Semper Ad Meliora (Code Geass/Britannian Royalty Quest)

@Slayer Anderson, who would be Emperor of Britannia if Emperor Charles where to suddenly die. Would it go to Schneizel, Odysseus, Lelouch, Cornelia or would Britannia fall into a multi-sided civil war?

Edit: What is Princess Marrybell up to?
Emblem of Blood Part 2: Blood Ocean

...or one of the royals/consorts decides to pull rank and massacres anyone higher than them on the totem pole that won't stand down. That might be a relatively quick conflict, especially if Marianne takes the field.

You don't know about Marrybell. She's super-minor as far as important royals go.
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Emblem of Blood Part 2: Blood Ocean

...or one of the royals/consorts decides to pull rank and massacres anyone higher than them on the totem pole that won't stand down. That might be a relatively quick conflict, especially if Marianne takes the field.

You don't know about Marrybell. She's super-minor as far as important royals go.

I find myself liking Marianne more and more.
I find myself liking Marianne more and more.

Keep in mind we know very little about the other consorts. Cornelia and Euphie's mother could be Brittania's Secretary of The Army for all we know, Others could be sitting in positions in Brittania like head of Civil Service, or Heading up the central bank, or maybe retain their corporate leadership/noble titles from before marriage. All positions that would be a nightmare if in the opposing faction in a civil war
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@Slayer Anderson, who would be Emperor of Britannia if Emperor Charles where to suddenly die. Would it go to Schneizel, Odysseus, Lelouch, Cornelia or would Britannia fall into a multi-sided civil war?

Edit: What is Princess Marrybell up to?

You either have a 4 way civil war or Odysseus gets it from the last comment he had on the subject near the start.

The three main factions are Odysseus, Schneizel, and Guinevere. The fourth "faction" is everyone that isn't on one of their sides yet. The next major turning point is if Odysseus is assassinated or forced/chooses to abdicate.

If he's out of the picture, it's war between Schneizel and Guinevere.

If he isn't, then it comes down to if Schneizel thinks civil war is worth it. He'd side with Odysseus if he doesn't, and Guinevere will be dealt with in short order. It's a giant mess if he does.

Emblem of Blood Part 2: Blood Ocean

Lol ninja'd by the QM.

How's my analysis in your opinion?

Also, I think one of the side materials of Code Geass claimed that the Emblem of Blood kicked off when Charles' parents (crown prince and his wife) were assassinated. What kicked it off in this AU, and who's faction did Charles start in for it?
If he isn't, then it comes down to if Schneizel thinks civil war is worth it. He'd side with Odysseus if he doesn't, and Guinevere will be dealt with in short order. It's a giant mess if he does.

I wouldn't eliminated Guinevere so quickly. Let's say Schneizel supports Odysseus, if that happens I'm pretty sure that Guinevere would do so to, because she probably know that she can't win in 2 against 1 and there is the fact that if Guinevere is out of the picture Odysseus would become emperor in name only, maybe abdicating later to Schneizel, so it's in Odysseus and his supporters interest to have Guinevere survive.
I wouldn't eliminated Guinevere so quickly. Let's say Schneizel supports Odysseus, if that happens I'm pretty sure that Guinevere would do so to, because she probably know that she can't win in 2 against 1 and there is the fact that if Guinevere is out of the picture Odysseus would become emperor in name only, maybe abdicating later to Schneizel, so it's in Odysseus and his supporters interest to have Guinevere survive.

Yeah, my "dealt with" was probably a bit more loaded of a phrase than needed. I was aim more for "dealt with as a threat" with her getting killed if she still resisted, but I can see how it would imply jumping straight to killing her
Mum's the Word
Keep in mind we know very little about the other consorts. Cornelia and Euphie's mother could be Brittania's Secretary of The Army for all we know, Others could be sitting in positions in Brittania like head of Civil Service, or Heading up the central bank, or maybe retain their corporate leadership/noble titles from before marriage. All positions that would be a nightmare if in the opposing faction in a civil war
See below...
How's my analysis in your opinion?

Also, I think one of the side materials of Code Geass claimed that the Emblem of Blood kicked off when Charles' parents (crown prince and his wife) were assassinated. What kicked it off in this AU, and who's faction did Charles start in for it?
It was fundamentally kicked off by the death of the previous emperor, Charles' grandfather. Charles and Victor escaped the assassination/power grab by a relative and were held in safety until Charles came back a few years older and meaner to kick ass, take names, and assume the throne.

Europa United was crossing their fingers and hoping the Empire would tear itself apart, but no such luck.

