I'd much prefer her join the mission instead of backing out at the last second. I didn't argue with both her and Oz just to lose that now, but I'm not going to compromise any more than I have. It's already going to be a headache enough with Neo and Penny in the same area and keeping a lid on that secret.

She takes a step towards the exit and then another while I hold my ground. Then she spins around and throws her hands up before walking up to me with a frown on her face. She stays like that for moments longer, perhaps expecting that I might break, until she gives up and fishes her scroll out of her pocket. I blink slowly at this development, but otherwise keep my reaction in check as she types away.

After a few short seconds she turns the screen towards me, 'Plans require clarity. Don't leave me in the dark and I won't leave you.' Such a simple sentence has her frown even more severely. The two-toned girl looks off to the side like this is some sort of admission of defeat on her part. The statement could be taken as a threat, however, her demeanor informs me that it's more of an exchange than anything else.

"I understand, but I'm only giving you the relevant bits. Oz's semblance is useful in combat, and perhaps a bit of scouting, but not much else. Penny is along for the ride because of her tech expertise and Yang isn't going with us. You should know Glynda's, Cassandra's I hardly know other than it's clairvoyant and our ticket to finding the man we're after. And I'm not going to explain mine in detail for you; you're just going to have to trust me that it's useful for dealing with the automated security."

My words do little to lift her mood. She observes me with a piercing gaze as if that will somehow tell her what remains unspoken. I'm not sure which part exactly she's focusing on and I don't want to give her any more information than I already have.

Throwing anything out to sate her curiosity that I can afford to disclose would inform her that the rest are more important secrets to me. I don't want to have to constantly worry about what she might do with that information in the future, but it is an omnipresent concern with Penny along. It's going to be a harsh balancing act to keep her synthetic nature hidden with Pietro assisting and I can only rely on this level of obfuscation to obscure her technological origins.

Sensing that I'm not going to back down on this, Neo chews her lips in frustration. She pulls her scroll back and stares between it and myself for a long while. Eventually she starts tapping away at it again for a few minutes before turning the screen back to me. It's an explanation of her semblance.

Apparently she finds it more important that I'm properly informed of what she can and can't do than making an issue of the secrets that are being kept. I honestly thought she'd be more childish than this. The fact that she's willing to set aside her personal desires for the mission, or perhaps just long-term gains, is a good indication that she can play along. It also indicates a certain level of seriousness that I wouldn't have associated with her otherwise. I can't tell if this is something she's picked up from Torchwick or if something else is responsible for her outlook, but it is a neat tidbit to keep in mind.

Either way, her semblance is a lot more expansive than I thought it was. While she is limited in both aura and concentration, assuming she has enough of the two she can maintain a number of illusions. The simpler they are the easier they are to maintain. Similarly for smaller sizes and a closer distance to herself.

Said illusions are actually semi-solid, as I sort of figured out during our fight together, although usually fragile. Apparently that's sort of inconsistent as she can feed more aura into them to make them more 'physical' for lack of a better term. I'm unsure how viable that is, although the potential applications are interesting.

More relevant to our operation is her limits. Neo can cover three to four people with some strain and she thinks she can manage five for short periods. Otherwise she could use one large illusion for all of us to hide within or behind. As for her invisibility trick, that's a no go for a group of our size. It takes up too much of a mental load and could only be used on one, maybe two, at a time and comes at a hefty aura cost. Useful if one of us gets caught out, but not something we can rely on consistently.

All these discussions eat a good portion of our time, although Raven hasn't opened a portal to us yet. I have a feeling that it's only going to be a couple of minutes longer and with everyone gathered there's no reason not to have a quick meeting between the relevant people. Yang isn't specifically excluded from this, but she does hang back, not joining the discussion proper. Although neither does she try to hide her interest in what we're discussing.

As a part of this, we set up a group among our scrolls so we can monitor everyone's aura levels and position. In addition to this Pietro also works on our scrolls through Penny, apparently doing something with the settings so that our connection is secure and unable to be picked up on or hacked by Merlot. I don't have the necessary knowledge to so even pick up on what exactly he's doing. I think the short-hand explanation is that our connection will be routed through Penny and her cybersecurity suite instead of relying on our scrolls and their CCTS connection.

QM Note: The current plan is to take a team of Ochre, Ozpin, Glynda, Neo, the clairvoyance OC, and Penny (piloted by Pietro for tech checks) and deploy at the Northern base. Is this correct and what's desired by chat?

Yes (3)

No (+for changes to be made) (0)
Merlot's Island (Part 1)
We discuss any last second changes and come to the conclusion that our plan warrants no change based on the information we know. It's a lot rougher than I'd like, but without an accurate accounting of the immediate situation all we can do is gameplan our initial moves. Not long after this a red rift opens in the room and we walk through it.

Raven is off a fair distance away from her portal with a guarded posture and a hand on her blade. Her tension on ratchets up ever higher when she spots Oz step through and looks about ready to bolt only for the man to give her a small nod and step off to the side. More interested in getting his bearings than staring down our help. I suppose she was ready for an ambush, which only makes my suspicions about her and the Spring Maiden even stronger in my mind.

I keep a loose eye on her as I direct everyone to settle down in an out of the way spot. Pietro says something about the signal with Oz and Penny talking about its state. I'll get caught on that in a moment as he's coming in loud and clear on my end.

Of course my observation doesn't go unnoticed by the woman herself who throws a glare my way, but hasn't shut down her portal either. I can admit I'm very curious as to the reason why and her trepidation has me thinking it has something to do with Yang. I guess it doesn't pass her notice that her daughter was in the same room as Ozpin and what that could mean, but she isn't quick to make a move in the aftermath. I can't tell how much of that is cowardice from checking in on her daughter or a concern that this is somehow a trap.

Eventually she steels herself and with hurried steps enters her portal, closing it behind her as she does so. I can only imagine what kind of reaction Yang is going to have to that or what the two of them are going to talk about. I suppose it's good in a sense that James and Oobleck are left to hold down the fort so to speak.

Either way her departure isn't a major concern. We have connection outside of the island and even if we didn't, we made plans with a bullhead stationed in Ardal to check-in on us after a few hours just in case. There shouldn't be any problem canceling such plans so we aren't on the clock considering we have a connection, but now that I'm tuning into the conversation that isn't entirely accurate.

According to Pietro, the signal comes into Merlot's island just fine. However, the signal going out is another story. He hypothesizes that the towers that Merlot is using both boosts and filters the signals so only what he wants to leave the island can do so. Fortunately we're close enough to Ardal's relay that it isn't actually a huge issue on the surface, just a minor delay and fuzziness on Pietro's end.

It's a different story for if we head into Merlot's facility though. Just like with Mountain Glenn, CCTS signal doesn't fare too well underground and without some way to compensate, say with Merlot's network, we'll only enjoy Pietro's assistance for so long. Considering I've compromised my morals to bring in his assistance that isn't exactly a palatable state of affairs.

As he describes it there are two possible solutions to this problem. Either dealing with the towers directly or finding and hacking a terminal within Merlot's domain in order to add us to the approved signals. The towers would be the easiest to deal with as the northern base is rather devoid of activity and only has sparse surveillance. Unfortunately it would require tampering with the towers in a direct physical manner which Merlot could possibly detect.

The other option would be theoretically stealthier, but comes with the problem of entering Merlot's base to begin with. The lack of activity is a double edged sword in this case. It means we won't have much issue operating out in the open, but the only entrance I find in my brief scouting is a secure door deeper into the facility.

The type that opens in response to a signal of some sort. Now it wouldn't be impossible to spoof the signal, but I imagine it would be harder to hide the fact that the door opens at all. I don't know if Merlot would be on the lookout for such a thing, but it is a factor to consider.

Finally, there are a trio of ships in the bay sitting unattended. From my brief scouting in my semblance they have a few robots on them; top heavy red models with glaives and bulky white ones holding some sort of cannon. Aside from that the ships appear to be completely automated and a possible source for us to look into. Not a highly valuable one as our priority should be to focus on Merlot.

However, these ships probably have a log of their travels and would serve as undeniable evidence to showcase the connection between Merlot and Mulberry. On top of that, automated shipping like this is a huge advance for Remnant. Ensuring that in the worst case a physical example of such at least survives could have huge-knock on effects. Especially if the tech is in any way applicable to autonomous airship travel as well.

For the most part everyone is focused on finding a way into Merlot's facility and are only split on if we should deal with the towers, and whatever information we can scrape through that connection, or if we should try our luck heading into the facility first. I suppose there is the fourth option of having Cassandra scry for Merlot right away, but I don't consider it all too good of a one without anything to narrow down his possible location.

Splitting the party: Take Neo and Penny to trying and secure Pietro's assistance at the Entrance while Ozpin and the rest secure the ships (3)

Towers: Our signal out is fuzzy and clearing that up before it can become a problem is a high priority. Additionally the connection could be used to pull information and possibly solve our problem with the entrance. (3)

Entrance: Going after the towers is a bit too likely to catch Merlot's notice. I'm not sure the same can't be said about going through the main entrance either, but possibly there's a way around that. (0)

Ships: Not exactly a huge concern, but the potential worst case situation of losing this tech and the information the ships hold has me wanting to hedge my bets a little. (0)

Scrying: It'd be a long-shot, but we could spend some time looking for Merlot's location. During that time I could do my best to search for anything I've missed in my short-scouting. (0)

Split the Party: Take Neo and Penny to scout out the entrance and attempt to find a new way inside to resolve the connection issues. Whilst this is going on the other team will attempt to gather what they can from the ships in terms of information and tech. (3)

Towers: Our signal out is fuzzy and clearing that up before it can become a problem is a high priority. Additionally the connection could be used to pull information and possibly solve our problem with the entrance. (2)

AN: The chat write-in is slightly re-written to more accurately display my read of the intent behind it.

We talk things over for a bit until I cut in, "I think it's best to split our forces." Glynda opens her mouth and Oz raises a hand to stifle her comment and allow me to continue, however it's clear that he isn't too keen on the idea either. Time to sell them on it, "Our best bet at remaining undetected is to keep our groups small and try to get on the inside. To that end I think it's best if I take Penny and Neo to the entrance and find a way inside."

"Mr. Rovere-" Glynda calls out, adopting a stern expression.

Oz cuts her off with a hand and sighs, "As much as I don't want disunity to affect us so soon, you have to understand what you're suggesting, Ochre. Let us forget the possible dangers you might face, are you really suggesting that we leave you alone with her?" He doesn't point, but we know who exactly he's talking about.

Said girl adopts a fake shocked expression with her mouth in a perfect 'o' while also planting her hand on her chest with her fingers splayed out. I shoot her a glare and she settles down from her confrontational attitude.

"I trust her," I say, forcing my gaze from her direction. Out of the corner of my eye I think she freezes up for a moment, unsure how to process my statement.

"Alright, and what would the rest of us do," Cassandra asks in apparent support. I'm unsure if she's actually supporting me or just looking for something to do.

"Well, I'm loath to leave those ships unaccounted for. It goes without saying not to do anything too risky, but it's going to take the three of us some time to traverse the facility so no point in having you guys sitting on your thumbs."

Oz rubs at his temples, "Ochre, that's a tertiary objective at best and you know it."

"And I'm not asking you to do anything ridiculous. If you aren't confident in pulling it off then don't. I'm just laying out my thoughts and I do think our best bet is to take the stealthy approach. I can keep watch on the cameras and robots with my semblance while Neo is there to cover for any deficiencies." I don't have to explain why Penny would be necessary and Oz furrows his brow in thought.

After a few moments he announces, "I suppose you have a point. I'm not happy with it, but there is a logic to your plan. I only have one stipulation; as soon as you secure a connection to the outside you go no further in Merlot's lair."

I refrain from rolling my eyes, but can't keep the indignation entirely out of my tone, "Of course, I'm not stupid."

"Just making sure we're on the same page. Any objections?"

Everyone shakes their head and Penny comments, "I'm combat ready!" That-well, I just hope that's her way of saying she's prepared and not that she's expecting to fight. This is supposed to be a stealth mission after all.

With our roles divvied up I do some more scouting with my semblance, keeping careful note of the cameras and anything else that might spot us. The island is a very rocky and craggy place with our landing zone being between a set of hills that obscures much of the facility. The vegetation is sparse and the whole place is more brown and gray than green.

Where the natural world ends, Merlot's begins. He's plastered his emblem all about the facility which I make sure to take a few pictures of just in case and the island grows more developed as we head inwards. From the outside, unless you spot the port or the towers, I don't think you'd be able to tell the place is inhabited by anything. Though that isn't to say the place is devoid of activity entirely.

There are robots all about on the road leading into Merlot's domain; most likely defense forces in case of grimm or other intruders. The robots are all confined to their stations and not actively patrolling which is good I suppose. If I had to guess the lack of Dust is having Merlot keep them relatively inactive to save on fuel and he only sends them out if there's a problem reported. I wonder how much Dust they burn through even in this low-powered state.

Either way it doesn't prove too troublesome for me to make my way around them in and out of my semblance. It's like treading a well worn and familiar road. They're different from the AK-130's in a lot of ways; the fact that there are two distinct models instead of a general one is a big give away. There are differences in their programming and proficiencies, but it isn't too hard to pick up on where their blindspots are. From there it's merely a matter of waiting for the right moments to avoid the sparse cameras and choosing the right paths.

Unfortunately, my level of stealth is not shared by all. Neo is better at it than I am and runs along practically silently, but Penny requires a lot of assistance from the both of us. She doesn't hide in the right spaces and her footfalls are far too heavy to not alert the robots if I wasn't there to stop her and support her weight.

I should have figured, she's all metal and relatively young. Combined with Atlas' sensibilities and her combat-oriented nature, I'm certain stealth was never a priority with her design or training. If anything she performs far better than I'd expect out of a novice. I guess her attempts to sneak away and hide from Atlas personnel has taught her something.

Not that it makes dealing with her shortcomings any easier, but we manage. For the more complicated bits I contemplate drawing her into my semblance so she can run a course multiple times and ensure she has all the movements down pat. For now, I focus on the goal and we're soon at the entrance.

It's a large door that rises and lowers to cut off a series of parallel tracks that terminate in the port area. No doubt to carry in any Dust Merlot brings into the islands and perhaps to also export whatever materials he deems necessary elsewhere. My intuition tells me that the Southern port would receive more of these 'exports' regardless, but I imagine he had to construct the ships in the bay with how he runs things.

Either way, the three of us find an out of the way spot for me to engage my semblance in a more long-term manner. Up until now I've had to trust Neo to hold me up which brings a shudder to my spine that I repress with ease of practice. It's far from my preferable state of affairs and I would much rather have someone I can actually trust, but with Penny's struggles I can't put the burden on her for the few moments I have to double check our route. Now at least I can take a breather and calmly observe my surroundings and see if there's a path forward other than the big door in the way.

Penny Stealth Check: 1.96 +2(Ochre Semblance) +.5(assistance) +1.5 (Neo Semblance)=5.96 vs Challenge 3

Final Modifier: Auto-pass

Investigation Check: 4.3 +1(Semblance)=5.3 vs Challenge 4

Final Modifier: +32

Dice: 1d100+32

92 + 32 = 124

I approach the entrance, it's a semicircular opening that's carved into the earth and reinforced. In an awfully similar nature to the tunnels underneath Mountain Glenn. Not too surprising considering the man's previous home and the equipment he'd have on hand to construct such. It is a bit shorter than the usual train tunnels. It only stretches just over ten or so feet by my estimation. Again, within expectations as I doubt Merlot has enough throughput to require heavy duty freight trains.

Once inside the lip of the underground section and outside of the light of the sun I start searching for whatever I can to assist me. Naturally I'm not too keen on stealth at the moment and an alarm blares a few moments later. I seal up the entrance enough that there's a major obstruction, but still allowing enough light in for me to see.

The door in question is a hunk of flat metal with some sort of scanning equipment hanging from the ceiling. I don't know if it's searching for an exact signal or a physical image or whatnot, but that's not my main concern anyway. Opening the front door unexpectedly is the last thing that I want to do. Instead I peel away the door and, on a hunch, the sides of the tunnel as well.

The door folds away and reveals a way further in Merlot's facility, as expected, and I quickly turn my attention away from it. Taking a look at the sides has me less than pleased as they uncover nothing but rock. Something about it all just feels wrong and following my instincts I peel away the floor as well finding what I'm looking for.

Taking a gander I find that it's a small hallway with not much else on the inside, not even any cameras. If I had to guess it's some sort of escape route out of the facility. It makes a degree of sense. If this place were ever to lose power the door obviously wouldn't work and after the fall of Mountain Glenn I'd bet good Lien that Merlot would ensure there are multiple ways out of any tricky spot he finds himself in.

Traversing to the end of the hallway, however, does not lead me to any living or research area. As far as I can tell it's mostly industrial equipment that's running at a low hum, far less loud than I think normal operations would indicate. I suppose I've found where Merlot produces his inventions now, but that's hardly my concern.

I restart my semblance and look for where the hallway should be. It takes some further searching, but I'm able to uncover a hatch of some sort. There aren't any seams from the outside which brings up a question on how exactly to open it. Double checking with my semblance there isn't any sort of mechanism attached so at worst, brute force should be an answer to our problems. However, before jumping to such a permanent and unhideable solution I step out of my mirror world and discuss my findings with my partners.

Neo furrows her brow and brings up her scroll to explain that maybe, possibly, her semblance could be used if there was enough of a gap for her to slip something through, though she's clearly not confident. If Glynda were here this'd be the easiest thing ever. I sigh and almost miss the fact that Penny has her hand half-raised patiently waiting to speak up.

Belatedly I point to her and she answers, "I might have a solution to the problem. My strings should be strong, ambulatory, and not to mention small enough to slip through even the smallest of cracks. As long as it isn't airtight I should be able to take care of it."

Not seeing any reason not to trust her I give her the go ahead and her backpack opens up to unfurl a collection of blades that has Neo's eyes wide. I suppose it is impressive to see in action, especially with how compact the multitude of blades are. Although I think Penny cheats by using some of her internal space to make the whole thing work.

Either way the robot girl selects a single blade to work on while the rest hover low to the ground. After a few moments she has the blade in her hand and a freely floating wire that I can only see if she holds it still in front of me. That's probably going to set off some questions in Neo's mind that I might not be able to reconcile later, but no need to worry about it now.

Neo covers us in an illusion while Penny slides up to where I indicate the hatch is. It takes her a few moments of probing with her cable before she's able to slip it in, but only half a second to do what needs to be done and push open the hatch enough for us to sneak inside. Neo drops her illusion once we're inside and the hatch is closed while I send a message to the others indicating the route.

No alarm blares from our sudden entrance though I can't rule out that a silent one isn't present. No use in worrying about that possibility as I have no way of determining if it's a real concern or not. Just gotta make our way through the facility and accomplish our goals as quickly as possible.

It's only a matter of a few minutes until the secret path disgorges us into the facility. A shame that it doesn't continue on any longer, but I suppose Merlot is more concerned with having ways to escape his hidey hole instead of making traversal easy for us. It is a decent enough breather and prelude to our entrance in the industrial area.

Here things are a bit busier than they are outside, but not by much. The lack of steady Dust has Merlot's operations only on what he deems absolutely necessary, but that does not mean the machines here are idle. Here there's a third kind of robot, blue and slender of frame aside from its oversized legs.

They seem to only be concerned with manning the machines and transporting materials when they're required, lacking any visible weapon from what I can tell. They probably have something, considering the grimm are a possible concern, but their purpose is far more pedestrian in origin and they're few in numbers.

Unfortunately the tight spaces are a bit of a problem to deal with as there are less places to hide. Combined with the moving automatons and there's a slight danger that we'll be caught out of position. Although, one so vanishingly unlikely that I'm not too concerned about it.

Penny Stealth Check: 1.96 +2(Ochre Semblance) +.5(assistance) +1.5 (Neo Semblance)=5.96 vs Challenge 4

Final Modifier: +49/Autopass

Pietro Tech Check: 9.16 - 1(Circumstance)=8.16 vs Challenge: 5/6/7/8/9

Final DC: Autopass/Autopass/21/46/71

Dice: 1d100

21 = 21

Finding a terminal amongst the array of machines isn't difficult with the help of my semblance. What is of greater concern is crossing the distance to get there and remaining hidden. Neo's semblance comes in clutch again as the traversal is assisted by mine, but remaining in one place for so long without catching attention is definitely all on her. Our disguise this time is simply the surroundings opposite of us. If the robots were to get close enough the perspective would get wonky, but they aren't and it's less taxing than her invisibility trick.

Checking on her aura real quick she's a bit about seventy percent which is a bit concerning as we haven't made it that far into the facility. As reluctant as I might be, it might behoove me to take her into my semblance when we get a chance to breathe and make sure she's topped off. Not that I haven't been digging into my reserves either, but I'm still in the high-nineties.

Either way the two of us settle against the floor staying as out of sight as we can while Penny, or should I say Pietro, gets to work. I don't get a good look at the exact moment he takes over control, but I do see Penny steady herself before pausing for a moment and then suddenly interlocking and flexing her fingers before typing away at the keyboard present.

The girl is deathly silent throughout all this, only the faint clicking of keys ringing through my ears and quickly drowned out by the low hum of machinery. She also stutters at several moments, freezing up completely as if a machine awaiting new inputs. I suppose in a sense she is.

Eventually she taps one final key and slumps forwards a bit before perking back up and then squatting next to the two of us. Neo looks at me weirdly and I shoot an unkind look in return. She at least recognizes now isn't the time to argue even if she silently huffs at my refusal.

Shortly thereafter Pietro's voice fills my ear, "Hello? Testing, testing, one, two, three. Can you hear me?"

Considering our position I type out a response to him on my scroll in the affirmative.

