Omake - The Opposition
"...An so it is with great regret that I must inform the Assembly that my party wishes to oppose the Prime Minister and limit her power as the Prime Minister. We, The United Opposition to the Prime Minister, will take the powers due to us so that we can keep the Prime Ministers ambitions and excesses in check!"
*Thunderous Applause erupts from the Assembly*
A room bereft of most Councilors as only 57 Councilors. The 57 Councilors also happened to not be married versus the rest of the Assembly. But it was still quite a party and one that openly presented arguments to limit the power of the Prime Minister.
*Weeks Later*
The Assembly upon meeting again found the Secessionist limited and broken. A party with little will and resolve that hung on by just sitting down. Most of those who were once proud hardcore members announced their intentions to not seek another term while the rest declined to comment. But in there place the bigger and more rambunctious Opposition members who called for a vote to take the power of the purse. Led by the Party Speaker and Leader Thane Paine the Vosk.
Paine was a metalworker and ex-nonunion worker during the previous administration. Paine critiziced Mira calling her a 'Tyrant Elected by Palace Intrigue and Guns' and her appointment of Tamara Kirai calling the Secretary 'A corporate shill who has never earned a credit through honest work. She is a friend to embezzlers and corporatist. She is the enabler of anathema to the functioning and transparent Government.'.
The accusations, however, have not gone well as the Secretary fired back calling for the restraint to Paine's 'baseless accusations'. The war of words is not, however 'on' but is a possible volatile issue in the future. Paine's second in command is Tamara Jevverson an Asarian Matriarch with a history of activism and public service. She served as a member of the moderates in the old Corporate Congress. Her constituency seems to be the old battered political machine of the Corporate Congress...or really what's left of it. There are those that remembered Jevverson's brave one person stand against the old Regime and calls for Government-wide anti-corruption campaigns. But one Lady Kirai also knows her ruthlessness to use Government institutions to protect herself and her constituency from scrutiny while destroying her enemies and even friends in order to take what they left behind.
However, the Opposition is both supremely united and dysfunctional. Other than the empowerment of the Assembly at the expense of the Prime Minister the party is unable to answer the questions for how to win the war against the Rachni, Lysenthri's Tariffs, Employment, or infrastructural questions. Only time will tell of the UOPM can truly unite under a firebrand and a veteran political operator. Will the Prime Minister destroy the party just like the secessionist? Will another party rise to challenge them?
Here ya go Poptart. Villains!
Next i'll make a love story with Kirai. Actually does Kirai have a husband/wife/significant other?