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I'll take intrigue, luck be a lady.
Did I do good?
Ardyn threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Intrigue Total: 65
65 65
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I'll roll for learning.

Edit: Oh hey, look at that! Quick, the dice roller is obviously stuck at 65, so roll while it's hot!
StormLord threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Learning Total: 65
65 65
Rolling for Martial:

Repurposing Production- Chance of Success: 90%.
edboy49 threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Martial Total: 43
43 43
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That didn't work right. Hold on.

.....Well THAT WORKED.
Nix's Warden threw 2 2-faced dice. Reason: #Diplomacy Total: 3
1 1 2 2
Nix's Warden threw 1 100-faced dice. Reason: Diplomacy For Real? Total: 96
96 96
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Well hey now. That means we're guaranteed a Crit in Stewardship this turn for the Corruption Work. THAT is going to be VERY handy.
Year 2 Results: 481 GS
[X] Plan: Small Steps
-[X] Martial: Repurposing Production
-[X] Diplomacy: Ministry Reorganization
-[X] Stewardship: Taking Stock
-[X] Intrigue: Domestic Affairs
-[X] Learning: Clinic Repurposing
-[X] Personal: Personal Attention - Stewardship

Year 2 Results: 481 GS

43+10(Minister)=53. Needed: 11. Success.

"Madame Minister," says the batarian who owns this shipyard, nodding gravely. "A pleasure. Thank you for coming in person."

"The least I can do," you reply. "'Fair market value,' only helps so much when I'm taking your business away."

He shrugs. "It is what it is. You have paid me; my workers will not be displaced; my factory continues its output; you have promised to return it when able. It is the best outcome I could ask for, under the circumstances."

"Your workers?" asks Toral in a sardonic tone of voice, cocking an eyebrow. "You care about them?"

The factory owner shoots a glare at Toral before you can silence your subordinate. "Unlike you, revolutionary, I see some value in our people's castes," sniffs the mogul. "I was of the merchant caste, on Khar'shan, and I remain so today. These men and women are workers. They are my responsibility." He turns away from Toral. "Prime Minister. Again, I thank you for your attendance. I know you have more stops to make today." He bows.

"I do. Thank you for taking the time to host me," you say.

He nods, and turns without another word -- a signal that he respects the pressures on your time and will take up no more of it.

Goddess, Batarians are an odd people.

Factories claimed from civilian owners with little incident or fuss, and repurposed to military needs. The loss of manufacturing jobs has damaged the civilian economy somewhat, but so much production was nationalized or already in government work anyway that the damage is very limited. -20,000 credits. -500 yearly income. You are now a net producer of military warships. Production targets unlocked.

* * *

Auto-Success from prior Slim Failure

"Two years of work later, and we're done," says Marae, handing you a datapad.

Truthfully, you hardly need to look to find out what's on it. The offices you passed through on your way in are nothing like the chaotic mess that greeted you this time last year. Where before there were arrogant young people bragging to each other about nonexistent accomplishments, now there are is only the quiet but lively hum of an efficient workplace. It's a rare face that looks even close to middle age out there, but every face looks intent and focused on their work. After a year of having your Ministry of Relations shut down, you have a team of professionals on duty here.

"We stand ready to begin projects on your say-so, Madame Minister," says your friend, tilting her head in a shallow nod and smiling.

"Nicely done, Marae," you say.

"Well, I don't suppose it's the most favorable start I could ask for," she replies, loosening up a bit in response to your tone. "Honestly, they're mostly amateurs. But I kept the few reliable folks from before the wipe-and-replace, so we have some seasoned team leaders at the helm, and everybody knows their jobs. I won't be working around my own people anymore." She gives you a happy smile. "Not the best start. But a better one."

"I suppose that if it had to happen anywhere, better that it happened here," you reply, shrugging. "I don't enjoy the thought of what we're probably going to have to do in Finance. At least there wasn't anything too pressing going on here."

She shrugs. "I agree. I'm glad there were no urgent matters demanding our attention. But that's no excuse for us to do nothing." She gives you a radiant smile. "I have the staff back to work already, Mira. We're generating projects to keep us busy. The report will be on your desk at the yearly budget meeting."