"That's good. Looks like there was a bit of trouble there, but I think we pulled through. Didn't get as much done as I'd have hoped, but it ain't a good idea to send more requests through this node. Too much activity in one spot is bound to get flagged as unusual. Though the haul isn't bad either way.

We shouldn't have to worry about any signal problems from here on out and that's not all. All the cameras were queried for their location and footage to reconstruct a blueprint on my end. Ended up getting more than I bargained for and got a collection of images from every automaton in the facility. That, uh, that may be why I'd hazard against trying anything else here.

Although, on the plus side, I can inform you that there's no indication you've been found out yet. Unfortunately that's where the good news ends. Couldn't get any access to the facilities' systems. You all are on your own for finding your way through from here, but I'll get that map constructed and sent to you in a couple minutes."

I wait for any more updates and the line falls silent. Thus I signal to Penny and Neo that we should get out of here if only to stop the drain on Neo's aura and retreat back to the hallway with no cameras. Oz and co should come in this way so it's a decent enough meet-up point.

Speaking of the man he fills the silence with a transmission of his own, "I'll take that as you and your team accounting for themselves rather well."

"I think we managed," I say, flashing a grin to the two girls. Neo still looks ready to demand answers out of me, but Penny beams. My smile turns more brittle in response, though I cover that up by turning away and acting like I'm focused on Oz's call.

"Fair enough, I wish I could say we were nearly as successful as you were. We aren't walking away empty-handed, but I can admit my paltry skills have more than met their match with Merlot's security. Although, if we could trouble you for Miss Torchwick's assistance, we're just about at the hatch and don't want to make a bigger scene then we have to." I feel more than see Neo's eyes roll, but she also marches up alongside me and leads the way as if expecting that she'd be dragged into dealing with this no matter what.

Of course with everyone involved it's only a matter of a few moments to have everyone within the hallway and our map is sent to us during the interim. Going over it Oz and I can parse that we're on the opposite side of where Merlot is likely located.

The map from North to South seems to be an industrial zone, some sort of cave system as far as I can tell - likely Merlot's mining operation as he has to get material from somewhere, a testing facility of some sort, then stacked right on top of each other is a multi-story research and living area, and finally a storage area of some kind. The testing area is also multi-story, but it only has one entrance and exit, at least normally, into the research area so it's kind of a moot point.

Aside from that the data suggests that there aren't many robots past the testing site. There are a few that mill around in the storage area, though they only briefly make forays into the research area which seems to be entirely devoid of their presence. With any luck that's also where Merlot is located. In fact I'd say that with absolute certainty with how obsessed the man is.

In either case we need to decide on our next move. There are realistically only two options available to us, to either move on or rest up for a bit. Considering that I can't be certain that we'll find another out of the way safe haven like this it might be in our best interests to take a load off.

I can spend that time making sure Neo's reserves are topped off at the expense of my own. Failing that Cassandra could use the time to scry for Merlot's locations and any hidden areas that aren't on this map. After all it's only what can be seen by camera or automaton so places like this hallway aren't there.

+Top off Neo: Considering security isn't likely to lighten up and we have more people for her to cover it may behoove me to make sure she's topped up on aura. (3)

Stay: We can spare a few moments to let Cassandra do her work. It may be more taxing than waiting until we're closer, but we already have a good idea of where Merlot is. (2)

Go: No need to waste time when we can get more answers the further we go. Take a few moments to get our bearings and then head out. (2)

+Don't (0)

AN: The tie was not broken and thus was settled by rolling for the options. Go won the roll off.

With my ostensible authority I call for a brief sit-down and Oz doesn't countermand my order. We're not going to delay for that long and I need this more so I can ensure the team is at the best it can be. To that end I motion for Neo to join me and the two-toned girl does so eagerly. She's probably looking for answers now that we have a quiet moment between us and I'm sure my actions will just make that desire ever more pressing.

Said girl doesn't join me for a seat against the wall until I pat the ground next to me. Then she looks down on me like she's not about to give up the height advantage and I merely repeat the gesture. She crosses her arms and I sigh as if in defeat. That gets her to stick her nose up in the air like she's won and I tug on her outfit until she loses her balance and falls on top of me, then I activate my semblance. Maybe that wasn't the best sequence of ideas as it means I'll have to spend even more time with her to make sure her aura's full.

Papering over that embarrassment I say, "Don't worry, I'm just making sure you're topped off."

She rolls over so she catches my eyes and acts as if scandalized at our position.

"Don't flatter yourself, what I told you at the park still holds true today. Besides, I was trying to do things civilly."

She rolls her eyes at me and then, as if just noticing the distinct lack of everyone else, waves at the empty corridor.

"Yes, yes, welcome to my semblance. I'd prefer it if I don't have to trap you in it this time-"

She interrupts me by sitting up as quick as she can and jabbing a finger in front of my face. I think she's trying to accuse me of having an unfair advantage which is rich considering her semblance.

"As I was saying," I continue, ignoring her baseless accusation to which she huffs at, "I don't want to take any drastic measures. I'd say you're free to roam around, but I'm not wasting my aura on expanding this area out and I'm not letting you out of here. The point is to build up your aura, not run it dry."

Neo quirks her head with thin lips that she taps with a lone finger while her brows furrow in thought. Then she turns her head the other way and stares at me, moving her head a bit closer. Finally she deems my words to have some sort of truth to them and her eyes shift to her wrist that she then taps.

"Yeah, this isn't going to be a fast process. I've tested this aspect out and unfortunately we're going to have to wait the usual amount of time."

She deflates at that and flops over my lap with a petulant expression. I can't tell if she's trying to annoy me or if she's somehow comfortable enough to mess with me in this situation. I suppose both could be true at the same time. I'm not any more confident in my findings when she shoots me a sultry expression and licks her lips as if now's the time to be joking about that kind of stuff.

I must act in the way she's expecting as when I attempt to pry her off me she throws her head back in a silent laugh that cuts off too quickly to be entirely natural. Something that she finds out I pick up on if the way her eyes narrow as well is any indication. It seems the both of us have some suspicions about the other.

Neo's probably looking for answers, though I don't know how deeply, and I am not about to play to her tune. She doesn't make any move towards her scroll which makes me think this isn't an entirely serious concern for her, or that she doesn't expect to get any answers. Regardless, we're going to be stuck together for a few hours and we have to find a way to pass the time.

Penny: I suppose I can allow the discussion to drift towards the robot girl. If for no other reason than to throw Neo off the proper trail. (5)

Weapon: I'm still not convinced that a weapon with no ranged capabilities is at all a good idea, but now that she has the thing I could see what her reasoning is. (3)

Trust: So why did she feel the need to fill me in so deeply about her semblance anyway? I haven't exactly been forthright in returning the favor. (2)

Clemency: I'm more or less going to have to argue on her behalf. It'd be a good idea to ensure that she's still focused on the whole Huntress thing and not about to ask for something outlandish instead. (1)

Advantages: If she wants to complain about my semblance I can just as easily complain about hers. She might take it more as praise than anything else. (1)

School: Torchwick is touchy about her past and I think she is as well, though I know she went to a school of some kind. Bringing up Beacon might allow me to poke at the subject in a roundabout manner. (0)

Mission: Not really a relaxing subject, though it is a pertinent one. I can at least distract her by gathering her thoughts on what's going on and what she expects. (0)

Her suspicion isn't going to go away and I'll have to play it off somehow. It would have been better to wait until after the mission so I have all the variables accounted for. The only reason I don't is because it would just make Neo suspicious that I'm withholding the truth from her. To be frank, that's exactly what I plan to do. I can't let a secret like this go out, especially not since it would involve one of my friends and who knows how it'd affect Marina.

By a similar token I can't just delve into the subject right away. That's just as, if not more, suspicious than holding off. I haven't exactly played all that readily with my answers in regards to Neo and the close proximity to the robot girl hasn't done me any favors in this respect. My best bet is to play into her expectations and make her think she drags whatever answers I come up with out of me.

"Look, I know you want answers, but I don't know what to tell you. I'm not at liberty to discuss certain things. Besides, I only know the barest bits about her semblance myself," I say waving my hand in front of her in dismissal of her unasked questions. My voice holds steady and confident as if the slip of the tongue is entirely natural on my part. Although I have to close my eyes to prevent myself from reacting too much to whatever reaction she has.

Neo in response pokes my cheek and I ignore her. Then she pokes it again and I flash irritated eyes in her direction. I think she can tell that they're deliberately so and I can only hope that I play it off as not being as irritated as I'm trying to make myself out to be. Technically that's the truth, but the motivation behind it is all wrong.

Neo seems observant enough that she might pick up on that. Maybe not consciously, but in some way coming to the conclusion that something is wrong. It just means that I have to keep to the top of my game and let absolutely nothing slip that I don't want. All while also decoding Neo's normal mode of communication. I'll admit it's a kind of challenge that I've missed and the prospect is almost fun enough for me to forget the context in which all this is happening.

Still, I can't afford to be too ponderous and I inhale deeply through my nose as if to cast off whatever feelings I have. Then with a level tone I say, "We're going to be stuck here a while and I'm not talking about that, so just give up." I wait a second and then preempt her response, "If we have to talk about something then maybe you can enlighten me as to why you think your umbrella is a good weapon."

She stills in her motions to glare at me angrily. She sweeps her hand towards her parasol and then brandishes it menacingly to which I remain unfazed. Then she jabs it towards my face with a vicious grin only to stop an inch or two away from contact. She leans to the side to peer at my reaction only to find I don't have much of one. Then she sets the weapon along her lap, points to it, and then brings a finger up to her lips as if shushing me.

I'm not sure what she's getting at so she repeats the gesture another time and points again at her weapon at the end. "Shush?" She shakes her head, pauses, tilts, and then shakes her head again. "Hush?" She nods and I have to stop myself from laughing. "Really? You named your weapon hush?" I don't know why I find that as funny as I do. It's just, she can't speak and she decides to call her weapon hush?

The petite girl shoves me over so I land on my side and then quickly sidles over to me so I can't roll over effectively. I end up trapped between her light frame and the wall and she places a hand on my chest as if to chastise me. I straighten myself out so I'm lying on my back and then Neo points to my weapon.

It takes me a second to parse the question, "That's my Wit's End."

That, apparently, is the wrong thing to say as Neo's cheeks puff out followed by her giving up on controlling herself and a weird sort of sound escaping along with the air. Then she follows up with clutching at her stomach and doubling over in a silent laugh. I wait for her to finish having her fun; it's not that bad of a name, really. Except every time I think she's just about done she looks at me and redoubles her laughs.

I know she has to be faking it, but for some reason it gets to me. "I was fourteen at the time. Sue me. I'd like to know how old you were when you came up with your weapon's brilliant name," I bite out sarcastically.

It works in shutting her up and I think there's a dusting of red on her cheeks as she looks away. Then she looks down in her lap and runs her hands slowly along her weapon. I don't know if she's deep in thought or contemplating hitting me, but either occasion isn't to my benefit. At least I can surmise that her reaction means that she was older than I was when she named her weapon; though I don't know why that feels like a victory.

I shake my head. No sense dwelling too much on the past. I let myself get too distracted, but this is still workable for my plans. Just gotta butter her up a little.

"Fine, I'll bite. Why'd you name your weapon that?"

She looks at me with hesitant eyes. Upon noticing no malice she puffs her chest out and plants both hands on her hips. Then she mimes talking like a sock puppet with one hand while the other grabs her weapon to rap across her hand lightly shutting the figure up.

"You named your weapon because you shut someone up with it," I question. That can't be it, right? It has to be more meaningful than that.

She nods, stops herself halfway, and then waggles her hand in a so-so motion. I take that to mean I'm mostly right, but there's some detail I got wrong. I don't think it's big enough to really dig into when something much more to my preference is on my mind.

"Okay…and is there a reason why it's so anemic on the Dust front?" She turns her head as if she doesn't understand the question. "I mean, would it kill you to put a gun somewhere?"

She leans over my prone form with fury in her mismatched eyes. Is pink even a natural eye color? My errant thought is soon dismissed by her pressing on my chest with one hand and making a shushing motion with the other.

I-it can't be that simple can it? "You have to know you're throwing away a lot of potential for absolutely no reason, right?" I don't even know why I'm arguing at this point. Perhaps the lack of practicality offends me on some deep level.

Neo, instead of taking offense, practically preens at my reaction and places both hands on her bosom before throwing them out towards the world. I'm not sure how to parse that and I think she's just messing with me. In fact she looks at me while she repeats that gesture to study my reaction and I'm only more certain of my feeling. Well, two can play that game.

"You know, you might have actually stood a chance if you didn't throw away your advantages."

My simple comment brings her to a complete halt and she stares at me as if I'm going to elaborate. I flash her an unrepentant smile instead. She crawls over me on all fours like she can't help herself and then suddenly stops. As if she's reached some point she wasn't expecting to arrive at and she doesn't know how to proceed from there.

I take the opportunity to push her off me except she grabs on to me for whatever reason with one of her hands ending up in my hair and dangerously close to my ears. It is only the fact that I'd have to spend even more time with her if I do so that stops me from doing anything drastic. As it is I roll over until she loses her grip and ends up splayed on the floor. Somehow turning around so that her body is in the opposite orientation as mine.

I let out a breath as the tension uncoils from my body and I just lay there. I'm no stranger to this, just laying in my semblance in the silence, but it feels different in a sort of indescribable way. It would be easy to attribute that to the intrusion in my mirror world, but the little gremlin seems to have calmed down and only breathes lightly as if she too is recovering from whatever happened.

"Still think your weapon is stupid," I admit frankly.

Neo in response flashes a rude gesture that I return. Then she falls silent and a message comes in on my scroll. Right, we are connected through local comms and I guess that still works. Looking at said message I discover that it's all the specs of her weapon. Which, aside from the lack of projectiles, is actually quite substantial.

Despite seeming like it's designed out of insubstantial fabric the stuff is purportedly quite durable. On top of that it has Dust interwoven to make it even more durable and strangely enough lighter. Further in the documents it even details that it could be used to brake a fall. Not break a fall; the thing could be held up to allow a couple hundred pounds a slow fall. I'm just going to ignore that bit and focus on how the thing can withstand small scale Dust explosions instead.

Even more puzzling is that the thing appears to be professionally designed, if the documents alone weren't enough to put forth that idea. I strain to figure out what possible connections she could have had to order such a thing and have to default to Torchwick being responsible for this. Still doesn't explain why she insists on the lack of a projectile with her weapon and her childish reasoning of not wanting it to make any noise just infuriates me.

Speaking of infuriating, Neo taps my head and turns to me with a smug smile on her lips. Then she waves about her scroll as if waiting for me to pony up. I don't, Wit's End wasn't exactly a professional job; more pieced together over time and only getting a proper redesign with Vel's tune up. Really more of a complete rework from the ground up, but I'm not complaining.

I guess I could forward those documents to Neo, it would certainly display that I have the superior weapon. I shake my head instead. What the heck am I thinking? I don't need to prove anything to her.

I settle down, ready to put the matter out of my mind. Only for the girl to clap her hands together and cover up her fake laugh with a polite hand. Bitch; that doesn't mean you win. I could win if I wanted to.

I stew in that uncomfortable feeling as I let the moment pass and the two of us settle down. Eventually she starts playing on her scroll and bored out of my mind I watch. It's some sort of racing game with very basic controls that she doesn't seem to enjoy playing all that much, but I guess it's a way to pass the time.

She holds her scroll out teasingly towards me after she finishes a race and I pass it back to her only for her to toss it on my face. I'm not about to embarrass myself, so I throw it back only for the device to end up tossed back my way. This continues for far too long until I have enough of it.

"Don't you have anything better to do than to bug me?"

She shrugs like that answers anything. I suppose it does, it's not like there's much to do as confined as we are. I sigh and then an idea comes to me. I sort of forgot to deal with the Penny question and this is a good way to broach that subject.

"Look, there has to be something else to entertain yourself with." I feel her shake her head next to me and I don't have to look to know that a cheshire grin splits her face. "I'm begging you, find something else."

I roll my eyes to check on her reaction. She's upside down from my perspective so it's a bit difficult to parse, but her finger is pressed up against her lips as if she's considering my request. Then her eyes meet mine with a certain gleam behind the unmatching irises. She puts both her hands behind her head miming Penny's bow that she wears and I force out a groan.

"Didn't I tell you that I'm not talking about that? Pick something else."

She lifts up her scroll and drops it flat on my face.

"Fine! Whatever, I don't see why you're so interested."

Neo cups her face with the back of both her hands, her fingertips touching just underneath her chin in an overly cutesy and innocent manner. As if to imply that she has absolutely no ulterior motive when I'm not nearly so foolish to believe that's the case. She seems to detect my disbelief and swats my nose as if I'm a common housecat.

I bite back any other reaction and roll my eyes instead, "Are you going to keep acting like that or are you going to ask any actual questions? If not, I can take a nap instead."

She starts moving her hands and I close my eyes, uncaring of what she actually has to say. It takes her a few moments to realize that I'm ignoring her to which she roughly pushes my head to the side. I look at her like she's stupid as there's no way I was going to bother trying to decipher her strange symbols when they'd be upside down and I'm far too comfy to move now. Something she seems to feel as well as instead of getting up to display her chosen method of conversation she resorts to her scroll instead.

'What's up with her?'

"She's from Atlas," I say cheekily.

Neo narrows her eyes and I can understand where she's coming from.

"Weiss is different, she chose to come to Vale instead of going to that stuffy Academy." I suppose the same could be said about Penny. She wants to stay in Vale and it's not like she had a choice not to go along with James' plans. Maybe she was offered the opportunity, but I don't think she had the capacity to realize what she was agreeing to even if that was the case.

Neo pokes me again rather than resort to using her scroll. I suppose she's not in the mood to play along if I'm not going to give her something.

"Are you wondering why she was acting up earlier?" She nods rapidly. "Beats me. I don't know her semblance." She glares at me, not believing what I'm saying. That hurts, Neo, just because I'm lying doesn't mean I don't deserve the benefit of the doubt. "Fine, are you going to stop being such an annoying bitch if I answer?"

She blinks slowly, not knowing how exactly to respond. I get the feeling she's torn between indignation for the name calling and exultation at her apparent victory. The latter of which wins out as she adopts a soft smile and nods slowly.

"Shake on it?" I offer my hand above my head and she looks at it strangely. I don't know why there'd be a hangup here rather than anywhere else, but it is what it is. I'm also unsure if I should be so cavalier about deceiving a nominal ally like this. Although, that's easily resolved by thinking of the crimes Neo was involved in.

Either way she grasps my hand in a light embrace and we both sit there for a moment. I'm waiting for her to do something and I don't know what the hold-up on her end is. We don't even really end up shaking, instead she lets go of my hand and simply looks at me expectantly. I don't know if this is some way to get around our agreement, but even if she's trying to trick me it serves my ends well enough.

"Alright, you didn't hear it from me, but Penny has a way with machines. I'm pretty sure it's her semblance, but she can get into a sort of trance-like state and just knows how to deal with them. There's a reason why I brought her along to deal with a madman who's built his own technology.

I'm not sure of the mechanics myself. If it's some sort of super-intuition or if she talks to the machines somehow, but it works and that's all I care for. It does mean she's picked up a few odd habits and says a lot of strange things."

Neo chews over my words, finding something wrong with them, but unable to describe what it is exactly, at least at first. It takes her a couple of moments until an idea strikes her and then she tries reaching around to her back while being too lazy to roll over or move to make it clear. Then she splays her hands and fingers out in a crude approximation of Penny's blades. Right, that is a rather odd weapon to explain without the aid of a semblance.

"Her father, the guy on the CCT helping us, is some kind of big shot researcher in Atlas. Wouldn't surprise me if he designed his little girl's weapon to explicitly work with her semblance to the fullest." The bluff comes easily off of my tongue. Strangely enough instead of acceptance Neo has an odd longing look on her face. That- well I can read a lot into that, but I restrain myself; I'll think about it later.

She shakes her head eventually and returns to messing around on her scroll. I don't know how much she believes the lies I just fed her, but she's not bugging me about it anymore. She doesn't look all that content, but she focuses her attention on her games. I let the companionable silence smother our conversation as I simply look on at her efforts to pass the time.

Eventually I remember that my semblance time is valuable and pull out my own scroll, mute it, and get back to practicing for my surprise for Weiss. It's not the same thing as the real instrument, but I can at least practice my fingering and chords while I wait.
Merlot's Island (Part 2, End)
The hours don't pass by in entirely companionable silence as Neo decides to start bothering me again. She discovers what I'm doing and I'm faced with a cross-roads of sorts. My immediate desire is to put away my scroll and pretend like she didn't catch me doing something for my girlfriend. Except she should have no way of knowing that's why I'm doing this so I simply continue on like there's no issue. However, I think she notices a stutter in my decision making there as she flashes me a knowing smile.

She doesn't press on the subject any more and simply stares at me practicing for a few minutes before going back to her business. Eventually we do 'talk' about other stuff, mainly her complaining about how insufferable Torchwick has been since the guardianship stuff. I let her vent on the subject as there's really no reason not to.

I wouldn't expect her to bring something like that up in this context, but it's not like it's serious complaining. More grousing to get it off her chest which makes a certain kind of sense. I mean, who else is she going to complain to? Either way it fills up the rest of our time and as soon as I notice her aura is mostly full I pull us out of my mirror world.

Of course this has her on top of me in the real world. Just like in my semblance she catches on to this fact and then how everyone is present and shakes herself off adopting a scandalized expression. It would probably have any effect other than informing people that our brief moment of rest is almost over if it didn't take half a minute real time to top her off.

I scan the corridor and curiously enough discover Penny with her knees bent looking over me. I blink slowly and she shoots me a thumbs up as if to say that my secret is safe with her. I- uh, I think she may be under a misconception of how secret my semblance is.

