TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

[X][Action] Research Lens Trees
[X][Focus] Grow Shield Tree
[X][Squirrel] Explore your Forest

Ow. I think I'm going to think about something less likely to be painful than talking to a boar which disagrees painfully with being talked to. Sure, we're trees so physical damage is harder to occur. But apparently psychic damage might be different. Or that's just the headache speaking.

... What's a headache anyway?
[X][Action] Analyze Creek and Tree Placement
[X][Focus] Research Thorns

Ooh, novel Survival actions. I'm in!

edit - thank you Mount. Elements
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I wonder if shields work against weather events at all.
Somewhat. They're built to counteract physical (or magical) force; they're less effective against anything else and ineffective against hilariously large amounts of force (e.g. an F5 tornado). Extreme force concentration is also a problem. But they would resist a Forest fire passably, stop hailstones nicely, resist a curse decently, and so on. You'll need thick shielding (maybe 8 successes?) to stop a lightning strike, but it can be done. You could potentially stop a plague of locusts but only by putting full power to the shields and exhausting yourself doing nothing else.
To grow your Forest, learn Magic, rediscover Lost Technology, and hopefully avoid any Apocalypses.
Here I am, wondering about the "stars" and flying things that have disappeared, and I missed the summary of this quest. :oops: Now I'm pretty sure that a semi-apocalyptic event set back the tech level. I wonder if this is set on Earth. Maybe the elves are supposed to have been on Earth all along, but they stayed hidden until after the semi-apocalypse?
[X][Action] Analyze Creek and Tree Placement
[X][Focus] Grow Shield Tree
[X][Squirrel] Explore your Forest
Huh, I thought that most Root Trees would go for growing the Collector Tree so I felt safe enough voting to grow a Shield Tree, but it looks like at least 7 out of 9 Root Trees have already voted. We've only got 2 votes for the Collector Tree, and 1 of those votes is by a Mind Tree. We need a total of 4 successes to get a Collector Tree next turn so I'm going to switch my action vote. Would 2-3 other Root Trees please consider switching their votes too? We're not likely to succeed in getting the Shield Tree or reaching the next Forest Magnitude next turn, and getting a Collector Tree now will help with our future Growth goals.
[X][Tree] Root Tree
[x][Action] Focus on trying to grow different types of nuts for the squirrels
[X][Focus] Grow Collector Tree
Different flavors of food to eat can't be bad right?
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We're still at an average of 3.5 successes for growing a Collector Tree next turn when we need 4 successes to pull it off so I'm switching my Focus vote for growing a Collector Tree. Hopefully, if enough people are willing to switch, we can boost it up to a 4.5 average.

I suggest that the people who want to grow a Clever Tree soon put their Focus action on growing a Collector Tree. The description for the Clever Tree says that it will cost 20 successes to grow one, and there's only about 10 Root Trees. We also still need a Shield Tree so we can use all of the boosts to Growth as we can get. Fortunately, summer is about to hit in the turn after the upcoming one, and that boosts Growth by 50%.
[X][Tree] Root Tree
[X][Action] Focus on trying to grow different types of nuts for the squirrels
[X][Focus] Grow Shield Tree
[X][Squirrel] Explore your Forest

So, I like this idea. My plan is to eventually branch out from just being nutty into exotic and useful fruits of all kinds.

Berries that lure in animals and bend them to our will. Hard apples that can be thrown as projectiles at invaders. Fire-suppressing pears. Etc.
We're still at an average of 3.5 successes for growing a Collector Tree next turn when we need 4 successes to pull it off so I'm switching my Focus vote for growing a Collector Tree. Hopefully, if enough people are willing to switch, we can boost it up to a 4.5 average.

I suggest that the people who want to grow a Clever Tree soon put their Focus action on growing a Collector Tree. The description for the Clever Tree says that it will cost 20 successes to grow one, and there's only about 10 Root Trees. We also still need a Shield Tree so we can use all of the boosts to Growth as we can get. Fortunately, summer is about to hit in the turn after the upcoming one, and that boosts Growth by 50%.

Funny how things work out sometimes.

I make a post about how focusing on Collector Trees is the way to go, you make the case that we'll be fine;

Now suddenly we've turned around and you're the one who's the big advocate for "Guys, we should probably focus on the Collector Tree"

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I like this action. I have no idea what type of tree should get bonuses for it - I might make it some sort of non-standard action, even? - but I like the action.

In the interests of fairness, @Svn0One came up with it first.

As for actions, I dunno. In my head, trying to grow extra stuff should be a growth action, so Root Trees.

However, in my head, unlocking new types of fruit is probably a research action. And using fruits and nuts probably depends on the goal. If we're offering delicious, delicious chestnuts to the hobbits in exchange for landscaping work, that's a boost to a communication action; if we're stockpiling Healing Cashews to patch up our legion of fierce squirrel warriors, that's a boost to defense or survival actions; if we're firing up the Intercontinental Ballistic Banana Ballista, it's offense actions, etc.

So, good luck figuring that out.
Funny how things work out sometimes.

I make a post about how focusing on Collector Trees is the way to go, you make the case that we'll be fine;

Now suddenly we've turned around and you're the one who's the big advocate for "Guys, we should probably focus on the Collector Tree"

Yeah, I think I need to be more aware of my assumptions so I can make decisions based on what's actually happening instead. :lol:

When I first joined the quest, I voted to be a Mind Tree, partially because I remembered how much I wanted to help finish all of the research in Raising Kittens' quest. Then I realized that there were a lot more Mind Trees than Root Trees and that we only had a few Research items currently while we have a lot of stuff we need to grow so the GM allowed me to switch since the turn hadn't ended yet.

This time, I thought that everyone would want to spend their action on growing a Collector Tree so getting the Focus action on growing the Shield Tree would at least help us get it in the turn after next. My assumption was based off of how growing a Collector Tree won both previous Focus votes as well as on my memories of the obsession with Collector Trees from Raising Kittens' quest. The lack of votes for Collector Trees took me by complete surprise.
[X][Action] Store Resources Against Future Need
[X][Focus] Grow Shield Tree
[X][Squirrel] Explore your Forest
Votes - Turn 4
Scheduled vote count started by Robinton on Apr 29, 2022 at 8:41 PM, finished with 49 posts and 29 votes.