TreeQuest: Magitech (Riot Quest)

and sometimes we interrogate via Disney I-want-songs.

I now regret us not doing that as a way to try to resolve the Lumburglars.

@Robinton is it too late to inflict DisneyTier I-want-song provoking on the Lumburglars without it being kinda an asshole move?

(The answer is obviously yes, I'm just imagining an even more comedic resolution to the whole affair.)

As for me, that really long post about warfare (specifically that bit about Vorpal Swords; also, please spoiler it, @Walliseatscheese ) has inspired me to consider researching Severing magic, aka "the magic of chopping things to itty bitty bits." I'm sure nobody would object to me using That Rock as a test subject should I attempt that?

I mean, I should spoiler it, but also I kind of don't want to? Eh, I'll do it. After I post this first, and into divisions that I want.

A new Tree is also interested in Swords, so the two of you could collaborate on research efforts it sounds like.

On our recent problems though.. how internally monolithic is the Woo clan? Would it be worth checking to see if anyone feels coerced or discontented to be with them? Is it likely that anyone wants to desert, or better yet, betray them? Or is our mental abilities not quite up to determining that yet reliably enough?

Good questions! And with the Woo Clan so close we might actually get some of those answers @Robinton !

Being a Telepathic Hive Mind is really useful for casual privacy invasion isn't it?

How difficult would it be for a handful of trees to take up root around Newton Village?

Not many, just enough that Woo Clan couldn't try anything out of nowhere without us knowing about it and in numbers small enough to gaslight outsiders into believing "Those trees? Those were always there." or making claim at the Forest Wizard set them up as part of a magical defense system.

Our telepathic range covers well beyond Newton afaik. But planting a Protective Grove around Newton isn't a bad idea at all.

There were definitely variants on "Creation" or "Crafting". "Invention," as well.

New Magics confirmed!

Project unlocked?

Clarification: Unusually high.

Ah, fair.

Which says something about how much investment this would take...

Voidshard Dust, by itself, seems a bit gritty but doesn't really taste much. It just makes normal flavors a touch blander.

You only know this since Marta Yarrow heard one of her zaniest (male) fellow apprentices reciting random facts, and happened to remember this one.

So, there's absolutely a Chef somewhere that definitely deliberately and knowingly, with customer consent, uses Voidshard Dust/Flakes as part of their cooking.

But the portal would pop-
-No, if it's a properly built, industrial-grade, stable portal, it would only break if he touched the outline. The actual space inside a portal is - with a good enough portal - just space.

A typical teleportation would likely fail. You'd need a really good one to work.

Oh? What difficulties are going on then?

Oh! You meant taking the kid through the portal!

Nah, it's much simpler to bring either the Professor to us, or us to the Professor and maintain the link to allow for continuous education of the entire Forest, plot out the procedure over there, and then the Professor could consent to observe the operation in the Forest itself.

For bringing the Kid to the Forest, I'm thinking we send a...Copse? of Trees? along with Arthur, and have Arthur guide the Concert Casting Healing to keep the Kid stable til they get to the Forest.

I was primarily thinking of Still/Move Teleporting TUT to the Professor's Mountain, rather than having them walk the whole way.

A month's pay of Honest Work.
Criminal Work can be vastly higher or absolutely worthless, and doesn't make money every day. they basically were paid the same amount of time they spent, plus whatever hypothetical loot they got, plus whatever they managed to sell the Lumber for.

That's...not quite unreasonable, but for stealing from a Hermit Wizard that still like they were low balled a bit, which makes sense for the surrounding circumstance of the Lumburglars actually being a deniable Intel Asset for our Malicious Enemies to try to get around our Void Shielding.

We should really rush Sensor Tree Upgrades as soon as they're available tbh.

Eh, if you flood the market too much, in the long run, that just means a big trading company will set up shop nearby and buy most of the produced Lumber*.

That's- not strictly a bad thing for us, all things considered, as long as we're able to properly communicate our moral and ethical concerns and requirements.

When you ask Old Man Materson, he says, "I can track a lot of things Magically, if I need to." He intentionally projects towards you the shape of a spell. You could potentially ask him to teach you this Locate Object/Person spell - though it really only works if you have some sort of link to the person/thing (note that "the person hit you with a spell yesterday" counts as a sufficient link if other conditions are reasonably good).


This is...really useful.

Especially if we can supercharge it, use our Wraith Friend as a Focus, and Locate Where The Wraith Came From.

Like, I cannot emphasize how much of a potential intelligence breakthrough this is, holy shit.

And in his middle age.
It's only in his old age that he's settled down and mostly-retired.
he has an axe to grind and doesn't want them to know what to expect

Materson. Buddy. Pal. Amigo. {Woodpecker That Nests Inside A Tree While Keeping It Clean Of Parasites}

How would you like to give the Woo Clan (and other assholes we still need to learn the names of) a really, truly, horrible awful rest of their lives? Or at least a swift death.

