I might have to lower the heroic bonus to two consecutive tens I'm going to go check some of my old quest and consider it

Or maybe I'll make that a possible upgrade after you earn your first one.
[X] Mine Minerals (Roll 1d10, on a 10 roll another dice on a second 10 roll another dice, on a third 10 roll no more dice but unlock a heroic bonus)
POTDL threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mining Minerals Total: 7
7 7
would it be possible for zerglings to hunt in packs? or are these lone actions?
or are we both there if we go to the same area to scout or hunt?

not trying to make things more complex, as they are fine as they are.
Hey guys; I'd like to put forward a proposal. All of us that are currently remaining drones focus on minerals, as well as acquiring more automated drones. Once we have 30 of them, that will allow for us to have a solid intake of minerals, will allow for those who want to evolve into queens or zerglings to do so without issue, those who wish to focus on gathering other resources to do so, and also give us some padding in terms of our resource banks.
I'd personally like to evolve to mine faster, but I don't want to tax the hive and get drafted into the first sets of attacks like what the current zerglings are probably going to have to be once we pop our first queen.
Hey guys; I'd like to put forward a proposal. All of us that are currently remaining drones focus on minerals, as well as acquiring more automated drones. Once we have 30 of them
Well, there was more than 30 people who mined minerals last time. Some of them used omakes to roll second dice. That mean, with a queen-bost we'd have something like +40 minerals, at least. While three drones, for the same 150 minerals, would give us only +30.
I think one player-Queen is a good idea, especially if we will gather more participating people over time. I suggest to give that role to @kingreaper and his Queen Harvester, btw.
Hey guys; I'd like to put forward a proposal. All of us that are currently remaining drones focus on minerals, as well as acquiring more automated drones. Once we have 30 of them, that will allow for us to have a solid intake of minerals, will allow for those who want to evolve into queens or zerglings to do so without issue, those who wish to focus on gathering other resources to do so, and also give us some padding in terms of our resource banks.
We should really work on getting our first PC Queen (I volunteer next turn if we don't have one by then! Or king reaper can have the first, that works too!) for the +1, as Zedalb suggested, since that adds up quickly over turns.

Also, because we have so many trackers here, whatour mineral count looking like?
We should really work on getting our first PC Queen (I volunteer next turn if we don't have one by then! Or king reaper can have the first, that works too!) for the +1, as Zedalb suggested, since that adds up quickly over turns.

Also, because we have so many trackers here, whatour mineral count looking like?

Bad but it could always be worse.
Current mineral count 213

From the last time someone did a count
Math:67+4+3+12+11+4+16+16+7+5+2+19+3+15+13+7+5+4= 213
[X] Mine Minerals

Plodding knocks, six by six by six again, rapped aggressively against the unhewn stone walls. On every side they loomed overhead, and so for each a swollen meat-club of a limb struck down again and again, awkwardly shifting to maintain balance as they cycled through.

The drone had dug itself into a hole seeking treasure, and now squirmed irritably trying to escape with its prize. Water. There had been an underground river here once, and instinct told it that water was to life as the swarm was to flesh. Fed by creep and driven by higher will, it had no understanding of the primal need for satiety. That echo of true, life-or-death thirst had torn across its psyche like a thunderbolt, and in a fever pitch it began immediately to scrape and jab and drag its tooth-blade-claw along the ground, desperate to reach the bed of sweet, life-preserving fluid below.

The caustic bile that softened the stones to moving had drooled ceaselessly thereafter, searing its shovel-pick where they met. Haste blinded it to the pain when thin streaks would splash back up onto its underbelly. Stone upon stone shifted out of the way like they were made solely to be parted, revealing the soft clay-like dermis of the ground. Still deeper it clove, pounding at the walls to make room for further searching. It tore and tore and tore, down and down and down...