You smile back. "I'm glad to hear it, Marae. Hopefully we'll have lots for you to do soon."

Ministry of Relations completely wiped of unsalvageable elements and refilled with fresh recruits from the ground up. Lose -5% Chance of Success malus on Diplomacy rolls from Ministry incompetence. Ministry now open for business again.

* * *
Stewardship & Intrigue

Intrigue: 65+12(Minister)=77. Needed: 31. Success.

Stewardship: 96+10(Minister)+18(Personal)=124. Needed: 31. Greater Critical Success

You look up as a knock sounds on your door. "Come in."

You do a double take as Lissa enters, Minister Shurna on her heels. "Mira, we have something," says your friend.

"We have a lot," says your Minister of Intelligence, waddling to a halt in front of your desk. "Everything we hoped for, and so much more."

You set aside your work, clasping your hands. "Tell me everything."

Lissa gestures to Shurna, deferring to the volus. Obligingly, Shurna takes a step forward. "As we discussed, my Ministry-" gshk "-lent its expertise to the matter of Minister S'Voi's investigation."

"Of course," you reply. "I have done the same, naturally. In fact, I was about to call Lissa for a meeting to discuss some of the figures I've found."

"We may have already found the same thing," says Shurna, holding up a datapad. "Back when your predecessor held your office, he worked closely with the old Minster of Finance-" gshk "-an asari by the name of Rana Thalar. Ex-Minister Thalar has been in hiding since the regime change." gshk "I suspected her of being part of the corruption for a long time. To me, her vanishing was just proof. My agents have been hunting for her."

"We've come to much the same conclusion," you say. "I assume that, since you're mentioning it, you found her?"

"We have," says Shurna. "Agents of the Counter-Intelligence-" gshk "-Division raided her hiding spot late last night. She is in secure custody now, and we're using the intelligence from her arrest to identify other collaborators."

"From what we're finding, ex-Minister Thalar has been trying to organize some of the worst offenders," says Lissa, stepping in. "I've been tracing finance trails from them to somewhere, and with her caught, I think that she's where they're going."

"I'd picked up on that as well," you say, raising your datapad. "There's a lot of money unaccounted for, if you look."

"Indeed," says Shurna. "We've made a few arrests already -- Thalar was holding a conference-" gshk "-when we broke down the door. We caught some faces, and nobody managed to spread the word before we caught them."

"Meanwhile, I've been following the money trail," says Lissa, pulling up a file on her datapad and striding over to you, pointing at some figures on it. "We knew about the corruption, but a lot of what I'm seeing is just inefficiency. There are warehouses just full of resources nobody can get to because things have broken down so badly. More piles up every day, and nobody notices if a ton gets skimmed off of the top. Anybody who knew what they were doing could have fixed it long ago, but they've all been stealing piles of the stuff out the back! And every time something moves, somebody takes a cut. Not always so you'd notice from the records, but our employees aren't even trying to look like they're living within their means. Unofficial taxes and fees have just become standard practice. There are big players, yeah, but we lose money every time a merchant wants to move his goods along the highway. A clerk is waiting every fifty kilometers to assess fines which never get to us. By the time the shipments reach the clearing houses, the people moving them don't have a choice other than giving into the big rackets and just letting their shipments get pruned in exchange for a break."

"Very impressive, you two!" you say, eyes wide. "This is more than I would ever have dreamed to find. This is just what we need to start dealing with these issues."

"Thank you-" gshk "-Madame Minister."

"Always, Mira."

You smile at them, leaning on your elbows. "So, what did you find out about the off-world stockpiles?"

Silence. Lissa frowns in confusion. Shurna's eyelights flicker.

" stockpiles?" says Shurna.

"Well, of course," you say, shrugging. "The big rackets have been moving all of this materiel; even they don't think they can get away with spending it all right away. They have to hide it somewhere, and off-planet is the most secure place. What I'm finding suggests supply caches on the various gas giant moons in-system. What about you?"

Further silence. They trade an embarrassed glance.

You blink. "...what, you didn't find this?"