And it comes from an angle I don't think anyone would expect.

See, while the Hero of Undying Flame {thought recreation, as Granny Miller says it with a bit of teasing/sarcasm behind it}, especially with a {Forest} behind him, could do a lot of damage, that's not quite what we need.

Yes, this plan involves you becoming a Speaker, or at least Connecting deeply enough to draw on our {Resources} with relative ease.


We have this Shadow-Spinner Colony, just right next door.

And a few of us have had ideas about how to make best use of them, with one particular Tree really wanting us to bring them into the Connection.

And I think we all know just how...dangerous such a thing would be.

All we'd really need from there is the big question of, Location, Location, Location.

And you my friend, have The Location Finding Spell, Experience Using It, and a whole {Forest} of Cooperative Casters.

{Acknowledgement of Several Steps Still Undone/Not Started}

{Follow up Acknowledgement that Materson and (Forest) both know how to be Hunting-Patient}

{Sensation of Watching the First Malice-Vines-Resource-Stealers-Attempted-Kin-Slayers Burn}

Marta Yarrow answers, "A basic sense for Magic and Plants is one of the first things a good Herbalist is taught!" But adds, "I still wasn't able to find your Forest - good job on the stealth, by the way." Given a few more questions, she admits that "Your sense are clearly better than mine. I might have a feel for certain Plants from experience, but I doubt I know anything else well enough to outdo your Sensing Trees."

Informative! This also sounds like something to try to make a cooperative improvement project around, because Improved Sensing improves Precision which helps both of us.

You catch the thought of 'And they think there are further improvements? What is this Forest really? A Wish? An ancient Elven Experiment, finally woken up? Cali, deciding to... I don't know... automate continental defense?'

Good speculation! We should probably care more about the potential answer than we honestly do! That last one sounds pretty neat, though we retain sufficient {Free Will} that everyone honestly probably lucked out with the {Forest} being as aggressively friendly as we are, if that one's the case.

There's a vaguer impression of 'Is it rude to think about the Forest when they're maybe listening-' before she wrenches her thoughts over to her latest bit of Analyze Special Tree Growth Research.

Probably about as rude as us listening in on such a deep level, so how about we mutually forgive each other and not worry about it?

Two Leg Social Norms don't really exactly parse for a Collectivist Telepathic Hivemind? We're better at it because of Newton and our Speakers, but well. {Gestures at the Response Sequence here}

Honestly, your {expression of thought/mind/scientific inquest} is also {Fascinating/Attention Drawing/The Sensation Of Many Feet Chasing On Top Of The Ground, Known Only Because Of The Vibrations Felt Amongst The Roots And Trunks}.

Mr. Tavish would tell you that Precognition is relatively rare and rarely reliable - but potentially incredibly powerful if properly utilized. While normal Magic is something that is clearly a teachable skill - however difficult to grasp at times - nobody's quite sure about Foresight and some of the stranger Seer powers. Analysis and other Information-Gathering Magics are well known, and a lot of skilled Mages/Wizards grab a few of the basics, as catches their fancy.

More information!

Analysis and other Information-Gathering Magics are well known, and a lot of skilled Mages/Wizards grab a few of the basics, as catches their fancy.

And specific Magics mentioned! Can we get some more details on those well known but unnamed Information-Gathering Magics?

project unlocked?

I'm inclined to assume those Fungi are intelligent, like an Ant is intelligent.
I'm not inclined to believe they are intelligent, like a Human solving a Calculus problem is intelligent.

That is fair.

Depending on the city-state in question. And the century (or sometimes year) in question.


What are the qualifications for joining, explicitly?

And how does a Protectorate go from Protectorate to Full Member, no particular reason for the asking :V ?

(With the League's Feet Voting Policy, what is actually preventing the Ants from declaring themselves a Protectorate No More and applying for full membership/independence/"the political equivalent of telling CT&Friends to fuck off"? A lack of knowledge?)

I also love this, too!

Hmm... This one's going to be their rival organization in the Shining Concord Empire and the Kiynwich Kingdom.

Oh, well, if they can get set up elsewhere, here's the one that SV Ate.

Adversity: that which we challenge, Enterprise: the progression of our growth, Ūrere: (latin for "to burn") our burning ambition!

The Three Word Motto of

The Adventūre Association!

They have rules about lying from one city-state to another, and (to some degree) from one private citizen to another.

They don't have such rules about ambassadors. Though naturally if you sent an ambassador and they got caught in a particularly bad lie, well, expect to end said ambassador's career and take a major hit. ("You" can mean "you in the Larongo League" or "you who are a country neighboring the Larongo League" equally well in context.)


What are the requirements of being able to send an Ambassador?

