We need more NPC Drones guys. They gather more than player Drones and allow us the actual freedom to do stuff.

[] Produce a "Mindless" Drone (Cost 50 Minerals Automatically gather 10 minerals per update, this will happen once for each person who votes for it)

Edit: Ignore that. I thought that the bird swarm would come in two turns or so.

I guess mining it is.

[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)
Rafin threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 11
10 10 1 1
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I don't think that is going to cut it. We are going to need Banelings to blast that nest to the ground.

@Zedalb can we make Scourge by editing baneling DNA with those birds?

Yes if you had banelings

I think the QM was quite clear that next turn we'll be facing an endless horde of birbs, so i think just focusing on pure defence is the way to go, since every lost drone costs us dearly.

Not next turn, but very soon.

while this was but a few dozen, you may very well face a few hundred soon probably not right away or they would have been with this attack but very soon and if the nest is not destroyed that number may climb to thousands in the coming days.

So it won't be next turn or it would have been visible right behind them or just a constant stream.
[] Produce a "Mindless" Drone (Cost 50 Minerals Automatically gather 10 minerals per update, this will happen once for each person who votes for it)

So can a mindless drone only can be made by a person once (so each new person can make 1 mindless drone) or can people make any number of mindless drones.
Because if its limited to 1 per person then I want to make my mindless drone and if not I'll go collect whatever material is needed (probably minerals)

[X] Produce a "Mindless" Drone (Cost 50 Minerals Automatically gather 10 minerals per update, this will happen once for each person who votes for it)

Not sure If I need to throw dice for this but I'll throw one anyways. (If we dont have the materials for this/Ruins other plans I'll switch off this if someone @'ts me to whats needed)
dbRevned threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
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[] Produce a "Mindless" Drone (Cost 50 Minerals Automatically gather 10 minerals per update, this will happen once for each person who votes for it)

So can a mindless drone only can be made by a person once (so each new person can make 1 mindless drone) or can people make any number of mindless drones.
Because if its limited to 1 per person then I want to make my mindless drone and if not I'll go collect whatever material is needed (probably minerals)

Any person can create any number of mindless drones, it's limited to one per turn.

Also a note, I'll be adding a note that you can go from dead to heroic unit in one turn (you can create yourself as a heroic)
They were also pretty clear that if we do not destroy birds' nest, we will be eventually overwhelmed.
Not next turn, but very soon.
Ah, my apologies then, it seems I was mistaken. So... Baneling nest seems almost useless, since we would have to use those just to fell the trees, I guess, since I can't imagine Banelings (with or without speed) are any good at climbing. Additionally, birds can just sacrifice themselves one at a time if they have the tactics for it, since they seem to be the "weak individuals form a horde" unit type, or even swoop down and fly single Banelings away from the fight.

What about the "aren't anti-air"-ness of Roaches, QM? Where do you draw the line? Will roaches be able to shoot at the eggs in the trees?
If yes, then maybe building a Roach warren might be the way to go. Dead Zerglings could build NPC drones and incarnate next turn into roaches. the turn after we could go attack the Bird nest.
Ah, my apologies then, it seems I was mistaken. So... Baneling nest seems almost useless, since we would have to use those just to fell the trees, I guess, since I can't imagine Banelings (with or without speed) are any good at climbing. Additionally, birds can just sacrifice themselves one at a time if they have the tactics for it, since they seem to be the "weak individuals form a horde" unit type, or even swoop down and fly single Banelings away from the fight.

What about the "aren't anti-air"-ness of Roaches, QM? Where do you draw the line? Will roaches be able to shoot at the eggs in the trees?
If yes, then maybe building a Roach warren might be the way to go. Dead Zerglings could build NPC drones and incarnate next turn into roaches. the turn after we could go attack the Bird nest.

So this will apply to all ground units.

If a unit can fly but only attack in melee (such as the bird)

Ground units can fight it, because they have to come down to attack you.

Also, roachs can bring down the trees the nest is in.
Guys we can make Scourge it if we make Baneling Nest. Just need 74 Minerals and 10 Gas.
This is actually quite interesting. Pre-Lair anti-air seems like the way to go. What worries me though is how much time that is going to take. We would need to make a baneling nest this turn, research Scourge next turn, start producing them the turn after that (which makes them available for base defence at least), and may be able to attack the third turn from now. Roaches would be available for both defence and attack one turn earlier, while not being as specialized against our current enemy (but being more genrally useful, i think, especially if long term we're planning to go loot armor oof of the underground worms).
Any person can create any number of mindless drones, it's limited to one per turn.
Wait, how is this different from other units? Could I make four Zerglings or two Queens in one turn without approval from my fellow players? I thought the highest amount of minerals one can spend in one turn is whatever the single most expensive thing is right now.
Wait, how is this different from other units? Could I make four Zerglings or two Queens in one turn without approval from my fellow players? I thought the highest amount of minerals one can spend in one turn is whatever the single most expensive thing is right now.

It's limited to one per player per turn to be clear.

Each person gets 1 vote, does 1 thing.

It isn't different from other units.
Hmm, won't be able to really post until a while later, but I can make a comment.

Would Raptor Strain Zerglings be able to use their short range flight to get at the bird nests? That seems like something we could research and deploy pretty quickly.
We mined 356 minerals this turn. Unless there will be a bunch of new people, I doubt we will get much more... Already lost one Spore Crawler and two zerglings, i.e. 175 minerals (25*2 for zerglings, +75 for Spowe Cravler, +50 for drone who we need to build a Spore Crawler).
Right, guys, I see only one way for us to survive that. That honored tactic calls "Let's you and them fight". I asking our zerglings (@Sinsystems @Derpmind @Jarow @Chopak @JustSomeGuy @Vokivas @DangerKitty) to led the birds to the our neighbor hive. They're big, and strong, and have banelings. They can take 'em, right?
To be clear, I don't think we need all the zerglings for it.
A suggestion - you can make a relay race. We can bury, and I doubt birds good with digging. So, one or two attract their attention, then flee. Another one or two wait for them at some distance (we know how fast those birds compared to our zerglings, and can math how far away they should be). First zergling(s) bury, and next one (or two) attract birds' attention for themselves. And so on, until enemy hive. That way, hopefully, at least some of the zerglings will survive that "race".

I'm going to assume no one has any objections to me becoming a Queen given I've been waiting a couple of turns. Although tell me if I should do something different. I'm currently incorporeal.
Are you a drone right now? If so, can you become a building first, to not waste 50 mineral worth drone body?
I think now's the time for some queen research, mainly on improving spread of spore crawlers I think. We'd use ALOT of minerals to get the banelings and achieving less with all of that. I'd say hunker down and research upgrade what we got.

we need anymore minerals?