Sure, I wasn't exactly thrilled to reveal it to my friends, but everyone here, with the exception of Neo, was already aware of it. I guess I can take that as her trying to be loyal. Although, I'm not really sure how she was expecting to explain how Neo and I were insensate for an appreciable length of time.

Neo, noticing that no one is buying her farce, stands up and stretches unnecessarily. It's only a trick of the mind and not any sort of physical need from personal experience. Either way, I stand up and comport myself as well. We wait another minute or so before we set off for our destination.

The industrial section is a bit harder to get through with it taxing Neo's semblance ever more. Our saving grace is that we aren't after anything in the immediacy and the section is rather short, rapidly ending in a widening of the tunnel that the tracks run through with a dark abyss off to our right. Presumably the cave/mining system for Merlot's resources.

There are a few lights, presumably from various robots working in the area. I don't know if he's hoping to find a Dust vein or if he simply needs more material. However, said robots are off in the distance and there are much fewer cameras in this area. It isn't surprising since this is by far the largest area in every dimension except height throughout his entire base. Almost certainly tapping into an already present underground network and bending it towards his ends.

It makes traversal of the area easy enough as we merely have to keep an eye out and wait for simple changes in camera activity to make our way through. We even pass by a train car that looks like it's filled by a bunch of rocks. Ores of some sort most likely, or perhaps just waste rock that needs to be dumped as the mines expand.

It brings to mind that under different circumstances we could possibly use the train in order to traverse the facility. At least it would be a stealthy option if the facility were more active. As it is now I think it would draw attention if an otherwise stationary train suddenly started moving. Especially in Merlot's direction. Doesn't mean it isn't a possibility and I file it away for later. I'd just prefer to have all my options in order before jumping to any one in particular.

Aside from that our walk lasts minutes until the entrance to the next portion of Merlot's facility comes into sight. It's another secure door, like the original entrance. Presumably it'd operate in a similar way to the one outside. Unlike the one outside this one generates a few challenges.

The first of which is that the area beyond, the testing site, appears to be where Merlot tests all his new robotic designs. As such the density of automatons and surveillance in the area is greater than everywhere else in the facility. This is spread through multiple levels so it isn't as bad as it could be, but it is a concern.

Furthermore, with its proximity to the mines and from what I can tell of the layout. It doubles as a defensive position. If I were a betting man I'd say there are multiple reinforced doors and bulkheads to stop any grimm from pushing through and instead directing them through an easier to traverse, though winding series of corridors. I'm uncertain if it would stop a concerted grimm attack, but it would certainly slow them down enough for Merlot to react. Much the same can be said about us.

Doing something to raise the alarm will make our lives a lot harder than they need to be, though that goes without saying. Unfortunately, with the layout as it is, where security is the strongest is right beyond this door and that's before considering how opening the door itself could spark said alarm into triggering. There could be another secret entrance in the area, although I'm not certain that Merlot would allow as easy of a way inside considering the grimm.

With our objectives as they are it may behoove us to find an alternate way around. I'm not usually one for trapezing around caves, though it's becoming something of a recurring problem with me, however it may be our best option. I'm uncertain how far they extend, but with Glynda's semblance we might be able to bypass this security nightmare altogether. My semblance will ensure we don't go too far off our mark, though I think if we're bypassing the section altogether that Glynda won't have much left in the tank. Kelly would be a lot more efficient in this scenario, but she isn't here.

If I'm planning that far ahead I think about what security measures we'll have to deal with in the research wing. There aren't many bots in the area so all we have to worry about are the cameras. Quite frankly we might also be close enough to Merlot that such security minded considerations aren't worth contemplating. However, that isn't to say there wouldn't be any benefit. I don't know how spiteful Merlot is, whether he'd take us or his research down with him so catching him completely by surprise has its benefits.

On a similar note going through the testing facility would afford us benefits as well in case we fumble this at some point. There'd be plenty of prototypes to look over and almost certainly a terminal or two for us to hack into. Whether it'd be worth the trouble is another question entirely.

As it is, there are three broad ways forward; trying to go through the testing area, whether that involves heading through the entrance or looking for a workaround, bypassing the area entirely by heading through the mines, or attempting something with the train. The first and the last are the most likely to end with us raising the alarm in one way or another, though the first can be mitigated with a bit of luck and proper planning.

Considering the situation, if we were to go with the first plan, it might be best to split the team again. Penny is more of a liability in that environment than an asset, though if we can manage it it'd give Pietro another chance to strut his stuff. Quite frankly, I'm afraid that I might not be able to keep up with the security there and if we bring our whole group that worry only compounds as Neo would be stretched to the limits.

On the flip side, if for instance only myself and her were to go forwards, she could use that invisibility trick of hers and make our lives a lot easier. It wouldn't be a sure thing as she can only keep it up for so long so we'd have to be economical in our usage, but it is an option.

The train is a simple enough consideration. According to Pietro it wouldn't trigger any sort of alarm right away, though the fact that it is up and mobile would garner attention. How much trouble that lands us in is really dependent on how on the ball Merlot is. I can't say exactly how far it'd take us, but it should at least allow us to bypass a good portion of the testing facility at the bare minimum. From there it'd be a dash to apprehend Merlot and deal with any problems as they arise.

Then there's going through the mines. We don't have an accurate map of the area so we'll be reliant on my semblance and skills to get us to an area where Glynda can work her magic. If we're lucky we can traverse enough distance so we can bypass the testing facility altogether. Failing that we'd have to break into the place at some point.

The walls are entirely metal or stone, but Glynda should be able to break through that with her semblance as long as she has enough in the tank. I suppose in that sense there's not much of a way to remain undetected entirely unless we stumble on a secret passage of sorts. It's not impossible, but I'm unsure if I want to bank on that. It would at least have us all together and perhaps with more of a lead on Merlot than taking the train.

Try as I might I struggle to find a scenario that achieves the goal of keeping us all together and the alarm unraised. The odds are too against us for any one path to be wholly viable. Splitting up may be our best option here, though that comes with its own problems.

Neo and I together would be the best to get around the testing grounds. Our two semblances are simply too useful to do without and Neo is only able to cover herself and one other person to a high enough degree that I feel confident in our odds. On a similar note heading through the tunnels would encounter issues if I'm not with the group and the train group would only head out if there are issues we run into. Meaning the alarm is already raised and all that would accomplish is slamming a train into a bunch of metal and stone.

That really only leaves one option for the other team which is to wait and play as backup. I guess Cassandra could use the time to search for Merlot's location and Pietro might be able to do something on his end. I'm uncertain on the last one, but I think Oz would push the man to take some risks if it's me and Neo on our own. Not that's necessarily what I'm going to decide on, but I'll have to discuss my thoughts with the team soon enough. At least I have more information to make my decision with.

Door: Unknown Investigation check, possible tech check upon failure, on the other side three Challenge 6 stealth checks (default has only Ochre and Neo progressing: Neo would press her semblance to provide a +2 bonus with two re-rolls in reserve to override failure representing her reserves and invisibility trick. This means that Ochre would roll with an effective 7.05 or a +26 and Neo would autopass, albeit barely.) The rest of the team would wait as backup with Cassandra attempting to find Merlot.

Tunnel: Multiple Unknown investigation checks, stealth check dependent on success of first investigation roll no higher than challenge 5 (Neo's semblance bonus will be reduced to +.75 due to the number of people involved, though she retains her two rerolls.) Possibility to bypass testing grounds with successful rolls. Depending on rolls may require the alarm to be triggered upon re-entering the facility.

Train: Will alert Merlot. Will not get on the train until Merlot is found. Raw roll for how far the train progresses as it's pretty much luck dependent on if Merlot notices or is too busy with his research to check in on paltry concerns until it's too late.

AN: There was an attempt to drum up the player base to come up with their own alternate options, but nothing came from it.

Door: The simplest route has worked thus far. It might be a pain to convince Oz this is necessary and split the team (4)

Tunnel: a bit of an unknown that would have us run close to some of the bots in the area and maybe some grimm. With any luck it'll get us past this obstacle with little issue. (1)

Train: More here for lack of a better option. Essentially battering down the gates to Merlot and hoping for the best. Though we'll try to find him before doing so. (0)

I'm not the only one deep in thought on how to tackle the problem in front of us. Everyone aside from Cassandra seems to be giving the matter some of their mind. Even Neo whose eyes are shifting about nervously.

I think she wasn't expecting things to be quite like this. Perhaps more used to the way Torchwick plans things and finding us different enough to have some minor worry. If I had to guess the man probably had a lot more information at his disposal than this somewhat slapdash operation. In my defense there really was no way to have a detailed outlook on Merlot's defenses unless we're on site.

What this means is that there's soon a discussion on what best to do next. Pietro and Penny are certain they can get the door open or the train moving with little issue, though that runs into some potential snags. The door might be less of an issue as far as alerting Merlot goes, but I'd prefer to see if there's an alternate way around it first.

Unfortunately, Oz is not of the same mind. Almost immediately he discards going through the door and attempting stealth as an option. I can see where he's coming from as getting us all through would be quite the risk. The more people we bring the less Neo's semblance covers which is pretty much the crux of my plan applied in reverse.

He seems amenable to the train idea, though he's mostly fixated on going through the tunnels. It isn't a bad plan and one I've considered myself. Unfortunately I'm not willing to go along with it.

We have no guarantee there's a way we could find back into the base that wouldn't alert Merlot. I don't think that's as big of a concern for my mentor as it is for me. Most likely in his mind it's far more important to stop Merlot than secure whatever advances he's made. I'm not exactly the opposite, but I'm far more willing to roll the dice on this than he is.

"Oz," I start softly and the man immediately knows that I'm going to say something he doesn't like. "There's nothing wrong with what you're proposing, but I think you're not considering something obvious."

I share a look with Neo who soon cottons on to what I'm planning. She looks conflicted but she gives me a small nod in the end along with a smile full of teeth that promises trouble for me when we make our way out of this.

Oz doesn't miss the byplay either, "Ochre, I've already indulged you once before and on a much less severe matter than this. It's not worth the risk."

"And I'm arguing that it is. Neo has a bag of tricks up her sleeve and with our semblances combined we have the best chance out of anyone to sneak up on Merlot unnoticed."

"That is far from the issue and you know it," he retorts, raising his voice only to cut himself off when he thinks he's speaking too loudly. He sighs, "Whether Merlot is aware of our intrusion or not is a moot point as long as we eliminate him. Come what may, that's the most important part of our mission."

"And I'm not disagreeing, I just think there's so much more we can gain by taking a more tactful approach," I argue. "We're at the homestretch, after this the rest is going to be a cakewalk. You and Cass can direct us to Merlot and we'll have this whole business wrapped up in no time."

I turn to the crowd in a vain hope for support. Penny at least seems to be on my side, though her opinion likely won't do much to convince anyone else. That and I don't think she's considering the fullness of what Neo and I will have to do, especially in the end. Glynda is just as critical as Oz and looks at me with eyes strangely full of pity. Cassandra isn't much better, radiating some sort of maternal worrying while Oz runs a hand through his hair.

"I think you're being overly optimistic, but if you're so certain about this course of action at least allow me to accompany you."

"Absolutely not," I fire back immediately. "Neo's semblance is going to be strained enough as it is and adding another person swings the odds too far out of our favor."

"Mr. Rovere," Oz hisses harshly, "I can respect that you're thinking of the success of this operation, but I would be remiss in multiple ways if I did not caution you thusly. I am not inclined to intrude on your plan out of vainglorious sentiment. I will not allow Merlot to escape alive a second time. I would prefer if such nasty business would be taken out of your hands, but you're leaving me little choice."

So that's what this is about. I already knew that Merlot likely wasn't leaving this place alive. Oz wouldn't be so insistent about tagging along otherwise. I'm inclined to see his reasoning. We have no way of determining what Merlot has and has not planned for or what his capabilities after all this time are. Simply doing away with the problem is the most expedient solution. I'm not sure I wholly agree as it is a waste of a great mind, but Merlot is obviously touched in the head if he thinks dealing with the grimm in any way is a good idea.

Either way Oz wants some assurance that Merlot is taken care of. I don't think Neo would have any issue accommodating his request. However, he's not asking her, he's asking me. No matter his opinion of the diminutive girl he has to entrust this task to someone. I could step up into that role, but that also plays into his reluctance.

Just as he was hesitant to involve me in the conspiracy until I made an issue of it I'm certain it's the same here. He, and Glynda to an extent, don't want their students dirtying their hands like this. Out of some misguided sense of preserving my innocence or ensuring I can enjoy my time at Beacon for as long as they can. Honestly it's a moot point at this stage. It's not like I'm not directly responsible for one death already.

"I can take care of him," I say with more bravado than I'm feeling.

Oz stares me in the eyes and then sighs, "Are you sure about that?" I'm pretty sure I am, but I suppose he wants me to think over the matter some more. Giving me that chance to talk myself out of this for one reason or another.

I decide to oblige his unspoken request, "Let me check to see if there's even a way forward before we get hung up on what I am and am not willing to do." Everyone nods slowly at that aside from Neo who shoots me a thumbs up. Guess I have one supporter for my plan. I'm not sure if that's a welcome gesture or not considering who it's coming from. Either way, time's a wastin and I best make sure my plan is viable before committing to anything.

Investigation Check: 4.3 +1(Semblance)=5.3 vs Challenge 5

Final Modifier: +7

Dice: 1d100+7

46 + 7 = 53
Refuse: Bringing him along is only going to cause problems. I can assure him that I can take care of Merlot without issue, as much as he might personally dislike that. (5)

Allow: Honestly this is more out of consideration for his morals than anything else. There's no objective reason he has to be brought along, but I suppose I can allow him this much. (Reduces Neo's bonus to 1.5 and forces her to roll for her stealth checks) (0)

I settle down and activate my semblance. I cast a brief look at the jagged abyss that I'm not sticking my head into today. The twinkling lights of robots off in the distance provide just enough light to outline the spikes that arise from the floor and the ceiling. From what I can tell the passageways would be awfully narrow in spaces in addition to the natural hazards. It would make it difficult to sneak through such a path if we didn't find a good route, but that's hardly a concern for me now.

I approach the door which is so much like the one we first encountered. It's probably more reinforced if I had to guess. This is the barrier between Merlot and the most likely source for grimm on his island. He should know better than anyone the dangers of hitting a pocket of grimm. I suppose his autonomous workers make that a lot less of an issue than would be otherwise.

I wonder how much Weiss is going to like this gift, after it washes its way through Atlas' hands of course. Heck Merlot's labor bots even have the blue-white color scheme going on. Just have to replace his emblem with a snowflake and they'd properly look the part. I shake my head, no need to distract myself. Perhaps Oz had a point in giving me some time to think through this matter.

Distractedly I start peeling away at the walls, floor, ceiling; really anything that can inform me where a hidden entrance is as I think. This isn't any different from what I've done prior, heck Merlot would be dead at my hand regardless of what I do, same as Cinder. Plus I'm not nearly naive to think that I don't have blood on my hands. Members under Adam and the Union lost their lives in the Mountain Glenn raid and I'm not about to pretend at innocence. I'm just taking a more direct hand in justice.

And there's no doubt that's what this is. I don't know what Merlot has been doing with grimm exactly, but I have to assume it's enhancing them based on the damage that ursa did to his Glenn facility. That's already a death sentence in normal circumstances, I'm just carrying forth the verdict.

Unfortunately I don't find anything immediately around the door. I suppose that would be too obvious and repetitive for a man like Merlot. He wouldn't risk heading out through a possibly dangerous area for his escape so I have to consider another option.

The testing facility is multilevel and even includes a floor above where I am currently due to the base running into a network of hills. Most likely any sort of exit from this area would head to the sky with some sort of plan for getting out. Following that hunch, I separate the rocks and earth from above me and eventually happen upon a ladder of sorts. I think.

It's awfully warped by my semblance and looks like a tangle of noodly metal rather than a proper escape route, but checking it multiple times has it in the same location each time. There's not exactly an easy route up here and would include breaching into the area which I don't know if it would alert Merlot or not.

Fortunately an exit has to lead somewhere and I find its termination point on the surface. This would definitely require Glynda's aid to reach and it leads into the testing site aside. The presence of such a hatch implies there may be another closer to Merlot's research wing. However, I have no guarantee of such nor that I'd find it as readily. I've found this one and that's all that really matters.

I step out of my mirror world and deliver the news to the team. I deliberately keep my gaze off my mentor. He has to know what that means and there's no need to make this more difficult for us than it needs to be.

Not missing the cue for what it is Glynda interjects, "Mr. Rovere, I implore you to reconsider." She can tell that isn't going to work so she changes course, "This course of action is going to eat into my reserves considerably, what then?"

"Glynda," Oz speaks softly. "He's made his decision, and as much as I have my reservations it's a well-founded plan. We'll be ready to bail him out if he encounters more trouble than he's bargained for now won't we?" My teacher still isn't happy with such news, but she reluctantly complies and we get to work.

It takes a few minutes to excavate a route with the inclination we need to get out and there are a couple close calls where it seems like the thing is going to collapse. Thankfully my semblance can provide an accurate simulation of how we need to structure our tunnel so we don't cause a collapse.

Before long we have an avenue to the surface with the sun shining down on us and no cameras in sight. Just like last time the hatch isn't easily visible and in fact has a patch of dirt and vegetation growing on it from the outside. Not heavy enough to be an issue for escape, though it does imply that Merlot has let thoughts of such drift from his primary concern.

Neo and I make our way down while the rest of the team get in position. I hold off from entering the site properly until they're in position. From there Cass and Pietro work together to chart a route for Neo and I based on our position and what we know of the layout. The two-toned girl and I might need to make some adjustments to that plan, but it's a workable one for the interim.

Stealth Check: Rank 3.05 +2(Ochre Semblance) +2(Neo Semblance)=7.05 vs Challenge 6

Final Modifier: +26

Dice: 3d100+26

Options: Individual.

95,30,97 + 26 = 121,56,123
I activate my semblance to check for our current predicament then relay my findings to Neo who leads the way. I follow after her under the guise of her illusion and dash behind a few crates of some sort and the wall which keeps us out of view of any cameras while we get our bearings. Taking a quick look with my semblance it seems like this escape room has been converted from its original purpose.

Picking through the crates I discover them to be of a variety of materials from parts, to Dust, to tools, to a whole bunch of stuff really. If I had to guess, the room has become a sort of workstation to make tweaks and repairs on whatever he's testing without having to lug it back to a more dedicated area. Interesting, but not something I can mess around with without getting caught.

Instead I scout out to our next stop while Neo makes sure I don't attract attention in my insensate state. Then we repeat our maneuver as we inch our way through the facility. At a certain point I stop having to explain my findings at all, merely directing the two of us with certain motions and unspoken words.

She doesn't even stutter at this change and I'm not sure when exactly it occurred either. It's like she can pick up on what I'm thinking and vice versa with only a few motions and looks. It's eerie enough that I'm beginning to think that Nora's silent language idea has some actual weight behind it.

I shake off such silly concerns as we make our way through the facility full of hexagonal tiled floors with a multitude of Merlot's emblem plastered about for all the world to see. What's even the point? It's not like anyone else should see any of this if things go according to Merlot's plan. On a similar note are the absolute multitude of screens and terminals strewn about with not much cover for Neo and I to hide behind.

We resort to using the various prototypes, projects, and occasional target dummy as our cover from the omnipresent gaze of robots and cameras. Even then, said cover is often in the focal point of surveillance, most likely in the case of recording any experiments. The rooms are simply too bereft of other cover and at least this way we can block out half the room, sometimes more, while Neo puts up an illusion of whatever's behind us.

Again I'll have to thank our lucky stars that Merlot is low enough on Dust that his automatons don't do much patrolling. The weirdness of the perspective might be something that fools them from a distance, but I don't want to bet on it if they came by for a closer inspection.

Unfortunately for our gambit to work properly and efficiently, Neo and I have remain practically on top of one another. Being the person she is, she waggles her eyebrows at one point with a suggestive smile on her face. I can't retaliate in any real way aside from shooting her a glare of my own. Of course she takes that as her victory and preens just before I get back into my semblance.

I try to put her out of my mind as I chart our next course. I shudder to think how the logistics of all this would work out with Oz accompanying us. It's already a tight squeeze most of the time and I'm not much enthused at the prospect of sharing such space with my mentor. Then again being so close to a woman like Neo is hardly a step up. I find our course soon thereafter and step out of my mirror world, only to be met with an unamused Neo as if she picked up on exactly what I was thinking. I roll my eyes, she should know the exact issue I have with our circumstances.

In between the experiment/testing rooms are destitute hallways with robots at the ready in case there are any issues. To get past these we have to make our way to the ceiling where an overhang for utilities dangles. I don't know if it's to manage Dust, power, water, or what have you, but it's able to support our weight and keep us out of sight of the automatons for the most part.

Neo, for some reason that I have to think is purely to annoy me, takes the lead in shimmying along these sections. I can't really countermand her since she has to take the lead on using her semblance to get us up and down as well as cover our transition from one room to the next. It just doesn't leave me with much of anywhere I can look at without drawing a teasing grin from the girl. However, that torture only lasts a short while until we've cleared our way through the densest pockets of bot and arrive at our destination.

It's a room between the research wing and testing ground, utterly bereft of bots and with only a single camera that we hide underneath to catch our breath. Neither of our aura reserves are doing so hot, though Neo comes out the better of it than I do. Fortunately we didn't have any close calls that would tax her too much, but with the amount of concentration everything took I have no problem letting her have this breather.

From what I can gather this is the only way into and out of the research wing from this side. The tunnel and train passes through the area, but doesn't have a stop in the area proper. It wouldn't have been an issue to create one, but that's a moot point. In any case the room is rounded with glass windows overlooking the area the train would pass.

The door we come from leads to the testing grounds, another door behind that leads into a security checkpoint of sorts, most likely to hold up the grimm and is rather bulky without an easy way for Neo and I to get into. Even if we could through a vent or something I don't think either of us have the skills to make use of the opportunity. That's even assuming we can stay out of sight while in the hornet's nest so to speak. The door we're facing is more important anyways.

