What should your focus for the rest of the Quest be?

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Step 1:
Find Star Mechanicum Magis Biologis,
Step 2:
Have them ask a Song-of-Growth about their work.
Step 3:
(Research) Profit.
Better plan.

Step 1.
Find a Speech to text device
Step 2:
Ask a song of growht about their work
Step 3:
Infinite export to the Mashan Temple Authority.
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Oooh, we could copy that to get plant people into our federation!
It's on the list for the next convention. 6 turns from now? We can probably both do a co-habitation agreement & offer up one of the worlds for them to terraform and settle.

I'm inclined to bootstrap them quickly to kin status (probably at the convention after this one), given the help they've already provided with terraforming & research.

@HeroCooky I see you didn't fill in the Stellar growth military, but do have ship sizes ranging up to 10 km. I was going to write about a stealthy small-ship Irrita spraying harassment spores onto enemy ships that would grow into their air ducts and stuff and dropping really stubborn weeds onto enemy planets. I am probably going to reference their actual line that aren't super-advanced but are enormous. What kind of direct-fire armament were you thinking for them? Maybe lances because they have good cooling systems?
Anyway, this does make me realize that we don't have a Shipwright's alliance Omake prompt.

Where Our Homes Used To Be - Life upon Where Iron Screams, Where Gods Die, and Where Dreams Bloom is not easy. The deserts claim more and more with every year, and soon, nothing will be left of their people. Bees are already extinct, and candles slowly vanish. Faith will quickly follow. Yet, the roads are still free, their vehicles still run, and the portals that connect their planets are still open. Time to make themselves a new home.
(Focus: A clan upon one of the three planets mentioned above establishes a new home for themselves amidst dying worlds.)
And who are these guys anyway?
It's on the list for the next convention. 6 turns from now? We can probably both do a co-habitation agreement & offer up one of the worlds for them to terraform and settle.

I'm inclined to bootstrap them quickly to kin status (probably at the convention after this one), given the help they've already provided with terraforming & research.
We could spend an AP before the convention.

Quick kin-ing... Eh, need something extra-ordinary (like the Kil'drabi) or a long history of good cooperation (like our fluffbutts).
But the sooner we have a protectorate, the sooner we have a long history of good cooperation.
@HeroCooky I see you didn't fill in the Stellar growth military, but do have ship sizes ranging up to 10 km. I was going to write about a stealthy small-ship Irrita spraying harassment spores onto enemy ships that would grow into their air ducts and stuff and dropping really stubborn weeds onto enemy planets. I am probably going to reference their actual line that aren't super-advanced but are enormous. What kind of direct-fire armament were you thinking for them? Maybe lances because they have good cooling systems?
I didn't write them in because you have no idea what is and isn't a military ship, you only got rhw lenghts of their vessels down. :V

And you can decide that for yourself.
Anyway, this does make me realize that we don't have a Shipwright's alliance Omake prompt.

And who are these guys anyway?
It is the Legacy of War one.

And they are the Archotech Warp Route Planets.
1.a) Trade
The Shipwright's Alliance has access to a trading and transportation fleet of 79 unique ships noticed by our traders keeping logs and our sensor specialists within Scout Fleet Alpha. Their primary imports/exports consist of bulk goods such as people, ores, manufactured base goods (construction materials, armor plating, and tools ranked highest), and medicine. They maintain several trade stations with the Stellar Growth, alongside a dual-colonization effort of Erfestfort in the K'ali A'shi Sub-Sector.

