Not dieing because our ship fell apart is pretty nice, not going to lie

That is indeed pretty poggers.

It would be sad to see her go, but maybe it would be for the best. It's what she wants after all.

Although, i wonder who would be the new first mate if she did leave.

Good question! That's the kind of thing that would probably end up as a vote.

Knowing his mother, this isn't that big of a surprise. She probably taught him how to throw knives herself.

That or had one of her crew teach him.

Pffff, dammit, Fan is just too fun. :D

I love writing Fan.

... And too good for this shitty galaxy. Dammit, sometimes I forget how much she's gone through.

It's not easy growing up as a blank. She's lucky she wasn't smothered in her crib.

This somehow managed to hurt more than Fan's part. Seeing Eun crying was like a punch in the gut. At least they can hopefully mend things between them now.

[X] – Some quick and easy plunder

I'm glad you think so! I don't do a lot of fully/largely serious scenes like this and I was a little worried it would fall flat.
[X] – Some quick and easy plunder
[X] – Full Drydock
[X] - Write-In
-[X] Given that your superhuman physiology lets you ignore such minor inconveniences like "lack of light", "crushing pressure" and "needing to breathe", do a deep sea dive to scavenge anything of value the Kraken and storms might have left behind. The Kraken itself might be valuable.

People drank mercury in the hopes of gaining immortality, they'd probably eat an undead squid.
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Good news is that Pariahs aren't a thing anymore.

Bad news is that they weren't fully retconned. The Necrons just *stopped* making them
true but they stopped which means they did it at one point (and since the only necrons awaken is the pokemon master and I think the Orakan means they still doing it) also pretty sure I saw them turning a human into a necron in that new trailer thing so they might not be as gone as just not worth the effect to find but if they come across them they will do it
true but they stopped which means they did it at one point (and since the only necrons awaken is the pokemon master and I think the Orakan means they still doing it) also pretty sure I saw them turning a human into a necron in that new trailer thing so they might not be as gone as just not worth the effect to find but if they come across them they will do it
yeah that's why it's bad news ;)
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Jan 14, 2023 at 12:49 AM, finished with 33 posts and 26 votes.
XIX. Act 2 – I am the storm...
Some quick and easy plunder

XIX. Act 2 – I am the storm...

The storm rocks the ship as you sail out, but without an undead kraken to harass you it's nothing you can't handle.

Briefly, you consider rushing to the Tech Monk's temple, but… no. There's too many things to do right this second. The hull needs repairs, the crew needs some good and easy pay, Shen's people need to be off-loaded…

Jiang Wei, once he's sure you don't want to kill him or shave his head, points you to a few promising locations for each. Ningbo has decent drydock services, they're a little slow but even the nobility will use them when out this far. The rebels have occupied the main force of the Empress' attention, so her outlying cities are a bit vulnerable as well. If you wanted to do a land raid for some quick cash, Bohai isn't well defended anymore, but as a mining town they've got some gold stocks worth plundering.

And Shen… Shen points you to his own hometown, a port on the main continent. Kang is disturbingly close to the Empress' city, but you acknowledge that getting to the mainland would be a quick way for everyone that wants to to offload.

You're a pirate. You want to hit the merchant lanes, but… your crew really needs the treasure and you don't have the time to lie in wait. So you pick out Bohai, and your crew sets sail.

Nobody's perfectly happy with the news that there will be fighting ahead – the Tech Monks in particular seem outright angry about it – but you're the captain and everyone will fall in line.


You leave the Dajufeng, but by the time you approach Bohai, a new storm has gathered about your ship, rain pouring down around you as you sail in.

Caihong eyes the town ahead through her spyglass, then frowns as she hands it to you. "My eyes aren't as good as Han's, but I think there's a knight on the outer edge of town."

You take it and peer through. At the outer edge of the port's walls strides a large mechanical construct that looks oddly thin and spindly. One arm has a chainsaw blade, the other a gun with a configuration you don't recognize. It's not a proper knight (those are anywhere from 30 to 40 feet tall), but it's still huge, more than twice your size. And you're not a short man.