It's reinforced, for obvious reasons, but aside from that there is startlingly little security. Not even a badge check, a keypad, or heck even a lock of any description. It makes me think that Merlot has no conceptualization that anyone would come after him like this or from this direction. The door is only reinforced so as to make any breach by the grimm take that little bit longer. It's not like the beasts are smart enough to open doors.

Either way I check the thing for any traps or alarms with my semblance several times just to make sure and find nothing. Almost reluctantly I give Neo the all clear and she hides us in her semblance again while we make our way into the next wing of the facility. There lies a multitude of equipment and messy workstations for us to hide behind to our heart's content. We dash to such easy cover and honestly it's a struggle not to let out relieved laughter at how stark a difference the security is only tens of feet into this wing.

I think Neo fails at holding hers back as her head is thrown back and she's silently pounding at the floor while her feet kick up joyously. Then she takes a deep breath and looks at me with a serious expression that quickly cracks into a smile. Instead of making any motion to tease me she holds out a fist instead that I slowly knock mine against expecting some sort of trick. No such trick comes aside from her shooting me an expression as if to say 'what exactly did I think was going to happen?'

I shake my head and shoo her away. There's no need for us to be so close to one another anymore. We both have plenty of room to maneuver and only the occasional illusion should prove necessary from this point on.

I take this time to check in with Oz and co. Pietro apparently is ready to provide technical assistance if we need it, but I don't think that's going to be necessary. With that pushed out of the way I receive Cassandra's report as well as a marker sent to the map on my scroll of where Merlot currently is. She isn't keeping a constant eye on him, but she'll attempt to update it every minute or so, as aura reserves allow her to do so of course.

Either way it's almost an anticlimactic walk in the park for the two of us as we stalk our way through this much more lenient wing of Merlot's facility. Our attitude is almost juvenile as we lightly mess with each other until we draw closer to Merlot's location and I adopt a more serious mien. Neo seems disappointed by such a change in demeanor. Guess she's much more used to mixing her business and pleasure than keeping them wholly distinct. Can't say I'm not guilty of some of that, but at least I know when to take things seriously.

Taking a breath, I walk into the room Merlot was last spotted and find him sitting at a terminal, his fingers wildly clacking at a keyboard. I'm not sure what exactly he's doing, coding if I had to guess, but that's not a huge concern. Almost as an afterthought I hook my scroll up to a nearby terminal and give Pietro a countdown to go time in case Merlot has some surprises in store for us.

Then I ready my Wit's End and level it at the man. I think better of it after a few moments and shift my angle so any shots won't hit the terminal he's working at, best not to risk anything with such a good opportunity.

Slowly I crouch towards the man keeping my footfalls as silent as I can. Then I take a few moments to ensure everything is in order and to ensure I have the timing down. Afterwards I reach out and pull on his shoulder, activating my semblance and pulling the trigger on my Wit's End at the same time.

Merlot isn't much of a fighter so it's easy to clobber the man to the point his aura breaks and then quickly exit my semblance. Unfortunately for me I must have miscalculated how fast bullets are as his aura tanked the shot. Little issue as he's on the floor now, defenseless and easy pickings for a swift stab followed by a shot for good measure.

Only then do I allow myself a good look at the man. Briefly I register his lifeless blue eye and dimming cybernetic red one. I don't think he had that before the fall of Mountain Glenn nor the black and red right arm of his. Did he perform the surgery himself? Seems like things could have gone really poorly for him if he was even the barest bit off.

Distantly I hear a sort of buzzing in my ear, words probably, but I don't know who's saying them. Instead I recenter my attention on the body on the floor. Aside from the additions he looks much like I imagined, same style of messy unkempt hair and barely maintained mustache and beard, only difference is it's grayed with age. Didn't even bother changing his lab-coat like jacket out for something else. Now it just has a hole in it where his heart is supposed to be.

That's enough of that I suppose. I turn my attention to the only other living being in the world and she gives me a bow as if proud of my actions. Then she gives me a standing ovation, though it's muted to my ears. Probably just the adrenaline; all I can hear is my heart in my head. For some reason that worries the girl even though it really shouldn't. I'll be fine, just need a second to recompose myself.

Despite the unspoken assurance the petite woman eats up the distance and stands still before me like she doesn't know what to do. She gives me a shove that I ignore. Instead I cross the room to check on my scroll and Pietro. I don't really process what's going on aside from that there's no issues for me to worry about. Don't even know what I could do if there was; not my area of expertise.

It takes me a second to realize Neo has attached herself to my back. Cinching her hands around my midsection as I finally allow myself a moment to breathe. I sit down after that, not bothering to head to a chair or anything.

With the moment passing along with the absolute need to ensure things go according to plan I can think a bit more clearly. Like with Cinder, there's no vitriol involved in this taking of life, just the dispassionate need to see the job done. I can even hazard a glance at the corpse without any remorse or disgust.

I suppose I was just expecting there to be more to deal with. Then again, with how Neo's acting, maybe there was. I wouldn't expect her to have any concern for me, but I guess after what we just went through that engenders some sort of positive disposition.

With some surety I stand back up and wipe Wit's End clean of any blood. Wouldn't do to dirty my outfit any more at this point. Though I should probably clean it thoroughly anyway just to be safe. Either way it's time to get back to work.

I quiet down Neo's worries by demonstrating I'm fine and follow the instructions from Pietro and Oz and what to check on and what to secure. Our ride is on the way and we'll be bringing a few goodies back with us along with proof that Merlot is dead. Although there's far too much for us to haul in one trip.

Fortunately, Merlot didn't include any sort of deadman switches as far as Pietro can tell. There is a self-destruct installed that would overload the bases' power and set off any Dust on hand in a massive explosion, but that's a manually triggered thing and Merlot certainly isn't doing that. Although learning that I can potentially blow us all up if I press the wrong thing has me listening to instructions very carefully.

From where I'm at, and with an open terminal, it isn't hard to follow Pietro's instructions to gain control over the facility. Doing so involves no shortage of pop-ups and alerts that I have to carefully navigate much to my frustration. I suppose since Merlot is out of the picture we can fall back to force instead of using finesse.

First thing on the agenda is updating the recognition system of the bots and the facility to allow us access throughout the facility. There is a debate about shutting them down, but that's quickly dismissed by Merlot's sensors picking up some grimm movement. We didn't go through all this trouble to have the facility wrecked and the bots have proven able defenders thus far. Plus removing ourselves from the equation should stop the grimm from being drawn in. On that note we do go ahead and shut down any non-critical activity to not stir up any trouble.

After that, I remind Pietro that I have another reason for why I'm involved. As worthy of a cause as it was to stop Merlot that doesn't address the reason why I was looking into him in the first place. Unfortunately he doesn't keep illicit records of his dealings. There is enough that the connection between him and Mulberry is rather undeniable when combined with what else I have found; though he barely paid attention to such until the Dust ran low.

Much more important to him was keeping excessively detailed notes on all his experiments and even musings for the future. Naturally this is more than enough to prove to the public that Merlot had to be stopped. Just as naturally we aren't going to disclose too many details of his experiment or how successful they were. His notes for the future and how he could control grimm and guide their evolution is more than enough to showcase he was off the deep end.

Apparently at another island he made some sort of super deathstalker which he claims as his most deadly design yet. I mean, I suppose deathstalkers can put up quite a fight, but first years are able to take them on as shown by JNPR. Granted that's a younger variety than some out in the wild, but I doubt the thing would be that much of a problem for veteran Huntsmen. It certainly isn't a leviathan. Heck, even a Goliath would arguably be a better pick with their size and dense bone plates.

Merlot's megalomania aside we gather what samples we can of what looks interesting and as much data as we can manage. Which is quite a bit considering Penny is with us, but even her storage is limited and there are decades worth of information locked away here. In the end it seems like Atlas will have to pick over the bones of this facility for some time yet.

There may be a bit of pushback from the Valean council. However, with Oz's support and James as a part of the conspiracy I'm sure there's an easy solution to the problem. No need to involve myself in my mind. Although, it sucks handing such a prize over to Atlas; at least I can be sure that this tech should proliferate amongst the Kingdoms in the coming years. Maybe I'll even be able to win something for Menagerie among the spoils.

Speaking of which, our bullhead arrives and we stuff the craft to the gills with everything we can. We even manage to fit in a couple powered down bots for later examination. As cramped as we are, I still couldn't help myself from a knick-knack that caught my eye on Merlot's desk.

He must be really proud of that deathstalker as he has a small model of it printed out and painted. The thing is a sickly green instead of red and overly spiky, to the point it's kind of tacky. Honestly, it looks like something out of a game; though I guess I'd have to see a picture of the real deal to really judge it.

Our ride makes a stop in Ardal where we unload our cargo and refuel. The rest of our trip is much less cramped as a result and I have a good enough connection that I can check in with the Union. Even if I make it back to school with time for classes I'm skipping them. Much more worthwhile in my mind to jump on this Merlot business as quickly as I can. While I'm at it I'm not going to find a better time to kick off the image change campaign for the Union.

As I've noted previously there's a populist bent to the Union currently. Not the worst reputation to be saddled with, though it does get in the way of my plans for Atlas and, to a degree, Mistral. I'm not willing to let such a state continue on indefinitely, however. I have to think of what sort of image I want to project.

Technically the image of myself and the image of the Union are two separate things and I could manage them separately. However, unless I have a good reason for doing so it's for the best that I ensure our image aligns and allow the staking of my political position to do the heavy lifting for the Union. That won't stop people from trying to saddle me with a certain reputation, like the commentators from Mistral who tried to paint me with a royalist brush.

As much as I hate the nickname I was thusly saddled with, this does provide a relatively easy way to address the issue. I could lean into the reputation instead of rejecting it. I am, after all, dating what could be best described as two princesses. It's somewhat stomach churning to even think about, but in the minds of most there's a clear difference between royalism and populism although neither are popular in Mistral. Atlas wouldn't mind too much, and if anything it would probably improve my standing in Vale and Vacuo.

Either way it would involve portraying myself, and the upper echelons of the Union, as the elite. Whether by merit or by circumstance. Not interested in political aims in the same way the movement is currently being saddled with, but rather extending a helping hand to assist the downtrodden. Kind of condescending, but far from the worst stance.

If that's not palatable I can try to aim for a more neutral stance. This does have the issue that it's not really a stance and will have people think whatever they wish of the Union. Maybe even accuse us of not having a position. Of course our real position should be striving for the equality of the faunus and not pushing for further political change so I can't say this isn't a bad thing.

Beyond that is pushing the Union towards a more patriotic bent. It would undoubtedly be because of my own interests, though I am interested in Menagerie having a foreign arm to support our aims in the future beyond achieving equality. Unfortunately I don't think such a position is all that popular amongst most of my supporters.

They may come around in time, but it's hard to advocate for a place that was never your homeland. Plus, some may take this as a provocative stance, especially with humans assisting our efforts. I can only imagine how some racists would react to hearing that the Union's explicit aims are the raising of Menagerie as the fifth Kingdom.

Next would be focusing on how the Union has largely been a force for order in Vale. Our assistance with the VPD and my own position are strong ties as such and we can simply make it known that we're far more interested in following the rule of law as well as advocating for the change of it.

That should at least dissuade some of our detractors from thinking that we'll resort to violent measures if we don't get our way. Although it does leave us in a tight spot if such measures ever become necessary; not to mention our current connection to the broader Fang. As it is, we've done a fantastic job of threading the line.

Failing that is falling back to a more universal position. Simply the betterment of both faunus and mankind. Terra has already done a wonderful job presenting such so it shouldn't be a difficult transition. Unfortunately it would raise tensions with the rest of the Fang. Far too easy to assume that I'm pivoting us away from properly assisting the faunus in favor of more human oriented concerns. Heck, my reputation practically invites such a comparison.

Technically there's also the option of doubling down on our nascent reputation or even going for something more extreme. I don't think that's what I want to go for, but it is an option. There may be other ways to present our image that don't clash with our prior behavior, though I'm not stumbling over many that are immediately palatable.

Quasi-Royalist: More leaning into what has been attributed to me than anything else. Focus on the noblesse oblige and how we're helping the people rather than gathering them up in an effort to force through political change. (4)

Order: A relatively easy image change that focuses more on our efforts with law enforcement and such. May not be wholly popular in Mistral, though certain to win us fans in Atlas. (2)

Menagerie: Changing the aims of the Union to include the betterment of Menagerie may rub certain people the wrong way, though it is along the lines of my aims for the future. (1)

Neutral: The simplest position is to not have much of a political disposition at all. This does limit the Union and the broader Fang when the question of have we achieved equality yet comes up as there wouldn't be much else to achieve at that point. (0)

Progressive: Put aside the racial divide as much as we can. Our aims are the betterment of all of civilization. Securing faunus rights is just one part of that. (0)

I think over my options to consider what's best for this situation and my future goals. I arrive at an unwelcome conclusion and go over my options once again. I deliberate on the matter for many more minutes in silence, otherwise ignoring my travel companions who look on at me with worry. I know they're most likely thinking I'm more upset about taking a life than I actually am. However, how exactly am I supposed to inform them that my dissatisfaction comes from considering an otherwise banal action that I find more distasteful?

I sigh; I'm really going to go through with this aren't I? I mean, it's not the worst option to lean into my nascent reputation. The commentators from Mistral have already done a lot of the heavy lifting with putting the malformed reputation into the minds of the people of Remnant. Even if that has resulted in many butcherings of their intended nickname for me. I suppose once Blake's parentage got out there that the idea I'm the prince of Menagerie would be ever more present in people's minds so this is just expediting the process.

I don't know if Blake is particularly enthused by the idea, but it is inevitable. I think Weiss is more in favor based on how she perceives her family name. Taking up a forefront leadership position and using it to help people seems right up her alley; she always has been keen on looking out for my reputation alongside her own. In fact I think she'd be particularly supportive of this deliberate separation from the common person.

Not because of any disdain for the common man, but rather because I'd be officially admitting that I'm in some way special or deserving of my position. My ego is not so fragile to need the affirmation, but I think she prefers people thinking just as well of me as she does. That and I suppose it would make Jacques more inclined towards our relationship. I wonder how he's taken the whole I'm dating Blake thing? Probably not all that well if I had to guess.

Ignoring personal drama, this move is not without its benefits. It won't win me any favors in Mistral and Atlas seems ambivalent, but my support base in Vale and Vacuo are usually in favor of strong charismatic leaders. In the abstract at any rate; most Vacuans don't like being told what to do. However, as long as I don't try to exercise my authority too much I think they'll be inclined towards the image if nothing else.

In addition to this, this kind of framing allows me to more easily use the Union towards my own ends. Such as my efforts with Menagerie, as that hardly has a direct impact on the fight for faunus rights in most people's minds. I have my disagreements with that mode of thinking and not all of them are personally motivated. Fortunately I may not have to actually convince the common member of the necessity of such if I can play my role appropriately

Developing a larger than life public facing persona shouldn't be too difficult and allow me to get away with more eccentricity than would otherwise be expected. This would set me apart from the normal membership inextricably, though that's more or less the point. In fact I can't disagree that it's how I've more or less ran the Union up to this point. I've been careful to curate and present my decisions in such a way that my aims are carried through. This is just taking that a step further.

Not that I have any plans to rule with an iron fist. Rather the appearance of unassailable authority is all a part of the image. It has interesting implications for the power allowed to my inevitable successor, but I can figure that bit out later. After all, there's nothing stopping me from conducting another image change at a later date.

With all that in mind I start sending out orders for our media campaign. I've already built up something of a public image and I just need my men to play up what's already out there. I suppose I'll need to make time for some more public appearances to more explicitly cement this idea. Not too many and I should be able to work it into my schedule easily enough.

Thoughts of the media and public perception reminds me of my plans for the aftermath of this operation. No reason not to strike now that the iron is hot. The original plan was to run a few pre-recorded and drafted announcements about the matter. Not all of that effort is to go to waste, but with my focus on my new image I decide it's for the best if I make a more immediate and personal announcement myself.

I briefly consider heading to my dorm to clean up before deciding such a stark departure from my usual appearance will serve me well here. I suppose I'll need a few touch-ups when I meet with my men to really sell this. Whilst my outfit has no small number of stains born from hiding in the foliage outside Merlot's base as well as Industrial stains from the inside, it isn't quite indicative of the struggle I went through.

It also hardly paints myself as reminiscent of the warrior kings I'm somewhat trying to draw comparison to. Not only that, but the hours of bullhead travel has done much to undercut the image I'm trying to present. In a sense all I'm doing is trying to display a more accurate image of the state I was in immediately after dealing with Merlot, just in a way that happens to benefit me.

My mind whirls on how exactly to present all this when I realize I essentially have free reign. No one can really countermand my series of event aside from Neo, and she's not talking. Oz is most likely to corroborate that I headed off into enemy territory without much of the team. Either way, I don't think he'll have much issue with this bit of pageantry as long as it's for a good cause.

While I'm at it, I might as well take the opportunity to throw Mulberry completely under the bus. I have enough to forge a connection between him and Merlot that is more or less ironclad in the mind of the public. Combine that with Merlot's research, what bits of it I can safely release, and his fate is as good as sealed. It doesn't really matter if he was aware of Merlot's research or not. Any attempt at deliberately empowering the grimm is going to be met with harsh punishment to the perpetrator and any accomplices, of which Mulberry certainly is.

With any luck that type of sensationalism will be enough to bury this issue. There will be those still upset by what occurred, However, very few would assume that the SDC were both aware of and indirectly working with the grimm-crazed madman. Even if they do, that works in my favor as I'd have been working against those interests. By a similar thought process, I have an easy excuse as to my silence for the past few weeks. Additionally the buzz around Mulberry and Merlot should distract from the lack of conclusive evidence for their involvement with Adam's brand.
S2 Week 12 (Part 6, End)
The recording session goes without a hitch. It will take a few days after the broadcast to really see how the public reacts to all this, but I think I have the right of it in my assessment. Annoyingly enough, that sentiment is not reflected by the council. Instead they request that the broadcast be delayed for a few days. Purportedly this is because of the possible panic that can be caused. I don't see where the panic could come from since Merlot is dead, but I suppose if anything would make them cautious it's messing with the grimm.

I suppose it might also draw questions towards what occurred with Mountain Glenn and if the same was repeated with other settlements. In that light it's not too dissimilar to news about Salem and the rest of the conspiracy. It wouldn't be one to one, but it would be an interesting insight into how the general public would react to such news. Either way, the delay is principally so that Vale can inform the other Kingdoms and everyone can gather their peacekeeping forces to deal with any issues. Whether internally or from the grimm.

I still think the issue is overblown. However, with the working relationship I have with the council I'm not exactly about to undermine them. It's technically an option, I just don't see what I could gain from it at this time.

In any case, it means Al will want me back at the station soon to help ensure everything runs smoothly. However, with everything I've been through I just want to put that matter off until tomorrow. I still suck it up to display a strong image and head into the station to show the flag so to speak. It's important that I at least appear that I'm at the forefront of my precinct's response even if I don't think it's a big deal. I'm not merely trying to stake myself as above the people, but rather portraying myself as acting in their best interest.

It is condescending in the sense that it implies they can't do so themselves or that I think I'm the best for the job. In a sense it's not too dissimilar to the spirit that Beacon tries to instill in its students. The strong have a duty to protect the weak and a similar notion is that those with means have an obligation to improve the lives of those who don't. Some might call that generosity, but I call it pragmatism. For as exceptional as I might be, I can't achieve the goals I want without the support of those under me.

I put such thoughts out of my mind as I enter the station. We aren't in a flurry of activity which informs me that news hasn't shaken its way down the branch quite yet. Unsurprising since it's only been a couple of hours. I check in on Al's office to find him on call with someone he's complaining with. He shoos me away which makes me think he wants to annoy the other person more than he wants an excuse to shut down the conversation. Most likely this is about the recent news and he's just taking his time to make his displeasure known.

I could take the chance to just leave, but I head to my desk for a few hours to do what little I can. Eventually, Al calls me into his office and I beg off helping him in a concerted manner until I can deal with such tomorrow. I can tell it's not his preference, but he rolls with the circumstance rather well. He decides to schedule the meeting for our task force the next day so we can discuss our response, if any, for the faunus neighborhoods which works well enough for my plans.

Before long I'm back at Beacon attending to my usual duties where I'm actually allowed to relax for once. Well, as much as I can while also maxing out on the usage of my semblance. Naturally I receive visits from people checking on me, but I'm tired enough that I don't make a great conversationalist and they all leave before long.

Blake and Weiss are the most reluctant to do so, but Blake is going to have enough to deal with considering the completion and starting of projects in the Union. Weiss, however, I think she has something planned. Whatever it is, she doesn't enact it before I turn in for the night.

My rest turns out not entirely undisturbed as my ears cotton on to some motion in the early morning. It's a bit before my alarm normally wakes me, which thanks to my faunus features usually isn't enough to disturb my team. Additionally thanks to my features I spot Kelly at our door letting someone in.

That someone turns out to be Weiss carrying a tray of some sort. Breakfast, most likely, going by the smell. My girlfriend gives my teammate a curt nod. I can easily imagine Kel waving off her thanks like it's no big deal.Considering the time of day it's too early for the cafeteria of Beacon to be open which means that Weiss got up even earlier to make this all on her own.

Then my alarm goes off and I quickly silence it. However, it still serves as a cue for my girlfriend to sidle up to my bed and present me with what she's made. It's rather simple fare, just scrambled eggs and some toast. I suppose I shouldn't be too surprised that it isn't anything fancy; Weiss had people for that kind of work.

