In terms of tech, my understanding is that we have all the SC2 tech tree available as a default, and I think it was even stated that we can discover the single-player campaign variants (like Raptor/Swarmling zerglings or automated extractors) without having to spend Heroic Bonuses (though I'm less certain on that, and it probably still requires a player Queen to think about it). Beyond that, the current arrangement appears to be that player Queens can spend a turn thinking about an original research to unlock it, with it probably costing either Heroic Bonuses or Essence (or both) to do. Heroic Bonuses are pretty tightly restricted, and Essence has to be collected from the appropriate enemies (Gigantism research would require a substantial amount of Essence from the Giant Swarm, for example, and depending on QM mood might require only that and not a Heroic Bonus). Of course, this is all just my understanding, you'd have to ask the QM for exact specifics.

I probably will be asking soon, due to my self-appointed duty as the Researcher Queen. (Though I'll also lead attacks if we spot a clear opening. Just don't expect me to roll well, apparently).
or you can, probably, arrange with others that you will hunt 100 (needed amount) of biomass for personal use.
I'm not sure understand this one correctly. I can upgrade myself with a 100 biomass? I must have missed that. Could you please give me the relevant QM quote?

Anyway, I'm probably going to focus in various ways on the same stuff I focused back when I was a terror on Silver League. Zergling/Mutalisk. Nothing sweeter than facing someone who teched up faster and has more units than me because they bothered to learn build orders and yet see them completely crumble under flanking attacks, pick offs of lone units and unrelenting worker harassment.
It's actually 125 biomass now. Specifically, Biomass can be exchanged for Heroic Bonuses, at a gradually increasing exchange rate (it was 100 to start, now after doing it once it's 125, so it looks like the price increases by 25 each time its used). So if you coordinate with the zergling hunting gang who do the lions' share of biomass gathering, and they agree to let you get the next one, most likely nobody will argue.
I'm not sure understand this one correctly. I can upgrade myself with a 100 biomass? I must have missed that. Could you please give me the relevant QM quote?

Anyway, I'm probably going to focus in various ways on the same stuff I focused back when I was a terror on Silver League. Zergling/Mutalisk. Nothing sweeter than facing someone who teched up faster and has more units than me because they bothered to learn build orders and yet see them completely crumble under flanking attacks, pick offs of lone units and unrelenting worker harassment.

Ok, it's a general rule that certain amount of biomass (it was a 100 thefirst time) becomes a heroic bonus, and the price increases each time by 25.

Keep in mind that SC2 tactics don't map very well to here. Our action economy is limited by the amount of players we have (and to some extent our economy as well, and we're facing primal zerg from zerus with unknown addaptations, and turns are not very granular in time, so we can't manually kite with roaches or stuff like that.
Which isn't to say that *none* of it applies. It's pretty firmly stated that a player-controlled zerg is just plain better than an autonomous one in many ways, likely as a representation of intelligence being used for those kinds of tactics. And if you outright state you're using tactics when joining an attack... well, if nothing else it earns you an omake bonus die!
I know I know. What I described were just the fun parts during actual multiplayer gameplay. The only thing that translates even remotely is the idea of giant swarms rushing down the hills or blotting out the sun and approaching at lightning speed to rip apart larger and slower enemies.

I didn't only gravitate to those two units because they let me win games. I genuinely find them cool. And I want to see what I can do with them in this Quest, once we go beyond canon upgrades.
One research I hope to get eventually for instance is some kind of intelligence/pheromone upgrade that allows small swarms of Zerglings to follow a player Zergling even far away from Hatcheries and Queens and Overlords. Or maybe even the ability to follow NPC Alpha Zerglings for long range scouting, flanking maneuvers or even long term survival and sabotage behind enemy lines all without needing more than initial orders.
If you use a generic action, your personal unit just... stands there, really. You can omake for a die to roll for a small possibility of a heroic bonus, but mostly your drone or whatever just sits inert while its controlling intelligence is working on the generic action.
So we'll have two queens next turn, a Heroic Drone, several zerglings, and another spore crawler. Not bad. But we may need to make a move on something sooner rather than later. If we try and turtle we'll just get overrun. We need Essence.

I would be willing to take part in an attack on one of our current opponents if one of our queens wants to launch an attack next turn. If not, I'll prolly go back to gathering biomass, cause I wanna become a Heroic Zergling and become the ultimate biomass harvester
Should we try to attack the forest, then? Seems like the other Zerg species are out of our reach as of yet. Let's see how our defenses fare before we fall in love with any idea though
This drone did something akin to waking up with a start, which it found odd, as the hive mind shouldn't normally allow for such a thing. Regardless, most of the swarm had already decided on their actions. This drone quickly went over the communication within the swarm and what the other minds had committed to. It seems that another spore crawler and queen had been created, and that the other drones had just barely managed to secure enough minerals to stabilize such growths. While this meant they weren't in desperate need for minerals, they were still extremely low, and more minerals would always help the hive grow, especially when there were a large amount at once, as that's when special decisions could be made. Thus, this drone decided to continue mining.

