The Fever

It rose slowly. The anger. The rage. The fever which consumed Tanya. At first she couldn't believe it. She willfully hoped that she had heard wrong, that the General had only misspoken.

But a look at his face told her that he hadn't. Then... what he was saying, it had to be true. All of it.

Mariya really was dead, then.

Tanya's stomach was a broiling sea of turbulent emotions. She had, against common sense, had held false hope that Mariya could have survived. That they could have made it out of the siege as one family, that she wouldn't have to lose anyone like her father- that they could all share in the future together. But in the end, it was just a dream, after all. It could never happen.

And now it never would.

Those thoughts and feelings churned inside her stomach, twisted and rolled around inside her heart. And filled her mind. It burned slowly, scorched and burned and tied itself into knots upon knots of anger, burning anger and quiet rage. Rage at the world. Rage at her circumstances.

Rage at the Germans.

Tanya let her feeling run rampant, staring at the floor, at the frozen dirt belong her chair, at the motherland stained with so many of her countrymen's blood. The Germans had brought war and destruction to her country, had forced suffering upon her family, and had taken away her precious sister. The Nazis had invaded her country under the assumption that they were going to hurt everyone and nobody was going to hurt them back. But they were wrong. They were wrong, because Tanya was here. And she wasn't going to let that happen. The nazis had sowed the wind, and now they were going to reap the whirlwind.

After a moment to recompose herself, she tucked away that little cold core of rage deep inside her heart. She will rely on it in the days to come, but for now it will merely sit there to fester. And then she looks back up at the general.

"Understood sir." Her nervousness is gone. Her anger drove it away. "I have no more questions, sir."

The general nodded. "Very good."

And then they went. Tanya, Olga, the Political Officer and the Colonel. The Colonel split off from them halfway to their destination, he had things to attend to, and the affairs of magical girls rank very low in priority in them. Tanya stared at him as he left. She couldn't find it within herself to be intimidated by him. It fell to just Tanya and Olga striding towards the meeting site.

Tanya and Olga, the magical girl who can see things she shouldn't be able to, like places where she is not, things that happened that she did not witness, and perhaps the future. To meet soldiers, who will be explicitly under Tanya's command.

Tanya drew on that little core of anger and marched.

How does Tanya greet her new team of magical girls?
[ ] With authority. She is their command, and she will act every way the part. She will lead and they will follow. That is the way things are meant to be.
[ ] With kindness. She wants to be their friend, and she wants them to follow of their own will. Besides, she really could use a friend anyway.
[ ] With a promise. A promise of vengeance against the germans. (Sasuke Option)
[ ] With curiousness. She would learn about them first, about their powers, dreams, personality. And then, and only then would she find a way to fit their into the puzzle.
[ ] Write in Suggestion?

Olga is extracognitive, does Tanya have anything she wants to ask her?
[ ] Write ins (Will default to nothing if no write ins)

Jemnite Says: Bomber Harris did nothing wrong! Also, I watched episode 1 of Izzetta, it was pretty okay, less military than I was hoping for. Sorry for the long wait for the update, I got caught up in a school event, and then I spent all my time playing Wargame Red Dragon; NORAD and Commonwealth are pretty powerful, REDFOR needs buffs.
Title is from Batman vs. Superman. "That's how it starts. The fever, the rage. That turns good men.... cruel."
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[X] With Conviction. You have been assigned to be their leader but an assigned position is not enough. You will earn that title in their hearts and minds, and will forge them into a weapon to defend Mother Russia!
Olga is extracognitive, does Tanya have anything she wants to ask her?
[X] where is the local German command for the mission.
[X] Do the germans have any elite or special forces deployed that could interfere
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[x] With passion! You'll lead your fellow witches into battle not simply as a commander, but as a sister of the soul! JUST WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK YOU ARE?! (Kamina option)

Olga is extracognitive, does Tanya have anything she wants to ask her?
[X] where is the local German command for the mission.
[X] Do the germans have any elite or special forces deployed that could interfere
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[x] With passion! You'll lead your fellow witches into battle not simply as a commander, but as a sister of the soul! JUST WHO THE HELL DO THEY THINK YOU ARE?! (Kamina option)
How does Tanya greet her new team of magical girls?
[X] With Conviction. You have been assigned to be their leader but an assigned position is not enough. You will earn that title in their hearts and minds, and will forge them into a weapon to defend Mother Russia!

Who needs politruks when we can be one ourselves?

Olga is extracognitive, does Tanya have anything she wants to ask her?
[X] where is the local German command for the mission.
[X] Do the germans have any elite or special forces deployed that could interfere
[X] With kindness. She wants to be their friend, and she wants them to follow of their own will. Besides, she really could use a friend anyway.
A bit offtopic: "Keep calm and burn tanks." 28 панфиловцев
Yeah, I know of this, it's pretty old. The film was announced last year, and I caught wind of it through Gaijin's youtube channel. Pavlov's 28 men looks like a pretty interesting film, I gotta admit. The trailer convinced me it was going to be a good film, especially that part where the guy mutters an entire orthodox prayer under his breath, and then when the other guy asks him what he says he just goes "I said za rodinu", like that part implies that there's going to be a lot of depth in the film, about how communist atheist ideology and the long-held orthodox beliefs of the population will mesh and interact.

But that might be me reading too much into things.