The only other party around as utterly terrible to be 'on the verge of defeating' as them is the Archivists.
And those guys at least A aren't expansionist and B are willing to concede victory if it doesn't compromise their mission (and nobody's ego/caring-for-comrades/etc got too terribly tweaked/etc.) and C actually protect the world sometimes*.
(*Their stated mission is to "file away dangerous lost technology for the safety of the world." Practically, this has prevented good research a few too many times for anyone else's liking, but they are right sometimes. Sometimes.)

Sounds like a combination of the Brotherhood of Steel and the SCP Foundation? Or maybe just the BoS, the Foundation's remit is a tad broader than the Archivists seem to have.

I wonder how they define technology...

On the one hand: True.
On the other hand: You just dealt with a not-actively-bad Stealth Mage by dint of "noticing her from >5 miles away."
(Of course she was part of a group, and she isn't what initially looked suspicious. But still.)

Plus, with more information and our soon to be improved Sensing Trees, we'll likely have an even further detection range soon!

Especially if we pick up Ending (other's spell effects) and Gravity (Sensing)!

The sensible thing is probably to let the Mad Science Tree be diplomatic, and head back home to help out with all the incoming wackiness, but messing with Professor Question has been hilarious.

While we would appreciate your ability to come at problems from unconventional angles.

Continuing to develop your credentials for your "cover", learning more about the world, and making Diplomatic Contacts with sensible enough governments seems pretty useful, and specifically helping the Ants become better able to interact with the world on their own terms seems like a very helpful thing for both them and us.
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Aaaand the stack of quotes I was working on got eaten, even though I saved the draft.

Curse you automatic phone restarting updates!

We'll want another miniturn to get into more details
I don't want it to be true - I want to get to the next turn+update.
...I might order it full-turn-first?

Seriously though, what skills does he actually have? I'm assuming basic literacy, not-incompetent woodcraft (because he got here and to Newton alive), and proficient haberdashering, but there's a reason why wanderlust is in his heart.
I haven't decided yet, but part of me wants to say:

He was an accountant, and has recently been working for bosses who are absolutely certain that people are widgets.
He's on a bit of a borderline-anarchist streak as a result.
His most recent boss had very distinctive hair.

He definitely has some skills. I'm not sure which ones yet. Ask me again tomorrow, and with a bit of time to review I'll decide whether I'm willing to go with this background - which is hilarious, but might not fit the locale ('twould make a lot more sense in the Shining Concord Empire, or perhaps the Kiynwich Kingdom).

Ignoring Last Star requests
Which Newton Village wouldn't want to do.

...Actually, if you explain the Last Star request, they probably would be far more on board with openly making enemies of the Woo Clan.

Because problems they might be, and ignore requests from the Last Star they totally will (unless they get clear evidence of said requests - and even then most of their real decision-makers won't care), but that doesn't mean they're likely to end up well off in the aftermath of ignoring said requests.

"Close Air Support covereth over a multitude of sins," was it?

Second, unless @Robinton informs us otherwise, I do not believe there is an actual unified treaty of agreed upon rules of warfare. There's likely a rule of thumb that amounts to "Don't Make Last Star Come Over There", but other than that? Likely free game.
I think there are a few.
Though the Woo Clan ignores them when they thinks they can get away with it.
...Which means nobody is going to be mad at you doing the same thing to them. Especially since you're not even a signatory.

The Lumburglars have shown us that there are methods to detect Magic, and the implications we've recevied from our Malicious Enemies suggests that they were magically spying on us before the Void Tree went a Voiding.
Also, said enemy is presumably still trying to spy on you, albeit with reduced success.
Addendum: Said enemy was consistently missing your newest innovation or two, until you actually used them.

The Seer Tree and Last Star also show us that Precognition is in fact a thing.
Oddly enough, what a Seer sees and what a Time Mage sees are not the same sort of thing.
Well, I should probably say not always. There is sometimes overlap.

Aka, Beans, Boots, and Bullets.
And Potatoes! /Technoblade reference

Therefore it's in our best interests to not explicitly declare war, but to begin operations and do our best to leave the Woo Clan unknowing of our involvement until we've grown to a sufficient size/capacity to wage war.

If you want to look good to the surrounding nations, it might be worth going the extra mile and avoid enacting War-as-such without a declaration, but you can do a lot of preparation, growth, arming, spywork, etc. without ever declaring War, and be completely 100% aboveboard.

And, frankly, if they were more dedicated to the Rules of War, etc, their neighbors would dislike them less.

First, we need to identify the general needs and wants of everyone who may be seeing combat. Food, Clothing, Healing/Recovery, Utilities, Protection, and Weapons are the immediate things that come to mind, but actual details are a bigger question.
You've got Healing/Recovery mostly down - for injuries that you and yours have thus-far encountered, at least.
Food, too. Mostly your doing, @Walliseatscheese.

A serious push to build better weapons for the Creatures would not be a bad idea at all. Not just "good weapons you can easily make" but really delving into the options. I'll add it to the list somewhere.

