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The year is 1933, the world is at a fulcrum point driven by ideology and the advancing technology of the time. You, perhaps, will be the weight that drives it some way or the other.
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War, some would say it never changes. They would be wrong, with the advance of technology war...
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You are a minor mage, special-operations trooper, or spy in the Second World War. All you have are what you choose in character-creation and the wits of the playerbase, facing down everything from old gods to fallen angels with no more than a rifle in your hands and a spell on your lips.
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The 1942-43 Hogwarts School Year
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Welcome to my new quest where you take control over the crew of a tank in the Second World War. The quest will be narrowly based, don't expect any dice being rolled here, just the story of a tank and it's crew. What will they live trough, will they see the end of the war? We will see.
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Reaping the Whirlwind: Faction Choice Ich frage euch: Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? -Josef...
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Far out in the English countryside, the English town of Winterwood was for many years known for...
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Sitting in that rickety plane's luggage hold, as various suitcases smelling of drying paint kept...
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Krypton explodes into emerald fire. A lone survivor streaks from the devastation towards its...
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Disclaimer: The Fallout universe is property of Bethesda Entertainment and I make no claim of...
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As 1936 dawns, the potential of another world war begins to loom large once again. Both the...
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"The Fuehrer has decided to wipe the city of Petersburg from the face of the earth"; that it is...
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This quest is going to be based on the Worldwar series by Harry Turtledove. May 30th, 1942. A...
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We interrupt your evening broadcast for this breaking news bulletin. We have just received...
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