TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

Trouble might be that Stealth isn't something we've actuall practiced much.

Well beyond 'nobody here but us trees' anyway.

Also, the ever present challenge of convincing Growth trees to grow them.
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I'll add that, if anyone wants to dedicate an Omake's bonus to "asking the Author for Growth Optimization analysis," I'd be willing to post what I've thought up.

(It feels like it'd be cheating for the author to do optimization calculations for the questers...)

Addendum: Every path has potential downsides. Growth Optimization - while in many ways absurdly powerful - does have weaknesses.
I don't know if anyone has considered or mentioned it prior, but it feels like this quest has reached the point where we're practically making half our accomplishments and achieving half our research purely through OOC speculation that Robinton subsequently comments on in one way or another.
Well, sort of. OOC chat gives information only, we still need to put it into action.

And at least some of the OOC chat is actually IC telepathy shenanigans.
I wrote some short mentions of theoretical rocketry methods at some point, right? I can't easily find it, though, and I don't remember what I'd said. Anybody know what or where?

Update progress: Write-ins are done (aside from Rocketry). You had some good rolls (aside from Rocketry).
Not sure if that's what you are thinking about but it's the only stuff I've found with the fly, flying, and rocket keywords.
Second of all, the Forest hasn't really experimented with rocket-powered flight. Right now, keeping a Tree in the air is possible, but hideously expensive. Like, 10 resources per minute expensive.

Third of all, what specific bonus to the Forest would a Flyer Ent grant? If there isn't a currently known answer - which I think is true - then you'd be far better off temporarily turning yourself into a prototype Flyer Ent, in order to experiment.

Well, actually, per the second point, you'd be better off yet starting trials of rocket-powered flight. It wouldn't take nearly as long to get it working as it does for humans IRL, since they don't have TK or the ability to control the engines with their minds...
Properly permanently levitating... Would require figuring out a fair bit of materials science (very lightweight Tree), or a Magic trick to count as "standing on the ground" while being midair, or getting something like an Ancient Technology artifact to let you fly.
Sounds like the Rocketry experiments will be passing through the first stage of most rocketry research programs.

The stage where your test models keep violently exploding.

I can't remember much talk about rocketry, but with what the Forest has on hand...
Well, you could try using Fire magic as propulsion.
Or try generating flammable chemicals like methane and alcohol, though those would likely lack the punch.
Or whatever went into the Exploding Nuts experiment.
But we don't really have any current knowledge of things that would make proper rocket fuels.
Or how to make rockets that don't explode...
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Hmm, other potential rocketry methods could include pressurized liquid jets. Or attempting to apply Movement based magics to the air, thought that would technically not be rocketry, but rather aviation.

We actually have a decent number of potential methods, but we also have no idea how to actually build a rocket.
How bad was the roll?
It could have been worse.
But expect a 3-4 point Resource hit.

If we learn to turn water into Oxygen + Hydrogen we can burn that and then burn the resulting water by the power of Fire/Water Negacion.
Honestly, I'm thinking the Forest might start with recreating gunpowder and researching fireworks. It's a very primitive way to go about it - but it would work for small test models. And that would help you get some of the silly mistakes out of the way.

After that... there are options, but Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Hydrogen might be feasible soon.
Honestly, I'm thinking the Forest might start with recreating gunpowder and researching fireworks. It's a very primitive way to go about it - but it would work for small test models. And that would help you get some of the silly mistakes out of the way.

After that... there are options, but Liquid Oxygen and Liquid Hydrogen might be feasible soon.
Oooh, fireworks.
UL firework with illusion magic!
A Michael Bay Forest
Well, that's the vote-formatting updated, and the last write-in.