Voidshards are generally concerning - but also very good for weapons. You know a location that likely has a lot of Voidshard Dust, and possibly some whole Voidshards. Mine them if you wish/dare/get-around-to-it.

Connect to the Shadow-Spinner Colony, learn more of the following magics, Stealth, Darkness, Illusion, Void, Gravity, Ending, Light/Darkness Negacion, Stillness, Stillness/Movement Negacion, and Perception, and then direct the Shadow-Spinners to kill the enemy leadership until they stop doing what you don't want them to do while providing them with Magical Support.
And plausible.
I actually want to see you try this! I don't guarantee it'll work, but I think you've got good odds...

So, I found this quest a couple of weeks ago, and I have to admit I'm rather embarrassed I had no idea this existed.. Trees are kind of my thing. Anyway, after reading the threadmarked things and several recent posts, and lurking a bit, I've decided to try to join myself at this late date. I have a couple of somewhat opposite ideas of what I would like my tree to become long term.. would it be possible to ask ahead of time which might be more useful or more possible, or would that be cheating? Should I just pick a place to start from and go from there, hoping to somewhat get what I'm aiming for?
If I haven't said so yet: Welcome!

In terms of what is possible in general... well, the sky probably isn't the limit! We've made contact with an orbital satellite that contains elves, so I'm pretty sure we could get to spaceflight if we want to. Anything you can do with science is something our Forest could learn to do, and we have all kinds of Magic as well!
There's also "whatever makes Ancient Technology work" and "what's up with the Forest being one of very-few Telepathy-users around, anyway?"

And I do like "The sky is no limit." ;)

Though we've been lagging a bit in the Growth category, so if you don't have any particular opinions, all us overcreative Research trees need some Growth trees to put our discoveries into play.
Agreed. If I got to join this quest as a player, too, I'd pick Growth.
(Admittedly, this may be influenced by the inspiration quest, No, SV, You Are the Forest! (Riot Quest) Original, and my choices therein.)

I suspect that a group that has managed to create a Ritual that allows them to break down defenses of fortifications on the basis that they are the proper owners and rulers of literally everything, might have some sort of magical "criminal/people who have denied us" list. It's almost certainly not all encompassing, but I'm very greatful to our Void Tree @Box Lunch
Fair points, both ways.

Now, I'm not one to pressure the old veteran about his woes or his past.

But from the sounds of things, he Knows, quite a bit, about the current way of things.

When he's got the time and the heart for it, we'd appreciate being able to listen and learn, to better Know ourselves.
It might make Turn 27. Depends on the rolls, and my inspiration.

Ah, I'd missed that bit, what with my Obsessive focus ( :V). Growing them normally is more than fine, and honestly it might be a good idea to lobby for a Autofocus on upgrading all of our Special Trees to their max, to really get those benefits going.

Probably starting with our +Growth Trees tbh.
Feel free to mathematically analyze the quest+rules+options for "most optimal growth methods." I'll happily confirm or deny any rules disputes, and even check your math if you want.

That goes for everyone!

So would be very good if we succeed in make sure the Woo don't realize anything is off and they just believe the refugees were killed by a monster.
For now.
Page 158:

I'm sure nobody would object to me using That Rock as a test subject should I attempt that?
You chop the rock into pieces.
It doesn't react.
Maybe you mixed it up with another rock?

On our recent problems though.. how internally monolithic is the Woo clan? Would it be worth checking to see if anyone feels coerced or discontented to be with them? Is it likely that anyone wants to desert, or better yet, betray them? Or is our mental abilities not quite up to determining that yet reliably enough?
Fair question.
And a fair thing to check on the attackers, now.

How difficult would it be for a handful of trees to take up root around Newton Village?
Trivial. Not even worthy of a write-in, unless you want a chunk of the non-Player Trees included. Just include it as a sub-vote to your main Action vote.

"Those trees? Those were always there."
I feel like Materson would say it with a "this is what you are going to have to pretend to think" tone and expression.
I feel like the Traders would nod, glance at each other mildly warily, and go along with the pretense.

True, songbirds could be really useful. And we have ravens (who can talk and sing; singing starts at around 4:10).
Nice! I had not known how talented ravens were, though I'm not that surprised.
"Hi, Fable!"

I meant "upgrade the currently existing weather tree to elder, then remove that part from the autofocus". Though if we somehow ended up with no elder+ weather tree i'd probably want to replace it.
Then my interpretation was correct. Excellent!

The mental image of them detecting the magic of one random tree, digging it up and then carry it off is neat.
The mental image of next night-rest said tree punching out the night guard of their group and then walking back is even better.

Good that once "Life Indeed" is done Life is one of our elements.
I had actually missed the implications of that. Thanks for reminding me! And very well-timed, too, since I hadn't gotten to writing up the completion of Life Indeed yet!

If "tried to hurt our friends" counts we could get scary.
A weak but present link.