Your analysis was pretty good save for...
I wouldn't eliminated Guinevere so quickly. Let's say Schneizel supports Odysseus, if that happens I'm pretty sure that Guinevere would do so to, because she probably know that she can't win in 2 against 1 and there is the fact that if Guinevere is out of the picture Odysseus would become emperor in name only, maybe abdicating later to Schneizel, so it's in Odysseus and his supporters interest to have Guinevere survive.
Guinevere isn't stupid. She knows she wouldn't win if Schneizel publicly espouses support for Ody. If she really wanted the throne, she'd try to drive a wedge between their factions and then assassinate Ody to blame Schneizel. If it looks like she can't wedge them apart, Guinevere's trump card is actually marrying Ody and assuming the mantle of Empress. Granted, she doesn't really want to, and that's easy to see with the way she likes to cycle through bed partners, but... needs must when the devil drives.

The other layers, though, as I hinted in a succession crisis would be the royals' mothers.

Marianne and Anastasia (Cornelia & Euphie's mother I mention briefly in one chapter) are old war buddies. That's why your families get along so well despite the commoner-issue. Anastasia was more formal Imperial Military while Marianne took the Knight track. They cooperated and fought with each other at various times. Somewhat rivals, somewhat friends, somewhat... well, rumors abound as always, but suffice to say they get each other. Both are... semi-retired, but are still advisors and names for patronage and whatnot. In the extremely unlikely event Charles were to kick the bucket and the immediate successors died, Marrianne would 'politely suggest' a marriage between either you and Cornelia or you and Euphemia to solidify a powerblock. Possibly both if you looked to be taking the throne.

Guinevere's mother is indeed in finance. As with the Vi & Li Britannia mothers, there's a bit of an understood agreement about not being overtly active in politics and letting the kids make their own way. That, of course, doesn't mean that she hasn't given Guinevere plenty of introductions and 'ins' with various companies and coorporations. She maintains seats on a few boards of directors and discreetly pushes an agenda for the hardline nobles focused on keeping noble privileges and/or expanding them. Her closest ally is Clovis' mother, whom she doesn't consider a threat and who would make a great marriage prospect if Guinevere did indeed take the throne. She's cordial with Ody's mother and maintains a dialogue even though the other woman has politely turned down a number of marriage offers when the two were younger.

Ody's mother is descended from an offshoot of the Habsburgs and super old blood noble. Her family has fingers in a lot of pies, but the woman herself is kind of a spoiled brat even getting into her fifties. She has virtually no political, financial, or military interests and takes a lot of things for granted in life. It's incredibly obvious that her family arranged the marriage and was more or less hoping that they could puppet the offspring into the throne where they could expand their own influence. If it came down to it, they'd be up for Ody marrying Guinevere even to the point of overruling his mother... in whatever form that took.

Schneizel's mother is descended from a long line of former-Prussian statesmen and warriors. She errs on the statesmen side and has a strong political background as a bridge-builder and neutral arbitrator. His extended family is relatively small and they keep to themselves as much as possible and out of the headlines. They're not so much secretive as they are low profile. Rumor has it that their family has a lot to do with historical compromises and negotiations that have helped the Empire flourish. Specifically, one of his mother's ancestors was present when the Emperor of New Spain/Mexico signed a binding oath of loyalty in perpetuity to the Britannian Emperor at the time (in exchange for putting down large-scale rebellion and unrest in the territory), which ultimately laid the foundation for Area 1 as it is today.

Clovis' mother is a devotee of a number of cultural affairs. Art, opera, dance, theater, movies... she's fairly apolitical most of the time and, honestly, it's more than a bit of a mystery why she's even an Imperial consort at all. The most reasonable explanation that a lot of people point to is that her family helped Charles secure a bunch of propaganda wins early into his tenure as emperor.

The whole 'gentlewoman's agreement' about staying out of direct political/military/financial support of their kids' affairs, that would be broken if Charles were to die suddenly. They might keep to it if it looks like the kids can come to a reasonable agreement, but until they all have their feet under them with their own accomplishments, it's debatable exactly how much what the newest generation of royals do is under their own direction and how much is by direction of their families/factions.

As Lelouch, you have an advantage in that Marianne is extremely low maintnence. She's chill about what you ultimately decide to do with your life and has said so. Sure she'd like to see you on the throne and will go to the wall to support you in that, but if you choose a different life goal she isn't going to heap pressure on you until you fold back to trying to become emperor. That said, Marianne will be very disappoint if you decide not to accomplish anything with your life and lounge around.
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Sure she'd like to see you on the throne and will go to the wall to support you in that, but if you choose a different life goal she isn't going to heap pressure on you until you fold back to trying to become emperor. That said, Marianne will be very disappoint if you decide not to accomplish anything with your life and lounge around.
I now have an image of a neet Lelouch hanging out in his room while his sister tries to kick him out of bed and his mom looking on in disappointment. Also sounds like the start of an isekai
rumors abound as always
Shippers gonna ship.