They operate an estimated ~100 military vessels, most of which are on dispersed defensive duty to bolster local SDF efforts to combat a constant low-level pirate threat from within the various Oort Clouds of their claimed and held systems.
Yah that checks out, they are a Ship builder named faction so makes sense given that. so mostly just focused on boosting defenses as opposed to a dedicated battle group. And that explains the shared ownership of that planet.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities outstrip those of the Glimmering Federation by a factor of 1.9x due to their cultural and societal mindset, which enforces the continual expansion of habitation stations, asteroid settlements, and the subsequent needed intra-stellar infrastructure. Most of their shipyards are privately owned, with the rest distributed between dedicated military shipyards and corporate holdings. It should be noted here that the Alliance enforces a clause within any new yard construction that sets aside 7.5% of the yard's total output for use by the Alliance Military, which can be called upon in the form of maintenance, re-fitting, or the construction of new ships.
Not surprised by that they out strip our shipbuilding twice over but it is interesting the way they went about it and how they encourage it. Makes sense when most of your resources and building is expansions of stations, Asteroid settlements, and the like.

hmmmm, interesting way of going about things and allowing private yards to set aside that much space for the Military to use in either maintenance, re-fitting, or construct is a good way to expand the numbers of yards in the private sector without needing to negotiate every time something happen that needs the yards slots.

Their Destroyers are between 1.2km and 1.6km, Frigates between 1.6km and 2km, Light Cruisers between 4km and 4.4km, Heavy Cruisers between 5km and 5.2km, and their sole Grand Cruiser 'Jubilation of the People' has a length of 7.2km.

Their armaments are focused on a mix of Macro-Cannons, Lances, and some torpedos sprinkled in, with their Destroyers primarily outfitted with the latter. At the same time, their Frigates are armed with only Lances. The Jubilation of the People is armed with one Heavy Revolving Prow Lance, three Medium Plasma Macro-Cannon Batteries, and two Heavy Lance Turrets.
seem like the standard and they have a Grand Cruiser which is impressive but what the hell is that armament? a REVOLVING Prow Lance? that wouldn't work at all given the nature of lances.

but over all looks like jack of all weapons instead of heavy focus on some. So Torpedo Destroyers, Frigates only with lances.... so Frigates long ranged with destroyers meant to slow or pounce.

On that note, the Star-Mechanicum section assigned to analyzing and studying the Heavy Revolving Prow Lance has said that they have no idea how such a feat was accomplished, as the waste heat of a Prow Lance of that scale firing as fast as it does should have cooked the crew of the entire ship within four minutes of operation.
Oh good it wasn't just me since it shouldn't be that fast to cool off to make that possible. It has to be some sort need for that Revolving lance, maybe cycling the heat into the Plasma Macro-Cannons? or some heat vent we haven't seen yet. or could be some Psy-tech or tech that dumps the heat somewhere else.

2) Socio-Economics
The Shipwright's Alliance was born out of the planets and systems abandoned by the Imperium of Man; its primary purpose, defense, was soon supplanted by closer and more connected cooperation between its member systems. Alongside that, its people have relished the chance to throw off the shackles of the Imperial Tithe to vastly expand their void infrastructures where they can, even if it has sometimes come at the cost of fringe elements of their societies, leaving the inner systems to create break-away nations within the Oort Clouds of the same.
I bet a lot of imperial worlds were happy not to deal with the Tithe anymore and I guess the Imperium didn't want them expanding the void yards because that wasn't the specialization or they didn't want them getting too big or powerful.

Though it seems they abandoned some parts and now have Oort Cloud Pirates. I wonder how that is and works over there?

Their political hierarchy is not elected but based on pure merit. You cannot become a shipyard leader if you do not put in the hours in that same yard working alongside everyone else. You cannot rise to become a Minister of Medicine if you have never had the displeasure of assisting in an outbreak of cholera within a station whose sanitation systems have broken down. There is no captain amongst their people that their crews do not trust implicitly with their lives. This system is reinforced by top-down propaganda efforts to ensure that hard work is not only rewarded but seen to be rewarded by all people they can reach. The downside of such a system is that their upper leadership generally tends to be on the older side, with changes in Ministers happening roughly every ~7 years due to either death by old age or retirement.

