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Using a metaphor;
we are facing a famine{Total war} , as a result our wheat farmers {heavy industries} are selling all their wheat {industrial products}, barely keeping enough wheat to plant for next year's crops. There is enough fertile land and water {metal, chemicals, other raw materials} and extra people who could be trained as farmers {factory workers etc}, but there are no new wheat fields due to the lack of spare wheat for planting.

So it is clear we will have to divert some of our military production for a year into increasing our civilian production and we will have to ensure that new civilian production focuses on expanding itself until it it matches our needs.
This is going to result in opposition, first people will be upset by the diversion of factories from war production, and then they will be aggravated by the factories not producing civilian goods. We will have to force industry to focus on industrial expansion, even though meeting military or civilian product demand is more profitable and appears better in the short term.
Or without allegory:
Assumption: bottleneck are means of production.
Solution: Create more means of production.
Restriction: Creating means of production requires use of existing means of production.
Conclusion: To achieve 'Solution', parts of existing schedules for production must be rededicated.
Or without allegory:
Assumption: bottleneck are means of production.
Solution: Create more means of production.
Restriction: Creating means of production requires use of existing means of production.
Conclusion: To achieve 'Solution', parts of existing schedules for production must be rededicated.
We can no longer afford to dedicate our entire production to war. Punt. Fini and klaar. Can't afford.
We ARE going to have to step down from Total Mobilization to War Economy or even -wince- Partial Mobilization.
Accept it, hate it, plan to do it.

Edit: Let's keep it at that level of abstraction. We have economists in our government. Tell them we are downgrading from Total Mobilization to War Economy, let them get on with it.
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We could also go for another economic model. Citizens get basic necessities, everything else is distributed by government. Not that that model was successful in our past, but it or something like this or something else would be an option. For the 'economic Rachni war' quest we are not playing.
Problem is, we cannot afford to slow down fleet production if it's possible at all.
Rachni are a massive issue.

Also, we probably should poke the closed Relay, just in case it will open up a new trade route.

We could also go for another economic model. Citizens get basic necessities, everything else is distributed by government. Not that that model was successful in our past, but it or something like this or something else would be an option. For the 'economic Rachni war' quest we are not playing.

If the bottleneck is in civilian industry and heavy machinery and raw materials, we will not really address the problem.
UBI is a good solution to a lot of problems, as far as most of economists can tell, but "supply of raw resources and heavy machinery has stalled while military parts of economy and population grew, causing a bottleneck which is going to fail" is not it, I think.
I assume it'd be a good solution if we had a massive wealth inequality and/or, say, lack of demand causing businesses to run out of money (because consumers don't have money to spend on buying stuff). We will probably have those problems popping up at some point - probably in colonies, if they turn out to be Wild West-y; or, say, if a lot of "company planets" are abandoned by a dying company; or...basically, we will have this question popping up later.

Now, though, it's looking closer to Soviet 5-year plans with throwing everything into the civilian industry buildup and using blood and sweat to oil the wheels of economy.
Prediction: at the current rate of mobilization our civilian sector will collapse in 10 years, our military sector following a few years after.

If we take a portion of our production that would have made a squad this year we can begin growing the civilian sector, pushing that collapse back a few years. And the Rachni are reeling too so it's as safe to do as it ever will be
Im just gonna go back in my little hole and stare at the economy and figure out how best to spend what money we've got or can raise.

Lets not bring RL politics into is shall we.

Just so that there are no speulations as to what I said...What I meant was to refrence a sketch by Haha davis who is a funny internet comedian.

Youtube Video Here

In the video the Son gets caught by his father outside doing something stupid. His father originally says "Son I need you to tear down the economy and build me a new economy my money all fucked up".

It was not meant to be about polotics or economy at all.
That's where I don't think that's a thing, in this high-tech civilization.

We do need to fuel heavy industry and infrastructure, it seems.

Now, the question is how.
Wild West-style pioneering of the colonies? With government investing into civvy shipyards and then letting anyone get a loan to get a ship and then go a-colonizing? That's nice for raw resources, but does not address shortfall in heavy machinery.

Just handing out money to heavy industry companies? Well, ok, that's cute, but money are an abstraction for goods, not goods themselves....however, maybe it will allow them to survive long enough to start producing heavy machniery...and uh...

We thus need heavy machinery subsidies next - to allow other companies to buy it up while still making it profitable for producers - meaning that government will be paying part of the costs of new machinery.

So.....ahh............something like this???

The New Frontier - you have mass unemployment. You have a shortfall in resources. You have a myriad of mining planets and colony spots waiting to be settled. The only thing preventing first and third point from solving the second one is that spaceships and other tools are expensive. Subsidize/offer damn good loans and build civilian shipyards specialized in producing private mining/colonization vessels to people. Entice them with them getting most of anything they can find (excluding, naturally, dangerous things, relics and other objects of significance).