As Lelouch, you have an advantage in that Marianne is extremely low maintnence. She's chill about what you ultimately decide to do with your life and has said so. Sure she'd like to see you on the throne and will go to the wall to support you in that, but if you choose a different life goal she isn't going to heap pressure on you until you fold back to trying to become emperor. That said, Marianne will be very disappoint if you decide not to accomplish anything with your life and lounge around.
She probably also expects grand children one way or another.

On a more serious note: The lack of intervention sound more like a stay of execution than an escape. Hannes might be content to be a quiet friend but his mother could prove very problematic once it becomes 'acceptable' for her to take an active role.
Rabble: "Look at all those wives the emperor's got! Can you imagine the kinky shit he gets up to with all of them?"

Chuck: "Dude, like... 98% of these bitches be khu-raizey as loons. You wanna try and get two or more of them in the sack at the same time, be my guest."

Their ships also seldom have anything to do with reality.
I can see there being many people that ship every single royal with everyone else including people they either hate or whose sexual orientation doesn't match them or even when they barely interact. So pretty much like real life shippers.
I can see there being many people that ship every single royal with everyone else including people they either hate or whose sexual orientation doesn't match them or even when they barely interact. So pretty much like real life shippers.
You know, I really need to add a PHO-style omake discussing various royal habits/sightings/relationships to the omake suggestion list.
@Slayer Anderson so, all the other(major) siblings, including our sister(not including Euphemia, but she doesn't seem very... Empress-bound anyway), seem to be falling very close to the tree they came from. Would Lelouch being notably different in action/goal/tendency/etc. from his mother make the other families nervous about him either being a Wild Card, or alternately, taking more after his dad?
@Slayer Anderson so, all the other(major) siblings, including our sister(not including Euphemia, but she doesn't seem very... Empress-bound anyway), seem to be falling very close to the tree they came from. Would Lelouch being notably different in action/goal/tendency/etc. from his mother make the other families nervous about him either being a Wild Card, or alternately, taking more after his dad?
Slightly? Lelouch is too low on the totem pole to matter hugely, though. Outside of a major wipe of the larger players or some really impressive achievements on his part, at least.
mystery why she's even an Imperial consort at all

Hot take -- she's the Shirley of Charles' wives. If he were a normal guy she's the one he'd marry.

He seemingly genuinely likes her since he has two kids with her (assuming you consider Clovis' little sister Canon).

Guinevere's trump card is actually marrying Ody and assuming the mantle of Empress.

Forgot that. It's hard to remember that the siblings can actually marry each other when doing analysis like that. It adds a whole extra dynamic to things -- like there's talk of her marrying Odysseus as a get out of jail free card, but the real table flip would be her and Schneizel marrying. They'd win any succession crisis if that happened, although they'd both be looking for the chance to murder the other as soon as possible.

Hopefully they don't come across any method of mind control and/or love potions. A happily married Schneizel and Guinevere makes for an OP power couple. Like the Hero and the Demon Queen (or similar comparison)

Somewhat rivals, somewhat friends, somewhat... well, rumors abound as always, but suffice to say they get each other.


Chuck: "Dude, like... 98% of these bitches be khu-raizey as loons. You wanna try and get two or more of them in the sack at the same time, be my guest."

...he supposedly has 108 wives, and Euphie doesn't have an explicit date of birth on the wiki...
...he supposedly has 108 wives, and Euphie doesn't have an explicit date of birth on the wiki...
Charles had a very active 30 or so years, that's for sure. But considering that his dynasty almost got wiped out and his brother turned into a potentially infertile psionic immortal, I think it's fair that he sought to make sure that there wouldn't be a chance for a large scale civil war if the line ended and some nobles tried to crown themselves.
Charles had a very active 30 or so years, that's for sure. But considering that his dynasty almost got wiped out and his brother turned into a potentially infertile psionic immortal, I think it's fair that he sought to make sure that there wouldn't be a chance for a large scale civil war if the line ended and some nobles tried to crown themselves.

Huh... I wonder how many of his wives were simply compromises to end the Emblem of Blood, and so SOME families of the other factions could survive with a measure of power post-Charles taking the throne. Perhaps Ody's mother was one such family, and Charles keeps like 25 or so wives as purely political marriages, and made it quite clear no kids will stem from those marriages. Given all the levers of power it must have been essential to compromise somewhere

Schneizel's mother is descended from a long line of former-Prussian statesmen and warriors. She errs on the statesmen side and has a strong political background as a bridge-builder and neutral arbitrator. His extended family is relatively small and they keep to themselves as much as possible and out of the headlines. They're not so much secretive as they are low profile. Rumor has it that their family has a lot to do with historical compromises and negotiations that have helped the Empire flourish. Specifically, one of his mother's ancestors was present when the Emperor of New Spain/Mexico signed a binding oath of loyalty in perpetuity to the Britannian Emperor at the time (in exchange for putting down large-scale rebellion and unrest in the territory), which ultimately laid the foundation for Area 1 as it is today.

