Now that it is invented, can we assume that our new ornamental Illusion/Dark&Light Negation UL will be available for narrative effects at next Winter Solstice celebration? (And do we need to grow more explicitly or does that happen automatically under amorphous UL growing/storing that happens automatically?)One Tree made some ornamental Unusual Lumber, with moderate success. You have no idea how useful it will be, but a modest bit of additional Unusual Lumber was certainly grown. (+1.5 base Unusual Lumber, x1.5, plus modifiers as a Growth Action.)
Are you intentionally removing the bit about helping the FireSalamander on their way to Fire/Ice negation, and leaving only the part that of [AutoFocus] that is already completed and won't become active again until next ForestSize, or is that an oversight?[X][AutoFocus] Tree Maintenance
-[X][AutoFocus] Put 1 Focus Action towards growing a Lens Tree until completion and then a Wise Tree until we've reached the cap for both
[X][Action] Meditate on how Life Magic and Fire Magic negate each other, Life always growing and healing, always making the affected whole, Fire always consuming, always destroying the affected
On the combo of Life Magic and Fire Magic that is very interesting and I can totally see the potentials there. I do like how its not pure theoretical, its also practical.
I am definetly interested in working with you on some of those options yeah.
Wanna join me in unlocking the mysteries of Fire/Life Negation?
[X][Herbalist] Suggestion for a new research topic: Imbued Pollen as Alchemical Ingredient
-[X] We (the forest) imbue pollen with the characteristics of Forest-Trees or Incorporated Plants to use the Imbued Pollen as substitute
[X][Herbalist] Teach the Forest about Alchemy
[X][Focus] Grow Defender Ent
[X][AutoFocus] Preparing for & keeping busy in Winter
-[X][AutoFocus] 1 Focus: Keep supporting the Salamanders winterhardening by supporting the action "Salamandastron";after that follow Focus order below
-[X][AutoFocus] 1 Focus: Upgrade the Mining Tree; Grow Relay Trees until there are 4; Grow Defender Ent; Hevel; Incorporate Plants; Research Elder special Trees; Research Ancient special Trees;
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