Several high-level players in the major corruption rackets eliminated from play; Rana Thalar crime syndicate smothered in the cradle. Comprehensive understanding of day-to-day inefficiencies and corruption gained. Existence of off-world resource stockpiles uncovered, some unclaimed in the wake of Shurna's arrests. Further corruption options acquired. Follow-up actions will be far less expensive and difficult thanks to the advanced intelligence gained via this action. -20,000 credits.

* * *

65+10(Minister)=75. Needed: 21. Greater Success

Modern Medical Gear For Volunteer Laborers

A Comprehensive Medical Guide

by Doctor Durrahe Korun

Virmire has suffered more than a civilized planet should need to. With the horrors of the Rachni Plague only just behind us, it behooves us to ensure that our medical infrastructure is updated to the point where it may never recur.

In this matter, we turn to the people. Countless noble and giving souls have stepped forward to lend their aid in the medical arts. When doctors were overwhelmed, nurses opened clinics. When the nurses were not enough, ordinary people expanded the network of aid centers, ensuring that medical care was available to all. It was not a modern medical infrastructure, but it was something.

This book is dedicated to and meant for those who stepped forward when our home needed them the most. By official order of the Ministry of the Sciences, and under my lawful authority as Minister, these unofficial clinics are to be granted the government's full approval and support. Where these volunteers have struggled for years with ancient stethoscopes and syringes, we will provide medical scanners and the latest in available contact medicine patches. Where workers have determined medical issues through ancient methods of diagnosis and dead reckoning alone, the government will now grant access to the specialized medical equipment with which doctors ply their trades.

Over the years to come, much will be asked of these brave individuals. We will, eventually, require all of you who stepped up to receive full medical training to run your clinics. But to begin with, it's time to distribute the tech you need to be counted as true, modern clinics. Within this textbook you will find a collection of instructional and maintenance texts regarding the equipment you will receive. Clinic administrators will also find information on the new standards to which their facilities must, by law, be equipped.

The Ministry thanks you for your service in our times of need. Now we repay the debt, in however small a way. Welcome, volunteers of Virmire, to the medical field.

-Dr. Durrahe Korun, D.M.S., Minister of the Sciences

Clinic network legitimized and provided with modern medical equipment. +5,000 credits, net, from this option as a result of instructional manuals selling widely and successfully, with, "Modern Medical Gear," in particular proving to be a popular piece of propaganda in favor of this change even outside the medical field. Minister Durrahe's celebrity status from curing the Rachni Plague has expanded somewhat.

* * *

Working in concert with Ministers S'Voi and Shurna, you helped to blow wide open the state of corruption within the Ministry of Finance. You'll need to spend many years actually cleaning out the worst of the corruption and inefficiencies and reclaiming what's been lost, but those years are looking to be far easier prospects than they once did.

* * *
Status Screen updated with new information!

Y'all had a very productive turn this year. Thank Durrahe for the present state of your budget; the other "big success" option just had tons of extras for me to throw in, but it still cost you. Durrahe, though, had a fairly straightforward job, with not very much that he could actionably do beyond the obvious while staying within the scope of the action. So I just gave you cash. :D

Hope you enjoyed, folks! I'm off to bed now, so expect the next update tomorrow. Until then, chatter about the turn, chatter about your plans for the future (including any write-ins you'd like to propose, so long as we have the downtime), and have fun! See ya!
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Clinic network legitimized and provided with modern medical equipment. +5,000 credits, net, from this option as a result of instructional manuals selling widely and successfully, with, "Modern Medical Gear," in particular proving to be a popular piece of propaganda in favor of this change even outside the medical field. Minister Durrahe's celebrity status from curing the Rachni Plague has expanded somewhat.

All my yes. All of it. That's 15k more credits than we thought we would have.

I must say this turn went orders of magnitude better than I expected. Rooting out corruption won't be a money sink, although I do expect it to be very much a time sink still. I'm kinda wishing we were a Stewardship focus after this turn because our goal would be easily within reach now, but hey we're gaining ships now and inching closer to our goal.
We may, just may mind you, actually be able to start gaining a regular profit soon... Not to mention all the funds that actually claiming some of those supply caches and seizing the more significant remaining corrupt people may give...

