TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

@Robinton Sure thing.

Basically, the old Unpredictable Tree is just messing with the professor and the Larongites at this point. He's trying to keep them distracted, not give away anything too damaging to the Forest, and generally entertain himself.

So, I'm not looking to gain any particular information. Just going to sling tall tales and spurious questions at them for as long as they care to converse.

When it's time to move on, assume I try to head towards the nearest League city, and maybe talk/provoke some of them into escorting me, the better to keep them away from where the Mad Science Tree is going to show up next turn. That way, he can get filled in on the situation by Forest Ants left behind and pick up the Thinking Ant diplomacy with less interference.
When it's time to move on, assume I try to head towards the nearest League city, and maybe talk/provoke some of them into escorting me, the better to keep them away from where the Mad Science Tree is going to show up next turn. That way, he can get filled in on the situation by Forest Ants left behind and pick up the Thinking Ant diplomacy with less interference.
The Mad Science Tree should have been able to pick up on what was happening while Angelform was bridging the distance for you. You'll probably want to tell the Ants via pheromone, "I'm heading out but one of my kin will be here in some days to resume negotiations and hopefully research some interesting stuff with you all."

I've also decided to add an Action to build a permanent line of communication with the Ants. 32 Growth total, but partial completion is valuable.
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Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by Robinton on Mar 22, 2023 at 10:52 AM, finished with 138 posts and 23 votes.
[X][Tree] Mind Tree
[X][Action] Life Indeed (Magic Biology Research)

Just discovered and caught up with the quest. A new sapling is excited to join with the Forest! Hmmm, on that thought, now that we're starting to talk with larger external societies, we may want a more definitive name for ourselves, instead of just 'The Forest'.

Other thoughts on the quest - with a bear now tapping into Death magic, it'd be interesting to see if we can start to try to pick that up, especially as it would lead to an obvious negacion pair - Life/Death. Admittedly, that way lies potentially necromancy, but it has potential I feel for both great healing as well as harm.
Hmmm, on that thought, now that we're starting to talk with larger external societies, we may want a more definitive name for ourselves, instead of just 'The Forest'.

I see what you're saying

But at the same time, I see The Forest as a sort of...goal?

Our recent expansion shows that we don't need to be centralized to be Connected, so eventually it's entirely possible for all Trees to become part of The Forest, with potentially all plant life becoming Connceted with us, leading to us becoming sort of like a less alien The Green from DC.

So "The Forest" is a declaration of intent, to me at least.

Just discovered and caught up with the quest. A new sapling is excited to join with the Forest! Hmmm, on that thought, now that we're starting to talk with larger external societies, we may want a more definitive name for ourselves, instead of just 'The Forest'.
Fair point. Anyone have any thoughts? Or do you agree with Wallis that we should truly just be "The Forest"?

Do remember: Names can have meaning and power. I would strongly advise against naming yourselves, say, "Skynet" or "Destroyer of Worlds."
...Unless you want to destroy worlds, I suppose.

Also, you know IC that the name "Ancalagon" is a popular name for giant evil fictional monsters in-universe.

Other thoughts on the quest - with a bear now tapping into Death magic, it'd be interesting to see if we can start to try to pick that up, especially as it would lead to an obvious negacion pair - Life/Death. Admittedly, that way lies potentially necromancy, but it has potential I feel for both great healing as well as harm.
Very much an option!

You can pick up Life/Death without becoming Necromancers. Though, if anyone realized you had it, they would look at you oddly. Since it's very much the sort of thing a Necromancer would learn.
Despite bringing it up, I'm happy just remaining The Forest, even if Wallis' goals do give off some eldritch horror vibes to me, just a bit.

You can pick up Life/Death without becoming Necromancers. Though, if anyone realized you had it, they would look at you oddly. Since it's very much the sort of thing a Necromancer would learn.
And on this note - yeah, that's kinda what I was driving towards with my comment: if someone wanted to learn Necromancy Life/Death Negacion would probably be the way to do it, but there's so much more to that than merely necromancy. There's also the added benefit that if anyone starts asking questions we do have the plasible denability of being interested due to the yearly cycle of life and death deciduous tree undergo, what with the death and regrowth of their leaves every year and all. On that same thought, the current season of autumn (I think it's still autumn?) would probably be an ideal time for trees to start studying Death magic, as trees prune their leaves and leave them to die.

Finally, for doing write-ins, are there any restrictions or such? Well, beyond the fact that your dice is going to that vs anything else.
Not really, besides the fact that actually accomplishing anything is not guaranteed when attempting complicated tasks.

And poking dangerous stuff might cost Resoures for regenerating.
I kinda wonder what we could do to keep our new hire from getting bored. We as players get to see 'numbers go up' for our projects and that expressed as narrative, but I think that our slow grinding playstyle may work badly for this guy.