Until suddenly, it heard something else that shook it from its subterranean fugue. A sound not pulled from its own clacking teeth, and a voice not quite the chitter of another drone, could be heard now-distantly above. It was a Queen's voice. The song of the Swarm had found a worthy musician, and in hearing her direction the deformed drone was struck by its own foolishness. Had it really been driven so far underground, in search of... a hallucination? With the Queen's will casting its actions into stark clarity, the hum of half-forgotten instincts could no longer hold sway over its mind. A new resolution to serve took hold.

But first, it would have to climb back out. The only thing to do was to cave in the walls, chunk by tiny chunk. It was a slow and monotonous process, even by a drone's pitiful standard. Limb struck wall over and over, turning crack to hole to rubble to flooring with unnatural precision. The minerals shaken loose by the deep-dredge would make for a tolerable tribute and apology when it returned to the Hive. A contribution to the future of the Swarm, in exchange for a misadventure not to be repeated. Although... since there's no point trying to deceive a Queen in her own Hatchery...

It really would have preferred water.
Box Lunch threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: Apology gainz Total: 7
5 5 2 2
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[X]Collect Vespene Gas

The Queen appears to be doing a research project that uses Gas, and I'm not reading everything since the update this time to see if anyone else is making up for it.
beowolf threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Gas Total: 9
9 9
My resource counts:
+40 (NPC Drones)
+16 (Okibruez)
-40 (Koraan NPC Drone)
+2 (Warmach1ne32)
+2 (epic)
+1 (Eternal_0bserver)
+5 (Nando)
+9 (Just Some Guy)
-25 (Sinsystems Zergling)
-25 (Derpmind Zergling)
+8 (Vokivas)
-25 (RaptorusMaximus Zergling)
+15 (TempestK)
-25 (Jarow Zergling)
+15 (LokKi)
-50 (rush99999 NPC Zerglings)
+11 (LordEdric)
+11 (Drahcir)
+4 (Lavaflow)
+6 (Stylph)
+2 (Vokivas Omake)
+9 (KSn5Ynoh)
+5 (ConfusedPotato)
+4 (dinomannitro6)
+3 (ShinZilla)
+12 (kingreaper)
+11 (tri2)
+4 (DawnOfBoom)
+16 (Spector29)
+16 (Rossum)
+7 (kosi)
+5 (Riku_Furude)
+2 (Corndog)
+19 (BeeBadidoo)
+3 (Gnich)
+15 (Kanata.EXE)
+13 (Zavvnao)
-25 (Chopak Zergling)
+7 (POTDL)
+5 (Solceror)
+4 (Godwinson)
+7 (Box Lunch)
+1 (ErraticWizard)
167 Minerals
+4 (Aerrow Shadow)
+7 (Void Stalker)
+9 (emberwing)
+13 (Easter)
+5 (ReaperOfShadows)
+3 (Razzocnor)
+8 (TheCrownedVassal)
+9 (beowolf)
72 Vespene Gas
38 Biomass

We have enough minerals for a queen. @kingreaper, now's your chance!
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You grew some zerglings, I don't know what more to say.
Starting Minerals: 67
Minerals Mined: 275
Automated Drone Production: 50
Total Positive this turn: 392

Drone Production Cost: 50
Zergling Production Cost: 175
Total Negative this turn: 225

Current Minerals before events: 167
Current Minerals after events: 167

Events From Scouting: None no scouting was performed.
Current Bank: 167 Minerals/72 Vespene Gas/38 Biomass/0 Heroic Bonuses

It was a quiet steady day. No scouting was done, no attacks laid. It was a time of preparation with a heroic effort into mineral collection the swarm is now ready to start expanding much faster to start massively more biomass collection and much more efficient growth. Much like the seven zerglings being grown the swarm was in a time of transition about to become more.

However, with enemies in every direction the question is obvious. Is it enough?
Only time will tell and the large flying predators seen in the distant skys are an ill omen for the future.

Grow, evolve, adapt or die.

