General Systems
Sorry, wasn't able to write a proper update, had family over. The holidays are a busy time for me. Created character sheet, here are the basic rules on the systems we'll be using so it'll make sense:

This Quest uses a modified version of the old Marvel Superheroes FASERIP system. The character's base stats in this are:
  • Fighting
  • Agility
  • Strength
  • Endurance
  • Intelligence
  • Wisdom
  • Willpower
Stats, spells, gadgets, and powers all follow the same system. Each has a Rank, which is listed here from lowest to highest:
  • D
  • D+
  • C-
  • C
  • C+
  • B-
  • B
  • B+
  • A-
  • A
  • A+
  • A++
  • A+++
  • A++++
  • S-
  • S
  • S+
Each time you want to do something, you refer to what you're using, see what Rank it is, then roll a d100. In general, the higher your Rank, the higher your chance of three ranks of succeeding: pass, success or critical success. Depending on the situation, you may have to roll higher than just a pass to succeed, and in truly difficult situations, only a critical success will work.

You can also acquire various skills which can allow you to roll as if you were one or two Ranks higher than the stat it refers to. You can stack different skills together for a maximum of +3 Ranks.

Will probably expand on these sometime later.
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Ooh nice :)

Looks like our priorities are finding something to give us magical protection and maybe working up some solar batteries that we can use to keep our charge going longer when we're cut off from the sun.

I don't think we'll have to worry about Kryptonite for a little while yet.
Oh and a space suit eventually, but that's not a big priority.
Oh and a space suit eventually, but that's not a big priority.
Space suit? No need just a mask breather with some hours of supply, a real space suit will only hinder us.
I doubt anything in space can hurt us like minor debris, radiation(we benefit from it actually) but other types of radiation can they? I'm not sure about that so we may need a suit after all...
Huh? What are you talking about? There is nothing to inhale in space.
A human can barely survive at 8km of altitude and if we count our Kryptonian Physiology perhaps max at like 30 or 40km~ if the QM is feeling generous. 8km or higher the atmosphere is too thin for humans to survive.

Yes, but he can survive without a helmet in space for long periods of time he probably does not need to breathe.
Is the shield able to at least mitigate damage from magical attacks since it is of Amazonian origins? If so, it's a good thing we chose a shield as our weapon.

For the braces and armor we have that's a homage to the Amazons, is it possible that they were a gift from the Amazons and is it possible for us to get someone to enchant them for some magic resistance?
The Character Sheet switches between talking about Kara, she, he, Andromeda, her, Superman. I'm guessing most are just mistakes but was Andromeda decided as the name or is that just random?
Is the shield able to at least mitigate damage from magical attacks since it is of Amazonian origins? If so, it's a good thing we chose a shield as our weapon.

For the braces and armor we have that's a homage to the Amazons, is it possible that they were a gift from the Amazons and is it possible for us to get someone to enchant them for some magic resistance?
That's actually a good idea... We need to be sure to get those buff in the next vote and ask about the shield.

The Character Sheet switches between talking about Kara, she, he, Andromeda, her, Superman. I'm guessing most are just mistakes but was Andromeda decided as the name or is that just random?
Andromeda still feels like a fitting name though...
On a side-note, we didn't vote for a name yet so I'm not sure if its an error or the QM's decision. :???:
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That's actually a good idea... We need to be sure to get those buff in the next vote and ask about the shield.

Andromeda still feels like a fitting name though...
On a side-note, we didn't vote for a name yet so I'm not sure if its an error or the QM's decision. :???:
Magic resisting shield sounds awesome. As does the general winners of the vote.

Andromeda feels pretty fitting, yeah. The tie to space in it being a constellation and a galaxy. As well as the reversal of Andromeda being the original dragon sacrificed, damsel of distress in mythology. Kara's a hero, sorta being sacrificed to the evils of the world in fights that aren't her own, yet she bears those burdens and keeps fighting.
Magic resisting shield sounds awesome. As does the general winners of the vote.

Andromeda feels pretty fitting, yeah. The tie to space in it being a constellation and a galaxy. As well as the reversal of Andromeda being the original dragon sacrificed, damsel of distress in mythology. Kara's a hero, sorta being sacrificed to the evils of the world in fights that aren't her own, yet she bears those burdens and keeps fighting.
I did think about the link to constellations and the galaxy with our alien origin on top of it all but I didn't consider the mythological side... But Kara Zor-El damsel of distress? It fit actually because of her mental state and her grieving for her entire race and family.
Ok so we need Magical Resistance....
@Lord Ultimus Aren't we capable of Frost Breath?

Technically yes, but that takes time to practice, as well as more power gained by living under a yellow sun longer. You'll be able to purchase Frost Breath, as well as other powers, or improve powers you have when you start earning experience.

Is the shield able to at least mitigate damage from magical attacks since it is of Amazonian origins? If so, it's a good thing we chose a shield as our weapon.

For the braces and armor we have that's a homage to the Amazons, is it possible that they were a gift from the Amazons and is it possible for us to get someone to enchant them for some magic resistance?

The shield is made of Amazonium, making it essentially Captain America's shield, so it can block magical attacks. You could have blocked with other weapons though.

Interesting idea. I'll think about it.

The Character Sheet switches between talking about Kara, she, he, Andromeda, her, Superman. I'm guessing most are just mistakes but was Andromeda decided as the name or is that just random?

...Crap. Thought I edited all those out. I copied and pasted from other character sheets I have to save time, and one of them was from Andromeda, Kara's replacement on the Legion of Super-Heroes post-Crisis. Fixed now, though since there seems to be interest, I'll have Andromeda be one of the voting options when it's time to pick Kara's name.
@Lord Ultimus How old is Kara right now? What is the lifespan of Kryptonians in this quest? Will Kara look like an old woman by the time Kal-El arrives on Earth?

Andromeda is a great civilian name for Kara since I imagine Kara will just go by her name until someone else coins a superhero name for her because of newspaper headlines and stories.
@Lord Ultimus How tough is True Invulnerability A+? Were any of the Amazons able to hurt us without magic or are we too tough?

Side note, why call it True Invulnerability? We are totally vulnerable.
@Lord Ultimus How tough is True Invulnerability A+? Were any of the Amazons able to hurt us without magic or are we too tough?

Side note, why call it True Invulnerability? We are totally vulnerable.
I think he named it like that to differentiate from the other one
  • Invulnerabilities: Kara has S- resistance to Heat, Cold, Disease, Corrosives, Toxins and Radiation. Her body's cells protect her internally as well so even her insides wouldn't be melted by drinking a vial of acid.