It should be noted here that they have a co-habitation agreement with the Stellar Growth, with around ~2.8 million Irrita officially citizens of the Alliance upon their request or their "sprouting/birth" within the borders of the Alliance outside a transitory visit.
Huh, wow I didn't expect that and if you want to lead you have to put in the number of hours in and know te work that goes into it. Yah, the trade off is the slow to react to change since the leaders are used to how things were done 20-40 years ago, making any sudden changes in technology or tactics and the like hard to adapt to since it'll be like the British Admiralty over the 1700's-1900's. Shit in there got ridiculous.

So standard of citizenship granted via the location they are born on the faction's territory. That's one way to get some into the federation.

Their education system is heavily based and reliant on an apprenticeship relationship between older workers and younger generations. However, a six-year schooling period starting at age 6 is mandated, with a focus placed on math, reading, law, first aid, quick repairs, and emergency drills.
Ah yes, wouldn't be right if the craftsmen and yard workers didn't have a apprenticeships. It really does fit and feels wrong/weird without it. So the basics are taught to kids but if they want any trade skills or advanced learning they have to find someone willing to teach you. not bad but a slow rate to expand the pool of talent and numbers.

The most popular sport within the Alliance is Void Racing, where pilots of unique strike craft-derivative race a prepared track of asteroids, caverns, and old useless hulks against each other. Deaths are supposedly relatively uncommon despite the sport's dangerous and highly lethal nature once an accident occurs.

Law enforcement is more rag-tag and consists of community-appointed and rotating enforcers keeping the peace with a higher organization called in to investigate High Order Crimes like murder, abductions, and smuggling of illegal substances.
Hell yah, void racing would be great. I am surprised about the lack of deaths in that race all things considered. And that is just asking for an omake there.

4) Propaganda
The majority of their propaganda is focused on supporting their political systems and generating buy-in from their population, alongside a minor note of xenophilia slowly entering their messages to the population regarding the Irrita. No wonder, as the bio-mechanical technologies being deployed over Howling Gale have caused no minor stir within the Genetors of the Star-Mechanicum who have made no attempts to disguise their coveting of the mysteries and secrets the Irrita possess.
Yah makes sense they'd put effort into getting people okay with the Irrita considering what they can do. Its just too valuable not too. Along with what I remember are ones who helped pull them out of a famine that was around the corner.

1.a) Trade
As far as we can determine, the Stellar Growth does not attempt to index the number of its ships, and attempts to do so have been wholly unsuccessful because even a low count returns over ~49k different vessels, which is obviously impossible.

This is an effect of the species ship-building approach, which is wholly artisanal in nature. Not only are their Warp Drives and Gellar Field Generators not manufactured but individually grown, augmented, and combined self-sustaining bio-mechanical creations that then interface with the hulls they are placed within in turn. It should be noted here that an Irrita is not only capable of but expected to create their own Warp Drive and Gellar Field Generator with nothing but some advice, second-hand parts, and the drive to make their own in case they lack parts they require should they desire to become a Song-of-the-Void.
Holy shit that is a lot of ships and given they're like the Mon Cala from Star Wars where each ship is a art piece and no two are built the same. So its only parts they lack for becoming a Song-of-the-Void.... Well I guess we can extend an offer to them to offer to give parts needed when they desire it, though I think the Shipwrights would be on that already.

2) Socio-Economics
The Irrita are a self-professed "Federal Anarchy" composed of their will to grow harmoniously and bring new blooms to the galaxy. Though they have some positions of respect, typically translated as "Song-of-[Subject]" by Federation and Shipwright linguists due to the words and concepts used being too complex to be described outside of an academic paper, even those only possess the respect given to them by their actions and willingness to perform their self-imposed role and do not hold any actionable authority.

They regard Humans with a minor note of self-professed joy as they "enjoy the sight of [our] linear bioluminescence." It is unclear what this means.
That's... a contradiction if I ever heard one but alright. Given how the Irrita are it makes sense as to why its like that and just alien mind.

Hah, we look pretty to eyes. I'm guessing either color or heat map of it.... or they might be psyhic present.