She's almost shy in her presentation of it. If I had to guess, she probably planned to do something more ambitious and found her skills in this area wanting. It makes me wonder why she wouldn't ask for help, but considering the hour and her pride that was likely a bridge too far. Despite all that, the spirit behind the action is far more important to me than her stumble along the way. Although that does little to assist with the plainness of the food.

Once I'm finished with that I set the tray aside and I try to get up only for my girlfriend to pin me down with a hand on my chest as she lays next to me for a morning cuddle. Eventually she places her head on my chest with her arms wrapped tight. I'm not sure what exactly is going through her mind, but she doesn't seem inclined to let go any time soon.

The mission wasn't even that dangerous since I had Glynda and Oz with me. Then again, my claim of going out essentially on my own is going to surface soon enough and it's probably in my best interest to indulge her desires in any case. It does, however, throw off some of my plans for the day and if my memory serves me right, hers as well.

"Wasn't the plan to do something together later," I ask in a teasing tone. Apparently Weiss isn't in the mood for any such games as she presses a finger against my lips and curls into me ever more. I guess whatever her plans were, they aren't as important as this moment is for her. I suppose I can just lie back and enjoy the moment for what it is.

Although, it brings up the question as to why exactly my team is just fine with this state of affairs. I'd have guessed that they'd be more worried about the two of us getting up to something or perhaps teasing me for this. Technically they can accomplish the latter, but the fact it hasn't been brought up at all is somewhat telling.

The early hour explains some of it, though I have a feeling there's more to it than that. I'll have to talk to them to make sure, but my current theory is that it's an apology of sorts for their behavior leading to the Marina situation. At least that's what makes the most sense in my mind. It could just as easily be that they've picked up on what Weiss and I's plans are for the dance or that we've been dating long enough that they find the circumstances inevitable and have stopped pushing against it. I feel like that's closer, but still don't have the right of it.

In any case I can at least enjoy the lack of disruption with my girlfriend. Now that I have the time to give it some thought I'm not going to get out of this situation for some time yet. I could just enjoy this halcyon moment and refrain from touching on many serious topics. Our talk last week certainly covered a lot of that. Although it may be in my best interest to touch on certain things.

Image: I suppose I could talk about my plans for the Union and my own image. I imagine she'd be supportive, but it's always good to check in. (3)

Respite: I've arguably been under a good amount of stress for this week and yesterday in particular. It wouldn't hurt to indulge her desires as well as take a moment away from it all myself. (2)

Willow: I haven't heard too much about how she's dealing with her mother other than they've been talking at least once a week. I suppose I could check in on that. (1)

Merlot: I've killed a man and while I think I'm fine it wouldn't hurt to bring that up and maybe talk about it. (0)

Penny: Far more important in my mind is how I signed off on the bodily violation of one of my friends. Needless to say there's a bit to unpack. (0)

Piano: I'm trying to save it for the dance, but I'll admit having to hide away my practice from her isn't without its stressors and she can give me some pointers otherwise. (0)

Jacques: With the Union establishing an office in Atlas it's only a matter of time until Jacques makes a request of me. It might be good to give her a heads up and talk about this. (0)

I take a deep breath and let the tension out as much as I can. Something that draws a pleased hum from my girlfriend when it becomes clear that I'm not about to get up. Then she pulls away her ponytail and lets her hair hang free as if she's readying herself to go back to sleep. Knowing her that is every bit her intention though I'm too awake to head back to bed myself.

Either way I open up the covers for her to scoot her way inside and shudder as slightly too cold limbs find their way around me. This difference in body temperature, of course, results in my ice flower scrambling about her limbs to cover as much of me as possible and leech away every bit of warmth I've accumulated. She's lucky she's as cute as she is otherwise…well, I'd probably still let her get away with it, but I'd be mildly more upset. Weiss giggles at my internal grumbling, knowing me well enough to suspect what's on my mind and subsequently nuzzles against my neck with light kisses.

I'm fine with putting up with that. What I'm less fine with is when she plants her mouth next to my ear and starts whispering assurances to me. About how much she loves me, how strong and brave I am, to more general compliments that roll easily off her tongue. A now familiar heat comes to me and I can only think of who could be responsible for this treachery. I'll deal with her later, for now I resolve myself to shut-up Weiss in the exact way she likes.

My lips meet hers and she melts, more than enjoying the outcome. I don't know if she planned for such a response. The let down hair would tell me yes she did, but I think she's honestly just trying her best without any ulterior motive. Although, in that sense, she's more or less succeeded. It's not like this activity is in any way less enjoyable for me as it is for her.

Unfortunately an errant touch from me draws a sharp high-pitched noise from my girlfriend. Said noise, in this current context, draws any attempt at fooling around to a close. It doesn't stop the resultant neediness from Weiss as she attempts to have me restart my ministrations. I have to hold her close to stop her. I don't think she quite realizes how loud she was and how that pretty much precludes any such activity. Not that she doesn't try her level best with a pleading look and suggestive movements.

Fortunately it only takes her a few moments longer to get her head out of the gutter and she rapidly turns a hearty red. Then she buries her head under the covers which probably only makes things look worse from the outside. In reality she buries her head against the crook of my neck and shakes slightly as if trying to will the embarrassment out of her.

I suppose for as eager as she can get, as long as I don't indulge her she can actually recover her senses. Then it strikes me that this is the first time I'm learning of this and I have to admit I give into her whims far too much. Well, maybe not too much as the experience has pretty much always been enjoyable.

As informative as that is, it doesn't deal with my Weiss who desperately wants to disappear from the world. I cup her chin and give her a few reassuring kisses. First on her nose and then each of her cheeks as if to banish away the unwanted heat and then finally her lips although more chaste than our prior making out. After that I just lie my head back and hold on to her with a firm grip as she works out the rest of her feelings herself.

Eventually my team starts getting ready for the day though Weiss is sure to avoid looking at them or catching their gaze. A good thing since it's a toss up on whether Marina is conscientious enough to remember she's supposed to change in the bathroom and not out in the open. Not usually a problem for myself as I'm usually out the door long before now. Considering where and how my partner grew up I'm not surprised that such privacy was never a large part of her upbringing. It's not that big of a deal as privacy is a lesser concern out in the wild and the whole of the team recognizes such.

In either case the prior noise from Weiss must not pass my team's notice as they're a bit more awake and active than I'd normally attribute. Almost certainly unintentionally so. Now that might be because of the breakfast brought to me, but the way Kel stares at the two of us and Autumn shoots me a thumbs up tells me that my initial suspicion is more accurate.

My partner, after she throws on a plain white shirt and a lengthy blue coat, looks at how the rest of the team reacts and repeats the actions of both Kel and Autumn simultaneously. I'm not sure how to react, but whatever occurs is enough to satisfy her as she heads out. Most likely to meet up with Penny.

Before long Kel and Autumn follow suit, apparently trusting Weiss and I alone despite what happened. I guess they're banking on her mortification to stop any attempt at fooling around until I consider a more obvious angle. With my semblance as it is there really isn't any way to stop us getting up to something with them unaware. I suppose they've just accepted the inevitability of such and are relying on social pressure to prevent us from being too blatant.

Once the door shuts, my girlfriend waits a moment before tentatively poking her head out and searching the room. Finding that it's only the two of us she lets out a relieved sigh and then shifts her weight atop me. She presses both her hands against my shoulders as she looks me in the eyes and then gives me a quick kiss. Then she curls up atop me like some sort of housecat, utterly unwilling to move.

I roll my eyes, "Come on Weiss, this is getting ridiculous."

"I don't know what you mean," she replies, not bothering to look at me as she does so.

"I have to get up eventually," I state levelly. Unfortunately, my girlfriend isn't too convinced by my plea and instead responds with a long drawn out hum. I'm not about to gross her out by discussing my bodily functions so I resolve to talk my way out of this in a more amicable manner. "What do I have to promise to go about my day," I try bargaining, not wanting to miss out on my semblance time and keeping a lid on my building frustration since it's for her benefit in the first place.

"Can you promise me that you're not going to go out on any more dangerous missions?" She hazards a look at me with hopeful blue eyes.

"You know I can't," I respond and that hope is soon replaced with determination.

"Then how about a promise you'll always return?"

"As if you need to ask." She pokes me for my cavalier statement. Even if she's happy to hear it, those aren't the words she's looking for. "Of course I promise to."

That brings a smile to her face, "Good." She pauses for a moment some sort of thought coming to her mind, "I just worry is all." It seems like there's more she wants to say, but she isn't forthright with it. That leaves me to pick up the pieces.

She has to know that the life of a Huntsman isn't exactly an easy or predictable one. Ruby losing her mom on some sort of mission is hardly an unheard of occurrence. Although in Summer's case I think she may have been doing something for the conspiracy.

I suppose with that reminder it's all too easy to think that something would happen to me. It would be far simpler for her to convince herself that I'll be fine if we're only dealing with the grimm. At least then we can make value judgments on whether we can take them and she trusts me to be able to do that much.

It reminds me that I haven't brought up Salem's unkillable nature just yet. I'm not about to ruin the moment with such a heavy topic so I tuck it away for later. It's probably for the best that I tell Weiss and Blake at the same time and I have a feeling that's better served for next week than this. At least Oz trusts me enough to handle the matter and isn't prompting me to take care of it.

Regardless, I have to have an answer for my girlfriend and given our relative positions I have an idea. I wrap her in a crude hug and then roll about until she's under me. Then I pin her in a reflection of what she did to me and give her a kiss. She freezes up a little which makes me think she doesn't particularly enjoy that kind of treatment, but it does its job in getting her mind off her sordid thoughts.

Thinking quickly, I roll off the bed and start readying myself for the day before she can make good on trapping me for any longer. To distract her from that I ask, "Can I get your thoughts on something?"

"Of course. I mean, for you, anytime," Weiss responds, trying to puff herself up and mask her disappointment. The request at least should take her mind off of the previous topic and the fact she isn't able to do much to help or stop me on this chosen path. I suppose she could make an issue of it, but she doesn't want to throw down such an ultimatum.

"Cool," I say, discarding those thoughts easily enough. No need to worry her over things that aren't going to happen. "I was just thinking about changing the image the Union and myself present to the public."

"And you're wanting my advice," she asks rhetorically as if that's what makes the most sense.

"Not exactly," I reply cheekily, not able to resist the urge to pop her bubble. "I'm already certain of the direction I want to push things. Just wanted to keep you informed and see what you had to say about it."

"Ochre," she lets out with a huff of air, warning clear in her tone.

I hold up a hand, "Hold up, it's not what you think. It's nothing bad I promise." She rolls her eyes like she doesn't believe me. I deliberate on my options until I come to the conclusion that I can't let that stand. I take a seat on the bed and then manhandle her so she's sitting in my lap with my arms crossing over her chest and shoulders. She snuggles into the position and I suppose she must think that it's a way to ameliorate her concerns as she sneaks a suspicious glance in my direction before fully settling in.

"Alright and what's this not bad thing you're thinking of going through with," she asks in a light tone. Now that I think about it I really don't want to admit what I'm planning on doing or how I'm going to present myself. On second thought I'd much rather just let my actions speak for themself. "Ochre," my girlfriend warns, not liking my silence.

With gritted teeth I admit, "The long and short of it is that I'm going to put myself more out in the public spotlight, really attract attention, and make myself the face of the movement."

"Okay…" she trails off, not understanding where any complication can be. I suppose I have to explain things a bit more clearly.

"It's not just that. For all this to work out I have to play up that my efforts make me worthy of this kind of position. That I've really earned it-"

"You have earned it," she interrupts and I'm caught flat footed for a moment. Then she places her hands atop mine and gives one of my hands a light kiss. That's-okay, that isn't how I meant for that to be taken, but I guess I can see where she got the misconception from.

"Right, look, that's not important. What I'm trying to get at is that I'm somewhat attempting to paint myself like the nobility of old. You know, earned their position through valor and deeds and looks out for the people they rule over."

"I'm failing to see what's so bad about that."

"I never said there was anything bad, that was all you," I growl, unable to fully control myself. My tone causes her to sit up straighter which I'm not sure how to interpret at the moment. Either way I give myself a second to catch my breath and my emotions. "In any case, I'd be taking a bit firmer of a hand with the Union, at least in how we present ourselves. Gives me a good excuse for why I'm helping out people so much and in such a way that Mistral can't proclaim I'm merely a rabble-rouser."

With that said, my mind drifts to the thoughts of some of the downsides from this course of action. Mainly that the conduct of the Union will reflect on me much more so and the reverse is also true. In a sense this is linking the two of us in a tighter way than previously as if the Union were to do something then it's with my ostensible approval. Of course, that's merely how it would appear to the outside and not how things are actually structured, but it may be worthwhile to look into a shake-up of such things anyway.

Weiss is silent for a long few seconds. I've more or less said my piece so I allow her the time to formulate her thoughts as I'm more than familiar with her by now to know she's thinking about something.

"How can I help," she eventually asks.

I mull it over for a few seconds until I come across a palatable enough answer. "Well, if you're so concerned, this is primarily a battle about my reputation." I don't need to see her face to know she hones in on those words in particular. "I'm sure you can think of some way to help with that." Based on a few prior conversations I'm all but certain she's inclined to do so. She cares about my reputation as much if not more so than she does the Schnee family name.

"That won't cause problems for you," she asks pointedly. Knowing her, her mind is probably focused on all sorts of plans she's held in her back-pocket for this sort of occasion.

Unfortunately, I have to limit her a bit, "As long as you keep it personal. No SDC assets or connections. Gotta make it seem like we're equals, not that I'm some kind of pet." I know she'll have a comment for that so I continue on, "After all every prince needs a princess, right?" I have to force the words out, but the way she nods so quickly afterwards makes me think she's not too worried about my tone.

From there she leans back against me and pulls out her scroll so she can multitask. Both trying to prevent me from getting up for a while longer and so she can make some adjustments in her plans for next week. I have every confidence that my media campaign is going to be bolstered by her so I might as well have my men get in contact with her before too long. I'm sure they'll find some way to leverage her assets and willingness to help.

I let her think she's pulled one over on me for a few minutes longer until I take an action she simply forgot to account for. I stand up. Try as she might, Weiss simply doesn't have the weight or leverage to stop me and a little bit of fanservice in the form of stripping partly out of my nightwear has whatever complaints she might voice dying on her tongue.

I roll my eyes and finish changing in the bathroom only to encounter my girlfriend sprawled out invitingly on my bed. I pinch the bridge of my nose and rub at my eyes. You'd think she'd be a bit less eager with the dance only two weeks away. I suppose I was sending some mixed signals.

Fortunately my dressed self and serious demeanor puts a close to her unvoiced desires. It does not, however, stop her from following after me as I make my way into Vale. Looks like it's going to be another week of one of my girlfriends following me into the station. If there's anyone working there who's somehow unaware I suppose they'll find out in short order who I'm dating and the fact that it's two separate girls.

This isn't helped by how Weiss almost refuses to let go of my arm. Surprisingly it's only the fact that I'm meeting with the Faunus Relations Task Force that gets her to, reluctantly, release me. I hope that kind of clinginess isn't a recurring issue. I'm inclined to think it's merely because this is the first big mission I've gone on behalf of the conspiracy. Arguably Cinder would be the first, but it's not like I had to leave Beacon to accomplish that and she was there to help out in her own way.

As for the meeting itself, it's not all that special. I can offer my expertise and some extra manpower for concerning districts. Aside from that we briefly touch on some outreach programs which was supposed to be the prior subject matter of this meeting before my actions upended that plan. Primarily it centers around community drives or showing up to talk at some schools. Honestly, not all that interesting to me, but I assist with the logistical matters where I can.

Once the meeting concludes I catch Sandy's attention. Our debate from a couple of weeks ago is somewhat fresh on my mind. I know I didn't change her opinion at that time, though I know I gave her more than a few things to think about. It also reminds me of what sparked that debate and how my men have finished up in the upper-class district.

Really I have a number of things to talk with her about and I'm sure she's had the time to think of a few arguments. The real question is if I want to engage with her on that topic, dance around it, or just let things settle between us. After all, she's just one person and I don't necessarily have to change her mind, it's just a personal project at the moment.

Union: I know she doesn't have a great opinion of the Fang, but she surely has to see that the Union is different. If not I can at least get the opinion of one of my ostensible detractors. (3)

Huntsmen: An interesting thing to poke at. If she appreciates the VPD for what it stands for than what about Huntsmen. It's not like the majority of them belong to any one group in particular or follow any one creed. (2)

Authority: A good amount of her reasoning seems to stem from the ostensible authority that Vale and its institutions wield. Might be worth investigating the matter further. (2)

Enforcement: Now that the dust has settled it might behoove me to see what her exact thoughts on my men and their actions is. If nothing else I can see if she could even offer an alternative. (1)

Morality: A part of our discussion from last time. Probably the thing that she's more focused on. Let's see if I can get her to follow my line of thinking a little further. (1)

Representation: Not something I actually convinced her was an issue. Considering we're both faunus it may be worth discussing the frank inequality in representation even if she'll bring up excuses. (0)

AN: Huntsmen won the coinflip.

I walk up to the horned woman and she gets the first word in, "What do you want to talk about?"

She's got me there, but I'm not about to admit it so easily. Instead I play up my indignation, "Who said I wanted to talk about anything? I could just be checking up on you."

Sandy snorts in response and lightly shakes her head, "Look, can we cut to the chase? I have better things to do than to get caught in an argument with you." Her tone is dispassionate, but I can't help but feel that she wants me to engage with her on this. No big surprise there as she didn't have a great showing two weeks ago. However, as much fun as it would be, I'm not one to engage an opponent on equal terms and I'm not about to start now.

"Good thing I'm not looking for an argument then," I reply with an upbeat tone to my words. Something that has her pause for a moment and then narrow her eyes. As if she doesn't believe that I don't have some sort of angle with this.

"What are you looking for then?"

"Just your opinion." She waits for me to elaborate and I only broaden my smile. She grits her teeth in response and it becomes clear to me that I'd have to overcome her stubbornness and I'm not willing to waste that much time on her. "Fine, if you need specifics I suppose I'll start with the more controversial subject. Got any thoughts on my branch of the Fang?"

Apparently that's not a topic she particularly likes. As soon as the words exit my throat she tenses up and looks like she's just swallowed something she'd prefer not to have. That brings an irrepressible grin to my face which only brings more indignation to Sandy's. Then I school my features. I've been letting myself grow too lax in showing what I actually feel; no need to break out of a good habit now.

"What do you want me to say," she eventually asks in a frustrated tone. More like she's expecting some sort of rebuke or criticism which tells me a lot of her current thoughts.

"Your opinion," I say slowly, acting like I don't understand what I already do. Her prior comment tells me that she hasn't actually found much to hold against my branch despite her efforts to do so. If I had to guess the only thing she found was our actions against the upper-class district that she finds personally distasteful.

Considering that I'm not engaging her on that topic she doesn't have much to actually point to without drawing us into that argument. I suppose she could if she really wanted to, however, since she tried to call me out for getting into a debate it's a different matter. She's too stubborn to admit defeat over something like that and it would be an admission of defeat in her mind. Or at least make her out to be a hypocrite.

With her at an impasse I decide to take a softer hand, "Look, I'm not trying to browbeat you. I just want to know your honest opinion about my branch. If we have to start somewhere we can at least talk about how it's different from the broader Fang."

"But that doesn't matter much," she immediately rejoins, finding her footing. "You still support them, right? I know that's because of the legacy of the White Fang and you're trying to change that, but you're supporting them in their efforts."

"And I could use the same argument against you if the VPD were to enforce unjust laws," I counter. That shuts her up for a moment as she grinds her teeth trying to find somewhere that I'm wrong.

"Yes…well, we still answer to the authority of Vale. Who does the White Fang answer to?"

"Point," I throw out as a concession, even if I have possible arguments for it. It is a weak point for my beliefs and something I want to change, but I want to hold those cards close to the chest for a while longer.

Sandy blinks at my word as if she doesn't quite understand. I don't think it's that odd of a turn of phrase. Does she think that other people are just as stubborn as she is on the things they believe? It wouldn't surprise me that she hasn't thought too deeply on why others hold the opinions that they do and merely assumes they'd hold their position just as strongly as she does. It makes me think she has a simplistic view on these sorts of things, though that's something I've already suspected.

I could recenter the conversation on the Union immediately, but this provides me with a decent avenue to actually explore her opinion and I can always circle back around to it. "As I said you do bring up a good point, but if I could turn the question back on you, does that mean you have a problem with Huntsmen?"

"No, why would I?" She apparently thinks better of her words as she appends, "At least not in that sense. I have more than a few complaints about them and their occasional recklessness."

"That's fair," I say, throwing her for a loop once again, "I just find it curious because who do Huntsmen answer to?"

"The Kingdoms," Sandy asks more than states.

"That's accurate, but not quite the full picture. The Vytal Accords mean that Huntsmen are free to disassociate from any and all Kingdoms. Something that actually works in my favor since Menagerie isn't a Kingdom. A similar line of thinking applies to the Academies as well."

"Yes, but they answer to someone, they have to," Sandy throws out in desperation. I think I know where she's coming from, but she's coming at it from the complete wrong way.

"It depends on what aspect you're thinking about. For jobs, there isn't any real control. Sure there's the mission board system and the people who run it, but Huntsmen aren't precluded from finding employment privately if they have the contacts for it." It's something that I have experienced first hand as otherwise Cyril would have gone through the proper channels to hire us.

I'm sure it was set up that way with the best of intentions but what it means is that it's easy for less than reputable employers to circumvent the rules. After all, Lien talks just as well no matter who's waving it around. Not all Huntsmen have the morals to turn down said money and unless they do something illegal there's no recourse to say they've acted inappropriately. Although, most in that situation usually get suckered into whatever organization they're ostensibly working for one way or another.

