Worldwar: Changing the Balance

[X] Weapons: Take stock of what you have and seek out any hidden caches within the city. Knowledge of armament situation.
[X] Wheels within wheels: The invaders have begun co-opting the cities administration for their own ends. See about getting ration cards, papers, etc. Supplies, information.
[X] An army marches on it's stomach: Food. Food is the lifeblood of an army. Supplies
[X] Counterintelligence: Even a fool could see that we would fight back. Make sure no traitors join your organization. Reduced chance of detection.
[X] Enemy language: We must understand them to fight them. Learn invaders language.
People, I'm serious. You don't win an insurrection by shouting "charge!" We don't have the manpower to meaningfully fight anybody right now, so we don't need weapons yet, and it appears that there are going to be improved weapons available before we need them anyway. Securing weapons right now is premature, and potentially a complete waste, while endangering our very small movement in the process.

Likewise, researching enemy armor can wait. We currently have zero production capacity and too little manpower to start provoking them by attacking them. Much more important is understanding their language so that we can infiltrate, intercept radio transmissions, overhear orders, identify collaborators, and work our way into positions of power and influence in their occupying administration so that we can sabotage and divert resources.

[X] Recruit troops: Surely there are more comrades willing to fight, not just for the Motherland but for all mankind? Gain One unit conscripts.

[X] Wheels within wheels: The invaders have begun co-opting the cities administration for their own ends. See about getting ration cards, papers, etc. Supplies, information.

[X] An army marches on it's stomach: Food. Food is the lifeblood of an army. Supplies

[X] Counterintelligence: Even a fool could see that we would fight back. Make sure no traitors join your organization. Reduced chance of detection.

[X] Enemy language: We must understand them to fight them. Learn invaders language.​
Weapons can be crafted or retrieved later,

From where? We're in Siberia, the place isn't dotted with arms caches, and longer we wait, the few that exist'll be picked clean by other rebels or destroyed.

People, I'm serious. You don't win an insurrection by shouting "charge!" We don't have the manpower to meaningfully fight anybody right now, so we don't need weapons yet, and it appears that there are going to be improved weapons available before we need them anyway. Securing weapons right now is premature, and potentially a complete waste, while endangering our very small movement in the process.

We get weapons, we can get more options for acquiring supplies.
From where? We're in Siberia, the place isn't dotted with arms caches, and longer we wait, the few that exist'll be picked clean by other rebels or destroyed.

We get weapons, we can get more options for acquiring supplies.

Siberia has a lot of hunting rifles. One of the research options is inventing an entirely new form of rifle, and another is stealing or reverse engineering the enemy's weapons. We obviously expect to be able to outright produce fairly advanced armaments in the future. Simple soviet firearms aren't terribly complicated.

In the initial phase we're going to be focusing on explosives, poisons, and knives anyway. Right now our primary enemy isn't the invaders, it's their pet collaborators. Taking them out improves our infiltration of the administration and greatly undermine's the invader's ability to police the population. We need to discourage collaboration and encourage resistance as much as possible early on so that they are forced to resort to measures which foster resentment instead of the subject population just shrugging its shoulders and saying, "meet the new boss, same as the old boss."
Turn 1 results
Turn 1 Results

(pick 1)

Weapons: Take stock of what you have and seek out any hidden caches within the city. Knowledge of armament situation. (1d100=9)
Either someone tipped them off or the Lizards have even better technology than you thought. The arms caches you knew about are all emptied and you can't find any others. All you have are a few Mosins and little ammunition. At least you still have your TT-33.

Diplomacy (Pick 1)

Wheels within wheels: The invaders have begun co-opting the cities administration for their own ends. See about getting ration cards, papers, etc. Supplies, information. (1d100=69)
You are luckier in getting documentation. You receive ration booklets and IDs for yourself and your comrades. You also manage to "acquire" some blank IDs through a sympathetic collaborator after you spin a story about not knowing whether some friends were alive or dead.

(Pick 1)

An army marches on it's stomach: Food. Food is the lifeblood of an army. Supplies. (1d100=13-1=12)
The man you send to try to contact the collective farms and acquire some food underneath the eyes of the Lizards fails to return on time. Hopefully he is not dead or defecting.

(Pick 1)

Counterintelligence: Even a fool could see that we would fight back. Make sure no traitors join your organization. Reduced chance of detection. (1d100=45+1=46)
You set up some basic passwords and dead drops. This should suffice until you have a better idea of the Lizards capabilities.

(Pick 1)

Enemy armor: Their armored coats kept them alive. You managed to hide a few off the ones you killed. Perhaps they have a weakness or could be adapted to your use? Armored troops, information. (1d100=10+3=13)
The ones you have are more damaged than you thought. Even if they weren't, they are all too small for you. There's no way you can make more either, not with the equipment you have. The only weakness you can find is to not shoot where the vest is.

The only spot of good news is what one of your comrades finds a crashed U-2 in the woods. It's still got a full combat load of ammunition too. You hide it as fast as you can. Irktusk makes aircraft. Perhaps they can repair it?

Wow. The dice kicked your ass this turn.
Turn 2
You are Nikolai Petrov and the last month was a failure. It is now June 1942 and your organization is ill-armed, has no surplus of rations, and might be full of traitors. At least you have a plane. It's broken, but you should be able to fix it. This month had better be different.