"Sensing your own Element" as "one of the most basic Magics"
You are already doing that. You sensed the other side of the Portals in a bunch of ways, and noticing Light far above and Earth (stone) all around was your main impression. Aside from the Minds and Magic, really.

Finally something new non-trivial for our sensing tree.
You're getting pretty close to unlocking the Elder Sensing Trees project, actually.

How much movement are our Talanburg trees capable of? As much as any other? (theoretically, ignoring the issues that them moving would cause to the structures build between them)
You've only recently Connected to them, so they're still limbering up, to your way of thinking.

Does this mean I also get the reward bonus to use? :V
Did I seriously forget to specify that?
I think I only noted it in the (pending) Turn 27 update. :V

While war might be imminent combat very much isn't. We are a long way from their established territory and neither side knows much of anything about the other. It will be several turns at minimum before we even start throwing down directly.
It could be next turn.
You don't think their troops have the wherewithal to bother you, but you aren't 100% certain of that.
You also don't think they have the ability to scramble an attack force against you in a single turn, especially if they don't even know what has happened, but you don't know that for sure either.

Still, 3-10 turns is probably the smart money.

You might have mentioned that I have half a write in left, I wanted to know whether or not that was the case.
Ah! That was @Phigment. He only made it halfway through the turn before the Ants interrupted him.
Last edited:
I don't want it to be true - I want to get to the next turn+update.
...I might order it full-turn-first?

Maybe full turn with a "mini turn unlocked" as the result of particular votes, and while we're all debating and talking about things, mini turns go up and are voted on?

I haven't decided yet, but part of me wants to say:

He was an accountant, and has recently been working for bosses who are absolutely certain that people are widgets.
He's on a bit of a borderline-anarchist streak as a result.
His most recent boss had very distinctive hair.

I feel like this is a reference, but accountants going anarchist because Society is weirdly too broad of a genre to actually narrow it down.

He definitely has some skills. I'm not sure which ones yet. Ask me again tomorrow, and with a bit of time to review I'll decide whether I'm willing to go with this background - which is hilarious, but might not fit the locale ('twould make a lot more sense in the Shining Concord Empire, or perhaps the Kiynwich Kingdom).


He might have traveled a very far distance using his Accountant Money in pursuit of Adventure.

Which Newton Village wouldn't want to do.

...Actually, if you explain the Last Star request, they probably would be far more on board with openly making enemies of the Woo Clan.

Any particular reason not to share our "We're pretty sure this is the Sarah that Last Star mentioned to us" logic?

"Close Air Support covereth over a multitude of sins," was it?


So, an interesting consideration.

Gravity bends Spacetime.

Bent Space(time) bends light.

Could we use Gravity as a Combination with our Negacion Pairs to develop indirect artillery fire?

Possibly centered around our Long Range Pollen Deployment as a base focus?

I think there are a few.
Though the Woo Clan ignores them when they thinks they can get away with it.
...Which means nobody is going to be mad at you doing the same thing to them. Especially since you're not even a signatory.

Very well noted, though we should probably go and get a copy of those to make sure we know what the "rules" are so to speak.

Also, said enemy is presumably still trying to spy on you, albeit with reduced success.

Hmmm. If we pair Void with Ending, could we raise the bar on the number of successes they need to get information? Or are they too similar?

Addendum: Said enemy was consistently missing your newest innovation or two, until you actually used them.

True, it turns out having a rich Mindscape to do 99.9% of your research in is really useful for information control.

Oddly enough, what a Seer sees and what a Time Mage sees are not the same sort of thing.
Well, I should probably say not always. There is sometimes overlap.

Ah, so Seers see Fate while Time Mages see, well, Time.

I imagine Fate is probably about as dangerous as Time to try to muck around in trying to learn.

Arguably, both could reasonably have access to Postcognition, with the Seer seeing The Fate That Has Happened and the Time Mage seeing The Time That Has Passed.


If you want to look good to the surrounding nations, it might be worth going the extra mile and avoid enacting War-as-such without a declaration, but you can do a lot of preparation, growth, arming, spywork, etc. without ever declaring War, and be completely 100% aboveboard.

And, frankly, if they were more dedicated to the Rules of War, etc, their neighbors would dislike them less.

...what's the word on active deniable Monster Assets? You know, as a hypothetical :V

You've got Healing/Recovery mostly down - for injuries that you and yours have thus-far encountered, at least.

Ideally I'd like to advance our development there to have an Acorn Magic Item that can be either actively or automatically used to restore/replace/recreate all of the organs from shoulders to pelvis and then give the jumpstart needed to bring the user active again.

With more Flesh and Life, the biggest issue is the use conditions more likely than not.

Food, too. Mostly your doing, @Walliseatscheese.

We Must Acquire More Minerals.

Also I'd really like for us to Connect to Newton's crop fields.

A serious push to build better weapons for the Creatures would not be a bad idea at all. Not just "good weapons you can easily make" but really delving into the options. I'll add it to the list somewhere.

