Storms Over Europe (An Alternate Weird History Quest in The Inter-War)

I kinda really want to at some point work on the Polish air force. Both the aircraft and pilot training.
Polish aviation is doing quite well. It is led by a pretty keen General Ludwik Rayski who makes sure that it is at the highest level.
The problem, unfortunately, is that over time he too was afflicted by the bomber and heavy fighter disease, which caused Polish pilots to cut back on PZL.11c to 39. Only the change to General Zajączek made the necessary changes, but too late.
..Kinda also want to suggest airship carrier but probably a bad ideal despite how much I like them. Such as the USS Macon. Just the thought of having an armored airship deploying planes...
This is a rather bad idea. Poland is too poor to experiment with something that is going away. If there was an airship factory in Poland before WWI, we probably tried to do something with them after independence.
If we start wanting to do some propaganda to rally the people then we could try emphasizing the commonwealth history,
Technically we did OLT, the problem was that it went only to Poles. Others who were there with us did not want to return to Commowealth.
Only difference is that the golden liberty is now for everyone rather than an aristocratic elite.
Noble not aristocratic. Poland had no real aristocracy.
And secondly, only in theory only the nobility had golden freedom, in practice all citizens were free only not all felt like more because where they were they were more profitable.
The best example of this is the peasantry, in theory only one peasant could leave his village. And all were obliged to do their serfdom.
In practice, the mobility of peasants was unlimited because only the bad lords were paid off by this prohibition, most ignored it because with good management they could attract more peasants to them, so it was often the case that one peasant could work for many lords.
Even better, the average rich peasant often hired poorer peasants to work his land or to do the serfdom for him.

And the best part is that it was not difficult to get into the nobility, and many "nobles" were in fact peasants and burghers who changed their names to nobility.
A good example of this is the fact that every parliament has implemented laws to curb these practices. Every parliament that was convened until the end of the PLC, efforts were made to combat this phenomenon!
If this is the case, it means that no one followed this law.

But back to the propaganda, Commowealth but for all it has been in it for a long time. More precisely, it started with the November Uprising in 1831 but the idea was taken seriously after the January Uprising of 1863. It was then recognized that if ever Poland was to regain its independence, the peasants must be ennobled! That is, to recognize them as a part of the nation equal to the nobility.
The faction most moving in this direction and which was also the most effective in this were.... nationalists from Dmowski who based his modus operandi precisely on awakening the national consciousness of the lower social strata.
As for the military, whenever we do get to it we should start drafting up war plans for the soviets
Such a plan had in fact been in the making since the end of the Polish-Bolshevik war although it was finally drafted in 1935 and work on it was completed in 1938.
Unfortunately, here have to start work already, the plan west was formed in pain only in March 1939.
Before that it was not there!
Especially if it becomes a two front war cause the original commonwealth fell due to being partitioned between russia, prussia, and austria
Technically, at the time of partition, the PLC was fighting on one front, against Russia. Due to the treachery of the Lithuanian Hetman, the Lithuanian Army retreated to Warsaw without any battle, while half of the Crown Army retreated fighting defensive battles to Warsaw from Ukraine.

When fate actually weighed in and there was still some chance of an effective defense, a frightened King Poniatowski, convinced by his terrified reformers, betrayed his soldiers by going over to the Targowica, hoping that Katherine would take pity and Poland would at most lose some of its eastern lands.

As it turned out, this was the worst mistake he could have made. Many of these reformers later joined Kosciuszko during his uprising but by then there was no chance of victory, the army had mostly dispersed. The Poles quarreled in command, and some of the patriots had to ensure that they did not lose their estates which were located in various countries overnight.
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We have a perfectly working, already-paid-for, spy agency so we could expand its reach within Russia, Germany, Lithuania and any other hostile nieghbour that we have so that we at least get a warning before any of them decide to invade us.
Turn 3 Results
Reforming the Civil Bureaucracy
20d6=(2, 1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 6, 6, 6, 1, 1, 2, 3, 1, 4, 6, 2, 4, 1, 3)=60
Progress 60/120-Reduced to 30 via Second Department Improvement.
2X Overshoot.

Solving the "bureaucratic" problem was never an issue of means. It was always an issue of politics. The decision of administrators and government to sanitize the system deeply was one that disturbed many oligarchs, capitalists and corrupt bureaucrats who immediately began to move against the issue.

