[X] [Complication] – Write-in
-[X] Dark Eldar Raid.

[X] [Boon] – Prevent the ritual
[X] [Complication] – Write-in
-[X] Dark Eldar Raid.

[X] [Boon] – Prevent the ritual

Not exactly Freebootahz, but just as timely.
Any alternate path in particular strike your fancy?

Like, what if we pissed off The Empress or got the bigassed cannon instead of finding the Psyker children. Don't get me wrong, I like the Psyker Children but I'll admit I was surprised it got the level of enthusiasm it did.

I'm a little interested in SpacePaladins decimation route, with only one dude actually drowning and all.

Depends on whether or not we dumped the bodies overboard. The enemy captain didn't drown, we caved his head in with our fist, our crew still ended up fighting his reanimated corpse.
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Like, what if we pissed off The Empress or got the bigassed cannon instead of finding the Psyker children. Don't get me wrong, I like the Psyker Children but I'll admit I was surprised it got the level of enthusiasm it did.

Depends on whether or not we dumped the bodies overboard. The enemy captain didn't drown, we caved his head in with our fist, our crew still ended up fighting him.
True, maybe if we pissed the empress off we would have had to beat up a imperial fleet, only to be chased into the big ass storm.
Alternate early paths (Fair Foul Play, Blood in the Water)
Keep in mind this is all theorycrafting; I'm doing a bit of building backward with this, thinking about what I would have done in these situations had they presented themselves and trying to think of my headspace at the time, as well as what portions of my plans I can recall from memory.

I'm also putting my answers in spoilers in case anyone doesn't want a peek behind the curtain. This ended up being a much longer set of answers than I'd planned.

I'm a little interested in SpacePaladins decimation route, with only one dude actually drowning and all.
The idea behind that vote was that everybody on the crew was suggesting the things that the voters were putting in. It was a bit of an experiment, something I intended to try out more completely when we get to Legion command; have some captains suggest X, others Y, roughly proportionate to what the voters were doing, incorporating some of their reasoning. (I'm not sure I'll do it again; the murder party was fun to write but it was also a bit of a mess of competing ideas).

Ultimately it seemed to me that the votes were overwhelmingly for "kill them all", the only question was how to get it done. If I hadn't done that and/or the votes had overwhelmingly gone for decimation, the remaining 9/10ths of the crew would've been offered a chance for redemption in the form of swearing fealty to Ching Sun-Sin, and cementing it by beating their former first mate (now captain) to death. This would've been a split decision among the remaining crew, which Yingyue would've tried to use to rally them since they still outnumbered you. But... well... you're a primarch and they all just watched you murderblend your way through the crew. It doesn't help her.

You would've been able to keep the Rude Awakening since you'd have the men to command it long-term. You would've been able to get more information from the crew on the Storm and what was in it, which would've leant some credence to your appeal to your mother, but not enough to get a full fleet on your side. Maybe a captain or two would've gone with you.

Sun-Sin's position on slavers and slavery would be a bit more... mixed. He was willing to let the slavers live, so long as they were punished and also ended up serving him. He didn't take delight in their punishment, he didn't throw a big murder party, he just grimly carried out punishment and then moved on.

Delai... I'm not sure if she would've still shown up. I might've given a bit more of a choice as to which of the Chaos gods contacted you first. Part of the reason I went with Slaanesh was that not only killing the crew but making a nice big party out of it is very Slaaneshi; that and the pirate life in general feels very close to its purview. Drinking, whoring, partying, killing, living life to the fullest extent and shooting anyone that tries to stop you.

That would've been less set it stone if you'd chosen to merely punish rather than revel in the punishing. You might've awoken at the bottom of an oil black sea, with marine snow floating around you, as a voice that is not a voice echoing around and within you, from a city just out of sight as tentacles curl around you... Or you might've stood defiant as a great white shark with legs and arms pulls itself onto the shore of a sea of blood... Or perhaps your (adoptive-kinda-you-never-met-him) father would've come to you in your dreams, body rotted and broken, and offered to help you.