"If we're talking about legal matters, that's entirely different. First there has to be a suspicion of wrong-doing. Either putting people's lives in jeopardy, illegal activity, or the repeated failure to complete missions. There's a whole process involved depending on the severity of the crimes with possible appeals in all but the worst of scenarios. In that case it would be the Huntsmen guilds who'd have first crack at them if it's not a matter already handled by the VPD or the council."

The latter two are a rare occurrence, but far from unheard of. The real problem comes from the messy area of jurisdiction. For the most part Huntsmen are tried in accordance with their homeland's system. If they have no such homeland or have renounced their citizenship they are tried in accordance to wherever they've been captured.

This doesn't preclude the Kingdoms from proscribing Huntsmen from working within their Kingdom. Just as Huntsmen have the freedom to associate and disassociate with the Kingdoms, that same right works in reverse. It isn't always applicable as it's hard to enforce when it comes to private employers, but the system typically works out.

In extreme cases the council or specific councilors of a Kingdom can single out a Huntsman or group of Huntsmen as unfit for duty. This is a particularly serious charge and practically invites a challenge from the other Kingdoms to maintain their sovereignty from one another. While that settles, permission is given to the other Huntsmen in the Kingdom to go after said individuals. Usually with the intention of capturing them, but sometimes more extreme measures are called for.

"I fail to see how that means the Kingdoms aren't in charge then," Sandy states simply. As if all my considerations and caveats have no impact on the bearing of this conversation at all. I suppose that's a fair conclusion to make since I didn't voice them. "Just like how they dictate the policy and laws for the VPD they have to do the same for Huntsmen."

"I suppose you have a point," I concede. Technically the Vytal Accords outline what can and can't be done in regards to Huntsmen and their rights. In that sense the Kingdoms can't go after Huntsmen if they work in accordance to the treaty. On the flip-side Atlas has been able to get away with blatantly disregarding said treaty with how they recruit their students into the army.

Taking that to be her victory, which I suppose it is, Sandy brings the topic full circle, "So, after that whole tangent, can you tell me who the White Fang answers to? It certainly isn't the Kingdoms with how they've behaved thus far."

Feeling the need to argue I speak up, "The same can just as well be said about Huntsmen. Even if they do something illegal they can just ignore the ruling of the Kingdoms and find work through other channels. Just because their license would be revoked doesn't mean they lose their skills."

She grunts in response and doesn't provide an argument. It seems like all my comment did was give her a reason to be sour and I have to work through my options.

Eventually I settle on something possibly palatable, "The White Fang isn't perfect or all that organized. I wish I could say that it's as simple as them listening to any one person, but it's far more like the Huntsmen than the VPD. Everyone has their own reason for fighting and the freedom to approach that goal for the most part. Or at least that's how it's been under Sienna.

I'm trying to change that, and I can say with confidence that my men answer to me. Vale and VPD have been willing to trust me to that extent, not to mention Ozpin and everyone at Beacon. The rest of the Fang may lag behind that, but I'm trying my best here."

It seems like the conversation isn't going the way either of us really imagined. I've left myself too open to argumentation in my attempt to be even handed with Sandy. As for the woman she's seemed to have taken her apparent victory being stripped away as more impactful than losing the argument outright.

My comment and plea at the end at least serves in wiping away the foul feelings either of us might feel as she gives me a commiserating nod without any accompanying words. In a more light-hearted atmosphere I might imagine that she'd throw out some sort of joke or interrogate my position more. As it is, there isn't much motivation for either of us to continue. It turns out we're both sore losers in this aspect and it's best to reapproach a conversation like this after some time has passed.

By the close of the week the council gives the go ahead to announce the deeds and death of Dr. Merlot. A bit early in my estimation on behavior which makes me think that James or Oz had a hand in either pressuring the council or getting the other Kingdoms prepared for this eventuality. Regardless of the reason, I pay particularly close attention to how the public reacts to the news.

Overall, there is panic, primarily in outlying communities and smaller newfound cities akin to Mountain Glenn. It seems the reminder of such an event is enough to cause some worries even if the culprit behind it is gone. Not that any broadcast actually mentions Merlot's involvement in such. I don't know if people would be more assured or less knowing that the fall of Mountain Glenn was wrought by human hands. Some may find it inevitable like the attempt at Kuroyuri in Mistral. Simply not enough natural defenses.

Although knowledge that one of those two high-profile failures may not be entirely to blame on lack of natural defenses raises some interesting questions. Yes, having such defenses is only a boon. However, fundamentally the question is one of economics and not of military defensibility. Fortifications can be constructed and as long as it is economically viable, the men to man said installations can be produced.

Unfortunately, I don't think such an experiment will be tried for a long time. The public already has a stigma against places that lack natural geography conducive to keeping out the grimm. The high-profile failures of Mountain Glenn and Kuroyuri only exacerbate the issue. Until such sentiment fades from the public memory any attempt will be plagued by the little worries of any inhabitants making the job all that harder. What could be possible under the right circumstances would easily be dashed by the panic and the grimm said panic draws.

Ignoring such ruminations, most places are able to maintain their wits and their guards with the slight heads-up. Not many places have fallen, but a few villages have put in evacuation requests at the end of the broadcast. It's an overreaction in my mind since Merlot has been dealt with.

I guess the sentiment for the villagers is that if one madman can enhance the grimm then what's stopping another from doing the same? It entirely disregards the type of genius that Merlot was. I can't imagine it would be easy for anyone to reproduce his findings without his notes. I only hope that such information is handled correctly and doesn't fall into the wrong hands.

As far as other reactions to the news, the populace in the major cities, such as Mantle, Argus, and the capitals, has been largely positive and indicative of an easing of worries. For a lot of those people the threat of the grimm is an abstract one and the knowledge that the problem has been taken care of means there's no need to fret. The easing of worries I think is from Merlot's connection to Mulberry and what that means for the broader case.

As far as I can tell, most people are accepting of the story I've presented. There are detractors, of course, but vanishingly few of them. The knowledge that Merlot was messing with the grimm means by association that any association with Mulberry or attempt to give him the benefit of the doubt is now a poisonous subject. It would do more to tank the careers and livelihoods of all who attempt to hold such a position and so only the most fanatic do so.

Funnily enough, most of my detractors therefore come from the other side of the aisle so to speak. There are faunus extremists who think that everything is just a little too convenient for the SDC. The most likely thought is that I've massaged the facts to suit my interests. I mean, I have, but for the most part all the important bits are correct.

Either way, this chilling of the discussion has done much to press down on tensions for the meanwhile. I think the issue is still bubbling away underneath the surface. I've taken a good bite out of it for now, but there was always going to be a damper on tensions until the conclusion of the Vytal Festival. Too much bad press for either side to make the first move before then.

In regards to myself, the reveal of the demise of Merlot and my hand in the matter is quite significant and helpful in the shift of my image and that of the Union. My men plan to carry forward the momentum as much as possible. Although, I'm not too keen on the results of my actions.

I can only imagine how most of my friends are going to react to the more widespread nature of that nickname. If Kel and Autumn's reaction while I was with Weiss is any indication, I'm sure they won't hold back on some light teasing. On the flip side enough time has passed that if they do so I can fire back readily enough.

Back to the matter at hand, the details are a bit fuzzy on what exactly I did. There is no direct mention that I was the one to kill Merlot. However, there is mention that I went ahead with only one other member of the party who we're slowly going to reveal as Neopolitan.

Revealing that a criminal was a part of the raid too early would be more detrimental than what it's worth and a soft-sell should help the public accept her contributions and subsequent enrollment in Beacon. Technically she could refuse such, but I think that's her plan and with her involvement I think Oz wants to keep a close eye on her rather than allow her a more general freedom.

In either case that only leaves two people as the most likely culprits for Merlot's demise and with one of them being unnamed for now the obvious conclusion is myself. Of course, the polite thing to do is for no one to draw attention to such a fact.

Additionally, I think the councils or headmasters of each Kingdom would clamp down on much of their media as the image of Huntsmen is very important for the perceived stability. Especially so in a time of turmoil which this reveal has sparked in the outer reaches. Mentioning so blatantly that I've killed someone is unlikely to come up directly for months if not years, though I can't imagine that most people interested in the matter wouldn't be aware of it.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad one honestly. What I can focus on instead is how Oz's involvement does diminish my contributions, albeit slightly. I have pretty good records for how I've investigated Mulberry and Merlot, especially with how I had to get ahead of the train and announce some of my findings earlier than I'd otherwise like.

Unfortunately, despite claiming to be at the head of this operation and with Oz corroborating that fact, it isn't quite believed by the general populace. Maybe that will change as my media campaign shifts into high-gear and draws attention to all my feats.

However, for now, most aren't willing to accept that a first-year Huntsman in training is able to accomplish all this. They can't deny that I had a hand in the operation. What they can do is say that my position as Oz's protege means that the man is bending the truth in my favor for one reason or another.

On a related note, the Adam issue has largely faded from public discourse. With Mulberry being as toxic of a subject as he is now, there are only concessions that wrong-doing occurred and not much actual defense. It seems like most are taking that as a victory for justice being served, though as I noted earlier not all are inclined to think that way.

All in all, my actions against Merlot are largely positive with only a few downsides. Those downsides aren't even that major and primarily stem from people overreacting. Said overreaction seems to mostly be under control with more of each Kingdom's guard and Huntsmen attending to defense missions and in a few cases assisting with evacuation efforts from those particularly concerned with the grimm. Considering that such worry would draw the beasts in I can't say it isn't the right move, just that it's a self-fulfilling issue in this instance.

Aura(Knowledge) raised from (2/300) to (10/300) Source: Class & Ozpin

Aura(Practical) raised from (119/1250) to (183/1250) Source: Semblance usage, Class, & Aura(knowledge) boost.

Combat Raised from (1111/1250) to (1152/1250) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, Class, & Assistance

Craft(Weapon) Raised from (68/150) to (74/150) Source: Class

Criminology Raised from (46/150) to (48/150) Source: VPD

Culture raised from Rank 2 (147/150) to Rank 3 (2/300) Source: Oobleck

Grimm raised from (162/300) to (173/300) Source: Class & Ozpin

History raised from (224/625) to (248/625) Source: Oobleck, Class, & Ozpin

Investigation raised from(331/625) to(365/625) Source: Oobleck, Alabaster, Class, Training, & Challenge

Law raised from (44/150) to (48/150) Source: VPD

Mobility raised from (580/625) to (606/625) Source: Oobleck, Ozpin, & Class

Performance (Piano) raised from Rank 2 (86/150) to Rank 3 (72/300) Source: Training

Politics raised from (13/150) to (18/150) Source: Ozpin

Stealth raised from (15/300) to (28/300) Source: Challenge & Merlot Mission

Personal Funds increased to 19000L Source: VPD
S2 Week 13 (Part 1)
Fox Hunting: Mysterious Plan: The brother's are up to something, I can feel it. It may behoove me to consider what exactly their aims are from the information I have available. (Investigation check) (4)

Fox Hunting: Growing Tensions: My men are already on the lookout for these individuals, but maybe I can conduct a search myself and see what I can turn up. (Investigation Check) (3)
Restructuring: With the image change of the Union it may behoove me to change up our internals. Right now there's a decent degree of freedom and latitude for my men to pursue their own goals, but I might have a more beneficial arrangement in mind. (5)

Menagerie Assistance: There is a lot that needs to be done to bring Menagerie up to snuff. I could assign more attention to get what we currently have planned accomplished as soon as possible. (4)

Atlas Assistance: With all the circumstances surrounding our expansion into Atlas I doubt this will be very difficult, but assigning additional oversight and resources should ensure we set up there the slightest bit quicker. (4)
Blake&Weiss Combo (QM)

Blake (Free)

Penny: The matter of her wanting to stay in Vale is a touchy one. As is dealing with the fact I signed off on violating her bodily autonomy. (6)

Neo: I suppose I owe her some leniency for her help and she wasn't awful to hang out with for hours on end. Might check out what she's up to. (6)

Yang: She seems mostly back to normal. If I have my read correct, I suspect she'll do something about her thoughts relatively soon. (4)

Weiss: My girlfriend could always use more of my attention. Especially since she's stacking out some of her time on my behalf. (4)

Whitley: We talked a little a couple weeks ago with him reaching out to me. It might do well to keep up the momentum and call him up at some point. (4)

VPD: Rouge: She seems to have my back as well as an inclination towards the Union. It wouldn't be the worst thing to see how far that could go. (4)

Ruby: I caught her spying on my return with Blake and Weiss, it might be worthwhile to nip this problem in the bud before it can become one in truth. (3)

Ironwood: It might be strange to reach out to the man so soon after last time, but I have issues that I need to resolve that can't wait. (3)

AN: Technically this was a tie with Ruby and Ironwood, but with the rest of RWBY getting in I decided to circumvent the issue and allow both into this week.
Performance (Piano) (4)

Our Finals come up early due to the Vytal Tournament. For the most part it's just as the upper years described them. Far easier than they should be as the teachers are as rushed to get these tests out and graded as we are to do them. For our professors there's a lot of pressure with how they have to help prepare for the tournament either directly or indirectly.

Add in the missions coming up in a few weeks and all the teams that require supervision on top of the prospect of late final submissions and there isn't a lot of motivation to have these tests be as strict as they should be. That doesn't stop Oobleck from upholding his standards, but I'm doing plenty well in his class so it's no problem on my end.

Heck, a perfectly good example for how lenient the tests are is Aura Studies. Just like last week our 'test' is to unlock the aura of a being. In this case it's volunteers instead of chickens, but that doesn't seem to be that big of an obstacle. Of course only those who have passed the prior exercise are allowed to take part in this. It's probably a headache to deal with those underperformers, though I don't give it much thought. Not like anyone important is in that group of slackers.

Instead I take the time to observe our test subjects. Perhaps that's a bit cruel to think. The majority of them are on the young side, either just ready to enroll into combat school or a year or two younger. There are also actual adults amongst this group, but they are far from the majority. The youngest of this group appear to be the most determined although not always excited at the prospect of unlocking their aura.

If I had to guess they're the ones who have a bone to pick with the grimm or have some other reason to think they'll need their aura unlocked. It's a bit discomforting seeing a group of kids who essentially have their life already planned out in such a way that they'll inevitably end up in danger. Unfortunately with the world we live in such sacrifices are necessary and I put it out of my mind as best as I can.

I know there's no real chance of convincing them otherwise and I don't even know if I would want to. Not just anyone can make a request or volunteer to have their aura unlocked by Beacon students. Since the council is ostensibly involved there's a paper trail that has to be filled out and qualifications that have to be met in order to get this opportunity. It isn't the only way to unlock one's aura, but the council and Oz aren't going to risk dealing with bad press for unlocking the aura of a criminal or anything of the like.

Apparently my prior discomfort doesn't go by entirely unnoticed as I'm separated off to unlock the aura of one of the older volunteers. I didn't pay that much attention before now, but so up close I can't help notice the woman I'm assigned to.

"This is a bit excessive don't you think," I state, my actual inquiry masked under those words.

"Perhaps," Coral allows with a sly smile. I wait for her to get to her actual point and she squirms. "I was going to ask you to take care of this the next time you were over. I didn't want to impose or make you worry." I think she's telling me the truth and it brings about a tangled feeling in my chest.

One that I easily ignore, "Well, I'm here now I guess." I let the lame joke pass for a second as I get to set up to take care of this. "Couldn't keep up with it when you first got here?"

She makes a noise of agreement, "Between caring for Jasmine, working, applying and attending school…Well, it all became a bit too much. Something had to give and whenever I'd have a quiet moment alone I let myself relax instead of keeping diligent."

I let her spill her guts as I set up behind her. Technically there's no reason to do so. As long as I have a hold of her I can awaken her aura. Supposedly it's easier to do so from the chest or midsection than say the end of limbs, but with my performance in the last class I doubt it'd be necessary. I also wonder if having her aura awoken prior will make this easier or harder. I'll admit that isn't something that's been touched on in class or in my own research.

Just like with everyone else we rescued from that camp we awoke their auras to make it less of a hassle to traverse the wilderness. I'm pretty sure Jasmine has hers still, but then again I thought the same for Coral. The little gremlin is probably active enough that the prospect of her aura dimming is a small one. I suppose if she were to have lapsed Coral would have brought her here as well. Additionally, Oz would have pulled some strings to ensure she got approved. In fact, I think he orchestrated this event to have things line up this way.

Either way, Coral's predicament is hardly an unheard of one. In the early stages aura requires a lot more maintenance and effort to uphold and build off of than what's needed later. It's not typically a problem for people with more active lifestyles or children. However, for full grown adults with a busy life it's easy for them to make excuses for why they don't need to keep up with a regimen despite the benefits it can bring.

In Coral's case her lapse is a less egregious one. If anything had to fall by the wayside I'd expect it to be aura as it's the least immediately beneficial. Sure, having the protection in case of emergency would be useful, but it's hardly like Vale is that dangerous of a place if you know where to stick to and when.

"What made you decide to go through with it now," I ask while placing a hand on her back. She remains silent for several moments as I work my magic. I know she heard me so that isn't the issue. Rather she's trying to think of how to word her response for some reason.

Eventually she huffs, "You." That causes me to stutter. Thankfully my work is already done so it doesn't disrupt my efforts. I can imagine the smile that crosses her face from my confusion as she continues in a teasing tone, "I know you worry and have taken steps to ensure my and Jasmine's safety. I can't exactly let you do all the work now can I?"

Despite her attempt to word it otherwise I have a feeling her first answer is the more truthful one. That she doesn't actually see the need to have her aura awakened and is doing so more because I would want her to. I'm sure the other benefits factor into that decision as well, but it's not like she expects the need to defend herself. I know how easily accidents can happen and with the plots I was able to stop I find such an attitude inconsolable. I suppose that's why she feels the need to do this on my behalf, but there are only upsides as long as she can keep it up.

I don't say anything else in response. There's no need to and I'm not even sure what I could say. A part of me wants to thank her for her consideration, but I squash that down. It's not like she isn't benefiting from this and I'm not sure why I'd thank her in the first place. If anything she's just saving herself from future trouble as I'd have made an issue of this if I knew. Then again why do I care so much? It's not like-

A hand reaches up and ruffles my hair, breaking me from my thoughts. The lack of headwear permitted by the Beacon uniform allows such a travesty to occur. "You can start any time you want, dear."

"I, uh, I'm done actually," I mumble the words out and then shake my head. I let myself get too distracted there.

"Really," she questions like she doesn't believe me and pulls out her scroll. She follows the instructions on screen to link the device to her aura and is pleasantly surprised to see that I'm telling the truth. She stares at the screen for several seconds until she lets out a noise half between a giggle and a cough. "I'm sorry, I was just expecting something a bit more impactful for lack of a better word. That went a lot smoother than the first time."

I log it as a potential data point for me to follow up on. I'm not sure what I could compare it to as I'm not the one who awoke her aura the first time. That and I'm not sure if the previous awakening of her aura has any effect on this one way or the other. It'll be an interesting distraction for future research if I pursue it, but for now I have other things to focus on.

"You're not going to have any problems maintaining it this time, are you?" My question comes out more pointed than I mean it to, but Coral waves off my tone without any care.

"It shouldn't be a problem. I have a lot less on my plate now thanks to you. I don't have to worry about money as much and work is less stressful."

"Take off any time that you need," I supply immediately. As soon as the words leave my mouth I understand how else they can be taken.

I'm about to bring up my reasoning when Coral cuts me off, "Ochre, you don't have to worry. I can handle this." I still want to bring up my rebuttal, but her genuine tone tells me that she'll take it entirely the wrong way. I'm not that concerned, I just don't want to have to waste my time awakening her aura again if she slips up.

As if she can read my thoughts she looks over her shoulder to shoot me a sly smile. I bear with it in the interim until the volunteers are called off to be checked up on by Beacon staff for any issues. She gives me a quick hug and a goodbye before waving towards Blake and Weiss on her way to the exit. I'm too busy staring at my girlfriends and their reaction to notice anything amiss until something fuzzy touches my shoulder.

It's enough of a shock that I almost hit the offender on reflex only to discover that it's Sun. That information doesn't do much to diminish my initial reaction. Nor does the dumb smile on his face that rapidly shrinks when he sees what kind of mood I'm in.

"Hey dude, just saw you standing there on your own and thought I'd swing by." He flexes his tail as if that's supposed to mean something to me. When it becomes clear his icebreaker isn't working as intended he shrugs off the awkwardness and continues on without a care. "Soooooo, was that your mom or something? She seems like a nice lady."

I roll my eyes and start to walk off. He's got the wrong idea completely and I'm not about to explain the circumstances behind my and Coral's relationship. Especially not in the rushed manner I'd have to do so. Class is going to end soon enough so getting a head start on heading to the next one is a suitable course of action.

"Hey! Wait!" Apparently he gets the message as his voice sounds further away and I only pick up his subsequent question thanks to my ears. "Was it something I said?"

That last line gets me to relax a little. Seems like he was being earnest in his attempt to reach out instead of trying to annoy me. I'll admit I haven't actually spent that much time with him so my opinion might be inaccurate. Then again, his first impression was abysmal and his follow up was little better. I gave some thought prior to this that I'd try to reach out to him, but I put that out of my mind instead. There's always next week and I've got enough on my plate that I don't want to deal with his annoying behavior.

By the time I'm done with tests for the day I'm faced with a conundrum of sorts. My schedule is a lot more socially packed than normal and there isn't a lot of work that I have to deal with. Well, I say that, but these conversations aren't going to be all that easy. Nor do I plan on leaving the Union in a lurch and that doesn't mention my plans for the brothers.

Honestly, despite this week appearing to be a break it's probably going to be one of the more stressful ones for me. Just a feeling that I have. Weiss and Blake are planning something, there's the talk concerning Raven, James, Oz wants to talk about something, and the discussion I just had with Coral.

Almost reluctantly my mind wanders to one other person who's at the top of my list. Considering what I signed off on and what Penny went through I'm not sure I have much right to actually talk with her, much less how I'd begin to do so.

