After taking the latest zergling generation into account we're down to a 3 mineral surplus.
[X] Produce a pair of "Mindless" Zerglings (Cost 50 minerals, will protect the swarm, and with a player queen can be used to attack)
[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)

After mining and digging for enough minerals to build a spawning pool the drone wonders what to do next. With the maturing of the Queen other drones help incubate, you start to hear other voices, strange voices. One of these quiet yet insistent voices catches your attention - NEED ADDITIONAL PYLONS - You wonder what pylons are, and why you would need more of them.

Perhaps they are another name for Zerglings? Well you decide to heed this advice. You sense many of your fellow drones changing thier forms to zerglings, and think that's a good idea for you too. But some instinct tell's you to instead first nurture a pair of young zerglings first.

edit: As you go to nurture your zerglings your instincts tell you there's a mineral shortage. With a sigh you turn around and start gathering more minerals.

Drahcir threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: mining Total: 11
3 3 8 8
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@Koraan did your tally include the 50 minerals from the automated drones? If not, then our current mineral tally should be 37.
Only 10, from the one I bought (more accurately, I just substracted 40 instead of 50).
Also, either I missed +2 minerals, or you added two extra from somevhere.

After taking the latest zergling generation into account we're down to a 3 mineral surplus.
Right now, according to my calculations, we have 1 mineral... Or, rather -49.
[X] Mine Minerals (Roll 1d10, on a 10 roll another dice on a second 10 roll another dice, on a third 10 roll no more dice but unlock a heroic bonus)
Lavaflow threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Mineralz Total: 4
4 4
I really wish people would take into account that we need more minerals more than we need more zerglings right now.

Edit: thank you Lavaflow.
67 (base) +40 (auto-drones) +16 (Okibruez) -40 (me, for auto-drone) +2 (Warmach1ne32) +2 (epic) +1 (Eternal_0bserver) +5 (Nando) +9 (Just Some Guy) -50 (zergling-transform Sinsystems and Derpmind)) +8 (Vokivas) -25 (zergling-transform RaptorusMaximus) = 35, while you counted 37.
So, somewhere on this segment I missed +2, or you added extra +2.

After taking the latest zergling generation into account we're down to a 3 mineral surplus.
Actually, no. We both failed our math here. We substracted 50 for "auto-drone", and forgot to add 10 for their production.
Currently 26 (or 28) minerals.
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I think that I will be a good drone for a while. I really don't have the time to be much else.

[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)
Stylph threw 1 10-faced dice. Reason: Minerals Total: 6
6 6
Actually, no. We both failed our math here. We substracted 50 for "auto-drone", and forgot to add 10 for their production.
You're right, I added a 2 somewhere it looks like. As well as the issue with the drone count being off. So, counting Stylph's roll just now...

starting minerals: 67
Automated Drones harvest: +60
Okibruez: +16
Koraan automated drone: -50
Warmach1ne32: +2
epic: +2
Eternal_Observer: +1
Nando: +5
Just Some Guy: +9
sinsystems zergling: -25
Derpmind zergling: -25
Vokivas: +8
emberwing: +9
Rapturusmaximus zergling -25
TempestK: +15
Jarow zergling: -25
KokKi: +15
rush99999 auto zerglings: -50
LordEdric: +11
Dracir: +11
Lavaflow: +4
Stylph: +6

Total minerals: 41
I tried counting myself:
67 (start)
+40 (NPC drones)
+16 (Okibruez)
-40 (Koraan: NPC drone)
+2 (Warmach1ne32)
+2 (epic)
+1 (Eternal_0bserver)
+5 (Nando)
+9 (Just Some Guy)
-25 (Sinsystem Zergling)
-25 (Derpmind Zergling)
+8 (Vokivas)
-25 (RaptorMaximus Zergling)
+15 (TempestK)
-25 (Jarow Zergling)
+15 (LokKi)
-50 (rush9999 NPC NPC Zergling)
+11 (LordEdric)
+11 (Drahcir)
+4 (Lavaflow)
+6 (Stylph)
=19 22
By my count, we currecntly have 19 22 minerals.

Emberwing collected Vespene Gas, not minerals
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Well, we still need more. So time for a short omake.


Change. Growth. This is their goal. This is their nature. A defining feature of Being, of Living. For the Zerg, this is their entirety. Each drone knows this intrinsically, and they all know that they are only just beginning. They are surrounded by opportunity, but competition, and this entire cycle is reliant on primal resources. So the drone cares not that it's found more success, all it knows that there is still work to be done.


Vokivas threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 2
2 2
[X] Mine Minerals (1d10)

...This drone felt annoyed, as much as a drone could feel annoyed. It had felt that several drones had individually decided to become Zerglings, or even spawn a Zergling, despite the relative shortage of minerals they were facing. The hive is currently in no immediate danger, there is no need for more than 3 Zerglings, let alone 5, with the Mindless Zergling being especially costly. The drones did not consult the hive, merely went off and did what their individual whims wanted. The hive needed more mindlesss drones if they were to continue this reckless spending and transformations. This drone found it odd that the drones even had thoughts, instead of being led by an overmind, and then acknowledged it had thoughts. It had no need for thoughts, but it did not mind them either. Perhaps it was an experiment to see if a hive of individuals would have a greater performance than one of an overmind. Perhaps the hive was simply an abomination that shouldn't have been able form. Regardless, this drone exists to serve the hive, and it would do this by soothing the mineral deficiency with its labor.
KSn5Ynoh threw 2 10-faced dice. Total: 9
8 8 1 1
[X] Mine Minerals (Roll 1d10, on a 10 roll another dice on a second 10 roll another dice, on a third 10 roll no more dice but unlock a heroic bonus)

The drone pushed past all the evolving eggs on the way to the mineral patch. Why were there so many eggs? Why were they all zerglings? Didn't the rest of the hivemind know that they wouldn't be able to sustain this sort of unsupported growth? More drones were needed, not combat units! If they spent this many minerals on warforms constantly they would all be wiped out by factions that were more responsible with their resources. And why did they have to perform their stupidity right in the way of the most optimal path to the mineral patch? Couldn't they have done it somewhere else? Where they wouldn't interfere with the responsible drones trying to keep the mineral economy from collapsing?

