The Queen of Chalices (Grail War Quest, Fate Series AU)

Hrm, Lancer strikes me as Hindu/Indian, though I couldn't pin down who exactly. If I'm right with hinduism, then the trident (or trishula) would point towards a connection with Shiva but I somewhat doubt we got a full blown divine spirit here.

Now as for the current choice, the only thing I could think off against taking Rider up on her offer is Avenger having a grudge against her and possibly not wanting help from her... which could be a pretty mayor thing.
On the bright side, Lancer's charge through them seems to imply that the corpses aren't all that tough and we might still witness her NP just on virtue of her using it on herself.
On the downside, there's always the option we get swarmed.

As for going back into the mansion. I kinda feel like any chance of subtelity is gone at this point, so let's just scratch that.

[X] "...No thank you. I really couldn't. I trust Avenger and I will be fine against this army".
If I'm right with hinduism, then the trident (or trishula) would point towards a connection with Shiva but I somewhat doubt we got a full blown divine spirit here.
I don't know if it's been explored in Fate, but one of the things about Hindu deities is they often incarnate into a human Avatar that then becomes a famous historical person.
[X] "...No thank you. I really couldn't. I trust Avenger and I will be fine against this army".
Yeah, we have no idea whats going on so maybe it would be best to not directly involve ourselves with this and just play defensively? Plus, y'know, we do want to show some faith in Avenger.
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I don't know if it's been explored in Fate, but one of the things about Hindu deities is they often incarnate into a human Avatar that then becomes a famous historical person.
I think the closest thing they have is Quetzalcoatl taking the form of a previous host? Even then I'm not sure if said host gets any details beyond the design.

[X] "...No thank you. I really couldn't. I trust Avenger and I will be fine against this army".
Yeah, we have no idea whats going on so maybe it would be best to not directly involve ourselves with this and just play defensively? Plsy, y'know, we do want to show some faith in Avenger.
Yeah, let's finally give her a chance to be our knight in... not exactly shining armor.
[X] "...No thank you, I really couldn't. I should be checking back on the mansion, they could be getting quite suspicious of all this mana being flung around".
[X] "...No thank you, I really couldn't. I should be checking back on the mansion, they could be getting quite suspicious of all this mana being flung around".
[X] "...No thank you, I really couldn't. I should be checking back on the mansion, they could be getting quite suspicious of all this mana being flung around".
[X] "...No thank you. I really couldn't. I trust Avenger and I will be fine against this army".
[X] "...No thank you, I really couldn't. I should be checking back on the mansion, they could be getting quite suspicious of all this mana being flung around".
So out of curiosity, for the people voting to go back is the motivation more to go undetected ot simply to get away from the fight?
[X] "...No thank you. I really couldn't. I trust Avenger and I will be fine against this army".
[X] "...No thank you. I really couldn't. I trust Avenger and I will be fine against this army".
Politely turning them down will hopefully salvage Avenger's pride and make it clear we trust her while not burning any bridges with probable allies down the line.

[X] "...No thank you. I really couldn't. I trust Avenger and I will be fine against this army".
Another behind-the-scenes comment: I'd originally planned for Hatshepsut to be Lancer of Red (qualifying with her obelisks), but went with my current Lancer as I figured the Servants I had could use a more 'fun-loving' and 'playful' character (especially since Catherine didn't make the cut) to counter-balance them, as opposed to the still personable and friendly but more serious Hatshepsut, plus I worried the NPs I had in mind for Hatshepsut would be too close to the ones Bird of Hermes gave her on Beast's Lair.

Well, I did have an alternate personality in mind for Hatshepsut as this catgirl-type, but I figured I'd stick to something more dignified.
[X] "...No thank you. I really couldn't. I trust Avenger and I will be fine against this army".

(especially since Catherine didn't make the cut)

Catherine the Great? Because I'm curious as to what kind of noble phantasm she'd have as a Lance. (I was actually musing about that earlier, even if Hapshepsut was supposed to be Lancer) Maybe even the Lance of Longinus, from two relics that are claimed to be the Lance she could have had access to.
I'd actually intended Catherine the Great to be Saber or Rider, though I chose not to go with her due to my current choice for Archer of Red, but Lancer was something I'd considered for her mainly due to how she compared herself with Athena/Minerva, didn't know about any link she had with the Lance of Longinus.
Two of her NPs would've been the Nakaz and Hermitage Museum.
Votes closed, update soon.
Adhoc vote count started by Lapin Lune on Mar 20, 2018 at 1:15 AM, finished with 17 posts and 11 votes.
The Undead Legion.
Whatever words had got her down, Avenger wasted no time in shaking them off when she dove straight into the marching corpses. As if swatting away flies she was able to clear out dozens of the soldiers with each swing of her blade, enhanced by what I could see was that same poisonous aura she'd unleashed against that rock-slide. As she dashed through these zombies I could even see leathery wings begin to emerge from her back as she sped up, well what info I'd recorded about her said something about 'Monstrous Strength'.

I even joined in the effort myself, bringing out my Gemstone Gauntlets to smash into dust any corpse that got near me. But while was just clobbering any one who came my way, what glimpses I could get of Avenger made it look like she was searching, perhaps for a more specific target? If I had to analyse her, I'd say as a 'Princess' she'd be looking for a noble duel than some melee with the riff-raff.

Lancer naturally leapt back into the fray, but whereas I was just defending myself from these dead and Avenger was swooping at them like a bird of prey, she made her onslaught seem almost like a dance. Twirling around on her trident to deliver flying kicks to enemies in a circle, springing high into the air and then spinning down with her spear and sword, the only thing missing on her were some ribbons I'd say.

One person conspicuous in not fighting alongside us was Rider, despite her offer to extend even a Noble Phantasm to us earlier. Instead, she looked to be peering sharp-eyed all over the battlefield, I could faintly hear her muttering to herself, before from afar she just had to call out "Young Blossom, watch out!"

Wait, someone her age calling me young? Well, that thought'd have to wait, as on instinct I raised my right Gauntlet to deflect an... an out-of-nowhere bullet that almost struck right at my glasses, that almost could've gone into my skull.

"Oh merde, almost had you," a distant voice grumbled.

Stumbling back, I saw that this out-of-nowhere attacker was an otherwise plain-looking man, dressed in another soldier's uniform like all the rest, who only stood out due to his long, silvery hair tied in a braid, oh and that from his intact skin he wasn't a zombie of course. This intruder was to plain for a Mage, swift enough for a Servant yet lacking any spiritual presence, so that only left some Hedge Mage or...
Servant Assassin.

[ ] Alert Avenger to him.
[ ] Alert Lancer to him.
[ ] Alert both Servants to him.
[ ] Go after him myself, I have Imaginary Numbers and my Glasses after all.
[ ] Call out to Rider to see if she can do anything.
[ ] Write-in.
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[X] Alert Avenger to him.

Well then, time to kill us a frenchman. Let's just hope he stays around long enough to give Avenger that duel she wants.
[X] Alert both Servants to him.

Best not to allow Assassin to get the drop on Avenger and to also make sure that he can't get the drop on Lancer either.
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