Directed by Michael Bay
  • Year 1 overview:
    • Trees Wake Up
    • Recruit Adorable Little Squirrel
    • And somehow get into a fireworks competition with Newton Village?
  • Year 2 overview:
    • We're under attack! Explosions explosions explosions!
    • We're under attack again! More explosions! Bigger! Better! Make one of them look like a Dragon!
    • Explosions in places that possibly don't exist!
    • Welcome refugees with duck-shaped firework explosions! (I'm sure this won't traumatize them further.)
  • Year 3 overview:
    • Explosions in space!
    • Your minds explode!
    • Political explosions!
    • More normal Forest explosions!
    • Advanced Rocketry Explosions (optional)!
  • Year 4 overview:
    • The planet explodes!
    • The Forest explodes time!
    • Old Man Materson and the Speakers help explode Eternity!
  • The end:
    • Explosions!
(Yes I'm exaggerating slightly. About the Forest's future if nothing else. ;) )
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Well, that's the vote-formatting updated, and the last write-in.

  • Year 1 overview:
    • Trees Wake Up
    • Recruit Adorable Little Squirrel
    • And somehow get into a fireworks competition with Newton Village?
  • Year 2 overview:
    • We're under attack! Explosions explosions explosions!
    • We're under attack again! More explosions! Bigger! Better! Make one of them look like a Dragon!
    • Explosions in places that possibly don't exist!
    • Welcome refugees with duck-shaped firework explosions! (I'm sure this won't traumatize them further.)
  • Year 3 overview:
    • Explosions in space!
    • Your minds explode!
    • Political explosions!
    • More normal Forest explosions!
    • Advanced Rocketry Explosions (optional)!
  • Year 4 overview:
    • The planet explodes!
    • The Forest explodes time!
    • Old Man Materson and the Speakers help explode Eternity!
  • The end:
    • Explosions!
(Yes I'm exaggerating slightly.)

Where's the exaggeration? I'm a fan of Bay Movies. This is exactly what they are.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Robinton on Mar 30, 2023 at 12:13 AM, finished with 207 posts and 19 votes.
  • 1

    [X] Mind Tree
  • 3

    [X][Minor Question] So... how much of a political disaster would it be for the Woo Clan if they were proven beyond doubt to be using Malice, of all magics? (Blatant hope that it'd lead to "cold war escalates to active invasion of Woo Clan territory by literally everyone else)
    -[X] And is there a way for us to spread this knowledge without them shifting the blame to us?
  • 19

