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Quests Archive

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A CK2 inspired - in some parts- Quest to plant the Empire's flag on Lustrian shores, securing a foothold for Imperial Humanity. Delve into the secrets of the interior and risk scaly wrath, Look outward to secure the waves against chaotic marauders, look along the coast to secure the new world's wealth via trade with other colonial efforts. Yet All Importantly, secure Prestige for yourself and for your family.
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Control the new head of a top-secret USA research initiative as you try to answer important questions such as: How did a single plant manage to kill more than 500 people in under 24 hours? Why do the laws of physics keep getting violated? And most importantly of all. What the hell is going on?!
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Take command. Take Star Gate Command. Play as General Hammond, and try to play plate-spinner for the most difficult command in human- well, Earth, history.
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A quest focused on expanding the influence and power of your nation, and exploring what it is that makes your nations special.
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With Earth in ruins, it's up the Odyssey Project to search for a new home beyond the stars. Who knows what lurks in the depths of space? It's up to the Odyssey Power Rangers to find out!
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SV is a dungeon in the Anarchy quest each poster making a single change to the whole of an ever-growing dungeon.
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The world fell to the Abyss twenty years ago and mankind has been driven far from the ocean. After so long of hopeless struggles, buried deep within the dessicated corpse of an Installation Princess, you find a tattered summoning blueprint. The only path left for you is forwards, into the gaping maw of the Abyss itself.
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Assigned to build a prison colony on the wild frontiers of the empire, General Lothar Vanrich must fight with a hostile court, unreliable allies, the unwilling settlers under his command and even the land itself. All to mine the precious adamant that the realm needs to beat back the many enemies from without, while power hungry courtiers tear it apart from within.
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The wild wild west is back, this time on a cosmic scale. Bring prosperity to your commune or suffocate on a cold and lonely rock.
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Follow the pulp adventures and investigations of the mad scientist DECEMBER MORNING-GLORY as they explore the trials and travails of an alien planet!
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Magical girls are massively empowering people who spark hope, push back the dark, and defeat fear for others. The problem is, to do this they are soldiers. They go out, they fight, see horrors of war, and then they come home back to the World and then it's like nothing happens. There's no recognition. A bit of tin and a scrap of ribbon, a recognition of what they do, anything to help them hold onto their humanity under the pressures of their enviroment is what they need, but by the curse of...
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You failed to defend your homeland against a devastating invasion. Will you fail at establishing a safe haven for refugees?
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Good morning, Commander. We must apologize for the suddenness of your recruitment, and the...
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War. War never changes. The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower. But war never changes. In the 21st century, war was still waged over the resources that could be acquired. Only this time, the spoils of war were also its weapons: Petroleum and Uranium. For these resources, China would invade Alaska, the US would annex Canada, and the European Commonwealth...
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‘Til My Last Breath To be honest, towards the end some people had their problems with the...
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