(My internet's down. Had to do this on my phone.)
KSn5Ynoh threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 11
2 2 9 9
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The first real attack and a heroic drone
Starting Minerals: 20
Minerals Mined: 197
Queen Bonus:39
Automated Drone Production: 120
Total Positive this turn: 376

Drone Production Cost: 100
Queen Production Cost: 125
Spore Crawler: 75
Zergling Production Cost: 50

Total Negative this turn: 350

Current Minerals before events: 26
Current Minerals after events: 26

With one Zergling running around all you find is that the tunnels are surprisingly empty the worms having retreated deeper into the ground.

RaptorusMaximus Gintarazimu

You find the bird nest, a giant thing in the trees with thousands of eggs and dozens of bird protecting it. You also see something in the sky.

Birds, lots of fucking birds. Dozens are heading towards the swarm and hundreds are not far behind those. The two of you have to make a decision faster than the birds you climb trees ahead of the fastest of the birds ambushing the first group by leaping from the canopy and grabbing two of three with claw and fang as you fall. You use their bodies as cushions and kill what you can as the swarm of bird starts to chase you.

Injuries already piling up from the fall and struggling birds you run from the horde leading it away from the hive. Occasionally turning and quickly biting down on a bird neck you two are able to kill a few more of the birds before the diving attacks and numbers chip away at your carapace until you are slower than they are. Without your speed advantage you are swarmed and die in a flurry of violence even as you kill every bird your claws and maw can reach.

Your minds are sent back to the swarm knowing every second of preparation you bought was precious.

Chopak Sinsystems

The toads have apparently been stock piling food in a small cave near a river of lava. The toads seem to be either further down the river teaching smaller toads to swim in the lava or out hunting more food. So you take the opportunity to steal all the food/bio mass that you can and make your way out of there quickly before they return. (+30 Bio mass)

With two of your Zerglings dying to buy time and scout out the coming attack you are able to prepare, spore crawler and all three queens, one brand new are moved into position even the spine crawler is added in hopes that it can hit a few diving birds or simply take some hits from them. When the swarm arrives in range the barrage of fire starts chemical biological attack from the spore crawlers and spines from the queens firing as fast as they can being unable to miss the dense clouds of chitin covered birds. That first few volleys before the birds arrive manages to cut down half of their numbers the prep time having made a world of difference.

The birds dive down and attack the defenses of the swarm. Transfusion is used to help keep them alive but it simply isn't enough one of the spore crawlers goes down and dies from a hundred cuts as the birds rip pieces off to fly away with. Several of the fleeing birds are shot down and after a few moments of fearsome fighting it seems to be over, a small handful of birds escape with fully bellies and beaks but no more than a half dozen survived to do so. You gain another 20 biomass from the battle. However the Zerglings showed you what is to come, while this was but a few dozen, you may very well face a few hundred soon probably not right away or they would have been with this attack but very soon and if the nest is not destroyed that number may climb to thousands in the coming days.

However with a new queen being produced and your first heroic unit you are much more capable of building up the infrastructure and army needed to survive the coming days

Current Bank: 26 Minerals/40 Vespene Gas/120 Biomass/0 Heroic Bonuses/ R&D slots 0/1

Zerg Swarm (Check here for votes)
Actions anyone can take
[] Produce a "Mindless" Drone (Cost 50 Minerals Automatically gather 10 minerals per update)
[] Produce a "Mindless" Drone (Gas collector) (Cost 50 Minerals Automatically gather 10 gas per update)
[] Produce a "Mindless" Queen (Cost 150 Minerals, Each mindless queen is one slot for R&D to take place in)
[] Produce a pair of "Mindless" Zerglings (Cost 50 minerals, will protect the swarm, and with a player queen can be used to attack)
[] Become a Queen (Cost 150 minerals see below)
[] Become a Zergling (Cost 25 Minerals see below)
[] Become a Drone (Cost 50 minerals) Requires you are not a Drone.

[] Become a heroic Variant (Cost 1 Heroic Bonus and upgrades to the heroic version. Can be done in the same turn as becoming a unit)

[] Research Ground Carapace 1 (Cost 1 R&D Slot for 3 turns 150 minerals 150 gas)
[] Research Ground Melee Attack 1 (Cost 1 R&D Slot for 3 turns 100 minerals 100 gas)
NPC Drones: 10(Gather 10 minerals per turn)
Player Drones: Anyone not dead, or a different unit
[] Mine Minerals (1d10)
[] Collect Vespene Gas (1d10)
[]Collect Biomass (1d10)
[] Scout Volcano (1d10)
[] Scout Jungle (1d10)
[] Scout Tunnel Network (1d10)
All drone actions that turn you into a building will also kill you requiring you become a new unit when you wish to undertake non-general actions)
[] Become a Spine Crawler (Cost 100 Minerals will automatically protect the base from ground threats)
[] Become a Spore Crawler (Cost 75 Minerals will automatically protect the base from flying threats)
[] Become a roach Warren (Cost 150 minerals, unlocks the roach unit)
[] Become a baneling nest (Cost 100 minerals and 50 gas, unlocks banelings)

