Winning vote:
[Location] Bitter Reaches
[Affiliation] Local militia

< in progress...>
Gurokaze threw 4 4-faced dice. Reason: Starting supplies roll Total: 13
3 3 3 3 3 3 4 4
Gurokaze threw 2 6-faced dice. Reason: Starting transport capacity Total: 5
2 2 3 3
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"I'm too old for this." you murmur to yourself as you are trying to put on your old formal cuir bouilli chestpiece, now barely able to fit your fat belly. Your wife Calia comes into the room, summer breeze uplifting her ruffled sleeves and making the ceremonial beads suspended from her hair clink gently. Without speaking, she moves closer and starts helping you.

Today was the longest day in a year. Evening belongs to youth celebrating life and enchantresses working their craft to bring blessings on the community.

Sound of rapidly approaching hoofbeats makes your spouse stop and tense up. "Lidion! Lidion!" an exhausted rider shouts your name as he drops from his horse in front of the entrance to your house. "Lidion, there are zounds of Thrans marching towards Carlotaru, killing everything in their path! A band of Stahls was seen moving to Rebehia - they could be here in two days!"

"What else?"
you bark at the rider as you feel your old instincts overtaking you.

"I already warned Rebehians and Milio went to Luentia. I need to r"

You cut him off: "Drive to Luentia and tell them Lidion says to pack their belongings and come to us right away."

you shout and this jolts the disoriented rider back to action. Luentia is close and you know sending fatigued herald will instill a sense of urgency a fresh one wouldn't be able to deliver. Besides, you need the two horses in Iluvia, your home, for more important tasks.

You turn back to your wife: "Calia, get the children and start rousing every Iluvian you see to come to the fires, if they are not there already!"

Your Iluvian kin respects you and is prepared to heed your call. You know at once this is no ordinary raid - the only way to make it through this invasion will be to move as far away as fast as possible. Carlotaru seems like the obvious choice and that's exactly why it is the worst choice - everyone and their madre will rush to the capital, hoping to find refuge behind its walls or chart a ship to take them to safety. But there will be no ships to be found - everyone with a ship will be already at sea. Whoever goes to Carlotaru will be met only with closed gates and famine. We have to go to Iserlohn instead.

Your thoughts move to more immediate concerns. We have to ready wagons and cattle, load the supplies, make the entire village into one cohesive caravan. We could repair, improve, even make one or two new wagons so we are able to move more people and supplies. We could also slaughter some lambs and salt the meat for quick boost to our supplies. We can lay traps to slow the advance of Stahls. We can set up patrols in wide radius around Iluvia so no one will surprise us. We can also rush to help Rebehians - it's a risky undertaking but our best bet to making it to Iserlohn is to move together. Scattered, disorganized convoys are easy to isolate and annihilate. You know this only very well - you spent a few years of your youth raiding caravans.

Fate, it seems, is not without a sense of irony.

There are three possible outcomes when Agent undertakes a Task:
• Fail - rolling below half of DC (for example 9 against DC of 20)​
→ Task is not accomplished and there may be additional complications arising​
• Development - rolling anything which is not Fail or Success (for example 15 against DC of 20)​
→ "Yes, but" - either a Task is accomplished but a complication arises, or Task hasn't been accomplished but there are no further complications​
• Success - rolling at or above DC (for example 20 against DC of 20)​
→ Task accomplished, sometimes there can be additional good outcome​

Please remember Disbands can occur at all three Agent/Task outcomes.
High Morale (rolling 1 results in Disband)
8 Momentum (Release by write-in. 1 Momentum reduces difficulty of any Task by 1 (then 2/3/4 etc. Momentum to further reduce the difficulty of that Task by additional 1.))
22 Supply estimate at start of next turn
35 current supplies (0 supplies are currently ready for transport, 20 /15+2d6 rolled in previous post/ maximum transport capacity)​
13 Upkeep (4+4+2+4-1) (1 Agent requires Supplies equal to their maximum dice sides)​
(I'm also toying with the idea of using Momentum as a measure of caravan speed)
Assign Agents to Tasks and make a Riders choice. If you write-in at least a few sentences, it will effectively double the capacity of one Agent of your choice. Agents working on Tasks with no DC will not incur disbands. The first elements of enemy army will reach Iluvia in 1+1d2 turns (hidden roll).