Chipping off another piece of mineral the drone turned round and mentally sighed. Once more unto the breach, through the forest of stupidity.

AN: We really need to get more mindless drones, the average minerals gained from rolling are far less efficient.
ConfusedPotato threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: We Need More Minerals Total: 5
1 1 4 4
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By my count, we currecntly have 19 minerals.
That shit is cursed. Or, alternatively, we're too good at roleplaying dumb drones for our own good. :facepalm:
I can bet there should be 32...
67 (base) +40 (auto-drones) = 107
107 +16 (Okibruez) = 123
123 -40 (me, for auto-drone) = 83
83 +2 (Warmach1ne32) +2 (epic) +1 (Eternal_0bserver) +5 (Nando) = 93
93 +9 (Just Some Guy) = 102
102 -50 (zergling-transform Sinsystems and Derpmind) = 52
52 +8 (Vokivas) = 60
60 -25 (zergling-transform RaptorusMaximus) = 35
35 +15 (TempestK) = 50
50 - 25 (zergling-transform Jarow) = 25
25 +15 (LokKi) = 40
40 - 50 (rush99999, for auto-zerglings) = -10
-10 +11 (LordEdric) = 1
1 +11 (Drahcir) = 12
12 +4 (Lavaflow) = 16
16 +6 (Stylph) = 22
My calculator agrees with me. 32. After adding missed parts: 22. Still not 19.

Anyway +16 to (insert_previous_amount) minerals.

Edit: Math updated with intermediate values.
Edit 2: Missed +15 and -25.
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Zedalb must love that we're making it so easy for him to track stuff.

Also, the gigantism pack/swarm is a bit worrying. If their drones are ten times the size of us, then how large are their zerglings?! Of course the opposite issue is that the larger you make a zergling, the more materials are needed. They likely can't get the two-for-one deal anymore, and their Zerglings are probably slower and less agile. So they may be vulnerable to wolfpack tactics.
That shit is cursed. Or, alternatively, we're too good at roleplaying dumb drones for our own good. :facepalm:
I can bet there should be 32...
67 (base) +40 (auto-drones) = 107
107 +16 (Okibruez) = 123
123 -40 (me, for auto-drone) = 83
83 +2 (Warmach1ne32) +2 (epic) +1 (Eternal_0bserver) +5 (Nando) = 93
93 +9 (Just Some Guy) = 102
102 -50 (zergling-transform Sinsystems and Derpmind) = 52
52 +8 (Vokivas) = 60
60 -25 (zergling-transform RaptorusMaximus) = 35
35 +15 (LokKi) = 50
50 - 50 (rush99999, for auto-zerglings) = 0
0 +11 (LordEdric) = 11
11 +11 (Drahcir) = 22
22 +4 (Lavaflow) = 26
26 +6 (Stylph) = 32
My calculator agrees with me. 32.

Anyway +16 to (insert_previous_amount) minerals.

Edit: Math updated with intermediate values.
You missed TempestK mining 15 minerals and Jarow becoming a Zergling.

edit: found a mistake with my calculations, put 64 instead of 67 into the calculator, fixed. Now both of our corrected values should be the same.
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[X] Mine Minerals (Roll 1d10, on a 10 roll another dice on a second 10 roll another dice, on a third 10 roll no more dice but unlock a heroic bonus)

This Drone arrived at the hive, dropping the load of minerals it was carrying. The hive was growing, expanding, becoming more advanced. This growth required resources however, and those resources did not come from nowhere. It was this Drone's role to gather minerals for the hive, and it was perfectly content to do so. Its body and mind formed to be able to fulfil this duty as optimally as possible. This Drone began to head back out to the mineral patches, joining the other drones responsible for fueling the Hive.
dinomannitro6 threw 2 10-faced dice. Reason: mine Total: 4
2 2 2 2
[X] Mine Minerals (Roll 1d10, on a 10 roll another dice on a second 10 roll another dice, on a third 10 roll no more dice but unlock a heroic bonus)
ShinZilla threw 1 10-faced dice. Total: 3
3 3
I think it would be best if someone that isn't planning on writing an omake would make a mindless drone. Only one person though.
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This Drone arrived at the hive, dropping the load of minerals it was carrying. The hive was growing, expanding, becoming more advanced. This growth required resources however, and those resources did not come from nowhere. It was this Drone's role to gather minerals for the hive, and it was perfectly content to do so. Its body and mind formed to be able to fulfil this duty as optimally as possible. This Drone began to head back out to the mineral patches, joining the other drones responsible for fueling the Hive.
Congrats, your post contains five twos. It's number 222, and you rolled 2, 2. I don't think it will mean anything, but fun coincidence for sure.