That is the exact opposite of what the QM said. Scouting the Jungle right now would be incredibly valuable.
No he said it a good way to kill myself if i want to kill myself this turn. He ALSO said that they would be arriving in a turn or two. The minimum amount of time it would take for me to suicife and become a spore crawler is 2 turns. One to become a drone and one to become the spore crawler. By that point the attack may have already happened and we would be down one zerg cus i was trying to shift. It would also be a big drain on our minerals.

It is better for someone else who is currently a drone to become a spore crawler than me at the moment and considering all of that knowledge it is better for me to collect biomass and wait to die in defense of the hive than go suicide on the incoming army.

It might be worth it if more people suicided with ke as then we may slow them down and gain more time, but me suiciding by myself will not.
so need me to become a zergling or mine minerals?
or some building?

but yes, being a hydralisk once we unlock them will be nice.
Birds. Birds in the sky. Birds on the treetops. Birds on the branches. Birds on the ground. About the only place there weren't birds was in the water, mud, and thick bushes. Birds. So many birds. And worst of all, eating one of them would get you eaten in turn.


[X] Scout Jungle (2d10)
Derpmind threw 4 10-faced dice. Total: 28
6 6 8 8 10 10 4 4
So, I should try to scout the Jungle? I don't know if it's really an option for the Zerglings to coordinate a relay, or otherwise, to lead the birds to our rival hive. Maybe if I get really lucky with rolls I can do something right? And if I do an omake then I'll have a base of 3d10?
I think that if it's properly coordinated and written, it's possible that you could lead the birds to the giant Swarm.
[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)

The birds have failed their initial attack, and now the swarm needs minerals more than ever. This is the moment the Most Faithful has been waiting for. A chance to show the true glory of the mineral god. The most faithful takes a few bird corpses and burns them at the temple in honor of the great Mineral God. Then it follows the smoke and begins to dig.
LordEdric threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 13
4 4 9 9
Farther and farther the drone digs into the deposit. The voice has been oddly quiet lately. It quieted down when all of the birds died. The cheerful drone continues on, thankful for the silence in its mind as it continues digging even more. Claw after claw striking minerals and breaking them before gathering them to bring back to the hatchery.
A corner of its mind sharpens and determination leaks through.
[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)

Edit: well that's just sad.
Gnich threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 3
1 1 2 2
"I will chill when those birds will kill me! Wait, I won't have time to chill, because my dead body will be eaten when it still warm!"
(That's mostly an act, even IC, because I can just bury and wait until attack is over)

Zerglings cant mine minerals, only collect biomass and scout. Scouting bad rn since attack is on the way, so i collect biomass.
For one, I can bet that @Zedalb said that scouting not prevent one from protecting the hive (edit: quote below). And if no, gathering biomass, most likely, will follow the same rules, because you need to leave our base anyway.
For another one: zergling can distract the Flock or better yet - redirect it to our neighbor hive, just like I suggested before.

So, I should try to scout the Jungle? I don't know if it's really an option for the Zerglings to coordinate a relay, or otherwise, to lead the birds to our rival hive
Well, since when I suggested it QM didn't said that isn't possible, the real question is how likely it to success.

We're still at " Approximately 5k Remains "

@Zedalb do Zerglings defend the base automatically, no matter what they do during the turn?
I will update that mineral count next time.

And yeah sure.
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Deep inside the hatchery, a mind swam slowly to consciousness. Muscles flexed, provoking cracks and pops as the useless husk of the former Drone split. Eyes glowed a deep blue as he... huh, gender. Interesting. Perhaps a holdover from the remnants of the Queen of Blades' imprint on the Swarm? But yes, this... Neo-Drone, felt like a "he". Hmmm... He began to flex individual muscles, cataloging the changes.

Longer limbs allowing to reach farther. Gathering claws that had a heavy blunt exterior edge to them for easily cracking through bone and stone, coupled with tiny microfiliments that could literally vibrate the mineral rich rock apart like a hot blade through fat. A micro-adaptation from the Roach strain's digging and tunneling abilities. Enlarged transport sacs, with air-tight seals allowing for transportation of more minerals and vespene gas. The adaptations there seemed to have been taken from the transport capabilities of the Overlord strain. Enhanced cognitive reasoning and analysis capabilities for more nuanced decision making in the field; arising from a few strands of Queen DNA. Not enough to make him a leader in his own right, but enough to allow him to figure out the best spots to harvest. His eyes cycled through several colors. Blue to purple to red to orange to green to blue, each color shift providing a new visual filter. Thermal sense, pheromone sense, limited echolocation, Ultraviolet sight, and sight within the standard range of the visual spectrum. That had been taken from the Overseer strain's strands.

Assessing the communications of the Swarm, the Neo-Drone resisted the urge to exhale mightily. A... ah, a "sigh", a gesture of exasperation and resignation. It was truly amazing the kinds of small bits of information the Queen of Blades had left embedded in the Swarm's gestalt consciousness. Tiny signs that, even with her no longer in control or contact with the Swarm, she was still there in a way. Shaking off the odd mood, the Neo-Drone prepared to begin his appointed task. The Swarm needed minerals to recover their loses and allow for some kind of defense, either through force of arms or guile to be mounted.

[X] Mine Minerals (2d10)

Edit: Holy crap, I nearly got a triple ten!
TempestK threw 6 10-faced dice. Total: 41
6 6 3 3 10 10 6 6 10 10 6 6
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I think that if it's properly coordinated and written, it's possible that you could lead the birds to the giant Swarm.
Well, since when I suggested it QM didn't said that isn't possible, the real question is how likely it to success.
Yeah, but what action would it be? A write in? Scouting, or maybe participating in an attack with a Queen?

If it's scouting, then I think the biggest thing is still the rolls and writing an appropriate omake.
[X] Improve mineral collection (Provide a +1 bonus to each die rolled for mineral collection in one area)

Birds attack from the sky. We must force them away! How? MINERALS! Mine minerals, and use them to make more anti-air defences. But mostly, MINE!
Okay, after accounting for Auto-Drone production, the creation of a new Queen, and tallying up everything else, we're currently at 131 Minerals. We also have enough Biomass for someone (like a Queen) to become a Heroic unit.
We should have enough to make a spore crawler now if anyonw wants to sac for that.

[X] Scout Jungle (2d10)

Using my biomass roll this is a 6
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Alright, here goes. I'll come back for an omake.

[X] Scout Jungle (2d10)

Edit: Omake time. My first as a Zergling, let's see if I survive this.


The time was upon them. Twice have foes above made attempts on the Hive, twice they have been repelled. But even had their second attack been rebuffed with more success, the information gained with the sacrifice of two of it's fellows told them all they needed to know. This could not be sustained. Already the Drones and the Queen were working to ensure that the Hive can weather this onslaught, but for a Zergling there is not much one can do besides wait for an attack.

But to sit when action could be taken is against their very nature. Perhaps they may lay in wait to ambush prey, but when faced with a threat to the survival of the Hive there is only one option. Fight.

So this Zergling ventures into the jungle, towards where they know the nest lies. It fully expects to sell it's meager existence in exchange for more knowledge on their enemy. But it does not intend to go quietly, or without a fight. One, two, more. The Zergling will take as many with them as it can.

Edit2.0: I probably shouldn't have found that final roll so funny. rip Zergling.
Vokivas threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 8
3 3 4 4 1 1
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