Then again, if it things don't work out we can just give him some cash (via traded lumber) and bid him goodbye and good luck.

What I do think he might be good for, and that he might find worthwhile is for himself is to learn some combat/utility (healing?) magics to help out for the next fight as that would be something he can take with him if he does decide that this isn't working out for him - though that might require forming a deep connection with him (which I'd be in favour of after a turn or two for him and the forest to get know eachother).

If he does get a bit bored hanging around, then maybe he could travel with our more adventurous trees when they go on outings and if he happens to be away for the next attack, well that's not a huge problem.


Thinking on connections, considering the sheer jump in scale/intensity between the previous attack and the one before it I am a bit worried, and I think the most useful quick thing we could do would be to form a connection with Old Man Matherson, just for him to have the ability to draw heavily/freely from the forest's power in a fight:

1. We will not have to spend dice giving him a power boost
2. He will know that he is free to throw around as much power-per-second as he thinks would be useful, and will therefor go all out from the start of a fight
We're going to need another mini-turn, sadly. Though hopefully it won't be as large.

Lumburglar: this will prompt a new vote on "which mission"?

Talanburg: Trollin dice be trollin. But actually a pretty good story, TBH. Also: politics can be slow; don't expect to see the resolution this update - or next turn either really (though that'll be closer).

Refugees: despite them being exhausted beyond the ability to think, you rescued the Refugees successfully, with only minor setbacks. Very happy Spiders, very angry (surviving) Soldiers.
(No, seriously, the spiders borderline-critted.)

there's so much more to that than merely necromancy

the current season of autumn (I think it's still autumn?) would probably be an ideal time for trees to start studying Death magic, as trees prune their leaves and leave them to die.
Fair point.

Finally, for doing write-ins, are there any restrictions or such? Well, beyond the fact that your dice is going to that vs anything else.
Not many restrictions.

You aren't allowed to take an action that the overall Forest agrees is probably a bad idea. For example, "attempt to design a ritual to kill the Last Star" would probably get vetoed, as would "eat everyone in Newton Village." If I see something that is technically a problem, but your general intent can be fulfilled by slightly altering the details, I'll go for that.

Also, the more out-there the request, the less likely you are to fully succeed. Many possible requests have no success-chance at all, but instead have a decent chance of getting closer to the goal. For example, "build a moon colony" would automatically fail, but would have a chance of producing successes towards "study space and astronomy" or "build plants that are more radiation-tolerant."

considering the sheer jump in scale/intensity between the previous attack and the one before it I am a bit worried,
Fair concern.
OOC, please note that the GM is trying to balance things sanely.
IC, please note that the Last Star apparently wants you to survive and succeed, so you have a good chance of hearing a warning beforehand against anything you're not prepared for.
But still a very fair concern!
You can pick up Life/Death without becoming Necromancers. Though, if anyone realized you had it, they would look at you oddly. Since it's very much the sort of thing a Necromancer would learn.
As someone who has been angling for a life/death pair, I suppose I should take this moment to ask the QM if my assumptions are correct (I'd be ok with this being me asking Materson/Tavish IC, 'cuz I'm not trying to hide anything with this). :

1. Would achieving the life/death pair give a blanket upgrade to all life-only magics, the same way fire/ice gives a boost to any solo fire or ice magic use?
2. Our current Death magic skill gives a passive +10% to survival.
2.a. Will that go up with increased Death magic skill?
2.b. Will getting the nagacion increase that passive bonus?
1. Would achieving the life/death pair give a blanket upgrade to all life-only magics, the same way fire/ice gives a boost to any solo fire or ice magic use?
2. Our current Death magic skill gives a passive +10% to survival.
2.a. Will that go up with increased Death magic skill?
2.b. Will getting the nagacion increase that passive bonus?
All of your assumptions are correct in-universe, to the best of your knowledge, as well as your local allies' knowledge.

Caveat: Having a very high Death skill (Expert or above) without a near-matching Life skill is likely to cause issues. (Examples: losing the bonus to survival, having Creatures that only survive due to the bonus become Undead, having Creatures that only survive due to the bonus permanently lose stats (particularly intellect), having death-increase chances for anything nearby that isn't Connected to the Forest, having the Forest take more damage per successful attack (but be death-resistant).)

Caveat: Having very high skills (same) in both Life and Death without a near-matching Negacion is also likely to cause issues. (Examples: Creatures finding it difficult to tell when they're wounded or how severe a wound is, random Undead, becoming an attractive beacon to nearby Undead - possibly including Vampires, Forest mental instability, spontaneous Deadpool-lite.)
All of your assumptions are correct in-universe, to the best of your knowledge, as well as your local allies' knowledge.