Like, what if we pissed off The Empress or got the bigassed cannon instead of finding the Psyker children. Don't get me wrong, I like the Psyker Children but I'll admit I was surprised it got the level of enthusiasm it did.
It got us Fan, a character I conceived on the spot and immediately fell in love with, so that's good ;)

That vote was meant to point us towards which of the major factions on Tabgach you would've engaged with, first probably by making an enemy of them. By that time it was too late to pull back and say no harm no foul. You'd killed the captain and attacked the crew essentially without provocation. The fact that they were flying the Reaver Queen's flag doesn't matter to them; their men are still dead. Even if you'd let the Rude Awakening go without furhter harm because 'oh shit we actually really like you guys, our bad, hugs and kisses!' Yingyue and her crew at least would've been your enemy.

I doubt that would've happened, though; if the votes had been for one of those options you would've likely kept it no matter what. Unless you still went for the bloody massacre even without them being slavers.

As for specifics, it would've depended a great deal on how you chose to handle it after that point. At the spot where the crew vote is now, I would've called for the crew's opinion on how best to handle the situation.

If you'd kept the Empress' cargo, you would've bought the rebels some breathing room, and they would have tried to get into contact with you for further aid, thinking you sympathetic or at least neutral to the rebels. You could've maintained your independence or chosen to lead a faction of the pirate crews into the rebellion against the Empress. If you'd given the supplies to the rebels, they'd have been even more grateful and you would've gotten access to a knight. In either case though, she would've retaliated in spectacular fashion with some tools she might still end up using so I want to keep a surprise ;). I legitimately do not recall what was actually in the crates (if pressed I would guess Eldar spirit stones or ammo caches for the war effort), but Caihong freaked out about it because regardless of what was in them attacking an Empress' ship in this culture is roughly equivalent to declaring war on the heavens.

The cannon would've been something you could keep yourself and turn into a defensive weapon for Shang (or if you were crazy you could mount it on the Rude Awakening). Had you given it to the Empress, she would've offered either you or your mother a letter of Marque against rebel forces. The Tech Monks would've been a bit of a neutral option for you; they would've been grateful and you would have a liaison permanently with the fleet. This would be unprecedented, but not really much to talk about. The Kuji-Nan have always been neutral and this is just a normal matter of tech for them; they wouldn't be great friends but they'd give you an ear. Either way, the rebels would've seen you as a threat and deployed greater forces to stop/attack you.

Kuji-Nan technology would've been a risky play but a very fun one. You could've just returned the tech to them directly, in which case they'd be miffed, but at least you gave it back. If you kept it for yourself, you would've pissed them off something fierce and they would have seen you as a threat in need of eliminating. And you would've gotten buddhist cyborg warrior monks trying to assassinate you in your bed in Shang. Fortunately, your crew would've been able to make use of powerful technology and possibly even cybernetic enhancements. If you'd handed it to the Empress or the rebels, though, that would've pissed off the Kuji-Nan AND the faction you didn't help.

Sun-Sin's general view on the war and these factions would've been influenced heavily by whichever one of these options the voters went with. If he'd, for example, given the Kuji-Nan tech to the rebels, he would've been cavalier about technology and support the dying (but not dead) movement to take the Empress down. If he'd instead returned the Empress' supplies, he would've been entirely unsympathetic to the rebel cause, and view the Empress as the rightful ruler of Tabgach.

True, maybe if we pissed the empress off we would have had to beat up a imperial fleet, only to be chased into the big ass storm.

Possible. You wouldn't have had an immediate reason to enter the storm, but if you had chosen to do so at some point we would've seen something similar to the current path. (I decided to add the Dajufeng to Tabgach when someone wrote an eternal storm into their initial landing option)
I'm a little interested in SpacePaladins decimation route, with only one dude actually drowning and all.

Technically, I didn't vote for decimation. I voted to stuff them into their own cages and leave them to die. Though I guess we could potentially have offered a way out when we got back to shore. Anyone still alive might have been offered a way out if they pledged their loyalty to us.