...And of course when I'm the one who negativizes the minerals is when they actually dry up. Where's our usual set of mining drones and their musical accompaniment? Or is the problem that we're out of musical accompaniment? If I find more songs about mining, will they return?
I'd love to support your bid to queenship, but i already rolled for vespene gas (and got 2 units with two dice -_-). I doubt we could just change our vote and reroll, otherwise that's what eveybody would do anytime their result was bad
Heyo! If I join the game and my first action is to become a Zergling, what happens to my free Drone? Also, how do I get the heroic points to become a heroic variant? I don't want to spend someone else's heroic points.
Heyo! If I join the game and my first action is to become a Zergling, what happens to my free Drone? Also, how do I get the heroic points to become a heroic variant? I don't want to spend someone else's heroic points.
please if you're new, could you please mine some minerals? we're already at a deficit, and you'll probably waste your action this turn if we don't get enough minerals in time for the update
Heyo! If I join the game and my first action is to become a Zergling, what happens to my free Drone? Also, how do I get the heroic points to become a heroic variant? I don't want to spend someone else's heroic points.
No clue about the first, in order to become heroic variant a small omake (paragraph + iirc) is needed to allow for rolling, at which point you need to roll three 10s in a row on a 1d10.

But currently at negatives for minerals, so not sure wether you can become zerglings.
Heyo! If I join the game and my first action is to become a Zergling, what happens to my free Drone? Also, how do I get the heroic points to become a heroic variant? I don't want to spend someone else's heroic points.
The free Drone would vanish as though it never existed - changing form doesn't leave behind a mindless body it just destroys the existing one entirely.
We're now at 148 thanks to Rafin being an awesome team player! We literally only need a single die roll to get our second queen!
Heyo! If I join the game and my first action is to become a Zergling, what happens to my free Drone? Also, how do I get the heroic points to become a heroic variant? I don't want to spend someone else's heroic points.
Heroic Bonuses are a pooled resource like the minerals and gas. It's basically "first come, first served". And if you become a zergling as your first action, your drone drops dead.
Is there any way to become a Zergling without throwing away the Drone? I guess I'd have to build a building first?

Also, what's the deal with Overlords? I get that limiting population in a Quest like this would be asinine, but what about our dear Creep puking transport balloons and their ability to scout from low orbit, telepathically communicate and command lesser Zerg and even fly into space?
Are we strictly following the SC2 multiplayer tech tree or might we eventually gain the ability to spawn Brood War stuff, campaign and co-op units and maybe even completely made up creatures based either on the QM's fancy or our own puzzling from available parts?
Are we strictly following the SC2 multiplayer tech tree or might we eventually gain the ability to spawn Brood War stuff, campaign and co-op units and maybe even completely made up creatures based either on the QM's fancy or our own puzzling from available parts?
With enough Biomass, Essence and research we can make original units. One I put forward as an example was an Ultralisk frame with a Swarm Host body that spawned anti-air Locusts.
So we'll have two queens next turn, a Heroic Drone, several zerglings, and another spore crawler. Not bad. But we may need to make a move on something sooner rather than later. If we try and turtle we'll just get overrun. We need Essence.
Also, how do I get the heroic points to become a heroic variant? I don't want to spend someone else's heroic points.
Well, you can either talk to people and tome to agree about "everyone's" heroic bonus, or roll a three 10s on one dice (exploding dice), or you can, probably, arrange with others that you will hunt 100 (needed amount) of biomass for personal use.

Is there any way to become a Zergling without throwing away the Drone? I guess I'd have to build a building first?
Yep. Or, later, maybe we'll research something that will help with that. There were some suggestions about possible research. But that not going to be soon, I'm affraid.
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