[] [Agent]
Grego current 3d4/max 3d4
Eager: +1 to a Task if previous undertaken Task was of different type.​
Inexperienced: -5 to Sword Tasks unless Lidion is assigned to the same Task.​
Young and able Iluvians​
[] [Agent] Lidion 2d4/2d4
Condottiero: updated! If at least two Agents are assigned to the same Task, reduce the difficulty of this Task by 2.​
Able Iluvians​
[] [Agent] Tadania 4d2/4d2
Genial: +1 to all Cup Tasks​
Children, women and elderly of Iluvia​

[] [Task]
no DC (Knife) Help with evacuation preparations (roll = supplies prepared for transport)
[] [Task] no DC (Knife) Work the land (roll/4 = new transport-ready supplies)
[] [Task] no DC (Knife) Work on wagons (roll/3 = new supply transport capacity)
[] [Task] DC 16+2d6 (Sword) Rush to help Rebehians (Success: new 4d4 Agent)
[] [Task] DC 16+2d6 (Sword) Send wagons towards Rebehia to help with their evacuation (Success: roll = new transport-ready supplies)
[] [Task] DC 5 (Cloak) Secure a wide perimeter around the settlement
[] [Task] DC 4+2d4 (hidden roll) (Knife, Cloak, Cup) Place traps, enchants and tangles to slow whoever may come our way (Agents working on this Task will not incur disbands. Success: delays enemy army by 1 turn.)
[] [Task] write-in

We only have 2 horses present. Should we play it safe?
[] [Riders-Means] Yes, pick one objective and send the riders together. (roll 1d8, 1 results in disband)
[] [Riders-Means] No, pick two objectives and send each rider to one. (roll 2d4, each 1 results in disband)

Where should the riders go? (depending on previous choice pick one or two)
[] [Riders-Ways] To northwest, to warn settlements further inland
[] [Riders-Ways] To northeast, to check the main road leading to Carlotaru
[] [Riders-Ways] To southeast, to scout the developments on the front
[] [Riders-Ways] To southwest, to scout our escape route towards Iserlohn
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[X] [Task] no DC (Knife) Work the land (roll/4 = new transport-ready supplies)
-[X] [Agent] Grego current 3d4/max 3d4
[X] [Task] no DC (Knife) Work on wagons (roll/3 = new supply transport capacity)
-[X] [Agent] Lidion 2d4/2d4
[X] [Task] DC 4+2d4 (hidden roll) (Knife, Cloak, Cup) Place traps, enchants and tangles to slow whoever may come our way (Agents working on this Task will not incur disbands. Success: delays enemy army by 1 turn.)
-[X] [Agent] Tadania 4d2/4d2

[X] [Riders-Means] No, pick two objectives and send each rider to one. (roll 2d4, each 1 results in disband)

[X] [Riders-Ways] To northwest, to warn settlements further inland
[X] [Riders-Ways] To southwest, to scout our escape route towards Iserlohn

Not sure if doing it right.
Seems like a good plan!

[X] [Task] no DC (Knife) Work the land (roll/4 = new transport-ready supplies)
-[X] [Agent] Grego current 3d4/max 3d4
[X] [Task] no DC (Knife) Work on wagons (roll/3 = new supply transport capacity)
-[X] [Agent] Lidion 2d4/2d4
[X] [Task] DC 4+2d4 (hidden roll) (Knife, Cloak, Cup) Place traps, enchants and tangles to slow whoever may come our way (Agents working on this Task will not incur disbands. Success: delays enemy army by 1 turn.)
-[X] [Agent] Tadania 4d2/4d2

[X] [Riders-Means] No, pick two objectives and send each rider to one. (roll 2d4, each 1 results in disband)

[X] [Riders-Ways] To northwest, to warn settlements further inland
[X] [Riders-Ways] To southwest, to scout our escape route towards Iserlohn