NPC Zerglings: 4 (Provide 1d10 to defense or attack rolls)
Player Zerglings:7
Sinsystems Derpmind Jarow Chopak@JustSomeGuy Vokivas DangerKitty

[] Scout Volcano (2d10)
[] Scout Jungle (2d10)
[] Scout Tunnel Network (2d10)

[]Collect Biomass (2d10)

[] Join a Queen led attack (1d10)

Player Queens:mad:kingreaper Razzocnor
NPC Queens:1 (Each gives 1 R&D Slot)

[] Improve mineral collection (Provide a +1 bonus to each die rolled for mineral collection in one area)
[] Improve vespene gas production (Provide a +1 bonus to each die rolled for vespene gas collection in one area)
[] Improve Biomass production (Provide a +1 bonus to each die rolled for biomass collection in one area)

[] Attack a location: Write in (WARNING This can result in death of you and those who join you, ensure the swarm is ready first) (2d10)

[] Start a research project (may have other requirements before work can begin on it. Such as biometal requiring the worms DNA in large amounts.)
[] Experiment on a heroic Unit: Write in (May improve a heroic unit, requires that players consent, may have a resource cost, may kill the unit, if successful provides a discount to making that upgrade for all of that unit)
1 Hatchery
1 Spawning Pool
1 Spine Crawler
1 Spore Crawler
1 Evolution Chamber
Heroic Units
Heroic: Any unit with this trait gains an additional dice on all rolls, all dice they roll "explode" on a 9 or 10 and lastly they can write a longer omake for 2 bonus dice instead of one.

@TempestK: Heroic Drone

Heroic Drone Actions: (These numbers do include the heroic bonus already but not heroic omake)

[] Mine Minerals (2d10)
[] Collect Vespene Gas (2d10)
[]Collect Biomass (2d10)

[]Become a Heroic Spine Crawler (200 Minerals 100 Gas: Kills the drone gives the base a 6d10 defensive Spine Crawler)
[]Become a Heroic Spore Crawler (175 Minerals 100 Gas: Kills the drone gives the base a 6d10 defensive Spore Crawler)

[]Become a Heroic Tech building: Write in (Cost the normal cost of the building and provides a sizeable discount to both cost and speed to all upgrades for that unit EG: Spawning pool= Cheaper and faster Zergling upgrades)
[]Become a Heroic Evolution Chamber (Cost the normal 75 minerals but unlocks basic swarm upgrades (Improved attack/armor) all the way to level 5 instead of 3)

These are currently known locations.
Main Base
Your main Zerg hive exist on a large stone field a thin layer of creep growing over the stone outwards from your hatchery.
-Large mineral patches (Approximately 5k Remains)
-1 Automated Queen
-4 NPC Zerglings
-12 Automated Drones
-1 Spawning Pool
-1 Spine Crawler
-1 Spore Crawler
-1 Evolution Chamber
Tunnel Network
North of your main base further into the mountains you have found a deep tunnel network.
-Aggressive biometal shelled worm creatures.
A large volcano to the east of your main base.
-Underground golden Minerals
-Lava Swimming toads that splash lava on things to hunt
A vibrant jungle to the south filled with many huge and dangerous creatures.
- Raw biomass from hunting
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I'm going to assume no one has any objections to me becoming a Queen given I've been waiting a couple of turns. Although tell me if I should do something different. I'm currently incorporeal.

[X] Become a Queen (Cost 150 minerals see below)
-[X] Become a heroic Variant (Cost 1 Heroic Bonus and upgrades to the heroic version. Can be done in the same turn as becoming a unit)
@TempestK Alright, I edited my vote for a heroic variant of Queen.
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[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)
Was planning to turn into a zergling this turn but I don't want our brave scouts who perished to be trapped as spooky ghosts from lack of minerals to build new bodies.

..... and of course I roll a 2 ---.---
Corndog threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mining Minerals Total: 2
2 2
Iesu, no rest for our little Hatchery, we just can't afford to tech up or take advantage of the toads' weakness. Ok, Queens and Spore Crawlers people, don't bother with Vespene or biomass, just mine your little hearts out!

Zerglings are not that useful, let's become anti-air stuff, please!

[X] Mine Minerals

Violence. A nondescript Drone continued to scratch and bite and spit on the patch of blueish crystal absentmindedly, its focus entirely on memories, both its own and of its companions. Violence on the scale it had never witnessed before. It shuddered as it recalled the last breaths of those Zergling minds that died, torn apart by countless assailants.
This was it. This was what the Swarm was for, it thought, and felt its thought echo throughout the minds of its brethren. No matter that this Drone hadn't directly contributed, it still felt the excitement, pheromones being expelled furiously, the certainty of death on the tongue of those sleek hunting minds, as if it had been its own. It shuddered slightly, while still trying to dislodge a particularly obstinate shard of crystal, unheeding of the small scale frustration of its task, glorying in the affirmation of the Swarms strength, its capacity and potential for Violence.
TheCrownedVassal threw 3 10-faced dice. Total: 13
10 10 2 2 1 1