Storms Over Europe (An Alternate Weird History Quest in The Inter-War)

Gdansk have a German majority population which control all important aspects of the city management, theoretically we have free use of its harbor, right to have our own post services, telephone lines and the local railroad is under our control and so is a weapon's depot at Westerplatte. In practice the German majority makes everything possible to make our lives in the city as difficult as possible, ensuring that any flow of goods is is at least hindered or sometimes temporary prevented. The size of local harbor installations make any significant throughput even more problematic.

Can we use our intelligence division to cause a divide? I mean, ethnic groups are not monolithic maybe we can use class rethoric to divide them, maybe we can just bribe and/or blackmail the important germans or we could point at Hitler to convince them that the only way to maintain their freedom is to side with Poland.

League of nations is also relatively strong right now,

Fair enough, but its strength is waning after all the Great Depression had the effect of making both France and UK more isolationist so if we force a referendum for Gdansk to join Poland they might not bother to intervene.
I'd rather try to diplo-annex Gdansk after working on our relationship to the German minority in our current border. Getting more Germans that could become a problem for us isn't really helpful right now.
[X] Diplomacy and development
Damn it. I hate when the post doesn't provide certain ideas to choose from xD then I actually have to think.
Turn 2 Result
Diplomatic Normalization
20d6=(4, 5, 3, 6, 1, 4, 5, 6, 1, 1, 4, 4, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 3, 5)=69
Lithuania 30/30
Czechoslovakia 60/60

With effort, rewards are reaped. The Lithuanian discussion stalls for weeks until eventually, a change of tact is required. They will never give up Vilnius and indeed, demand it back at every turn. So, the situation is delayed for now.

After long, hard hours, we get the Lithuanians to finally agree to a ceasefire of sorts. For now, all armies will not march and the borders will remain as they are until such an event as the ceasefire is called off. This is the best that can be achieved at the moment.

Relations are cool and stiff, but at least there are no more Lithuanian raids on the borderline. A victory for our diplomatic teams, to be certain.

On the other hand, Czechoslovakia is a near-miracle. Assuaging worries of both Nationalist and Communist intervention and poor decision-making happens purely because of two factors. Our relatively small current standing army and the fact that our communists have so blatantly broken with Moscow.

Finally, the embassy in Czechoslovakia is opened to public use rather than guarded by Czech soldiery. The border is demilitarized somewhat, enough that people can travel through without being searched thrice within the same mile. You are still foreign nations, but foreign nations that seemingly do not pose an active threat to one another.

It seems the Czechs and Slovaks are willing to be eminently reasonable about this.

Lithuania and Czechoslovakia pacified somewhat. Czechoslovakia is open to more diplomatic contact, but Lithuania is still aloof.
The Second Department
10d6=(1, 2, 3, 2, 2, 1, 3, 5, 2, 4)=25
Progress 55/50
Construction Progress 5/5

Finally, the last few radio towers are raised, the last few bunkers inset in the countryside and enough encrypted radio's to last a lifetime spread to enough agents to make a small army. Headquarters bustle with the inflow of information from neighbouring nations.

Tapping into the military communications of nearby enemies is a relentlessly tiresome task, but one that brings great benefits as they find out Soviet and German troop movements well ahead of time, confirmed by forward observes, and even catch a few broadcasts of news before they are sent over and translated for Polish audiences.

Finally, linguistic training can now proceed apace, having the space and teaching aids to get our agents to parity with German and Russian primarily, but a dozen other languages in support roles as a backup plan of sorts.
A Bond Between Neighbours
10d6=(6, 3, 3, 1, 2, 5, 1, 2, 3, 1)=27
Progress 27/75

With the need for cheap, free goods growing, teams of commercialists and diplomats are sent to friendly Romania with the intent to achieve some measure of economic ties. Their initial success is impressive, laying inroads and bargains to construct the network needed for any proper trade agreement to function.

Indeed, rather quickly with the pliability of locals, some amount of trade goods begins spreading

The Romanian government is helpful with the task at hand, seeing the benefits of a trade treaty and expressing interest in a defensive pact against the Soviet Union in particular given their threatening behaviour towards Bessarabia.

All that stops them from agreeing now is their understandable worry that your military simply isn't very worth the political and diplomatic position of openly declaring a defensive pact, a move which likely will aggravate many of their neighbours.

A conundrum.
Trade Agreement complete, 3IC released from the Civilian economy.
To Bond A People
10d6=(2, 4, 5, 3, 6, 2, 3, 6, 4, 3)=38
Ukrainian Acceptance Progress 38/400
German Acceptance Progress 0/1000
Jewish Acceptance Progress 0/800
Belarus Acceptance Progress 0/500

Slowly, progress is made. All over the nation flyers, pamphlets and radio broadcasts construct a new Polish dream. Efforts are made to accentuate the Ukrainian position in Poland and their vital role in the Commonwealth in its glorious past.

As well as of course, how accepting the Ukrainians is spitting in Comrade Stalin's damned eye, a task most Poles accept with severe energy and incredible fervour. Their hard work ethic and exceptional loyalty to the cause are mentioned and pushed forth as central propaganda pieces.

All told, progress is still slow, but steady, and public perception of at least one major minority group is expanding, but with the difficulty of even this, the enormity of the task is presenting itself. It appears the Polish people are comfortable in their disunity and are having great difficulty disconnecting from that idea.