Tools To Make Tools - your biggest shortfall seems to be in the civilian sector, which should be addressed starting from heavy machinery to let it build itself back up. Throw money in the general direction of them, subsidize private colonization, all that jazz your opposition was proposing for years now.
If the problem is "you've got 100 3-D printers, and they all are busy making starship parts. To create more printers, use a printer." throwing money at the problem won't help.
If the problem is "we don't get enough money to produce stuff", either throwing money or replacing money may help.
This. We can't realistically stand down from total war. Not and survive the rachni or our crumbling economy. We literally have to ease back into anything short of total war. Quitting cold turkey will hurt bad. We just have to do slightly less total war.
Doing less than total war means not doing total war. But since 'total war' is just an abbreviation for throwing all resources at the problem (more than we can afford long-term), that's just something that requires a little rephrasing.
How about "some of the resources (production) need to be allocated to the civilian sector. And to making more resources." The trick will be to both survive the Rachni attacks and the starving civilians.
What if we abuse cryo?

Send people to colonies via the slow way, cutting down our population in the process, making the crash less troublesome.

Bulky and expensive considering numbers needed.

Now, guys, instead of panicking, I propose thinking about possible actions.
Aside from not enough economic actions, we would have 2 diplomatic, 1 intrigue and 1 learning actions before we start sidelining ongoing projects.

How we would be able to leverage them to deal with this impending crash?
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Stand down to war footing while the rachini are also reeling from their own offensive stalling?

Honestly I don't think we can accomplish enough doubling down on our unilateral offensive to ensure peace in the next 10 years, or before the civilian sector takes the military sector with it.
Okay, rather than getting into the weeds too much...

@PoptartProdigy I'm wondering if it would help ease up some of the debates and tension if you could shed some light.

Will our options for dealing with the economic crisis look more like "Do nothing and let the civilians sort it out", "ASSUME DIRECT CONTROL", "DISPENSE FUN COUPONS", and other things like that?

Or will you ask for or allow some of these bigger, more complex plans about fiddly economic bits?
A little more detailed than that, but not by much. Not to say that it'll be easy, mind. Just that I don't want to get into the fiddly stuff I don't understand as well, where it'd be easier for clever players to pull a fast one on me. ;)
Non-Canon: The Education System of Virmire

The following Omake is not meant to be canon or even rational. It is filled with dark humor that is partially influenced by Youtube. You have been warned.


Omake - The Education System of Virmire

The Virmereans are not the most intelectual of people but they do have those that 'graduate' from primary school. We now see the most typical of Virmire graduates." The documentarian said as Mira sat down to watch TV. She had decided to try and take a break by watching TV like a normal person. But she could tell that she was about to get upset, yell at this TV like a loon, and stomp back into her office 20 minuites after she said she'd be taking a vacation with her girlfriend.

Mira attempted to gird herself as she decided to weather the storm of disapointment that was about to come.


"Finally gradauated Primary School, the rest of my life is going to be a BREEZE!" the graduate said. It's followed by a hard nosed Asarian contradictim the graduate student whose race is unknown.


The graduate is confused as they look around before responding.

"Now listen, I didn't come for all that. I came here to graduate.

I am done." they say as they hold out there hand to shake.

The Asarian instructor however takes the diploma from the graduate.


The graduate is now even more confused and before they can get a word is cut off by the loud Asarian Insturctor.


The Graduate responds "Hey hold on, I am done!" they whine as they stay close attempting to get a handshake still. Clinging for the sweet release of true freedom. It is not to be had.

Before he knows it the Graduate is on the ground after being hit by the Instructor with a long wooden ruler that she presumably got from her cleavage.



The student replies while sitting on the ground looking up in disbelief "But I need my diploma to feed my family."

"BIG FELLA I AM THROWING AWAY YOUR DIPLOMA!" The teacher says as he flings the diploma so hard it lands in a nearby tranquil pond. The Graduate and the Camera looks on as other graduates of a higher affluence celebrate and take selfies. The Instructor continues "-AND WE NEED YOU TO CATCH PNEUMONIA AND THEN WRITE A 10 PAGE ESSAY ON HOW IT FEELS TO BE SICK!"

"But graduation!" says the student whining as they pick themselves up from the ground.

"AND YOU FAILED ALL YOUR MATH CLASSES BIG FELLA! WE NEED YOU TO DO 20 MORE YEARS OF PRE-ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, TRIGONOMETRY, AND CALCULAS. AND WE ALSO NEED 12 MORE YEARS OF HIGH SCHOOL WITH YOUR STU-STU STUPID ASS!" The Instructor finishes as the the student puts away there gown in the book bag given and runs off presumably to finish there education.


Back in a tranquil living room Mira's head boils in rage. Her eye lashes, painfully stitched on with good cosmetics by the way, torn off in a frenzied rage as she shouts obscenities about the education system.

"THAT WAS A LITERATURE MAJOR!" she yells to the TV as the program finishes "THEY DON'T NEED MATH TO READ!".

Illena comes in at some point with a nice meaty pie on her hands "Mira is everything okay? I heard shouting dearie~".

"ACADEMICS!!" she snarled at the TV not paying attention before the sound of her lover truly sinks in. She huffs deeply before getting up from her frilly and cushy Asarian sofa chair and runs through the wall leaving a hole of her distance and well proportioned image.

Illena simply looks on and nods "Well okay, maybe next time boo~".
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