Of course, the sad fact that many of these individuals suddenly had crippling health issues or changed their tune due to varying new knowledge of whom has evidence for what acts they've committed is wholly unrelated to the government, even if it does aid the process.

Salaries are set, "sanitization" agents are applied liberally to any squeaky gears in the system and, in a show of almost totalitarian control, the bureaucracy is repaired. New bureaucrats have a reasonable principle of law is put together by experts and quickly put through the Sejm, a clarification of what certain ordinances mean and required reading for anyone in an administrative position.

The knock-on effects are rapid, sudden new sources of taxation are found, especially certain wealthy businesses that have just now cropped up and are paying their very first dues to the government. With the difficulty of development eased, many small businesses begin the process of growth as well.

All told a welcome change from prior methods and something that eases many peasant tensions simply due to not having to bribe an official simply to pay taxes.

6IC released from the Civilian Economy.

Educational Reform
30d6=(3, 1, 4, 4, 6, 5, 4, 5, 2, 1, 5, 5, 4, 1, 2, 6, 6, 4, 4, 6, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 2, 3, 5, 5, 1)=115
Progress 115/100

Educational reform is long required in Poland, and the general state of education is deplorable, whilst most are literate, it is functional literacy at best in most instances.

A widespread series of reformist projects are set in motion. Experimenting with classroom structure, teacher-student ratio and a dozen other things of that nature, however, the core of the reform is simply making sure people go to school. The providence of agricultural families finding more value and stability for both their lives and their children's lives by putting them to work is a phenomena that needed much to combat it.

The promised rural reform aids in that sense, with perceived economic security arriving soon, families begin sending their children to school and the arrangements made for farmers allow even the adults to acquire more education, something that is culturally prized in most of Poland.

The results for this will be slow, but they will appear given time.

+5 Leadership to be gained every time a large amount of students graduate higher education. No leadership yet.
Pearl of the Baltic
Construction Progress-Complete

On the mouth of the sea rises Gdynia, in construction for months, the port is finally operational. Whilst it's construction is nowhere near complete it matters not, with cranes pulling loads and profit passing through the port, it will expand with sea traffic privately.

The benefits are twofold, civilian goods being imported reduces the stress on our economy to provide them directly and more valuable goods such as various metals being cheaply importable allows us to stretch our industry to cover far more things.

This was a tremendously successful venture, and will grant dividends in the future.

10 IC added, 3 released from Civilian economy.
Construction Progress
Hearts of Iron
Construction Progress 24/80

All Roads Lead to Warsaw
Construction Progress 13.5/80

With the reduced focus on construction projects other than Gdynia, progress is slow. Foundations are laid and some rail and road constructed, but no real benefit is reaped beyond local areas.

However, with Gdynia being operational, foremen hope for funding to return and industrial aid to commence

Keep building.

News from the East. On the Soviet border there is reported conflict. Reserve units in the area activated by their administrator report receiving heavy contact from an unknown threat, and then report nothing at all.

Forward scouts send back information of an army of steel striders bearing scrapped off symbols of the Soviet Union. Walking machines let off a steady hum of rapidly operating pistons which drive these heavy tonnage beasts at impressive speeds.

Mounting heavy machine guns and small cannons loaded by actuating limbs, these things bridge the gap between infantry and vehicle, easily defeating the primarily rifle armed reserves.

The forest they are primarily holding out in made it worse, allowing the striders to use their mobility to immense advantage and shatter the reserves.

After much debate amongst chiefs of staff and generals, a decision is made.

[X] Demand the Soviet Union explain its action, they carry faded symbols of that realm.
[X] Begin negotiations with this terror group and ascertain their demands. Many disagree with this course of action.
[X] Deploy the Active Duty Armed Forces to the area, engaging and destroying the enemy. These terrorists will not live to see another sunrise.
[X] Something Else?
[X] Begin negotiations with this terror group and ascertain their demands. Many disagree with this course of action.
[X] Deploy the Active Duty Armed Forces to the area, engaging and destroying the enemy. These terrorists will not live to see another sunrise.

I'm fine with either course of action. Have a bitch of a headache atm, so don't feel like trying to thonk it out too hard.
[X] Begin negotiations with this terror group and ascertain their demands. Many disagree with this course of action.

also are these...mechs? Was anything like this in otl?
Well, the burocrats got purged just in time to be reorganised into penal batallions and sent to fight against steampunk mechas, they should be gratefull (jk).