Making people in 1933 like minorities is a hell of a task. Best of luck.
Gdynia Port
Construction Progress 40/75

Construction proceeds with that same vigour as last month. Buildings are raised in weeks, roads laid, schools built and a dozen tasks which do not match the sheer enormity of simply building a port.

Canals are laid for miles, digging through the earth with explosives, mechanical tools and simple manual labour, concrete poured in vast swaths over lattices of rebar to form the drydocks and wet docks as well as the moving in of heavy cranes for the purpose of unloading vast containers from hopefully incoming vessels.

Gdynia opens up to some minor trade, giving a small influx of goods that slowly drift through the Polish nation, once again easing the burden on the civilian economy and granting significant wealth to the nation, but nowhere near as much as it will.

1IC Released from Civilian Economy.
Hearts of Iron
Construction Progress 18/80

The first factory to come online was indeed, the most prioritized. A steel mill rises in central Poland, dominating its surroundings with its size and beginning to release its vast plates and blocks of steel for the usage of whoever wants to purchase it.

Most of this steel is put to use in the further construction of factories, laying of rail between the factories for easy, quick transport of goods and services. Jobs are continuing to be made and an easing of the peasant tensions comes from them as they are given options to engage in work that pays a living wage.

All told, a great achievement has been made, and the nation rejoices at its growing independence from German Steel.

3 IC gained, Polish industrialization going well.
All Roads Lead to Warsaw
Construction Progress 7.5/80

The initial stages of this process see Warsaw linked to the nearby towns and villages, rail and road linkages allowing easy travel to and from the city.

Fresh food and resources from the countryside flow into the capital itself, making Warsaw cuisine significantly improve overnight and increasing the happiness of both the urban population and the rural population in the process.

A welcome event.

1IC gained from small industrial efficiency increases.
A Peasant Strike

The Great Depression strikes hard at the most vulnerable class of our citizenry. The peasant class is simultaneously the least politically active and yet the most numerous of our people, they provide the food that allows our country to continue its existence.

This is why its incredibly worrying that they have decided to become politically active, in the areas of Lapanow, Lesko, and Ropczyce, large waves of strikes are taking place, protesting the current Sanitation regime and its government as unable to deal with the issue that are consuming the nation.

They demand reduced taxation and a greater focus on the wellbeing of the people instead of reckless adventurism or ceaseless urban spending.

They have either driven off or are joined by local police in many instances, resisting initial suppression attempts. This is proving to be a significant threat and indeed, may incite further peasant strikes across the nation.

What is the national response?

[X] On orders of the government, military police are sent in to disperse the strikes with whatever means necessary.

[X] Allow the strikes to continue, it is their right to do so.

[X] They must be made examples of, deploy the Army with orders to fire at will.

[X] Engage in dialogues with the striking peasantry, acceding to their demands.

[X] Something Else?
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HAH, finally something that I can understand a bit better! I like this new problem.

[X] Engage in dialogues with the striking peasantry, acceding to their demands.

If we let them be, they will go further and further, and if we fight them, we take the immense risk of getting ourselves a civil war or a revolution. Nobody would want that. So, talk to them and do what they want, at least in parts. Otherwise they might end up overthrowing the government or take an example on the russian revolution.
I'm not so keen on reduced taxation, but rural spending sounds spiffy.

Since we can't fine-tune our response:
[X] Engage in dialogues with the striking peasantry, acceding to their demands.
[X] Engage in dialogues with the striking peasantry, acceding to their demands.

[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.
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[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.
[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.
I get the feeling that if we go back on this, it's going to be worse for us

[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.
[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.
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[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.
[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.
[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.

Maybe the secularization of society can help with the racial tensions? If I remember correctly the polish are catholic while Ukranians and Belarussians are orthodox and the germans (since they are northen germans) will be mostly protestant so religion could be another vector from which to chip away at racism.
I get the feeling that if we go back on this, it's going to be worse for us
Probably not since at least the tax relief is a done deal, so even if we don't invest a single point of IC, the peasantry still got something out of this from us.

And I specifically picked these two promises because they are generally helpful to our goals. Land reforms allows for us to consolidate power while doing economic populism. At the same time, it gives us a good framework to take land that we need for larger projects while compensating the farmers with newly cleared land or stuff that we redistributed. Meanwhile, the rural infrastructure won't be economically as advantageous as the urban focused, but it will improve our ability to maneuver and supply troops within our borders.

Mind you, the land reform will likely cost a pretty penny in investments and we do need open up some trade to actually get something out of it. Poland doesn't have a lot of cash crops, so finding a good use of sugar and ethanol would be rather nice.
[X] Engage in dialogues with the striking peasantry, acceding to their demands.

[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.
[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.
@Dapperlad1 are you going to stimulate generic economic growth? By for example increasing the number of IC by one every 3 months, and increasing or decreasing this growth rate based on how good we are doing economically speaking
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[X] Engage in dialogues with the striking peasantry, acceding to their demands.

[X] Offer compromises and specific promises:
-[X] Minor taxation reduction for 1 year. Moderate reduction for those impacted by refugees for 1 year.
-[X] Promise investment into rural infrastructure within 1 year.
-[X] Promise to begin organising a land reform within 1 year.