Martial (pick 1)

Recruit troops: Surely there are more comrades willing to fight, not just for the Motherland but for all mankind? Gain One unit conscripts.

Gun shy: You need arms and ammunition! This is a factory city, perhaps you can make some? Weapons.

Direct action! Pick off a few patrols and see how they react. We must learn how they respond to provocation. Damage to invaders, ????


Diplomacy (Pick 1)

Friends in high places: Have one of your people attempt to communicate with the invaders. Surely they would be willing to spill a few secrets in exchange for something. Better understanding of the invaders.

Workers' Marseillaise: Perhaps you should try and speak with those in power in the new administration. A favor is a favor after all. ???

Recruit experts: There are shining examples of Soviet comrades everywhere, even here. Find some of them. (Choose category of expert to find)


(Pick 1)

Maskirovka: You need a base the invaders cannot find. Surely there is somewhere you can hide. New Base.

Symphony No. 7: You need extra food. Get some. Supplies.

Lines of command: We must make contact with the rest of the USSR. Surely STAVKA has some sort of orders? Communication with the outside world.


(Pick 1)

Partisan's Song: There may be other groups with the same goal, here in Irktusk or in the countryside. We must make contact. Contact with other resistance groups.

Nothing to fear: I wonder what the NKVD is doing.... ???

Traitors will be shot: People are working with the invaders! Either eliminate them or turn them to your side. Information, fewer people working with the invaders.


(Pick 1)

Enemy weapons: Their rifles are better than yours. Maybe you can use them or make something like it? Assualt rifles, maybe?

Gizmo: What are these strange things enemy soldier carry with them? Perhaps we should "Acquire" a few and study them. Better knowledge of the invaders, ???.

Enemy language: We must understand them to fight them. Learn invaders language.

[X] Gun shy: You need arms and ammunition! This is a factory city, perhaps you can make some? Weapons.

Diplomacy (Pick 1)

[X] Friends in high places: Have one of your people attempt to communicate with the invaders. Surely they would be willing to spill a few secrets in exchange for something. Better understanding of the invaders.

(Pick 1)

[X] Maskirovka: You need a base the invaders cannot find. Surely there is somewhere you can hide. New Base.

(Pick 1)

[X] Traitors will be shot: People are working with the invaders! Either eliminate them or turn them to your side. Information, fewer people working with the invaders.

Research (Pick 1)

[X] Enemy language: We must understand them to fight them. Learn invaders language.
i think we should pick some experts...

[X] Gun shy: You need arms and ammunition! This is a factory city, perhaps you can make some? Weapons.

Diplomacy (Pick 1)

[x] Recruit experts: There are shining examples of Soviet comrades everywhere, even here. Find some of them. (Choose category of expert to find)
-[x] Diplomacy

(Pick 1)

[x] Symphony No. 7: You need extra food. Get some. Supplies.

(Pick 1)

[X] Traitors will be shot: People are working with the invaders! Either eliminate them or turn them to your side. Information, fewer people working with the invaders.

Research (Pick 1)

[X] Enemy language: We must understand them to fight them. Learn invaders language.
Well, the credentials help soften the food concerns a bit at least. It's going to be a little while before we can get the plane up and running, but it will be invaluable in strategic-scale operations once it's working. It's no fighter, but rugged as all get-out and can move people, equipment, and communications long distances very stealthily considering its wooden construction. Still, we need to finish getting our house in order before linking up at the larger scale.

We need a secure base of operations. Infiltrating the new administration is still a high priority. We are still going to want spare food reserves, though that might wait a turn in favor of the base. If we're going to make contact with the administration, pairing it with executing traitors may be quite synergistic. The enemy language remains a priority.
Turn 2 results
Turn 2 Results


[X] Gun shy: You need arms and ammunition! This is a factory city, perhaps you can make some? Weapons. (1d100=62)
Thankfully, the Lizards have yet to begin destroying the machinery used to create weaponry and ammunition. You manage to create a disturbance in another part of the city that the garrison is forced to respond to. While that is going on, you load the machinery into some trucks and wagons and hide it in basements around the city. Hopefully, once you have a base you can use it there.

Diplomacy (Pick 1)

[x] Recruit experts: There are shining examples of Soviet comrades everywhere, even here. Find some of them. (Choose category of expert to find)
-[x] Diplomacy (1d100=39)
You manage to find a member of the Department for Agitation and Propaganda. Her name is Kristina Olya Utkin and she is a decent propagandist. She should be able to help you.

(Pick 1)

[x] Symphony No. 7: You need extra food. Get some. Supplies. (1d100=1)
Not only do you not find food, your envoy is murdered by a roving patrol of bandits.

(Pick 1)

[X] Traitors will be shot: People are working with the invaders! Either eliminate them or turn them to your side. Information, fewer people working with the invaders. (1d100=39)
You stab a man who was snitching on his neighbors in exchange for luxury goods. Now you have some cigarettes from the US. Those should be useful to trade, if you can keep your comrades from smoking them.

Research (Pick 1)

[X] Enemy language: We must understand them to fight them. Learn invaders language.(1d100=85)
You're in luck! The Lizards have started passing out phrasebooks! If you can find someone to teach you more, you'll be in business. Basic knowledge of Lizard language learned.