Caveat: Having a very high Death skill (Expert or above) without a near-matching Life skill is likely to cause issues. (Examples: losing the bonus to survival, having Creatures that only survive due to the bonus become Undead, having Creatures that only survive due to the bonus permanently lose stats (particularly intellect), having death-increase chances for anything nearby that isn't Connected to the Forest, having the Forest take more damage per successful attack (but be death-resistant).)

Caveat: Having very high skills (same) in both Life and Death without a near-matching Negacion is also likely to cause issues. (Examples: Creatures finding it difficult to tell when they're wounded or how severe a wound is, random Undead, becoming an attractive beacon to nearby Undead - possibly including Vampires, Forest mental instability, spontaneous Deadpool-lite.)
That's great to know! My current plan is to go forward with life-associated projects for the foreseeable future during regular turns, and switch to destructive testing with death magic when in battle.

The rest of your post about what can happen if we have highly unbalanced magics and high levels of balanced-but-unpaired-magics does make me vaguely concerned about effect having a high level in a given magic area might have, but that's probably something we can keep on top of easily enough.
The rest of your post about what can happen if we have highly unbalanced magics and high levels of balanced-but-unpaired-magics does make me vaguely concerned about effect having a high level in a given magic area might have, but that's probably something we can keep on top of easily enough.
Growth (Plant) is your only Expert+ Magic at this point.
And it's natural enough to you that you haven't had any noticeable ill-effects so far.
Talanburg: Trollin dice be trollin. But actually a pretty good story, TBH. Also: politics can be slow; don't expect to see the resolution this update - or next turn either really (though that'll be closer).
Hoping that it went ok, I expected them wanting more before paying us because they are broke but not getting diplomatic relations or bad ones like wanting our submission would be problematic.
Also, you know IC that the name "Ancalagon" is a popular name for giant evil fictional monsters in-universe.

Considering the Tolkien connection, I'm very curious about the actual history involved with that name.

I remember having a lot of Speculation about Dragons, but I don't recall you ever specifically mentioning information regarding Dragons.

Despite bringing it up, I'm happy just remaining The Forest, even if Wallis' goals do give off some eldritch horror vibes to me, just a bit.

That is very fair!

We've shown with our Magnitude, Special Trees, Conncected Plants, and Player Trees that there is actually a lot of variability regarding the actual intelligence of Plantlife Connected to The Forest, and our Unusual Lumber Tree ( @Robinton any thoughts on what the Elder and Ancients variants will be called? Maybe the "Rare/Very Rare Lumber Tree" :V ?) shows that it is entirely possible for us to, more than just let go of loose branches and limbs without pain, actively Grow wood for Two Leg consumption, meaning Connect Plantlife can still continue to take the place it had and has in the ecosystem. We'd just also be able to leverage Local Forest Resources through it :V

But yeah, The Green, The Red, The Blue, The Grey and the rest of the Weird Color Things that DC has can get real Eldritchy, and while I hope we get there one day I rather suspect any amount of Global Forestry will be at most an Epilog.

Finally, for doing write-ins, are there any restrictions or such? Well, beyond the fact that your dice is going to that vs anything else.
Not really, besides the fact that actually accomplishing anything is not guaranteed when attempting complicated tasks.

And poking dangerous stuff might cost Resoures for regenerating.

Razzocnor has most of it, but there's another aspect there as well.

Pattern of Behavior.

Technically, it is possible, with the basic rules as written, for someone to jump in, select a Root Tree, and cast Fire/Ice upon the town of Newton.

However, Robinton has stated/ruled that such an action would be out of character for the Forest as it is now and that such actions would at best be initially veto'd and the player asked their intentions.

If the Forest as a whole suddenly decided to kill Newton, that's one thing, but there's a QM enforced gentletrees' agreement to not be assholes and completely upset and dosrupt the current state of play by doing deliberate actions to ruin things.

Now, granted, with our Movement Magic if a Player who wanted to do things very differently decided to leave The Forest and become a murder hobo, that would probably be okay? But at the same time the Forest would likely try to curtail that Tree to avoid giving the Forest a bad name.

On the contrary, if we'd started the quest and gone full Murder Forest, then random players dropping in to Murder Things would be entirely in character for the Forest and would likely have become a thread meme that the first action of a new player is to try to murder something, all of that representing a very different Pattern of Behavior.

As things stand, you likely won't need to worry about any write ins you make, beyond "Mad Science with Magic has a chance of Bad Things", but as long as you're not a deliberate asshole then everything should be fine and things talked out.

We're all doing our best to be reasonable shrubbery after all!
[X][Tree] Mind Tree
[X][Action] Life Indeed (Magic Biology Research)

Just discovered and caught up with the quest. A new sapling is excited to join with the Forest! Hmmm, on that thought, now that we're starting to talk with larger external societies, we may want a more definitive name for ourselves, instead of just 'The Forest'.