Perhaps that's why I'm distracted enough that I don't notice my mechanical friend when she approaches me. Only registering her presence when she quietly says, "I'm sorry that I didn't notice or ask earlier, but are you alright?"

She catches me in the middle of my pacing around the outskirts of Beacon so there's no worry about being overheard. Ciel accompanied her up to this point, but the dusky Atlesian is happy to keep a distance between us. In fact when it becomes clear that I'm not pushing away my robot friend the girl walks off, probably happy to be rid of the responsibility for a few minutes.

Unfortunately that leaves me to deal with the girl and my complicated feelings. Ever more so since she seems to be worried about me when it should be the other way around. I'll admit I'd be much more comfortable with all this if she was anything other than concerned. Hell, I'd prefer her to be angry with me for bringing her on and not making a bigger issue of her bodily autonomy than I actually did. Of course when it came down to the wire I was willing to toss aside my morals for convenience.

Some of what I'm going through must show as Penny puts on a brave face and continues, "I don't know much about it myself, but I'm willing to listen if you'll let me. I'm all ears as they say." There's a bit of a stutter at the end, but it's hardly noticeable. That feels significant for some reason, but I can't place my finger on why.

Either way, I know she's not referring to the fate I consigned her to. Rather she's referring to how I put an end to Merlot. Honestly I'm not that enthused about talking with her about that either. Bringing up a similar sentiment with Qrow was…well it was something, but at least he had experience in that regard. Probably too much now that I think about it.

I suppose I'm in a more contemplative mood and could discuss my thoughts more openly. However, I'm not about to let my feelings dominate my actions. There's more that I can do aside from throwing a pity party for myself. I still have Marina and Penny's request to deal with even if I don't have anything to really report on that end. Perhaps she might have an idea for how to approach this. If that fails I could at least attend to the more personal issues that I know she struggles with.

Autonomy: One of the big issues and considering what happened last week something I'm not keen on leaving by the wayside for too much longer. (4)

+Apologize: The bare minimum of what I should do. It won't turn back the clock or take back what I've done, but I can at least put forth my sincerity. (4)

Personhood: I know it's a bit of a hang-up for her. Given everything that's happened it's the least I could do to give her some assurances and work through the issue. (3)

Independence: So, I haven't made that much progress on my plans and the deadline is approaching however slowly. It might be worth seeing if she's cooked up any plans of her own. (1)

Relationship: Her and Marina's relationship is still in rough waters with plenty of pitfalls. I can see what her perspective is and if there's anything I can do to help out. (0)

Merlot: It's what she's asking about and I suppose talking with her will at least assuage her worries. It is interesting what a machine designed for war thinks about taking the life of another. (0)

Vale: I never got her perspective on why she wants to stay. If nothing else it might give me something to work her father over with in the future. (0)

+Don't: The issue is an emotional mess for me to navigate. Perhaps it would be better to focus on more concrete issues than anything else. (0)

"Penny, stop," I say, trying to get my thoughts in order and failing. At some point I make a decision and I can't stop myself from following through. "If either of us needs to apologize it should be me."

"I don't understand," she says flatly. A frown of concern dominates her face and she looks at me inquisitively. As if there's some sort of answer or right thing she's supposed to say in this situation when no such thing exists.

"You're right, that's the problem."

"You're not making any sense, Ochre. If I did something wrong, please just tell me." Her desperation shakes me. I can't let my issues affect her like this; I have to get a hold of myself.

"You didn't do anything wrong," I offer in a soft tone, "and I'm trying." Not all that hard, evidently. "You don't even know what the issue is, do you?"

"If I did I wouldn't be asking," she says in a mixed tone. One part light-hearted and the other part utterly serious. Likely trying to figure out if what I said is supposed to be a joke or not. It draws a sardonic laugh from me that only makes her concerned face all the more so.

"Like I said, that's the problem. You don't even know how fucked up what you went through actually is."

"I agreed to that," she defends. I don't know if she's cottoning on to what exactly I'm referring to and I don't particularly care.

"Did you? Did you even conceive that you could have a problem with your dad taking over your body like some kind of puppet? What's worse is I knew all that going in and let you go through with it."

"I wanted to help out," she admits quietly and I realize I'm making this more about me than her. Some apology, right?

"Yeah, you did," I say without any strength behind my voice. Honestly it makes it worse in my mind. I don't know how well any sort of specialist would have handled themselves in Merlot's base. What I do know is that Pietro helped out and I get the feeling it was a near thing for how well things turned out. With that in mind I know I'd choose the same course a hundred times over and that only compounds the problem.

"I'm sorry," I blurt out. No need to dress it up or anything. Let her come to her own conclusions.

"You don't have anything to apologize for," Penny says immediately and I stop in my tracks. It's a shame that I don't have anywhere to actually sit or lean against, I could use the support.

"Yes, I do. I knew you wouldn't refuse and I suspected you didn't have the understanding to know what you were actually agreeing to. I abided by all of it and even made the determination that you should come along. I never gave you the chance to get all the facts, get your mind in order, and make an informed decision. I let something abhorrent happen to you just because it was convenient."

My tirade brings her up short. No words exit her mouth, but she does reach out to me and touch my shoulder. Her hand slips off easily enough and I don't know if I shrugged it off or she found a lack of strength to maintain her hold. The latter is unusual for her, but I wouldn't blame her.

"It helped, didn't it," she asks in a hopeful tone. Her green eyes bore into mine as if to will an answer from me.

"It did, but that's not-"

"Then I'd do it again," she interrupts with far more confidence than she should. Apparently I react in some way that forces her to elaborate. "You're my friend; one of my first. If helping my friends is wrong then I don't want to be right. You needed my help and it wasn't a sacrifice on my part. It was my decision and I'd do it again."

"No, it's not! I put you in that position, I forced you to go along with it! You can't claim that it was your decision."

"Ochre," she tuts as if talking to a child, "you can't force me to do anything." I open my mouth to protest only for her to bull over my attempt, "At any point I could have stopped, backed down, or voiced my complaints. I didn't because I didn't have any and I still don't. You're apologizing over nothing."

I shouldn't have opened my stupid mouth in the first place. All I've done is weaken my position and put her in a place where she thinks what she did was the right thing to do. She's even certain that she'd go through with it all again which makes getting rid of that system of hers all that harder. All that progress I made beforehand, gone like the wind. Even the weird lightness that suffuses my limbs isn't enough to counteract that downer.

A silence drags on between the two of us. I should move on to a different topic or actually explain myself more properly, but I can't bring myself to. On Penny's part, her plea doesn't strike as she intended it to. She doesn't know how to react either and in the end all she does is stand close to me as if proximity will somehow get around this lack of communication.

"Why is this such a big deal to you," she asks after many moments.

I have to think it over for just as long. The emotional response would be all too easy. That what I saw, how she acted, that wasn't her. That someone puppeting her body is deeply disturbing.

I don't even know if she was aware during that time nor do I know if that would be better or worse. Being a prisoner in your own body or having no clue what you did. Both are the subject of horror stories involving the grimm. There are a lot of legends of possession type grimm like geists, except instead of objects they possess people.

I cast off such unnecessary thoughts and focus on the matter as logically as I can. It's a struggle to do so as it's tied up in my own issues and with the subject as heated as it is it's difficult to divorce myself from it entirely. What I can focus on is how this has to be to the benefit of Penny. I just have to figure out the right way to word my concerns so she focuses on the implication rather than my actual worries.

"I'd ask why this isn't a bigger deal for you," I toss out to her then puzzled look. "I don't know how you can be so comfortable with someone else controlling your body for you, even temporarily. Whatever happens, it's by your hands and you have no choice in the matter. If I remember right, you weren't keen on someone like Watts getting control over you so why is it different now?"

I still my reaction to that cheap shot. Now isn't the time to be a bleeding heart. Love me, hate me, this is for her benefit in the end. No matter how distasteful I find the circumstance.

"Because it's not Watts, it's my dad! He's my dad, I trust him. Don't you trust yours?"

"I do," I grumble. "That doesn't mean he should have that level of control over you." She doesn't offer a rebuttal and I decide to bring up something to strengthen my point. "It's all fun and games until he makes you do something you don't want to."

"He wouldn't do that." I snort deliberately and she appends, "I have to give him permission to access my systems anyway."

"He still wants you to come back to Atlas, doesn't he?" She nods sadly and I pounce on my opportunity. "I just don't see how you're not fine with that, but are perfectly happy to accept an even greater level of control in your life." That gets her to quiet down, but it doesn't feel like a victory.

I've given her something to think about, sure. But I've also done more to hurt her feelings than build her up. Just another thing to apologize for I guess. I let my emotions get the better of me and wreck my carefully laid plans. If not for that I could have taken a more tactful approach.

Something tells me that Marina wouldn't know how to react in this situation. We're both probably a mess of emotions right now.

"Look, I'm just concerned," I say, forcing the words to leave my throat in a level tone. "I don't like the idea that any of your decisions could be taken out of your hands. Call it whatever you want, but I'd be a lot happier if you never had to have that worry wiggling away in the back of your mind."

My words seem to reach her and she gives me a firm nod. Except even that feels hollow to me. Not on her part, but mine. I swallow down such concern. What's done is done, wasting my time on it only serves to make things worse, but that doesn't mean I can't make it up to her in my own way.

"Hey, you know how I told you about my semblance." She nods, with a question apparent on her face even if she doesn't voice it. I suppose the atmosphere is a bit too heavy to want to engage in conversation even if this is a non-sequitur.

"About how some things will stay in my mirror world and others disappear. Primarily living things, animals and people." She braces herself in preparation for bad news which only makes me guiltier for not telling her this sooner. "Well, whenever I activate my semblance you're not there."

I let the moment hang. There really isn't anything more that I should add. Sure, I could bring up how she's practically indistinguishable from anyone else at this point. She has a few tics leftover, but they're far less prominent than they once were. She's able to use idioms now, pick up on jokes and sarcasm, and even can make some remarks of her own without issue. She has some oddities to her speech and behavior, but nothing that major all things considered.

Heck, put her and my partner next to one another and tell someone that one of them is a robot. Nine times out of ten they'd say it's my partner with how she acts. Not that I'm going to bring that up with either of them. Really I've done enough damage today on my own.

Regardless, my comment serves to draw a beaming smile out of the mechanical girl. Again, I should have told her about this sooner and I only have my own hang-ups to blame. Still, I can be certain that I've done at least one thing right by her today and I have to savor that little victory.

Before long her exuberance diminishes when it becomes clear that I'm not partaking in it as much as she is. Penny turns fretful, but doesn't know what the issue could be. I wave her concerns off as best as I can and plaster a fake expression on my face. I should have just done that from the start like many other things.

I engage her in conversation after that and even puff her up a bit more. The words come easier like this, even if they're actually unimportant. It doesn't diminish the heavy atmosphere from before, but not long after do I have her telling me about her day and her struggles. I listen attentively, but there isn't much substance to learn.

What I do learn is that she's tried to convince her dad again to let her stay in Vale and subsequently learned that I haven't made any headway in that direction. There isn't any accusation that accompanies her words. Just sadness and resignation that things are the way they are. In my state I briefly register such, but don't really process it and save it for later. I've had enough of an emotional reaction as of late and adding more is only harmful.

That's the only important thing I can pick out. Aside from that are her thoughts on exams, that they aren't difficult, and her relationships. We don't delve into the topic of Marina too heavily, though I do find out that Ciel has been less cold with Penny as of late.

I suppose it had to happen sooner or later. The stiff isn't much liked by the rest of her team and the only other person she really hangs out with is Kelly. It was only a matter of time until she started to crack and I'm sure my teammate had some hand in convincing the girl that Penny had the best of intentions.

Eventually I have Penny summon the stiff so I can go about my business undisturbed. I could have dropped her off at her dorm, but that would leave me in too insecure of a position. I'm still keyed up from the discussion and remaining in Beacon for any longer just sounds like drama that I don't want to deal with. Subsequently I head into Vale until I can get myself back under control.

My first thought is to drop in and visit Coral. It's also a thought that I quickly dismiss. I've brought enough drama into her life and something about the whole situation just feels like it would unravel if I went there.

Heck, it feels like it would unravel if I spent time with anyone that I care about really. Part of the reason why I feel such a need to stay away from Beacon for the time being. I'm not running away from my problems per se, just removing myself from the situation until I can regain control of myself.

Only now that I'm in the city I find myself bereft of things to do. Most of my hobbies are something I can attend to on my own for a reason. I don't want to do something tacky like head to a cafe just to play around on my scroll. Besides, I have an image to maintain now and something so pedestrian is the opposite of what I want.

I can allow divots in my image if it's on behalf of my friends or girlfriends, but doing so on my own is obviously distasteful. Not that I can't keep a low profile if I need to, but staying in any one spot for an extended period of time is just asking for trouble.

I could head into work early and it is a tempting prospect. Dealing with the drudgery of schedules and cases sounds really appealing to cool off my head. Unfortunately it means dealing with Al and I'm not in the mood for his antics. I'm not much more in the mood for the antics of the duo my feet are taking me to and I don't have a rational reason for why I approach the house.

I knock on the door and Torchwick answers. He adopts an irritated expression that I can tell is entirely fake. He dramatically holds a hand against his face, covering his eyes if not for the slit he gives himself to see out of. "Look, I don't care how often you come around. Don't expect me to leave food and water out for you." Another stray joke and probably a mistake on my part for expecting anything better.

"Stuff it Torchwick, I'm not in the mood." I'd expect him to jump on the opportunity to put me in the place and I'm ready to retaliate. Except for whatever reason he doesn't and I shove my way inside. Perhaps he reads my mood correctly and surmises that I don't have the patience to deal with him.

The two of us sit in the living room and neither of us talk with one another. No reason to talk. I just need a place to cool down and this seems as good as any other. Torchwick even pretends to be a good host and gets me something to drink. Before long I open up my scroll and mess around on a few conspiracy boards to keep my mind occupied.

Eventually Torchwick says, "Him? He's only been here for about an hour."

It gets my attention and I look up to see Neo standing with her arms crossed as if expecting that isn't the entire story.

"I don't know what to tell you sweetheart. He's your pet, you deal with him." Casual racism aside it gets Neo to react.

She huffs and snaps her fingers in front of his face as if to rebuke him. Then she shoots me a look and I don't see why she bothers; if anything I expect Torchwick to be more insensitive. He really doesn't do anything to detract from the Mistrali stereotype.

Either way, Neo walks up to me and looks over my shoulder to see what I'm up to. Thankfully it isn't anything as embarrassing as last time. Though, now that I think about it, my aura has almost recovered enough that I should attempt to put some practice in. I'm sure there's a music store on my way back that wouldn't even notice my presence if I'm quick about it. That can wait until I'm done here.

Evidently my subject matter doesn't grab the two-toned girl's attention and she instead affects a yawn.

I roll my eyes, she can say it's boring all she wants. It isn't going to change my thoughts on my hobby. That causes her to tug at the sleeve of my uniform.

I try to ignore her for as long as I can, but she grows more insistent. Eventually she plants herself next to me and leans against me meaningfully. All the while she tugs on my sleeve every few seconds until I finally crack.

She sports a wide smile in turn and wastes no time to point up and tug on my sleeve again. Then she hops off her perch and tugs at my sleeve again, getting me to stand up. Her intent is clear enough and it's probably less bothersome to succumb to her whims than put up a fight. As we head to the staircase I spot Torchwick who sports an odd expression. That gets the gears in my mind turning.

This isn't another Blake situation is it? I'm pretty sure Neo means nothing by her teasing demeanor and ostensible displays of affection. However, it's hard to discount that she's all but dragging me to her room and Torchwick seems to think something is up. Of all the things…whatever, I can shoot her down easily enough. It's not like I don't have the capability of making an exit if it really comes down to it.

I brace myself to deal with that unpleasantness when Neo throws open her door with a prideful smile. Then she moves to the center and with arms held wide spins around as if to point out every facet of her domain. I'm not sure what all there is to be proud of aside from the expediency by which she's filled the space.

Honestly it looks like a hobby store threw up all over the place and there's a distinct lack of organization to the whole mess. On a table in the corner is some sort of terminal and rig, though it's hard to tell since it's absolutely covered in cast off cloth and electronic components. The other corner isn't much better as it's dominated by half-done fashionwear and a couple mannequins that are half-dressed. Another corner is taken up by the open door and the final one has her bed squished against the wall in an effort to create some more space.

It's a minor miracle that she's able to prance around the space as easily as she can as the floor is covered in cast off material. There's cloth, bits of metal, electrical components of some kind, and to top it all off a plethora of tools to work such things that Neo dances about in her bare feet. It's evident that she's trying to show off what she's been up to, but the reason why eludes me. It could be an attempt to convince me that she's an upstanding citizen, but that should be unnecessary with the help she provided last week.

Unfortunately she doesn't give me much more thought to process that information. Evidently she takes my silence and lack of praise as a personal attack as she stops and plants both hands on her hips. Then she leans forward which pushes her chest out and, considering her height, gives me a certain view I'd be more comfortable not keeping my attention on. She catches on to her, apparently inadvertent, display and straightens up with an accusatory glare. Like it's somehow my fault that she did what she just did.

Fashion: A bit more pertinent and focused towards my interests. I wouldn't have pegged her as one for this kind of detail, but I suppose I can be surprised every once in a while. (3)

Hobbies: I mean, the space sort of leads into that kind of discussion. She's essentially turned her living area into a workspace and I can at least check in on that. (2)

Antics: Alright, I should really probably clear things up before they get out of control. Somehow I just know she'll take this the wrong way and it'll be a whole kerfuffle. (1)

School: I'm still interested in her past in the abstract. Perhaps poking on this subject could provide some workable details. (0)

Torchwick: Now that I think about it I haven't gotten her view on how she's handling the whole legal guardianship thing. I've heard some of her complaints, but getting a more earnest view is always helpful. (0)

"Fine," I let out with more reluctance than I actually feel. It serves to give her a little victory and paper over the issue that I don't want to address right now. "I don't suppose you could give me a tour of your atelier?"

She lights up instantly, recovers, and then gives me a curtsy. I think it's supposed to be in a mocking or magnanimous manner, but comes off far too smoothly to convey either. It makes me think that the action is somewhat rote to her.

I could put that off as her having practiced to make fun of an opponent, but the motions come off as too refined for that. Combine it with the fact that she picked up on the word 'atelier' without any hesitation and it makes me think that she comes from a more refined background than previously estimated. Curiouser and curiouser.

As enticing as the mystery before me is, I'm not about to let myself be consumed by the matter. I'm trying to get away from the drama, not draw it to me. I attempt to make my way through the space on my own. Only to step on some fabric or materials and draw a ghastly noise from whatever I stepped on.

Neo brings up both her hands to plug her ears for a moment. When that dies down, she stomps towards me, still careful not to step on anything she shouldn't, grabs me by the inside of my uniform's jacket and shakes me about. Then she points meaningfully to whatever I broke and shakes me again, frustration and fury apparent in her mismatched eyes.

"I get it, I get it. Sorry for breaking your stuff, I'll replace it as best I can."

That doesn't satisfy her, but she does blow out a puff of air as if to say she doesn't care all that much when she clearly does. It takes her a moment longer until she looks at me with a complicated expression and then gets up in my face. Pouring over every inch of my expression for some reason. Evidently she finds whatever she's looking for as she backs down more relaxed than before.

The whole byplay makes me think there's a story behind the behavior. Going back over it, I broke something. On accident, yes, but she couldn't have known that at first. That explains her initial reaction and then her subsequent letting go of the issue when she came to the conclusion it was an accident. It makes me think that she's had her possessions in the past end up broken or some other foul fate at the deliberate hands of others.

Going by that it would indicate the fact that she's trusting me in here at all is a big step for her. I'm honestly befuddled on what I did to earn that honor. It makes me think that my nascent concern holds more and more weight. My gut tells me I'm wrong, but the facts are falling in a pretty clear pattern. That and I missed Blake and Weiss' affections to start with so maybe I'm more keyed onto such. It still feels wrong, but I can't trust that part of me in situations like this.

Regardless of my thoughts, Neo restarts our tour. This time piloting my body around and roughly handling me around the more suspect areas. I almost want to snap at her that if she had anything important it shouldn't be on the ground. I keep my thoughts to myself as I'm not about to start an argument. It is demeaning to be manhandled by such a short woman, but it's not like she can tell anyone about this.

Our first stop is her desk, which only now does she clear of much of her works in progress. Underneath it all is a couple of controllers, a keyboard and mouse, a flight stick, and a fight pad. Neo is quite the gamer if she has all this. It's a far more extensive set up than what Ruby and Yang have at any rate. Apparently that's not all, as at my dumbfounded expression, Neo pulls on me to look underneath the desk where there's a steering wheel and pedal set also for her games.

"Don't you think this is a little excessive?" More important in my mind is where she and Torchwick have gotten all this stuff from. It couldn't have been cheap which makes me concerned as to what exactly she's been up to.

Taking offense either to my words or my thoughts, she sweeps her hand in front of her. She's careful not to knock over any of her stuff, which does detract from the gesture. She cottons on to that as well and then takes my hand in hers before pointing to each object in turn and making a series of motions. She's trying to explain to me their use or more likely defend her purchasing of such equipment. I, of course, am under no obligation to listen to any of her nonsense and it's easy to put her out of my mind.

That is until she storms out of the room and returns with a plain wooden chair. Honestly with all this set up I was expecting something more ostentatious and appropriate for the setting.

Neo takes in my look and pouts, as if to answer my unspoken question. Either such a chair does exist or she's planning on getting one. The clutter about the room probably makes the prospect of using such a daunting one and I can understand if she wants to hold off. That implies that this state of affairs is ultimately transitory; that implies there's some sort of end to all this, but does not inform me as to why it is such.