Our army hasn't recieved any kind of funding so we don't know their condition but not acting with strength when being invaded is also kind of a bad idea so:

[X] Deploy the Active Duty Armed Forces to cordon the area and send representatives to begin negotiations
-[X] If negotiations fail, the ADAF should engage them in battle and rout them back to the USSR

[X] Something Else
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[X] Deploy the Active Duty Armed Forces to cordon the area and send representatives to begin negotiations
-[X] If negotiations fail, the ADAF should engage them in battle and rout them back to the USSR
[X] Deploy the Active Duty Armed Forces to cordon the area and send representatives to begin negotiations
-[X] If negotiations fail, the ADAF should engage them in battle and rout them back to the USSR
[X] Begin negotiations with this terror group and ascertain their demands. Many disagree with this course of action.
[X] Deploy the Active Duty Armed Forces to the area, engaging and destroying the enemy. These terrorists will not live to see another sunrise.
[X] Deploy the Active Duty Armed Forces to the area, engaging and destroying the enemy. These terrorists will not live to see another sunrise.
Anything that is Soviet once it crosses the border becomes dead.
Although it surprises me that KOP, did not react. It is a sizable and solid formation that is de facto another army and the OTL whenever the Soviets did some action these would smash them. That's what the KOP was for, everywhere else the border was guarded by the Border Guard.
From myself, I would add.
[X] Strive to capture Soviet soldiers and their equipment. We need to find out what it is and what the Bolsheviks are planning again.
Since the Soviets were stupid and brazen enough to try to make a mess again let's take advantage of this offer and get what they brought you here. Who knows what we will find among what we will get?
And "Dwójka" should benefit solidly from the knowledge gained from the diversions.
To clarify, because I believe I failed to do so. This isn't simply a few vehicles, estimates range from one hundred to five hundred striders.

This is why reserve and quick response forces got pasted
To clarify, because I believe I failed to do so. This isn't simply a few vehicles, estimates range from one hundred to five hundred striders.
That's quite a number as well as a stretch. Fortunately, these are exclusively the mechs themselves. The combined forces of Polish infantry, cavalry, armored trains, tanks, artillery and aircraft should solve the matter.
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Well. I certainly didn't expect to get invaded quite that fast.

[X] Something Else
-[X] Order the military to mobilize to deal with this threat.
--[X] If the Soviet Union disowns them, crush them and spread the information that the Soviet Union has no control over its armed forces and military production, leading to bandits with modern weapons spilling into other nations.
--[X] If the Soviet Union waffles around, involve the League of Nations. It will likely not do much good, but it might get you some allies.
-[X] Demand an explanation from the Soviet Union.
-[X] Send a warning of the threat to the Baltics, Finland and Romania so that they can prepare themselves in case the Soviet Union sends raiders over their borders too.
-[X] Address the other political parties in private and ask for their support to repel this attack. Point out to the Communists that their fate will be Soviet Gulag if Poland loses this fight.
-[X] Address the public:
--[X] If SU disowns the attackers: Speak about the threat coming over the border from the chaotic and failed state that has sprung up to tyrannize the former lands of the Czarist empire. Call for unity in the face of these murderous brigands.
--[X] If SU does not disown them: Invoke the Holodomor as the fate that Stalin wants to visit upon Poland and call for unity in repelling the genocidal aggression of the Bolscheviks.
[X] Deploy the Active Duty Armed Forces to cordon the area and send representatives to begin negotiations
-[X] If negotiations fail, the ADAF should engage them in battle and rout them back to the USSR

Negotiations are as follows: "Stop that."

[X] Something Else
Edit: I like that Something Else plan too, just happened to post a second after Azel had.
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Well. I certainly didn't expect to get invaded quite that fast.

