Well, things could have gone better. Guess raiding a Necron tomb while badly injured wasn't the greatest idea. The more you know.

Also I loved how Sun-Sin acted when caught by the monks. He really lives by his ideal of a pirate.

Anyway, main plan seems good. I just hope we don't lose Whim here. It will be hard to protect him while fighting the necrons.
[X] – Try to talk the robot down
-[X] – Greetings Honored Noble of a Forgotten Race, we explorers searching for a way to save ourselves from the god machines that currently lie above your resting place. Forgive us for the entrance we thought all who once lived here lay dead.
I dunno who this guy is but I bet he's a bitch, we can take him.

In all seriousness though, this necron has a tricorn which makes him the most dapper boneboy I've ever heard of. It also means he looks a bit different than the usual, which implies he's a special character who may become recurring.

We've talked about him before. I couldn't find a canon appearance for him so I made something up.


Other primarchs have fought Necrons. But aprimarch crazy enough to recruit ome? Granted, if our new buddy's crazy enough to agree I could absolutely see this as being the reason our legion's struck from the records...

Mm, perhaps, but remember, the 2nd and 11th make it to (at minimum) the Rangdan Xenocides. (Also Sanguinius has something going on with the Silent King)

And while I might end up going that direction if people really want it, my default assumption for the moment is that we're not doing the Lost and Purged ending ;)


Well, things could have gone better. Guess raiding a Necron tomb while badly injured wasn't the greatest idea. The more you know.

Also I loved how Sun-Sin acted when caught by the monks. He really lives by his ideal of a pirate.

Anyway, main plan seems good. I just hope we don't lose Whim here. It will be hard to protect him while fighting the necrons.

Could've gone better. Also could've gone worse.
Well we have a solid concept of Sun-Sin's flaws: he's an entitled, impulsive manchild who genuinely believes he's unkillable and has enough a superhuman abilities to make that last part seem plausible.

Does this necron have a some great dream? Like became the most famous musician, make map of the world, find One Piece, make a biotransfer or smth? :)
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-[X] – Try to talk the robot down
--[X] – What do you say?: "wait, your not a dead body?"
--[X] – What do you say?: " never mind, JOIN MY CREW! No blue energy field means you can leave right? always wanted a talking Skeleton, think of the skull jokes."
-[X] – Write in (Something crazy!): if there's a fight. "borrow" a glowing weapon form one of the Guards.
--[X] also what does the Hat do? it seemed important so lets mess around with it.
-[X] – Fight it
--[X] This is a good plan!: we don't know how far the leader can travel but it said it was Imprisoned , so goal is to "Borrow" a weapon from the guards, they seem fancy and dangerous, and fight our way out, hopefully they can't follow.
Vote closed
Scheduled vote count started by HalfTangible on Aug 10, 2023 at 11:10 PM, finished with 30 posts and 16 votes.

  • [X] Plan: ONE PIECE
    -[X] – Try to talk the robot down
    --[X] – What do you say?: "wait, your not a dead body?"
    --[X] – What do you say?: " never mind, JOIN MY CREW! No blue energy field means you can leave right? always wanted a talking Skeleton, think of the skull jokes."
    -[X] – Write in (Something crazy!): if there's a fight. "borrow" a glowing weapon form one of the Guards.
    --[X] also what does the Hat do? it seemed important so lets mess around with it.
    -[X] – Fight it
    --[X] This is a good plan!: we don't know how far the leader can travel but it said it was Imprisoned , so goal is to "Borrow" a weapon from the guards, they seem fancy and dangerous, and fight our way out, hopefully they can't follow.
    [x] – Ask the compass
    -[x] – Ask it what?
    --[x] a way out for only the people that still have fleshy bits.
    [x] – Write in (Something crazy!)
    -[x] distract it with inane chatter.
    --[x] "How are you speaking our language? Aren't you a bunch of alien robots from, like, a million years ago?"
    [X] – Try to talk the robot down
    -[X] – Greetings Honored Noble of a Forgotten Race, we explorers searching for a way to save ourselves from the god machines that currently lie above your resting place. Forgive us for the entrance we thought all who once lived here lay dead.
    [X] – Try to talk the robot down
    -[X] – "How about instead of killing us, you recognize that we're your best chance at freedom?"
    [X] - RUN
    [x] – Fight it
    -[x] This is a good plan!
    [x] – Ask the compass
    -[x] – Ask it what?
    --[x] Where do I kick them to make them curl up in pain?
So do you think it's the Tech Heresy, or Blatant Piracy that get's us kicked from Imperial Records.