Also, I think we might actually be able to spend our personal action on something other than helping the Ministry of Finances deal with it's corruption from now on, as I'm pretty sure those actions are going to be closer to 'hard to fail' than coin toss now...
While it's still too early to say for sure, is anyone else feeling like we should focus the ship inspection action next turn? With our focus and our adviser it has better than 80% chance of success (I think it'd be a 87% chance)
Wow, I didn't realize at the time that my Learning roll would be enough for such a great outcome!

Thanks, past-me!

(and let's bank this win against future-me who rolls poorly) :p
Now, I'd like to discuss our long-term goals. Personally, the idea of developing a completely new "tech tree" not dependent on reverse-engineered Reaper tech sounds very appealing - perhaps we could become famous for using mostly laser weaponry in battle.
Now, I'd like to discuss our long-term goals. Personally, the idea of developing a completely new "tech tree" not dependent on reverse-engineered Reaper tech sounds very appealing - perhaps we could become famous for using mostly laser weaponry in battle.
It's a good idea, however I don't think it's very viable.
Laser weapons will have to melt the hull of a ship so while it can bypass kinetic barriers I believe that unless the lasers are very advanced they will struggle against the hull, which can handle the heat of entering a planets atmosphere.
I believe plasma like in the halo games might be a good middle ground between kinetic and energy weapons.
It will still carry kinetic energy however even if stopped by the barriers will still cause damage to the ship.
It's a good idea, however I don't think it's very viable.
Laser weapons will have to melt the hull of a ship so while it can bypass kinetic barriers I believe that unless the lasers are very advanced they will struggle against the hull, which can handle the heat of entering a planets atmosphere.
I believe plasma like in the halo games might be a good middle ground between kinetic and energy weapons.
It will still carry kinetic energy however even if stopped by the barriers will still cause damage to the ship.

Actually, laser weapons fire their energy in short pulses, so a laser weapon would drill into a hull or even cause an explosion if we use hard UV lasers that aren't absorbed by plasma. Speaking of which, plasma weapons, with the exception of a Quark-Gluon plasma weapon, aren't viable for various reasons, and particle beam weapons would be better. Here are some links for info:

Lasers: Conventional Weapons - Atomic Rockets
Why Plasma Weapons are Non-Viable: Exotic Weapons - Atomic Rockets
It's a good idea, however I don't think it's very viable.
Laser weapons will have to melt the hull of a ship so while it can bypass kinetic barriers I believe that unless the lasers are very advanced they will struggle against the hull, which can handle the heat of entering a planets atmosphere.
I believe plasma like in the halo games might be a good middle ground between kinetic and energy weapons.
It will still carry kinetic energy however even if stopped by the barriers will still cause damage to the ship.
Lasers can carry as much energy as one is able to put in them. If we can get enough energy output, we can even vaporise our enemies, but that would be overkill.
Actually, laser weapons fire their energy in short pulses, so a laser weapon would drill into a hull or even cause an explosion if we use hard UV lasers that aren't absorbed by plasma. Speaking of which, plasma weapons, with the exception of a Quark-Gluon plasma weapon, aren't viable for various reasons, and particle beam weapons would be better. Here are some links for info:

Lasers: Conventional Weapons - Atomic Rockets
Why Plasma Weapons are Non-Viable: Exotic Weapons - Atomic Rockets
I see, I was under the impression that a laser was a continuous beam of energy and would have to melt its target.
But isn't the energy cost way to high, I think it's mentioned in the mass effect games that they could have energy weapons but the power requirement makes it impractical.

Man, this turn was fuggin great. It's the kind of reading that makes you go eeeee and clap irl. That hilarious part at the end of the Investigation scene too!
I see, I was under the impression that a laser was a continuous beam of energy and would have to melt its target.
But isn't the energy cost way to high, I think it's mentioned in the mass effect games that they could have energy weapons but the power requirement makes it impractical.
That is the primary barrier to entry, yes.
Well, to be precise, the main problem with lasers currently is efficiency, for a modern weapon-grade laser only about 10% of the power is put into the actual beam - the rest is waste heat. Somebody even described a laser as a jet turbine that emits light. However, if enough research is performed it may be possible to greatly increase the efficiency of a laser, making then competitive with Mass Drivers.
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