Do not ask a Song-of-Growth about their work. They will literally not tire of talking, as they lack the biological components to do so. You have been warned.
HAH, yah there's no real break you can use to break away or change the conversation. you have to be the one to end it or make an excuse to escape.
I am surprised about the lack of deaths in that race
I didn't say that. I said [relatively uncommon]. Consider what it is relative to. :V
Weaving_Dreamer said:
Hah, we look pretty to eyes. I'm guessing either color or heat map of it.... or they might be psyhic present.
Humans have literal bioluminescent lines on their skin.
Oh wow.

I completely forgot about what the united cult was war, apparently.
"I have delivered you the greatest insult a warrior could ever receive: being forgotten by the one who slew them."
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Humans have literal bioluminescent lines on their skin.
Oh wait is this from that thing where it explained humans do have stripes or the like but we can't see it at all. But at the same time is a different set of stripes? I remember that being a Humans are space orcs or the aliens one.....Oh shit, that's a neat way to tie it in as there are general patterns to the stripes but unique.

I didn't say that. I said [relatively uncommon]. Consider what it is relative to. :V
Fair enough, still would be fun though and probability because of skill in the racers or some rules and medics on standby.
"I have delivered you the greatest insult a warrior could ever receive: being forgotten by the one who slew them."
Well, glad to know we won, apparently?

Oh wait is this from that thing where it explained humans do have stripes or the like but we can't see it at all. But at the same time is a different set of stripes? I remember that being a Humans are space orcs or the aliens one.....Oh shit, that's a neat way to tie it in as there are general patterns to the stripes but unique.

Stripes are different than bioluminescence.

We have stripes as a result of how skin cells differentiate and move during embryonal development, but they're completely invisible because all our skin cells are the same. It's only people have certain skin conditions or chimerism, where you see the difference, because some cells will be affect and others not, and they spread out in that pattern.

Human bioluminisence is just the result of high energy cellular reactions, and is absolutely tiny.

That said, bioluminisence is used in many labs to test genetic adjustements and that. I wonder if a large chunk of our population is running around with old barcodes on them, passed down unknowingly through generations of cloning.
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Vicious Thorns - [Canon]
One of these days I'll write about something else. But not today!

Vicious Thorns - Though one may think that the Irrita are peaceful folk who prefer to trade and grow over any kind of violence, to think that they are incapable of bearing vicious thorns and poison'd spore against those who wish them is a fools thought.
(Focus: Some manner of fighting with an Irrita against an self-chosen foe.)

The Song-of-the-Void was... rather upset. Their fronds quivered in rage as their sensors showed the vessel bombarding Brimup Primus, firing archaic weapons down at planet below. The pirate craft was small for a non-Irrita ship, and custom built without any true understanding of voidcraft construction.

But for all the crudity of the attacker, the settlements on Brimup Primus had no way to respond. Or at the very least the ones that did had decided against unleashing their meager anti-space arsenals on behalf of those they shared the planet with. After all, it looked like the attacker was targeting the Green Lords. They controlled the largest area of the planet and had the largest population, but they didn't have advanced technology.

The Song-of-the-Void began drafting a scathing message to be directed to every ship, station and planet of the Shipwright's Alliance. This pirate was one of theirs, and was picking over independent systems as easy bait. It would not stand, they would demand that the Shipwright's Alliance deal with their infestation, or be held accountable for harboring and even trading with such scum. The message joined one of a dozen other such messages, and the Song-of-the-Void wilted in helplessness. Their demands had fallen on deaf ears for too long.

Maybe it was time to bring other Irrita into the campaign. They knew other traders who plied the independent worlds, who were witnesses and occasional prey to the pirates of the Shipwright's Alliance. Together they could complie a mighty mound of evidence and demand that the Shipwright's Alliance cure themselves of their own parasites.