I'm actually looking forward to seeing Big E and the other Primarch's reaction to Sun.

The highlights will be Magnus reacting to one of his Psyker Brother's who walks around with a Blank on his Shoulder.
The Khan and Sun debating Horses vs Ships.
Ferrus, and Sun talking about their times fighting Necrons without advanced Tech
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I'm actually looking forward to seeing Big E and the other Primarch's reaction to Sun.

Same. I'm also looking forward to seeing what you guys decide on some of the less obvious/more neutral primarchs.

The highlights will be Magnus reacting to one of his Psyker Brother's who walks around with a Blank on his Shoulder.

Oh Magnus is going to have some opinions.

But rest assured, he won't do anything wrong


The Khan and Sun debating Horses vs Ships.

The moment I read this I imagined a very brief scene of one of them demanding the other explain how their ships go so fast. The fun part is I'm not sure which is making the demand.

Ferrus, and Sun talking about their times fighting Necrons without advanced Tech

Oh we're definitely gonna meet Ferrus. Partly because - kidding aside - I feel like the dude got shafted harder than anyone by the Heresy's expansion from miniseries to full on 50+ book megasaga. Getting spotlight and development in an unofficial quest isn't exactly compensation, but I'ma make an effort anyway.
Oh we're definitely gonna meet Ferrus. Partly because - kidding aside - I feel like the dude got shafted harder than anyone by the Heresy's expansion from miniseries to full on 50+ book megasaga. Getting spotlight and development in an unofficial quest isn't exactly compensation, but I'ma make an effort anyway.
Cold pragmatic Ferrus is going to have quite a day meeting his rambunctious pirate brother. maybe we can mellow his Social Darwinist streak.
I'm more looking forward to Jaghatai the most. Could definitely go 50/50, but am hoping for at least a cordial, if chill, interaction with the White Scars.
Sun is actually pretty high up on the charisma scale when it comes to Primarch and he's also one of the more humble ones so he'd actually be better at getting along with his siblings than most other Primarchs even though he's a walking chaotic mess that's too chaotic for Chaos.
Boarding actions conducted via motorbike.
"Don't we have jetbikes?"
"Yeah, but these are more fun."

We have to. The sea is a bitch and shipboard coheasion/discipline is important. Social Darwinism of "Only The Fittest Matter" is suicide.
Hm. Now that you bring it up... that's probably going to be a point of serious contention for both of them even if we ignore the moral grounds.

For the clans of Medusa, every individual must be as strong as they can be, for to be weak is to bring your brothers down with you. There isn't time for things like pity or sentiment. In such an environment, outside of your immediate clan/family, there's no real reason to get attached or build social groups. Sentiment isn't useful for survival and so it gets tossed aside. This leads to a cold and distant people, but also a very pragmatic one.

For a ship on the seas of Tabgach, what the captain says goes, and you're going to be seeing the same faces and names in a very small area for days, weeks, even months at a time with next to zero privacy or secrecy. It's a much more top-down system, and it pretty much guarantees that everyone on the ship is going to get attached and/or REALLY friggen hate each other. EVERYTHING is personal, EVERYTHING is going to involve emotional ties of one kind or another, that's just what happens when you spend months in a small space with someone. Even moreso in a pirate crew.

On Medusa, letting the weak die is not only okay, it's the mandatory choice. On Tabgach, letting your crewmate die because he moves a bit slower than you is likely to get you keelhauled if not outright shot.

That'll be an interesting push and pull...
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