[X] Something Else
-[X] Order the military to mobilize to deal with this threat.
--[X] If the Soviet Union disowns them, crush them and spread the information that the Soviet Union has no control over its armed forces and military production, leading to bandits with modern weapons spilling into other nations.
--[X] If the Soviet Union waffles around, involve the League of Nations. It will likely not do much good, but it might get you some allies.
-[X] Demand an explanation from the Soviet Union.
-[X] Send a warning of the threat to the Baltics, Finland and Romania so that they can prepare themselves in case the Soviet Union sends raiders over their borders too.
-[X] Address the other political parties in private and ask for their support to repel this attack. Point out to the Communists that their fate will be Soviet Gulag if Poland loses this fight.
-[X] Address the public:
--[X] If SU disowns the attackers: Speak about the threat coming over the border from the chaotic and failed state that has sprung up to tyrannize the former lands of the Czarist empire. Call for unity in the face of these murderous brigands.
--[X] If SU does not disown them: Invoke the Holodomor as the fate that Stalin wants to visit upon Poland and call for unity in repelling the genocidal aggression of the Bolscheviks.

The only problem that I find with this plan is that we don't try and make them surrender mostly because I want to reverse-engineer the mechs and it would be much easier if we have intact mechs, we could also try to capture soldiers because they could be a usefull resource for our intelligence department.
The only problem that I find with this plan is that we don't try and make them surrender mostly because I want to reverse-engineer the mechs and it would be much easier if we have intact mechs, we could also try to capture soldiers because they could be a usefull resource for our intelligence department.
They are soldiers acting under Stalins orders so they will most definitely not react to polite requests to surrender. And if they even look like they might, the Commissar will shoot them.

We should be able to get a bunch of useful information even from salvage, and odds are, we will capture a few intact ones anyway as a long as we can put up enough of a fight to cause a few crews to bail. Tanks get abandoned like that all the time and I don't see why walkers should be different.
They are soldiers acting under Stalins orders so they will most definitely not react to polite requests to surrender. And if they even look like they might, the Commissar will shoot them.
These are probably the most dedicated people to the cause of communism and Stalin, they would sooner die than surrender, although everything still depends on the speed and effectiveness of the strike.
A quick and sharp artillery strike combined with a rally should break their formation and those mechs that will have their limbs blown off you will also just fall over by artillery fire should be at their best and the operators of these machines stunned from the impact on the ground and the shockwave from the artillery strike so they can be taken prisoner regardless of their will. Because at the end of the day, I can't imagine the commissioner in a mech. After all, their Soviets didn't put them in tanks anyway.
True enough, lets just hope that the army actually has enough funding for bullets
Akurat with ammunition should not be a problem. Poland was not that poor.
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I am exagerating, though I am still worried because we have yet to invest in the army.
In 1934 WP, was a modern armed force, more modern even than the German armed forces, only the frenzied pace of modernization that these totalitarian regimes are capable of, coupled with the fact that our OTL economic policy was aimed at the long term caused that when Germany and the USSR were spending crazy money we were doing limited armaments because we had to simultaneously modernize the economy and the military at the same time and the Minister of Economy was very reluctant to go into debt to arm ourselves as we should. He had a good rationale, by the way.
That's why we should first focus until 1937 or so on the economy and then from then on focus on massive rearmament.
OTL such mass rearmament began in 1939. Barely a few months before the outbreak of war, but even so our factories were operating at less than half their capacity despite the fact that the factories themselves demanded that the government start ordering new weapons from them.
Ironically, by the end of the peace a good portion of their orders were from public collections.
The ORP ORZEŁ was purchased with more than 60% of the funds from collections.
Warsaw newspapermen in August 39 ordered 18 heavy machine guns from the factory and presented them to the Polish Army.
Polish areolotry clubs ordered and presented the PAF with more than 17 new PZL.11c aircraft

Oh and it reminded me of what should have been done quickly, yes about two years earlier.
[X] Establish the FON (Fudusz Obrony Narodowej/National Defense Fund), our funds for rearming the army as well as modernizing the armed forces are limited, and after all, we need to constantly merge the country into a single entity and rebuild the country from the destruction of the World War I and the Polish-Bolshevik war. Fortunately, there is no shortage of patriots among the poor, middle class and rich who are willing to support the rearmament effort. Let's organize a special Foundation that will take care of collecting money twice a year, on Polish Army Day and Independence Day, for specific armaments purposes. In this way we can raise more funds for specific purposes.
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The one good thing here is that we will have ample support to expand the military and fortify the shit out of Poland after this.
And if we can spin it as Soviet aggresion maybe our neighbours will start seeing the positives of a defensive pact, the only problem I see is if we don't go on a diplomatic offensive Hitler might take advantadge of this before we can.