But for now, there was one more option. They were not a Song-of-War, had not embarked upon the path that might lead them one day to be a Song-of-Strategy or any of the other myriad positions that would qualify them to spit death at those who would steal and corrupt. Their ship was not a behemoth of war, one of those mobile voidbourne forests that could absorb any attack thrown at them before they engulfed their victims and strangled them in strong roots and tearing thorns.

No, they were not that. But they had seen fit to procure and integrate some method of reprisal into their ship. The spore-sprayer was not a weapon to win battles, and only a trusted Song could use the device. Its effects took a long time to be felt, and had to be deployed from close range or against an enemy that was not maneuvering. But as the Song-of-the-Void's ship drifted silently towards the planet, all systems shut down but the bare necessity, they felt a kind of grumpy satisfaction. They did not have access to any of the truly virulent spores, but against this pirate, in this place, they felt confident of their success.

A vine curled into the necessary control mechanism, and an invisible plume of spores fountained from the ship. The spray continued for minutes before the Song-of-the-Void altered their course ever so slightly. They would enter into a far orbit of Brimup Primus, and wait for the pirate to leave. If they were found they would outrun the smaller craft. Once the space was clear, they would be free to render aid to the Green Lords.

Meanwhile, the cloud of spores would continue on their path, and intersect the pirate craft in its orbit. There they would bury themselves in every vulnerable area. Corrosion, sensor panels, exposed sealant, thruster nozzles. The worse the maintenance on a ship, the more points of entry the spores would have. Then they would begin to sprout, spreading through every aspect of the ship they could. They would clog air recyclers, fill water reservoirs and spoil every foodstuff they could.

It was possible to clean the spores, of course. There were certain hormones and disinfectants that they would respond well to, and in their vegetative growth phase they were not well-suited to growing across a planetary surface. They would burn up in the atmosphere, and even if they reached the surface the fungus would simply become another part of a planet's food web, a decomposer that recycled death into new life. But aboard a ship, every single technological system would become unusable as its guts were devoured and recycled into more fungus. An experienced crew in good control of their ship could keep ahead of the damage, could cordon off infected areas and slowly disinfect back towards the origin points. But it was like fighting a fire, and any break in the defense would let the fungus claim the entire ship.

A military ship could survive an infestation of these spores. But this pirate ship would be a drifting hulk within a week. Long before they returned to their void station homes. Which was good. Unleashing this weapon against an inhabited station in a place where the Irrita could not help control and limit the spread would be a crime beyond consideration. To say nothing of the more virulent spores. Those had been developed during the cult wars of the past century, for use against the forces of Chaos.

There had been much debate there, if the spores would even be effective against those who could corrupt life and corruption itself. Many had argued that the use of the weapons would backfire, that the enemy would seize the new growths for use against the Irrita and their allies. And so the weapons had never been used. But they still existed, somewhere in the most secure of vaults. And if the Irrita were ever pressed by a non-chaotic enemy, they might unleash spores which could invade animal and ship alike, seizing enough control of each to further their spread.

The Song-of-the-Void quivered at the consideration. They were not using such weapons, and had no desire to. They hoped they would never be used. But in this Galaxy, it may be inevitable. They had peaceful allies, and room to grow within them. But the day would likely come when a terrible foe pressed upon them and necessitated their use.

I can only beseech the sunlight that it is not the vile forces of Chaos. We are not suited to fight them. Yet another argument to seek out those who are so blessed, and empower them so that they will defend us against the corruption. I do not know what a corrupted Irrita would be like, and I do not wish to find out.

Author's Note: In my mind the Irrita engineered something like a Zombie-Ant fungus that would rapidly infect people and cause them to spread it to others to take over a ship in hours. You know, the thing from the Last of Us except it also infects ships in addition to people. They've never used it. The fungus used here is a lot more benign, able to eat sealants and insulators as it spread through ships over the course of a week or two.
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None have joined. There is still a border, and travel between your polities is not seen as desirable by Thules. After all, they can already race as much as they want here. :V

They'd literally info-dump about a singular mycellian colony they have grown for seven decades to the Magos for several days until said Magos either manually removes their ability to hear or runs away onto the nearest spaceship. :V
so what you are saying is get a revolving pack of magos that transcribes the information to be discected(cant spell for shit) later imagine the [DATA] that can be gathered
Canon. And it should be noted here that the Alliance is doing what they can to stomp on any pirates and has open bounties on confirmed ship kills/colony coordinates given to them.