Anyway P.S. going full conviction might be a bad idea, considering you guys just ate a conviction break like 3 or 4 updates ago and you literally know nothing about the personalities of these girls except Olga, who is quiet and shy. I'm not saying you can't do it, I just think you might want to reconsider it @Nevill @pianoman @Carrnage
Yeah, I know of this, it's pretty old. The film was announced last year, and I caught wind of it through Gaijin's youtube channel. Pavlov's 28 men looks like a pretty interesting film, I gotta admit. The trailer convinced me it was going to be a good film, especially that part where the guy mutters an entire orthodox prayer under his breath, and then when the other guy asks him what he says he just goes "I said za rodinu", like that part implies that there's going to be a lot of depth in the film, about how communist atheist ideology and the long-held orthodox beliefs of the population will mesh and interact.

But that might be me reading too much into things.

Anyway P.S. going full conviction might be a bad idea, considering you guys just ate a conviction break like 3 or 4 updates ago and you literally know nothing about the personalities of these girls except Olga, who is quiet and shy. I'm not saying you can't do it, I just think you might want to reconsider it @Nevill @pianoman @Carrnage
alrighty then, we find out about their hope, dreams and fears, Then we show the strength of our conviction.
Friendship and curiosity are fine enough, and authority is important, and vengeance is important, but what the girls need now is hope. Hope for the future, hope for their families and their country, hope that the Germans really can be defeated if they try. Hope, that thing that the fascists will never stamp out of the BRAVE PATRIOTIC SOCIALIST MAGICAL GIRLS.

How does Tanya greet her new team of magical girls?

[X] With hope. Their powers represent a chance to throw the Germans back. They can save their city, their country, and the revolution itself, by their own efforts. They truly have a chance.

Olga is extracognitive, does Tanya have anything she wants to ask her?
[X] Tanya will ask Olga to look for gaps in the plan, and what Olga needs to know to keep on learning things during operation.

Basically, I think Olga may be best used in a like, rotational position planning-wise. Give her an idea of what's going on and ask her what can go wrong, where our blind spots are. No plan survives contact with the enemy, and Olga represents our best ability to react to changing conditions or head off mistakes.
[X] With kindness. She wants to be their friend, and she wants them to follow of their own will. Besides, she really could use a friend anyway.
[X] With Conviction. You have been assigned to be their leader but an assigned position is not enough. You will earn that title in their hearts and minds, and will forge them into a weapon to defend Mother Russia!
[X] With kindness. She wants to be their friend, and she wants them to follow of their own will. Besides, she really could use a friend anyway.
Anyway P.S. going full conviction might be a bad idea, considering you guys just ate a conviction break like 3 or 4 updates ago and you literally know nothing about the personalities of these girls except Olga, who is quiet and shy.
That may be a bad word for it. But the idea is that we were assigned as their commander, and we need to prove to them we are worth following. We aren't just a sister to them, or a friend - we are responsible for their very lives, hearts and minds; for everything that becomes of them from this point onwards.

We will lead them by example, so that they would never shy from 'do as I do' maxim when they look at us.

I'd call it 'with passion', as in 'take our passion and make it theirs', but that one is already taken for 'Kamina option', and that puts a different spin on things. Still, if you are objecting to the word itself...

[X] With passion. You have been assigned to be their leader but an assigned position is not enough. You will earn that title in their hearts and minds, and will forge them into a weapon to defend Mother Russia!

I am open to suggestions how you'd call that attitude and the wish to become a role model. 'Authority' is too arrogant for my tastes.

Other than that, hope would be my second pick.

[ ] With hope. Their powers represent a chance to throw the Germans back. They can save their city and their country with their own hands. They can turn the tide of the war.

They can save their city, their country, and the revolution itself, by their own efforts. They truly have a chance.
Except what does the revolution has to do with the war for survival? :confused:
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Except what does the revolution has to do with the war for survival? :confused:

Don't you see, comrade? This war is the very essence of Class Struggle. The German Fascist Capitalist Pig-Dog Plutocrats are threatened, threatened by the Revolution, and our Revolutionary Ideals. It's only a matter of time before the oppressed classes in every country realize they have more in common with us than with their capitalist overlords. There's a specter haunting Europe, comrade: the specter of Communism! Even these fascist pig-dogs can see that, and they know the threat the Revolution represents to their interests.
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[X] With curiousness. She would learn about them first, about their powers, dreams, personality. And then, and only then would she find a way to fit their into the puzzle.
More seriously, I'd also be fine with Passion, but I think the main thing is having hope and inspiration at this point. To be honest, things are looking pretty bleak, even with the militarized Magical Girls. There aren't many Magical Girls, and there are many Germans. We need all the morale we can get.
Except that one Magical Girl is worth many, many Germans.

I mean, that's not even propaganda, I'd say that's pretty much a tactical fact at this particular moment.
[X] With kindness. She wants to be their friend, and she wants them to follow of their own will. Besides, she really could use a friend anyway.
I mean, that's not even propaganda, I'd say that's pretty much a tactical fact at this particular moment.
Actually interestingly enough Olga is actually the most valuable asset you have at the moment. Her precognitive ability is worth more than lives at the operational and strategical level, information is only second to logistics in military priority. With her precognitive ability she would be able detect major thrusts of enemy attack, search out major troop formations, designate perfect counterbattery. Маскировка becomes useless against her. That's why the intelligence officers you saw earlier were grilling her so hard.

A girl who can control ice is only a girl who can control ice. A girl who give you perfect reconnaissance intelligence is a girl who can allow you to create perfect plans all the time.

Which is interesting why Khozin is giving her to you, when she's much more useful sitting in a headquarters tent rattling out information. What's he thinking?

(Well I know what he's thinking but you as players will either have to ask him or figure it out on your own. It has something to do with how the tank arm was treated in the Red Army at the time.)
[X] With kindness. She wants to be their friend, and she wants them to follow of their own will. Besides, she really could use a friend anyway.