Excellent, another Project unlocked!

Something for Armor as well hopefully?

Ideally the Armor will act as an Anchor for our own Shields, while also being genuinely really good armor to protect against Shield Piercers.

Voidshards are generally concerning - but also very good for weapons. You know a location that likely has a lot of Voidshard Dust, and possibly some whole Voidshards. Mine them if you wish/dare/get-around-to-it.

Hmm. Proper safety procedures first, but honestly this sounds like a very...useful asset, especially if we can link it up to our Long Range Pollen Deployment Method.

And plausible.
I actually want to see you try this! I don't guarantee it'll work, but I think you've got good odds...

Yeah, if the Woo Clan is going to be as awful as everything suggests they are, best not to play with the kid gloves on.

Honestly this has been percolating ever since you mentioned that having a Connected Shadow-Spinner would make our enemies and allies scared at least a little shitless, and then you revealed the whole colony and well.

That one Tree who has been trying to get us Spider Pets is to be commended for their bravery and also their fortitude.

Fair points, both ways.

The Woo Clan has to have limits, because otherwise they'd either be explicitly already Winning or everyone would constantly be at Active War against them, but the fact that they do have some method of exploiting their doctrine and declaration of Ownership for esoteric effects means that they have some basis for pulling off more related bullshit, and as I've said Information is a key part of warfare.

It might make Turn 27. Depends on the rolls, and my inspiration.


And here I am, dropping a whole deal with the devil Money Tree on ya.

Feel free to mathematically analyze the quest+rules+options for "most optimal growth methods." I'll happily confirm or deny any rules disputes, and even check your math if you want.

I wish whomever actually does this good luck!

I feel like Materson would say it with a "this is what you are going to have to pretend to think" tone and expression.
I feel like the Traders would nod, glance at each other mildly warily, and go along with the pretense.

Glad to see that the Traders (man, we need a more discerning name for them) have the sense to play along.

Still, 3-10 turns is probably the smart money.


A lot depends on how our initial actions ago, and how good at piercing Void they are...

What's the exact language of the Woo Clan Declaration Of We Own Everything again? A hypothetical loophole just occurred to me and I want to make sure before I extrapolate.

I think we could pick up the Shadow-Spinners within 5 turns of truly dedicated effort if we committed to it, and picked up supporting actions during the process, so it's something to consider.

I wonder how my Action went. It'd sure be bad if I poisoned the Souls of the entire Forest from a little tomfoolery.

It seems like the Forest maintains a sort of Soul/Mind Database? And can respawn Trees through it?

You might want to carefully consider examining it for more details on the Soul and Mind.
It seems like the Forest maintains a sort of Soul/Mind Database? And can respawn Trees through it?

You might want to carefully consider examining it for more details on the Soul and Mind.

So like how in Starcraft the Overmind could recreate Cerebrates that are killed by anything other than the Void.

Soooo this is intriguing. Very very intriguing.

The ideas they are a coming.


Oh man so many interesting magic ideas to contemplate. I have been doing the standard options provided to us but I might need to consider magical research / spellcasting write-ins. I am totally willing to work in tandem with another Tree if their idea is magic casting or research. Right now ideas are :
-Elemental Magic
-Communications Magic
-Soul Magic (from the above, might call it something else, but its the idea of working magic to bring back Trees and Creatures that are Linked to the Forest)

I might also try something like Wizarding Magic (name subject to setting lore) to represent us studying how other species might hae Spells and Rituals and Ceremonies and stuff. It could be super super interesting. We might need to get our hands on Magic Books from the City and such.

This is just some random thinking. I will obviously modify my choices based on events and actions of others and the author.

But yeah I want my Magic/Wizard Tree to shine! :)
I think there are a few.
Though the Woo Clan ignores them when they thinks they can get away with it.
...Which means nobody is going to be mad at you doing the same thing to them. Especially since you're not even a signatory.

Fun fact: The only time war crimes actually count is when there's someone willing and able to prosecute them.

In this case, the most likely source of war crimes prosecution is actually more likely to be on the OOC meta front than IC front.
You've only recently Connected to them, so they're still limbering up, to your way of thinking.
If we ever start an adventure group we need to call it "The Limbering Lumber"
I had actually missed the implications of that. Thanks for reminding me! And very well-timed, too, since I hadn't gotten to writing up the completion of Life Indeed yet!
Also the implications of having a sensing tree, a memory tree, and a computing tree:
Having multiple snapshots of a sense (/element) being used to scan for something and then having computing tree compare them to see suspicious changes.
Also having multiple snapshots of different senses in rapid succession and analyzing for inconsistencies. (like seeing flickers of Fire-Within without acompanying Life -> there is something perfectly hiding Life but imperfectly hiding Fire-Within
I feel like Materson would say it with a "this is what you are going to have to pretend to think" tone and expression.
I feel like the Traders would nod, glance at each other mildly warily, and go along with the pretense.
Ah, stealth by intimidation.

