Allright, so! A new update! yayyyy! Lot's of interesting thing and one...uh, thing that definintly happened. So, to look over all the new stuff we've aquired.
[][Heavens] Write-In, propose a potential way to deal with the making of the small Heavens.
Each turn, the two most voted proposals will be tested on a small scale by the Order, until a permanent solution is chosen amongst tested proposals, or the Heavens are built without intervention from the Order.
This is, i think one of the easiest most important votes of this turn, and onward. You can see from the lesser heaven action later down, we got about 16 turns of this to test and refine. And that's assuming we're not gonna put any AP, or more importantly, the mundanve conclave isn't doing it, so probaly around 8-10 turns, if i had to make a rough guess.
My first thought is something along the lines of "Let the young test their apptitue amongst the professions, untill they find one that brings joy, so that those who's mind grow old and bodies frail, may enjoy peace", so basically heaven as a retirement place, stuff. It's my first thought, but i'm marketly worse at the write in options in this quest so far, so i'll be looking at what other people says.
[] [Spawn-Lovers] Write-In, reaction to the…Spawn-lovers. Doing nothing is, of course, a possibility.
Well, it's a thing...Jokes and reactions aside, my inclination is to do nothing. People are free to..uhm, like what they like, and while i don't think the Order should be providing spawns for this stuff, any "re-education", is tad too totolitarion for me. So, just something to either say we're not doing anything, is my general thought.
So, this is i think going to be a critical action sooner or later. The primary reason why we are venturing into space is because of the Doom, so this is something we're going to have to do. That being said, i think we'll want to this after we do the Dawn-Watcher's different astriology actions, so that we may have the best kind of knowledge going into this, since this is most likely going to be an action that is going to take lives regardless of how much we prepare. And..There is still the worry over the fact that God-fortress can apparently get corrupted and this most certainly seems like a way that might happen.
We may even potentially want to create "illumination/Warding" kind of God-Fortress for this job spesifically.
[] Scavenging of Celestial Materials
At face value this seems like an action to just gain more voidstone for crafting, but hmm. The second circle astriology sign makes me wonder if we could potentially get higher rewards from this. I actually kinda want to try this.
[] Constructive Rebirth of Forgotten Violences [Sundial Tower] [Path of History] [Mundane] [0/1] NEW
[] Temple-Maze of Xipe Topec [Mundane][Tower that Think] [0/1] NEW
So! We almost certainly want to do the Forgotten violence action before we do the Egg, and the Temple-Maze in general is just really good. Enchanted in both rewards and the tower that think's domain wielding. So, i think we really want to do this before we do any of the exploration, and we should have a free Ap. But to make something Clear,
@OldShadow These two actions are underneath the "Explore the Past", but not the "Expiditions", can we use the Past-Dwellers AP on these two or is it just expiditions?
Interesting action. Not quite sure what this might lead to honestly, besides a better mastery of things. We may want to do this action, if we're planning on doing Delt stuff though, so we'll have an God ready to go and steward over Dert together with the Order.
[] Mind of Bronze [Mundane] [0/1] NEW
This is really cool, bronze age computers powered by Gods and Faith, is such a radical image. Like steampunk but even earlier. Bronzepunk(?) Something like that.
[] A Forest in the Ice [Living Tower] [0/1] NEW
Here is the Dert action. I think we'll want to do the Sow the Seas and Lords of Ice before we start potentially poking on this one, so we'll have allready tested sea-actions before we comit, since we can only pull this lever once.
Overall, really cool and new stuff to explore! Even if i don't think a lot of them is going to be hyper relevant this turn, since we are commited.
Now, to repeat! Our general goal is to do all the Path of Elements actions together at the end of the cycle, for the maxium level of synergy, we've been holding back a lot for this, so i for one am really excited for this!
The basis, i think for any plan this turn would be something like this
[] Plan Basis of All
-[] Sowing the Fields of Tomorrow [Mundane] [Living Tower] [Singing Shepherds]
-[] Pasture of Tomorrow [0/1] [Gardeners, Healers], -1MAP
-[] City of Growth and Health [1/2] [Use 1 Scale] [Living Tower ; Tower that Think] [Gardener; Healers;Potiooners] [Path of the Elements], -1 AP
-[] Fires of the Earth [0/1] [Sundial Tower] [Path of the Elements], -1AP
-[] Straightening of the World [3/4] [Mundane] [Sundial Tower] [Precises] [Path of the Elements] [Gardeners], -1AP
-[] Purify the Storm [2/3] [Path of the Elements] [White Tower; Living Tower], -1AP
-[] Build the Heavenly Cities [Mundane]
-[] Temples of the Lesser Gods [Elementals] [1/2] [Tower that Think] [Precises], -1 Conclave MAP
This finishes both our Path of Elements, as well as all the Gift of Health actions, so we'll have done everything we've set up to do. This leaves us with 2 MAP, Citalee and one Past Dwellers action. Now, we got several different options on what to do with these, but i'd like to know if we can spend the Past Dwellers action on the Temple-Maze, because i really want to do that one regardless. So, if we have to spend MAP or can spend archeology point on it will change stuff. , i think the earlier for the Temple-maze is the better for this.
After OldShadow's responce, i'll start drafting a proper plan, and hearing what people would like and didn't like about it, and where to put our heroes. I got some