Zerg Swarm (Check here for votes)
Actions anyone can take
[] Produce a "Mindless" Drone (Cost 50 Minerals Automatically gather 10 minerals per update, this will happen once for each person who votes for it)
[] Produce a "Mindless" Queen (Cost 150 Minerals, Each mindless queen is one slot for R&D to take place in)
[] Produce a pair of "Mindless" Zerglings (Cost 50 minerals, will protect the swarm, and with a player queen can be used to attack)

[] Become a Queen (Cost 150 minerals see below)
[] Become a Zergling (Cost 25 Minerals see below)
[] Become a Drone (Cost 50 minerals) Requires you are not a Drone.
[] Become a heroic Variant (Cost 1 Heroic Bonus and upgrades to the heroic version)

[] Research burrowing (Cost 100 minerals 100 Gas, required for tunneling mining) (uses 1/1 slots)

NPC Drones: 5 (Gather 10 minerals per turn)
Player Drones: Anyone not dead, or a different unit

[] Mine Minerals (1d10)
[] Collect Vespene Gas (1d10)
[]Collect Biomass (1d10)

[] Scout Volcano (1d10)
[] Scout Jungle (1d10)
[] Scout Tunnel Network (1d10)

All drone actions that turn you into a building will also kill you requiring you become a new unit when you wish to undertake non-general actions)
[] Become an Evolution Chamber (Cost 75 Minerals Unlocks the first combat upgrades)
[] Become a Spine Crawler (Cost 100 Minerals will automatically protect the base from ground threats)
[] Become a Spore Crawler (Cost 75 Minerals will automatically protect the base from flying threats)
[] Become a roach Warren (Cost 150 minerals, unlocks the roach unit)
[] Become a baneling nest (Cost 100 minerals and 50 gas, unlocks banelings)

NPC Zerglings: 2 (Provide 1d10 to defense or attack rolls)
Player Zerglings: 5
Sinsystems Derpmind RaptorusMaximus Jarow Chopak
[] Scout Volcano (2d10)
[] Scout Jungle (2d10)
[] Scout Tunnel Network (2d10)

[]Collect Biomass (2d10)

[] Join a Queen led attack (1d10)

Player Queens: None Yet
NPC Queens:1 (Each gives 1 R&D Slot)

[] Improve mineral collection (Provide a +1 bonus to each die rolled for mineral collection in one area)
[] Improve vespene gas production (Provide a +1 bonus to each die rolled for vespene gas collection in one area)
[] Improve Biomass production (Provide a +1 bonus to each die rolled for biomass collection in one area)

[] Attack a location: Write in (WARNING This can result in death of you and those who join you, ensure the swarm is ready first) (2d10)

[] Start a research project (may have other requirements before work can begin on it. Such as biometal requiring the worms DNA in large amounts.)
1 Hatchery
1 Spawning Pool

These are currently known locations.
Main Base
Your main Zerg hive exist on a large stone field a thin layer of creep growing over the stone outwards from your hatchery.
-Large mineral patches (Approximately 5k Remains)
-1 Automated Queen
-5 Automated Drones
-1 Spawning Pool
Tunnel Network
North of your main base further into the mountains you have found a deep tunnel network.
-Aggressive biometal shelled worm creatures.
A large volcano to the east of your main base.
-Underground golden Minerals
-Lava Swimming toads that splash lava on things to hunt
A vibrant jungle to the south filled with many huge and dangerous creatures.
- Raw biomass from hunting
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How can someone vote for starting a research project for NPC Queen? And where our list of projects available?

@kingreaper your time!
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I'm thinking of becoming an Evolution Chamber then becoming a Zergling. Does anyone have any objections? I'll edit this post to vote once everyone is sure.
I'll wait a day or so for @kingreaper to vote, if he doesn't vote in that time, I'll go ahead with me becoming an Evolution Chamber. Alright, I'll become an Evolution Chamber next turn since kingreaper just became a queen.
[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)
BeeBadidoo threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mine Minerals (1d10) Total: 5
5 5
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