Yeah, this is definitely the frustration of somebody who's seen the same thing happen again and again, and doesn't necessarily understand why the problem is hard to fix.

It was really interesting to consider just how effective the Irrita could be against an enemy like the Imperium of they went all-out, but they would get pretty hard-countered by Chaos. Especially Nurgle. That would not go well for them, and they know it.
Oh, by the way @Neablis, just to make sure, the next Irrita prompts will come online once there is some progress in terraforming Howling Gale. Just a fyi.

In the meantime, may I interest you in some Alliance prompts that may-or-may-not also unlock more Irrita prompts in turn? :V
775.M42 - Eldar - (Lone Wave) And Republic of Asharru Intelligence Report
Eldar - (Lone Wave) Intelligence Report
WARNING: This report has been tagged with the [Classified] notice.
If you do not possess Authorization [KAPPA-3C] and up, please close this document and report yourself to the nearest Cerberus Agent immediately to avoid punishments up to and including summary execution.
You have been warned and informed.​

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

No ships enter Lone Wave.

This is enforced by the SDF of Ultima Sigritta.

No ships leave Lone Wave.

This is enforced by the Eldar themselves.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities are unknown

Based on long-distance observation, the last seen and confirmed force consisted of three Battleships, eight Heavy Cruisers, forty Lighty Cruisers, one-hundred ninety-eight Frigates, and an uncountable number of Destroyer equivalents.

We know little of what their weapons are capable of beyond some insights given by Chapter Master Chyron. They favor high rates of fire and energy-based weapons.

High Command estimates a 0% chance of victory should we engage in hostilities and an 11% chance of survival should war be declared.

2) Socio-Economics
None are known beyond their isolationist stance.

We should honor that stance.

3) Corruption
Chaos and Mundane Corruption are either non-existent or unnoticeable over interstellar distances.

4) Propaganda
No transmissions were recorded.

Republic of Asharru Intelligence Report

1) Basic Economics
1.a) Trade

The Republic of Asharru operates a small fleet of freighters based on sporadic information gathering and diplomatic initiation attempts. Their total numbers are unknown but estimated to be around ~40 individual ships, with another ~40 estimated on the higher side.

They are staunchly isolationistic and do not initiate any diplomacy.

20 Military ships, 14 Frigates, and 6 Light Cruisers, are stationed in Shashi.

1.b) Shipbuilding
Their total ship production capabilities are unknown.

Their Frigates measure 2.2km, and their Light Cruisers between 4.4km and 4.6km.

Their armaments are unknown.

2) Socio-Economics
The only information gathered is that the Republic has access to technology that enables it to override the sound systems of ships within its territory. They use this technology to play screaming (human, as far as we can determine) at an ever-increasing volume, eventually leading to foreign ships retreating to escape the assault on their auditory senses and morale. The local SDF immediately attacks ships that have no sound systems or that have disabled them manually.

3) Corruption
No visible/noticeable Chaos Corruption was noticed. Mundane Corruption likely exists.

4) Propaganda
There are no broadcasts from the Republic.

Further Questions (at the QM or about the Polities shown):
(6-Hour Moratorium)
[] (Write-In)
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The only information gathered is that the Republic has access to technology that enables it to override the sound systems of ships within its territory. They use this technology to play screaming at an ever-increasing volume, eventually leading to foreign ships retreating to escape the assault on their auditory senses and morale. The local SDF immediately attacks ships that have no sound systems or that have disabled them manually.
Huh, what kind of screams? Human, the species flying the freighter, other?
Voting will open in 2 hours, 14 minutes