We Must Acquire More Minerals.
In very related news:
Our mining tree isn't upgraded yet.
Would give 0.1 auto successes per SAD Survival (current SAD Survival: 52) and a further 10% bonus to all Digging and Earth actions.
Mining Tree (currently 1; max 1 Mining Tree of any upgrade level)
-This is a Tree grown to dig magical "Linestone" rocks out of the ground, as part of an agreement with Newton Village.
Elder Mining Tree (currently 0; max 1 Mining Tree of any upgrade level)
-Upgrade costs 20 successes.
-Gives +0.1 auto-successes to Mining per Survival die in a Survival-specialized Active Player Tree.
-Grants a +10% bonus to any Digging or Earth action.
-Has significant bonuses to defending itself and moving as necessary. Expect it to qualify as one of the more combat-capable Trees in the entire Forest, should it be attacked.
Does it involve using Void to trick the ritual into thinking we don't exist?

Technically by the language I'm already aware of it would still hit us unless we managed to remove all memory of us from everyone outside our bounds, and that's not a good thing to do imo, because then we'd basically count as Fiction and that is specifically something they lay claim over.

No, the idea is to use Void Magic to directly attack their Magic, but that's a ways away right now.

So like how in Starcraft the Overmind could recreate Cerebrates that are killed by anything other than the Void.

Soooo this is intriguing. Very very intriguing.

The ideas they are a coming.
Want to help me commit un-alive for the sake of progress? I promise it's 100% organic, and the only one getting hurt in this situation would be me.

Now I remind you both, all we know for certain is that the Tree is out of commission for a Turn on Death, there is a resource cost, and then they are brought back from a back up.

Personally investigating the Process through experience is definitely a very thorough way of scientific investigation, but I highly recommend doing what research you can first before committing unalive.

Though if/when you go through with it, I recommend tapping our Death Bear to assist in the Unaliving.

Oh man so many interesting magic ideas to contemplate. I have been doing the standard options provided to us but I might need to consider magical research / spellcasting write-ins.

My personal recommendation would be to try to write in either Analysis Magic or Stillness Magic, both of which exist by WoG.

Analysis Magic's benefits for Research are quite obvious.

Stillness is something we should have a lot of experience with as Trees, and while Stillness alone is pretty great, what we're really after is the Stillness/Movement Negacion, which per WoG includes Teleportation.

In very related news:
Our mining tree isn't upgraded yet.
Would give 0.1 auto successes per SAD Survival (current SAD Survival: 52) and a further 10% bonus to all Digging and Earth actions. that how SAD would work?

Honestly that's pretty worthwhile for the economic boost imo.
Want to help me commit un-alive for the sake of progress? I promise it's 100% organic, and the only one getting hurt in this situation would be me.

I like the idea of studying the process but I like the idea of a Tree being 'alive' more than 'un-alive'. So not sure. Will see what happens.

Now I remind you both, all we know for certain is that the Tree is out of commission for a Turn on Death, there is a resource cost, and then they are brought back from a back up.

Personally investigating the Process through experience is definitely a very thorough way of scientific investigation, but I highly recommend doing what research you can first before committing unalive.

Though if/when you go through with it, I recommend tapping our Death Bear to assist in the Unaliving.

The idea of studying how the process might work totally makes sense to me yeah. Though as I said above I like the 'alive' part more than the 'unalive' element.

My personal recommendation would be to try to write in either Analysis Magic or Stillness Magic, both of which exist by WoG.

Analysis Magic's benefits for Research are quite obvious.

Stillness is something we should have a lot of experience with as Trees, and while Stillness alone is pretty great, what we're really after is the Stillness/Movement Negacion, which per WoG includes Teleportation.

Analysis Magic sounds like my jam. I think us having that sort of magic would benefit us in many other ways. Also Understanding and Knowing is a very very useful tool.

Not sure how to phrase it - probably something like "The tree researches Analysis Magic' or something hehe - but yeah that sounds like a really good idea.

As does the Stillness Magic as a stepping stone to Negacion, that sounds epic.

So many good ideas.
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What is this Forest really? A Wish? An ancient Elven Experiment, finally woken up? Cali, deciding to... I don't know... automate continental defense?
Yeah, sorry, we don't even know that ourselve.

@Robinton is it too late to inflict DisneyTier I-want-song provoking on the Lumburglars without it being kinda an asshole move?
I mean, we still can do it to that one Lumburglars we hire, right? We can even told him afterwards it's part of job interview for working with the forest. It won't even be false since we did that to Yarrow before revealing ourselves, so it really is our version of job interview.