"A bit too small." You mutter, though you're not sure what else to call it.

"An armiger, maybe?" Ping suggests. "They're used by lesser nobility."

You raise an eyebrow. "I thought this place was poorly defended."

"If there's only one armiger, it is." Ping says. "They usually hunt in packs. But one's enough for bandits. Guess that's what they're worried about."

"Bandits and pirates?"

Caihong snorts. "If we give it enough time to get to us, maybe."

"Don't underestimate that thing's speed, first mate." Ping cautions. "It'll be on us fast once the pilot realizes something's up."

"Your friend knows more than I would expect of a pirate about how Knights work." Virtuous Whim muses, alerting you and the others to the fact that he's right behind you.

Well, alerting the others anyway. You definitely knew the whole time. (how the hells…)

"The particular variant is a Nodachi." He adds. "In case you were curious."

"I thought you wanted to stay below decks, monk." Caihong says, her voice light but cautionary.

"I did." Whim mutters. He doesn't look pleased. "But I think I owe these people to at least witness what you're about to do to them."

Your hand moves to your coat, just a breath away from your pistol. "Going to try and convince me not to go in?"

"The Kuji-nan are neutral in all things." The monk says, his voice even. "I will not stop you."

You don't drop your hand. He sighs. "Captain… do not threaten me. Even nonverbally." His staff begins to glow, a slight green tinge in the air.

You roll your eyes and turn back to look at the port. "I don't make threats. It just means others see you coming."

Whim raises an eyebrow. Ping and Caihong glance at each other, both with their own eyebrow raised. You get the feeling they want to call you out for the lie. They don't.

You aren't flying the flag of the Reaver Queen as you pull into the docks. Your crew has their weapons ready, and their orders. Ping's got his trusty rifle slung over his back, with a pistol at his side. Amaya has her machete, and despite the falling rain it gleams as she looks it over one last time. Caihong has her sword belted to her side. You put on your tricorn, and Fan gets on your shoulder.

Han and Maia are still in medical. You left Han orders to be on alert in case the Cult tries something funny. You glance at Xiulan. "Keep anyone who isn't from my crew off of the boat."

She nods vigorously, face glowing. "As you command."

"Leave the armiger to me, if it gets down here." You say, grinning wide, part of you hoping it does. Maybe the miniknight can give you a proper challenge.

… Eh probably not. You should leave him alive; maybe if you beat it up enough they'll send one of the big ones.



For a raid like this you need a target. You've got a few options for what to hit.

[] – The docks (Play it safe)

This raid is meant to get you some quick money easily to boost morale. So don't go too far from the docks, you'll be in and out before the town's guards (and especially the armiger) have time to mobilize.

(You only take what you can quickly reach at the docks, so you can get away without issue.)

[] – The banks (Go for gold and treasure)

Your crew needs something safe and easy, but more to the point you need to hit big. The banks will surely have the treasure you need and then some.

(You steal the gold and other valuables that people in this town want to keep safe.)

[] – The markets (Go for supplies)

Treasure comes in more forms than gold. Food, supplies, materials… There's a lot to gather here.

(You steal materials from the market. This is a trading town, so you'll get a wide variety of goods.)

[] – The armiger (Go for glory)

Forget waiting, you're bored. Let the crew gather their treasure. You're going to kick that knight right in its stupid ugly face and have some fun with this.

(The crew makes their own decisions about where to go while you go to attack the armiger.)

[] – Write-in
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[X] – The banks (Go for gold and treasure)

Move as quick as we can and snatch some gold, if we get stopped then we can fight the armiger but I'd rather not gun for the thing since that's not what we're here for.
[X] – The docks (Play it safe)
lets get out before anything bad might happen I don't feel we are in the best state to risk more, we are here to for raid not anything else like fight someone for glory
[X] – The banks (Go for gold and treasure)

We're in no condition to make a big deal of this. The ship's fucked up, we've got passengers, the crew's been through the ringer.

I think we can do a little better then just the docks.
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