    [X][Steve Robertson] Help the Creatures Train for War (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn) (discount: this is cool!)
    [X][Steve Robertson] Be a Test Subject, sticking exclusively to "safe" tests (cost: 4 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per turn; will drop if tests manage to be both safe and interesting)
    [X][Steve Robertson] Talk to the Thinking Ants (will take multiple turns) (cost: 1 Unusual Lumber and 8 Resources for the first turn; 2 Unusual Lumber (on return) per turn after the first) (discount: this is cool!)
    [X][Steve Robertson] Learn Magic (cost: 2 Resources per turn initially; likely to go up if he has difficulties and gets bored; will have a major penalty to success if the Forest doesn't Connect with him) (discount: I'll eat the cost and scrounge most of my food to learn Magic… but only if I'm actually making progress)
    [X][Steve Robertson] Plan: Domestic Dispute
    -[X][Steve Robertson] The Still Unnamed Asshole has a Mother and a Younger Brother whom he physically and emotionally abuse. Steve, alongside any volunteering residents of Newton or the Forest, will escort a "node" (a Connected Sapling) to wherever the Asshole is from and provide whatever assistance is necessary for the Forest "Wizard" to fulfill whatever agreements or offers come to pass betwedn the "node" and the VIPs.
    --[X][Steve Robertson] The Forest will offer and provide healing free of charge with no strings. Afterwards, the Forest will offer them sanctuary within the Forest or Newton (with Newton's consent though I honestly don't think it will be a problem), which includes permanent housing and food, again no strings attached, as well as gainful employment, a few small strings, and the opportunity to learn Magic (with the only strings being those attached to joining the "Advanced" Class).
    ---[X][Steve Robertson] Tldr: We tell Steve about the Asshole's family and our intent (established with this vote) to get them out of their shitty situation and offer them a chance at a hopeful zero amounts abusive new life.
    -[X][Steve Robertson] Subvote: Basic Contract Law
    --[X][Steve Robertson] While basic verbal/mind to mind agreements have served the Forest well, with the inclusion of those who work "for" the Forest without being "of" the Forest, firm boundaries should be established to help ensure proper communication and safety for both sides.
    ---[X][Steve Robertson] Those "Of The Forest", from here on out referred to as "Residents" can be defined as beings who consent to be Connected to the Forest, beings who knowingly live within the "territory" of the Forest and have engaged in friendly dialog with the Forest, and those who have been granted Refugee Status by the Forest.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] All Residents of the Forest shall be provided with Food, Shelter, Clothing, Healing, Friendship/Emotional Bonds, and whatever other needs a Resident might have to the best of the Forest's ability to provide for the Resident's needs. All Residents will forever have a Home within the Forest and be welcomed by the Forest.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] The Responsibilities of Residents are as follows:
    -----[X][Steve Robertson] Try to be Kind, especially when you don't need to be.
    -----[X] That's it. Seriously.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] All current residents of the village of Newton are granted Honorary Resident Status, as the majority of them technically do not qualify to be Residents due to living within Newton territory (and I'm just going to ignore the fact that we're practically Connected to all members of Newton anyway)
    ---[X][Steve Robertson] Those who work for the Forest, otherwise known as Employees, will have their needs met for as long as they remain employees of the Forest.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] Each Employee will have all Food, Shelter, and Clothing provided by the Forest free of charge and free of debt, with the Employee free to leave with all such provided when their employment with the Forest ends. (If someone manages to figure out how to move with a House, they deserve it)
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] All Employees will be healed to the fullest extent of the Forest's ability, of all past, present, and future ills during their employment with the Forest. This explicitly includes injuries, illnesses, diseases, infections, curses, poisons, Void Shard Dust Infection, parasites, tumors, dysphoria, and any other potential ailments that are not listed here. If the Forest is unable to cure a particular ailment, the Forest will do its best to provide quality of life improvememts, alternative means of maintaining a normal lifestyle, and alternative treatments to best help the Employee live a happy healthy life.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] The Forest regularly investigates and researches Magic, both new and old, and all Employees are allowed and encouraged to participate in any and all Magic Learning Sessions done within the Forest, to whatever benefit they may find.
    -----[X][Steve Robertson] If an Employee is aware of the Forest's Telepathic aspects, they reserve the right to request personal lessons from the Forest, up to Connection Guided Tutoring Sessions. Willingness to offer this service does not mean capacity to grant this service.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] Regardless of the position held or job worked on by an Employee, in addition to their needs an employee will at minimum be paid the equivalent value of 1 Unusual Lumber and 2 Resources per Turn, however that turns out in time scale. This minimum value may be refined upwards at a later time due to changing economic circumstances.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] An Employee may decide to leave the Forest's employment at any time with no penalty. If the Employee declares their intent to separate from the Forest's employment and then finishes the job they are currently working on, or the next job if they are not currently working on a job, they will be provided a severance package scaled to the work involved with their last project.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] Employees have the right to negotiate their contracts as well as designate someone else to negotiate upon their behalf. Once a year, contracts will be revisited and all signatories of the contract will review it and discuss any changes desired if at all.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] Any Employee of at least 1 year of service to the Forest may apply for Resident Status. The Forest may offer Resident Status at an earlier date at its own initiative.
    ----[X][Steve Robertson] This basic contractal format will for the basis and template for all future employee contracts for the Forest and can be assumed to be tailored to each specific employee as the need occurs.
    [X][Steve Robertson] Learn Magic
Weather - written.
Stats and calculations - 100% (formerly ~98.5%).
Finished project-completion descriptions - done.
A bunch of misc bits - done.
Front page - fully updated (I think - barring map).

One solo character-driven bit left. Minor tidying.

We're almost there - apart from the updated Local Map, which I'm not remotely trying to get done this weekend. Not sure if I'll make it before exhaustion stops my writing, but I'm sure trying. Happy Easter!