[X][Hire Former Lumburglar] Yes
[X][Talanburg] Contact them immediately
[X][Talanburg Diplomacy] Plan: Diplomatic Mission
[X][Rin Refugees] Give them refuge
-[X]Try to make it look like they were eaten by monsters
[X][Woo Clan Soldiers] Divert them away from you
-[X]Aim for that Shadow-Spinner nest
[X][Lumber and Goods] Trust But Verify
Im not sure what you question here is?
The 0.1 autosuccess per SAD Survival is a from the description of the Tree.
The current SAD Survival is from the 3rd row from the bottom in the player tree listing table. (See this post)

Oh! I had no idea the spreadsheet was set up like that! That makes a lot of sense now, thanks!

@Robinton how are Obsessives treated in regards to SAD checks? It seems like they're currently ignored, which ya know, fair enough?

I mean, we still can do it to that one Lumburglars we hire, right? We can even told him afterwards it's part of job interview for working with the forest. It won't even be false since we did that to Yarrow before revealing ourselves, so it really is our version of job interview.

You- are not wrong!


Something to seriously consider standardizing once our Green Singer gets going.
Added some information on the Woo Clan and Largono Leauge (probably mispelled) to the Situations post.
They now reside in a new category dedicated to 'other polities'
so I won't be here often and will probably just lurk. But, if a vote or two will make myself a tree of the total trees is there a type of tree or something anyone here would want me to be to help all your efforts? No idea how this works.
so I won't be here often and will probably just lurk. But, if a vote or two will make myself a tree of the total trees is there a type of tree or something anyone here would want me to be to help all your efforts? No idea how this works.

If you want a dead-easy vote, pick "[X][Tree] Root Tree" and "[X][Action] Grow the Forest".

You can literally vote that every single time and know that you'll always be helping!

If you want something slightly more complicated-but-efficient, you could always ask around for what kind of Special Tree needs to be grown. But Grow the Forest is the good-old-reliable. (Along with Store Resources - but since we already have a player dedicated to that always, I figured I should mention the one that doesn't have dedicated help.)

If you just feel like lurking, well, I hope you enjoy! But votes are welcome when you feel like it!
[X][Tree] Root Tree
[X][Action] Grow the Forest

I could try gaming the system or something no idea how often I'll be on though. Do eventually have to go back to college after break and am not too smort to contribute much here. any underwater trees yet or fuck it boat tree?
You know with a league of city states with some freedom memes to our south, a scheming empire to our east with villanous memes, and a weird not human race in their borders which is only technically part of it. Its weird I immediately thought about a practical guide to evil. At least these pseudo democracies (which some are) aren't horrifyingly totalitarian mob rule from what we've seen and the 'evil' empire isn't insanely evil.

None of that is our problem though we're just trees. :p
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"Is that true, Ants? Are you proud to be their protectorate? Why haven't you joined this League of theirs? You seem much more sensible than them; I bet they could use your perspective.


"I apologize. I think I confused you there. Of course, I've always been a tree. The sorceress didn't curse me with being a tree; that would hardly be a curse, now would it? No, she cursed me into moving. There I was basking in the sunshine, having a lovely growing season, and this woman came walking up. Probably a human, like you; right number of arms and legs, at least. She said she was in a hurry, and told me to get out of her way. I said, 'I beg your pardon, ma'am, but I'm a tree, so I figure I'll just stay right here where I'm planted.' That made her angry, and she stamped her foot, and said, 'Since you didn't move when I gave you the choice, now you won't have any choice but to move!' After that, I was able to get out of her way, but I've had the wanderlust. I can't bear to stay in one place for more than a season or two. Very inconvenient. But I'm making the best of it.

I talk by magic, of course, and by moving my smaller twigs. Walking is just a matter of moving one root at a time, so I don't get off balance and fall. And I usually shed my leaves in the winter, when it gets cold and dark. Don't want leaf frost; I can tell you that's no fun! Although, maybe if I went somewhere warm in the winter I wouldn't. Have to try that some time.

How about you? Were you born a professor, or did you get cursed into it? Why do you wear things on your feet, anyhow? Don't they interfere with your ability to feel the dirt and absorb water?"
At the sentence "Were you born a professor, or did you get cursed into it," one of the guards can't quite suppress a chuckle. He quickly stops at the glares of his fellows.

The Professor mutters, "Sorceress. Must be a Fairy." Then, yet quieter, adds, "Or something weirder."

The Ants, for their part, reply: "Locals=Friends. Larongo=Rude."

@Phigment, do you mind if I just assume that you and Professor Interrog spend a while questioning each other - write up a list of questions, I'll write up the answers and counterquestions, which you'll have to answer in turn; we can iterate on this a few times as needed - and mostly jump to the next major bit of action (as opposed to talking)? If you don't mind, I figure that eventually you'll decide to leave of your own accord (in whatever direction you please), or they'll try to convince you to leave (same), or the Ants' local allies will show up and a shouting match will start with occasional bug-bites, or the Larongo will try to intimidate (or just repeatedly shout until they're tired of disagreeing and being shouted at) the local allies into agreeing with the Larongo. Depending on how long you want to stay, I'll roll to see which happens first…