Fair point. Anyone have any thoughts? Or do you agree with Wallis that we should truly just be "The Forest"?

Do remember: Names can have meaning and power. I would strongly advise against naming yourselves, say, "Skynet" or "Destroyer of Worlds."
...Unless you want to destroy worlds, I suppose.

Also, you know IC that the name "Ancalagon" is a popular name for giant evil fictional monsters in-universe.
I sometimes wonder about names like elvish for "new home" or "safe home", but I am very ok with staying "The Forest" for now.

Refugees: despite them being exhausted beyond the ability to think, you rescued the Refugees successfully, with only minor setbacks.
Woohoo, new friends!
Very happy Spiders, very angry (surviving) Soldiers.
(No, seriously, the spiders borderline-critted.)
Hope the Spiders enjoyed their dinner.
Just gotta worry about the surviving soldiers knowing anything that could be dangerous for us.

I remember having a lot of Speculation about Dragons, but I don't recall you ever specifically mentioning information regarding Dragons.
The one time i mentioned Dragons Robinton just went "Redacted"

But the ancient Elves probably had some knowledge on the subject.
Whether they like to speak of it or not is a different matter.
As things stand, you likely won't need to worry about any write ins you make, beyond "Mad Science with Magic has a chance of Bad Things", but as long as you're not a deliberate asshole then everything should be fine and things talked out.
Cool, thanks! I'm excited to pry more into the inner workings of magic and how it could interact with biology, personally. I study biology irl (and even if I find actual botany quite dull) magic makes everything so much more exciting! Also, I have to say 'the Fire-Within' is a brilliant way of describing cellular respiration/glycolysis from a naive/external perspective.

For formatting, would it just be [][Action] Write-in?
Ha, get fucked Woo Clan. Guess that makes us the first group to win against them and not yet lose as hard.
But your odds are better than most.

Considering the Tolkien connection, I'm very curious about the actual history involved with that name.
And rightly so.
You see, [REDACTED].

I rather suspect any amount of Global Forestry will be at most an Epilog.
Though the Magnitude of the Forest is actually designed to allow Global / Stellar Forest levels.

I'm not 100% sure I have this right, but I think global saturation is around Magnitude 1600.

(At Magnitude 1, Forest Radius ~= 1/8th mile; surface area of Earth is ~200 million miles; area of Forest is proportional to Magnitude^3 (as is volume, given that the Forest has a constant height); Magnitude 1597.1... required. I'm pretty sure I have something slightly off here - I think that my starting radius and/or starting radius-growth might be a hair off, but I think the result is still not far off.)

By the same logic, a sun-surface of Forest would be around Magnitude 5 million.

Now, granted, with our Movement Magic if a Player who wanted to do things very differently decided to leave The Forest and become a murder hobo, that would probably be okay? But at the same time the Forest would likely try to curtail that Tree to avoid giving the Forest a bad name.

On the contrary, if we'd started the quest and gone full Murder Forest, then random players dropping in to Murder Things would be entirely in character for the Forest and would likely have become a thread meme that the first action of a new player is to try to murder something, all of that representing a very different Pattern of Behavior.
And you'd have had a different set of Enemies and Allies.
Possibly a short-term alliance with the Woo Clan before your mutual sudden-yet-inevitable betrayals.
Old Man Materson would have been your first Boss Fight. Or possibly your recurring Nemesis who keeps level-grinding to match you, and hands you more defeats than anyone else. Hard to say.
Vampires might have outright recruited you, and poured in resources and techniques to try to counter The Last Star contingent only on you being mind-controlled by them - a control that you'd have shaken mid-to-late-game, for a delicious "Since when were you the one in control?" interaction.
The Shining Concord Empire would have been a mid-term Boss Fight.
The Last Star would be the last Boss, or at least the last heroic Boss, within the quest proper.
Going off to fight Cali (or a hypothetical apprentice or something) would have been the epilogue. (Or possibly the whole Forest self-destructing. Who knows. That can be awesome, too, especially for Villain playthroughs.)

All the above are assuming I kept feeling like GM'ing, and wrote anything like the same setting around you.

Addendum: yet another alternative would be the "Evil Eldritch Forest that is still Reasonable and doesn't want to murder everything else." Something like "I am going to devour the world, and nothing else is allowed to do so, but I'll be keeping nature-preserves to keep the former species alive." (Stellaris: I've often considered the possibility of being a Devouring Swarm that starts developing empathy and conservation-ideals about halfway through the playthrough, and decides to be the Crisis of Crises, Defender of the Galaxy. "We're not what you'd call nice. But we do want to let others continue to exist, and what joy: that dovetails right into one of our best skills - brutally murdering everything that considers objecting!")

(OK, Robinton. Enough with the villain mode.)

For formatting, would it just be [][Action] Write-in?
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