... Would her maiden name happen to be Bismarck or Hohenzollern by chance?

Clovis' mother is a devotee of a number of cultural affairs. Art, opera, dance, theater, movies... she's fairly apolitical most of the time and, honestly, it's more than a bit of a mystery why she's even an Imperial consort at all. The most reasonable explanation that a lot of people point to is that her family helped Charles secure a bunch of propaganda wins early into his tenure as emperor.

... right... and has nothing to do with why Clovis of all people was put in charge of CC during the occupation in the series.

Also I might have missed it but how does Brittania's Parliament work that Schneizel just became Prime Minister? Are there elections like a House of Commons, or are they nobles who were selected, inherited, plebiscited into power? To what extent do the political parties of Brittania work? Schneizel may be the Labor Party Prime Minsiter and Party leader now... what does that exactly mean. How does the Parliament work within the absolute monarchy power structure under Charles?
Charles had a very active 30 or so years, that's for sure. But considering that his dynasty almost got wiped out and his brother turned into a potentially infertile psionic immortal, I think it's fair that he sought to make sure that there wouldn't be a chance for a large scale civil war if the line ended and some nobles tried to crown themselves.

And now the problem is reversed!

Too many wives and too many heirs!
Also I might have missed it but how does Brittania's Parliament work that Schneizel just became Prime Minister? Are there elections like a House of Commons, or are they nobles who were selected, inherited, plebiscited into power? To what extent do the political parties of Brittania work? Schneizel may be the Labor Party Prime Minsiter and Party leader now... what does that exactly mean. How does the Parliament work within the absolute monarchy power structure under Charles?
Schneizel officially joined and espoused the beliefs of the Labor party and entered into a somewhat informal agreement to head said party. He didn't sit for election but took up a spot in the House of Lords from his family's holdings. As head of the party with the majority seats in the House of Commons, though, he was put forth as a candidate for Prime Minister and his candidacy was voted on by the House of Lords. In this particular case, it was less of an issue of whether or not Schneizel was fit for governance than if it was actually appropriate to have a Prince of the Realm take up the Prime Minister position. Since a royal has never sat the office, it was a valid question. Guinevere attempted to rally her section of the Lords to refutue the claim and send Schneizel back to his party for another candidate to be put forth, but... enough of the Lords & Ladies holding seats in the upper house didn't really feel politically safe doing so.

The Prime Minister, in practice, carries votes and resolutions of interest to the Emperor himself and has a lot of say in which specific ones get chosen as priority legislation or in what order they're delivered to be deliberated upon. The Prime Minister also has a lot of power in proposing legislation or resolutions for Parliament to vote on and determining the schedule of votes. Parliament works something like a filter in that if it's not important enough for them to vote on it, there's no way it will get to the throne by conventional means. Charles typically has three responses to anything Parliament sends him: first, he can enact it not just as a piece of legislation, but as a portion of his imperial policy. This means more funding, larger resources, higher political visibility. Second, he can ignore it. As in, 'this is a thing, it's happening, and I don't care, so meh.' Third, he can outright kill it and remove it from legal status. If that happens, there are ways around it through back-channels, but it's dead on a national/imperial level.

At this point Schneizel's in office until the House of Commons has a malfunction and the governing coalition breaks up. Considering that the Labor party as a slight majority on it's own and a cooperative agreement with another smaller party, that's probably not happening anytime soon.

The Emperor, by the way, maintains the ability to dismiss any member of parliament for any reason, up to and including a Lord or Lady or even the Prime Minister himself. He can also interfere in the daily motions of the body and 'force' a vote on an issue he wants to determine support for. It's happened very, very rarely in Britannian history, but Charles could in theory dismiss the entire body if he felt he had sufficient reason to and allow it to reform whenever he wished. While Charles could in theory control everything, in reality it's impossible to actually do so. Parliament fills important roles to build consensus and generate legislation as well as a way for the emperor to 'test the waters' for unilateral action.
@Slayer Anderson, It is mentioned in Admiral Romano's profile that she is a first generation immigrant but where exactly is she from?

Edit: I also want to know how old Admiral Romano is?
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@Slayer Anderson, It is mentioned in Admiral Romano's profile that she is a first generation immigrant but where exactly is she from?

Edit: I also want to know how old Admiral Romano is?
She's from Italy and is in her early twenties. Say 24.
For totally normal, non-shipping reasons, I presume :evil: But yeah she sounds like a pretty young gal, being a private after all.
Someone pointed out that, as part of the navy/coast guard, she'd be a seaman, not a private, so I made the correction.