Not that she gives me much time to think on the matter. She kicks about the clutter until she has a relatively clear spot to plant the chair. Then she motions for me to sit in it. When I don't do so, she rolls her eyes and attempts to force me into the chair. I decide to humor her just to see where she's going with this.

With a bounce in her step she dives under the table. Fortunately she doesn't have any lurid acts in mind. Rather she places the pedals against my feet and shoves the wheel in my hands. Then she moves about some more and her machine whirs into activity.

She stands off to the side for a moment as if proud of herself. Then it becomes clear to her that I don't know what I'm doing. She looks honestly floored that I don't have the context to navigate her mess of a desktop or her menus. For my part I can safely say I haven't so much as touched anything this extensive outside of a few places in Atlas and that wasn't exactly for leisure.

Eventually she gets fed up with my slow actions. At first she tries to point out where I need to click. That turns out to be too slow for her and she takes over control of the mouse and keyboard to launch the appropriate applications.

Of course, with the controls that I've been given, it's a racing game of some sort. Just as naturally, and like the arcade I went to with Yang, I don't do all that well. I wait for the ridicule to roll in, only for Neo to motion for me to get up and she hops into the chair instead.

After showing me how it's done she gets up so I can have another turn and I think she tries to provide some advice. Once again it's by physical means which is doing nothing to counteract my budding theory. Though I have to admit with her it's the most expedient way to get the information across.

This isn't what I was expecting when I asked her to show me around, but it's a decent way to pass the time I suppose. I can't say how accurate the game is to real life, but it does focus on the realism aspect, so it could be transferable. Not like I'm going to find out any time soon.

Ultimately this kind of game really isn't my speed and the novelty can only wear on for so long. When my turn is up next I hold up a hand to decline the offer. Instead of getting back into it as I'd expect of her, she instead sets everything aside and powers down her machine. I suppose she hasn't forgotten entirely that this is supposed to be a tour. Then again it comes to my mind that she didn't explain whatever her projects were. Whatever, that's not likely to be important and I can draw attention to it later.

Naturally our next stop is over by the mannequins, two of them to be exact. One male, one female for what are probably obvious reasons. With the outfits as incomplete as they are I can't make a comment on them one way or another, but Neo does catch the attention that I'm giving the articles of clothing.

"What," I bark out, practically demanding her to find some issue with my interest.

Instead she looks at me with a quirked head that practically screams that I'm the one making an issue of this.

"Yeah, I have an interest in this kind of stuff. Know a couple of people with that shared interest as well." My thoughts flash to them briefly and then quickly resolve myself to not mentioning Whitley in any way. Heavens know what the tiny maniac would get up to if she knew about that. "I think Coco would go gaga over some of this stuff. She'll probably press you to make her something if she catches wind of it while you're at Beacon."

Neo stares at me blankly for a few seconds before a grin splits her face.

"Yeah, yeah. It's not set in stone yet, but it's practically a done deal. That is if you're still interested." What I don't say is if she refuses that Oz has a reason to keep a particularly close eye on her. Not that he won't anyway, but that's to be expected if she attends his school.

She preens at the information and prances around a little. Obviously showing off how she can traverse the space with little issue while also displaying her jubilation. Then she stops on a dime and approaches me slowly with critical eyes.

I would think there's a question to come, only for her to pay close attention to my chest, waist, and hips before nodding to herself. I'm not sure what that's all about and I don't get a chance to ask as she darts off to rummage about in a pile before returning with a trio of metal pins.

Each has an oak tree in the middle with stylized flowers hanging off on either side of it. It doesn't take a genius to figure out they probably relate to my girlfriends. I suppose I could get Ren's expert opinion to make sure that it isn't secretly implying something untoward.

Regardless, they come in three color schemes. The first, and the one I think that's intended for me, is black and white divided right down the middle. The other two are the same with one of the colors replaced with an orange. I think Neo might have a misconception on what kind of relationship Blake, Weiss, and I have, but it isn't a major issue to resolve. What is more major is I refuse to believe that she's doing this out of the goodness of her heart.

It can't be a thank you for the Beacon stuff. The timing doesn't match up. This stuff is custom work and there's no way she would have been able to get it this put together with the time she had.

"What's the catch," I ask, hoping to get to the bottom of this.

She waves off my question like there isn't a care in the world. It's too nonchalant for her. Really all of her behavior has been. I'd expect some teasing or indignation like when I stepped into her room, but she's been extremely accommodating for how she usually is.

"Neo, I'm not stupid. I like the gift, but I can't accept it without knowing what you're up to."

She tries to act affronted only for her farce to evaporate quickly. She chews on her lip for a while and I brace myself for something I don't want to hear. That is until she grabs one of the pins, motions me over to her desk, and pops open the back. Inside is some sort of machinery, I can't tell what it's purpose is supposed to be until Neo reluctantly pulls out her scroll.



'In case you need help.'

I'm not sure how to take that, instead I ask, "For all of them?" She nods. "Why?"

She shrugs as if she doesn't have an answer for that herself. I can read that one of two ways. The first is that it's out of legitimate concern. I'm not sure how having a tracker for my location, much less Weiss and Blake's would help in many scenarios, but I can't entirely discount it. A much more nefarious reason would be that it isn't solely a tracker. I suppose I can have Oz look it over so that isn't a concern. However, assuming she's being truthful, that's still data about our whereabouts that I'm not inclined to hand over.

The only thing that stops me from requesting she rip them out or doing so myself at a later time is that her telling me this doesn't slot in with a more nefarious end. That is unless she thinks I'm an utter fool and trusts her completely even if I shouldn't. Then again that can be exactly what she thinks and is hoping for. I can admit that I don't have that great of a read of the girl and her behavior thus far is doing me no favors. It would be an extension of trust to go along with her whims and hopefully endear me to the girl, but I don't know if I should or not.

Conditional(+for condition, such as for Ochre only and such) (2)

+Only for Ochre and only she herself is allowed to access the info and only in an emergency (2)

Yes (0)

No (0)

I deliberate over the matter for several moments until I come to a conclusion. I take the black and white pin from her collection. Fortunately it's not the one she popped open to show me the tracker inside. I make a show of looking it over and tumbling it about between my fingers while the anticipation builds on the diminutive girl's face. It seems like she really wants me to go through with and is making no point in hiding that want of hers. It's still a strange reaction and one that I'm not sure how to parse, but it does play a role in pushing me over the edge.

With a sigh I press the pin on the left side of my chest. I think that's against school rules, but I don't particularly care. It's a neat little trinket and a good enough signifier of my relationship that I'd probably keep it around in any case even if not always on display. That was probably her reasoning behind designing it as such. She needed something small and that I'd keep on my person. A full outfit would be too much and I wouldn't be in it half the time anyway.

My choice brings unabashed exuberance to her face. Making it loud and clear that she approves of my decision whether she wants to display those feelings or not. It's too much for her to fake, though the source of her emotions is still opaque to me. I don't think she'd allow herself to celebrate this much if she had hostile intent, but with how she's been behaving I can't discount that it's all an attempt to confuse me. Either way, I might be willing to go along with her game, but only to a degree.

"Hold up, I have a few rules of my own to add."

That draws her to a standstill as she listens attentively. She's fretting as she does so, but she's willing to hear me out.

"First, it's only me. I'm not comfortable with you knowing where my girlfriends are."

She shrugs easily like she doesn't actually care and quickly gets to work extracting whatever components she's put into the pins. She's careful to set them aside, presumably for later use which is something I'll have to follow up on.

"Second, no sharing this information. I'm trusting you with this and only you. I expect you to make your best judgment with the information, but I don't want other people to be aware of this if we can help it." I really don't want to have to deal with this information getting out or the implication from Neo having access to it. Especially with what that would mean for Weiss and Blake.

Perhaps I should add them to the list or throw in a panic button or something. It would do well in setting their minds at ease for a loss in my privacy. Then again, now that I'm aware of it I can always leave the thing at Beacon if I need actual secrecy.

"Third, if you can manage it, you can only access the information in an emergency. You can do that right?" I don't know if she can or not.

However, it turns out my knowledge, or lack thereof, is not important in this discussion. She weighs my final request up and sways her head back and forth as if she's having an argument with herself. Eventually she nods her head.

I'll need to follow up with her and possibly Oz as well, to make sure that whatever system we set up can't be abused. I could trust her to only use it in emergencies, but since I'm making the stipulation I'd prefer if there was some way we could make sure. I imagine there's some sort of workaround, but with my lack of technical knowledge I'm not certain as to what it could be.

Before long she has the components for the other two pins out and them back to how they were previously from an outside perspective. I'll have to drop them off with my girlfriends at some point, but a second look before doing so wouldn't hurt.

It'd also make a more meaningful gift around the time of the dance anyway, so no harm in holding off for now. Just have to drop a few hints to Weiss so she doesn't go off ordering her own. However, with the trackers out and set to the side, I find it prudent to follow up on that tangent that's been at the back of my mind.

"So what are you planning with all this?" I wave a hand around the room and the scraps of clothing and components strewn about. Perhaps unnecessary, though it gets my point across rather well.

Neo follows my hand around and then turns sheepish. She doesn't bring her hands up to explain away my findings. Rather I think she's just connected the dots on how this might look to an outside observer. I'm not sure what exact conclusion she comes to, but whatever it is it's serious enough that she decides to explain the broad strokes through her scroll rather than a game of charades.

Apparently her plan was to bribe, more or less, the councilors and influential individuals of Vale. To what end takes a while to shake from her and I'm not sure if I believe her answer of Beacon. It's all too convenient for my tastes and the trackers don't paint a pleasant picture of her intentions. That could be an explanation for her reaction, though it's just as likely that getting caught out as she did would warrant such as well.

I suppose I'll have to put in a request with my men and the VPD to screen any gifts she's given and will give out in the future. I'm pretty sure attempted espionage would be against her agreement which is going to make a mess of things if that turns out to be the case. She isn't pleading with me to stop me from taking such action. That makes me inclined to think that there's nothing to worry about, but I'd rather be safe rather than leaving a potential bomb to go off.

Seriously, it's like she wants to come off as shady as possible. The worst thing is that I don't know if that's intentional or not. Regardless, the tour ends soon after that. Fortunately it does not end with a stop to her bed. I have more than enough to worry about without adding that to the pile.

I make my way downstairs while Neo remains at the landing to see me off. Of course I make enough noise to alert Torchwick. He steps into view with a teasing smirk and even more teasing lilt to his voice. "Had fun you two?"

I think he has something else to say, but his eyes lands on the newly displayed pin and he chokes on his words. Then his eyes shifts to Neo. I don't see her reaction with how I'm facing. What I do see is his strained expression which makes me think he's come to some sort of erroneous conclusion.

I pay him no mind as I make my way outside. As soon as I do so I hear some muffled words followed by a thump against the wall a couple seconds later. I'm almost tempted to listen in as much as I can, but I'd much rather have this night be over and I need to get somewhere I can sleep.
Interlude 11, Willow Schnee

Willow Schnee

I roll over onto the flat of my back trying my best to ignore the feel of sweat sodden sheets, my pounding head, and the weakness in my limbs. Too weak to even think of rising for the day. I've already sent Klein away with food once, though that was apparently for lunch. I can't remember the call for breakfast. Nor do I think I could keep anything down at the moment. It's only because of the lack of contents in my stomach that I haven't made a greater mess of the room or my bed.

Still, that does little to diminish the profuseness of the cold sweat pouring off me. It's hard to tell if heat is the issue, but I've done my best to address both possibilities. A nap under the covers and a more recent atop and myself half-disrobed. Neither successful and if anything detrimental. I feel as if I've wasted the whole day with little to show for it. Not that I ever have much to show for it nowadays.

A worthless layabout only good for drinking and when I try to change that, look what happens to me. I just couldn't not try after talking with my little snowflake. She tries not to say it outright but I know she's frustrated with the lack of progress. So am I; although I consider myself more disappointed than anything else. I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I never thought it would be so hard. Turns out scheduling our talks was necessary after all.

Gods above I need a drink. Klein, that saint of a man, will indulge me even if it feels like admitting defeat. Better that than feeling like I'm dying, no matter how much he assures me the symptoms will pass.

I was foolish to think I built up the strength to hold off for more than a day; my attempt at not disappointing my daughter falling to shambles as soon as reality reared its ugly head. The only consolation I have for this whole debacle is that she won't be calling me today. That should give me plenty of time to recover and make myself presentable for our talk tomorrow.

A pang that I should reach out before surrendering myself to the drink shakes me for a moment. I can't let her see me like this. I have to have some dignity and I shouldn't push my failures upon her anymore than I have already. She has her hands full enough with her schooling and preventing the further decline of the company and our family name.

The sensation remains for a moment before curdling into something heavier and darker. I can't reach out to her, I've decided that much. However, I don't have anyone else I could reach out to either.

I've only received a brief call from my storm who turned to sending messages afterwards. It's an impersonal means of contact, but she's afraid of putting herself out there after what she's been through. I can't put this on her either and drafting a message will be too slow and a permanent display of my weakness.

My son hasn't even bothered to reach out to me; doesn't see much reason to. I can't say I blame him. How can I expect him to be there for me when I wasn't for him? I can't let our first real interaction after so long be for something like this. My little snowman deserves better than that.

Aside from them, the only person who deigns to give me attention is little Marina and I can't let her see me like this either. Bad enough that the child has latched onto me for whatever reason. Even worse that our connection only occurred from a moment of weakness on my part. I ended up hurting Weiss so much from my words and even more from not calling things to a close when I should have. Foolish I was to pretend at being a mother when I've failed at being one thus far. What would she think if I reached out to little Marina for support instead of her?

That even ignores that I know the girl won't have any answers for me. Just more questions that I'll find difficult to answer. She's already been through so much that I don't need to add more to it. Besides, she's been doing well for herself and there's no reason for me to burden her; she just needs a bit of help with the obvious from time to time.

Right then. There really is no solution for me other than the obvious. With shaky hands I send the message to Klein and then stumble into the bathroom. A healthy splash of water does little to abate my tiredness. It makes me feel cleaner than before, or at least it should. I shouldn't worry about it so much. It's not like I'm giving up entirely; I just need enough to get me through the day and then I should be fine. Yes, a minor setback, not a complete failure. And it's not like my snowflake needs to know about this misstep.

My scroll rings and I step away from the sink with shaky steps. Is Klein out of the manor on some errand? I can't imagine why else he would be reaching out. He could just send for one of the other servants to attend to me though I would miss out on his brief company. Although it could be the little one as well. Gods know that she calls at the oddest times.

With slow and hesitant steps I make my way back to my bed and my scroll. Long enough that the call ended and I discover it wasn't Klein who was calling; nor was it little Marina. I nearly fumble the device out of my hands in my haste to call back. I haven't mixed up my days have I? Then again I don't really know how long I was in bed. I missed breakfast without realizing it; who's to say that I haven't forgotten more than that?

"I'm sorry," I say as soon as the call connects. My little snowflake on the other end is all prim and proper as always. Only marred by the slight surprise on her features by my outburst. And again when her demeanor shifts to one of disappointment.

"No, it's alright. I shouldn't have called you early; sorry for interrupting you and your activities."

I frown, "You aren't interrupting anything dear." She withholds a greater reaction, only showing a slight amount of disbelief in her eyes. "Why would I lie to you? You can talk with Klein if you don't believe me."

I'm not sure what the issue is, but my snowflake lowers her guard. "Then why are you…" she trails off and twirls her hand towards me through the screen.

"Yes, sorry, I'm not as put together as I am most days. I have no excuse." That doesn't appear to be what she was expecting to hear, but a faint upward twitch of her lips occurs anyway.

I'm sure there's more to read into her expression and why she called in the first place. However, it's at that time that Klein walks in with a bottle of wine in his hand. Whatever she may or may not think of my state right now I can't allow her to see me with that.

I wave my hand and frantically gesture towards my vanity table. The whole motion awkward from trying to keep my hand out of frame. I don't need to deal with any awkward questions, but I'll need the drink soon enough regardless.

Except the damned bald headed man deliberately misreads my signal and retreats from the room, bottle in hand. I'm going to have words with him after this; if I can find the strength to do so that is. Even that brief frantic movement is enough to leave me overly exhausted. The covers, as sweat laden as they are, are awfully tempting right now.

"Are you alright?" My daughter's words cut through those thoughts with a sharp clarity. Right, I can't relax now, my snowflake is on the other end.

"I'm fine dear, just dismissing a servant," I admit. The truth draws a skeptical look and I quickly distract her. "You must be calling for a reason, right?" I think she also mentioned this being early as well. It must be important then. Either that or she doesn't want to taint our more casual, if stilted, talks with something so serious.

My question turns her abashed and shy. A far cry from her usual prideful confidence and something that tears at my heart. A complicated mix of regret and trepidation passes through me. It's clear she has something she has to say, but she doesn't feel much like saying it. Could I have had her more willing to confide in me if I didn't fail her like I had? Or is her reluctance caused by her thinking I can't help? I don't know which would be worse.

She takes a fortifying breath, "I need some advice." She pauses immediately after her simple statement as if admitting that took more out of her than anything else.

"Anything," I say with utmost confidence before realizing that doesn't make any sense. "I mean, you talk to or ask me about anything and I'll do my best." She's not reassured by my hasty words or my more hasty correction.

"It's about Ochre."

"What about him," I ask with a sinking heart. I'm not sure what to make of the man himself. On one hand he's done much to bring the family back together as far as I can tell, but something about him sets me ill at ease. Something other than his sudden relationship with another woman. My snowflake deserves someone better than that, but she's head over heels for him.

"I- he- Ochre thinks much too lowly of himself," she says like the issue should be obvious.

"Weiss, honey, you're not making any sense."

"Because I don't know what the problem is," she snaps. "He's got it stuck in his head that he's some sort of terrible person and won't listen to a word to the contrary. More willing to make up excuses and fabrications than accept it. Even going as far to claim that he's some sort of manipulative monster instead of facing the truth."

"I'm sorry," I say immediately with a questioning lilt. More than a little confused even after the clarification. Her tone makes it clear that she's looking for an answer instead of just complaining, but she hasn't given me anything to rebut or advise her on. Although her final words do little to engender any positivity in me. "Excuse me, could you expand on what the issue is a little more?"

She huffs, "Blake assures me that Ochre believes he's manipulative. More specifically that he believes that's a bad thing instead of something everyone indulges in to some degree. I was just-I'm wondering if you have any tips on how to get through to him?"

"I-" I stutter before closing my mouth. Do I have any advice for her? The only relationship I'd have any real advice from is the one with him. Thinking of that only brings up bad memories and then I process what she actually said and the words she used. It's all too similar for my liking and that ill-feeling I've held onto slots into place. All I can see is my younger self so desperately hoping that what she had was real and then failing that; that she could somehow 'fix' what was broken.

I swallow with a throat that's entirely too dry for the situation. "Weiss, you need to leave. I know that's not what you want to hear right now, but you have to trust me. No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, you're not going to be able to change him. If you're having second thoughts right now you need to cut things off before things can progress any further. Before he can get his hooks-"

"I'm not leaving him! I'm trying to help him."

"You can't," I plead. "I tried Weiss, believe me I tried. Men like him can't be changed." My words bring her to a stop for a few moments until her features turn thunderous.

"Mother," my snowflake states with icy coldness. "I don't know if you meant it or not, but never make that insinuation again. Ochre is nothing like Father and honestly I thought you knew better. I guess I should have as well; to think that you had any insight over this matter. Forget it I'll leave you be-"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," I cry out despite my reservations and sinking heart. How shameless can I be? I had enough courage to warn her, but at the first sign of pushback I crumble. A part of me screams out to warn her again regardless. To try and protect her from the horrors of the world to the best of my ability even if I know she doesn't want to hear it. I know that would only make her hate me in the short-term, but perhaps it would save her some heartache.

Except I can't get the words out. The prospect of cutting off our relationship too much for me to stomach. I-we're trying to make this work and as painful as it is to swallow my feelings I do so nonetheless. I might not be able to stop her from making mistakes, but I can be there for her unlike how I've been previously. And when things fall apart maybe there won't be that distance between us. Perhaps I'll even be able to steer her away from the same type of mistake my father and I fell into.

"I-I might not have any advice, but if you need someone to talk to, I'm willing," I choke out doing my best not to let my emotions get the better of me. Something I fail at and so does my daughter. There's a certain reluctance in her voice and an avoidance of details that can't point to anything else.

I can only lambast myself for not folding earlier. If I wasn't going to hold to my principles then I could have at least accommodated her to the best of my abilities. As is, I only achieved failure in both respects.

Still, said failure isn't enough to have my daughter run out on me. The conversation is stilted and not all that open, but it's present. I have to close my mouth and bite my tongue on more than one occasion as she goes on to talk about the issue and her plans to resolve it. Making mention that her teammate is aware and helping out as well. Who she's helping exactly is unclear in my mind, but I don't voice my suspicions. I've already made enough mistakes for one day.

I only make paltry comments, observations, or reassurances. I know I haven't helped my snowflake out in any meaningful way and I can't resolve that. Something she's no doubt aware of as well. Her expression is complicated, at once frustrated at the lack of resolution and resolved to do what she feels must be done. Her plan hasn't been refined any from my contribution though she seems a bit lighter after explaining it all to me. Again, I refrain from giving the advice I want to, instead wishing her the best of luck and the call soon cuts out.

Then I collapse on the bed. All of my symptoms and maladies slamming into me with renewed force. I can hardly shuffle my hands over to type a message out to Klein for my request. I guess I can manage another failure for today. This one will at least take the edge off and maybe put some strength back in me. Gods know that I need it after showing my lack of spine.

I can't and don't bother to hold back the tears that come, best to get it all out of my system and accept the terribleness I've allowed to occur. I can only hope it doesn't strike her as hard as it did me. Or failing that, that she doesn't hate me for it like she should.

This is accurate and takes place on S2 Week 13 during the Neo Social.